What an uplifting story of female empowerment from an aspirational young lady. Her dad was a crack addict – you can bet it was all those evil white male bowls players from Chichester who sold it to him.
Soon the snowflakes will be marching on the streets of outer London boroughs demanding just as many girls are stabbed to death as boys.
“we (Conservatives/Theresa May) made a clear promise to the British public”
Can the BBC pay attention to our current in power PM Theresa May … and her many promises forgotten and dropped just as quickly as a Sadiq Khan who spends more time out of London than in it (Pakistan and Texas) …. did Khan make it to hate filled USA?
PROMISE – a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen OR the quality of potential excellence.
“we (Conservatives/Theresa May) made a clear promise to the British public”
Not just Trump “Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians” … and what happens when you call the electorate deplorables?
10pm Radio 3 Rod Liddle is on a panel
Hosted by Anne McElvoy.
Also David Runciman, author of How Democracy Ends;
Caroline MacFarland, the head of a think tank promoting the interests of ‘millennials
‘ and geographer Danny Dorling
“Democracy was the most successful political idea of the last century but can it survive the digital age? ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09w6lpq
One Mediterranean Taxi service stopped
ProActiva Open Arms boat was confiscated by Italian authorities today, after 218 migrants were illegaly ferried to #Italy
Sorry, not about the BBC (apart from their ignoring the whole of the ‘coup’), but I am much encouraged, not to say gleeful, at the latest Still report on General Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LitmTXd3mB0 If true, then the swamp-dwellers should be very worried. I hope Gen. Flynn is well-protected: we don’t want another suicide from two bullets in the back of the head.
The daughter of a 16-year-old mother murdered by an older man in Telford wants police to explain why he wasn’t prosecuted for sex crimes.
Lucy Lowe was 14 when she became pregnant by Azhar Ali Mehmood in the town, which is now at the centre of child sexual exploitation claims.
Telford and Wrekin Council said it could not discuss individual cases but added in a statement: “We accept and regret that some historic practices were not effective 10 – 20 years ago.
– The BBC did report Tony Hall will say! It’s not the BBC’s problem if the BBC used words to confuse the public as to what was happening Gary Lineker will say!
Tricky BBC
– They use use apostrophe marks
..as if it’s a kind of paraphrased quote
I can’t see a phrase like that in the article
Which has had an incredible 8 rewrites in five and half hours. https://www.newssniffer.co.uk/articles/1568736/diff/7/8
Change the numbers in the link above to compare different version.
Version 0/8:
.. West Mercia Police is yet to comment. The council “regrets” its conduct.
… West Mercia Police said it could not comment on specific cases.
… killing Lucy
… murdering Lucy
… stop the teenager being groomed by Memood,
…. why he was never charged with sex crimes.
close-up of BBC headline
But first Sun headline : “Telford child sex gang got my Vicky on crack at 12, pregnant at 16”
Daily Mail ‘She didn’t have a voice, the least I can do is speak for her’: Daughter …
UK media does have a problem with inflammatory headlines stirring But BBC use soft headlines to paper-over major issues Ethnic-Pak groomed/raped 13yr old, got pregnant, burnt down, home killed family, authorities acted softly made no sex charges pic.twitter.com/YtnN9GgmtQ
How can the BBC tell us that Zukerberg is getting called before the fearsome MPs? All the way from California? When the BBC bigwigs won`y even pop round the corner to account for their tax fiddlings in Parliament
BBC lie ‘We don’t force our staff into Personal Service Companies ‘
Times \\. A contract offer to the BBC 6Music host Liz Kershaw in December 2009 stated:
“The BBC will only engage on-air talent for long-term commitments of engagements if their services are provided through a service company (or partnership).”
A dossier of similar emails was passed to MPs with testimony… //
The independent tax barrister presenting to the parliamentary committee estimated that by guiding presenters into Personal Service Companies it could save up to £130 000 000 in National Insurance payments .
Then goes merrily away talking about cuts to the International Health Service .
“He is really the first tax martyr. (878 AD) He (Theresa May) was called upon to pay the Danegeld (EURO), and he took £48,000 (£48 Billion) to the (European Union) Danes, then at Greenwich, and handed it over. They said, “Mr Alphege (Theresa May), we would like some more, and if you don’t give us more, we are going to hold on to you as a hostage.” And (Theresa May) Alphege replied: “I will not give you more; I will not put higher taxes on my people; I will not have them suffer this imposition.” So they threw ox bones at Alphege until he (Theresa May turned up in a room alone in the EU) died. I hope that people will not find it necessary to throw ox bones at me, but as another representative from North East Somerset, I will stand constantly for low taxation.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg /North East Somerset / Con {youtube}
{Full text to speech – Parliament home page – Jacob Rees-Mogg – jun 2010}
Grenfell madness
..Normal people stay in their own homes after their neighbour’s house burnt down
.. But for the 3 rows of flats near to Grenfell
On June 14 ,133 families were moved to hotels
The bill is £20m so far is £150K/each
Only 15 have moved back home, 44 somewhere else, 74 refuse to.
43 of them refuse alternative homes on the grounds its not permanent.
Regards that couple who are currently in the dock for murdering their French Nanny. A few things which nobody at the bBC has managed to knock together:
1) Both are Algerian
2) They accused the nanny of Witchcraft
3) They accused her of having sex
4) The female murderess is heard on court screaming:
“I pray to god I do not have to touch you””
Pointing in the direction that she saw the victim as…unclean.
5) They beat her for months , then murdered her and then tried to burn the body.
6) When the fire service arrived to put out the huge fire, they found the male Algerian barbecuing chicken. After they refused his offer to put out the fire, they turned over the ashes and found the bones of their victim, when asked what it was, he said it was a sheep he had bought at market. (Chicken and sheep, but not beef or pork)
What do you think all the above all adds up to about the Algerian couple, which the bBC have left out.
Jan 29 : \\ 18-year-old Adil Rashid in the U.K. who raped a 13-year-old girl was spared a prison sentence by Nottingham Crown Court after he claimed that his Muslim upbringing did not teach him to respect women.
“Although chronologically 18, it is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters,” Judge Michael Stokes said when handing // https://www.christianpost.com/news/muslim-claims-he-didnt-know-rape-was-illegal-spared-prison-by-uk-court-89106/
Someone made a racist comment in a Whatsapp group! Unpersoning imminent.
Someone somewhere made a ‘racist’ comment – I bet it was a joke taken literally – in private and it is a big story. Do they not think they might have comprehensively won this particular battle?
God imagine if someone just commenting on becoming a terrorist warranted this type of response. How many lives would that save? Alas, imagined offence taking trumps dead bodies in our leftist dystopia. I somehow think that is the battle of our time. Even as seven are killed in a week in London and multiple terror attacks last year they still go on about utter non issues like this? Pathetic.
Despite Brexit
“Inflation eases to 2.7% on falling petrol prices” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43468504
The Pound has gone up against the Euro. 🙂
We need to import more from outside the EU esp food .
There is a HYS running
Just when I’d thought that this country had broken beyond repair, something happens that I can applaud: Stephen Hawking’s ashes are to be interred next to Isaac Newton’s in Westminster Abbey.
Al c4 is still in grief /mourning/ anger / denial about President Trump.
Is there any doubt that science is used to attempt to influence the outcome of any election . A campaign is about influencing .
Tonight al c4 is again rubbishing a british company which worked for candidate trump. Does anyone think the other side wouldn’t do the same ?
Bet if al c4 s candidate – Clinton – had won there wouldn’t be any of the hysteria ongoing . Wish they’d go back to investigating corrupt charities.
This story suits al c4 albeeb by turning heads away from the Brexit sell out .
Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug’s ‘Nazi salutes’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-43478925
”A man who filmed a pet dog giving Nazi salutes before putting the footage on YouTube has been convicted of committing a hate crime.
Mark Meechan, 30, recorded his girlfriend’s pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as “gas the Jews” and “Sieg Heil” by raising its paw.
But police were alerted and he was arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime.
The original clip had been viewed more than three million times on YouTube.
Meechan, of Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, went on trial at Airdrie Sheriff Court where he denied any wrong doing.
He insisted he made the video, which was posted in April 2016, to annoy his girlfriend Suzanne Kelly, 29.”
Pathetic BBC shows neither the dog giving the salute ,nor when the sentencing is, and doesn’t comment on why the case took almost a year to get heard in court.
Eddy ,
Thanks for the post . I’m guessing the court will order the Pug to be destroyed and the alleged offender a couple of years in prison.
Meanwhile the asian child sexual exploitation gangs will carry on raping 12 year olds – the state really has got its priorities . And excellent that al Beeb gives this nonsense the full treatment . It’s lucky we have the Human Rights Act to protect our rights right ?
This seems to me an example of everything that is wrong with the way Western societies are heading. Yes it is in poor taste and i can certainly understand a Jewish person being offended, but it wasn’t “hateful”. The judge says its “grossly offensive” maybe so, but since when is this a crime.
Since 2003, apparently. The interesting point is that it is widely reported that not a single person actually complained. Polis Scotland took it upon itself to take action.
Time for an investigation into the influence of the secretive Common Purpose, isn’t it?
I wonder if you can de nazify a Pug…? And please I do not mean to cause offence but this criminal conviction has a certain strangeness to it.
Declaration ‘ the nazis dropped bombs on my family – which had never done anything to them. At the end of the war I’d have done to the German army what the Russians suggested… which wasn’t kiss and make up.
Grossly offensive is raping young girls because they’re considered “kaffir”, grossly offensive is throwing people off buildings because they’re homosexual, grossly offensive is hacking a defenseless animal to death with a rusty blade whilst chanting “allahu akbar” or some other tribal nonsense.
A dog lifting it’s paw in the air cannot ever be classed as offensive.
I don’t think words can ever be ‘grossly offensive’ but the amount of ‘effing’ and faecal nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs broadcast by ‘our’ BBC gets pretty close.
Englands dreaming
As Douglas Murray says
“Europe is too “exhausted by history” and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs.”
This shuts down talking about uncontrolled mass immigration and Islam. Leaving the EU is supposed by the media to be an attempt to recapture imperial glory. Even the current attitude to Putin shows the same pussilanimous servility. Guilt about not honouring the USSR’s contribution to WWII, guilt about not being magnanimous enough about winning the cold war, guilt about repeating the WMDs in Iraq mistake. This minset does not see mosque building and hijab wearing for what it is – minor victories in an ongoing struggle for supremacy. The same applies to Putin’s nerve gas attack. A strong country would see this for what it is – an act of war. Putin shows his power by a classic Soviet-style provocation. He calculates there will be no real response from Britain.
A man has been convicted in a UK court of making a joke that was deemed "grossly offensive". If you don't believe in a person's right to say things that you might find "grossly offensive", then you don't believe in Freedom of Speech.
Another topic ..good tweet from @socratesxxxx
“The internet is being written by men with an agenda”
… writes @cathynewman…..a women with an agenda.
Stephen Hawking’s ashes to be interred near Sir Isaac Newton’s grave http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-43472054
The ashes of Professor Stephen Hawking will be interred next to the grave of Sir Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey, it has been revealed.
The renowned theoretical physicist’s final resting place will also be near that of Charles Darwin, who was buried there in 1882.
Newton, Darwin, Hawking
– spot the odd one out?
About all Hawking did was write a popular science book..
Don’t expect the bbc to raise this though
I made the mistake of listening to the afternoon play on Radio 4 at 2.15. All the white, English, working class people portrayed as thuggish racists or terminally thick. All the ethnically different portrayed as put- upon victims. The one positive portrayal was, of course, a white, middle-class, university lecturer.
Puerile, condescending and offensive, the only consolation is that I’ll never have to share their creepy Ivory Tower as I’m far too thick!
In that case, report it to the police. After today’s verdict in Scotland it seems ‘causing offence’ is enough to win someone a criminal record. Perhaps even a spell in prison. Lord knows, R4’s drama department richly deserves that.
Juncker on who’s behalf did you tweet this, says Andre O’Neil
Congratulations on your re-election, President #Putin. I have always argued that positive relations between the #EU and #Russia are crucial to the #security of our continent. Our objective should be to re-establish a cooperative pan-European security order. pic.twitter.com/PiEGg56DBN
Gorbachev once said that the EU was simply the EUSSR, only with better suits and jeans.
He envied the lack of democracy and accounts in the EU.
Nuff said.
Putin and Juncker.
One is the head of a gangster state who gets his way through threats and strongarm tactics, whilst retaining the semblance and veneer of democracy. The other is the President of Russia.
Yeah ,
Dear Russia – please don’t send the tanks through Poland and Scandinavia again any time soon because our military is busy ensuring there are a proportionate number of wimmin and transsexuals in each Regiment. Yours EU Reich ( not Blighty any more ).
Dont think so Dave – We especially outclass them with our new aircraft carriers. I dont think the Russians have anything that can match up against the new virtual reality fighters carried on the Queen Elizabeth class carriers. They are the ultimate in stealth fighters – so stealthy that it looks as if our new aircraft carrier has no aircraft.
Good for snowflakes though as no-one is likely to get hurt.
It does have a police launch guarding it in Portsmouth Harbour. Not much for the cops to do but I suppose whilst they are sitting there they can earn a few bob searching Twitter from well funded Tell Mama
Without those pesky aircraft taking up space it would make a fine replacement taxi for the Libya to Italy run. Maybe they could bring the punters straight here instead as I think Saint Bob and Silly Allen still have room in their pads. Surely Sir Bob has finished decorating the guest rooms now?
It’s a brilliant design. Remember how tedious it was to park all those aircraft so close together. The same principle is widely applicable: schools run more efficiently without pupils, hospitals without patients, and so on. The trained staff can get on with their lives without distraction.
What a white elephant those carriers are. I’m all for us having a strong armed forces but diminishing all of our other forces to put virtually all our eggs in these two baskets, which could be taken down with a couple of torpedoes is foolish, arrogant and reckless.
The carriers cost about £3 billion each, and are vital for any navy which seeks to operate independently beyond the reach of land based airpower. Meanwhile the government finds it can spend £13 billion a year on overseas “aid”, and can find £39 billion to bribe the EU to allow them to maintain an £80 billion trade surplus with us.
The carriers are not white elephants, and in the context of the money the government pisses away each and every day, not even very expensive.
I have to disagree with you. Since 1997, the capacity of our armed forces has been reduced by two thirds. The current yearly armed forces budget is £49 billion and we’ve spent £6 billion on just two ships.
Given that the budgets and personnel numbers have been so drastically reduced, I have to say that I think two ships that would be glaring targets in any conflict are not the best way to spend our money.
Now I agree with you entirely on your points about foreign aid and EU ransom (I could have written that myself) and find it disgusting that we can spunk that money away whilst letting our armed forces diminish – whilst still attempting to talk tough with Russia – but with decreasing budgets and the planes not even being delivered yet (and costing £9.1BN for the first 48) I don’t think it is the wisest use of our money.
Obviously, the carrier programme predated the 2008 financial crash. The Coalition government would have cancelled them in 2010 if they could, but I am glad they did not.
The carriers give Britain the ability to act anywhere in the world we need to, so as to deter aggression against us and our interests.
For ships which should last for 30 to 50 years, I think they are good value, and give Britain the sort of capability which every other Security Council Permanent Member has. I would also point out that the cost of the two ships must be spread over several years, so for any one year they only represent a small proportion of the annual defence budget.
Even if the carriers had been cancelled in 2010, the other reductions would still have taken place. We would still have too few ships, submarines and manpower, but at least now we will have the two carriers to build around in the future.
All we need now is a government not made up of wimps, defeatists and traitors. I must be dreaming.
I hear you and don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more to be proud of the Royal Navy reclaiming some of the oceans but our fleet has been, and is being, smashed and it feels like if we had to muster an armada or a carrier fleet, we’d be dangerously exposed.
I mean 20 main ships (including an aircraft carrier with no planes) is pitiful. It’s less than what we retook the Falkland Islands with, so if we committed the same in an action, we’d be hopelessly exposed at home.
And as I say, one or two well placed torpedoes and that all important trophy ship is a goner. The nature of conflict changes and although Battleships were king in WW1 by WW2 the world had changed to Aircraft carriers. I’m not sure if it hasn’t changed again and a big arsed target is a liability.
I do take on board your comment about the cost being spread over the years and the importance of fielding aircraft carriers as members of the security council (though what would we have done while these were being built).
Could the money have been better spent on more planes or more soldiers or more smaller ships?
HMS Queen Elizabeth will have planes when she is fully worked up, but she will not be ready for service until 2020, by which time the first F35s will be ready. Of course, if the Coalition had not been so stupid as to flog our Harriers in 2010, they could have deployed earlier.
Obviously, Queen Elizabeth is vulnerable to torpedoes, but so is any ship, and a bigger ship is better able to survive a torpedo attack by internal subdivisions, and she will be carrying a squadron of ASW helicopters, and will be escorted by an ASW frigate as well as a nuclear submarine (we would hope).
Given that the Coalition wanted to cancel the entire carrier programme in 2010, but could not because of the strictness of the contracts, there is no point in thinking the money for the two carriers could have been spent on more planes or other ships. It would not have gone to the defence budget at all.
HMS Queen Elizabeth will probably only ever be used to ferry migrants from 3 miles off Libyan coast straight to Italy. Should be able to carry 10,000 every few days. The hangar can be stored with new clothes and iPhone chargers for the migrants to help them start their new lives.
Spectator criticise BBC and LibEstab
\\ Politicians seldom have problems condemning the activities of white racist groups. Rightly so.
But rape and sexual assault need to be investigated and exposed, whoever the perpetrators are. // https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/a-dangerous-silence-over-telford/
Good on ya kid … whoever you are .. because you are the only people they will listen to .. cos us whities are waycist. Stay safe x And good on Andrew castle for letting him speak the truth!
Tried to watch Portillo in India but had to button it. After 5 minutes he just had to mention the Amritsar massacre and by implication damn our imperial past. OK that was not our finest hour but the Raj was a lot more than that.
Signalling their virtue .It is what they do on the BBC before anything else.
Still watching , he certainly didn’t bang on about it.
One thing is , he interviews a lot of women
when actually in India I seemed only to ever get to speak to men.
Dave S
Is this his train travelling series ? I watched a few of a series a while back and all he went on about in two episodes was slavery so I gave up watching it.
Dave S
Is this his train travelling series ? I watched a few of a series a while back and all he went on about in two episodes was slavery so I gave up watching it.
It’s funny how the British were so terrible in India yet when we left and said ‘fine, divide it up amongst yourself’ they started slaughtering each other.
It’s almost like baring the occasional blip, we kept the peace.
A post from the Radio4 Facebook page
\\ I listened with great amusement to Broadcasting house today
It was great to hear that Tory toadie Rachel Johnson reduced to a spluttering apology, towards Peter Hitchens as he agreed with Jeremy Corbyns analysis of the chemical outrage (Salisbury) //
Then in 20 comments. lib/lefties clapped like seals
… until someone pointed out that Boris’s sister Rachel had defected from the Tories to the LibDems a few years back, when the referendum was announced due to her being such a passionate Remainer.
There’s a few people on the thread wondering who could we vote for. Well, there are the fringe parties (including UKIP) – constantly under attack in the media, and their leaders as likely to be put in prison as becoming MPs. Absolutely no chance of winning in the current political climate.
Conservative? No, the best hope is for their few legitimately ‘right-wing’ MPs to defect elsewhere or start another party – that maybe Frank Field or Kate Hoey could join as a sensible middle-ground. The mainstream majority of Tories have betrayed us on immigration and Brexit, they are a spineless bunch of no-account hucksters with their eyes only on easy money and continued managed decline.
What about Labour/Momentum? That’s the fast track to societal and economic meltdown, but also maybe the quickest way to a kind of balkanisation – from which some non-mad citizens could hopefully carve out a piece of the UK and start again.
None of it looks good, and if I’d had kids I’d have told them long ago to just get out and emigrate to a land that isn’t ostensibly batshit crazy.
I have to agree with you. I used to enjoy politics but I don’t feel anyone represents me now.
Labour are a dangerous joke. Lib Dem are a devious joke. Conservatives (bar literally one or two) are nothing but a bunch of spineless, unpatriotic, self serving, PC obsessed imbeciles.
Question Time is just full of the same old tired arguments with no one offering anything fresh. The Beeb make politics depressing in it’s nullifying, anti UK, one way of thinking bias and even the Mail has descended into a celebrity gossip rag chasing the virtue signalling brigade rather than it’s core audience.
Yes, there are individuals that can shine like Farage, JRM, Bernard Jenkins but you can’t run a country with 1 person and with so few level headed, long term thinking individuals it’s hard to see any kind of improvement in the future.
I know that makes me sound like a rose tinted spectacled fool but Maggie would have sorted this shit out.
Oh why do I do it ? follow weeks of watching talented folk as they compete for a top prize. I should know as soon as I see several non-whites take part, that one of them will win the big prize whether they be super talented or plain average. It happened again tonight on Portrait Artist of the 2018. (Sky/Freeview). Three in the final – and one was an exceptionally talented amateur 17 year old artist, another was a professional and equally brilliant artist, and the third was a young lady whom I spoke of last week and whose portraits have no resemblance of the sitter, and was mixed race. The ultimate prize was a £10,000 commission to paint Kim Cattrall for some Liverpool Institute. The following hour was the winner’s progress on the painting to it being hung in the Institute. I did not bother to watch.
Apropos the eviction of the Russian diplomats today. What’s betting there was an almighty spend-up this past 7 days, no wonder they needed mini buses to ferry them to the airport – all that luggage !!!!!
Its funny you should mention that. A few years ago I had to escort a Russian team who were in country to check to see if we had any hidden nuclear weapons. ( They went around bases checking hangers and the such. ) The thing is while all the camp COs were happy to show them around the camps, they were more interested in shopping at discount shopping centres.
Details of the royal wedding cake are revealed by the BBC.
I believe the cake is to be made by a pale skinned person.
What is wrong with Nadia?
Never one to question the wisdom and impartiality of our Washington correspondent John Sopel, I nevertheless find myself querying his latest BBC stance. By implication he seems to have involved President Trump and his campaign in the current facebook/Cambridge Analytica furore. Apparently it has been suggested that CA, by some devious means, messaged selected facebook accounts with pro-Trumpish urgings and thus swung the balance of opinion away from the correct and natural presidential candidate.
But, call me an old fuddy-duddy if you will, surely those of tender years are more likely to be facebookers, and more than likely to have needed no extraneous persuasion to vote for this Hilary person? And surely those of more mature years, more likely to have voted for Mr Trump, would be less than likely to have wasted their time on facebook?
Weren`t Obamas fanboys all telling us that Roll Out the Vote was a duty in the new cyber wars in politics.
Obama really “engaged” with his voters, got them out via MSM. And the BBC approved, so urban, inclusive, so now and so funky. Whereas white dinosaurs like Romney just didn`t know what the kids were at.
Then Trump tops them, uses their tactics to win for himself. S`not fair.
How grand to be a Lefty.
The absurd postulations about Bookfuss and Cambridge Analytica (isn’t that some sort of lefty body complaint?), on R5Dead this morning made an interesting mistake. A pundit from somewhere or other suggested that there was a huge number of similar operations going on during the election.
As usual Rhod Sharpe panicked and quickly moved on without asking how many were at it for Billary.
That’s a really excellent point. The millennials might be swayed by Facebook but those basket of deplorables with their oppressed wives, confederate flags and backward attitudes are hardly going to be checking their FB status every day are they.
Just some observations, in case anyone is swayed by the Observer/Guardian/BBC’s linking of dumb Trump to evil Cambridge Analytica – oh, ok, I know you are not!
Describes how Obama was one of the first instigators of harvesting Facebook info. Obama’s data scientists, who are golden, angels of virtue, persuaded about a million people to link to Obama’s Facebook page. These shouldn’t be confused with the evil data scientists Trump employed who did the same thing.
Obama’s data scientists then accessed to all those people’s profiles and friends and thus hit on millions more people and had more info to target the electorate.
Wrong outcome Vlad. Had Hillary won, none of this would be happening.
Had we lost the Brexit vote, does anybody think we`d have had a Gina Miller and the whole array of paid stooges chipping away on the BBC and courts to overturn the vote? Day in, day out?
Makes you wonder why the hyperallergic reactions we`ve brought out in the case of Brexit and Trump. Must be a cultish religious mania that we`ve put a stop too. Because their pretence of “listening to the people” is long done. Just bullying cartel power to keep their show on the road. Not working. Never will-and we know now the scum we`ve allowed to rule the roost since 1989.
I have nightmares of an alternate reality in which Clinton won. God, can you imagine the gloating and feminist triumphalism from the Beeb? Stories of women sprouting wings just because a venal, elitist bitch had cheated her way to the White House?
And if Remain had won by just a few votes it would be done and dusted.
Their horrendous behaviour in the wake of both results has been a blessing in disguise as it shows the people that they are ruled by a tiny, self-serving elite who in reality hold the voters in contempt. They hide it well when we do as we are told, but here the mask slipped and we will never forget what they are really like beneath the veneer of politeness and pretending to give a f**k about us.
Talking of alternate realities, I was discussing with a friend a few days ago about if Scotland had voted for independence in their referendum.
If they had, the EU referendum would have only counted the votes of England, Wales and NI and the result would have been even greater of favour to leave:
53.1% leave
46.9% remain
I wonder if that would have made any difference in highlighting that the desire was even greater to leave than the Beeb believe.
Scotland’s Leave voters don’t seem to matter but, without them, we’d have voted to Remain. So, why didn’t headlines scream ‘Scotland drags us out of the EU’? 🙁
Yep. An unlikely scenario I grant you but, how many times do we hear ‘Scotland voted to Remain’? We don’t hear that Scotland’s Leave voters were vital to the outcome 🙁
Anybody able to tell me why Westminster Abbey are taking the remains of Hawking?
He`s an atheist, best placed under the travellers site at Cambridge North Interchange.
At least old Hitch wouldn`t have let himself be interred in a churchyard, especially when his company would be Darwin-who actually DID change science, not leave us with an unreadable coffee table book?
No Hawking was a BDS shill, who needed Israeli technology but scorned the country that gave it to him.
Personally, I`d put him in a wicca laundry basket and put his exorbitant hardware into the metals recycling, before the travellers extract the rare metals and sell them off and back, along with the church lead.
No-Doddy is FAR more worthy of this accolade-at least he was a Christian, not an ocean-going atheist,
Will the Church now guarantee that Dawkins ends up at Westfield or the O2-NOT in anything remotely Godly or Christian?
Or will Welby ensure that he gets some berth for his followers to bully priests from as they like?
No wonder the Church is stuffed-death is about the only area left to them and they screw it up every time.
Alicia – I dont think the Church of Welby has much to do with that Christianity thing much these days so its probably quite apt. Mind you I dont think he was a Muslim either which may present a few problems as Justin seems quite keen on promoting this.
Would be Trier wouldn`t it?
Karl Marx` birthplace.
Note that the Chinese are sending back their massive statue of Marx to Trier, presumably because the Chinese know now that Marxism is shite.
The E.U and German Lefties on the other hand are going back to the Marxit future than even East Germany knew to be crap, and life-threatening.
Weird world eh?
The beebistan seem much more interested in the muslim Rohingya children trafficked for sex at the other end of the world than in the British children trafficked for sex by muslims under their noses.
I wonder why? Couldn’t have anything to do with the religion of the victims in one case and the perps in the other, could it?
I wish the beeb would stop trying to be a world broadcaster and start being what it says on the tin: a BRITISH broadcasting corporation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-43469043
The Rohingya children trafficked for sex
Trump did not condemn Putin or mention poison attack, even though aides said he should. This means he is probably his lover, planning to take over the world with him and is literally Hitler.
I imagine he is just being polite. It is probably not a great idea to start having a moan at someone so ruthless and powerful; I am sure Trump understands that from his real estate dealings. So what if his aides recommended something else? He is the president and his judgment is final.
I remember when Marr met Putin and he pretty much bowed at his feet. Imagine some of the Beeb snowflakes trying to tell of Putin? They would cry and wet themselves. It is easy to say you ought to moan at him but I imagine when you actual speak to a real life Bond villain you have to play it by ear somewhat.
The BBC should not leak private conversations like this. It is one last pathetic attempt to smear him with Russian ties but it just makes them look unprofessional and desperate. It was a confidential conversation which they should not report on.
Amol Rajan in San Francisco this morning to report on Facebook. Do they not have a London office?
All these expensive foreign trips and not one staffer seems to have popped up the road to Telford yet. Even going to a London borough where people keep getting killed would be more useful. Facebook analytics is another non-story to feed the bottomless beast which is their agenda. Will they ever stop throwing their toys out the pram at their defeat? Maybe we just hate them and that is why we voted against them, not because of Russian bots or whatever?
I for one do not care and they would not either had their side won. They have cried wolf too many times. I bet they tried just as many snide tricks, probably fat worse.
Westfield Shopping centre is an exciting and vibrant place with lots of Norwegians and black gangs . Last night it seems there is one less as a 20 year old stabbed to death – according to the Londonistan evening standard that makes it 8 in 7 days.
I’m sure the vibrant mayor will make an uplifting speech or be voted man of the year but the National association of undertakers .
‘Normal’ homicide level for Londonistan – 100 -killings so far this year – I’m guessing 30 to 40 or more. I report this because it’s my end of our great and enriched capital city.
This FB thing seems mainly an excuse for regulators and BBC types like Our East East End answer to Bob ‘Oskins to lay down some chem trails to sunnier climes.
Maybe Trump thinks ‘good on you for getting your man’.
This is a world of spies, espionage, treachery, danger and risk. Of course people are going to die and this guy was a double agent that committed an act of treachery against the USSR.
Why was he brazenly swanning around Salisbury? Shouldn’t he have been living off the grid in a cabin somewhere.
Props to Russia for taking him out. I wish we had done the same to Philby and any other traitorous scum.
This really is nonsense. Mr Skripal had been caught and tried for his crime of spying for Britain. He did not receive a death sentence when the Russians had him, he served time in gaol, and he was then swapped for some Russian spies.
This is all standard and legal. Mr Skripal was not wanted by Russia for any crime, he had already been punished. He was living legally in Britain. He was not a fugitive. He was living a normal, quiet life in a normal, quiet British town.
The other point is that he came to the UK as part of an official exchange. The convention has always been that participation in such a swap confers immunity to those involved – in both directions. This is the first time that the convention has been broken.
But this is a world of spies, deceit and treason – the world of ‘gentlemanly conduct’ is evaporating. Plus we are talking about Putin who sees the West descending into weakness and stupidity as we continue to bumble and fall over every little thing that he does.
He’s like an actor playing a bad guy that when people say you only have 25 lines and are on screen for 10 minutes, responds ‘Yes but they are talking about me for the entire film’.
Okay, it might be bad that this guy was killed on our shores but so are other people killed by foreign cultures and what are we really going to do. We’re not pushing from a position of strength are we? The EU are reaming us out in these so called ‘negotiations’ and we have a PM content to pander to the PC classes by admonishing Trump like a naughty school boy yet running to him like a frightened child when the big bad Putin bully picks on us.
Maybe if May and the chattering classes hadn’t been so keen to milk the PC teat and ridicule the US, Putin might not be taking the piss so much. And gathering round our ‘friends’ to criticise him is as ridiculous as it is juvenile.
Just like our diminishing culture in the face of multiculturalism, weakness invites strength and Putin can read that a mile away.
Your points are all valid, but the fact is still that Mr Skripal was not a fugitive, he was not on the run from Russia, and his daughter was innocent of any crime, as was the policeman who went to their aid. If the Russians are really behind this, then Putin has crossed a line which even the KGB never crossed, and that is worrying indeed.
I respect your analysis though surely Russia was emboldened to do this after we didn’t really do anything following the Litvenko murder?
Maybe if anything productive could come from this it would be that Theresa should desist from berating Trump in the sake of the UK’s best interests and that it might be worth funnelling some of the money from the Foreign Aid budget into the MOD (though those muppets will just piss it away) if the threat from the East is getting greater.
I agree it would help if Theresa the Appeaser realised that President Trump is our best friend, and it would be helpful to back him up from time to time.
It would also make sense to cut back on “foreign aid” and support our own defence, but that line of thinking is akin to teaching your dog to do a Nazi salute these days.
BBC London news, read by a presenter I’m afraid I can only name as Ms Unpronouceable, brings us the number two headline (following a campaigning piece about care homes) and it’s a knife murder in the Stratford Shopping Centre.
Back to the national BBC news and our Dan Walker shouts “Regulation Regulation” in response to the slavering lefty media/BBC hullabaloo over the data mining non-story. One begins to wonder whether the young chap is running some kind of meta spoof subtley mocking the BBC from within by loudly exaggerating the house agenda narrative.
You can but notice that this big fat bag of nothing story is force fed into out attention just as the Russia collusion hot air runs out of steam.
Toady this morning starting up on the soft soap on Theresas “BIG DEAL” with the EU. She’s probably hoping for another quick russian inspired murder to hide behind. It worked over the Telford scandal so if the ruskies pull their fingers out all will be well.
I noted the downplay and BBC lack of criticism. Could this be because they have been assured when the sands of time (i.e. so-called, “Transition”) run out, it will be impossible to distinguish whether we are ‘out’ or ‘out’?
Because the the story is more about the fact EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker also wrote a letter of congratulations to the Russian leader on Tuesday, pledging to “always be a partner” in improving security co-operation with the Kremlin. He continues…”I have always argued that positive relations between the European Union and Russian Federation are crucial to security of our continent”.
Also German Chancellor Angela Merkel was among the first Western leaders to “warmly congratulate” Mr Putin on Monday – a day after his re-election – stressing the need to continue dialogue “to address important bilateral and international challenges and find viable solutions”. (essentially, political speak for ensuring German gas supplies at a discount!).
I’m not arguing either way for Putin or commenting on the the recent incident in Salisbury. I am pointing out the deliberate ‘burying of bad news’ from the BBC and the the fact the EU is a technocratic German dictatorship which has duped large sections of the electorate, by stealth, to its merits.
BBC should be very careful about not overdoing this Facebook/CA thing.
First off, there’s a corporation with massive ‘earnings’ that data mines for increasing amounts of big data. If there’s a clampdown on that sort of practise, it might hit W1A and its friends, especially of the Lefty-Libby sort, who just love BIG DATA.
We all know social media is a Faustian pact, that if you do not pay for the product you ARE the product.
They just cannot resist a story that fits their agenda. The whole facts first story later has been inverted. I reckon they get a broader range of news stories in North Korea.
Institutions are desperate to control the web – google is sort of doing it using their al gore rhythm – what ever that is – but free speech on line like here must be crushed to avoid free thinking.
BB, yes but with W1A you PAY for the product (on pain of imprisonment) and they still mine you for data! Ditto with the Lefty-Libby political parties!!
“Telford Police are just working through a backlog of Old cases before getting to the hpthousands of child rapes”.
Old cases: that would be the thousands of Speech Hate crimes I guess. Nothing like getting priorities right………….
8.10 interview on Toady: the presenter is trying to sound all serious and moralistic but I just cannot take her seriously. To have any moral authority you have to apply the same rules to everyone, do as you would be done by. After they just memory holed Obama’s spying on Trump – not only ignored it but tried to turn it back on him – they have zero moral authority. You can’t lecture parents for not controlling their children when yours are going around crapping on people’ faces.
They throw stones from a glass house which Trump has smashed to bits. Their credibility can never recover.
While the BBC is falling over itself in search of horrifying adjectives to describe the Facebook “data breach,” calling it the scandal of the century they seem to have forgotten the way they treated President Obama’s use of data on millions of Facebook users to win reelection in 2012.
Back then, Obama was described as a genius – genius! – who figured out how to tap into Facebook’s ocean of Facebook data on users — and their friends — to microtarget messages. Oh, the mystique of the Obama hipsters, so attuned to data, so the trope went.
Unlike then-candidate Donald Trump, the Obama campaign collected the data itself, and used it right up the election. Anyone who downloaded the Obama 2012 app agreed to give the campaign access to their own data, as well as all the data on their friends, without their permission. More than a million did, which means the campaign had access to tens of millions of unwitting Facebook members.
It certainly dwarfs anything the Russians might have done with Facebook and the elections.
Meanwhile, Cambridge Analytica used data collected from people who thought would be used only for “academic purposes,” the scale was much smaller — 270,000. who downloaded that app — and the data was old by the time the election rolled around.
It makes one wonder why the reaction to each of these two events was so different.
Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone including the BBC Cheered
One of THE MOST maddening things about the Left (BBC) is their willful ignorance and short memories when it comes to their own activities. Anything done by leftists is excusable. Lying, cheating, dissembling and misleading are just considered smart politics on their side.
They just cannot get away with their nonsense like they could in the past. The internet remembers everything. Every time they attempt a big hit like this they miss and a punch lands against them. All their ‘outrage’ is so contrived. Increasingly they look like bad actors in a bad play.
Exactly: they praised Obama for doing the exact same thing.
Have they once considered why we voted for Trump and Brexit? What are they doing which we are so sick and tired of and how can they change?
Oh no – we are just ‘low information’ racists and Trump somehow ‘stole’ a landslide victory, turning red blue states which had not voted Republican in decades.
So, public sector workers in the NHS are to get a 6% pay rise, reports the bBBC enthusiastically. Cue dewy-eyed sighing about nurses.
Around £4bn of extra funding (from taxpayers) will be found for this, they report.
But conveniently if unsurprisingly the bBBC ‘investigative journalists’ forget to mention the increase in future pension liability, No longer a final salary scheme, but still rock solid guaranteed (by future taxpayers) based on earnings. The future liability to future taxpayers arising from the pay increase of £4bn is around £2bn. Half as much again. Thats on top of the 27-33 days annual leave, and near zero threat of redundancy. Now NHS staff may or may not deserve what they get but I do wish the bBBC would at least be honest with us and give us all the facts and not just their usual carefully selected portion.
No doubt the bBBC will feature someone saying that NHS staff are still ‘underpaid compared with the private sector’.
But I bet they won’t be asking ex Carillion or Toys’r’Us workers.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
“Everyone thinks it is only boys who join gangs.”
What an uplifting story of female empowerment from an aspirational young lady. Her dad was a crack addict – you can bet it was all those evil white male bowls players from Chichester who sold it to him.
Soon the snowflakes will be marching on the streets of outer London boroughs demanding just as many girls are stabbed to death as boys.
An acute observation by Beeb Brother. Thanks:
“”Soon the snowflakes will be marching on the streets of outer London boroughs demanding just as many girls are stabbed to death as boys””
UK media is now similar to banana republic!
UK laws are now based on a banana republic!
UK MPs have the intelligence of a banana republic!
Here is Canaan Banana who banned jokes about him being a banana because it upset him. Welcome to 2018 where a dog cannot salute Hitler for fun!
“we (Conservatives/Theresa May) made a clear promise to the British public”
Can the BBC pay attention to our current in power PM Theresa May … and her many promises forgotten and dropped just as quickly as a Sadiq Khan who spends more time out of London than in it (Pakistan and Texas) …. did Khan make it to hate filled USA?
PROMISE – a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen OR the quality of potential excellence.
“we (Conservatives/Theresa May) made a clear promise to the British public”
“we (Conservatives/Theresa May) made a clear promise to the British public”
Katty seems to think she’s got the cream.
Not just Trump “Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians” … and what happens when you call the electorate deplorables?
10pm Radio 3 Rod Liddle is on a panel
Hosted by Anne McElvoy.
Also David Runciman, author of How Democracy Ends;
Caroline MacFarland, the head of a think tank promoting the interests of ‘millennials
‘ and geographer Danny Dorling
“Democracy was the most successful political idea of the last century but can it survive the digital age? ”
“To be fair Dave the turnout was 130% in Tottenham”
– parody response to ….
“Must try harder next time Vlad I managed 82% in Tottenham”
– David Lammy
p.s. David Lammy has not been seen on his free £650 bike paid on expenses!
Population Tottenham : 129,237
Population of Russia : 144.3 million
One Mediterranean Taxi service stopped
ProActiva Open Arms boat was confiscated by Italian authorities today, after 218 migrants were illegaly ferried to #Italy
Hopefully the taxi-drivers are in jail? (Noting the word ‘illegally’)
Sorry, not about the BBC (apart from their ignoring the whole of the ‘coup’), but I am much encouraged, not to say gleeful, at the latest Still report on General Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LitmTXd3mB0 If true, then the swamp-dwellers should be very worried. I hope Gen. Flynn is well-protected: we don’t want another suicide from two bullets in the back of the head.
BBC Hide the story in plain sight by skipping words like abuse and r*pre and child in a title ‘Dad (attacker) got mum (child) pregnant (r*ped) then killed (murdered) her’ {bbc.co.uk 20mar2018}
The daughter of a 16-year-old mother murdered by an older man in Telford wants police to explain why he wasn’t prosecuted for sex crimes.
Lucy Lowe was 14 when she became pregnant by Azhar Ali Mehmood in the town, which is now at the centre of child sexual exploitation claims.
Telford and Wrekin Council said it could not discuss individual cases but added in a statement: “We accept and regret that some historic practices were not effective 10 – 20 years ago.
– The BBC did report Tony Hall will say! It’s not the BBC’s problem if the BBC used words to confuse the public as to what was happening Gary Lineker will say!
Tricky BBC
– They use use apostrophe marks
..as if it’s a kind of paraphrased quote
I can’t see a phrase like that in the article
Which has had an incredible 8 rewrites in five and half hours.
Watch as the BBC edit the story before your very eyes …. swaying between groom and s*x and kill and murder.
Change the numbers in the link above to compare different version.
Version 0/8:
.. West Mercia Police is yet to comment. The council “regrets” its conduct.
… West Mercia Police said it could not comment on specific cases.
… killing Lucy
… murdering Lucy
… stop the teenager being groomed by Memood,
…. why he was never charged with sex crimes.
“Lucy Lowe: Telford victim’s daughter ‘wants answers'” {bbc.co.uk 20mar2018}
close-up of BBC headline
But first Sun headline : “Telford child sex gang got my Vicky on crack at 12, pregnant at 16”
Daily Mail ‘She didn’t have a voice, the least I can do is speak for her’: Daughter …
Second more explanatory headline on England page
How can the BBC tell us that Zukerberg is getting called before the fearsome MPs? All the way from California? When the BBC bigwigs won`y even pop round the corner to account for their tax fiddlings in Parliament
BBC lie ‘We don’t force our staff into Personal Service Companies ‘
Times \\. A contract offer to the BBC 6Music host Liz Kershaw in December 2009 stated:
“The BBC will only engage on-air talent for long-term commitments of engagements if their services are provided through a service company (or partnership).”
A dossier of similar emails was passed to MPs with testimony… //
“The BBC has been hit with a cease and desist letter from presenters facing tax demands ”
The independent tax barrister presenting to the parliamentary committee estimated that by guiding presenters into Personal Service Companies it could save up to £130 000 000 in National Insurance payments .
Then goes merrily away talking about cuts to the International Health Service .
Correction 13 million not 130 million .
Having listened to the albeeb presenter pay exam in parliament –
Presenters set up separate personal service companies with an incentive from al beeb of higher pay – eg 100k in house becomes 130k as personal service
Then presenter claims to be self employed thus cutting tax bill . They could go PAYE but not be able to get tax relief as a self employed bod .
In business this morality level is fair enough but for a high minded public sector broadcaster it stinks of corruption .
“He is really the first tax martyr. (878 AD) He (Theresa May) was called upon to pay the Danegeld (EURO), and he took £48,000 (£48 Billion) to the (European Union) Danes, then at Greenwich, and handed it over. They said, “Mr Alphege (Theresa May), we would like some more, and if you don’t give us more, we are going to hold on to you as a hostage.” And (Theresa May) Alphege replied: “I will
notgive you more; I willnotput higher taxes on my people; I willnothave them suffer this imposition.” So they threw ox bones at Alphege until he (Theresa May turned up in a room alone in the EU) died. I hope that people will not find it necessary to throw ox bones at me, but as another representative from North East Somerset, I will stand constantly for low taxation.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg /North East Somerset / Con {youtube}{Full text to speech – Parliament home page – Jacob Rees-Mogg – jun 2010}
A new series starts next week on BBC1 starring arch remainer and critic of Brexit, Christopher Eccleston
http://www.radiotimes.com/tv/tv-listings/?sd=27-03-2018 19:00
I won’t be watching it and I won’t be taping it because I already know it’s going to be absolute crap.
Grenfell madness
..Normal people stay in their own homes after their neighbour’s house burnt down
.. But for the 3 rows of flats near to Grenfell
On June 14 ,133 families were moved to hotels
The bill is £20m so far is £150K/each
Only 15 have moved back home, 44 somewhere else, 74 refuse to.
43 of them refuse alternative homes on the grounds its not permanent.
Regards that couple who are currently in the dock for murdering their French Nanny. A few things which nobody at the bBC has managed to knock together:
1) Both are Algerian
2) They accused the nanny of Witchcraft
3) They accused her of having sex
4) The female murderess is heard on court screaming:
“I pray to god I do not have to touch you””
Pointing in the direction that she saw the victim as…unclean.
5) They beat her for months , then murdered her and then tried to burn the body.
6) When the fire service arrived to put out the huge fire, they found the male Algerian barbecuing chicken. After they refused his offer to put out the fire, they turned over the ashes and found the bones of their victim, when asked what it was, he said it was a sheep he had bought at market. (Chicken and sheep, but not beef or pork)
What do you think all the above all adds up to about the Algerian couple, which the bBC have left out.
Jan 29 : \\ 18-year-old Adil Rashid in the U.K. who raped a 13-year-old girl was spared a prison sentence by Nottingham Crown Court after he claimed that his Muslim upbringing did not teach him to respect women.
“Although chronologically 18, it is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters,” Judge Michael Stokes said when handing //
My upbringing didn’t teach me to respect Islam or men that bonk other men etc. etc.
Somehow I don’t think that will work as a ‘get out of jail card’ though.
It might work as a “Get-into-jail” card though.
@Pounce, Both are Methodists, perhaps..?
We all need you Pounce to fillet out the bias and omissions by this vile organisation. Thank you for the time you put in
Someone made a racist comment in a Whatsapp group! Unpersoning imminent.
Someone somewhere made a ‘racist’ comment – I bet it was a joke taken literally – in private and it is a big story. Do they not think they might have comprehensively won this particular battle?
God imagine if someone just commenting on becoming a terrorist warranted this type of response. How many lives would that save? Alas, imagined offence taking trumps dead bodies in our leftist dystopia. I somehow think that is the battle of our time. Even as seven are killed in a week in London and multiple terror attacks last year they still go on about utter non issues like this? Pathetic.
Despite Brexit
“Inflation eases to 2.7% on falling petrol prices”
The Pound has gone up against the Euro. 🙂
We need to import more from outside the EU esp food .
There is a HYS running
When do we introduce a Politician PROMISE CRIME … (rather than Hate Crimes) …
“… we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government (Conservatives) would reduce and control immigration.”
– Theresa May 12dec2012
Just when I’d thought that this country had broken beyond repair, something happens that I can applaud: Stephen Hawking’s ashes are to be interred next to Isaac Newton’s in Westminster Abbey.
Sir Arthur.
Newton believed in God. I wonder if he will offend Hawkings
I doubt if Newton would have accepted a holiday on convicted paedophile’s private Caribbean island of sin
Al c4 is still in grief /mourning/ anger / denial about President Trump.
Is there any doubt that science is used to attempt to influence the outcome of any election . A campaign is about influencing .
Tonight al c4 is again rubbishing a british company which worked for candidate trump. Does anyone think the other side wouldn’t do the same ?
Bet if al c4 s candidate – Clinton – had won there wouldn’t be any of the hysteria ongoing . Wish they’d go back to investigating corrupt charities.
This story suits al c4 albeeb by turning heads away from the Brexit sell out .
Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug’s ‘Nazi salutes’
”A man who filmed a pet dog giving Nazi salutes before putting the footage on YouTube has been convicted of committing a hate crime.
Mark Meechan, 30, recorded his girlfriend’s pug, Buddha, responding to statements such as “gas the Jews” and “Sieg Heil” by raising its paw.
But police were alerted and he was arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime.
The original clip had been viewed more than three million times on YouTube.
Meechan, of Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, went on trial at Airdrie Sheriff Court where he denied any wrong doing.
He insisted he made the video, which was posted in April 2016, to annoy his girlfriend Suzanne Kelly, 29.”
Pathetic BBC shows neither the dog giving the salute ,nor when the sentencing is, and doesn’t comment on why the case took almost a year to get heard in court.
On the other hand the Jewish Chronicle does not mince about:

”Man who taught dog Nazi salute found guilty of hate crime
The sentencing will take place next month”
Eddy ,
Thanks for the post . I’m guessing the court will order the Pug to be destroyed and the alleged offender a couple of years in prison.
Meanwhile the asian child sexual exploitation gangs will carry on raping 12 year olds – the state really has got its priorities . And excellent that al Beeb gives this nonsense the full treatment . It’s lucky we have the Human Rights Act to protect our rights right ?
This seems to me an example of everything that is wrong with the way Western societies are heading. Yes it is in poor taste and i can certainly understand a Jewish person being offended, but it wasn’t “hateful”. The judge says its “grossly offensive” maybe so, but since when is this a crime.
Since 2003, apparently. The interesting point is that it is widely reported that not a single person actually complained. Polis Scotland took it upon itself to take action.
Time for an investigation into the influence of the secretive Common Purpose, isn’t it?
Wasn’t it Police Scotland who diverted all resources to proactive twitter patrols such that a woman died in a ditch in the real world?
I wonder if you can de nazify a Pug…? And please I do not mean to cause offence but this criminal conviction has a certain strangeness to it.
Declaration ‘ the nazis dropped bombs on my family – which had never done anything to them. At the end of the war I’d have done to the German army what the Russians suggested… which wasn’t kiss and make up.
Isn`t it the dog who should be prosecuted?
Or was he just “following orders”?
Englands Dreaming,
“The judge says it’s “grossly offensive”…..
Grossly offensive is raping young girls because they’re considered “kaffir”, grossly offensive is throwing people off buildings because they’re homosexual, grossly offensive is hacking a defenseless animal to death with a rusty blade whilst chanting “allahu akbar” or some other tribal nonsense.
A dog lifting it’s paw in the air cannot ever be classed as offensive.
I don’t think words can ever be ‘grossly offensive’ but the amount of ‘effing’ and faecal nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs broadcast by ‘our’ BBC gets pretty close.
Englands dreaming
As Douglas Murray says
“Europe is too “exhausted by history” and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs.”
This shuts down talking about uncontrolled mass immigration and Islam. Leaving the EU is supposed by the media to be an attempt to recapture imperial glory. Even the current attitude to Putin shows the same pussilanimous servility. Guilt about not honouring the USSR’s contribution to WWII, guilt about not being magnanimous enough about winning the cold war, guilt about repeating the WMDs in Iraq mistake. This minset does not see mosque building and hijab wearing for what it is – minor victories in an ongoing struggle for supremacy. The same applies to Putin’s nerve gas attack. A strong country would see this for what it is – an act of war. Putin shows his power by a classic Soviet-style provocation. He calculates there will be no real response from Britain.
So Ricky Gervais what do you think about that ?
Starting now on ITV “World’s Ugliest Pets
Another topic ..good tweet from @socratesxxxx
“The internet is being written by men with an agenda”
… writes @cathynewman…..a women with an agenda.
Stephen Hawking’s ashes to be interred near Sir Isaac Newton’s grave

The ashes of Professor Stephen Hawking will be interred next to the grave of Sir Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey, it has been revealed.
The renowned theoretical physicist’s final resting place will also be near that of Charles Darwin, who was buried there in 1882.
Newton, Darwin, Hawking
– spot the odd one out?
About all Hawking did was write a popular science book..
Don’t expect the bbc to raise this though
The remains of a remainer in the Abbey . Methinks the reaper don’t take sides.
In the worst possible taste……..
Perhaps someone who understands the technology would like to post the picture.
Stephen Hawking was just Jim Bowen’s ventriloquist doll.
..So when Jim died, you weren’t going to hear Hawking speak again
Newton’s the odd (yes very odd) man out – he didn’t get it quite right and had to have his approximate theory replaced with General Relativity.
I made the mistake of listening to the afternoon play on Radio 4 at 2.15. All the white, English, working class people portrayed as thuggish racists or terminally thick. All the ethnically different portrayed as put- upon victims. The one positive portrayal was, of course, a white, middle-class, university lecturer.
Puerile, condescending and offensive, the only consolation is that I’ll never have to share their creepy Ivory Tower as I’m far too thick!
In that case, report it to the police. After today’s verdict in Scotland it seems ‘causing offence’ is enough to win someone a criminal record. Perhaps even a spell in prison. Lord knows, R4’s drama department richly deserves that.
Was that not the political lecture thinly disguised as drama, pitched at a year 8 level…?
Juncker on who’s behalf did you tweet this, says Andre O’Neil
Ah of course two anti-democrat brothers who don’t like the public deciding things for themselves.
Gorbachev once said that the EU was simply the EUSSR, only with better suits and jeans.
He envied the lack of democracy and accounts in the EU.
Nuff said.
Putin and Juncker.
One is the head of a gangster state who gets his way through threats and strongarm tactics, whilst retaining the semblance and veneer of democracy. The other is the President of Russia.
Great post!
Yeah ,
Dear Russia – please don’t send the tanks through Poland and Scandinavia again any time soon because our military is busy ensuring there are a proportionate number of wimmin and transsexuals in each Regiment. Yours EU Reich ( not Blighty any more ).
The Russian army must laugh now at Nato’s capabilities.No doubt Poland will fight bravely and with conviction if necessary but the rest including us?
Dont think so Dave – We especially outclass them with our new aircraft carriers. I dont think the Russians have anything that can match up against the new virtual reality fighters carried on the Queen Elizabeth class carriers. They are the ultimate in stealth fighters – so stealthy that it looks as if our new aircraft carrier has no aircraft.
Good for snowflakes though as no-one is likely to get hurt.
You really could not make this up!
It does have a police launch guarding it in Portsmouth Harbour. Not much for the cops to do but I suppose whilst they are sitting there they can earn a few bob searching Twitter from well funded Tell Mama
Tell Mama fine. Telford less so.
Without those pesky aircraft taking up space it would make a fine replacement taxi for the Libya to Italy run. Maybe they could bring the punters straight here instead as I think Saint Bob and Silly Allen still have room in their pads. Surely Sir Bob has finished decorating the guest rooms now?
It’s a brilliant design. Remember how tedious it was to park all those aircraft so close together. The same principle is widely applicable: schools run more efficiently without pupils, hospitals without patients, and so on. The trained staff can get on with their lives without distraction.
What a white elephant those carriers are. I’m all for us having a strong armed forces but diminishing all of our other forces to put virtually all our eggs in these two baskets, which could be taken down with a couple of torpedoes is foolish, arrogant and reckless.
The carriers cost about £3 billion each, and are vital for any navy which seeks to operate independently beyond the reach of land based airpower. Meanwhile the government finds it can spend £13 billion a year on overseas “aid”, and can find £39 billion to bribe the EU to allow them to maintain an £80 billion trade surplus with us.
The carriers are not white elephants, and in the context of the money the government pisses away each and every day, not even very expensive.
Rob in Cheshire:
I have to disagree with you. Since 1997, the capacity of our armed forces has been reduced by two thirds. The current yearly armed forces budget is £49 billion and we’ve spent £6 billion on just two ships.
Given that the budgets and personnel numbers have been so drastically reduced, I have to say that I think two ships that would be glaring targets in any conflict are not the best way to spend our money.
Now I agree with you entirely on your points about foreign aid and EU ransom (I could have written that myself) and find it disgusting that we can spunk that money away whilst letting our armed forces diminish – whilst still attempting to talk tough with Russia – but with decreasing budgets and the planes not even being delivered yet (and costing £9.1BN for the first 48) I don’t think it is the wisest use of our money.
Obviously, the carrier programme predated the 2008 financial crash. The Coalition government would have cancelled them in 2010 if they could, but I am glad they did not.
The carriers give Britain the ability to act anywhere in the world we need to, so as to deter aggression against us and our interests.
For ships which should last for 30 to 50 years, I think they are good value, and give Britain the sort of capability which every other Security Council Permanent Member has. I would also point out that the cost of the two ships must be spread over several years, so for any one year they only represent a small proportion of the annual defence budget.
Even if the carriers had been cancelled in 2010, the other reductions would still have taken place. We would still have too few ships, submarines and manpower, but at least now we will have the two carriers to build around in the future.
All we need now is a government not made up of wimps, defeatists and traitors. I must be dreaming.
I hear you and don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more to be proud of the Royal Navy reclaiming some of the oceans but our fleet has been, and is being, smashed and it feels like if we had to muster an armada or a carrier fleet, we’d be dangerously exposed.
I mean 20 main ships (including an aircraft carrier with no planes) is pitiful. It’s less than what we retook the Falkland Islands with, so if we committed the same in an action, we’d be hopelessly exposed at home.
And as I say, one or two well placed torpedoes and that all important trophy ship is a goner. The nature of conflict changes and although Battleships were king in WW1 by WW2 the world had changed to Aircraft carriers. I’m not sure if it hasn’t changed again and a big arsed target is a liability.
I do take on board your comment about the cost being spread over the years and the importance of fielding aircraft carriers as members of the security council (though what would we have done while these were being built).
Could the money have been better spent on more planes or more soldiers or more smaller ships?
HMS Queen Elizabeth will have planes when she is fully worked up, but she will not be ready for service until 2020, by which time the first F35s will be ready. Of course, if the Coalition had not been so stupid as to flog our Harriers in 2010, they could have deployed earlier.
Obviously, Queen Elizabeth is vulnerable to torpedoes, but so is any ship, and a bigger ship is better able to survive a torpedo attack by internal subdivisions, and she will be carrying a squadron of ASW helicopters, and will be escorted by an ASW frigate as well as a nuclear submarine (we would hope).
Given that the Coalition wanted to cancel the entire carrier programme in 2010, but could not because of the strictness of the contracts, there is no point in thinking the money for the two carriers could have been spent on more planes or other ships. It would not have gone to the defence budget at all.
No, you’re right. That’s a good point that if the project had been canned, the money would have been spent on something other than defense.
HMS Queen Elizabeth will probably only ever be used to ferry migrants from 3 miles off Libyan coast straight to Italy. Should be able to carry 10,000 every few days. The hangar can be stored with new clothes and iPhone chargers for the migrants to help them start their new lives.
Hope it can either sail up to Telford or that its long range weapons can hit the invaders HQ.
Quite so Fedup, very amusing.
Spectator criticise BBC and LibEstab
\\ Politicians seldom have problems condemning the activities of white racist groups. Rightly so.
But rape and sexual assault need to be investigated and exposed, whoever the perpetrators are. //
LBC caller tells us about the racist behaviour in his Pakistani community
(That’s the issue : the libEstab’s double standard of neber mentioning Pakistani racism )
Good on ya kid … whoever you are .. because you are the only people they will listen to .. cos us whities are waycist. Stay safe x And good on Andrew castle for letting him speak the truth!
Tried to watch Portillo in India but had to button it. After 5 minutes he just had to mention the Amritsar massacre and by implication damn our imperial past. OK that was not our finest hour but the Raj was a lot more than that.
Signalling their virtue .It is what they do on the BBC before anything else.
Still watching , he certainly didn’t bang on about it.
One thing is , he interviews a lot of women
when actually in India I seemed only to ever get to speak to men.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, endless f’ing mea f’ing culpas.
Get up off your knees Britain and stand tall for a change.
Well said vlad
Dave S
Is this his train travelling series ? I watched a few of a series a while back and all he went on about in two episodes was slavery so I gave up watching it.
Dave S
Is this his train travelling series ? I watched a few of a series a while back and all he went on about in two episodes was slavery so I gave up watching it.
It’s funny how the British were so terrible in India yet when we left and said ‘fine, divide it up amongst yourself’ they started slaughtering each other.
It’s almost like baring the occasional blip, we kept the peace.
A post from the Radio4 Facebook page
\\ I listened with great amusement to Broadcasting house today
It was great to hear that Tory toadie Rachel Johnson reduced to a spluttering apology, towards Peter Hitchens as he agreed with Jeremy Corbyns analysis of the chemical outrage (Salisbury) //
Then in 20 comments. lib/lefties clapped like seals
… until someone pointed out that Boris’s sister Rachel had defected from the Tories to the LibDems a few years back, when the referendum was announced due to her being such a passionate Remainer.
My feelings about how the country has declined so terribly are quite well summed up in this Littlejohn article –
There’s a few people on the thread wondering who could we vote for. Well, there are the fringe parties (including UKIP) – constantly under attack in the media, and their leaders as likely to be put in prison as becoming MPs. Absolutely no chance of winning in the current political climate.
Conservative? No, the best hope is for their few legitimately ‘right-wing’ MPs to defect elsewhere or start another party – that maybe Frank Field or Kate Hoey could join as a sensible middle-ground. The mainstream majority of Tories have betrayed us on immigration and Brexit, they are a spineless bunch of no-account hucksters with their eyes only on easy money and continued managed decline.
What about Labour/Momentum? That’s the fast track to societal and economic meltdown, but also maybe the quickest way to a kind of balkanisation – from which some non-mad citizens could hopefully carve out a piece of the UK and start again.
None of it looks good, and if I’d had kids I’d have told them long ago to just get out and emigrate to a land that isn’t ostensibly batshit crazy.
I have to agree with you. I used to enjoy politics but I don’t feel anyone represents me now.
Labour are a dangerous joke. Lib Dem are a devious joke. Conservatives (bar literally one or two) are nothing but a bunch of spineless, unpatriotic, self serving, PC obsessed imbeciles.
Question Time is just full of the same old tired arguments with no one offering anything fresh. The Beeb make politics depressing in it’s nullifying, anti UK, one way of thinking bias and even the Mail has descended into a celebrity gossip rag chasing the virtue signalling brigade rather than it’s core audience.
Yes, there are individuals that can shine like Farage, JRM, Bernard Jenkins but you can’t run a country with 1 person and with so few level headed, long term thinking individuals it’s hard to see any kind of improvement in the future.
I know that makes me sound like a rose tinted spectacled fool but Maggie would have sorted this shit out.
Oh why do I do it ? follow weeks of watching talented folk as they compete for a top prize. I should know as soon as I see several non-whites take part, that one of them will win the big prize whether they be super talented or plain average. It happened again tonight on Portrait Artist of the 2018. (Sky/Freeview). Three in the final – and one was an exceptionally talented amateur 17 year old artist, another was a professional and equally brilliant artist, and the third was a young lady whom I spoke of last week and whose portraits have no resemblance of the sitter, and was mixed race. The ultimate prize was a £10,000 commission to paint Kim Cattrall for some Liverpool Institute. The following hour was the winner’s progress on the painting to it being hung in the Institute. I did not bother to watch.
BBC news right now is able to give a long article about sexual exploitation of 13-year-old Rohingya girls, including interviews.
But is unable to give even a fraction of that time to report sexual exploitation of 13-year-olds in Telford.
Mishal knows her priorities Roland.
I have stood up for Theresa May – although I don’t think she has stood up for the UK.
Just raising the issue with Stormzy …. please wait, your hate is important to us.
Well done though this will just be added to the list of hate crimes which the beeb will tell us are growing as Brexit approaches.
If we just cancel the apocalypse and call of Brexit, the world will return to flowers and rivers of chocolate.
Apropos the eviction of the Russian diplomats today. What’s betting there was an almighty spend-up this past 7 days, no wonder they needed mini buses to ferry them to the airport – all that luggage !!!!!
Its funny you should mention that. A few years ago I had to escort a Russian team who were in country to check to see if we had any hidden nuclear weapons. ( They went around bases checking hangers and the such. ) The thing is while all the camp COs were happy to show them around the camps, they were more interested in shopping at discount shopping centres.
Details of the royal wedding cake are revealed by the BBC.
I believe the cake is to be made by a pale skinned person.
What is wrong with Nadia?
Never one to question the wisdom and impartiality of our Washington correspondent John Sopel, I nevertheless find myself querying his latest BBC stance. By implication he seems to have involved President Trump and his campaign in the current facebook/Cambridge Analytica furore. Apparently it has been suggested that CA, by some devious means, messaged selected facebook accounts with pro-Trumpish urgings and thus swung the balance of opinion away from the correct and natural presidential candidate.
But, call me an old fuddy-duddy if you will, surely those of tender years are more likely to be facebookers, and more than likely to have needed no extraneous persuasion to vote for this Hilary person? And surely those of more mature years, more likely to have voted for Mr Trump, would be less than likely to have wasted their time on facebook?
Weren`t Obamas fanboys all telling us that Roll Out the Vote was a duty in the new cyber wars in politics.
Obama really “engaged” with his voters, got them out via MSM. And the BBC approved, so urban, inclusive, so now and so funky. Whereas white dinosaurs like Romney just didn`t know what the kids were at.
Then Trump tops them, uses their tactics to win for himself. S`not fair.
How grand to be a Lefty.
The absurd postulations about Bookfuss and Cambridge Analytica (isn’t that some sort of lefty body complaint?), on R5Dead this morning made an interesting mistake. A pundit from somewhere or other suggested that there was a huge number of similar operations going on during the election.
As usual Rhod Sharpe panicked and quickly moved on without asking how many were at it for Billary.
That’s a really excellent point. The millennials might be swayed by Facebook but those basket of deplorables with their oppressed wives, confederate flags and backward attitudes are hardly going to be checking their FB status every day are they.
Just some observations, in case anyone is swayed by the Observer/Guardian/BBC’s linking of dumb Trump to evil Cambridge Analytica – oh, ok, I know you are not!
Describes how Obama was one of the first instigators of harvesting Facebook info. Obama’s data scientists, who are golden, angels of virtue, persuaded about a million people to link to Obama’s Facebook page. These shouldn’t be confused with the evil data scientists Trump employed who did the same thing.
Obama’s data scientists then accessed to all those people’s profiles and friends and thus hit on millions more people and had more info to target the electorate.
What Cambridge Analytica allegedly did for Trump is no different than what Obarmy and Clinton did.
Do you think the beeb would be half as worked up if CA had helped them, or Remainers, instead of Trump and (allegedly) Brexit?
Wrong outcome Vlad. Had Hillary won, none of this would be happening.
Had we lost the Brexit vote, does anybody think we`d have had a Gina Miller and the whole array of paid stooges chipping away on the BBC and courts to overturn the vote? Day in, day out?
Makes you wonder why the hyperallergic reactions we`ve brought out in the case of Brexit and Trump. Must be a cultish religious mania that we`ve put a stop too. Because their pretence of “listening to the people” is long done. Just bullying cartel power to keep their show on the road. Not working. Never will-and we know now the scum we`ve allowed to rule the roost since 1989.
I have nightmares of an alternate reality in which Clinton won. God, can you imagine the gloating and feminist triumphalism from the Beeb? Stories of women sprouting wings just because a venal, elitist bitch had cheated her way to the White House?
And if Remain had won by just a few votes it would be done and dusted.
Their horrendous behaviour in the wake of both results has been a blessing in disguise as it shows the people that they are ruled by a tiny, self-serving elite who in reality hold the voters in contempt. They hide it well when we do as we are told, but here the mask slipped and we will never forget what they are really like beneath the veneer of politeness and pretending to give a f**k about us.
“….beneath the veneer of politeness….”
I must have missed that bit Beeb.
Talking of alternate realities, I was discussing with a friend a few days ago about if Scotland had voted for independence in their referendum.
If they had, the EU referendum would have only counted the votes of England, Wales and NI and the result would have been even greater of favour to leave:
53.1% leave
46.9% remain
I wonder if that would have made any difference in highlighting that the desire was even greater to leave than the Beeb believe.
Scotland’s Leave voters don’t seem to matter but, without them, we’d have voted to Remain. So, why didn’t headlines scream ‘Scotland drags us out of the EU’? 🙁
I’m not sure if I understand you. Do you mean if Scotland had voted entirely to remain, we would have remained?
Yep. An unlikely scenario I grant you but, how many times do we hear ‘Scotland voted to Remain’? We don’t hear that Scotland’s Leave voters were vital to the outcome 🙁
Anybody able to tell me why Westminster Abbey are taking the remains of Hawking?
He`s an atheist, best placed under the travellers site at Cambridge North Interchange.
At least old Hitch wouldn`t have let himself be interred in a churchyard, especially when his company would be Darwin-who actually DID change science, not leave us with an unreadable coffee table book?
No Hawking was a BDS shill, who needed Israeli technology but scorned the country that gave it to him.
Personally, I`d put him in a wicca laundry basket and put his exorbitant hardware into the metals recycling, before the travellers extract the rare metals and sell them off and back, along with the church lead.
No-Doddy is FAR more worthy of this accolade-at least he was a Christian, not an ocean-going atheist,
Will the Church now guarantee that Dawkins ends up at Westfield or the O2-NOT in anything remotely Godly or Christian?
Or will Welby ensure that he gets some berth for his followers to bully priests from as they like?
No wonder the Church is stuffed-death is about the only area left to them and they screw it up every time.
Alicia – I dont think the Church of Welby has much to do with that Christianity thing much these days so its probably quite apt. Mind you I dont think he was a Muslim either which may present a few problems as Justin seems quite keen on promoting this.
Would a closet muslim be a contradiction in terms?
I thought they would be selling him off for scrap.
I’ll just leave this here:
German city installs Karl Marx traffic lights
Should be outside Broadcasting House.
Would be Trier wouldn`t it?
Karl Marx` birthplace.
Note that the Chinese are sending back their massive statue of Marx to Trier, presumably because the Chinese know now that Marxism is shite.
The E.U and German Lefties on the other hand are going back to the Marxit future than even East Germany knew to be crap, and life-threatening.
Weird world eh?
The beebistan seem much more interested in the muslim Rohingya children trafficked for sex at the other end of the world than in the British children trafficked for sex by muslims under their noses.
I wonder why? Couldn’t have anything to do with the religion of the victims in one case and the perps in the other, could it?
I wish the beeb would stop trying to be a world broadcaster and start being what it says on the tin: a BRITISH broadcasting corporation.
The Rohingya children trafficked for sex
They love every country but their own.
Specially our enemies.
Traitors, should all be hanged from the yardarm!
Mishal a wee bittie defensive on twitter at the mo, having posted their massive investigation out there, over here.
One winner is they did mention Telford on the Victoria Derbyshire show once, but think they got away with it.
No questions asked by Mishal on exactly who is trafficking children for sex out of the Rohingya refugees that reach Cox’s Bazaar.
You would think that a journalist would ask questions about something like that, wouldn’t you? Who is guilty here? How can it be stopped?
Or would the answers reveal an inconvenient truth for the BBC? Or more than one truth, perhaps?
“No questions asked by Mishal on exactly who is trafficking children for sex out of the Rohingya refugees that reach Cox’s Bazaar.”
The name of the refuge is a bit of a give-away.
Fellow muslims, natch.
They do love their kiddies, don’t they?
Trump did not condemn Putin or mention poison attack, even though aides said he should. This means he is probably his lover, planning to take over the world with him and is literally Hitler.
I imagine he is just being polite. It is probably not a great idea to start having a moan at someone so ruthless and powerful; I am sure Trump understands that from his real estate dealings. So what if his aides recommended something else? He is the president and his judgment is final.
I remember when Marr met Putin and he pretty much bowed at his feet. Imagine some of the Beeb snowflakes trying to tell of Putin? They would cry and wet themselves. It is easy to say you ought to moan at him but I imagine when you actual speak to a real life Bond villain you have to play it by ear somewhat.
The BBC should not leak private conversations like this. It is one last pathetic attempt to smear him with Russian ties but it just makes them look unprofessional and desperate. It was a confidential conversation which they should not report on.
Amol Rajan in San Francisco this morning to report on Facebook. Do they not have a London office?
All these expensive foreign trips and not one staffer seems to have popped up the road to Telford yet. Even going to a London borough where people keep getting killed would be more useful. Facebook analytics is another non-story to feed the bottomless beast which is their agenda. Will they ever stop throwing their toys out the pram at their defeat? Maybe we just hate them and that is why we voted against them, not because of Russian bots or whatever?
I for one do not care and they would not either had their side won. They have cried wolf too many times. I bet they tried just as many snide tricks, probably fat worse.
Londonistan crime update
Westfield Shopping centre is an exciting and vibrant place with lots of Norwegians and black gangs . Last night it seems there is one less as a 20 year old stabbed to death – according to the Londonistan evening standard that makes it 8 in 7 days.
I’m sure the vibrant mayor will make an uplifting speech or be voted man of the year but the National association of undertakers .
‘Normal’ homicide level for Londonistan – 100 -killings so far this year – I’m guessing 30 to 40 or more. I report this because it’s my end of our great and enriched capital city.
They actually reported on the number of London murders in their Radio 4 news briefing this morning. We must be having some effect.
Beeb .
At the current rate the number of murders in 2018 – without any forthcoming Islamic incidents – is likely to be double- at 200 .
If I remember the average uk homicide level in about 550 each year over many years – so there is a rapid change…
This FB thing seems mainly an excuse for regulators and BBC types like Our East East End answer to Bob ‘Oskins to lay down some chem trails to sunnier climes.
Maybe Trump thinks ‘good on you for getting your man’.
This is a world of spies, espionage, treachery, danger and risk. Of course people are going to die and this guy was a double agent that committed an act of treachery against the USSR.
Why was he brazenly swanning around Salisbury? Shouldn’t he have been living off the grid in a cabin somewhere.
Props to Russia for taking him out. I wish we had done the same to Philby and any other traitorous scum.
This really is nonsense. Mr Skripal had been caught and tried for his crime of spying for Britain. He did not receive a death sentence when the Russians had him, he served time in gaol, and he was then swapped for some Russian spies.
This is all standard and legal. Mr Skripal was not wanted by Russia for any crime, he had already been punished. He was living legally in Britain. He was not a fugitive. He was living a normal, quiet life in a normal, quiet British town.
The other point is that he came to the UK as part of an official exchange. The convention has always been that participation in such a swap confers immunity to those involved – in both directions. This is the first time that the convention has been broken.
Rob in Cheshire:
But this is a world of spies, deceit and treason – the world of ‘gentlemanly conduct’ is evaporating. Plus we are talking about Putin who sees the West descending into weakness and stupidity as we continue to bumble and fall over every little thing that he does.
He’s like an actor playing a bad guy that when people say you only have 25 lines and are on screen for 10 minutes, responds ‘Yes but they are talking about me for the entire film’.
Okay, it might be bad that this guy was killed on our shores but so are other people killed by foreign cultures and what are we really going to do. We’re not pushing from a position of strength are we? The EU are reaming us out in these so called ‘negotiations’ and we have a PM content to pander to the PC classes by admonishing Trump like a naughty school boy yet running to him like a frightened child when the big bad Putin bully picks on us.
Maybe if May and the chattering classes hadn’t been so keen to milk the PC teat and ridicule the US, Putin might not be taking the piss so much. And gathering round our ‘friends’ to criticise him is as ridiculous as it is juvenile.
Just like our diminishing culture in the face of multiculturalism, weakness invites strength and Putin can read that a mile away.
Your points are all valid, but the fact is still that Mr Skripal was not a fugitive, he was not on the run from Russia, and his daughter was innocent of any crime, as was the policeman who went to their aid. If the Russians are really behind this, then Putin has crossed a line which even the KGB never crossed, and that is worrying indeed.
I respect your analysis though surely Russia was emboldened to do this after we didn’t really do anything following the Litvenko murder?
Maybe if anything productive could come from this it would be that Theresa should desist from berating Trump in the sake of the UK’s best interests and that it might be worth funnelling some of the money from the Foreign Aid budget into the MOD (though those muppets will just piss it away) if the threat from the East is getting greater.
I agree it would help if Theresa the Appeaser realised that President Trump is our best friend, and it would be helpful to back him up from time to time.
It would also make sense to cut back on “foreign aid” and support our own defence, but that line of thinking is akin to teaching your dog to do a Nazi salute these days.
I hear you fella!
Groundhog Day
BBC London news, read by a presenter I’m afraid I can only name as Ms Unpronouceable, brings us the number two headline (following a campaigning piece about care homes) and it’s a knife murder in the Stratford Shopping Centre.
Back to the national BBC news and our Dan Walker shouts “Regulation Regulation” in response to the slavering lefty media/BBC hullabaloo over the data mining non-story. One begins to wonder whether the young chap is running some kind of meta spoof subtley mocking the BBC from within by loudly exaggerating the house agenda narrative.
You can but notice that this big fat bag of nothing story is force fed into out attention just as the Russia collusion hot air runs out of steam.
Toady this morning starting up on the soft soap on Theresas “BIG DEAL” with the EU. She’s probably hoping for another quick russian inspired murder to hide behind. It worked over the Telford scandal so if the ruskies pull their fingers out all will be well.
I noted the downplay and BBC lack of criticism. Could this be because they have been assured when the sands of time (i.e. so-called, “Transition”) run out, it will be impossible to distinguish whether we are ‘out’ or ‘out’?
How in any way, anyone can call this a deal is beyond me. What negotiation was there, what exactly did we achieve and what did the EU concede to.
The UK bent over and took all of the EU’s length with no warm up and no lube.
Why would a headline “Trump congratulates Putin on Election victory” be tucked away on the BBC Europe section of the news website?
Because the the story is more about the fact EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker also wrote a letter of congratulations to the Russian leader on Tuesday, pledging to “always be a partner” in improving security co-operation with the Kremlin. He continues…”I have always argued that positive relations between the European Union and Russian Federation are crucial to security of our continent”.
Also German Chancellor Angela Merkel was among the first Western leaders to “warmly congratulate” Mr Putin on Monday – a day after his re-election – stressing the need to continue dialogue “to address important bilateral and international challenges and find viable solutions”. (essentially, political speak for ensuring German gas supplies at a discount!).
I’m not arguing either way for Putin or commenting on the the recent incident in Salisbury. I am pointing out the deliberate ‘burying of bad news’ from the BBC and the the fact the EU is a technocratic German dictatorship which has duped large sections of the electorate, by stealth, to its merits.
Jon Snow getting exercised that the Yanks are not clearing the streets for the ICO lady’s motorcade to smash into Zuck’s lobby.
Meanwhile MPs are ‘summoning’ a US citizen here to explain himself to Keith Vaz.
Good luck with that.
BBC should be very careful about not overdoing this Facebook/CA thing.
First off, there’s a corporation with massive ‘earnings’ that data mines for increasing amounts of big data. If there’s a clampdown on that sort of practise, it might hit W1A and its friends, especially of the Lefty-Libby sort, who just love BIG DATA.
We all know social media is a Faustian pact, that if you do not pay for the product you ARE the product.
They just cannot resist a story that fits their agenda. The whole facts first story later has been inverted. I reckon they get a broader range of news stories in North Korea.
Institutions are desperate to control the web – google is sort of doing it using their al gore rhythm – what ever that is – but free speech on line like here must be crushed to avoid free thinking.
BB, yes but with W1A you PAY for the product (on pain of imprisonment) and they still mine you for data! Ditto with the Lefty-Libby political parties!!
A Heads they win, Tails we lose sort of thing …..
Just one comment. But summing up the the state of our state police and state broadcaster… cannot be bettered:
“Telford Police are just working through a backlog of Old cases before getting to the hpthousands of child rapes”.
Old cases: that would be the thousands of Speech Hate crimes I guess. Nothing like getting priorities right………….
8.10 interview on Toady: the presenter is trying to sound all serious and moralistic but I just cannot take her seriously. To have any moral authority you have to apply the same rules to everyone, do as you would be done by. After they just memory holed Obama’s spying on Trump – not only ignored it but tried to turn it back on him – they have zero moral authority. You can’t lecture parents for not controlling their children when yours are going around crapping on people’ faces.
They throw stones from a glass house which Trump has smashed to bits. Their credibility can never recover.
While the BBC is falling over itself in search of horrifying adjectives to describe the Facebook “data breach,” calling it the scandal of the century they seem to have forgotten the way they treated President Obama’s use of data on millions of Facebook users to win reelection in 2012.
Back then, Obama was described as a genius – genius! – who figured out how to tap into Facebook’s ocean of Facebook data on users — and their friends — to microtarget messages. Oh, the mystique of the Obama hipsters, so attuned to data, so the trope went.
Unlike then-candidate Donald Trump, the Obama campaign collected the data itself, and used it right up the election. Anyone who downloaded the Obama 2012 app agreed to give the campaign access to their own data, as well as all the data on their friends, without their permission. More than a million did, which means the campaign had access to tens of millions of unwitting Facebook members.
It certainly dwarfs anything the Russians might have done with Facebook and the elections.
Meanwhile, Cambridge Analytica used data collected from people who thought would be used only for “academic purposes,” the scale was much smaller — 270,000. who downloaded that app — and the data was old by the time the election rolled around.
It makes one wonder why the reaction to each of these two events was so different.
Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone including the BBC Cheered
One of THE MOST maddening things about the Left (BBC) is their willful ignorance and short memories when it comes to their own activities. Anything done by leftists is excusable. Lying, cheating, dissembling and misleading are just considered smart politics on their side.
They just cannot get away with their nonsense like they could in the past. The internet remembers everything. Every time they attempt a big hit like this they miss and a punch lands against them. All their ‘outrage’ is so contrived. Increasingly they look like bad actors in a bad play.
Exactly: they praised Obama for doing the exact same thing.
Have they once considered why we voted for Trump and Brexit? What are they doing which we are so sick and tired of and how can they change?
Oh no – we are just ‘low information’ racists and Trump somehow ‘stole’ a landslide victory, turning red blue states which had not voted Republican in decades.
Take some responsibility for f**k’s sake.
So, public sector workers in the NHS are to get a 6% pay rise, reports the bBBC enthusiastically. Cue dewy-eyed sighing about nurses.
Around £4bn of extra funding (from taxpayers) will be found for this, they report.
But conveniently if unsurprisingly the bBBC ‘investigative journalists’ forget to mention the increase in future pension liability, No longer a final salary scheme, but still rock solid guaranteed (by future taxpayers) based on earnings. The future liability to future taxpayers arising from the pay increase of £4bn is around £2bn. Half as much again. Thats on top of the 27-33 days annual leave, and near zero threat of redundancy. Now NHS staff may or may not deserve what they get but I do wish the bBBC would at least be honest with us and give us all the facts and not just their usual carefully selected portion.
No doubt the bBBC will feature someone saying that NHS staff are still ‘underpaid compared with the private sector’.
But I bet they won’t be asking ex Carillion or Toys’r’Us workers.
Sluff – what terrible news – how can the international health service find the money to build more corridors to put punters in until they die off.
Also, UK nurses and doctors are either THE best paid in Europe else one of the highest paid alaready.