.@jacob_rees_mogg is to host a fortnightly LBC phone-in as part of our new spring schedule. There's also a familiar face returning too, find out more: https://t.co/0txwLPZkSR
Ah well the 16 year old head shot from Walthamstow died – in my area of town . If he went to the local hospital no surprise . Notch the killings up to 48.
Too much twitter apparently
I suppose toady will stick with irrelevant crap about dr king or st. Winnie or other foreign nonsense
As the wheels come off the propaganda bus with Boris and the latest defence asswipe … floundering over the “nerve agent.”
Its simply a carefully-constructed drama in order to justify the actions of NATO towards Russia, I thought that nerve agent in Russia was verified destroyed by the independent UN watchdog in 2013?
If anything is made of this whole sorry confected saga, lets make sure the first cannon fodder to be dispatched comes from the children of the MPs that vote for any action.
Anyway …
A much more pleasant story … that makes much more sense
This has probably been discussed already so apologies to those who have already seen it, but Ive been busy of late and have not caught up with the site yet.
Brilliant comment by Dan Brown on this Telegraph article!
Oh dear. What is this poor excuse for entertainment on BBC 2 “Cunk on Britain” a “mockumentary” series 1st of 5. Charlie Brooker trying to do a Keith Lemon impression whilst doing Ali G type interviews.
Quite ironic that the BBC would present a skewed recollection of history and call it humour!
She had just been talking about tribes in Britain stabbing each other. I see nothing much has changed there then.
6:30pm Radio4 “Multicultural sketch show hosted by broadcaster and comedian Hardeep Singh Kohli.”
Dingaling if you recruit staff by skin colour that is racist..even if you stick a “multicultural” label on it.
Kohli sets out to find the next generation of white, black, Asian and minority ethnic satirical sketch writers, with a keen eye on finding the funny in a multicultural Britain.
Traditionally, some of the best UK sketch comedy shines a satirical light on social issues of the time, finding comedy from difficult subject matter or awkward social convention.
When it comes to multiculturalism, sketch team Goodness, Gracious Me kicked open the door with their classic 90s sketch show, including the legendary Going For An English routine.
(What BS, not legendary, it’s merely a poor copy of Monty Python)
Sketchtopia aims to make sharp observations about modern Britain and, most importantly, allow shared experiences, common points of reference and authenticity to come together and hold a mirror up to our society and tell us a truth about ourselves.
(truth ? you don’t get that under BBC “you can’t say that” rules.)
Stand-ups and comedy writers from diverse backgrounds have been invited to give us a comic snapshot of UK society through their own observations and experiences.
In these divisive times, Sketchtopia aims to poke fun at our multicultural society and tries to discover a diverse, multi-ethnic Utopia through good old-fashioned British sketch comedy
(utopia ? How can you get truth when you are setting out with an agenda)
I seem to recall there was a Hardeep Singh Kohli who was suspended by the BBC for harrassing a woman, and who is a slum landlord in Glasgow. This must be another Hardeep Singh Kohli, because surely the BBC wouldn’t have the first one back. Would they?
I’m just watching newsnight and they’re discussing the latest batch of black murders in the capital. Look this will be interpreted by some as a racist observation, but wgaf?
Where ever you have a substantial black population you will have these sorts of brainless, highly violent crimes. It’s the same all over the world.
People are far more than their geographic placement. People have a cultural heritage too. And that is far more telling than where they are born. Black people are violent. These crimes are committed by low IQ, gormless thugs. You don’t get any other group behaving in this barbaric fashion. The Chinese don’t have suicidal teenage offspring. We have communities from across the planet living in London, yet these half-witted assailants and most of the victims are black. They do it for revenge, they do it for respect.
However, the powers that be will continue to make excuses. It’ll be down to social exclusion, or lack of opportunities. It will because these poor lads have been expelled from school, it will be due to institutional racism. It’s social media, it’s rap music, it’s…
There is one group of people that won’t be blamed for these crimes, that won’t take responsibility for their offspring.
You’ve summed up the problem in a couple of paragraphs Jeff, and I believe that most of the ‘talking heads/community leaders/politicians” all know it too, but to come out publicly and say it on camera, is a step too far for them. Its going to take a black person to raise the truth, but who is intelligent enough to do it ?
Yes, interesting that Sky took the opportunity to report that these arrests were not in connection with the ‘malicious communications ‘, followed by several pages reminding us of the ‘punish a Muslim ‘ letters, we must protect the chosen ones, blah de blah. I look forward to reading about the police arrests regarding those letters. Memory hole anyone?
“UKIP has been saved from bankruptcy after donations of almost £300,000 were made to the party, its leader has said.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43632576
This party could be on the way back ?
“Under UKIP’s new leadership our membership and donations are booming.” http://www.ukip.org/news
I hope so, there is no one else. Unless we figure in the numerous patriotic groups that are proliferating in the social media. Too many to close all down, and springing up like mushrooms. Not a likely parliamentary hope, but maybe that is one way
I desperately need to see UKIP survive and grow Taff.
However, let us not forget how many of the membership were conned by Henry Boltons CV etc during the last leadership contest. Not only that, but the same group of people stood by and did nothing about Farridge and Bolton, smearing Anne Marie Waters’s views and her supporters as nazis.
I was truly amazed that Bolton got elected. If I didnt have such faith in our democratic principles ( sarc alert) I’d say it was fixed.
Lets hope the next leader can save things, but they wont do it with my cash.
“London shootings: Boy, 16, dies after second fatal attack” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-43632352
This would never have happened thirty years ago. The government needs to look at what has changed since then .
The government has no need to look. It is staring them in the face. All Alhamba Rudd and Treezer will do is set up an inquiry chaired by a renowned ethnic
Why are articles (stories) like this anonymous? Clearly somebody wrote/compiled it. It reads like a Ladybird book. I look forward to the next instalment, when Al Beeb tell us about the problem of grooming gangs amongst UK Pakistanis.
That item – I’ve only just logged on to the BBC w-s – immediately struck me as a piece of news agenda management as practised by Alastair Campbell 1997-2010.
As to writer anonymity; I thought the BBC had been instructed to terminate the practice last year. If not, then it is time for OFCOM to do so. Immediately.
Their lead story is about the ‘gender pay gap’! Hurrah! What a refreshing change!
Did they watch Jordan Peterson’s brilliant explanation of why it exists, or Christina Hoff Sommers’? Of course not. There are just too many vested interests who need to perpetuate the myth.
And they have the chutzpah to moan about fake news?
Toady this morning very busy jumping onto the “Martin Luther King speech” 50th anniversary – seemed a very long piece.
Whenever R4 broadcasts stuff like this (and dont get me wrong – I do not really disagree with anything he said in this speech) why do I always think that there is some other agenda at play.
Could it possibly be some sort of BBC “re-balancing” . Could it be that whilst so much of black youth in London is busy killing each other this is some sort of subtle way of blaming whitey really cos somewhere down the line it is all due to waycism.
I know I am getting very paranoid in my old age, but in truth these days whenever the “worlds most trusted broadcaster” comes out with something – I very rarely now feel able to take it at face value.
I must say – I too have a dream – That one day we will have a state supported broadcaster who just reports the news rather than involving itself in left wing politics.
Toady this morning very busy jumping onto the “Martin Luther King speech” 50th anniversary – seemed a very long piece.
Whenever R4 broadcasts stuff like this (and dont get me wrong – I do not really disagree with anything he said in this speech) why do I always think that there is some other agenda at play.
Could it possibly be some sort of BBC “re-balancing” . Could it be that whilst so much of black youth in London is busy killing each other this is some sort of subtle way of blaming whitey really cos somewhere down the line it is all due to waycism.
I know I am getting very paranoid in my old age, but in truth these days whenever the “worlds most trusted broadcaster” comes out with something – I very rarely now feel able to take it at face value.
I must say – I too have a dream – That one day we will have a state supported broadcaster who just reports the news rather than involving itself in left wing politics.
Any notion of a state funded broadcaster gives me very pleasant dreams, nightmares in fact. The BBC is unreformable and should be forced to be self funding by subscription only. Then if people want to consume its lies and distortions they must pay for it and those of us who don’t want it in our homes will not be forced to pay for it under threat of imprisonment.
They have an ‘expert’ on equality and diversity! Now that is a hard science.
WHAT IF MOST WOMEN DO NOT WANT TO LEAD THE LIVES FEMINISTS DEMAND THEY LEAD? My girl would hate nothing more than working on an oil rig or being a 70 hour week CEO and being separated from the children.
Now they are talking about an ethnic and class gap! There must be one hell of an ethnic gap in medicine, football and pharmacy. Apparently one firm did a test into the ‘ethnic pay gap’ and found a ‘diverse’ board brought economic benefits. How could they possibly test something as complex as that?
God I am sick of this multicultural Tourette’s. They will become increasingly irrelevant and laughable if they do not change.
Irony warning – humph interviewing woman politician about genda pay gap. Priceless. Al beeb should say – we can’t talk about this because we don’t pay equally for equal work . See Carrie Gracie .Maybe they should have got Sopel to do the interview .
Maybe humph bares a grudge have to have his wages fiddled downward to make it look like a pay cut.
I’m rationing albeeb again so haven’t heard anything about the 48 londonistan killings but I suspect blank lives don’t matter to Toady but dead Americans and dead South Africans do.
Did you notice, BB, that she mentioned this ethnic and class gap baloney at that stage in the interview when Humph brought up the Institute For Fiscal Studies’ point that the gender pay gap is due to women taking a break from work to have babies? She totally failed to answer the question and Humph let her get away with it in what was a pretty stupid interview anyway.
It was the kind of BBC interview that fills me with despair. This gender pay gap debate is full of lies and myths. Firstly, all a woman has to do if she is being paid less than a man doing exactly the same job is report her employer to the police since sexist rates of pay are illegal and have been for over four decades.
Secondly, these clueless “experts” discussing this topic never seem to realise the difference between the gender pay gap and the gender earnings gap. Over the course of a lifetime women’s earnings are on average much less than men’s, for well-known, innocuous and obvious reasons – and not the result of sinister conspiracies of men.
Thirdly, if a woman wants a high-powered job with an enormous salary, and she has the talent, energy and ambition to go for it, there is absolutely nothing to stop her doing that and reaching the top. We have innumerable examples.
BBC is second to none in the world in news provision. Objective fair interesting authoritative. Big mistake to bad mouth it because of Brexit obsession from whatever side.
Feeling dispirited watching people on here trash my colleagues and the BBC in general for covering a story that was entirely newsworthy. Be careful before you wish the demise of the BBC because we report on politics you don't like. @Andrew_Adonis#finaltweetonthis
“Jason Phipps has been appointed commissioning editor for podcasts at the BBC. He is currently head of audio at The Guardian, and will take up his new role in May. “
People are stepping forward to defend the BBC … this could get interesting.
“BBC is second to none in the world in news provision. Objective fair interesting authoritative. Big mistake to bad mouth it because of Brexit obsession from whatever side.” – Lord Charlie Falconer
I would love to support the BBC. We need it. But BBC news has let us down badly recently and I no longer trust it. It is no longer objective, fair, interesting or authoritative – and it's not just about Brexit.
— Dame Roberta Stevenson (@Catniptwoshoes) April 3, 2018
Responds to : “I would love to support the BBC. We need it. But BBC news has let us down badly recently and I no longer trust it. It is no longer objective, fair, interesting or authoritative – and it’s not just about Brexit.”
Al beeb reflects its covert hatred for the monarchy by raising the question of Australia – again- as the commonwealth games begins .
Dont get me wrong – I’m a bit of a republican – and not overwhelmed by the non blood related commonwealth ( Canada – nz – oz) – but I admit that . Al beeb does not admit it and is hypocritical and biased.
It certainly says something about the influence of the big tech companies when the wounded people from the YouTube shooting are taken for treatment to the Zuckerberg San Fran General Hospital.
Do they not think nine million people have watched Jordan Peterson v Newman? Who do we trust, a clinical psychologist with over 10,000 hours of experience versus a self-appointed ‘expert in equality and diversity’ who makes a living from finding as much ‘discrimination’ as humanly possible?
Why not drill into the detail for once rather than the narrow and flawed equal outcomes nonsense? What is the multi variant analysis Peterson talks of? How many work fatalities are male? Do most women want a more balanced life opposed to the testosterone-fuelled, goal-obsessed men who probably take years off their lives through over work?They have to wallow in toxic, disempowering victim bullsh*t.
I get my nephews from my school and it is so lovely for the kids to have their mums pick them up; we all know there is nobody like your mum when you are a small child. So some child carer will have to collect these children instead just because some feminist tyrant demands their mum work on an oil rig?
Anybody else receive this in the post recently – a brown window envelope addressed to the legal occupier and in the window part: “Will you be in on April the 4th?”
(I knew what to expect as dates in May, August and October passed quietly enough). Anyway, enforcement officers have been authorised to investigate and 10101 addresses are checked every month. Guessing that 10101 is binary speak for 21.
April the 4th is here and – just in case – the Doberman wasn’t fed last night.
Mine changed from ‘legal occupier’ to my full name – scary! My last ‘appointment’ was in March but no-one called.
They really are disgusting letters, similar in kind to the ‘have you got the “golden ticket” or “million pound pay-out authorised” junk’.
If we wrote unsolicited letters to people we fancied from afar we would be done for stalking, a law introduced to stop people being harassed or scared, which is exactly the purpose of this rubbish.
Perhaps we should be grateful that we don’t get similar letters about the distillation, wild animal and shotgun licences that most of us don’t have either?
Write back and dare them to take you to court and their enforcement officers miraculously turn into enquiry agents in their reply .
The BBC starts with a lie ; that you have to pay their tax if you have a television . Not true , it’s receiving live broadcasts that requires a licence .
I do like the way that Jordan P demolished Justin Webb on ‘equal pay’ on Toady.
As far as Ms May goes, she has once again shown herself to be an opportunist who cherry picks and then manipulates the facts on any argument to make her (PC) case. She was overpromoted into the position of Home Secretary, where she did much damage, and then overpromoted again into the position of PM. The Peter principle applies. Damage now?
Anyway, hope y’all are still on R4, listening to songs of the US civil rights movement…
The fact that May goes after the lefty horse and cart with her shovel, EVERY time they rattle her cage-Grenfell, gender pay gaps, NHS funding and housing?
Only shows me that she`s not leading any kind of conservative, but is simply a sleepwalking zombie in train to Newest Labour.
Just a follower, she`s going to have to go and get replaced by someone who won`t hide behind the barrel organ.
May-these stories are STIR-UPs, they`re non-issues to planet normal.
And you die that bit more each time, you let the left yank your chain
Food for though
Regards the punish the Muslim day yesterday. The few letters behind it all surfaced a few days before the Telford rape news, its as if somebody wanted to cover up the rape of 1000s of white girls. Well guess what nobody is talking about an actual crime in its thousands but we are about a fake one.
Even without those fake letters the Telford rapes would have been forgotten about in a day or two.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the public would rather discuss the last episode of Gogglebox or who won The Voice than the systematic rape of white girls in every major city.
Our MPs and state broadcaster will not say the truth in case it offends.
Are those criminals being tried for racially aggravated offences, because that is certainly what they are? Read Caitlin Spencer: “Please, Let Me Go” for a heart-rending account of what happened to her from the age of 14. Racial abuse was always a part of what was inflicted on her.
Tuned into Toady earlier, later than usual. Arrived midway(?) through the interview with Jordan Peterson – I recognised the voice. Surprising that the BBC considered interviewing Jordan, particularly over the issue of ‘Wimmins’ pay gap. They really don’t appreciate a jolt of honest reality that conflicts with their narrative normally. This time they got it: full frontal. I don’t know for how long the total interview was but it seemed to me that the interviewer (Justin) was anxious to get him off the line before he had an opportunity to ram more common sense down their throats in explaining what the difference was between male / female workers.
I found out he was on by the shrieking on twitter from those whose main argument seemed to be the bbc should not invite on people who show up their arguments to be facile.
The interviewer, Justin Webb, seemed to barely tolerate Jordan Peterson’s comments, which themselves were very welcome and well-argued after so much dross being spouted on the BBC about so-called gender wage gaps. Our Justin, naturally adopted (as he always does when his interviewee is beyond the pale in his eyes) his best whiney, complaining tone when putting his questions, some of which were lengthy and seemed like speeches for the opposition.
I do not suspect anything sinister here. Just an ordinary You Tube poster pissed off with You Tube’s policy of fiddling with the number of views for her videos. It matters if they are moneytised. Not something to shoot people over, but if you are a bit loopy then who knows.
In the video in the link she complains of You Tube’s scoring policy or lack of it. I would certainly agree with her complaint.
I have noticed You Tube’s scoring of views which is innacurate and is not confined to politics. I’ve made over 300 vids. To give an example, my canine production of the Sound of Music obtained around a 1000 views each week and suddenly stopped at 165,000. Others stopped earlier and often have views reduced. It is chaotic. People are dscussing it on You Tube and there has been a response from the geeks there which is incoherent, suggesting that they have lost control over what counts as a view and what does not.
So in this case we probably have a person who takes it all too seriously and has snapped.
I run my own company which has Youtube channel and I also have a fair few Android Apps on the market using Adsense (uses same Google advertising as Youtube). One particular video seems to have achieved that “viral” status and does OK but the adverts served on my Android Apps appears to grow fast until they reach a figure of about 6000 installs a month and then they stop growing. Doesn’t matter how many new installs there are the overall installs remains at ~6000. At first I thought that was due to an app becoming unpopular but it has happened to every single app since.
Same thing for ad revenue, initially when an App is released 100 installs would earn $1 a day. Then as you hit 1000 installs that would earn $1 a day. Then when you reach the plateau of 6000 installs it pays $1 a day.
I also have a website with a banner ad. My web host stats shows 1000’s of views a month whereas Adsense shows a total ad views of zero and hence zero revenue.
Lots on the internet about this Google scam. In the case of this shooter it got a bit too much for her!
Malala went home to Pakistan … found it wanting and came back to the UK, which she now calls home but should really return to Pakistan because she is fit and healthy now.
Should I contact the ‘Hate Speech Police Team’ and lodge a complaint because i am offended at what the group of protestors were (on camera) saying? Let’s take the tyranny further. But then i thought, it would not be like the police to tackle a group of Hate Speech Crimers collectively: they prefer to discreetly take on individual ‘Hate Speech Crimers’. Pick them off individually. All in all a disgusting untrustworthy bunch of shysters.
My father spent over 17 years in the Army which embraced the war years; my Grandfathers? – One died in France and the other sufferred serious shellshock as a result of WW1. What for? Why? It seems to allow the political elite to become as tyrannical as Hitler was. There is a rot in the UK that goes to the heart of the system.
Fully agree with your post. The UK is unrecognisable to me as the country that I grew up in and it is a much worse place to live in than it was fifty years ago. But then most of the West has also fallen to this self destructive liberal philosophy which decries the achievements of western civilisation and not only fails to defend it but actually participates in its destruction. Like you I wonder what my father and grand fathers would think of the UK in 2018. Not much, I think is the answer!
It seems the majority of our politicians have an internationalist mindset fixed in some Lennonesque/Coca Cola fantasy world where every colour and creed live together in perfect multicultural, Marxist harmony (‘imagine no possessions’ droned the mansion-owning, Rolls Royce-chauffeured Lennon).
In reality the world is more divided and dangerous than at any time since WW2 and the Cold War and we have imported that division into Britain – millions who live alongside us but are not part of us as their cultures are, at heart, almost totally at odds with a liberal and democratic society.
Ironically, the countries in most need of a bit less monoculturalism and a bit more liberal Westernisation are the ones the immigrants come from and where in fact, religious intolerance or worse, cleansing, continues unabated (and largely unreported by the BBC).
As it is, if immigration continues at the present rate Britain will become more and more like Pakistan, Iran, Somalia etc. – or worse, a combination of the whole lot with all the religious and cultural differences that have kept them fighting each other for centuries.
The consequences of this suicidal policy become more obvious by the day.
A 78 year old man in Hither Green, South London, has been arrested for GBH after he was forced into his kitchen by a burglar brandishing a screwdriver – while his accomplice ransacked upstairs. A struggle ensued and the burglar was stabbed and has subsequently died.
What if this was your elderly Dad living alone ? (or me for that matter), and he gets locked up for defending himself. Jesus Christ, what is going on with the f……g police in this country.
One burglar dies, other lives
Met Police arrest the 78 year old householder
“Two men break into a 78-year-old’s home in crime-ridden London.
One, armed with a screwdriver, herds the pensioner into his kitchen. A struggle breaks out; the burglar is stabbed and later dies.”
Will the householder be charged with “hate crime” ? http://news.met.police.uk/news/investigation-launched-after-man-dies-following-suspected-burglary-301165
Don’t think he can be, Stew. Seem to recall UK Govt 2010-2015 legislated to make full ‘defence of property and person’ acceptable in our Law. This came about after tabloid outrage over a Norfolk farmer who shot one of a group of (armed?) burglars during a burglary and was imprisoned.
I could be wrong on that by I dimly remember Dave taking action on that or something very similar.
Only a couple of years ago we were assured by the minister , I forget which one, that using force against intruders in your home would never result in prosecution. Well this chap hasn’t yet been prosecuted but he shouldn’t even have been taken in for questioning. Of course you can’t help thinking that his assailant may not have been white in which case all bets are off and the bastards in the BBC and police will be trying to make out that he was a racist , biggot who had no right to defend himself and his property from these scum.
I have no time , no respect and no trust in the police , our judges , our media , our politicians and most of our other institutions. They have proved themselves to be unworthy of my consent to be governed by them.
The men were described as males. Which means they were not white.
Looks like a hate crime, they seem to have either wanted to hurt the homeowner or rob him, or protest a grievance. Either way it must have amounted to a hate crime in defending himself.
The cops are probably scouring secondhand bookshops for books about the Nazis in WW2 to line his bookshelves .
Not a new language, but rather the destruction of a rich and informed language.
Welcome to multiculty Britain, where Muslims of Pakistani heritage are Asians, and men involved in wrongdoing are referred to as men, whereas if they were white it would be made public immediately, where cars and trucks are responsible for attacking people when they deliberately mount the pavements.
Once some Liberal barrister gets hold of this case then… when the old man picked up the knife that was pre-mediated murder whereas the burglar only had the screwdriver to force open locks and didn’t intend to hurt anyone.
The old man would probably have been arrested anyway for calling 999 and wasting Police time when he should call 101 instead.
An old chestnut. The issues of Public and Private Defence. Ample explanation can be found here – https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/self-defence-and-prevention-crime
All works like, ‘clockwork’ provided the CPS disclose all evidence…………..
I suggest that all contributors here are of a like mind when it comes to issues such as this. I recommend that the CPS guide be downloaded and digested before there is any more marked deterioration in the amenity of this country. (That’s a dead cert!)
R5 Now John Mann (Labour MP), Chair of the Parliament’s All Party Committee against antisemitism at 11:20am said
“From the beginning 13 years ago the committee identified 3 types of antisemitism :
#1 Islamic/Muslim antisemitism
#2 Right-wing antisemitism
#3 Left-wing antisemitism”
He’s non-Jewish yet says he gets hate-mail from all 3
“The police are investigating a threat against me, my wife and daughters by someone from the Left”
“JC is clearly not doing enough, otherwises there wouldn’t being such a furore”
“In the last 3 years 100s of people have come into the Labour Party, putting out antisemite stuff,
– some of it deliberate
– some are just followers
We’ve expelled some, but not enough”
Tory MP Rehman Chishti said “My Father was an imam who came to the UK in 78, I came in 84 not speaking a word of English, and being from a working class background you voted Labour… but I changed”
– Other Guest is Drew Hendry, SNP Inverness MP
Tory Party says it has a negative paygap
Rehman just said the female workers in the Conservative Party HQ are paid 12.9% MORE than men
They Tory-HQ have less than 250 employees
So the law doesn’t apply to them
Just voluntary declaration.
But Twitter full of lefty tweetbots shouting “the Tories have broken the law, the deadline has passed”
It challenges white, western concepts of beauty. Instead, it prizes Mexican “mestizo” looks and culture, stemming from the country’s mixed European and indigenous heritage.
And anything that challenges “white” is definitely going to be covered by the BBC.
Me? I feel sorry for all the authors of Criminal Law textbooks. Just when everyone thought certain fundamental concepts of the Criminal Law system were settled, a tyrannical Government ‘upends’ it all. Gone are the day when the first Chapter, usually, ‘Elelments of a crime’ can be repeated, unaltered. Take for example the established elements of a crime. Apart from strict liability offences (speeding etc), the CPS will look for two elements: ‘mens rea’ (guilty mind) and the actus reus (the criminal act). Both need to be proven.
Enter: Hate Crimes including Hate Speech. Now, both actus reus and mens rea are thrown out the window, defenestrated. This draconian law requires only to have an ‘offended’ victim. The ‘offended’ can simply claim that offence and name the person responsible for a knock on the door one dark night when two of the local stasi will question your use of virtually any words you care to draw from the English Dictionary. If the victim feels offended, that’s it. A crime has been committed. Take this along with the arbitrary application of the law we all now see on a daily basis, and you have the positive symptoms of tyranny. Where will it end? The Government abolishing elections? Giving more power to the police to act arbitrarily? The options are endless. But let’s not forget: “….nothing will change our way of life……”.
Too true. We are entering a time when justice is by denunciation .when certain groups are subject to different laws from others. When the judiciary can choose to apply the law ‘ flexibily ‘ or rigidly depending who the accused is and what group he or she belongs to
The elitist idiots who rule us seem to think that we are just going to take all this without protest. That they can pile more and more on us as they see fit. They seem surprised that where they can in Europe people vote for ‘populists’ . They are rebelling by Democratic means and trying to preserve their way of life . Hopefully these democratic rebellions point the way to our own future, but we need the leaders and as yet we don’t have any. If democratic rebellion fails don’t be surprised if other means are adopted.
Tweet from : Clare Balding @clarebalding 2 hours ago
Thrilled to be nominated for a BAFTA for the Women’s Euros.
It’s not often an all female event gets a BAFTA nomination
– in fact this might be the first time. #WomenInSport
Here is the tweet link. Strange that 2 out of the 21 gushing tweets have very similar language…
“Congratulations. You turn your hand to everything with such enthusiasm and knowledge, it’s infectious.”
“Unbelievable. You’re without question my favourite and most respected sports commentator and presenter. Your knowledge, passion, empathy and genuine enthusiasm is infectious.”
All the other tweets sounds very similar to each other too. If I was the suspicious type I would say most of those tweets are written by the same person!
Thrilled to be nominated for a BAFTA for the Women’s Euros. It’s not often an all female event gets a BAFTA nomination – in fact this might be the first time. #WomenInSport
Radio4 Agendas today
10am : Gender pay gap, Childlessness and women of colour, Women in publishing.
10:45am This weeks Daily drama is about Middle Easterner’s and their food
11am Stirring trouble about the Irish border
1pm R2 JVine has gone Bonny Greer the racist playright, lauding MLK
1:45pm Dan Snow : on poor moral in WW1
4pm : Laurie on “Mixed-race families”
6:30pm : Multicultural sketch show hosted by Hardeep Singh Kholi
8:45pm : Maggie O’Carroll calls for action to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs.
9:00pm Greenpeace wacko show, Golf courses harm enviro
9:30pm Songs of the Civil Rights Movement
special edition of marking fifty years since the assassination of the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King
Yes I saw that loaded schedule . Saved my blood pressure . Programmes for snowflakes or I must be heading further right .
I went into a bank today and was asked for my passport by an Eastern European staffer – “ we ll ask that question after brexit “ said fedup.
I added that Englishmen don’t normally carry their passport in England. I am in londonistan so should have guessed
Amol is tweeting for @zoenhutton looking for interviewees
for her new BBC documentary about graduate prospects in 2018.
Don’t know if she really want to hear from any straight white males.
BBC not hiding that she was a vegan, they don’t even bother making up a special word, like islamist, no mental health issues etc, they just tell us straight. No backlash fear stories or vegan elders opinions etc etc
Nasim Aghdam: Vegan bodybuilder who ‘railed against YouTube’
The woman suspected of opening fire at YouTube’s HQ in California had reportedly criticised the platform for suppressing her videos and reducing her revenue.
She posted videos on a variety of subjects including hand art, exercise and animal cruelty.
In one image posted on her website she complained about making just 10 US cents from 300,000 video views.
“You like competitiveness, they (EU) like harmonisation. You like diversity, they (EU) like equality. You like self-responsibility for a country’s state of bank debts, they (EU) want to socialise them. – Hans-Olaf Henkel MEP
A clear promise (by Theresa May 12dec2012)
Two and a half years ago (2010), the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.
Sorry if this has already been covered – I haven’t had time to check all posts. I saw the following headline on the BBC’s news page. “Winnie Mandela – the young mother who refused to be broken.”
The more traditional sections of society, including her staunch supporters, want us to remember her as a faultless woman.
Others, particularly those who are still in the trenches fighting the old battles in favour of white supremacy, want us to remember Mrs Madikizela-Mandela as a violent and deeply flawed individual.
Seriously? You’ve got to be a white supremacist to disapprove of necklacing? I despair.
“… David Bullard who wrote on Twitter: “So, after an educational night on Twitter, we’re all agreed then. Winnie was a saint who fought bravely against apartheid and only set fire to people or had kids murdered when it was absolutely necessary.”
Such people seem to have forgotten the trauma Mrs Madikizela-Mandela experienced…
Now I am no expert on bizarre conflations, but that sets quite the precedent.
This is to do with the dramatic market reform of 1991, but who’s going to tell the BBC that Russians are somewhat more bitter about socialism. Between 20 and 25 million people were murdered by Stalin and his chums, the forerunners of Corbyn and McDonnell.
Christopher is: From the Greek word meaning carrier of Christ
The name Muhammad is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Muhammad is: Variant used for Mohammad – founder of Islamic religion. praiseworthy; glorified.
Dafydd – if you’re wondering why Sky news is no better than the BBC, here’ a clue:
Sky News has announced “significant changes” to its senior newsgathering team to follow the departure of head of politics Esme Wren……..Wren’s departure was announced last month, as she said her 12 years at Sky News “could not have been better” but that it was a “great honour and privilege” to return to Newsnight where she served as political producer between 1999 and 2004.
How is it ‘ quite obvious’ to you they have more intelligence than they can put in the public domain?
Have they perhaps confided in you?
And dont forget, I am not forced to finance Sky!
Cant say the same about al jabeeba…
Do you genuinely believe the security agencies dont have any further intelligence that cant be put into the public domain…
They just interviewed Craig Murry, an ex ambassador to Uzbekistan, he constantly intermated that the nerve agent attack was possibly done by Britain itself, a line of questioning put to him by Kay Burley..really..!!!!
At the end of the interview he was asked by Kay Burley that if it was the UK that did the poisoning should the uk government resign, his reply was ”of course and a lot of people in this country would welcome that”, obviously very impartial interviewee.
What a strange and bizarre interview and conducted by an even stranger Kay Burley..Its been going on all day on Sky
Owen going full Surlenny sharing a complaint wot he wrote.
Friends! Don't let Our BBC get away with it!
Here's the complaint I've written:
'Some BBC programmes give the unfortunate impression that Labour is just a toxic bunch of whingeing, nasty, envious, genuinely racist half-wits, who couldn't run a bath. Talk about Far-Right bias!' pic.twitter.com/KN0RoxhmWu
— Sir Lefty Farr-Wright QC (@SupportOurLefty) April 4, 2018
Be interesting if he is plunged into the jungle mere mortals have to tackle, or Lord Hall Hall will swing him an all access pass to every bbc sofa show bar Daily Politics, as that seldom ends well.
Here is my complaint to the BBC … includes David Lammy £650 bike of course!
Complaint Summary: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018
Full Complaint: Maybe the BBC £3.5 billion News Service can report on MP 2009 expense scandal again …. it’s been a long time since 2009 when Tony Blair accidentally dropped his expenses in a shredder … maybe MP David Lammy can tell the public where his free £650 all expenses paid using Tax Payer money bike is now? Does David Lammy cycle to work everyday come rain or snow to save the planet and put the UK Tax Payer’s money to good use? If he does not use the Lammy £650 bike then he is not spending the publics money wisely …. Here is a link to the David Lammy expense claim 17oct2014: https://uploads.disquscdn.c… Here is a link to check up on all the other MPs: http://www.theipsa.org.uk/m… Did the BBC know that some UK MPs claim for the BBC TV License – and some MPs use their homes as offices!
Something for Alison Saunders’ successor to be reminded of:
Magna Carta:
(39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.
Note no free MAN.
Shame no one told Alison Saunders before she took the post.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
Mogg Show on LBC
Ah well the 16 year old head shot from Walthamstow died – in my area of town . If he went to the local hospital no surprise . Notch the killings up to 48.
Too much twitter apparently
I suppose toady will stick with irrelevant crap about dr king or st. Winnie or other foreign nonsense
As the wheels come off the propaganda bus with Boris and the latest defence asswipe … floundering over the “nerve agent.”
Its simply a carefully-constructed drama in order to justify the actions of NATO towards Russia, I thought that nerve agent in Russia was verified destroyed by the independent UN watchdog in 2013?
If anything is made of this whole sorry confected saga, lets make sure the first cannon fodder to be dispatched comes from the children of the MPs that vote for any action.
Anyway …
A much more pleasant story … that makes much more sense
This has probably been discussed already so apologies to those who have already seen it, but Ive been busy of late and have not caught up with the site yet.
Brilliant comment by Dan Brown on this Telegraph article!
Oh dear. What is this poor excuse for entertainment on BBC 2 “Cunk on Britain” a “mockumentary” series 1st of 5. Charlie Brooker trying to do a Keith Lemon impression whilst doing Ali G type interviews.
Quite ironic that the BBC would present a skewed recollection of history and call it humour!
She had just been talking about tribes in Britain stabbing each other. I see nothing much has changed there then.
Is there a single “comedy” shown on the BBC in the last five to ten years which is even remotely funny?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
BBC Countryfile always amuses me.
6:30pm Radio4 “Multicultural sketch show hosted by broadcaster and comedian Hardeep Singh Kohli.”
Dingaling if you recruit staff by skin colour that is racist..even if you stick a “multicultural” label on it.
I seem to recall there was a Hardeep Singh Kohli who was suspended by the BBC for harrassing a woman, and who is a slum landlord in Glasgow. This must be another Hardeep Singh Kohli, because surely the BBC wouldn’t have the first one back. Would they?
I’m just watching newsnight and they’re discussing the latest batch of black murders in the capital. Look this will be interpreted by some as a racist observation, but wgaf?
Where ever you have a substantial black population you will have these sorts of brainless, highly violent crimes. It’s the same all over the world.
People are far more than their geographic placement. People have a cultural heritage too. And that is far more telling than where they are born. Black people are violent. These crimes are committed by low IQ, gormless thugs. You don’t get any other group behaving in this barbaric fashion. The Chinese don’t have suicidal teenage offspring. We have communities from across the planet living in London, yet these half-witted assailants and most of the victims are black. They do it for revenge, they do it for respect.
However, the powers that be will continue to make excuses. It’ll be down to social exclusion, or lack of opportunities. It will because these poor lads have been expelled from school, it will be due to institutional racism. It’s social media, it’s rap music, it’s…
There is one group of people that won’t be blamed for these crimes, that won’t take responsibility for their offspring.
You get a sense of what it’s going to be like when Britons are a minority in Britain, not good at all for the generations yet to come.
thats waaayyyyycist
diana flabbot and dumbdipshit Lammy told me
You’ve summed up the problem in a couple of paragraphs Jeff, and I believe that most of the ‘talking heads/community leaders/politicians” all know it too, but to come out publicly and say it on camera, is a step too far for them. Its going to take a black person to raise the truth, but who is intelligent enough to do it ?
Sky News website reporting terror arrests on their main page but the BBC like to make us look for it.
Well buried in England->Local News->Regions->Leeds & West Yorkshire…
Dewsbury terror arrests: Terror plot-accused pair held
I assume the fact that the news is buried and the arrests are in West Yorkshire means the arrested “pair” are not of the white right wing type.
Censorship by obfuscation.
If they try to bury this, what else are they burying ?
Yes, interesting that Sky took the opportunity to report that these arrests were not in connection with the ‘malicious communications ‘, followed by several pages reminding us of the ‘punish a Muslim ‘ letters, we must protect the chosen ones, blah de blah. I look forward to reading about the police arrests regarding those letters. Memory hole anyone?
So On Love a Muslim Day the BBC failed to report
Muslim terrorists being arrested for planning to kill non-Muslims, who they don’t love ?
“UKIP has been saved from bankruptcy after donations of almost £300,000 were made to the party, its leader has said.”
This party could be on the way back ?
“Under UKIP’s new leadership our membership and donations are booming.”
I hope so, there is no one else. Unless we figure in the numerous patriotic groups that are proliferating in the social media. Too many to close all down, and springing up like mushrooms. Not a likely parliamentary hope, but maybe that is one way
I desperately need to see UKIP survive and grow Taff.
However, let us not forget how many of the membership were conned by Henry Boltons CV etc during the last leadership contest. Not only that, but the same group of people stood by and did nothing about Farridge and Bolton, smearing Anne Marie Waters’s views and her supporters as nazis.
I was truly amazed that Bolton got elected. If I didnt have such faith in our democratic principles ( sarc alert) I’d say it was fixed.
Lets hope the next leader can save things, but they wont do it with my cash.
Does anyone know if maxi is out of hospital yet ?
“London shootings: Boy, 16, dies after second fatal attack”
This would never have happened thirty years ago. The government needs to look at what has changed since then .
The government has no need to look. It is staring them in the face. All Alhamba Rudd and Treezer will do is set up an inquiry chaired by a renowned ethnic
Can you imagine the outcry if white gangs where going around killing people in London. Yet when black and Muslim gangs do so the bbc remains silent.
I suppose normal behaviour does not occasion much comment.
The unspoken alcohol problem among UK Punjabis
Why are articles (stories) like this anonymous? Clearly somebody wrote/compiled it. It reads like a Ladybird book. I look forward to the next instalment, when Al Beeb tell us about the problem of grooming gangs amongst UK Pakistanis.
Loobyloo, you make a good point.
That item – I’ve only just logged on to the BBC w-s – immediately struck me as a piece of news agenda management as practised by Alastair Campbell 1997-2010.
As to writer anonymity; I thought the BBC had been instructed to terminate the practice last year. If not, then it is time for OFCOM to do so. Immediately.
Their lead story is about the ‘gender pay gap’! Hurrah! What a refreshing change!
Did they watch Jordan Peterson’s brilliant explanation of why it exists, or Christina Hoff Sommers’? Of course not. There are just too many vested interests who need to perpetuate the myth.
And they have the chutzpah to moan about fake news?
Toady this morning very busy jumping onto the “Martin Luther King speech” 50th anniversary – seemed a very long piece.
Whenever R4 broadcasts stuff like this (and dont get me wrong – I do not really disagree with anything he said in this speech) why do I always think that there is some other agenda at play.
Could it possibly be some sort of BBC “re-balancing” . Could it be that whilst so much of black youth in London is busy killing each other this is some sort of subtle way of blaming whitey really cos somewhere down the line it is all due to waycism.
I know I am getting very paranoid in my old age, but in truth these days whenever the “worlds most trusted broadcaster” comes out with something – I very rarely now feel able to take it at face value.
I must say – I too have a dream – That one day we will have a state supported broadcaster who just reports the news rather than involving itself in left wing politics.
I think it is a dream that may never happen.
Toady this morning very busy jumping onto the “Martin Luther King speech” 50th anniversary – seemed a very long piece.
Whenever R4 broadcasts stuff like this (and dont get me wrong – I do not really disagree with anything he said in this speech) why do I always think that there is some other agenda at play.
Could it possibly be some sort of BBC “re-balancing” . Could it be that whilst so much of black youth in London is busy killing each other this is some sort of subtle way of blaming whitey really cos somewhere down the line it is all due to waycism.
I know I am getting very paranoid in my old age, but in truth these days whenever the “worlds most trusted broadcaster” comes out with something – I very rarely now feel able to take it at face value.
I must say – I too have a dream – That one day we will have a state supported broadcaster who just reports the news rather than involving itself in left wing politics.
I think it is a dream that may never happen.
Any notion of a state funded broadcaster gives me very pleasant dreams, nightmares in fact. The BBC is unreformable and should be forced to be self funding by subscription only. Then if people want to consume its lies and distortions they must pay for it and those of us who don’t want it in our homes will not be forced to pay for it under threat of imprisonment.
They have an ‘expert’ on equality and diversity! Now that is a hard science.
WHAT IF MOST WOMEN DO NOT WANT TO LEAD THE LIVES FEMINISTS DEMAND THEY LEAD? My girl would hate nothing more than working on an oil rig or being a 70 hour week CEO and being separated from the children.
Now they are talking about an ethnic and class gap! There must be one hell of an ethnic gap in medicine, football and pharmacy. Apparently one firm did a test into the ‘ethnic pay gap’ and found a ‘diverse’ board brought economic benefits. How could they possibly test something as complex as that?
God I am sick of this multicultural Tourette’s. They will become increasingly irrelevant and laughable if they do not change.
Toady watch
Irony warning – humph interviewing woman politician about genda pay gap. Priceless. Al beeb should say – we can’t talk about this because we don’t pay equally for equal work . See Carrie Gracie .Maybe they should have got Sopel to do the interview .
Maybe humph bares a grudge have to have his wages fiddled downward to make it look like a pay cut.
I’m rationing albeeb again so haven’t heard anything about the 48 londonistan killings but I suspect blank lives don’t matter to Toady but dead Americans and dead South Africans do.
ohh class gap! do I get a back dated pay rise for the past 37 years work,
how do they measure this “class” exactly do we self indentify along with our gender?
ohh class gap! do I get a back dated pay rise for the past 37 years work,
how do they measure this “class” exactly do we self indentify along with our gender?
Did you notice, BB, that she mentioned this ethnic and class gap baloney at that stage in the interview when Humph brought up the Institute For Fiscal Studies’ point that the gender pay gap is due to women taking a break from work to have babies? She totally failed to answer the question and Humph let her get away with it in what was a pretty stupid interview anyway.
It was the kind of BBC interview that fills me with despair. This gender pay gap debate is full of lies and myths. Firstly, all a woman has to do if she is being paid less than a man doing exactly the same job is report her employer to the police since sexist rates of pay are illegal and have been for over four decades.
Secondly, these clueless “experts” discussing this topic never seem to realise the difference between the gender pay gap and the gender earnings gap. Over the course of a lifetime women’s earnings are on average much less than men’s, for well-known, innocuous and obvious reasons – and not the result of sinister conspiracies of men.
Thirdly, if a woman wants a high-powered job with an enormous salary, and she has the talent, energy and ambition to go for it, there is absolutely nothing to stop her doing that and reaching the top. We have innumerable examples.
A Charlie pronounces, though not a right one:
He’s obviously fond of his expenses for turning up to blah blah – he is a barrister after all.,
… and Bliar’s best friend.
Liz is dispirited. Poor Liz.
Really like the #finaltweetonthis
Good luck with that love; it is outside the studio you control now.
What…. were the odds…?
“Jason Phipps has been appointed commissioning editor for podcasts at the BBC. He is currently head of audio at The Guardian, and will take up his new role in May. “
People are stepping forward to defend the BBC … this could get interesting.
“BBC is second to none in the world in news provision. Objective fair interesting authoritative. Big mistake to bad mouth it because of Brexit obsession from whatever side.” – Lord Charlie Falconer
Responds to : “I would love to support the BBC. We need it. But BBC news has let us down badly recently and I no longer trust it. It is no longer objective, fair, interesting or authoritative – and it’s not just about Brexit.”
Toady watch 2
Al beeb reflects its covert hatred for the monarchy by raising the question of Australia – again- as the commonwealth games begins .
Dont get me wrong – I’m a bit of a republican – and not overwhelmed by the non blood related commonwealth ( Canada – nz – oz) – but I admit that . Al beeb does not admit it and is hypocritical and biased.
It certainly says something about the influence of the big tech companies when the wounded people from the YouTube shooting are taken for treatment to the Zuckerberg San Fran General Hospital.
Payne , that’s great – I wish it would replace the NHS – you get good treatment if you pay taxes over the years – back of the queue if you don’t .
Do they not think nine million people have watched Jordan Peterson v Newman? Who do we trust, a clinical psychologist with over 10,000 hours of experience versus a self-appointed ‘expert in equality and diversity’ who makes a living from finding as much ‘discrimination’ as humanly possible?
Why not drill into the detail for once rather than the narrow and flawed equal outcomes nonsense? What is the multi variant analysis Peterson talks of? How many work fatalities are male? Do most women want a more balanced life opposed to the testosterone-fuelled, goal-obsessed men who probably take years off their lives through over work?They have to wallow in toxic, disempowering victim bullsh*t.
I get my nephews from my school and it is so lovely for the kids to have their mums pick them up; we all know there is nobody like your mum when you are a small child. So some child carer will have to collect these children instead just because some feminist tyrant demands their mum work on an oil rig?
Oil rig? It will be a Gulaghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag for most of us!
Anybody else receive this in the post recently – a brown window envelope addressed to the legal occupier and in the window part: “Will you be in on April the 4th?”
(I knew what to expect as dates in May, August and October passed quietly enough). Anyway, enforcement officers have been authorised to investigate and 10101 addresses are checked every month. Guessing that 10101 is binary speak for 21.
April the 4th is here and – just in case – the Doberman wasn’t fed last night.
Mine changed from ‘legal occupier’ to my full name – scary! My last ‘appointment’ was in March but no-one called.
They really are disgusting letters, similar in kind to the ‘have you got the “golden ticket” or “million pound pay-out authorised” junk’.
If we wrote unsolicited letters to people we fancied from afar we would be done for stalking, a law introduced to stop people being harassed or scared, which is exactly the purpose of this rubbish.
Perhaps we should be grateful that we don’t get similar letters about the distillation, wild animal and shotgun licences that most of us don’t have either?
Write back and dare them to take you to court and their enforcement officers miraculously turn into enquiry agents in their reply .
The BBC starts with a lie ; that you have to pay their tax if you have a television . Not true , it’s receiving live broadcasts that requires a licence .
The BBC starts with a lie and continues onward .
I do like the way that Jordan P demolished Justin Webb on ‘equal pay’ on Toady.
As far as Ms May goes, she has once again shown herself to be an opportunist who cherry picks and then manipulates the facts on any argument to make her (PC) case. She was overpromoted into the position of Home Secretary, where she did much damage, and then overpromoted again into the position of PM. The Peter principle applies. Damage now?
Anyway, hope y’all are still on R4, listening to songs of the US civil rights movement…
The fact that May goes after the lefty horse and cart with her shovel, EVERY time they rattle her cage-Grenfell, gender pay gaps, NHS funding and housing?
Only shows me that she`s not leading any kind of conservative, but is simply a sleepwalking zombie in train to Newest Labour.
Just a follower, she`s going to have to go and get replaced by someone who won`t hide behind the barrel organ.
May-these stories are STIR-UPs, they`re non-issues to planet normal.
And you die that bit more each time, you let the left yank your chain
Food for though
Regards the punish the Muslim day yesterday. The few letters behind it all surfaced a few days before the Telford rape news, its as if somebody wanted to cover up the rape of 1000s of white girls. Well guess what nobody is talking about an actual crime in its thousands but we are about a fake one.
Even without those fake letters the Telford rapes would have been forgotten about in a day or two.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the public would rather discuss the last episode of Gogglebox or who won The Voice than the systematic rape of white girls in every major city.
Our MPs and state broadcaster will not say the truth in case it offends.
Are those criminals being tried for racially aggravated offences, because that is certainly what they are? Read Caitlin Spencer: “Please, Let Me Go” for a heart-rending account of what happened to her from the age of 14. Racial abuse was always a part of what was inflicted on her.
Tuned into Toady earlier, later than usual. Arrived midway(?) through the interview with Jordan Peterson – I recognised the voice. Surprising that the BBC considered interviewing Jordan, particularly over the issue of ‘Wimmins’ pay gap. They really don’t appreciate a jolt of honest reality that conflicts with their narrative normally. This time they got it: full frontal. I don’t know for how long the total interview was but it seemed to me that the interviewer (Justin) was anxious to get him off the line before he had an opportunity to ram more common sense down their throats in explaining what the difference was between male / female workers.
I found out he was on by the shrieking on twitter from those whose main argument seemed to be the bbc should not invite on people who show up their arguments to be facile.
GW, precisely.
The interviewer, Justin Webb, seemed to barely tolerate Jordan Peterson’s comments, which themselves were very welcome and well-argued after so much dross being spouted on the BBC about so-called gender wage gaps. Our Justin, naturally adopted (as he always does when his interviewee is beyond the pale in his eyes) his best whiney, complaining tone when putting his questions, some of which were lengthy and seemed like speeches for the opposition.
We are right (but we knew that anyway)
“The Daily Express emailed the BBC press office but received no reply”
They are exempted.
Re the You tube shooter. A few details here.
I do not suspect anything sinister here. Just an ordinary You Tube poster pissed off with You Tube’s policy of fiddling with the number of views for her videos. It matters if they are moneytised. Not something to shoot people over, but if you are a bit loopy then who knows.
In the video in the link she complains of You Tube’s scoring policy or lack of it. I would certainly agree with her complaint.
I have noticed You Tube’s scoring of views which is innacurate and is not confined to politics. I’ve made over 300 vids. To give an example, my canine production of the Sound of Music obtained around a 1000 views each week and suddenly stopped at 165,000. Others stopped earlier and often have views reduced. It is chaotic. People are dscussing it on You Tube and there has been a response from the geeks there which is incoherent, suggesting that they have lost control over what counts as a view and what does not.
So in this case we probably have a person who takes it all too seriously and has snapped.
I agree with you.
I run my own company which has Youtube channel and I also have a fair few Android Apps on the market using Adsense (uses same Google advertising as Youtube). One particular video seems to have achieved that “viral” status and does OK but the adverts served on my Android Apps appears to grow fast until they reach a figure of about 6000 installs a month and then they stop growing. Doesn’t matter how many new installs there are the overall installs remains at ~6000. At first I thought that was due to an app becoming unpopular but it has happened to every single app since.
Same thing for ad revenue, initially when an App is released 100 installs would earn $1 a day. Then as you hit 1000 installs that would earn $1 a day. Then when you reach the plateau of 6000 installs it pays $1 a day.
I also have a website with a banner ad. My web host stats shows 1000’s of views a month whereas Adsense shows a total ad views of zero and hence zero revenue.
Lots on the internet about this Google scam. In the case of this shooter it got a bit too much for her!
Time to hit this one out of the ball park people….. Here`s what you`re not being told…..
He/She was upset (would explain the lump in `her` throat) …….
Malala went home to Pakistan … found it wanting and came back to the UK, which she now calls home but should really return to Pakistan because she is fit and healthy now.
Make her a Barroness? Is she any good as a cook?
Climate gropers : Dec 2017 Bonn,
A conference headed by Brendan Cox type people
… Donald Trump was not there
… Dailywire has open comments
3 years of the IPCC’s head sex case lumbering thru the Indian courts
Today’s news : “witness statements concealed”
Virtue Signal ….
PMQs: John Bercow reminds MPs about harassment in Commons
Get Caught ….
House of Commons Speaker John Bercow named in bullying claims
Deflect ….
Speaker John Bercow accuses Boris Johnson of sexism
A case of Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See Boris Johnson doing Evil.
Should I contact the ‘Hate Speech Police Team’ and lodge a complaint because i am offended at what the group of protestors were (on camera) saying? Let’s take the tyranny further. But then i thought, it would not be like the police to tackle a group of Hate Speech Crimers collectively: they prefer to discreetly take on individual ‘Hate Speech Crimers’. Pick them off individually. All in all a disgusting untrustworthy bunch of shysters.
My father spent over 17 years in the Army which embraced the war years; my Grandfathers? – One died in France and the other sufferred serious shellshock as a result of WW1. What for? Why? It seems to allow the political elite to become as tyrannical as Hitler was. There is a rot in the UK that goes to the heart of the system.
Fully agree with your post. The UK is unrecognisable to me as the country that I grew up in and it is a much worse place to live in than it was fifty years ago. But then most of the West has also fallen to this self destructive liberal philosophy which decries the achievements of western civilisation and not only fails to defend it but actually participates in its destruction. Like you I wonder what my father and grand fathers would think of the UK in 2018. Not much, I think is the answer!
It seems the majority of our politicians have an internationalist mindset fixed in some Lennonesque/Coca Cola fantasy world where every colour and creed live together in perfect multicultural, Marxist harmony (‘imagine no possessions’ droned the mansion-owning, Rolls Royce-chauffeured Lennon).
In reality the world is more divided and dangerous than at any time since WW2 and the Cold War and we have imported that division into Britain – millions who live alongside us but are not part of us as their cultures are, at heart, almost totally at odds with a liberal and democratic society.
Ironically, the countries in most need of a bit less monoculturalism and a bit more liberal Westernisation are the ones the immigrants come from and where in fact, religious intolerance or worse, cleansing, continues unabated (and largely unreported by the BBC).
As it is, if immigration continues at the present rate Britain will become more and more like Pakistan, Iran, Somalia etc. – or worse, a combination of the whole lot with all the religious and cultural differences that have kept them fighting each other for centuries.
The consequences of this suicidal policy become more obvious by the day.
A 78 year old man in Hither Green, South London, has been arrested for GBH after he was forced into his kitchen by a burglar brandishing a screwdriver – while his accomplice ransacked upstairs. A struggle ensued and the burglar was stabbed and has subsequently died.
What if this was your elderly Dad living alone ? (or me for that matter), and he gets locked up for defending himself. Jesus Christ, what is going on with the f……g police in this country.
Brissles, this?
One burglar dies, other lives
Met Police arrest the 78 year old householder
“Two men break into a 78-year-old’s home in crime-ridden London.
One, armed with a screwdriver, herds the pensioner into his kitchen. A struggle breaks out; the burglar is stabbed and later dies.”
Will the householder be charged with “hate crime” ?
Don’t think he can be, Stew. Seem to recall UK Govt 2010-2015 legislated to make full ‘defence of property and person’ acceptable in our Law. This came about after tabloid outrage over a Norfolk farmer who shot one of a group of (armed?) burglars during a burglary and was imprisoned.
I could be wrong on that by I dimly remember Dave taking action on that or something very similar.
Only a couple of years ago we were assured by the minister , I forget which one, that using force against intruders in your home would never result in prosecution. Well this chap hasn’t yet been prosecuted but he shouldn’t even have been taken in for questioning. Of course you can’t help thinking that his assailant may not have been white in which case all bets are off and the bastards in the BBC and police will be trying to make out that he was a racist , biggot who had no right to defend himself and his property from these scum.
I have no time , no respect and no trust in the police , our judges , our media , our politicians and most of our other institutions. They have proved themselves to be unworthy of my consent to be governed by them.
The men were described as males. Which means they were not white.
Looks like a hate crime, they seem to have either wanted to hurt the homeowner or rob him, or protest a grievance. Either way it must have amounted to a hate crime in defending himself.
The cops are probably scouring secondhand bookshops for books about the Nazis in WW2 to line his bookshelves .
“The men were described as males. Which means they were not white.”
We are learning a whole new language.
Not a new language, but rather the destruction of a rich and informed language.
Welcome to multiculty Britain, where Muslims of Pakistani heritage are Asians, and men involved in wrongdoing are referred to as men, whereas if they were white it would be made public immediately, where cars and trucks are responsible for attacking people when they deliberately mount the pavements.
Once some Liberal barrister gets hold of this case then… when the old man picked up the knife that was pre-mediated murder whereas the burglar only had the screwdriver to force open locks and didn’t intend to hurt anyone.
The old man would probably have been arrested anyway for calling 999 and wasting Police time when he should call 101 instead.
The British Government: conspiring to further the aims of islamic terrorists? Make your own mind up.
An old chestnut. The issues of Public and Private Defence. Ample explanation can be found here – https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/self-defence-and-prevention-crime
All works like, ‘clockwork’ provided the CPS disclose all evidence…………..
I suggest that all contributors here are of a like mind when it comes to issues such as this. I recommend that the CPS guide be downloaded and digested before there is any more marked deterioration in the amenity of this country. (That’s a dead cert!)
Ooops, looks like you may have found me out. 🙂
[That’ll teach me to scroll through posts in the ‘correct’ direction!]
Let us remember how the BBC do reporting …. fake news … disinformation … you get to decide by yourself …
BBC are usually confused who is the attacker and who is victim … 24jul2016 ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.”
R5 Now John Mann (Labour MP), Chair of the Parliament’s All Party Committee against antisemitism at 11:20am said
“From the beginning 13 years ago the committee identified 3 types of antisemitism :
#1 Islamic/Muslim antisemitism
#2 Right-wing antisemitism
#3 Left-wing antisemitism”
He’s non-Jewish yet says he gets hate-mail from all 3
“The police are investigating a threat against me, my wife and daughters by someone from the Left”
“JC is clearly not doing enough, otherwises there wouldn’t being such a furore”
“In the last 3 years 100s of people have come into the Labour Party, putting out antisemite stuff,
– some of it deliberate
– some are just followers
We’ve expelled some, but not enough”
Tory MP Rehman Chishti said “My Father was an imam who came to the UK in 78, I came in 84 not speaking a word of English, and being from a working class background you voted Labour… but I changed”
– Other Guest is Drew Hendry, SNP Inverness MP
Tory Party says it has a negative paygap
Rehman just said the female workers in the Conservative Party HQ are paid 12.9% MORE than men
They Tory-HQ have less than 250 employees
So the law doesn’t apply to them
Just voluntary declaration.
But Twitter full of lefty tweetbots shouting “the Tories have broken the law, the deadline has passed”
Mexico’s mixed-race beauty contest
It challenges white, western concepts of beauty. Instead, it prizes Mexican “mestizo” looks and culture, stemming from the country’s mixed European and indigenous heritage.
And anything that challenges “white” is definitely going to be covered by the BBC.
Me? I feel sorry for all the authors of Criminal Law textbooks. Just when everyone thought certain fundamental concepts of the Criminal Law system were settled, a tyrannical Government ‘upends’ it all. Gone are the day when the first Chapter, usually, ‘Elelments of a crime’ can be repeated, unaltered. Take for example the established elements of a crime. Apart from strict liability offences (speeding etc), the CPS will look for two elements: ‘mens rea’ (guilty mind) and the actus reus (the criminal act). Both need to be proven.
Enter: Hate Crimes including Hate Speech. Now, both actus reus and mens rea are thrown out the window, defenestrated. This draconian law requires only to have an ‘offended’ victim. The ‘offended’ can simply claim that offence and name the person responsible for a knock on the door one dark night when two of the local stasi will question your use of virtually any words you care to draw from the English Dictionary. If the victim feels offended, that’s it. A crime has been committed. Take this along with the arbitrary application of the law we all now see on a daily basis, and you have the positive symptoms of tyranny. Where will it end? The Government abolishing elections? Giving more power to the police to act arbitrarily? The options are endless. But let’s not forget: “….nothing will change our way of life……”.
Excellent post, G.
I thank m’learned friend.
Too true. We are entering a time when justice is by denunciation .when certain groups are subject to different laws from others. When the judiciary can choose to apply the law ‘ flexibily ‘ or rigidly depending who the accused is and what group he or she belongs to
The elitist idiots who rule us seem to think that we are just going to take all this without protest. That they can pile more and more on us as they see fit. They seem surprised that where they can in Europe people vote for ‘populists’ . They are rebelling by Democratic means and trying to preserve their way of life . Hopefully these democratic rebellions point the way to our own future, but we need the leaders and as yet we don’t have any. If democratic rebellion fails don’t be surprised if other means are adopted.
The level of prosecutions is certainly substantial: 168,800 in 2008/9, constituting 30% of all non-motoring summary cases. Estimates are that 28 per cent of evaders are single parents, mostly female, and that 55 per cent of female single parents live in extreme poverty. Anecdotal evidence is that TV Licensing targets known offenders, waiting for them to fall into arrears again, and then launching a new prosecution. {telegraph 14jul2010}
Left/lib nutters “Boycotting BBC because of Andrew Neil”
Tweet from : Clare Balding @clarebalding 2 hours ago
Thrilled to be nominated for a BAFTA for the Women’s Euros.
It’s not often an all female event gets a BAFTA nomination
– in fact this might be the first time. #WomenInSport
It does say “female”?
Here is the tweet link. Strange that 2 out of the 21 gushing tweets have very similar language…
“Congratulations. You turn your hand to everything with such enthusiasm and knowledge, it’s infectious.”
“Unbelievable. You’re without question my favourite and most respected sports commentator and presenter. Your knowledge, passion, empathy and genuine enthusiasm is infectious.”
All the other tweets sounds very similar to each other too. If I was the suspicious type I would say most of those tweets are written by the same person!
Radio4 Agendas today
10am : Gender pay gap, Childlessness and women of colour, Women in publishing.
10:45am This weeks Daily drama is about Middle Easterner’s and their food
11am Stirring trouble about the Irish border
1pm R2 JVine has gone Bonny Greer the racist playright, lauding MLK
1:45pm Dan Snow : on poor moral in WW1
4pm : Laurie on “Mixed-race families”
6:30pm : Multicultural sketch show hosted by Hardeep Singh Kholi
8:45pm : Maggie O’Carroll calls for action to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs.
9:00pm Greenpeace wacko show, Golf courses harm enviro
9:30pm Songs of the Civil Rights Movement
special edition of marking fifty years since the assassination of the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King
Yes I saw that loaded schedule . Saved my blood pressure . Programmes for snowflakes or I must be heading further right .
I went into a bank today and was asked for my passport by an Eastern European staffer – “ we ll ask that question after brexit “ said fedup.
I added that Englishmen don’t normally carry their passport in England. I am in londonistan so should have guessed
Amol is tweeting for @zoenhutton looking for interviewees
for her new BBC documentary about graduate prospects in 2018.
Don’t know if she really want to hear from any straight white males.
BBC not hiding that she was a vegan, they don’t even bother making up a special word, like islamist, no mental health issues etc, they just tell us straight. No backlash fear stories or vegan elders opinions etc etc
Nasim Aghdam: Vegan bodybuilder who ‘railed against YouTube’

The woman suspected of opening fire at YouTube’s HQ in California had reportedly criticised the platform for suppressing her videos and reducing her revenue.
She posted videos on a variety of subjects including hand art, exercise and animal cruelty.
In one image posted on her website she complained about making just 10 US cents from 300,000 video views.
what a joke site this is for adding photos….
images from ichef-1.bbci.co.uk don’t show up on third party websites
so post tweet instead
From : https://gellerreport.com/2018/04/nasim-aghdam-youtube-shooter.html/
“You like competitiveness, they (EU) like harmonisation. You like diversity, they (EU) like equality. You like self-responsibility for a country’s state of bank debts, they (EU) want to socialise them. – Hans-Olaf Henkel MEP
“Hans-Olaf Henkel: EU should share the values the UK stands for”
A clear promise (by Theresa May 12dec2012)
Two and a half years ago (2010), the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.
And a clear promise from her predecessor………………………
Too many people coming into the country, not enough houses, schools, hospitals, doctors, police etc etc will store up problems for the future.
“A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge…it is one that controls immigration. Because if you have uncontrolled immigration, you have uncontrolled pressure on public services. And that is a basic issue of fairness.” {gov.uk 21may2015}
‘Something must be done!’
‘Enough is enough!’
‘We will….’
Do nothing.
Apart from repeat the above about every 5 years.
Simply an intentional lie.
More good Brexit news ?
“Vauxhall to build new Vivaro van at Luton”
There is a HYS running .
And there is more………………..
The nation needs Rees-Mogg, and it needs him now .
Sorry if this has already been covered – I haven’t had time to check all posts. I saw the following headline on the BBC’s news page. “Winnie Mandela – the young mother who refused to be broken.”
The actual article is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-43630442 and contains this gem:
Seriously? You’ve got to be a white supremacist to disapprove of necklacing? I despair.
This too errs on the ‘special’…
“… David Bullard who wrote on Twitter: “So, after an educational night on Twitter, we’re all agreed then. Winnie was a saint who fought bravely against apartheid and only set fire to people or had kids murdered when it was absolutely necessary.”
Such people seem to have forgotten the trauma Mrs Madikizela-Mandela experienced…
Now I am no expert on bizarre conflations, but that sets quite the precedent.
Headline: “Russia’s bitter taste of capitalism”
This is to do with the dramatic market reform of 1991, but who’s going to tell the BBC that Russians are somewhat more bitter about socialism. Between 20 and 25 million people were murdered by Stalin and his chums, the forerunners of Corbyn and McDonnell.
One can only assume tractor production is down since 1991.
Home Office official was the ringleader of £6million conspiracy which allowed 437 illegal immigrants into Britain {dailymail 03apr2018}
* Shamsu Iqbal, 61, was the lynchpin of a scam that falsified at least 437 records
* Iqbal and three other men netted £6million after he ‘exploited’ a trusted position
* Taxpayer could have lost £56million from illegal immigrants claiming benefits
But, but….if it’s in the Mail it must be fake news!!
Or so the BBC’s proxy commentators, ‘comedians’, HIGNFY panel members etc. would have their trusting viewers and listeners believe.
Christopher is: From the Greek word meaning carrier of Christ
The name Muhammad is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Muhammad is: Variant used for Mohammad – founder of Islamic religion. praiseworthy; glorified.
Been watching Sky News and its disgraceful coverage of the nerve agent attack.
They are determined to put Russia on the front foot.
It is quite obvious that the British intelligence agencies has far more intelligence than they can put in the public domain.
Sky News is running amok with this story.Do they not realise the damage they are potentially doing by looking for something that is not there..???
They are interviewing anybody and everybody to try and get condemnation against the Brits. Ive never seen anything like it, weird..!!!
Its as though they want the UK to be blamed for the nerve agent attack
Dafydd – if you’re wondering why Sky news is no better than the BBC, here’ a clue:
Sky News has announced “significant changes” to its senior newsgathering team to follow the departure of head of politics Esme Wren……..Wren’s departure was announced last month, as she said her 12 years at Sky News “could not have been better” but that it was a “great honour and privilege” to return to Newsnight where she served as political producer between 1999 and 2004.
How is it ‘ quite obvious’ to you they have more intelligence than they can put in the public domain?
Have they perhaps confided in you?
And dont forget, I am not forced to finance Sky!
Cant say the same about al jabeeba…
Of course nobody has confided in me.
Do you genuinely believe the security agencies dont have any further intelligence that cant be put into the public domain…
They just interviewed Craig Murry, an ex ambassador to Uzbekistan, he constantly intermated that the nerve agent attack was possibly done by Britain itself, a line of questioning put to him by Kay Burley..really..!!!!
At the end of the interview he was asked by Kay Burley that if it was the UK that did the poisoning should the uk government resign, his reply was ”of course and a lot of people in this country would welcome that”, obviously very impartial interviewee.
What a strange and bizarre interview and conducted by an even stranger Kay Burley..Its been going on all day on Sky
Owen going full Surlenny sharing a complaint wot he wrote.
Be interesting if he is plunged into the jungle mere mortals have to tackle, or Lord Hall Hall will swing him an all access pass to every bbc sofa show bar Daily Politics, as that seldom ends well.
Here is my complaint to the BBC … includes David Lammy £650 bike of course!
Complaint Summary: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018
Full Complaint: Maybe the BBC £3.5 billion News Service can report on MP 2009 expense scandal again …. it’s been a long time since 2009 when Tony Blair accidentally dropped his expenses in a shredder … maybe MP David Lammy can tell the public where his free £650 all expenses paid using Tax Payer money bike is now? Does David Lammy cycle to work everyday come rain or snow to save the planet and put the UK Tax Payer’s money to good use? If he does not use the Lammy £650 bike then he is not spending the publics money wisely …. Here is a link to the David Lammy expense claim 17oct2014: https://uploads.disquscdn.c… Here is a link to check up on all the other MPs: http://www.theipsa.org.uk/m… Did the BBC know that some UK MPs claim for the BBC TV License – and some MPs use their homes as offices!
I think Europe is beginning to get fed up ………….
“Migrants in Germany: Should they be paid to go home?”
Something for Alison Saunders’ successor to be reminded of:
Magna Carta:
(39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.
Note no free MAN.
Shame no one told Alison Saunders before she took the post.