The founder of Pegida, Lutz Bachmann was detained and subsequently expelled from the UK on Sunday morning. Additionally, Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were prevented entry last week. Reason given vary from publishing rude things about Islam on facebook, to derogatory posters mocking religion.
All in all, the U.K. Home Office confirmed entry to those on the right of politics were not “conducive to the public good.”
In stark and direct contrast; Ahmed Hassan, (who arrived as an asylum seeker on the back of a lorry), stated to immigration officials, on entry to the UK, that he had been “trained to kill” by ISIS. He subsequently mixed 400g of TATP explosive, packed with 2kg of screwdrivers, knives, nuts and bolts and tried to blow up a train. Described as “devious and cunning” in court, the teenager was described as an “Iraqi fantasist who wanted attention” by one BBC headline.
Aside from the Border/Immigration policy insanity/hypocrisy above, freedom of speech (particularly on the right) is under direct attack. Where it can be controlled, (i.e the border), it is stopped by the state.
One could logically extend this censorship to the frenzy around area’s where the state have little control (i.e online). A virtual ‘Wild West’ where terrorist propaganda (ironic given the case above), Russian manipulation and fake news poison our weak and feeble minds….
Of course, these false flags conveniently provide a narrative for state pressure and access to social media companies to self censor or lose, like Southern et al, their right to be here.
Controlling Information is the new war and the state (through its broadcaster) deems it much more important to control than people like Hassan.
Alhambra Rudd knows whose side she is on and will not be prosecuting the peaceful people who attacked far far right Katie Hopkins who had the audacity to support free speech at Speaker’s Corner yesterday.
1. We were told transition period would be ‘implementing’ future relationship, but it will be negotiating it
2. We were told UK will not pay money to EU after March 2019 but we will
3. We were told free movement will end in March 2019 but it will continue. Newly arriving EU citizens will get full rights
4. We were told UK will not have to abide by EU rules during transition but ECJ jurisdiction will continue, including rules we don’t have a role in making
5. We were told we would have new trade deals ready to sign and come into force on 29 March 2019. We don’t and we won’t be able to sign and implement trade deals during the transition period.
All in all after 21 months of posturing the Govnt has broken all its promises
P.S. If you are an MP you can get a free bike costing £650!
Al beeb comedy idea ( I know they don’t do comedy ) David Lammy and Sir Leonard of Henry do a taxpayers’ tandem cycling around MPs second homes paid for by the taxpayer mugs .
Hilarity – with specials on husband wife combos such as the late Edward balls famous for flipping the tax relief – “don’t tell em Ed” can be the catchfrase
Would urge everybody here to have a listen to The World At One just gone-between 1.25 and 1.30 I`m guessing.
Utterly appalling bit of biased nastiness re the “effect of Brexit” on children.
The Welsh Minister of Children is “canvassing opinion”-as if we couldn`t guess what Haribo tots with NUT goons, BBC mufflesticks and testing liberal lefty teachers somewhere progressive surrounding them would say.
Stalins Show Trials were less predictable in verdict.
Have a listen, then picture North Korean kids in perfect formation in a valley. Or Abba coaching their kiddie choirs in “I have a Dream”.
It`s that creepy.
Now who do I moan to? Who was responsible for this?
1. BBC Wales or Radio 4
2. Labour, Plaid or the NUT/NAS
3. Unite, Unison or the EU
4. Cardiff Uni, Swansea Poly, Carmathen College
5. Remoaners?
6.NUJ local chapel(as if there were any methodist ones left there)
7. Martha Kearney-presenter, TWATO
8.Matt Starmer(?)-studio director, TWATO
9.Amanda Lewis-producer, TWATO
Well worth a dig this one, if cBBC, the Welsh Post aren`t up to their necks in this-then I`ll be surprised.
I`m heading off into the blizzard now boys, I may be quite some time.
Radio4 4:30pm Aleks Krotoski asks if blaming social media for recent political upheaval misses the point
and we end up giving to much power to the technology
and not enough to ourselves in how opinions become formed.
I can’t stand her cos she’s a SJW yank given BBC job by virtue of she’s a woman in tech.. And they need to Avoid having all male presenters.
8pm Radio4 A conversational feature exploring the art of the dialogue
Hmm I see how dialogue plays out on Twitter
libmobber ” I say this”
Me ” OK here’s where you are wrong X,Y,Z”
libmobber “Boo hop, how dare you disagree with me, you are a pig a racist, you are ‘not one if us ! you’re a purple-skin’ and I’m blocking you now”
That is rather not just passive agressive., but active aggressive bullying
.. As they ‘bear false witness’ and block me from replying by cutting me out of the conversation.
Blocking people cos they are not one of your political tribe, is just the same as racism.
God help us … MP Tulip Siddiq (of Bangladesh fame) wants to see Diane Abbott (of not reading Harris report fame) to smash the glass ceiling …
The Labour MP Tulip Siddiq said the numbers were unacceptable. “A key reason why I joined the Labour party was seeing MPs such as Diane Abbott smashing the glass ceiling of representation for BME women,” she said. “Nobody can credibly claim there is a dearth of exceptional BME female voices out there. It is imperative that Labour gives them a chance to flourish.
Then at 8pm on Channel4 another prog about the Pay Gap
and new laws requiring corps with over 250 employees to submit stats for paygaps
Firms are logically seeking to avoid the hassle and possible harassment from libmob. So they are looking at tricks like reducing staff size to below 250, or splitting corp into 2 sections etc.
R4 at the mo. ‘The Vortex’ : Are you going to be sucked into the ‘extreme Right’? Feel the bias. When dad is very unsophisticated and insecure, what happens to him? Jen tells you. Of course, Jen is the ‘unbiased’ analyst. Will you become an ‘extremist’?
‘Radicalisation’. Tsk tsk. Jen’s parents moved to a senior community, the radio broke, and dad was much happier.
US radio sounds bad. Probably ‘extreme’ rather than liberal/moderate like Jen?
Sorry, no prizes for guessing what wing the extremists are on. ‘The digital human’: another unbiased BBC programme.
I was surprised by the first few minutes of the programme which seemed to be “conciliatory” in tone by saying that “fakenews” had not brought about Brexit. It was the claim that US freedom of expression was just “whoever shouts the loudest and longest” wins that gave the game away. The BBC is obsessed with “tone”. Rough, common people expressing themselves in rough common ways is probably taken by the BBC as proof that they have nothing wortwhile to say. Hence the downer on “populism” and Tommy Robinson.. The focus then changed to “shock jocks”, rightwing talk radio” and Fox News where “no distinction is made between fact and opinion”. The “Who brainwashed my dad” book just plays into the “it was doddery, old people who are” not with the programme”” that lost US Brexit. Everyone is supposedly equally subject to various cognitive pathologies such as confirmation bias, the third party effect and so on but it would never occur to Aleksis to give up reading the Guardian to get a more balanced view of the world. I self identify as omniscient my views are always correct.
I know it’s worth little … but it’s like a confession box 😉
BBC Complaint : MPs have had 18% pay increase during a recession!!
With the BBC’s £3.5bn News Service and it’s unique funding that demands that people pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages under threat of prosecution can you please investigate why the MPs who shout austerity and for the Many, not the Few have had an 18% pay increase when everyone else was on a pay freeze? If the BBC chased these stories then maybe the UK MPs would be directing their attention on the people they are meant to serve rather than themselves. MP Pay April 2010 £65,738 MP Pay April 2018 £77,379 Would that be a good story? You could also include how big a pay increase Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans had since joining the BBC compared to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn!
MarkyMark- How on earth would anybody think that a car
being rammed into a Gravesend night club by somebody
by the name of Mohammad Abdu could have anything
to do with terrorism?
Its ‘unplanned….( though on second thoughts, maybe not) comedy time’ clashes with ‘you can’t make it up’on the BBC.
On ‘Pointless’ there was a female contestant wearing…ahem.. a head covering typical of a certain religion.
‘What do you for for a living?’ , asks the host.
‘’I’m doing Natural Sciences ..but I am going to do a Masters and I like Chemistry so I am going to do Organic Chemistry’
PS i should add that her female ‘heavily tanned’ quiz partner was……a doctor ! A subliminal message?
Was there ANY report ANYWHERE by the bBBC on Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner?
I can’t find anything at all, even on regional BBC.
Obviously someone arguing for free speech and being attacked/shouted down by Antifas and Muslims does’t sit well with our Guardian (sic) of the Thought Police. AKA our trusted broadcaster which edits out any news which might overexcite the Great Unwashed.
A bit like that football supporters march with 74,000 protesting about extremists was airbrushed from history by the Brainwashing Bigots’ Cabal
The fundamental problem of News- if it’s not reported it never happened – bias by omission.
I’ve got an example of reverse bias. On RT last night there was footage of a voting office where officiLs were seen stuffing voting boxes and the reporter saying that the officials were arrested . This was not mentioned on msm . All that was reported was that Putin fiddled it . I suppose he did but that incident deserved attention .
Usual slurs and sneering comments
“The irony is that the far right have long called for the British government to take firm control of our borders. Now they are doing just that.”
Guess talk of the erosion of free speech .will never happen now
that the bBBC have more serious topics to disscus
like Ant and Dec
”Presenter Ant McPartlin has stepped down from his TV roles following his arrest on suspicion of drink driving.
I’m guessing the beeboids will be using that mysterious phrase “real politique’ whatever that is to describe the cave in of UK ever leaving the EU. The civil service remainers have certainly done a disservice to the voters – but who cares about them ?
Will force myself to trawl the agreement but the headlines look shameful . By 2020 the North Sea will be empty of fish again.
Driverless cars
Saturday : Dumb UK ministry says “look we can we world leaders ..we’ll give free reign to driverless cars by the end of the year. For pilotless testing”
Sunday Night : USA : Uber piloted driverless car killed pedestrian
Saturday’s Times March 17 2018 Driverless cars on UK roads this year after rules relaxed
– Fully driverless cars could take to Britain’s roads this year under plans to scrap the requirement for a safety driver to be in control at all times.
The Department for Transport said yesterday that new guidelines would be introduced in the summer allowing autonomous vehicles to be tested without without a human for the first time in the UK. It will mark a significant milestone in the development of the technology and potentially put Britain ahead of most other countries.
.. Oh yeh cos dumb UK politicians think UK should be first in tech!
Today’s Times
Gatwick workers to be ferried from Terminal to job by driverless buses
..Heathrow already has driverless pods at Terminal5 to take people to the carpark.
Just add up all the money men earn and all that women earn and . . . ta da! A disparity that must be ‘fixed’ even though there has never been 50/50 matches between genders, races et cetera in any pursuit ever (pretty much.) I can’t be bothered to go into yet again how wrong their reasoning is.
How many mind-numbing stories about there not being a 50/50 split in whatever and must be fixed? Never any nuance, intellectual rigour or analysis. Just a toddler screaming: “That is SO unfair!” Even once it has been explained to them the spoiled brat just keeps on whining.
Gaps I would like them to investigate.
1. The gender spending gap.
2. The gender shoes gap.
3. The gender stressing over nothing gap – big reason why many women would not want mega responsibility yet alone be able to handle it. God, the neurotic women I have had to deal with at work today!
Enrichment : 21 year old Londoner Mohammed Abdul charged with attempted murder after crashing his silver Susiki into a crowd of people at Blake’s nightclub. #Blakes #Gravesend
(No one is just called “Mohammed Abdul” there’ll be another part to his name)
There is a celebrity called ‘ant’ who is having a breakdown apparently . I have never seen ‘ant’ in a programme but the media attention he is getting cannot be helping his condition .
Cameras at his home after being released after arrest for drink driving – 4 in the morning . Is that warranted ? In the public interest ? I just don’t see it.
It looks like I might have to watch some of ‘Sport Relief’ on Friday – an agonisingly long wank-fest about as funny as emphysema even before the BBC went so ultra SJW. I actually feel like I have to have root canal surgery. What saccharine, cringeworthy torture might they have in store?
It’s rather predictable fare, Newman speaking openly and frankly about death threats, silencing women, the alt-right, internet companies should be doing more, something on Brexit etc etc.
But she gets double bonus points for this snippet: “there was the suspicion of a Russian botfarm dedicated to spamming her with hate across social media.” (Of course, none of the response was non-hateful, measured criticism of her blinkered and aggressive interviewing technique. Those pesky Russian botfarms again!)
NB: You can read more of Nosheen Iqbal’s work online, like the sympathetic interview with Munroe Bergdorf in which she speaks openly and frankly about… er, death threats, violence, online abuse etc etc.
Al c4 news – our favourite Cathy Newman interviews one Alex Mahon – the new lady chief exec of c4…. not a single “ so what you’re saying is …?’ From our Cathy .
Had the look of pre scripted questions about it. Gender this and gender that . Makes the sweet girls feel good about the world bless them ….
Oh fedup you’re such a sexist ..
The youtube Jordan petersen c4 video is now at 8.3 million views
Ruth Davidson was on the news ‘giving off’ about this.
She was a hero(ine) during the Scottish Referendum campaign, but then morphed into one of the most strident remoaners. I haven’t heard her put two and two together on how the f. we could have done anything at all for the Scottish fishing industry if we had ‘wemained’ – excuse the M. Heseltine intonation 🙂
I was out in the garden when this came on the bbc news bulletin, but I’m pretty sure the announcer quoted the police as saying that the incident wasn’t terrorist related.
That’s alright then. Can anybody confirm?
Nothing to do with bias but I had to switch off one of the crummiest programmes on Radio 4 just now. It was to be about dialogue, could be interesting…but no, it was the most confusing trashy assembly of non consequential comments (by a lot of the usual Beeb go-tos) overlaid with irritating ‘music’. If one could make head or tail of this tripe then you are far better than me!
This is BBC radio at its worst when it makes no attempt to give us a comprehensible & informative programme, instead something obscurely up the producer’s backside! Ugh!
I take it they are still running the story about 90 000 000 pounds of taxpayers money being pissed away getting black yoot and other non white types jobs .
I have conducted job interviews with all types – I am often amazed at the sense of entitlement which comes out of some people – all races / genders – when applying for a job.
I’m a simpleton – if someone is good enough it doesn’t matter what their name or background – except of course – I wouldn’t hire anyone likely to go on maternity leave – you’d have to be insane – like Hattie Harmon ( disappeared ?)
on the same web page:
”UK and EU agree Brexit transition terms
The deal is called a “decisive step” – but there is anger in Scotland about fisheries restrictions.”
guess the other home nations fishermen are not angry.
”Worboys review: What we have learned”
if only the immigrants who rape got this much publicity
”Facebook data sharing – time to act?”
Donald trump angle?
”Why Trump accuser is running for office”
Celebrity status gone to head..?
”Putin basks in election he could not lose”
With the undertone it’s fixed, when the truth is he might just put Russians first
My borough in Londonistan has a ‘Public Space Protection Order ‘ because of the level of open air defecation and urination taking place in this part of the – er – nation. What cultural enrichment we have from vibrant people of a diverse heritage going toward no brainer zero sum gain . My borough is in the north east which means for beeboids it might as well be Newcastle ( no disrespect but beeboids like west London and gentrified bits like Islington _ not where the very few last English Londoners live….
Sorry to hear that, Fedup.
In years to come, the only way Chas n Dave or Suggs/Madness will be heard out in public will be if they become Muezzin and caterwaul from the Rapunzel Towers of peace.
My town is at least 95%+ indigenous
and now has a huge PSPO covering the whole centre, with enhanced powers to council workers to issue £100 Fixed Penalty Notice etc.
Lame excuse was the odd harmless street drinker….
And my borough will soon be proudly declaring that ethnic minorities are now the majority – just like newhamistan and lambethistan – although might be mistaken on the latter .
RT CrossTlk just mentioned Pavel Grudinin a “strawberry farm commune” candidate did well against Putin ie he got 2% or something
Funny thing that back in November BBC Radio4’s FOOC did extensive reports from his farm
..they never mentioned the boss being a political activist
“Caroline Bayley visits Russia’s largest strawberry farm, to find out why it’s now raising a far more profitable crop of new housing.”
On Sunday, I understand, that an Islamicised part of Britain, namely Speakers Corner, was reclaimed for Britain by a determined force of patriots and remained in British hands for at least a couple of hours. The Union Jack was seen being waved for a while. People were seen to be engaging in free speech (an old British custom now largely outlawed by successive governments) before returning to their homes across the decaying UK.
Well that’s what I understand happened. The BBC tell us nothing and out here in ex-pat lands they are the main source of UK news.
Was this event covered by any of the msm? My normal internet sources don’t seem to have mentioned it apart from Breitbart.
“Irish ambassador to the UK has said the response to Salisbury-style attacks could change”
Brexit could change the way the EU responds to a Salisbury-style attack in the UK, Ireland’s ambassador to the UK has said.
Adrian O’Neill told The Westminster Hour that “being part of the club may be just makes it easier to coordinate a more coherent response.”
More Anti-Brexit propaganda! – We are part of a club, it originated long before the EU, its called NATO.
As regards the latest news received from the Front. I am guessing that the word “Stockpiling” is going to cause the downfall of Theresa May. It looks like the experts would be telling Trump why the word “Stockpiling” of Novichocs exposes this story as Fake News.
“Stockpiling” sounds sinister and was once useful for WWI gas attacks or for a need for “More” than is available. But what is known about Novichocs is that stockpiling would be wasteful, unnecessary and absolutely silly beyond belief.
Novichocs are not banned, so MI6 would not need to report it to OPCW, but Boris said “nerve agents” not Novichocs. So if the “nerve agents” stockpiled are not Novichocs, that makes sense, but MI6 are legally obliged to report this to OPCW.
It looks like the “Swamp” geniuses in MI6 are inadvertently making a fucking mess of it all, and putting Boris and appeaser Theresa into a shit hole.
”Cambridge Analytica: Warrant sought to inspect company”
The firm is accused of using the personal data of 50 million Facebook members, amassed via a personality quiz app created by an academic.
Former employee Christopher Wylie claims the company used the data to influence the US presidential election.
Alexander Nix is the CEO of Cambridge Analytica
Check out the poppy photo-
certain to get the bbc libtards standing for 2 mins of hate
And I wonder if the Beeb will talk about Facebook rewriting their algorithms to redirect traffic away from ‘right wing’ sites which has resulted in a decline of traffic for ‘right wing’ sites and a surprising increase for ‘left wing’ sites.
Or maybe they could look into the whole £1 of advertising that was spent by the Russians on Brexit but had to be investigated with a £72,000 jolly to Facebook HQ by British MOPs.
Or maybe they could talk about the influence that the Beebs website exerts in what it decides to show or not show.
Previously it is said that a profile called “Black Rose” had been taunting the black group on Facebook
..and cos this Mariam girl looked like the “Black Rose” profile pic they attacked her.
This semantics is ridiculous – of course it’s hate-related – they punched her! What he means is, it doesn’t involve any white folk as the assailants. Utter crap, which should not be allowed to go on.
A migrant boat bound for Greece from Turkey sank, killing at least 15 people including 5 children.
(If the libmob didn’t encourage them to come, they wouldn’t be dead)
Times Biz section : 2 happy pages about Damascus cheese biz run by refugee woman in Yorkshire.
(Good luck , but similar projects usually fail, when the grants dry up)
Another pathetic waste of space article, from the world class broadcaster. More minorities having their moans broadcast. I thought they wanted more opportunities for disabled? Or is that only when it suits them. Get a life, as they say.
People take offence on behalf of psychological group
..This time it’s OCD
… Em actually disabled people make jokes about their own conditions all the time
..They own the language , rather than take it as an insult.
Al beeb getting very worked up about Cambridge Analytica.
Couldn’t be because it allegedly helped Trump, could it?
They even sent in Emily Clueless who was completely out of her depth with the technical stuff, so she put on her serious grown up face and looked intense.
The CEO pointed out that Trump did just what Obarmy and Hillary did in using social media for their election campaigns, which our Em ignored completely, either because it didn’t fit the Beeb News-shite agenda or she didn’t know what he was talking about.
Saturday I heard the BBC is giving up it’s crusade to force us off FM radio & onto DAB;
I’d have thought that was pretty big news, but hardly mentioned.
Bit strange
I also spotted this – especially tiresome for me because I have been making a living doing this sort of thing for decades. This would take no more than 3 hours to sort out – a very simple and easy project.
I would bill them about £75 at most.
Your private sector skills and prices just don’t fit with the need for some civil servant’s old school chum’s second cousin’s nephew to put something aside for the next trip to Gstaad.
‘Austerity’ my a*se, it’s not for the likes of them.
Just another example that demonstrates by how much taxes could be cut if we put our minds to it, though – small businesses perhaps, or the very low paid? Then add in the bonus of not having to pay a TV licence.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
The founder of Pegida, Lutz Bachmann was detained and subsequently expelled from the UK on Sunday morning. Additionally, Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were prevented entry last week. Reason given vary from publishing rude things about Islam on facebook, to derogatory posters mocking religion.
All in all, the U.K. Home Office confirmed entry to those on the right of politics were not “conducive to the public good.”
In stark and direct contrast; Ahmed Hassan, (who arrived as an asylum seeker on the back of a lorry), stated to immigration officials, on entry to the UK, that he had been “trained to kill” by ISIS. He subsequently mixed 400g of TATP explosive, packed with 2kg of screwdrivers, knives, nuts and bolts and tried to blow up a train. Described as “devious and cunning” in court, the teenager was described as an “Iraqi fantasist who wanted attention” by one BBC headline.
Aside from the Border/Immigration policy insanity/hypocrisy above, freedom of speech (particularly on the right) is under direct attack. Where it can be controlled, (i.e the border), it is stopped by the state.
One could logically extend this censorship to the frenzy around area’s where the state have little control (i.e online). A virtual ‘Wild West’ where terrorist propaganda (ironic given the case above), Russian manipulation and fake news poison our weak and feeble minds….
Of course, these false flags conveniently provide a narrative for state pressure and access to social media companies to self censor or lose, like Southern et al, their right to be here.
Controlling Information is the new war and the state (through its broadcaster) deems it much more important to control than people like Hassan.
Alhambra Rudd knows whose side she is on and will not be prosecuting the peaceful people who attacked far far right Katie Hopkins who had the audacity to support free speech at Speaker’s Corner yesterday.
It becomes a bit of a problem for Blighty to scream about freedom in other countries when it is rapidly being shrunk here.
Putin is criticised for locking up the opposition . But what is happening here? – another note about Fedup in his security file eh?
Has David Lammy changed sides …
Today’s ‘decisive step’ represents reality colliding with the Government’s rhetoric over Brexit: {twitter David Lammy}
1. We were told transition period would be ‘implementing’ future relationship, but it will be negotiating it
2. We were told UK will not pay money to EU after March 2019 but we will
3. We were told free movement will end in March 2019 but it will continue. Newly arriving EU citizens will get full rights
4. We were told UK will not have to abide by EU rules during transition but ECJ jurisdiction will continue, including rules we don’t have a role in making
5. We were told we would have new trade deals ready to sign and come into force on 29 March 2019. We don’t and we won’t be able to sign and implement trade deals during the transition period.
All in all after 21 months of posturing the Govnt has broken all its promises
P.S. If you are an MP you can get a free bike costing £650!
On yer, sorry – our bike, Lammy…
I like that … On yer ‘paid by the Tax Payer’ bike Lammy!
Al beeb comedy idea ( I know they don’t do comedy ) David Lammy and Sir Leonard of Henry do a taxpayers’ tandem cycling around MPs second homes paid for by the taxpayer mugs .
Hilarity – with specials on husband wife combos such as the late Edward balls famous for flipping the tax relief – “don’t tell em Ed” can be the catchfrase
Would urge everybody here to have a listen to The World At One just gone-between 1.25 and 1.30 I`m guessing.
Utterly appalling bit of biased nastiness re the “effect of Brexit” on children.
The Welsh Minister of Children is “canvassing opinion”-as if we couldn`t guess what Haribo tots with NUT goons, BBC mufflesticks and testing liberal lefty teachers somewhere progressive surrounding them would say.
Stalins Show Trials were less predictable in verdict.
Have a listen, then picture North Korean kids in perfect formation in a valley. Or Abba coaching their kiddie choirs in “I have a Dream”.
It`s that creepy.
Now who do I moan to? Who was responsible for this?
1. BBC Wales or Radio 4
2. Labour, Plaid or the NUT/NAS
3. Unite, Unison or the EU
4. Cardiff Uni, Swansea Poly, Carmathen College
5. Remoaners?
6.NUJ local chapel(as if there were any methodist ones left there)
7. Martha Kearney-presenter, TWATO
8.Matt Starmer(?)-studio director, TWATO
9.Amanda Lewis-producer, TWATO
Well worth a dig this one, if cBBC, the Welsh Post aren`t up to their necks in this-then I`ll be surprised.
I`m heading off into the blizzard now boys, I may be quite some time.
UK MP Diane Abbott – £1500 for 3 hours work .. better than the BBC!
Diane Abbott : 9 October 2017, received £1,500 from Avalon Television, 4A Exmoor St, London W10 6BD, for an appearance on the Russell Howard Hour television show. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 07 November 2017)
Complete sell out of Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence.
If you needed any more convincing – Starmer calls the transition deal “a step in the right direction”.
Today’s Westmonster Uncensored – first 24 mins.
Radio4 4:30pm Aleks Krotoski asks if blaming social media for recent political upheaval misses the point
and we end up giving to much power to the technology
and not enough to ourselves in how opinions become formed.
I can’t stand her cos she’s a SJW yank given BBC job by virtue of she’s a woman in tech.. And they need to Avoid having all male presenters.
8pm Radio4 A conversational feature exploring the art of the dialogue
Hmm I see how dialogue plays out on Twitter
libmobber ” I say this”
Me ” OK here’s where you are wrong X,Y,Z”
libmobber “Boo hop, how dare you disagree with me, you are a pig a racist, you are ‘not one if us ! you’re a purple-skin’ and I’m blocking you now”
That is rather not just passive agressive., but active aggressive bullying
.. As they ‘bear false witness’ and block me from replying by cutting me out of the conversation.
Blocking people cos they are not one of your political tribe, is just the same as racism.
God help us … MP Tulip Siddiq (of Bangladesh fame) wants to see Diane Abbott (of not reading Harris report fame) to smash the glass ceiling …
The Labour MP Tulip Siddiq said the numbers were unacceptable. “A key reason why I joined the Labour party was seeing MPs such as Diane Abbott smashing the glass ceiling of representation for BME women,” she said. “Nobody can credibly claim there is a dearth of exceptional BME female voices out there. It is imperative that Labour gives them a chance to flourish.
“If we truly want to continue being the party of equality, we need to take intersectionality into account and ensure we support candidates who are most marginalised in society.”
If she smashed the glass ceiling it’s because she sat on it.
I should think Diane Abbott could smash a glass anything.
And of course she will remain completely arse..!!!!
9pm R4 Doco on 18th anniversary of a guy bombing a Soho gay pub and killing three.
I don’t know about that, but I know the IRA bombed Soho pubs in the 90s
7:30pm BBC1 Equal Pay Panorama
What with Suffragettes Day, International Woman’s Day, and Mothers Day you’ve probably never heard about the issue .
Then at 8pm on Channel4 another prog about the Pay Gap
and new laws requiring corps with over 250 employees to submit stats for paygaps
Firms are logically seeking to avoid the hassle and possible harassment from libmob. So they are looking at tricks like reducing staff size to below 250, or splitting corp into 2 sections etc.
Most expensive items claimed for:
Martin Docherty
West Dunbartonshire
Accommodation Rent £19,200.00
Highest claiming MPs:
Khalid Mahmood
Birmingham, Perry Barr
221 £225,395.01!/all
R4 at the mo. ‘The Vortex’ : Are you going to be sucked into the ‘extreme Right’? Feel the bias. When dad is very unsophisticated and insecure, what happens to him? Jen tells you. Of course, Jen is the ‘unbiased’ analyst. Will you become an ‘extremist’?
‘Radicalisation’. Tsk tsk. Jen’s parents moved to a senior community, the radio broke, and dad was much happier.
US radio sounds bad. Probably ‘extreme’ rather than liberal/moderate like Jen?
Sorry, no prizes for guessing what wing the extremists are on. ‘The digital human’: another unbiased BBC programme.
I was surprised by the first few minutes of the programme which seemed to be “conciliatory” in tone by saying that “fakenews” had not brought about Brexit. It was the claim that US freedom of expression was just “whoever shouts the loudest and longest” wins that gave the game away. The BBC is obsessed with “tone”. Rough, common people expressing themselves in rough common ways is probably taken by the BBC as proof that they have nothing wortwhile to say. Hence the downer on “populism” and Tommy Robinson.. The focus then changed to “shock jocks”, rightwing talk radio” and Fox News where “no distinction is made between fact and opinion”. The “Who brainwashed my dad” book just plays into the “it was doddery, old people who are” not with the programme”” that lost US Brexit. Everyone is supposedly equally subject to various cognitive pathologies such as confirmation bias, the third party effect and so on but it would never occur to Aleksis to give up reading the Guardian to get a more balanced view of the world. I self identify as omniscient my views are always correct.
BBC Trending on World Service is all about Neo Nazi music that was not banned quickly enough!
All agenda, all the time.
I know it’s worth little … but it’s like a confession box 😉
BBC Complaint :
MPs have had 18% pay increase during a recession!!
With the BBC’s £3.5bn News Service and it’s unique funding that demands that people pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages under threat of prosecution can you please investigate why the MPs who shout austerity and for the Many, not the Few have had an 18% pay increase when everyone else was on a pay freeze? If the BBC chased these stories then maybe the UK MPs would be directing their attention on the people they are meant to serve rather than themselves. MP Pay April 2010 £65,738 MP Pay April 2018 £77,379 Would that be a good story? You could also include how big a pay increase Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans had since joining the BBC compared to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn!
BBC £3.5bn News Service for “Mohammad Abdul” fails to find top story regarding Gravesend nightclub ramming …
Libel case of Mohammad Asghar and Abdul Mujahid adjourned
Jalal Uddin murder: Imam on radicalisation of ‘naive’ Muslims
Yeovil doctor cleared of sexually assaulting women
Khyber Pass kebab shop fined over human faeces contamination
Yeovil doctor found not guilty of sexually assaulting women
Yeovil doctor denies sexually assaulting women
Sorry, but I am going to need more than a moment to recover from the business name in Number Four about Number Two.
MarkyMark- How on earth would anybody think that a car
being rammed into a Gravesend night club by somebody
by the name of Mohammad Abdu could have anything
to do with terrorism?
Its ‘unplanned….( though on second thoughts, maybe not) comedy time’ clashes with ‘you can’t make it up’on the BBC.
On ‘Pointless’ there was a female contestant wearing…ahem.. a head covering typical of a certain religion.
‘What do you for for a living?’ , asks the host.
‘’I’m doing Natural Sciences ..but I am going to do a Masters and I like Chemistry so I am going to do Organic Chemistry’
PS i should add that her female ‘heavily tanned’ quiz partner was……a doctor ! A subliminal message?
Was there ANY report ANYWHERE by the bBBC on Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner?
I can’t find anything at all, even on regional BBC.
Obviously someone arguing for free speech and being attacked/shouted down by Antifas and Muslims does’t sit well with our Guardian (sic) of the Thought Police. AKA our trusted broadcaster which edits out any news which might overexcite the Great Unwashed.
A bit like that football supporters march with 74,000 protesting about extremists was airbrushed from history by the Brainwashing Bigots’ Cabal
The fundamental problem of News- if it’s not reported it never happened – bias by omission.
I’ve got an example of reverse bias. On RT last night there was footage of a voting office where officiLs were seen stuffing voting boxes and the reporter saying that the officials were arrested . This was not mentioned on msm . All that was reported was that Putin fiddled it . I suppose he did but that incident deserved attention .
last mention of the affair was here
5 days ago…
Why 3 far-right activists were refused entry to the UK
Usual slurs and sneering comments
“The irony is that the far right have long called for the British government to take firm control of our borders. Now they are doing just that.”
Guess talk of the erosion of free speech .will never happen now
that the bBBC have more serious topics to disscus
like Ant and Dec
”Presenter Ant McPartlin has stepped down from his TV roles following his arrest on suspicion of drink driving.
Worrying that the albeebers seem so upbeat about the so called deal with the ReichEU . So article 50 wasn’t worth the toilet paper it was penned on .
I’m guessing JRM , Lord Farage and other Brexiters will be less than impressed . General Election anyone ?
I do hope that JRM will will stop dithering and demand Treezer’s resignation
I’m guessing the beeboids will be using that mysterious phrase “real politique’ whatever that is to describe the cave in of UK ever leaving the EU. The civil service remainers have certainly done a disservice to the voters – but who cares about them ?
Will force myself to trawl the agreement but the headlines look shameful . By 2020 the North Sea will be empty of fish again.
Driverless cars
Saturday : Dumb UK ministry says “look we can we world leaders ..we’ll give free reign to driverless cars by the end of the year. For pilotless testing”
Sunday Night : USA : Uber piloted driverless car killed pedestrian
Zerohedge imagines the scenarios of the driverless car killed pedestrian
– Zuckerberg’s fault ? fault , maybe woman was crossing the road on whilst reading Facebook at the same time
– and/or Putin’s fault ? was the car hacked by Russia?
Also last month Jessica Mclemore A woman is questioning whether Uber’s self-driving cars are ready for the road after she says one of them struck her vehicle last month.
Saturday’s Times March 17 2018 Driverless cars on UK roads this year after rules relaxed
– Fully driverless cars could take to Britain’s roads this year under plans to scrap the requirement for a safety driver to be in control at all times.
The Department for Transport said yesterday that new guidelines would be introduced in the summer allowing autonomous vehicles to be tested without without a human for the first time in the UK. It will mark a significant milestone in the development of the technology and potentially put Britain ahead of most other countries.
.. Oh yeh cos dumb UK politicians think UK should be first in tech!
Today’s Times
Gatwick workers to be ferried from Terminal to job by driverless buses
..Heathrow already has driverless pods at Terminal5 to take people to the carpark.
And we’ve got a driverless Government so it should be okay . I wish the buses were driverless – brake accelerate brake .
‘Gender pay gap at Channel 4.’
Just add up all the money men earn and all that women earn and . . . ta da! A disparity that must be ‘fixed’ even though there has never been 50/50 matches between genders, races et cetera in any pursuit ever (pretty much.) I can’t be bothered to go into yet again how wrong their reasoning is.
How many mind-numbing stories about there not being a 50/50 split in whatever and must be fixed? Never any nuance, intellectual rigour or analysis. Just a toddler screaming: “That is SO unfair!” Even once it has been explained to them the spoiled brat just keeps on whining.
Gaps I would like them to investigate.
1. The gender spending gap.
2. The gender shoes gap.
3. The gender stressing over nothing gap – big reason why many women would not want mega responsibility yet alone be able to handle it. God, the neurotic women I have had to deal with at work today!
4. The gender interests gap.
5. The Muslim benefits claiming gap.
6. The gender health gap.
7. The diversity crime gap.
8. The liberal reality gap.
Enrichment : 21 year old Londoner Mohammed Abdul charged with attempted murder after crashing his silver Susiki into a crowd of people at Blake’s nightclub. #Blakes #Gravesend
(No one is just called “Mohammed Abdul” there’ll be another part to his name)
apparently cos they wouldn’t let him in
(that was on Saturday .it must be somehow .Jayda Fransen’s fault)
Not bias but just as bad –
There is a celebrity called ‘ant’ who is having a breakdown apparently . I have never seen ‘ant’ in a programme but the media attention he is getting cannot be helping his condition .
Cameras at his home after being released after arrest for drink driving – 4 in the morning . Is that warranted ? In the public interest ? I just don’t see it.
It looks like I might have to watch some of ‘Sport Relief’ on Friday – an agonisingly long wank-fest about as funny as emphysema even before the BBC went so ultra SJW. I actually feel like I have to have root canal surgery. What saccharine, cringeworthy torture might they have in store?
Interview with Cathy Newman in the Guardian by Nosheen Iqbal. Theme: “The internet is being written by men with an agenda.”
It’s rather predictable fare, Newman speaking openly and frankly about death threats, silencing women, the alt-right, internet companies should be doing more, something on Brexit etc etc.
But she gets double bonus points for this snippet: “there was the suspicion of a Russian botfarm dedicated to spamming her with hate across social media.” (Of course, none of the response was non-hateful, measured criticism of her blinkered and aggressive interviewing technique. Those pesky Russian botfarms again!)
NB: You can read more of Nosheen Iqbal’s work online, like the sympathetic interview with Munroe Bergdorf in which she speaks openly and frankly about… er, death threats, violence, online abuse etc etc.
Hidden away ………………….
” UK growth forecast raised by British Chambers of Commerce”
Despite Brexit ?
There is a HYS running .
Al c4 news – our favourite Cathy Newman interviews one Alex Mahon – the new lady chief exec of c4…. not a single “ so what you’re saying is …?’ From our Cathy .
Had the look of pre scripted questions about it. Gender this and gender that . Makes the sweet girls feel good about the world bless them ….
Oh fedup you’re such a sexist ..
The youtube Jordan petersen c4 video is now at 8.3 million views
“EU fishing deal ‘far from acceptable’ to Scottish industry”
Its high time this nation had a new political party with a proper leader .
We have been sold out .
Ruth Davidson was on the news ‘giving off’ about this.
She was a hero(ine) during the Scottish Referendum campaign, but then morphed into one of the most strident remoaners. I haven’t heard her put two and two together on how the f. we could have done anything at all for the Scottish fishing industry if we had ‘wemained’ – excuse the M. Heseltine intonation 🙂
I agree. Ruth blotted her copy book with her tiresome remainer rhetoric and the media endlessly banging on about her being gay – so what.
I was out in the garden when this came on the bbc news bulletin, but I’m pretty sure the announcer quoted the police as saying that the incident wasn’t terrorist related.
That’s alright then. Can anybody confirm?
Yesterday ?
Nothing to do with bias but I had to switch off one of the crummiest programmes on Radio 4 just now. It was to be about dialogue, could be interesting…but no, it was the most confusing trashy assembly of non consequential comments (by a lot of the usual Beeb go-tos) overlaid with irritating ‘music’. If one could make head or tail of this tripe then you are far better than me!
This is BBC radio at its worst when it makes no attempt to give us a comprehensible & informative programme, instead something obscurely up the producer’s backside! Ugh!
Who is the affirmative action hireling that read the news on PM this evening?
Absolutely dreadful! He sounded like an android.
I take it they are still running the story about 90 000 000 pounds of taxpayers money being pissed away getting black yoot and other non white types jobs .
I have conducted job interviews with all types – I am often amazed at the sense of entitlement which comes out of some people – all races / genders – when applying for a job.
I’m a simpleton – if someone is good enough it doesn’t matter what their name or background – except of course – I wouldn’t hire anyone likely to go on maternity leave – you’d have to be insane – like Hattie Harmon ( disappeared ?)
Doesn’t look like “Britain’s FBI” are doing too well in Rotherham.
on the same web page:
”UK and EU agree Brexit transition terms
The deal is called a “decisive step” – but there is anger in Scotland about fisheries restrictions.”
guess the other home nations fishermen are not angry.
”Worboys review: What we have learned”
if only the immigrants who rape got this much publicity
”Facebook data sharing – time to act?”
Donald trump angle?
”Why Trump accuser is running for office”
Celebrity status gone to head..?
”Putin basks in election he could not lose”
With the undertone it’s fixed, when the truth is he might just put Russians first
sickly bbc with their agenda
Can’t help Down Boy
My borough in Londonistan has a ‘Public Space Protection Order ‘ because of the level of open air defecation and urination taking place in this part of the – er – nation. What cultural enrichment we have from vibrant people of a diverse heritage going toward no brainer zero sum gain . My borough is in the north east which means for beeboids it might as well be Newcastle ( no disrespect but beeboids like west London and gentrified bits like Islington _ not where the very few last English Londoners live….
Sorry to hear that, Fedup.
In years to come, the only way Chas n Dave or Suggs/Madness will be heard out in public will be if they become Muezzin and caterwaul from the Rapunzel Towers of peace.
My town is at least 95%+ indigenous
and now has a huge PSPO covering the whole centre, with enhanced powers to council workers to issue £100 Fixed Penalty Notice etc.
Lame excuse was the odd harmless street drinker….
Is it Tower Hamlets?
And my borough will soon be proudly declaring that ethnic minorities are now the majority – just like newhamistan and lambethistan – although might be mistaken on the latter .
RT CrossTlk just mentioned Pavel Grudinin a “strawberry farm commune” candidate did well against Putin ie he got 2% or something
Funny thing that back in November BBC Radio4’s FOOC did extensive reports from his farm
..they never mentioned the boss being a political activist
“Caroline Bayley visits Russia’s largest strawberry farm, to find out why it’s now raising a far more profitable crop of new housing.”
I see on Feb 8th BBC did mention him standing in the election
Yet more Labour / BBC cross fertilisation. Anyone in the least bit surprised?
On Sunday, I understand, that an Islamicised part of Britain, namely Speakers Corner, was reclaimed for Britain by a determined force of patriots and remained in British hands for at least a couple of hours. The Union Jack was seen being waved for a while. People were seen to be engaging in free speech (an old British custom now largely outlawed by successive governments) before returning to their homes across the decaying UK.
Well that’s what I understand happened. The BBC tell us nothing and out here in ex-pat lands they are the main source of UK news.
Was this event covered by any of the msm? My normal internet sources don’t seem to have mentioned it apart from Breitbart.
“Irish ambassador to the UK has said the response to Salisbury-style attacks could change”
Brexit could change the way the EU responds to a Salisbury-style attack in the UK, Ireland’s ambassador to the UK has said.
Adrian O’Neill told The Westminster Hour that “being part of the club may be just makes it easier to coordinate a more coherent response.”
More Anti-Brexit propaganda! – We are part of a club, it originated long before the EU, its called NATO.
We are part of a club – it’s called the United Nations.
We have a seat on the Security Council and Eire hasn’t. Neither has the EU.
Eat our shorts!
Does the EU really think it can defend it self from Russia without the help of Great Britain and the USA?
They are deluded .
Salisbury : Pienaar’s strange title
“Russian spy: UK government response going to plan so far“
A “cunning plan” ……………..
“I have a cunning plan” – Baldrick (Blackadder)
As regards the latest news received from the Front. I am guessing that the word “Stockpiling” is going to cause the downfall of Theresa May. It looks like the experts would be telling Trump why the word “Stockpiling” of Novichocs exposes this story as Fake News.
“Stockpiling” sounds sinister and was once useful for WWI gas attacks or for a need for “More” than is available. But what is known about Novichocs is that stockpiling would be wasteful, unnecessary and absolutely silly beyond belief.
Novichocs are not banned, so MI6 would not need to report it to OPCW, but Boris said “nerve agents” not Novichocs. So if the “nerve agents” stockpiled are not Novichocs, that makes sense, but MI6 are legally obliged to report this to OPCW.
It looks like the “Swamp” geniuses in MI6 are inadvertently making a fucking mess of it all, and putting Boris and appeaser Theresa into a shit hole.
Latest angle to undermine Trump’s victory
”Cambridge Analytica: Warrant sought to inspect company”
The firm is accused of using the personal data of 50 million Facebook members, amassed via a personality quiz app created by an academic.
Former employee Christopher Wylie claims the company used the data to influence the US presidential election.
Alexander Nix is the CEO of Cambridge Analytica
Check out the poppy photo-
certain to get the bbc libtards standing for 2 mins of hate
And I wonder if the Beeb will talk about Facebook rewriting their algorithms to redirect traffic away from ‘right wing’ sites which has resulted in a decline of traffic for ‘right wing’ sites and a surprising increase for ‘left wing’ sites.
Or maybe they could look into the whole £1 of advertising that was spent by the Russians on Brexit but had to be investigated with a £72,000 jolly to Facebook HQ by British MOPs.
Or maybe they could talk about the influence that the Beebs website exerts in what it decides to show or not show.
Or the “harvesting” of Facebook data that was done to help Obama’s campaign. That was perfectly all right, of course.
“Not in any way hate related” says Plod, no doubt relieved, as will be the assailants who will, if found guilty – receive much lighter sentences.
More ‘enrichment’ ?
\\Sophie Lionnet: Couple ‘murdered French nanny then burned body’//
Previously it is said that a profile called “Black Rose” had been taunting the black group on Facebook
..and cos this Mariam girl looked like the “Black Rose” profile pic they attacked her.
This semantics is ridiculous – of course it’s hate-related – they punched her! What he means is, it doesn’t involve any white folk as the assailants. Utter crap, which should not be allowed to go on.
Sharia : Cross bench (anti-Labour) peer Shreela Flather,
the first Asian woman appointed to the House of Lords, explains in the Times how Sharia law sharply curtails the rights of women.
Previously she’s written about sharia and first cousin marriages casing birth defects
..and “They [Muslims] are all on benefits and all vote Labour.”
If the cap fits …………?
BBC rejects complaints over Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘Russian’ hat
PC stuff ; “PE is racist”
Everything’s racist. Yawn.
Enrichment –
Calais – Afghan was stabbed to death (Saturday)
A migrant boat bound for Greece from Turkey sank, killing at least 15 people including 5 children.
(If the libmob didn’t encourage them to come, they wouldn’t be dead)
Times Biz section : 2 happy pages about Damascus cheese biz run by refugee woman in Yorkshire.
(Good luck , but similar projects usually fail, when the grants dry up)
Another pathetic waste of space article, from the world class broadcaster. More minorities having their moans broadcast. I thought they wanted more opportunities for disabled? Or is that only when it suits them. Get a life, as they say.
Or how to bury important news under a pile of S..t.
People take offence on behalf of psychological group
..This time it’s OCD
… Em actually disabled people make jokes about their own conditions all the time
..They own the language , rather than take it as an insult.
Al beeb getting very worked up about Cambridge Analytica.
Couldn’t be because it allegedly helped Trump, could it?
They even sent in Emily Clueless who was completely out of her depth with the technical stuff, so she put on her serious grown up face and looked intense.
The CEO pointed out that Trump did just what Obarmy and Hillary did in using social media for their election campaigns, which our Em ignored completely, either because it didn’t fit the Beeb News-shite agenda or she didn’t know what he was talking about.
Saturday I heard the BBC is giving up it’s crusade to force us off FM radio & onto DAB;
I’d have thought that was pretty big news, but hardly mentioned.
Bit strange
libEstablishment wastes another £50K
That’s £50,000 of other peoples’ money that could have been better spent elseware . So much for austerity .
I also spotted this – especially tiresome for me because I have been making a living doing this sort of thing for decades. This would take no more than 3 hours to sort out – a very simple and easy project.
I would bill them about £75 at most.
Your private sector skills and prices just don’t fit with the need for some civil servant’s old school chum’s second cousin’s nephew to put something aside for the next trip to Gstaad.
‘Austerity’ my a*se, it’s not for the likes of them.
Just another example that demonstrates by how much taxes could be cut if we put our minds to it, though – small businesses perhaps, or the very low paid? Then add in the bonus of not having to pay a TV licence.