373 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD……

  1. Geoff says:

    For over 30 odd years Sounds of the 60s at 8am on Radio 2 survived without ‘Pause for thought’

    Today we have the first Dermot O’Dreary Saturday Breakfast Show and we have such a feature, OK it was a ‘right on’ female C of E vic today, but with a BBC head of religion from a certain persuasion I think we can see where this feature will be going…

    Bring back Brian Matthew.


    • chrisH says:

      The removal of Brian Matthew will come back to bite them.
      Let them never say again that they give a fig for their audience-no matter HOW successful the show, how loyal the listeners. This was just taken away from us because they could do it without anyone paying the price for being so wilfully stupid as Radio 2s Controller. This is their Tracey Emin/M&S moment-when the good people quietly sidle off and don`t return. As well as make the BBC yet more of a mortal enemy than it is for so many (hitheto neutral) people.
      I myself have gone to Angel FM-and will listen only to selected pals like Liza, Ken and Steve…but perpetually on probation seeing as how their employers treated Tony( yet there he is back on Radio 2!…bizarre!).
      Hope to recruit Brians Silent Army to wreak havoc in due course!


  2. Foscari says:

    I have seen the video clip on The ” Mirror” website of the “intruders” entering the BBC.
    I expect they just said at the gate that they had to go to the positive discrimination and diversity department for interviews about being the next generation presenters and reporters.


    • G.W.F. says:

      There are probably many youngsters entering the BBC by invitation for various Savillesque activities.


  3. Lurkio says:

    So the Twitterati get triggered by someone called ‘Brie Larson’ showing a bit too much flesh on ‘The One Show’ 01/03/02, yet somehow a sweeping statement on the same programme by Anita Rani seems to pass muster.

    There’s an item on worker’s rights in the 1970’s (begins approx 15:55). Interesting and potentially insightful, I thought. And then, oh dear (approx 17:30):

    “I mean we’re talking about the 1970s, a migrant woman, in a racist Britain…”.

    It would, of course, be wrong to claim there was no racism in Britain at that time. But, really? ‘a racist Britain’?

    More inciting than insightful, I fear.


    • Cranmer says:

      We are always being told how racist Britain is. But has the BBC ever shown, either in real life or fiction, any immigrants who have actually gone BACK to their countries because of said racism? If it’s so bad, why do they stay here?


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Solid post Cranmer.

        Why is it also the case that EU nationals are still pouring into our country (since the Brexit vote) and very few of the ones who are already here have left either, whilst “some might say” there has been such a huge increase in “hate” towards them here in the UK?

        If that were true, this should be the last place they’d want to come and the ones who are here now would be performing a Brexit of their own to get back to the safety of their homelands.


  4. Doublethinker says:

    In the Telegraph this morning there is a piece by Charles Moore about the Lefts take over of academia. He does point out that this has been going on for years but he is way too late to make any difference. Nor does he mention that the judiciary, the civil service, local government , the arts and of course the media , have all fallen to the left over the past decades. He also fails to mention that one of the key assets that the left have had in this ‘ revolution’ has been the BBC. Without the state funded broadcaster the left would have found it much more difficult to achieve dominance in all of these fields. It has been much lamented by people on this site that the conservatives allowed the BBC to propagandise on behalf of the left for the past 30 years and more. Lady T was the last PM to have the chance of dealing with the BBC but she didn’t take it, one of her few errors. So entrenched is the left in all our institutions that they are able to resist and control the democratic process. Brexit being a rare example of them losing control and look how hard they are resisting the will of the people. Once again the BBC is key in controlling the people so the left will never voluntarily allow the corporation to be cut down to size. Getting rid of the BBC is going to be as tough as getting rid of dried on cow shit from your car when you wash it.


    • chrisH says:

      Never as bad as we think Doublethinker.
      The Lackademia report by the Adam Smith Institute gives the raw data-such as it is.
      Don`t worry. Your analysis is correct, but the youngsters of Britain, their Bantz lads and those of independent mind, have been steeled by Brexit-and know full well what their idiot lugs in Higher Ed have turned into.
      This coming generation will be VERY good-the REAL parents of this nation in the tough places have been telling them the REAL state of the Nation-indeed, most of them live in it-and with its fallout.
      Trump Clubs are setting up-and you might say that the “Futures Bright-and the Futures Orange!”.
      Forget the snowflakes and the BBC-the new lot will sweep them away-all we have to do is teach them, back them and be as funny as they are-and we here at this site are bloody funny!


      • Doublethinker says:

        Chris I do hope that you are right. But I note that yesterday the PM mentioned the BBC amongst a list of the greatest achievements of the UK. This is at least the second time I have heard her say this. It might have been true upto say the sixties but certainly not for the period since then. She had no need to mention the hated corporation in this list . So She must either really believe it to be so , which I find incredible, or she is trying to curry favour with the BBC. Imagine the Prime Minister of the UK trying to curry favour with the BBC. Not only is it a completely vain hope it actually makes the BBC stronger and increases their belief that they can hold the democratically elected government to ransom. Why she would feel the BBC would support her on Brexit , or the Scottish Question or on her domestic agenda , is beyond me. The BBC will seek to undermine her on Brexit and on her domestic agenda at every opportunity and the best can expect on the Scottish agenda is neutrality. If she wants to govern this country in the best interests of everyone she needs to rid us of the BBC as a first step.


        • chrisH says:

          Basing my views on the nature and the kids that I find myself teaching round here. From Primary to College-there are now good numbers of kids whose views on trans, Trump and Brexit are EXACTLY the opposite of their worn-out, tattooed thickies, their Guardian-reading, charity- cake monkeys who deliver Obamaturds and Toynbees tapeworms-as opposed to teaching stuff, as the private sector are wont to do.
          These fiction factories and fizz emporiums are bloody funny-and the lid is off.
          As for May-well, she`s not a got a clue-and she`1l only win the election if we get a Brexit that will make the leftiscum HOWL-accept no other way to measure our success.
          And crap though she is-she seems an ideal politician in that she will get a landslide if she does what we`re wanting. If she wants the Lords and the BBC on her side-well she`1l be Suttee Show material like the Remainiax!


        • Beltane says:

          I fear it is time we accepted the fact that the BBC reflects government policy, in the sense of a national direction, whatever party happens to be in power. If this were not so our present politicians could easily have made radical changes over the years since 2011 – the fact that they have not done so, or even attempted to readjust the ‘balance’ of output should tell us all we need to know, however unpalatable.
          The establishment and acceptance of a multicultural society has been the aim of most western nations since the end of WW2, we just happen to have had a greater reservoir from which to draw – as compared, until recently, to Germany’s predominantly Turkish immigrant population and France’s Algerian, for instance.
          The BBC in fact are doing the government’s dirty work for them, by forcing a gradual and inexorable acceptance of non-white, non-Christian presenters etc simply by degree of exposure. Just like lies becoming truths by repetition, so our khaki society slowly but surely becomes reality. The only viable alternative is mass insurrection – and that fear is what motivates today’s politicians.


          • Doublethinker says:

            I am torn between your view and Chris’s . I fear you are correct but I hope that Chris’s optimistic view turns out to be right in the long run. Stepping back from the fray for a moment, I just can’t understand why right across the West , triumphant from the defeat of communism in the Cold War, politicians decided , contrary to the wishes of their own people,to promote multiculturalism and mass migration. This was unquestionably a strategy that would lead to extreme tensions and probably worse in the host countries. Why even think of inflicting this on your own people your own voters? Yet even as late as last year , with loads of evidence that showed all the fears were correct, Merkel does the very same thing when she had no need to. There is something very wrong, very sinister at work here and has been for decades. The whole of the West is being destroyed for reasons I can’t even begin to understand.


          • Beltane says:

            Taking this a stage further, though I’m sure they would be mortified by the suggestion, it means that the perpetual exposure of such non-entities as Toynbee, Mason, Jones, Alibhai-Brown and all the other BBC regulars, is quite simply insignificant, their opinions really do not matter. Any government worthy of the name would surely question and seek to redress the fact that 90% of BBC political commentators write for the Guardian, but in fact the politicians don’t, and the paper’s risible circulation simply continues to play to a miniscule gallery promoting equally risible opinions. In effect, their degree of self-importance is encouraged, because it is so shallow as to be meaningless. Shame, but there it is. Sorry Polly.
            Since the vast majority are watching cookery, antique valuation or house buying anyway, the BBC literati are preaching to the their own overblown winds, and unwittingly toe the government line in the process.


            • chrisH says:

              You`re quite right Beltane.
              NOBODY but me in my circle bother their arses with what Today, Newsnight or Any Questions do or say.
              Nor do I-but I like to see what the NHS Trusts, Councils and Education Chiefs marinade their pickled gherkins in. Makes me laugh ” defeat your enemy by listening to his songs”.
              As if the transmission has been cut between engine and wheels, so they`re destined to play forever at a dummy dashboard, coasting over the cliff. Floppy Gear Syndrome.
              So I`m pretty sanguine-we`ve lived through all the cultural turns and inflexions. These are yesterdays people reading yesterdays runes.
              95-99% of people would much rather be “liked” than be “right”-and it`s this bunch of wind sniffers who let the BBC reign, let Bercow sit on his woolsack, let Vaz get his gun greased. But Trump and Farage are part of “The 1%”-as indeed are a few others including a fair few on this site and beyond.
              As I say-comedy plus internet plus accounts and a Bible…and a few years in the liberal saltmines-ought to do it. Stay strong my friends.


              • Beltane says:

                As you say chrisH, with your usual insight, ‘yesterdays people reading yesterdays runes’ and the band plays on…
                And yet, of course, the nigger in the woodpile – a phrase I feel sure you will excuse – is Islam. That’s the factor that simply wasn’t taken into consideration when all the masterplans were hatched, by Benn and Crosland among others, and our Brave New World was ushered in, to the tune of that same band, on an unsuspecting populace. And perhaps the ultimate irony of our car-dependant, entertainment-based culture, is that Saudi oil money has financed and created the nightmare that awaits, deliberately, with malice aforethought, and those same BBC ‘gurus’ and the CofE have helped to ensure its unopposed acceptance. History is already shaking her head in disbelief.


        • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

          I’ve seen that the BBC regard chopsticks as racist so how can someone be allowed to use the word ‘curry’.
          This word is clearly also racist and all the snowflakes will now be running off to their safe places to have a right good cry.
          You can’t use words like that Doublethinker.


          • Doublethinker says:

            I refuse to apologise. Anyway any snowflakes that do venture into this sanctuary for free speech , and there will be very few, will have had several fits of the vapours well before they reached page 2 and are probably bed blocking in the NHS by now.


        • G.W.F. says:

          I see it slightly different. The PM is a BBC puppet who owes her place to them. Hence her praise of the BBC her failure to whimper about their bias, their anti US hostility, and support for the Islamification of Europe. She has given them a free ride over their charter, a promise to allow increases in Licence fees and even access to homes for their licence collecting thugs. Regarding Trump, she stood by whilst Laura Keenseberg went out of her way to offend him, and on at least two ocasions agreed with a BBC hack that Trump was horribly sexist. She has conceded to BBC inspired street thugs that Trump’s visit will be postponed Adhering to the BBC policy for Europe she has refused to meet Marine Le Pen and has continues to snuggle up to Merkel. As for Brexit she is the perfect BBC stooge, proclaiming support for Brexit in speeches, but in practice delay’s and engineered defeats in the court and the Lords. Should we ever reach a final stage of Brexit negotiations our BBC girl will ensure that it involves very little change from our Brussels dominated political system and further Islamisation of Europe – note her support for sharia, another BBC tune. A traitor which historians in the US will acknowledge when we are finished.


          • Doublethinker says:

            You may well be right. I think the ‘meaningful vote’ amendment to the article 50 bill will be a pointer re the true attitude to Brexit of the government. If the government concedes that Parliament can vote down the deal at the end of the negotiations then in effect Brexit is lost. The language used about what this amendment actually means may well be so slippery that us normal ordinary folks won’t really know what is going on. So I am taking my lead from the reaction of the likes of backbench long term Brexiteers MPs such as Peter Bone, John Redwood et al. If they are content then Brexit is still afloat , if they kick up a fuss then Brexit is lost. Then the establishment will have succeeded in overturning the democratic result of the referendum. But they may have done it such a way that the people don’t understand what has taken place and that their votes have counted for nothing. Imagine if the people realised that they had been subverted , that democracy in the UK was worthless, very fertile ground for UKIP .


  5. BRISSLES says:

    …So the Twitterati get triggered by someone called ‘Brie Larson’ showing a bit too much flesh on ‘The One Show’ 01/03/02….

    I didn’t see the ‘offending’ flesh, but with all the screams of outrage and unacceptability recently by the Twatterati, the Islamic ‘covering-up’ Fashion Show, and the general promotion of Islam, I’m wondering if this is not another subliminal tactic by Twitter in making Islam more acceptable ! They’re spreading like fleas across the Continent, so the next pincer movement is to take over social media for complete occupation. Sadiq Khan has already opposed the lingerie ads on the London Underground, – a little drip (figuratively speaking) soon turns into a flood.


  6. nogginator says:

    Caught this this morning, there is a big money fight tonight on BBC/Sky etc PVV
    heavyweight headlining T Bellew v D Haye, (mentioned as a thriller grudge fight by the BBC).
    To be honest, I ve been very dismayed at the recent PVVs with Joshua in particular
    his opponents sheesh! (we used to call them Mexican road sweepers in the early 70s)and their condition was (to be kind) poor.
    Haye always in condition, but his last two (non) opponents? he hasn t had a real competitive fight for 5 yrs.
    his opponent tonight looked like he was in prime condition … to dance at “Funny Girl” in Blackpool,(maybe there are iron abs somewhere, and shoulders of steel)

    and I know heavyweights “carry the timber” but normally with good condition
    all I can say is, that I wouldn t pay for this, maybe they should stick to the “handbags” I saw on the news last night.
    I hope its not another bell goes/pick up cheque/thank you and goodnight type palava.


    • nogginator says:

      Am I the only person to think that boxing, has gone more and more like WWE, The “handbags”, the threats, the villainy, one guy a uni-dexter for 5 rounds.
      But that said definitely congratulations to T Bellew for the win and the entertainment
      … the best tussle between a scouser and someone with one leg since Paul McCartney and Heather Mills divorce settlement.

      Only joking! as I recall


  7. Razza94 says:

    The BBC are trying to compare the Jeff Sessions situation with Watergate:


    Which is a very real stretch, and bordering on a smear against the Trump administration. It’s clearly nowhere near as serious as Watergate, although there’s no doubt that the BBC wished it was.

    The BBC would love Trump to be impeached, but they should be careful what they wish for. Trump has an excellent insurance policy,Mike Pence. If he had to take over, then we’d see some real liberal tears.


  8. StewGreen says:

    #ThingsBbcOmit: R4 FooC tells us that Kenyan villagers are suffering terribly due to Maize Blight.
    Narrative Construction : ‘think of the children’
    Explanation given: ‘nasty market traders sell disease resistant seeds which are really normal seeds’
    Fact omitted “Kenya: MPs uphold ban on genetically modified products amid protests https://www.standardmedia.co.ke 1 Dec 2016
    – A ban on genetically modified products should not be lifted”
    That’s cos our Greenpeace & EU friends have convinced Africans are better off starving than eating GMOs which have safely been eaten in North/Central America for 20 years.


    Now they are talking about the subsidised STEAM trains still running in clean East Germany


  9. Oldspeaker says:

    That pesky Chris Pinto is at it again, some interesting observations surrounding Islamaphobia that you won’t hear the mainstream church making. Obviously the Christian content will not be to everyones taste so listener discretion is advised.


  10. StewGreen says:

    R4 News now reporting the fake narrative that “blue light from phones & tablets mimic the sun so causes children sleep problems”

    Em that hypothesis does NOT show up in Robust scientific studies.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Stew, you would think that an organisation with a load of trained cameramen and camerawomen would know that dawn & dusk ‘wake up light’ and ‘still enough light for work light’ is warm coloured, not blue.

      More waste of £145.50 a year!


  11. StewGreen says:

    Has there ever been any bigger BBC FakeNews than
    “@JonnyDymond’s nothing ever happened in Sweden claim” ??

    ” is plain false. There have been IS attacks* & foiled plots**

    * One AfAIK
    ** http://www.thelocal.se/20140903/two-terror-plots-stopped-in-sweden
    *** Are there disproportionate number of Swedish Jidadis ?
    Yes according to Bbc “. More than 300 people have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq, making Sweden per capita one of the biggest exporters of jihadists in Europe.” Oct 2016


  12. peterthegreat says:

    ‘Blonde’ asks, ‘What will it take for Europeans to push back? 60,000 dead in a stadium attack?
    Famous casualties, such as Royals?


    • gaxvil says:

      Indeed, the longer it goes unchallenged, when we do reach the point of ‘push back’ it will be an uprising of the indigenous populations and it will be bloody. By then we may be the minority and the ‘terrorists’?


  13. G says:

    Islamic madness in France intensifies – a blueprint for the rest of Europe and the UK. –


  14. NISA says:

    Incredible! The BBC are usually all over Trump’s tweets. Strangely silent so far, majoring on Pence’s email server inadequacies when governor of Indiana – worse that email security shortcomings of US’s foreign secretary, dontcha know!.
    Meanwhile Trump says Obama wiretapped Trump Towers during election campaign – that is certainly a “gate” type scandal.

    UPDATE: BBC pick up on tweets 2 hours late, whilst I posted above message. BBC still devote most of article to Trump’s team’s perceived Russian contacts


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Now they’re on it:

      Including this:
      “Mr Trump has been reeling from accusations of links between his campaign team and Russia…”

      Reeling? You wish, Auntie.


      • chrisH says:

        Reeling as in Jimmy Shand more like!
        The liberal media are splenetic-off their rockers in fact. Just need to get out of Libworld to see what a joke the media now are.
        Basically-it`s either “Fake news” or “false news”.
        Oh-and no news when it comes to Paris or Sweden, Germany or the Scottish socialist shambles slowly dying as we speak.
        One straw in the wind-even the Libscum are loath to push the Le Pen/finances and immunity from prosecution souffle they`ve been working on.
        Maybe they`re getting to know that the more they affect to deny Marine-the more certain her victory. Bet Macron and Soros are soft-pedalling on this story.
        Now is that fake, false or funk…fearful even?


  15. BRISSLES says:

    Blonde is spot on in her assertion that it has to take more than us grumbling about the potential Islamification of our countries; inasmuch that it will take a catastrophic number of deaths – or famous deaths for any uprising to take place. The spasmodic terror attacks are vilified at the time, but are soon forgotten and everything returns to ‘normal’. Only a huge wake-up call like a mass attack will anything ever be done.


    • Wild Bill says:

      We in Europe or even the USA are due another big Islam attack soon,and as usual we will expect someone to sit up and take notice, but nothing much will be done.


      • BRISSLES says:

        So true Wild Bill. There will be the usual platitudes of ‘outrage’ and the normal favourite of newscasters… ‘worldwide condemnation’, and ‘lessons to be learned’, but in reality IS could co-ordinate bombings in every capital of Europe, say at Easter, and by Christmas won’t feature in the News at all ! In essence Europe is just waiting to be occupied (again) !


        • Oaknash says:

          Bill and Brissles – I sometimes wonder whether there has been an active policy decision by some of our more excitable enrichers not to attack the UK significantly at this particular time.

          I believe that this could be due to

          1 Not to start too many wars on too many fronts until you have sufficient forces in place. These are currently doing very well in the Central and Northern European theatre of Operations with Merkel allowing plenty or re-inforcements and supplies to enter via the med

          2 It is in their interests to have an area (close to the current theatre of operations) Where some of the local staff officers can help plan the campaign in relative peace.

          If they upset us dhimmis too much in the UK we may become less welcoming to the likes of Generalfeldmarschall Choudry and indeed the likes of Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment Lord Hall Hall and Propaganda gruppenfuhrer Shami Chakrabarti would find it awkward to be so positive about Generalfeldmarschall Choudrys campaign and may even start ask the MCB difficult questions like = Do you like Lemon Drizzle cake ?

          I am afraid that I do not believe that all these terrorist plots have been thwarted as it would be physically impossible now to monitor the large numbers of radical Jihadis currently active in this country.
          I suppose however if you include the recent stunning victory the Cambridshire Constabulory achieved against the right wing menace of Tommy Robinson and his radicalised children who threatened Cambridge city centre and the jailing and subsequent death (in prison) of the Phantom Bacon percher our security forces are actually doing quite well in protecting us from terrorists.

          I suspect we are more likely to currently be in a “phony war” situation. Our time will come not not before The Central German/European front has been conquered.


  16. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Here’s a good little indoctrination study. Berkeley College. ISIS Vs Israeli flag.


  17. JonT says:

    Interesting observation from the Al Jahom blog on last nights Mastermind Final:



    • Deborah says:

      The stitching up on Mastermind is most obvious in the ‘celebrity’ programmes ie young black men (and David Lammy) get easy questions. I now watch the quiz only occasionally and I think that is why I have noticed this fixing always happens. If someone is really sinking ie have very few questions right and will never win, the questions get easier. If an old white man is doing very well he gets questions on pop music or sport but so will the young black guy. I remember many years ago hearing that if contestants had long questions in the first round then they had shorter questions in the general knowledge. Now, it is just if your racial and gender profiling fit the BBC agenda, you will get more questions, so have a better chance of getting more right.
      Not so long ago someone on this site who knew an engineer or such like, posted that the BBC leaves nothing to chance. From Strictly, to Bake Off, to Mastermind, it is increasingly true. But I assume it also applies to every other programme the BBC makes, from its news programmes to it drama, the choice of who appears on Any Answers; the BBC ensures it fits their agenda.


      • Old Goat says:

        Of course – they are only interested in their own survival, and subservience to their masters.


    • Charlie Martel says:

      It’s a fix, EVERYTHING is a fix.

      Nadiya was planned and groomed from the start.

      Still I suppose it makes a change from them grooming us.


  18. NISA says:

    If the MSM were truly non-partisan they should now be up in arms about being played for suckers by the Democratic Party. It turns out now that one of Sessions’s meetings with the Russian ambassador had been set up by Obama’s State Department. But the BBC & others, having gone to DEFCON2 over the initial claims, are not bringing the undermining of the case to the attention of their audience


  19. Oldspeaker says:

    As well as the fake news I’ve noticed an increase in basic sentence structure errors on the BBC news site, for example http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39166130

    “Officers did a background check on the builder and which uncovered suspicious activity and he was arrested.” And which?

    Pretty much at Mail online standards.


    • chrisH says:

      The BBC seem intent on leading us all into a post-grammar world. Where language mangling will be seen to be “inclusive” and “a wish to check educational privilege at the door”…innit bruv?


  20. Thoughtful says:

    BBC Radio 4 Wimmins hour is championing the ‘day without wimmin’ ‘strike’ Which will hopefully see many snowflakes sacked, however this is the truth behind the people organising the march championed by the BBC:


    The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for groceries. She spent 10 years in prison for her crimes. She then managed to become a US citizen in 2004 by lying about her past (great detective work, INS: Next time, use Google) but was subsequently convicted, in 2014, of immigration fraud for the falsehoods.

    Angela Davis, is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers. Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.

    A third co-author, Tithi Bhattacharya, praised Maoism in an essay for the International Socialist Review, noting that Maoists are “on the terrorist list of the US State Department, Canada, and the European Union,” which she called an indication that “Maoists are back in the news and by all accounts they are fighting against all the right people.” You know you’re dealing with extremism when someone admits to hating Canada.

    According to The Guardian piece, women should spend their day “blocking roads, bridges, and squares, abstaining from domestic, care and sex work” and “boycotting” pro-Trump businesses. Also every woman is supposed to wear red in solidarity.

    It sounds just the kind of thing the BBC will be celebrating, and we can only hope that output on March 8th will consist of males only !


  21. Thoughtful says:

    BBC Radio 4 Wimmins hour is championing the ‘day without wimmin’ ‘strike’ Which will hopefully see many snowflakes sacked, however this is the truth behind the people organising the march championed by the BBC:


    The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. Odeh, a Palestinian, was convicted in Israel in 1970 for her part in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students while they were shopping for groceries. She spent 10 years in prison for her crimes. She then managed to become a US citizen in 2004 by lying about her past (great detective work, INS: Next time, use Google) but was subsequently convicted, in 2014, of immigration fraud for the falsehoods.

    Angela Davis, is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers. Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.

    A third co-author, Tithi Bhattacharya, praised Maoism in an essay for the International Socialist Review, noting that Maoists are “on the terrorist list of the US State Department, Canada, and the European Union,” which she called an indication that “Maoists are back in the news and by all accounts they are fighting against all the right people.” You know you’re dealing with extremism when someone admits to hating Canada.

    According to The Guardian piece, women should spend their day “blocking roads, bridges, and squares, abstaining from domestic, care and sex work” and “boycotting” pro-Trump businesses. Also every woman is supposed to wear red in solidarity.

    It sounds just the kind of thing the BBC will be celebrating, and we can only hope that output on March 8th will consist of males only !


    • chrisH says:

      Great posts above from our “Deep Thinkers”.
      Yet even when I think I`m flying and so clever-all it takes is an article like Thoughtfuls above re the coming “womens march”.
      And I end up at the feet of bloody Daniel Greenfield and his magnificent “Sultn Knish” site-a steer from one of our tribe here way back changes lives and all that.

      “This Culture War We`re In”-he seems to have endless takes on this-all brilliant.


  22. Charlie Martel says:

    More truth you won’t see on Al-Beebeera any time soon, below.
    Will the Blind-eye Corporation retract or recant their own lamentable nothing-happened-here ‘reporting’ from Sweden? Will they ‘eck.
    “Quick, give ’em more Nadiya.”




  23. chrisH says:

    Got to say that this is far better than anything I`ve seen on the BBC recently. Yes, a few cliches-but most of it is very plausible.


    • G.W.F. says:


      Agree, But the cop at the very end gave the Government/BBC position – 95% of Muslims want to integrate and not be influenced by these extremists.

      Having said that the programme was accurate on the prison conditions. Note also how the terrorist threatened the guard’s family. In a sane world he would have been held for a very serious crime indeed, but the guard just obeyed him


      • MartinW says:

        It is rather difficult to reconcile the 95% with the recent survey finding that 40% of muslims currently residing in Britain wish this country to adopt sharia law. I don’t think the latter could be construed as ‘wishing to integrate’.


  24. Jeff says:

    British journalist, Katie Hopkins was interviewed by Tucker Carlson for Fox News the other evening. My apologies if you’ve already discussed this and I’m going over old ground; but at my age…
    The industrious and brave Katie had been out to Sweden to investigate if there might just be any truth in Donald Trump’s wild assertions (BBC) that the country was in a dreadful state due to mass Muslim immigration.
    What she discovered shocked even me and that takes some doing these days.
    She visited some of the high immigrant areas and spoke to women who were too afraid to go out at night. She told of a grenade being placed in a bin next door to a police station and was reprimanded for “politicising” the event.
    She talked to a woman whose home had been broken into and whose car had been torched.
    However, the most startling aspect of this ghastly manifestation of multi-culturalism, as far as I am concerned, was the response of the feminists. They have become as bad, if not worse, than the third world retards who are creating this havoc. The (so called) feminists accuse anyone who makes a complaint against one of our bearded brethren of being racist. Women who go to the authorities accusing, let’s say a Muslim for sake of argument, find themselves being berated, bullied and attacked by the sisterhood. It would appear that they are so in thrall to multi-culturalism that any dissenting voice has to be silenced.
    What she unearthed in a very short time would never find its way on to the BBC. They’re far happier replaying Johnny Dymond’s chortling put down of President Trump. “It’s Sweden. Nothing happened today, nothing happened yeasterday.”
    And there’s nothing being reported on the BBC.
    What a surprise…


    • Charlie Martel says:

      Shame, used to be a lovely country with lovely people.


    • G.W.F. says:


      The feminists and Islam are firmly united. The women’s March on Washington was led by a Muslim jihadist women who has openly argued for sharia. The next one is jointly led by a former Palestinian terrorist who served a sentence for participating in a murder of Isreali students.


      • StewGreen says:

        Seems : Femi-nazis + Musi-nazis are united by having the same common enemy RATIONAL PEOPLE who won’t put up with their crap.
        Other gullible people are not seen as enemies cos they let them get away with bad behaviour and even kowtow.


  25. gaxvil says:

    Over on Fox nothing to report apart from:-
    French teacher suspended for reading Bible to class.
    Pictures of Schumer and Pelosi meeting with Russians.
    Trump phones tapped by Obama prior to election.
    Merkel in Egypt to stem migrant flow.
    Czechs battle EU to retain right to bare arms.


    • StewGreen says:

      @gaxvil spello “bear arms”
      .. No one battles for the right to bare arms, unless they really want to show their tattoos.


  26. carterdaniel says:

    An honest decent man. The type of man the BBc sneer at.


    • StewGreen says:

      First rule of crime reporting
      “Think about the victims first”
      … Something BBC/MSM have forgotten with Rotherham and now Sweden


    • Lucy Pevensey says:


      Re Mr Shaw, That’s heartbreaking. Those… people? [Democrats] giving the thumbs down to the Pres. So they have no regard at all for that boy’s life? Or any other potential victim of illegal immigrant crime? Do they want to just let anyone into their country to do anything they like no questions asked? Liberals really are crazy. This is another example of that leftist double standard. They should be ashamed. They don’t even try to hide that they believe that man deserved to lose his son because he thinks differently from them. To their minds the illegals have more rights than he does. These people are like a different species.


  27. StewGreen says:

    #FakeNews in Facebook + newspapers Feb17, but not BBC
    “Contactless bus scam. Guy can brush machine against your pocket to steal”
    Hmm. I don’t believe cos is breaks the “too wow to be true” rule

    I checked : On Feb18 Tech Radar had a debunk
    Point is wouldn’t work, cos machine transactions are 100% tracked, so a scammer wouldn’t be able to withdraw money from the machines account.
    – Express, Mail and even Telegraph carried original story


  28. Al Shubtill says:

    Obummer apparently has a book deal worth $60,000,000 – WTF!


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      I hope he’s got some great golfing anecdotes for that kind of money.


      • Guest Who says:

        He should title it ‘Lines in the sand’.

        No chapter on Benghazi though.

        Still, guaranteed an order for 20,000 on the licence fee payer.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Will the great one give some more tips on how to cook and eat dogs and grasshoppers, as he did in Dreams of My Father?

          Nadiya might be interested to try a few out.



    • Scroblene says:

      Al, I recently was sent a copy of an email, apparently from the US, which stated that there’s nobody at Columbia University, who can ever recall seeing Obama there, and also that there’s no evidence that he was ever called to the bar!

      I really don’t know if this is just some manic comment being made up, or if it’s true, but the message did say that there’s absolutely nothing on record about his early years! Others here may have seen it!

      So it’ll be a funny book, starting a year before the presidential election all those years ago…


  29. Chilleden says:

    Someone mentioned recently on this thread how More or Less, the brilliant programme about statistics on Radio 4, has gone all SJW. It has and it is so annoying. Last week we heard about how sexual assault is not really a problem in Sweden; this week it is about the ‘gender pay gap’ in Hollywood. Can’t they just leave their politics out of it? Otherwise every story follows the same
    victim narrative which is so annoying.

    Apparently the top women stars were paid less than men. That is fair enough – maybe that is a problem, but I still have limited sympathy for any woman who is earning over £30 million a year, and it takes some gall to still complain men are paid more. I am sure male models earn nothing like what female models do, but that would not fit the PC narrative.

    The presenter then does an analysis of how many lines in films are said by women, people of colour and people with disabilities; they actually did a detailed analysis of Hollywood films and came up with a percentage of lines spoken by their victim groups and said that needed to improve! It is beyond parody. Who gives a shit? Should not aesthetics be all that matters? Is anyone in a wheelchair realty crying themselves to sleep because there has never been a character in a wheel chair in the Godfather? Who cares what colour people’s skin is? We all loved the Fresh Prince when we were growing up and you never thought twice about all the characters being black.

    I really am sick to death of this relentless cultural Marxism. It has infected everything. Can’t they just let us get on with things and trust we will work it out ok, rather than this constant whining about ‘diversity’ and all minorities needing to be proportionally represented in everything? We just had a black President, far God’s sake, and all the political leaders on our island are women. Every boy’s dream is to be a footballer; and you must be ten times more likely to achieve that if you are born black – a miracle unimaginable decades ago. All my Asian classmates from school are now doctors earning six figures. We neber hear anything positive about how far we have moved forward in terms of racism and inclusion. Nobody is racist anymore. We will never hear anything positive about it from the Beeb though.

    Writers should just seek to entertain; they should not have to worry about how ‘diverse’ their script is. The reality is that men and women are different and perhaps male propensities are often more engaging for writers. You are six times more likely to be in prison or commit a crime if you are a man, and crime makes for great drama. And people probably do not want female super heroes.

    It is all a house built on sand, as men and women are not the same and all cultures are not equal.

    Sorry, rant over.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      No need to apologise for your “rant”. It sounds perfectly true to me.
      My theory is that for the last 50 or so years an industry has developed which seeks to remedy perceived injustices. This is epitomised by the hypocritical social justice warriors, the fake diversity preachers and the politically correct cultural marxists.
      I have watched over my lifetime as Britain has been transformed from an inward looking patriarchal xenophobic society to one where all forms of culture are supported and celebrated, where all minorities have abundant rights, and where the welfare state ensures no-one need go hungry, need shelter or lack medical treatment.
      A couple of personal illustrations. A child of mine married a woman of Pakistani origin and a niece married a man of West Indian origin. No ostracism or stigma resulted, whereas in the 1950s all hell would have broken loose.
      An example from my employment in a local authority. There was an obsession with diversity in the work force and how it had to match the diversity of the local population. You would not believe the amount of time and effort that was spent monitoring these figures and attempting to work out ways to achieve the correct quotas.
      I’m sure anyone over the age of 50 would have many similar experiences that show up the false claims about Britain for what they are.
      And yet, we have a never ending clamour that “more needs to be done” to improve society for those who are oppressed. A never ending increase in the human and financial resources being applied to correct these perceived problems.
      Another poster recently reported on the apparent disconnect between actual air pollution levels which have fallen dramatically since 1970, and the ramping up of anti diesel rhetoric. The green lobby protests that nevertheless there are pollution hot spots that are a threat to health.
      When will it all stop? When will life be good enough? When will any do-gooder concede that he has done sufficient good and can retire and do something more productive?
      I believe that a significant proportion of the population earns its living from magnifying these issues and conceiving ways to put them right. They therefore have a monetary vested interest in maintaining their myths and will use any means at their disposal to do so. Including of course their version of fake news, ably supplied by the principal purveyor, the BBC.


    • RJ says:

      “this week it is about the ‘gender pay gap’ in Hollywood.”

      Chilleden, I might have to do some research on this, but I’m sure that in “adult” films the actresses get paid more than the actors.


  30. NISA says:

    BBC headline Trump urged to back up claims his phones were tapped by Obama.
    The BBC news reports are going on to suggest that POTUS is no better informed than by articles in Breitbart and by Louise Mensch. If that is the case, then it looks like I have backed the wrong horse again.


    • RJ says:

      “The BBC news reports are going on to suggest that POTUS is no better informed than by articles in Breitbart and by Louise Mensch. If that is the case, then it looks like I have backed the wrong horse again.”

      NISA, you believe a BBC report about Donald Trump?

      He now has his people in key positions and they’re able to go through the files, so I expect more revalations about what the swamp creatures were up to under Obama. On the bugging story I find it interesting that Obama’s spokesman hasn’t denied that the bugging took place, only that Obama authorised it.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        It will be like the assassination of President Kennedy. Sure, it happened, but there was no memo from the CIA authorising it.

        Obama’s hands will be clean. He ain’t signed nuttin’.


        • Framer says:

          The only difficulty is it was a KGB operative who shot him though he may have been an early lone wolf by then.


    • Framer says:

      The story in Breitbart is complicated but convinces me there was something going on. The BBC will not even consider that possibility. Indeed cannot.


  31. AsISeeIt says:

    “A fascinating way of doing politics”

    That was the somewhat relativist view from the BBC Breakfast red sofa of the one party state of Communist China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), which has gathered in Beijing for its annual session.

    I’m reminded of the old tv show Star Trek situation when they might be faced with a massive malevolent galaxy-destroying entity which had horrified Kirk and his crew with it’s awsome potential for wiping out countless civilisations – Mr Spock would simply raise one eyebrow and utter his catchphrase “fascinating”

    But then this current BBC news show tackles a couple of political issues closer to home and now so accustomed am I to BBC bias that my response is much in the manner of Mr Spock.

    In the US I’m told President Trump has sparked a controversy with his tweets accusing the Obama administration of bugging and selective leaking to the Trump-hostile press. I think we know this is a fair description of prior events and yet Trump is put in the dock by the BBC.

    Then the BBC turns to the issue of EU citizens in the UK (and vice versa). The dyed-in-the-wool (despite his father) Remainer Hilary Benn is given an approving platform to criticise the government on this one issue that he thinks can be solved in isolation when in reality Benn is a false witness because he would like to scupper the entire process and have us stuck within the EU forever.



    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      The Gracie lady in China was asked what the “peoples view” of the Chinese Peoples Conference was.
      Err…it`s a showpony event likely as not she says-housetrained delegates in ethnic clobber smile for the cameras wave as they walk past, take their seats and vote as their lists (already on their desks) demand.
      Oh dear-she goes on to say that what they see ,what is said has absolutely NO effect on the lives of the Chinese “people” as we`d understand it.
      Gracilady is one of the better and less discreet ones.
      Showpony ethnics chipped and pinned-and nobody listens or cares what the show is-has no effect on them all, and no media analysis wanted or asked for.
      The BBC is indeed the Chinese Peoples Congress-Global Aspirations, but pitiful.
      Witness random rubbish this morning
      1. Gordon Brown the Masterful Chancellor
      2. Will Phil Hammond entertain Ann Treneman in a historic sip of whisky as did Ken Clarke in 1995-you SURELY remember where you are when you heard that news?
      3. Should porn be taught in schools?

      As Lucy says-it`s a mental disorder they`re gripped by.No wonder they seek the NHS funds.


  32. Peter Grimes says:

    Nice balance on Pandy Marr’s sofa this morning.

    Al Beeb Leftoid Sopel
    Former Al Beeb Leftoid Steph Tory-Hating Flanders and
    The fat bint from The New Statesman

    Well I never!


    • Peter Grimes says:

      Murdoch mentioned by Sopel 11 minutes in.

      Hissy queen fit from Sopel already.


    • Beltane says:

      Minor correction/suggestion: ‘The fat bovine bint …etc.’


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Do get pissed off with UKIP though.
      As Marr read out the charge sheet against “fantasist” Paul Nuttall-and talked over him as he tried to reply-all Nuttall needed was four words.
      “Jackie Ashley-Guardian-superinjunction”
      Or is that FIVE words?…let us know on the “Big Questions” coming up!
      Wake up UKIP cut he liberal SEN department off at its knocking knees FFS.
      And-how come the likes of John Mcdonnell( or Hillary Benn) don`t get the same interruptions?
      Easily quantified using the Byers Index I`d have thought.


  33. Pullyourselftogether says:

    I really can’t stand the personal attacks on President Trump’s appearance – i.e. ‘Red tie being blown up his face with his combover’, Marr said something about ‘sinister’. They stoop so low and it’s absolute crap to be so personal.
    Getting to the real story – not. They’re being so biased anyway I’ve switched off.


    • Guest Who says:

      Marr going on appearance would be ‘brave’.

      Also on extracurricular behaviour, which seems for him more Clintonian in nature.


    • G.W.F. says:

      To come down to Marr’s level – he he he Marr does have a funny shaped mouth.


      • Demon says:

        Sawe him once in the Globe. He was coming down the staircase, clinging on to the side (fair enough, I know he’d had a stroke) but he had such a nasty look on his face it was horrible. He spotted that I’d recognised him but didn’t change his demeanour one bit. I couldn’t believe how tiny he is, both extra short and puny.

        If he wants to go on about someone else’s appearance then it’s only fair to respond to him in kind.


        • Scroblene says:

          But he did stand on tip-toe to snog that old doll outside a grotty nightclub in full glare of a passing photographer…


          • Guest Who says:

            A bit more than a snog, IIRC.

            An certainly more action than words the BBC gets upset about with others.


        • Pullyourselftogether says:

          I pressed Report by accident!! iPhone buttons are far too small for an old blind bat like me. Ha ha ha


  34. Lock13 says:

    It is quite sinister to watch Marr. The real way out loonies – Sopel, Steph Flanders and John McDonald are portrayed as professional and reasonable people whilst Marr tickles their bellies.
    The reasonable people Nuttall and Trump ,who most of the public agrees with, are portrayed as loonies.


    • nogginator says:

      FFS, Wake up brother, its getting beyond left and right, its the established order, the Politic Enemedia, the Neo Liberal elite they re screwing all of us … and our nation.
      You think May scrabbling for every coat tail she can ride on, the rotten, incompetent, manipulating, self serving No10 liars are right on?.

      We need a clear out Lock! and fast


  35. nogginator says:

    On It Goes! – Trump Boo Hiss! Russia Boo Hiss!
    BBC – Republicans Senator Mr Trump’s comments “serious” require explanation
    BBC – Russia: The scandal Trump can’t shake
    BBC – Trump urged to back up phone tap claims
    BBC – Mike Pence’s email ‘hypocrisy staggering’
    BBC – Trump admin continues to be bedevilled by drip-drip revelations
    BBC – ABC News quote senior White House sources, Politico and CNN report that Mr Trump etc, etc (and WOT! … No POTUS? BBC??)
    BBC – Why is Watergate in the news again? Yeah! 😀 why is that? BBC??
    and even
    … BBC – Russia considers ban on ‘gay’ Disney film
    Oh! if only it was transgender eh BBC?.
    Look politics is a dirty business, just look at the BBC/No10/Red Tories on Corbyn, or UKIP … but that’s because its the Neo Liberal political elite, the old boy network.
    When someone provides a alternative view whether Sanders, Trump, Corbyn, or
    even P Nuttel in the ene-media they have, HAVE to be eradicated, because the stinking cesspool are exposed like never before.

    Away from this shit storm of smear, innuendo, and sorry BBC “fake news”.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      “The whole idea of democracy is a facade and the only reason people are called to vote is to ratify the agenda of the Elite every four or five years.” E. Michael Jones.


  36. Jeff says:

    I don’t quite understand this mounting obsession with unilaterally allowing three million Europeans the right to stay here. In some quarters it seems to be approaching hysteria.
    Don’t misunderstand me, I do think if you’ve lived and worked here (legally) paid your taxes and not been in prison then it’s only right, fair and British that you should be allowed to stay. I believe that this was Theresa’s opening gambit when she attempted to get a reciprocal arrangement for nearly one million Brit’s who have retired to sunnier climes. From what we’ve been told it was Angela Merkel and Mr Junker who put the kibosh on it.
    Mrs May’s position makes sense to me. Why would we, rather naively, decide to take the high moral ground when our own elderly (could) be asked to leave. It just seems like common sense and the response has been bloody daft. Why do all these do gooders (virtue signalers) always put other people above our own kith and kin? They don’t seem to give a tinker’s toss about Brit’s abroad. No kudos in that, I guess.
    As you would expect the BBC have been stirring this for all they are worth, interviewing folk who have lived here nearly all their lives and would never be thrown out in a million years, as the deceitful Beeb well knows. Blimey, it took us over decade to get shot of that revolting terrorist “Captain Hook”!
    The BBC and their politically correct cohorts are creating a problem that doesn’t actually exist.
    What does The Donald call this?
    Fake news…


    • Framer says:

      Of course it is not just about 3-5 million EU immigrants but in time all their relatives and new wives. Many of our recent Dutch and Swedish arrivals are in fact asylum seekers granted nationality at high speed in the sure and certain knowledge they will make their way to the UK.


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:
  38. StewGreen says:

    LBC now Katie Hopkins is playing her reports from Sweden
    Way more info than from BBC.
    – Eritrean Lady saw KT getting off the bus and told her in a kind way ‘
    this is the wrong area for you’
    – Old time Arab immigrant explained
    ‘this mob who have come in recent years are completely different from us’
    – Spoke to local Swedish women who said they have take precautions that they never did before.
    – Spoke to that police chief who complained
    – At the hand grenade in a bin incident, she was told by local report not to politicize the report, ‘just say it’s a hand grenade in a bin’.

    Calm careful 30 min video I posted above by Swedish guy explaining the situation
    “Sweden is like a soft version of North Korea : if you speak out there are such big social consequences like not being able to get a job” minute 14


  39. nogginator says:

    As Canada races to be the new Sweden, is Australia to be the new Canada?.
    As “tastrophe” Treezer, still does nothing on Islamic child rape gangs, nothing on FGM, and MOST importantly nothing to ban Sharia outright,(whilst having a golden opportunity to do so) whilst sucking up to S Arabia, and turning London into the money laundering capital of the world … Oh! and erm Islamic Terrorism?
    … She May 😀 yet make the UK take ALL of their places!

    Anyway Australia, yes I did try BBC News Australia …….. tumbleweed!
    “School students are being taught to detect and help “child bride’’ classmates escape from their families as the federal government cracks down on forced marriages. The government has funded a “forced marriage curriculum’’, following a surge in the number of girls as young as nine made to marry older men. The government helped 18 girls escape forced marriages last financial year — three times more than in 2015”.

    “Teachers have been told it is “critical the culture of the students be respected at all times” . “Staff need to ensure that no cultural, religious or ethnic group is singled out in any examples of the practice of forced marriage, and that any unfolding class discussions are free from judgments or stereotypes,” the curriculum states.…

    ps mind you, ever important there was this.
    BBC News – Glitter and glamour at Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras



  40. scribblingscribe says:

    The BBC and Guardian are twisting the Trump phone tapping allegation to the ‘show me the evidence’ line. The Guardian has centred on “The spokesman for Mr Obama, Kevin Lewis, said the accusation was “simply false”.” This is also used on the BBC’s news web site.

    But that wording is extraordinary. They don’t say, “we didn’t wire tap Trump, who was running against our party.” They say they didn’t order it.

    So, I am taking it that it did happen. No doubt the BBC will be demanding clarification form Obama.


    • Scroblene says:

      Absolutely disgraceful isn’t it, Scribbling!

      Whenever have the bBeeb used ‘evidence’ for any of their sub-standard ‘research’? They twist and turn every spluttering dribble, pretending that they are right, and now more and more good people are seeing them for a shallow little fourth form clique who aren’t capable of actually digging for evidence in anything.

      Spitting out ‘Where’s the evidence’ is so childish, and of course, is a sort of silly pub-game mentality!


    • chrisH says:

      Reckon Trumps got them on the run here. If there`s ANY truth to this( and I`d bet that there is)-then he need only let them twist in the wind, say nothing and let the liberal gobshites get smoked out and revealed one by one.
      What Trump surely will NOT do is feed their timetable and media cyclical agendas-which will allow the left to burn the files and nobble those who know what was done.
      Given the Oscars last week-and Trumps hitherto-brilliant mastery and trolling of Fake News Airstrip 666 etc-think Trump will make them stew in the jacuzzi, so it`ll emerge as a garroting and not a hanging.
      When the media demand an answer-refuse it, give it when they DON`T want to hear it.
      For this reason-hope UKIP will stay out of Gorton, so Labour can disembowel itself without the unifying excuse of UKIP there. The media will taunt them-so all the MORE reason to stay out. If the media want it-it`s only to stay in the EU and kill Trump, to raise the IS flag or make you look at Mo Farahs piss samples.


  41. Thoughtful says:

    More fake news on the rise and a heads up so you can recognise it.

    Trumps latest travel ban is about to come into force and the snowflakes are as you might expect rather cross about it.

    Their latest big lie is that if migrants from the Middle East are banned then you can kiss goodbye to silcon valley because Steve Jobs father was a refugee from Syria.

    One Hysterical poster on the Daily Mail site claimed:

    “If you block Iranians you can wave goodbye to Silicon Valley. Steve Jobs’s father was a Syrian refugee.”

    Clearly there is a huge flaw in the logic here – if you block Iranians Syrians won’t be able to come??
    However the rest of it gives serious cause for concern because it simply isn’t true.

    Jobs father was indeed a Syrian national but he was NOT a refugee. Here is the Wikipedia entry about him:

    “He pursued a PhD in the latter subject at the University of Wisconsin, where he met Joanne Carole Schieble, a Catholic of Swiss and German descent, who grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. As a doctoral candidate, Jandali was a teaching assistant for a course Schieble was taking, although both were the same age. Mona Simpson (Jobs’s biological sister), notes that her maternal grandparents were not happy that their daughter was dating Jandali: “it wasn’t that he was Middle-Eastern so much as that he was a Muslim.”

    So, instead of being a refugee he was in reality a student studying for a PhD.

    “Schieble became pregnant in 1954 when she and Jandali spent the summer with his family in Homs, Syria. Jandali has stated that he “was very much in love with Joanne … but sadly, her father was a tyrant, and forbade her to marry me, as I was from Syria.”

    Schieble gave birth to Jobs on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco and chose an adoptive couple for him Paul and Clara Jobs. Jobs would later say that he was deeply loved and indulged by Paul and Clara. Many years later, Jobs’s wife Laurene also noted that “he felt he had been really blessed by having the two of them as parents.” Jobs would become upset when Paul and Clara were referred to as “adoptive parents” as they “were my parents 1,000%.” With regard to his biological parents, Jobs referred to them as “my sperm and egg bank. That’s not harsh, it’s just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more.” Jandali has also stated that “I really am not his dad. Mr. and Mrs. Jobs are, as they raised him. And I don’t want to take their place.”

    So, when you hear this crap spout, which you almost inevitably will on the fake news generator that is the BBC, just remember that Jobs biological father was not a refugee, but a Syrian millionaire, and little more than a sperm donor who never knew his son.


    • StewGreen says:

      That is an interesting twist cos when I heard the Senator(?) list famous Silicon Valley immigrants and sons of immigrants
      ..one he named was US born but adopted by immigrant parents, so considered a virtual immigrant.
      So the Senator is double counting or having his cake and eating it.


      • chrisH says:

        Wasn`t Steve Jobs was it?…that`s the only one I ever hear from the Lefty liars!


  42. Guest Who says:

    The ever detailed ITTB shows just what BBC US ‘reporting’ is all about:



  43. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Sorry if someone has already linked this, [repeat?] I don’t want to clutter things up too much but since we are on the subject of Sweden this morning- http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/03/04/fake-news-swedens-integration-minister-admits-lying-bbc-rape-stats/


    • Guest Who says:

      The old BBC ‘holding power to account’ Schtick does seem to fall apart when they are in agreement with said power.


  44. Lucy Pevensey says:



  45. StewGreen says:

    Dictionary used by LibMob


  46. StewGreen says:

    Speaking on BBC “Sweden’s Integration Minister misrepresents rape statistics.
    (provoking shouts of FakeNews from her own side ..later issued apology)
    …. In other news, Sweden has an Integration Minister” : Stefan Molyneux


    • chrisH says:

      Sorry-is this FAKE News…or FALSE News…”fantasy or phantasy”?
      WE really need to skewer the Left in detail-they are CRAP at it. That`s why Stews Dictionary above is so helpful to us now!


  47. StewGreen says:

    Meanwhile BbcTr(uthB)ending go into Sweden’s No Go areas. /sarc
    …No , they use a shoot the messenger trick.
    Find the one person who makes an argument ‘En Extremis’ and target them for debunking, rather than the thousands making the more moderate argument.
    Hey presto debate about talk about Sweden’s out of control growth in ethnic Muslim crime … becomes a debate about Sweden’s “FAR RIGHT” Internet Trolls.
    The SJW activist show BbcTr(uthB)ending do this every episode, find someone they disagree with and label them “FAR RIGHT” when mostly they don’t fit that description)
    Normal SJW tactic : Label → Sneer → Dismiss → Move On


  48. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Did somebody say something about winning an argument with a liberal?



    • StewGreen says:

      Well that’ cos the pigeon/LibMob lives in its own world not the real-rational-human-world. They are grandmaster of “Pigeon Chess” playing humans.

      “Arguing with LibMob
      is like playing chess with a pigeon,
      No matter how good you are at chess,
      the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces,
      crap on the board,
      and strut around puffing out its chest, king of its world.”


  49. StewGreen says:

    The BBC adopted the newspaper tactics of the past so this is apt
    Written as it was today. Guess when it was written ?
    That was
    Orwell on Spanish War. Chapter 4 First published 1943
    (All I changed the word “newspapers” for “The BBC”)


    • chrisH says:

      Ta Stew.
      Timeless, which only shows how long this battle has been fought for. And how important it is to finish the BBC before it finishes us.
      This morning Paddy O Connell said the next hour would be Trump-free.
      Was it REALLY Paddy?…bet you never went even twenty minutes or such before you and your minders, writers and guests simply HAD to link something to your Nemesis. Not that I listened, life`s too short.
      Previously I`d heard the great John Gray-who diagnosed the problem of cognitive dissonance-but applied it to woolly Obamabores by way of a faint problem. As opposed to it being core to all that he stands for at the New Statesman or such.
      Which I believe he`d call projection, displacement activity. He`s a clever lad you know.
      Look John-Brexit showed the divide-are you able to explain us to your client base? Or do you hope to negotiate a compromise between WE The People-and your paymasters and berth holders in academia and the BBC?
      John was poor today…any chance of Roger Scruton back any time soon?-who DOES speak for us?


    • Grant says:


      Orwell spot on again. The simple rule is to never believe a journalist unless you have reliable, independent evidence.


  50. chrisH says:

    Interesting Desert Island Discs with Jimmy Carr.
    Kirsty was mortified re her posh accent getting mentioned-obsessed over lapsed catholicism(as if comedy and lapsed catholicism are a new thing she`s found). In short, a religious ignoramus hoping for the money shot for Darwin that the BBC craves.
    Well yes-to a point. But Carr refused any dyslexia special pleading( she did not like that), and was relatively thoughtful and aware.
    But then he made a fatal error-he would only NOT ever laugh at Hillsborough( as if no jokes exist on this grandiose liberal lockdown scam when used by the media). But he would laugh at Aberfan, Dunblane…because time has healed them in effect.
    End of line for Jimmy-safe to say he`d NOT be laughing at Muhammad, cartoons, Hebdo or IS would he…but yes he mocks “religion”.
    Really?..well he`ll take that Bible he`d get for kindling he said( well would he use the Koran in the same way?-after all his dyslexia would matter even LESS in Arabic would it not?)
    File under Stewart Lee then-easy targets only. Hardly the “truth to power” gig is it Jimmy?
    Still-you get no batter insight into how the BBCs top brass choose to present their pet rebels…Church of The Poisoned Mind as ever then.


    • Grant says:


      I caught a bit of it. Two things stood out. He did not seem to have a sense of humour and his choice of the three bits of music I heard was dreadful. I did like what he had to say about depression though.