Gerald Kaufman has died and the BBC used it as a chance to have a go at Mrs Thatcher. Kaufman was 86 years old and must have said some nice things in his time but the BBC chose a somewhat unpleasant attack on Thatcher as something to remember him by…Nick Robinson certainly seemed to approve.
The BBC, statesman-like, responsible, fair, accurate and truthful, or the same type of scumbag, gutter tabloid journo’s they so often deride whilst hiding behind the respect and trust earned by previous generations of BBC journalists who were honest and decent?
The BBC has been pumping out reports insinuating that Syrian filmmaker Khaled Khatib was stopped from going to the US by some devious Trump trick despite having been issued a visa by the US…the BBC is still reporting today that this is so...[A report from 13:00 today]
However, White Helmets’ cinematographer Khaled Khateeb was unable to attend the Oscars ceremony after being barred from boarding a flight from Turkey, after US officials reported finding “derogatory information” about him.
The Daily Mail however reports that Khatib’s passport was cancelled by the Syrian government as said in a statement by the White Helmets themselves [see above image]….
In a statement early on Sunday, the White Helmets, also known as the Syrian Civil Defence, said that Saleh would not be able to leave his work because of the high intensity of air strikes while Khatib could not attend because Syria’s government had cancelled his passport.
BBC fake news? I think I’ll go with the Mail on this one….seems likely the Syrian government would not like such a person to be freely roaming around making anti-Assad noises.
So America does not ‘deny entry’ to Khatib, he doesn’t have a passport. Guess the BBC is either desperate to keep blaming Trump in some shape or form or they are incompetent.
The BBC relentlessly hunted down Bradley Wiggins and all but called him a drug cheat despite there being no evidence of that whilst in contrast they gave Mo Farrah the all clear despite him missing two drug checks and his coach being investigated for alleged drugs infringements. Mo is black, an immigrant and Muslim, Wiggins is a successful white, working class British male….any reason the BBC chose to announce one as completely innocent of any wrong-doing whilst conducting a witch-hunt against the other? And of course Wiggins worked for Murdoch’s Sky team….no love lost there I expect….just as the BBC targets the Premier League’s funding for criticism…Sky again.
To be fair, Mark Daly, who investigated Salazar for Panorama, ended the programme with a warning that Farrah has been coached to world success by a man who has used banned methods, though there is no suggestion that Farrah is implicated…but…we were told…any athlete involved with Salazar should be seeking the assurances that they are not being put at risk in any way….so a suggestion that if they are taking drugs it might be without their knowledge, at least as to the legality of them….so a bit of a whitewashy, sitting on the fence comment. As usual though any such ‘controversial’ [in BBC terms] findings such as on specialist programmes such as Panorama don’t filter through to the troops on the ground at the BBC, the presenters and journalists on the everyday programmes who continue to push certain naratives regardless of facts often dug up by their own teams….we were repeatedly and loudly told Farrah was not implicated in the investigation when clearly he should have been part of it….how could he not be investigated, when as Daly said, he was coached by someone to ‘world success’ who used banned methods…is it likely just to be for a select few athletes on the same team?
The revelations will pile more pressure on Britain’s greatest ever endurance runner, who has steadfastly refused to end his association with Salazar.
It raises questions too for UKA, which gave the Briton the all-clear to continue working with Salazar after an inquiry was launched following the BBC Panorama programme.
Note how the BBC is now setting the UKA up for the fall…the BBC itself dodging any suggestion that it too whitewashed any thoughts that Mo might not be entirely clean….and the BBC is claiming the credit….and I’m guessing claiming a journalistic scoop trumps celebrating diversity…
Alberto Salazar has been under investigation since a BBC Panorama programme made allegations about drugs use at his US training base.
The BBC reports…
According to the Sunday Times, the leaked report claims that Salazar:
used a banned method of infusing a legal supplement called L-carnitine;
risked the health of his athletes, including Farah, by issuing potentially harmful prescription medicines to improve testosterone levels and boost recovery, despite no obvious medical need.
The Sunday Times claims the Usada report also reveals:
investigators have been impeded because Salazar and several athletes have “largely refused to permit Usada to review their medical records”;
Farah received an infusion of the legal supplement L-carnitine in 2014, which Usada is continuing to investigate in case the method of infusion broke doping rules by going over the legal limit of 50ml.
It’s an interesting slant though…the coach ‘risked the health of his athletes’….as if the athletes were victims, possibly unaware of what was going on….isn’t it the athletes responsibility to know what they are taking?
And Farrah took prescription drugs, with no obvious medical need, to boost performance. When Wiggins legally took a drug for his asthma using the agreed procedures under the regulations this was denounced as ‘cheating’….even though he had a medical need for the drug….will there be so much ‘outrage’ over Farrah?
No drug which gives, as Salazar claimed, ‘incredible’ performance boosting effects can morally justifiable….might as well put the athlete on a motorbike…it’s not his own innate ability that would win the race….Wiggin’s asthma drug merely brought him back up to his normal level of performance as if he didn’t have asthma and so is not performance enhancing…as long as you actually have asthma.
I await the BBC’s developing reaction with interest. If he has taken drugs illegally will he be a victim, a fool or a cynical cheat? Will the BBC hunt him down as they hunted down Wiggins?
Mo had better watch out…nothing like a fallen hero, an icon of multiculturalism, to upset the BBC, its love and trust betrayed…..I’m guessing we won’t be hearing so much about Mo’s Muslim identity now if things turn out for the worse here.
The BBC has appointed a second Muslim executive to be in charge of religious television programming after attracting criticism previously from those who thought the job should go to a Christian.
Gosh. I never seen that one coming…
The corporation has appointed Fatima Salaria, a BBC editor who commissioned Muslims Like Us, a reality-style show, and a series of programmes about radicalisation.
She attracted criticism last year by giving Anthony Small, the convicted fraudster and former boxing champion a platform on Muslims Like Us. Small, now known as Abdul Haqq, was a member of the inner circle of Anjem Choudary, the hate preacher. He had previously expressed support for Islamic State but was cleared in 2015 of trying to join the jihadist group.
The BBC seems determined to ensure that a Muslim oversees its “religious programming” output.
Here are a few retweets from Fatima. Her account is now protected. Shouldn’t the BBC investigate?
Media groups have reacted angrily after several, including the BBC, were barred from an informal briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.
It’s time Fake News anti-Trump merchants such as the BBC were shown the door by the White House. Well done Sean Spicer. Just wait for the extra venom to flow ….
The only mention of Brexit was in relation to Stoke in a dig at UKIP [who of course were targeted hard by the media and a bit of Hillsborough fall-out]…
The questions facing Labour in Copeland are tumbling UKIP’s way here in Stoke.
A party whose very success in achieving the thing they were set up to achieve, Brexit, brought with it a blunt question – what is the point of them now?
You might have thought Copeland was significant for Brexit, the BBC made a huge noise about Richmond, but none here….this is the BBC’s analysis of Copeland…
This is a significant political moment for Theresa May – the first time in decades a sitting government has ousted an opposition party from one of its seats in a by-election.
But the real fallout will be for Jeremy Corbyn, who has promised to reconnect with voters. He may be left trying to do so while facing further opposition from his own MPs.
Just why might Copeland be significant other than the technical one of a sitting government ousting an encumbent?
Guess the BBC aren’t too keen to suggest a proper Brexit is the preferred route.
Atrocious interview with Blunkett this morning on Today as he was allowed to get away with whitewashing Labour’s role in the million dollar terrorist debacle and at the same time blaming it all on the Tories which the BBC pursued their own agenda of claiming Guantanamo radicalised our boy and that we were funding terrorism by handing over these vast sums of money. [No inkling that the BBC played a major role itself in freeing such extremists and creating the atmosphere that led to the human rights blackmail of government]
Might suggest that every time a BBC journo fills up their car with fuel from the Middle East they ponder on the probability that they are funding terrorism and closer to home, radicalisation of the Muslim community.
‘Join the NCCL’…as advertised in a PIE publication when Harriet Harman was in post at the NCCL.
If you use bombs, bullets and terrorism to further your political aims the BBC stands full-square behind you…if you’re Muslim, non-white or Irish. However if you want to use free-speech and the democratic process to batter your opponents the BBC will do everything in its power to crush and silence you….if you’re white, Jewish and gay and right-leaning.
Here’s the BBC’s hatchet job on Milo who may be the victim of careful editing of a video of a speech he made a year ago which we are told ‘appears to condone paedophilia’….just another example of the Left’s targeting of right-wing media in order to discredit and silence them.
A very long piece of work which remarkably doesn’t actually look at any of his political or social commentaries and thoughts but is merely a list of what the BBC portrays as his crimes…amongst them….
…comments he has made about transgender people, Muslims, Black Lives Matter activism, feminists and gay people, even though he is openly gay.
However no analysis of these comments from the BBC so that the readers can judge for themselves….for instance would you consider BLM a near terrorist organisation when you know the truth about what it does as Milo suggests? You just might as you read how it incited cop-killers and anti-Semitism.
And what of the BBC and paedophilia, wasn’t so keen to admit to Jimmy Savile’s crime was it? And several years ago it gave pride of place to John Bell of the Iona community who used it to promote forgiveness and understanding for paedophiles who were, apparently, vicitms themselves. And was the BBC so concerned about Harriet Harman and her association with PIE? The BBC did everything it could to cover up that connection….
As the Labour supporting blog ‘Labour Uncut’ says:
Just another day when the irony flows freely, no not the BBC that campaigned relentlessly for Muslim extremists to be freed from Guantanamo now attacking everyone else for doing the same, but the BBC that did so much to encourage anti-Semitism around the world with its appallingly anti-Israel [let’s call it that to be generous, very generous] reporting [again a rather generous description of what they do] which is now insinuating that Donald Trump is anti-Semitic...on what basis? On what evidence?
The BBC is promoting a story of Muslims in America rushing to support the Jewish community as Jewish graves are vandalised [no-one has been caught yet for this crime]….never mind that Mehdi Hasan has admitted that the Muslim community’s ‘dirty little secret’ is its anti-Semitism…never mind that most of these Muslims showboating for the media probably wish Israel and the Jews within it to be wiped out. Never mind that the BBC itself produced an anti-Israel ‘Elders of Zion’ type production called ‘The Honourable Woman’ which turned the Palestinian terrorists into heroes and Israelis into dirty, murderous terrorists [‘an Israeli attack dog….he always has a price….what Jew doesn’t.’]…and prominently displayed a map of ‘Palestine’…with no Israel in sight.
Ah yes, the Jewish State…‘How great would be their defeat?’ the BBC wrote.
In today’s pro-Muslim puff the BBC doubles up with an attack on Trump slyly suggesting a lack of enthusiasm to defend the Jews….
US President Donald Trump described the recent threats targeting the Jewish community in America as “horrible and painful”.
His response was criticised by the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which described it as “a pathetic asterisk of condescension”.
In a scathing Facebook post, spokesman Steven Goldstein said: “When President Trump responds to anti-Semitism proactively and in real time, and without pleas and pressure, that’s when we’ll be able to say this president has turned a corner.
“This is not that moment.”
Odd that the BBC doesn’t do what it so often does, add context, background and qualifications to its reports. In this case it might be pertinent to tell readers that Trump’s daughter married an orthodox Jew and is now Jewish herself…and that Trump has many Jewish advisers, both in business and in politics...and that he backs Israel strongly. But apparently all that is irrelevant or inconvenient if the smear is on. The BBC may want to paint Trump as anti-Semitic but the Jewish ‘Algemeiner’ seems convinced Trump is a stand-up guy…..
Something else from ‘Algemeiner’...something about US Muslims the BBC doesn’t trumpet loudly with a report all of its own, or any at all…
“‘Stuff Jews in the Oven’ Among Antisemitic Social Media Posts Flooding Pages of University of Texas-Arlington Students, Covert Campus Watchdog Finds”, by Lea Spyer, Algemeiner, February 15, 2017:
“Jews only live once” and “stuff Jews in the oven” are among the offensive comments flooding the social media pages of current and former students at the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA), a dossier recently released by a covert campus watchdog group revealed.
“Columbia man charged with plotting Islamic State terror attack on Kansas City,” by Tony Rizzo and Ian Cummings, Kansas City Star, February 21, 2017:
A Columbia man is accused of plotting a Presidents Day jihadist terrorist attack on buses, trains and a train station in Kansas City.
Robert Lorenzo Hester Jr., 25, was charged in U.S. District Court of Kansas City with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.
“Cary man accused of threatening non-Muslims, WTVD, February 21, 2017:
Garrett Grimsley, 27, went before a federal magistrate Tuesday morning in Raleigh.
According to the affidavit filed with the criminal complaint, Grimsley posted an online public message earlier this month stating “don’t go to Cary tomorrow.”
In a private message to a witness, Grimsley allegedly wrote: “For too long the kuffar [non-Muslims] have spit in our faces and trampled our rights. This cannot continue. I cannot speak of anything. Say your dua [prayers], sleep, and watch the news tomorrow. It will only be the beginning . . .”
A search of Grimsley’s apartment by the FBI, SBI, and the Cary Police Department revealed an AK-47 assault rifle, four 30-round magazines, and approximately 340 rounds of 7.62 millimeter ammunition….
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