New Year Open Thread

Israel to Abbas: No, Jesus was not a Palestinian

A happy New Year to one and all and may this site become redundant as soon as possible….though I somehow doubt it will as the BBC starts off as it no doubt means to go on…with Giles Fraser on Thought for the Day telling us Christ wasn’t  a Christian [surely the first one] …he’ll tell us next that Muhammed wasn’t a Muslim…won’t he?…but Jesus was, however, a ‘Palestinian’.  Fraser naturally trying to link Jesus to ‘Palestinians‘ today…which is a dodgy sleight of hand as of course ‘Palestinian’ is a politicised term whose meaning goes far beyond mere existence in a territory….one which Jews might want to call Judea not Palestine…or even ‘Israel’, an ancient name….has Fraser never heard of the ‘Tribes of Israel’?  It is a narrative used by Muslims, along with the ‘Muslim Jesus’ phrase, to hijack Jesus and make out the Jews are once again ‘killing Jesus’ or rather his descendants…the Palestinians…lol.  Good of the not so reverend Giles Fraser to adopt what is a anti-Christian, anti-Jewish Muslim narrative.

I’m sure you can spot plenty more BBC nonsense as they revise the past in order to write the future….list it all here….

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427 Responses to New Year Open Thread

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Oh no! According to BBC News 24. Sugar is out to get me! That’s right, “Sugar Warning”


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Stop the presses. New year tragedy -monkeys die in zoo fire .

    The fire brigade say if sprinklers had been fitted they’d be out of a job. I’m thinking of starting the Fedup sprinklers company


    • Guest Who says:

      If it had been in the equine sector they could have run an Aardvark to Zebra list.


  3. StewGreen says:

    Useful from Twitter


    • StewGreen says:

      I’ll put an “alleged” in there, cos that tweet doesn’t verify the person is BBC
      yet seems the person himself <a href="“>tweeted in reply
      (his website is dead, but his FB is working)
      “Hundreds of comments ایرانهراس, دیپورت request and invite them to the BBC.
      1300 ریتوییت.
      With the names of the Cyber army formed Israel “


    • vlad says:

      Political asylum is a joke. A very bad one.


    • deegee says:

      Oh Ali
      I made a formal complaint to the BBC at the time. Can’t recall if I received a specific reply.


  4. MartinW says:

    In the BBC, a continuation of whitewashing the oppressively Islamic totalitarian regime that rules Iran. I get the impression they are embarrassed by the quite unjustified (in their eyes) uprisings all over the country, and would really like them to go away. Notably, Jeremy Bowen in a long piece early in the Today programme briefly mentioned Yemen among Iran’s ‘foreign interventions’ , but when he did the piece later in the programme (or they re-broadcasted it), there was no mention of Yemen! This is, of course, entirely in keeping with the BBC’s policy of placing the sole blame for the Yemen conflict on Saudi Arabia, and never mentioning Iran’s role in fomenting and maintaining it. Did someone censor Bowen’s piece, or have a quiet word with him?


  5. StewGreen says:

    How libmob get to think the internet is bad
    I spot someone telling them to watch this vid


  6. StewGreen says:

    2009 BBC organised the Iranian “Twitter Revolution” (Fine by me) training journalists etc

    2017 Iranian “Twitter Revolution”
    “So, a UK spy agency has been caught setting up fake twitter accounts, pretending to be Iranian. #IranianProtests #Iranprotests People I know on the ground tell me these protests are actually rather small. #Iran”


  7. StewGreen says:

    Recommended by Jon Gaunt the-rise-of-the-terror-amnesia-industry by BRENDAN O’NEILL


  8. Alex says:

    This ideologically-motivated censorship by the German authorities is dangerous stuff indeed; Stalin would be proud. You now get threatened with punishment for speaking out against the behaviour of migrants. Frightening but I fear similar oppression is already in operation in this country.


    • richard D says:

      Love the BBC reporting, in the above article linked by Alex, of the terrifying New Year 2015/2016 activities in Cologne.

      “Cologne has been at the centre of a controversy over New Year’s Eve celebrations since two years ago, when a large number of assaults against women – allegedly by men from migrant backgrounds – marred the festivities.”

      Note well the phrase that the assaults were ‘allegedly by men from migrant backgrounds’

      Note well also the use of the phrase ‘controversy’ when describing the events………. ‘controversy’…….- what bloody controversy ? It happened ! Strange that Beeboids are at the forefront in unreservedly believing, and backing, what any woman might say about sexual assault, as long as they are not clearly identifying culprits from a certain background

      Typical response from the BBC when faced with the bleeding obvious they don’t like….. nothing to see here, move on quickly, please, we’re in the process of re-writing history.


  9. StewGreen says:

    I notice a man called “Batmanghelidjh” was on R4Today talking about Iran
    any relation to Camillla Kids Company ?


  10. JimS says:

    Perhaps I’m lucky and all those junk “You’ve Won A Prize!” companies don’t bother to write to me anymore.

    Or perhaps they are all working under contract to TV Licensing?

    Their latest offering comes in a ‘window’ envelope revealing the ‘lucky’ day that I might get a visit. Opening the envelope I’m told that ‘my status’ is “Visit temporarily on hold”.

    Can’t be long before they go for the envelopes with fake overstamps, “Visit Approved” and inside the little golden envelope containing details of the fine that I might have won!

    Just to be clear, I haven’t operated a TV at this address for 29 years now but still the harassment continues.


    • Flexdream says:

      I haven’t had a TV at this address and I’ve been here over 10 years. I get occasional letters but no visits. It should be clear by now that no Conservative government will do anything about BBC bias, and the best thing is to encourage TV tax avoidance. The BBC’s fat funding insulates it from having to pander to commercial sensibilities. Hopefully Netflix and Amazon, along with the internet generally, will continue their advance, but I think too many people still think you need a BBC licence to own a TV.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    I wonder how the BBC is going to weasel its way out of this conundrum, I expect by mentioning nothing about it at all.

    Islam is perfect. The ‘prophet’ Mohammed was a perfect man. The Qur’an and associated scribblings contain the perfect way for people to live peacefully with each other.

    So when something like Iran happens and the people, sick of the clerics and the rule of Sharia rebel against it then most sensible people would say that there is such a grave problem with the system itself that it is far from perfect. But, if they do admit that then they admit that Islam is imperfect and its prophet too, and that renders the entire religion false !

    They do have another get out though and it’s the one the Iranian clerics are currently using. It’s all the fault of the West and that includes Britain for imposing sanctions, I expect that given the opportunity to blame Britain this is what the BBC will seize on. The fact remains however that the Iranians could have ended those sanctions at any time if they had agreed to suspend the work on building a nuclear weapon, something they refused to do, and then Obama decided to unilaterally end the sanctions with nothing in return.
    It seems that this is more likely to be the cause of a lot of unrest, as corrupt clerics have trousered the money and are living in luxury while the people live in relative poverty. You can bet the BBC won’t be blaming the Obamessiah anytime soon !


    • G.W.F. says:

      Remind the Iranians of the words of St Jo.

      ‘We Are Far More United Than The Things That Divide Us’

      As for chucking gays off rooftops

      It brings the communities together


    • Al Shubtill says:

      I don’t think there is much danger of the Iranian regime being overthrown or a serious attempt being made to do so. In the unlikely event that there were to be, it would be even more catastrophic for Western Europe than the Libyan and Syrian debacles; in terms of the increased flow of Third World immigrants westward and the heightening of hostility with Russia – that would not want, another (bigger) civil war on its border and which allied itself with Iran to defeat ISIS in Syria.

      Iran is nothing to do with either us or the U.S. Trump should remember that supporters at his “America First” rallies were chanting “Build The Wall” not “Bomb Iran”.
      If he were foolish enough to embroil America in (yet) another Middle Eastern war, going against everything that he campaigned on: then he wouldn’t win another term as POTUS.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Al Shuptill
        Thanks for this observation which has got me thinking.
        Will Russia back the Iranian regime?
        If that is likely I hope the rebels – if they are serious contenders – will make some promises to Putin.
        Agree Iran and the rest of the Islamic regimes have nothing to do with us, but will Boris and May see it that way?


        • Al Shubtill says:

          G.W.F. – there are no “serious contenders” against the Iranian regime.

          There is no way the Russians would want regime change in Iran from what is there now, following on from what occurred in Libya and Iraq or almost happened in Egypt and Syria.
          If this country was in similar position to Russia, would we?


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Just maybe we need to pay more attention to what President Trump actually does and less attention to what he says. I’m still hopeful.


  12. StewGreen says:

    BBC stars Live chats in Stoke Newington N1
    As a job on the side a beeboid runs events where people can hear his Beeboid mates live for £15
    Next month’s includes Lily Allen’s mum
    March includes the allegedly “respected” Samira Ahmed


  13. Lobster says:

    I can think of quite a few BBC staff who this address would suit admirably.


    • Fred Stubber says:

      There’s a Bell End Farm near here, just above Rosedale.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Yes, I know the one. It’s just a little way down the road from that excellent pub called The Handful Of Sprats which I’ve visited many times.


  14. richard D says:

    I note with horror the experimentation by the police with which laws they comply and which they don’t, rather than enforcing the laws they are given by our government. Our legal system enforcement is becoming joke – for instance Leicester police only investigating burglaries at even-numbered houses just a couple of years ago; and police forces now only turning out if a thief (elegantly titled a ‘shoplifter’ – since that doesn’t sound so bad) steals more than £200 from a shop.

    So – let me get this straight – a thief can steal up to £200 per day, every day of the year, in the full knowledge that nothing will happen to them, even if they get caught. Compare and contrast this with the effort expended to enforce compliance with the £149 TV licence laws…..essentially a once-a -year event.

    Some thieves are clearly more equal than others.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Equally if crimes are committed by certain ethnic minorities they aren’t enforced at all. Recent example is a near neighbour whose car was written off when an enricher of the peaceful persuasion ran in the back of him. He had no driving licence, insurance, MOT, or road tax, and yet he has not been prosecuted. Imagine what would have happened if that had been the other way around?

      If the useless Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (lets not call them the Police because they’re not) were refusing to prosecute the clear and obvious rape of tens of thousands of young children, preferring to prosecute them at their parents, then what hope do we have of them operating fairly and with impartiality?


    • Old Goat says:

      They are about to experiment a little more, and investigate fewer crimes – especially if there is not a “hate” element within them…


  15. Thoughtful says:

    Complaint by someone on another forum about the New Years Day concert from Vienna that the BBC commentator Petroc Trelawny moaned that there were fewer women in the Orchestra this year. Presumably he must count the number every year and make some kind of petty like note for himself? The insinuation being that the orchestra was not politically Correct and that equality matters more than excellence.

    The poster went on to note that since Trelawny took over Radio 3 breakfast he has removed all the great masterworks from the schedule, and replaced them with obscure pieces with little merit, but which were composed by wimmin.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Petshop Trelawny is simply following BBC house-style. Many moons ago I was a Radio 4 listener. Finding my culture and beliefs needlessly assaulted daily I fled as a refugee finding temporary asylum at Radio 5 – mistakenly thinking the BBC wouldn’t mix sport and lefty politics. How wrong I was. One of several final straws was a BBC football commentator telling us that prior to a Champion’s League match there had been some racial chanting in the away fixture and he (the sports commentator) was going to be keeping an ear out for any repeat of that. Presumably the chap saw himself as football official, police officer and racial campaigner all rolled into one. As I say, BBC house-style.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men (and women if you like)“


    • vlad says:

      Very racist of beebistan not to feature more black and muslim great classical composers.

      Oh, there aren’t any.

      Cat Stevens anyone?


  16. StewGreen says:

    I see a lot of people are using the expression
    “before I was Red Pilled” to describe how they came out of the lib/left fantasy view of the real world.


  17. MarkyMark says:

    When walls on bridges and safe zones at parties are not enough is enough … BBC stirring things up ready … #BecauseOfBrexit #BecauseOfVoldemort

    UK’s ‘only bomb-proof Sunday School’ { 02jan2017}

    – read the story and you will be disappointed … reused police station keeps bomb proof walls to save money.


  18. Cooper_Man says:

    Just had a quick look at the Beeb’s website to see what’s happening in the world and what topics they’re letting the masses have their say about – it’s going to be windy in Scotland and Andy Murray is considering having a hip operation! Nothing on the rise in train fares or Iran, but one on children’s snacks being more healthy. As for the sport section, there are ten HYS’s on the football page alone – the Beeb is a useless, expensive, out-moded disgrace.


    • Flexdream says:

      The BBC news website currently leads on train fares and Iran.



      • Cooper_Man says:

        They’ve not set up HYS’s about them though, that was my point.


        • Flexdream says:

          Sorry, I misunderstood.

          Do you think HYS have any purpose? I suspect all such feedbacks are censored, and votes are unreliable. I thought it was just paranoia till I experienced it myself. On the Daily Telegraph website I had the second most popular comment on an article until it disappeared, I can only imagine because it was critical of Saudi Arabia. At least on the BBC deleted comments still show as that, but I now try and ignore even looking at comments on internet articles.


          • Cooper_Man says:

            No worries – personally I don’t think that HYS’s have any point on the Beeb website if they are so selectively used – either it should all or nothing. I mean, what is the exact point of a HYS on the fifth-named storm this winter season brushing the very top of the U.K? it’s January for crying out loud.


            • G.W.F. says:

              The way I see it the BBC and May’s government are very close on a number of things and the extensive coverage on HYS on, for example, Brexit has two uses. First to inform the government of real public opinion, and second, the massaged comments we see are designed to show where possible that Brexiteers are racist, ignorant bigots.
              Same for other topics – eg recycling, medical advice to cut down cost of therapy.

              Perhaps Maxicony can inform us, as I suspect he earns a few bob as an impartial moderator


      • Guest Who says:

        Lynne Truss may need to console the mother of that YouTuber too.


  19. Pounce says:

    Whilst the bBC is happy to bring you the news that doctors in Germany are unhappy to test the age of so called Migrant Children:
    Germany migrants: Doctors oppose asylum seeker age tests
    or how a German MP is been investigated for a hate crime after she replied to a tweet by the Koln police wishing everybody a happy new new written in Arabic
    German AfD MP under fire for anti-Muslim new year tweets
    Just for the record her full tweet was:
    “What the hell is happening in this country? Why is an official police site tweeting in Arabic? Do you think it is to appease the barbaric, gang-raping hordes of Muslim men?

    The bBC hasn’t got round to reporting this:
    France: New Year tradition of burning cars see’s 1031 go up in flames
    Or even this:
    France: Policewoman filmed getting lynched by Gangs of African youths.


    • Flexdream says:

      The fake liberals who applaud the enforcement of laws to oppress their opponents need to remember the words of Martin Niemoller.

      “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Socialist.

      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

      Suppressing freedom never ends well.


      • MarkyMark says:

        It is just the beginning … as Iran found with Salman Rushdie .. once they tolerate and give in to your views then it’s just the beginning … Happy Halal New Year!


      • In The Real World says:

        The original words of Niemoller have been rewritten by the lefties because they do not want everybody to realise that the Nazi.s were actually socialists . In fact the word Nazi is a short version of ” The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany ”

        So the first line was not ” First they came for the socialists ” , because it was the Socialists who were coming to take away anybody that disagreed with them .


  20. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • vlad says:

      Yep, Big Brother is alive and well… and getting more powers daily, to censor the wrong people.


  21. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • DYKEVISIONS says:

      All I see here is an example of ‘Care in the Community’ or an obviously muddled elderly gentleman is dropped off at a very expensive Psych ward which is paid for by you and me and met by some ex Nazi SS Doctors.

      But at least ‘Junket’ remembered to salute!


  22. Pounce says:

    Seeing as how the staff at the bBC love noshing on BBC (Think about it) I wonder why they haven’t reported this story:

    Naked man seen ‘attacking’ people in Croydon High Street


  23. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A tower block fire in Manchester a few days ago. Now this:

    A lot of fires breaking out recently. Coincidence?


  24. Pounce says:

    Germans see the New Year in:

    Sorry did I say Germans?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Before turning it off I caught, by accident , a section of the J Vine programme where some half wit was allowed to suggest that car owners should be taxed to subsidise rail users. Due to the size of J Vines’ income this is merely academic to him for his family lives in Tipton in Devon well away from the raff and the riff.- and presumably not too diverse either.


      • Dave S says:

        You are right Tipton is very peaceful almost fast asleep .
        I am fond of railways but they are for a minority and for car owners to subsidise them would be absurd. Leaving aside the fact that they already cost taxpayers a fortune and i assume car owners are taxpayers.


      • JimS says:

        I guess you missed the repeat fake news that Corbyn has to sit on the floor when he travels by train?

        I have just made a journey of 100 miles by car, (on my own, naughty!). I expect I could have used public transport, (maybe not on a public holiday?). Under ideal conditions it would take ten minutes to walk to the bus, 5 to 15 minutes waiting for the bus, a ten minute walk up a steep hill to the station and perhaps 10-20 minute wait for the train. It is quite likely that there would be no seat. Having caught the train I would later have had to change to another with a 5-30 minute wait. Then a five minute walk to the bus stop, a 5-15 minute wait for the bus, which fortunately would drop me off 100 metres from my door.

        I’m not too sure how my two bags and three plastic storage boxes would have managed though! These idiots who promote the train and bike never seem to factor in the fact that a lot of us move ‘stuff’ too.


    • vlad says:

      Mmm, I love the smell of cultural enrichment in the evening…


      • G.W.F. says:

        ‘We Are Far More United Than The Things That Divide Us’



        • MarkyMark says:

          But some things can never unite us … religion with government or government without religion … how do you combine those two?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Is that a welcome for Bomber Command ?


  25. MarkyMark says:

    New in 2018 … Iran decide to remove fatwa on Satanic Verses to show peace to fiction authors.

    New in 2018 … every Labour member including Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages paid under threat of prison ‘ Lineker gives all their money and possessions to Jeremy Corbyn to show that socialism works for real!

    New in 2018 …. Theresa May acts on her words that “High immigration causes social cohesion problems and infrastructure problems”

    New in 2018 …. Jeremy Corbyn explains the failing of Venezuela, Iran and Islington (worst place for women in 2017 after Jeremy Corbyn MP for 34 years)

    New in 2018 … BBC stops being Hello Magazine and actually reports news with historical context.


  26. StewGreen says:

    Has the BBC ever reported that Skwawkbox a Corbynista news site is owned by a guy who profits from selling private services to the NHS ?
    (mailing services)

    Mind you the Sun did issue a correction when it went with a heavier headline
    “boss….. cashed in on NHS privatisation”


  27. AsISeeIt says:

    All gas & alligators
    BBC reporter Chi Chi Izundu is down at Woburn for us (who says the right sort of name doesn’t open doors at the BBC – certainly not our Dimblebys) and gosh it’s Monkey Tragic as the holiday death toll adds 13 safari park victims to the aardvark and meerkat casualties. But which route should the BBC narrative take? Full far-reaching Public Inquiry or just light a tealight and two quick verses of Kumbaya then forget about it? Bury them under a rosebush and tell the kids they’ve gone to live on a farm. Another question… how do they introduce an item when Chi Chi is sent along to report on the pandas?
    Just one more thought while we’re here… on BBC coverage of Iran. You know you’re probably in a bad place when the country has not a President or a Premier but a “Supreme Leader”
    Mind you, on the other hand, the BBC tells us Iran is ruled by “Clerics” – so that sounds not so bad – a regime of cucumber sandwiches, tea and muffins at the Rectory.


    • Guest Who says:

      First the Aardvark, who knows how many others unreported… now Monkeys.

      Not looking good for the Nabarleks.

      Zebras OK for a while.


    • Fedup2 says:

      As I see it,
      As I said earlier on – I am leading a campaign for the whole of Blighty to have sprinklers – provided by the Fed up Sprinkler Company . Our thoughts and prayers are with the zoo victims and their relatives

      Can’t see Iran going for the civil war as the mullahs will kill all the good guys ( if there are any left).


      • AsISeeIt says:

        ‘a campaign for the whole of Blighty to have sprinklers’

        We have, it’s called rain


        • Fedup2 says:

          Ha ha -as I see – having got soaked by Gods’ sprinkler this day I knew someone would find the chink in my business plan…

          Al Beeb is certainly into fires now ….


  28. Cassandra says:

    “BBC reporter Chi Chi Izundu is down at Woburn for us”

    Watch out Chi Chi, this serial killer might have it in for pandas as well!



  29. Guest Who says:

    BBC fave Saddo tries to bandwagon ride the rail rumbles…

    … and tweets he has personally covered the tube fares… does not go well.


    • StewGreen says:

      Sadiq’s tweet is a crime against maths

      Virgin staff saying ‘ If I were you, I’d make a formal complaint’, “honey”
      is no different fro sating ‘ If I were you, I’d make a formal complaint’, “mate”
      She’s lucky the staff actually spoke English

      To respond to her petty complaint with sarcasm is OK
      but like Michael O’Leary customer service, ie get rid of the stroppy ones by being direct.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    “She made me do a list all my flaws and mental ailments (as a white straight man) ” – presenter
    “That happened after Trump, and I thought I was tired and I didn’t want that many white straight men on (show).” – Sofie Hagen

    – you have to guess the pronoun and list why you are a failure prior to appearing on a show! Equality for all!


  31. StewGreen says:

    This needs another plug
    “What Jeremy Vine Learnt, plus Samira Ahmed’s Nigelophobia”


  32. Cassandra says:

    BBC soccer pundit and an active member of “Show Racism The Red Card” called a police officer a ‘white c***’ and wet himself in police car during drink-drive arrest. He pleaded guilty to being twice the legal limit and racially abusing arresting officer PC Gareth Evans during a confrontation in Blackpool last year.

    Well, that’s his BBC career over with then isn’t it, the BBC dumped Aled Jones quick enough!


  33. G says:

    Very sensible of the Saudi’s -
    Not mentioned though: Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars in converting parts of Africa to islam over the decades, so likely, most being deported are muslims.


  34. MarkyMark says:

    As for the free-speech issues, some of us have been around this question for a long time. I wrote a whole book about it: Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West – well worth a read, and I’m happy to autograph it for you. On page 123 I write about Jyllands Posten and the original Motoons:

    The twelve cartoonists are now in hiding. According to the chairman of the Danish Liberal Party, a group of Muslim men showed up at a local school looking for the daughter of one of the artists.

    When that racket starts, no cartoonist or publisher or editor should have to stand alone. The minute there were multimillion-dollar bounties on those cartoonists’ heads, The Times of London and Le Monde and The Washington Post and all the rest should have said, “This Thursday we’re all publishing the cartoons. If you want to put bounties on all our heads, you’d better have a great credit line at the Bank of Jihad. If you want to kill us, you’ll have to kill us all…”

    But it didn’t happen.

    “Stay Quiet and You’ll Be Okay” { 09may2015}


    • JimS says:

      The joys of cut and paste. I think perhaps it was Mark Steyn who wrote the book, n’est-ce pas?

      You wouldn’t want fact-checker Maxy boxing your ears would you?


  35. 291029realblacktuesday says:

    Apparently we’ve all been the subject of lies and deception by the ‘fat is bad for you and causes obesity’ scientists. Now we know it’s sugar wot does it. The helpful commentator on R4 a few mins ago said the epiphany was a bit like… liike… guess what he said it was a bit like.
    Global warming? No.
    “We’ve changed our minds about fat causing obesity because of the lies we fell for – very much like…
    Trump and Brexit”.
    I kid you not. “Trump and Brexit”. They are the same thing remember? Lies pedalled to the knuckle-dragging ‘Populous voters’. The useless-eaters. Perhaps these voters should be vetted? Then rounded up and put into campsites for their own protection from themselves.
    Wife had to placate me in the Honda – “Why do you listen to it darling?” She said. “I don’t know – I turned it up because it was about diet etc and then ‘duetobrexit’ happened right in my face – they sucker-punched me”.


    • JimS says:

      Regarding fat and sugar etc. surely it is the experts that have changed their minds, we poor plebs just eat when we are hungry or when food is available.

      Perhaps the experts have got it wrong on Brexit, Trump, Global Warming, Mass Immigration, Moderate Islam etc.?


  36. Lucy Pevensey says:

    It’s NOT RAPE. You got that? BBC News says it is “GROOMING” Not so bad.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Muslim Imam smiles as he tells her to stop talking and offers her to an Afghan man … “Maybe I should give you to an Afghan man to take your nose off?”.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Lucy Pevensey

      How on earth has cultural relativism and equal respect for all cultures become established in the civilized west


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Who needs Strictly Come Dancing


    • 291029realblacktuesday says:

      Thank God the video is Twit-Face and I can’t play it.


      • JimS says:

        Not that you would want to, but clicking the right mouse button over the video link might give you the option to ‘open link in new tab’, within which the video might play.


    • vlad says:

      I see they’ve got their boxes of tissues ready.


  38. Beeb Brother says:

    Never mind the eighty knife murders last year, collapse of Western civilisation et cetera – our noble Beeb is leading with someone who was upset by ‘sexist’ words from Virgin Trains.

    Do we really need our national broadcaster policing language in such dire times?

    They should broaden their definition of fake news to include things that 99% of right-minded people could not give a toss about. You’re upset about being called ‘honey’? Sorry but being upset and offended is just part of life. God, the BBC offends us over and over every day – it is not ‘news’ being offended about something.

    Can the BBC apologise for helping to bring down the greatest civilisation in history through their cultural Marxism?


  39. MarkyMark says:

    The truth seeps through the BBC filter …. Germany migrants: Doctors oppose asylum seeker age tests { 02jan2017}

    The killing of the teenage girl in Kandel is the latest case to spark calls for age testing in Germany.

    An Iranian asylum seeker is already on trial for allegedly raping and killing a 19-year-old student in Freiburg in October last year. He initially claimed to be 16, but his own father told a court he was 33.

    . . . in other news in the real world . . .

    The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
    Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
    “It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)


  40. Pounce says:

    Only in the UK:


  41. StewGreen says:

    4pm News : Drunken black ex footballer guilty of racism. “You white c**ts”
    To me.. No different to being belligerent, and not saying a anything racial.


    • Fedup2 says:


      The ‘eye’ just mentions the drink drive offence not the race one – which I find quite an interesting hierarchy because I always thought the liberal thought racial crime was worse than paedophilic and then drink driving or voting for Brexit.


      • JamesArthur says:

        Around the other way it would be logged as a Hate crime – but remember you can’t have a hate crime against white people .


  42. StewGreen says:

    Norwich pub to become mosque.


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “I don’t think this (organised grooming of children) is a phenomenon that has been invented in the last few years. It (organised grooming of children) really wasn’t. It (organised grooming of children) has been part of our society for centuries and centuries. It’s hard to know what is really going up and what is changing.” – Cressida Dick @2:40

    “Yes, put I’m talking specifically where you’ve had these shocking situations that have seemingly been tolerated for 20 to 30 years. In fact the times seems to be going back further and further. But you’ve saying those sort of patterns are not happening in London?” – Peter Whittle

    “What sort of patterns? (Voldemort Events- those that cannot be named!)” – Cressida Dick


  44. taffman says:

    “Liam Fox calls for end to ‘obsessive’ criticism of Brexit”
    Does anyone here think the Tories are beginning to get the message that there is a lot of Anti-Brexit Biased broadcasting about? Its about time they did something about it.
    The also need to deal with some of their own MPs who are betraying the nation.
    There is a HYS running on this one .


    • Fedup2 says:

      There are number of Conservative policians who don’t waste their time going to al beeb – dr Fox – a true Tory is one – Mr Grayling is another . Why bother – it’s only a smug 10 minute beating – except for The Great Brillo of course .


      • taffman says:

        Then, in the national interest, its about time that the Torys pulled up Al Beeb for its blatant bias.
        Even us plebs are aware of it.


    • Dystopian says:

      “There is a HYS running on this one”

      I couldnt help but laugh when I read some of those comments.
      Libtards complaining about those who disagree with them trying to silence them. How ironic!


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Does this even make sense? “Sadiq khan saying he is Agnostic {11jun2016}

    “agnostic – a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.”

    “London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}

    Sadiq Khan .. jun2016 Agnostic ….. sep2016 Islamic!


  46. scribblingscribe says:

    On the front page of the BBC web news:
    “Virgin Trains apologises for ‘sexist’ tweet”

    Emily Lucinda Cole was referred to as “honey” by a sarcastic train manager, or as Emily Lucinda Cole puts it: “that hideously patronising word women shudder at”.

    Virgin unhelpfully replied to her complaint asking if she’d prefer “pet” or “love”.

    This is not a news story!

    Can’t this generation get through the day without broadcasting to the world how upset they are by some minor slight?


  47. JamesArthur says:

    re Virgin…Do you ever get the feeling some people look to be offended and use facebook and twatter to gain some visibility for their social media profile…?
    If you are going to complain at least make it about something worth complaining about…I have been called luv, duck, darling, honey, sweetie ( these are the nice ones ) and I am a bloke…who can I complain to?
    Doubt the BBC would be interested…you are right, this is not news or even newsworthy..


    • Kaiser says:

      does this means all us in my region can no longer speak as we do?

      can i no longer say luv or mate??

      has our version of english now been banned????

      could someone perhaps come on tele and tell us how to speak properly


      • G.W.F. says:


        The correct word for man and women and any other variant is Comrade


      • Dystopian says:

        “could someone perhaps come on tele and tell us how to speak properly”

        How about Ali G init?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Were these people who referred to you in such derogatory terms in possession of a Todger or a Foof? If the former then you just give them a quick Prescott to the chin. If the latter you give them a kiss.
      I have recently discovered the term Foof from reading Katie Hopkins book “Rude” in which she describes her Foof in great detail, to the extent that she informs her readers that her Foof rattles like a bag of Gary Linaker’s cheese and onion when she walks.
      I think she is joking. I think she has a perfectly formed Foof.
      I suppose the term Foof does have better ring to it – so to speak – than say, referring to it as a Jeremy Hunt


  48. MarkyMark says:


    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has met two musicians whom he pardoned about three weeks ago, despite the fact that they were serving life prison sentences for raping 10 primary schoolgirls in 2003. { 02jan2018}

    Nguza Viking, known as Babu Seya, and his son Johnson Nguza, known as Papii Kocha, thanked Mr Magufuli for pardoning them, and sang for him during their visit to State House, Tanzania’s The Citizen newspaper reported.

    It quoted Mr Magufuli as saying:

    You shouldn’t thank me. Rather you should thank God, who is the only one with the power to forgive.”

    Children’s rights activists have condemned the pardon of Viking and Nguza.

    They had served 13 years of their sentence when they were released for raping the 10 girls, aged between six and eight years.

    The two were among 61 prisoners pardoned by the president in his Independence Day speech.


  49. Sluff says:

    Mrs S has sedated me and is throwing buckets of water over my head to try and keep me cool, because I’ve just heard what even for the biased BBC is the biggest load of agenda driven shite I’ve heard in a long time.
    On the 6pm tv news. A ‘story’ that Grammar School places have increased in number by 7000 since 2010. Shock. Horror. Something no doubt we have spent all Christmas worrying about.
    This is equivalent apparently to 11 new schools ( err since when are popular secondary schools built for less than 700 pupils?). Apparently, according to the gobshite reporter, there is no demand for this, as numbers of pupils have not gone up.
    You useless, useless, pile of manure !
    Primary schools have had to grow like the clappers and there is a huge bulge coming through. Dare one mention mass immigration of people of child-bearing age? You cannot magic up school places, you useless thickos at the BBC. You have to plan, resource, tender, and build. Allow about 4 years. So you build them ready to be occupied. And, since new Grammar Schools cannot be built, and you have massive oversubscription already you have to incrementally increase. Even ‘sensible’ Labour councils accept this as part of the way to increase overall school places. I know this from direct experience as an absolute fact.
    None of which seems to have occurred to the extreme socialist virtue-signallers in the biased BBC news.
    Truly, madly, deeply, totally pathetic.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m guessing the Grammars might be full up with beeboid offspring preparing for their career in … al beeb…. bit like seeing what kind of schools the Toady types went to.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Wonderful example, Sluff, of BBC mathematics.

      Bluebottle “Eeeuuhhh! They must be one of Mrs Thatcher’s Incomprehensives.”