… All cultures, traditions and religions are equal ….
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
Forgive my ignorance but if a person gets beaten up for no reason, is it a ‘hate crime’?
Are all assaults on women ‘hate crimes’?
Does it only apply if the victim is different and or in a minority – are they the only ‘hate’ crimes, all the other acts of random violence or abuse are relegated to simply being ‘crimes’ ?
So a random attack on a woman, no matter how serious and unprovoked is just a ‘crime’?
Indeed gax, If we are going to have laws against “hate crime” It would follow that an accused rapist should be charged with both rape & hate crime. Unless as you point out rape isn’t classified as a hate crime. Maybe rape isn’t so bad? Unless the perpetrator is a white guy?
– How do you deal with mass rape of young children? Legalise it of course, guess you can’t tax it as that would be wrong.
– Hold on, does that mean to get a wife you just rape a child? Have they thought this through?
Freedland is one of the Guardian’s hive down to his fingertips. Every view predictable and about as unoriginal as a writer as you will find anywhere. His views on the USA are as bigoted as you would expect.
‘This was always going to be the conclusion since the majority of those participating believed…”
As with most BBC ‘debates’, it ceases to be one, or educate, or inform, if the national broadcaster decides the outcome and arranges everything to arrive at it.
Abortion is one of the pillars of progressivism. So what so you expect from the BBC? Balanced argument. Not only are the white middle class women of the West stopping having children but actively encouraging abortion .
No civilisation has ever survived once it goes down this road.
I have said before that now Islam will not only outbreed us but it will start to really gather European ethnic converts sick of the decadence of the Western progressives. Once that really starts then as with all dramatic change it will be swift and overwhelming.
It’s a grim future for truth with AI supplying news stories and political groups manipulating agendas.
Really it’s a return to the days when you got tit-bits, rumour and hearsay from the traveling pot mender or draper as he passed through your village.
My dad was a pot mender. Over the years the piss would eat it’s way through the bottom of the pot and he would fit a metal disc held on by a nut and bolt. Saved people from the expense of buying a new piss pot.
Well, like the BBC he knew how to spin a yarn and the truth didn’t seem to be much of an issue. Mind you he was good at fixing leaks which our National Broadcaster seems to have a problem with.
Quote from Polly Toynbee of R4 Womans Hour.. “this Government has declared having more children reprehensible…” not sure I have seen that in the manifesto
Followed by “I think it’s wrong that women can’t have as many children as they want because they don’t have enough money!! Not a word of disagreement from BBC or minor challenge
She writes for the Guardian (no surprise) and seems to be wheeled out by R4 for just about everything…where does she think the money comes from for these women that have as many children as they want but can’t afford them…?
We are doomed if people like her get any real power…
Irresponsible procreation, men in dresses and disposal of unwanted babies not to mention legalised buggery.
I’m just an old fuddy duddy but I reckon in my teens I’d have found these things unacceptable.
Polly Toynbee
Polly Toynbee is a columnist for the Guardian. She was formerly BBC social affairs editor, columnist and associate editor of the Independent, co-editor of the Washington Monthly and a reporter and feature writer for the Observer. Her new book, Dismembered: How the attack on the state harms us all, co-authored by David Walker, is out now
I can scarcely believe it, but Theresa May is now Brexit Britain’s best hope
While all eyes look to Brexit, our NHS is about to collapse
Thinking of suing the NHS? Here’s why you should think again
Monica was not a crime {theguardian 12sep1998}
“It is betrayal and cheating. But it is also commonplace and widespread, always was, always will be. It is not a crime, but a private matter between those involved. It is private even when it happens on the Oval Office desk, with or without cigars, whether he inhaled or not. … Of course he (Bill Clinton) shouldn’t have lied on oath. …”
93 Pages of articles by Polly Toynbee.
About 1,842 results for Polly Toynbee.
When someone told me what Bill Clinton did in the Oval Office with that cigar, I was amazed at all the fuss. I’d assumed he’d done something really revolting – like smoked it.
“In the UK, it is illegal to marry more than one person.
Polygamous marriages, largely confined to Muslim families, are only recognised in Britain if they took place in countries where they are legal, such as Middle Eastern states, Pakistan and Zambia.”
Isn’t Polly Toynbee the High Priestess of Global Warming and Climate Change?
She should be glad that women ‘are being forced’ to have less children. Every new life on the planet, if I recall correctly, dooms it to 27x any single carbon emissions saving measure, I assume during that lifetime. Oh, and it is 27x the most efficient savings. Those that turn in much less, then its 54x, 70x, 100x or more.
It’s on WUWT in July 2017 if you fancy scrolling through a lot of articles. Their content is phenomenal.
Unsustainable population growth from migration and rising birth rates is destroying this country. We are predicted to have the highest total population and highest density of population in Europe. Try and get a sensible debate on the BBC and you will immediately be in the racist category and sub category of Brexiteer
Well, well, recorded crime is up by 14% since 2016 in our multicultural Utopia. The BBC World at One soften the facts by wheeling out the well worn, annual excuse: the increase could be down to the, “…… new ways of recording crime”. Ha, ha, pull the other one. My view, for what its worth, is, its all down to Brexit, Trump, and the violent baby-boomers who, chronologically, are presently well into by-pass and hip replacement territory.
Since the ONS do not record crimes by nationality (again ha, ha, pull the other one) and we are losing BBC’s Crimewatch mug-shots, where can we go now for an indication of who (and where) most crimes are committed? All that’s available is a breakdown of prison populations until the State realises that this will give the population a good indication of where the perps. come from and stop that flow of information. The BBC conveniently offer an alternative view on their laughable, ‘Reality Check’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41149778 in which it is postulated that the Annual Crime Survey should be balanced against the crime actually committed. Needless to say, this is sophistry as the Survey reports the contributors perception of crime (a fall of 9% up to June 2017) whereas, (proving how ineffectual the Survey is) recorded violent crime actually rose by 19%. I know which one I would prefer to believe. But, “The Crime Survey is generally considered a good measure of crime experienced by individuals because it is not affected by changes to how crime is recorded.” Who ‘generally’ thinks this? Thanks highly ‘trusted’ BBC for your observation.
The ‘Don’t scare the natives Telegraph’ tell us: “Officials at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the surge was concentrated in London and the South East and described it as “peculiar””. What is “peculiar” about a statistical area where the population is predominantly foreign?
WATCH | Why does @iankatz1000 let far-left, anti-Brexit bigot James O'Brien present Newsnight on the supposedly impartial BBC? ???? pic.twitter.com/SHei6Ig1D4
It’s long but a good read. The Paris Statement, especially if you are wondering where ‘our’ Israel will be located. (‘Our’ as in horses born in the stable, not the ‘home-grown’ and imported dogs that live in the stable).
Europe belongs to us, and we belong to Europe. These lands are our home; we have no other. The reasons we hold Europe dear exceed our ability to explain or justify our loyalty. It is a matter of shared histories, hopes and loves. It is a matter of accustomed ways, of moments of pathos and pain. It is a matter of inspiring experiences of reconciliation and the promise of a shared future. Ordinary landscapes and events are charged with special meaning—for us, but not for others. Home is a place where things are familiar, and where we are recognized, however far we have wandered. This is the real Europe, our precious and irreplaceable civilization.
irreplaceable = incapable of being replaced; unique
. . . verses . . .
I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a (German) majorities in our city.
BBC Director, Editorial Policy and Standards’ outrageous reaction to Katie Hopkins’ objection to assassination.- Not incitement, not a state broadcaster & sorry if you have had death threats but we get them too. What a prize t*at!
Available on her Twitter feed but my attempt to link produces pages of replies
@NISA you probably pasting her Twitter account url instead of the one for just the tweet
now I can’t remember the suffic which reduces the size
\\From The Director, Editorial Policy and Standards @BBC. Mr David Jordan.
A complaint about MY tweet.//
ELIZABETH THE SECOND by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith:
WHEREAS on the 20th December 1926 by Letters made Patent under the Great Seal, Our Royal Predecessor His Majesty King George the Fifth granted to the British Broadcasting Corporation (“the BBC”) a Charter of Incorporation: AND WHEREAS on various dates by Letters made Patent under the Great Seal, further Charters of Incorporation and Supplemental Charters have been granted to the BBC, the last such Charter having been granted to the BBC on the 19th September 2006 (“the 2006 Charter”):
AND WHEREAS the period of incorporation of the BBC under the 2006 Charter will expire on the 31st December 2016 and it has been represented to Us by Our right and trusty and well beloved Counsellor Karen Anne Bradley, Our Principal Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, that it is expedient that the BBC should be continued for the period ending on the 31st December 2027 and that the objects, constitution, organisation and regulation of the BBC should be reformed so as to enable the BBC still better to serve the interests of Our People:
“regulation of the BBC should be reformed so as to enable the BBC still better to serve the interests of Our People:” Nice one Liz!
Well if a broadcaster operating under a charter signed off by the head of state isn’t a ‘state broadcaster’ what is it?
Haven’t we seem similar before out of Potsdam institute ? Yes
” Where have all the insects gone?
Science | AAAS http://www.sciencemag.org › news › 2017/05
10 May 2017 · Surveys in German nature reserves point to a dramatic decline in insect biomass.”
Brussels attack: Man shot after stabbing soldier {bb.co.uk 26aug2017}
“A man has been shot dead after attacking soldiers with a machete in Brussels, in what prosecutors are treating as a terror attack. The Somali attacker, aged 30, died in hospital. One of the soldiers suffered a hand injury. Belgium’s federal prosecutor’s office said the attacker had not been “known for terrorist activities” but had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest” in Arabic) during the assault.”
– BBC title does not include terrorist or Somalian or Allahu Akbar.
– Telegraph contains words ‘lone individual’ – individual means being on their own?
At least R4 Business progs are free from being stuffed with BBC pet issues
8:30pm …Baroness McGregor- Smith & @JaneFarrellEW discussing the business case for #Diversity with
Looking forward to this. BBC Radio 4 – The Bottom Line, Is there a business case for having a diverse workforce? https://t.co/KNzcyHz14C
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
Is there a business case for having a diverse workforce? Not if the business people love their country. It’s one thing to import brains and needed skills but quite another to import boneheads who will only produce more boneheads.
Is it only white people that are being urged by their own leaders to diversify. I wonder if African leaders are forcing this stuff onto their citizens.
A: It is divisive and expensive – just one spurious discrimination claim can destroy a small business. What hard evidence has ever been presented that ‘diversity’ is such a good thing and what does it mean anyway? It makes employees terrified to tell jokes or apply the same levels of discipline to immigrant workers.
B: It is absolutely fantastic. Each business leader gives wholly typical examples of Somali women whose poetry inspired transgender wheelchair users to develop ground-breaking technologies.
It will be a PR wank fest for the representatives of companies on the panel, each trying to out-do one another in burnishing their virtuous credentials. I’ll have to listen whilst clutching a sick bag.
To even question ‘diversity’ is akin to confessing to witchcraft during the Spanish Inquisition.
Living in Gambia, West Africa, I can tell you that the violence by some black men to women and children would make you weep. Many Beauty Salons in Africa specialise on make-up for cuts and bruises. News you will never hear from the cnuts at the BBC, assuming these idiots even know about it.
This is a disgrace. How dare the state dictate to us how we should bring up our children.
If my child was putting themselves in imminent danger such as stepping out in front of a bus or reaching out to touch the oven or gas fire, and I smacked them to prevent them from doing so then that, short sharp shock might just prevent something a lot worse.
I bet those who have made this decision don’t even have their own children.
The ‘yoof’ of today are already without discipline and it will only get worse.
So, your kids can now smack you and get away with it, knowing you can do nothing about it!
I see the BFI have stripped Weinstein of his fellowship awarded to him by them in 2002 because of the ALLEGATIONS which he has denied. Well lets wait and see if he is arrested, charged and convicted. Lester Piggott was stripped of his OBE after going to jail for tax evasion. The point is he was arrested, charged and convicted and the OBE was removed after his conviction. The reaction of some people and institutions is to be expected but for the BRITISH film institution to follow like the proverbial sheep shows them in a very poor light. If as I suspect the due process of law is carried out and the man is sent down then fine but this is the UK, not some outfit that still believes in ducking stools.
bbc: “New Zealand is set for a **centre-left coalition ** government led by Labour head Jacinda Ardern.”
…NOPE it’s a left/green/far-right coalition
Strangely the equivalent of Ukip the New Zealand First party have gone into the coalition
\\said New Zealand First would have four cabinet positions and one parliamentary under-secretary.//
\\Correspondents say the new coalition is likely to mean a **significant cut to immigration quotas**
and new controls on foreign ownership of property.// http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-41675801
‘She later spent time in London, working as a senior policy advisor to Tony Blair, a position she would later distance herself from.[16] She was also seconded to the Home Office to help with a review of policing in England and Wales.[14] In early 2008 she won election as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a role which saw her spend time in countries such as Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.
I think new zealand are going to be having alot ‘fun’ with this lady in charge. The hands of tone are long. Welcome to the enrichment.
“Immigration should not be used as a source of cheap labour to undermine New Zealanders’ pay and conditions. New Zealand First’s view is simple – we welcome the people we need and not those who need us. New Zealand First will strengthen Immigration New Zealand to give it the capacity to apply immigration policy effectively.”
Make sure that Kiwi workers are at the front of the job queue.
Attract highly skilled migrants by reducing numbers to around 10,000 per annum.
Ensure that immigration policy is based on New Zealand’s interests and the main focus is on meeting critical skills gaps.
Ensure immigration under ‘family reunion’ is strictly controlled.
Increase the residency rules around NZ Superannuation from the current 10 years to 25 years.
Increase, the Permanent Residency qualification period from the current two-years.
Make sure effective measures are put in place to stop the exploitation of migrant workers with respect to wages, safety and work conditions. In Christchurch and elsewhere there is evidence of
exploitation of migrant workers.
Develop strategies to encourage the regional dispersion of immigration to places other than Auckland and the main centres.
Substantially increase the minimum English requirement
The New Zealand first is not a far right party as lazy or biased journalists may claim. It does have strong sensible opposition to mass immigration as Marky points out. The loony left do keeping going on about it being racist but it’s just unthinking nonsense. Rather odd too seeing that leader Winston Peters, Deputy Ron Mark, and possible next leader Shane Jones are all Maori (and not a quota in sight.)
New Zealand’s situation is significantly different to the UK. The leader of the Labour Party Jacinda Ardern is no Corbyn, Abbott or the like. She is bright and very likeable and has wide electoral appeal. Until her leadership the Labour party was becoming almost unelectable. A series of PC male drones as leader had failed to inspire. Then ‘Jacinda mania’ hit the country just weeks before the election. She did for the her party what gormless Theresa May did for the British Labour Party ie made it electable.
The Green Party started their campaign by attacking NZ First, but a co-leader made a huge blunder and had to resign. The party deservedly lost a huge amount of public support. The remaining Green leader James Shaw is a well meaning and thoroughly decent and likeable chap and quite sensible. (Yes, I know him.)
Apart from the Greens opening salvo, the election was without acrimony. Coalition talks took only a couple of weeks or so. So while there is a Left government, the NZ First party is in a position clobber any of the wilder elements in the other parties.
Two important things to remember when comparing with UK are that There is no Islam issue in NZ and it also has sensible proportional voting system in MMP.
So the coalition will get off to a good start. How it turns out we will have to see.
The Beeb loves to play Top Trumps. The latest game (and it is a game) is over what the President said or didn’t say to a war widow. Forgetting the fact that the President found time to make a personal phone call (there was a time not so long ago when that wouldn’t have been expected) this is a complete non-story. Much like the attempt to denigrate Gordon Brown for the bad handwriting in personal letters to the bereaved of casualties in Afghanistan. For all his faults, that character assassination failed because people realised a) he had bad eyesight and b) was taking the trouble to write.
Distracted by that vital news story, the BBC largely ignores the 281+ killed by a bomb in Somalia. Not even calling for bomb controls, or restrictions on bomb ownership. Though the BBC’s favourite organ tries to implicate the US in the bombing https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/17/somalia-bomber-was-ex-solider-whose-town-was-raided-by-us-forces.
Meanwhile experts are baffled by the lack of such terrorist attacks in Muslim free parts of the world.
Up to date as ever, as the BBC tells us about ‘Britain’s (1918) ‘concentration camp’ in Russia’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41271418
not so much interest in the spate of bomb attacks in Sweden.
There's been 3 bombings in Sweden now in just 5 days.
And you heard nothing about it in mainstream media.
Sweden bomb: Powerful explosion heard at entrance to Helsingborg police station {independent}
Police station damaged by blast in southern Sweden {local}
‘Attack Against Our Democracy’: Bombing of Swedish Police Station ‘May Be Terror’ {breitbart}
– BBC failing in their £3.5bn News Service to report on a bomb attack in Sweden,Helsingborg!
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.
Too much Polly Toynbee on the radio now. Today on a tedious World at One she had the gall to blame abortions on austerity & the Tories. The other woman discussing this agreed with her.
BBC website: Lord Blankfein says they may move Goldman Sachs to Frankfurt.
This is someone who makes billions through speculation; liars like him brought us to the brink of collapse in 2008. Of course the BBC promote his feint as he supports their agenda.
Good riddance to the vampire squid, I say. I resent that having had to bail them out they are up to the same nonsense again. Go and infect another host.
Off Topic,
Today I sat and watched a previous episode of BBC’s Further Back in Time for Dinner. In the programme the narrator stated that ‘
‘in 1908 the London Olympic Games took place and for the first and only time, Britain topped the medals table, this may have been because all the judges were British.’
British Muslim Killer Of Infidels Hater Of Gays Subjugator Of Women Hater Of Western Culture Broadcasting Corporation was too long a title so its was abbreviated to just the British Broadcasting Corporation.
The thing with Brexit is nobody is able to see into the future, and even those who profess to have such capabilities are extremely bad at it, having failed to predict the financial crash, Brexit, Trump, both recent elections and countless other things.
Nobody can possibly say yet if it will be good, bad or somewhere inbetween. I find the possibility so exciting despite the risk. Nobody ever achieved greatness without taking risks.
There is that as well. They act like we are abandoning a top of the range Ferrari when in fact it is an old banger which probably would not pass its MOT.
funny how all the remoaners seem to think/claim/pretend the EU as it is, will be the EU as it is tomorrow
and yet accuse Brexiters of not knowing what we voted for
funny how they all think its not perfect, but it can be reformed even after the messiah b liar failed to manage it
Reform the EU? It reminds me of a wonderful quip i saw sometime ago, I think on this site, about the possibility of picking up a turd by the clean end. I logged that one for future use!
Territories similar to Britain but not in the EU have a standard of living between 11 and 23 percent higher than the UK. The reasons are apparent in a study that shows a “no deal” is better than membership of the EU.
This is because the price of membership is more expensive than if we were on world trade organisation tariffs. Also due to the protectionist nature of the external tariff, which in the case of agriculture, is mainly protecting French farmers, means food prices in Britain are much higher than if we still had trade agreements with Commonwealth nations.
Also free trade agreements make an international single market, an irrelevant and expensive bureaucratic obstacle to trade, and therefore lowering the standard of living by between 11 and 23 percent.
Also as with the abolition of feudalism and slavery, if you cut cheap mass immigration to zero. This drives up pay, because employers are competing for workers. It also increases productivity by making unproductive employers go bust. But the increase in standard of living, increases economic activity which reduces unemployment.
Proxy evidence from the atmospheres of Mars and Venus, implies that the formula in computer models is a fake formula. And therefore man-made warming must be zero, as is calculated using the new formula, that works for Mars and Venus.
I can remember answers to questions about cause and effect in economics, but unlike Astronomy, cannot remember the sources?
Oddly enough, in the week in which the BBC tell us they will no longer be broadcasting images of Britain’s most wanted in their long running (formerly a national treasure? ) Crimewatch…
I’ve been ‘keeping them peeled’ and noticed…
It seems the Police are also getting a tad lackadaisical when it comes to putting out pictures of suspects
“On Wednesday we were made aware of better and clearer images which we are working to release asap once we have spoken with the victims in this case.”
The incident took place just before 3am on August 13.
“we are working to release”
How hard are they working? The images are in the paper. One could believe that the police want to conceal the race of the attacker to protect him. An ineffectual police force is hardly worth paying for.
BBC ‘news’ website: When does flirting become sexual harrassment?
This ‘news’ story advises you to maybe touch your date on a non-sexual body part on the second date – that’s bound to give her the raging horn. What sort of wussy, beta male does that? For the first date treat her like your mother!
Ha ha ha ha ha! None of my successful seductions have involved me treating the girl like my mother on the first date! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Their news articles are the funniest things they produce these days.
Exactly. I wonder if even the most extreme totalitarian states tells citizens where and when they should touch prospective partners. Surely even Mao would draw the line at this?
Beeb Bro
I was under the impression a lot of ’em jump into bed in the first hour. If that’s true I think I was born 60 years too early.
p.s. do girls these days really get a raging horn? I thought that was reserved for the boys. Perhaps that is what is meant by intersex. This really is confusing so I think I’ll stick to my beer. Cheers!
With apologies to real people here, here’s an old rugby ditty…
A homosexual man from Frome,
Took a lesbian up to his room,
They argued all night,
As to who had the right,
And do what and do which and to whom.
It’s bad enough being confused when you’re seventy, let alone when you’re raring to go, but totally unsure in what direction!
Luckily, we’re going out on Saturday to celebrate 45 years of wedded bliss, so I fully expect some prat reporter from the BBC to pop up and complain that we haven’t taken in any immigrants, and are smug hypocrites to all those battered wimmin and that we’ve wasted our lives caring for each other and not given much to cheridee…
BTW it’s well over ten weeks since we watched the BBC ‘news’ now! Freedom from cant, and I never could spell either…
Yes I can sympathize with their plight but I don’t think these confused individuals should hold positions of power and influence, otherwise we all wind up confused.
By the way,have you got any more of that wonderful uplifting poetry?
“Brexit: EU leaders seek Brexit talks progress” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41672097
Will she be gone by Christmas ? What are they all sniffing ?
Check out the highest rated HYS.
Mr Rees-Mogg, get you briefcase ready. Odds ? – 13 to 2
BBC milking the story of Trump disrespecting mother of slain soldier
Some little shit from the BBC – backed by the UK Government’s hostility to Trump reports as follows
‘The mother of a US soldier who was killed in action has backed a congresswoman’s claim that President Donald Trump showed insensitivity during a phone call to her son’s widow.
Representative Frederica Wilson said he had told Myeshia Johnson: “He knew what he was signing up for, but I guess it hurts anyway.”
Mr Trump said Ms Wilson’s account was “totally fabricated”.
Following is the actual quote of what President Trump said to the widow:
“They know the risk, they know what they sign up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.”
BBC actively telling lies to advance The May Governments agenda
The intonation is key. I find it hard to believe he would have anything but the utmost respect for someone who died fighting for the country he loved.
The MSM needs to come up with some new and effective ways to take on Trump as it is just the same old confected ‘offence’ and stale ad hominem attacks. They are flogging a dead horse.
One difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump truly respects the US armed forces. That is why he took the trouble to phone this soldier’s widow and offer his personal condolences. It is beyond despicable that a Democrat politician is seeking to use that human and kind gesture to attack the President.
Obama on the other hand released five Al Qaeda terrorists to buy the release of a US Army deserter. Trump would have kept the terrorists locked up and left the traitor to his fate.
RE BBC and the get Trump and Wilson.
I doubt the BBC will see this and report it as they think they have the story “about right” .
Kelly condemns Wilson for listening in on a call meant for a bereaved family. They should look in the mirror and hang their heads in shame. The MSM questions were also sick in my opinion. Why do we always have to go to the sources if we want to hear both sides. Is it the truth or did you hear it on the BBC is becoming more relevant each day. His comments about Wilson start around 9.30 mins
“White House chief of staff John Kelly defends Trump over widow remarks” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41688684
Trump is draining the swamp. The media don’t like it. Al Beeb, get used to it .
I think the more they attack Trump like this the more nails they put in their coffins. People are sick and tired of this snide, smearing hysteria. We want to hear about actual issues that affect us.
“Crime rises by 13% in England and Wales, ONS statistics say” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41677046
Police are more concerned with chasing ‘so called’ hate crime.
It’s hard to read that stuff. (I was born in Rochdale ) But I don’t want you to stop posting. The truth needs to be exposed as much as possible. Hiding it all those years was as criminal as the rapes IMO.
I know – the problem is that even I’d prefer to say ‘Grooming Gang’. Easier on the mind.
But the truth is that we need to look at the size of the problem. How long did it occur. The number of victims. The most horrendous aspect. The people who could have stopped it.
Now the BBC talks of the ‘Savile Enquiry’ – but really this should be the ‘The sheltering of a pedohpile in the BBC who provided him a safe space with his accomplices to rape children for years (not known), whilst the TV Tax Payer paid his wage under threat of prison’. How much different it sounds to Enquiry.
Sorry, I know it’s awful but the scope of this thing is easily forgotten when buried in terms like ‘3 Girls’ and not ‘1400 Raped Children’. Just as the BBC does the word association of Trump = Evil, or Trump = Deranged, or Clinton = Good.
Crazy mixed up kids.
Or, returning moslem soldiers empowered by our government to topple Assad. Can’t leave them in Syria. Bring them here and as a reward give them a few white working class girls.
Number and proportion of (Swedish) police reports with identified hate crime motives, years 2011–2015.
2011 278 5%
2015 558 8%
Change +13%
When you start telling people what they are permitted to like or dislike they’re gonna get mad. Your likes and dislikes are highly personal -at least they used to be.
Yes Lefty, agreed.
I truly believe that there is a silent majority in society who publicly ‘think’ what they believe they are “allowed” to think whilst privately thinking their own thoughts, which they would never dare to ‘think’ aloud!
I believe most people will not be brave enough to admit what they really think or believe because of fear of being labelled as bigoted, waycist blah blah blah or for fear of what others would ‘think’ of them.
It would be interesting to know what the majority really think rather than what they think they ought to think.
Hope that makes sense. I think it does.
Yes Sir that makes sense to me as well, but then according to the social justice warriors we are mentally ill aren’t we? That trick was used to good effect in the Soviet Union but even they couldn’t hold the cork in the bottle forever.
“I believe most people will not be brave enough to admit what they really think or believe because of fear of being labelled as bigoted, waycist blah blah blah or for fear of what others would ‘think’ of them.”
That was true until last year. Then we found that there were at least 17 1/2 million of us, and we’re in the majority. That’s why the BBC is so desperate to make us feel isolated again and put us back in our box.
Yes 17.5 million people made a secret statement with their vote but that does not negate Dystopians point that most people are extremely reluctant to say out loud what they really feel.
If I take it too far then just ask me to leave. I find this place a good place to post. The content is from a report that most people will never read, I say go and read it as the Government spent the Tax Payers money on producing it.
I asked someone who mentioned the Rotherham Rapes if they had read the report and they said no – but had probably seen the BBC BRAVE documentary ‘3 Girls’.
Trey Gowdy says to the public – you have to look into what the Government are doing …
BBC 1 now – programme dedicated to council housing fraud. Banging on about some woman who earns £90,000 p.a and driving a top of the range car, being given a council house despite having a mortgage on another property-then sublets council property.
They are apparently disgusted about this.
Mmm different standards for the multitudes of illegals crammed into tower blocks in London then.
Where’s the BBC investigation and outcry into that then?
Very interesting
So a US expert has done a 60 tweet debunk of
The extraordinary claim that Vikings deliberately used Islamic meme in burial cloth.
Main point that the similar pattern was never seen until 5 centuries later.
– Annika Larsson, the librarian who made the claim still stands by her claim
But if you put her name in Twitter ..people say she has form on making dodgy claims
Still I wait another expert opinion.
\\“Vikings had rich contact with the Arab world. This textile? No,” she began, noting that the textile “has no Arabic at all but the story has gone viral” thanks to news outlets like the Times and BBC.
“There is something very troubling here about the relationship between news media and experts, who should have been consulted for verification,” she continued. “It should go without saying that a single scholar’s un-peer-reviewed claim//
I was talking to someone today whose teenage son no longer gets a free bus pass to travel to school, they have to buy it for him; yet the local education authority which funds the school, to which this person has to pay for their son’s travel, employs FIVE Polish staff as translators at that same school.
Why is it that we (the British) always wind up holding the s**t end of the stick?
Al Shubtill
“Why is it that we (the British) always end up holding the s**t end of the stick?”
Because successive governments don’t give a s**t about ordinary, honest, British working people.
This nation needs a government with common sense and a sense of patriotism.
The present Tory government doesn’t have either.
I’ve just seen a photo in the Daily Express of Donald Tusk blowing a kiss at Theresa May.
Wow!!!!!!!! This will be dynamite. What arrogance, what sexism, what an illustration of the sick values of a man in power. How demeaning for women. Well this will be all over the BBC and Sky and Libtard media who are simply doing their job by exposing a very bad egg in the political world. This could well bring an end to his presidency!
Oh err…. just a minute… I’m a bit mixed up. I was confusing Tusk with Trump for a moment there. I got the wrong Donald.
Anyway it was Tusk what done it! The EU bloke. So that’s alright then. Nothing more to say.
I am not one of the doom and gloom merchants in the face of the Islamic invasion.
An invasion with the Communists, doing what they have practised since 1917, as conspirators and collusionists.
Apart from the disgusting death toll, these groups have achieved nothing.
Islam is going the way of Christianity, to oblivion or to survival as a tiny, irrelevant, sect.
The Muzzies know this, hence their current, last-ditch, military efforts.
Fighting an opponent they cannot beat, the truth.
Boko Haram is their final weapon, prevent people from learning, from even knowing the existence of, Western
Science. Whilst using weapons, driving vehicles, using mobile phones developed using Western technology!
Where are Muslims expected to believe mobile phones originated?
Do Iranian leaders imagine that the highly intelligent, educated, scientists who are developing their, allegedly peaceful (where have we heard that before?) nuclear power programme, are devout Muslims? Actually some probably are, if so they are deluding themselves. To be any use as nuclear physicists study in Western science and Technology is essential, so there are plenty of pretend Muslims in Iran. Pretending keeps head and shoulders together.
The decline of Protestant Christianity in the West was not caused by foreign conquistadors imposing a new religion.
People simply ceased to believe because there were better explanations available.
God created the earth in 4004BC, except that the tree rings say impossible, the varves say impossible, radiometric dating say impossible.
Islam is even less equipped to resist Western influence. There is more “West” everywhere you look.
Not a single developement that owes anything to the Koran. The Muslims have a flying horse mounted by a nutcase.
The Hebrew Bible was created by a number of highly intelligent people over a, historically, long period.
The Koran was created by one, poorly educated, crackpot.
The intelligent races, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese are developing quickly, using and improving Western technology.
Whilst maintain their own culture and preventing the influx of any more Islamic contamination.
The unintelligent Muslims are retreating into fortress Islam, and into the neolithic. Attempting and failing, to prevent the spread of Western influence. Because the Muslims have seen the future and Islam is not in it.
Yes we need to expel Muslims from Europe. Yes we need to eliminate the Marxist rump in Europe. Intransigence
and irredentism must be our eternal policies. No mercy to our enemies.
We can, and must beat these bastards. Rivers of blood was right Enoch, but the fault lies with our enemies who caused the seas of blood in the past.
Truth seeker, “The decline of Protestant Christianity in the West was not caused by foreign conquistadors imposing a new religion.
People simply ceased to believe because there were better explanations available.”
What period? Just Protestant Christianity in decline? Better explanations? Of what? Better than what?
“The Hebrew Bible was created by a number of highly intelligent people over a, historically, long period.”
I can feel Orthodox Jews reading this wincing! God has no part in revelation? Are Judaism and Christianity merely ‘religions’ like other religions?
-Obama’s bashes Trump.
-An item from the Titanic is being auctioned.
-Bank of England board is not ‘diverse’ enough.
-Someone has published a book about dialects.
-Lammy says not enough poor people go to Oxbridge.
None of these are news items. And they complain that Trump calls them fake news? Why not report on actual events rather than something someone said who supports agenda; skull-crushingly boring nonsense about ‘diversity’ which we heard a billion times; fluff about something interesting like a new book out.
Beeb, you can’t expect the BBC to research real stories on the hoof. They need students and kids from uni to make long boring ‘studies’ into long boring prgrammes to be watched by long (?) boring taxpayers.
They call the progs names like Panorama, which probably costs a few mill to produce, but of course, the diversity laws prevent them from actually providing any news, it’s just their way of doing things.
Funny how they avoid real journalism though. This is because they get paid by taxes, not business skills.
Should they not try to entertain and interest their listeners? You can easily educate as well along the way, but try to make it fun and interesting as well. It’s not like they don’t have the resources. Report live from an event maybe; go undercover at an interesting organisation. I don’t know – there are countless ways to engage an audience.
Yet instead we just get another lecture about ‘diversity’ and some professional victim whining for the umpteenth time. It shows such contempt for the audience. Who is on the edge of their seat, thinking: “Wow – will the Bank of England get some more ethnic employees? How absolutely fascinating!”
Listening to London-born, London-educated, University of London graduate, London MP, David Lammy trying to make something out of nothing on the TODAY Programme. (BBC R4 6-9am)
David Lammy is complaining that most students at Oxbridge colleges come from London and the Home Counties. I wonder where Oxbridge Colleges are geographically located? It wouldn’t be in or near London & the Home Counties would it?
I wonder If Newcastle University discriminates in favour of north-eastern England children?
GW, I have had a certain appreciation & respect for David Lammy in the fairly distant past but he did let himself down badly on that one. He’s a bit young to be going into decline.
Could be that the poor lad is going into a decline. He has to an extent been fairly ‘independent’ in the past within Labour and a bit of a ‘thinker’, especially during the Blair/Brown era. If I recall correctly, he also stood up to the Soviet Kommissariat running L.B. Harringey, not an easy thing to do!
I am wondering if he is also at odds with the Corbyn, McDonnell, Thornberry & Abbott hierarchy.
He and Diane Abbott certainly represent an interesting couple of examples of what a university education can produce intellectually, and what field embraces such people to wo…. progress to the top.
I cannot remember the exact expression (someone here can correct me) but, I always thought that, “You can take the African out of Africa, but you cant take Africa out of the African”, was pretty accurate. Have I got it right? Anyway, that sums it all up really.
I’ve met quite a few “lawyers” of one kind or another over the years and, although it’s not even close to being my favourite profession, I’ve always found them broadly educated. Barristers are generally articulate and intelligent in a slippery sort of way (Blair being a classic example), but not necessarily intelligent in the way that a particle physicist is. I simply don’t understand where Lammy fits in.
According to Wiki, he obtained a first class degree, studied at Harvard, and practised in the UK as a barrister, yet he never strikes me as being particularly clever – and that’s without bringing up Mastermind.
Abbott is similar. Is racial discrimination, otherwise known as “positive discrimination” so far embedded, or what?
Clare, the big danger is that if you do engage in ‘positive discrimination’ as David Lammy appeared to be wanting, is that you start to reduce standards, people (recruiters) continue to look at the degree (not the quality of development and character and mind behind it) and then you have a cohort of ‘people at the top’ who are then setting the level that following generations aspire to.
A danger of de-evolution as the snail scientist, Professor Jones, would possibly observe.
My ‘Chinese’ PhD friends didn’t need any positive discrimination.
Why can we not just have a level playing field for all in the UK?
Clare & Grant, indeedy! You’ve spotted their big whoopsie.
Some years ago, the very intelligent, very personable son of some Nigerian friends passed his GCSEs mostly or all with ‘A’s and did an extra four with similar results to boot. This at a time when it was unusual to do twelve subjects. He wanted to do medicine at University and his mother was a highly qualified Nurse working for the NHS. He should have been ‘an automatic’ for an offer from a UK medical school.
We don’t know what went wrong and this was some time before there were review and appeal procedures. He chose not to go for alternative routes, such as via Pharmacy or Nursing and decided to wait until he completed his A levels to then consider re-applying.
I think he allowed himself to become disillusioned (as I think I would have been) and didn’t do as well as he should with his A Levels and therefore re-sat one. He then went to University and on to train as a teacher.
I still carry a chip around on my shoulder on his behalf and resent that the NHS missed out on an excellent candidate. I think that he, too, still resents that closing of a door of opportunity to do what he wanted to do.
Was there a whiff of racism about it? Maybe. Probably. His school obviously influenced his rejection. Certainly his family were not poor, so it wasn’t that. He was also, in my view, ideal GP or Surgeon material. So it almost definitely wasn’t that. Yes, he was a Christian although his father was a re-enthused Muslim at that time. Religious prejudice, in some way, on the part of the school? I guess that’s possible. But there is a lingering doubt in my mind that it was purely down to the colour of his skin.
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam {bbc.co.uk 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
“He said 25,000 new teachers would be recruited to replace them.”
However, I know very few people, myself included, for whom everything has gone according to plan. None of them, however, has had recourse to a ready made excuse like racism. I have a moderately distant relative who did exceptionally well at school. This was partly due, I think, to relentless pressure from his ambitious parents. They’re an intimidating couple. He was expected to go far but has ended up a run-of-the-mill civil servant – not even fast stream, if they still have such a thing (I think they used to be called Admin Trainees).
My opinion is that his success at school was a result of parent driven cramming but he was unable to function at the same level when the pressure was removed. It would be easy, however, to see some form of discrimination as the only explanation for his failure to scale the heights. Some people also have career limiting attitude problems but I don’t think that applied in his case.
Listening to Toady, could al Beebus be any more obsessive with regard to “diversity”?
I also see the fragrant Christine I’m-Not-Poor, has been drafted in as a presenter along with her most peculiarly accented voice. Is this a new thing on Toady? Drafting in these occasional staff to the programme, when they have more broadcasters on their books than soft Mick, seems a bit odd to say the least; still all that money won’t spend itself.
Al, I’m wondering whether there has been an upheaval with presenters’ agents following the BBC high pay revelations?
Sarah’s & Mishal’s agents (if they have them) asking for equivalent money to the male presenters and the BBC drafting in a variety of different voices just to let them know there is plenty of competitors ‘waiting in the wings’.
They should give Clegg and Lammy their own channel, or maybe a channel each. Clegg could be BBC Remain and Lammy BBC Race Baiting. At least then we could have a safe space away from them.
Purnell is incompetent – if the BBC web-site is anything to go by (I gather he still has responsibility for it, even in his new post) – so that must almost guarantee that he gets the top job sometime.
Frankly, I’ve never felt more ‘under siege’ than I do at present. Turned on Toady just before 0800 to hear (from a new foreign reporter?) that David Lammy MP has done a Freedom of Information Act request on Oxbridge and that the results show that they are not taking their share of BAME students. In keeping with BBC reporting policy, there is no research, no analytical objectivity. The hint (and it is a mere hint) comes as an aside in that someone mentions that an effort should be made to improve ‘O’ and ‘A’ level results. There you have it in a nutshell. Oxbridge do not want dimwits who they have to teach at ‘O’ and ‘A’ level before a degree course can be contemplated. For Lammy, it’s all to do with breaking down old habits that the 87% of the population have accepted for decades. The Black mouthpiece, Lammy, should do well to attack the lack of attainment with BAME youngsters at school level beneath university. More voice from the BBC’s new studio foreign reporter. Off radio after a mere 7/8 minutes or so. Shortest exposure to date.
The lower trunk of the Old Oak is proving capable in thwarting the use of many axes to topple it. So the foreigners hasten to bring in chain saws to speed the complete destruction. All fanned on by our, “…..most trusted…”.
G, the BBC had the ‘analytical objectivity’ on the line or in the studio in the form of the young lady from Oxford University. Unfortunately, when she said something sensible, David Lammy refused to accept it and went off at a tangent, if not the opposite direction. No equality there!
One thing that Lammy appears to have forgotten is that prospective students do not go as far away to University as they once did, especially in London & the south-east of England because of the cost of travel & accommodation (after all we do not want excessive diesel use, do we?) and also because there are more Universities now in the south-east, a wider choice of courses at many Universities (in ‘my day’ they tended to be more specialised) and the bulk of the UK population is now in … London and the south-east of England.
I ought to add that any political Party is prone to the scrabble for influence and power but it is a major characteristic of the Labour Party in my ‘umble opinion. Lammy seems to me to be trying to keep himself in public view.
Noticed that Tom Hanks was on BBC reading his book last night. I felt a lot safer knowing Tom Hanks has published a book and is against Harvey …. phew!
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
West Yorkshire : another police officer indulging in sex abuse in guise of helping women already abused.
Just happens to have Turkish name.
1000 years ago in Turkey? 100 years ago in Turkey? 10 years ago in Turkey? Just last year ….Thousands have protested in Istanbul in Turkey against a bill that would let off men who assaulted underage girls if they marry their victims. The government insists the legislation is aimed at dealing with the widespread custom of child marriage, but critics say that it will legitimise child rape. {bbc.co.uk 19nov2016}
… All cultures, traditions and religions are equal ….
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
Forgive my ignorance but if a person gets beaten up for no reason, is it a ‘hate crime’?
Are all assaults on women ‘hate crimes’?
Does it only apply if the victim is different and or in a minority – are they the only ‘hate’ crimes, all the other acts of random violence or abuse are relegated to simply being ‘crimes’ ?
So a random attack on a woman, no matter how serious and unprovoked is just a ‘crime’?
Correct on all counts gaxvil
Indeed gax, If we are going to have laws against “hate crime” It would follow that an accused rapist should be charged with both rape & hate crime. Unless as you point out rape isn’t classified as a hate crime. Maybe rape isn’t so bad? Unless the perpetrator is a white guy?
So I guess bacon crimes will continue to receive more coverage than rapes. Ahh ……. progress.
Now you’ve got it.
The religion that does not like bacon and country with the most prominent figure praising that religion shows the UK where we are heading …. Thousands have protested in Istanbul in Turkey against a bill that would let off men who assaulted underage girls if they marry their victims. The government insists the legislation is aimed at dealing with the widespread custom of child marriage, but critics say that it will legitimise child rape. {bbc.co.uk 19nov2016}
– How do you deal with mass rape of young children? Legalise it of course, guess you can’t tax it as that would be wrong.
– Hold on, does that mean to get a wife you just rape a child? Have they thought this through?
Bit of lunchtime fun from the Graun:
She must a popular lass.
OT, but this was there too:
Quite the attempted conflation. Is he mental?
Freedland is one of the Guardian’s hive down to his fingertips. Every view predictable and about as unoriginal as a writer as you will find anywhere. His views on the USA are as bigoted as you would expect.
Meanwhile… tricky territory:
I merely cite:
‘This was always going to be the conclusion since the majority of those participating believed…”
As with most BBC ‘debates’, it ceases to be one, or educate, or inform, if the national broadcaster decides the outcome and arranges everything to arrive at it.
It is propaganda, backed by censorship.
Just noticed the acronym to that is PBBC.
“machine learning tools that will be used to create a new generation of media content and help upskill its existing workforce”
Nick Robbo know?
It’s hard to remember that there was a time when Woody Allen was funny.
Abortion is one of the pillars of progressivism. So what so you expect from the BBC? Balanced argument. Not only are the white middle class women of the West stopping having children but actively encouraging abortion .
No civilisation has ever survived once it goes down this road.
I have said before that now Islam will not only outbreed us but it will start to really gather European ethnic converts sick of the decadence of the Western progressives. Once that really starts then as with all dramatic change it will be swift and overwhelming.
It’s a grim future for truth with AI supplying news stories and political groups manipulating agendas.
Really it’s a return to the days when you got tit-bits, rumour and hearsay from the traveling pot mender or draper as he passed through your village.
My dad was a pot mender. Over the years the piss would eat it’s way through the bottom of the pot and he would fit a metal disc held on by a nut and bolt. Saved people from the expense of buying a new piss pot.
Wonderful – how was he as a news provider and agenda setter though?
Well, like the BBC he knew how to spin a yarn and the truth didn’t seem to be much of an issue. Mind you he was good at fixing leaks which our National Broadcaster seems to have a problem with.
And of course the bbc employs vast amounts of piss pots.
Quote from Polly Toynbee of R4 Womans Hour.. “this Government has declared having more children reprehensible…” not sure I have seen that in the manifesto
Followed by “I think it’s wrong that women can’t have as many children as they want because they don’t have enough money!! Not a word of disagreement from BBC or minor challenge
She writes for the Guardian (no surprise) and seems to be wheeled out by R4 for just about everything…where does she think the money comes from for these women that have as many children as they want but can’t afford them…?
We are doomed if people like her get any real power…
Irresponsible procreation, men in dresses and disposal of unwanted babies not to mention legalised buggery.
I’m just an old fuddy duddy but I reckon in my teens I’d have found these things unacceptable.
Polly Toynbee
Polly Toynbee is a columnist for the Guardian. She was formerly BBC social affairs editor, columnist and associate editor of the Independent, co-editor of the Washington Monthly and a reporter and feature writer for the Observer. Her new book, Dismembered: How the attack on the state harms us all, co-authored by David Walker, is out now
I can scarcely believe it, but Theresa May is now Brexit Britain’s best hope
While all eyes look to Brexit, our NHS is about to collapse
Thinking of suing the NHS? Here’s why you should think again
Monica was not a crime {theguardian 12sep1998}
“It is betrayal and cheating. But it is also commonplace and widespread, always was, always will be. It is not a crime, but a private matter between those involved. It is private even when it happens on the Oval Office desk, with or without cigars, whether he inhaled or not. … Of course he (Bill Clinton) shouldn’t have lied on oath. …”
93 Pages of articles by Polly Toynbee.
About 1,842 results for Polly Toynbee.
When someone told me what Bill Clinton did in the Oval Office with that cigar, I was amazed at all the fuss. I’d assumed he’d done something really revolting – like smoked it.
That’s because they ARE unacceptable in a civilized society.
“this Government has declared having more children reprehensible…” I wonder what effect that comment will have on the muzzies…………
Simple … just have multiple wives instead of multiple children in the UK. Islam has the answer again.
Men with more than one wife will get extra benefits under new rules. {dailymail 24jan2016}
“Under universal credit, polygamous marriages will not be recognised”
“That amounts to £317.83 a month for each wife in polygamous household”
“In the UK, it is illegal to marry more than one person.
Polygamous marriages, largely confined to Muslim families, are only recognised in Britain if they took place in countries where they are legal, such as Middle Eastern states, Pakistan and Zambia.”
None. because it doesn’t apply to them.
JamesArthur, ‘ang abaht, ‘arf-a-mo!
Isn’t Polly Toynbee the High Priestess of Global Warming and Climate Change?
She should be glad that women ‘are being forced’ to have less children. Every new life on the planet, if I recall correctly, dooms it to 27x any single carbon emissions saving measure, I assume during that lifetime. Oh, and it is 27x the most efficient savings. Those that turn in much less, then its 54x, 70x, 100x or more.
It’s on WUWT in July 2017 if you fancy scrolling through a lot of articles. Their content is phenomenal.
Unsustainable population growth from migration and rising birth rates is destroying this country. We are predicted to have the highest total population and highest density of population in Europe. Try and get a sensible debate on the BBC and you will immediately be in the racist category and sub category of Brexiteer
Well, well, recorded crime is up by 14% since 2016 in our multicultural Utopia. The BBC World at One soften the facts by wheeling out the well worn, annual excuse: the increase could be down to the, “…… new ways of recording crime”. Ha, ha, pull the other one. My view, for what its worth, is, its all down to Brexit, Trump, and the violent baby-boomers who, chronologically, are presently well into by-pass and hip replacement territory.
Since the ONS do not record crimes by nationality (again ha, ha, pull the other one) and we are losing BBC’s Crimewatch mug-shots, where can we go now for an indication of who (and where) most crimes are committed? All that’s available is a breakdown of prison populations until the State realises that this will give the population a good indication of where the perps. come from and stop that flow of information. The BBC conveniently offer an alternative view on their laughable, ‘Reality Check’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41149778 in which it is postulated that the Annual Crime Survey should be balanced against the crime actually committed. Needless to say, this is sophistry as the Survey reports the contributors perception of crime (a fall of 9% up to June 2017) whereas, (proving how ineffectual the Survey is) recorded violent crime actually rose by 19%. I know which one I would prefer to believe. But, “The Crime Survey is generally considered a good measure of crime experienced by individuals because it is not affected by changes to how crime is recorded.” Who ‘generally’ thinks this? Thanks highly ‘trusted’ BBC for your observation.
The ‘Don’t scare the natives Telegraph’ tell us: “Officials at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the surge was concentrated in London and the South East and described it as “peculiar””. What is “peculiar” about a statistical area where the population is predominantly foreign?
Correlation does not imply causation …
…. England subdivisions Muslim population 2001 …

…. England Crime Map 2010 ….
“Officials at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the surge was concentrated in London and the South East and described it as “peculiar””.
Would this be the same ONS that has just lost £500 billion down the back of the sofa?
It’s long but a good read. The Paris Statement, especially if you are wondering where ‘our’ Israel will be located. (‘Our’ as in horses born in the stable, not the ‘home-grown’ and imported dogs that live in the stable).
‘our precious and irreplaceable civilization.’ {the paris statement} …
irreplaceable = incapable of being replaced; unique:
Our society will change, our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a (German) majorities in our city. That’s also what migration researchers say. We will live in a city that thrives on having many different ethnicities. That we have plenty of people and live in a supercultural society. This is what we will have in the future. And I want to make it very clear, especially to those right wingers: This is a good thing. {youtube}
irreplaceable = incapable of being replaced; unique
. . . verses . . .
I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a (German) majorities in our city.
Hate IS Crime
Painted Nails STOPS Slavery
Policing INVOLVES Dodgems
Brexit is Brexit.
Enough is enough.
Boris is Boris.
She hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet has she.
How about this one Tessie:
Brexit is Remain.
Leave means Remain
48% is greater than 52%
Conservative means Labour
Vote OUT means Vote IN
I will back the decision of the Nation = I quit
BBC Director, Editorial Policy and Standards’ outrageous reaction to Katie Hopkins’ objection to assassination.- Not incitement, not a state broadcaster & sorry if you have had death threats but we get them too. What a prize t*at!
Available on her Twitter feed but my attempt to link produces pages of replies
@NISA you probably pasting her Twitter account url instead of the one for just the tweet

now I can’t remember the suffic which reduces the size
\\From The Director, Editorial Policy and Standards @BBC. Mr David Jordan.
A complaint about MY tweet.//
So misleading tweets ‘…… do nothing to make such threats less likely.’
A veiled threat from the state broadcaster?
Thank you, I may do better next time 🙂
\\Let me get this straight
BBC has lodged a complaint re your reaction to their tweet promoting your assassination in a Play?
“regulation of the BBC should be reformed so as to enable the BBC still better to serve the interests of Our People:” Nice one Liz!
Well if a broadcaster operating under a charter signed off by the head of state isn’t a ‘state broadcaster’ what is it?
BBC Alarm over decline in flying insects
Germany 60 sample sites, 75% decline in 30 years.
ONE report
Haven’t we seem similar before out of Potsdam institute ? Yes
” Where have all the insects gone?
Science | AAAS
http://www.sciencemag.org › news › 2017/05
10 May 2017 · Surveys in German nature reserves point to a dramatic decline in insect biomass.”
Brussels attack: Man shot after stabbing soldier {bb.co.uk 26aug2017}
“A man has been shot dead after attacking soldiers with a machete in Brussels, in what prosecutors are treating as a terror attack. The Somali attacker, aged 30, died in hospital. One of the soldiers suffered a hand injury. Belgium’s federal prosecutor’s office said the attacker had not been “known for terrorist activities” but had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest” in Arabic) during the assault.”
The mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, told reporters the incident was the work of a “lone individual”. {telegraph 26aug2017}
– BBC title does not include terrorist or Somalian or Allahu Akbar.
– Telegraph contains words ‘lone individual’ – individual means being on their own?
At least R4 Business progs are free from being stuffed with BBC pet issues
8:30pm …Baroness McGregor- Smith & @JaneFarrellEW discussing the business case for #Diversity with
Diversity in North Korea = 0
Diversity in Japan = 0
Diversity in China … BBC Search Chinese area of ‘Xinjiang ban’ …
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
Is there a business case for having a diverse workforce? Not if the business people love their country. It’s one thing to import brains and needed skills but quite another to import boneheads who will only produce more boneheads.
Is it only white people that are being urged by their own leaders to diversify. I wonder if African leaders are forcing this stuff onto their citizens.
Diversity=Conformity in views
That’s how BBC practice it.
I wonder what they could possibly conclude?
A: It is divisive and expensive – just one spurious discrimination claim can destroy a small business. What hard evidence has ever been presented that ‘diversity’ is such a good thing and what does it mean anyway? It makes employees terrified to tell jokes or apply the same levels of discipline to immigrant workers.
B: It is absolutely fantastic. Each business leader gives wholly typical examples of Somali women whose poetry inspired transgender wheelchair users to develop ground-breaking technologies.
It will be a PR wank fest for the representatives of companies on the panel, each trying to out-do one another in burnishing their virtuous credentials. I’ll have to listen whilst clutching a sick bag.
To even question ‘diversity’ is akin to confessing to witchcraft during the Spanish Inquisition.
”Smacking to be banned in Scotland”

Bbbc : Cue the stock photo of whitey hitting a child, why not show a black, brown or yellow family?
What happened to diversity…
Living in Gambia, West Africa, I can tell you that the violence by some black men to women and children would make you weep. Many Beauty Salons in Africa specialise on make-up for cuts and bruises. News you will never hear from the cnuts at the BBC, assuming these idiots even know about it.
“Smacking to be banned in Scotland”
This is a disgrace. How dare the state dictate to us how we should bring up our children.
If my child was putting themselves in imminent danger such as stepping out in front of a bus or reaching out to touch the oven or gas fire, and I smacked them to prevent them from doing so then that, short sharp shock might just prevent something a lot worse.
I bet those who have made this decision don’t even have their own children.
The ‘yoof’ of today are already without discipline and it will only get worse.
So, your kids can now smack you and get away with it, knowing you can do nothing about it!
Your last sentence is 100% right. You see this quite regularly in supermarkets.
I see the BFI have stripped Weinstein of his fellowship awarded to him by them in 2002 because of the ALLEGATIONS which he has denied. Well lets wait and see if he is arrested, charged and convicted. Lester Piggott was stripped of his OBE after going to jail for tax evasion. The point is he was arrested, charged and convicted and the OBE was removed after his conviction. The reaction of some people and institutions is to be expected but for the BRITISH film institution to follow like the proverbial sheep shows them in a very poor light. If as I suspect the due process of law is carried out and the man is sent down then fine but this is the UK, not some outfit that still believes in ducking stools.
Perhaps more accurately this is the disUK
bbc: “New Zealand is set for a **centre-left coalition ** government led by Labour head Jacinda Ardern.”
…NOPE it’s a left/green/far-right coalition
Strangely the equivalent of Ukip the New Zealand First party have gone into the coalition
\\said New Zealand First would have four cabinet positions and one parliamentary under-secretary.//
\\Correspondents say the new coalition is likely to mean a **significant cut to immigration quotas**
and new controls on foreign ownership of property.//
From her wikipedia page
‘She later spent time in London, working as a senior policy advisor to Tony Blair, a position she would later distance herself from.[16] She was also seconded to the Home Office to help with a review of policing in England and Wales.[14] In early 2008 she won election as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a role which saw her spend time in countries such as Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.
I think new zealand are going to be having alot ‘fun’ with this lady in charge. The hands of tone are long. Welcome to the enrichment.
NZ First (Coalition with Labour and Greens in New Zealand)
“Immigration should not be used as a source of cheap labour to undermine New Zealanders’ pay and conditions. New Zealand First’s view is simple – we welcome the people we need and not those who need us. New Zealand First will strengthen Immigration New Zealand to give it the capacity to apply immigration policy effectively.”
Make sure that Kiwi workers are at the front of the job queue.
Attract highly skilled migrants by reducing numbers to around 10,000 per annum.
Ensure that immigration policy is based on New Zealand’s interests and the main focus is on meeting critical skills gaps.
Ensure immigration under ‘family reunion’ is strictly controlled.
Increase the residency rules around NZ Superannuation from the current 10 years to 25 years.
Increase, the Permanent Residency qualification period from the current two-years.
Make sure effective measures are put in place to stop the exploitation of migrant workers with respect to wages, safety and work conditions. In Christchurch and elsewhere there is evidence of
exploitation of migrant workers.
Develop strategies to encourage the regional dispersion of immigration to places other than Auckland and the main centres.
Substantially increase the minimum English requirement
The New Zealand first is not a far right party as lazy or biased journalists may claim. It does have strong sensible opposition to mass immigration as Marky points out. The loony left do keeping going on about it being racist but it’s just unthinking nonsense. Rather odd too seeing that leader Winston Peters, Deputy Ron Mark, and possible next leader Shane Jones are all Maori (and not a quota in sight.)
New Zealand’s situation is significantly different to the UK. The leader of the Labour Party Jacinda Ardern is no Corbyn, Abbott or the like. She is bright and very likeable and has wide electoral appeal. Until her leadership the Labour party was becoming almost unelectable. A series of PC male drones as leader had failed to inspire. Then ‘Jacinda mania’ hit the country just weeks before the election. She did for the her party what gormless Theresa May did for the British Labour Party ie made it electable.
The Green Party started their campaign by attacking NZ First, but a co-leader made a huge blunder and had to resign. The party deservedly lost a huge amount of public support. The remaining Green leader James Shaw is a well meaning and thoroughly decent and likeable chap and quite sensible. (Yes, I know him.)
Apart from the Greens opening salvo, the election was without acrimony. Coalition talks took only a couple of weeks or so. So while there is a Left government, the NZ First party is in a position clobber any of the wilder elements in the other parties.
Two important things to remember when comparing with UK are that There is no Islam issue in NZ and it also has sensible proportional voting system in MMP.
So the coalition will get off to a good start. How it turns out we will have to see.
Still nothing about the Democrat Russia scandal. Do you reckon it will get some perfunctory coverage or is it going straight down the memory hole?
The Beeb loves to play Top Trumps. The latest game (and it is a game) is over what the President said or didn’t say to a war widow. Forgetting the fact that the President found time to make a personal phone call (there was a time not so long ago when that wouldn’t have been expected) this is a complete non-story. Much like the attempt to denigrate Gordon Brown for the bad handwriting in personal letters to the bereaved of casualties in Afghanistan. For all his faults, that character assassination failed because people realised a) he had bad eyesight and b) was taking the trouble to write.
Distracted by that vital news story, the BBC largely ignores the 281+ killed by a bomb in Somalia. Not even calling for bomb controls, or restrictions on bomb ownership. Though the BBC’s favourite organ tries to implicate the US in the bombing
Meanwhile experts are baffled by the lack of such terrorist attacks in Muslim free parts of the world.
Up to date as ever, as the BBC tells us about ‘Britain’s (1918) ‘concentration camp’ in Russia’
not so much interest in the spate of bomb attacks in Sweden.
Just what is going on?
You must be wrong .. BBC Search ‘Malmo’ … everyone’s cooking food or hugging each other in the pictures.
Nothing happening on the BBC £3.5bn news service … let’s try to narrow it down BBC Search for ‘Helsingborg’ … no bombs there, just people smiling.
Sweden bomb: Powerful explosion heard at entrance to Helsingborg police station {independent 18oct2017}
Let’s see google … Google Search ‘Helsingborg’
Sweden bomb: Powerful explosion heard at entrance to Helsingborg police station {independent}
Police station damaged by blast in southern Sweden {local}
‘Attack Against Our Democracy’: Bombing of Swedish Police Station ‘May Be Terror’ {breitbart}
– BBC failing in their £3.5bn News Service to report on a bomb attack in Sweden,Helsingborg!
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
That Orwell quote is a cracker.
Orwell’s writings are brilliant. Again, you don’t have to understand his politics to appreciate his writings. Here are free resource for his articles …. George Orwell’s Library …. Politics and the English Language … enjoy.
Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.
Thanks for the links. Great stuff.
If the Swedish bombing campaign was part of a ‘right wing backlash’ would the BBC cover it?
Too much Polly Toynbee on the radio now. Today on a tedious World at One she had the gall to blame abortions on austerity & the Tories. The other woman discussing this agreed with her.
Who would win Mastermind, Corbyn (2 Es at A Level) or Toynbee (1 A level)? Despite both coming from privileged backgrounds.
It would be interesting to throw in Prince Harry, who I think managed to achieve two ‘D’ grades at Eton.
He’s not clever, but his heart’s in the right place. I couldn’t say the same for either of those two.
I never saw the point of Polly Toynbee. Thick as two short planks and a hypocrite.
Shame on you. That’s no way to speak about a national treasure. Oh well – if you insist.
BBC website: Lord Blankfein says they may move Goldman Sachs to Frankfurt.
This is someone who makes billions through speculation; liars like him brought us to the brink of collapse in 2008. Of course the BBC promote his feint as he supports their agenda.
Good riddance to the vampire squid, I say. I resent that having had to bail them out they are up to the same nonsense again. Go and infect another host.
‘Lord Blankfein says they may move Goldman Sachs to Frankfurt. ‘
Strip him of his title of Lord, seize his money ,send him to prison for hate speech
Beeb Brother,
I’ve just seen his name is Lloyd Blankfein not Lord Blankfein so we need to just seize his money and send him to prison for hate speech
Lord Wankstain – BBC friend or foe ?
Goldman Sachs will never leave the London Golden Mile
Worth a look.
Off Topic,
Today I sat and watched a previous episode of BBC’s Further Back in Time for Dinner. In the programme the narrator stated that ‘
‘in 1908 the London Olympic Games took place and for the first and only time, Britain topped the medals table, this may have been because all the judges were British.’
Seize any chance to put the country down.
I have always wondered why, if the BBC hate Britain so much as they obviously do, they keep the word “British” in their title. .
Oh that’s easy Grant,
British Muslim Killer Of Infidels Hater Of Gays Subjugator Of Women Hater Of Western Culture Broadcasting Corporation was too long a title so its was abbreviated to just the British Broadcasting Corporation.
LOL !! But not really so funny.
The thing with Brexit is nobody is able to see into the future, and even those who profess to have such capabilities are extremely bad at it, having failed to predict the financial crash, Brexit, Trump, both recent elections and countless other things.
Nobody can possibly say yet if it will be good, bad or somewhere inbetween. I find the possibility so exciting despite the risk. Nobody ever achieved greatness without taking risks.
I think the big risk is staying in the EU !
There is that as well. They act like we are abandoning a top of the range Ferrari when in fact it is an old banger which probably would not pass its MOT.
They have always hated the British and been jealous of us. It boils down to that kind of childishness.
Agreed Grant
funny how all the remoaners seem to think/claim/pretend the EU as it is, will be the EU as it is tomorrow
and yet accuse Brexiters of not knowing what we voted for
funny how they all think its not perfect, but it can be reformed even after the messiah b liar failed to manage it
Reform the EU? It reminds me of a wonderful quip i saw sometime ago, I think on this site, about the possibility of picking up a turd by the clean end. I logged that one for future use!
“I logged that one”
Dyst, every time I log on to my bank, I’ll think of your hilarious comment…
Thank you both for that!
From now on I only log in the bog.
Yeah, I left meself open to that bastard didn’t I? Kudos an’ Respec’ old son!
I use proxy evidence to make judgments.
Territories similar to Britain but not in the EU have a standard of living between 11 and 23 percent higher than the UK. The reasons are apparent in a study that shows a “no deal” is better than membership of the EU.
This is because the price of membership is more expensive than if we were on world trade organisation tariffs. Also due to the protectionist nature of the external tariff, which in the case of agriculture, is mainly protecting French farmers, means food prices in Britain are much higher than if we still had trade agreements with Commonwealth nations.
Also free trade agreements make an international single market, an irrelevant and expensive bureaucratic obstacle to trade, and therefore lowering the standard of living by between 11 and 23 percent.
Also as with the abolition of feudalism and slavery, if you cut cheap mass immigration to zero. This drives up pay, because employers are competing for workers. It also increases productivity by making unproductive employers go bust. But the increase in standard of living, increases economic activity which reduces unemployment.
Proxy evidence from the atmospheres of Mars and Venus, implies that the formula in computer models is a fake formula. And therefore man-made warming must be zero, as is calculated using the new formula, that works for Mars and Venus.
I can remember answers to questions about cause and effect in economics, but unlike Astronomy, cannot remember the sources?
Don’t have nightmares
Oddly enough, in the week in which the BBC tell us they will no longer be broadcasting images of Britain’s most wanted in their long running (formerly a national treasure? ) Crimewatch…
I’ve been ‘keeping them peeled’ and noticed…
It seems the Police are also getting a tad lackadaisical when it comes to putting out pictures of suspects
‘“I said: ‘What’s your name?’ and he said it was Omar.’
Of course this mistake on the part of the Police and the BBC pulling Crimewatch couldn’t possibly be cases of institutional inverted racism
“On Wednesday we were made aware of better and clearer images which we are working to release asap once we have spoken with the victims in this case.”
The incident took place just before 3am on August 13.
“we are working to release”
How hard are they working? The images are in the paper. One could believe that the police want to conceal the race of the attacker to protect him. An ineffectual police force is hardly worth paying for.
BBC ‘news’ website: When does flirting become sexual harrassment?
This ‘news’ story advises you to maybe touch your date on a non-sexual body part on the second date – that’s bound to give her the raging horn. What sort of wussy, beta male does that? For the first date treat her like your mother!
Ha ha ha ha ha! None of my successful seductions have involved me treating the girl like my mother on the first date! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Their news articles are the funniest things they produce these days.
‘When does flirting become sexual harrassment? ‘
I’m confused, I thought sexual harrassment was a workplace thing.
Assuming you’re on a ‘date’, is not sex – at least to some extent – not on the menu, as it were?
On a broader point, is there no aspect of life where the BBC doesn’t feel the need to socially engineer our attitudes?
Exactly. I wonder if even the most extreme totalitarian states tells citizens where and when they should touch prospective partners. Surely even Mao would draw the line at this?
Beeb Bro
Especially as the c–ts at the top seem to touch who they like when they like.
Beeb Bro
I was under the impression a lot of ’em jump into bed in the first hour. If that’s true I think I was born 60 years too early.
p.s. do girls these days really get a raging horn? I thought that was reserved for the boys. Perhaps that is what is meant by intersex. This really is confusing so I think I’ll stick to my beer. Cheers!
Speaking as a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, I’m getting confused by all the changes in what’s acceptable (or not).
With apologies to real people here, here’s an old rugby ditty…
A homosexual man from Frome,
Took a lesbian up to his room,
They argued all night,
As to who had the right,
And do what and do which and to whom.
It’s bad enough being confused when you’re seventy, let alone when you’re raring to go, but totally unsure in what direction!
Luckily, we’re going out on Saturday to celebrate 45 years of wedded bliss, so I fully expect some prat reporter from the BBC to pop up and complain that we haven’t taken in any immigrants, and are smug hypocrites to all those battered wimmin and that we’ve wasted our lives caring for each other and not given much to cheridee…
BTW it’s well over ten weeks since we watched the BBC ‘news’ now! Freedom from cant, and I never could spell either…
Ten weeks of abstainence! Are your hands beginning to tremble yet?
Yes I can sympathize with their plight but I don’t think these confused individuals should hold positions of power and influence, otherwise we all wind up confused.
By the way,have you got any more of that wonderful uplifting poetry?
Stick to your beer.
Provided you can distinguish an inlet from an outlet you should be OK
JRM is on Monday 23rd, 10am-1pm.
More scare tactics ……..
“Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein hints at Frankfurt move”
“Hint” “Hint” ? He has no interest in Great Britain.
Well he will when the EU implodes. Spain first then Italy and so on…………….
“Brexit: EU leaders seek Brexit talks progress”
Will she be gone by Christmas ? What are they all sniffing ?
Check out the highest rated HYS.
Mr Rees-Mogg, get you briefcase ready. Odds ? – 13 to 2
BBC milking the story of Trump disrespecting mother of slain soldier
Some little shit from the BBC – backed by the UK Government’s hostility to Trump reports as follows
‘The mother of a US soldier who was killed in action has backed a congresswoman’s claim that President Donald Trump showed insensitivity during a phone call to her son’s widow.
Representative Frederica Wilson said he had told Myeshia Johnson: “He knew what he was signing up for, but I guess it hurts anyway.”
Mr Trump said Ms Wilson’s account was “totally fabricated”.
Following is the actual quote of what President Trump said to the widow:
“They know the risk, they know what they sign up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.”
BBC actively telling lies to advance The May Governments agenda
The intonation is key. I find it hard to believe he would have anything but the utmost respect for someone who died fighting for the country he loved.
The MSM needs to come up with some new and effective ways to take on Trump as it is just the same old confected ‘offence’ and stale ad hominem attacks. They are flogging a dead horse.
One difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump truly respects the US armed forces. That is why he took the trouble to phone this soldier’s widow and offer his personal condolences. It is beyond despicable that a Democrat politician is seeking to use that human and kind gesture to attack the President.
Obama on the other hand released five Al Qaeda terrorists to buy the release of a US Army deserter. Trump would have kept the terrorists locked up and left the traitor to his fate.
RE BBC and the get Trump and Wilson.
I doubt the BBC will see this and report it as they think they have the story “about right” .
Kelly condemns Wilson for listening in on a call meant for a bereaved family. They should look in the mirror and hang their heads in shame. The MSM questions were also sick in my opinion. Why do we always have to go to the sources if we want to hear both sides. Is it the truth or did you hear it on the BBC is becoming more relevant each day. His comments about Wilson start around 9.30 mins
“White House chief of staff John Kelly defends Trump over widow remarks”
Trump is draining the swamp. The media don’t like it. Al Beeb, get used to it .
I think the more they attack Trump like this the more nails they put in their coffins. People are sick and tired of this snide, smearing hysteria. We want to hear about actual issues that affect us.
“Crime rises by 13% in England and Wales, ONS statistics say”
Police are more concerned with chasing ‘so called’ hate crime.
Has anybody heard of this story which was on Radio 4 this morning;
Or they could face life imprisonment for treason. Just a thought.
They are traitors and should be treated as such.
They committed their crimes mostly in Syria. Let the Syrian government deal with them.
Bit of a divine wind up, that suggestion.
Naive young jihadis
Awe nice & cuddly
Let’s play spot the common thread …
‘Naive’ young jihadis.
Lone Wolf jihadis
Mentally ill jihadis
Let’s us words like ‘Naive’ and ‘Grooming Gang’ to make it all sound nice shall we BBC?
“As the screaming continued, she told the girl her friend would suffer even more if she did not comply and said ‘she is chilling with my boys’. The second girl was pulled into a number of rooms by the men who took turns to rape her throughout the night.” {pdf – page9 – Child Sexual Exploitation Issues in Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council During the Period 2006 to 2013}
It’s hard to read that stuff. (I was born in Rochdale ) But I don’t want you to stop posting. The truth needs to be exposed as much as possible. Hiding it all those years was as criminal as the rapes IMO.
I know – the problem is that even I’d prefer to say ‘Grooming Gang’. Easier on the mind.
But the truth is that we need to look at the size of the problem. How long did it occur. The number of victims. The most horrendous aspect. The people who could have stopped it.
Now the BBC talks of the ‘Savile Enquiry’ – but really this should be the ‘The sheltering of a pedohpile in the BBC who provided him a safe space with his accomplices to rape children for years (not known), whilst the TV Tax Payer paid his wage under threat of prison’. How much different it sounds to Enquiry.
Sorry, I know it’s awful but the scope of this thing is easily forgotten when buried in terms like ‘3 Girls’ and not ‘1400 Raped Children’. Just as the BBC does the word association of Trump = Evil, or Trump = Deranged, or Clinton = Good.
Sounds more like naive Max Hill QC to me!
Crazy mixed up kids.
Or, returning moslem soldiers empowered by our government to topple Assad. Can’t leave them in Syria. Bring them here and as a reward give them a few white working class girls.
Sweden // Crime and statistics / Crime statistics
Number and proportion of (Swedish) police reports with identified hate crime motives, years 2011–2015.
2011 278 5%
2015 558 8%
Change +13%
2011 162 3%
2015 388 6%
Change +16%
Otherwise antireligious (assuming atheist here?)
2011 17 0% (hardly registering)
2015 331 5%
Change +114%
+114% is a big jump in Swedish Hate (tolerant liberal country) from 15 to 331 reported.
When you start telling people what they are permitted to like or dislike they’re gonna get mad. Your likes and dislikes are highly personal -at least they used to be.
Yes Lefty, agreed.
I truly believe that there is a silent majority in society who publicly ‘think’ what they believe they are “allowed” to think whilst privately thinking their own thoughts, which they would never dare to ‘think’ aloud!
I believe most people will not be brave enough to admit what they really think or believe because of fear of being labelled as bigoted, waycist blah blah blah or for fear of what others would ‘think’ of them.
It would be interesting to know what the majority really think rather than what they think they ought to think.
Hope that makes sense. I think it does.
Yes Sir that makes sense to me as well, but then according to the social justice warriors we are mentally ill aren’t we? That trick was used to good effect in the Soviet Union but even they couldn’t hold the cork in the bottle forever.
” they couldn’t hold the cork in the bottle forever.”
I honestly think that one day something will give…and this cork will pop big time.
“I believe most people will not be brave enough to admit what they really think or believe because of fear of being labelled as bigoted, waycist blah blah blah or for fear of what others would ‘think’ of them.”
That was true until last year. Then we found that there were at least 17 1/2 million of us, and we’re in the majority. That’s why the BBC is so desperate to make us feel isolated again and put us back in our box.
Drug treatment for xenophobia is available. For God’s sake don’t tell Treezer
Yes 17.5 million people made a secret statement with their vote but that does not negate Dystopians point that most people are extremely reluctant to say out loud what they really feel.
48% is greater than 52%. China is the best future for the global world power! Wow!
If I take it too far then just ask me to leave. I find this place a good place to post. The content is from a report that most people will never read, I say go and read it as the Government spent the Tax Payers money on producing it.
I asked someone who mentioned the Rotherham Rapes if they had read the report and they said no – but had probably seen the BBC BRAVE documentary ‘3 Girls’.
Trey Gowdy says to the public – you have to look into what the Government are doing …
BBC 1 now – programme dedicated to council housing fraud. Banging on about some woman who earns £90,000 p.a and driving a top of the range car, being given a council house despite having a mortgage on another property-then sublets council property.
They are apparently disgusted about this.
Mmm different standards for the multitudes of illegals crammed into tower blocks in London then.
Where’s the BBC investigation and outcry into that then?
Really? And pray tell me the colour of said woman’s skin. Only then shall we reach our verdict.
The colour of her skin was never revealed but her voice on the phone (evidence tapes) sounded foreign. Her name was Angela Brown.
I found this but it’s from 2014! Watching the BBC programme tonight I assumed it was recent
found this quite interesting https://ageofshitlords.com/vikings-muslim-story-debunked
Very interesting
So a US expert has done a 60 tweet debunk of
The extraordinary claim that Vikings deliberately used Islamic meme in burial cloth.
Main point that the similar pattern was never seen until 5 centuries later.
– Annika Larsson, the librarian who made the claim still stands by her claim
But if you put her name in Twitter ..people say she has form on making dodgy claims
Still I wait another expert opinion.
\\“Vikings had rich contact with the Arab world. This textile? No,” she began, noting that the textile “has no Arabic at all but the story has gone viral” thanks to news outlets like the Times and BBC.
“There is something very troubling here about the relationship between news media and experts, who should have been consulted for verification,” she continued. “It should go without saying that a single scholar’s un-peer-reviewed claim//
Image size test jpg:w=60 works with WordPress URLs
I was talking to someone today whose teenage son no longer gets a free bus pass to travel to school, they have to buy it for him; yet the local education authority which funds the school, to which this person has to pay for their son’s travel, employs FIVE Polish staff as translators at that same school.
Why is it that we (the British) always wind up holding the s**t end of the stick?
Al Shubtill
“Why is it that we (the British) always end up holding the s**t end of the stick?”
Because successive governments don’t give a s**t about ordinary, honest, British working people.
This nation needs a government with common sense and a sense of patriotism.
The present Tory government doesn’t have either.
And no doubt, (the local authority) housing numerous families of muslims that hate us intensely.
The Trump bashing is relentless, pathetic and juvenile.
Trump’s Renoir painting is not real, Chicago museum says
Which of our representatives is taking them to task on the biased shite?
I’ve just seen a photo in the Daily Express of Donald Tusk blowing a kiss at Theresa May.
Wow!!!!!!!! This will be dynamite. What arrogance, what sexism, what an illustration of the sick values of a man in power. How demeaning for women. Well this will be all over the BBC and Sky and Libtard media who are simply doing their job by exposing a very bad egg in the political world. This could well bring an end to his presidency!
Oh err…. just a minute… I’m a bit mixed up. I was confusing Tusk with Trump for a moment there. I got the wrong Donald.
Anyway it was Tusk what done it! The EU bloke. So that’s alright then. Nothing more to say.
I am not one of the doom and gloom merchants in the face of the Islamic invasion.
An invasion with the Communists, doing what they have practised since 1917, as conspirators and collusionists.
Apart from the disgusting death toll, these groups have achieved nothing.
Islam is going the way of Christianity, to oblivion or to survival as a tiny, irrelevant, sect.
The Muzzies know this, hence their current, last-ditch, military efforts.
Fighting an opponent they cannot beat, the truth.
Boko Haram is their final weapon, prevent people from learning, from even knowing the existence of, Western
Science. Whilst using weapons, driving vehicles, using mobile phones developed using Western technology!
Where are Muslims expected to believe mobile phones originated?
Do Iranian leaders imagine that the highly intelligent, educated, scientists who are developing their, allegedly peaceful (where have we heard that before?) nuclear power programme, are devout Muslims? Actually some probably are, if so they are deluding themselves. To be any use as nuclear physicists study in Western science and Technology is essential, so there are plenty of pretend Muslims in Iran. Pretending keeps head and shoulders together.
The decline of Protestant Christianity in the West was not caused by foreign conquistadors imposing a new religion.
People simply ceased to believe because there were better explanations available.
God created the earth in 4004BC, except that the tree rings say impossible, the varves say impossible, radiometric dating say impossible.
Islam is even less equipped to resist Western influence. There is more “West” everywhere you look.
Not a single developement that owes anything to the Koran. The Muslims have a flying horse mounted by a nutcase.
The Hebrew Bible was created by a number of highly intelligent people over a, historically, long period.
The Koran was created by one, poorly educated, crackpot.
The intelligent races, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese are developing quickly, using and improving Western technology.
Whilst maintain their own culture and preventing the influx of any more Islamic contamination.
The unintelligent Muslims are retreating into fortress Islam, and into the neolithic. Attempting and failing, to prevent the spread of Western influence. Because the Muslims have seen the future and Islam is not in it.
Yes we need to expel Muslims from Europe. Yes we need to eliminate the Marxist rump in Europe. Intransigence
and irredentism must be our eternal policies. No mercy to our enemies.
We can, and must beat these bastards. Rivers of blood was right Enoch, but the fault lies with our enemies who caused the seas of blood in the past.
Truth seeker, “The decline of Protestant Christianity in the West was not caused by foreign conquistadors imposing a new religion.
People simply ceased to believe because there were better explanations available.”
What period? Just Protestant Christianity in decline? Better explanations? Of what? Better than what?
“The Hebrew Bible was created by a number of highly intelligent people over a, historically, long period.”
I can feel Orthodox Jews reading this wincing! God has no part in revelation? Are Judaism and Christianity merely ‘religions’ like other religions?
The bBC playing devils advocate with US identity politics
The ‘average’ BBC cubicle garden dweller photo seems pretty spot on though.
The BBC would like nothing better than to eliminate the voter altogether. They support the Tyranny Party.
And if they did an ‘average face’ of BBC reporters/presenters it would be largely black and male. So what ?
News briefing on radio 4 this morning:
-Obama’s bashes Trump.
-An item from the Titanic is being auctioned.
-Bank of England board is not ‘diverse’ enough.
-Someone has published a book about dialects.
-Lammy says not enough poor people go to Oxbridge.
None of these are news items. And they complain that Trump calls them fake news? Why not report on actual events rather than something someone said who supports agenda; skull-crushingly boring nonsense about ‘diversity’ which we heard a billion times; fluff about something interesting like a new book out.
Beeb, you can’t expect the BBC to research real stories on the hoof. They need students and kids from uni to make long boring ‘studies’ into long boring prgrammes to be watched by long (?) boring taxpayers.
They call the progs names like Panorama, which probably costs a few mill to produce, but of course, the diversity laws prevent them from actually providing any news, it’s just their way of doing things.
Funny how they avoid real journalism though. This is because they get paid by taxes, not business skills.
Should they not try to entertain and interest their listeners? You can easily educate as well along the way, but try to make it fun and interesting as well. It’s not like they don’t have the resources. Report live from an event maybe; go undercover at an interesting organisation. I don’t know – there are countless ways to engage an audience.
Yet instead we just get another lecture about ‘diversity’ and some professional victim whining for the umpteenth time. It shows such contempt for the audience. Who is on the edge of their seat, thinking: “Wow – will the Bank of England get some more ethnic employees? How absolutely fascinating!”
Listening to London-born, London-educated, University of London graduate, London MP, David Lammy trying to make something out of nothing on the TODAY Programme. (BBC R4 6-9am)
David Lammy is complaining that most students at Oxbridge colleges come from London and the Home Counties. I wonder where Oxbridge Colleges are geographically located? It wouldn’t be in or near London & the Home Counties would it?
I wonder If Newcastle University discriminates in favour of north-eastern England children?
He’s not too bright, is he?
GW – that’s putting it politely.
GW, I have had a certain appreciation & respect for David Lammy in the fairly distant past but he did let himself down badly on that one. He’s a bit young to be going into decline.
The David Lammy who recently asserted that Black criminals should be given greater leeway in sentencing …..basically coz dey iz black, innit?
You are much more tolerant than the Lammy you respect!
Could be that the poor lad is going into a decline. He has to an extent been fairly ‘independent’ in the past within Labour and a bit of a ‘thinker’, especially during the Blair/Brown era. If I recall correctly, he also stood up to the Soviet Kommissariat running L.B. Harringey, not an easy thing to do!
I am wondering if he is also at odds with the Corbyn, McDonnell, Thornberry & Abbott hierarchy.
He and Diane Abbott certainly represent an interesting couple of examples of what a university education can produce intellectually, and what field embraces such people to wo…. progress to the top.
I cannot remember the exact expression (someone here can correct me) but, I always thought that, “You can take the African out of Africa, but you cant take Africa out of the African”, was pretty accurate. Have I got it right? Anyway, that sums it all up really.
G! You can take the boy out of London but you cannot take London out of the boy. 😉
You can take the muzzie out of the Middle East but you can’t take the Middle East out of the muzzie. ‘Integration’? who’s kidding who?
I’ve met quite a few “lawyers” of one kind or another over the years and, although it’s not even close to being my favourite profession, I’ve always found them broadly educated. Barristers are generally articulate and intelligent in a slippery sort of way (Blair being a classic example), but not necessarily intelligent in the way that a particle physicist is. I simply don’t understand where Lammy fits in.
According to Wiki, he obtained a first class degree, studied at Harvard, and practised in the UK as a barrister, yet he never strikes me as being particularly clever – and that’s without bringing up Mastermind.
Abbott is similar. Is racial discrimination, otherwise known as “positive discrimination” so far embedded, or what?
Clare, the big danger is that if you do engage in ‘positive discrimination’ as David Lammy appeared to be wanting, is that you start to reduce standards, people (recruiters) continue to look at the degree (not the quality of development and character and mind behind it) and then you have a cohort of ‘people at the top’ who are then setting the level that following generations aspire to.
A danger of de-evolution as the snail scientist, Professor Jones, would possibly observe.
My ‘Chinese’ PhD friends didn’t need any positive discrimination.
Why can we not just have a level playing field for all in the UK?
“My ‘Chinese’ PhD friends didn’t need any positive discrimination.”
A comparison I’ve never heard on television, anywhere.
The Chinese people don’t get much of a look in on the BBC. I wonder why ?
Clare & Grant, indeedy! You’ve spotted their big whoopsie.
Some years ago, the very intelligent, very personable son of some Nigerian friends passed his GCSEs mostly or all with ‘A’s and did an extra four with similar results to boot. This at a time when it was unusual to do twelve subjects. He wanted to do medicine at University and his mother was a highly qualified Nurse working for the NHS. He should have been ‘an automatic’ for an offer from a UK medical school.
We don’t know what went wrong and this was some time before there were review and appeal procedures. He chose not to go for alternative routes, such as via Pharmacy or Nursing and decided to wait until he completed his A levels to then consider re-applying.
I think he allowed himself to become disillusioned (as I think I would have been) and didn’t do as well as he should with his A Levels and therefore re-sat one. He then went to University and on to train as a teacher.
I still carry a chip around on my shoulder on his behalf and resent that the NHS missed out on an excellent candidate. I think that he, too, still resents that closing of a door of opportunity to do what he wanted to do.
Was there a whiff of racism about it? Maybe. Probably. His school obviously influenced his rejection. Certainly his family were not poor, so it wasn’t that. He was also, in my view, ideal GP or Surgeon material. So it almost definitely wasn’t that. Yes, he was a Christian although his father was a re-enthused Muslim at that time. Religious prejudice, in some way, on the part of the school? I guess that’s possible. But there is a lingering doubt in my mind that it was purely down to the colour of his skin.
Education is the future wealth of a nation …
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam {bbc.co.uk 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
“He said 25,000 new teachers would be recruited to replace them.”
You’ll probably never know.
However, I know very few people, myself included, for whom everything has gone according to plan. None of them, however, has had recourse to a ready made excuse like racism. I have a moderately distant relative who did exceptionally well at school. This was partly due, I think, to relentless pressure from his ambitious parents. They’re an intimidating couple. He was expected to go far but has ended up a run-of-the-mill civil servant – not even fast stream, if they still have such a thing (I think they used to be called Admin Trainees).
My opinion is that his success at school was a result of parent driven cramming but he was unable to function at the same level when the pressure was removed. It would be easy, however, to see some form of discrimination as the only explanation for his failure to scale the heights. Some people also have career limiting attitude problems but I don’t think that applied in his case.
Must confess ‘lively’ was not high on what sprang to mind:
Trite, maybe. ‘Get them young’ for sure. Overstaffed inevitably…
Listening to Toady, could al Beebus be any more obsessive with regard to “diversity”?
I also see the fragrant Christine I’m-Not-Poor, has been drafted in as a presenter along with her most peculiarly accented voice. Is this a new thing on Toady? Drafting in these occasional staff to the programme, when they have more broadcasters on their books than soft Mick, seems a bit odd to say the least; still all that money won’t spend itself.
And Tom’s on with a book to sell.
Al, I’m wondering whether there has been an upheaval with presenters’ agents following the BBC high pay revelations?
Sarah’s & Mishal’s agents (if they have them) asking for equivalent money to the male presenters and the BBC drafting in a variety of different voices just to let them know there is plenty of competitors ‘waiting in the wings’.
… ‘there are’ – oops, sorry – waiting ….
Been listening to TODAY since 6.45am and it has been very interesting.
Very propagandising, very error prone, very anti-Brexit – very interesting. Happening so fast I cannot keep up with my current typing speed!
They should give Clegg and Lammy their own channel, or maybe a channel each. Clegg could be BBC Remain and Lammy BBC Race Baiting. At least then we could have a safe space away from them.
“They should give Clegg and Lammy their own channel”
“Clammy TV” ?
Has a certain ring to it.
8am News on BBC R4 is telling me that diesel is a man made chemical. Really?
There was me thinking it was a load of dead trees and other natural matter!
Can I sue someone for damages for the wrong information that the BBC has been giving me in the past?
That’s a cracker.
GW, it ought to explode onto the desk of Head of News but the BBC are none too troubled about conveying FakeNews or FalseNews, are they?
Well, not if they do it but they do get upset if Internet-based organisations and the Daily Mail & Daily Express do it.
Jim making his pitch for DG? Supportive but uncontroversial. Surely worth the wedge.
Purnell is incompetent – if the BBC web-site is anything to go by (I gather he still has responsibility for it, even in his new post) – so that must almost guarantee that he gets the top job sometime.
Frankly, I’ve never felt more ‘under siege’ than I do at present. Turned on Toady just before 0800 to hear (from a new foreign reporter?) that David Lammy MP has done a Freedom of Information Act request on Oxbridge and that the results show that they are not taking their share of BAME students. In keeping with BBC reporting policy, there is no research, no analytical objectivity. The hint (and it is a mere hint) comes as an aside in that someone mentions that an effort should be made to improve ‘O’ and ‘A’ level results. There you have it in a nutshell. Oxbridge do not want dimwits who they have to teach at ‘O’ and ‘A’ level before a degree course can be contemplated. For Lammy, it’s all to do with breaking down old habits that the 87% of the population have accepted for decades. The Black mouthpiece, Lammy, should do well to attack the lack of attainment with BAME youngsters at school level beneath university. More voice from the BBC’s new studio foreign reporter. Off radio after a mere 7/8 minutes or so. Shortest exposure to date.
The lower trunk of the Old Oak is proving capable in thwarting the use of many axes to topple it. So the foreigners hasten to bring in chain saws to speed the complete destruction. All fanned on by our, “…..most trusted…”.
G, the BBC had the ‘analytical objectivity’ on the line or in the studio in the form of the young lady from Oxford University. Unfortunately, when she said something sensible, David Lammy refused to accept it and went off at a tangent, if not the opposite direction. No equality there!
One thing that Lammy appears to have forgotten is that prospective students do not go as far away to University as they once did, especially in London & the south-east of England because of the cost of travel & accommodation (after all we do not want excessive diesel use, do we?) and also because there are more Universities now in the south-east, a wider choice of courses at many Universities (in ‘my day’ they tended to be more specialised) and the bulk of the UK population is now in … London and the south-east of England.
I ought to add that any political Party is prone to the scrabble for influence and power but it is a major characteristic of the Labour Party in my ‘umble opinion. Lammy seems to me to be trying to keep himself in public view.
Iain Duncan-Smith currently being amazingly clear, forthright and robust on TODAY.
I can see anti-Brexit-Justin Webb recoiling slightly in the face of ID-S refusing to roll-over and concede everything.
Justin is quite keen to get rid of him so we can be moved on to ‘feminism’ & Women’s Rights.
Well done, ID-S. Shame you were not like that as Party leader. Perhaps you are improving with age unlike the MP for Tottenham.
Solid summary.
People are also noticing that the BBC are saturating the airwaves with the few currently safe American democratic luvvies there are left.
Though foisting a CNN Hackette out, given how low that brand has sunk is…. brave.
Noticed that Tom Hanks was on BBC reading his book last night. I felt a lot safer knowing Tom Hanks has published a book and is against Harvey …. phew!