A tweet with pictures contrasting 1967 & Labour’s traditional base with 2018 & the cross dressing Izzard, produces this tweet from Sopel “What a ghastly tweet. It’s 2018. What are you saying here? Why not just say it out loud?
I Suppose Sopel considers the tweet to be all about some “phobia” or other rather than a valid(?) comment on Labour now being wholly aligned with the metropolitan elite.
Mr Sopel makes the noises his employer requires. He probably believes because he is not connected to reality .
He is more of a menace to our true way of life than the one he and his beeboid type imposes on us. I’m glad I will never pay his wages again. It’s all I can do. I wish there was more – apart from avoiding his words
It’s 2018. What are you saying here? Why not just say it out loud?
In 1967, Izzard was the five year old son of a middle-class accountant.
They have a real problem. The growth of the BDS movement particularly in the universities has allowed the easy acceptance of anti Semitism to be seen as legitimate anti Israel behaviour.
The two things are not at all the same. Anti Semitism predates the state of Israel by hundreds of years and has always been an irrational and destructive force .
The hatred of Israel has to be heard to be believed. It provides cover and an excuse for things like the wall mural which was straight out of 1930s Germany .
The atmosphere for Jews has been poisoned in higher education and there is no antidote now. It has now spread to the labour party which is no longer the party of the ordinary working man and has become the party of entitled spoilt middle class children and bitter academics and quangocrats stiffened by on the make trade union leaders. Add to that the endless state employees and you have it.
Jones and Corbyn are in denial. The other factor we need not mention . It has to do with a new demographic which is mistakenly wedded to this lot.
100 years of the RAF.
The BBC isn’t showing the Dambusters (dog issues) or 633 squadron (attacking Norway) or Battle of Britian ( we are victorious) The BBC hate this country and all that it “stood” for.
Broadcasting House was quick to point out that they were hideously white and failed to employ enough women.
Churchill really should have sent up a few Izzards, Toksvigs and Zepheniahs, instead of those bloody white blokes who could fly and were brave enough to fight and die for the rest of us…those of us to come.
Naughty Winston.
Only the BBC would start 100 years of the RAF with THIS line of attack. And only “The Few” who still pay a licence fee shoild be stopping getting one, so we can starve them of their oxygen.
Day One with no licence. Radio radio. Let`s hope we can find some bias on radio 4 shall we?
the RAF was clearly behind the curve by not have a list of all women bomber crews fitted out with appropriate fittings like USB ports during those boring trips to Berlin like – yeah.
Sorry I just can’t stand the idea of a dumbed down celebrity led commemoration of 100 years of a British Institution which is more than worth the tax cash spent on it – unlike Al beeb.
Black and White D-day Invasion stripes will soon be replaced by multi coloured rainbows…..they will blend well with white poppies being dropped in the Mall.
If the BBC were proper Journalists they would only have to look a few miles up the road and indeed look at thier own records to find a story of young BME men from the commonwealth who perished in a Lancaster crash less than 2 miles from the BBC studio. This is not to demean the many brave Australians New Zealanders South African and Canadian lads who paid the ultimate. It was very unusual and I would say unique for such a racially diverse crew to serve in a RAF bomber in Europe. So a great story that would have ticked the “diversity” box but sadly due to their incompetence one that sadly will go untold. For those of you interested the details of the crash are here aircrashsites.co.uk/raf-crash-sites-1942-1945/013rrruse-2/
BBC has surpassed it self this morning. Leading off with the notoriously left wing BMA using stats as facts and following with a heart rending Education item on how the lovely teachers are financing kids extra meals ( presumably the reason so many are obese?) All presumably to bury the rumbling Anti Semitism issue plaguing St Corbyn and his cronies. Health Education and the BBC – three sacred cows which could do with a bag of grass not fois gras.
Rhetorical, of course. Still Treezer has hit the airwaves and inter web to ‘hope’ no one has run afoul of any whose faith appears challenged by anyone else having another one.
Fingers crossed, love, especially with Dick less interested in actual physical crime that hurty words in the ether.
How many stories like this – someone from a minority managed to do something? More patronising and insulting than what your most hardened racist could come up with.
That story applies to no end of scum who easily gull the liberal saps that comprise the “Parole Boards”.
Wonder if there`s a handbook so they can fake wellness or contrition, before going out to kill once more?
And will John Warboys get a copy from what`s left of the prison library service? if so, he`ll be out before too long.
Imagine Blair is a model of fake acting, he`s done very well out of it.
That has to be one of the pictures of 2018. And it hits a raw spot with the comrades which is even better.
Labour must be desperate to find something to deflect attention. Maybe comrade Jeremy and lady nugee will go to Israel – in order to be denied entry as enemies of the State.
Declaration – i am not Jewish , am fully aware of the crimes against the nazis committed.
Should sue eh?
Good old Owen needing m`learned friends to protect his views.
Thought that the left didn`t want the Lords around, but funnily enough they`re stuffed to the gills with lefty lawyers and lords types.
So off goes Owen and Jez to seek redress. So much for creative free speech. Sugar is correct. He should know as well.
Countryfile and Horrid Heap up to their usual tricks together with conveniently pre-programmed ‘professor’ and report author urging us to believe that ‘several factors’ are responsible for the decline in hedgehog numbers. Initially equable and unbiased, with the farmers’ viewpoint reasonably put but traffic, modern farming methods and hedge removal ever more significantly promoted. Yes, it was conceded, badgers played a part but not as large as some suggested. Everyone happy, tiggywinkles absolved, enviromentalists vindicated.
Except, of course, the equation between the drop in hedgehog numbers and massive rise in the badger population was not properly considered. What other predator kills and eats hedgehogs? Er..none. What is the rise in badger numbers since protection in the 1970s? Several million. What is the decline in hedgehog numbers during the same period? Several million.
BBC Countryfile continues its missionary task – to make the predominantly Tory countryside and its Brexiteer inhabitants increasingly fascist. Luckily Jewish and Russian dwellers remain in the minority.
Totally agree. I used to live in area infested by badgers and greenies, needless to say – very few hedgehogs.
People in the urban areas who have never experienced a badger at close quarters really need to have that experience, they are NOT as cuddly as the BBC would have you believe.
BBC1 Easter Sunday evening. Countryfile. From West Yorkshire. Should be good. Lovely countryside. Ideal armchair viewing, yes?
Errr, no.
We get a beekeeping initiative for refugees and people from the job centre !!!!!! ‘My name is Marika and I am from South Sudan’.
The professor who thought of the idea is of course called Riyadh and has a strong non-English accent. A white right-on public sector snowflake, the only one with an indigenous accent, is all in favour.
Only on the BBC. Agenda driven indoctrination 24/7/365.
Pure fantasy television. Driven by nothing more than a belief that if you wish it will happen .
Meanwhile for now the shires remain nearly 100% indigenous and very traditional .
A constant rebuke to the whole ethos of the BBC and it’s progressive sycophants.
Been out and about all day. Come home make a cup of tea and put the TV on at 7.55pm to catch the BBC1 Countryfile long range weather. It’s presented by a very camp gay presenter – tick!
Last short item is building bee hives in West Yorkshire with IMMIGRANTS -TICK!
Hindu – tick!
Indian -tick!
Hajab wearing Muslim – tick!
black African – tick!
and many more – tick!
Me and Mrs Tabs used to watch Countryfile but not any more for over a year now. We stopped when they turned every farm report into a anti Brexit piece. Now it has gone down hill even more as its just a continuation of BBC liberal policy but with an outdoor theme.
That’s what frustrates me about the Worboys case. The guy is a monster and should be castrated or tattoed rapist across his forehead yet I can’t help but feel that the media won’t be up in arms when any of the Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Telford grooming gangs are up for early parole.
On those occasions, we’re all supposed to have faith in the justice system that their terms have been served and that they’ve been properly reprimanded. If we carried out the same clamour for additional punishment for any of the ‘asian groomers’ we’d be called out for being part of a racist, lawless witch hunt.
Worboys uncontrollable and individual urges made him do what he did. For the groomers, it’s their very culture that made them do it. In a normal world, that would provide the authorities and society with an easily identifiable target for motive – start coming down on said culture while society mocks the culture through comedy and commentary. But of course, we can’t do this because we are terrified of calling out what is patently obvious.
So we genuflect towards feminism and MeToo yet abandon our young girls to the evils of an imported culture out of fear.
Of course he`s a creep. But I do wonder what kind of girl falls for some patter about the driver at the front serving champagne to the back of the cab because he`s won the lottery?
My mum had names for such girls-shall we settle on pissed, greedy and out of control instead?
I know little about this, but when MeToo indulge a Jon Venables but kick holes into their own rehabilitation industries ( all crims are redeemable, except for non-TV Licence fee payers)-and do a Ched Evans retrospective hit on someone sanctioned by their liberal buddies at the Home Office? Well, sense the law is baised that`s all.
The amount of coverage this single offender has had from the BBC is ridiculous. They cannot pull the wool over our eyes – the pattern of offending is so, so different.
Odd isolated weirdo versus it being so acceptable you get your mates and family involved. If Worboys tried to get fellow taxi drivers in on his act they would have beaten the crap out of him and called the Police, rather than either join in or say nothing.
Never mind that Joshua-Wilder heavy-weight bout, who else hereabouts caught the Owen Jones v Shaun Ley light-weight tug of love over the Labour Party Anti-Semitism thingy?
You could have knocked either of them down with a feather but for my money the BBC chap had the more elegant style and longer reach, although the boy Jones is clearly the dirtier fighter when caught on the ropes.
The venue was mid-day BBC News Channel and our northern gay prince of the chavs came out of his pinko corner fighting accusing the BBC of being anti-Corbyn and simply copy and pasting Tory broadsheet reports. Ouch. The boy sure knows how to hit the Beeb below the belt where it really hurts.
Ley gave about as good as we can expect ducking and diving a bit to maintain his home stable’s renowned precious balance.
Jones’ predictable tactic – other than to flounce off set – is of course we condemn BUT it’s all a horrible anti-Jezza plot anyway – so look over here there’s all these bigoted racist Toreeez!!
Cue footage of Edward Izzard playing ring girl in high heels and too much lippy.
Is it just me or has the world gone bleedin bonkers? Oy Veh!
9pm BBC2 Seth Rich doco, framed as a “Conspiracy Theory”
… funny how the BBC suddenly has a doco about him.
6 months before the election, the Podesta emails get leaked, releasing lots of dark stuff about Hillary & her team, the BBC/MSM refuse to cover it , then suddenly Seth Rich a young team Hillary member who probably had access to the emails, get shot dead in an unexplained killing.
I call that an interesting scenario with a lot of unexplained
..today the BBC call it “Conspiracy Files : Murder in Washington”
Soon, stories circulated on right-wing websites and social media accounts that his murder was no random robbery, that Rich had been behind the leak of thousands of emails that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
This was untrue*, but Fox News** repeated the claims and now faces a lawsuit from Rich’s family.
* “Untrue” ? How can you prove such a negative ? Unless its impossible that Seth never had access
** Why pick out Fox News, The Washington Times a reputatble Conservative newspaper is also being sued
..It’s also the third time NPR says “Dallas investor Ed Butowsky is sued a third time over conspiracy theories linking a Democratic National Committee staffer’s death to the leak of party emails. ”
There is a difference between an UNEVIDENCED conspiracy theory and an EVIDENCED conspiracy theory
In Global Warming activists often seek to dismiss skeptics by saying ‘oh all skeptics are conspiracy theorists funded by big oil”, which of course in a big-conspiracy theory itself. http://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/e/gdf7cq/the-conspiracy-files–conspiracy-files-murder-in-washington/
An alternative Seth Rich doco from May2017
About 5 mins in something very interesting
The families lead private investigator goes on TV to make a claim to say he’s spoken to an FBI guy who says that the 50K emails were sent b Seth to Wikileaks
..The next day he completely retracts
Well either he was lying the first time ..say cos he was acting for Republican interests.
..or he’s lying the second time ..say cos he was acting for Democrat interests.
I caught that documentary this evening and am wondering why it was broadcast at all? It is the second hit on Trump today – Stormy https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qjz5/episodes/player
I am most definitely not a follower of conspiracy theories and am somewhat shocked that our BBC is portraying the facts around the Rich murder as such.
As far as I can see, the reason the BBC has suddenly revealed the Seth Rich murder in this documentary, seems to correlate with recent legal actions against right-wing journalists, caught in false flag fly trap conspiracy theories, put out by the swamp.
The facts under censorship, and the puzzling mental block on looking for that evidence under offer, would indicate where the truth resides.
After watching the BBC Documentary, I noticed that the censorship was extensive. Below are just ten points of BBC Censorship.
(1) The BBC didn’t seem to bother talking to the Police or FBI about the murder, only a right-wing activist focused solely on finding personal fame by trying to work out who murdered Seth Rich.
(2) The BBC seemed to talk only to a selected group of Democrats and left-wing Journalists.
(3) The BBC didn’t bother to talk to any Republicans or right-wing Journalists.
(4) The BBC did not talk to Wikileaks.
(5) The content of the emails was not mentioned.
(6) No mention of why former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to go.
(7) No mention of left-wing puzzlement at why the DNC is protecting Donald Trump by not allowing the FBI to look for evidence of Russian hacking. It may be because they fear that they will find evidence that the emails were given to Wikileaks by Seth Rich, Imran Awan or someone else.
(8) No mention of Imran Awan who has been charged with fraud and other crimes connected to stealing and selling equipment and classified information.
(9) No mention of a report by a group of former NSA agents indicating that last year’s DNC “hack” was a leak from inside the DNC.
(10) Also not mentioned is why is no one interested in Kim Dotcom (Born Kim Schmitz), who is offering to provide evidence to Congress that the emails were given to Wikileaks by himself and Seth Rich, transferring 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments, spanning from January 2015 to May 2016, transferred to Gavin MacFadyen, director of WikiLeaks in London, before May 21, and then WikiLeaks started publishing DNC emails on July 22, 12 days after Rich was murdered.
Fake news comes in many different forms. It doesn’t have to be a direct lie to qualify; simply publishing a deliberately misleading headline is just as bad.
The Sunday Times runs with “Ryanair pays men three times more than it’s female staff”
Then you read the nitty-gritty and see that the reason for this is that the highest paid employees are the pilots and only 1.4% of them are female.
When you look at the salaries for people doing the same job, men and woman earn exactly the same.
When are the MSM going to realise that it does their credibility no good to treat us like fools.
The reporter @RosamundUrwin is a bit of a campaigner it seems
Context : female airline pilots are very rare indeed
Telegraph 2015 \\ Estimates from the International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA) say there are about 4,000 women pilots worldwide, of about 130,000, that’s just over three per cent.
Another estimate, by easyJet, puts the balance at five per cent, with six per cent of its own flying staff female. British Airways says about six per cent of its pilots are women – that’s 200 out of 3,500. //
They had a ‘pay gap’ story on Radio 4 this morning and actually explained the whole different roles/hours worked angle which they often ignore despite it being crucial. They must read all the comments under their Facebook posts about ‘pay gaps’ and realise people are fed up with their extreme economy with the truth.
The BBC really spoil us don’t they? Bank Holiday Monday, at peak viewing time, 9 O’clock BBC1, we’re being treated to an hour of Lenny Henry.
Just what have we done to deserve this? It’s a public holiday, ffs.
Surely they could attempt to put something on that was either entertaining or at least passably amusing?
Lenny Henry has been washed up for decades. And he was only moderately funny when he started out. Okay, I raised a smile at his David Bellamy. I may even have managed a chuckle at his Frank Spencer. But that was over 40 bloody years ago. Christ, just lately he’s been about as funny as a severe bout of diarrhea.
And now they’re sending, at our expense!!! this talentless tosspot to bleedin’ Jamaica?
And there’s even worse news…
The bastard’s coming back!
Always been thus to greater or lesser degrees re the press. But the influence on the broadcasters esp @BBCNews I have never known to be greater https://t.co/UK2mc4srmf
Wow, they buried this concession about why their entire story is BS on page FIFTY. IPSO rules would have had it on page TWO. But Observer – cheered on by famed reformers Jukes, Watson and Mosley etc – refuse to sign up. Remember that next time they lecture you. pic.twitter.com/VXwO3WvmBv
“There is more knife crime in London than elsewhere ” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42749089
Something to do with ‘cultural enrichment’ over the recent years ?
Is it something to do with ‘Yardies’ ?
As you know I rattle on about this quite a bit – londonistan is heading for double the number of murders in 2018 against 2017. The predictions made a few years ago that crime would go up quickly as populations grew and changed are coming true .
Street control is breaking down and I forecast real “ no go areas will form too” where only para military style will operate . Just depends on the inevitable increase in big guns .
There is a solution but it would be considered too “robust” for people to accept at the moment .
Those being killed at the moment are tending to be from the same – under- class as the killers.
When ordinary people are caught in cross fire or as “collateral “ maybe attitudes will change . The albeeb “togetherness” crap will be in full flow by then to reassure / deceive us.
I’m just watching ‘The Conspiracy Files’ on BBC 2. They are pushing the idea that the White house and Fox are the pushers of Fake news. They, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC etc are reporters of the truth……The BBC is an absolute joke.
On BBC 1 Sunday evening we were treated to an Agatha Christie mystery Ordeal By Innocence. I switched off before the episode finished because it was too much of an ordeal to watch. All that money to play with and they can’t do news, comedy or drama.
I make a point of strenuously avoiding anything with Bill Nighy in it, he can’t act (at all) and just plays himself; in every role I’ve had the misfortune of seeing him.
I have mused upon the fact that he’s instantly recognisable as himself even as an Octopus in Pirates of the Caribbean (Dead Man’s Chest).
I quite like him though. Very funny in Auf wiedersehen Pet and Still Crazy after all these years.
I just want to say a happy Easter holiday weekend to all the posters here at BBBC. I haven’t been popping in much lately but you’re a decent group of people who gather here and I enjoy reading your thoughts about the state of our nation. All is not lost as long as some are still able to think for themselves. Blessings.
‘All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise’
The BBC really are trying their best to shift us into a parallel universe. BBC One warn me that after the football we have to take our dose of ‘the wimmins football show’ and to compound matters we have a new station ident clip of female boxers, grrrrr! Switching to the News Channel the obnoxious Naughtie makes way for Rebecca Jones to chat with grand Shakespearean Sir Anthony Sher who jokingly regrets he was once refused the role of Cleopatra. The response of the director was apparently “if I give you the part, I’ll have every leading actress in the country lynch me!” Bizarrely BBC girl Rebecca Jones says “times have changed”. Seriously? She thinks an ageing bearded Sher could play Cleo? Not even Carry On Cleo! And I can assure our Rebecca that the wimmins acting union although they might be more than happy to see female Lears, Falstaffs and Prosperos, would surely still frown at a male Cleo. These things tend not to cut both ways, you know.
Equality should not equal sameness. If we could get to having some honest appreciation of gender differences, let alone the fact that some cultures are better than others, then we might be able to sort this mess out.
I love football and how I hate that Five Live now reports on the women’s game. Nobody cares.
isbn 9781786065131
Never in my life have I had to literally throw an autobiograpical book away through sheer disgust, I made it halfway through before I could read no more, how this immigrant scum can get away with this with 12 year old “kaffirs” and also handing them over to their 16 year old kids and getting them to talk to their wives while they are abusing them ? also making them kneel down and whipping them and tying them to beds for the parties they had with them, hurting them as much as they could and hiding behind antiracism laws I could go on and on but will probably be prosecuted for hate crime but thats the twisted nature of our society
And if we object we are “far right” ? its not just the paki scum who did this (Oxford this one) and they are all pakis with no exception, but the wives who know what is happening becasue they were spoken to on the phone while husbands abused them, and their teenage sons given to them as presents, and paki society and community who are complicit in ths though full knowledge, and the mosques and the council of muslims who all know what is happening and condone it because their culture is more important than this countries laws
Times March 17th criticises people commenting about Laura Southern case, calling her “far right” ( a boo-word used to demean people)
March 17th This Times article look as if it's written by Brendan Coxes lot who throw the boo-word "far-right" around just like 1970s racists used "black" pic.twitter.com/BiMp7MXrr8
It was an interesting April Fool’s Day on the BBC website.
“Izzard calls for Labour to stamp out hate”
“The comedian Eddie Izzard, newly appointed to Labour’s ruling body, has said the party must ‘stamp out completely the stain of anti-Semitism’.”
Comedian? Labour to stamp out hate? Two April fools for the price of one.
“Country where the British are blamed for everything”
Afghanistan, apparently, and written without irony.
“BBC Breakfast falls for newspaper’s April Fools Brexit joke”
How the presenters laughed when they found out they had been had, so improbable to them it’s hilarious.
A self professed “comedian” takes over labour party policy, even better he wears lipstick, stockings and high heels, go back ten years and predict this …..wish I was in a bookies then could have made a fortune
”A spike in violent crime in London saw more murders committed in the city in February and March than there were in New York, figures show.
So far in 2018, 46 people in London have been fatally stabbed, shot or injured compared to 50 in the US city.”
46 and 50?
increased you say…
”But, while New York’s rate month-on-month has decreased since January, London’s is on the rise.”
That’s not really the BBC photo
Just my little joke for Easter
Here theirs: a policeman with his hands in his pockets..
The beeb are baffled by the sky-rocketing murder, knife and gun crime rates.
The police too.
City Hall is ‘deeply concerned’.
Ex-copper Leroy Logan is ‘devastated’.
According to him, “Police can’t just arrest or stop and search their way out of this problem, it has to be done in partnership with the communities.”
I think there’s a clue in that weasel word ‘communities’.
Reading between the lines, here’s what he’s saying: we all know who’s committing all these murders, but if we adopt sensible tough measures the, ahem, ‘communities’ will kick up a stink and squeal about racism, profiling and victimisation etc. So let’s talk some lefty sociological gobbledygook about ‘holistic’ problems requiring ‘holistic’ solutions, throw more tax-payer money at certain ‘communities’ and do precisely nothing.
Oh, and they compare NY crime rates, which started going down when? When they dropped all the touchy-feely liberal pc crap and adopted firm-but-fair zero-tolerance. Short term there was the predictable outcry by all those ‘communities’, then things got better.
It’s hyper-liberalism that got us into this mess, it’s not more of the same that’s going to get us out of it.
And it’s definitely not coppers painting their nails, mincing around at gay parades or twerking with, erm, members of ‘communities’ to show how cool they are.
But our copper’s right in one aspect: the police can’t do it alone, there needs to be a nationwide resolve and stiffening of the will, and a willingness to face some uncomfortable truths and voice them.
TRUTH is now regarded as an affliction suffered by those who dare to identify with the right side of political thinking. Righthink is the new enemy of the state.
Eddy /Vlad, Well another great 1st for London’s First Muslim Mayor as our murder rate outstrips that of New York for the 1st time. He must be a very proud bunny. With a bit of luck we will soon be vying for top slots with cities such as Mogadishu or Karachi. “Over here” appears to be turning into “over there” at a rate of knots.
Fortunately for us “The Dick” is on the case.
Apparently Ms Dick is planning more “fact finding” trips to New York.
Hooray London is saved!
I wonder what “facts “Cressida will find?
One “fact ” that I know Cressida will not find is that the “Common Purpose” police officer apparently partly responsible for the mistaken shooting of Charles de Menenez appears to have been promoted beyond her ability. Maybe rather than Common Purpose having the “leading beyond authority” mantra they could change it to “leading beyond ability”
Personally I blame Tommy Robinson for all of this and hopefully it will not be long before Cressida is able to point out this “fact” to the rest of us. I know I jest but the way things are going – I think purges based on political expedience are only a breath away.
If immigrants want to form their own communities in this country they should be dispersed and if they object they should be prevented from entering this county in the first place, that would sort out most of the crime in this country and as a case in point our traveller “community” 2 % of the population, 20 % of the crime as expalined by the police and, if anyone decides to defend them well just ask which one of that “community” is likely to stand up in court and bear witness against any one of their community in a criminal prosecution ? same as the muslims with their paedophile rapists , so they are all complicit in criminal activitly so just as guilty
Why do people want to come and live here? Because in someway there community’s culture and religion has failed them. They in some instances come here to escape corruption and medieval outlooks looking for a better life in the UK so who can blame them ? But why import the culture and outlook that has destroyed your country and community ? Thats the bit I dont get.
A repeatedly raped 12 year old girl aint going to be asking that question about those”people” dont ask them any questions just cut their balls off and send their brood back to pakistan rather than give them 5 years in prison,
They come here because they are well informed about what they can get financially and legally. The asylum excuse has well passed its use by date. As for culture Muslims have no idea what that is. Music, art, literature, theatre. In many ways I’m grateful because when I manage to go out at least I can still find some Muslim free space. However I can’t find a space where I feel truly safe.
A couple of stories as reported by the bBC have caught my eye about how they only report what they want to, in which to paint a totally different picture from what actually happened: Ofsted school hijab ban stance challenged by teachers’ union
Reading the above (which the bBC have now changed from its promoting Islamphobia angle) you get the impression of Muslims once again being the victims of…white non Muslims. Yet the school in question St Stephen’s primary school in Newham, east London is predominately Islamic, has an Islamic head teacher and Islamic governors . who after consulting Islamic clerics stated that they will ban any girl under the age from attending if she wore the hijab, which is as directed in the Koran, which states that girls become attractive to men from the age of 9 and thus have to cover up. They also stated that primary school children should not have to fast during Ramadan, which is also written down in the Koran (Actually they state young children) and yet to the left this is a hate crime resulting in the Head teacher receiving hate mail and the Islamic head of governors having to resign. and the bBC doesn’t mention any of this.
The second is the breaking story about how 20 people have been killed in India with another 70 injured: Kashmir: 20 dead and 70 wounded in fierce clashes At least 20 people are dead and 70 injured in Indian-administered Kashmir after fierce clashes between militants and government forces on Sunday. Four civilians were killed when police opened fire on stone-throwing demonstrators, AFP news agency reports. Officials in Kashmir say this is the restive region’s worst loss of life during a single day in recent years. Kashmir has been caught in a land row between India and Pakistan for decades and has endured brutal conflict. As well as the civilians, at least three Indian soldiers and 13 suspected militants are said to have died.
Now here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you, On Saturday India carried a huge security operation. In the ensuring shoot outs they killed 13 terrorists, lost 3 soldiers and 4 civilians got killed in the cross fire. Thousands of Muslims took to the streets in which to try and interrupt the security operation (as they have a habit of doing ) and they were shot with riot guns in which to make them stop attacking the soldiers . Included in the terrorist death toll were 2 men who kidnapped and murdered a army officer last year.
Yet the bBC does not mention any of that, instead painting a totally different picture about a country gripped by Islamic terrorism
Now the above link is from India, in case anybody feels they are biased here is how the following countries are reporting this story: America:
All of them report the same story about an Indian security operation which was attacked by Muslim youths wanting to stop them doing so in the middle of a gun fight. Yet for some very strange reason the bBC leaves out all of that information in its report and here is the lead photo for their article:
The bBC, the apologist for Islamic terrorism and Islamic intolerance paid for by you.
Hi Pounce, and let’s not forget that the BBC has one of the biggest if not the biggest global network of reporters, contacts and researchers – with reporters and contacts embedded in various places including Kashmir, Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan etc. The BBC certainly know what they are doing.
The recent BBC reporting of Eastern Ghouta compared to their reporting of Afrin is yet another example that proves beyond any doubt the depth and extent of the BBC propaganda and takeover.
Hamas has everything to gain and Palestinian civilians have everything to lose in riots like the one that happened yesterday pic.twitter.com/AGSq3Wg5RS
David Keyes is Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesperson.
He has posted several of his recent interviews by the media (RT, CNN, BBC) on @DavidKeyesPMO.
Lots of repetition – but compare and contrast.
bBBC constantly interrupting his responses.
I have been having a break from the BBC..it’s quite relaxing. Then I watched country file…in Huddersfield, talking about bees…and who do they have has the lead story..a Syrian Refugee and a bunch of other refugees..It’s not his fault but I know bee people in that area that were born and brought up there who have been working with bees there for years…and doing lots of charitable activities..where were they? Then it’s the search for a upcoming presenter looking for 8-15 years olds. All the pictures of the kids working on farms were white…so who do they end up showing as potential future presenters. 6 girls, 4 Asian -2 with hijabs and 2 whites – no boys. How representative of people who visit and work in the British countryside! Why does the BBC insist on shoving political correcteness down our throats..even if it doesn’t represent reality
JamesArthur- I am just amazed that Gary Lineker is allowed
to present “Match of the Day.” The BBC’S obsession with
diversity and what they call positive discrimination ,knows
no bounds.
Give it a couple of years and one of their plethora of Indian sub
continent lady presenters will be the anchor for MOTD. And I
would not be surprised if the women’s version of the programme
for positive discrimination gets transmitted first. With the
men’s programme starting at 12.30 AM.
Cressida apt surname, I can save the taxpayers of London your air fare and accommodation….
What Reduced Crime in New York City
“The police measure that most consistently reduces crime is the arrest rate… Felony arrest rates (except for motor vehicle thefts) rose 50 to 70 percent in the 1990s. When arrests of burglars increased 10 percent, the number of burglaries fell 2.7 to 3.2 percent. When the arrest rate of robbers rose 10 percent, the number of robberies fell 5.7 to 5.9 percent.”
During the 1990s, crime rates in New York City dropped dramatically, even more than in the United States as a whole. Violent crime declined by more than 56 percent in the City, compared to about 28 percent in the nation as whole. Property crimes tumbled by about 65 percent, but fell only 26 percent nationally.
Many attribute New York’s crime reduction to specific “get-tough” policies carried out by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s administration. The most prominent of his policy changes was the aggressive policing of lower-level crimes, a policy which has been dubbed the “broken windows” approach to law enforcement. In this view, small disorders lead to larger ones and perhaps even to crime. As Mr. Guiliani told the press in 1998, “Obviously murder and graffiti are two vastly different crimes. But they are part of the same continuum, and a climate that tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other.”
This policy also worked in Singapore where the focus is on stopping the low level crimes and building an atmosphere of self policing. It works but will it be followed? Nah. The beeb would be outraged and launch “anti-Trumpesque” level campaigns to prevent it.
How many times did the BBC tell us that if only the Police force were more ‘diverse’ crime would fall as ‘communities’ would ‘trust’ them more?
Lo and behold the force is more diverse than ever and untold amounts have been squandered on ‘diversity’ training and crime is at an all time high. God, imagine how better that money could have been spent? We even have an ultra diverse mayor in charge of the Police – according to leftist logic this would reduce crime to zero.
The problem was never with the Police but but with the ‘communities’ committing all the crime. Think of all the factors that lead to criminality: culture; poverty; fatherlessness. The colour of the skin of the person arresting you must have little to no affect.
They talk about a ‘holistic approach’ and ‘partnership with communities’ without ever mentioning the multicultural elephant in the room – it is actually illegal to mention it. Blames social media. They have that in Chichester why no stabbings there?
The Left cause untold suffering with their reckless policies then pass laws to prevent you from talking about what they have done. Well I am unlikely to get stabbed in a gang war but pity the poor immigrant who wanted to escape such hellishness but sees it replicated here as our leaders do not have a pair of testicles between them.
Beeb – I think it’s an indication of how out of tough that people like the police chief thinks the stabbed have ability to read or write – although I suppose they understand text speak omg lol crap
Another complaint fired off to the BBC we will see whatever they say, if an elected president wishes to comment upon immigration into his country the headline “Trump rails about immigration” is biased in its choice of verb, he used some capitals in a tweet, so what, the BBCs partners, Momentum spend their lives “railing” about all and sundry yet never get reported in this manner, they get reported as a Twiittter storm or outrage about whatever or whoever their latest attack victim maybe , , BBC are terrified that Trump, whatever his motives, has the ability to bypass their twist on the news and speak directly
Funnily enough, on the day after pipsqueak lefty Owen Jones moaned bitterly that the BBC was following some kind of Tory agenda by covering in its news bulletins the Corbyn Anti-Semitism row, BBC news headlines return to being reliably public sector lefty in nature.
Slow news day so the BBC falls back on self-generated stuff. Basing their reporting on the lobbying of campaigners we get BBC news telling us the NHS winter crisis will last all year round and then that teachers are worried about the poverty of kids.
Various figures are thrown around but, would you know it, 2010 and 2015 for some reason are treated as the year zero when all of bad history began.
The boy Owen will be pleased the BBC is back on track, as will Corbyn.
But there are small chinks of light (of truth) beginning to show through the cover-all BBC lefty news blanket.
NHS pressure we hear comes from “an ageing AND growing population” (wow, there’s an admission)
Teachers are sad to see their undernurished school kids coming to class “with pale faces” (blimey, I’ll wager they don’t really see so many pale-faced school kids in London and many places elsewhere. Many viewers of the BBC will have caught that paradox, I’m sure)
Wonderful bias.
Al beeb news leads with lady dpp contract not being renewed after 5 years of leading the CPS. Implying Tory govt didn’t like her . 0810 interview with said DPP – didn’t ask to renew -seldom are such contracts renewed – a non story .
Different example – work experience girl interviews Hilary’s media manager ( woman ) apparently she lost because they tried to make Hillary more like a man . Pitiful .
3rd one – anti Israel Robinson criticism for the IDF shooting Hammas ‘freedom fighters’ ( my term) at the border .
Labour MP and former gang member ( criminal with scars) . A vacuous discussion – causes of killings – internet – cuts – no pun. Got to show boys how to be men apparently . And treat the issue as “a public health issue” .
I sometimes think about what we are not hearing – where was the copper in this discussion ? Where is the mayor or Londonistan . How can London be more dangerous than New York when they’ve all got guns ?
PS two 16 year olds serious after stabbings on Easter Sunday
The work experience girl was chatting to a labour girl called “ria” who obviously didn’t want to be there talking about anti Semitic in the “kind” socialist party . She mumbled along and when asked what what being done she said they were setting up working parties and sub committees .
I choked on my morning cup of tea on that one .
No one asks why this problem didn’t occur under milliband Brown or Blair ? …..
Hi all, this is a general question for those that might know. Rather than using the BBC complaints system to send in complaints to the BBC is there a similar system to submit freedom of information requests to the BBC? Such as asking what people were involved in a specific BBC article, how much money was spent on a certain BBC activity or coverage, requesting details of BBC research carried out before a report was published etc?
I’m afraid the BBC tends to employ a Freedom of Information get out clause to avoid awkward questions because they might involve the exposure of secrets that should be kept for ‘journalistic purposes’
Cut out the timewasting and the middleman just tweet the programme and maker straight away.
#2 That gets maximum impact
#3 That covers you if you take it further, they can’t say they didn’t know and “it’s too late now”
.. then share with us here
If you can’t find them on Twitter email them, cos that’s a kind of record as well.
Write politely (don’t waffle) and they often reply.
Also local news progs often have active Facebook pages
Too many people coming in to the country – we are full!
Spend all our Foreign Aid at home,
Charity begins at home. We are turning into a third world nation and it all began in London.
Knife Crime ?
We might start by cutting out the £20 million we pay for Palestinian schools to teach hatred of Jews.
Come on Treezer, Boris and all. Put Britain before your hostility to Israel
“Spend all our Foreign Aid at home”. There is actually a precedence; some Home/Foreign Office spending was re-assigned to the Defence Budget thus reducing support for our Armed Forces. So why not re-assign some of the massive Foreign Aid budget for, say, combatting TB, paying for NHS services for immigrants, even rebuilding Grenfell Towers! Our flexible, wonderful Civil Servants could easily justify it.
This morning I have just been enlightened by an Easter Monday BBC doc about Oxford street.
Being from the North, I have not had the pleasure of visiting London for a while.
Wow… the place is awash with rickshaws. All ridden by, how do I say, non indigenous. That was a surprise.
Anyway I found a picture of what London is heading for, if not already…..
BBC seems to say killing yourself will improve the world
Hans Rosling’s postumous book (Radio 4’s daily book of the week, intended to help us deal with fake news) 10 mins in
People think the world is getting worse ..everything is not fine as long as there are plane crashes, preventable child care deaths, Climate Change deniers, journalists in prison, girls not getting an education cos of their gender
On occasion I quote Media Lens on bbc topics. Generally factual though, as they can be quite funny, in a bbc way, too…
To cut through the crap, Corbyn is actually one of the few decent, compassionate politicians out there. And that, of course, is why he's being targeted – he's not willing to subordinate people to profit in the usual way. It's got nothing to do with his supposed moral flaws.
Targetted ? FFS they are claiming #VICTIMHOOD when someone points out their own team’s transgressions
Yet their MO is to shout boo-word labels at people in order to demean & isolate them
#divisive #hypocrites
Matthew 7:5 “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye,
and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
How is the UK “Government” dealing covertly with the public unrest slowly but surely mounting and the associated nationalism developing? Recent history tells us that the most successful police/intelligence agency in the World was the East German Stasi, ‘Stasi’. There’s quite a bit online but here’s an extract which contributors here will find hauntingly familiar. It refers to how the Stasi broke up any forming groups of people that could potentially become a threat to the State. http://www.maxhertzberg.co.uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/
“Stasi Tactics – Zersetzung
This post takes a look at the experiences of political activists in East Germany (GDR) who had to deal with Stasi informants and infiltration before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
The invasive spying and disorientation tactics used by the East German secret police (Stasi) meant there were significantly fewer possibilities for civil disobedience and direct action than political grassroots activists have today in countries places such as Western Europe and North America. Nevertheless political activists in East Germany managed to start a grassroots revolution in 1989.
The Stasi redefined the military term Zersetzung (attrition or corrosion) to name their harassment tactics: the aim was to disrupt the working of groups and the lives of individuals to such a degree that their activism became ineffective, or more preferably, ceased altogether.
The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to:
Create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money and personal (sexual) relations;
Hinder and sabotage activities by the use of one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc;
Isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumours regarding unacceptable behaviour and political views etc.
The choice of tactics was based on psychological profiling and intelligence about the group members, particularly: who plays what role, who fulfills what kind of task; what are relationships within the group like, who hangs out with whom.”
Spot any familiar features? You bet! UKIP and the first principle above. ‘Britain First’; ‘For Britain’?
The reason that we need to import more Muslims is so that our security services will have a bigger recruitment pool to provide people to infiltrate the Mosques and Jihadist groups.
It is similar to the logic that that says we need to import more people to look after our aging population.
Both are ‘pyramid’ scams to increase public expenditure exponentially.
Using Microsoft Word software just now I notice a dotted red underlining. Bad grammar, a spelling mistake – it does happen. But what’s amiss with my rendering of the word ‘businessmen’ ?
“Consider using gender-neutral language”
I’d prefer to police my own speech, thank you.
Now I’m intrigued and want to find out what happens when I try to use a really bad word?
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
A tweet with pictures contrasting 1967 & Labour’s traditional base with 2018 & the cross dressing Izzard, produces this tweet from Sopel “What a ghastly tweet. It’s 2018. What are you saying here? Why not just say it out loud?
I Suppose Sopel considers the tweet to be all about some “phobia” or other rather than a valid(?) comment on Labour now being wholly aligned with the metropolitan elite.
Who ever posted the pic is right and Sopel is an amiable twat
Sopel was responding to a Leave.EU tweet.
Mr Sopel makes the noises his employer requires. He probably believes because he is not connected to reality .
He is more of a menace to our true way of life than the one he and his beeboid type imposes on us. I’m glad I will never pay his wages again. It’s all I can do. I wish there was more – apart from avoiding his words
That ‘don’t say anything stupid’ memo may need reissuing, if only for form’s sake.
What on earth leads you to think that Sopel is amiable?
Someone needs to poor petrol on the socialist fire . Msm will be desperate for something bigger to move the cycle on
Twat yes. But amiable??
It’s 2018. What are you saying here? Why not just say it out loud?
In 1967, Izzard was the five year old son of a middle-class accountant.
Looks like Widow Twankey attending the funeral of the Jezbollah Labour Party. How apt.
It is no longer the labour party. Needs a new name . Any suggestions?
Metro snowflake minority and opposition-party
Postreality, BAME, and Feministic, Soviets of Londonistan?
Corbyn’s Freak Show of Carnival Horrors?
National Socialists of the Fifth Reich?
Britain Last ?
Newer Labour.
Labour Plus
The Greens?
Sopel has drawn the obvious comparison.
It`s THAT that hurts him so, because the truth tends to do that.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. How true.
They have a real problem. The growth of the BDS movement particularly in the universities has allowed the easy acceptance of anti Semitism to be seen as legitimate anti Israel behaviour.
The two things are not at all the same. Anti Semitism predates the state of Israel by hundreds of years and has always been an irrational and destructive force .
The hatred of Israel has to be heard to be believed. It provides cover and an excuse for things like the wall mural which was straight out of 1930s Germany .
The atmosphere for Jews has been poisoned in higher education and there is no antidote now. It has now spread to the labour party which is no longer the party of the ordinary working man and has become the party of entitled spoilt middle class children and bitter academics and quangocrats stiffened by on the make trade union leaders. Add to that the endless state employees and you have it.
Jones and Corbyn are in denial. The other factor we need not mention . It has to do with a new demographic which is mistakenly wedded to this lot.
100 years of the RAF.
The BBC isn’t showing the Dambusters (dog issues) or 633 squadron (attacking Norway) or Battle of Britian ( we are victorious) The BBC hate this country and all that it “stood” for.
Broadcasting House was quick to point out that they were hideously white and failed to employ enough women.
Churchill really should have sent up a few Izzards, Toksvigs and Zepheniahs, instead of those bloody white blokes who could fly and were brave enough to fight and die for the rest of us…those of us to come.
Naughty Winston.
Only the BBC would start 100 years of the RAF with THIS line of attack. And only “The Few” who still pay a licence fee shoild be stopping getting one, so we can starve them of their oxygen.
Day One with no licence. Radio radio. Let`s hope we can find some bias on radio 4 shall we?
the RAF was clearly behind the curve by not have a list of all women bomber crews fitted out with appropriate fittings like USB ports during those boring trips to Berlin like – yeah.
Sorry I just can’t stand the idea of a dumbed down celebrity led commemoration of 100 years of a British Institution which is more than worth the tax cash spent on it – unlike Al beeb.
Black and White D-day Invasion stripes will soon be replaced by multi coloured rainbows…..they will blend well with white poppies being dropped in the Mall.
If the BBC were proper Journalists they would only have to look a few miles up the road and indeed look at thier own records to find a story of young BME men from the commonwealth who perished in a Lancaster crash less than 2 miles from the BBC studio. This is not to demean the many brave Australians New Zealanders South African and Canadian lads who paid the ultimate. It was very unusual and I would say unique for such a racially diverse crew to serve in a RAF bomber in Europe. So a great story that would have ticked the “diversity” box but sadly due to their incompetence one that sadly will go untold. For those of you interested the details of the crash are here aircrashsites.co.uk/raf-crash-sites-1942-1945/013rrruse-2/
BBC has surpassed it self this morning. Leading off with the notoriously left wing BMA using stats as facts and following with a heart rending Education item on how the lovely teachers are financing kids extra meals ( presumably the reason so many are obese?) All presumably to bury the rumbling Anti Semitism issue plaguing St Corbyn and his cronies. Health Education and the BBC – three sacred cows which could do with a bag of grass not fois gras.
Rhetorical, of course. Still Treezer has hit the airwaves and inter web to ‘hope’ no one has run afoul of any whose faith appears challenged by anyone else having another one.
Fingers crossed, love, especially with Dick less interested in actual physical crime that hurty words in the ether.
‘I acted my way out of prison.’
How many stories like this – someone from a minority managed to do something? More patronising and insulting than what your most hardened racist could come up with.
That story applies to no end of scum who easily gull the liberal saps that comprise the “Parole Boards”.
Wonder if there`s a handbook so they can fake wellness or contrition, before going out to kill once more?
And will John Warboys get a copy from what`s left of the prison library service? if so, he`ll be out before too long.
Imagine Blair is a model of fake acting, he`s done very well out of it.
That has to be one of the pictures of 2018. And it hits a raw spot with the comrades which is even better.
Labour must be desperate to find something to deflect attention. Maybe comrade Jeremy and lady nugee will go to Israel – in order to be denied entry as enemies of the State.
Declaration – i am not Jewish , am fully aware of the crimes against the nazis committed.
Should sue eh?
Good old Owen needing m`learned friends to protect his views.
Thought that the left didn`t want the Lords around, but funnily enough they`re stuffed to the gills with lefty lawyers and lords types.
So off goes Owen and Jez to seek redress. So much for creative free speech. Sugar is correct. He should know as well.
Countryfile and Horrid Heap up to their usual tricks together with conveniently pre-programmed ‘professor’ and report author urging us to believe that ‘several factors’ are responsible for the decline in hedgehog numbers. Initially equable and unbiased, with the farmers’ viewpoint reasonably put but traffic, modern farming methods and hedge removal ever more significantly promoted. Yes, it was conceded, badgers played a part but not as large as some suggested. Everyone happy, tiggywinkles absolved, enviromentalists vindicated.
Except, of course, the equation between the drop in hedgehog numbers and massive rise in the badger population was not properly considered. What other predator kills and eats hedgehogs? Er..none. What is the rise in badger numbers since protection in the 1970s? Several million. What is the decline in hedgehog numbers during the same period? Several million.
BBC Countryfile continues its missionary task – to make the predominantly Tory countryside and its Brexiteer inhabitants increasingly fascist. Luckily Jewish and Russian dwellers remain in the minority.
Totally agree. I used to live in area infested by badgers and greenies, needless to say – very few hedgehogs.
People in the urban areas who have never experienced a badger at close quarters really need to have that experience, they are NOT as cuddly as the BBC would have you believe.
BBC1 Easter Sunday evening. Countryfile. From West Yorkshire. Should be good. Lovely countryside. Ideal armchair viewing, yes?
Errr, no.
We get a beekeeping initiative for refugees and people from the job centre !!!!!! ‘My name is Marika and I am from South Sudan’.
The professor who thought of the idea is of course called Riyadh and has a strong non-English accent. A white right-on public sector snowflake, the only one with an indigenous accent, is all in favour.
Only on the BBC. Agenda driven indoctrination 24/7/365.
Pure fantasy television. Driven by nothing more than a belief that if you wish it will happen .
Meanwhile for now the shires remain nearly 100% indigenous and very traditional .
A constant rebuke to the whole ethos of the BBC and it’s progressive sycophants.
BBC blurb “In West Yorkshire, Matt Baker meets a beekeeper who came to the county as a refugee from Syria”
Meanwhile for now the shires remain nearly 100% indigenous and very traditional .”
Which goes a long way towards explaining why the shires voted, in the main, for Brexit.
Been out and about all day. Come home make a cup of tea and put the TV on at 7.55pm to catch the BBC1 Countryfile long range weather. It’s presented by a very camp gay presenter – tick!
Last short item is building bee hives in West Yorkshire with IMMIGRANTS -TICK!
Hindu – tick!
Indian -tick!
Hajab wearing Muslim – tick!
black African – tick!
and many more – tick!
Me and Mrs Tabs used to watch Countryfile but not any more for over a year now. We stopped when they turned every farm report into a anti Brexit piece. Now it has gone down hill even more as its just a continuation of BBC liberal policy but with an outdoor theme.
The PC virus spreads everywhere. My beloved radio 4 used to be a safe space but too many programmes now have ‘diversity’ shoe-horned into them.
In their quest to create something perfect they have ruined something good.
That’s what frustrates me about the Worboys case. The guy is a monster and should be castrated or tattoed rapist across his forehead yet I can’t help but feel that the media won’t be up in arms when any of the Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Telford grooming gangs are up for early parole.
On those occasions, we’re all supposed to have faith in the justice system that their terms have been served and that they’ve been properly reprimanded. If we carried out the same clamour for additional punishment for any of the ‘asian groomers’ we’d be called out for being part of a racist, lawless witch hunt.
Worboys uncontrollable and individual urges made him do what he did. For the groomers, it’s their very culture that made them do it. In a normal world, that would provide the authorities and society with an easily identifiable target for motive – start coming down on said culture while society mocks the culture through comedy and commentary. But of course, we can’t do this because we are terrified of calling out what is patently obvious.
So we genuflect towards feminism and MeToo yet abandon our young girls to the evils of an imported culture out of fear.
Of course he`s a creep. But I do wonder what kind of girl falls for some patter about the driver at the front serving champagne to the back of the cab because he`s won the lottery?
My mum had names for such girls-shall we settle on pissed, greedy and out of control instead?
I know little about this, but when MeToo indulge a Jon Venables but kick holes into their own rehabilitation industries ( all crims are redeemable, except for non-TV Licence fee payers)-and do a Ched Evans retrospective hit on someone sanctioned by their liberal buddies at the Home Office? Well, sense the law is baised that`s all.
The amount of coverage this single offender has had from the BBC is ridiculous. They cannot pull the wool over our eyes – the pattern of offending is so, so different.
Odd isolated weirdo versus it being so acceptable you get your mates and family involved. If Worboys tried to get fellow taxi drivers in on his act they would have beaten the crap out of him and called the Police, rather than either join in or say nothing.
Superb comments
Sting like a butterfly, float like a bee
Never mind that Joshua-Wilder heavy-weight bout, who else hereabouts caught the Owen Jones v Shaun Ley light-weight tug of love over the Labour Party Anti-Semitism thingy?
You could have knocked either of them down with a feather but for my money the BBC chap had the more elegant style and longer reach, although the boy Jones is clearly the dirtier fighter when caught on the ropes.
The venue was mid-day BBC News Channel and our northern gay prince of the chavs came out of his pinko corner fighting accusing the BBC of being anti-Corbyn and simply copy and pasting Tory broadsheet reports. Ouch. The boy sure knows how to hit the Beeb below the belt where it really hurts.
Ley gave about as good as we can expect ducking and diving a bit to maintain his home stable’s renowned precious balance.
Jones’ predictable tactic – other than to flounce off set – is of course we condemn BUT it’s all a horrible anti-Jezza plot anyway – so look over here there’s all these bigoted racist Toreeez!!
Cue footage of Edward Izzard playing ring girl in high heels and too much lippy.
Is it just me or has the world gone bleedin bonkers? Oy Veh!
9pm BBC2 Seth Rich doco, framed as a “Conspiracy Theory”
… funny how the BBC suddenly has a doco about him.
6 months before the election, the Podesta emails get leaked, releasing lots of dark stuff about Hillary & her team, the BBC/MSM refuse to cover it , then suddenly Seth Rich a young team Hillary member who probably had access to the emails, get shot dead in an unexplained killing.
I call that an interesting scenario with a lot of unexplained
..today the BBC call it “Conspiracy Files : Murder in Washington”
* “Untrue” ? How can you prove such a negative ? Unless its impossible that Seth never had access
** Why pick out Fox News, The Washington Times a reputatble Conservative newspaper is also being sued
..It’s also the third time NPR says “Dallas investor Ed Butowsky is sued a third time over conspiracy theories linking a Democratic National Committee staffer’s death to the leak of party emails. ”
There is a difference between an UNEVIDENCED conspiracy theory and an EVIDENCED conspiracy theory
In Global Warming activists often seek to dismiss skeptics by saying ‘oh all skeptics are conspiracy theorists funded by big oil”, which of course in a big-conspiracy theory itself.
An alternative Seth Rich doco from May2017
About 5 mins in something very interesting
The families lead private investigator goes on TV to make a claim to say he’s spoken to an FBI guy who says that the 50K emails were sent b Seth to Wikileaks
..The next day he completely retracts
Well either he was lying the first time ..say cos he was acting for Republican interests.
..or he’s lying the second time ..say cos he was acting for Democrat interests.
(i corrected the link)
I caught that documentary this evening and am wondering why it was broadcast at all? It is the second hit on Trump today – Stormy
I am most definitely not a follower of conspiracy theories and am somewhat shocked that our BBC is portraying the facts around the Rich murder as such.
As far as I can see, the reason the BBC has suddenly revealed the Seth Rich murder in this documentary, seems to correlate with recent legal actions against right-wing journalists, caught in false flag fly trap conspiracy theories, put out by the swamp.
The facts under censorship, and the puzzling mental block on looking for that evidence under offer, would indicate where the truth resides.
After watching the BBC Documentary, I noticed that the censorship was extensive. Below are just ten points of BBC Censorship.
(1) The BBC didn’t seem to bother talking to the Police or FBI about the murder, only a right-wing activist focused solely on finding personal fame by trying to work out who murdered Seth Rich.
(2) The BBC seemed to talk only to a selected group of Democrats and left-wing Journalists.
(3) The BBC didn’t bother to talk to any Republicans or right-wing Journalists.
(4) The BBC did not talk to Wikileaks.
(5) The content of the emails was not mentioned.
(6) No mention of why former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to go.
(7) No mention of left-wing puzzlement at why the DNC is protecting Donald Trump by not allowing the FBI to look for evidence of Russian hacking. It may be because they fear that they will find evidence that the emails were given to Wikileaks by Seth Rich, Imran Awan or someone else.
(8) No mention of Imran Awan who has been charged with fraud and other crimes connected to stealing and selling equipment and classified information.
(9) No mention of a report by a group of former NSA agents indicating that last year’s DNC “hack” was a leak from inside the DNC.
(10) Also not mentioned is why is no one interested in Kim Dotcom (Born Kim Schmitz), who is offering to provide evidence to Congress that the emails were given to Wikileaks by himself and Seth Rich, transferring 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments, spanning from January 2015 to May 2016, transferred to Gavin MacFadyen, director of WikiLeaks in London, before May 21, and then WikiLeaks started publishing DNC emails on July 22, 12 days after Rich was murdered.
Trump may be protecting Clinton however implausible, but their families go back a long way together.
“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Trump said, according to a tweet by Times journalist Mike Grynbaum. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”
Fake news comes in many different forms. It doesn’t have to be a direct lie to qualify; simply publishing a deliberately misleading headline is just as bad.
The Sunday Times runs with “Ryanair pays men three times more than it’s female staff”
Then you read the nitty-gritty and see that the reason for this is that the highest paid employees are the pilots and only 1.4% of them are female.
When you look at the salaries for people doing the same job, men and woman earn exactly the same.
When are the MSM going to realise that it does their credibility no good to treat us like fools.
The reporter @RosamundUrwin is a bit of a campaigner it seems
Context : female airline pilots are very rare indeed
Telegraph 2015 \\ Estimates from the International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA) say there are about 4,000 women pilots worldwide, of about 130,000, that’s just over three per cent.
Another estimate, by easyJet, puts the balance at five per cent, with six per cent of its own flying staff female. British Airways says about six per cent of its pilots are women – that’s 200 out of 3,500. //
And, believe it or not, the 200 female pilots in BA account for more sick days in a year than the 3,300 male pilots.
I can’t provide a link – you’ll just have to believe me when I say it’s from a reliable source.
They had a ‘pay gap’ story on Radio 4 this morning and actually explained the whole different roles/hours worked angle which they often ignore despite it being crucial. They must read all the comments under their Facebook posts about ‘pay gaps’ and realise people are fed up with their extreme economy with the truth.
The BBC really spoil us don’t they? Bank Holiday Monday, at peak viewing time, 9 O’clock BBC1, we’re being treated to an hour of Lenny Henry.
Just what have we done to deserve this? It’s a public holiday, ffs.
Surely they could attempt to put something on that was either entertaining or at least passably amusing?
Lenny Henry has been washed up for decades. And he was only moderately funny when he started out. Okay, I raised a smile at his David Bellamy. I may even have managed a chuckle at his Frank Spencer. But that was over 40 bloody years ago. Christ, just lately he’s been about as funny as a severe bout of diarrhea.
And now they’re sending, at our expense!!! this talentless tosspot to bleedin’ Jamaica?
And there’s even worse news…
The bastard’s coming back!
Sadly I have been blocked by a few involved, but this looks potentially interesting.
Why do I get the feeling this is unlikely to top any bbc paper review either?
“There is more knife crime in London than elsewhere ”
Something to do with ‘cultural enrichment’ over the recent years ?
Is it something to do with ‘Yardies’ ?
As you know I rattle on about this quite a bit – londonistan is heading for double the number of murders in 2018 against 2017. The predictions made a few years ago that crime would go up quickly as populations grew and changed are coming true .
Street control is breaking down and I forecast real “ no go areas will form too” where only para military style will operate . Just depends on the inevitable increase in big guns .
There is a solution but it would be considered too “robust” for people to accept at the moment .
Those being killed at the moment are tending to be from the same – under- class as the killers.
When ordinary people are caught in cross fire or as “collateral “ maybe attitudes will change . The albeeb “togetherness” crap will be in full flow by then to reassure / deceive us.
The police force has been cut – more police are needed on the streets , not less.
“….all part and parcel of living in a big city……”
I’m just watching ‘The Conspiracy Files’ on BBC 2. They are pushing the idea that the White house and Fox are the pushers of Fake news. They, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC etc are reporters of the truth……The BBC is an absolute joke.
On BBC 1 Sunday evening we were treated to an Agatha Christie mystery Ordeal By Innocence. I switched off before the episode finished because it was too much of an ordeal to watch. All that money to play with and they can’t do news, comedy or drama.
I make a point of strenuously avoiding anything with Bill Nighy in it, he can’t act (at all) and just plays himself; in every role I’ve had the misfortune of seeing him.
I have mused upon the fact that he’s instantly recognisable as himself even as an Octopus in Pirates of the Caribbean (Dead Man’s Chest).
I quite like him though. Very funny in Auf wiedersehen Pet and Still Crazy after all these years.
Just look where the Tampon Tax is being directed …………..
Um, it seems they’ve got women of child bearing years by the short and curlies !
I just want to say a happy Easter holiday weekend to all the posters here at BBBC. I haven’t been popping in much lately but you’re a decent group of people who gather here and I enjoy reading your thoughts about the state of our nation. All is not lost as long as some are still able to think for themselves. Blessings.
The BBC impressing with its global reach – try and find the good review
From re-writing history to re-writing classical literature, the BBC’s self-accorded remit to brainwash the masses knows no bounds.
‘All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise’
The BBC really are trying their best to shift us into a parallel universe. BBC One warn me that after the football we have to take our dose of ‘the wimmins football show’ and to compound matters we have a new station ident clip of female boxers, grrrrr! Switching to the News Channel the obnoxious Naughtie makes way for Rebecca Jones to chat with grand Shakespearean Sir Anthony Sher who jokingly regrets he was once refused the role of Cleopatra. The response of the director was apparently “if I give you the part, I’ll have every leading actress in the country lynch me!” Bizarrely BBC girl Rebecca Jones says “times have changed”. Seriously? She thinks an ageing bearded Sher could play Cleo? Not even Carry On Cleo! And I can assure our Rebecca that the wimmins acting union although they might be more than happy to see female Lears, Falstaffs and Prosperos, would surely still frown at a male Cleo. These things tend not to cut both ways, you know.
Equality should not equal sameness. If we could get to having some honest appreciation of gender differences, let alone the fact that some cultures are better than others, then we might be able to sort this mess out.
I love football and how I hate that Five Live now reports on the women’s game. Nobody cares.
Greenblob :
basically the more solar/wind gimmicks a country has
..the higher the price customers pay for electricity.
isbn 9781786065131
Never in my life have I had to literally throw an autobiograpical book away through sheer disgust, I made it halfway through before I could read no more, how this immigrant scum can get away with this with 12 year old “kaffirs” and also handing them over to their 16 year old kids and getting them to talk to their wives while they are abusing them ? also making them kneel down and whipping them and tying them to beds for the parties they had with them, hurting them as much as they could and hiding behind antiracism laws I could go on and on but will probably be prosecuted for hate crime but thats the twisted nature of our society
And if we object we are “far right” ? its not just the paki scum who did this (Oxford this one) and they are all pakis with no exception, but the wives who know what is happening becasue they were spoken to on the phone while husbands abused them, and their teenage sons given to them as presents, and paki society and community who are complicit in ths though full knowledge, and the mosques and the council of muslims who all know what is happening and condone it because their culture is more important than this countries laws
Times March 17th criticises people commenting about Laura Southern case, calling her “far right” ( a boo-word used to demean people)
The only thing news papers are good for is to wrap rubbish in.
It was an interesting April Fool’s Day on the BBC website.
“Izzard calls for Labour to stamp out hate”
“The comedian Eddie Izzard, newly appointed to Labour’s ruling body, has said the party must ‘stamp out completely the stain of anti-Semitism’.”
Comedian? Labour to stamp out hate? Two April fools for the price of one.
“Country where the British are blamed for everything”
Afghanistan, apparently, and written without irony.
“BBC Breakfast falls for newspaper’s April Fools Brexit joke”
How the presenters laughed when they found out they had been had, so improbable to them it’s hilarious.
A self professed “comedian” takes over labour party policy, even better he wears lipstick, stockings and high heels, go back ten years and predict this …..wish I was in a bookies then could have made a fortune
London murder rate overtakes New York’s
”A spike in violent crime in London saw more murders committed in the city in February and March than there were in New York, figures show.
So far in 2018, 46 people in London have been fatally stabbed, shot or injured compared to 50 in the US city.”
46 and 50?
increased you say…
”But, while New York’s rate month-on-month has decreased since January, London’s is on the rise.”
That’s not really the BBC photo
Just my little joke for Easter
Here theirs: a policeman with his hands in his pockets..
The beeb are baffled by the sky-rocketing murder, knife and gun crime rates.
The police too.
City Hall is ‘deeply concerned’.
Ex-copper Leroy Logan is ‘devastated’.
According to him, “Police can’t just arrest or stop and search their way out of this problem, it has to be done in partnership with the communities.”
I think there’s a clue in that weasel word ‘communities’.
Reading between the lines, here’s what he’s saying: we all know who’s committing all these murders, but if we adopt sensible tough measures the, ahem, ‘communities’ will kick up a stink and squeal about racism, profiling and victimisation etc. So let’s talk some lefty sociological gobbledygook about ‘holistic’ problems requiring ‘holistic’ solutions, throw more tax-payer money at certain ‘communities’ and do precisely nothing.
Oh, and they compare NY crime rates, which started going down when? When they dropped all the touchy-feely liberal pc crap and adopted firm-but-fair zero-tolerance. Short term there was the predictable outcry by all those ‘communities’, then things got better.
It’s hyper-liberalism that got us into this mess, it’s not more of the same that’s going to get us out of it.
And it’s definitely not coppers painting their nails, mincing around at gay parades or twerking with, erm, members of ‘communities’ to show how cool they are.
But our copper’s right in one aspect: the police can’t do it alone, there needs to be a nationwide resolve and stiffening of the will, and a willingness to face some uncomfortable truths and voice them.
TRUTH is now regarded as an affliction suffered by those who dare to identify with the right side of political thinking. Righthink is the new enemy of the state.
Eddy /Vlad, Well another great 1st for London’s First Muslim Mayor as our murder rate outstrips that of New York for the 1st time. He must be a very proud bunny. With a bit of luck we will soon be vying for top slots with cities such as Mogadishu or Karachi. “Over here” appears to be turning into “over there” at a rate of knots.
Fortunately for us “The Dick” is on the case.
Apparently Ms Dick is planning more “fact finding” trips to New York.
Hooray London is saved!
I wonder what “facts “Cressida will find?
One “fact ” that I know Cressida will not find is that the “Common Purpose” police officer apparently partly responsible for the mistaken shooting of Charles de Menenez appears to have been promoted beyond her ability. Maybe rather than Common Purpose having the “leading beyond authority” mantra they could change it to “leading beyond ability”
Personally I blame Tommy Robinson for all of this and hopefully it will not be long before Cressida is able to point out this “fact” to the rest of us. I know I jest but the way things are going – I think purges based on political expedience are only a breath away.
If immigrants want to form their own communities in this country they should be dispersed and if they object they should be prevented from entering this county in the first place, that would sort out most of the crime in this country and as a case in point our traveller “community” 2 % of the population, 20 % of the crime as expalined by the police and, if anyone decides to defend them well just ask which one of that “community” is likely to stand up in court and bear witness against any one of their community in a criminal prosecution ? same as the muslims with their paedophile rapists , so they are all complicit in criminal activitly so just as guilty
Why do people want to come and live here? Because in someway there community’s culture and religion has failed them. They in some instances come here to escape corruption and medieval outlooks looking for a better life in the UK so who can blame them ? But why import the culture and outlook that has destroyed your country and community ? Thats the bit I dont get.
A repeatedly raped 12 year old girl aint going to be asking that question about those”people” dont ask them any questions just cut their balls off and send their brood back to pakistan rather than give them 5 years in prison,
They come here because they are well informed about what they can get financially and legally. The asylum excuse has well passed its use by date. As for culture Muslims have no idea what that is. Music, art, literature, theatre. In many ways I’m grateful because when I manage to go out at least I can still find some Muslim free space. However I can’t find a space where I feel truly safe.
You want to know why : isbn 978 1 78606 513 1 just try to read it if you can make it more than halfway through without feeling sick
A couple of stories as reported by the bBC have caught my eye about how they only report what they want to, in which to paint a totally different picture from what actually happened:
Ofsted school hijab ban stance challenged by teachers’ union
Reading the above (which the bBC have now changed from its promoting Islamphobia angle) you get the impression of Muslims once again being the victims of…white non Muslims. Yet the school in question St Stephen’s primary school in Newham, east London is predominately Islamic, has an Islamic head teacher and Islamic governors . who after consulting Islamic clerics stated that they will ban any girl under the age from attending if she wore the hijab, which is as directed in the Koran, which states that girls become attractive to men from the age of 9 and thus have to cover up. They also stated that primary school children should not have to fast during Ramadan, which is also written down in the Koran (Actually they state young children) and yet to the left this is a hate crime resulting in the Head teacher receiving hate mail and the Islamic head of governors having to resign. and the bBC doesn’t mention any of this.
“girls become attractive to men from the age of 9″… well, some men.
The second is the breaking story about how 20 people have been killed in India with another 70 injured:
Kashmir: 20 dead and 70 wounded in fierce clashes
At least 20 people are dead and 70 injured in Indian-administered Kashmir after fierce clashes between militants and government forces on Sunday. Four civilians were killed when police opened fire on stone-throwing demonstrators, AFP news agency reports. Officials in Kashmir say this is the restive region’s worst loss of life during a single day in recent years. Kashmir has been caught in a land row between India and Pakistan for decades and has endured brutal conflict. As well as the civilians, at least three Indian soldiers and 13 suspected militants are said to have died.
Now here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you, On Saturday India carried a huge security operation. In the ensuring shoot outs they killed 13 terrorists, lost 3 soldiers and 4 civilians got killed in the cross fire. Thousands of Muslims took to the streets in which to try and interrupt the security operation (as they have a habit of doing ) and they were shot with riot guns in which to make them stop attacking the soldiers . Included in the terrorist death toll were 2 men who kidnapped and murdered a army officer last year.
Yet the bBC does not mention any of that, instead painting a totally different picture about a country gripped by Islamic terrorism
Now the above link is from India, in case anybody feels they are biased here is how the following countries are reporting this story:
Iran (Yes Iran)
The Arabian gulf
All of them report the same story about an Indian security operation which was attacked by Muslim youths wanting to stop them doing so in the middle of a gun fight. Yet for some very strange reason the bBC leaves out all of that information in its report and here is the lead photo for their article:

The bBC, the apologist for Islamic terrorism and Islamic intolerance paid for by you.
Hi Pounce, and let’s not forget that the BBC has one of the biggest if not the biggest global network of reporters, contacts and researchers – with reporters and contacts embedded in various places including Kashmir, Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan etc. The BBC certainly know what they are doing.
The recent BBC reporting of Eastern Ghouta compared to their reporting of Afrin is yet another example that proves beyond any doubt the depth and extent of the BBC propaganda and takeover.
Congrats on the research Pounce, that’s what this site needs, facts n figures to confront the enemy, by which I mean the beeb of course.
So regards the deaths of 17 Gazans on the Israeli border . Here are a few snippets the bBC isn’t telling you:
In other news, Lady Nugee clearly gets her news solely from the bbc.
David Keyes is Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesperson.
He has posted several of his recent interviews by the media (RT, CNN, BBC) on @DavidKeyesPMO.
Lots of repetition – but compare and contrast.
bBBC constantly interrupting his responses.
I have been having a break from the BBC..it’s quite relaxing. Then I watched country file…in Huddersfield, talking about bees…and who do they have has the lead story..a Syrian Refugee and a bunch of other refugees..It’s not his fault but I know bee people in that area that were born and brought up there who have been working with bees there for years…and doing lots of charitable activities..where were they? Then it’s the search for a upcoming presenter looking for 8-15 years olds. All the pictures of the kids working on farms were white…so who do they end up showing as potential future presenters. 6 girls, 4 Asian -2 with hijabs and 2 whites – no boys. How representative of people who visit and work in the British countryside! Why does the BBC insist on shoving political correcteness down our throats..even if it doesn’t represent reality
Reality? Ha ha, what a quaint idea.
No no, the beeb are there to push their agendas:
‘Refugees’, muslims, BME’s, Feminists, Trannies, Remoaners, Leftie/liberals.
White males are at the very bottom of the pile, unless they’re promoting one of the above.
British Brainwashing Corporation, paid for by you, my munchkins.
JamesArthur- I am just amazed that Gary Lineker is allowed
to present “Match of the Day.” The BBC’S obsession with
diversity and what they call positive discrimination ,knows
no bounds.
Give it a couple of years and one of their plethora of Indian sub
continent lady presenters will be the anchor for MOTD. And I
would not be surprised if the women’s version of the programme
for positive discrimination gets transmitted first. With the
men’s programme starting at 12.30 AM.
Bet the world’s best funded, professional, most trusted news organisation is so on this, asking exactly such questions.
Cressida apt surname, I can save the taxpayers of London your air fare and accommodation….
What Reduced Crime in New York City
“The police measure that most consistently reduces crime is the arrest rate… Felony arrest rates (except for motor vehicle thefts) rose 50 to 70 percent in the 1990s. When arrests of burglars increased 10 percent, the number of burglaries fell 2.7 to 3.2 percent. When the arrest rate of robbers rose 10 percent, the number of robberies fell 5.7 to 5.9 percent.”
During the 1990s, crime rates in New York City dropped dramatically, even more than in the United States as a whole. Violent crime declined by more than 56 percent in the City, compared to about 28 percent in the nation as whole. Property crimes tumbled by about 65 percent, but fell only 26 percent nationally.
Many attribute New York’s crime reduction to specific “get-tough” policies carried out by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s administration. The most prominent of his policy changes was the aggressive policing of lower-level crimes, a policy which has been dubbed the “broken windows” approach to law enforcement. In this view, small disorders lead to larger ones and perhaps even to crime. As Mr. Guiliani told the press in 1998, “Obviously murder and graffiti are two vastly different crimes. But they are part of the same continuum, and a climate that tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other.”
This policy also worked in Singapore where the focus is on stopping the low level crimes and building an atmosphere of self policing. It works but will it be followed? Nah. The beeb would be outraged and launch “anti-Trumpesque” level campaigns to prevent it.
BBC News
The junk is down.
Grabs popcorn.
How many times did the BBC tell us that if only the Police force were more ‘diverse’ crime would fall as ‘communities’ would ‘trust’ them more?
Lo and behold the force is more diverse than ever and untold amounts have been squandered on ‘diversity’ training and crime is at an all time high. God, imagine how better that money could have been spent? We even have an ultra diverse mayor in charge of the Police – according to leftist logic this would reduce crime to zero.
The problem was never with the Police but but with the ‘communities’ committing all the crime. Think of all the factors that lead to criminality: culture; poverty; fatherlessness. The colour of the skin of the person arresting you must have little to no affect.
They talk about a ‘holistic approach’ and ‘partnership with communities’ without ever mentioning the multicultural elephant in the room – it is actually illegal to mention it. Blames social media. They have that in Chichester why no stabbings there?
The Left cause untold suffering with their reckless policies then pass laws to prevent you from talking about what they have done. Well I am unlikely to get stabbed in a gang war but pity the poor immigrant who wanted to escape such hellishness but sees it replicated here as our leaders do not have a pair of testicles between them.
Little or no effect, not affect. I winced when I saw that error!
Beeb – I think it’s an indication of how out of tough that people like the police chief thinks the stabbed have ability to read or write – although I suppose they understand text speak omg lol crap
Another complaint fired off to the BBC we will see whatever they say, if an elected president wishes to comment upon immigration into his country the headline “Trump rails about immigration” is biased in its choice of verb, he used some capitals in a tweet, so what, the BBCs partners, Momentum spend their lives “railing” about all and sundry yet never get reported in this manner, they get reported as a Twiittter storm or outrage about whatever or whoever their latest attack victim maybe , , BBC are terrified that Trump, whatever his motives, has the ability to bypass their twist on the news and speak directly
Funnily enough, on the day after pipsqueak lefty Owen Jones moaned bitterly that the BBC was following some kind of Tory agenda by covering in its news bulletins the Corbyn Anti-Semitism row, BBC news headlines return to being reliably public sector lefty in nature.
Slow news day so the BBC falls back on self-generated stuff. Basing their reporting on the lobbying of campaigners we get BBC news telling us the NHS winter crisis will last all year round and then that teachers are worried about the poverty of kids.
Various figures are thrown around but, would you know it, 2010 and 2015 for some reason are treated as the year zero when all of bad history began.
The boy Owen will be pleased the BBC is back on track, as will Corbyn.
But there are small chinks of light (of truth) beginning to show through the cover-all BBC lefty news blanket.
NHS pressure we hear comes from “an ageing AND growing population” (wow, there’s an admission)
Teachers are sad to see their undernurished school kids coming to class “with pale faces” (blimey, I’ll wager they don’t really see so many pale-faced school kids in London and many places elsewhere. Many viewers of the BBC will have caught that paradox, I’m sure)
Toady watch
Wonderful bias.
Al beeb news leads with lady dpp contract not being renewed after 5 years of leading the CPS. Implying Tory govt didn’t like her . 0810 interview with said DPP – didn’t ask to renew -seldom are such contracts renewed – a non story .
Different example – work experience girl interviews Hilary’s media manager ( woman ) apparently she lost because they tried to make Hillary more like a man . Pitiful .
3rd one – anti Israel Robinson criticism for the IDF shooting Hammas ‘freedom fighters’ ( my term) at the border .
Saunders was dire, and her predecessor equally so – look what he’s up to, now…
Toady on Knife killings
Labour MP and former gang member ( criminal with scars) . A vacuous discussion – causes of killings – internet – cuts – no pun. Got to show boys how to be men apparently . And treat the issue as “a public health issue” .
I sometimes think about what we are not hearing – where was the copper in this discussion ? Where is the mayor or Londonistan . How can London be more dangerous than New York when they’ve all got guns ?
PS two 16 year olds serious after stabbings on Easter Sunday
Last toady entry but a bit of comedy
The work experience girl was chatting to a labour girl called “ria” who obviously didn’t want to be there talking about anti Semitic in the “kind” socialist party . She mumbled along and when asked what what being done she said they were setting up working parties and sub committees .
I choked on my morning cup of tea on that one .
No one asks why this problem didn’t occur under milliband Brown or Blair ? …..
Hi all, this is a general question for those that might know. Rather than using the BBC complaints system to send in complaints to the BBC is there a similar system to submit freedom of information requests to the BBC? Such as asking what people were involved in a specific BBC article, how much money was spent on a certain BBC activity or coverage, requesting details of BBC research carried out before a report was published etc?
I’m afraid the BBC tends to employ a Freedom of Information get out clause to avoid awkward questions because they might involve the exposure of secrets that should be kept for ‘journalistic purposes’
Indeed – you only have to cast your mind back to this shameful episode to confirm that:
However, as mentioned, they alternate between unique exemptions and self-assessed time restrictions refusals.
However the volume and reasons will catch up with them.
Cut out the timewasting and the middleman just tweet the programme and maker straight away.
#2 That gets maximum impact
#3 That covers you if you take it further, they can’t say they didn’t know and “it’s too late now”
.. then share with us here
If you can’t find them on Twitter email them, cos that’s a kind of record as well.
Write politely (don’t waffle) and they often reply.
Also local news progs often have active Facebook pages
\\Child poverty: Pale and hungry pupils ‘fill pockets with school food’//
Too many people coming in to the country – we are full!
Spend all our Foreign Aid at home,
Charity begins at home. We are turning into a third world nation and it all began in London.
Knife Crime ?
We might start by cutting out the £20 million we pay for Palestinian schools to teach hatred of Jews.
Come on Treezer, Boris and all. Put Britain before your hostility to Israel
“Spend all our Foreign Aid at home”. There is actually a precedence; some Home/Foreign Office spending was re-assigned to the Defence Budget thus reducing support for our Armed Forces. So why not re-assign some of the massive Foreign Aid budget for, say, combatting TB, paying for NHS services for immigrants, even rebuilding Grenfell Towers! Our flexible, wonderful Civil Servants could easily justify it.
And increase the budget for the UK Border Force so the Tories can keep their 2015 promise …………
This morning I have just been enlightened by an Easter Monday BBC doc about Oxford street.
Being from the North, I have not had the pleasure of visiting London for a while.
Wow… the place is awash with rickshaws. All ridden by, how do I say, non indigenous. That was a surprise.
Anyway I found a picture of what London is heading for, if not already…..
BBC seems to say killing yourself will improve the world
Hans Rosling’s postumous book (Radio 4’s daily book of the week, intended to help us deal with fake news) 10 mins in
On occasion I quote Media Lens on bbc topics. Generally factual though, as they can be quite funny, in a bbc way, too…
Targetted ? FFS they are claiming #VICTIMHOOD when someone points out their own team’s transgressions
Yet their MO is to shout boo-word labels at people in order to demean & isolate them
#divisive #hypocrites
Matthew 7:5 “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye,
and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
How is the UK “Government” dealing covertly with the public unrest slowly but surely mounting and the associated nationalism developing? Recent history tells us that the most successful police/intelligence agency in the World was the East German Stasi, ‘Stasi’. There’s quite a bit online but here’s an extract which contributors here will find hauntingly familiar. It refers to how the Stasi broke up any forming groups of people that could potentially become a threat to the State.
“Stasi Tactics – Zersetzung
This post takes a look at the experiences of political activists in East Germany (GDR) who had to deal with Stasi informants and infiltration before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
The invasive spying and disorientation tactics used by the East German secret police (Stasi) meant there were significantly fewer possibilities for civil disobedience and direct action than political grassroots activists have today in countries places such as Western Europe and North America. Nevertheless political activists in East Germany managed to start a grassroots revolution in 1989.
The Stasi redefined the military term Zersetzung (attrition or corrosion) to name their harassment tactics: the aim was to disrupt the working of groups and the lives of individuals to such a degree that their activism became ineffective, or more preferably, ceased altogether.
The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to:
Create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money and personal (sexual) relations;
Hinder and sabotage activities by the use of one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc;
Isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumours regarding unacceptable behaviour and political views etc.
The choice of tactics was based on psychological profiling and intelligence about the group members, particularly: who plays what role, who fulfills what kind of task; what are relationships within the group like, who hangs out with whom.”
Spot any familiar features? You bet! UKIP and the first principle above. ‘Britain First’; ‘For Britain’?
The reason that we need to import more Muslims is so that our security services will have a bigger recruitment pool to provide people to infiltrate the Mosques and Jihadist groups.
It is similar to the logic that that says we need to import more people to look after our aging population.
Both are ‘pyramid’ scams to increase public expenditure exponentially.
This article is a must-read.
Thank You G. Forewarned is forearmed-and this is coming in the next ten years or less.
Observation of the day
Using Microsoft Word software just now I notice a dotted red underlining. Bad grammar, a spelling mistake – it does happen. But what’s amiss with my rendering of the word ‘businessmen’ ?
“Consider using gender-neutral language”
I’d prefer to police my own speech, thank you.
Now I’m intrigued and want to find out what happens when I try to use a really bad word?
So THAT’S what the latest Microsoft Office “security” update contained! Well I never. Actually, well I should have expected it!