Very Late Weekend Open Thread

Well it’s been some time since the last open thread and that one is full-to-bursting, so at last here’s a new one.

Detail the bias here please!

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1,112 Responses to Very Late Weekend Open Thread

  1. StewGreen says:

    Remainism cult
    next Saturday they are in Leeds to hear big speech from Hate Preacher Adonis


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      Will the BBC ignore this one? Not likely. The numbers will be inflated and the speakers glorified. Unlike the Sunday rally where over 10,000 true Brits were ignored.
      A march of the deluded and traitorous. Now that’s the sort of people the Beeb like to promote.


    • Dystopian says:



  2. Beeb Brother says:

    They are running with this analytics firm story, as we could only possibly have voted for Trump and Brexit because we were tricked in some way.

    God can you imagine the extent of the dirty tricks played by their side, with the entire might and fury of the establishment behind them? I would not put anything past them. These lunatics think heaven on Earth is attainable, and we would all lie to someone if it meant we could have heaven on Earth.


    • G says:

      I’ve notice that. The name, ‘Cambridge Analytica’ whenever our “Most Trusted” report on the issue, is always linked to the Donal Trump election.
      The BBC: ‘If we cannot make a direct allegation we rely on suggestion and innuendo’.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    The work experience Asian chats with mr Paul Johnson of the sainted IFS which claims that shop prices will drop 1% because of tarrif changes but the prices have already gone up by 2% because of brexit
    A nonsense interview and MrcJohnson had the certainty of an expert speaking as a remainer .

    The simple beeboid just had her questions on a piece of paper and ran through them

    Comrade Robinson interviewed a Scots Tory MP and tried to get him to say there was trouble in the government . The MP ignored his interruptions and kept making his point . That’s the way to do it.

    Robinson becomes more bombastic by the month – a horror

    Then toady went with a serial bomber in California who they think is a racist for killing blacks and injuring others . I’m sure American media paid as much attention to 30 years of hate crime in Northern Ireland . Selective victimhood


    • Guest Who says:

      Paul says ‘could’, which forms another ‘report’ from the bbc email below.


  4. AsISeeIt says:

    From Siberia to the ridiculous

    The latest, and probably not the last, duff theory as to why Donald Trump won the US Presidency is that it was geeky Facebook data-miners what won it. No, it was the Pennsylvania miners. Or rather it was Hillary Clinton what lost it – when she told Pennsylvanians she wanted to close their coal industry down.

    It’s not been in the BBC news but Hillary has toured India recently – still tripping over, still moaning about her defeat and still scrabbling around for someone or something (other than herself) to blame – this time it was basically backward American wife-beating blokes who bullied their wives into voting Republican.

    Let’s short-circuit all this tosh about Trump and Brexit cheating in some bizarre Russian-flavoured way. The Clinton campaign was hugely better financed than was the Trump campaign. The Remain camp took advantage of every bit of establishment support it could command, from Cameron’s millions of Remain leaflets through every door in the nation to the Governor of the Bank of England ditching his neutrality to scribble a dodgy dossier of economic project fear.

    Is this the way now? When the left-leaning globalist elite establishment and their media allies fail to win popular support they claim the election was ‘influenced’

    Give it a rest, Channel 4, The Observer and the BBC: No one likes a bad loser.


    • Fedup2 says:

      As i

      It shows the attitude msm has toward voters – we are children easily influenced by targeted advertising and spend all our time thinking about politics and who to vote for . This site proves that if a false belief .

      However – I believe a lot of people just can’t be bothered and if they are even aware of an election vote with heart not head .hence Corbyn


      • AsISeeIt says:

        ‘…hence Corbyn’

        Remarkable, isn’t it… no worries, no lefty media investigations, no daft Russian theories about youngsters and low information voters ‘influenced’ into support for Corbyn. Well, certainly not now like Dr Strangelove he has learnt to stop worrying and love Brussels.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Toady tuesday is turning into a vintage piece of bias.

          A discussion about the common fishing thingy – 60% of our fish is taken by the Reich EU al beeb compared Iceland 7% and Denmark 85? %. A Danish rep said because UK had never challenged to policy the ReichEU should be able to go on stealing our fish . No challenge . No uproar . What an advert for leaving the Reich EU over the cliff at the end of March 2019. Time to build a Navy


          • AsISeeIt says:

            On tv the gurning nerdy BBC political correspondent Chris Mason was of course excited about the prospect of Tory Party infighting particularly if it had a Scots cross-border aspect – but he rather let the cat out of the bag when he referred to this fight being important even though most people were not caring much about our fisheries. There’s the BBC attitude – they think most people go along with them in wanting to sacrifice our industy for the great cause of the EU


    • Guest Who says:

      Seek and ye shall find?

      This story is indeed complex, but as the BBC is on it, it bears particular care in following.

      Today’s ‘news’ email certainly confirms this, from its headline carefully hiding behind something being looked for but which might not exist; another bbc favourite. There are many other red flags in the copy:

      British company Cambridge Analytica is accused of using the personal data of 50 million Facebook members to influence the US election. Now the UK’s Information Commissioner says she will seek a warrant to inspect the databases and servers used by the firm.

      Cambridge Analytica executives have also been filmed by Channel 4 News, suggesting the use of honey traps and potentially bribery to discredit politicians. The company denies any wrongdoing.

      BBC technology reporter Zoe Kleinman says it’s a “sensational story containing allegations of sleaze, psychological manipulation and data misuse”. So, how much do we know so far? And BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones wonders what questions have been raised about how our data is handled.

      1) Accused of
      2) Suggesting
      3) Potentially
      4) reporter says
      5) allegations
      6) what do ‘we’ know…. wonders…

      That… is a raft of zippy from Zoe and Rory thus far, packaged as something very different.

      So, not very trustworthy, no.


      • MartinW says:

        Well, hasn’t the Today programme ‘gone large’ on the Cambridge Analytica story, together will prominence of a ‘benefitting Trump’ theme on BBC News. I am grateful to the Express’s Richard Littlejohn reminding us of Obama’s media campaign, lauded at the time by The Guardian. I repeat some his article here: ” … when Obama was elected in 2008, he was hailed as a genius for the way in which his campaign used social media. And in 2012, one publication [the Guardian] carried this glowing report: ‘Barack Obama’s re-election team are building a vast digital data operation that for the first time combines a unified database on millions of Americans with the power of Facebook to target individual voters to a degree never achieved before. ‘Facebook is also being seen as a source of invaluable data on voters . . . thus allowing the campaign to access their personal data and add it to the central data store — the largest, most detailed and potentially most powerful in the history of political campaigns.’
        Hell will freeze over before the BBC broadcasts that information.


        • JimS says:

          I remember that too. It was as if The Messiah had managed to connect with His people in a way that no-one since Mo had done before.

          There is populism and populism. Fortunately the ‘trusted’ BBC knows the difference.


        • Payne by name says:

          Good research fella.


    • MartinW says:

      And the BBC refuse to broadcast any part of the truth abut the US Democratic and the UK Remain campaigns that you outline. The most egregious is the total censorship by the BBC of the Democratic Clinton / fake Russian dossier/ Obama / FBI / DOJ collusion for which there is now abundant and irrefutable paper and digital evidence.


      • Beeb Brother says:

        Their memory holing of the Clinton emails whilst focussing massively on the cleverly edited tape of Trump’s ‘pussy’ recording was a disgrace.

        Locker room talk all men do versus massive corruption, deception of voters and desire for open borders et cetera et cetera. Had Trump’s emails been leaked they would have had a team of hundreds pouring over them for the slightest hint of wrongdoing. Clinton’s open and visceral contempt for voters memory holed. “You must have a private and public opinion.” What a disgusting person – defying the very essence of democracy.


    • Scroblene says:

      Just picked up Quentin Letts’ “Patronising Bastards” from the library an hour ago!

      Popcorn and Gordons methinks!


  5. Beeb Brother says:

    Nonspeak/Fluffspeak: The Ministry of Truth has mastered the art of distracting the people with minor and inconsequential information so the gulf between the party slogans and reality might never be mentioned.

    BBC News Facebook posts:

    -A celebrity is running for office.

    -There is a large toy duck somewhere.

    -Another women is running for office.

    -There is a new taxi service somewhere.

    -There is a star formation in the sky.

    They seem to post fewer SJW articles on Facebook as the comments beneath are generally extremely negative.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      They have a reporter in Nairobi to report on a dead rhino! Why not pop up the road to Telford and report on the extinct white working class hopes? It would save money.


      • Payne by name says:

        Exactly. Let’s talk about dying Rhino’s but not the elephant in the room in virtually every city in the UK.

        Although saying that I did see that Telford was mentioned in the side bar of the Beeb’s most read stories. But surprise, surprise it was about a Nazi pensioner living in Telford…


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Telegraph reporting that al Beeboids are appearing before a par;iamentary select committee today about how their tax affairs were arrranged . Sounds dry but will give a fairly clear example of what al Beeb does as opposed to say. Al Beeb has refused to put any one up which to me infers guilt in such an organisation. Which demands knowledge of all – including the people who are required to pay their tv tax .

    If anyone has the time / inclination and popcorn – I’m sure I will be on the al Beeb Parliament channel – or not ….


    • Guest Who says:

      So the BBC has empty chaired itself?

      Cynical, but smart. No juicy image; no story.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      They loved to chase tax dodging Tories over the Panama papers, but this is one of the most blatant tax dodges you can do. As if the BBC ‘forced’ them to arrange their taxes this way. You are so obviously not a private company if you work for the BBC. You would think they might howl with moral outrage at the patently unfair arrangement – we know how intensely moral they are at the Beeb – but seeing how they did well out of it they were oddly silent.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Correction the last sentence was meant to say “ will be on the parliament channel … “

      Not “… I….” so fedup will not be on the television today sadly .


  7. G.W.F. says:

    Had a laugh at this story of the cops asking for citizen’s help in tackling terrorism.
    What terrorism? We scarcely see any. Every car ramming, machete attack, is instantly described as non terrorist.
    But as the cops and politicians tell us – the far far right is growing


    • Guest Who says:

      Suspect reporting a terrorist flailing about with a weapon at Speakers Corner may not go well.

      Especially as a few police were there.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      I guess the Police are too busy trawling social media for thought crime to catch any terrorists.


    • ToobiWan says:

      “…Mr Basu added: “It’s long been a mantra in counter-terrorism policing that we want every good police officer to be a counter-terrorism officer.”
      I wonder what the not so good police officers will be doing?


      • G says:

        He should have gone on to say, “But no, we don’t categorise serial rape by “certain muslim men” as terror even if the children involved felt terrorised”.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Hmmmm. Report a suspicious guy with a beard and you’ll probably be done for a hate crime.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Roland – what do I do about the hundreds of men dressed like the muj on Fridays all walking to the same building ? I think they are conspiring against the indigenous population . Should I report that to mr basu s team or will i get a visit from the hate police .
        I bet goeballs appealed for information about enemies of the state too ? Any one know a good book about his tactics as al Beeb seems have read it.


    • G says:

      Remember the UK stasi tactic of leaving a watched vehicle to be stolen then arresting the thieves?
      This is just an attempt at fishing. More information, more arrests for hate speech crime.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    Londonistan crime update

    Another male 40 stabbed to death in my diverse borough last night – not reported by al Beeb – another stabbed to death in a south London Borough – and a police shooting in hackney – that one was reported so I suppose the shootee is black. Happy times .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just an update on these murders -I have found that two of them in the last 4 days are within a quarter of a mile of where I live .

      The UN Security Council or al beeb isn’t going to be talking about our trivial local difficulties .

      2 serious yoot stabbing last night too – guessing on a knife fight. Innit


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just an update on these murders -I have found that two of them in the last 4 days are within a quarter of a mile of where I live .

      The UN Security Council or al beeb isn’t going to be talking about our trivial local difficulties .

      2 serious yoot stabbing last night too – guessing on a knife fight. Innit


  9. Beeb Brother says:

    “Thousands of roads in disrepair.”

    Why not get a crack team of feminists to do the work? We all know how hard done by Carrie Gracie feels, why not apply for a job in construction?

    If we just ‘smashed down the patriarchy’ I am sure everything essential we take for granted – plumbing, transport, buildings et cetera – would continue to work just fine. I am sure feminists will not rest until half of every scaffolding team is female.


  10. theisland says:

    I advise all here to read the above Breitbart article by Raheem Kassam regarding MP Rupa Huq’s campaign to cancel the visit of Polish activist Rafał Ziemkiewicz.

    Raheem concludes:
    “As usual, the authoritarian state and its advocates such as Huq have gone too far, too fast, leading to thousands of British patriots assembling at Speaker’s Corner to hear a speech from another proscribed activist — Martin Sellner — this past Sunday.

    The question I genuinely wonder about is whether or not the British public have the time, patience, effort, money, and passion to turn up week-on-week, month-on-month, to continue this fight for the freedom to speak, the freedom to offend, and in some cases, the freedom for others to be absolute morons.”

    This is the worry about reclaiming Speakers’ Corner. It’s only a matter of time before the police feel sufficiently empowered (due to lack of supporter numbers) to eject or arrest TR again.

    Elsewhere, the Football Lads Alliance are marching in Birmingham next Saturday 24th starting 12 noon. I understand AMW is speaking. Something else for bBBC et al. to ignore? Unless, of course, they can get footage of a “far right thug” attacking cuddly antifa with a big stick.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    The island
    I don’t think the police have reported any problems at the TR speech on Saturday . Therefore what reason was there to exclude the person who wrote it and wanted to read it out loud .

    Where is the snowflake anti British Muslim screech about what was said?.

    The Home Secretary seems to be on very dodgy ground evidencing her reasoning for locking someone up for three days and then deporting them.

    This Huq creature imports her politics into our culture and anyone she doesn’t agree with or like is excluded or destroyed. Now where that definition of fascism gone ?

    Al Beeb followed toady with some creature called carradine explaining why western culture is not worth celebrating because Islam is great.ffs. Off switch time .


  12. fakenewswatcher says:

    Listening to R4 at the mo… programme on ‘Civilisation’. Was interested in it for a reason, and not disappointed: Greco/Roman contribution entirely overrated, it seems. Lotsa involvement from Islam and the Ottomans. Surprise!
    Colonial area: Europeans would have struggled without native people. etc etc
    Julia says all notions of ‘civilisation are ‘highly fluid’. Then, the noble savage: professor from Indiana (British-sounding) prattles on about it.
    Then the ‘provocatively simplistic’: Samuel Huntingdon’s book on the ‘clash of civilisations’. R4 says that assumptions that faith and belief are critical is erroneous.
    Civilisation: We must not categorise people in this way, cos they all collapse.


    • popeye says:

      “Colonial area: Europeans would have struggled without native people. etc etc”. I think that the native people would have struggled far more without Europeans!


    • ID says:

      My immediate thought was that new BBC cultutal blockbuster CivilisationS can’t be going too well hence the little hatchet job on Clarke’s Civilisation. Too cynical? No.

      According to the Times
      “The BBC’s new flagship art series, Civilisations, has seen its ratings plunge by nearly half since it began earlier this month.
      The initial episode fronted by Simon Schama was watched by 1.9m viewers. The second, with Mary Beard as presenter, fell to 1.2m. In the latest figures released by Barb, the official collator of audience numbers, ratings have fallen to 966,000.’
      The original Civilisation still gets an 89%!! rating on Google.

      Apparently, when Rome collapsed the vacuum was filled by non-Romans and Rome went on to even greater glory. The suggestion is that countercolonisation is not so bad. Like Rome, Britain is undergoing countercolonisation from its former colonies, and colonisation from others, at the present, nonBritons will adopt “British values” and everything will be hunkydory.


  13. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Why is the border between Eire and NI such a problem.

    If they put a ‘soft’ border post there how much inconvenience would that cause?
    Maybe a few farmers would take a couple of extra minutes crossing over.
    Softer borders appear to work fine in Sweden/Norway or Gibraltar/Spain so why the huge problem.

    The remoaners say a border will mean the IRA will start up again.

    Let the eu put up a border if they want but holding us to ransom because some farmers may be slightly inconvenienced is simply grasping at straws.
    The fly in the woodpile is the eu.
    We have no problem.
    our idea of negotiating appears to be to give in to every demand made by the eu and get nothing at all in return, then, coming back here and trying to say that both sides have made compromises.

    Why can’t we,
    1. Leave now, out completely.
    2. Then, apply for a trade deal.


    • scribblingscribe says:

      Indeed Emmanuel. Or the borders around Switzerland? It has a border with Germany, France and Italy yet is far too wise to join the EU, the Eurozone or the Customs Union. Oddly the BBC forgot Switzerland when it became hysterical over the NI-Ireland border.


    • G says:

      “Softer borders appear to work fine in Sweden/Norway or Gibraltar/Spain so why the huge problem.”
      Perhaps the growing dichotomy of divergence unlike a status quo with those you mention?
      Make no bones about it, the EU is meddling sensing a vulnerability in the UK position and now Treezer has agreed that if all else fails, NI will remain in the EU they will have their wicked way.
      Whichever, we are simply watching in slow motion the ‘sell out’ to the EU.


      • Kaiser says:

        can anyone enlighten me to a single thing we have got out of these faux negotiations …..


        • Fedup2 says:

          Green highlighter pens


        • Payne by name says:

          Seemingly Theresa has exhausted the amounts of different ways of saying ‘ Yes of course, how high would you like me to jump’ whilst pretending to the press and the public that she still could be regarded as ‘a bloody difficult woman’.

          What a shame that she could display stubborn obstinancy to her colleagues but not when it came to representing her country. Spineless traitor.


    • David R says:

      No EG. It should go:

      1. Leave now, out completely.
      2. Then, let the EU apply to us for a trade deal.

      This is because they benefit from this trade much more than we do.


  14. KatieH says:

    A current beeboid fave ‘historian’. Corbynista as well


  15. G says:

    Whilst I’ve always voted, I have never been a member of any political party. Came close to membership of UKIP a few years ago – the application form was produced from the top drawer of the local UKIP office but when I said that, if interviewed at random along the High Street, I would not hesitate to say my bit on the greatest threat to mankind in history – islam. I watched as the application form was replaced in the top drawer……………
    Now, having weighed it all up, I convinced myself to join For Britain. Paid the first stage: a ‘one-off’ payment of £15 then, you have to agree a level of regular subscription. This stage I have a problem with and I sent an email which said:
    “Just went through the subscription process and note that, “By registering as a member or supporter of For Britain, you give consent for your data to be stored and processed in the United States of America.” This surely means the Data Protection Act does not apply. Please confirm.
    No reply as yet. Caveat Emptor.


    • theisland says:

      G – that’s interesting. I’d vote for them (in the unlikely event there was a choice) but would be wary of joining.


  16. Up2snuff says:

    Another example of BBC’s ‘honesty’ dissing; David Cannadine’s ‘Civilised’ attack on Gibbon is being repeated on BBC R4 right now without Continuity mentioning that it is a repeat. This frequently happens and has been that way for some years.


  17. BRISSLES says:

    Its TUESDAY, can we have a new thread please ?


  18. scribblingscribe says:

    Brexit: EU implementation agreement ‘betrays’ UK fishermen

    Can anyone remember when the BBC last mentioned the problems of UK fishermen because of the EU’s fisheries policy?


    • JimS says:

      Where there is love, let us sow hatred;
      where there is pardon, injury;
      where there is faith, doubt;
      where there is hope, despair;
      where there is light, darkness;
      where there is joy, sadness.

      The BBC Prayer
      (c) London 2018


    • theisland says:

      scribbling – They don’t mention the fishermen much because that would bring up the important issue of OUR territorial waters and the fact we need a stronger Navy.

      “An island nation needs a powerful navy. A simple fact, often forgotten.”

      Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence.


  19. StewGreen says:

    Labour organised Anti Islamophobia Month AIM
    So your favourite lefty spaces were used as a platform, council offices, educational establishments, charities etc.
    So of course terrorism associated orgs took advantage of the platform
    #1 CAGE
    #2 MEND who actually organised the launch event where Corby and top Liberal politicians came .

    \\Henry Jackson Society has today released a report by @EmmaFox247 into Islamophobia Awareness Month.
    While fighting Islamophobia is an essential cause, we find that the IAM campaign was exploited by MEND to provide a platform for extremism across the public and charitable sectors.//


    • StewGreen says:

      “Anti-Islamophobia month” was in November 2017
      Yet this guy is organising g a Love A Muslim day in April


  20. StewGreen says:

    Integration : Yorkshire Post had a long article which didn’t actually say much.
    Context is the 2001 riots £millions damage
    Only listed one action ; A Federation of 6 schools have started to admit pupils by random lot, rather than distance from school , thus cause more mixing.
    (There was a stat the other day, something like 70% of Muslim pupils goes to schools where whites are less than 50%)

    Richard dawkins is interested about his books being pirated more than 1 million times in the Arab world, so he now says he will organise free translated versions online.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    No update on the BBC £3.5bn News Service Website on Speakers Corner and Tommy Robinson … NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!



    “The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
    and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
    do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’


  22. Lobster says:



    • Old Goat says:

      Fifty per cent of a pair of unamusing wankers. Whatever do people see in them?


    • vlad says:

      Or better still: don’t.


      • BRISSLES says:

        He’s finished. Or should be. A child involved overrides any sympathetic thoughts towards him. His wife is well rid.


        • Oaknash says:

          Dec a “star for our time”
          I think he sums up what the BBC think is the perfect “star ” for us white faced sheepie to worship. Hes bland, boring, unfunny but with a “big” personality (read show off for big) and the ultimate empty vessel.

          Its all we deserve us migrant hating xenophobes. Whilst we are still splitting our sides at Ant and Decs low grade infantile pap. Aunty is busy with the rest of her audience enlightening them on “trans rights” the misery caused by Grenfell Tower and why any white male with a good job has only done well because he has stepped on all the wimmin in his path and has benefited from “white privilege”


  23. MarkyMark says:

    China are leading the way .. Russia and Turkey are following … Cameron is speaking to the Chinese charging £12K to speak to them about backing the people and quitting the day after …

    Ce*sored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power {theguardian 28feb2018}

    But for the Communist party of China it is also a subversive and intolerable character that was this week banished from the internet as Chinese censors battled to silence criticism of Xi Jinping’s bid to set himself up as ruler for life.


  24. Fubard says:

    I haven’t posted on here for ages, but visit the site regularly. You are a lifeline, one and all. Thank you…without this site I’d have been in the dark regarding so many issues.
    Mr ‘Fubard’ is a typical busy person, lucky if he gets time to read a paper at the weekend and listens to Radio 4 on the way to work. He had NO idea about Telford til I told him (I’d heard about it on LBC), or Lauren Southern (read about her here). I’ve made it my mission to educate him and anyone else who’ll listen, to tune in to LBC instead (in spite of O’B from 10-1pm). I feel as if large swathes of the country are like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand…while its tail feathers are on fire.
    People have to wake up to the drip-drip-drip of BBC propaganda (much of it by omission).
    If another country started invading Europe and was heading our way, what would we do? Roll over and show our soft underbelly, or stand up to the bully? I just despair. My father and grand-father fought for this country and I’m glad they aren’t around to see what a hash we’ve made of it…I mean, it feels like
    White man=Worse than Bad
    British=Bad (should be feeling guilty all the time)
    Brexiteer= Bad and Devoid of a Brain
    I’m not religious myself, but God help us!!!!,


  25. Jeff says:

    Just so there’s no misunderstanding about the unfortunate “incident” in Kent at the weekend. The car that was driven into a nightclub crowd, injuring at least 13, is not terrorist related. Nor is it deemed to be a hate crime.. I just thought we should get these details straight before any unfortunate and unfounded rumours started.
    Oh… the driver’s name is Mohammed…


  26. Guest Who says:

    Get thee behind me, Satan!


    • vlad says:

      Kill the evil beeb.
      Put a stake through its black heart.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ironic that a lefty like Mr Lewis lands up talking to a parliamentary committee about al beeb institutional ( love that fucking word ) tax avoidance .

      It shows how many beeboids are not far away from topping themselves if they take home less than £100 k a year or have to pay a tax bill .

      I wanted to write “fucking” but I can’t because it’s Lent and I’m trying cut down on bad words like “fucking”. Oops did I write it again ?


    • johnnythefish says:

      Nice to see the BBC on the wrong end of a propaganda exercise for once.

      Nice top see the hypocrisy of BBC employees exposed – yet again.

      This is a win-win so far.


  27. MarkyMark says:

    If HateNotHope or BurnDontRead or StayStupid want to burn a book I recommend buying this one, read it to find out how bad it is and then burn it …


    “The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}”

    “Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“


  28. Jack M says:

    Earlier in this thread an excellent point was made. Pretty much all of us read and contribute to this site because we have rumbled the BBC and the awful cultural Marxism which has taken root and is thriving in our society. But what are we going to do about it other than let off some steam here?

    I asked myself the same question a while back. I gritted my teeth and did something which I thought I’d never do. I joined the Conservative Party. I was hoping to vote for Andrea Leadsom in the 2016 leadership election, but thanks to some intensive black-ops smearing of her character (“as a mother” etc. compared to the childless Treeza, which was a BBC headline it seemed for days (btw compare with Telford, etc.)), I never had the chance. To make up for that I routinely bother those whom I perceive to be rational and sane Tories such as Jenkin, JRM, and others, telling them that my idea of the Tory party is not represented by the like of Treeza, Rudd, Hammond and so on. Does it make a difference? I don’t know. But I keep on keeping on with this.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Complain .. but for me I am going to cancel my payments once I create the ultimate letter to explain why … and have it ready when they come knocking …

      BBC Complaint :

      MPs have had 18% pay increase during a recession!!
      With the BBC’s £3.5bn News Service and it’s unique funding that demands that people pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages under threat of prosecution can you please investigate why the MPs who shout austerity and for the Many, not the Few have had an 18% pay increase when everyone else was on a pay freeze?



    • vlad says:

      Jack – The Conservatives are the lesser of the evils, though still pretty useless imo.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        If I am faced at the next GE with an either or Lab/Tory I will be forced to spoil my ballot slip.
        I know this will sound idiotic to many, but by accepting the Tories are the lesser of two evils, you merely give them a legitimacy they should not have.
        I will go to the booth, but will never put a cross for either.
        In Wales we have even more useless choices, like Plaid Cymru, who promise to ‘stand up for Wales’ by following a policy of migrants deserve to come here in droves. The cupid stunts who vote for them dont see a hint of irony in all that bollocks.
        I’m sore tempted to swear lol.


    • Payne by name says:

      Well said. I thought Leadsom would have done a fine job. Okay she might have been a bit naïve but that ‘newness’ that hadn’t yet been corrupted by years of career politicking would have done the country well.

      She should have just brazened out the smearing rather than running for the hills. I thought she was great in the debates, always come out with the very points that I’d be shouting at the telly.

      A real loss and a waste of definable talent.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Well Jack, it’s high time you quit keeping on mate.
      Every part of the triad of LIB LAB CON cosy cartel has betrayed our country for the past 50 yrs.
      My own MP ( who, by the way is in a marginal, he’s tory) has tried the ” a vote for ukip lets in labour” ploy since 2010. I told him to fuck off then, and in 2015.
      The plain unpalatable truth is mate, they are all useless. Have you seen the immigration figures since 2010, under The Appeaser, as both Home Sec and Pm?
      And you can put your cross on tory and legitimise that.
      I know its your business, its not mine, and if you wish tell me to mind my own, but think on man, think on.


    • BRISSLES says:

      ……….I gritted my teeth and did something which I thought I’d never do. I joined the Conservative Party. …..

      Jack, I think you’ll find you’re not alone in this. I’m continually being told by my Labour Councillor brother (who is also fighting Momentum), that “our Dad would turn in his grave that you vote Tory”. But my conscience won’t let me vote for a party that has JC as its leader, and I had a lot more faith in Theresa when first elected.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Good for you … at least stand in there and see how they think and if you agree.


  29. Kaiser says:

    spent a lovely day stuck in the house yesterday due to snow stopping the train

    had radio 5 on gosh what a laugh


    namely The gentrification of brixton and how it was racist, how the black population was pushed out by white people, how black people could no longer afford to live there.

    Little mention of the who was there before the blacks as they appear to have been there for thousands of years apparently

    No questions as to why this “thriving” black area which was utterly wonderous to behold and everybody loved became very ahem affordable, now why would that be?

    Seems white people moving in opening shops and business’s is a bad thing

    Apparently Hackney going the same way and a complaint about black people not feeling at home there because … its full of white people ( ooooooohhh scary white people)

    The Effnic presenter even had a little dig about how the High Peak was very very white and tried to take the piss out of derbyshire accents what a TWAT

    then moving on a lovely cuddly intimate giggling interview with a founder of BLM, who is in the country apparently despite our borders apparently shutting down to anyone with a funny opinion.

    The black panthers were a lovely charitable organisation apparently, who knew.

    Also everything that happens to a black person is someone else’s fault, they DINDU nuffin

    I was left with a simple impression from all this fuck whites fuck the police, give us free money


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      All those bloody whites coming over here and stealing our colonies in Brixton, Stockwell and Hackney.
      They`ll be taking over Mile End and Bethnal Green next.

      You can have any colour you like-as long as it`s black(or identifies as such, like Obama does).
      You can have any religion or faith that you like as long as its Islam.

      You can have any political views you like as long as its Labour or slower Labour(like Greens, Lib Dems and most Tories)


      • scribblingscribe says:

        “All those bloody whites coming over here and stealing our colonies in Brixton, Stockwell and Hackney. They`ll be taking over Mile End and Bethnal Green next.”

        Alicia, superb


  30. G says:

    And so, the story goes on and on and on and on and on and on………..


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Why not?
      The rapugees get free food, housing and a free pass to say and do what they like .
      So why not free sex, and free passage out of the counsellors office after getting shown a bit of porn from Sweden?


  31. vlad says:

    G – Some tasty morsels from the Gatestone Institute below.

    (The list of sexual assaults is as long as your arm, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg, that the authorities don’t manage to cover up.)

    – The director of the Criminal Police Association, André Schulz, estimates that up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany do not appear in the official statistics.

    – “There is a strict order by the authorities to not report on crimes committed by refugees,” a high-ranking police official in Frankfurt told Bild. “Only specific requests from media representatives about such acts are to be answered.”

    – Germany’s migrant sex-crime problem is being exacerbated by its lenient legal system, in which offenders receive relatively light sentences, even for serious crimes. In many instances, individuals who are arrested for sex crimes are released after questioning from police. This practice allows suspects to continue committing crimes with virtual impunity.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Playing victim and not standing up to their leader … yes the West is failing but they can still stand strong. Victimhood.


  32. JimS says:

    Did I hear that right on Jeremy Vine? “The death of the last white, northern male..”

    Can’t be long anyway.


  33. G.W.F. says:

    I was unaware that MPs and others are supporting a proposed ban on Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, from entering the UK.
    Apparently he thinks that Islam is not compatible with Christian theology.
    I wonder what the BBC thinks.
    I wonder what Alhambra Rudd, Home Secretary thinks.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Ban all muslims who don’t like cartoons from entering Britain?

      “…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.
      – Douglas Murray (2016?)


    • Fedup2 says:

      He should just turn up and get himself banged up for three days before deportation . The American s would notice our rapid decline of freedom and I’m guessing al beeb might have to report it .

      I hope Mr Graham has the courage of his father or that President Trump makes him a diplomat to get round the immigration rules .


    • G.W.F. says:

      To think that there is a petition being circulated for people to support Graham’s visit tells us so much about the UK under Treezer.
      Hey Treezer, not all Christian preachers have mysterious pasts like yer dad.


  34. Beeb Brother says:

    A conveniently anonymous BBC presenter tried to kill herself over tax problems!

    She should try living in one of the vibrant hell holes the BBC has promoted so obsessively. If I had been gang raped like the girls in Telford I would have killed myself. God, the whole continent is attempting suicide thanks to lunatics like them.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The BBC .. a news agency that generates news about itself .. whilst ignoring the world … you pay under threat of prosecution to hear the BBC talk about themselves … Savile, Gender Pay Gap, Sport Relief, Children In Need, Russell Brand offending people on a phone … 50% coverage of the UK, 50% made up news ….
      Presenters’ stress over BBC ‘tax pressure’
      A BBC local radio presenter has revealed to MPs that she tried to kill herself, partly because of stress over her employment arrangements.

      The anonymous presenter was among the BBC TV and radio presenters to submit evidence to a parliamentary inquiry.


  35. Kaiser says:

    seems count dankula has been found guilty

    free speech and comedy is officially dead



    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Can posting a picture of a cat that looks (to some people) like Hitler also get 2 months in prison.


  36. vlad says:

    The beeb reporting of the brutal killing of Egyptian Mariam Moustafa has been devious, misleading and baffling from the start. At first there were suggestions that it was a racist ‘hate crime’ by a gang of girls, leading the casual reader to believe they were white.
    Not so. The beeb never tell you this but the assailants were black.
    And of course the police are not treating it as racist because, as we know, only whites can ever, ever be racist.

    And of course the evil mendacious beeb have buried it under Nottingham, even though it’s now become an international incident involving Egypt and Italy.

    Imagine the furore if the colours had been reversed.

    “Mariam Moustafa death in Nottingham ‘not hate-related’ ”

    Maybe they just loved her to death!


  37. G says:

    What’s up with the German version of the UK ‘hate crimes’?
    Probably like the UK, the prisons are overflowing……………


  38. MarkyMark says:

    British Modern Policing and Law .. 2017/2018 …

    * UK Police paint nails to end slavery.
    * UK Police twerk with the public. (and later arrest them)
    * UK Police in heels.
    * UK Police in dogems.
    * UK Hate Crime Hub by Amber Rudd.
    * UK Blind Immigration Judge .. with blind policy.

    Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed








    • vlad says:

      PC PCs: politicised, emasculated, effeminated, islamified, blackified, terrified, useless.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      If I wear my 4″ heels, will I pass my Police specifications. And so entitling me to free cake runs, nail painting and tan salons-as well as the obvious dodgems for life above?
      Won`t have to run anywhere will I? Except behind an adult if there`s any trouble here by Bromsgrove?
      Blue nails-red heels what ARE they on, this lot?
      Do criminals use dodgem cars as getaways? And will IPSO be notified if a police dodgem were to hit one driven by one of our entitled friends? And how much comp will we be paying?


  39. StewGreen says:

    Terror chief says public should “trust instincts ”
    ..surely the libEstab are obsessed with telling NOT to trust our instincts.
    … And rather go against them and assume the guy most likely to kill your kids is a white guy wearing a Union Jack T-shirt.


    • Kaiser says:

      Big beard and rucksack on tram, get next tram, thats trusting your instinct


      • G says:

        and/or a hijab – even worse if they wear those voluminous black bin liner smocks. No telling what they’re hiding.


  40. StewGreen says:

    Radio4 play is a bit propagandary
    Geordie’s with difficult accents
    New neighbours are Eritrean Muslims.
    .. husband speaks perfectly clear unaccentuated English
    Geordie’s shout Geordie English at Eritrean wife as if its 1950s

    Now Eritrean husband “Its worse since Brexit”
    Next asks Geordie daft British citizen test

    Yesterday part 1 was basically pro abortion propaganda (I am pro abortion)

    Radio off


    • StewGreen says:


      • StewGreen says:

        There about 10 tweets like that


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          ” I hurt myself today-to see if I still feel”. I get the idea that the BBC only know we`re out here when we call in with offence and complaints.
          They`d rather garner that , than be ignored and talking to themselves.
          But there they are-talking to themselves, no influence, no purpose and no defence for the Soros scum . All is window dressing, but we`ve got the bricks and we`re not done(Beware Of The Saxon as Lucy quotes)
          Yes, it`s insulting and offensive. Refuse the licence and go elsewhere. They`re zombie media now, like the saddest car boot sale that no-one visits.
          Hope it`ll soon be as bad to pay a TV Licence and watch their slurry, as it is to play a Lost Prophets CD, or hum a Gary Glitter tune.


    • Banania says:

      How can anybody be positively “pro-abortion”?


  41. MarkyMark says:

    #StrongerInLie1: Europe (landmass) is not the EU (political system what once tried to contain Greenland).

    #StrongerInLie2: Hillary Clinton was never and will never be a World Leader.

    #StrongerInLie3: Bill Clinton is a former Leader (but not of the World) and see how he is not put next to Hillary.

    #StrongerInLie4: These are not World Leaders .. they lead countries, not the World.

    #StrongerInLie5: This is allowing external countries to have influence on UK internal politics – just like saying “To the back of the queue” was a threat on future trade.

    #StrongerInLie6: Xi Jinping the Leader of China is now a dictator after extending his term in office to never ending. Not a good leader to have promoting democracy.

    #StrongerInLie7: The media, especially the BBC, did not pick upon any of the above lies but concentrated on a red bus.



    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Ever get the feeling that if we were to stay in the salmon farm for this load of One World Cucks, they`d be much happier?
      Easier to shoot fish in a stagnant sluggish dying millpond than risk us jumping the lochs and breaking free to the ocean
      They`re dead-and want us to die with them.
      No-big wide ocean out there. Sod the lazy privileged elites and their flushed, padded faces above. Hope IS find them, shouldn`t be too hard to track these waddling liars down.


    • DownBoy says:

      Modi, Key and Abe are alright imo, although Key has been replaced by one of NZ’s right-on wimmin. The rest I wouldn’t pee on if they were on fire.


  42. StewGreen says:

    Cambridge Analytica give clear simple statement
    .. Which contradiction BBC’s main outrage bus narrative


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      The Observer on Sunday.
      Newsnight and Channel 4 leading with this one on both their flagship news shows less than 24 hours later.
      How convenient-synchronised flag waving worthy of Kim Jong Un.


  43. vlad says:

    The beeb cover their arses against accusations they ignore inconvenient stories: there was a brief mention of Telford this morning in the right hand column of their webshite. Now gone.


    • Payne by name says:

      It was about a Nazi pensioner found in Telford. I clicked on the very article.


  44. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Thinking about Telford, Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham……… how long will we put up with this “diversity” abuse before something snaps?



  45. MarkyMark says:

    How to politicise your kids … all the adults stand up and clap the child who read out something that was written by the mum who could not read it out herself because she wanted to use her kids to make the point about children and you can’t boo at a kid ….



    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Yesterdays “World At One” had as one-sided a piece of Remainer rubbish as you`ll ever hear on the BBC-so far, anyway.
      The Welsh Schools and Childrens Commissars let the Beeb in to ask primary school kids what Brexit will mean to them, No travel, no music, no hope and all their foreign mates sent back apparently. Utterly disgusting-there was NO excuse for this apart from the Welsh labour Government there “seeking the views of the little `uns”-so the BBC gives them five minutes of Lefty bile against leaving the EU . But using teachers diddymen and the producers Elizabeth Botts to sway the grannies at home.
      Pravda were less subtle than this-yet here we are, allowing it .
      Have a listen-and stick in a complaint.


    • Payne by name says:



  46. NISA says:

    That Trump may have a point again!
    Two people have been shot and injured at a high school in the US state of Maryland by an attacker who was then shot by an armed guard, police say.


  47. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    UKIP……get yourselves sorted out……NOW.

    We have nobody to vote for.
    Both labour and Tory said they would implement Brexit yet what we are getting is a grotesque deformed version that nobody wanted.
    We wanted out.
    None of the multitude of versions the MPs, remoaners and the bbbc are using to complicate the procedure.

    What could be easier.
    1 leave eu.
    2 go on to WTO rules.
    3 negotiate a trade deal with the eu.

    UKIP have a golden opportunity for those unhappy at the dogs breakfast the politicians are making over Brexit.
    Tories are conceding everything and getting nothing back from the eu.
    Labour are all over the place.

    What do leave voters in Sunderland vote when the 3 labour MPs are remainers.
    What do voters in soubry’s constituency vote.
    How can we believe Tories when the cabinet is 75% remoaners.

    We need a party that represents leavers but we don’t have one.
    UKIP is the only viable party at this time.
    Other leave parties are too small and are just being formed.

    Get a grip UKIP
    We need you to get your act together, stop the squabbling and fight for us.
    Batten seems to be a decent leader so grow up and give us a place for our vote.


    • Oaknash says:

      EG – I couldnt agree more. To keep UKIP out the Tories and the media have thrown everything at it including the kitchen sink. I also think that there is a good possibility that UKIP was also infiltrated by those who wanted to ensure it had only buffoons elected as leaders.

      Interesting that as soon as UKIP appears to have been safely packed away the Tories have completely backtracked on Fishing and EU migration. Oh and of course not forgetting our “transition period”

      As you say what could be simpler. Well its not simple if you want to have multiple opportunities to de-rail brexit which a two year “transition” period will give. In addition if you demonstrate to the public that the best deal we could possibly get, involves open borders and the EU fishing boats still accessing our waters then the hope is , is that most people will lose interest shrug our shoulders and walk away.

      I have said this before but in many ways Theresa is worse than Corbyn in that at least he is quite open about sabotaging brexit for his own selfish political ends. Theresa is doing exactly the same thing but at the same time is pretending that she wants to get the best deal for the UK.

      There is pretty much no humiliation she will not suffer to get an agreement. Because at the end of the day she wants a “deal” which means we have left in name only. Without UKIP present Labour and the Tories will feel free to carry on selling us out. And the tame MSM/BBC will support any fudge in order to ensure that real brexit never happens.

      Whilst I was very disappointed with the mobile clown show UKIP turned into under Bolten – I have however resolved to join them in the hopes that I can at least ensure Batten is elected as permanent leader and just maybe the mainstream political parties and the BBC will realise that it hasn’t reverted back into the two party business as usual – just yet.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Emmanuel Goldstein, Oaknash
        Yes total agreement.
        May is worse than Corbyn. The gutless Tories will not defy her.
        Corbyn is no worse than May but once elected Labour will tear itself apart as Trot infiltrated parties always do, and his crackpot policies will die.
        UKIP are unlikely winners but there is no one else, and who knows, a penniless party which addresses the rel issues, Brexit, immigration, freedom of speech, might capture the attention of the British public