Anti gay crackdowns Egypt, Indonesia and Russia to name three but no crowds on Western streets.
Much like the reaction to the ISIS bestiality but Trump coming to Britain? Oh wow!
And I can’t help a cynical smile when I hear of yet more horror, outrage and corruption in African countries – surely it can’t be due to white supremacy?
Anti gay crackdowns Egypt, Indonesia and Russia to name three but no crowds on Western streets.
Much like the reaction to the ISIS bestiality but Trump coming to Britain? Oh wow!
And I can’t help a cynical smile when I hear of yet more horror, outrage and corruption in African countries – surely it can’t be due to white supremacy?
I have to laugh at how the left love to berate those who don’t support their mindset as Daily Mail readers. Here is a snap shot of the the bBC news home page:
There is only one news story there, the rest are all fluff, the vast majority PC fluff, maybe we should referring to those easily offended as bBC readers. However in light of the bBCs penchant for anal sex , (usually little boys) Buggering British Children seems about right.
Yes, just looking at the PC version….can’t do a screen shot, but includes:
Tesco to start selling green satsumas and clementines
Children ’embarrassed by tipsy parents’ – comments!
Bodyform advert replaces blue liquid with red ‘blood’ – one where the story has different title from main screen which has ‘Sanitary towel advert features red ‘blood” – contains graphic image
Aristocrat loses heirloom in Morrisons
The 110-year-old with an infectious laugh
Teenage estate agent who has made millions – that sort of capitalism is ok, cos he’s ethnic and both parents are deaf (boxes ticked). Doesn’t go into how he’s managed to make such a success of it given the competition, apart from his cheap commission – why haven’t others done same? Maybe he just hasn’t been sued yet.
Anna Raeburn- I had a backstreet abortion
BBC, you are a sorry excuse for a publicly funded (under threat of imprisonment) national media
Here’s my screenshots, cos Pounce didn’t crop to width so his is a bit cramped
I reduced the size here but if you right click and open the images in a new frame it will come up full size
Unless I can see a bank statement, I never believe this “multi-millionaire” nonsense. I remember a few years back, they were lauding a Sikh teenager for being a “multi-millionaire” because he had a chain of shops selling bangles and beads. It was all rubbish, and he ended up bankrupt.
I expect he told the journos he was a “multi-millionaire”, and they have rushed to print it as a fact without any checking, because they want it to be true. If he were a white estate agent boasting about being a millionaire they would think he was the scum of the earth.
Rob, I remember a few years ago reading an article that claimed the late Michael Winner was one of Britain’s richest men. Then when he died it turned out he’d been millions of pounds in debt for years! I suspect the ‘millionaire teenager’ has some highly leveraged property portfolio, where he’s got an eyewatering 40-year mortgage for one house, and then has remortgaged that to buy another, both of which have been hugely overvalued and for which he’ll probably never clear the debt. But in modern Britain that makes you a MIWWIONAIRE, RODNEY!
Edit: it seems the man in question set up a company where he charged low commission for selling houses, undercutting other agents, so my first impression was wrong – but I’m still not quite sure how his business can be worth £12m as the Daily Mirror claims.
It isn’t worth £12 million, he has said it is, and the journos swallow it because they want it to be true. If and when someone offers to buy his business for £12 million, then I will believe it.
This is like the deluded idiots who go on Dragons’ Den valuing their businesses with a turnover of £20,000 at a million. Just because you say something, doesn’t make it so. But the MSM desperately want to believe that a BAME teenager can be a millionaire, so they print it. If it was that easy to become a millionaire estate agent, we’d all be doing it.
Aluko, the Beeb’s favourite footballer, suggesting the FA is institutionally racist on the basis of one bad joke about Ebola.
The supposedly ‘oppressed’ are so often the oppressors these days. How dare she invoke the terrible spectre of ‘institutional racism’ in regards to the one industry which has done more than any other to empower, enrich and integrate black people – and indeed one that unites all minorities.
All just so she could make a quick buck. Sickening.
Al beeb loves wimmind footy -it’s cheap and sky hasn’t bought it yet . So when a black girl footballer playing for the Wimmins England team gets rubbed up the wrong way by a male white manager it spells trouble and another golden opportunity to beat up whitey . And parliament joins in by having a session about the whole thing .
A racial involving Wimmins footy .,feel the ground shake .
All al beeb has to do is link it to Weinstein and they’re on a role until the next Islamic terrorist attack .,
“Black girl footballer gets rubbed up the wrong way by a male white manager.” The mind boggles.
Was the double entendre intended?
Sorry, it’s the way I was brought up. These things just raise a titter in me.
It will end with every one wearing a body camera recording everything, manager, ref. Lino the lot. If a footballer can’t take a few loose words they might as well give up. But this person ( non sexist/gender language) is , so I understand , a lawyer – and lawyers know a gravy train when they see one and she’s got a first class ticket to daytime tv, interviews about being a victim of racism , an obe,
Some here have had a pop at me because I got annoyed about who is first to put an entry – not a comment – just an entry. So I’ll try to be light hearted Fedup.
I gather great strength knowing that if I wrote for an enemy blog like The Guardian – Home of our beloved maxi – I would have censored out and reported to difd for rendition
Last week I mentioned I had written to Sky, complaining at the imbalance of opinions (4-1 in favour of remainers) on the edition of the Pledge shown that week. Just received an email which you may like to read………………………
“Thank you for letting us know your views about the Brexit discussion on a recent edition of The Pledge.
As a channel, we strive all the time to be impartial, balanced and fair in our coverage of all matters of public policy and politics, not least Brexit. Brexit has in many ways changed the traditional political dividing lines. We obviously try to balance debates between people who are left of centre and right of centre, but these dynamics are sometimes distorted by Brexit perspectives. It can be the case that a left wing Labour politician, and a right wing Tory can be diametrically opposed on most issues, and still agree on Brexit.
On The Pledge, we do take all of these things into account. However, while I understand why you’ve made the observations you have, there are a number of factors that I believe you need to take into consideration.
First, it was not the programme’s intention to leave Carole Malone as the lone voice supporting the Brexit perspective. We lost of one of our usual panel very late in the day, and it wouldn’t have been possible in the time allowed to change the dynamics of the line-up. Carole was happy to go ahead on this basis, and I’m sure you’ll agree that she is more than capable of making and holding an argument.
It’s also the case that the number of people on either side of this discussion is only one way of measuring the amount of oxygen given to each opinion. The amount of time given to Carole’s point of view was greater than any other individual because she was arguing with them all. So the duration afforded to each side of the argument was much closer to a balance of airtime than the four-to-one.
Another important factor is the nature of The Pledge. It is a distinctive programme with a distinctive team of guests who we use, not to report the news, but to express their opinions and debate the big issues of our time. This is what they do. And in each edition of the programme, they debate several subjects. It’s not possible to ensure that there are even numbers of each side of every debate, whether it’s about religion, immigration, education, the NHS, Donald Trump, Brexit, Catalonia, North Korea, or anything else. The key is to ensure that all arguments on any side of a debate are heard properly. And Carole managed to do this very well.
I’m sorry that you were concerned about the nature of the debate and I hope the above factors help to explain the circumstances. In the totality of Sky News coverage, we achieve fairness and balance and we’re totally committed to maintaining that.
It’s so obvious these days that sky and al Beeb are staffed by the same type. – the kind of non apology you got there – and piss poor explanation – which a beeboid or skyboid would see as reasonable but a decent fair minded tax paying citizen of Blighty would think of as crap.
“It’s so obvious these days that sky and al Beeb are staffed by the same type.”
Yep they left school and went to ‘Uni’ (Skool) and never did a real job of work.
Thats where we are .
But in defence of Sky I think it’s female ‘journalists’ are better looking than the ones on the BBC. This is of critical importance when you watch with the sound turned off. Tamara Cohen is very fit. I do hope that being paid complements about their appearance doesn’t upset these ladies. In my younger days complementing women on their appearance was a gentlemanly thing to do but these days , according to the liberal left elite, apparently it’s a sign of the male dominance that does so much evil in the world. But curiously this doesn’t apply in Muslim lands , according to the liberal left elite.
Whilst sitting painfully through the 6 o’clock news tonight, listening to the BBC gleefully reporting on all of the NHS targets being missed and insisting that more funds would be the answer to the crisis. We are given the BBC’s NHS tracker to inform us as to the overall performance..
Anyway, was intrigued to hear about this revolutionary innovation by a hospital in the North East.
“Some hospital trusts do better than others hitting targets, like North Tees and Hartlepool.
Simple innovations like having a senior nurse deciding which patients need A&E and which could be dealt with elsewhere.”
I think al beeb and the international health service have a lot in common – guaranteed income – beyond official criticism because it’s a National Treasure ‘
But when you get under the hood – they are self serving organisations which treat their customers as numbers – an inconvenience -.and a good opportunity for characters with a bullying – power streak to fill the space beyond question .
Surgeons who boss their theatres – high pay beeboid journos bullying interviewees ‘ robustly ‘as al beeb would say .
Someone convince me what I write here is nonsense please . But I have enough first hand experience of the nhs to know the fucking awful truth
Throughout my 77 year existence I have been extremely lucky to have stayed disgustingly healthy.
However, twice in my life I have had surgery on the N.H.S. Once when I was a 10 year old kid for mastoidectomy without which I may not have made it and again 3 years ago I had a full knee replacement following a few years of rather painful osteoarthritis, which was probably brought on by too much cross country running and after that long distance hiking. I have to say that on both occasions I could not fault my treatment and the new knee works a treat allowing me to continue my walking.
Now it does seem to me that everybody has a different experience and yours seems to have been total shit and I know people who say the same thing.
As I say I have been lucky with my health and not needed the services of the N.H.S. very often so I haven’t seen the bad side. I hope this continues until I kick the bucket.
I am not in a position to tell you that what you have written is nonsense. We can only speak from our own personal experience.
Lefty Right…I assume that for the majority of those 77 years you have paid a lot into the system through taxes and National Insurance, therefore earning your entitlement to use such services.
What annoys me is that people who haven’t paid in, ever, but get the same entitlement.
What strikes me is that the ones who are always banging on about the NHS have the same sense of entitlement and expectation to get something for nothing as those who choose benefits as a lifestyle choice and just expect to be ‘kept’ indefinitely by the taxpayer.
I’d happily opt out of the NHS and take out private health insurance if I could get a refund of all the NI payments I have made throughout my lifetime.
Yes. I paid my dues for 46 years but i’m not sure how much credit I have left. Just hoping I’ll follow my Dad’s example and go suddenly with no pain and most of all with no aggro to others. I’m counting on my genes.
The NHS does excel at the sharp end – ground breaking and life saving surgery is world class but basic organization like getting a wheelchair or your drugs from pharmacy so you can be discharged -is utterly crap.
Too many suits passing through who don’t actually produce but somehow you just have to have them.
Time ago large hospitals had around a dozen admin/HR people now there are hundreds. The Senior Administrator was on a good wage but nothing like the £350,000 plus benefits of today.
And guess what? Hospitals functioned far better.
Live now on Look North “A 12 year old boy has complained about bullying after people mistake his religion after a terrorist attack”
Well the reporter then reports from a Sikh temple where she and all the women are wearing headscarves cos in a Sikh temple everyone’s head must be covered.
Doesn’t actually seem like the boy initiated the report cos his bit was only 10% of it, most was with experts from the temple.
I expect someone in the Hate not Hope PR created the story.
Fantastic day filming with Hull’s Sikh community. But shocking stories of daily racial hate against a 12 year old boy. @looknorthBBC 1.30
“Hate” toward Sikhs radiates strongly from Islam. There is quite a history between the two. Muslims tried to wipe them out just as they do with everyone else. I don’t suppose Beeby would want to highlight that. Fortunately Sikhs fight back. They resisted Islam in India. We are going to have to do the same sooner or later. The later we leave it the harder it will be. I hope the Sikhs among us will be our allies. The sooner we stop calling all brown people “Asians” the better.
What do they expect when they classify these rape gangs as ‘Asian’? That would include Sikhs. We all know that these rape gangs are ISLAMIC in nature, not ‘Asian.’ Of course if our national broadcaster disseminates the false idea that ‘Asians’ are perpetrating terrible crimes against children there will be some kickback. Sikhs are lovely people – how dare the BBC associate them with child rapists.
So the vile BBC not only causes the problem, but also wants credit for trying to clear it up. Just like their concern the other morning about more and more children feeling suicidal. If some backward moron had me as a sex slave I would definitely kill myself. Of course they never connect the dots and just say we need more funding for children’s services.
This is exactly right. Because the lying BBC refuse to say that the rape gangs are muslim, and use the weasel word “Asian”, they tar all people of Indian appearance with the same brush. Then they profess to be shocked when there is blowback against non-muslims for the crimes of muslims.
Apart from anything else, not all the rapists are “Asian”, many are African or from the Middle East. What they have in common is nothing to do with geography, it is to do with their shared ideology, namely “islam”.
Haven’t seen this on the BBC…
There’s basically no information given by the swedish police, except that it might be related to organised crime…by whom? The italian mafia? Do they have a big contingent in Sweden? there is a lot of elephants in that police station. It’s ok though cos terrorism has been ruled out.
Yes, from what we can make out the cops over there don’t seem to be of much use to the Swedish citizens. Maybe somebody took exception to this at last.
Starting to see a trend in several countries – Sweden, here, the US – bombings, car crashes, shooting , terrorism and Islam never make an appearance. United media present them as criminal or accidents.
Authoritarian leftist campus crawlers have a problem with US presidents that aren’t black or female.
As we know they show not even the slightest respect to President Trump. Now Abraham Lincoln is being re-classified as a racist criminal as well.
I wish people could just get jobs or do something useful rather than navel-gaze about nonsense like this. I could probably think of multiple things that offend me on some level, but as I have stuff to do I don’t get time to think about it. The idea that your personal feelings trump those of everyone else who might like the statue is so foul. I hate so many BBC programmes, but I would never say nobody else should be allowed to watch them. If a statue upsets you then look at something else.
Also the people who virtue signal about slavery probably own multiple items which were produced by people so poorly paid they are effectively slaves. There is no moral progress really. These morons would use a tablet produced by a Chinese worker doing an 80 hour week, who is so miserable his employer has placed guards on windows to stop people from committing suicide, to signal their virtue about how bad slavery was.
The bBBC are bigging up a Caribbean lady who has reached 110 years of age. Apparently she came to this country in the 1960s.
Now on a personal level this lady deserves many congratulations and I am delighted to report she seems to be in good health and still has good mental capacity. Well done her. I wish her well.
But reflect more. She arrived in the 1960s. She must have been aged about 60. Did she work? For how long? Has she ever paid any tax? If so, how much? How much has she cost the taxpayer since then to give her the ‘care she deserves’ as Corbyn et al might say?
The weird thing is, with no sense of irony and especially with no sense of joining-the-dots the bBBC in the same bulletin featured the latest ‘crisis’ in the NHS and social care system.
I wonder if, just possibly, the two stories might just possibly be connected?
Impartial my A$$
“Winter ISN’T coming – it’s actually the Great Thaw that’s on its way.”
FFS does that bear any semblance with reality ..of course winter is coming
See because BBC Future is in the commercial division they think they can get away with stuff
hire eco-dreamer reporter Sara Goudarzi and get her to write your #GreenBlob propaganda
Standard activist PR trick
‘keep throwing the same mud, eventually it will stick’
The Ecomost actually ran the story in April so see the debunk from WUWT in July
Basically temperature gauges don’t agree with the theory
I really don’t think you should be talking about Hollywood actresses like that, especially when so many have apparently been abused by a big supporter of the Democratic Party.
Crime watch axed .Oh dear .The BBC are losing the chance to air all those unsolved hate crimes. How I will miss the line up of mug shots af those evading justice.The BBC was meeting its diversity targets on that section of the programme at least.
Not BBC Bias but GuestWho provided a helpful link to a theCanary article about Philip Hammond. I noticed some interesting side-bar clickies to articles, two of which caught my eye.
So, there’s a bombing in Sweden that has targeted a police station and “could” be terrorist related and our honest and impartial state broadcaster has chosen to ignore it altogether.
No, they’ve got much more important items to bring to the public’s attention;
Donald Trump has been accused of being insensitive. Gasp!
Or; A second judge has stopped Trump’s travel ban. Do you think they’re obsessed?
Oh, and a black female footballer is complaining about (guess what) racism.
Then there’s couple of transgender items. Gawd, please spare us.
But bombs going off in neighbouring countries.
On the Weinstein thing – looking at the films Mr Weinstein has produced – according to wiki – “the secret policeman’s ball “ in aid of blessed Amnesty International. Will they give the money back?
Will Al Beeb tipex out all of the films he was involved with – in a Jim ll fix it kind of way? Or Rolf and his variety / art stuff. ?
Stew, how can you locate that article? WUWT’s search facility is even worse than the BBC’s – which is hard to believe, I know – but it plain just doesn’t work at all. The menu bar does not provide easy access to archives, nor does the side bar but I eventually located the calendar for access. However, scrolling through July 2017 did not reveal the debunk of the Economist article.
(This relates to Stew Green’s post @ 7.26pm but the B-BBC software has decided to plant it here for some reason.)
I found the Bethel article but that did not appear to be related directly to the Economist article that contained no author name. (I was a bit surprised at that, responsible publication and all that, taking a leaf out of the BBC’s book! Shame.) Similar subject but different.
I had been hoping someone had replied directly to the Economist’s piece.
No the scientist named in the BBC article is the same one that this earlier WUWT debunks.
The Economist article was one of a number of news articles that came up when I searched for alarmist articles earlier that the WUWT
Oddly, not on the BBC. Germany actually looking at the positives after Brexit, and a way forward. This was hinted at in a piece in the Times earlier in the week.
Germany Drafts Outline of EU-U.K. Ties Post-Brexit, Paper Shows
“The four-page document, dated Oct. 11, urges the EU avoid a piecemeal approach if and when talks with the U.K. get under way. It proposes instead a broad partnership that includes “at a minimum” the fields of foreign and security policy; fighting terrorism; cooperation on criminal justice; agriculture and fisheries; energy; transport, and especially air transport; research and digital issues.
“We share the U.K.’s desire to secure a close partnership with the Union after its exit that covers economic and trade relations,” the ministry states in the paper, which has been circulated to other German government departments but not approved by the Chancellery.”
Can’t remember which paper but it had an article reporting the German car industry are pushing for a clear and positive outcome. An indication of how the world works if you leave the pen pushers out of it.
Quote “Across the UK, **vehicle pollution** in the form of particulates and nitrogen oxides was killing 40,000 people per year, according to government figures.”
Em FakeNews
** #1 he confuses vehicle/transport/all pollution
#2 It’s not a government fig . It’s Not 40K REAL dead, (We all lose few end life days adds to equivalent of 40K, error bars a mile wide )
The report is filled with similar errors like he doesn’t know what Adblue is
doesn’t understand that air is not that bad, that MOST of the bad stuff is NOT from cars
..and rather its a PR hijack by politics and people who have electric cars to sell, which are NOT a magic solution.
… but the page looks nice ..and that’s what counts for the BBC
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
Yes, our BBC journo friend, for all the time he spent with ‘scientists’ and ‘engineers’ appeared to learn little about things like particulates, their sizes, weights and behaviours, about the fact that you cannot get out of a litre of road fuel more than was in there originally, that total road miles and surfaces are critical, that in doing comparative testing on different days you are introducing an unnecessary variable and so on.
I haven’t read the piece line by line but have wasted an hour of my life editing out the pics in order to read it sometime later. The language used and the styling of the whole thing seemed a bit strange to me, redolent of another age and appeared to be being used for embellishment, for obfuscation. Is that unfair?
UptoStuff – to grab the text
Ctrl-A to select all
Ctrl-C to copy
Then post it into a simple text editor like Notepad.
With Ctrl-V
That way you get only text , not the pictures.
“Brexit: May offers more assurances to EU nationals”
May offers, offers and offers but gets nothing back. Europe says jump and May says how high ?
Its time for her to go because it’s all about delaying tactics until the next general election when there will be another referendum. Then, all the brainwashed ‘Uni’ graduates with ‘useless degrees’ will have a vote.
It has been over a year and four months since the “vote for freedom” and we have nothing absolutely nothing. What on earth has happened to the Conservatives?
I think the Conservative party is self destructing . I know al beeb run that story all and every day but a simple stupid example – Corbyn was right to highlight that the universal credit hotline was charging 55p a minute . I hate Corbyn and all his works but he was right on such a trivial and inept policy .
Tories have dumped the policy but I listened to a Tory junior minister trying to defend the indefensible in this
P. S. I have no idea what Universal Credit is and don’t claim benefits . But 55p a minute is a lot of money to many people .
Tories need to control the media side of brexit because at the moment it doesn’t look happy
“Tories need to control the media side of brexit because at the moment it doesn’t look happy”
They don’t want to – they , The Cabinet, are complicit.
Whiff of foreboding about Brexit talks { 18oct2017}
“There will be a sour mood over the EU summit in the next couple of days, and that’s not just because of the problem with the drains that sent toxic fumes into the atmosphere at the summit building forcing the talks back to the old premises next door. (Sorry)”
– ‘(Sorry)’ – Laura Kuenssberg now has to apologize because she knows she’s not reporting on facts but making opinion and stories up! Hello Magazine?
– No mention of the cost of the €321m EU Egg building where the smells eminated from and who contributed to it being built whilst every other country was in austerity mode.
– ‘there is no appetite on the EU side for a shift.’ – the EU do not shift, they delay, delay or ask for another answer.
Ah the cultural enrichment of grime artists according to the bBC: Academic study finds grime as ‘disruptive and powerful’ as punk
Grime is the most “significant musical development within the UK for decades”, according to the author of one of the first academic studies into the genre. It’s as “powerful and disruptive as punk”, says the man behind the Ticketmaster report.
Ticketmaster report eh bBC, I wonder what their agenda was to commission a report into (C) rap music.
Tell you what,when Grime comes out with hits half as good as :
Then maybe I may give grime a butchers. (Take note of all the groups above, a true (piss poor) youth movement, that captivated the world never mind the UK.)
Grime music inspires so much criminality – it should be banned or at least forced underground. The Beeb drool over Stormzy whose previous album was all about the glories of gang culture and stamping on people’s faces. I guess having any sort of standards or expectations is illegal now. It’s the minority communities who will suffer though, not smug Beeb staffers in their ivory towers.
Culture is not like money i.e. the more of it you have, the richer you are. The most successful societies in history have been monocultural; a strong sense of values and shared history to guide, unite and inspire. Plus they have to be good values: if you just stamp on people’s faces you get horrible communities, like we see in so many London boroughs.
Imagine how your spine would tingle to hear these lines from Richard II:
Thus royal throne of kings, this scepty’rd isle,
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself…
This happy breed of men, this little world. . .
This precious stone set in the silver sea. . .
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings. . .
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
Shakespeare would get arrested for ‘hate speech’ for writing that now. And you can be sure the PC Beeb would not commission any of his work, or infect it so thoroughly with its own agenda as to render his plays awful. God, can you imagine it?
Romeo and Geoff.
Macbeth has all the murders replaced with micro aggressions to protect the feelings of snowflakes.
Hamlet would have to be black and would not even recognise the ghost of his father, thus ruining the whole play. . .
All cultures are equal – Jamaican daggering (dry sex) is just ballroom dancing (elegance with respect)? Both show respect to women from men.
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.” – Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Why not use his real name Andy Anokye and then add his street name afterwards? But no, let’s use his alias and then his group. Surely this is wrong, shouldn’t it be “A man of music background charged raping 29”?
– ‘Mr Anokye, aka Solo 45, is due to stand trial in April next year’ – why April 2018?
– Why is the justice system taking so long to imprison a rapist of 29 people, control freak and violent person?
– Where the rest of the band involved? Were they women (assumed) offered money or fame? Could be similar to another case?
The only reason they are pushing The stormzy idiot is the fact that he backs corbyn along along with all the other grime idiots the beeb promotes. Old Stormzy was on the Jonathan Ross show last saturday where he was fed questions leading into him professing his love to jezza which ross already knew and then he called May a pagan which was all one big joke. From their it descended into idiocy. Ross hasn’t learnt anything from his time over the sachs scandal. Stormzy is a grade A fuckwit promoting gun and gang culture but the media are sanitising him as they use him to get the dumb students to vote corbyn
Strange how you picked those four bands Pounce.
Saw all of them back in the day between 78-79, and I’ve seen all of them in the last 2 years.
Had never thought about that before. Weird.
Went to see Public Image Limited in 1978 just after they were formed. It was a very small venue just outside of Moss Side and Pete Shelley was there playing spin the bottle with some other people. It led to plenty of snogging and tongue slurping between Pete and various others – all male.
The Buzzcocks were brilliant but it was kind of hard to see him in the same light with that image in my head.
“Looks quite clear and blue, the sky over Brussels, not so the sky here, it’s foggy”
And with that almost peotic meteorological observation seeming to sum up the BBC attitude our Breakfast Naga Munchetty gives the softest of soft interviews to would-be Labour quisling Keir Starmer.
Less of this grown up talk of bargaining chips simpers our Keir – think of the humanity….
Here’s a notion Keir – the EU are far more concerned with wringing as much cash as possible out of us than they are about those precious EU citizens here in the UK. Brussels is quite content to hold both them and our expats in europe as hostages. And the BBC just won’t call them out on this.
Listening to the World Service this morning I was struck how the MSM and particularly the BBC seemed to be acting like some corpse hungry ghoul extracting ever inch of political capital out of the recent death of an American Special Forces Sergeant on active duty in Africa.
Apparently President Trump rang the mother of the deceased and said “I guess he knew what he signed up for” which at the end of the day was true. I am sure the soldier was pragmatic enough to realise that his early death was certainly a risk of his profession. Whilst this may/or may not not have been a sensitive thing to say – I see it as more as a salute to his fortitude (along with most servicemen casualties) in that he knew the risks but did his job anyway.
Of course the mother of this soldier is going to be inconsolable – What did they expect. I expect that if he had spent twenty minutes blubbing down the phone then that would be wrong as well. Do we really want an over emotional crying baby in charge of armies -m I think not.
It never ceases to amaze me – just when you the think the liberal media cant get any lower – they do – I despair!
What does Sopel have to be in the US for? He does zero journalism and spews out the same hysterical anti Trump nonsense over and over. We could just read Buzz Feed to get that.
A mother being upset and Trump being insensitive is not news. It might be ok for some lefty blog about feelings but for an international media organisation funded to the tune of billions it just does not cut it.
They got a week of stories about Trump’s ‘inadequate response’ to Charlottesville – pure fake news, innuendo and guilt by association. Another week about this? The soldier is black so surely they could get some KKK angle in?
Plus I suspect Trump is just trolling them again. He deliberately tweets provocative things so we can laugh at the media’s hysterical response. They really need to up their game as he is walking all over them.
It was very good to hear Owen Patterson on Toady this morning, interviewed by their Muslim Affirmative Action hireling, where he was actually permitted to make his Brexit arguments without being constantly interrupted.
Patterson is quite correct, in that the whole of these “negotiations” with the EU are going nowhere and we need to stop wasting anymore time on them; too much has been already.
He is yet another very talented and experienced Leaver MP, like J. R-M, who should be in the Cabinet but isn’t; Ma May prefers to surround herself with such political “giants” as Damian Green; David Liddington; Pip Hammond and Amber Rudd.
My Week as a Muslim {channel4}
“A woman from a mostly white town uses prosthetics to transform her appearance on a visit to Manchester’s Pakistani Muslim community as the city deals with a recent terrorist attack”
– will this women go into Luton as a Muslim women?
Aren’t these people doing exactly what they say Katie Hopkins is doing? Won’t the play “Assassination of Katie Hopkins” create Hate and Division? Won’t hate crimes rise after this play?
Is it only for me that that the quoted tweet doesn’t come up in the embed?
Here is the tweet and a good reply
\\So if it was an “invitation to kill a Muslim”, or an “invitation to kill Gina Miller”,
then it would be ok and the intention wouldn’t be to offend? I’m confused…//
They had a good chuckle about the production of Julius Caesar where a Trump-like figure is murdered. Haw haw haw! How hilarious that must be for his eleven year old son. My sides almost split at the hilarity.
Incitement of murder from the side who lectures us about ‘hate crime’, ‘micro aggressions’ and ‘cultural appropriation.’
Have to laugh at the advocate for the Katie Hopkins play. He said the intention is to stimulate debate.Ha bloody ha. The time when theatre stimulated debate has long gone.
I expect to see Hope not Hate, Antifa, UAF, and all outside the theatre demonstrating against the hate displayed against Katie Hopkins. They would be there if it were a play about assassinating the mudererer of Lee Rigby or of the rape gangs.
Errr, yes, quite. Tom asked about the Weinstein events by a beeb reporter on behalf of Bbc brekkie.
And Tom has a tale of being propositioned himself. How interesting. Why would A Tom need to raise the issue now and B why did he get asked.
I’m afraid Tom as an early career musician being propsitioned by a bloke somewhat stretches the imagination a tad. Whoever it was would find his teeth down his throat quite quickly. However the other item is more interesting. There are clear allegation circulating about our Tom and underage girls, having been recorded as rape by South African police. There’s plenty of intersting fact on youtube etc, if you care to watch it. It’s quite compelling. My guess is they know it as well as the next bloke, so need a smokescreen, or allow him to raise one.
Either way, they are being somewhat deceptive.
Driving this morning early I heard what I thought was the whole Tom Jones interview on R4 – at no point did he say a ‘man’ was the one who “approached” him..but at next R4 news it was a “man” – he said person.
Then in the later news it was an “older man”….I can’t wait until this evenings news when it should have transmuted to old white man … i just watched the Radio 5 Live “interview” which was a carpet chat before his Voice….real investigative journalism…and indeed he did not say man or older…Well done BBC yet more fake news to suit your prejudice…
Oh, yes, thank you for pointing that out JArthur, because I related the item to Mrs D when she appeared after the main item had ended. She asked ” what, a man?” And I thought he hadnt said either way.
But you are correct, it wasnt said at all.
Have you read up on the accusations against Tom himself? Compelling.
I gather al beeb expected the shit to hit the fan last year, which was the reason they removed him from the voice, before it moved channel.
The BBC runs its stories on Facebook, where comments are allowed.
This is the top rated by a country mile to one about a breathless ‘report’ on what ‘China’ thinks of NK’s antics:
“Is the BBC stupid? You are asking some white guy who speaks weird Mandarin to ask these low ranking officials in front of the cameras about politically sensitive questions? What do you expect them to do? Do you interview borough council workers in a small English town and somehow present their views as representative of the entire UK government?
I use to respect the BBC alot, but now they are behaving like a misbehaved tabloid.”
Guest Who, I’ve just had a quick look at BBC Facebook. I liked the fact that that post got so many upvotes, but I had to scroll through an absolute sea of drivel from a combination of Mumsnet types writing variations on ‘can’t we just be nice to each other’, Dave Spart lefties writing things like ‘terrorism is our fault for bombing the west’ and a variety of foreigners asking questions like ‘Is the BBC British or American’.
I subscribe to the BBC on such as Facebook and twitter because I cannot and do not watch it broadcast. Serves beyond links here to stay abreast of what is said and done in my name. Apparently. Online is another option but they are highly selective on stories with HYS attached, and even then they are heavily policed.
However like the BBC HYS, I do appreciate the diamonds who cut through the agreed mostly dross nutters, social media kindergarteners, peace and love hippies, idealists, BBCphiles, etc, and especially the outright psychos whose posts the BBC leaves up as they appear exempted from facilitating hate crimes for yet more unique reasons, probably also exempted from an FOI too. Almost all from a particular global niche.
I simply find it fascinating the state broadcaster of the UK uses and is obsessed by platforms outside the UK and overseen by foreign corporates over whom this country has no say or control. Oh well.
I also think they may be missing their supposed ‘core’ as my two don’t use Facebook as it is ‘for old folk’.
Another, ‘Elephant in the room’ job –
The ‘Elephant’? – The fourth missing question: ‘Do you want to see the immigration policy REVERSED?’
Ship em’ out! We’ve got enough trouble with those that are here already never mind about allowing the numbers to increase year on year.
Applying the solution could be easier than people think. There are so many people here who find our morals unacceptable, who have a desire to totally destroy our institutions, government, religion, democracy. They may support Islam, support Black Lives Matter and are projected by the media as great intellects with a vision of a better society. With some cash in their pockets, provided from our cancelled overseas aid, they could be assisted in a move to Africa, an entire continent desperate for their contribution
“Applying the solution could be easier than people think.” Yup! – all those with dual passports removed to the ‘other’ country? That would clear many of the undesirables out.
R4Today 8:50 The Remainiac canard from Yanis & other EU doom-monger
“they say it’s all about getting sovereignty to the British parliament
..yet they want to rush through an out bill WITHOUT the sovereignty of the British Parliament”
That’s a canard
cos its’s NOT about getting sovereignty back From the Remainiac EU
to give it to the REMAINIAC British Parliament
.. It’s about getting sovereignty back to the British People !
..and they voted OUT
First we fix the EU undemocracy problem
next we fix the British Parliament undemocracy problem
Yannis Varoufakis at least has experience of trying to negotiate with the EU, and he knows it is next to impossible. That is why he advises Britain to leave the EU, but stay in the EEA for an interim period. That way our trade is not affected, and we can discuss a Free Trade Agreement without any time pressure. He does not expect Britain to stay in the EU, he just expects us to be unable to negotiate a deal with them in two years. He’s seen how they work, so his views deserve respect.
The two year window allowed under Article 50 is not long enough, it was only put in the Lisbon Treaty as window dressing to give the illusion that the EU was a free union of states, they never expected it would ever be used, and the fact that the second biggest contributor to their budget is leaving has made them mighty peeved. They are going to try and drain us dry before we leave, and my worry is that Mrs May, who is a weak character, will go along with it just to get something agreed by 2019. If we leave the EU, but stay in the EEA, we take away the EU’s main weapon against us, which is the two year deadline.
Rob/Stew I agree with both of your points. To me the a EU are laying a rather crude game of “good cop/bad cop” with the majority of the EU parasites (including the BBC ) playing project fear to the max in the hopes of scaring all of these trembling, snowflake hearts – they then seem to be also simultaneously releasing the occasional unofficial , positive press release suggesting they are willing to do business after all. So we are all grateful that they have deigned to be “nice ” to us despite our selfishness.
I think this is all to give us the impression that some sort of serious negotiation is actually taking place, when in truth (well my opinion anyway) this is to provide cover for Theresa Mays surrender. She has already extended our leaving by another two years, I wonder what else she and her remain friends have decided on.
This isnt a compromise, this is a slow motion surrender. I find it all rather painful and embarrassing to watch. And in particular the remain side who have suddenly found a million new definitions to explain what democracy is really about and what it means.
In years to come the Oxford English Dictionary will read thus – Democracy = Ignoring the will of the electorate and the deliberate manipulation of the electoral process to maintain the Liberal status quo.
(and Cleggs pension)
Ironically Aaronvitch’s column is about how direct democracy is evil, he uses a Hitler photo saying Hitler had lots of referendums and say he himself HSS changed to preferring MPs cos otherwise decisions get dine without debate.
…err Climate Act ..wasn’t debated MPs just out virtue signalled themselves voting firs its madness.
I’ve just taken a quick squint at Infowars, the online news outlet that brings us the events ignored by the dear old Beeb and the equally useless Sky News.
Infowars are telling us that in the past week alone poor old Sweden, once the most peaceful and liberal country in Europe (and now the rape capital) has had 5!! attempted bombings or actually explosions.
I’ve heard nothing about this via our conventional news gatherers.
The BBC seem far more concerned about some whining female footballer, or a geezer who use to be Sam and now wants to be Samantha, and / or the latest smear against Trump FFS, than actual, dangerous terrorism in our European backyard.
The main purpose of the BBC isn’t to simply bring us irritating, insipid left wing “comedy” it’s primarily to keep us informed. If they’re not doing that what use are they?
You wouldn’t have a police force that didn’t turn up for a burglary because they were too busy painting their nails.
That would be insane…
Had same thought myself…especially when they are now using Huffington post to justify their views – Huffington F..Post…! Not much in news about the Austrian elections….You would think the youngest ever political leader would warrant news – after all how much did they play on that with Macron..
And there you have just presented evidence that MSM remainers care nothing for Europe. For all their posturing,
their primary concern is protecting a central power-base not the continent & people of Europe. The very thought that they might lose some control probably gives them night sweats.
If the BBC mentioned any of the real news coming out of Sweden, they would have to admit that President Trump was correct in his remarks about that country a few months ago. Since the notion that President Trump is right about anything is a thoughtcrime at the BBC, news from Sweden must go straight down the memory hole.
Remember people: two plus two equals five when the left wing MSM say so.
The BBC is saying heads must roll at the FA as the evidence they have to the inquiry was not good enough.
They should never have had to give evidence in the first place. It’s a classic lawyer trick: make a spurious claim then nail them on their procedural impropriety in response to the original claim. Of course if you are accused of racism – the modern equivalent of witchcraft – you will be on the back foot and likely to make errors. Thanks to the many lawyers infesting parliament, they have created countless procedural traps for defendants to fall into. The greater the law the greater the injustice.
There is no substantive wrongdoing. The Beeb wail they failed to ‘admit their wrongdoing.’ Well perhaps that is because they have done nothing wrong.
The result will be no more jokes or banter. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of mates; it is especially important for bonding amongst males and in the workplace. Of course a few jokes may be ill-judged, but who cares? It is worth it for when the jokes are well-judged.
Maybe coaches now will only make jokes to white players now this precedent has been set. To deny black players the delights of workplace banter is terrible discrimination, but that may well be the result of Aluko’s shameless and lucrative opportunism, aided and abetted by the BBC.
Mark Sampson is meant to have made two politically incorrect jokes, which meant the claimants got big money, even though he meant no harm.
The FA then decided to sack him because of something which happened several years ago, and had already been investigated. This is utter stupidity. If they gave him the job after that inquiry, then why revisit it, and use it as an excuse to sack him?
I think the fools at the FA wanted to sack Sampson to make this go away, even though he had not committed a sackable offence. They were too stupid to realise that this just poured petrol on the dying embers, and predictably it has set fire to their trousers.
All I know is that this will end up costing a huge amount of money, the race baiters will be encouraged, and going forward the FA will find itself stifled by ever more PC thoughtcrime procedures.
The FA just need to employ a black manager and a team made up of female ethnic minorities: then there is zero risk of a nasty whitey subjecting them to any racism.
And was surprised to learn that: “……the Bush administration released more people from Guantanamo Bay than the Obama administration”. Really? So I checked:
“During the Bush Administration, 500 detainees were transferred out of the prison or released. During the Obama Administration, 197 detainees were transferred, repatriated or resettled in third countries.”
Clare, we also don’t often hear that the famous wall between the USA and Mexico was voted for by Hilary Clinton (Secure Fence Act 2006). Although it was only intended to be 700 miles long rather than the whole border, it was still a significant wall and Trump’s logic is that there’s no point having it unless the whole border is secure. Trump’s mistake, in my view, was making it a big issue and saying he would force Mexico to pay for it. Instead of saying ‘we’re gonna build a wall’ he should have said ‘we’re going to continue the wall that Hilary voted for’.
The remittances which its citizens send back home amount to $30 billion dollars a year, all Trump needs to do is threaten to stop (or even reduce) that and Mexico will fund the wall construction right quick.
Each time Trump even mentions remittances sent to Mexico, the value of the peso falls against the dollar.
The companies which are going to tender for the work, have built prototypes already.
And bbc WS – So only half of the US think MSM is unfair to Trump and make stuff up. Less than half trust social media.
In the painfully short piece we had, “The bbc always tries to present both sides” and,”People have lost faith in the media because Trump calls them, ‘fake news’.
So there you have it – it’s all Trump’s fault. Priceless.
Don’t shoot the messenger. Nobody would believe the sun does not rise in the morning just because Trump said it doesn’t. People only believe him because he is right.
Wow Times pg 10 has 1/3 page ad for LBC Hate-jock James O’Brien
“The welfare system has been portrayed as a trampoline
..people wilfully dive into
— It’s not, it’s a safety net”
I’ve gone from lamenting actual broadcast bias to predicting it.
Today comrade corbyn abc his tame lawyer meet their fellow Eu socialists in Brussels.
Predictions –
Al Beeb will celebrate their helpful statesman like intervention
In no way are negotiations undermined
Corbyn could do a better job
He’s having second thoughts about leaving – another referendum
The Eu is much more willing to negotiate than we are being told.
He got a seat on the train this time.
There should be a general election because the Eu has lost confidence in the Tories.
I won’t be watching much news today as too busy. But I will tick the list off and see if I’m at least half right.
R4 11:30 show
“How did a young Somali girl become a successful poet ?”
Prog began by playing scriptures in Arabic
Her family live in Kilburn
There are lots of men in Islamic countries , well except for those who are over here, but they are forced by their women to remain indoors and only allowed out if covered from head to foot in a bin bag . Perhaps that is why so many try to escape and claim refugee status.
I haven’t listenened to the Toady programme on R4 for weeks. What joy to catch the wise words of my favorite counterterrorism “expert” Richard Barret this morning. Whenever Barret is wheeled out by the BBC, you know that some kind of glib “keep calm” message is to be directed towards the masses. Obviously, the return of hundreds of potential muslim mass murderers from Syria announced by the Big Man at MI6 is the proximate reason.
I was expecting a full house of “recruiting sergeant”, “counter-productive” and “victims of jihadist grooming”.
I was disappointed on this occasion as the Beebling could only extract one “counter-productive” from Barret after much priming.
The initial scene setting was heart-rending. Lots of the returnees were just babes in arms, children and women.
What possible harm could they be to Britain? Welcoming cuddles and reintegration programmes run by your favorite group of ex-jihadists endorsed by Madgit Nawaaz. For the youths, it was just high jinx of the Swallows and Amazon kind and the men with really Big Beards were there to do charity work and play football, albeit with the head of a Kuffar replacing the standard ball.
“So Richard what would it be if these vulnerable people were hounded by the law?”
Err, counter-productive?
Barret’s policy of “strategic spinelessness” must ensure he is the Westener least likely to be the target of Muslim unpleasantness. He’s far more valuable to IS prattling on the BBC.
Reminds of the senseless attack that the BBC are not keeping up-to-date on … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ .. original story appears only but on other sites like sep2017 …
The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.
“I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
Something we’ve known for years, but how refreshing to see it spelt out in the meeja.
But not on the beebistan, of course.
Rise in hate crime report the BBC
It appears that people who react negatively to children being blown up are among the hate criminals.
‘Home Secretary Amber Rudd said there was “absolutely no place for hate crime in our society” and said the rise after 2017’s terror attacks were “undoubtedly concerning”.’
The left as per their mission statement to remake the UK into a multicultural utopia have no problem equating a funny look with an Islamic bigot murdering children at a Pop concert. MPs,CPS and the Police are just as guilty when instead of calling a spade a spade they wax lyrical about a backlash.
The bBC is currently screaming out about a rise in violent crime. Yet Gun,knife and sexual crimes in the UK have a distinct colour to those who carry out such crimes. Why only yesterday a Grime artist was charged with 29 counts of violent rape. Instead of making these people pay, the left paint the picture that actually they are the victims of white racism and so the wheels on the bus go round and round.
When I reached 75 the BBC very kindly unsubscribed me. Perhaps they realized I don’t watshit.
Oh dear the jokes get worse. I think i’m losing my touch.
Your jokes are better than you hear on the BBC , where the so called jokes must comply with ever so strict guidelines drawn up by the BBC Political Correctness Department. Only so called jokes which target none PC attitudes, organisations or individuals are allowed but on no account must jokes break any of 5007 PC rules. Any writer who breaks these rules is sent to the Salford gulag along with their extended family.
Provided the jokes meet these stringent guidelines then the selected liberal left audience is commanded by the laughter commissar in charge of the broadcast to laugh. The BBC did try some shows without a laughter commissar in charge but they found that even with a carefully selected audience of right on liberal lefties some none PC tittering was audible. So this experiment was immediately stopped and the person who thought it up sent to the Salford gulag.
The BBC are now petitioning the government for extra funds to erect another Gulag in Barnsley as the Salford one is almost full.
I thought all the squealing, laughter and applause- Oh whatever happened to good old fashioned polite applause?- came from an electronic box operated by the BBC shithouse cleaner, as the sound is always cut too abruptly and comes on when something is said that is not remotely witty. Also with a live audience there will always be a certain amount of tittering,coughing, belching and farting between the bursts of laughter. With this lot,not a dicky bird.
Lefty Wright, I suspect the BBC does doctor the audience reactions. I remember attending a recording of ‘The Fast Show’ (back when comedy on the Beeb was still quite good) and myself and colleagues were literally howling with laughter at one sketch – but when it was broadcast all you could hear was some polite chuckling!
You could be describing the old Soviet “satirical” magazine Krokodil with “PC” replaced by “party line”, etc. The komsomol types would always claim that the mild criticisms of Soviet industrial policy, say, showed that freedom of speech was alive and well in the USSR. But, of course, even some Soviet apparatchiks realised that constant exhortations to overfulfill the 5 year plan would eventually get on the masses’ tits and “humour” could be used to nudge the proletariat in the right direction. Like the BBC’s “satire” orifices, Krododil used most of its verbiage to denounce and ridicule “class enemies” and “imperialist warmongers”.
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
Anti gay crackdowns Egypt, Indonesia and Russia to name three but no crowds on Western streets.
Much like the reaction to the ISIS bestiality but Trump coming to Britain? Oh wow!
And I can’t help a cynical smile when I hear of yet more horror, outrage and corruption in African countries – surely it can’t be due to white supremacy?
Anti gay crackdowns Egypt, Indonesia and Russia to name three but no crowds on Western streets.
Much like the reaction to the ISIS bestiality but Trump coming to Britain? Oh wow!
And I can’t help a cynical smile when I hear of yet more horror, outrage and corruption in African countries – surely it can’t be due to white supremacy?
I have to laugh at how the left love to berate those who don’t support their mindset as Daily Mail readers. Here is a snap shot of the the bBC news home page:

There is only one news story there, the rest are all fluff, the vast majority PC fluff, maybe we should referring to those easily offended as bBC readers. However in light of the bBCs penchant for anal sex , (usually little boys) Buggering British Children seems about right.
Yes, just looking at the PC version….can’t do a screen shot, but includes:
Tesco to start selling green satsumas and clementines
Children ’embarrassed by tipsy parents’ – comments!
Bodyform advert replaces blue liquid with red ‘blood’ – one where the story has different title from main screen which has ‘Sanitary towel advert features red ‘blood” – contains graphic image
Aristocrat loses heirloom in Morrisons
The 110-year-old with an infectious laugh
Teenage estate agent who has made millions – that sort of capitalism is ok, cos he’s ethnic and both parents are deaf (boxes ticked). Doesn’t go into how he’s managed to make such a success of it given the competition, apart from his cheap commission – why haven’t others done same? Maybe he just hasn’t been sued yet.
Anna Raeburn- I had a backstreet abortion
BBC, you are a sorry excuse for a publicly funded (under threat of imprisonment) national media
And we are supposed to be the retards. So sad.
Here’s my screenshots, cos Pounce didn’t crop to width so his is a bit cramped


I reduced the size here but if you right click and open the images in a new frame it will come up full size
Unless I can see a bank statement, I never believe this “multi-millionaire” nonsense. I remember a few years back, they were lauding a Sikh teenager for being a “multi-millionaire” because he had a chain of shops selling bangles and beads. It was all rubbish, and he ended up bankrupt.
I expect he told the journos he was a “multi-millionaire”, and they have rushed to print it as a fact without any checking, because they want it to be true. If he were a white estate agent boasting about being a millionaire they would think he was the scum of the earth.
Rob, I remember a few years ago reading an article that claimed the late Michael Winner was one of Britain’s richest men. Then when he died it turned out he’d been millions of pounds in debt for years! I suspect the ‘millionaire teenager’ has some highly leveraged property portfolio, where he’s got an eyewatering 40-year mortgage for one house, and then has remortgaged that to buy another, both of which have been hugely overvalued and for which he’ll probably never clear the debt. But in modern Britain that makes you a MIWWIONAIRE, RODNEY!
Edit: it seems the man in question set up a company where he charged low commission for selling houses, undercutting other agents, so my first impression was wrong – but I’m still not quite sure how his business can be worth £12m as the Daily Mirror claims.
It isn’t worth £12 million, he has said it is, and the journos swallow it because they want it to be true. If and when someone offers to buy his business for £12 million, then I will believe it.
This is like the deluded idiots who go on Dragons’ Den valuing their businesses with a turnover of £20,000 at a million. Just because you say something, doesn’t make it so. But the MSM desperately want to believe that a BAME teenager can be a millionaire, so they print it. If it was that easy to become a millionaire estate agent, we’d all be doing it.
Aluko, the Beeb’s favourite footballer, suggesting the FA is institutionally racist on the basis of one bad joke about Ebola.
The supposedly ‘oppressed’ are so often the oppressors these days. How dare she invoke the terrible spectre of ‘institutional racism’ in regards to the one industry which has done more than any other to empower, enrich and integrate black people – and indeed one that unites all minorities.
All just so she could make a quick buck. Sickening.
Beeb Bro.
You hit the spot every time.
Al beeb loves wimmind footy -it’s cheap and sky hasn’t bought it yet . So when a black girl footballer playing for the Wimmins England team gets rubbed up the wrong way by a male white manager it spells trouble and another golden opportunity to beat up whitey . And parliament joins in by having a session about the whole thing .
A racial involving Wimmins footy .,feel the ground shake .
All al beeb has to do is link it to Weinstein and they’re on a role until the next Islamic terrorist attack .,
“Black girl footballer gets rubbed up the wrong way by a male white manager.” The mind boggles.
Was the double entendre intended?
Sorry, it’s the way I was brought up. These things just raise a titter in me.
Ooh matron – titter ye not.
It will end with every one wearing a body camera recording everything, manager, ref. Lino the lot. If a footballer can’t take a few loose words they might as well give up. But this person ( non sexist/gender language) is , so I understand , a lawyer – and lawyers know a gravy train when they see one and she’s got a first class ticket to daytime tv, interviews about being a victim of racism , an obe,
Some here have had a pop at me because I got annoyed about who is first to put an entry – not a comment – just an entry. So I’ll try to be light hearted Fedup.
I gather great strength knowing that if I wrote for an enemy blog like The Guardian – Home of our beloved maxi – I would have censored out and reported to difd for rendition
Nice one son! Let’s not mention your ENTRY eh?
Last week I mentioned I had written to Sky, complaining at the imbalance of opinions (4-1 in favour of remainers) on the edition of the Pledge shown that week. Just received an email which you may like to read………………………
“Thank you for letting us know your views about the Brexit discussion on a recent edition of The Pledge.
As a channel, we strive all the time to be impartial, balanced and fair in our coverage of all matters of public policy and politics, not least Brexit. Brexit has in many ways changed the traditional political dividing lines. We obviously try to balance debates between people who are left of centre and right of centre, but these dynamics are sometimes distorted by Brexit perspectives. It can be the case that a left wing Labour politician, and a right wing Tory can be diametrically opposed on most issues, and still agree on Brexit.
On The Pledge, we do take all of these things into account. However, while I understand why you’ve made the observations you have, there are a number of factors that I believe you need to take into consideration.
First, it was not the programme’s intention to leave Carole Malone as the lone voice supporting the Brexit perspective. We lost of one of our usual panel very late in the day, and it wouldn’t have been possible in the time allowed to change the dynamics of the line-up. Carole was happy to go ahead on this basis, and I’m sure you’ll agree that she is more than capable of making and holding an argument.
It’s also the case that the number of people on either side of this discussion is only one way of measuring the amount of oxygen given to each opinion. The amount of time given to Carole’s point of view was greater than any other individual because she was arguing with them all. So the duration afforded to each side of the argument was much closer to a balance of airtime than the four-to-one.
Another important factor is the nature of The Pledge. It is a distinctive programme with a distinctive team of guests who we use, not to report the news, but to express their opinions and debate the big issues of our time. This is what they do. And in each edition of the programme, they debate several subjects. It’s not possible to ensure that there are even numbers of each side of every debate, whether it’s about religion, immigration, education, the NHS, Donald Trump, Brexit, Catalonia, North Korea, or anything else. The key is to ensure that all arguments on any side of a debate are heard properly. And Carole managed to do this very well.
I’m sorry that you were concerned about the nature of the debate and I hope the above factors help to explain the circumstances. In the totality of Sky News coverage, we achieve fairness and balance and we’re totally committed to maintaining that.
Thank you again for writing,
Peter Lowe
Managing Editor
It’s so obvious these days that sky and al Beeb are staffed by the same type. – the kind of non apology you got there – and piss poor explanation – which a beeboid or skyboid would see as reasonable but a decent fair minded tax paying citizen of Blighty would think of as crap.
“It’s so obvious these days that sky and al Beeb are staffed by the same type.”
Yep they left school and went to ‘Uni’ (Skool) and never did a real job of work.
Thats where we are .
But in defence of Sky I think it’s female ‘journalists’ are better looking than the ones on the BBC. This is of critical importance when you watch with the sound turned off. Tamara Cohen is very fit. I do hope that being paid complements about their appearance doesn’t upset these ladies. In my younger days complementing women on their appearance was a gentlemanly thing to do but these days , according to the liberal left elite, apparently it’s a sign of the male dominance that does so much evil in the world. But curiously this doesn’t apply in Muslim lands , according to the liberal left elite.
Kay ‘you can’t say that’ Burley vs. Kirsty ‘Parlamino Scotese’ Wark. Tough call.
Both horrors. Inside and out.
Whilst sitting painfully through the 6 o’clock news tonight, listening to the BBC gleefully reporting on all of the NHS targets being missed and insisting that more funds would be the answer to the crisis. We are given the BBC’s NHS tracker to inform us as to the overall performance..
Anyway, was intrigued to hear about this revolutionary innovation by a hospital in the North East.
“Some hospital trusts do better than others hitting targets, like North Tees and Hartlepool.
Simple innovations like having a senior nurse deciding which patients need A&E and which could be dealt with elsewhere.”
There must be some geniuses working in the NHS
I think al beeb and the international health service have a lot in common – guaranteed income – beyond official criticism because it’s a National Treasure ‘
But when you get under the hood – they are self serving organisations which treat their customers as numbers – an inconvenience -.and a good opportunity for characters with a bullying – power streak to fill the space beyond question .
Surgeons who boss their theatres – high pay beeboid journos bullying interviewees ‘ robustly ‘as al beeb would say .
Someone convince me what I write here is nonsense please . But I have enough first hand experience of the nhs to know the fucking awful truth
Throughout my 77 year existence I have been extremely lucky to have stayed disgustingly healthy.
However, twice in my life I have had surgery on the N.H.S. Once when I was a 10 year old kid for mastoidectomy without which I may not have made it and again 3 years ago I had a full knee replacement following a few years of rather painful osteoarthritis, which was probably brought on by too much cross country running and after that long distance hiking. I have to say that on both occasions I could not fault my treatment and the new knee works a treat allowing me to continue my walking.
Now it does seem to me that everybody has a different experience and yours seems to have been total shit and I know people who say the same thing.
As I say I have been lucky with my health and not needed the services of the N.H.S. very often so I haven’t seen the bad side. I hope this continues until I kick the bucket.
I am not in a position to tell you that what you have written is nonsense. We can only speak from our own personal experience.
Lefty Right…I assume that for the majority of those 77 years you have paid a lot into the system through taxes and National Insurance, therefore earning your entitlement to use such services.
What annoys me is that people who haven’t paid in, ever, but get the same entitlement.
What strikes me is that the ones who are always banging on about the NHS have the same sense of entitlement and expectation to get something for nothing as those who choose benefits as a lifestyle choice and just expect to be ‘kept’ indefinitely by the taxpayer.
I’d happily opt out of the NHS and take out private health insurance if I could get a refund of all the NI payments I have made throughout my lifetime.
I often wonder-if the NHS and benefits were scrapped, how appealing would our country then be to immigrants.
Yes. I paid my dues for 46 years but i’m not sure how much credit I have left. Just hoping I’ll follow my Dad’s example and go suddenly with no pain and most of all with no aggro to others. I’m counting on my genes.
The NHS does excel at the sharp end – ground breaking and life saving surgery is world class but basic organization like getting a wheelchair or your drugs from pharmacy so you can be discharged -is utterly crap.
Too many suits passing through who don’t actually produce but somehow you just have to have them.
Time ago large hospitals had around a dozen admin/HR people now there are hundreds. The Senior Administrator was on a good wage but nothing like the £350,000 plus benefits of today.
And guess what? Hospitals functioned far better.
Thanks for that. It does rather put my somewhat limited view into perspective.
I wonder how long Hillary Clinton had to wait in A&E before she was treated by our wonderful NHS?
Would you normally get a huge surgical boot like the one she was wearing for a broken toe? Somehow I doubt it.
Live now on Look North “A 12 year old boy has complained about bullying after people mistake his religion after a terrorist attack”
Well the reporter then reports from a Sikh temple where she and all the women are wearing headscarves cos in a Sikh temple everyone’s head must be covered.
Doesn’t actually seem like the boy initiated the report cos his bit was only 10% of it, most was with experts from the temple.
I expect someone in the Hate not Hope PR created the story.
“Hate” toward Sikhs radiates strongly from Islam. There is quite a history between the two. Muslims tried to wipe them out just as they do with everyone else. I don’t suppose Beeby would want to highlight that. Fortunately Sikhs fight back. They resisted Islam in India. We are going to have to do the same sooner or later. The later we leave it the harder it will be. I hope the Sikhs among us will be our allies. The sooner we stop calling all brown people “Asians” the better.
What do they expect when they classify these rape gangs as ‘Asian’? That would include Sikhs. We all know that these rape gangs are ISLAMIC in nature, not ‘Asian.’ Of course if our national broadcaster disseminates the false idea that ‘Asians’ are perpetrating terrible crimes against children there will be some kickback. Sikhs are lovely people – how dare the BBC associate them with child rapists.
So the vile BBC not only causes the problem, but also wants credit for trying to clear it up. Just like their concern the other morning about more and more children feeling suicidal. If some backward moron had me as a sex slave I would definitely kill myself. Of course they never connect the dots and just say we need more funding for children’s services.
This is exactly right. Because the lying BBC refuse to say that the rape gangs are muslim, and use the weasel word “Asian”, they tar all people of Indian appearance with the same brush. Then they profess to be shocked when there is blowback against non-muslims for the crimes of muslims.
Apart from anything else, not all the rapists are “Asian”, many are African or from the Middle East. What they have in common is nothing to do with geography, it is to do with their shared ideology, namely “islam”.
The BBC are utterly vile.
Haven’t seen this on the BBC…
There’s basically no information given by the swedish police, except that it might be related to organised crime…by whom? The italian mafia? Do they have a big contingent in Sweden? there is a lot of elephants in that police station. It’s ok though cos terrorism has been ruled out.
… Jon Sopel
I wouldn’t rule out Biker gang but peter says
So, somebody got it right and “blew the bloody doors off”
Yes, from what we can make out the cops over there don’t seem to be of much use to the Swedish citizens. Maybe somebody took exception to this at last.
A friend of mine, a Swede, told me that the Swedish police mainly comprises: women; ethnic minorities and homosexuals.
Could be it’s a case of too much Rogering and Outing at the station.
Massive tea spray avoided by a split second Lefty…damn, I wish I’d thought of that.
Jack M
Sorry about that mate. I’m afraid it’s my one track mind. My missus says yeah it’s like a fcuking dirt track.
Starting to see a trend in several countries – Sweden, here, the US – bombings, car crashes, shooting , terrorism and Islam never make an appearance. United media present them as criminal or accidents.
Authoritarian leftist campus crawlers have a problem with US presidents that aren’t black or female.
As we know they show not even the slightest respect to President Trump. Now Abraham Lincoln is being re-classified as a racist criminal as well.
I wish people could just get jobs or do something useful rather than navel-gaze about nonsense like this. I could probably think of multiple things that offend me on some level, but as I have stuff to do I don’t get time to think about it. The idea that your personal feelings trump those of everyone else who might like the statue is so foul. I hate so many BBC programmes, but I would never say nobody else should be allowed to watch them. If a statue upsets you then look at something else.
Also the people who virtue signal about slavery probably own multiple items which were produced by people so poorly paid they are effectively slaves. There is no moral progress really. These morons would use a tablet produced by a Chinese worker doing an 80 hour week, who is so miserable his employer has placed guards on windows to stop people from committing suicide, to signal their virtue about how bad slavery was.
The bBBC are bigging up a Caribbean lady who has reached 110 years of age. Apparently she came to this country in the 1960s.
Now on a personal level this lady deserves many congratulations and I am delighted to report she seems to be in good health and still has good mental capacity. Well done her. I wish her well.
But reflect more. She arrived in the 1960s. She must have been aged about 60. Did she work? For how long? Has she ever paid any tax? If so, how much? How much has she cost the taxpayer since then to give her the ‘care she deserves’ as Corbyn et al might say?
The weird thing is, with no sense of irony and especially with no sense of joining-the-dots the bBBC in the same bulletin featured the latest ‘crisis’ in the NHS and social care system.
I wonder if, just possibly, the two stories might just possibly be connected?
Impartial my A$$
“Winter ISN’T coming – it’s actually the Great Thaw that’s on its way.”
FFS does that bear any semblance with reality ..of course winter is coming
See because BBC Future is in the commercial division they think they can get away with stuff
hire eco-dreamer reporter Sara Goudarzi and get her to write your #GreenBlob propaganda
Standard activist PR trick
‘keep throwing the same mud, eventually it will stick’
The Ecomost actually ran the story in April so see the debunk from WUWT in July
Basically temperature gauges don’t agree with the theory
Global warming is a bit like sex. It sell books and newspapers and generates fortunes for the participants.
I really don’t think you should be talking about Hollywood actresses like that, especially when so many have apparently been abused by a big supporter of the Democratic Party.
I neither mentioned the actress or the bishop, although I’ve heard the rumours.
Link to that WUWT debunk
Yep, the more you consider it – the more you see the similarities between the bbc and Chinese regimes.
Well, they are both pretty yellow.
Crime watch axed .Oh dear .The BBC are losing the chance to air all those unsolved hate crimes. How I will miss the line up of mug shots af those evading justice.The BBC was meeting its diversity targets on that section of the programme at least.
I preferred Z Cars anyway. Much more educational.
Not BBC Bias but GuestWho provided a helpful link to a theCanary article about Philip Hammond. I noticed some interesting side-bar clickies to articles, two of which caught my eye.
As far as the UK is concerned, it cannot be both/and, it has to be either/or!
So, there’s a bombing in Sweden that has targeted a police station and “could” be terrorist related and our honest and impartial state broadcaster has chosen to ignore it altogether.
No, they’ve got much more important items to bring to the public’s attention;
Donald Trump has been accused of being insensitive. Gasp!
Or; A second judge has stopped Trump’s travel ban. Do you think they’re obsessed?
Oh, and a black female footballer is complaining about (guess what) racism.
Then there’s couple of transgender items. Gawd, please spare us.
But bombs going off in neighbouring countries.
On the Weinstein thing – looking at the films Mr Weinstein has produced – according to wiki – “the secret policeman’s ball “ in aid of blessed Amnesty International. Will they give the money back?
Will Al Beeb tipex out all of the films he was involved with – in a Jim ll fix it kind of way? Or Rolf and his variety / art stuff. ?
A Panorama is surely a must – highlighting complicity, collusion and cover of serial abusers in large organizations like Miramax and the bbc.
Stew, how can you locate that article? WUWT’s search facility is even worse than the BBC’s – which is hard to believe, I know – but it plain just doesn’t work at all. The menu bar does not provide easy access to archives, nor does the side bar but I eventually located the calendar for access. However, scrolling through July 2017 did not reveal the debunk of the Economist article.
(This relates to Stew Green’s post @ 7.26pm but the B-BBC software has decided to plant it here for some reason.)
@Uptostuff sorry I didnt put the link
Googled : wuwt permafrost
Oh, sorry!
I found the Bethel article but that did not appear to be related directly to the Economist article that contained no author name. (I was a bit surprised at that, responsible publication and all that, taking a leaf out of the BBC’s book! Shame.) Similar subject but different.
I had been hoping someone had replied directly to the Economist’s piece.
No the scientist named in the BBC article is the same one that this earlier WUWT debunks.
The Economist article was one of a number of news articles that came up when I searched for alarmist articles earlier that the WUWT
Oddly, not on the BBC. Germany actually looking at the positives after Brexit, and a way forward. This was hinted at in a piece in the Times earlier in the week.
Germany Drafts Outline of EU-U.K. Ties Post-Brexit, Paper Shows
“The four-page document, dated Oct. 11, urges the EU avoid a piecemeal approach if and when talks with the U.K. get under way. It proposes instead a broad partnership that includes “at a minimum” the fields of foreign and security policy; fighting terrorism; cooperation on criminal justice; agriculture and fisheries; energy; transport, and especially air transport; research and digital issues.
“We share the U.K.’s desire to secure a close partnership with the Union after its exit that covers economic and trade relations,” the ministry states in the paper, which has been circulated to other German government departments but not approved by the Chancellery.”
Can’t remember which paper but it had an article reporting the German car industry are pushing for a clear and positive outcome. An indication of how the world works if you leave the pen pushers out of it.
BBC item
Typical art student crap
…building nice narrative instead of truth
Quote “Across the UK, **vehicle pollution** in the form of particulates and nitrogen oxides was killing 40,000 people per year, according to government figures.”
Em FakeNews
** #1 he confuses vehicle/transport/all pollution
#2 It’s not a government fig . It’s Not 40K REAL dead, (We all lose few end life days adds to equivalent of 40K, error bars a mile wide )
The report is filled with similar errors like he doesn’t know what Adblue is
doesn’t understand that air is not that bad, that MOST of the bad stuff is NOT from cars
..and rather its a PR hijack by politics and people who have electric cars to sell, which are NOT a magic solution.
… but the page looks nice ..and that’s what counts for the BBC
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
“Won’t anyone think of the children!”
I think of them, all that polluted air must be damaging their beards.
Glad you posted that, Stew.
Yes, our BBC journo friend, for all the time he spent with ‘scientists’ and ‘engineers’ appeared to learn little about things like particulates, their sizes, weights and behaviours, about the fact that you cannot get out of a litre of road fuel more than was in there originally, that total road miles and surfaces are critical, that in doing comparative testing on different days you are introducing an unnecessary variable and so on.
I haven’t read the piece line by line but have wasted an hour of my life editing out the pics in order to read it sometime later. The language used and the styling of the whole thing seemed a bit strange to me, redolent of another age and appeared to be being used for embellishment, for obfuscation. Is that unfair?
UptoStuff – to grab the text
Ctrl-A to select all
Ctrl-C to copy
Then post it into a simple text editor like Notepad.
With Ctrl-V
That way you get only text , not the pictures.
“Brexit: May offers more assurances to EU nationals”
May offers, offers and offers but gets nothing back. Europe says jump and May says how high ?
Its time for her to go because it’s all about delaying tactics until the next general election when there will be another referendum. Then, all the brainwashed ‘Uni’ graduates with ‘useless degrees’ will have a vote.
It has been over a year and four months since the “vote for freedom” and we have nothing absolutely nothing. What on earth has happened to the Conservatives?
I think the Conservative party is self destructing . I know al beeb run that story all and every day but a simple stupid example – Corbyn was right to highlight that the universal credit hotline was charging 55p a minute . I hate Corbyn and all his works but he was right on such a trivial and inept policy .
Tories have dumped the policy but I listened to a Tory junior minister trying to defend the indefensible in this
P. S. I have no idea what Universal Credit is and don’t claim benefits . But 55p a minute is a lot of money to many people .
Tories need to control the media side of brexit because at the moment it doesn’t look happy
“Tories need to control the media side of brexit because at the moment it doesn’t look happy”
They don’t want to – they , The Cabinet, are complicit.
“Brexit: May offers more assurances to EU nationals”
Anything for her own people living in Britain?
Question? Are Kunessberg’s reports on Brexit unbiased?
“Whiff of foreboding about Brexit talks”
Over to you maxincony ……..
? Time for a cuppa and a sandwhich ………..
Whiff of foreboding about Brexit talks { 18oct2017}
“There will be a sour mood over the EU summit in the next couple of days, and that’s not just because of the problem with the drains that sent toxic fumes into the atmosphere at the summit building forcing the talks back to the old premises next door. (Sorry)”
– ‘(Sorry)’ – Laura Kuenssberg now has to apologize because she knows she’s not reporting on facts but making opinion and stories up! Hello Magazine?
– No mention of the cost of the €321m EU Egg building where the smells eminated from and who contributed to it being built whilst every other country was in austerity mode.
– ‘there is no appetite on the EU side for a shift.’ – the EU do not shift, they delay, delay or ask for another answer.
Ah the cultural enrichment of grime artists according to the bBC:
Academic study finds grime as ‘disruptive and powerful’ as punk
Grime is the most “significant musical development within the UK for decades”, according to the author of one of the first academic studies into the genre. It’s as “powerful and disruptive as punk”, says the man behind the Ticketmaster report.
Ticketmaster report eh bBC, I wonder what their agenda was to commission a report into (C) rap music.
Tell you what,when Grime comes out with hits half as good as :
Then maybe I may give grime a butchers. (Take note of all the groups above, a true (piss poor) youth movement, that captivated the world never mind the UK.)
Anyway whilst the bBC tries to tell me how good for the environment grime is this story comes along:
Solo 45 of Boy Better Know charged with 29 counts of rape
“A grime artist has been charged with 29 counts of rape”
Ah there’s that cultural enrichment the bBC tries telling me that Grime will give me.
Grime music inspires so much criminality – it should be banned or at least forced underground. The Beeb drool over Stormzy whose previous album was all about the glories of gang culture and stamping on people’s faces. I guess having any sort of standards or expectations is illegal now. It’s the minority communities who will suffer though, not smug Beeb staffers in their ivory towers.
Culture is not like money i.e. the more of it you have, the richer you are. The most successful societies in history have been monocultural; a strong sense of values and shared history to guide, unite and inspire. Plus they have to be good values: if you just stamp on people’s faces you get horrible communities, like we see in so many London boroughs.
Imagine how your spine would tingle to hear these lines from Richard II:
Thus royal throne of kings, this scepty’rd isle,
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself…
This happy breed of men, this little world. . .
This precious stone set in the silver sea. . .
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings. . .
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
Shakespeare would get arrested for ‘hate speech’ for writing that now. And you can be sure the PC Beeb would not commission any of his work, or infect it so thoroughly with its own agenda as to render his plays awful. God, can you imagine it?
Romeo and Geoff.
Macbeth has all the murders replaced with micro aggressions to protect the feelings of snowflakes.
Hamlet would have to be black and would not even recognise the ghost of his father, thus ruining the whole play. . .
Wonder if the Jamaican Government got their way with this as well?
All cultures are equal – Jamaican daggering (dry sex) is just ballroom dancing (elegance with respect)? Both show respect to women from men.
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Charles James Napier – one of the “irrelevant” Dead White European Males who some would like to see removed:
Perhaps your quote should be added to his plinth?
Why not use his real name Andy Anokye and then add his street name afterwards? But no, let’s use his alias and then his group. Surely this is wrong, shouldn’t it be “A man of music background charged raping 29”?
Solo 45 of Boy Better Know charged with 29 counts of rape { 18oct2017}
“Andy Anokye, 31, of Bristol, known by stage name Solo 45, had earlier been charged with two counts of rape, one count of false imprisonment and one of causing actual bodily harm.”
– ‘Mr Anokye, aka Solo 45, is due to stand trial in April next year’ – why April 2018?
– Why is the justice system taking so long to imprison a rapist of 29 people, control freak and violent person?
– Where the rest of the band involved? Were they women (assumed) offered money or fame? Could be similar to another case?
The only reason they are pushing The stormzy idiot is the fact that he backs corbyn along along with all the other grime idiots the beeb promotes. Old Stormzy was on the Jonathan Ross show last saturday where he was fed questions leading into him professing his love to jezza which ross already knew and then he called May a pagan which was all one big joke. From their it descended into idiocy. Ross hasn’t learnt anything from his time over the sachs scandal. Stormzy is a grade A fuckwit promoting gun and gang culture but the media are sanitising him as they use him to get the dumb students to vote corbyn
‘Tories have been reduced to personal name-calling’: Jeremy Corbyn criticises Boris Johnson’s ‘mugwump’ comment {telegraph apr2017}
. . .
“Stormzy handed best solo artist prize at GQ Awards by Jeremy Corbyn” { 06sep2017}
. . .
Rapper Stormzy (supporter of Jeremy) calls Theresa May a ‘paigon’ (friend that lies betrays and isn’t true){ sep2017}
Strange how you picked those four bands Pounce.
Saw all of them back in the day between 78-79, and I’ve seen all of them in the last 2 years.
Had never thought about that before. Weird.
Strange how you picked those four bands Pounce.
Just plain and simply brilliant groups who knocked out fantastic songs. Unfortunately I only got to see the Undertones
Went to see Public Image Limited in 1978 just after they were formed. It was a very small venue just outside of Moss Side and Pete Shelley was there playing spin the bottle with some other people. It led to plenty of snogging and tongue slurping between Pete and various others – all male.
The Buzzcocks were brilliant but it was kind of hard to see him in the same light with that image in my head.
Bit the bullet and checked the BBC website to find out more about this: –
Nothing at all!
Funny that, you’d have thought they would have at least tried to use the huge story to bash President Trump, wouldn’t you!
“Looks quite clear and blue, the sky over Brussels, not so the sky here, it’s foggy”
And with that almost peotic meteorological observation seeming to sum up the BBC attitude our Breakfast Naga Munchetty gives the softest of soft interviews to would-be Labour quisling Keir Starmer.
Less of this grown up talk of bargaining chips simpers our Keir – think of the humanity….
Here’s a notion Keir – the EU are far more concerned with wringing as much cash as possible out of us than they are about those precious EU citizens here in the UK. Brussels is quite content to hold both them and our expats in europe as hostages. And the BBC just won’t call them out on this.
I kid you not but the Beeb sports page telling us that Pole dancing has now been recognised as a sport. What the hell happened to this world!
It got hijacked.
Listening to the World Service this morning I was struck how the MSM and particularly the BBC seemed to be acting like some corpse hungry ghoul extracting ever inch of political capital out of the recent death of an American Special Forces Sergeant on active duty in Africa.
Apparently President Trump rang the mother of the deceased and said “I guess he knew what he signed up for” which at the end of the day was true. I am sure the soldier was pragmatic enough to realise that his early death was certainly a risk of his profession. Whilst this may/or may not not have been a sensitive thing to say – I see it as more as a salute to his fortitude (along with most servicemen casualties) in that he knew the risks but did his job anyway.
Of course the mother of this soldier is going to be inconsolable – What did they expect. I expect that if he had spent twenty minutes blubbing down the phone then that would be wrong as well. Do we really want an over emotional crying baby in charge of armies -m I think not.
It never ceases to amaze me – just when you the think the liberal media cant get any lower – they do – I despair!
Well said Oak.
What does Sopel have to be in the US for? He does zero journalism and spews out the same hysterical anti Trump nonsense over and over. We could just read Buzz Feed to get that.
A mother being upset and Trump being insensitive is not news. It might be ok for some lefty blog about feelings but for an international media organisation funded to the tune of billions it just does not cut it.
They got a week of stories about Trump’s ‘inadequate response’ to Charlottesville – pure fake news, innuendo and guilt by association. Another week about this? The soldier is black so surely they could get some KKK angle in?
Plus I suspect Trump is just trolling them again. He deliberately tweets provocative things so we can laugh at the media’s hysterical response. They really need to up their game as he is walking all over them.
Sopel and his ‘manager’ have to make up their twaddle, as they’re really kept out in the cold these days.
I agree, he should be brought back here and perhaps given a ‘job’ in some place where they rape children.
Then we’ll never hear from him again.
It was very good to hear Owen Patterson on Toady this morning, interviewed by their Muslim Affirmative Action hireling, where he was actually permitted to make his Brexit arguments without being constantly interrupted.
Patterson is quite correct, in that the whole of these “negotiations” with the EU are going nowhere and we need to stop wasting anymore time on them; too much has been already.
He is yet another very talented and experienced Leaver MP, like J. R-M, who should be in the Cabinet but isn’t; Ma May prefers to surround herself with such political “giants” as Damian Green; David Liddington; Pip Hammond and Amber Rudd.
My Week as a Muslim {channel4}
“A woman from a mostly white town uses prosthetics to transform her appearance on a visit to Manchester’s Pakistani Muslim community as the city deals with a recent terrorist attack”
– will this women go into Luton as a Muslim women?
“Who you trying to seduce? … Go put on some clothes.” – Muslim women says to Stacey Dooley
– Muslim women wearing black Burqa talks to Stacey, who is wearing a pretty summer dress
. . . . will the women go into the Mosque or just wondering around the streets waiting to be see some perceived hate? . . . .
After Manchester attacks 2017 … man finds evidence of hate of Western Ideals in a Mosque “Direct from Didsbury mosque this is a leaflet that I was given on an open day and this says living in a society in which people have accepted Western lifestyle as their way of life brings immorality at every step” – [youtube – BBC Question Time 25May2017 @ 25m49s]”
. . . .
. . . in other Muslim news (not to be confused with real TV Muslims) . . .
MOGADISHU (Somalia), Oct. 18 (Xinhua) — The Somali capital of Mogadishu is still coming to terms with the Saturday bomb attack (by Al-Shabaab) which has so far claimed over 300 lives as rescue and recovery teams continue moving the rubble to find trapped victims.
. . .
“Movement of Striving Youth” – more commonly known as al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab is an offshoot of the Islamic Courts Union.
Aren’t these people doing exactly what they say Katie Hopkins is doing? Won’t the play “Assassination of Katie Hopkins” create Hate and Division? Won’t hate crimes rise after this play?
Maybe Samira will have the BBC Targetting Editor on Newswatch to sulkily claim that they also got Malala in folks’ sights, so really all is balanced?
Some should make it clear to Katie that the suggestion by the BBC is purely advisory and can be ignored by those in power if it suits them.
Is it only for me that that the quoted tweet doesn’t come up in the embed?
Here is the tweet and a good reply
\\So if it was an “invitation to kill a Muslim”, or an “invitation to kill Gina Miller”,
then it would be ok and the intention wouldn’t be to offend? I’m confused…//
They had a good chuckle about the production of Julius Caesar where a Trump-like figure is murdered. Haw haw haw! How hilarious that must be for his eleven year old son. My sides almost split at the hilarity.
Incitement of murder from the side who lectures us about ‘hate crime’, ‘micro aggressions’ and ‘cultural appropriation.’
She ought to present the play to the police and claim, ‘Hate Crime’
Have to laugh at the advocate for the Katie Hopkins play. He said the intention is to stimulate debate.Ha bloody ha. The time when theatre stimulated debate has long gone.
‘Stimulate debate’ say LibMob
When the same LibMob got her banned from LBC over something that wasn’t offensive.
Everyone who pays or turns up to “Assassination of Katie Hopkins” has committed a hate crime or at minimum a hate incident.
“The national online hate crime hub that we are funding is an important step to ensure more victims (Katie Hopkins) have the confidence to come forward and report the vile abuse (Assassination threats and supporters) to which they are being subjected.” – Amber Rudd { 08oct2017}
We at least “them that do it” wont be BME or Muslim thats for sure.
I expect to see Hope not Hate, Antifa, UAF, and all outside the theatre demonstrating against the hate displayed against Katie Hopkins. They would be there if it were a play about assassinating the mudererer of Lee Rigby or of the rape gangs.
8am BBC R4 News: shock, horror.
Tom Jones, singer, was harassed, sexually propositioned, by a …
… man, just one man!
No mention at all of the hundreds of women who harassed and sexually propositioned him.
– – – – –
There has been a dramatic decline in insects.
No information about whether there has been a corresponding increase in fat spiders and fat birds and fat cats.
Errr, yes, quite. Tom asked about the Weinstein events by a beeb reporter on behalf of Bbc brekkie.
And Tom has a tale of being propositioned himself. How interesting. Why would A Tom need to raise the issue now and B why did he get asked.
I’m afraid Tom as an early career musician being propsitioned by a bloke somewhat stretches the imagination a tad. Whoever it was would find his teeth down his throat quite quickly. However the other item is more interesting. There are clear allegation circulating about our Tom and underage girls, having been recorded as rape by South African police. There’s plenty of intersting fact on youtube etc, if you care to watch it. It’s quite compelling. My guess is they know it as well as the next bloke, so need a smokescreen, or allow him to raise one.
Either way, they are being somewhat deceptive.
Driving this morning early I heard what I thought was the whole Tom Jones interview on R4 – at no point did he say a ‘man’ was the one who “approached” him..but at next R4 news it was a “man” – he said person.
Then in the later news it was an “older man”….I can’t wait until this evenings news when it should have transmuted to old white man … i just watched the Radio 5 Live “interview” which was a carpet chat before his Voice….real investigative journalism…and indeed he did not say man or older…Well done BBC yet more fake news to suit your prejudice…
Oh, yes, thank you for pointing that out JArthur, because I related the item to Mrs D when she appeared after the main item had ended. She asked ” what, a man?” And I thought he hadnt said either way.
But you are correct, it wasnt said at all.
Have you read up on the accusations against Tom himself? Compelling.
I gather al beeb expected the shit to hit the fan last year, which was the reason they removed him from the voice, before it moved channel.
‘Tom Jones, singer, was harassed, sexually propositioned, by a …
… man, just one man!’
Well that’s ‘Not Unusual’ as he’s flattened some ‘Green, Green Grass of Home’ with many a ‘Delilah’, so ‘What’s New Pussycat.’
I’ll get yer coat for yer!
The BBC runs its stories on Facebook, where comments are allowed.
This is the top rated by a country mile to one about a breathless ‘report’ on what ‘China’ thinks of NK’s antics:
“Is the BBC stupid? You are asking some white guy who speaks weird Mandarin to ask these low ranking officials in front of the cameras about politically sensitive questions? What do you expect them to do? Do you interview borough council workers in a small English town and somehow present their views as representative of the entire UK government?
I use to respect the BBC alot, but now they are behaving like a misbehaved tabloid.”
Short, sweet, and to the point.
Which the BBC will ignore. Because it can.
Beeby would need drastic improvement to bring itself up to the standard of a tabloid.
Guest Who, I’ve just had a quick look at BBC Facebook. I liked the fact that that post got so many upvotes, but I had to scroll through an absolute sea of drivel from a combination of Mumsnet types writing variations on ‘can’t we just be nice to each other’, Dave Spart lefties writing things like ‘terrorism is our fault for bombing the west’ and a variety of foreigners asking questions like ‘Is the BBC British or American’.
I subscribe to the BBC on such as Facebook and twitter because I cannot and do not watch it broadcast. Serves beyond links here to stay abreast of what is said and done in my name. Apparently. Online is another option but they are highly selective on stories with HYS attached, and even then they are heavily policed.
However like the BBC HYS, I do appreciate the diamonds who cut through the agreed mostly dross nutters, social media kindergarteners, peace and love hippies, idealists, BBCphiles, etc, and especially the outright psychos whose posts the BBC leaves up as they appear exempted from facilitating hate crimes for yet more unique reasons, probably also exempted from an FOI too. Almost all from a particular global niche.
I simply find it fascinating the state broadcaster of the UK uses and is obsessed by platforms outside the UK and overseen by foreign corporates over whom this country has no say or control. Oh well.
I also think they may be missing their supposed ‘core’ as my two don’t use Facebook as it is ‘for old folk’.
Another, ‘Elephant in the room’ job –
The ‘Elephant’? – The fourth missing question: ‘Do you want to see the immigration policy REVERSED?’
Ship em’ out! We’ve got enough trouble with those that are here already never mind about allowing the numbers to increase year on year.
Applying the solution could be easier than people think. There are so many people here who find our morals unacceptable, who have a desire to totally destroy our institutions, government, religion, democracy. They may support Islam, support Black Lives Matter and are projected by the media as great intellects with a vision of a better society. With some cash in their pockets, provided from our cancelled overseas aid, they could be assisted in a move to Africa, an entire continent desperate for their contribution
“Applying the solution could be easier than people think.” Yup! – all those with dual passports removed to the ‘other’ country? That would clear many of the undesirables out.
G – There should be no such thing as “dual citizenship” permitted in this country.
We even have MP’s with dual citizenship FFS!
Dual citizenship = divided loyalties.
The correct questions are never asked because they produce the ‘wrong’ result for whoever is commissioning the survey.
Just to remind ourselves as to how the Obama President conducted himself.
A glowing example of how to not govern a country.
R4Today 8:50 The Remainiac canard from Yanis & other EU doom-monger
“they say it’s all about getting sovereignty to the British parliament
..yet they want to rush through an out bill WITHOUT the sovereignty of the British Parliament”
That’s a canard
cos its’s NOT about getting sovereignty back From the Remainiac EU
to give it to the REMAINIAC British Parliament
.. It’s about getting sovereignty back to the British People !
..and they voted OUT
First we fix the EU undemocracy problem
next we fix the British Parliament undemocracy problem
Yannis Varoufakis at least has experience of trying to negotiate with the EU, and he knows it is next to impossible. That is why he advises Britain to leave the EU, but stay in the EEA for an interim period. That way our trade is not affected, and we can discuss a Free Trade Agreement without any time pressure. He does not expect Britain to stay in the EU, he just expects us to be unable to negotiate a deal with them in two years. He’s seen how they work, so his views deserve respect.
The two year window allowed under Article 50 is not long enough, it was only put in the Lisbon Treaty as window dressing to give the illusion that the EU was a free union of states, they never expected it would ever be used, and the fact that the second biggest contributor to their budget is leaving has made them mighty peeved. They are going to try and drain us dry before we leave, and my worry is that Mrs May, who is a weak character, will go along with it just to get something agreed by 2019. If we leave the EU, but stay in the EEA, we take away the EU’s main weapon against us, which is the two year deadline.
Rob/Stew I agree with both of your points. To me the a EU are laying a rather crude game of “good cop/bad cop” with the majority of the EU parasites (including the BBC ) playing project fear to the max in the hopes of scaring all of these trembling, snowflake hearts – they then seem to be also simultaneously releasing the occasional unofficial , positive press release suggesting they are willing to do business after all. So we are all grateful that they have deigned to be “nice ” to us despite our selfishness.
I think this is all to give us the impression that some sort of serious negotiation is actually taking place, when in truth (well my opinion anyway) this is to provide cover for Theresa Mays surrender. She has already extended our leaving by another two years, I wonder what else she and her remain friends have decided on.
This isnt a compromise, this is a slow motion surrender. I find it all rather painful and embarrassing to watch. And in particular the remain side who have suddenly found a million new definitions to explain what democracy is really about and what it means.
In years to come the Oxford English Dictionary will read thus – Democracy = Ignoring the will of the electorate and the deliberate manipulation of the electoral process to maintain the Liberal status quo.
(and Cleggs pension)
Ironically Aaronvitch’s column is about how direct democracy is evil, he uses a Hitler photo saying Hitler had lots of referendums and say he himself HSS changed to preferring MPs cos otherwise decisions get dine without debate.
…err Climate Act ..wasn’t debated MPs just out virtue signalled themselves voting firs its madness.
I’ve just taken a quick squint at Infowars, the online news outlet that brings us the events ignored by the dear old Beeb and the equally useless Sky News.
Infowars are telling us that in the past week alone poor old Sweden, once the most peaceful and liberal country in Europe (and now the rape capital) has had 5!! attempted bombings or actually explosions.
I’ve heard nothing about this via our conventional news gatherers.
The BBC seem far more concerned about some whining female footballer, or a geezer who use to be Sam and now wants to be Samantha, and / or the latest smear against Trump FFS, than actual, dangerous terrorism in our European backyard.
The main purpose of the BBC isn’t to simply bring us irritating, insipid left wing “comedy” it’s primarily to keep us informed. If they’re not doing that what use are they?
You wouldn’t have a police force that didn’t turn up for a burglary because they were too busy painting their nails.
That would be insane…
Love will conquer all. Apart from the conquers, because they like conquering …
“To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray {youtube}
And they call sites like Info Wars fake news!
Had same thought myself…especially when they are now using Huffington post to justify their views – Huffington F..Post…! Not much in news about the Austrian elections….You would think the youngest ever political leader would warrant news – after all how much did they play on that with Macron..
And there you have just presented evidence that MSM remainers care nothing for Europe. For all their posturing,
their primary concern is protecting a central power-base not the continent & people of Europe. The very thought that they might lose some control probably gives them night sweats.
If the BBC mentioned any of the real news coming out of Sweden, they would have to admit that President Trump was correct in his remarks about that country a few months ago. Since the notion that President Trump is right about anything is a thoughtcrime at the BBC, news from Sweden must go straight down the memory hole.
Remember people: two plus two equals five when the left wing MSM say so.
Perhaps the Maxicnut would care to comment on the above?
RE: Aluko
The BBC is saying heads must roll at the FA as the evidence they have to the inquiry was not good enough.
They should never have had to give evidence in the first place. It’s a classic lawyer trick: make a spurious claim then nail them on their procedural impropriety in response to the original claim. Of course if you are accused of racism – the modern equivalent of witchcraft – you will be on the back foot and likely to make errors. Thanks to the many lawyers infesting parliament, they have created countless procedural traps for defendants to fall into. The greater the law the greater the injustice.
There is no substantive wrongdoing. The Beeb wail they failed to ‘admit their wrongdoing.’ Well perhaps that is because they have done nothing wrong.
The result will be no more jokes or banter. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of mates; it is especially important for bonding amongst males and in the workplace. Of course a few jokes may be ill-judged, but who cares? It is worth it for when the jokes are well-judged.
Maybe coaches now will only make jokes to white players now this precedent has been set. To deny black players the delights of workplace banter is terrible discrimination, but that may well be the result of Aluko’s shameless and lucrative opportunism, aided and abetted by the BBC.
RE: Aluko
I would really like to know some real facts about this story I cant figure it out
I know we have heard from this woman 3 times
1 accuses sampson of racism … video evidence finds nothing but fa pay her £80k anyway
2 makes accusation not mentioned in first accusation
sampson gets sacked for something he was investigated for at another football team (no mention of whether he was innocent or guilty)
3 now accuses the FA of blackmail
funny how her story seems to change every time
and now i hear sampson is going to sue the FA for unfair dismissal
can anyone enlighten me as to wtf is going on here
The FA are just idiots.
Mark Sampson is meant to have made two politically incorrect jokes, which meant the claimants got big money, even though he meant no harm.
The FA then decided to sack him because of something which happened several years ago, and had already been investigated. This is utter stupidity. If they gave him the job after that inquiry, then why revisit it, and use it as an excuse to sack him?
I think the fools at the FA wanted to sack Sampson to make this go away, even though he had not committed a sackable offence. They were too stupid to realise that this just poured petrol on the dying embers, and predictably it has set fire to their trousers.
All I know is that this will end up costing a huge amount of money, the race baiters will be encouraged, and going forward the FA will find itself stifled by ever more PC thoughtcrime procedures.
All because of a couple of jokes.
This country is heading for the rocks.
The FA just need to employ a black manager and a team made up of female ethnic minorities: then there is zero risk of a nasty whitey subjecting them to any racism.
Nothing directly to do with the BBC except that it is often overlooked, or hidden, depending on your point of view.
I was reading:
The Watson Diet
And was surprised to learn that: “……the Bush administration released more people from Guantanamo Bay than the Obama administration”. Really? So I checked:
Facts About the Transfer of Guantanamo Detainees
“During the Bush Administration, 500 detainees were transferred out of the prison or released. During the Obama Administration, 197 detainees were transferred, repatriated or resettled in third countries.”
Not a lot of people know that.
Clare, we also don’t often hear that the famous wall between the USA and Mexico was voted for by Hilary Clinton (Secure Fence Act 2006). Although it was only intended to be 700 miles long rather than the whole border, it was still a significant wall and Trump’s logic is that there’s no point having it unless the whole border is secure. Trump’s mistake, in my view, was making it a big issue and saying he would force Mexico to pay for it. Instead of saying ‘we’re gonna build a wall’ he should have said ‘we’re going to continue the wall that Hilary voted for’.
Yes, I think that’s where his political naivety lets him down.
Cranmer – Mexico will pay for it.
The remittances which its citizens send back home amount to $30 billion dollars a year, all Trump needs to do is threaten to stop (or even reduce) that and Mexico will fund the wall construction right quick.
Each time Trump even mentions remittances sent to Mexico, the value of the peso falls against the dollar.
The companies which are going to tender for the work, have built prototypes already.
And bbc WS – So only half of the US think MSM is unfair to Trump and make stuff up. Less than half trust social media.
In the painfully short piece we had, “The bbc always tries to present both sides” and,”People have lost faith in the media because Trump calls them, ‘fake news’.
So there you have it – it’s all Trump’s fault. Priceless.
Tries to present both sides! Ha!
Don’t shoot the messenger. Nobody would believe the sun does not rise in the morning just because Trump said it doesn’t. People only believe him because he is right.
Germany seeking a unilateral trade deal with UK?
Heard last night bbc WS.
11:11 Radio BBC SJW activist Mike Wendling is covering US antifa
Quotes “pro-active defence is our tactic”
Wow Times pg 10 has 1/3 page ad for LBC Hate-jock James O’Brien
“The welfare system has been portrayed as a trampoline
..people wilfully dive into
— It’s not, it’s a safety net”
Irony : Times pg 20 Labour call for crackdown on Russia Today billboards in the tube.
So lefties can advertise,
…but not counter lefties.
I’ve gone from lamenting actual broadcast bias to predicting it.
Today comrade corbyn abc his tame lawyer meet their fellow Eu socialists in Brussels.
Predictions –
Al Beeb will celebrate their helpful statesman like intervention
In no way are negotiations undermined
Corbyn could do a better job
He’s having second thoughts about leaving – another referendum
The Eu is much more willing to negotiate than we are being told.
He got a seat on the train this time.
There should be a general election because the Eu has lost confidence in the Tories.
I won’t be watching much news today as too busy. But I will tick the list off and see if I’m at least half right.
R4 11:30 show
“How did a young Somali girl become a successful poet ?”
Prog began by playing scriptures in Arabic
Her family live in Kilburn
My favourite was when they interviewed a Muslim woman affected by Trump’s travel ban who was doing a PHD in medicine and was on her way to Harvard!
You do worry about these Islamic countries. It seems from the reality the BBC present that there are no men there at all.
There are lots of men in Islamic countries , well except for those who are over here, but they are forced by their women to remain indoors and only allowed out if covered from head to foot in a bin bag . Perhaps that is why so many try to escape and claim refugee status.
Ha! Indeed. 2 + 2 = 5 according to The Ministry of Truth.
I haven’t listenened to the Toady programme on R4 for weeks. What joy to catch the wise words of my favorite counterterrorism “expert” Richard Barret this morning. Whenever Barret is wheeled out by the BBC, you know that some kind of glib “keep calm” message is to be directed towards the masses. Obviously, the return of hundreds of potential muslim mass murderers from Syria announced by the Big Man at MI6 is the proximate reason.
I was expecting a full house of “recruiting sergeant”, “counter-productive” and “victims of jihadist grooming”.
I was disappointed on this occasion as the Beebling could only extract one “counter-productive” from Barret after much priming.
The initial scene setting was heart-rending. Lots of the returnees were just babes in arms, children and women.
What possible harm could they be to Britain? Welcoming cuddles and reintegration programmes run by your favorite group of ex-jihadists endorsed by Madgit Nawaaz. For the youths, it was just high jinx of the Swallows and Amazon kind and the men with really Big Beards were there to do charity work and play football, albeit with the head of a Kuffar replacing the standard ball.
“So Richard what would it be if these vulnerable people were hounded by the law?”
Err, counter-productive?
Barret’s policy of “strategic spinelessness” must ensure he is the Westener least likely to be the target of Muslim unpleasantness. He’s far more valuable to IS prattling on the BBC.
Khan’s rallying cry in the wake of atrocities is comical.
“Do nothing – that is the last thing our enemies want!”
Reminds of the senseless attack that the BBC are not keeping up-to-date on … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ .. original story appears only but on other sites like sep2017 …
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.
“I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
Something we’ve known for years, but how refreshing to see it spelt out in the meeja.
But not on the beebistan, of course.
A taster below, full article here:
Political dogma has replaced justice, as we saw in the Rotherham scandal, where the police failed to act for years against predatory Muslim sex gangs.
That epic failure makes a mockery of all their current talk about fighting prejudice.
The paradox is that the fixation with political correctness is creating a more fractured society, the very opposite of its stated goal.
The peddlers of bogus hate crime are the real enemies of harmony.
Rise in hate crime report the BBC
It appears that people who react negatively to children being blown up are among the hate criminals.
‘Home Secretary Amber Rudd said there was “absolutely no place for hate crime in our society” and said the rise after 2017’s terror attacks were “undoubtedly concerning”.’
Sack the bitch now
The left as per their mission statement to remake the UK into a multicultural utopia have no problem equating a funny look with an Islamic bigot murdering children at a Pop concert. MPs,CPS and the Police are just as guilty when instead of calling a spade a spade they wax lyrical about a backlash.
The bBC is currently screaming out about a rise in violent crime. Yet Gun,knife and sexual crimes in the UK have a distinct colour to those who carry out such crimes. Why only yesterday a Grime artist was charged with 29 counts of violent rape. Instead of making these people pay, the left paint the picture that actually they are the victims of white racism and so the wheels on the bus go round and round.
Did the BBC cover the smashed up solar farm in Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma ?
No they can only cover green dream positives.
Politician cries, oh and someone dies … Tearful Trudeau mourns Gord Downie. An emotional Justin Trudeau has paid tribute to the Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie. The Canadian prime minister was speaking after the gifted lyricist died of brain cancer at the age of 53. { 18oct2017} .. but more importantly to the BBC a politician cries!
“The BBC is very much a ‘state broadcaster’. It’s financed by UK citizens under threat of imprisonment.”
When I reached 75 the BBC very kindly unsubscribed me. Perhaps they realized I don’t watshit.
Oh dear the jokes get worse. I think i’m losing my touch.
Your jokes are better than you hear on the BBC , where the so called jokes must comply with ever so strict guidelines drawn up by the BBC Political Correctness Department. Only so called jokes which target none PC attitudes, organisations or individuals are allowed but on no account must jokes break any of 5007 PC rules. Any writer who breaks these rules is sent to the Salford gulag along with their extended family.
Provided the jokes meet these stringent guidelines then the selected liberal left audience is commanded by the laughter commissar in charge of the broadcast to laugh. The BBC did try some shows without a laughter commissar in charge but they found that even with a carefully selected audience of right on liberal lefties some none PC tittering was audible. So this experiment was immediately stopped and the person who thought it up sent to the Salford gulag.
The BBC are now petitioning the government for extra funds to erect another Gulag in Barnsley as the Salford one is almost full.
I thought all the squealing, laughter and applause- Oh whatever happened to good old fashioned polite applause?- came from an electronic box operated by the BBC shithouse cleaner, as the sound is always cut too abruptly and comes on when something is said that is not remotely witty. Also with a live audience there will always be a certain amount of tittering,coughing, belching and farting between the bursts of laughter. With this lot,not a dicky bird.
Lefty Wright, I suspect the BBC does doctor the audience reactions. I remember attending a recording of ‘The Fast Show’ (back when comedy on the Beeb was still quite good) and myself and colleagues were literally howling with laughter at one sketch – but when it was broadcast all you could hear was some polite chuckling!
You could be describing the old Soviet “satirical” magazine Krokodil with “PC” replaced by “party line”, etc. The komsomol types would always claim that the mild criticisms of Soviet industrial policy, say, showed that freedom of speech was alive and well in the USSR. But, of course, even some Soviet apparatchiks realised that constant exhortations to overfulfill the 5 year plan would eventually get on the masses’ tits and “humour” could be used to nudge the proletariat in the right direction. Like the BBC’s “satire” orifices, Krododil used most of its verbiage to denounce and ridicule “class enemies” and “imperialist warmongers”.