Some real fake news


Whilst the BBC refused to report eye-witness statements that the attacker in London was Asian looking it has been fast to correct Channel 4’s claim that Abu Izzadeen was the attacker…note BBC calling him ‘Trevor Brooks’ and not his new Muslim name...from Guido…

Tonight on Channel 4 News Simon Israel named hate preacher Abu Izzadeen AKA Trevor Brooks as the Westminster attacker. The BBC say they are wrong and that Izzadeen is still in jail:

Confirmed from multiple sources – official and community – that Trevor Brooks NOT attacker. He’s still in jail despite what others report.

Channel 4 News went back to a red-faced Israel at the end of their report, he reverse ferreted and said there was “some doubt” over his original report. Abu Izzadeen’s brother has called up Channel 4 News to tell them he wasn’t the attacker because he’s still in jail. Quite a blooper.


Not seeing or hearing much from Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan…at least Livingstone was out there loudly proclaiming his disgust at the 7/7 attacks.  Where is Khan?  Oh no he has finally responded.  Presumably if this attacker is confirmed to be a Muslim that at least will please Khan who said that moderate Muslims were Uncle Toms.


Although it looks like the killer is not Abu Izzadeen it’s interesting to look back at this video…taken inside one of the largest and most prestigious mosques in Britain, the Regent’s Park Mosque, as he preaches loudly and openly about Jihad.  The BBC et al tell us relentlessly that radicalisation just doesn’t happen in Mosques…which this video disproves, as did the C4 Dispatches programme, Undercover Mosque….which, unlike the above C4 news, the BBC absolutely ignored.



Not fake news, not a blood libel…just the truth about the Muslim religious war

The Long View of Targeted Fake News

Jonathan Freedland compares the current wave of fake news stories, particularly those targeted at Muslims and immigrants in the UK, with the anti-Semitic story of an eight-year-old Christian boy, William of Norwich, who was murdered in woodland outside his native city in 1144. His death was later reported as a Jewish conspiracy and ritual, becoming the founding myth of the so-called ‘blood libel’.

That was a BBC programme from yesterday [Tuesday], a programme that suggest Muslims today are victims of a ‘blood libel’, that the Media are spreading false stories about Muslim actions and beliefs and are thus contributing to their feeling of being under siege.  Naturally Freedland said that the Bible was the source of anti-Semitism and that the story of the blood libel must be familiar to his Muslim guest in today’s context.  It is the usual BBC fare that peddles the pro-Muslim/anti-Press narrative and say things about Christianity and the Bible that they would never say about Islam or the Koran.  An irony that the very next day a white supremacist plows a car through a crowd of Muslims and knifes a Muslim police officer to death on the streets of London.

Who was the Muslim guest?  Our old friend Miqdaad Versi, a Muslim Council of Britain stooge…the Assistant General Secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, the extremist Muslim organisation that campaigns to stop the anti-terror and anti-radicalisation programme ‘Prevent’, that was at the heart of the Trojan Horse scandal and which provides the Islamic theological justification as to why Ahmadis are not ‘Muslim’…hence we get numerous violent attacks on Ahmadis by ‘real’ Muslims.

He’s a Muslim lawfare activist who makes up spurious complaints about Muslims being oppressed by the Press in order to try and silence them….he targets Right-wing media in particular….the BBC, as seen in today’s terror attack refuses to report eye-witness statements that said the attacker ‘looked Asian’…they refuse to report it, despite reporting all the other specualtive and half-known claims about the event because they don’t want to demonise Muslims.  Turns out the witnesses were right that he wasn’t white…he may in fact turn out to be a black convert…but that would have been hard for witnesses to tell at distance and in fast moving events….still, the BBC should have reported it….they didn’t precisely because of Muslim activists like Versi who play the Muslim victim card to the full.

In this case he tells us that Muslims are suffering from these fake news stories abut them…such as lack of food at Ramadan causes Muslims potentially dangerous side-effects…the BBC itself reported on a train crash and pointed out that Ramadan fasting was potentially dangerous…Versi of course didn’t target the ‘Muslim friendly’ BBC…

Fasting and driving

The Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) has published research on the effects of fasting on fitness to drive.

It says fasting can have a range of effects including tiredness, dizziness, dehydration, headache, and a reduction in concentration, prompting safety concerns.

The report advises workers to ask for physically demanding tasks to be delayed until after Ramadan, and says managers must be aware of the potential effects of fasting on their staff.

He also claims stories that point out problems with Halal food, such as inhumane methods of slaughter or that customers are unwittingly buying or being forced to eat food that has been killed in that manner and is ‘blessed’ in the Muslim manner are false…no one is bothered about Halal food apparently….but that’s just not true…and we all know the opposite…that Muslims are outraged at the slightest hint that their food is in any way tainted by Kufar practices or content.

He tells us that the £5 note story was fake…and yet it wasn’t…the Treasury has pulped notes due to their animal content…but the story was about Hindus complaining not Muslims…so this is a fake story about a fake story from Versi….New £5 Note Containing Tallow Prompts Hindus To Express Concerns

He tells us this all creates the impression that the Muslims are ‘The Other’ and thus creates division and hatred…except of course it is Islam that creates division and hatred….it is Islam that makes Muslims think of themselves as ‘The Other’ whilst all else are ignorant, unwashed cattle.

So are Muslims the victim of a Press fake news barrage, a blood libel that demonises them?

Not a blood libel…

Image result for 9/11


Not a blood libel…







Not a blood libel…














Not a blood libel…


Not a blood libel…










Not a blood libel…









Not a blood libel…



Not a blood libel…


Not a blood libel…








Not a blood libel…



Not a blood libel…


Not a blood libel…


Not a blood libel…


Not a blood libel…

Not a blood libel…




‘Mostly Asian’? With Beard

Live: Suspect



What the police are saying is a terror attack in London…the BBC wants all the facts….

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Please don’t mention the alleged attacker appeared ‘Asian’ as other witnesses have claimed.


The Telegraph and Mail both quote the witness..

Witnesses describe ‘Asian guy’ in his 40s carrying eight-inch long knife

Witnesses described seeing a middle-aged man carrying a knife and running. Jayne Wilkinson said:

“We were taking photos of Big Ben and we saw all the people running towards us, and then there was an Asian guy in about his 40s carrying a knife about seven or eight inches long.


The driver, described as an Asian-looking man in his 40s, jumped out of the vehicle and begun running down the road and around the corner to the gates of parliament that allow entry and exit for the cars for dignitaries.

The BBC’s latest account, specifically from eye-witnesses, does not mention ‘Asian’…

Parliament shooting: ‘A policeman was on the floor’ – witness accounts




‘Mostly Muslim’?


Map of affected countries


Curious how the new ban on electronic devices on aircraft coming to and from a certain six nations is not being described as anti-Muslim, nor is the BBC using the descriptive ‘Mostly Muslim countries’ when reporting which countries are being affected…

The ban affects direct flights to the UK from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

….unlike of course when Trump banned travel from 7 countries because they were breeding grounds for violence and jihadis, not because they were ‘Muslim’….every BBC report included the ‘Mostly Muslim’ prefix, trying to paint Trump as islamophobic.

The BBC manipulating your thoughts by peddling a news narrative that they have engineered to deceive you.

Donald Trump and his advisers rail against “Islamic terrorism”. Will the … advisers, who echo the president’s most bellicose anti-Muslim rhetoric.

President Trump says his US executive order is “not a Muslim ban” and … from seven mainly Muslim countries from entering the United States.

US President Trump suspends refugee admissions and temporarily bars … And anyone arriving from seven Muslimmajority countries – Iraq.

Google fears employees from seven Muslimmajority countries may not be allowed back into the US.




The ‘Great Family Man’


Image result for grenade for a heart


Martin McGuinness is dead, dying from a rare heart condition….many might think it odd that he was found to have had one after a career murdering and torturing so many, and so many of the murdered being women and children.

Still, the BBC’s John Simpson thought he could be compared to Nelson Mandela, oh maybe not quite exactly like him but you’d have to see him on the same side of the ledger….Simpson must drink the same stuff Mark Easton does, the man who compared Islamist extremists to Mandela, Churchill and Gandhi…and then tried to deny it.

Then we had Blair and his obedient attack dog, Campbell, on to glorify the terrorist, not to mention the odious Peter Hain…apparently we wouldn’t have had the peace if it weren’t for McGuinness…which kind of misses the fact that we wouldn’t have had the terrorism if it hadn’t been for the likes of McGuinness…this was a one sided-war that the IRA chose to impose upon Britain.  Campbell, ever his pro-EU master’s loyal lapdog, linked McGuinness to Brexit and told us how worried he had been about this…how it might result in a breakdown of the Peace and the imposition of a hard border by an intransigent May.  So on message on so many things our Campbell.

Norman Tebbit was allowed on later in the day [12:09] to put a stop to the nonsense as he pointed out that the IRA were beaten and knew they could never win, that’s why McGuinness and Adams jumped ship….McGuinness knew he could be arrested at any time and fled for his life.  McGuinness never apologised, he felt no remorse and would have done exacly the same again and indeed would not have stopped the murders and torture if he thought it could have brought victory.

Tebbit said we should never have negotiated and just arrested McGuinness….he went on to say that if we had negotiated with Hitler as we did with the IRA Hitler would have been in control.  Adrian Chiles immediately jumped in declaring that ‘It’s a hell of a comparison to draw…Hitler and McGuinness’.  Obviously Tebbit wasn’t making uch a personal comparison, he was comparing the process of negotiation and the outcome.  However we can compare Chiles’ reaction here with his own stance on Farage, UKIP and the Brexiteers….whom he likes to link to the Nazis and the Far Right and racism.  Hell of a comparison no?

Oh, here’s the IRA still celebrating one of their great battles…

The BBC’s Brexit ‘Blood Libel’



A comparison of figure 1 to figure 2 indicates that the UK public actually became more positive towards EU immigration between November 2015 and November 2016, the period covering the campaign, vote and supposedly hate-filled aftermath.

There is nothing here that supports the ‘tide of hate thesis’.


The BBC has mounted a sustained campaign of hate against Leave voters denouncing them as racist, ignorant and bigoted, claiming that they have made Britain a nastier, more racist place since the referendum.  This is clearly not true and is the blackest of propaganda that is designed to demonise, and licence attacks upon, Leave voters.  It is a form of ‘Blood Libel’ intended to set the world against the Brexiteers.

It is something of an irony that it is EU research that helps disprove this fake news peddled by divisive and partisan BBC….the figures suggest the opposite, that migrants are looked upon more positively since the referendum than before…and…the UK’s figures are very similar to levels in the rest of the EU…which has had no Brexit…

Anti-Brexit campaigners, academics and journalists need to consider two questions: is the invocation of a ‘tide of hate’ really a maligning of the motives and rationality of Leave voters by association; and, more importantly, has associating the mass of Brexit supporters with a ‘tide of hate’ advanced the cause of EU and non-EU immigrants in the UK (or in the EU for that matter) one iota?

The assertion of a tide of hate or xenophobia does a disservice to the cause of solidarity between people of different backgrounds and nationalities. It does this by establishing a dubious moral, rather than political, division between people who voted Brexit and those who voted Remain, the former mischaracterised as irrational and hateful. This assumed xenophobic tide is to be ‘called out’, shamed, associated with the far right and not taken seriously or argued with.

The EU collects data on a variety of social attitudes, including immigration. Whilst the spike in reported hate incidents immediately following the EU referendum has been much discussed, the EU’s data suggests that the notion of a general ‘tide of hate’ or xenophobia is, to say the least, a misreading of the mood. Its EU Barometer survey asks whether immigration (EU and non-EU) invokes a positive or negative feeling for respondents.  The most recent figures from November 2016 indicate that the UK is average within the EU with regard to positivity towards immigration from EU member states (see fig.1). If there is a tide of hate, this suggests it is not solely a UK/Brexit phenomenon.

It is worth noting that the UK’s trajectory upwards is steeper than the average – the UK has ‘caught up’ with the EU average over the last two years. Has anyone been arguing that UK  citizens have become, relatively within the EU, more positive towards EU immigration over the last 2 years? If they have, I have not seen it.

There is nothing here that supports the ‘tide of hate thesis’.




The comrades have been caught out yet again…

A phone call to the Allan Beswick Show on BBC Radio Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire has been subject to an investigation by the BBC Trust.

It was found in breach of editorial guidelines for allowing a caller to speak on-air about having sex with his own eight-year-old children. Trustees were deeply troubled by the fact that the caller had been allowed on air in the first place and particularly by the fact that he had then been able to continue for several minutes talking about his crime, advocating sex between adults and very young children, and expounding what he argued were the benefits of distributing videos of child sexual abuse.

Got that? The BBC allows prisoners to phone in and advocate child abuse.


Well, this was always going to be a predictable moment. I refer to the “Mandelisation” of IRA terrorist godfather Martin McGuinness by the BBC on the occasion of his death.

“The BBC has been accused of ‘ despicable fawning’ over ‘terrorist godfather’ and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness in their obituary pieces this morning. On Twitter some furious viewers accused the corporation of having ‘blood on their hands’ and ‘fawning over [him] like he was some sort of misunderstood peacekeeper.’

The family of the former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland announced his death at the age of 66 this morning. But following hours of coverage by the news channel some viewers were left furious and questioned why the BBC was dedicating so much time to McGuinness’s death. One user wrote: ‘BBC showing real bias this morning; no mention that Martin McGuinness was a terrorist just that he was a “peace maker.”‘

The BBC has been central to the process of sanitising this terrorist. On a day like today, I think of his victims and their still grieving families.

For you ze vor ees over


From the Spectator…shame the BBC joined in the anti-Boris outrage…

A few weeks ago, Boris Johnson made a point about the EU negotiations and the futility of the idea of punishing Britain for the sake of it. ‘If Monsieur Hollande wants to administer punishment beatings to anybody who chooses to escape’, he said, ‘rather in the manner of some World War II movie, then I don’t think that is the way forward, and actually it’s not in the interests of our friends and partners’. Cue howls of outrage. ‘Abhorrent and deeply unhelpful’, said Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator. But was Boris really so wide of the mark?

Yesterday Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, gave an interview to Bild on Sunday where he boasted that no other EU country would consider leaving the union once they see how harshly Britain will be treated by his in negotiations. ‘The remaining member states will fall in love with each other again and renew their vows with the European Union,’ he said. ‘They will all see from Britain’s example that leaving the EU is a bad idea.’

This is precisely the mentality that the Foreign Secretary held up to ridicule – the idea that the EU is held together by fear of what happens if you leave.

The BBC’s take at the time…sneering, contemptuous and adding another lie to the bias…that Boris compared the EU to the Nazi regime when he was merely pointing out the futility of trying to force Europe into a one size fits all ’empire’ whether Roman, Napoleonic or German….

Like some latter-day Basil Fawlty, Boris Johnson mentioned the War and didn’t get away with it.

The foreign secretary urged the French president not to “administer punishment beatings” on Britain for choosing to escape the EU “rather in the manner of some World War Two movie”.

Not surprisingly, uproar has ensued. Former Labour leader Ed Miliband said Mr Johnson had shown once again that he could be “supremely clever and yet immensely stupid”.

The foreign secretary has form on this. During the referendum campaign last year he compared the EU to Nazi Germany, telling the Daily Telegraph both were attempting to unify Europe: “Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically.”

This caused a flurry of headlines and a social media storm that passed quickly. Yet the impact on EU politicians was lasting.

One EU diplomat explained it to me like this: “You Brits don’t understand us when we talk about European values. To us they are important because they are not Nazi values, they are not Vichy values, they are not fascist values, not the values of the Greek junta. They are the values of a different Europe.

“So for that clown to compare us to the Nazis, well, that hurts and will not be forgotten.”