549 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…

  1. Beltane says:

    I see Nigel Farage has started the ball rolling by calling Barrack Obama a ‘loathsome individual’. Just as an increasing number of sleezy, illegal and demeaning revelations will perhaps weaken the current enthusiasm for the First Woman President that Never Was, the truth behind the man who is, was and ever will be virulently anti-British – very specifically anti-English – and very probably the most vacillating and ineffective President of recent times, may well become more public. Not on the BBC though.


  2. Lock13 says:

    Looking forward to the Andrew Marr comedy show this weekend? – I can’t wait ,only chance I get to watch the World’s top broadcaster’s comedy output


    • G.W.F. says:

      Cameron and Corbyn’s UAF are calling for no platform for Marr’s interview with Marine le Pen. How will the BBC take the side of the comrades standing outside the studios?
      Actually the protesters look like extras from the Night of the Living Dead

      BBC’s Andrew Marr show will be interviewing Le Front National’s Marine Le Pen this Sunday. UAF has called this protest outside BBC HQ Portland Place to say no Platform for fascism on the licence fee! Nearest tube: Oxford Circus



      • Justin Casey says:

        Cheers mate I just joined thier group on facebook….
        expecting some flames on this one… heh… 🙂


        • thirdoption says:

          Love it Justin


          • Justin Casey says:

            They reported me to Zuckerberg!! They attempted to have me censored and post banned.. Anyway, I have just mass messaged thier groups admins etc.. I`ll go have a play on thier website later on.. What a bunch of losers, no debate just thier narrow minded viewpoint.. I wish they would come protest in Grimsby, the locals here would Tar and Feather em… Our town is one of the only venues Question Time were unable to fill with thier usual rent-a-gobs… It`s so rough that even migrants don`t come here… I cannot believe I was reported for `offensive` content though… I didn`t swear or say anything that wasn`t true.. Leftist snowflakes.. OFFENSIVE.jpg


  3. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Cohen? I knew it was only a matter of hours before Trump would be blamed for that.


  4. DownBoy says:

    Earlier this evening, Eddie Mair gave us an impartial run-down of some of President-elect Trump’s potential cabinet appointees. To provide some balance, he got opinions from a left wing anti-Trump journalist from the ‘Independent’ who was scathing about Gingrich, Giuliani etc. and then an alternative view from a Fox news journalist.

    OOps what am I saying? He just had the first guy doing the hatchet job, I made the other one up.


  5. DownBoy says:

    I really hope Rudy Giuliani gets Attorney General and goes after the Clinton Foundation. BBC will call it divisive. Cry me a new Mississippi.


  6. gaxvil says:

    Are ANY speech radio stations I could get?


  7. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Anyone watching Trump’s America on BBC 2 right now?


    • embolden says:

      Yes, who is Chimamanda? She’s just described her emotions evoked by Trumps victory, then accused the guy from the American Spectator of being “paytronising” for pointing this out.

      Then the guy from the American Spectator was told he didn’t get to say what was racist because he was a white man, he then pointed out that Chimamandas constructed argument was Marxist and so on her terms, anything he said was immediately invalidated, precisely because he was white.

      Dialogue of the deaf I’m afraid, presided over by a Beeboid who had to have explained to her that the Knights of St Columba is not related to the KKK and not an extremist organisation, but an association of Catholic men…..Chimamanda dismissed it as “the Knights of Saint whoever”……what an unpleasant woman she was, and Beeboid just came across as ill informed.

      Ann Coulter would I think, have eaten them for breakfast.


      • Lobster says:

        I watched it as well Embolden, and my thought was “the opinion of some African novelist who I have never heard of is relevant because …..?” Might just as well have interviewed some Japanese bricklayer.
        I nearly dropped my beer when the Beeboid (Emily Titless I think) made that unbelievable comment about the Knights of St Columba. She redefines the word “twat”.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        After Ann Coulter demolished Emily Maitless and Martin Amis with contemptuous ease on Newsnight, I doubt the BBC will ever invite her back.


    • Tothepoint says:

      I have no idea why I did it to myself, but yes I watched that awful piece of shit!

      I feel violated watching and listening to the utterly moronic and Trump hating Emily Maitlis with a white hating, completely bigoted, and hardcore fascist lunatic woman Pascal Chimbonda (who has changed since he used to play for Spurs) attacking Trump and all of his voters with made up statements (created by the media), falsehoods, lies, bigotry, personal attacks, and sickening racism towards white people!

      The way Al Shabeeb have utterly conflated lies, allegations, and misreporting into truth and historically fact is sickening and disgraceful. Never has a group of people ever received such utter hatred, distain, ridicule and slander as the MSM and their fascist Gestapo (like that thick Chimbonda cretin) attack white America with!


  8. Thoughtful says:

    As stated by someone on another site.

    How the hell did the media manage to persuade gullible voters that Trump
    a) was a war monger and about the start WWIII
    b) Was Putins bestest Buddy

    The two are mutually incompatible !

    I guess a lie told often enough becomes the truth.


  9. ToobiWan says:

    Stuck in a hotel room in Munich at the moment and flicking through the channels. Wall to wall Trump assassination articles from bBBC and Sky News, Jerry Springer on how about the founding fathers would have welcomed all races and religions (even those who wanted them dead!) How Trump is replacing the Statue of Liberty with a wall. Even had an ex, so called squeeze who reckons he “groped”her and is in talks with her lawyer, (Soros footing the bill?) She doesn’t care he’s going to be the most powerful man in the world, he has to pay and the world needs to know what sort of man he is. Sky making out that improving relations with Putin and Russia is, in some way, a bad thing. Maybe they think he should take the Shrillary approach to the ruskies, that’ll turn out well,not!
    I don’t remember this sort of naval gazing and the exhumation and examination of disgruntled republican voters, from the meeja, after Obama’s two wins, does anyone else?
    Remeberence Day doesn’t seem to be a big deal here, for some reason, either


    • taffman says:

      This is what the EU think ……..
      “We will need to teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works,” Mr Juncker told a student audience in Luxembourg.
      Thank God we are on the way out of the EU !


      • 60022Mallard says:

        I think the appointment of one N Farage as a special advisor on the EU will inform them exactly how the EU works and enable the U.S. to outflank Juncker at every turn!


    • StewGreen says:

      If we document the wall of hate against Trump it would fill an encyclopedia every hour. LeftMob are giving us so much material to highlight their madness these days.
      Here’s repost from yesterday


      • StewGreen says:

        It is seriously worth going back to pages 5 and 6 from yesterday.
        There is a lot of good material there.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Jerry Springer on how about the founding fathers would have welcomed all races and religions (even those who wanted them dead!)…

      What a made-up piece of shit that is. In fact, immediately post-independence there were concerns amongst the Founding Fathers that America would lose its Englishness due to a swelling tide of immigration from all over Europe.

      Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth. (Winston Smith’s diary, 1984)


  10. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Emmett Tyrrell editor of the American Spectator verbally vanquishing Emily Maitlis and the other woman on BBC 2 now. When she asked him about the KKK he said they are as irrelevant as the Knights of Columbanus. She looked blankly at him and said “who?”

    My gender embarrasses me.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    Might I suggest readers take a peek at this piece of insight about the US Election


    Love this part:

    The savages are coming.

    Blacks riot, Muslims set bombs, gays spread AIDS, Mexican cartels behead children, atheists tear down Christmas trees. Meanwhile, those liberal Lena Dunhams in their $5,000-a-month apartments sip wine and say, “But those white Christians are the real problem!” Terror victims scream in the street next to their own severed limbs, and the response from the elites is to cry about how men should be allowed to use women’s restrooms and how it’s cruel to keep chickens in cages.

    Madness. Their heads are so far up their asses that they can’t tell up from down. Basic, obvious truths that have gone unquestioned for thousands of years now get laughed at and shouted down — the fact that hard work is better than dependence on government, that children do better with both parents in the picture, that peace is better than rioting, that a strict moral code is better than blithe hedonism, that humans tend to value things they’ve earned more than what they get for free, that not getting exploded by a bomb is better than getting exploded by a bomb.

    Or as they say out in the country, “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.”

    Then get to the bottom & read the comments


    • joeadamsmith says:

      An excellent article. I read it when first out and thought that this was going to be another bashing of the US MidWest. How wrong can one be. It was a thoughtful insight as to why the West is going down the drain


  12. StewGreen says:

    Thursday I sat down with the Times stats page
    I found some Surprising voter swings

    (A bit of caution it is the local demographic that counts so I’d take national figs with a pinch of salt .. as Trump simply was not targetting areas which were entrenched Democrats)

    Swing of Women to Clinton was +1%
    Swing of white people to Trump +1%
    (yes that small)

    The YOUTH vote was a +5% swing towards Trump ! (18-29)
    similarly the middled aged +5%
    It was the over 65’s who swung to Hillary 4% (baby boomers I guess)

    Religions swung to Trump abt +8%, except Jewish -8%

    College educated +10% Trump
    Graduates and postgrad +8% Hillary

    The “vote with my race swing”
    11% Asian swing to Hillary
    8% Hispanic swing to Hillary
    7% Black swing to Hillary
    (Staggeringly only 12% of Blacks voted for Trump, 4% of black women
    despite his pledges to help ALL)
    ..I guess he didn’t need to bribe Black voters at everyone else’s expense.
    (So he’s got some major reaching out to do
    ..Maybe he can get direct to the people instead of Black Lives Matter leaders)

    – Gore and Kerry both did significantly better than Hillary in electoral college votes !
    BBC said Hillary got 6 million less votes LESS than Obama
    (Remember turnout was quite high : this time 56% … 57.5% in 2012)


  13. Al Shubtill says:

    I spoke to a friend of mine in Missouri earlier and he told me that Trump isn’t, apparently, going to take a salary as president, and that the last one to do that was Herbert Hoover.

    I wonder whether Hilliary would have done that, had she been elected?


  14. StewGreen says:

    Nicky Campbell got stuffed by caller Tiberius on Thursday’s R5 Phone In (direct audio link part)
    … Link to my notes yesterday


  15. Dave S says:

    The poor old BBC is just a joke now. The Newsnight special was embarrassing. Maitlis is as incompetent as she is biased. Poor stuff and I assume it cost us taxpayers a lot of money.
    And then the Hislop and Merton self promoting show. Truly as bad as I can recall. Just vitrolic ill informed abuse directed at the next President and by implication the millions who voted for him.
    I really hope it is bought to Mr Trump’s attention as an example of our elite’s real view of him. Then he can kick the BBC the hell out of the USA and good riddance.
    This is not broadcasting. It is something very nasty indeed and I object to it.
    The United Sates is our old ally and that the BBC can condone such puerile bile is rather telling of the real state of our elite class. As cowardly useless as it is patronising. Let the European spring of Gert Wilders flourish and these dreadful people learn to face reality and us.


    • GCooper says:

      Well said, Dave S!

      The BBC needs to stop right now and think very hard indeed about how it plans to report on the USA when its journalists are not given full accreditation by the White House.


      • StewGreen says:

        Seriously there needs to be an inquiry into the blatant blatant bias and the top management held to account. Such vast amount of money amount to public fraud so there need to be consequences and protection for whistleblowers.
        …Let’s drain that swamp.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Watching Hislop and Co, you got the out of date left-wing dogmatic view that Trump could start a nuclear war with Russia.
      Watching the Presidential debates, you got the impression that Hilary Clinton was a Russophobe who could start a nuclear war with Russia.
      But watching Russia Today you get the impression that Trump is a peacemaker.

      So we have:
      (1) Trump is an Islamaphobe, but Islamic State “CANNOT” retaliate with Nuclear Bombs.
      (2) Clinton is a Russophobe, but Russia “CAN” retaliate with Nuclear bombs.

      Therefore, the world is safer with Trump, and no one at Private Eye watched the Presidential debates.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Richard, it’s amazing that BBC focused yesterday (Friday) on Trump’s temper but completely overlooked the fact that Clinton is just as bad and was portrayed as such in a 3-part BBC R4 drama not so long ago.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      Ian Hislop has allowed his anti Brexit and anti Trump feelings to colour Private Eye’s recent offerings. Nothing wrong with that; he is selling a product which people won’t buy if they dislike. Indeed he dropped a rather crass cartoon series called Ukippers which portrayed UKIP supporters as none too bright, when readers pointed out that it might reduce his sales.
      On HIGNFY of course these views are repeated, but importantly no-one can opt out of paying for them. There are so many BBC shows that I cannot now watch because I find them repulsive and hateful; why should I have to pay for them?


    • Grimer says:

      I watched it purely to see what they’d do. As soon as I saw Charlie Brooker I knew it would be a dismal attempt at a hit piece. The ‘jokes’ were so predictable and shit.


  16. Al Shubtill says:

    This is a great piece by Pat Buchanan on what Trump should do when he is in office, I wonder why al beebus never interview him?



  17. StewGreen says:

    BTW ITV was super low quality tonight
    It was like they bought a 6 week job lot of material from the Vote Hillary campaign and still have one week to go. It was 10:20 before they mentioned the UK with the Remembrance day.
    Which ironic cos while ITV banged on with anti-Trump stuff “a climate *denier* to head EPA” …the US news media itself seem more interested in Veteran’s Day stuff.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      Yes ITV seem to be competing with BBC and c4 to out-trump them. The 10pm news included several interviews with US Muslims fearful of the consequences. Unfortunately one of the headscarfed creatures mispoke when she claimed that Trump’s supporters were “trying to get their country back”.
      Did she mean that someone had stolen their country? Who could that be? The reporter didn’t ask, perhaps he felt that the answer was obvious to every viewer.


    • GCooper says:

      The use of the word ‘denier’ is very telling. It was deliberately chosen by the far Left activists behind the ‘Man Made Global Warming’ scare to link climate realism to holocaust denial. Its use by news organisations shows you exactly where they get their ideas from.

      No reputable news organisation would use the word ‘denier’.


      • StewGreen says:

        Legally it’s defamation
        Cos Climate Skeptics are not denying any proven fact.
        The word “Climate Denier” is the fallacy of Ad Hom attack of the “poisoning of the wells” type.
        Slinging mud at a politcal opponent instead of dealing with his arguments.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Fortunately the term “Climate Denier” sounds idiotic to a nine year old, but she said she was looking forward to Cycle Proficiency next week, and would I take her to Hull Fair, when next years Global Cooling season starts, we than picked up some conkers on the way back from the Playground, when Global Cooling started to get worse, just before Sun set.


        • Deborah says:

          It has always been cold Hull Fair week which is why the delightful aroma of fried onions linger in the damp air of Walton Street.


  18. Roland Deschain says:

    Being forced to watch Graham Norton now. I think I may have to go and buy some Coldplay stuff for my collection, for daring to go against the flow re Trump.


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Saw that, also. Norton opens the show with a slagging off of Trump whilst sniggering.
      ‘Coldplay’ said that Trump was providing the dispossessed with opportunity. He lives there and should know. Norton froze in horror at this celebrity who dared to speak out…


  19. Lobster says:

    For some strange reason I can’t see any mention of this on the BBC news pages for Birmingham and the Black Country
    It sounds very much like the modus operandi of the “peaceful ones”.


  20. Thoughtful says:

    Terrible waycist video which would end in arrest in Britain


  21. StewGreen says:

    Friday the scheduled 10:30pm edition of Newsnight failed to materialise.
    Thursday nights edition had got a kicking on isthebbcbiased.blog
    (That edition was even worse than described)

    – Wednesday night the extended edition actually ended 10 mins early as if they’d ran out of material ?
    ..Maybe they’ve run out of sneers now ?


    • StewGreen says:

      BTW Reading University boycott U Challenge 18 months after incident
      Last year in a time of technical glitch Paxman made chat : “What’s you mascot doll ?”
      Team : “It’s a Paxman doll”
      Pax : “Do you take it to bed with you?”
      sexist klaxon went off (the team had 1 woman)
      The team lost..theis year the club used the premise to boycott Uni Challenge
      (Pg 21 Thursday Times)

      Also John Mappin the Cornish hotel owner won £100K across all bets on Trump


      • Philip_2 says:

        Ah! well StewGreen that is because we are ‘mere mortals’ and don’t understand the Science! The BBC are concerned that we never learn from the BBC (CBBC) repeats of Tely Tubbies and Telly-soap operas (includes Universty Challnge) and now they have much BIGGER educational project in hand… (From The Times 4/11/16) a cutting excerpt is below:
        ‘BBC aims to create next generation of scientists’ The BBC is to launch its largest science project in a bid to create the next generation of inventors, Lord Hall will say today.’ Key points in article‘’new focus in primary schools’, ‘especially for girls’. Children will be asked what are the effects of clocks being turned back! (Wow!) Henley Business School has learned that ‘we are a great Trading nation’ errh what? Is Lord Haw Haw forgetting entirely what a great public sponger (and train wreck) the BBC actually are (and how little they actually ‘sell’ in programming per capita of public funds). Anyway te BBC says ‘its all about to start in November 2017’ (link below) and then I read further (Lord Hall again) some some waffle about the BBC ‘Micro Bit’ (which is is a collection of idiot flashing lights for bored children with a five minute attention span). (off record: A school happily showed me a large unused box with no intention of using any of it. Thats the value for money Science broadcast by the BBC. University Challenge for the generation snowflake. Seems some way off. Don’t be nasty Paxman or I’’’ scweammm!

        Meanwhile the BBC is serious about Science! The younger they are the better…. Let the BBC educate your children. In a small room. Lights off, TV on and nobody knows anything. Kids: Its called the Saville effect, not suitable for children under the age of 12. The BBC age of consent required. Its BBC Science, – so lets gloss over the past and see what’s in the crystal ball shall we?



        • Richard Pinder says:

          Adult Scientists found out that Scientists at the BBC are mostly scientifically unqualified Environmental Activists.

          I think that the Children will find out that the Scientists at the BBC interested in child education are mostly scientifically unqualified Paedophiles.


          • G says:

            Richard, the BBC competing with Saudi Arabia? No, no, no. I’m sure the BBC are referring to ‘social engineering’ as a science. In that regard, the Saudis will win hands down in helping their spawned, socially engineered students convert the UK to Islam.


        • Guest Who says:

          As I open my morning emails, the in box is full of demands for money from Sierra Club, Mother Jones, etc to ‘fight’ for the preservation of business class fares for their directors.


          Best of luck, chaps.


          • 60022Mallard says:

            Well worth a read.

            The groupthink mentality of those on the jolly to Morocco comes through clearly.


        • 60022Mallard says:

          Did not the BBC run an excellent series many years ago called something like “Young scientist of the year” with Heinz Wolff?

          Unfortunately one can just imagine the projects that would be allowed to be shown nowadays would have to pass the BBC test for “correct” thinking.


        • Grimer says:

          It’s a shame because TV is a fantastic medium for education. I learned a lot as a child from watching the BBC. The trouble is, they build up trust and then throw in some anti-Israel hatred or SJW bollocks.


  22. Nibor says:

    Did Trump make any racist , homophobic or misogynist remarks , pledges or implied endorsement ?
    During the campaign or at other stage in his life ?
    Has he ever been taken to court for any prejudicial action?
    Where or what is there any prima face evidence that he is racist ?
    Just asking .


  23. StewGreen says:

    Guido alerts us that Marine Le Pen is on Marr
    Sunday Morning
    Remember she stood up well to Sackur’s sneering
    …Well made him look like an idiot.


  24. hoohah says:

    Holy moly, I just finished watching Have I Got News For You and the first half was just anti-Trump, anti-Brexit political commentary, not jokes just commentary. 5 people there, 5 people anti-Trump and anti-Brexit, I guess that’s balanced at the BBC – all 5 were on once side so it all balances, if you had one on the other side it wouldn’t balance you’d need 5-5 to balance so 5-0 is balance (I have no idea how they think they get away this I’m just being facetious)


    • Number 7 says:

      You actually watch that crap – border security from Oz is much more entertaining.

      At one time it was quite entertaining/balanced, they must have been leant on by the “hive”.


    • Dave S says:

      This time the BBC really overstepped the mark. WE should all complain and I am writing to my MP about this show. It was the last straw and insulting to us the audience as much as the American people. Hislop in particular needs to be taken down a peg or two. Arrogant and self regarding .


    • Richard Pinder says:

      The BBC is locked into a Groupthink Consensus, were it is Socially unacceptable to disagree with the left-wing establishment on issues such as UKIP, Tory-Brexit Half, The-Labour-Brexit-Ten, Trump, Climate Science and loony Environment Policies, Grammar Schools and Mensas Education for Gifted Children Campaign and the expanding need to censor issues such as the contrast between peaceful and tolerant religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism and violent and intolerant religions such as Socialism, Humanism and Islam.


      • Grimer says:

        It isn’t a case of ‘socially unacceptable’ – they just don’t disagree with the left-wing consensus.


    • Guest Who says:

      HIGNFY epitomises the decline and fail of the BBC.

      Bloated, complacent, lazy, unaccountable and utterly isolated from reality.

      Hislop sneering stage left.

      Merton gurning stage left.

      Useless, hapless pol trying to be funny but so stuck on political dogma all they mange to do is embarrass themselves.

      Easy to see blonde comedienne with a speech impediment snarling about the patriarchy.

      Dopey lefty journalist who says nothing but still gets paid.

      BBC colleague who says things that are utterly inane but bounces up and down on the seat at how clever they are.

      Chair reading out jokes by bitter little writers off the TelePrompTer.

      And an audience enhanced by a laugh track that only has an off and on.

      At least the theme writer is doing ok out of the repeat fees.


      • Wild Bill says:

        HIGNFY used to be one of my favorite progs, but I had to stop watching it long before the EU referendum as it was just constant abuse of Nigel Farage.


        • Heisenberg says:

          Same here Wild Bill. Paul Merton, in particular, used to be a very funny comedian with a keen sense of the ridiculous. Then at some point he became infected with terminal socialism and is now about as funny as whooping cough.


      • Up2snuff says:

        It sounds so bad, GW, that I feel I want to watch it, just to check. Thanks to Lord Hall, famous Peer & Director General, since 1st September last I cannot legally access iPlayer.

        Thank you Lord Hall.

        Thank you famous Peers & Directors General.



  25. foxcote7822 says:

    Here’s a thing. if the BBC have a device to tell what colour skin or what gender voted for Donald Trump, surely they must have a device which tells them who the fuck turns their Tele off when question time becomes too unbearable to watch…


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      The BBC really haven’t got a clue. Trump supporters did not reveal their voting intentions in the polls so they were hardly likely to say who they actually voted for in the exit polls. All this talk of uneducated racist bigots applies only to those who continually rely on false polling to generate agenda driven news items.


  26. Sinniberg says:

    I watched a great video on YouTube tonight where a guy was saying that the MSM are finished due to the rise of “alternative” media i.e the rise of the internet and what we saw during the American election with the MSM being called out and the real truth being spread on Social Media, YouTube and every other outlet on the internet.

    Unfortunately, although they’ve had a kicking, the BBC/MSM still think they’re the world authority on controlling the agenda but I do think the dragon has been slain and is just not going down quietly.

    I’m sick of the continued and relentless Trump attacks on the BBC(nothing less was expected) but something tells me that in the real world nobody is watching anymore…..


    • Grimer says:

      I think they’ll step it up a gear. What else can they do? Nobody in the organisation has any time for ‘common sense’ or even mildly robust policies. They follow the Goebbels doctrine – i.e. always tell a big lie and then people will think there is at least an element of truth to it. It’s worked for a long time, but the internet has broken their grip.

      In the past people that realised the BBC’s game would have been considered a nut or pub bore. There was no way to catalogue to the bias or meet like minded people.

      Not any more…


  27. scribblingscribe says:

    At least 6 of the jihidis who murdered 215 people in Paris last November, were refugees. Many were asylum seekers from Syria.

    20 victims have not been able to leave hospital since that day, because of their injuries. 600 still have to return regularly to hospital for ongoing treatment.

    Nice attacker Mohamed Bouhlel was involved in “No Borders” activism before butchering 85 men, women and children.

    A distraught woman on World At One felt Trump was appalling in wanting to send illegal immigrants ‘back home’. No one challanged her.

    On R5 live Emma Barnett interviewed a French man whose son was murdered at the Bataclan, along with 89 others, with 200 were wounded, some dreadfully. It was an emotional, difficult to listen to interview, experiencing the depths of agony of his loss. Not once did they venture onto the grounds of asking why or who did it.

    Tell me why there shouldn’t be unregulated immigration please, people seem to have forgotten. Trump wants Muslims entering the US to be vetted. Who, other than the BBC, has any serious issue with that necessary and minimal action?


    • Up2snuff says:

      scribbling: “Tell me why there shouldn’t be unregulated immigration please, people seem to have forgotten. Trump wants Muslims entering the US to be vetted. Who, other than the BBC, has any serious issue with that necessary and minimal action?”

      Working backwards, unless something dramatically changed during Obama’s second Term AND contrary to what Hillary Clinton said in her concession speech, entry into the US is one of the most regulated and checked whether for tourism, study, work or permanent migration. If I recall correctly, they are only outdone by Australia, India and probably North Korea and Iran, maybe some other smaller states elsewhere.

      The number of Green Cards (temporary Residence & Work Permit) available to Britons each year numbers in the mid-ten thousands, five for English/Welsh, six for Scots plus, I think, seven for Irish born (may be mis-remembering there); in total – about 20,000 for this part of Europe.

      Why should there not be unregulated immigration? For much of the world there was none until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. What stopped it? Events similar to what happened at the Bataclan last year. Oh, and the First World War, the advent of Communism and the Russian Revolution followed by WW2 and the Cold War did not help either. There are a few events there (there are more since – don’t mention the Global Warming) that the ‘so-called Left’ brought into being or helped along big time.

      Maybe if ‘the Left’ had behaved a LOT better, they – and we – could be enjoying what they claim to want, a world without borders now, that is open to absolutely anyone.

      Instead, they have messed things up big time.


  28. Mr.Golightly says:



  29. Mr.Golightly says:

    Watch Obama and a liberal comedian publicly humiliate Trump in 2011. Look at DT’s face. This is personal. He loathes them all.

    It’s surreal to watch this 2011 video of Obama and Seth Meyers taunting Trump about a presidential run pic.twitter.com/XkZNGmzcUx— Business Insider (@businessinsider) November 9, 2016


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Mr.G – To paraphrase the Farage again:

      “Well, you’re not laughing now; are you?”


      • Mr.Golightly says:

        AS. He who laughs last laughs longest.

        “proverb – don’t rejoice too soon, in case your delight at your own good fortune is premature.”


    • 60022Mallard says:

      That clip is disgusting.

      So much so that I’m amazed the BBC did not put it on a continuous loop somewhere on its website.

      I wonder if DJT mentioned it when he popped in to the White House this week?


  30. Richard Pinder says:

    The “Open Thread” is getting 200 comments every day.

    We now need an “Open Thread” every day, otherwise it could deter the massive expansion of the “Biased BBC” blog site, now that the BBC is having a Brexit-Trump induced mental breakdown.

    So “Saturday Open thread, then at midnight “Sunday Open Thread” etc


    • Flexdream says:

      The site is growing and I’ve noticed several good references to it at order-order.com


  31. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    I think I remember watching Britain’s ‘Old Contemptibles’ marching on Remembrance Day parades when I was young. (Probably you all know Kaiser Wilhelm allegedly referred to the British Expeditionary Force of August-November 1914 as ‘General French’s contemptible little army’. The survivors proudly adopted the insult.)

    Failing to learn from history, Kaiser Hil described half of Trump’s supporters as a ‘basket of deplorables’. This backfired so badly, his supporters have been buying tee-shirts and mugs claiming the name. Apparently you can buy a pendant inscribed: ‘Call me deplorable – Trump 2016’.

    Do you think there are any insults from the British left that we on Biased BBC can adopt? Goodness knows there’s enough of a choice – from Little Englanders to swivel-eyed loons.


    • Lock13 says:

      I’d like a swivel-eyed loon T-Shirt Helena – that would be cool – maybe with Brexit /Trexit 2016 underneath


    • taffman says:

      Helena Hand-Basket
      Try ‘Red Necks’ or how about ‘Populists’?


  32. Lock13 says:

    Charlie and Nana are in mourning -looks like they are struggling to go on. Imagine being wrong about everything, most normal people would do some quiet reflection. Not our BBC relentless crap still trying to store up anti- Trump – four people with a placard go home losers . BBC News Flash for you – Trump will be the next President of the USA , we are leaving the European union oh dear -does it get any worse for you poor little petals. Well yes it will Climate change will fall into the dustbin of history -all those useless windmill monolith’s will stand motionless casting a shadow over the Fracking sites.
    Sterling higher on the exchanges this week , the $ resurgent , Stock markets higher -on and on it goes
    2016 has been a good year


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      And Charlie’s expertise was used to tell a serving police officer how terrible it was that they put ‘spit hoods’ on some of the arrested people to prevent their officers getting gobbed on.
      Methinks Charlie needs a spell on the front line with the boys in blue, instead of his opinions being sucked from the pages of the Grauniad.


      • Lock13 says:

        Yes the other bloke owned him – he really is a weak little dweeb isn’t he – sitting there sucking lemons with a poodle on his head


    • Guest Who says:

      History is punctuated by various ages… enlightenment… innocence…

      It seems that the world now, especially media, has entered that of Age of the Cherryflake, where awareness is defined by morons being informed selectively by morons who report selectively.

      The good part is that, while they still dominate the MSM, they only impact each other’s echo chambers now as… no one else is listening to them.


  33. SupportOurLefty says:

    Morning, friends. I hope I’m managing to keep up with the BBC in sheer levels of hyperbole. It’s not actually that easy …


  34. Tabs says:

    On BBC Breakfast today they were interviewing some IT expert and he talked about algorithms. The interviewers asked him to explain what algorithms are and the expert gave a quick and simple answer in relation to internet search engines but the interviewers, Roger and Naga, decided to talk over him at the same time with their incorrect understanding so they learned nothing from asking the question.

    They then cut to Saturday Kitchen Live to show who is on later. Cut back to the BBC Breakfast studio and Naga says “a food recipe is an algorithm”. Roger thinking he is the smart one replies “but if you had the 3 people cooking the same recipe you could get 3 different results”.

    Not only is the BBC biased but they are also thick as pig’s poo!


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Yes I saw that happen….
      For Charlie Stayt it was, along with Naga who still have no idea what an algorithm is or does.
      Utter morons, and it followed on Charlie telling a police officers association rep how to do his job…
      Oh, and by the way, the IT expert trying to educate the pair of them was there to discuss the headlines, but couldnt discuss the Grauniad front page since he’d promised his daughter not to say the ‘trump’ word on National TV….so…..no bias there then…


  35. taffman says:

    Notice how the media, who are ‘so PC’, (so PC because the actually made up the term and ‘sin’) are frequently using derogatory and pejorative word ‘red necks.


  36. Scroblene says:

    Did I hear correctly this morning, when Dotun Adebayo on R5 Live, slapped down a Washington Post reporter, for mentioning Donald Trump as just ‘Trump’?

    I’m sure I heard Dotun (around 4:00 am couldn’t sleep), repeatedly asking the chap with an unpronounceable name, and unclear, gabbling delivery too, to show some respect to the president-elect and at least call him Mr Trump!

    Good one Dotun, you’re much more loyal to good manners than your counterpart, Rhod Sharp, who was once praised as ‘the best presenter ever’!

    Who by?

    Why, some bloke on The Washington Post that’s who by…

    (I usually listen to RS when I want to get off to sleep sooner as his delivery is often so dry and uninteresting, I lose the will to stay awake)!


  37. seismicboy says:

    On newswatch this morning several correspondents were concerned that the bbc had been biased over the US election and had favoured clinton over trump (quelle surprise) . The news director was adamant that the bbc were blameless in this regard. I suspect he was thinking of his paycheck at the time he had the interview.


    • Tabs says:

      I don’t know why the BBC bother with Newswatch. No matter what the viewer complaint is (usually bias) the BBC spokesperson always says things like “well that proves we are doing a very good job”.


  38. gaxvil says:

    World Service Radio – How gratifying to hear this morning Europeans, especially Germans, telling us that post Brexit we can simply go screw ourselves. Makes me think that all the sacrifice was a waste as after all Germany does rule Europe.


  39. quisquose says:

    Anybody else catch last night’s The Last Leg? It was remorselessly anti-Trump of course.

    Actually it was more than remorseless, because this week we were treated to two episodes.

    But two things stood out for me from last night’s programme:

    1. The host Adam Hills repeating the claims that following the election there were alleged rise in attacks on Latinos, and alleged attacks on women, with alleged gropings using the language of Trump. Alleged this, alleged that. Not a single mention of the actual riots, actual anti-Trump violent, actual anti-democratic protests and actual death threats aimed at Trump. This is just a rerun of the Brexit lies. The script is written, and these so-called satirists don’t actually know how to steer away from the script.

    2. There was a brief moment when Alex Brooker DID steer away from the script. There was a uncomfortable silence from Adam Hills and the audience whilst Alex Brooker briefly made some sensible comments. Such is the groupthink that they (the people who make these programmes and those that happily watch them) can’t cope with any modicum of different views. I did sense that both Alex Brooker and Josh Widdecome were ever so slightly self-aware that they were repeating propaganda.


  40. NISA says:

    Trump U turns already?
    US President-elect Donald Trump has said he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama’s healthcare bill.
    Mr Trump, who has pledged to repeal the 2010 law,

    Didn’t he say he would replace the legislation not just repeal?


    • gaxvil says:

      If you read it’s about general healthcare insurance points about children and pre-existing conditions.


  41. ToobiWan says:

    Just had a black novelist and a white dude on bbbcworldnews discussing Trump’s endorsement by the KKK, brought up by guess who? White dude said you may as well bring up the Knights of St Columba and I bet you don’t even know who they are. “Another extremist group?” Sneered the bbbc hack. White guy shakes head in disbelief and goes on to explain who they are and says that Trump is not a racist, whereupon the black bint spits, “as I white man, you don’t get to define “racist”” Big deal made about Trump’s so called kkk connection but not a peep about Obama’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood.


  42. Beltane says:

    Aren’t we lucky that prestigious organs like the Guardian are always prepared to defend democracy on our behalf? Headlines like ‘Fightback against Trump begins’ can only work to the benefit of world peace and stability so, as ever, we owe a debt of gratitude to the gifted and hard-working team (I originally put hand-working but that must have been a Freudian slip) whose names have become bywords. Hand-in-hand with the BBC, we know that their knowledge, expertise and sound commonsense are helping us to cope and appreciate words like ‘schadenfreude’ at the same time. Thank you so much.


  43. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Can only speak for myself but if I’m in any way representative of a wider sample then the damage they’ve done to themselves in recent months is irreparable.

    They won’t feel it in the short term aftershock, but in the mid to long term their power base is ebbing away.

    I went on an MSM blackout last Sunday and with only one or two exceptions (being somewhere else with a TV on) I’ve stuck to it.

    It is entirely predictable what all of these talking heads and celebrities say – they hate white people, they love black people, they love queers – we get the memo. I wouldn’t need to turn on a programme such as that Adam Hills one, it’s a foregone conclusion what the rhetoric will be.

    And it goes without saying that I will not pay money for any newspaper carrying anti white propaganda or financially contribute to any celebrity who engages in race baiting.

    This isn’t a boycott; it’s a process of complete disengagement from opportunistic sectarian bigots.

    On a lighter note, Christmas will be great fun. They can forget trying to shovel their shitty biographies and DVDs this year.


  44. Tothepoint says:

    And on it goes… Who are these white hating, West despising, mentally ill lunatics actually writing this for?! Who are they trying to convince beyond the already brainwashed sheeple who believe the bullshit they propagate?! How on earth do these guilt rapists still think that using lies and deceit to attack people emotions and humanity is still successful… Considering how epically they have failed with Brexit and King Trump?!?

    Today it’s the turn of a Reichskriminaldirektor in the Al Shabeeb Gestapo, Jenny Hill, who uses the context of a great and sensible headline statement of “Trump’s rude awakening for Germany” to instead offer up her own hate filled, bigoted, fascist personal views on white people and of course the new anti-christ Donald Trump.

    This entire article is a devious, conniving piece of lies, misreporting, and non truth..a complete work of fiction created by persons bigotry and snowflake emotional retardation (if there are any cats around I would advise you to get them out of sight before reading these, as they will get kicked to death…)……

    “A few hours after US President-elect Donald Trump took to the stage to make his acceptance speech, as evening fell in Berlin, small candles were quietly lit and carefully placed in front of aged, stone doorsteps and along the darkening pavements” (setting the scene of peace and tranquillity… I know, devious bastards!!)

    “Berliners were marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht (when Jewish people and their businesses were violently attacked in 1938).
    It was barely noted amid the febrile howl of international reaction to the US election” (This section is clearly designed to push the viewer to connect and attach one of the worst ever moments in the history of mankind with whatever else is going to be stated in the article… It also creates any victims in the article as unchangeable experts… Again, you devious bastards Al Shabeeb!!)

    “Neither was the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which shares the same date.
    But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain, partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll’s reckoning) wanted him in the White House”……Bingo!!!!!! There we go folks!! Donald Trump, the movement that created him, the reasons for voting for him, the intensions of those who voted for him, are the same or at least unintentionally comparable to the slaughter and murder of millions of innocent Jews by Nazi Germany!!!! How disgusting, horrific, and into the gutter will Al Shabeeb go to attack people it disagrees with?!?

    We then have Jenny painting a world that clearly only exists in the minds of crack heads after taking a hit and Al Shabeeb Cultists who are living in a parallel universe, as Caliph Obama is everything pure, Mad Merkel has never done anything wrong ever, and the West is under attack by hordes of far right psychopaths who are slaughtering all none white people in their paths….

    I can’t link the article as I am on my mobile. It’s utterly shocking folks and if it wasn’t for the fact that brexit and Trump have already proven that the majority of people don’t believe this bullshit, I would change race to become Muslim and carry out Allahs instruction on the traitorous, white hating infidels that infest Al Beebistan


  45. Edited Highlights says:

    After a week of leftist mainstream media hysteria about the election of Donald Trump isn’t it good to see a more balanced and impartial view of the US election from the ever so balanced and neutral BBC…….

    ‘Kids asking if they’ll be deported’
    ‘Will Trump Carry out Asia threats’
    ‘Anti-Trump Rally stops Traffic in Miami’
    ‘Trump cartoonist draws Trump Fire’
    ‘Donald Trump’s ongoing Law suits’
    ‘Trump accuser I will speak the truth’
    ‘Are (Trump related) hate crimes spiking’
    ‘Trump Style Revolt For Europe?’ – a revolt is now defined as people exercising their democratic choice
    ‘Five awkward Trump-Obama pictures’
    ‘Trumps rude awakening for Germany’ – complete with glum Angela Merkel pic!
    Trump election ‘may upset US-EU ties’ – yeah it may not. But let’s suggest it will in a very impartial way!
    Will Trump-style revolt engulf Europe?
    “Trump Radio Debate Turns into Bitter Row’

    …….wonder how many BBC ‘journalists’ will be wearing their Trump hats at his inauguration?


    • Tothepoint says:

      “…….wonder how many BBC ‘journalists’ will be wearing their Trump hats at his inauguration?”

      10% (at most) LGBT UK population = 100% pro LGBT within Al Shabeeb Cultists
      20% (at most) none British white in UK = 100% pro none British white and mass immigration within Al Shabeeb Cultists
      10% (at most) Muslim in UK = 100% pro Islam within Al Shabeeb Cultists
      52% of UK population pro Brexit = 0% anti brexit with Al Shabeeb Cultists
      A majority of those Brexit voters will be pro Trump in the UK = 0% pro Trump in UK

      Mandated by law to be impartial, free from political bias and influence, mandated by law to report the news free from agenda, lobbying, to ensure its viewers has unadulterated news for them to make their own judgement……the Islamic Al Beeb have stuck 2 fingers up to their charter and the people who pay their wages and are therefore carrying out criminal activity on a daily basis.

      Wearing a Trump hat? These new age Gestapo would rather wear Trumps severed head


      • Tothepoint says:


        I meant that the Islamic Al Beeb employees are 100% against brexit and utterly hate those who voted for it

        I know you folks will have know what I meant 🙂


  46. thirdoption says:

    After her defeat to Donald Trump, “Hillary Clinton couldn’t stop crying”


    Which is strange because having read the article I couldn’t stop laughing.


  47. scribblingscribe says:

    Revelation for the BBC!


    Stress ‘changes brains of boys and girls differently’

    What? You mean there is a difference in the way that male and female brains work just as scientists have been saying since the 1960s? You mean the BBC, The Guardian, the thicker social scientists, Feminists, left wingers have all been wrong?

    According to the BBC, the report says: “A part of the brain linked to emotions and empathy, called the insula, was found to be particularly small in girls who had suffered trauma.
    But in traumatised boys, the insula was larger than usual.
    This could explain why girls are more likely than boys to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the researchers said.”

    All this has been known for years.

    Had the BBC writer not been a humanities graduate he/she would have known the insular is different in men and women from birth. Thus, leading to the fact women react differently to stress, why women are more likely to suffer from guilt and fear.

    Ah, so that’s why there aren’t so many women near the top. I thought it was because horrible smelly men had built a glass ceiling and spent all their time keeping women down.

    Don’t worry, it’s science, so most BBC staff member’s eyes will glaze over and it will be business as usual tomorrow.


    • Tothepoint says:

      Thanks for that scribblescribe! Now I am completely triggered!!

      I have self identified myself as an apache helicopter, so clearly cannot therefore fall under those evil, patriarchal labels!! How dear the genderphobia Al Shabeeb state such hate speech!!

      I’m off to find a safe space…..#triggered


    • GCooper says:

      It’s an identifying characteristic that when confronted with having to make a choice between a fact and an elegant theory, a Leftist will always choose the theory. The BBC is full of them.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Damn those “hate-facts”.


      • scribblingscribe says:

        Exactly right, GCooper!

        The best example is the lefty nonsense theories in state schools: ‘child led learning’, ‘assertive discipline’, ‘avoid learning by rote to bring out the child’s true spirit’, etc.

        All inflicted on the poor mites dumped in state schools, yet oddly ignored by Grammar and Private schools, the very schools from which most Guardian writers, Labour MPS, BBC producers graduated and to which they send their own Tristan and Isoldes.

        In other words, even when they know the theory is bonkers they still spread it and spew hate on anyone who counters their batty arguments.


  48. Tabs says:

    New Balance trainer wearers bin and burn their shoes over Trump

    New Balance wearers are binning and burning their trainers after the company’s vice president appeared to praise Donald Trump’s trade plans.

    So the BBC have found some utter crap on social media where a few teenage wankers have decided to burn their expensive trainers (that mummy and daddy bought them) because they cannot accept that a very experienced company vice president can agree with Trumps future plans.

    I guess we are never going to see the 52% of American voters celebrating Trump’s win on the BBC?!?


  49. G.W.F. says:

    Hope you have all seen the John Lewis Christmas advert

    Have a look at the Trump the Boxer version