Damian Green ‘resigns’ due to ‘lying’ about his knowledge of police claims about porn on his computer…according to Rod Liddle he didn’t lie…the police told Green’s lawyer who later told Green but only after he’d made his statement.
The BBC don’t work too hard to establish the truth…first they tell us Kate Maltby [who, despite claims to the otherwise, seems thoroughly intent on doing as much damage as possible to the Tories] told a ‘Downing Street advisor’, then it became a ‘senior Downing Street advisor’, then it became ‘Downing Street’ thus gradually ramping up the implication that May knew, and then it became ‘This speaks of a culture in Downing Street that didn’t take sexual harassment seriously’…the BBC going beyond implication into ‘fact’….in other words the BBC suggests May covered it all up….and all based on pure speculation.
Nothing like sensationalising rumour, innuendo and half-truths…but that’s the BBC…as Trump could testify…just where is the proof of the collusion with the Russkies? Where is the proof that the Russkies manipulated Brexit? None…and yet the BBC states that Trump almost certainly colluded with the Russians and that Brexit was a Russian plot.
You don’t have to look too hard to find the bias….list it all here….
It’s Christmas Eve and the anti terror barriers go up around Canterbury Cathedral to deter vehicular ramming attacks tomorrow morning..
A Christmas cartoon for y’all. Enjoy the wine and turkey, or if you’re lucky enough to live near London Zoo, perhaps you’re having Aardvark or something more exotic for lunch. Are they running a farmers market to recoup the cost of that fire?
Astronomers and Mensa members have been given this Christmas present censored by the BBC and the rest of the Liberal fascist media.
The use of experimental science has now completed the final piece in the jigsaw for what caused the Climate Change scare.
When Solar magnetic activity is low, Cosmic Ray levels are able to rise, this causes an increase in low clouds and the Earths cloud albedo, which in turn reflects more Solar radiation, and therefore causes a cooling, and when Solar magnetic activity increases this in turn causes Global Warming. A 0.6 Kelvin fall in temperature for every extra year of Solar Cycle Length has been found (Solar Cycle 24: Expectations and Implications: D C. Archibald). The albedo of the Earth decreased from 0.32 in 1985 to 0.29 in 1997 showing a 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover (Palle, E. (2004),) this produced the warming at the end of the last century.
The paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition.
Or in other words (as proved by Mars and Venus) this proves that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax.
RP. i read your every post. Keep us informed in 2018. Have a Merry Solstice and a Happy New Perihelion.
I was already getting a strong whiff of ‘woman scorned’ before the latest revelations which are designed to and hoping to sell more newspapers in the short-term. However, as the burning smell is getting stronger, it may be coming from three careers and one ego. Damien Green’s slightly singed career and the rather more burned two of Miss Maltby, along with that of her ego.
Her popularity around Parliament must surely be at record negative levels and in a week or two she will be left with no activism to do, no political reporting to do – while being all yesterday’s old news – and just the film & theatre review work. Good luck with that paying for the high life.
Yo Ho Ho.. Christmas Eve anti ramming barriers going up this afternoon outside Canterbury Cathedral

Very suspicious looking bloke seen in a wooden shed outside the cathedral…
I have no particular religious beliefs of my own, but I never thought I’d live to see the day when Cathedrals needed to be protected from attack – I thought that ended in the Middle Ages.
What a cesspit this country has become.
Obviously because of Brexit, the heartless Tories have cut back on driver training for people with mental health issues in the Canterbury area.
If only Jeremy was in charge he would be able to take driving schools into public ownership and fully fund the NHS and then the problem would go away.
As indeed would we.
Judging by the gaps in the barriers, they ain’t gonna stop scooters with a couple of chancers on carrying machetes, and injuring more than a few pedestrians as they sweep through the pedestrian only !
Whoever is making those bollards must have a thriving business. That’s one positive economic contribution we should be grateful for.
Time to buy shares In Hanson Cement I think …
Happy Christmas to everyone on the B-BBC site.
Christmas Greetings to all. I have a question – in the “recent comments” section of this website there is a number which at the moment reads: 77779193. What does this number signify? Surely it is not the number of comments posted on this site since inception – if yes that seems to be an extraordinary high number.
Edit: since posting this comment over 2 minutes ago the number has gone up to 77779350 so I assume this must be some time counter in units of maybe seconds?
Edit: Hmmm doesn’t seem to be units of seconds. Maybe it is some sort of webpage “hits” counter?
number of raw page views since the counter started many years ago, will not be entirely number of readers, will be plenty of bots visiting.
Pork in Belfast. yawn, yawn, yawn.
“DUP MP for South Belfast Emma Little-Pengelly condemned the attack on social media.
“Attacking our small Muslim Community in South Belfast is completely wrong, achieves nothing and is entirely misdirected,” she posted to Facebook”
She is fucking lucky she has only a small “community”.
When it gets to be a large “community” and the rapes and other violence start she will complain.
You are supposed to be a Unionist MP you dim bitch.
The muzzies and the nationalists are already conspiring against you.
You need to stop them. Now.
It is farcical that they could report it as news. Why must the Islamic centre even report the ‘incident’? It is a waste of Police time. Just throw it away and get on with your day.
It is unfathomable how they manage to be the perpetual aggressors and the eternal victims at the same time.
Easy enough to send an errant chop to the Muslims. Them being so charitable at this time of year, as well as being one love-in with a foodbank.
No worse that the people putting a packet of streaky in the halal section at Tesco’s
It is farcical that they could report it as news. Why must the Islamic centre even report the ‘incident’? It is a waste of Police time. Just throw it away and get on with your day.
It is unfathomable how they manage to be the perpetual aggressors and the eternal victims at the same time.
As Tiny Tim said, “A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!”
Unsure Cassandra.
It would surely be “Allah Akhbar” these days as the whole town did charity runs and bake-off scams online with a bath of beans to drown you in if you didn`t stump up.
And-of course endless moans on You and Yours about a lack of access to the London Eye, due to the bloody Tories.
A BBC campaign against a Yorkshireman which used misleading headlines to claim he was racist towards poles has resulted in death threats to his family as well as a legal threat by polish man using crowd funding. As a result the yorkshireman will have to close down his fishery to the general public because of unsustainable theft of his fish by eastern Europeans.
Well done to the BBC, who continue to run stories inciting hate towards English people and their businesses. The BBC is truly the enemy of the English.
The sign ‘No Polish or Eastern Bloc Fisherman’ IS racist & illegal
no matter his honourable intentions.
“Billy Evans of Field Farm Fisheries said the sign went up because he had caught foreign anglers stealing fish”
He should have set up a £10 membership or something, that would have solved his problem.
If a sign in Spain said “No British” it would be too
But I wouldn’t get too worried about it
No non Muslims may enter Mecca?
But it’s ok for BBC to advertise a job were no “white” people need apply. Hypocrites to the core.
A Merry Christmas to the contributors who post here and to Alan and whoever else keeps the BBBC show on the road.
I look forward to dropping in now and again and reading your missives over the Christmas.
I hope that you all manage to avoid the dreaded Xmas lurgy, that has laid low so many of my family and friends and buggered up their Yuletide.
I caught this on YouTube; which shows the idiocy, hypocrisy and hatred of Antifa and ends with a delicious slice of festive Schadenfreude.
I shouldn’t laugh but …
Are the medics trained not to remove masks – thug anonymity trumping flow of air or something.
What was it anyway ? one of those bent transvestite things ?
What was he/she/shme ranting about exactly? Something to do with hating Christians, for being Christian? It didn’t make any sense, and then he/she/shme walked in front of a pickup truck… WTF? If it was a publicity stunt it failed.
If you ever meet someone complaining about overt symbols:
1) Agree with them and encourage them by explaining how earlier you got someone to take remove a rainbow flag
2) When they show offence, explain that you’re a muslim and that you find people pushing homosexuality deeply offensive
3) Drop the mic and walk away as they self-combust under the weight of their own contradiction.
4) Or if they have a Palestinian flag, talk about your business trip to Saudi Arabia where you got to attend an execution and how you despise Israel because they’re the one country in the Middle East where they have gay rights.
Yes. Something does seem not quite right. I thought it was important to open the airways. Are there any trained medics on this site?
“You see that flag with the cross on it? That’s a known white supremacist symbol”
Countries whose national flags depict crosses, which is the main symbol of Christianity.
Dear God! Some of them are “brown” people!
Dominican Republic
Faroe Islands
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
Norway Norway –
San Marino
United Kingdom
Vatican City
The cross symbol occurs across cultures and has done for millennia. It was also a pagan symbol, the four squares symbolising earth, wind, water and fire.
Oh, dear, what a shame, never mind!
1 Antifa taken down – the Lord hath spoken.
Ta Al.
Democratic and Anarchistic Communism will be the one cross that we can all gather under!
Splendid-and like to think the driver was a recovering Muslim on the way to his trans-therapy workshop.
On my earlier thread post on the wall to wall bias on Sunday Toady earlier today , I forgot to mention a further example which came to me during the local church Carol service.
6. The bBBC are reporting that tourist numbers in Bethleham are well down’because of Trump’.
Strange how in 2015 ABC ran with
\\’This is the worst year ever’: Drop in tourists visiting Bethlehem over Christmas due to recent unrest
By Middle East correspondent Sophie McNeill
Updated 24 Dec 2015//
Today’s BBC video report mentions numbers severely down but is not 100% Trump bashing
November tourism in Israel up 24%
Posted on December 24, 2017 on Israelactive.com ( from free weekly news of Israel’s achievements on http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com)
355,900 tourist entries to Israel were recorded in Nov 2017, about 24% more than Nov 2016 and 70% more than Nov 2015. In the period Jan-Nov 2017, about 3.3 million tourist entries were recorded, a 25% increase on the same … Continue reading →
Terrorism reduces tourism. Surely that doesn’t require a university degree to understand.
Sluff, “6. The bBBC are reporting that tourist numbers in Bethleham are well down’because of Trump’.”
No Brexit?
8:49pm BBC2 Chris Packham just said “look 200 PBs on one beach that’s more than 1% of entire polar bear population”
emm that would mean there are less than 20K
but world popn is more like 30K
Now he’s on about Siberia, event of mass death of reindeer .
..now says population of also humans affected
It was anthrax
probably from melting of old carcass (CC not pushed
Humans and animals were vaccinated ..OK now
The bBBC’s emasculation of men continues. I had the misfortune to see a programme this evening that was billed as “Mary, Mel and Sue’s Big Christmas Thank You” in which the three women from ‘Bake-off’ went to a Welsh village populated almost entirely by single mothers. Mary, Mel and Sue organised a special Christmas dinner one afternoon for 60 of these women whilst a large number of workmen transformed the village community centre, installing a large new fully-equipped kitchen, a games room for the kids, and lots of other stuff. These craftsmen provided the village with facilities that will be useful for many years to come but were only shown in the background and received no credit, whilst the programme was all about the ‘celebrity’ women cooks and their two days of work.
I worked one day on a construction site and absolutely hated it. I have immense respect for all the men who do all the gruelling and unglamourous work which keeps us warm, housed, fed and going from A to B. I would love to see whinging feminists try and build a sky scraper.
You do see women civil engineers on construction sites in London, BB, but I suspect that they are not militant feminists, are confident in going for a trade or civil engineering or other relevant degree, get jobs or work on their own merits and learn how to fit in like everyone else. I know a female Civil Engineer, working now.
Long ago – longer than I care to remember – I spent time at a drawing board alongside another one occupied by a fellow pupil who was a very feminine female and went off to University to do a Civil Engineering degree. Her ambition then? To enter the construction industry.
I also know an award-winning (as a teenager), fully-qualified bricklayer who is female. After a spell away for a site injury, then a health problem followed by some childbirths, she changed career and qualified as a nurse.
It strikes me that females with “I can do” get on and do and that militant feminist females with “I can’t” don’t and then require taxpayer and/or institutional funding.
“Damian Green ‘resigns’ due to ‘lying’ about his knowledge of police claims about porn on his computer…according to Rod Liddle he didn’t lie…the police told Green’s lawyer who later told Green but only after he’d made his statement.
The article you link to isn’t by Rod Liddle, it’s by Dan Hodges… You can’t even get that right.
This is what Rod Liddle said (before Green’s mea culpa); “…I suppose he could be telling the truth — but I don’t believe him.”
Dan Hodges doesn’t say Green was told by his lawyer; “only after he’d made his statement”.
You just made that up out of thin air.
This is what Damian Green said in November;
“… the police have never suggested to me that improper material was found on my Parliamentary computer…”
This is what Damian Green said in December;
“I accept that I should have been clear in my press statements that police lawyers talked to my lawyers in 2008 about the pornography on the computers, and that the police raised it with me in a subsequent phone call in 2013.”
Green was caught out lying.
You have been caught out lying (again).
Still, always and ever a clown… Merry Christmas, Alan.
Nadolig Llawen
Are you going to tell us why you troll this site ? What motivates you and why you support an organisation that robs from the poor and gives to the rich?
Still, always and ever the troll.
She’s just passing the time waiting for the clients to get drunk enough.
The more politicians found out and forced to do the right thing the better. Merry Christmas and a sane new year.
Yawn, yawn. yawn.
More muzzie murders, today. See ROPLA.
Muzzie muzzie muzzie muzzie muzzie
Murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder
Can you join the dots?
It wasn’t ‘improper’ material just the sort of porn you can get any night of the week on C4.
maxi, you are quite right about the Dan Hodges mix up but you were too late. I told the ‘office’ about it just after it went up, some considerable time before your post. We all make typos and boo boos. Why it wasn’t corrected, I know not.
Unfortunately, I think you have made a boo boo, a rather large one, of your own, further down your post. Again you accuse Alan of lying. However Damien Green has given several interviews in recent weeks about all of this and his wording probably varies between them all. Not least because interviewers and presenters may cut across him [a bad BBC habit 😉 ] and prevent a precise, orderly recital of the specific timeline.
However the BBC themselves were quite clear that he was not informed at the time by the police in 2008. You can see the article they posted on their web-site. Damien Green was not informed at the end of the police investigation in 2009 about the pornography on the computer. His lawyers were told then. He was not. Damien Green was not informed until 2013 by his lawyers AND also in that year (I assume separately, the BBC were not clear on that) by the police. By the way, that raises some interesting questions about possible collusion.
The question about the pornography on the computer has been raised because of a possibly spurious complaint by a female family friend of the Greens who may have personal reasons or ambitions behind the claim. That complaint – according to the BBC in news broadcasts – was the reason for the sacking. Not the pornography or Damien Green’s statement about the timeline of events re his knowledge of the pornography.
It is rather strange that neither the police or the law firm apparently did not raise the pornography issue at the time of Damien Green’s appointment to Theresa May’s Cabinet in 2016, is it not? It is a peculiar affair.
You frequently accuse Alan of lying but you never come back to reason your argument further when you are shown to be possibly wrong. You never come back to apologise when you are finally proven to be wrong.
Will you try to advance your case further here or will you run off and hide?
BBC Northern Ireland reporting that pork has been thrown into a Belfast Islamic Centre. A spokesman for the Centre describes it as ‘a clear message of hate.’ In that case, I wonder what sort of message running people over on bridges, blowing them up at pop concerts and beheading them on London streets should be construed as?
“Buy your candles here”
Food parcel delivery?
Look at the difference between the bBBC reporting of incidents like this and their reporting of Islamic attacks.
Straight in with the suggestion that this is so called “hatred”
Where were the suggestions of hatred towards the victims of the Manchester attack. By victims I mean the mothers and children who were murdered not the supposed poor so called “mainstream Muslims” who were apparently under a perceived threat of a “backlash”.
Good old bBBC shit stirring as usual when it’s the poor Muslims being targeted.
None of the terror attacks this year counted as hate crimes as British values are not a protected group. That says it all really.
The BBC House Journal has coined a snappy phrase:
The comments are wonderfully festive in response.
I wish police would investigate halal attacks and invasions in British schools and supermarket shelves.
Well, we can all be relieved to hear that Keith Vaz will be enjoying his Christmas. The investigation into the conduct of the former chief of the home affairs committee has been dropped.
I’m sure we all remember the unfortunate details of Keith’s demise; caught in a tabloid sting in a hotel room with a couple of Romanian rent boys and instigating the use of cocaine. Blimey, he makes Damian Green look like a boy scout!
I was never a fan of Mr Vaz…or Jim as he likes to be called when he’s posing as a washing machine salesman.
He was always far too pompous, oily, self satisfied…just downright sanctimonious. Gave me the shivers!
Apparently Vaz has been under the weather so the parliamentary investigation has been dropped. He suffers with his health does our Keith because a similar thing occurred in 2001 when he was embroiled in the Filkin inquiry. He was allowed to step down as Europe minister, due to “ill heath” but was later suspended from parliament for giving “misleading information.”
And this time who knows? Perhaps spending all that time with eastern European rent boys has had a detrimental effect on his health.
I reckon he’s probably had something inside him that doesn’t agree with him.
Ooh matron…
Merry Christmas!
I wonder how it would have turned out if Vaz was white and Damien Green was brown.
Certainly not the way it has.
I am no fan of washing machine salesman Jim (aka Keith Vaz), but I don’t think the investigation has been dropped – only delayed due the MP’s ill-health. However, this “investigation” has been ongoing for over a year. This seems an amazing amount of time for what appears to be an open-and-shut case. And, of course, we also wait for an update on the charming Jared O’Mara – Sheffield’s disappearing and foul-mouthed MP.
Merry Christmas and a sane new year. I see a change in BBC reporting … subtle, but maybe enough and I hope this site has contributed in a small sane way.
I don’t want a change in bbc reporting, that might allow its survival – I want it smashed.
Peter Hitchins Blog
“I have a simple question for the Mental Health excuse Quislings: how come people from other faiths with mental issues don’t get into cars and trucks and plough into crowds of infidels?”
January 2017 Melbourne car attack
“On 20 January 2017, around 1:30 pm AEDT, a car was driven into pedestrians in the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. Six people were killed and at least thirty others wounded, three of whom sustained critical injuries.
26-year-old Dimitrious “Jimmy” Gargasoulas had previously been remanded into custody and was known to police having a history of illicit drug use, family violence, and mental health problems.
In the days before the attack, Gargasoulas began to post messages on Facebook about “religion, God, Satan, heaven and hell”…”
Christmass troll alert !
Oops. You seem to have missed this from the same article.
Roland Deschain,
“Oops. You seem to have missed this from the same article…”
Yes, and he also said he was being controlled by the Government and it was all due to The illuminati.
Shame he didn’t mention Common Purpose, Agenda 21 or Soros; then you and your chums could really bliss out.
So he is a liar.
Muzzie status confirmed. You are not very good at this.
The guy clearly is in the class of (drugged up) nutter first, Muslim second.
And without the inspiration of Islamic suicide attacks would probably have not done it.
Vlad’s original comment stood on its own and Maxi didn’t quote it fully
Well, The Finsbury park driver, clearly wasn’t Islamic, but had got the idea from Islamic attacks.
I think @ Vlad’s point was that driving cars into crowds seems a modern thing connected to Islamic culture.
and that other cultures have plenty of mentally ill people, but their is no tradition of them driving cars into crowds.
Islam with its ideas of martyrdom provides the framework, that is used in attacks by
#1 Sane People who believe the dogma and think they are improving the world
or #2 Insane people who plug it into their fantasies.
Seems Maxi made the assumption that Gargasoulas would be Christian,
but a number of things about his attack point away from it being driven by Christianity.
He claimed to be a follower of Yazdanism (pre-Islamic, native religion of the Kurds)
The Mail quotes tweets involving that and those mentioning illuminati too
And then quotes A close friend :
“Gargasoulas then sat down and lit the bible on fire before throwing it into Mr Wilson’s face, before attacking him.” (and stealing his car)
Burning the bible fits with him not being Christian and being Islamic
– Then he ends up in a car chase with police..who abandoned the chase ..only to see him turn around and head back into the city .. and then end up driving into the crowd.
Stew, just to be precise – we are dealing with maxi, here, 😉 – Yazidi-ism is something of a syncretistic ‘faith system’, a mixture of Islam, both the full-on variety and folk-Islam (but mostly folk-Islam), mixed in with pure superstition and Christianity, the quantity of the latter varying between individuals.
NOTE TO MAXI: I’m posting from pure memory on this and could be mistaken but who knows? On checking elsewhere, you may find that I am right. As usual, I will be amazed that my memory is that good. It has happened before.
Can almost smell the burning faggots under Maxipreests pinkies here.
Does NOBODY follow this St Sebastian of cyberworld?
Jesus-whose birthday we`re currently celebrating-only rose from the dead after unfair trial and persecution once-and only stayed three days in his tomb.
Maxi continues to rave from the grave , and dodge the spade and burial shroud every couple of days. And I`m beginning to think he might scoot off to the crypt if at least a few of us decided to follow him as the wise man speaking tooth to power.
Let the Cult Called Maxi begin-if we get a date of birth, and some dandruff in a small bottle-I for one am prepared to follow him off this site and hopefully to somewhere safer and more amenable to his stress and sessions. Pilsbury or Trumpton perhaps?
Next Hitchins writes about the police have lost touch now they focus now on POLITICS rather than stopping broken windows before they become big crime
Merry Christmas all
Merry Christmas to all including our challenged friend Maxiconfusiony..
Regarding the Canterbury anti-terror barriers, do you think we’re in for a replay of the January 29th, 1170, martyrdom of Thomas Becket? The Archbishop had half his head sliced off in Canterbury cathedral by four knights of King Henry ii for standing up for the rights of the church.
But no – I suspect that if four bearded blokes with machetes burst in and threaten Justin Welby with conversion or death, he’s likely to soil his vestments and start reciting the Koran.
Still, I’m sure the BBC will report it all in the best possible taste if the worst should befall him or the other clergy. Cameras will steer well clear of the brains splattered on the floor (which Becket’s were), and the stains will be hurriedly covered with candles and teddies. There will be a delightful multi-faith service (complete with sobbing muslims from central casting). The slaughter will be blamed on mental illness/Trump/Jerusalem/far right provocation/Brexit/Nigel Farage. Fears will be expressed for an Islamophobic backlash.
Then the whole thing will be forgotten as the BBC wail about the plight of the Rohinga. And of course they’ll urge the appointment of a new Archbishop who’s just perfect for 2018 – a transgendered Somali in a wheelchair.
Sorry, but I typed January 29th for Becket’s death when the real date is December 29 – we are very near the anniversary.
I have been waiting for a fortnight or so in the hope that someone more knowledgeable and accomplished would tackle this one.
No one has, so this is my best effort.
TWMTB has an article. About women, naturally. Non white women naturally. muzzies, naturally.
Entitled “Mongolia: Modern women in the land of Genghis Khan”
Which starts with a panoramic view of a 100m high statue of a man on a horse.
Not just any man, but Ghengis Cunt, one of the all time, by Confucian, Christian, Hindu and Bhuddist (ie the highest) ethical standards, Grade A assholes.
Ghengis Cunt, and his immediate, islamic, descendants, killed about 25 million people. Some feat, given they were armed with swords and bows. They were dedicated.
However, the muzzie Mongolians must have been disappointed, since the stated aim of GC was to destroy all the agriculture in the Chinese Sung Empire. About 200 million people would have died. But that is what muzzies do.
They failed. However GC did succeed in destroying the Northern (Hsia) branch of the Chinese empire. All agricultural land replaced by pasture for their horses.
GC, and islamic progeny, also destroyed the Khwarezmian Empire. Iranian based with an intellectual and political history since Cyrus the Great. So successfully that the infrastructure for the water supply has never been restored.
The islamic descendants of GC exacted tribute from Kievan Rus and its successors for over two hundred years.
The (islamic) Crimean Tatars continued the depredation until c19. That is what you do when you are a superior muzzie.
islamic al-beeb starts frothing at the mouth when a photograph of the Venus of Willendorf (100mm high) is displayed. Because it’s “European”.
900 million dead due to the muzzies, it’s only a statistic, uncle Joe said so, so it is OK.
Do not be disappointed lefty beeboids, your predecessors murdered nearly as many as the muzzies, and the future is yours.
Let us celebrate the muzzie murders together. And exceed their “achievements”, you know it makes corbynsense.
I read that Ghengis Khan’s dna is carried by more descendants than any other man; which may account for violence emanating from that region to rest of the world.
Don’t forget there is a charge to walk in the cathedral precincts.
Presumably that was imposed to keep the ‘crusties’ away and in the High Street! Perhaps the stink of Tennants breath will deter the bearded ones as well as a few plastic sharks fins!
Meanwhile, Happy Christmas everyone here!
Merry Christmas from me to all fellow posters. Lack of postings from me are because I am watching less and less BBC. Heartening for me, is to find in conversation. many others are doing so too. The BBC is not getting the youth so I am hoping its demise (or at least its control of the U.K. population cannot be too far away. Merry Christmas.
A cracking Crimble to one and all.
And here is the BBC Bethlehem Editor celebrating in classic style….
MERRY CHRISTMAS from #YourFavoritePresident! (the tweet below was posted on the occasion of the National Tree Lighting Ceremony, which was held a few weeks ago):
From me: 2017 marks my first full year of posting here, and as a newbie, I am kind of amazed by the response! Thank you!
A Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all!
Yuletide felicitations to all Biasteers. Have a good one!
Merry Christmas all.
I’m waiting for Katty to retweet this. With or without a “wow”.
Boom boom ?
Happy Christmas to all on this site . Its fantastic to know there are others out there who feel exactly the same about the “rank rotten” BBC and although I don’t contribute I love reading all the posts. Many thanks to everyone for their contributions .
Merry Christmas to all.
Remember the last general election, Donald Trump in the USA, and Brexit. All toxic to the BBC – but all winning positions.
The end of the BBC is always getting closer.
It will be another Berlin Wall type event.
If the Law of Diminishing Returns applies to the awful BBC, it means that by losing their tax-paid ‘audience’ more and more, and with fewer and fewer citizens bothering to listen or watch the endless rubbish, they’ll end up with just one ‘customer’!
I wonder who that will be?
I have been watching the Sopranos, and what the BBC do is just like the protection rackets the mafia run. They bully poor and vulnerable people with threats of prison so they get to live a champagne lifestyle.
How many would pay if the service were provided by voluntary subscription? There are countless better alternatives now. You could go through their schedules and find an equivalent or superior alternative for almost every service offered elsewhere. And if they had to survive in the marketplace they might actually improve their service rather than insulting their audience constantly.
Alas, they have too many friends in powerful positions for this to ever happen. Just like Tony Soprano pays off politicians to enable his criminal enterprises.
Yo merry christmas dudes!
I reckon the Beeb’s final licence-fee paying customer will definitely be maxincony..
I thought that as a beeb employee he could put the licence fee on expenses!
Scrobie, someone Japanese in the year 3000?
Merry Christmas to all Biased readers and contributors.
Unfortunately even at Christmas the Beeb has to push its agendas, this time open borders
If you’re bored here’s a link to last page of previous thread
Felicitations to all who loathe the BBC, from one who manages to escape watching (or listening to) most of it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from deepest France.
A very Merry Christmas from me, too. My participation is at a low ebb as I’ve reduced my input from the BBC to almost nothing. Even so, when I do occasionally dip a toe back in, I find it as awful as ever – worse, if anything, as if some twerp has handed the keys to a bunch of Momentum activists and Guardian writers.
Best wishes to all those who fight the good fight!
EU Hypocrisy again – Do as I say, not as do
Women Who Exposed Culture of Sexual Harassment in Brussels Accused of ‘Populism’ and Damaging the EU’s Image
I turned on the telly this morning . I saw on BBC One: Christmas Morning from All Saints Fulham. (Catholic)
Christmas Day Eucharist A traditional Christmas morning family service of Holy Communion, live from All Saints Church in Fulham, west London.
The priest was doing the sermon whilst holding a sleeping baby. Very nice.
I listened for a few minutes until the talk deteriorated into a shame-sermon. I knew it was coming……… “Refugees”.
Turned it off.
The first progressive church of BBC liberalism. This is not Christ-centred worship. They can’t even leave Christmas alone, it has to be saturated in political agenda. They’ve no right to use the church as a platform to manipulate us into accepting illegal immigration. But then The Pope leads the way in this so I shouldn’t be surprised.
Looking it up, the church is described as “Services, sermons, music, planned giving and more at this LIBERAL INCLUSIVE church on the banks of the Thames.”
Liberal inclusive. That’s their new religion.
Hear, Hear, Viktor Orban:
It is worth reading the comments further down the page on that too.
The Guardian where double-standard is the standard
Owen should have a chat with his mate Brendan Cox
Roy Greenslade is right, “Why it’s wrong to demand Muslims condemn ISIS.”
No one should have to be even asked to condemn ISIS. As soon as one reads about the staggering brutality of the regime one ought to automatically condemn it, without reservation.
I’ve just read that the Queen is going to talk about Grenfell in her Christmas speech.
I think I’ll probably give it a miss – I have given up with that lot – they are just as bad no Love for this Country whatsoever.
Hey what do you reckon Harry’s kids are going to look like? Ginger Afros
Do you remember when Christmas Top of the Pops was good – what an inane load of garbage – no character or real musicians anymore bring back the 80’s
What time is Dr. Transgender Who on ? I want to be in bed by then
Caught five minutes of TotP only to hear, “It wouldn’t be a Christmas Top of the Pops without..”?
Slade, Shakin’ Stevens, Jonah Louie? Elton John, Mariah Carey?
No. Clean fuckin’ Bandit. Who?
A trio of Jesus College graduates, clasically trained, led by an ex- Latymer cellist called Chatto, virtue signalling SJWs and vocal Corbynistas most notable for their tunes being used by M&S in their food porn commercials. Privately educated and pampered socialists producing lightweight pop full of posturing piss and wind. Labour, Momentum, BBC.
Thank Christ nobody takes the bBbc half as seriously as they do themselves.
Sorry Lucy and Lock, I’m a bit more positive.
It is being reported that the Queen will major on the bombings in Manchester and London.
If that proves to be the case at 3 pm, it will make a nice change from the bBBC Guardianista Corbynite love-in with Grenfell. And maybe even a sublimal message that she is not going to be on-message.
Go on Liz!
Hope so mate let’s give it a chance
what say you? could we have got any more burquas in the short segment ?
A Christmas Christian message, mention of the terrorist bombings significantly exceeding the mention of Grenfell. An overall message anathema to the BBC.
HM Queen 3 biased BBC 1 .
Good on you, your majesty.
she never mentioned the perpetrators once
Cameras in Queens Speech programmed to lock on to the burker in the international choir.
At least the song was recognisable, not sung in Grenfell style
Meanwhile, a high profile report on biased BBC news about the Clark family from Halifax who are driving to Calais to give clothes to all the asylum seekers there.
Yes, even on Christmas Day, the SJW left wingers paid for by our licence fee want to brainwash us.
Complete fuckwits.
lol why don’t they each bring one home as a souvenir
That is one BBC documentary I would love to see: all these pro ‘refugee’ liberals forced to have a 30 year old Somalian man stay in their spare bedroom for six months, right next to their teenage daughters’ rooms. Perhaps then they might empathise with us great unwashed and realise how ‘challenging’ the reality of enforced ‘diversity’ actually is.
Was in Tenerife last week met a bloke in the queue to get back on the plane he was a carpet cleaner . Apparently they do carpet cleaning on the local council he told me if a Somalian wants his carpet cleaned they just call the council and round he goes. He told me there was nothing in the flat they could move without disturbing a cockroach or two . This fucking Country makes me sick these days
I’d just like to point out it isn’t me ……Happy Christ Mass everyone
Yep, even on Christmas Day-indeed, especially on this sacred day to the Christian-we get the BBC “news” guffing off about the Clark family who adore their asylum seekers in Calais and would just LOVE to take one home-so cute you see.
Isn`t this what Christmas is all about-Romans taking in Jewish zealots/sacchari? Jews taking in Babylonian refugees?
No it`s not BBC. It`s about God sending us His Son who we crucified, who rose from the grave we didn`t bother to give Him-and who we now know is our Final Judge and arbiter on all things that matter to us as Christians.
But the BB choose today to wave Trumps signal to Israel that Jerusalem is their capital, on the one day of the year when we as Christians marvel at Gods gift, the magical story, art and music-and what it all means.
All the BBC do is shit in any baptismal font, and then moan about Health and Safety not being what it once was, due to Tory austerity.
But what else would we expect?-privately educated,liberal lefty liars on ginormous shoals of moolah from Soros, the EU and Osborne-and we`re mug enough to pay them.
Wakey Wakey England.
Legislate for homes over £1 million with > 6 bedrooms to take in at least one so-called, “refugee”. Pro-rata for houses in London of course. Let the sparks fly!
Guardian March 2017 : The 712-page Google doc that proves Muslims do condemn terrorism
Really ? I open it up
#1 Print preview comes up as ONLY 502 pages
#2 Max of 20 condemnations/page
#3 Some of them are bizarre : supposed terrorists are “Climate Change” , Simon Wiesenthal Center etc.
#4 About 10 times attacks against Jewish targets are condemned
ie it’s a list of 10,000 condemnations
So if one person condemns 100 attacks, they have 100 mentions in that list
* Am I the only person who checked about it being 712 pages ? Cos hundreds of people give that total in their tweet
One comment there says
There is a sister site muslimscondemn.com
“A collection of all the cases where Muslims have condemned wrongdoings done falsely in the name of Islam.”
Some things that yield big hits in their search : “Climate Change”, israeli , Simon Wiesenthal Center, Donald Trump, IDF
Notice how that contradicts with the quote above
zero hits : “israeli civilians”, Jews, Tel Aviv, Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas

almost zero : Jewish
The only criticism is a Reddit thread
Guardian quote: “Hashmi’s project isn’t just designed to prove that Muslims are constantly condemning terrorism; she made it to demonstrate how ridiculous it is that Muslims are constantly expected to offer apologies for terrorist acts.”
I’m not sure about anyone else but I don’t expect every Muslim to apologise after every terrorist attack – I would like them, however, to actually do something about it and weed out the so-called ‘extremists’ and not allow them to have the safety blanket of the larger Muslim community, as in Salah Abdeslam living quite comfortably back in Molenbeek for months after his attack.
Their apologies have no value, it is just a requirement of their Lester Piggott.
Obviously LP was not up to the standards of Mo the perv who rode, well anything with an orifice.
Howard Goodall tweeted
Just in case it isn’t crystal clear, UK based coal-fired power stations outperformed ‘renewable’ sources of electricity yesterday.
At roughly half the cost per MWh.
That’s something you won’t read anywhere else.
@NGControlRoom 12:24 PM – 22 Dec 2017
Yesterday #gas generated 50.0% of British electricity,
more than nuclear 17.9%, coal 13.9%,
wind 6.0%, imports 4.9%, biomass 4.0%, hydro 1.8%, storage 0.8%, solar 0.3%
BTW Transmission costs are considerably more for wind
The gas/coal plant would be near it’s customers & cable close to full capacity
Offshore wind needs hundreds of Km of cable,
which run on avg at 30% of their capacity,
due to the way wind comes in spurts, so you need spare capacity available.
This hammers nails into the CO2 theories of the alarmists:
The active muslim terrorist is the tip of the iceberg. Below is a huge amount of active or passive support, and complicit silence.
And never believe those bogus opinion surveys: do you really think the average muslim is going to tell whitie with a clipboard: Yes I support islamic terrorism/ jihad/ IS, or however they phrase it?
(Equally meaningless are those surveys asking whities, Do you view muslims favourably, or do you mistrust them? – and mind how you reply, the wrong answer could get you into serious trouble).
MI5 talk about a wider pool of terrorist sympathisers of 20,000. I think that it is much larger than this. With a Muslim population of around 3 million ( officially but undoubtedly higher) and rising fast because of huge numbers of children (how come non Muslims find this ruled out on financial grounds but Muslims don’t?) I can’t believe that the number of Muslim terrorists sympathisers is under 5 per cent or say 150,000- 200,000. How can MI5 possibly deal with that? The fact is that we are not really being protected adequately, despite the hype and the gun toting police in city centres. Moreover the situation can only get worse. No government will admit to this yet alone begin a process of Muslim repatriation to Muslim majority countries where they belong.
Add to this number fellow travellers from the left/trot/anarchist/ UAF/Antifa/Class War/Left Unity etc who are probably more active in supporting the enemies of oppresive western capitalism that your average RoPer
Ethnic Muslims can be divided into True-Believers, ex-Muslims and ID-card Muslims (who are not free to leave the religion, so have to play along ..that often includes the girl who wears hijab, but is glad that us outsiders protest, cos she is not free to speak up hers-self)
– Shouldn’t Antifa be redeployed to looking at the kind of oppressive Muslims that oppress gays, women-rights etc. rather than rigorously shadowing 30,000 “right wingers” who are mostly harmless ?
Muslims will hold the “whip hand” in UK by 2050 the way it is going (quite possibly sooner). Thank God I’ll be dead by then.
Sweden will be the first to “fall” ..3 or 4 other countries including UK will follow (Sweden I believe given the existing “culture” and demographics seems already too far gone):
.double post
White Rose tells it straight: “This is an invasion… Wake the f*ck up. Speak up. Do something”.
petelote – muslims will hold the ‘whip hand’ indeed, literally.
Thanks for posting the Swedish MP. A few comments:
1) Amazing to see at least one Swedish politician with some balls, I thought they’d all been castrated like ours.
2) In 6 minutes, in his sing-song Swedish lilt, he sums up the full catastrophe of islam very succinctly, but also calmly, avoiding stridency.
3) I can’t help noticing in the opening shot that the front rows of the auditorium are empty: was he given the graveyard slot to ensure nobody would hear his ‘inflammatory’ words – or ‘the truth’ as it used to be quaintly called?
4) A similar speech in Westminster would be unthinkable. He’d be dragged off before finishing his opening statement and charged with – you guessed it – islamophobia and hate speech.
Pat Condell’s in good form too.
Apply Tebbit’s ‘cricket test’ and I suspect the number of sympathizers rises to the millions.
Christmas Greetings to all.
I think we should have a commentator gold star system and awards system. I think all told the top commentator on this site at the moment is StewGreen for the sheer amount of research he has done and brought to my (our) attention. Other special commendations go to Pounce, Lucy Pevensey, Marky Mark, Cassandra, Vlad (seems to be a recent joinee?), Guest Who, TruthSeeker, Taffman + a few others whose name don’t quite spring to mind at the present time (perhaps too much mulled wine in the noodle). Best wishes to all.
Thanks Cali, I’ll send you that fiver I owe you.
Seriously I don’t go looking for this tosh, I just flip radio channel or pass by a lefty tweet and find there is someone who is pushing BS, cos they don’t check their facts.
Merry Xmas all.
Yes, great contributions from all, but don’t forget Doublethinker, Jeff and Chris H to mention but a few. Here’s to 2018 and BBBC becoming even stronger. I don’t contribute much myself but spend many hours on this great site, keep up the good work, thanks.
While the Pope and our very own Archbish (and most of the Church) are useless appeasers, apologists and collaborators for the Religion of War, let us not forget a few brave Christians who have joined the Resistance.
One such is David Wood, whose Youtube vids are informative and often amusing.
At random here’s one, where he takes on dishonest broadcasters – remind you of anyone?
Our Archbishop of Canterbury has spent two weeks attacking Donald Trump and ‘populism’. How this can be a priority at Christmas of all times astounds me. Christianity has been virtually wiped out in its birthplace of the middle East due to Muslim violence, a violence that can be traced back to Mohammed himself. The contrast with Jesus could not be more stark yet no Christian leader will make this obvious point. Meanwhile the current Pope talks drivel in comparing the probably mythical journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem for a census with the very real mass migration to Europe for overwhelmingly economic reasons, putting our culture and religious heritage under extreme threat.
What’s difference between Mary, Joseph, the newborn Jesus & the millions of Muslim migrants to Europe?
The Holy family didn’t leave the middle east and they went home after a short time. They traveled first due to a legal requirement, a census within the same country. Nazareth to Bethlehem. They didn’t leave Israel.
Then they traveled to Egypt to escape King Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus. As soon the danger was past they went home.
So why can’t we expect the same of foreign born Muslims?
As an antidote to the Welby/Pope propaganda and refusal to understand and make clear the meaning of the birth of Christ I suggest you read or listen to T.S.Eliot’s poem “The Journey of the Magi” .
Welby and the Pope would do well to read it also.
Many thanks, Dave. Your suggestion led me to Eliot’s “The Cultivation of Christmas Trees”, a poem about Christmas and how the wonder of a child’s ‘first-remembered Christmas Tree’ can become a source of strength and hope throughout a lifetime.
The poem crystallises, for me, everything that the BBC would like to erase from our culture.
Pope Francis doesn’t understand anything about the Middle East. He calls for dialogue between the Israelis and the Palestinians, as if this idea hasn’t occurred to anybody since 1948 and it’s never happened before. He calls for a two-state solution, oblivious to the fact that the Palestinians have responded to every offer of their own state by turning it down or invading Israel. Hamas wants the destruction of Israel – it’s in their charter. The Pope treats the conflict as if it’s between two equally guilty warring parties, but the truth is that only Israel genuinely wants peace and that Hamas wants nothing less than to drive the Jews into the sea and the total destruction of Israel. It’s a pity we have a Pope who can’t distinguish between good and evil.
At the end of this 2011 video
“Since we are doing this Whitewashing Islam series alphabetically the next film will be about the BBC”
However all I can find is his 2015 CNN one.
vlad, there are reasons why ‘the Church and its leaders’ appear to ‘go easy on Islam’. I’d prefer not to outline them specifically here, if that’s OK. Sit down and have a think about what Christianity is all about and also its history going onwards from 120 people gathered in an upstairs room, circa AD29 or AD30, in Jerusalem.
Am sure you will be able to work it out.