353 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…

  1. StewGreen says:

    11am Radio 5 has stopped doing its fairly good A Goldberg Investigative Reports show
    and replaced it with WillGompertzBBC “Heat Map” Arts show
    Cos the BBC is short of Arts shows
    Radio3 Has Daily Arts shows
    Radio4 Has Daily Arts shows
    BBC World Service Arts Hour – Daily Arts show
    Radio2 Thursdays the @Wossy Arts Show
    BBC RadioHumberside : masses of art for City of Culture
    TV : BBC2 and BBC4 Arts shows



    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I seem to remember that Weird Will got his BBC gig after having dinner with Botney, who was a friend of the family or something. Weird Will does not have a university degree, nor any experience of broadcasting, but he walked into one of the best jobs in British broadcasting on the basis of being a friend of Botney.

      It makes you proud to be a licence payer doesn’t it?


      • Beltane says:

        There are advantages Rob. Gompertz’s weirdness simply adds yet another oddity to the parade of horrors who combine to make the BBC a parody of itself. Obsessed as they are with their perceived Teflon status, Marr, Norman Smith, Guerin, Doucet, Jones, Toynbee, Mason, Harrabin, Abbott, Pienaar, the Dimblebies….well, fill in as many as you like, the list comprises a gallery of the despised and derided with one common denominator – all are regarded as significant players and pundits by the BBC. Tells you all you need to know.


        • Scroblene says:

          But they are experts, Belters!

          Well, so I’m told by the bbbc website, so they must know what they’re talking about!

          I switch off when everyone of those names start to spout some drivel or other. A glass of wine and a loving chat with Mrs Scroblene at 6:00pm is far more important than hearing their drivel!

          And I’m still the dickhead paying their wages.


  2. G.W.F. says:

    Major headache for the BBC. Who are they to support?
    Gays opposing sharia, gays remembering the Orlando massacre that upset Owen Jones so much that he walked out of a TV discussion
    They will be holding a demonstration in Manchester June 10th.
    I understand that several prominent political gays, like Peter Tatchell, are too busy to support this.


    Gays Against Shariah/Orlando Memorial Rally. UK and USA United
    Public · Hosted by Gays Against Shariah – UK
    Saturday, June 10 at 2 PM

    Demonstration Manchester june 10th



    • G.W.F. says:

      Peter Tatchell is not supporting Gays against Sharia.

      A time to choose.



      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        They are wrong, Peter Tatchell was never a Labour MP. He lost the Bermondsey bye-election to Simon Hughes, the “straight choice”, as his election leaflet put it.


        • Scroblene says:

          As Margaret Thatcher once said “Everyone needs a Willy”…


  3. StewGreen says:

    “Former UKIP and Conservative MP Douglas Carswell is on the show to discuss his decision to leave parliament.”
    So side steps getting beaten by Kipper


  4. Up2snuff says:

    Michael Goldfarb (BBC Radio 4 1.30-2.00pm today) without any wit or humour (unlike PJ O’Rourke) offered, soto voce, a thinly veiled attack on Donald Trump as President of the United States for the 100 days after the first week following his Inauguration.

    Did it offer us any insights? Not really.

    Plenty of prejudice against Trump. Plenty of repetition of hints of the standard ‘Leftish’ memes: Trump was elected by elderly, unemployed, racist, Christian, white Republican voters despite some interview evidence to the contrary. There is a danger here.

    Not only will the White House, Congress and the Senate shut out the BBC. If they continue to misrepresent reality, and refuse to listen to what people know and think, they may find it increasingly difficult to get ‘vox pops’ from ordinary Americans.


  5. BRISSLES says:

    Moodswing6………….I would argue that these people are not refugees, or immigrants but invaders who intend, as their numbers grow to take over the lands that they have landed on…..

    Absolutely right! and as an add on to that, there is an excellent article in the MoS that is costing the NHS billions. The culture of Pakistani cousins marrying and spawning defective babies. The figure is huge, and the NHS is spending money, time and resources rectifying the sexual proclivities of peoples who clearly have little thought for genetics, only for keeping money and property within the family. With the ever increasing numbers of Muslims coming into this country, added to those already here, the population explosion does not bear thinking about, but we’ve got the added burden of deformed babies to raise and care for, for life ! This is not what I paid my taxes for all my working life. They turn up on our doorstep with their village mentality from Pakistan, and have everything given to them. Things are bad enough caring for those within our own culture and our elderly, so why should we have to endure having NHS resources being wasted in this way.



    • G says:

      But, but, but, but, Brissles, I thought the problems with the NHS were all to do with the elderly retired living too long? That’s what we are told despite millions of aliens entering the UK.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        G, it depends what day it is.
        Old people are living too long however, tobacco is killing hundreds of thousands every year, or is it diesel killing hundreds of thousands every year, or is it obesity killing hundreds of thousands every year….I keep losing my place with all these things and many others killing hundreds of thousands of us every year.

        It’s just as well we have rubber boats full of ready made doctors, rocket scientists and engineers being collected from Libya to save the NHS and clean cars in Sainsbury’s car parks.


      • ToobiWan says:

        I asked the same question of the consultlant I saw, following my TIA, G. The “attack” happened after finishing a 40 mile bike ride, my first of the “season”, lost the use of right hand, speaking in tongues and dodgy peripheral vision in one eye. The consultant said I needed to do more such aerobic exercise, not just weights and gave me a bunch of tablets to thin the blood etc. I asked him, if it is people such as me that is clogging up the system, why the interest and concern in keeping me/them alive? He put his hand on my arm, leant closer and said, sotto voce, “it isn’t people like you who are clogging up the system”, nudge, nudge and left the comment hanging.


  6. Lurkio says:

    A terrible story of a vicious assault with a man left in a coma. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4481082/NYPD-releases-video-street-vendor-beaten.html

    I wonder if the BBC will be covering it? (I can find no trace on the BBC news sites).


  7. Guest Who says:

    I’ll just pop this OT here…


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Guest Who- Brain injuries,

      The injuries are caused by bowing the head to the floor five times per day in worship of a certain crescent moon god.


  8. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    A five-year-old was referred to a specialist NHS clinic as a result of transgender feelings last year.

    The child was one of 75 referred from Wales due to their gender confusion – almost double the previous year.

    Seven years ago there was just one Welsh referral through the NHS.


    In other news, the NHS needs another 10,000 staff to work on mental health.


    • Rick Bradford says:

      Parkinson’s Law of Social Work states that: “The number of social problems increases to fill the time of all the social workers assigned to deal with them.”

      Originally said by “Dr Cartwright” from Yes, Minister, and so was probably based in truth.

      I expect that it’s possible to create “gender confusion” in some young children by constant badgering from adults.

      It reminds me rather of the US specialist in children’s ADHD who went to China to compare notes, and asked an education specialist there how much ADHD they saw in Chinese schools.

      “We don’t have any ADHD,” replied the Chinese specialist. “We just have naughty children.”


  9. BRISSLES says:

    Just another ‘crackers’ story of our welfare state…..

    A friend of mine works in the Social Dept of a Middle England county dealing with problem families. She is now leaving her job and moving abroad, having ‘given up’ on this country as a result of what she encounters in her daily job.
    Case in point : an Iranian family on benefits and getting direct payments for a Carer to assist with a disabled child. Current Carer has resigned (along with the direct payment). A new Carer was found (along with the re-instated direct payment), which turned out to be the Iranian sister of the mother, but who lives in Finland with her family. (with me so far?) The UK Iranian family now move to a larger council house just up the road, whilst the new Carer sets sail from Finland and moves into the family’s old council home – soon to be joined by her family in Finland.

    And therein lies the problem with our welfare state. Handing out money and homes ad hoc, and with a ‘who cares’ attitude. Sod those on the housing waiting list who are living with their parents, and just bring over extended families of foreigners and line their pockets !


    • Scroblene says:

      Absolutely disgraceful, Brissles.

      Come and live down here with us in our little Kent village, you’ll be among lovely friends, and we can all go to the pub (preferably The Queens) and the few shops together!

      Seriously, it’s a way to go if you can get away from the awful ghettos…


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        I’m in Kent too! I love it but am currently seeking an affordable rent.
        We must move because our landlord is selling up the property.
        Our income has been halved in recent years due to redundancies followed by
        myself having undergone two major brain operations. We are both back in work but on lower salaries
        & me with only part-time hours. (my long-term concentration has been affected.
        Couples with no children don’t get much of a look in on social housing.
        Not a high priority.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Thank you both for the offers ! however, I am an old Kent girl, lived in Thanet – worked at Pfizer when it was a ‘new’ employer in the 60’s, and the only foreigners we encountered were the French chaps who worked aboard the ferries to Calais. Oh and the Nayland Rock hotel at Margate was still upmarket, and not full of benefit claimers.


  10. nogginator says:

    BBC1 TBQs
    Nicky Campbell presents a special edition from Manor CE Academy in York, debating
    … the effectiveness of humanitarian interventions across the globe
    … groan!

    Taking part in the discussion are
    human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell;
    Dorcas Erskine of Action Aid;
    Mukesh Kapila, professor of global health and humanitarian affairs at Manchester University;
    Yasmine Ahmed, director of Rights Watch UK;
    Richard Dowden, director of the Royal African Society;
    Kirsty McNeil of Save the Children;
    Neil Thorns of Cafod;
    Olivia Rutazibwa of Portsmouth University; ;
    Dr Philip Cunliffe of Kent University
    wait for it …
    … Alan Mendoza, director of the Henry Jackson Society

    Now there s balance for you.


  11. G says:

    BBC News: Christian Fraser, “the award winning BBC Broadcaster” interviewing two people in relation to the French election, describing both as, “good friends of the BBC”. Pretty well says it all…..


  12. Fred Basset says:

    Looks like it’s bye bye France as the Telegraph currently have Macron at 64 to 36% on exit polls. By the next election in 2022 it will be too late.


  13. taffman says:

    As Al Beeb get the ‘champers’ bottles ready to the celebrate their predicted winner of the Presidency across the Channel, and the “lights go out over Europe” – A message from the past ……………….


    • GCooper says:

      The French have chosen then means of their own downfall, so be it.

      For us it’s a golden opportunity. Macron will be on the side of the EU fascists demanding ‘punitive’ measures for Britain. We will, of course, ignore them and go with WTO rules.

      Meanwhile, as France descends even further into chaos, drowning in immigration and the resulting violence, it will allow realists in the UK to rub the noses of the Left in the inevitable consequences of cowardice.


      • Tabs says:

        All those lives lost for the Liberation of Paris in 1944 and the French just gave their country away yet again.


        • Beltane says:

          The French simply voted the way Brussels required. Whatever the actual percentages, Macron would have won, that’s why he was created in the first place.
          As a nation they have always been volatile and, superficially, politically courageous but the reality is that what moral fibre they once had was decimated at Verdun. Today reflects the position they have earned since 1940 – piss, wind, spite and capitulation.


        • Oaknash says:

          Agreed Tabs

          And the same weak, greedy and dishonest men will try and give away England too.

          The trouble is despite what these arrogant bastards think its not theirs to give!

          So I say to the Gina Millers, David Camorons, Osbournes, Bransons, Abbott, Blair, Clegg, Farrons, Soudbry, Geldofs and of course the BBCs of this world.

          You are nothing but traitors to your country and your culture. We know you for the EU/globalist infected suppuration you are and will not allow you to drag our country down to stinking swamp of corruption and filth where only you are truly at home.!


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      I’m still hoping the final result will be close – or at least closer than 60-40. I stand to win a few quid if Marine wins too! If Macron wins, it’ll be business as usual for a time but will no doubt all end in tears.


    • Thoughtful says:

      On 3 August 1914 Sir Edward Grey made his famous quote: ‘The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime’. He was speaking to his friend, the journalist John Alfred Spender, editor of the Westminster Gazette, in Grey’s room in the Foreign Office. Looking out from his window, across St. James’ Park, it was dusk and the first of the gas lights along the Mall were being lit. The next day Grey would have to face the Cabinet and to persuade them that the time had now come to declare war on Germany.


  14. Steve Jones says:

    Read the tweet sent by the police in this article:
    Fills you with confidence about the calibre of the modern force, doesn’t it?


    • Englishtothecore says:

      “…the student would of passed”? Back in the day you needed O Level English to get into the police force.


      • Lobster says:

        I honestly don’t remember “should of”, “would of”, “must of” etc. ever being used in even the recent past – it seems to be a modern invention.
        Is anyone able to explain it, as it baffles me.


        • Steve Jones says:


          Try replacing ‘of’ with ‘have’ and, most of the time, it will be correct.


          • Lobster says:

            Steve – What I meant was that throughout my life I have only ever seen “have” used in those expressions. The use of “of” seems to have crept in during the last five years or so in my experience, and I can’t understand why. What has changed?


            • TrickCyclist says:

              Five years? You must live in a civilised part of the country! I first learned of this in my last years at school – 35 years ago! – when an English teacher told us she had to keep telling Third Years, “Don’t say ‘could of’ or you’ll end up writing ‘could of.'”
              These days in the Herts/Beds area you hear ‘could of’ all the time – from those of us that still speak English, that is!


          • RJ says:

            If you run “would have” into a single word “would’ve” and then slur the end of it you’ll get something that sounds like “would of”. It should still be written as “would have” or “would’ve”, but to know that you’d have had to go to school, not play truant.

            I have heard a police office give a phonetic spelling of a car number plate including the letter “G for Jesus”. Gideon of Scotland Yard is long gone.


  15. Alicia Sinclair says:

    24/7 unquestioned garbage from the mouths of Norman Lamb and Emily Thornberry. Is anybody holding O Connell, Guru-Murthy, Peston or Mardell to account for all this crap? Didn`t the BBC/Channel 4 types once have to obey some impartiality criteria?
    Especially in election periods? Just SICK of this.
    Where are the Tories?


    • Thoughtful says:

      Lazing around in the deckchairs drinking Pimms?

      The Tories are the laziest party in existence. They appear to have no ideas or motivations other than being in power and reducing the taxes of the already wealthy, once that’s done they seem to think they have nothing else to do, why else would we have seen the ‘zombie parliament’?

      So much work needs doing to undo the damage of the Blair years but the Tories are too idle to do it


      • Al Shubtill says:

        They should reduce the taxes of everybody. That is what will:
        motivate people to work more / harder, as they get to keep more of their income; expand existing businesses / create new businesses; give those in work greater disposable income to spend and get money circulating in the economy; reduce the financial advantage (therefore the attraction, for some) of being on benefits rather than in work and reduce the amount of tax avoidance and evasion by those who feel they are overtaxed.


        • Thoughtful says:

          LOL the Tories are not interested in that! They are interested in people like Samantha Camerons father who gained his wealth because his historic relative was a mistress of some King or other way back when.
          It’s all about those who have money keeping hold of it, which is why for all practical purposes they reduced inheritance tax to zero.
          It is now harder than ever under them to make a fortune by your own merits.

          It was Margaret Thatcher whose vision of meritocracy was so popular and look what they did to her.

          There are a lot of things the Tories could & should be doing, but it all just seems like too much trouble.


          • RJ says:

            IDS tried to make sense of the welfare shambles and had to fight Gideon every step of the way – until he was forced out. Gove tried to take on the teaching establishment and he was sacked. Theresa kept her head down and ended up as Prime Minister. Draw your own conclusions.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Al, not easy to do that while remaining free-spending on all sorts of social-intervention measures across increasing levels of Government. You need to bring in about 45% – 50% of GDP in tax. Does not matter who is in power. As soon as you get, for example, more than 1 in 6 working for the State and taking many high salaries, with bonuses on top for good measure, you will inevitably face bankruptcy at some point brought about by the actions of others elsewhere, if not your own, as well.

          See: Economic History of the UK 1965-2015. Not a book by Paul Mason or a book by Will Hutton 😉 but the real history of the UK over 50 years.

          You (as Government) have to then offer deceptively low rates of corporate and personal income tax – especially at the bottom and at the top of the scales – while filling the coffers with indirect, hidden and stealth taxes on the bulk of the population to maintain your spending.


  16. Guest Who says:

    Interesting line of reasoning from Nick…


    • ID says:

      Guest Who

      The German BBCs are also EUphoric about Macron’s victory. After the defeat of the nasty anti-EU populists in Austria, Holland and France, apparently, the “1000 year EU” has been secured. New chumminess will break out between France and Germany who will again be the driving force behind greater integration. One German commentator even smugly proclaimed that because obscene amounts of cash were flowing into Germany from the rest of the EU and everything was going so well for them, they would be willing to lend Macron some lolly for his cunning plans. Today, Mad Ma Merkel’s CDU has also won the Schlesvig Holstein state elections convincingly on 34%, displacing the SPD on 27%. The AfD entered the state parliament for the first time on 5.5%, but are not going to change the Germans’ quasi-religious belief in the EU. The German elections later this year will then be the green light for ambitious plans like a EU-zone quasi-state. The German public is not that eager to accept joint responsibility for Euro debt and they won’t like the transfer payments that will be needed to boost the weaker parts of the EU zone.,


      • Guest Who says:


        The BBC are quite special.

        Labour And The Limps getting slaughtered in the UK is a matter of brief grudging acknowledgement and a focus on UKIP not doing so well now thei name on the tin has achieved its aim.

        Meanwhile some bloke they now like winning in France appears to be set for a year long circular Bukkake session in the BBC editorial suite, with the the odd break to pop off and piss on Don to keep in with the Katty brigade.


  17. Dave666 says:

    Has Marine Le Pen been promoted from “far Right” to “hard Right”?


    • GCooper says:

      Meanwhile, the BBC is still describing Macron as a ‘centrist’ when he is, paradoxically of course, a globalist socialist, in the pay of corporatist capitalists!

      It’s the politics of the madhouse, it really is.


    • Moodswing6 says:

      2am WS news and Marine La Pen was described as EXTREME FAR RIGHT. The CBB have been describing her far right, then on one bulletin it was NATIONALIST and just now extreme far right. These bastards never stop. Words are their currency and look at the respect they show.


  18. Dave666 says:

    Steph,I love what you do to your hair, spins the wheel of repetition and we end up back on triple lock pension increases. It’ can divide the young and old Steph tells us. Yes especially when the BBc pour petrol on the bonfire. No one at the BBc obviously decided to read my letter of complaint last time the BBc scum ran this. A 2.5% increase of nor very much is well not very much.


    • RJ says:

      “A 2.5% increase of nor very much is well not very much.”

      Dave, very true. The other point they forget to mention is that the Bank of England’s policy on Quantative Easing (aka debasing the currency) has kept the interest rate artificially low. Savers (older people) have been paid very little in interest, depressing their standard of living, while borrowers (younger people) have been charged very little in interest. This is a policy designed to transfer wealth from savers to borrowers – from old to young.

      The unintended consequence is that the low interest rate has resulted in inflated prices of assets; after all if you’re paying only half as much interest you can afford to borrow twice as much. The assumption among economists is that if/when interest rates go up asset prices will fall, and no one knows how to manage that without a disaster. The “get out of jail free” card will be to blame it all on Brexit.


  19. taffman says:

    And to ‘rub salt in the wounds’ ……
    Remember this promise ?…….
    You English Tories should have voted UKIP – “You know it makes sense”.


  20. Fedup says:

    I think the French have got a sense of ownership with the Common Market so we’re more likely to keep it – as well as the amount of subsidy their Farmers get.
    It won’t make any difference to our position . We ll still have a hard brexit unless The House Frau loses in the German Election .
    Bet the Eurostar to Paris was fully booked by albeeboids running to celebrate a win for a liberal banker and to rub Le Pens nose in it.


  21. Lucy Pevensey says:



  22. BRISSLES says:

    Never known the media to take such an interest in the French elections before. In the past its been way down the headline list, but now we have fatty Bolton rear front and centre pontificating from Paris. Wonder if he took Eurostar cos sure as hell he would need an extension belt on an aircraft !!!


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      It’s still before midnight, and the papers are telling me it’s all over – Macron wins. Fair enough, but that appears to be solely based on exit polls. I might be being thick here but shouldn’t they wait to announce the proper result until they’ve actually counted the votes?


      • BRISSLES says:

        I couldn’t understand it either, especially when we are told that Marine LP conceded defeat half an hour after the polling stations had closed ! So are there not rows of ‘counters’ in village halls and community centres sorting through the voting slips then ?


  23. scribblingscribe says:


    Ah Marx explained to us by the BBC, just in time for the gen election!

    “Das Kapital is an attempt to give these ideas a grounding in verifiable fact and scientific analysis.”

    Erm no. Marx wanted it to be scientific. It wasn’t scientific just an untested theory.

    “Marxism became a way of interpreting the world – the simple idea at its core that history was a battle between opposing social classes could be applied to everything from the study of literature and film to the education system. ”

    Marxist culturalism in a nutshell. What a blessing.

    “The ideas contained in Das Kapital would go on to inspire revolutions in Russia, China and many other countries around the world in the 20th Century, as ruling elites were overthrown and private property seized on behalf of the workers.”

    No, private property was seized on behalf of those who ousted the old elites to become the new elites. So, Chavez, Castro, Stalin, etc, became incredibly wealthy whilst everyone else starved.

    “It underwent something of a revival in the wake of the 2008 global financial crash, however, which some saw as a classic example of capitalism in crisis, just as Marx had predicted.”

    Erm no, Marx did not predict that bankers would try to hide bad debt in amongst “good debt” (mortgages for example).

    Nor did Marx predict Liberal democracy, white van man, the working classes owning homes in Spain, the proletariat becoming wealthy and thus having a stake in society … in fact he got everything wrong. Really, ‘cos no one can predict the future.

    Anyways I am sure that next week the BBC will have an effusive piece praising a right wing economist, like Hayek. Or even Adam Smith who does offer something relevant to a market economy like ours.


    • ID says:


      Reminds me of a Soviet joke at the time of Perestroika.
      Gorbachev is down on the collective farm explaining the reforms to a babushka

      Bab: Michael Sergeyevich, are you saying Marxism-Leninism is not really scientific?

      Gorb: Calling it a science like, say, biology was probably going too far, but…

      Bab: (slapping thigh truimphantly) I knew it! I knew it all along!! If it was science they would have tested it on rats first!


  24. Lucy Pevensey says:

    What should we have expected from a country who holds elections on a Sunday?
    It’s France. Most of them were probably still having lunch until 5pm.
    Then they have to sleep it off before tea time. I wonder what the turnout was?



    • Fedup says:

      I think the actual vote for Macron was low if you take into account the number of people who could actually vote. If this had been Le Pen winning al beeb would have been repeating that to invalidate the result . As it i they approve of Macron so the vote numbers aren’t mentioned. Same with regional votes I guess too. Only to be expected.

      I wonder if the shadow chancellor got roasted over his tax increases not being enough for what the socialists want to spend our money on? Seems to have got away with his Diane moment on al beeb


  25. Moodswing6 says:

    The irony is in the clarity. It doesn’t need too much going on in the brain department to see how f….d up Europe is, yet the voting in Austria, Holland and France indicates that eye sight and brain function in large numbers of people seems to be problematic. I haven’t heard if there has been any fall out on the streets. I hope there isn’t as I would want Ms Le Pen’s supporters to be gracious however can you picture the riots and damage that would have taken place if she had won. Be prepared for the CBB to bombard us with airwaves of gleeful sewage. I’m dreading the next two years of negotiations to get us out of the mess. The best thing I have done this year is cancelling my license. Haven’t watched TV since 21 April. Never intend to again. Don’t miss it one bit. A few seconds of radio and alternate, more balanced and intelligent news on my I pad is all I need.


  26. Oaknash says:

    Well farewell France

    you had a choice between a rocky and a risky path which at least gave you a chance of preserving your independence as a nation
    A Sweet smelling path which ended in a pitfall trap full of lost independence, lost culture, lost hope and a slave to the whims of the EU and globalist corporations and mass migration.

    You chose the former

    It was nice knowing you

    BBC will be creaming themselves!


    • Oaknash says:

      Oh bugger – I meant to say “chose the latter” Looks like my grand speech days are over,

      But hang on a sec at least there is still Diane Abbot to write for!

      I suspect this vote will also temporarily encourage our own little Qislings such as Gina and her yapping lapdogs – Cleggy and Little Tim Tims. Macron has promised to be hard on the UK with regard to Brexit. Or at least until the money runs out.

      Good I say – as it will show people what a devious, duplicitous, greedy and vindictive bunch of crooks we have been sharing a bed with for the last four decades. I suspect the country will feel a bit like someone who went out on the piss and took home and slept with the ugliest and most diseased slapper in the whole club. Once the beer goggles have worn off reality strikes with a vengeance – And its straight down the STD clinic!


    • seismicboy says:

      I did suggest last week that the French are a nation of capitulators – always have been – anything that doesn’t disturb the 3-hour lunch with wine has got to be good.
      Maybe when alan’s snackbar is ringing from the minarets and sharia law bans alcohol in France the centime might drop.


      • Oaknash says:

        Seismic – I always liked “Cheese eating surrender monkeys !”

        Which actually is rather unfair to those who did have the guts and foresight to vote to save their country – but it makes me laugh!


      • Lucy Pevensey says:



  27. StewGreen says:

    Facebook today has started PRINT adverts saying” this is how to spot= FakeNews”

    Hmm seems to mean that Print-media who are suffering credibility decline due to competition from online news have given almost free adspace for Facebook to say such online sources are iffy and you’re better off staying with our mates in MSM.

    Facebook MSM they are all part of the same advertising industry business.


  28. StewGreen says:

    Anyone noticed that BBC on daily basis open the news with Labour’s press release of the day ?
    Today it’s
    “Labour to ban junk food ads before 9am”

    Labour’s constant offers of free candy are are of course themselves junk food ads which start with being incorporated into the first BBC news of the day.


    • Guest Who says:


      They may as well pop it up on screen on a red background with a Labour logo.

      Maybe the legions of BBC ‘analysts’ just need a break for a whizz and a fag?


  29. StewGreen says:

    The media is both professional and unprofessional.
    Professional in technical stuff like video mixing thru to building narrative within entertainment shows. Habitually using cheats to do that.
    Yet when they step outside the studio they are thoroughly unprofessional and don’t understand the real world. Clueless about maths and science and using simplistic tribal stereotypes to describe things
    And also they then use the same (entertainment) cheats in building news narrative.

    Ooh the French election is close.
    No it never was the Stop La Monster vote was always going to be bigger.

    A 33% vote for UKIP with a toxic media atmosphere would be amazing.


  30. StewGreen says:

    Oil has dropped 10% since last week.
    5:40am R5 expert explained well
    Normally market is quite wise, but this time when Opec said they’d cut production they believed them.
    ..only to find that countries then started to sell the stockpile.
    Meanwhile US shale operates as a pressure valve: production ramps up whenever price does.
    He said the mkt will be $40-60 long term.
    And I repeat even if alternative energy evolves to be cheaper than today oil/gas will just match their price. cos in many places it pours up out of holes in the ground for free.


  31. BlackCountryWench says:

    I’ve just had to switch the breakfast news off as the smugness of the presenters over the Macron victory is sickmaking

    My local news (Birmingham) had a interesting travel item though, that pedestrians were on the M6 motorway between junctions 1 and 2. Now as anyone local or who uses that stretch of motorway, will know that it is a raised section between Oldbury and West Bromwich, so I wonder just how pedestrians have managed to get onto such a busy stretch of motorway, resulting in the WMP having to close the inside lane and hard shoulder.

    A cyncial part of me wonders if a lorry has happened to break down there, and the human cargo decided to go for a little walk over a very, very busy stretch of motorway. I also wonder how it will be reported during the day. I doubt if it will on the BBC, it’s much more fun to make sarcastic comments about UKIP’s manifesto.


    • Up2snuff says:

      BCW, You could hear it in Diana Speed’s voice when reading the 7am News.

      The result doesn’t bother me, particularly, but the effect of a Le Pen victory on the EU would have been interesting and, possibly or probably, more helpful to Brexit.

      It should be interesting. Five years for France and Europe and the world to find out exactly who the French have chosen as their President.


      • Guest Who says:

        It was an election, in another country. Much less relevant than the USA, or the result of the EU referendum.

        Yet the BBC seems to be viewing this as the miracle of Dunkirk, with little ships of voters across the Med turning the Brexit tide.

        I wonder if they will get Harry Styles to play Diane Abbott. Very method.


  32. Guest Who says:

    Speaking of Nick Robinson (as I did, elsewhere), and his odd selective forays into BBC analysis-free cut and pasting, here is another tweet from him that suggests his position as Frankie Hollande’s boat race double is secure:

    Vive la P-EU, mes Amis!


  33. Al Shubtill says:

    I don’t share al Beebus’ view that 65% is a “landslide” victory, 75% – possibly and anything over 80% definitely but when the other side got 35% share at 11,000,000 votes that isn’t one IMHO.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC ‘landslides’ they like are offset by BBC ‘collapses’ they also like. Apparently.

      Their special annexe to the Editorial Guidelines must be a hoot.


      • Kaiser says:

        i see the so called “BBC” are ignoring the pertinent facts the FN vote share is still rising and they are very popular amongst the younger voter

        macron is an establishment stooge and the french will pay dearly for falling for the spin the truth about em


  34. StewGreen says:

    BBC1 Panorama building the narrative
    “Britain First pay Facebook to promote their videos, and it works they now have 1.6m followers” (sic they mean likes)
    “Now in the Brexit vote …and Trump campaign da da da ”
    … see they built the Narrative that Brexit and Trump votes didn’t come from REASONING but Facebook manipulation.


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC are building the excuses for May winning election
      Or are they saying Macron won due to Facebook ?

      Facebook is a more level playing field than the BBC.
      Cos if someone posts bias/untruism on Facebook it can be challenged in a comment
      That’s not the same for the BBC/MSM unless they permit open uncensored comments.


    • StewGreen says:

      I was going to click Like on Panorama’s own post
      but I know I am being manipulated so I won’t.


    • StewGreen says:

      Facebook’s mind manipulation team could be even more effective
      ..if they hijacked an established big broadcaster and created a 30 minute prog where they made assertions against the Right like Trump Brexit, but didn’t bother to address the issue that a Left/Lib side might do the same..
      ..And unlike online material they wouldn’t have to deal with he problem of people debunking their campaign right below on the same page like happens online.


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes Facecook could reform
        It could strip out open commenting and hire some bod from Islington to filter out anything he considers Fakenews
        ..whilst pushing stuff he and his Islington mates agree with.

        Then FB could hire Crapita to drive to every house in Britain and hammer on the door..and shout
        “Pay up now, don’t deny you’ve been on Facebook
        ..handover £145 ! or we’ll send you to jail you suckers !”


  35. seismicboy says:

    Just so as we’re clear, this is the way the bbc rank brexiteers.
    “the army of politically disengaged voters who backed Leave in the referendum”
    It’s typical left wing politics – If you don’t like what people say, then
    ban them, brand them or try and ridicule them. Anything except discuss or debate, just in case those people who have opposite views might just be right, might know more than you.
    It suddenly struck me today – if ever there was a need for justification for leaving the EU, they just keep on coming out of the woodwork and it all seems worthwhile. The very protagonists of hard brexit from the EU side are reason enough to leave.


  36. StewGreen says:

    So Greens have pulled a fast one
    Their ENGLAND-leader goes on BBC to say there’s bias cos BBC didn’t over all his gains
    cheekily trying to add the 5 Scotland-Green-Party gains to his own Party’s

    Now when you think of it there’s probably some minor local party’s than gained more new seats than the ENGLISH-Greens.
    UKIP still have about 300 UK councillors to ENGLISH-Green’s 21and Conservatives have 9,200

    Greens claim their gains should be reported after all the Scottish Greens must be the party which got the SECOND most gains
    Nope not even close.

    QUIZ ..which party gained magnitudes more seats than the Scots Greens, but still way below the Tories gains ?
    Can you name its 2 top leaders