Not related to the Beeb but I’m sure you guys will understand my point.
I’ve just watched again the film The Bodyguard with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. It was made in 1992 and I was surprised to see that in the final scenes of the film Houston is at the Oscars collecting an award for best actress.
Now I know it’s a work for fiction but this can’t be realistic can it? A film made in 1992 depicting a black actress winning an Oscar, that’s just not possible.
I was under the impression from all the BS spouted about Black Panther and from the mouhs of Jada Smith and Spike Lee, that even in ’92 Blacks were still being victimised, marginalised and ignored.
A mainstream film advancing the notion that a black actress could win an Oscar. This shouldn’t be a simple and popular romance action film but something in the pantheon of ground breaking civil rights.
Or of course maybe we aren’t living in the racist state, and haven’t been for some years now, that the self validating BLM and HNH would have the world believe. It’s like, you know, we moved on years ago but they don’t want to recognise it because their existence would be irrelevant – just a thought.
Yes, and I think the only one after Hattie, came Halle Berry in 2002 who was listed as the first black woman to win the Best Actress award, which she was, and still is the only one.
I understand that a British firm are challenging the government on its passport contract ?
Perhaps Al Beeb may read this and report it?
I am pretty sure that Al Beeb’s researchers read this website to get their ‘heads up’ from?
We will see in the morning.
Read a report yesterday about how smarter purchasing in the NHS saved millions. Really? Someone decided that if they pooled buying power they could get stuff cheaper. Now, call me stupid if you wish but I knew this when I was a teenager yet the mass of over-paid “managers” in the NHS have only just worked this out. What on earth have they been doing all these years?
Not necessarily so. To buy in bulk requires placing contracts with suppliers capable of meeting the order, which restricts the competition.
An organisation that I worked for negotiated a national car hire deal which cost us more than our previous locally negotiated deal with our ‘on the doorstep’ hire company. The national operator had to factor in delivering/collecting cars at some very remote locations.
If I remember correctly our nationally-negotiated IT contract charged £50+ for a 1.5 m network cable. These sorts of charges are easily buried in ‘super contracts’.
Another shooting in London. We need tough policing but what do we get? The useless Khan and dickless Dick with a face like a social worker and an attitude to match. You just know her priority is not to offend the ‘ communities’. I say offend away, just get the murderers off the streets.
All morning on Radio 4 Toady, the presenters are describing Winnie Mandela as an anti-apartheid warrior and lining up shills to support their propaganda for this obnoxious woman. Mishel Hussain has just asked “but didn’t she have her failings?”: His reply, “Winnie was, as Winnie was.” Unrelenting shite.
Londonistan bleeding again . 3 incidents last night within a mile of where I live. 1 17 year old girl shot dead. One 16 year old shot . One stabbed .
And toady? Winnie, the Iranian spy woman and English husband , Corbyn upsetting Jews again and a story about mazes
Yet – when a black boy is stabbed in south London a few years ago there’s a public inquiry , he’s raised to saint hood . His mum gets a peerage . What am I missing ?
Is it that this element of their vibrant diverse multiculturalism needs to be ignored by al beeb because we re all in it together – the fuckers?
Looks like another good day for undertakers though
Another thing missing today is the labour brothers and sistas coming out of their tax paid holidays, doing the somber face thing , and shedding tears for Winnie – or maybe they’ll save it for the jolly to SA for the fun eral
I’ve got the pop corn ready for mayor/ Diane abbots show of manufactured grief.
Meanwhile east londonistan is tied down by police crime scene tape again .
A bizarre report of the shooting and stabbing in London on BBC Breakfast this morning. The reporter spent more time telling us that in comparison with many of the world’s cities, London was still a safe place. I mean, WTF, the murder rate has soared in the last year! Try telling that useless fact to the bereaved (who most should probably not be here anyway!)
I was none the wiser following the report than what had happened. What happened to the basics of journalism – who? what? when? where? why?
The news is that this was never as bad as this, and yet they claim its safe folks, nothing to see here, no move along. Imagine the furore if Boris was still mayor.
The @bbc faces a "one way path to decline" warns Tony Hall, the Director General. Hopefully it's a very rapid descent! We'll be waiting to vocally cheer at the bottom!
— TV Licensing Blog (@tvlicensingblog) April 3, 2018
There are some interesting comparisons on social media on what gets the police (under such as the ex CPP headette and Diverse Dick, overseen by Amber Alert and Thoughts and Prayers May) out and about, and what does not.
I have seen videos with more police in TVL warrant victim’s lounge or ushering an errant tweeter on a dead man walking march than at a murder scene.
Or one where there are a lot of police at an illegal faith pray in challenge to authority where they do not feel they are able to interfere, thereby endorsing such beliefs.
The BBC is the broadcasting wing of the Labour Party. If they are turning aganst Corbyn it is because they think (despite all the vote rigging and indoctrination) that no grown-ups are going to vote for him at the General Election.
Anyone hear Toenails’s fireside chat with Jon Lansmann, founder of Momentum on Toady this morning?
A courteous interview ‘how good of you to come , and how is Jeremy’s allotment today?’ On the sole topic of Labour Party anti-semitism.
You would think the leader of Momentum might get asked questions such as ‘how does hard left socialism improve economic performance and give me some examples of success?’ But obviously the idea of asking Momentum awkward questions is just not on the BBC agenda.
Or ask about their connections with Militant Tendency and the Socialist Workers Party? Apparently re-branding increases sales for the same old rubbish.
Or how letting a £3 floodgate in of nasties and nazis could possibly help any democratic need to hold the useless Tories to any real account.
A load of embittered old trots sniffing around the union bars in the hope of some idiot totty and some privileged lads who hate themselves. Win win for the paedos , the bullies and the anti-Jewish blokes and lesbians who never got over Thatcher winning in 75, 79, 83, 87-and died before they could torture her. Bastards.
The Left owe their very creation to Jews, but hate them in the hope that Islam will let them get power, Israel and the USA reduced to third world drug dens like Columbia or Iran. No need to ask them why. Only lets them reason away their evils.
An important definition, Marky Mark-so thanks for posting it.
Presumably leaving the EU is the same as causing public harm, Nigel Farage getting a free pint at the local Wetherspoons would be seen as fake news for profit.
The intent isn`t an issue for them, but their monopoly on being sole arbiters and interpreters certainly is. They want no threat to their monocultural view of things.
Glad to have read it-truly creepy, and not a hint of humility or irony.
The BBC media class need defanging, and quickly IMHO.
“Is Europe a continent with its finger on the self-destruct button? Douglas Murray reflects on Europe’s pervasive and seemingly unfathomable inertia in the face of an immigration crisis, the potential failure of multiculturalism, and the Western fixation on guilt. He travels from Paris to Berlin, from Scandinavia to Greece, in his quest to uncover the malaise at the very heart of European culture. But is the future really so bleak?”
Thanks for posting this, Douglas Murray’s book “The Strange Death of Europe” is superb – but Liddle’s continued assertions that Islam only comprises 4.5% of the U.K. population were annoying. He doesn’t seem to comprehend the enormous influence that just a 4.5% minority seems to have in the U.K. at the moment , an influence which is growing exponentially while their population just doubles every decade.
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or traditional views using violence if necessary.
Surely the response to the “only 4.5%” argument is:
“If things are as bad here now when they only make up 4.5% of the UK population; what’s it going to be like when they comprise 14% or 40%? Or when we are the 40% or the 14% – what then?”
No politician is prepared to say what the ‘destination’ of their policies is expected to be.
It’s like watching a cellar filling with water from a dripping tap and they act as if maybe the tap will somehow turn itself off or the cellar will suddenly self-drain. Indeed using this analogy they are actively turning the tap open further yet expecting the problems that causes to go away.
They can’t be that stupid surely? There must be a plan that they aren’t prepared to reveal.
Until recently I had no idea that Speakers’ Corner had been totally taken over by Islam.
Apologies for another tweet, but the following link gives many examples of the unwillingness (or inability) of the police to intervene (but ignore the link, which is incorrect).
All they can manage are mealy-mouthed excuses.
Rest assured that when The People step up to the plate to halt the invasion of third-worlders and the influx is reversed there will be more than “questions asked in the House” over who was responsible.
The people show their displeasure with Mussolini and his associates.
theisland .. Tommy Robinson online video ……This is so wrong!!! We have now got a two tier layer of justice/law enforcement in this country. One where as long as you are of a certain religious persuasion you are allowed to do *anything* irrespective of whether it is against the law of the land or not and if you are not of that religious persuasion than you have no rights! In fact you are persecuted. How can this be happening in the UK? The police have been emasculated within the space of a few years. Just listen to that copper’s waffle in response to a genuine reasoned plea for his help against lawlessness. The media (specifically the BBC) are guilty as charged in having facilitated and normalised this islamification of our country where fairness and the rule of law is now a lost cause.
The ideal of independent news gathering continues to unravel at the BBC. The latest lunacy is the so-called 50/50 challenge, which calls for an equal gender split in the use of “experts” used in news stories. In future, journalists will need to consider the sex of the “talking heads” in addition to what they might usefully contribute to the story.
This sort of nonsense is often helped along by anti-journalism “media studies” courses. These left wing propaganda vehicles are all about “ethics” and “gender” and the “proper” role of the journalist in society. The idea that an independent writer is only interested in the story and what it discloses is long gone among the elites at universities and the BBC. The correct relationship of the journalist and the politician, noted the famed American journalist H L Mencken, is that between a dog and a lamp post. Try telling that to “Simples” Sopel and ask him to explain his recent coverage of the US political scene based on shady handouts from the Democratic party.
Note the absence of challenging investigative work as practiced a generation ago by Panorama and World in Action. It’s expensive and is just not worth all the hassle that is sometimes caused. Can you imagine a Panorama programme highlighting the widespread skeptical view of man-made global warming? The lefties would riot and the uproar would last for weeks. And the media studies loonies would complain that it was all “settled” years ago – and can’t you do something about the gender balance among all those dreadful skeptical scientists.
Announcing the 50/50 challenge, Fran Unsworth, BBC director of news, said: “We are starting to see a real transformation across the BBC”. Well I think we have already seen that for some time. Presumably it will not be long before she announces a new exciting extension of the scheme where all identities (not you whitey male) will be given equal representation in padding out news stories that have long ceased to have any trace of journalistic independence.
Still, every cloud has a silver lining. Under Ms Unsworth’s exciting new directive, transgenders can presumably tick either gender box depending on how they self identify when on air.
We are well on the way to observing the BBC ‘tripping over their own policies’. What a spectacle. Always happens when too much legislation is brought into force with little meaningful consultation beforehand and with no regard for existing legislation. We are witnessing that as well.
BBC Sloppy reporting. Can an MP be a Mayor without conflict of interest and what about his schedule? Can we seen some time sheets if he has to avoid one engagement to go to another? Does he get paid for both jobs?
Starting from my premise that the BBC and the state are deeply connected here is a clip about dying from a doctor who obviously knows what being dead is like because she tells us that it is better
than we expected.
However, dying and being dead are slightly different. Dying is something experts will manage, death is all about losing our future hopes, our past and what gives life its importance.
Nice friendly voice operating what the state regards as a nudge nudge policy towards acceptance of euthanasia for the expensive elderly. See, it ain’t so bad to finish grannie off.
Note the technique. Don’t argue directly for something like euthanasia, just make out a case complaining that no one is discussing dying and we really ought to. These nudge nudge changes are always prefaced by an expert who simply wants society to discuss the issue.
Well said. More bullshit from the Beeb nanny state. None of what she discussed applied to death by accident, suicide, or sudden death like cardiac arrest. The only bit I agreed with is this tendency to say ‘ passed’ which grates on me. I also think that a lack of religion makes the subject of death much more difficult to rationalise as there’s no fairy tale ending.
Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has been re-elected for a second four-year term, after winning 97% of the vote last week, official results show.
The amount is the same as he won in the last election in 2014. But turnout, at 41%, was six percentage points lower.
Electoral officials also said 7% of the 24 million ballots cast were spoiled.
How teachers tell young children the grisly story of Easter // FROM BBC RADIO 4
“grisly story of Easter” – BBC think Easter was grisly you should read the …. oh, wait …. we can’t compare or talk about that … or use horrible words to describe other religions ….
Classic lefty tactic.
Removing free speech for caring kindly reasons-preventing victims.
Tessa Jowell wanted the Stop the War march on Parliament in Feb 2003.
Health and Safety, all that mud-all those heels and the risks involved.
That`s the Left for you.
Pg 2 Yorkshire Post lists the Today’s Love A Muslim day events
.. Thus awarding the belief system BigVictimhood.
– Victimhood should depend on proportion
One corner we have a poor victim who has her hijab pulled by a nutter, or is shouted at by a nutter, jus like nutters shout at all of us .
.. And in the other corner we have 100s killed or maimed in UK by Islamist terrorists
plus 5,000 plus underage girls groomed/raped/pimped by people protected by the faith/culture.
27th of March was Muslim Women’s day
A group that we hardly ever hear about
Happy Muslim Women's Day!! 03/27- It's a day to celebrate and acknowledge a community that is often talked about but rarely given the chance to express themselves.
So says a diverse student leader who probably has her heart set on a lucrative and ultra cushy career in the ‘equalities’ industry. Imagine having a job where you can never be wrong, success cannot be measured and you know that if anyone so much as questions your ‘work’ they could be arrested.
A survey shows ‘1 in 6’ has ‘experienced racism’ at university. How big was the sample? What does ‘experiencing racism’ mean? I suspect it is an entirely subjective definition, so if you were upset about literally anything and decided ‘racism’ was the cause it counts. All these SJW ‘surveys’ have less intellectual rigour than a toddler’s tantrum – is it not odd how they always confirm their prejudices?
The idea that we are a society full of racists just does not ring true to me. When do you ever meet anyone even remotely racist these days? Alas there’s is a billion pound industry which depends on ‘discrimination’ and therefore exaggerates and even invents problems.
The entire ‘equalities’ industry should focus on the murders in London and industrial rape of white girls rather than imaginary hurt feelings.
“Confronting , challenging, defining”?
What do you mean by “racism” dear?
White boys getting a shit schooling along the south coast? Or Shami, Mishal, getting into Oxbridge because white boys are disadvantaged?
Will any hack EVER take up what these fountains of verbiage actually reduce to, if only you`ll ask the questions? Or does it suit both sides to pincer the white working class and garrotte any efforts to think for yourself?
I know they`ll not learn, just talk over you-but needs to be done, before they get ungovernable.
You are right. The entire anti-racism industry only exists by pretending that society in 21st Century Britain is similar to that of Alabama in the 1950s. If they ever admit the truth, the entire basis for their extremely comfortable existence will vanish in a puff of smoke.*
*Will the smoke be black or white though, and would it be racist? Best to ask Mr David Lammy MP, he’s a bit of an expert on this subject, shame he didn’t pick it on Mastermind.
Re the latest sob fest on Radio 4 TWATO rgarding the black girl who got shot in London, probably by someone with caribbean or african heritage. Mournful black voices emanate from from my radio in full victim mentality tones. The words ‘The Community’ is the euphemism used constantly by BBC reporters and the people interviewed, for ‘black people’. ‘The Community’ is aware that Stop and Search would have an impact in reducing the violent crime but ‘The Community’ thinks it stereotypes it (lack of ‘respeck’ etc).
I don’t think I’m speaking out of turn but I think ‘The Community’ is doing a damned good job in reinforcing the statistical FACTS to people who are not members of ‘The Community’ about the level of violence that comes out of it.
Wild: ” “Murdering terrorist Winnie Mandela is a saint in the eyes of the BBC. Farage is despised by the BBC yet achieved so much for his country.”
Exactly. The Left is sick. ”
The BBC is none too healthy, either, as far as Radio 4 is concerned.
TODAY Prog roll on a retail expert (female) who doesn’t know which stores are on High Streets and which are in retail parks & malls.
You and Yours (yes, I listened – silly me) roll out a journalist (female) as expert who doesn’t know that the State Pension is not, strictly, a true Benefit, because contributions toward it are taken from workers as soon as they start work in the UK. She also has no idea about the job security enjoyed by even the most lacklustre BBC presenter.
TWatO is class-ist and has a good old sneer at the middle-class and demonstrates it doesn’t know much about the history of the motor car. Mardell is chief sneer-leader, ably assisted by Emma Jane Kirby. Poor Emma Jane refers to the Lake District as a county! I lost count of the other howlers in a relatively short segment. Meanwhile UPPER class, former banker, Napolean Macron, doesn’t attract any sneering from Mardell.
Our Mark seems almost positively enthusiastic about some very Thatcherite labour reforms for France.
I thought this must be fake news but alas not the case. The thick as pig shit Labour MP posted it for 4 minutes before realising what the serious implications of her disgusting tweet could cause
A section of Labour MP’s are a serious bunch of nutters and god help us all if they get there hands on power…
Yes, when explained that necklacing is a horrid type of murder she deletes it. But then what does the silly moo do?
She retweets her praise for Winnie
Naz Shah MP
Verified account
Apr 2
RIP Winnie Winnie Mandela: South African anti-apartheid campaigner dies at 81
Growing up in the valley’s of Wales my political leaning’s has always been left of centre.
At the last election i voted Conservative (shock horror) ,but there is no way on this God’s earth will i vote for a party run by the seriously loony Marxist left run by Corbyn, McDonell,Abbott and the bully boy’s of Momentum.
Yesterday’s tweet by Nazshah was jaw dropping and just sums up how dangerous this section of Labour MP’s are.
God help us all if they get anyway near power..!!!!!
On another thread on Guido yesterday I posted about how this GE-winning strategy of NooLaBor to whip up a social meeja/Twatter storm was designed to win them elections because it mobilised the young and was the perfect vehicle for spreading the fake news needed to fire up the sheeple. I guess they forgot that once in the twattersphere it was there forever, and slowly it is starting to bite them on the arse!
Weird thing is, the guy on the left has a sort of facial expression that implies ‘what am I doing here? I was just told to stand here and hold this thing’.
He would not of course thought thenabove words in English.
Virtue signalling Vine at lunchtime
‘ Of course no one today finds the Jasper Carrot , Nutter on the bus sketch , funny
We understand we should be talking to that person with mental illness’
The real nutter is Vine who doesn’t understand Carrot wasn’t mocking the nutter, ir being unsympathetic, but rather laughing at our own anxiety.
I’m afraid that his love-in for Winnie and his ignorance regarding vitamin-D, (light-skinned people need supplements), caused me to bail out before that item.
£0.7M per annum, amazing, totally amazing.
A bullshite article on the fake ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters where the BBC mentions “Four Labour MPs also received the letters.” with a link showing the 4 MPs.
Now would be a good time for the BBC to mention how the 5th MP to also “receive” the same letter, Sajid Javid, used a cropped photo of someone elses letter and claimed he received one…
So either the BBC are:
1. unaware that Sajid Javid also “received” a letter, or,
2. Aware that Sajid Javid made the whole thing up and they don’t report it.
Either way it’s poor journalism as we expect from the BBC.
The English is better than in most of their faked stunts, maybe they got help this time from a left-wing group, but it still isn’t perfect by any means.
I am fairly sure this is a fake put out by the perfect people to ensure the continuation of their victim status.
Non moslems intending to be offensive would have included something nasty about the prophet, such as draw a rude picture of him and so on.
But a moslem would never put that in a list
Absolutely agree…providing the Beeb with more opportunity to promote their favourite peaceful persecuted religion. Another opportunity to cite the US incident of a nutter attacking a woman….in a hijab!! If she hadn’t been wearing a hijab that story wouldn’t have made it out of the town never mind across the ocean. I smell a big pile of BS.
The play about the murder of Katie Hopkins turns out not to be agiprop against her , but rather challeging the libleft as to whether they do own the moral high ground.
The murder is at the beginning if the play and afterwards a lefty ends up starting a Justice For Katie campaign
Times review.
The point is the writers would never do a play about the murder of a lefty figure like Sadiq, so you they stick away from fictionalising about actual people altogether ?
Interestingly the al beeb news at 5 is leading with these events. Declaration – when I studied criminology I compared London and New York .
The population size is similar but there is a lot of difference . I promise you I could bore you to death with it – comstat and other stuff
As I wrote this morning I live in East Londonistan . It’s good that al beeb is covering it at last. Al beeb won’t admit its a result of rapid increases in population size and diversity.
The homicide level for London will at least double this year – I’m predicting 250 non terrorist killings against about. 110 last year.
But stats don’t mean much as each one is a horror to those involved . You don’t forget seeing people die.
It does take attention away from the Labour Party – they can just get on the “cuts” narrative – but they wanted stop and search killed off.
If any one wants to hear more- and I know it’s not about al beeb bias -I’d be pleased to tell.
Surprisingly radio 4 news at 5 covered this subject decently for a change and even spoke to bill Bratton the former chief of New York about the methods they use- which won’t work in London.
In 1954, in the Metropolitan Police Dictrict, there were 4 robberies in which a firearm was know to have been carried and a further 8 in which a firearm may have been carried.
Of course that was before Parliament banned the civilian ownership of pistols.
The mayor will blame the Conservatives. Seems the main politicians are on their hols -this does take attention from the Corbyn Socialist Anti Jewish story.
The Al beeb London Local news isn’t something I normally watch because its normally a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Hundreds of thousands of foreigners turning up in London is never going to be a happy story in real world but Al beeb will avoid any connection to the volume of stabbing / shootings.
An albeeb reporter said that one of the four main London hospitals deals with 2 stabbings a day – 165 so far in 2018 and 43 gun shot wounds.
He will succeed, too, because the BBC N&CA are incompetent.
No presenter will think to remind him or his spokesperson that the Mayor is now responsible for policing in London INCLUDING its funding. I wonder if any BBC journalists (I bet the News Presenters have not) have read the London Budget?
They certainly had not at the time of the Grenfell fire last summer. The Mayor and various GLA spokespeople were quick to blame ‘the cuts’, meaning ‘the (Tory) cuts’. A quick check would have shown that Mayor Khan was responsible for ‘the cuts’.
Trans : 8pm Radio4 finally breaks the blockade and mentions this topic it never ever mentioned before.
“How is it that trans people have come out of the shadows and become so visible, in films and music, in ads, on TV, on the radio, when for decades their lives were hidden?
What has enabled that change?
Is it hard-won battles for equality, changes in gender roles, the birth of the internet, consumer culture?
Maria Margaronis explores what lies behind the Trans Revolution and discovers that even asking the question is fraught with difficulties.”
It`s simple.
After Caitlyn Jenner and her “Woman Of The Year” award in the USA-the bandwaggon is full of these types.
Channel 5 will buy you up, you can moan for ever-and probably get a job as Wishy Washy at Worthing Pier in 2019 with the right agent.
Cheap telly, a Barnum freak show for the deviant and devious.
And it`ll keep on giving.
I sometimes feel for the lower grade coppers. They signed up to a respectable career and were betrayed by politicians, higher grade common purpose police chiefs and the courts.
Well done those folks for standing up and protesting. Much respect, to all, especially those from ethnic communities who might face a backlash. I hope they circulate that video. Now let’s watch the police hunker down!
The number of Police cars in Muslim areas today in the North of England has been stunning and sickening. They clearly are promoting Muslim privilege in the way they protect them, but fail to protect the rest of us.
In other quarters it has been alleged the so called ‘punish a Muslim day’ was part of the media Jihad, and originates from Muslims themselves – and lets be honest, if a scheme of this size had been organised by some white group then the political correctness enforcement squad would have directed all its efforts to arresting those responsible.
People in the Manchester area are finding Burhams goons turning up within a very short time if the break political correctness rules (not the law, just the rules) but they cannot turn out to deal with crime on the basis that Tory cuts have left too few officers. This is the same in London with Khans goons having more officers dealing with the imaginary ‘hate’ than there are doing anything else, then blaming the Tories.
Thoughtful, have they not made Andy Burnham responsible for policing in Manchester yet? If so and there are cuts, then he is the one responsible.
Mind you if he takes as long to wake up to that fact as it took Sadiq Khan in London, then it will be a while before it sinks in in Manchester even if policing is already devolved. Today is the first day that I have heard the Mayor’s Office in London admit he is now responsible for funding the Metropolitan Police.
“As for ‘Punish a Muslim Day’…can’t help thinking police inquiries would be best served if they investigated the sort of people who put the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot into action”
I thought it was compulsory to put “alleged” in front of any reference to the Trojan Horse plot. The BBC does.
Back in South Africa, rabble-rouser Julius Malema has suggested Winnie, not Nelson, should have been President. She had been vocal in her support for him, he claimed. He of course, has made public suggestions in favour of knife crime and violence in general, against a certain racial group. Not sure if she did that so explicitly, but the mutual admiration is telling…
Birds of a feather…
Because many of these killings are happening close to where I live in londonistan I’m following albeeb treatment of it closely . I don’t want too.
Yet I was amazed by the lack of any coverage Toady gave to these killings today . Yet now 6pm news they lead with it for 7 minutes . It takes the heat off of Corbyn s love in with all things Jewish ( sorry)
And now so beeb is waiting for a member of the royal to pop his clogs . Probably drawing lots to cover the funeral .
Come to think of it, ‘Kill the boer, kill the farmer’ has been an ANC favourite song/chant. Wonder if that is a call suggesting violence?
SAs were once told that this was merely a traditional song and didn’t mean what it said.
This, and the full video below, tells us everything that is wrong with the multicult and the police enforcement of law. But it reveals so clear that the orders are coming from high up in the Quisling Government.
So why are the MPs so quiet?
It depends on who the law breaker is, AS. If it’s a koranderthal, they can ignore man (other genders available) law with impunity, only God’s law carries any weight. Rape, abduction, murder et al , all sanctioned in their instruction manual and ignored by our powers that be. Given the latter, al fresco pavement headbutting will figure way down the list of “offenses” worthy of action, committed by the hirsute, peaceful ones.
Its a tweet and their pictures don’t save as JPEGs. (You can if you use a paint program) Here is a link to my post where there are pictures a plenty. Gaza: How the media lies
If the londonistan killings , stabbings and shootings weren’t so serious it would be a get out the popcorn for liberal handwringing . The police were told to pull back from confronting the “community” and now we have the result .
Numbers have been cut and others are doing historic stuff for liberal feel good and to cover asses for neglect – namely Islamic organised rapes.
So it’s a mess. And msm will pray it goes away quickly and definitely before local elections in a month.
There was never going to be a smoking gun fingerprint because that is impossible. May has only her own incompetence to blame for the mess she finds herself in now, what she should have said is that the nerve agent is of a type known to have been developed by the Soviet Union and that having developed and manufactured it they have a duty to keep the recipe and stocks of it secure. Failing to do this with a weapon as deadly as this is tantamount to having given the green light for it to be use as an offensive weapon.
So unless the Russian state wants to tell who else has the formula and whether any of their stocks are missing then it has the responsibility.
The manufacture of these agents is highly complex and can only be undertaken by well equipped labs using special equipment, the chances of the Russian mafia having access is next to impossible.
There is also no reason for the Russian mafia to have taken out a hit on Skripal. He was an ex-KGB man who had been swapped for Russian spies. Nothing to do with the mob or organised crime.
However, Vladimir Putin is a Chekist who publicly said he will never forgive “traitors”, and who has the legal authority to order the assassination of such “traitors” who are outside Russia. This happened without a shadow of doubt to Litvinyenko. There is no reason to believe it has not happened to Skripal.
Vladimir Putin wants all Russians to know that he can get to them, wherever they are in the world. He brooks no criticism from anyone. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
BBC and C4 are entirely missing the point on these black on black killings in London. Kahn’s henchmen and other lefties are pushing for more spending , ‘a public health approach ‘ ( C4 just now, I kid you not). Gangs show that ghettoisation such as in Tottenham,and lack of economic opportunity for decades is bearing its grim harvest. Does no one look at the precedents such as Chicago and south central LA? As usual, a total failure of governments to control and appreciate the long term effects of mass immigration from poor countries with different cultures.
thank goodness i was white flighted out of london
Sutton in South London
”This is the third attempt at trying to steal my motorcycle – a YAMAHA MT-07. These guys are so brazen. They tried to steal it for the first time on Monday 26th at 4pm. Then Friday at midnight in to Saturday.
Then yesterday.
I had seen them on all 3 occasions.
The first time they saw the bike it only had one lock on it. So they thought that’s all I was carrying.
The only reason the cover wasn’t on the bike was because I was going back out to pick someone up.
When they couldn’t steal it they broke the window of the car belonging to the father of my partner
This is the moment brazen scooter-riding thieves attempted to steal a motorbike from a property in London on Sunday as the terrified residents looked on.
A video of the incident shows the would-be thieves approach the property in Carshalton armed with a hammer and an angle grinder.
Two other scooter riders wait with engines running in the middle of the road to make a speedy getaway.
The petrified residents lean from the window screaming at the approaching pair to go away and informing them that they are calling the police.
Completely unfazed, the helmeted thieves get to work with the angle grinder trying to saw off the lock on the Yamaha MT-07.
Only when they realise the motorbike has two locks on it do the thieves walk away.
Then, in an act of pure vandalism and frustration, one of the thieves takes the hammer and smashes two windows on the car parked in the driveway.
Under the “Castle Doctrine”, you or someone else must be occupying the vehicle in order to benefit from the presumption of reasonableness under Texas Penal Code.
Whatever the Castle Doctrine might say, if a gang armed with hammers and and angle grinder invading someone’s property were shot, I doubt that person would ever come to trial, and if they did, I very much doubt a Texan jury would convict. In California, on the other hand…
They weren’t invading someone’s property, they were trying to steal a motorcycle and then committed an act of vandalism, albeit on someone’s property.
Contrary to what many here and elsewhere want to believe, even in Texas and Florida there is no assumed right to shoot on site except in self defence. The circumstances are well defined. Motorcycle theft and vandalism don’t even come close.
“Internet loon territory”? You’ve obviously never heard of the Joe Horn Case.
I chose Texas for that reason, never mentioned Florida or the Castle Doctrine.
“Texas penal code contains an unusual provision that grants citizens the right to use deadly force to prevent someone “who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property.”
Texas A&M Professor Mark Hoekstra, who studies the effectiveness of lethal-force provisions in self-defense law, says the protection-of-property element of the deadly force law is “pretty unique to Texas.” Within Texas, however, the case was not unique. In 2010, the law protected a Houston taco-truck owner who shot a man for stealing a tip jar containing $20.12. Also in Houston, a store clerk recently killed a man for shoplifting a twelve-pack of beer, and in 2008 a man from Laredo was acquitted for killing a 13-year-old boy who broke into his trailer looking for snacks and soda.
Texas law also justifies killing to protect others’ property. In 2007, a man told 14 times by a 911 operator to remain inside during a robbery gunned down two thieves fleeing from his neighbor’s house. (“There’s no property worth shooting somebody over, OK?” the operator said on the call. The shooter’s response: “The law has been changed….Here it goes, buddy! You hear the shotgun clickin’ and I’m goin’!”) He was acquitted the next year.”
“President Donald Trump has vowed to send the US military to secure the nation’s southern border with Mexico.”
Time Theresa did the same with our borders, we are being invaded by migrants.
Story about posh dog food- 6 times the price of Pedigree Chum
“Pet owners are looking for the same quality of pet food as they would feed themselves,”
“Why doesn’t pet food smell delicious and have human-grade ingredients?”
Of course the BBC doesn’t question the ethics of wasting top grade meat on dogs.
Better to home in on it’s favourites-
the only woman angle:
”Even now she can go to a trade function and find “the only other woman there is the person taking the coats”.
the bent angle:
”As well as being one of the few female entrepreneurs in the pet food sector, Henrietta may be the only one who is also gay.”
“It’s just really important to have role models – people think the whole ‘gay thing’ is over and done, but it just isn’t,” she says.
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Not related to the Beeb but I’m sure you guys will understand my point.
I’ve just watched again the film The Bodyguard with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. It was made in 1992 and I was surprised to see that in the final scenes of the film Houston is at the Oscars collecting an award for best actress.
Now I know it’s a work for fiction but this can’t be realistic can it? A film made in 1992 depicting a black actress winning an Oscar, that’s just not possible.
I was under the impression from all the BS spouted about Black Panther and from the mouhs of Jada Smith and Spike Lee, that even in ’92 Blacks were still being victimised, marginalised and ignored.
A mainstream film advancing the notion that a black actress could win an Oscar. This shouldn’t be a simple and popular romance action film but something in the pantheon of ground breaking civil rights.
Or of course maybe we aren’t living in the racist state, and haven’t been for some years now, that the self validating BLM and HNH would have the world believe. It’s like, you know, we moved on years ago but they don’t want to recognise it because their existence would be irrelevant – just a thought.
Not forgetting Hattie Macdaniel, who won best supporting actress in….errr…….1940.
Yes, and I think the only one after Hattie, came Halle Berry in 2002 who was listed as the first black woman to win the Best Actress award, which she was, and still is the only one.
I understand that a British firm are challenging the government on its passport contract ?
Perhaps Al Beeb may read this and report it?
I am pretty sure that Al Beeb’s researchers read this website to get their ‘heads up’ from?
We will see in the morning.
“We’ve not got enough beds or staff – NHS bosses”
Have a look at the top comments on ‘HYS’.
It says as it all.
Read a report yesterday about how smarter purchasing in the NHS saved millions. Really? Someone decided that if they pooled buying power they could get stuff cheaper. Now, call me stupid if you wish but I knew this when I was a teenager yet the mass of over-paid “managers” in the NHS have only just worked this out. What on earth have they been doing all these years?
“What on earth have they been doing all these years?”
Er, raking it in and watching their pension funds grow?
Not necessarily so. To buy in bulk requires placing contracts with suppliers capable of meeting the order, which restricts the competition.
An organisation that I worked for negotiated a national car hire deal which cost us more than our previous locally negotiated deal with our ‘on the doorstep’ hire company. The national operator had to factor in delivering/collecting cars at some very remote locations.
If I remember correctly our nationally-negotiated IT contract charged £50+ for a 1.5 m network cable. These sorts of charges are easily buried in ‘super contracts’.
#CCBGB indeed.
Interesting in a variety of ways.
I see it closed almost as soon as it opened, and with fewer than three hundred getting to comment.
Panic in the editorial suite?
Meanwhile, elsewhere (not the bbc), I read of NHS managers enjoying flying lessons on the public tab.
The imagery is also a hoot.
‘Barking W1A1AA’ is apt.
Less so is a patient/staff scenario whose demographic mix appears to suggest an NHS with noble persons on hue coping with problematic old white men.
Surely the problem is that there are too many beds? So many, in fact, that the ones used in the London Olympics opening ceremony had to be sent to Tunisia. I mean, you wouldn’t do things like that if there was a shortage, would you?
Another shooting in London. We need tough policing but what do we get? The useless Khan and dickless Dick with a face like a social worker and an attitude to match. You just know her priority is not to offend the ‘ communities’. I say offend away, just get the murderers off the streets.
Allow me to rephrase that: with Can’t-do Khan and Dickless Dick, our enemies and murderers are in safe hands.
Khan gets called “useless Khant” on Twitter a lot!
All morning on Radio 4 Toady, the presenters are describing Winnie Mandela as an anti-apartheid warrior and lining up shills to support their propaganda for this obnoxious woman. Mishel Hussain has just asked “but didn’t she have her failings?”: His reply, “Winnie was, as Winnie was.” Unrelenting shite.
Tyre torture necklacings don’t matter. She hates whites, that’s all the beeb need to know.
Toady watch
Londonistan bleeding again . 3 incidents last night within a mile of where I live. 1 17 year old girl shot dead. One 16 year old shot . One stabbed .
And toady? Winnie, the Iranian spy woman and English husband , Corbyn upsetting Jews again and a story about mazes
Yet – when a black boy is stabbed in south London a few years ago there’s a public inquiry , he’s raised to saint hood . His mum gets a peerage . What am I missing ?
Is it that this element of their vibrant diverse multiculturalism needs to be ignored by al beeb because we re all in it together – the fuckers?
Looks like another good day for undertakers though
Another thing missing today is the labour brothers and sistas coming out of their tax paid holidays, doing the somber face thing , and shedding tears for Winnie – or maybe they’ll save it for the jolly to SA for the fun eral
I’ve got the pop corn ready for mayor/ Diane abbots show of manufactured grief.
Meanwhile east londonistan is tied down by police crime scene tape again .
Naz Shah MP has now apparently deleted this.
Sorry, reported in error.
Naz has reposted a tribute.
Comments could be going better.
Naz may need a lie down.
A bizarre report of the shooting and stabbing in London on BBC Breakfast this morning. The reporter spent more time telling us that in comparison with many of the world’s cities, London was still a safe place. I mean, WTF, the murder rate has soared in the last year! Try telling that useless fact to the bereaved (who most should probably not be here anyway!)
I was none the wiser following the report than what had happened. What happened to the basics of journalism – who? what? when? where? why?
The news is that this was never as bad as this, and yet they claim its safe folks, nothing to see here, no move along. Imagine the furore if Boris was still mayor.
Just Winnie being Winnie. Apparently.
May be the bbc reckon necklacing is the kind of thing she wouldn’t have done unless being caught by those darn racists in right wing media?
Just Winnie being Winnie.
You could be prime minister.
May also comes out with brilliant speeches:
Brexit means Brexit.
Boris is Boris.
Yes GW, definite pm material there.
Oh dear, how sad; never mind.
There are some interesting comparisons on social media on what gets the police (under such as the ex CPP headette and Diverse Dick, overseen by Amber Alert and Thoughts and Prayers May) out and about, and what does not.
I have seen videos with more police in TVL warrant victim’s lounge or ushering an errant tweeter on a dead man walking march than at a murder scene.
Or one where there are a lot of police at an illegal faith pray in challenge to authority where they do not feel they are able to interfere, thereby endorsing such beliefs.
No arrests made yet on either shootings in the gang city of London, perhaps the cops are busy comparing nail polish colours !
Well, after all, guns don’t kill people – it’s Tweets and Faecesbook wot does it, as any clever Dick knows :
Arrests might offend the diverse ‘communities’, innit.
Looks as if the BBC are getting ready to dump Corbyn. Criticism of his attending the Jewdas event.
I see Geedo has closed off comments on the last three Corbyn pieces
Welcome to the media elite Geedo
The BBC is the broadcasting wing of the Labour Party. If they are turning aganst Corbyn it is because they think (despite all the vote rigging and indoctrination) that no grown-ups are going to vote for him at the General Election.
BBC – Dont need to worry too much as Theresa seems to be doing a pretty good impression of a Labour Prime Minister herself.
Anyone hear Toenails’s fireside chat with Jon Lansmann, founder of Momentum on Toady this morning?
A courteous interview ‘how good of you to come , and how is Jeremy’s allotment today?’ On the sole topic of Labour Party anti-semitism.
You would think the leader of Momentum might get asked questions such as ‘how does hard left socialism improve economic performance and give me some examples of success?’ But obviously the idea of asking Momentum awkward questions is just not on the BBC agenda.
Or ask about their connections with Militant Tendency and the Socialist Workers Party? Apparently re-branding increases sales for the same old rubbish.
Or how letting a £3 floodgate in of nasties and nazis could possibly help any democratic need to hold the useless Tories to any real account.
A load of embittered old trots sniffing around the union bars in the hope of some idiot totty and some privileged lads who hate themselves. Win win for the paedos , the bullies and the anti-Jewish blokes and lesbians who never got over Thatcher winning in 75, 79, 83, 87-and died before they could torture her. Bastards.
The Left owe their very creation to Jews, but hate them in the hope that Islam will let them get power, Israel and the USA reduced to third world drug dens like Columbia or Iran. No need to ask them why. Only lets them reason away their evils.
Final report of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation { 12mar2018}
Disinformation as defined in this Report includes all forms of false, inaccurate, or misleading information designed, presented and promoted to intentionally cause public harm or for profit. It does not cover issues arising from the creation and dissemination online of illegal content (notably defamation, hate speech, incitement to violence), which are subject to regulatory remedies under EU or national laws, nor other forms of deliberate but not misleading distortions of facts such a satire and parody.
An important definition, Marky Mark-so thanks for posting it.
Presumably leaving the EU is the same as causing public harm, Nigel Farage getting a free pint at the local Wetherspoons would be seen as fake news for profit.
The intent isn`t an issue for them, but their monopoly on being sole arbiters and interpreters certainly is. They want no threat to their monocultural view of things.
Glad to have read it-truly creepy, and not a hint of humility or irony.
The BBC media class need defanging, and quickly IMHO.
“Here’s the video of my discussion with Rod Liddle at J*wish Book Week, from 6th of this month:” {twitter}
“Is Europe a continent with its finger on the self-destruct button? Douglas Murray reflects on Europe’s pervasive and seemingly unfathomable inertia in the face of an immigration crisis, the potential failure of multiculturalism, and the Western fixation on guilt. He travels from Paris to Berlin, from Scandinavia to Greece, in his quest to uncover the malaise at the very heart of European culture. But is the future really so bleak?”
Thanks for posting this, Douglas Murray’s book “The Strange Death of Europe” is superb – but Liddle’s continued assertions that Islam only comprises 4.5% of the U.K. population were annoying. He doesn’t seem to comprehend the enormous influence that just a 4.5% minority seems to have in the U.K. at the moment , an influence which is growing exponentially while their population just doubles every decade.
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or traditional views using violence if necessary.
Surely the response to the “only 4.5%” argument is:
“If things are as bad here now when they only make up 4.5% of the UK population; what’s it going to be like when they comprise 14% or 40%? Or when we are the 40% or the 14% – what then?”
No politician is prepared to say what the ‘destination’ of their policies is expected to be.
It’s like watching a cellar filling with water from a dripping tap and they act as if maybe the tap will somehow turn itself off or the cellar will suddenly self-drain. Indeed using this analogy they are actively turning the tap open further yet expecting the problems that causes to go away.
They can’t be that stupid surely? There must be a plan that they aren’t prepared to reveal.
They can and there isn’t.
BBC ahead of the game ….
Diane Abbott: While the Tories bicker, Labour has a positive vision for Brexit {thetimes 04mar2018}
“Four years ago in Malmo locals had to do a walk a j*w to work day.” – Douglas Murray @16:08
– Please note that UK MP’s (on both sides) gave themselves an 18% pay rise (from 2010) during a recession and austerity.
UK MP Pay April 2010 – £65,738
UK MP Pay April 2018 – £77,379
Until recently I had no idea that Speakers’ Corner had been totally taken over by Islam.
Apologies for another tweet, but the following link gives many examples of the unwillingness (or inability) of the police to intervene (but ignore the link, which is incorrect).
All they can manage are mealy-mouthed excuses.
Rest assured that when The People step up to the plate to halt the invasion of third-worlders and the influx is reversed there will be more than “questions asked in the House” over who was responsible.
The people show their displeasure with Mussolini and his associates.
theisland .. Tommy Robinson online video ……This is so wrong!!! We have now got a two tier layer of justice/law enforcement in this country. One where as long as you are of a certain religious persuasion you are allowed to do *anything* irrespective of whether it is against the law of the land or not and if you are not of that religious persuasion than you have no rights! In fact you are persecuted. How can this be happening in the UK? The police have been emasculated within the space of a few years. Just listen to that copper’s waffle in response to a genuine reasoned plea for his help against lawlessness. The media (specifically the BBC) are guilty as charged in having facilitated and normalised this islamification of our country where fairness and the rule of law is now a lost cause.
The BBC distorts everything Trump.
On R4 this morning they were on about trade tariffs. They must think we are all stupid; its only protectionist if applied universally:
” Were it not for the threat of an international trade war, the stock markets would have very few objective reasons to worry. Already, Trump has walked back his tariff threats by carving out exclusions for Europe, Canada, Mexico, and a great many other countries with the one exception of China. More and more, his threats are beginning to look like a bargaining ruse. if this is the case, our immediate economic future looks very bright.”
Shame we weren’t applying tariffs to Chinese steel when they were dumping it here.
The ideal of independent news gathering continues to unravel at the BBC. The latest lunacy is the so-called 50/50 challenge, which calls for an equal gender split in the use of “experts” used in news stories. In future, journalists will need to consider the sex of the “talking heads” in addition to what they might usefully contribute to the story.
This sort of nonsense is often helped along by anti-journalism “media studies” courses. These left wing propaganda vehicles are all about “ethics” and “gender” and the “proper” role of the journalist in society. The idea that an independent writer is only interested in the story and what it discloses is long gone among the elites at universities and the BBC. The correct relationship of the journalist and the politician, noted the famed American journalist H L Mencken, is that between a dog and a lamp post. Try telling that to “Simples” Sopel and ask him to explain his recent coverage of the US political scene based on shady handouts from the Democratic party.
Note the absence of challenging investigative work as practiced a generation ago by Panorama and World in Action. It’s expensive and is just not worth all the hassle that is sometimes caused. Can you imagine a Panorama programme highlighting the widespread skeptical view of man-made global warming? The lefties would riot and the uproar would last for weeks. And the media studies loonies would complain that it was all “settled” years ago – and can’t you do something about the gender balance among all those dreadful skeptical scientists.
Announcing the 50/50 challenge, Fran Unsworth, BBC director of news, said: “We are starting to see a real transformation across the BBC”. Well I think we have already seen that for some time. Presumably it will not be long before she announces a new exciting extension of the scheme where all identities (not you whitey male) will be given equal representation in padding out news stories that have long ceased to have any trace of journalistic independence.
Still, every cloud has a silver lining. Under Ms Unsworth’s exciting new directive, transgenders can presumably tick either gender box depending on how they self identify when on air.
We are well on the way to observing the BBC ‘tripping over their own policies’. What a spectacle. Always happens when too much legislation is brought into force with little meaningful consultation beforehand and with no regard for existing legislation. We are witnessing that as well.
BBC Sloppy reporting. Can an MP be a Mayor without conflict of interest and what about his schedule? Can we seen some time sheets if he has to avoid one engagement to go to another? Does he get paid for both jobs?
Dan Jarvis has been told he will be able to remain an MP if he is elected as Sheffield City Region mayor. { 03apr2018}
Starting from my premise that the BBC and the state are deeply connected here is a clip about dying from a doctor who obviously knows what being dead is like because she tells us that it is better
than we expected.
However, dying and being dead are slightly different. Dying is something experts will manage, death is all about losing our future hopes, our past and what gives life its importance.
Nice friendly voice operating what the state regards as a nudge nudge policy towards acceptance of euthanasia for the expensive elderly. See, it ain’t so bad to finish grannie off.
Note the technique. Don’t argue directly for something like euthanasia, just make out a case complaining that no one is discussing dying and we really ought to. These nudge nudge changes are always prefaced by an expert who simply wants society to discuss the issue.
Well said. More bullshit from the Beeb nanny state. None of what she discussed applied to death by accident, suicide, or sudden death like cardiac arrest. The only bit I agreed with is this tendency to say ‘ passed’ which grates on me. I also think that a lack of religion makes the subject of death much more difficult to rationalise as there’s no fairy tale ending.
Wow! If only he had 100% … then he’d be perfect.
. . .
Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has been re-elected for a second four-year term, after winning 97% of the vote last week, official results show.
The amount is the same as he won in the last election in 2014. But turnout, at 41%, was six percentage points lower.
Electoral officials also said 7% of the 24 million ballots cast were spoiled.
Many saw the outcome as a foregone conclusion, with Mr Sisi’s sole opponent a little-known figure who had previously supported his re-election. { 03apr2018}
Facebook and/or Putin again I expect!
How teachers tell young children the grisly story of Easter // FROM BBC RADIO 4
“grisly story of Easter” – BBC think Easter was grisly you should read the …. oh, wait …. we can’t compare or talk about that … or use horrible words to describe other religions ….
Classic lefty tactic.
Removing free speech for caring kindly reasons-preventing victims.
Tessa Jowell wanted the Stop the War march on Parliament in Feb 2003.
Health and Safety, all that mud-all those heels and the risks involved.
That`s the Left for you.
* Fight Against Islamophobia (no such thing)
* Defend civil liberties (OK)
* Oppose Prevent (Prevent Prevent – a government backed campaign)
“Oppose Prevent”
Says it all.
Pg 2 Yorkshire Post lists the Today’s Love A Muslim day events
.. Thus awarding the belief system BigVictimhood.
– Victimhood should depend on proportion
One corner we have a poor victim who has her hijab pulled by a nutter, or is shouted at by a nutter, jus like nutters shout at all of us .
.. And in the other corner we have 100s killed or maimed in UK by Islamist terrorists
plus 5,000 plus underage girls groomed/raped/pimped by people protected by the faith/culture.
BBC Leeds have a page on LaMD
27th of March was Muslim Women’s day
A group that we hardly ever hear about
The cousin marrying thing isn’t working out too well is it?
Rob I hear it helps with Banjo playing skills.
‘Universities not confronting racism.’
So says a diverse student leader who probably has her heart set on a lucrative and ultra cushy career in the ‘equalities’ industry. Imagine having a job where you can never be wrong, success cannot be measured and you know that if anyone so much as questions your ‘work’ they could be arrested.
A survey shows ‘1 in 6’ has ‘experienced racism’ at university. How big was the sample? What does ‘experiencing racism’ mean? I suspect it is an entirely subjective definition, so if you were upset about literally anything and decided ‘racism’ was the cause it counts. All these SJW ‘surveys’ have less intellectual rigour than a toddler’s tantrum – is it not odd how they always confirm their prejudices?
The idea that we are a society full of racists just does not ring true to me. When do you ever meet anyone even remotely racist these days? Alas there’s is a billion pound industry which depends on ‘discrimination’ and therefore exaggerates and even invents problems.
The entire ‘equalities’ industry should focus on the murders in London and industrial rape of white girls rather than imaginary hurt feelings.
“Confronting , challenging, defining”?
What do you mean by “racism” dear?
White boys getting a shit schooling along the south coast? Or Shami, Mishal, getting into Oxbridge because white boys are disadvantaged?
Will any hack EVER take up what these fountains of verbiage actually reduce to, if only you`ll ask the questions? Or does it suit both sides to pincer the white working class and garrotte any efforts to think for yourself?
I know they`ll not learn, just talk over you-but needs to be done, before they get ungovernable.
You are right. The entire anti-racism industry only exists by pretending that society in 21st Century Britain is similar to that of Alabama in the 1950s. If they ever admit the truth, the entire basis for their extremely comfortable existence will vanish in a puff of smoke.*
*Will the smoke be black or white though, and would it be racist? Best to ask Mr David Lammy MP, he’s a bit of an expert on this subject, shame he didn’t pick it on Mastermind.
Climate change. A number of us are still confused as to the fundamental facts. This interviewee explained Atomic Energy to the public so simply.
It needs someone like this again to explain a very complex subject, like multiculturalism.
Re the latest sob fest on Radio 4 TWATO rgarding the black girl who got shot in London, probably by someone with caribbean or african heritage. Mournful black voices emanate from from my radio in full victim mentality tones. The words ‘The Community’ is the euphemism used constantly by BBC reporters and the people interviewed, for ‘black people’. ‘The Community’ is aware that Stop and Search would have an impact in reducing the violent crime but ‘The Community’ thinks it stereotypes it (lack of ‘respeck’ etc).
I don’t think I’m speaking out of turn but I think ‘The Community’ is doing a damned good job in reinforcing the statistical FACTS to people who are not members of ‘The Community’ about the level of violence that comes out of it.
Yet more consequences of Leftist evil. Presumably they work on the assumption that it will not affect them, only people in areas they do not visit.
shot with what? guns are illegal
Murdering terrorist Winnie Mandela is a saint in the eyes of the BBC.
Farage is despised by the BBC yet achieved so much for his country.
“Murdering terrorist Winnie Mandela is a saint in the eyes of the BBC.
Farage is despised by the BBC yet achieved so much for his country.”
Exactly. The Left is sick.
“The BBC are far right.
They’re the “legitimate” front for Tory, Guido Fawkes and Daily Mail politics, while trying to deceive people where the centre is in British politics.
This is Goebbels level sick propaganda. BBC politics coverage is terrifying.”
Wild: ” “Murdering terrorist Winnie Mandela is a saint in the eyes of the BBC. Farage is despised by the BBC yet achieved so much for his country.”
Exactly. The Left is sick. ”
The BBC is none too healthy, either, as far as Radio 4 is concerned.
TODAY Prog roll on a retail expert (female) who doesn’t know which stores are on High Streets and which are in retail parks & malls.
You and Yours (yes, I listened – silly me) roll out a journalist (female) as expert who doesn’t know that the State Pension is not, strictly, a true Benefit, because contributions toward it are taken from workers as soon as they start work in the UK. She also has no idea about the job security enjoyed by even the most lacklustre BBC presenter.
TWatO is class-ist and has a good old sneer at the middle-class and demonstrates it doesn’t know much about the history of the motor car. Mardell is chief sneer-leader, ably assisted by Emma Jane Kirby. Poor Emma Jane refers to the Lake District as a county! I lost count of the other howlers in a relatively short segment. Meanwhile UPPER class, former banker, Napolean Macron, doesn’t attract any sneering from Mardell.
Our Mark seems almost positively enthusiastic about some very Thatcherite labour reforms for France.
I thought this must be fake news but alas not the case. The thick as pig shit Labour MP posted it for 4 minutes before realising what the serious implications of her disgusting tweet could cause
A section of Labour MP’s are a serious bunch of nutters and god help us all if they get there hands on power…
Yes, when explained that necklacing is a horrid type of murder she deletes it. But then what does the silly moo do?
She retweets her praise for Winnie
Naz Shah MP
Verified account
Apr 2
RIP Winnie Winnie Mandela: South African anti-apartheid campaigner dies at 81
Growing up in the valley’s of Wales my political leaning’s has always been left of centre.
At the last election i voted Conservative (shock horror) ,but there is no way on this God’s earth will i vote for a party run by the seriously loony Marxist left run by Corbyn, McDonell,Abbott and the bully boy’s of Momentum.
Yesterday’s tweet by Nazshah was jaw dropping and just sums up how dangerous this section of Labour MP’s are.
God help us all if they get anyway near power..!!!!!
On another thread on Guido yesterday I posted about how this GE-winning strategy of NooLaBor to whip up a social meeja/Twatter storm was designed to win them elections because it mobilised the young and was the perfect vehicle for spreading the fake news needed to fire up the sheeple. I guess they forgot that once in the twattersphere it was there forever, and slowly it is starting to bite them on the arse!
Sadiq Khan (LABOUR) complains that funding for Prevent has been reduced.
“Prevent, this is funding to stop people being radiclaised … that funding has been cut.” – Sadiq Khan @2:02
Diane Abbott (LABOUR) retweets a story that says “Oppose Prevent.”.
Confused? Is it Prevent (Khan) or NOT Prevent (Abbott)?
Well, centre and right could just about be Barker and Corbett, but the guy on the left will never be Cleese, even with a bowler hat. Poor casting.
Weird thing is, the guy on the left has a sort of facial expression that implies ‘what am I doing here? I was just told to stand here and hold this thing’.
He would not of course thought thenabove words in English.
Sorry, but like men who wear Jesus sandals, men wearing tea cosy hats don’t do it for me either.
Virtue signalling Vine at lunchtime
‘ Of course no one today finds the Jasper Carrot , Nutter on the bus sketch , funny
We understand we should be talking to that person with mental illness’
The real nutter is Vine who doesn’t understand Carrot wasn’t mocking the nutter, ir being unsympathetic, but rather laughing at our own anxiety.
I’m afraid that his love-in for Winnie and his ignorance regarding vitamin-D, (light-skinned people need supplements), caused me to bail out before that item.
£0.7M per annum, amazing, totally amazing.
Nice flares though, back in fashion now.
Here is today’s photo of hijab wearing Muslims from the BBC
Communities unite to defy ‘Punish a Muslim Day’
A bullshite article on the fake ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters where the BBC mentions “Four Labour MPs also received the letters.” with a link showing the 4 MPs.
Now would be a good time for the BBC to mention how the 5th MP to also “receive” the same letter, Sajid Javid, used a cropped photo of someone elses letter and claimed he received one…
So either the BBC are:
1. unaware that Sajid Javid also “received” a letter, or,
2. Aware that Sajid Javid made the whole thing up and they don’t report it.
Either way it’s poor journalism as we expect from the BBC.
The English is better than in most of their faked stunts, maybe they got help this time from a left-wing group, but it still isn’t perfect by any means.
Beeb have used ‘over-run’ (hyphenated) in their headlines quite a lot.
I am fairly sure this is a fake put out by the perfect people to ensure the continuation of their victim status.
Non moslems intending to be offensive would have included something nasty about the prophet, such as draw a rude picture of him and so on.
But a moslem would never put that in a list
Absolutely agree…providing the Beeb with more opportunity to promote their favourite peaceful persecuted religion. Another opportunity to cite the US incident of a nutter attacking a woman….in a hijab!! If she hadn’t been wearing a hijab that story wouldn’t have made it out of the town never mind across the ocean. I smell a big pile of BS.
Only 2500 points for ‘Nuke Mecca’? Got to be worth at least 2.5 billion!
Ed Milliband’s guest on his podcast ?
… The BBC studio master key holder Vicki Pryce.
IbEstablushment medialand
The play about the murder of Katie Hopkins turns out not to be agiprop against her , but rather challeging the libleft as to whether they do own the moral high ground.
The murder is at the beginning if the play and afterwards a lefty ends up starting a Justice For Katie campaign
Times review.
The point is the writers would never do a play about the murder of a lefty figure like Sadiq, so you they stick away from fictionalising about actual people altogether ?
Sadly, another teenager has been murdered in London.
But, according to the bBBC ‘news’, it’s only affecting ‘the community’ so that’s all right then.
Interestingly the al beeb news at 5 is leading with these events. Declaration – when I studied criminology I compared London and New York .
The population size is similar but there is a lot of difference . I promise you I could bore you to death with it – comstat and other stuff
As I wrote this morning I live in East Londonistan . It’s good that al beeb is covering it at last. Al beeb won’t admit its a result of rapid increases in population size and diversity.
The homicide level for London will at least double this year – I’m predicting 250 non terrorist killings against about. 110 last year.
But stats don’t mean much as each one is a horror to those involved . You don’t forget seeing people die.
It does take attention away from the Labour Party – they can just get on the “cuts” narrative – but they wanted stop and search killed off.
If any one wants to hear more- and I know it’s not about al beeb bias -I’d be pleased to tell.
Surprisingly radio 4 news at 5 covered this subject decently for a change and even spoke to bill Bratton the former chief of New York about the methods they use- which won’t work in London.
To put this violence in perspective:
In 1954, in the Metropolitan Police Dictrict, there were 4 robberies in which a firearm was know to have been carried and a further 8 in which a firearm may have been carried.
Of course that was before Parliament banned the civilian ownership of pistols.
Fedup “It does take attention away from the Labour Party – they can just get on the “cuts” narrative – but they wanted stop and search killed off.”
Not in London! The Mayor is responsible for policing in London and its (budget) precept. Now, what Party is Mayor Khan a member of?
The mayor will blame the Conservatives. Seems the main politicians are on their hols -this does take attention from the Corbyn Socialist Anti Jewish story.
The Al beeb London Local news isn’t something I normally watch because its normally a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Hundreds of thousands of foreigners turning up in London is never going to be a happy story in real world but Al beeb will avoid any connection to the volume of stabbing / shootings.
An albeeb reporter said that one of the four main London hospitals deals with 2 stabbings a day – 165 so far in 2018 and 43 gun shot wounds.
Fed, for sure, he will try.
He will succeed, too, because the BBC N&CA are incompetent.
No presenter will think to remind him or his spokesperson that the Mayor is now responsible for policing in London INCLUDING its funding. I wonder if any BBC journalists (I bet the News Presenters have not) have read the London Budget?
They certainly had not at the time of the Grenfell fire last summer. The Mayor and various GLA spokespeople were quick to blame ‘the cuts’, meaning ‘the (Tory) cuts’. A quick check would have shown that Mayor Khan was responsible for ‘the cuts’.
Trans : 8pm Radio4 finally breaks the blockade and mentions this topic it never ever mentioned before.
“How is it that trans people have come out of the shadows and become so visible, in films and music, in ads, on TV, on the radio, when for decades their lives were hidden?
What has enabled that change?
Is it hard-won battles for equality, changes in gender roles, the birth of the internet, consumer culture?
Maria Margaronis explores what lies behind the Trans Revolution and discovers that even asking the question is fraught with difficulties.”
It`s simple.
After Caitlyn Jenner and her “Woman Of The Year” award in the USA-the bandwaggon is full of these types.
Channel 5 will buy you up, you can moan for ever-and probably get a job as Wishy Washy at Worthing Pier in 2019 with the right agent.
Cheap telly, a Barnum freak show for the deviant and devious.
And it`ll keep on giving.
Is this the beginning of the beginning?
That copper looked as though he’d rather be somewhere else. Al beeb might like to look on a map and find out where Telford is.
I sometimes feel for the lower grade coppers. They signed up to a respectable career and were betrayed by politicians, higher grade common purpose police chiefs and the courts.
The clapping when he was handed the letter, plus the copper smiling, made it look like he had just won an award.
Well done those folks for standing up and protesting. Much respect, to all, especially those from ethnic communities who might face a backlash. I hope they circulate that video. Now let’s watch the police hunker down!
The number of Police cars in Muslim areas today in the North of England has been stunning and sickening. They clearly are promoting Muslim privilege in the way they protect them, but fail to protect the rest of us.
In other quarters it has been alleged the so called ‘punish a Muslim day’ was part of the media Jihad, and originates from Muslims themselves – and lets be honest, if a scheme of this size had been organised by some white group then the political correctness enforcement squad would have directed all its efforts to arresting those responsible.
People in the Manchester area are finding Burhams goons turning up within a very short time if the break political correctness rules (not the law, just the rules) but they cannot turn out to deal with crime on the basis that Tory cuts have left too few officers. This is the same in London with Khans goons having more officers dealing with the imaginary ‘hate’ than there are doing anything else, then blaming the Tories.
Thoughtful, have they not made Andy Burnham responsible for policing in Manchester yet? If so and there are cuts, then he is the one responsible.
Mind you if he takes as long to wake up to that fact as it took Sadiq Khan in London, then it will be a while before it sinks in in Manchester even if policing is already devolved. Today is the first day that I have heard the Mayor’s Office in London admit he is now responsible for funding the Metropolitan Police.
How long has Sadiq Khan been Mayor of London?
“As for ‘Punish a Muslim Day’…can’t help thinking police inquiries would be best served if they investigated the sort of people who put the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot into action”
I thought it was compulsory to put “alleged” in front of any reference to the Trojan Horse plot. The BBC does.
Back in South Africa, rabble-rouser Julius Malema has suggested Winnie, not Nelson, should have been President. She had been vocal in her support for him, he claimed. He of course, has made public suggestions in favour of knife crime and violence in general, against a certain racial group. Not sure if she did that so explicitly, but the mutual admiration is telling…
Birds of a feather…
Toady watch – late issue
Because many of these killings are happening close to where I live in londonistan I’m following albeeb treatment of it closely . I don’t want too.
Yet I was amazed by the lack of any coverage Toady gave to these killings today . Yet now 6pm news they lead with it for 7 minutes . It takes the heat off of Corbyn s love in with all things Jewish ( sorry)
And now so beeb is waiting for a member of the royal to pop his clogs . Probably drawing lots to cover the funeral .
BBC News at One led with Londonistan killings…I wonder if later news reports are just a repeat?
Basically, murder numbers are just a blip in 2018…they said they were much higher in 2003. So, nothing to worry about 🙁
The internet is to blame, apparently.
Come to think of it, ‘Kill the boer, kill the farmer’ has been an ANC favourite song/chant. Wonder if that is a call suggesting violence?
SAs were once told that this was merely a traditional song and didn’t mean what it said.
Full video here:
It’s long (45 mins) but pathetic excuses by the hamstrung police from approx. 7:00 onwards.
This, and the full video below, tells us everything that is wrong with the multicult and the police enforcement of law. But it reveals so clear that the orders are coming from high up in the Quisling Government.
So why are the MPs so quiet?
“All laws are discretionary.” WTF!!!
It depends on who the law breaker is, AS. If it’s a koranderthal, they can ignore man (other genders available) law with impunity, only God’s law carries any weight. Rape, abduction, murder et al , all sanctioned in their instruction manual and ignored by our powers that be. Given the latter, al fresco pavement headbutting will figure way down the list of “offenses” worthy of action, committed by the hirsute, peaceful ones.
Remember this photo from the bbC the other day regards Gaza:

Here let me blow that up . Wow those brave men forming a ring of protection around that girl to protect her from Israeli snipers.

Here is what the bBC doesn’t want you know:
Why am I unable to copy the lower picture onto my albums please?
Its a tweet and their pictures don’t save as JPEGs. (You can if you use a paint program) Here is a link to my post where there are pictures a plenty.
Gaza: How the media lies
Hey Pounce, that guy on the left looks remarkably like one of the new fangled tyre runners that Hamas are employing for their Pallywood payroll.
You have to click the view button to see the photo as I don’t know how to post the photo.
The BBC have now gone public with something that may be very bad news for our Prime Minister.
I hope the OPCW Inspectors can be a bit more precise.
Al c4 news
If the londonistan killings , stabbings and shootings weren’t so serious it would be a get out the popcorn for liberal handwringing . The police were told to pull back from confronting the “community” and now we have the result .
Numbers have been cut and others are doing historic stuff for liberal feel good and to cover asses for neglect – namely Islamic organised rapes.
So it’s a mess. And msm will pray it goes away quickly and definitely before local elections in a month.
There was never going to be a smoking gun fingerprint because that is impossible. May has only her own incompetence to blame for the mess she finds herself in now, what she should have said is that the nerve agent is of a type known to have been developed by the Soviet Union and that having developed and manufactured it they have a duty to keep the recipe and stocks of it secure. Failing to do this with a weapon as deadly as this is tantamount to having given the green light for it to be use as an offensive weapon.
So unless the Russian state wants to tell who else has the formula and whether any of their stocks are missing then it has the responsibility.
The manufacture of these agents is highly complex and can only be undertaken by well equipped labs using special equipment, the chances of the Russian mafia having access is next to impossible.
There is also no reason for the Russian mafia to have taken out a hit on Skripal. He was an ex-KGB man who had been swapped for Russian spies. Nothing to do with the mob or organised crime.
However, Vladimir Putin is a Chekist who publicly said he will never forgive “traitors”, and who has the legal authority to order the assassination of such “traitors” who are outside Russia. This happened without a shadow of doubt to Litvinyenko. There is no reason to believe it has not happened to Skripal.
Vladimir Putin wants all Russians to know that he can get to them, wherever they are in the world. He brooks no criticism from anyone. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
BBC and C4 are entirely missing the point on these black on black killings in London. Kahn’s henchmen and other lefties are pushing for more spending , ‘a public health approach ‘ ( C4 just now, I kid you not). Gangs show that ghettoisation such as in Tottenham,and lack of economic opportunity for decades is bearing its grim harvest. Does no one look at the precedents such as Chicago and south central LA? As usual, a total failure of governments to control and appreciate the long term effects of mass immigration from poor countries with different cultures.
England bang on
And I bang on the same. Another hot summer to come
thank goodness i was white flighted out of london
Sutton in South London
”This is the third attempt at trying to steal my motorcycle – a YAMAHA MT-07. These guys are so brazen. They tried to steal it for the first time on Monday 26th at 4pm. Then Friday at midnight in to Saturday.
Then yesterday.
I had seen them on all 3 occasions.
The first time they saw the bike it only had one lock on it. So they thought that’s all I was carrying.
The only reason the cover wasn’t on the bike was because I was going back out to pick someone up.
When they couldn’t steal it they broke the window of the car belonging to the father of my partner
This is the moment brazen scooter-riding thieves attempted to steal a motorbike from a property in London on Sunday as the terrified residents looked on.
A video of the incident shows the would-be thieves approach the property in Carshalton armed with a hammer and an angle grinder.
Two other scooter riders wait with engines running in the middle of the road to make a speedy getaway.
The petrified residents lean from the window screaming at the approaching pair to go away and informing them that they are calling the police.
Completely unfazed, the helmeted thieves get to work with the angle grinder trying to saw off the lock on the Yamaha MT-07.
Only when they realise the motorbike has two locks on it do the thieves walk away.
Then, in an act of pure vandalism and frustration, one of the thieves takes the hammer and smashes two windows on the car parked in the driveway.
The pair then hop onto the back of the two waiting scooters and are driven away by their accomplices.
In Texas the two on the driveway could have been shot from the upstairs window and killed, quite legally.
You are totally wrong.
Under the “Castle Doctrine”, you or someone else must be occupying the vehicle in order to benefit from the presumption of reasonableness under Texas Penal Code.
Whatever the Castle Doctrine might say, if a gang armed with hammers and and angle grinder invading someone’s property were shot, I doubt that person would ever come to trial, and if they did, I very much doubt a Texan jury would convict. In California, on the other hand…
They weren’t invading someone’s property, they were trying to steal a motorcycle and then committed an act of vandalism, albeit on someone’s property.
Contrary to what many here and elsewhere want to believe, even in Texas and Florida there is no assumed right to shoot on site except in self defence. The circumstances are well defined. Motorcycle theft and vandalism don’t even come close.
Internet loon territory.
I stand by what I said. In the real world, I doubt a Texas grand jury would indict, and I doubt a Texas jury would convict.
Anyway, I was polite to you, and you were rude to me. Who is the loon?
“Internet loon territory”? You’ve obviously never heard of the Joe Horn Case.
I chose Texas for that reason, never mentioned Florida or the Castle Doctrine.
They were robbing his neighbour’s house but he still shot and killed them outside his own.
“Texas penal code contains an unusual provision that grants citizens the right to use deadly force to prevent someone “who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property.”
Texas A&M Professor Mark Hoekstra, who studies the effectiveness of lethal-force provisions in self-defense law, says the protection-of-property element of the deadly force law is “pretty unique to Texas.” Within Texas, however, the case was not unique. In 2010, the law protected a Houston taco-truck owner who shot a man for stealing a tip jar containing $20.12. Also in Houston, a store clerk recently killed a man for shoplifting a twelve-pack of beer, and in 2008 a man from Laredo was acquitted for killing a 13-year-old boy who broke into his trailer looking for snacks and soda.
Texas law also justifies killing to protect others’ property. In 2007, a man told 14 times by a 911 operator to remain inside during a robbery gunned down two thieves fleeing from his neighbor’s house. (“There’s no property worth shooting somebody over, OK?” the operator said on the call. The shooter’s response: “The law has been changed….Here it goes, buddy! You hear the shotgun clickin’ and I’m goin’!”) He was acquitted the next year.”
Time Magazine, Miles Graham.
And it’s crazy to think that burglary still goes on despite this…seen people’s cctv on Fb of trucks being systematically broken into during the night
Control the edit, and you control the story.
To many South Africans she was “Mother of the Nation”.
Remembering Winnie Madikizela-Mandela who’s died aged 81.
(Via BBC Africa)
“President Donald Trump has vowed to send the US military to secure the nation’s southern border with Mexico.”
Time Theresa did the same with our borders, we are being invaded by migrants.
How a poorly puppy inspired a pet food success story
Story about posh dog food- 6 times the price of Pedigree Chum
“Pet owners are looking for the same quality of pet food as they would feed themselves,”
“Why doesn’t pet food smell delicious and have human-grade ingredients?”
Of course the BBC doesn’t question the ethics of wasting top grade meat on dogs.
Better to home in on it’s favourites-
the only woman angle:
”Even now she can go to a trade function and find “the only other woman there is the person taking the coats”.
the bent angle:
”As well as being one of the few female entrepreneurs in the pet food sector, Henrietta may be the only one who is also gay.”
“It’s just really important to have role models – people think the whole ‘gay thing’ is over and done, but it just isn’t,” she says.
The looks on the dogs’ faces says it all, really.