Alright then, Here’s a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. I was on with Jon Gaunt this morning and we were discussing how the BBC emotes its coverage of “Syrian refugees”. They are using their massive media reach to convey THEIR opinion that we must “do” something to help Syrians. That’s not their job and its time we stopped seeing this alleged reporters hamming it up as third rate actors.
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bBBC1 6pm news.
Top story. Independent report finds £5 bn of NHS cost savings. Coverage of examples of good practice and specific savings opportunities.
First comment by Fiona Bruce after the report, in emotive tones ‘ these cuts will be very hard to find’ .
Errrrr no. The report has just defined them, you useless tossers.
Usual head in the sand attitude from our money grows on trees state broadcaster.
The Daily Mail reported this morning about some NHS doctor who broke ranks to tell inspectors about his hospital killing patients due to negligence, bad management and incompetence.
Usual stuff-hounded out, private detectives onto him, utter misery and smears until he was charged over nothing-acquited…then sacked without reason.
Save for being a whistleblower who dobbed in the Great God NHS.
Like Julie Bailey in mid-Staffs-omerta broken? Abuse and evil thrown at you by these “caring professionals”.
It`s what the “caring professions” do to snitches.
But the 10million plus in legal fees lost by the NHS and its vindictive trtashing of surgeons and doctors who dare to speak out against Burnham?
No-won`t be on the BBC, Fiona Bruce won`t be factoring in THIS waste of resources will it?
‘ these cuts will be very hard to find’
Stick to the news love, we don’t need your opinion.
Sooner or later the British public have got to fall out of love with ‘our NHS’ and recognise that its just another inefficient monopoly, like the era when you could only have a black or ivory coloured phone and in one style. State or private monopolies are bad things, period.We left BT with a near-monopoly over broadband infrastructure and look what a cock-up that has been. The public interest comes nowhere.
If we are so keen to make healthcare free at the point of consumption we can still do that without the monolithic NHS which will always be wasteful and will always favour producers over consumers.
Unfortunately you won’t ever find these views expressed on the BBC or by our deceitful self-interested politicians.
Tonights edition of look east ,special report on anti terorism police. More muslim police officers is the solution according to the police bod.
I believe there was a Muslim police officer killed in a road traffic incident in Sheffield. No big fanfare or government minister statements though.
The Guardian were unusually accepting of the Police version of events. It stinks.
I think the BBC should report more on, what could be, the most Islamaphobic of crimes – the death of a Muslim police officer. Why isn’t the BBC ‘across’ this story? Is the BBC Islamaphobic? Or is the word ‘Rotherham’ no longer allowed in polite society?
Glad I listened to Toady this morning; I learnt from Nick Robinson’s report (he went on a field trip to Dunstable to interview some anti-EU scum – bet he took plenty of hand sanitizer) that most of the people who support Brexit are essentially either retards or senile.
Funny that, as I over the last few weeks I met a surgeon and a retired judge, both of whom intimated they will be voting for the U.K. to leave and neither of them fell into any of Nick’s pollster’s criteria.
Those denigrated as “senile” probably belong to the same age group as me and having been led down the garden path once, we do not intend to be duped again. The venom towards the white working class only because they have realized that mass EU immigration has kept their wages down and made them much poorer than they would otherwise have been.
The current MSM strategy, whether it be Sky, Channel4, or BBC, is to pretend that “civil war” has broken out amongst those wanting to leave. Interviewers looking perplexed, pretending not to understand what is going on. Puzzled looks and snide comments after interviews. A feeble attempt to suggest that there would be chaos if Britain left. The MSM also keep suggesting confusion on the leave side as to whether the Norwegian or Swiss model would be adopted. The dilemma being that we would have to “pay into the EU” but “have no influence”. This is exactly what will happen if the UK remains in. The Germans will push on to create the Euro-state within the EU to stop the Eurozone from falling apart or stagnating even more. So essentially a “UK model” analagous to the “Norwegian model” or the “Swiss model” will be imposed on us. If we don’t leave we will still be 2nd biggest contributor, have to solve the employment problems of Eastern Europe and maybe even of Turkey but have no influence on what the Euro state does. A very shitty deal compared to independence. Reduced contributions and the East Europeans would have to sort out their labour market difficulties on their own.
“If we don’t leave we will still be 2nd biggest contributor, have to solve the employment problems of Eastern Europe and maybe even of Turkey but have no influence on what the Euro state does. A very shitty deal compared to independence. Reduced contributions and the East Europeans would have to sort out their labour market difficulties on their own.”
A very prophetic track from my youth – when the rest of the clowns were into various forms of “Glamrock”, “Saville (paedophilia) worship, I won’t even mention the Jonathan King clown.
All given hero/god status by our beloved national broadcaster.
The vid weighs it up
Meet the new boss – same as the old boss.
Welcome to the EU Superstate!!
I think an appropriate Who song for the present time would be ‘We ain’t Gonna Take It’ from the rock opera ‘Tommy’. It would be a better one than the pleasant but uninspiring Pegida tune.
I hope things go well in Birmingham tonight but I’m not sure about the tactical choice of that location for a launch march. Still I would be happy to be proved wrong.
Sorry but my laptop and software is of Tudor or early Stuart vintage and I cannot send a link to the Who song. Perhaps someone with more recent technology could find it and post it on here.
Howabout if we are allowed to leave – “I’m Free” from Tommy:
“I’m free, and I’m waiting for you to follow me”.
Animals – We gotta get out of this place.
I don’t think that the MSM attempt to portray the ‘leave’ side as in chaos will affect voting intentions. Its a media bubble issue. Voters aren’t stupid and they will make their own minds up. The anti-democratic and anti-free market attitude of the EU elite will count for a lot in this referendum but it will be migration that really dictates the outcome. June is a great time to hold the vote because the spring and summer will be dominated by bleeding heart media reports of muslims on the march, just as it was last year. My guess is that the numbers will be even greater than in 2015 and that the EU ineptitude in dealing with it will be much the same.
This was trailed on Facebook as his ‘analysis’ based on a selection of people ‘met’.
The comments could have been kinder on BBC track record in who gets selected and how things are then analysed.
Oh, and he is thinking of new spectacles. Vital stuff.
Toenails went on a day trip to Albion Street in Dunstable. For some reason he managed to miss out the shop at Number 16 Albion Street in his report, called Secrets. Maybe he popped in, but found it difficult to report the views of counter staff and customers. Maybe he found it difficult when having to decide between the ranges of poppers, sex toys, cock rings, lingerie and assorted DVD’s, that he and his reporting crew had found the only sex shop in Dunstable. No idea if a small bag of goodies left with him for distribution to his fellow reporters!
Serving police officer charged in counter corruption probe into organised crime
Hemayat Enayat, a PC in the Trafford divsion , is due in court next month in connection with an ongoing investigation by Greater Manchester Police Counter Corruption Unit.
I wonder how long it will be before the Biased BBC are running a program about the GMP professional standards unit having some kind of waycist problem with Muslim officers being corrupt ?
Could it be mere coincidence that on the day 10 Muslims are found guilty or raping a number of white girls the BBC can manage to position this story right next to it?
Priest had more than 3,000 indecent child images .
I have no real problem with leaving the BBC alone, bar them claiming to speak for me using propaganda and censorship that would make Joseph blush, all backed by a unique funding mechanism based on compulsion.
That this nation of 70,000,000 is too often under the influence of 177,000 with access to a Twitter feed and petition campaigning machine might also be a concern to any with an interest in threats to the logical principles of free speech and democracy via the ballot.
Not really on topic,but,a very good friend of mine who is a “buyer” for a top supermarket assures me that the population figure currently in the uk is 95 to 100 million. This is the figure used by the supermarkets.
I admit that I don’t know much about the real UK population figure but my instinct is that 95-100m is too high. Still, I have heard the figure 70-80m mentioned, also by someone within the supermarket trade, based on what goes off the shelves. Another reliable indicator is sewage: the amount treated gives the lie to the official fiction of 63m, it’s much higher than that.
Is Mr Car Moron aware of the size of our population as he will shortly be importing more .
The health service , education and housing all struggling under the surge in population.
The Prime Minister’s election promise…………….
Time to get out of the EU.
Time for a new PM.
I would not be surprised. Tesco claimed the figure was 80 million nine years ago.
Its grown significantly since then.
Everywhere feels overcrowded now,
Which supermarket was this btw Brett?
And surprisingly Polly Toynbee writes about the sewage as a population indicator:
it is all the government’s fault for not counting properly, not those people who can’t fill in the form because they can’t speak English or don’t want to fill in the form because they shouldn’t be here.
Then ‘open borders’ Polly is worried that Somalis, Afghans, Syrians, Pakistanis or Poles living in Devon will get upset by being included in the same constituency as their pals living in Cornwall!
I stopped reading that article when I’d spotted factual inaccuracies and her personal hypocrisy.
For instance having a go that part of Cornwall may be attached to a part of Devon “regardless of natural communities.” That wasn’t a problem for her when her beloved EU decided to stick a bit of South East England into a region with bits from a couple of other countries despite there being the English Channel between. I like Cornwall and the Cornish but why should a Cornishman have more or less influence than someone from North Yorkshire say?
I presume she is just stupid as this quote proves “(Incidentally, Cameron said cutting 50 MPs’ seats would save £12m; but redrawing boundaries will cost £11m.)” She is clearly unaware there is a legal requirement for boundaries to be redrawn every ten years. That lack of basic knowledge makes her unfit to report on this subject and, to be honest, anything to do with British politics. This 10-year requirement was originally introduced to stop constituency inequality and rotten boroughs like Labour’s city dictatorships. So boundary changes will always cost but are needed to retain our democracy.
I gave up reading any more at that point.
Has the PC Brigade gone mad ?
A Labour MP is calling for the classic Tom Jones song “Delilah” to be banned …………..
But did it all start here ?…………………
The boys in the valleys wont give a toss .
Better still, should the licence fee be banned?
Wake up Car Moron and ‘grow some’
\\\w\ait to see what happens when Wales are playing at the Millenium (sorry – Principality!) Stadium.
I would quietly surmise that the national respect for Sir Tom exceeds that for (Y Fronts) Bryant!!!
I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window
It was a 100 watt bulb of the kind that the EU has banned
She was my woman
She had the heating on full and the windows were all wide and grand
My my my Delilah
Turn it off Delilah
I could see, that girl’s not PC like me
But I’m a BBC slave that no man can ever free
At break of day when she drove away in a gas-guzzling monster
I walked up the street, till she was back then she opened the door
She stood there laughing
She clearly don’t watch BBC comedy no more
My my my Delilah
We’ll retrain you Delilah
So before they come to break down your door
Believe me Delilah you must watch the Beeb a lot more
She stood there laughing
I pressed the remote in my hand and she laughed no more
My my my Delilah
Why do you cry Delilah
Now you watch the BBC all the time
We’ve retrained you Delilah because free thinking’s a crime.
‘East meets West’ women’s lib?
How is Jerrs… and Al Beeb going to manage this ?
Probably by using the “into the bin”, “not verifiable” basket/bin process.
Whoever posted that article is now searching LinkedIn/Jobcentre and claiming OUR taxes.
Am always willing to give the BBC credit where its due, brilliant program just finished on BBC2 on the siege of Leningrad and the role of Shostakovich, the BBC at its best and no propaganda.
No propaganda? On the valour of the Leninists – c. Corbyn – I didn’t watch it but I’m suspicious as to their motives in showing/producing it.
Just so Number 7.
Shostakovichs Leningrad symphony number 7 is a powerful piece of music and the story behind its first performance deepens its mystique.
A careful distinction is always made that Shostakovich wasn’t a Stalinist and somehow “outwitted” Stalin by surviving him. Others though, might see him as collaborating with the great Bolshevik “man of steel”.
We now know that the USSR murdered many more people than Germany managed to, broke nations, shot and starved millions on grounds of social class or nationality, deported minorities on ethnic and religious grounds, ran an enormous slave economy in the Gulag and entered into an alliance with Nazi Germany in order to destroy Poland.
But somehow the USSR and its underlying thuggishness is given a BBC coverage that seeks to understand rather than condemn. There’s no Gulag Memorial Day that gets mass coverage across Europe. The old USSR and bloc were never “de communist-ized” in the way that Germany and occupied Europe were “de nazified”.
The attempt to do so in the US has become the liberal boo word that is “McCarthyism”
Excellent comment, Embolden! The BBC constantly glosses over the evils of Soviet Communism, reserving its contempt for what is actually the flip side of the same coin – National Socialism.
I try to avoid the term “communism”. I refer to the ideology as international socialism. This makes it easier to compare it with national socialism, and explain the rivalry between the Stalin and Hitler as to whose version of socialism would triumph. I can then also point out the similarities between the concentrations camps and the gulag camps where the two different versions of socialism worked millions of their political opponents to death.
This tends to wind some people up, but they are people who should be wound up – as frequently as possible.
I believe that Stalin split with Trotsky because the latter wanted the USSR to lead an international socialist revolution in the 1920s, whereas Stalin wanted “socialism in one country” instead. To that extent, you might argue that Stalin was the first National Socialist, beating Hitler by several years.
Fact is the Leningradians were very courageous. I do not think this was because they were communists but because they were proud to be Russian and proud of their city. Nothing to do with Corbyn.
The old woman was remarkable, so Russian, so soulful!
In the USSR during WW2 170,000 people were shot for cowardice.
In Leningrad the chances were 9% being shot by the Germans, 100% by the Soviets.
This is why there was desperate resistance and high Communist casualties.
It’s come to something now when you get a post that commends the bbc for having a program which has no bias in it. A rarity indeed Aerfen.
It must have slipped through the propaganda department.
Heads will roll.
I saw it Aerfen and enjoyed it too.
Didn`t see any bias-just an acceptance that artists like Shostakovitch had probably to suck up and be equivocal , in order to get his music out-and, to save his very life as well as those of his family.
I`ll not cast a first stone over that one…
Would love to see “The Lark Ascending” as OUR political anthem…never fails to stir me, and PEGIDA could do worse than to claim it as the English “National Song”.
Or-why not the UK Theme that the BBC binned in 2006…now THAT was deeply moving as well.
Absolutely agree chrisH. Beautiful. English patriotism is no shameful thing.
The first ‘like’ is from a Welshman. We like good music down west.
Vaughan is also a good Welsh name
Thank you Taffman. The Welsh are steeped in music. So are the English. I would like to nominate Elgar’s Nimrod as the anthem for the English Renaissance –
Mr Golighty, I want to congratulate you on your excellent taste in music.
Wonderful pieces.
Evocative, thought provoking, beautiful.
Agreed-maybe there`s a CD to be suggested for us Mr Golightly..British, Beautiful, Collaborative.
Need to know more about the best of British composers.
Nothing like a scary story eh??? Just in time for bed….
I think this is good news Taffman. I really do believe that the PC ideology is being seen for what it is. It is now more open to ridicule than ever. Every dogma has it’s day and this one is no exception. It has reached PEAK STUPIDITY.
It can only go down from here. Across the western world (bar Canada) the resistance is growing. The incumbent idiocracy is wobbling, but it will not go willingly, it will put up a fight. It will be a hard slog especially against the more fanatical adherents e.g the BBC, so we must keep at it.
BBC Breakfast
After transgender asylum seekers, and migrant sob stories …
the latest big breakfast news item is apparently that 5 Calais
inhabitants have suffered abuse from waycist, bigoted, islamofauxbes
obviously it just has to be the “far right far right” eh?
but folks … don t be overly concerned, the BBC reports that “their teams of lawyers”
are looking into it … group on site (No Borders?) reports that such attacks and abuse are endemic.
… You literally couldn t make it up
Slightly off topic, but she was a winner of some BBC cooking program and not off our screens since she won. Nadya has joined the panel of Loose Women and the Daily Mail give us a piece on it.
Amazingly as I write it has only garnered just 95 comments (pre moderated) mostly positive and upmarkered as such from idiots who completely fail to see the agenda that is going on here, from the DM, ITV and the BBC for doctoring the selection process.
Maybe the irony is lost on them that someone who had an arranged marriage should appear on a program called ‘Loose Women’ ? I’m just waiting for her to be announced as one of the new presenters of Top Gear….
I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure that this woman has a pleasant personality but equally she is being used by the multi-culti brigade, not least the BBC, to ‘rub our noses in diversity’ as the Blair government had it. Arranged marriages and not just forced marriages are completely against our culture and everything that so-called feminists have been fighting for. Muslims must learn to integrate properly but alas this process has been in reverse since the 1990s. Muslim population growth in the UK is a direct threat to our heritage and culture.
she must curry favor from the bbc
“Shall we keep jumping on the Feminist bandwagon?”
So says Naga Munchetty (the BBC bias gift that keeps giving – if you are going to have 100% lefty presenters then at least find some bright ones)
BBC Breakfast have hunted high and low for a newspaper reviewer and eventually come up with Janice Long – in house BBC-radio-lifer she may be but look on the bright side : at least she is unlikely to be had up for any sexual misconduct construed to have taken place thirty years ago.
We digress. Having established that the paper review is brought to you today by Feminism (who says the BBC isn’t sponsored) we have the story from Italy that a disgruntled husband has brought charges against his wife for “slovenliness”
Our Naga perhaps worries about tarnishing the Italians alone with the accusation of male chauvanism and she exclaims “I wonder if this goes back in the annals of OUR law, here? (She means Britain) Her co-host, a brave house eunuch chances his luck with “This buys into the idea of Italian macho” Naga looks like she’s shallowed a wasp. Come on Twitter warriors, help her out and dob us Brits into this too!
Continuing the femin-fest or as Naga would put it: keeping the band wagon rolling, our Janice has the airline story of BA Trolley Dollies winning the right to wear trousers. Which without fear or favour our BBC team welcome as a “victory”. All good there, then.
Quicker than an air hostess I’m now going to switch gear and give a short synopsis of an earlier interview with an earnest young woman from some “Charity” called something akin to “Help Refugees”
“Attacks on migrants” in the Calais Jungle camp are increasing and this is a problem, we are told. Our house eunuch gently questions the charity worker (to paraphrase) ‘Are these attacks happening inside the camp or is it friction with locals outside the camp?’
To that question we get the wonderful reply: “I don’t know the ins and outs of these attacks”
That went off at half-cock then.
Our house eunuch tries another tack – very gently you understand. ‘Some people might say this problem of the camps should be tackled at source?’
“Oh I agree, this should be tackled at source”
‘What’s the answer then?’
“Oh, I’m not a politician… but this is only 27 miles away and these people are vulnerable and we have to blah blah blah….”
If you’re thinking of jumping on a Feminist you’re a lot braver than I am.
‘National scandal’: Female suicides in England hit 10-year high”
Complains the Labour Party. Without noting that male suicides are three times as high.
Well girls, you demanded equality, you demanded the vote, you demanded top positions in business.
Well now you have them, and you superior girls cannot take the pressure, tough.
What should happen is that thrice as many women should kill themselves to remove the “imbalance”.
Incidentally, this so-called national scandal, was largely created by the same Labour Party which is making the fuss.
The treasonous LP which has worked, since its creation, for the extinction of the nation state.
The treasonous LP which tried, and nearly succeeded, in bankrupting the UK. Remember “there is no money left”?
The treasonous LP which imported five million murdering, raping, moaning Muzzies into the UK when there was high unemployment, shortage of housing, pressure on the NHS.
The treasonous LP which obtained the votes of this unwanted Muzzie scum by providing them with housing and benefits denied to whites.
Plenty more Treasonous LP facts if you want girls.
The treasonous LP which you girls keep disproportionally voting for.
Reaping what you sow girls, how does it feel?
Reported by RT, no trace in “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
This article from Breitbart does not surprise me.
“BBC Style Guide Tells Journos: Mohammed Is ‘The Prophet’, No Mention For ‘Son Of God’ Jesus”×480.png
“Journalists at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) should refer to the Islamic prophet, Mohammed, as “the Prophet”, according to the corporation’s in-house style guide.
Under the section labelled “Muhammad”, the guide says: “For the founder of Islam, our style is the Prophet Muhammad; at second reference Muhammad or the Prophet.”
This advice is repeated in the sections on “Arabic names” and “Islam”.
The assertion that Mohammed is “the Prophet”, with a capital P, will likely cause controversy. While followers of Islam believe him to be the last prophet sent by God – Christians, Jews, atheists and followers of other religions do not regard him as a prophet at all.”
Religion is all bunk. [Thomas Edison]
I personally regard any religious person as deluded.
I prefer the words profit and profiterole.
Time for a change to the BBBC manual of style.
In future the founder of Islam will be referred to as the PaedophileMuslimCrackpot.
Why is it not the ‘so-called prophet’ Mohammed? He didn’t prophesise anything, which makes him a non-prophet in my book.
Interestingly, there is little-to-no historical evidence that the prophet M existed at all. There are no references to him in literature from around the period he is supposed to have lived, he does not get referred to anywhere for well over a hundred years after he died. This contrasts with other historical figures in the period which are documented in accounts from when they were alive. You would expect such a prominent figure of the period to be discussed and documented at least in the region.
It is quite possible the whole Mohammed cult was invented a few hundred years after his supposed death as a political movement to unite the Arabs and build a military empire. Of course, this does render the debate as to whether he was a paedophile moot if he did not even exist!
An interesting read Did Mohammed exist by Robert Spencer is recommended.
Spot on- not a prophet, just a warlord who cobbled up half arsed bits of Judaism and Gospel out takes from passing Jews and Christians on the camel trails near his cave.
Prefer to call the current “ROP”-“Muhammadism”…for the simple reason that they have now elevated their deluded leader to something akin to Jesus , as He is seen in MY religion.
You can`t draw pictures of God sat the Semites(Jews and Muslims)-but you CAN always draw pictures of Jesus…but the Muslim bullies reckon on Mo being on a par with Allah for convenience sake….makes a good empty grievance to wind us all up.
No Surah says you need wear hijabs, burkas or can`t draw Muhammad….but -seeing as they aren`t supposed to drink?…well these kuffar tests are the equivalent of asking if I`m “staring at their pint”.
“You can`t draw pictures of God ”
Michelangelo did in the Sistine Chapel.
BBC Breakfast this morning was very quick to report on investigations that some refugees in Calais had been attacked. I wish they were as quick to report on the attacks the refugees are doing.
Like this unreported story only now seeing the light.
How many more are we not being told about ??
There isn’t much you can say about something so vile and much of what could be said would probably result in a prosecution for “hate speech”.
Why do Progressives always present the view that people are people and “we are all the same”, yet when you read an article like that or learn about the amount of sexual crimes committed by black and brown immigrants to the West; you realize – they’re not.
Any chance of comment from Benedict Cumbertwat? I wonder how many British children haven’t been raped because our government, for once, had the sense to defy Angela Merkel.
Rob, I am sorry to say I don’t think that our government have defied Angela Merkel.
The worst is yet to come if we stay in the EU.
I notice that AlBeeb are not mentioning the Pegida demonstrationtking place this weekend in Birmingham on their website.
Pegida are stating that no muslim in Britain should hold high political office without first being vetted.
At first sight I thought this to be a bit extreme but there again, having considered it a little more, I think it is probably wise to do so.
Muslims put their faith ahead of country, its people or even their own family. What happens if parts of their faith is flawed! Isn’t Sajid Javed (probable new London Mayor) a Muzzie. Will he put his faith ahead of his country?
Then we have a person in high office who is flawed by a rigid dogma.Dangerous.
I am appalled at the thought of Sajed javed being London Mayor. What sort of message does that send to the world? Yes London is not an English city, its a city where the native people are happy to be ruled by a foriegner.
To some it will also suggets a Muslim city.
Nor do I like the man, he comes over as none too bright, despite the fact that he must have been good at his job having done well in banking, massively egotistical – a mobile phone salesman.
London is no longer an English city so who is mayor no longer matters. It is important that we turn our backs on London now and make it clear that sadly it is not part of what used to be called England. It is the cultural marxist’s stronghold and the place where government takes place and where the liberal media is entrenched so what has it got to do with me except as an oppressive and unwanted expensive intrusion into my life. So it creates wealth in the city but that same city also nearly bankrupted this country and in reality sucks from us far more than it gives back.
It is the arts and media centre but that means nothing now as these same arts and media are well and truly taken over by cultural marxists who don’t have any affection for us in the shires and re Cumberbatch are as asinine as they are pompous.
World city they like to call it. It is nothing to do with me any more.
Sajid Javid is the Tory government minister.
Sadiq Khan is the Labour mayoral candidate.
I maybe completely wrong and wide of the mark, but I have a mistrust of such persons in positions of power, no matter how supposedly moderate they appear to be, or to what recognised mainstream political parties they belong. But what of when that balance tips? When, if we go on as we are will undoubtedly happen in 20 – 30 years, maybe less.
I suspect through numbers and ideology alone they will shift political allegiance and by stealth we will find ourselves governed by such a party that George Galloway would feel at home in….They are all potential Trojan Horses.
Its not just politics, I’ve lost count how many are spokes’people’ for charities, major companies and think tanks etc, those who employ them are blinded, seduced and ultimately possibly worse by their own politically correct right on ideology.
The obvious problem for the UK with cultural Marxist PC and minority-worship is that, whilst people of ‘BME’ backgrounds are allowed to use their positions in government, pressure groups, media, etc, to advocate for both their particular ethnic or religious group and for minorities in general, nobody is allowed to advocate for the interests of the (still) majority indigenous White English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish people, as opposed to those of more recent arrivals. For instance, where pro-Scottish advocacy exists e.g. with the SNP, it is likely to be anti-English or, at least, anti-Westminster, rather than anti-immigrant. The public discourse, controlled by the Left for decades, does not allow for expression of legitimate concerns about the differing and conflicting interests of indigenous British and the incomers.
For the sake of accuracy. Sadiq Khan (Labour) is the prospective London mayoral candidate (God help them). Sajid Javid (Con) is the Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills. Easy mistake to make though. A mistake made recently by a high profile politician whose name I forget. Was it Boris who mixed them up?
Answering my own question – it was Michael Gove.
They all look the same to me, especially wearing a dustbin liner.
Yep. No mention on BBC of PEGIDA in Birmingham. ITV are covering it. That’s a lot of police vans outside the Birmingham International. Who are they expecting trouble from today? Could it be those peaceful anti-Fascists?
I can’t find any BBC stories allowing comments. I think they might be trying to prevent someone being mischievous and posting a link to ITV’s coverage of the PEGIDA march. This is absolutely disgraceful behaviour by the BBC and a dereliction of their duty. They are refusing to report the reasonable concerns of many people in this country regarding Islamisation.
It appears that the Left, led (as always) by the Guardian has decided that the great unwashed are too dangerous to be allowed space to comment on the pronouncements of their betters.
The BBC is simply falling into line with its comrades.
I was there.
Fifteen police vehicles around the station; more up the road.
More police than a passing out parade at Hendon college.
Not reporting it
they are inevitably
digging their own grave.
Let’s solve the whole problem, not a bit at a time.
No Muslim should hold citizenship in any European country, ever.
They shouldn’t be allowed into the West: period.
“In my view, the best way to deal with the Islamic world, is to have as little to do with it as possible.
We should completely stop and if necessary ban Muslim immigration.
This could be done in creative and indirect ways such as banning immigration form nations with citizens known to be engaged in terrorist activities.
We should remove all Muslim non-citizens currently in the West and change our laws to ensure that Muslim citizens who advocate Sharia, preach Jihad, the inequality of “infidels” and of women should have their citizenship revoked and be deported back to their country of origin.”
Fjordman “Defeating Eurabia”
Breakfast new this morning said investigations are under way concerning refugees at Calais being attacked. Pity the bBC isn’t as enthusiastic about reporting when refugees attack.
Notice the obligatory forlorn looking kid at the top of the ‘story’. (f**ks given = 0)
“Aid worker Eddie Parks branded the minister’s comments “disgraceful”
In other words, disgraceful that the authorities don’t agree with me that their tiny island should be forcibly enriched with 3rd world beggars
Wish I lived in the Channel Islands. In fact, I wish I lived somewhere where I feel that I belong, because for sure we no longer feel that we belong in a homeland of our own.
Not seen on Beeb , Swedes have to put up with their own political idiots.
You can see where this is going to end up with “refugee children ” having a wonderful time with the local children.
The trouble is this will give our own idiots idea, nowhere near where they live of course
Migrant rapes 10 yr old boy in swimming pool, he says it was a ‘sexual emergency’ as he hadn’t had sex for months. Stories still coming out about the harassment of the family of girl raped by three migrants by Somalians including 60 outside the court. Belgian newscaster detailing what happened when she was sexually assaulted by migrants during a live broadcast.
Not a thing about these on the BBC. What they did have though, on the news at one, as their second main story was an item about three migrants from the Jungle being assaulted by some French people in the middle of Calais in the middle of the night. They spent ten minutes on this horror story, even showing the bloodshot eye of one and some slight scratches of the others.
Yes saw those very mild “injuries” too. I don’t think anyone watching will have been taken in by this weak propaganda.
Of course the locals in Calais are getting frustrated at these migrants semi-permanently camped out in their town, just so they can get seek illegal ways to get to the UK’s more benevolent benefits system.
While atrocities like the cases highlighted by ES and others above are wilfully ignored so as not to upset malicious liberal types engaged in treasonous activity the BBC enlightens the plebs as to ” What does it mean to be a progressive in the US?”
Apparently Hillary is one, that must be ” progressive” spelt p-s-y-c-h-o-p-a-t-h then, especially creepy laugh.
Progressive means “A change for the worse, that was meant to be a change for the better”
As usual, left-wing changes are not thought through because the changes are carried out by left-wing morons, using moronic left-wing dogma. They then turn emotionally violent towards those who oppose these regressive policies.
It would be more accurate to call them Pro-Aggressive psychopaths.
Have just seen Jeremy Clarkson’s advert for the Amazon Firestick on E4. It is very funny and, you will all be upset to hear, the BBC is the butt of one of his jokes.
Hope you all manage to catch it and enjoy.
The Jezza ad has been on various channels for months , & the cinema too . You have probably been watching too much BBC , Steve.
I believe it was first shown at the end of October last year. I had to laugh when I read this journo’s article:
‘A controversial advert for Amazon’s Fire TV stick has provoked outrage on Twitter, with Sherlock Holmes actor Eddie Marsan leading a backlash of angry tweets.’
Controversial and outrage in the same sentence. Perhaps he was applying for a job at Bias HQ, Media City!
The PEGIDA march in Birmingham passes off peacefully. Not that you would know if you relied on the BBC. There’s nothing even on the Birmingham & Black Country page. ITV calls the protesters right-wing which is refreshing and unique in our msm. The police seem very happy with the way PEGIDA have conducted themselves. This is surely a model of protest to be encouraged.
“Our negotiations with Pegida representatives were positive and they stressed their intentions to express their views lawfully.”
– Solihull Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Alex Murray.
BBC. You really are pathetic. I suggest that you ignore this event because it doesn’t suit your view of how far-right fascists are meant to behave. Or. You are no-platforming democratic protest on a subject that concerns us all.
The reverse of the reason that they (and ITV) did not cover that demonstration by thousands of Muslims in Whitehall last year; when they trampled the poppy wreaths around the bas of the memorial to all the women who had given their lives in sacrifice for this country.
6/2/16. BBC Bias. On the main ‘England’ news page we have this report:
A terrible case, a terrible crime, a young girl’s life damaged – a ‘lone wolf’ depraved criminal. The rapist is pictured, and the nature of the crime clear. The judicial process is complete.
Further digging is required to find this:
A terrible case, terrible crimes, an unclear number of young girls’ lives damaged – possibly hundreds of offenders, ten convicted. It’s those ‘men’ again. Asian men. Possibly Japanese? These men are not described as British, but the names sound Islamic. The rapists are not pictured. It is likely that many guilty rapists have not been brought to justice. The judicial process is incomplete.
Clearly the second case is not so important to the BBC. But we gathered that by the BBC’s disinterested coverage of both the Jay Report and the Casey Report, which highlighted the scourge of organised Muslim child rape in Rotherham.
BBC and the Labour Party obfuscating the industrial abuse of young kuffar girls by Muslim men, whilst labelling those who speak about it as ‘racist’, ‘Islamaphobic’ and ‘Far Right’. Shameful.
Surprised the BBC aren’t all over this one but I suspect they soon will be:
What the very European looking idiots are doing behind the female reporter’s back is pretty infantile and offensive but to my mind does not constitute a sexual assault (the legal definition might suggest otherwise so I stand by to be corrected). Having watched many versions of the video footage from many sources on the web I have not seen the alleged breast grope that took place so maybe it took place when the cameras were not rolling. Call me cynical but I think I know where this one is heading. By publicising this attack the left-wing MSM will be desperately trying to make out that the behaviour of those who committed the assaults in Cologne over the New Year was no worse than what German/European males get up to.
Let’s see how this one plays out.
There is one man who allegedly groped a woman and that is top news because he is white. Totally different to the way the thousands of gropers and rapists were not reported on New Year’s Eve. The offence is still bad but on a tiny scale in comparison to the earlier, largely unreported, incidents. Be interesting to see if the left-wing organise a demonstration to support this man’s right to grope and to excuse his actions as they did with the immigrants.
Its a set up, to demonstrate the narrative that the issue of groping is about “men” and NOT the culture of the new arrivals.
BBC Bias. The electorate are revolting! The Government needs a new one, a less revolting one.
The HYS articles on the BBC are showing a theme. Those ‘having their say’ overwhelmingly support leaving the EU. The margin is not small – 10 to 1, or approximately 91% favouring Leave, and Cameron’s reputation amongst the commenters is in tatters.
Last week the Guardian formally curtailed freedom of expression on their platform explained by their editor. “Comment is free….but facts are sacred.” How the Guardian continues to shame this noble idea. Also, last week, an ‘independent’ political blog ’Guido Fawkes’ curtailed the freedom of certain commenters to express their opinions and share news ‘below the line’. Not that anybody reads the comments below the line. The intellectual nourishment only lies in the words of the Guardian journalist and Paul Staines.
At the request of Chancellor Merkel, Facebook are censoring their users’ content, to suit the mass migration into, or invasion of, Germany. Youtube video ‘professionals’, reliant upon their online hits for their pay cheques are experiencing blacklisting and censorship. Then there is the Twittersphere, the purges of freethinkers.
Expect HYS comment offers on the EU Referendum to dry up. Discourse will be deliberately sabotaged and dumbed down on QT, Daily Politics, BBC News, Newsnight and the Sunday Politics, because the Remainers have lost the argument, not that they have one, on the EU.
The arguments in favour of staying in an authoritarian EUrocracy have not even been presented. There is only fear, lies and obfuscation. The clear explanations of why our interests are served best by exiting the EU have been made by many, of all political hues. These explanations have not even been countered by those who believe in continued EU enslavement. In Manchester on Friday night at the GO! event, speakers from across the political spectrum called with one voice to ave our heritage. You can watch it via the following link – a must watch for all who Believe in Britain, and also those who need reminding that they also ought to.
For those who enjoyed reading ‘below the line’ at Guido Fawkes and the Guardian – I suggest you consider GOING POSTAL, where links to news and commentary on current affairs, real cerebral nourishment, can be enjoyed. After all, comment is free….but facts are sacred.
I want my country back! Kick the Establishment! Vote Leave.
Good post angryman. Why cant joe public see through the lies? I just cant understand why,what with the imfo available on the web that there isnt mass outrage, even riots when the future of the nation is under question. The liberals need stringni g up for treason.
Many, perhaps even most, people really have very little interest in the day to day affairs of the country. They may have broad, probably tribal, party loyalties but the details bore them. What little news they take in is pre-digested for them by a newspaper or broadcaster and they are happy to go along with that. They are also scared of change and the corporatists and statists who support the EU capitalise on that.
The BBC plays a major part by keeping the masses sedated with opiated pap. Keep the population doped-up and our lords and masters can do what they like.
Fair points gc, however i am still at a loss to understand the seer inertia of the indiginous brits.
So am I, but it does seem to be the case, I agree.
I always have in my mind the idea that us brits are a bit of a quiet sort that can take no end of provecation, then all of a sudden, snap. I hope thats what is going on.
Chesterton had our measure in “The Secret People”:
“It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.”
But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.
“i am still at a loss to understand the seer inertia of the indiginous brits”
Panem et circenses.
‘You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.’
Al Beeb will learn this shortly .
Your call ‘Zero’ if you are on duty and are reading this ?
Head up chaps I’d hate you to miss it, on the Red Button now, Asian Network Comedy Special, its bloody hilarious – NOT! Strangely devoid of a Japanese or Chinese comic…
Oh dear. Things do not seem to be going according to the plan. BBc 22:00 sort of reports on the anti-cult kicking off all over the place. Days after the “shock” results that “attitudes are hardening”. Demonstrations erupt from Australia to Ireland. Still the BBc plows on it’s agenda regardless we have a sob sob of migrants allegedly being attacked in France complete with the do gooder going blah blah blah as usual . Lots of talk about the terrible conditions they are in. Might help if they got some bin bags and pick up some of the rubbish they drop all around them.
First the tunnel and now this, we all knew this was coming ………………..
Lets hope our PM is aware and has got his forces ready to deal with it ?
Pegida passes off well, over 200 turn up in absolutely “orrible” weather, lots of press and tv, including short speeches and an additional one by a ex muslim “apostate”, and retired forces vet… both fine gentlemen who did not mince their words.
To be repeated.
Talking of press and TV, the usual spin and lies from the real gutter press, the soiled toilet paper of the Bham Mail and …
erm … BBC? … going all “no platform” again?, what a pity for the Biased Bullshit Concoctors that they didn t get their
photo fix of the UAF calling card,a hail of bricks and bottles, and bloodied faces to lie about.
If you listened in to the tv interviews being recorded I think one was the Irish Ch4 guy, there will be some erm … editing going on.
No Platform BBC … no surprise.
beneath contempt.
‘Biased Bullshit Concoctors’
What n excellent name .
I may use it in my posts in the future if that’s all right with you?
Feel free … oh, just as long as you re not an Islamofauxbe 😀
The cold, wind and rain was so bad, you were all under the same cover pre walk, now here is a point which is so obvious, so evident, that it would condemn the likes of LBC, BBC, Bham Mail, Ch4 etc, to massive public vilification.
These,(I use the term loosely) journalists/reporters, all wanted the ex edl tag in their bias, so much so
that they, at one point were “double teaming” around T Robinson, in the most unprofessional way,
firing questions together and trying to put words in his mouth. Meanwhile P Weston, had far less, and Anne Marie Waters who in my opinion being a genuine feminist, would have been perfect largely ignored
Weston was on LBC pre walk, usual lies from the media … “March through Bham?” are they so filled with deceit they can t even google a railway station location? interview here, Bham Mail!!! just garbage.
Waters well, she s more than able to stand her ground … see here :-
Oxford Uni or not, I would be very surprised if she gets a job at the Biased Bullshit Concoctors.
Especially as ……………….
I was surprised to read on Breitbart that one of the attendees was Trevor Philips. Will the BBC mention that?
It’s not in the Evil Empire’s interest to discuss the UK Pegida movement, as people have been saying already, they choose to ignore it hoping it will go away.
BBC News report tonight about a French demonstration against migrants in Calais labelled the 150 protesters as “anti-Islamic”. The report then used the words “appalling conditions” several times to describe the migrants camp and showed the one migrant who got beaten.
BBC don’t bother to report the migrants attacking lorries every day.
Not to be seen on the BBC. Two clear thinkers in civil, polite conversation discussing matters on many of our minds. As it happens, two of my favourite contemporary thinkers:
A discussion that should be widely viewed. There is common sense and reason in this world. When will the BBC give that reason some air time?
Scrap the immoral Licence Fee.
Oh, and Vote Leave!
More on PEDIGA rally in Birmingham and across Europe.
Our Taxpayer funded broadcaster is surely now proven as not fit for purpose.
BBC, news being one of its prime aims, is not delivering. BBC is irrelevant now and not delivering what it is rfeceiving our taxes for.
Any important news event, like a demonstration on the subject of the biggest electorate worry, raised on the doorstep, talked continuous by the man on the street, has been totally ignored!
Just look at the thousands of comments Breibart/London has generated:
Ah but we did get the rhubarb harvest news about 20 times throughout the day.
I didn’t have to look far for the tosh of the week on bbc.con
We all know that whales have feelings but come on. What’s next? Whales having gender issues? Not understood, persecuted by society and deprived of their rights? Maybe they are refugees and are seeking asylum? Are they simply trying to make their problems someone else’s. Whales have human rights too you know.
Wow I swear one of them was a budding engineer.
And a close second place goes to this.
Why don’t the tree-huggers get their act together and decide what they want instead of bleating and then complaining.
All this is in regard to ‘climate change’ which has been pre-supposed to be genuine and not simply the product of the usual apologists.
If the BBC was able to find a record of anyone being asked in 1750 about starting to plant “the wrong sort of tree”, the answer would have been that it was a bloody good idea. In 1750 the world was still in the middle of the Little Ice Age. Cold kills more people than warmth – but not enough people made money out of the 1970s Ice Age scare, so we have the Global Warming scam to succeed it.
All of those “honorable” Tory MP’s that have spent months waiting for Dave’s trawl through Europe to be completed are now going to have to make a decision. Do they accept the laughable “concessions” Dave has brought back or do they do the decent thing and recommend he sticks it where the sun don’t shine. Dave has shown himself to be absolutely pathetic. He makes Neville Chamberlain look like Richard the Lionheart. Sadly, for us though, these MP’s aren’t, in reality, men and women of honour. They are political careerists. Some, like Theresa May and Boris are vying to become Dave’s successor. Showing disloyalty to their present leader might prove problematic. Showing disloyalty to your country, I would have thought, was somewhat more important. However…
On the plus side one notable Tory does seem to be on the verge of doing the decent thing and committing herself to the “outers.” For all of us blokes it’s a bonus that Priti Patel isn’t just formidable, she’s also absolutely gorgeous.
She could very easily become the sceptic poster girl.
The “Remains” have Diane Abbot,
The “Outers” have Priti Patel.
Tough one…
I , did mention it about Priti ,a few months back , thought she was for the out, & yes she is gorgeous , absolutely !
How disagreeable, yet unfortunately entirely predictable, that one of the main anti-E.U. voices within the front rank of the “Conservative” party is the daughter of Ugandan-Asian immigrants – quite pathetic.
Hitchens I have found (generally) to have gone off the boil lately, but his article today in the MoS about Camerloon and the Tory party is absolutely spot on.
Whats wrong with Priti , if I was allowed, & free, I would not mind dating her . If she is going to speak up for Brexit , then that`s good .
I agree with all that Essexman. The more MPs the better. And yes she is good looking.
Totally agree, I don’t need/want the product of immigration to tell me what is best for my country, such inclusiveness has a record of biting their parties on the ass.
‘She is gorgeous’ ‘I wouldn’t mind dating her’ this ain’t Blind Date, X Factor or some other purile talent show, this is the future of OUR country…
The main point as I see it is , do the Tory Mp’s put their party’s interest before that of their Nation ?
It is rather clear that almost all put their personal, lucrative attachment to the public-funded teat top of the ethical list.
At least every few years there is a means to alter this situation.
Unlike other unique public sector parasite deals.
Yet again I have just made the mistake of choosing the extreme, far left wing, fascist, biased bbc to tune in to – bbbc1 today – the loathsome andrew marr…………I was greeted by the usual bbbc set up but today’s permutation was an all female press review panel. One female was (of course) from the guardian newspaper (the voice of the bbbc or vice versa). She sat there unchallenged by marr quite calmly delivering a totally pro eu message saying that most people are coming to the conclusion that we should remain in the eu (I thought polling showed the opposite) and towards the end of her speech (as naturally it was uninterrupted by am) she even managed to get a pro feminist statement in. Then we had Carsdale on and am just kept highlighting the media published differences between the two main groups trying to form the leave the eu campaign. He didn’t even attempt to debate any of the reasons people have for leaving or remaining.
This must be the absolute lowest form of barely hidden pro eu propaganda. This goes on absolutely 24/7 from the bbbc – every scene and remark delivered has to have some king of left wing agenda
I just wish that the government would remove all the licence fee requirements from the population
Very true, English Gentleman.
The Marr ‘show’ has plumbed the usual depths of left wing and pro EU bias this morning . Two paper reviewers are a guardianista appropriately called Gabby and another woman who just sits on the fence in a prissy sort of way. All about the divided ‘leave’ campaign. Then it’s Douglas Carswell’s turn to have his interview hijacked by constant questioning about the leave campaign being split. My view is that outside the bubble none of this really matters .
Then it’s time to listen to an ineffectual twit with a strange hairstyle ( the comb forward not the comb over ) who rattles on about diversity , too many white males in parliament and what about a transgender MP. Oh yes, he’s the leader of the liberal party. I don’t see too many voters returning to the liberal fold based on this interview .
Then we have that well known expert on the NHS, Jamie Oliver. Why do we have to listen to so many moneyed but left wing ‘celebrities’ give their views on the bBC?
I switched off before Jeremy Hunt got his chance to counter this rubbish .
The propaganda continues. How do the BBC choose to describe all those grassroots Conservatives who have combined through 43 Associations to write a letter of complaint addressed to the PM, following his advice to MPs for their opinions on EU membership ‘to be ignored’? The BBC text entry describes them as ‘Dozens….’
Even Goebbels might have thought that a bit presumptuous.
I switched on about the time Tim nobody was telling us that we needed more women MPs, (I think he needs more MPs, full stop). Ever keen to push the latest leftist agenda Marr is straight in there with his promotion of transgenderism. No challenge over the statement that the Calais Campers are fleeing from oppression. What, our good buddies in the EU?
Then an irritating cockney fascist is telling us that things are going to get ‘nasty’. No challenge from Marr there. Imagine if a Tommy Robinson was to say such a thing, the police would have been charging in before he was off the air, Why are children getting fatter? Is it all children everywhere? Any connection to 25% of them being ethnic Pakistanis? Who knows. We certainly won’t if no-one asks the question
Next up the health secretary and Marr is like a stuck record – “Junior doctors say…” Isn’t it self-evident that a hospital that staffs its diagnostic facilities full-time and provides seven day access to expertise is going to deliver a better service to all. But it is negatives all the way for Marr.
Even Rhino’s must suffer at the hands of the warped al-Beeb’s white man bashing.
‘But doesn’t the use of a private army, raised by rich white men to shoot poachers on sight, raise worrying questions of legality and ethics?
Dyer dismisses the question. “The rhinoceros has been on this planet for five million years,” he says. “If we don’t protect it, then who will?”‘
Obviously bBBC would prefer the Rhinos are killed by the native poachers rather than a white man should have a hand in protecting them.
Great spot AL,
Love the bit when the SAS trained Rhino protector, talking about the poachers says “Technically we do have to offer them the opportunity to surrender, but this tends to happen after they’ve been, er, incapacitated.”
Last weekend, I did say that the result of how we-as English Tory Scum-allowed Jess Phillips to equate what happened to hundreds of women in Cologne. to what happened on Broad St, Birmingham on a friday night-would be as good an indicator of just how much the patriotic reactionary is able to mobilise, and then fight The Left.
Clearly she is still in her job,and been allowed to let it lie-as if she and her kind do anything less.
Means that the Right don`t really want it enough-if you can`t lop low hanging plums like Phillips, you`re not really going to take on Islam or the coming jackboot Taliban(means student remember?)…are you now?
Well she`s been promoted by the BBC -so that`s my answer!
Just heard her on the BH “press review” a few minutes ago…she accuses Cameron of “Virtue Signalling” of some imagined attempt of Cameron to stem fatties food allowance on Benefits Street.
She also says the anti-EU types are reduced to imagining what their ex-leader Fatch would have to say on Camerons seismic reforms…even though it was the BSE lot(Lord Powell/Pole) who made this the front page of todays Sunday Times….NOT the anti-EU campaingners!
So is she evil…thick…or merely a liar?…
In any event, she`s a favoured totem pole of the left, like Snow, Newsnight, the BBC-and now Paddy.
The devil is in the detail-when was she booked for this showcase today?…was it coincidence-or is the BBC “virtue signalling” to their sisters, their Muslimas and their UAF mates that -you can come on the BBC, you can lie, you can trash your own citys blokes…and you`ll get the reward of yet MORE BBC forums to stir the pot for Allah, for Dworkin, for Hillary.
I`d not be surprised that those Today poppets who “reported from the Broad St frontline” last Friday night…went then to Jess Phillips constituency office next morning to reward her for her “courage”…and contempt for the white van chavs of Brum.
Hence this chance to slag off Tories, and puff her own weird lefty views.
AND-of course-Paddy said nothing about last weeks unpleasantness-not even when Pegida were in her city yesterday.
Do you think Labour HQ/Jess herself swore the BBC to their OWN “Vow of Silence” on this one? I would say so.
Boy-from Joe Chamberlain to Jess Phillips in a few generations…and prophets like Enoch and Mary Whitehouse long gone…as good an indicator of our national decline as any.
A good comparison! Joe Chamberlain, successful businessman , improved lives of brummies through major investment by local government led by him, supported a strong Britain and proud of the British Empire, led the movement for tariff reform which was 30 years ahead of its time and only introduced after the ravages of the Great Depression when it was too late. And Jess Philips? Mouthy airhead, ex charity worker, pro Muslim. Which American said that the British had gone from Romans to Italians in one generation?
“Labour’s shadow health minister Justin Madders said: “Rather than rehashing old announcements, Jeremy Hunt needs to be telling the public how he intends to sort out the crisis facing our NHS. “The Tories cannot hide from the fact that the NHS is going backwards on their watch.””
States AlBeeb reporting plans to make the NHS paperless. Paperless would make the NHS more efficient, it would save the time spent shredding documents when covering up such NHS advanced treatments as neglect, abuse, malnutrition and starvation.
Back to the Labour bollox. Blair & Co imported four million Muslim voters. Since these millions are not using the NHS, where are they receiving treatment? Same place as where their housing and benefits come from? The Labour Money Tree?
Naturally it was Labour who oversaw the NHS computerisation which cost £10,000,000,000.00 and did not work.
Labour in a nutshell, waste, incompetence, lies and treason.
We have all been so wrong, the BBC has reported on the PEGIDA march:
Notice PEGIDA is referred to as ‘anti-Isam’ whereas I thought they were anti-Islamification; a subtle difference which the BBC well knows but prefers to ignore. Caroline Wyatt can’t help gently sticking her size 10 tranny boot into PEGIDA with dismissive comments.
With you there Steve.
I too think that “Caroline Wyatt” is as butch as Robert…actually, her voice is MUCH more manly than his!
Let`s hope the BBC go full out and employ the new set of amazons with the extra Y chromosome-imagined or real.
Pete Burns reading the news?…the BBC are halfway down the dustpipe to Comedy Central in all their “serious output”-I reckon Kellie Maloneys bake up-where crack is graded on its purity and air miles-would be the logical next step for Evilbeeb.
The BBC is moving beyond parody. On the rare occasions I tune in nowadays I think I am watching the modern equivalent of the circus freak show.
Sadly, the Mail is no better, constantly referring to PEGIDA as if it is some sort of offshoot of the BNP.
What we are witnessing, from organisations as nominally diverse as the BBC and the Daily Mail, is blind terror that we, the peasants, are starting to get restless as their daydreams turn to dust.
There is nothing that motivates the self-styled ‘elites’ that govern as much as the prospect of dangling from a lamp post on a length of piano wire while the mob cheers below. They cling on to power as determinedly as any tyrants in history – every bit as sure of their divine right as Charles I or Louis XIV.
Expect the worst if the great unwashed (ie us) ever start to demand the democracy these charlatans pretend they believe in.
…But will Muslims visit a church or synagogue or a mandir or a gurdwara? That is a definite NO and that’s something that Ms Wyatt just won’t mention in her “comfy” article …now or ever.
Unfortunately in London far too often left wing apologist vicars already allow churches to be used for muslim prayers. I guess Jerusalem and Mecca are in roughly the same direction.
Same on the BBC Midlands local news…”anti Islam” rather than anti islamisation.
BUT she did go on to say, “we may be seeing more of PEGIDA in the future” after having to say through gritted teeth, that it was a peaceful demonstration.
However by repeatedly reinforcing the “anti islam” line the BBC actually encourages even incites violent opposition to PEGIDAs peaceful brand of politics.
This is a very dangerous and provocative line to take.
They (the Left) are actively seeking confrontation. They hope that the government will then ban PEGIDA and any similar organisations.
Judging by past precedent, so vile is this treacherous government that they are probably right.
Ta embolden.
That _”we`re not against Islam you BBC prat…we`re against IslamIFICATION” is the line of attack thata we need.
I know it`s an extra few syllables for the morons-but as long as we take Tommys line and hammer that key difference-then we shall mess with their tumbleweed tapestry and make them all sad and confused.
I myself regard myself as a reactionary…claiming it, tends to upset the regressives.
I also refuse to use the word racist-unless its systematic trashing of white people by our institutions like schools , the EU and the BBC.
What I am against is not racism…but racIALism!…big difference-and Enoch Powell gets brought into play as I teach the lefty cabbages what the difference is…tends to upset their flat pack diagrams.
What’s the official mosque line on Trangendered Caroline Wyatt?
World reacts to North Korea’s satellite launch
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – deeply deplorable
US Secretary of State John Kerry – a flagrant violation
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – absolutely unacceptable
UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond – this provocation
Russia’s foreign ministry – serious aggravation
Jeremy Corbyn – as long as it’s got one of those flag things that pops out the end and says bang, I don’t see a problem comrades.
BBC News 24 couple of nights ago: Vacant-looking Martine Croxall reviewing the papers with 2 achingly left-wing commentators. Comes to the story about the ECJ forbidding the UK from deporting Abu Hamza’s daughter-in-law for terrorist activities due to her ‘right to a family life’. Martine opines: “That’s why we need the ECJ, to tell us what do do in cases like this”. Her two comrades nod sagely. FFS!
Moves on to a story in the FT saying only 1% of FTSE 100 companies have done any planning for Brexit. The unanimous reaction of the 3 BBC comrades is to scoff about there being any chance of a vote for Brexit but also to scold the companies for not preparing for what, all three agreed, would be a disaster for business & the economy- all agreeing that no-one had any idea of the chaos and havoc that would occur on the morning after a vote to Leave. I kid you not.
No way in hell that I’m paying a licence fee for this 24-hour anti-British pro-EU propaganda channel.
Good post. It really is hard to stomach.
What a pleasure watching 6 Nations on ITV. I didn’t have to endure the Welsh bias from the Butler the berk and the Davies the dork.
Click to access Strategic-Overview-Coughlin-010216.pdf
This is bloody important thinking…first time I`ve seen Islams three strands of war laid out, as well as the Obama shadow plays that merely feed that war.
Daniel Greenfield recommended it-will take ages to make sense of, but it`s important…
“If you want to defeat your enemy , sing his song”…Persian proverb, I saw on a Bob Dylan compliation-clever bugger!
Oh-and stuff the BBC, seeing as this is not BBC Bias per se…
Thank you, I will read – glancing, it looks interesting.
From the link: “Analysis of any part of the enemy’s doctrine rooted in Islamic law should ignore products written for non-Muslims and rely exclusively on works written for a Muslim audience by Muslims who are recognized by Muslims as experts in their subject”. I would include in that Muslim “experts” called in by the BBC to explain to the rest of us how Islam is the Religion of Peace
The BBC is beyond parody. Partiality is endemic in its slavish support of the EU.
Following the second public event by GO! in Manchester on Friday night, no coverage from the BBC has provided even a glimpse of the range of reasons presented for leaving the EU as politicians from Labour, DUP, Conservative and UKIP, along with a hard left old school British Union boffin put aside their political differences to explain with one voice why the EU is a threat and danger to our heritage, society, social services and democratic rights.
On Sunday 7th February, the BBC Politics page on the website has no links to this event, nor reports on what was said by Kate Hoey MP, Will Wragg MP, Peter Bone MP, Nigel Farage MEP nor David Davies MP who showed all ‘Conservatives’ what a grave mistake it was to select David Cameron as their leader, with his excellent speech. It does have news on the EU Referendum though. Scotland Stronger in Europe have announced that Prof. Mona Siddiqui (who? [full blown Common Purpose placeperson, groomed for this]), a professor of Islamic Studies (????) with awards and letters too countless to mention, is to lead their ‘gender balanced’ campaign. I wonder from where the University of Edinburgh Islamic Studies Department get their funding or why a student of Islam, with its own political system, is being selected to represent the interests of Britons in the forthcoming Referendum. (To be clear, I do not believe that anybody who is informed and represents the interests of Britons will act to maintain our membership of the EU. BSE is an appropriate acronym for the ‘Remainers’.)
Clearly, this announcement trumps the real political content and conviction on show in Manchester GO! on Friday. Sometimes I think I am trapped in some Orwellian nightmare.
Whether I’m in a dream or not, I’m with GO!. I’m voting leave.