Brexit’s Beastly Billionaires

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The Sunday Times [pro-Brexit] has released its Rich List and revealed that ‘Brexit brings bonanza for billionaires’.

It tells us that this is good news for Britain as business is booming…and that the ‘explosion of wealth is fuelled by a Brexit boom’ and….

Poll backs self-made rich, not inherited wealth.

It also tells us…

The notion that all the business community backed ‘Remain’ is bunk.  That may have been true of the FTSE chief executives, who famously ‘don’t like uncertainty’ [or risk and opportunity?], but the Rich List is generally populated by a very different breed.  Risk-taking entrepreneurs, who have built empires by spotting opportunities and exploitig shifts in circumstance, don’t hate change…they thrive on it.


We’re seeing more diversity in the Rich List.  More women, more people from ethnic backgrounds and more from surprising walks of life, with egg farmers and pet-food makers lining up with private equity barons and hedge fund managers.


The Rich List revelation that Britain is booming after Brexit should be good news as is the fact that it is entrepreneurs and a diverse bunch from all walks of life that are making it…but of course the BBC plays it all down and paints a different picture…one where it is implied that the rich are getting filthy rich but the rest have been abandoned in poverty to scratch an existence…and yet that’s just not true….and as the FTSE soars so do our pensions and investments….and if businesses are doing well job prospects, wages and tax revenues will also look good.

Even the Guardian had to admit that Brexit was good for Britain and that confidence was up, even amongst those who were initially concerned…

Three-quarters of the millionaires surveyed by UBS said they thought Brexit would have a positive impact on the overall UK economy in the long term, despite the collapse in the value of the pound since the referendum and concerns that it may be more difficult for the UK to trade goods and service after it leaves the EU.

No sign of such a sunny outlook from the BBC….

Rich List 2017: No Brexit ‘chilling effect’ on wealth of super-rich

The BBC front loads its report with quotes that seem to be a negative for Brexit…..

The UK’s richest 1,000 people “kept calm and carried on making billions” amid the Brexit vote of 2016, according to the Sunday Times Rich List.

Their wealth rose by 14% over the past year to a record £658bn, it shows.

List compiler Robert Watts said: “While many of us worried about the outcome of the EU referendum, many of Britain’s richest people just kept calm and carried on making billions.”

He said a revived stock market had been behind the surge in wealth for the super-rich.

The BBC allows this in…

Mr Watts said: “We’re seeing more and more diversity in the composition of the Rich List.

“More women, more people from ethnic backgrounds, and more from surprising walks of life, with egg farmers and pet food makers lining up with hedge fund managers and private equity barons.”

Oddly the BBC is very subdued about Brexit in this [very short] analysis other than the line in the first paragraph which, without context, paints a picture of the ‘super-rich’ loving Brexit whilst the striving and struggling workers suffer austerity.  Whilst it tells us that there is no ‘chilling effect’ #duetoBrexit it only links that to the ‘super-rich’….a Brexit for the Billionaires will almost certainly be the BBC line…one to watch in the coming days as the likes of Campbell start to interpret the list and its meaning…to them.

Where is the usual BBC context, the rounded reporting, the provision of further information that they usually provide in so many other reports such as more detailed comment about those who made alarmist predictions about Brexit and the economic armageddon that would befall us the moment the result would be announced?  Naturally such ‘fact checking’ and copious amounts of counter-information that the BBC provides is only done when it is trying to downplay a good news story for Trump or for Brexit…however, here, a good news story for Brexit, they can’t do that because so far the promised Brexit collapse hasn’t happened and so the BBC is left with egg on its face and the only resort is to imply that the rich are getting richer and the rest of us poorer…#duetoBrexit.



Numbers of the Beasts


Trump would win again if another election was held now, not only would he win the Electoral College vote, he’d win the popular vote as well…so reveals the Democrat supporting Washington Post, way, way, down their article...

Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 percent say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.

A figure you didn’t hear bandied about on the BBC as it marshalled the anti-Trump voices to tell us how terrible Trump’s first 100 days in Office were.

The BBC was quick however to report the EU’s alarmist black propaganda that we’d have to pay them a punishing reparation charge of anything up to €100 billion….figures all first fed into the Public consciousness by the pro-EU FT.  Oddly I see no BBC mention of today’s Telegraph report that the EU has admitted it has absolutely no legal basis for making such demands…

€100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, European Commission’s own lawyers admit

The Telegraph has seen minutes of internal deliberations circulated by Brussels’ own Brexit negotiating team which had warned against pursuing the UK for extra payments.

But member states appear to have ignored the Commission’s own advice by demanding €100bn from the Government – a sharp hike in the original demand of €60bn.

On the FT…have a look at this clip of the FT’s editor, LionelThe vote must be “Remain”’ Barber, called ‘smug’ in the video title but I prefer ‘lizard-like’, denying his paper was in any way partisan in the Brexit debate…claiming he flew no flag for any side…which is a complete lie…



Here’s the FT ‘flying that flag’ during the referendum…

Britain should vote to stay in the EU

A vote to withdraw would be irrevocable, a grievous blow to the post-1945 liberal world order.

The referendum campaign is a contest between competing values: between liberal internationalism and a pinched nationalism, between an open-trading system and marginalisation.

The Leave camp has been superficially patriotic, at heart mendacious.

Membership of the EU and, crucially, the single European market, entails some transfer of sovereignty in return for an actual gain in power as part of a greater whole. The rewards are indisputable.

Leave has failed to spell out the serious risks of life outside the EU.  [Hmmm…but Remain did that for them as did the BBC, but Remain didn’t spell out the serious risks of staying in the EU…the BBC failed to provide that information as well…an extremely serious omission one might think for the BBC.]

In a multi-speed, multi-tiered EU, the [threat of a] European superstate is a chimera.

In 1975, when a Labour government called for a referendum on British membership of the European Economic Community, the FT rejected the notion of Britain as “a tight little island, seeking refuge in a siege economy, opting out of the main stream of world politics”. The sentiment remains resonant today. This is no time to revert to Little England. We are Great Britain. We have a contribution to make to a more prosperous, safer world.

The vote must be “Remain”.

The FT ran headline after headline pumping out pro-EU propaganda…it was infamous for doing so.


And as for a Brexit ‘bill’…let’s charge the EU for all the wars, the blood, the lives, we’ve spent saving their backsides and their precious liberté, their demicracies, their lives.  We saw off all those others who were enthusiastically working towards a European union…Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler…not to mention the Soviet Union.  And where’s the thanks?  Bill ’em.  The EU only exists because we paid in blood and guts to keep Europe free from dictators…only to find one on our doorstep trying to punish us for leaving their clutches…it seems the ‘Iron Curtain’ still exists.  We’d all be speaking German now if it wasn’t for the Brits…Drunckers would no doubt delight in that.

Get out whilst you can…

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A right royal c**k up



The BBC has gone all tabloid and been slagging off the royal family, as usual, all the while pretending it’s great art.


A play about the royal family in crisis and a constitutional problem.  And all in the best possible taste.


The Spectator’s take on the play on the stage?…….Charles III is made for numbskulls by numbskulls.

Written in Shakespearean verse but brought right up to date as the BBC has now replaced Harry’s white girlfriend with a black one….oh, and of course it’s the ‘orrible Press that’s looking to ‘attack’ the Royals...and not the honourable, respectable, BBC…

Meanwhile, an unhappy and frustrated Prince Harry starts a relationship with a ‘commoner’, just at the moment that the press is looking for a way to attack.

Here’s the BBC’s original casting in 2015…


The new ethnically diverse one…

Cruel: The fictional Harry and 'Jess', who raises the Hewitt question in the controversial new show


The play reopens the question of who Prince Harry’s father is…

‘Is Charles really your dad?’ BBC is accused of inflicting ‘deliberate pain’ with ‘salacious’ paternity slur against Prince Harry in controversial TV show

His girlfriend asks him: ‘Is Charles really your dad? Or was it the other one?’

Noticing his ‘very ginger’ hair, she adds: ‘Cos if Hewlitt [sic] was your dad instead, you would be out the family.’

The fictional Harry remains silent, while one of his friends corrects Jess on the name, pointing out that it is Hewitt.

…..and brings on a ghost of Princess Diana…despite one of the actors admitting that…

For Charles or William or Harry it would be agonising to watch. That upsets me. But I don’t think we’ve done anything unreasonable or cruel.’

So ‘agonising’ but not ‘unreasonable or cruel’?

Curious timing as only a couple of weeks ago the BBC was headling, and indeed working with the Royals, on mental health issues…in particular about Harry’s mental issues surrounding his mother’s death…

Prince Harry ‘in total chaos’ over mother Diana’s death

Prince Harry has revealed he sought counselling after spending nearly 20 years “not thinking” about the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, he said it was not until his late 20s that he processed the grief – after two years of “total chaos” and coming close to a “complete breakdown”.

“I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle.”

Perfect timing then for the BBC to broadcast this play now…presumably good therapy for little ‘arry.

The BBC’s helicopter doorstepping and salacious intrusion into Cliff Richard’s life also illustrates how the evermore tabloid BBC is dropping into the gutter in the search for sensation and easy headlines…but it is complaining vociferously about the bill as Cliff surrounds himself with the best legal brains money can buy….and it ain’t cheap….the BBC doesn’t like it one bit…though they weren’t so shy about spending hundreds of thousands to keep the Balen Report out of the public eye [does BBC news kill Jews?]…

BBC attacks Sir Cliff Richard’s ‘grossly unreasonable’ spending on lawyers in his fight for damages against them

BBC bosses say Sir Cliff Richard has spent “grossly unreasonable” amounts on lawyers after complaining about reports naming him as a suspected sex offender and taking legal action.

They say figures show the singer has already run up legal costs of more than £800,000 which are “on any view … disproportionate”.

Lawyers representing the BBC made the criticism as a judge analysed the latest stage of the dispute at a High Court hearing in London on Thursday.

If Sir Cliff’s claim succeeds, and he wins damages, the BBC could be ordered to pick up all his lawyers’ bills.

The BBC peddling fake and scandalous, not to mention extremely ‘agonising’, tales about a living Royal and does the same for the music world’s ‘royalty’…whatever next, the BBC making up an entirely ficticious claim that a Lord was a child abuser?  Oh…they’ve already been there and done that.

The BBC.  The Gold Standard.  My arse.



The Farron Fart…sorry, Backfire.




The BBC has been reporting loudly on UKIP’s fall today, contrast that with how they practically ignored UKIP when they won large in elections previously, and curiously the LibDems have hardly been mentioned today.  This is curious because, whilst UKIP’s fall could easily have been predicted and was much expected, Farron has been telling us that the LibDems are on the march and due to the army of unhappy Remain voters looking for a white knight to protect them from all those horrible little englanders would win large, but there’s no sign of such a revival…in fact the LibDems lost 32 seats.  But the BBC don’t seem too interested….in this main write up it’s passed over rapidly and in Kuenssberg’s ‘analysis’ I don’t think the LibDems even get a mention….oh no sorry…this is it, Laura’s insight into the LibDem debacle.‘a slightly frazzled atmosphere at Lib Dem homes this morning’.

When you consider how arrogant and contemptuous of democracy and Leave voters Farron is, a failure to pull the voters in might be expected.  Farron was very dismissive of callers on  a radio phone-in who complained of his characterisation of Leave voters as not knowing what they were voting for and that his call for a 2nd referendum was undemocratic as he was really attempting to stop Brexit…he laughed and sneered and said he was the real democrat…you can see that attitude in full colour in his latest bit of public relations as he smirks and bullies his way through an encounter…an encounter in which he said he knew what was good for the kids…as you can see in the photo above….


The Abbottcus Calculus

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Nothing to do with BBC bias but come on, it’s the Diabolical Dabbler Diane Abbott..she’s done it again and fluffed her numbers…is she going for the sympathy vote?……


Hmmmmmmmm…leeeeeettttt mmmeeee thinkkkk….

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Two fingers to the lot of you!!!!!

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Desperately seeking racism

Photo of students from Cambridge University



The BBC is claiming Cambridge University is failing black male students…

Of 3,449 students accepted into Cambridge during the 2015/2016 academic year, 38 defined themselves as black, a proportion of just over 1%. This figure did not include any students who defined themselves on their application as mixed race.

Er….BME students make up 25.3% of all students and around 37% of post-graduate students…oh the racism at Cambridge…..

Students from a BME background comprised 21.9% of home undergraduate applicants, 20.1% of all offers and 20.0% of all students who accepted a place in 2015-16

Students from a BME background made up 25.3% of undergraduate students, 36.9% of Taught postgraduates and 38.7% of Research postgraduate students in 2015-16

And what of that ‘3,449 students accepted into Cambridge’...only 1%, 38, are black male……er what about the actual total figure of 1,143 being BME…33.7%?……not such a ‘racist’ picture after all……

In 2015-16 applications were received from 7,664 White and 7,927 BME students (49% and 51% respectively). Of those who accepted offers from the University, 1,143 were BME and 2,247 were White (33.7% BME).

The BBC has cherry picked a very select figure and group…..why not pick gay black muslims accepted into Cambridge or red-heads who have a Brummy accent?…we can all make a case for some sort of discrimination by rigging the context and questions…..just look at this quote…complete bollocks…

Matthew Ryder, deputy mayor of London for social integration, social mobility and community engagement, said the photo makes a “powerful statement” in an “understated way”. 

Mr Ryder said Cambridge has been keen to find ways to improve diversity in applications but “the results have been poor”.

What?  The results have been poor?  BME students making up over 25% of undergraduates and 37% of postgraduates?  Clearly Cambridge can’t be that hard to get into if someone of the intellectual calibre of Mr Ryder managed it.




Barnes Wally


The BBC continues to propagandise on behalf of immigration and to denigrate those who want to control it as ignorant, racist little Englanders.  In a remarkably patronising and arrogant, not to mention unpleasant, snide little piece on R4 Simon Barnes uses Sport to attack ‘nationalism’…we hear we must erase borders, erase nationality….the voice of nationalism is getting louder and it’s so unnecessary.

Barnes tells us that he was never happier than when we ‘got rid of the Brits’ in a competition so that he could concentrate of the beauty of the sport…..kind of sums up the BBC attitude….the trouble with Britain is that it is full of nasty, hideously white Brits…let’s get rid of them so we can celebrate diversity, cheap plumbers and baristos who work for a pittance so we can sup on ZHC subsidised cappuccinos as we, elegantly and effortlessly cosmopolitan, pose in our ‘continental’ pavement cafés.






Continental Rift


She was making plain her fury in fresh air, in front of the black door to No 10 that is a symbol of British government. 

You could hardly stage-manage more clearly the difference between the European Commission’s sneaky secrecy and Britain’s open, sovereign democracy (and how the Eurocrats hate and fear that!).

Quentin Letts


It is abundantly clear what the EU and its minions are up to as they launch attack after attack on May and the British negotiating position…clear to everyone except it seems the BBC which expresses shock and surprise that May has accused the EU of hostility and of attempting to manipulate and interfere in the outcome of the election…..the EU would like nothing better than a weak, irresolute and incompetent Corbyn at the helm or failing that a LibDem rump providing an awkward squad to make Brexit all but impossible.

The BBC went into overdrive running cover for Clinton filling the airwaves with accusations of Russian interference in ‘American democracy’ and the of peddling ‘fake news’, the BBC intent of course to put Hilary in the driving seat and now, as the BBC continues with that narrative having failed to get their preferred candidate elected, to unseat Trump.

Contrast that pious outrage with the almost complete lack of interest in an attempted coup against our own country by another foreign ‘government’, the unelected EU, as it works to undermine British democracy and attempts to put its own collaborators in place…the BBC actually providing so much useful help as it peddles the EU message whilst attacking May relentlessly.

All this should serve to underline why the undemocratic and increasingly tyrannical EU should be destroyed and replaced with a co-operative, non-political union of willing countries that serves to unite nations in purpose but not in a political or financial superstate that the EU has become intent on crushing all dissent and imposing its will upon those sovereign states….a monster out of control.

You just have to look at the BBC’s Kuenssberg’s ‘analysis’ of what May said this afternoon to realise that the EU is not the only enemy May has to contend with.  Even the title of Kuenssberg’s piece gives the game away as she claims May is  ‘Upping the ante’.

Curiously Kuenssberg hasn’t thought that it was the EU which had been ‘upping the ante’ with its torrent of hostile briefings, so often to the BBC direct, and its spreading of misinformation and alarmist black propaganda…also aided by the Remain supporting FT which seems to delight in coming up with increasingly ridiculous figures for ‘reparations’ to be paid to the EU by Britain.

Kuenssberg sets out from the start to try and undermine May claiming she has done a u-turn and is engaged in ‘megaphone dipomacy’….no thought that perhaps May is right and the EU has been launching hostile attacks on Britain?

This morning, the chancellor and the Brexit secretary said the noises off out of Brussels and suggestions of an exit bill of 100bn euros were only “manoeuvring” and that the UK would not be pulled into “megaphone diplomacy”.

By 15:30, the prime minister was standing at a lectern in Downing Street accusing some in Brussels of trying deliberately to interfere in the election, to make trouble for her politically at home, and of wanting the Brexit talks to fail.

Kuenssberg then expresses shock at the PM’s words and tries to suggest they are not only unmerited but a deceptive political ploy by May rather than a genuine insight into EU manipulation and corruption of our democracy…it’s not ‘quite some statement’, not ‘quite an accusation’….the statement and accusation were bang on and absolutely jusitifed as nearly all other commentators, BBC aside, believe…..not Kuenssberg though….

Forget that nuance for a moment – this was quite some statement, quite an accusation to make. It seems the prime minister is intent on playing the Brexit card for all it’s worth in the next election.

It’s no coincidence that the Tories want every UKIP voter to turn to them, no coincidence that many Labour seats were Out areas in the referendum, no small matter that in 71 Labour constituencies, the UKIP vote was bigger than the size of the eventual majority.

It’s all just a tactic says Kuenssberg…May doesn’t really mean it…and those poor old Brussel’s bureaucrats, once again the innocent targets of fake news and anti-EU spin…

British prime ministers taking public aim at “Brussels bureaucrats” is hardly an original tactic from the playbook.

And do not, for one second, be surprised if come 9 June, IF Theresa May is back in power, her language starts to sound rather more conciliatory.

And of course it is May who has gone ‘full throttle’ and is thus out of control and over the top….not the EU who started the war of words and the gunboat diplomacy then?…..

But words like this cannot be unsaid. What is perhaps more surprising is that Theresa May has gone full throttle at such an early stage in this election, and in a situation where the polls put her as the clear frontrunner.

Kuenssberg should leave the analysis to those with insight and understanding of events, stick to facts not making it up as you go along.  The BBC was desperately accusing the Russians of manufacturing fake news to change the course of the US election and yet here the BBC is engaged in exactly the same behaviour that it deplored on behalf of Clinton as it peddles the EU’s fake news in order to undermine Britain and Britain’s future success and prosperity.  The BBC working to betray us to the EU.

Lord Hall Hall…lock him up!