1. chrisH says:

    So Heseltine gets the coveted post-8 am news slot on Today does he?
    Anybody else aware that the miasma of Toxteth 81 got himself on a Captain Cook tour in Hartlepool, only to decide there was “a report to be written”.
    Oh those poor working class chappies in their mufflers, their starving whippets and one winged pigeons…what then is to be done?
    Basically The Tees is being used by the BBC to promote the agenda of their former famous MP Lord Mandelson of Haw and the Wiltons…used to be Peter.
    This really is flagrant contrived shit-Heseltine has no links, no history up in the North East-the sad sod got a nose bleed north of Garstang, and the last thing the Moanin Minnies up there need(much as they`d like to think otherwise) is Heseltine with his pot plants and bonsais, after Marietta Higgs, Geoffrey Wyatt and Stuart Bell are said to still live in the undergrowth at North Tees Childrens Wing…well Bell is buried but you can`t be too sure,
    This was an excuse for more free puffery to stay in the EU, under a Teesside flag of convenience…hope the Hanging Monkeys up there know that they`re being taken for fools and put Heseltines Toxic Toxteth tea tree tinctures( Curria Majoria Labi earnum) back down the sad fops ear trumpet.
    Hearse for Hezza-Bay 666….
    Next up_Majors report into the EU being the only place where cricket is safe, Clarkes report into the consequences to the talking cures for clapped out quislings if we don`t all vote BBC in the referendum…just post your vote to John Craven, and let Chris Packham do the voting for you.
    Ask yourself-what would Ray Mallon or Rod Liddle do?…great men of Teeside as opposed to arboreum mausoleum types like Michael van Hoogstraten…an evil creep.
    The BBC is now just the NHS quack centre for those who don`t want to run up a BUPA bill for our leaving…perpetual therapy for the beautiful people we`ll surely be binning on the 23rd.


    • Dave S says:

      Congratulations. A tour de force. I take it you don’t like Heseltine.


    • Grant says:


      One of your all time classics ! As a cricket fan, I like the EU being the only place where cricket is safe. And much else.
      Next time tell us what you really think about Heseltine. I think you went too easy on him !


    • tarien says:

      Could not have put it better myself Chris-Indeed we have and still are being duped by Traitors with the Blair being the biggest amongst them. They are the evil that has been spoken about for years and is now close to throwing its cloak of darkness over us-so for God’s people of this nation Vote for OUT otherwise you will continue to be enslaved.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Basically The Tees is being used by the BBC to promote the agenda of their former famous MP Lord Mandelson of Haw and the Wiltons…

      Not forgetting he is also one of their former colleagues.


      • taffman says:

        Doesn’t he get some kind of pension from the EU?


        • johnnythefish says:

          You bet Taffman, and what’s more:

          Lord Mandelson is not allowed to criticise the European Union if he wants to keep hold of his £31,000-a-year pension as a former European Commissioner, The Daily Telegraph has learned.


          So £31k a year pension after a measly 4 years of very well-remunerated, expenses-no-object ‘work’. How long would it take some poor average-wage sucker in the private sector, who pays his taxes so that public sector fatcats like Mandelson with his £21k Patek Phillipe watch can continue to live life on the hog, to accumulate a pot big enough to pay that kind of pension?

          Thank God we have a public broadcaster which ruthlessly and fearlessly exposes this corruption!

          Oh, hang on….


          • 60022Mallard says:

            A rough rule of thumb, assuming the pension “inflates”, is to divide the annual pension by 0.035.

            That gives you the size of pot a private pension would have to achieve to buy an annuity paying the same amount.

            Roughly £900,000 in this case!

            The watch may, of course, have been purchased in the Eurocrats shopping mall. Not sure what level of VAT etc applies there.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      How did Hesleslime get the gig? Simple, that arch Eurosceptic Dave the Tosser gave it to him. Shows how much Call Me Dave values Euroscepticism, and indeed the depth of his devotion to Mrs Thatcher.


    • Grimer says:

      To be honest, I’d have thought the pre-8am slot would be more sought after. I’m out of bed and showering at 7.30 and out of the house by 8am. Nobody in London that uses the tube is listening after 8am. I’d have thought the 7.15 slot would be the best way to reach younger voters.


  2. StewGreen says:

    R 5 Now Live debate ..Gameshow is letting some Brexit people speak
    including second generation immigrant saying immigration has to be controlled..otherwise governments can’t plan.

    ..Eh up some loony is saying that there should be no referendum ..parliament has the skills to decide.


  3. scribblingscribe says:

    The BBC reports without comments or defending democracy that MPs will prevent Brexit should the people vote for it.
    ‘Stephen Kinnock, the Labour MP for Aberavon, said: “If the British people voted to leave the EU that’s one thing.
    “But can we really say that they voted for the devastation and destruction of the entire exporting sector of our economy? I don’t think you can necessarily say that there’s a democratic mandate for that.”’

    The lad just doesn’t get it. Some people in Parliament don’t get it.

    My overriding reason for wanting out of the EU, isn’t the rampant corruption, the ludicrous salaries and pensions, not even its staggering incompetence in reducing Europe to a wasteland of poverty, unemployment and turmoil. My reason for voting ‘out’ is the lack of democracy within the EU.

    So now young Stephen says that we are not even allowed to have any level of democracy with the EU poll. Outrageous.


    • Grant says:


      People like Kinnock do not believe in democracy. He is so stupid that he does not know that most of the UK’s exports are outside the EU and we shall still export to the EU because we have a deficit with them . He is either a fool or a liar or, most likely, both.


      • tarien says:

        So right Kinnock was always a little on the thick side that’s why he got a job as one of the Commissioners @ £ 100,000 a year plus-we in Britain along with the other 27 nations have been conned big time for the past 40 yrs, of course not all those 27 nations were part of the EU then, nevertheless those that control the EU, the Elitist Bankers who control the money have purposely continued a policy of over 50 yrs ago, to make sure that the nations that make up the Union are always in debt-austerity to be continued so that the 530 million peoples are subjugated and enslaved, with a particular design to destroy Britain, which is not really European. We the people of this nation have been and still are at war with those that control us-For me Freedom is what my fathers and forefathers fought for, gave their lives for and its what I shall continue to fight for-hope you will also.


        • Grant says:


          Presumebly Stephen inherited his thickness from his father and got his job because of him. What useless disgusting wasters !


          • johnnythefish says:

            Grant, if I may make a minor correction: ‘useless, disgusting wealthy (at taxpayers’ expense) wasters’.


    • Cranmer says:

      I suspect the only ‘exporting’ Mr Kinnock jnr is interested in is getting members of his own family sent to Brussels.


  4. deegee says:

    UNBELIEVABLE even for the BBC!
    Bangladesh home minister suggests Israel behind spate of killings

    It’s standard operating procedure in Muslim countries to accuse your opponent for being in league with the Israelis or even being Jewish. The opponent often makes the same accusation back. But there is no reason to report this, as if it might be true, as news.

    True the BBC gives itself a way-out. n the third paragraph there is a one sentence Israeli denial and in the 15th but at no point did the report or the analyst ask what possible interest Israel would have in killing secular bloggers and minorities in Bangla Desh. At no point did the reporter demand evidence or even confirmation.

    There is discussion of alleged contacts between an opposition politician and an Israeli government adviser but no evidence produced at all that the politician had anything directly or indirectly with the murders.


    • Grant says:


      Obviously a load of rubbish, but the BBC hope it is true !


    • TrueToo says:

      Link doesn’t work, deegee. Just directs me back to this comment page.


    • manchesterlad says:

      It’s standard operating procedure in Muslim countries to accuse your opponent for being in league with the Israelis or even being Jewish.

      Yes I remember when there were some shark attacks in Egypt some years ago, in the tourist resorts. Some Egyptian government minister said the sharks were being trained by Israeli intelligence to attack tourists and destroy the Egyptian economy.

      You couldn’t make it up!

      It appears a pathetic victim complex runs through Islam, infecting the minds of all it’s victims, infantilising them to the extent where nothing they do or think is their responsibility – but everything bad is always somebody else’s fault. The problem is that this fits the left right down to the ground, recognising and fomenting victims being the major method used to breed the hatred they thrive off.

      The left feeds off Islam, which feeds off of the left.


  5. Dave666 says:

    No sex attacks here apart from the mass rape of children and oh yes the other sex attacks.


    • tarien says:

      If out of the EU it would my pleasure to put those B…t…ds into a helicopter drop them over the atlantic-OK maybe not just return to the Middle East somewhere in chains. Any in prison now should only one meal a day, no TV, no Radio, no mobile phones, and no contact with or from the outside-Yes I dam sick of the continued attitude of continual appeasement to these-won’t insult the animals, but you get my drift. The teaching of Islam are out to destroy the west and just looking at the Radio Times today you can see why.


  6. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Can we get a list of all the lefty luvvies etc who will leave the UK if we don’t vote for their beloved EU?


    • chrisH says:

      Will Paul O Grady FINALLY take the hint and piss off with his poodles if we do?
      If we vote to stay in, we `we`re only able to lose our Lefty lezzy luvvies for a term as Junckers golf caddy, or Schultz` bus boy.
      Which is where all the Labour Party and Liberals/Greens go to die-but get massive pensions to pad their coffins(wicca baskets and compost bins).
      Paddy Power taking bets on the EU suckups first out of the traps on the 24th if we let them win?
      Soubry, Morgan, May, Rudd with Osborne to follow…my moneys on Matt Hancock-if I knew who he was.


  7. tarien says:

    How much longer shall we have to put with the Racist attitude of the BBC-Just look at the new Radio Times- on the front a drawing to commemorate the Queen’s 90th burthday, by a child whose name is Ayesha Mahmood-by the very name we assume it is Muslim- whose picture sits at the top of the page, and on page 3- yes you gussed it, Nadiya Hussain, the one who baked that most non-discript of all cakes for the Queen-why one might ask is there such a surge to enagage a people whose ideology is so alien to the majority Christian West, at least a majority for the moment. Almost unbelievable that London has a Muslim Mayor- allowing the Muslims a vote it was perhaps no wonder they produced over one million votes-all Muslims living in London were no doubt told they had to vote for Khan- If Britain votes to leave the EU, then let us ensure that those that follow the teachings of Islam are shown the door if they step on inch over the wrong side. Apart from losing our nation to the EU, we are in grave danger of losing it to such a despotic group that will destroy our way of life that has been ours for over 1000 years.


    • Grant says:


      Yes. It is because Islam is so alien to British traditions and values that the BBC keep ramming them down our throats. I I guess they get a childish kick out of it .


  8. neilw says:


    “Shares in Sports Direct have fallen 45% in the past 12 months amid falling sales and a barrage of negative publicity.”

    That’ll be the barrage of negative publicity from the BBC then. The lefties at the state propaganda broadcaster really have it in for him don’t they. As far as they’re concerned, it’s almost mission accomplished.

    Funny though how they never mention that their beloved EU with all its worker’s rights can’t protect Sports Direct workers from such a nasty employer. I guess when they’ve destroyed Mike Ashley and his business they can feel smug that they’ve caused the redundancies of thousands of workers that the rest of us tax-payers will then have to support.


  9. Soapbox says:

    Are people really stupid? Are we being brainwashed?

    Firstly, I am amazed that we are told about the number of (young) people who say they yearn for “the facts” regarding the referendum. Many of these “shtudents” are at school or (heaven forbid, Uni) and therefore surely have to do research for their own projects? And don’t they all walk round permanently glued to their smartphones which, we are told, brings the world to your fingertips? Well, get clicking…get searching…the facts are out there! At age 18+, you should not expect to be spoon-fed! You have a brain…use it!

    Secondly, the BbC and Remain are “demanding” that Brexit state what an independent UK would look like. Some leave campaigners say the opposite… that the remainers should tell us what it’s going to be like if we stay. The honest answer to both these questions is NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE! It’s all a question of weighing up the risks on both sides. In my opinion, it’s down to basics about control. If we leave, we shall regain control of our parliament, laws, borders and country. If we stay, there is a huge danger of yet more c**p being imposed on us – and I bet they are storing it all up right now for an onslaught on us after 23 June if we stay.

    The remainiacs vision is full of may, might, possible, could; nothing definitive. But the Brexiteers can truthfully say the UK Government will have more money to spend if we leave; you can argue the actual amount, net, gross and so on, but an amount there will definitely be, for sure. This is a referendum, not a general election. It has little to do with individual party political plans, aka manifestos, and the BbC should be castigated for pushing that theme.

    Am looking forward to tonight’s clash between DC and Nigel on ITV. I just hope Nigel keeps relatively calm because then he is at his best. DC will do his utmost to wind him up so, keep a cool head, Nigel, please. You have all the ammunition you need; use it wisely.

    On the other hand…if DC goes OTT with his scaremongering, then Nigel could say some things equally silly to demonstrate the ludicrous line remain are pushing. An independent UK could use the extra money to…paint all bus stops in Brighton pink or…

    ….think I’d better stop right there!!

    Onwards and upwards, comrades!!!


    • Grant says:


      Excellent post. I am afraid that many students now are still wearing nappies and they have the vote ! It is worse here in Scotland where they can vote age 16. What the hell does a 16-year old know about anything ?


      • Soapbox says:

        Re the Scottish vote…yes, I know. It was pathetic. Same thing…they all wanted to be spoon-fed.


      • Cranmer says:

        ‘What the hell does a 16-year old know about anything ? ‘ They know enough to like the SNP, which is why they were given the vote. As Orwell put it, ‘Every intelligent boy of sixteen is a Socialist. At that age one does not see the hook sticking out of the rather stodgy bait.’


        • Maria Brewin says:

          “What the hell does a 16-year old know about anything ?”

          When I was sixteen, my parents knew nothing. Five years later, I was amazed how much they had learned.


          • Grant says:


            LOL ! There is a cartoon by the late, and great, James Thurber, with a little boy standing on a chair and wagging his finger at his parents. Caption : ” What should children tell their parents ? “.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I just hope Nigel keeps relatively calm because then he is at his best.

      On the flip side, I hope he can wind Dave up because a wound-up Dave tends to produce his Flashman side.


  10. BRISSLES says:

    DC currently spouting the same message in Central London. I’m beginning to think that this trudging around the Country engaging in debate after debate with a Q & A session afterwards, is nothing more than a ‘jolly’ for the numerous journalists and reporters to stay in nice hotels courtesy of the tax payer. He’s being asked the same questions by the same people I.e. Islam and Kuenssberg, etc; dear God this debacle could have taken place in a couple of venues throughout the past few weeks thus giving us a rest from the ‘supposed’ challenging by journalists, who all get together once the cameras are off quaffing wine. (he’s just said to the audience “hope to see you all again during the next 16 days ! ” f…..k, more of the same to look forward to! )


    • chrisH says:

      Just tell the thick uni kids now finishing their exams that it would be racist to cast a vote…they`ll not register, especially if you tell them that Glastonbury is on at the same time, and it would be terrible to miss bleeding Coldplay.
      The less kids who register the better-they`ve paid no taxes, know nothing-this is a job for the wrinklies and those who baled out of pop culture with the Stone Roses and bloody Primal Scream!
      I know I`LL not be voting….ah, the gullible young!


      • Grant says:


        LOL ! There was a piece somewhere a few weeks ago linked here , I think , and it seemed that many of them did not know the date of the Referendum. I posted here that I hoped they know the date of their exams !


        • G.W.F. says:

          Undergraduates are not much brighter. For years I kept a box full of biros for undergraduates who failed to bring a pen or biro to their final examinations. And that was before lap tops and notebooks.


    • Loobyloo says:

      He’s tried lying, now it’s pleading and next it will be bribery. Doesn’t it make you suspicious? Why are they suddenly so desperate to get us to stay in? DC didn’t warn us of all of this back in Jan/Feb when he was renegotiating!


  11. chrisH says:

    Noted that Gary Tallents daughter(Olivia) was giving Twitter feeds as her dad backed up the bellicose blustering chest thumping mobile care home for the Springsteen Pensioners World Tour.
    The hagiography and swoonings and phoney eulogies to this example of the embalmers art is driving me daft…should have packed up years ago, but-hey-where else would old liberals and Steinbeck/Atticus Finch/Watergate clap outs go?
    This man of the peoples tickets would not be for the Food Bank weepies….air miles not a problem…because it`s Bruce and his Chinese Premier hair dye, his face like David Gest and an aw-shucks cynicism that puts old Reagan to shame.
    Bruce Forsyth-though ill-has added more to the common stock of Britain that Blowhard Bruce.
    Oh-I digressed there-just wanted to check that Olivia Tallent and Bruce were able to share the same portaloo, should that have been required at Wembley.
    Or are transgender-swap your jodhpurs funtime only an issue if it`s North Carolina!
    What IS-what indeed WAS the bog policy backstage for Bruces Blagfest?…and did Sadiq Khan and the East London Mozzies approve of whatever it is…or was.
    Only wish I could have afforded to go along in my wifes best frock and got me some compo…no doubt we can follow the smell of linament and mothballs until Bruce is back to blast us rigid with his fridgid fracking of rocks dead seam..fossils ready to fall into the anticline I`d say.
    And this from a fan from 1981…liberal wrinkly rocker #1


  12. Thoughtful says:

    One vital piece of the EU Jigsaw is being with held from us by the Tory party, it is not being asked about by the journalists, and yet is critical to what happens if Britain votes to leave the EU.

    Who will be conducting the leave negotiations on our behalf?

    If it’s John Major or Tony Blair, it will be a total capitulation, Margaret Thatcher a total win !

    Of course none of these past figures will be involved, but by way of illustration it highlights the critical nature of this information.

    One thing for certain, it won’t be lazy Davey !


    • shelly says:

      I presume Davey thinks the remainiacs will win, and after a few weeks all this unpleasantness will be forgotten. I suspect that many of his natural voters will not forgive him or the many other Tories who pushed for remain.
      Especially when the blanket ban on immigrants in the channel, news is lifted. I can see this tearing the Tory party to pieces, and a good thing too. They are nothing more than Blairites (in the main) if we stay in, we’re finished regardless of who is in power, Labour or Conservative they are all cut from the same, vested interest, oily, shitehawk cloth.

      I hope the pictures of Cameron and Harman standing together in unison come to haunt him for the rest of his career.
      Although he won’t be bothered to much when he goes on to land a nice job in the EU.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Someone today described the Tory party as a “circular firing squad blazing away at each other airing old grievances and prejudices for all to see”

        Amazingly the hapless John Major has claimed that the NHS would be as safe in the hands of senior Tories as a Hamster would be in the clutches of a Boa constrictor !

        When the parties core values are being attacked on this scale, it’s difficult to see how they can survive intact.


      • Tabs says:

        Who will be conducting the leave negotiations on our behalf? The Establishment.

        We are already been softened up for the excuses not to leave regardless of the vote…
        1. Cameron already said he “will do his best” to carry out the result of the referendum. i.e. not legal binding so he will ignore it.
        2. Just last week MPs saying they will ignore the referendum if we vote Brexit so it will never even get off the ground.
        3. Even if we have to have mass riots in London (which we will) to force our politicians to start a Brexit then the Establishment will negotiate a very long drawn out EU exit over many decades.

        By the time the UK get out of the EU it will make the Chilcott Report look like a rushed job.


      • TrueToo says:

        Shelly: I hope the pictures of Cameron and Harman standing together in unison come to haunt him for the rest of his career.

        Well, at least they let him stand in front of the blue car while Harman was in front of the red one.

        A weasel like Cameron has to be satisfied with every crumb that falls from the leftie media’s overladen table.


  13. wronged says:

    Interestingly, the BBC keep reporting that the pound has sunk in relation to the dollar.

    No it definitely has not, in fact since the weekend it has gone up 140 points, and that is with a strong Brexit poll. The cable (pound/dollar) has shown little movement since the beginning of the year!

    The FTSE has risen over the weekend also. Its price is at a similar level as it was at the turn of the year.

    Be nice wouldn’t it, if the BBC reported these facts.


    • Grant says:


      I have posted similar over the last few days. The BBC always lie about markets and currencies when they get the chance, or more likely they don’t understand them and don’t care !


    • Loobyloo says:

      who was that loathsome interviewer on newsnight last night! Who wouldn’t let Andrea Leadsom answer his question (regarding the movement of the pound). She was very impressive, knew her stuff and answered calmly and coherently. He was revolting.


      • Grant says:


        I didn’t see it but it sounds like Evan Davis, who is totally ignorant about markets, finance etc. But that would apply to all Beeboid interviewers I have seen so it could have been anyone .


      • Glenn says:

        James O’Brian I think.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Farage went through all that with the boy Vine on his show this lunchtime; how of late the pound has strengthened against both the dollar and euro and how the FTSE has gone up.

      N.F. was very good: You can’t barrage the Farage!


      • Grant says:


        Oh God ! He is even worse !


      • Grant says:


        Beeboids are so stupid that they don’t know that Nigel was a broker and built up his own business in the City and understands trade, markets etc. Beeboids haven’t had a job outside journalism and know sweet FA about anything. Idiots.


  14. Roland Deschain says:

    Why aren’t we more excited about Clinton?

    So, Katty Kay can’t understand why we’re not all a-tremble at Hillary Clinton being nominated for the White House. The BBC hive mind simply can’t comprehend a world where we don’t judge our politicians by what’s between their legs.

    One day soon, I hope, we won’t be writing about the day a woman became the nominee for president.

    Why don’t you try not writing about it now? You might find no-one misses your sexist witterings.

    (Bu**er me, but this site is taking being slow to new heights today!)


    • Grant says:

      The Democrats could nominate a donkey and Beeboids would swoon. They can’t understand why some of us loathe Hilary. Katty Kay probably thinks because she is a woman, she must be could. She can’t understand that there are good and bad men and women. Katty is just sexist .


    • scribblingscribe says:

      One reason we aren’t excited is that it hasn’t happened yet!

      There is the small matter of how the superdelgates actually cast their votes and what happens if the FBI charge her with criminal wrong doing.

      Should someone tell the feminists at the BBC and Guardian?


  15. scribblingscribe says:

    I posted above about Stephen Kinnock’s determination to thwart the democratic will of the people should the UK vote Brexit. I added that the reason many of us are voting for Brexit is because of the lack of democracy in the EU, so its all a bit ironic.

    Many people kindly replied pointing out the Kinnocks were too thick to understand democracy.

    Though I do not rule out stupidity, The Times has a better explanation as to why the Kinnocks are so desperate to keep us all in the EU.


    Stephen’s dad, Neil, was earning £163K a year plus housing and entertainment budgets before stepping down with a final pay off of £273,000. Now he is paid a paltry £67K p.a. as a pension. Which is odd as Neil campaigned hard to get the UK out of the Common Market in 1975. Wonder what changed his mind?

    Stephen’s mummy, Glenys, was an MEP for 5 years and receives two lavish pensions from the EU, (yes 2! How on earth could she get by on only one generous pension?).

    Stephen worked as research assistant at the EU.

    Stephen’s Missus got by on an MEPs pay and expenses for four years.

    Both Stephen and his Missus were fortunate enough to have us pay for their studies at the College of Europe, an elite institute in Bruges.

    Stephen’s sister, Rachel, also worked in Brussels.

    So what we must understand is that there are always two sides to the Brexit debate. There are those of us who are LIVID at the huge sums of money stuffed into the pockets of nonentities for doing nothing and then on the other side there are the nonentities desperate to keep their hand in your pocket.

    If you haven’t already made up your mind re Brexit, I hope the above helps.


  16. G.W.F. says:

    HM Queen opens the Fifth Welsh Assembly in Cardiff. Well dressed and well spoken, aged 90.
    Now look at the fat cow, Ellen Jones, serving as a Presiding officer in her red cardigan and clothes she might have purchased as rejects from Help the Aged charity shop.



    • scribblingscribe says:

      I don’t know why, but the Welsh assembly does have an unusually large percentage of large percentaged women.


  17. G.W.F. says:

    Soon to be reported by the BBC, but covered here in their print outlet, the Guardian:
    Demand that Nigel has overstepped the line in predicting rapes from immigrants – you know, like the Rotherham lads and the boys from Cologne — and must apologise on tonight’s debate.

    Signed by Shami, investigator of the Labour Party’s wonderful achievements in combating Islamophobia and er…something about Jews, Mrs Warsi, failed Tory politician, and the Blessed Virgin Diane Lawrence mother of St Stephen the Messiah.

    You got it folks – the main theme of tonight’s debate – Nigel is a Nazi, as Cameron’s UAF are chanting.



    • chrisH says:

      Have any of this shower of shit-Shakrabhati and her like-ever apologised for ANYTHING.
      Say there WAS a sexual attack like Cologne here in the UK…does anybody expect Shami, Owen, Polly and the usual grievance mongers of the Left to aplogise for letting it happen-or enticing the lads to do it?
      Course not-it`d be down to the Tory cuts, no jobs and not enough Muslims in the country.
      Like the AIDS comments of Nigels last election-right on the money again and we the people back him.
      After trying to drag us into the Euro and trying to keep Abu Hamza…these liberal traitors really need to be put into dangerous spaces as they dare to molest groom and massage the public.
      Cologne is inevitable if we don`t vote NO…even if we do, we can`t be certain it won`t happen.
      But-under Nigel-we`ll at least be TOLD about it, unlike the lefty scum and their chloroform canopy.


      • neilw says:

        So the Guardian accuses Farage of ‘age-old racist’ claim in linking migrants to sexual assault. So, by extension the lefties claim that there is NO link between the massive spike in rapes in Sweden with the sudden influx of thousands of muslim invaders? If it’s not some of the invaders (and not all are being accused) who are responsible then I assume it’s just some freak temporary climatic condition that’s turning Bjorn, Johan and Sven into violent rapists?


    • Mike Hunt says:

      And there was I, wondering why there were suddenly trolls here yesterday smearing Nigel… and then suddenly it all becomes clear: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/06/07/bbc-smears-farage-using-labour-party-analysis/


      • Grant says:

        I wonder if the BBC have a smear list ? Nigel can’t be the only one , surely ?


    • taffman says:

      You don’t want to watch this ………………


      • G.W.F. says:

        Taffman, thanks.
        Long ago when I was a lad in a Welsh village there were ways of dealing with young men who assaulted the local girls, and dirty old buggers who interfered with children. We had a combat force. They were known as ‘the dads’, whose refined methods of teaching sexual restrained were not broadcast on expensive media shows. Today that would be racist.


        • Grant says:


          They have the same system today in Gambia. No-one could call it subtle !


  18. seismicboy says:

    what would be a real coup, and I mean sensational, would be to have sight of the communication to police forces etc. that says that all incidents / crimes involving muslims are to be handled with kid gloves / toned down. This is undoubtedly what is going on in our country and it is frightening that so few people are aware of it. Surely someone, somewhere is prepared to talk?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      It won’t be written down, but they all know they have a common purpose to suppress the truth.


  19. EnglandExpects says:

    I have just tuned into BBC TV news at 2 pm.
    BBC in full Remain mode. After ritual bashing of Mile Ashley there are 4 EU items.
    1 David Cameron’s press conference, apparently called in panic , Cameron given lots of airtime. No rejoinder.
    2 long item almost begging people to register to vote . Clearly influenced by the idea that young people are not registered but would vote Remain.
    3 finally a shirt item on Biris Johnsons speech of the day.
    4 another piece on voter registration . Interview with yoof representative about social media .

    Not a balanced coverage!


  20. chrisH says:

    Just listening to Beyond Belief-Ernie Raes push-me pull you of a religious programme that was on at 4.30 yesterday afternoon.
    Talk about “tiptoe through the tulips”?
    A whole half hour given over to Belgium and its catastrophic collapse into Islamic extremism within the last few years?
    Basically it appears that the Catholics are to blame to have been there before the Muslims-the Belgians are to blame for not providing the Persian carpet out long enough, pretty enough or with enough respect-and, of course the French are to blame for their colonial past and being rather close with a common border to Belgium.
    Tell you who`s NOT to blame-the wordy professors and researchers who get well-funded by Oxbridge, MSF and charity quangos of multi-culti fantasia based in Brussels, funded by Riyadh among other such places.
    AND-let me make this clear-absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam!!!
    No-blame the State and the civilians…but not the experts, politicos, social services media and -let me say it again…NOT Islam, not Muslims….no sirree!
    Desperate stuff-poor Ernie did try to lay an effete lace glove across the chops of the privileged social scientists around him and in Brussels…but to no effect…and here`s the conclusion that we baked earlier.
    More Islam, more funding for the tosspots and fig flounders via the EU and Regents Park please…
    If we didn`t know that Belgium was buggered after Mollenbeek a few months ago…we do now.
    And we are expected to vote for THIS?
    Abandon shit!


    • Grant says:

      ” Abandon Shit “. LOL ! I haven’t listened to old Ernie for years ,but I seem to remember him as the slowest milkman in the West.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘Beyond Belief’.

      The irony.


  21. BRISSLES says:

    I thought, like most on here, that Cameron and Nige would be going head to head in the debate tonight. Seems not. They will be appearing, but not together ! and answering questions from the same audience. Not such a face-off then !


    • Grant says:

      I just found that out too, Brissles. I am sure that Dave must have refused a head-to-head for obvious reasons. Apart from being a big liar, he is also a coward.


  22. johnnythefish says:

    Caught up with the BBC lunchtime news during a piece on cricket in Germany – apparently they’ve now got 100 teams (or maybe clubs).

    Cue interview with cricket-playing asylum seeker of the Asian variety – piety spilling out in bucketfuls of how it proves he is doing his bit to intergrate and how Christians, Muslims and Sikhs are all getting on so wonderfully well together.

    Equally pious-sounding voiceover – not unlike like Orla Guerin reporting on the suffering of her beloved Pallies: ‘A symbol of how this country is changing’.

    Propaganda, pure and unadulterated but for those who have awoken to the insidious agenda-setting of this corrupt, poll-tax funded news semi-monopoly – actually laid on with a scimitar dipped in honey.


  23. johnnythefish says:

    Farage on Vine at lunchtime. A masterclass from a man on top of his brief, who knows the EU and international trade inside out.

    Vine left clueless and script-bound, unable to counter fact after fact trotted out by Farage in support of the Brexit campaign.

    So that’s the BBC (Neill, Vine) 0 Farage 2.

    Anybody who has still not woken up to reality and still intends to vote for Remain after listening to him should be committed.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Jezza Whine is such a lightweight that it becomes quite embarrassing to listen to him sometimes and today was one of those occasions; he was quite pathetic, totally out of his depth and so leaden footed in his follow up questioning, abysmal really.

      I expect Farage to face a much stiffer test on Friday against Andrew Neil; but I think Nigel will revel in it.


      • Grant says:


        Whenever I see Jeremy Vine I think “What is he on ? “. Andrew Neil demolished Hilary Benn yesterday but with Nigel it will be more an meeting of equals. Andrew is the only heavyweight interviewer the BBC have. All the rest are pathetic jokes.


  24. Antibeeb says:

    Just discovered this absolutely laughable piece entitled ‘EU referendum: Would Brexit make Putin happy?’ on the BBC News site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36461020

    Of course, they find an academic to reel off the ‘benefits’ of being in the EU and warn that Brexit means Russia could take advantage of a ‘weaker Europe’. Just laughable.


    • taffman says:

      Ha! Haven’t the heard of NATO?
      Many ‘EUrinners’ often try to confuse the punters by pretending that the ‘EU’ is NATO.


  25. Al Shubtill says:

    Al beebus reporting that the Archbishop of Canterbury has accused Farage of “racism” for pointing out the danger of Cologne style “enrichment” to British females.

    The C of E used to be known as the Tory party at prayer; now it’s more like The Guardian editorial team at prayer.


    • Grant says:


      And presumebly no sympathy for the victims. My mum gave up going to church years ago when the minister asked them to pray for prison inmates but not their victims. The Church is like the BBC, totally morally inverted.


    • chrisH says:

      You`d think that he`d have better things to worry about.
      Welby is presiding over an Anglican Communion that is about to split over same sex crapola….Africa to lead it, and the schism to split the worldwide church in two.
      There is also the little matter of his “faith” being wiped out in the very Holy Land where it all first started-and his seeming inaability to either talk or act over the systematic wiping out of his “flock” throughout the Islamic Middle East, which continues on the migrant boats to Italy-and then in the hostels of Germany and Holland.
      But no-fear of Farage brings him out in a snit….far better to care about the BBC than about his dying fellow believers who might have expected SOME kind of protection , if not a bit of advocacy.
      Are we sure he`s not made of pipe cleaners, blancmange and trifle sponge?…


      • Grant says:

        And politics is none of his Goddamn business anyway !


        • Oaknash says:

          Its people like Welby who are one of the main reasons why people have left the C of E in droves and consider it completely irrelevant to their lives.

          Perhaps Welby does not realise that there is a difference between turning the other cheek and allowing your enemies into your house to rob you blind and sexually abuse your daughters.

          For the last decade or two most mainstream politicians have been completely hobbled by the MSM and especially the BBC when it came to discussing the effects to the indigenous population of large scale migration – too afraid to be seen as waycist. You would have thought the state religion with its regard to morals would have led on commentary and criticism regarding these affairs.

          Without the brave and relentless determination of politicians such as Farage (and lesser figures such as Tommy Robinson) none of these immigrant related abuse scandals would ever have been picked up at all. I suspect Welby is in complete denial about Rotherham , Cologne and Sweden he would much rather have broken bread with Jihadi John and maybe even have washed his feet.

          Welby secure in his Ivory minaret – sorry I mean tower obviously has more compassion to those who are indifferent (or even hate us) than he does for his own flock.

          I guess he is keen on getting browny points with his multi culti lefty mates. In doing so he has just made the C of E even more irrelevant to most of us than it was before. Basking in his own well of naivity, he will probably never learn how fickle his right on multi culti mates truly are until he wonders what that sharp pain in his back is.

          Well done Justin if your lucky Aunty may well award you with an honorary dish dash- youve earned it son.

          Sorry about the Church of England though – guess it was fun while it lasted. But I guess you never really believed all that religious stuff anyway. In fact I dont believe you really have belief in anything.

          Oh and by the way – you look dead good in your miter – Can I suggest you get a pink one then you can truly look like the stuffed pr#ck we all know you are!


          • Rob in Cheshire says:

            It is confusing. No sooner is it accepted that it is not racist to discuss immigration, then when Nigel Farage makes some valid points about immigration, it is back to him being a racist. How does that work? It’s almost as if the establishment is a conspiracy against the people.


            • Oaknash says:

              Rob -Same old tried and tested lefty trick. Shut down any debate on immigration unless its from their own viewpoint.

              Trouble is people are getting pissed off with this trick.

              The worm may be turning


  26. Mike Hunt says:

    Not on the BBC (yet): Bojo & Gove challenge Cameron to a live debate

    Gove and Johnson’s full statement

    “The real risk for Britain in this referendum is voting to remain in the EU with a broken single currency and a rogue European Court. The safer choice is voting to leave, so we can take back control of our money, borders, security, trade and taxes.

    “If we needed a reminder of just how risky it is to remain in the EU, the European Court has today issued extraordinary judgments that undermine our ability to deal effectively with asylum.

    “We think that the public deserve the chance to hear these issues debated face-to-face between the Prime Minister and a spokesman for Vote Leave so they can judge for themselves which is the safer choice on 23 June. The Prime Minister was absolutely right to hold this vote and allow Ministers the chance to disagree with him. We hope that in the same spirit he will accept this invitation.”


    Wonder when (if?) the BBC will deem this newsworthy – and what they will bury it with?


    • taffman says:

      Mike Hunt
      There is plenty that they can bury it with, Cassius Clay’s funeral for one.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        They mentioned it briefly during the final news round-up on PM.


        • Mike Hunt says:

          Thanks Al – as good a place to bury it as any 🙂

          And yet they can still say they mentioned it… crafty.

          Nice work BBC, nice work… keep it coming… we can all see your game… The Emperor’s Clothes only fool the emperor, remember?


  27. wronged says:

    Good comment made on Any Answers the other day,

    If people want sixteen year olds to be seen as adults and have the vote, then they should not receive their child allowance.


  28. Thoughtful says:

    PM tonight has been a disgrace with the bias starting early against Mike Ashley MD of Sports Direct who we learn has had two investigations, one by the BBC and another by the Guardian (so just the one then!) They did the inevitable slip of the tongue A la Jeremy Hunt by calling the warehouse a ‘workhouse’. Although they failed to mention said warehouse is largely staffed by Eastern Europeans.
    There were the inevitable accusations of racism against Nigel Farage by the wholly inept & discredited arch bitch of Canterbury. Why does this man HATE Christians so much that he is prepared to ignore the rapes and sex attacks in – insert city here because there are so many of them any will do!
    Then there’s Eva Carniero (Born Gibraltar) who settled out of court with Russian owned Chelsea and the manager José Mourinho (Portuguese). Obviously these are sexist men, but there’s no mention that the whole lot of them are foreigners !

    There were attacks on Brexit, speeches by Union Leaders


    • Grant says:


      I don’t follow the sayings of Welby but has he spoken out much about the Genocide of Christians or, like the Pope, does he not care either ?


      • G.W.F. says:

        I see that the Arch bish of Cant and Mecca has joined the clamour of lefties trying to give Cameron the edge during this evening’s debate. All Cameron has to do is repeat, with audience support, that Farage apologises for his racism.

        I see that the UAF’s Facebook page pays homage to Welby.
        Why does he not bugger off to Saudia Arabia and take many of his bishops with him, as their contribution is to lie about and vilify those who protest sharia or child rapes, as did the lying bish of Rotherham last week.


        • Guest Who says:

          Still perplexes how the PM is a founding signatory to a bunch of brow… blackshirts and hoodies.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Only when its safe Grant! Only when its ISIS who can be safely criticised. The Pope like many liberals only cares when it suits, such as visiting the migrant camps and taking a scant few Muslims to the Vatican.

        Can you imagine the Saudis taking a few unfortunate Christians to their palace in Riyadh ? The only reason they’d take them is to behead them later!

        This site ran a whole page titled hopey dopey popey, it was all so risible !


  29. Mike Hunt says:

    Not on the BBC: Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre In Flames As Migrant Camp Destroyed

    But of course, when it comes to anything that might look bad on migrants, like arson or rape, “No News is Good BBC News”.

    Still no word on the BBC about Bojo/Gove’s challenge to a live debate with Cameron, that was an hour and a quarter ago. Good thing I wasn’t holding my breath.


  30. Mike Hunt says:

    Not on the BBC: UK Police say Anti-Fascists are “The Most Intolerant… Intent On Violence And Criminality”

    But of course, when it comes to anything that might look bad on lefties, “No News is Good BBC News”.


    • Grant says:


      It is a disgrace that the BBC are not reporting this. But they are total shameless and live in a moral vacuum.


  31. Mike Hunt says:

    Not on the BBC: Lord Mandelson is not allowed to criticise the European Union if he wants to keep hold of his £31,000-a-year pension as a former European Commissioner, The Daily Telegraph has learned.


    Credit to johnnythefish for this one – I’m just having a “rerendum checker” roundup of today’s top external links, sorry if I miss any and feel free to join in… seeing as apparently what people want are “the facts”!!


    • Fred Basset says:

      The EU spends our money wisely does it not? My first question for the last few weeks has been what’s in it for you? It doesn’t matter whether it’s an individual or an organisation such as the CBI or IFS, there is always a financial incentive somewhere. As an example, is there a member of the Kinnock family that hasn’t been employed by the EU at some point in their careers?


  32. Mike Hunt says:

    EU referendum: Nigel Farage sex attack claims ‘outrageous’
    No sex attacks here apart from the mass rape of children and oh yes the other sex attacks.

    (Credit to Dave666)


    • Thoughtful says:

      The fact he didn’t actually said that seems to have passed the BBC by.


      • Guest Who says:

        Ah, but they can ‘infer’ to their heart’s content. Allegedly.


  33. Mike Hunt says:


    “Shares in Sports Direct have fallen 45% in the past 12 months amid falling sales and a barrage of negative publicity.”

    That’ll be the barrage of negative publicity from the BBC then. The lefties at the state propaganda broadcaster really have it in for him don’t they. As far as they’re concerned, it’s almost mission accomplished.

    Funny though how they never mention that their beloved EU with all its worker’s rights can’t protect Sports Direct workers from such a nasty employer. I guess when they’ve destroyed Mike Ashley and his business they can feel smug that they’ve caused the redundancies of thousands of workers that the rest of us tax-payers will then have to support.

    (Credit to nielw)


  34. Mike Hunt says:

    BBC Smears Farage Ahead Of ITV Debate Using LABOUR PARTY Analysis


    (Credit shelly)


    • G.W.F. says:

      Reporting on Welby’s smear of Farage we have an interesting example of the BBC’s ‘alleged’.

      ‘In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Farage was asked whether there was an increased risk of attacks on women by migrants – of the kind alleged to have taken place in the German city – happening in the UK if it voted to remain in the EU’.

      There we have it. Alleged that the attacks took place. One can do a lot with alleged. Still it is better than denying that the Rotherham rapes took place as did the BBC token.



  35. Mike Hunt says:

    Kinnocks on the Brussels gravy train
    Stephen’s dad, Neil, was earning £163K a year plus housing and entertainment budgets before stepping down with a final pay off of £273,000. Now he is paid a paltry £67K p.a. as a pension. Which is odd as Neil campaigned hard to get the UK out of the Common Market in 1975. Wonder what changed his mind?

    Credit: scribblingscribe


  36. Mike Hunt says:

    Just discovered this absolutely laughable piece entitled ‘EU referendum: Would Brexit make Putin happy?’ on the BBC News site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36461020

    Of course, they find an academic to reel off the ‘benefits’ of being in the EU and warn that Brexit means Russia could take advantage of a ‘weaker Europe’. Just laughable.

    Credit: antibeeb


    • Grant says:


      It is really pathetic. The only credible military in Europe is the UK and it is irrelevant whether we are in the EU or out. Only NATO can stop Russia. It will be interesting to see what happens if Russia invades Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania. Certainly the election of Clinton makes it more likely. That would really make Putin happy.


  37. Mike Hunt says:

    Bojo & Gove challenge Cameron to a live debate


    Wonder when (if?) the BBC will deem this newsworthy – and what they will bury it with?

    (One of mine)


  38. Dazed and Confused says:

    Brilliant…..”More powers…more regulation….a European super nation”….


  39. taffman says:

    Car Moron is having a ‘Corporal Jones Moment’ – ‘don’t panic, don’t panic’ !

    Why is he not having a ‘face to face’ with Nigel Farage to night ?. Suspicious very Suspicious?


    • Grant says:


      He is a coward.


    • Deborahanother says:

      He’s not having a face to face debate with anyone throughout the whole referendum period.He is a coward no doubt. Farage would demolish him and he knows it.


    • Mike Hunt says:

      Very good taffman, top post 🙂

      Finland: Sex education needed for migrants amid concern about the rising number of sexual assaults
      England: Farage is outrageous for claiming same thing will happen here

      Now that really *is* outrageous!!


      • Grant says:

        But the last line of the second link says it all !


        • taffman says:

          You mean ……………….
          “It’s great in Finland,” he says “But when I marry, my wife will be a housekeeper who will cook the food I like – and she certainly won’t go to discos.”

          I hope that the feminazi ‘INners’ saw that video?


          • Grant says:


            Yes, that is it. Why do the “sistas” go easy on muslims and also on FGM ? They are hypocrites.


            • Oaknash says:

              Grant – because They are far too busy with more important business such as the recent Free the Nipple Campaign in Brighton.


  40. AaronD says:

    I don’t remember the BBC ever screaming at people to register to vote in quite the same strident way that they have been for the last 72 hours. In fact, I don’t recall them EVER mentioning it other than in passing at any other election or referendum. Obviously taking their ‘public service’ remit very seriously. It’s cropping up almost literally every twenty minutes on radio shows at the moment. I wonder what could POSSIBLY be the motivation for this sudden bout of conscientiousness?


    • taffman says:

      They are urging the kids and the ‘uni-kids’ to get out and vote ‘IN’.
      What the ‘uni-kids’ need to realise is there will be less jobs for them when GB is inundated with more and more gimmigrants .


      • Grant says:

        Why not the old folks ? The deadline is midnight. I bet they extend it !


        • feargal the cat says:

          Again I inadvertently heard a bit of Evans bBC R2 breakfast show this morning.

          He wondered why voters had to register by today, when the referendum is still two weeks away. I presume he is just as thick as Jezza Whine and hasn’t realised this is standard practice for voter registration.

          Next he introduced Michael Moore and his latest propaganda bollix……….thankfully I managed to move from the vicinity of the radio by then.

          At least when Wogan did the breakfast show it was an escape from the leftie clungefest that pervades all other bBC programming. Little wonder I only listen to CDs these days.

          P.S. As an aside, I do not click on any of the bBC web links posted here as I don’t want to increase their ‘hits’.


      • Oldspeaker says:

        As a generalisation I’d say the current crop of British yoof are the least politically aware of any I remember, a constant diet of ‘celebrity’ banality on the screen and a lack lustre education system is taking it’s toll. I’m not claiming they are incapable of understanding the issues, they just haven’t been encouraged to do so, and time has run out to cover it in any depth.
        While I’m on my soapbox, are schools still teaching a basic grasp of UK urban geography? Some (obviously bright) young starters in the workplace seem to have a very poor grasp of whats North and South.


  41. Grant says:

    Is it just me or have others here noticed that , suddenly, damn smileys are appearing all over the place ? No, I have not been drinking !


  42. Mike Hunt says:

    Bojo/Gove’s challenge to debate the PM live is still not on the BBC’s website 🙄

    And it’s now many hours since it was made public.

    It’s not even on their EU Referendum Page

    Is this a new low, even for the Blatantly Biased Corp?


  43. taffman says:

    “This judgement blows a hole in Cameron’s argument that the EU makes us more secure. Only Brexit gives us control of who comes here and whether they can be deported at a time of our choosing…………….”


  44. Guest Who says:

    The MSM recently got excited by people not taking ‘experts’ as seriously as the MSM would wish.


  45. BRISSLES says:

    Apologies if the bones have already been picked from this……………


    BBC’s One Show are looking to recruit another host (shades of Homes Under the Hammer), but the applicants must only be from an ethically diverse background AND with a northern accent !!! You couldn’t make it up, – unless of course Dion Dublin can stretch himself to doubling up.


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      “Not only that, discrimination is supposed to be against the law – although the BBC claims that it is merely exploiting a loophole. It defended its ethnic minority-only scriptwriting positions by saying: “These are not jobs but training and development opportunities permitted under the Equality Act.””

      A very simple test of whether it’s a job or training would be if the NUS would accept membership from these ‘interns’ or if they qualified for a student travel pass. I doubt they would. Bloody racist Broadcasting Cock-up.


  46. wronged says:


    EU referendum: Farage and Welby in ‘racism’ row

    First of all, does anyone really believe that Farage hasn’t been set up prior to the debate tonight against Cameron. This is a typical Nasty Party tactic. Shame, although not a Tory myself, I know a number of good people who are Tory and Cameron and his acolytes besmirch the name of the Conservative Party. This is typical Cameron.

    Secondly, given that Farage has stated that he never said what was reported, in fact what was reported was actually what the reporter himself said in the context of his question, in particular the nuclear comment. Not Farage. No witness has stated that Farage said what the BBC allege.

    Farage said very little, one word answers, nothing contentious. At least it gives Cameron the opportunity to play the man and not the ball tonight. It would be a cheap shot from a cheap man.

    Using establishment figure unelected Welby to push an anti Farage agenda doesn’t surprise me. It would delight me no end if Welby could be exposed as the fraud he is. Maybe this set up will only come out after the referendum.

    So where does that place Welby in his bearing of ‘false witness’. To hell I would suggest.


  47. chrisH says:

    Well it`s off to Sports Direct tomorrow, as well as a watching brief for his marvellous Newcastle United soccer team.
    To see the Guardian and Channel 4 , Jon Snow having an attack of the vapours about his business model convinces me that he`s the guy…and the lefty wankers in his slipstream can try and grow just ONE tuck shop, one squidgee or Big Issue sale.
    Imagine Jon Snow in anything but Trevor MacDonald blackface musing over Proust or the famous Five?
    The man is an utter pilchard…
    As for that “Countdown to Registration” by the BBC and Channel 4-reminds me of China…these creeps will soon have us all on the same ringtone as they charge us a few quid for their charity appeals.
    Thankfully, I know nobody under 40 who`ll watch a load of millionaires and NUS floaters spouting off on the liberal media…and any public sector nellies won`t be contacting their kids to tell them-it`s end of exam time, and Glasto wellies and tents are next.
    I`ll watch Nigel for them…