In 1978 a small community called Wahat al-Salam, Neve Shalom – meaning “oasis of peace” – was founded by four families, Jews and Arabs, on a hill-top between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
It was a pioneering experiment in peaceful co-existence in the long Middle East conflict.
Four decades on, it is now home to more than 60 families.
Two of its long-standing residents, Nava Sonnenschein and Daoud Boulus, spoke to Witness about life in this “oasis of peace.”
Erm, Arab population in Israel in 2012 was 1,837,000 so I’m guessing there are quite a few more Arabs and Jews ‘living in peace’ and have been doing so since a large number of Arabs chose to settle in Israel in 1948 after the state was formed and after the Israelis defeated the combined Arab States’ attempts to ‘wipe it off the face of the Earth’.
Interesting figure Johnny. 1,837,000 Muslims living in Israel. Wonder if that is greater than the Jews living in all the Muslim countries put together.
Watching these attacks on Israel from the UN and a widespread failure of European countries to call them out – including Britain – it is hard
not to see the world is heading for serious conflict, perhaps a war.
I fear most of all that Britain will be on the wrong side.
“There are many definitions of Islamophobia, but most people tend to adhere to the one used by the Runnymede Trust. We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised and that we have very effective monitoring of race-hate crimes.” – Victoria Atkins
Islamophobia is an irrational fear of a religion of peace that makes its followers fear for their lives and flee to a hated western country. Once there instead of denouncing those that they claim will torture and murder them, they set up their version of the religion but with them in control to perpetrate the same bias, hatred and bigotry they claim to have fled from
Islamomonia what they do when they get here.
Islamoblamia, nothing is ever their fault or responsibility, crime rape, murder always blame the host country. Aided and abetted by useful idiots in the left wing press and BBC
Yes we now have a kind of procrustean system of laws in respect of things like ‘hate crime’ or in any dispute where two litigants are of different ethnicity. And guess which colour who will be sentenced more harshly.
The CPS and the common purpose top brass of the police all need sacking and/or lengthy jail terms. And of course those in the Home Office who allowed such discriminatory nonsense in the first place.
‘Community Cohesion’ = theoretical state of society when there is no ‘Islamophobia’.
‘Reality’ = cultural and physical separation, blind eye being turned to illiberal and criminal cultural practices, preferential treatment and appeasement by the authorities including incorporation of some of said practices into British law and…..resentment by the host population.
Dont worry Anna – I have a definition of “Islamophobia” that you can use whenever you want!
Def; ISLAMOPHOBIA – Spurious and confected “phobia” to confer special “victim” status to a particular favoured religious minority who’s aims (according to their religious book) often appear to be at variance with the rest of society.
The names and faces of those killed in London
In just 123 days, 50 people have been killed in London – raising serious concerns about how to tackle violent crime on the city’s streets.
Looks like a Grenfell tower photo
how many indigenous people left in our capital?
I’m indigenous and I was born in east London and now live in east londonistan . Another interesting picture would be the faces of those charged with the killings or descriptions of suspects .
That’s where it gets difficult for al beeboid snowflakes – multi cultures killing each other and c—ts like Lammy whining about prisons being full of black male killers and paki terrorists
The 2021 Census figures will make for interesting reading…2011 figures show Londonistan as 45% white and that 600k whites moved out since 2001. I imagine a future with 0% indigenous whites when Londonistan becomes a totally lawless no-go zone 🙁
Out of interest, does anyone happen to know how many of these enrichers are property owners?
Country – lots of benefits fraud supplying the cash for deposits then rent out to 20 to a room on shifts – cash only . Councils bribed to look the other way. Inspectors bought off or relatives of the owners . An ethnic speciality as they can hide behind race .
Was this girl raped, assaulted or attacked?
Two sentences and the BBC use three words for what happened.
The police released a photo of the bloke they`ve caught, but the BBC won`t be showing us that, in case we think it`s another Muslim.
But never fear-the girl is getting counselling and the BBC want you to know that. Only six lines, but one is devoted to the police looking after her. So why do we worry?
As ever, the news will leak out from somewhere-but it won`t be the BBC, It never is.
The input data doesn’t include so many things like hours worked, experience, training cost etc.
eg it’s not an offence to pay doctors more than nurses
cos for a start doctors have to have study 5 years without earning anything whereas thenurses they work alongside might have been paid all the way through their on the job training.
Only the BBC could ask us whether a statistic generated by others-a neutral thing-might be “sexist”.
The number 8 is curvy and feminine, the number 1 is linear and penetrative. The number 9 seems gender fluid.
Can I have my maths degree?
Were you the first to have a unique medical procedure? Did your relative start work for the NHS on its very first day? Were you a first responder to a significant event?
A bit off the pace today but mention of Toady by GW reminds me of a bizarre interview at about 0735 when Humphries, with no irony, interviewed as an implied expert.. on Salisbury I think…….Dianne Abbott!!! Humphries’s toe-curlingly soft questions led to a moment where he was egging her on to have a go at Boris J and she sort of was so embarrassed she seemed to hold back.
I sometimes think Humphries is the last man standing up to a bit of impartiality but it appears I was wrong.
Humph is another one who was a journo but sold his soul for £650k pa to be a beeboid . Sometimes I feel embarrassed listening to the bias . Bit like him talking about the ridiculous genda pay gap for the over paid.
He must be waiting to do a noktee and pretend to be a proper journo like alistair cook. Now there was a man who lacked bias ( except for the waster Kennedy clan).
Oh goody! It’s gender pay gap day today. The bBBC feminazis must have their vibrators on max.
Why can the zealots not understand that average pay per female, if lower than average pay per male does not of itself equate to discrimination.
The gender pay gap is a never-ending saga that will thrill and fill the news hacks, much as Leveson minutiae, Trump and Rusiia, Chilcot or Barniers body language does.
It`s their news for them. The rest of us need not bother with them or their preoccupations.
Meanwhile France is in meltdown with SNCF strikes, and a decent , honourable footballer died way too early.
Who gives a stuff about womens pay gays at the BBC-only Womans Hour and their lefty invites. My mum gets £7.92 per hour, my uncle gets £8.25. You can only imagine how vicious the fighting is between them.
Life without the BBC-it`s lovely, do join!
Bloody Martin LK . Apparently people listening yesterday had to suffer 8 minutes of wind . Any the snowflakes cried . Great speaker -so was hitler – so was Obama. But it’s results that matter not words .
Getting all messianic and going for hyperbole and promises mean nothing . Not in the al beeb script .
Off switch time
Weird isnt it? Think about the BBC filming Cliff Richard’s house as it was being taken over by the Police. No need for hard evidence there in order to report.
Now let us consider the MLK adulation on the bBBC today but for some reason they seem to have selective amnesia of their own reports !!! How about this ?
Still, as usual with the bBBC, forget journalism, the agenda is the thing.
Martin Luther King was the last Christian world-famous prophet that we`ve known.
Only the BBC could besmirch his legacy and meaning with their endless crap about Black Lives Matters, Obama and how Malcolm X was only the man that we could have been ,had King not been shot. The clue`s in his name-MARTIN LUTHER…Baptist preacher. He was a Bible believing Christian and it was this that fuelled all that he did.
Yet who credits THAT these days? Not the liberals who like their Christians dead in orange jumpsuits on a Libyan beach.
Or cowering behind a bakers counter, hoping the gays won`t fit them up on Newsnight.
As for his sexual issues-what man under such pressure would NOT get tempted by Hoover and the FBI into such stuff? Whether he succumbed or not( I imagine he did); we`re in fake news territory. The Communists WERE all around his campaign, but his views on Communism were well known. Sad to see that the Deep State were up to their evils back then, and have not been cleansed or purged in our lifetimes.
MLK was the real thing, like all prophets he had his weaknesses. But we owe him, so forget the BBC-read his sermons. None better, more often than not.
I wonder why the FBI files on him are sealed until 2027?
Maybe because he was such a great man?
“His name wasn’t Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided Martin Luther had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King.
2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King’s. An academic committee later found that over half of King’s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctorate. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King’s famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950’s.
3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60’s ruled that the FBI files on King links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the correct bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.
4. One of King’s closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King’s obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children.
Martin Luther King Day. A day when this country will come to a screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor this man, a man that most of the world views as a saint for his role in the civil rights movement. No other public holiday in the United States honors a single individual. Of all the great leaders in our Nation’s history – none of them have their own holiday. All of our great war heroes share Memorial Day. All of our great presidents share President’s Day. Yet King — a man who was a phoney, a cheater, a traitor, and a sexual degenerate gets a day of his own.”
After weeks and weeks we are till waiting for Corbyn to condemn Putin but within hours of the “alledged” cover up of toxic source Corbyn is imediately out of his front door asking: where are the microphones! Where are the microphones, I must condemn the British PM/Government!
I don’t know whether you’ve been keeping up with current events but Russia isn’t a Communist country anymore and the Cold War ended around 30 years ago.
630 al beeb London news. Insane . They are fixated with comparing homicide rates between London and New York . And some fool labour MP wants to legislate the internet to stop kids killing each other .
Apparently both teenagers killed on Monday were a result of mistaken identity . Ah well that’s ok then .
The truth is the state withdrew from controlling kids and a fair amount of the foreign ones in londonistan have gone feral . Only fairly brutal crime control will remedy it. Or put a tax on knives ( sick joke).
Al beeb news then followed up with a story about sihks getting mullahed. Off switch time again.
Guess the LondonistN borough for a fatal stabbing tonight .
Awwwww, how sweet.
On BBC London news, Uncle Jeremy is featured at a play group in Watford sitting on the floor with a mother wearing…….a Hijab !!!!!
Old Jezza knows who his voters are. That is of course why he turns the blind eye to the bare-faced antisemitism in his party.
Makes the ‘Top Stories’ main web page because….
When we know of so many huge criminal stories which could be defined as race-hate, which are buried away on local pages.
BBC, not fit for purpose.
You could theoretically have a feud with a black neighbour and put a golliwog right in front of their kitchen widow to intimidate them.
However there is no obvious back story to this case
The words -Prestatyn golliwog- do not appear on Twitter search before today…so it’s not really been a big thing in Prestatyn since she reported it on Jan 4th
The same town actually prosecuted a guy for “racially-aggravated disorder ” for using the term “WELSH sheep-shagger”, instead of just ” “sheep-shagger”.
I was thinking today about the Count Dunkula case and how those humourless fools in the Scottish courts decided that the context behind his ‘crime’ was irrelevant.
Surely context in any legal matter is crucial. Hell, isn’t the distinction between murder and manslaughter that of context?
Re Crime in London: I well remember when the Mc Pherson report declared the entire police force as ‘institutionally racist’, thinking that that would HUGELY UNDERMINE the police. I well remember thinking when Ms M reduced ‘stop and search’ to show off her PC credentials how THAT would UNDERMINE the police. Should I bother to list all the other PC madness that pulls the rug out from under the feet of the police repeatedly. Think I’ll give it a miss. rt Thornton might come on and tell us all what a loon website this is.
I have to tell him: these days Common Sense (replaced by PC) resides with loons. Or the ‘extreme Right’. PC seems to reign supreme. Let the killings/rapes/ burglaries continue. Let the hand-wringing continue.
Now why is this happening?
Nope, no one can figure it out.
Baffling. Where did we go wrong?
Re Crime in London: I well remember when the Mc Pherson report declared the entire police force as ‘institutionally racist’, thinking that that would HUGELY UNDERMINE the police. I well remember thinking when Ms M reduced ‘stop and search’ to show off her PC credentials how THAT would UNDERMINE the police. Should I bother to list all the other PC madness that pulls the rug out from under the feet of the police repeatedly. Think I’ll give it a miss. rt Thornton might come on and tell us all what a loon website this is.
I have to tell him: these days Common Sense (replaced by PC) resides with loons. Or the ‘extreme Right’. Or any other phrase to demonise people who try to think rationally about a matter instead of mouthing the ideologically correct phrases. PC seems to reign supreme. Let the killings/rapes/ burglaries continue. Let the hand-wringing continue.
Now why is this happening?
Nope, no one can figure it out.
Baffling. Where did we go wrong?
We have to deal with the ‘Right’ for trying to point out where we went WRONG…
Exactly what goes on behind the closed doors of the UK madrassas?
Well, precisely what the majority of the British public understand to be going on with the obvious blessing of the Government and police. Not forgetting OFSTED of course.
Lob, not that the police would be interested in. But, hey, use the expression ‘muzzie’ and see what happens. On that subject and my own experience, I cannot emphasise enough, do not let the bastards come into your home if they come ‘aknokin’. No matter what excuse they offer refuse to let them in with out a warrant signed by a Magistrate. As I’ve mentioned here before, voluntarily letting them in is perhaps instinctive for most Brits but, in doing so, you give them licence to search your property without further consent.
I just bet the air is blue behind the scenes at the F.O ! Lots of effing and blinding as to why the Chief Exec at Porton Down was allowed to air his views on a Sky interview and why he didn’t clear it with the FO first. In the words of the fabulous Terry Thomas “what an absolute shower” (just watch him in Carlton-Brown of the FO, brilliant)
All the evidence pointed to ‘Russia’ but I felt that Ms May needed to state her case with a little more caution and reserve. Boris too. Other purposes were being served. We get that. But even lots of pointers are still only circumstantial. It could still have been said with careful thought.
The way it was said, the when it was said…left the door open for this little fiasco. Sorry.
PS Good old Terry Thomas. When the world wasn’t quite so mad.
Do see him in ‘It’s a mad mad mad world’ if you haven’t done so. A gem.
Bit off topic, but I know many of you good people here like to keep tabs on the publishing world. “Ask Me About My Uterus” by Abby Norman is out now in hardback and on Kindle.
The Sunday Times says “as well as a memoir of chronic pain, Ask Me About My Uterus is an examination of how women’s suffering has been questioned and silenced throughout history”.
19:45pm BBC2 Clare Balding is giving a long plug for the Anti-Colonisation protesters at the Commonwealth Games
The image of them has been filling the screen for a while
Saying “Commonwealth Games”= StolenWealthGames
This is the very image BBC2 used
— Sprechen Sie Deutsch (@DeutschSprechen) April 4, 2018
19:30 to 19:41 Opening Ceremony with Ponce Charles
19:41 Item on the protests That image was on the screen for 40s while Balding spoke over it
19:42 to studio with handpicked BBC “diverse panel ” (BBC favourites)
So I was unlucky to switch on for that 40 seconds
More like “Undiscovered Wealth” if it wasn’t for the UK. The Chinese are the 21st Century version in Africa. It even baffles them why they wanted rid of the British from their lands but then did nothing with the swathe of resources remaining.
Mr Grayling said: “The basic premise of the change is to get the law to a position where if you are in your home, and you are confronted by an intruder… then if, in the heat of the moment you use a level of force that in the cold light of day might seem disproportionate, the law will be on your side.”
Mr Cameron said that he was more interested in defending the “rights” of homeowners rather than burglars.
“We’re saying ‘you can do anything as long as it’s not grossly disproportionate,” he said. “You couldn’t, for instance, stab a burglar if they were already unconscious, but really we should be putting the law firmly on the side of the homeowner, the householder, the family, and saying ‘when that burglar crosses your threshold, invades your home, threatens your family, they give up their rights’.
“And I’m more interested in the rights of the people who want to defend their homes and their properties.”
So what happened here and has the law been changed again because the BBC report appears to suggest that it’s back the tired old reasonable force backed up by the CPS
This old guy was 78 for heavens sake and there’s no way he should be arrested save for a debriefing and his own safety from reprisal attacks from the scroats family and friends.
“My view is that someone who defends themselves against an intruder should be interviewed as a witness not as a potential offender.”
Clearly this is not the view of the disastrous Communist Theresa the Appeaser unless of course the suicide of the would be burglar happens to be an effnik.
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From the BBC’s ‘Middle East News’
Jews and Arabs living side by side
In 1978 a small community called Wahat al-Salam, Neve Shalom – meaning “oasis of peace” – was founded by four families, Jews and Arabs, on a hill-top between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
It was a pioneering experiment in peaceful co-existence in the long Middle East conflict.
Four decades on, it is now home to more than 60 families.
Two of its long-standing residents, Nava Sonnenschein and Daoud Boulus, spoke to Witness about life in this “oasis of peace.”
Erm, Arab population in Israel in 2012 was 1,837,000 so I’m guessing there are quite a few more Arabs and Jews ‘living in peace’ and have been doing so since a large number of Arabs chose to settle in Israel in 1948 after the state was formed and after the Israelis defeated the combined Arab States’ attempts to ‘wipe it off the face of the Earth’.
As ever with the BBC, not even half the story.
Interesting figure Johnny. 1,837,000 Muslims living in Israel. Wonder if that is greater than the Jews living in all the Muslim countries put together.
Try this, ss:
Watching these attacks on Israel from the UN and a widespread failure of European countries to call them out – including Britain – it is hard
not to see the world is heading for serious conflict, perhaps a war.
I fear most of all that Britain will be on the wrong side.
Anna Soubry says that Islamophobia has no legal definition so cannot be applied to anyone … read this ….
“We have worked together on this, and I am sure he will agree when I (Anna Soubry) say that the time has now come for a proper legal definition of Islamophobia. Does the Minister agree?” – Anna Soubry
“There are many definitions of Islamophobia, but most people tend to adhere to the one used by the Runnymede Trust. We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised and that we have very effective monitoring of race-hate crimes.” – Victoria Atkins
Islamophobia is an irrational fear of a religion of peace that makes its followers fear for their lives and flee to a hated western country. Once there instead of denouncing those that they claim will torture and murder them, they set up their version of the religion but with them in control to perpetrate the same bias, hatred and bigotry they claim to have fled from
Islamomonia what they do when they get here.
Islamoblamia, nothing is ever their fault or responsibility, crime rape, murder always blame the host country. Aided and abetted by useful idiots in the left wing press and BBC
By having no definition of something it allows the authorities to be flexible and deem whatever they want whenever they want to be an offence .
Yes we now have a kind of procrustean system of laws in respect of things like ‘hate crime’ or in any dispute where two litigants are of different ethnicity. And guess which colour who will be sentenced more harshly.
The CPS and the common purpose top brass of the police all need sacking and/or lengthy jail terms. And of course those in the Home Office who allowed such discriminatory nonsense in the first place.
‘Islamophobia’ = Islam is beyond criticism.
‘Community Cohesion’ = theoretical state of society when there is no ‘Islamophobia’.
‘Reality’ = cultural and physical separation, blind eye being turned to illiberal and criminal cultural practices, preferential treatment and appeasement by the authorities including incorporation of some of said practices into British law and…..resentment by the host population.
Help me out here … “Man jailed over Islamophobic emails” CPS Website.” { 28ap2017}
Anna Soubry “I (Anna Soubry) say that the time has now come for a proper legal definition of Islamophobia.”
Victoria Atkins – “We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised.”
If their is no legal definition of Islamophobia (open to abuse) then why are the CPS using that term on their website?
Dont worry Anna – I have a definition of “Islamophobia” that you can use whenever you want!
Def; ISLAMOPHOBIA – Spurious and confected “phobia” to confer special “victim” status to a particular favoured religious minority who’s aims (according to their religious book) often appear to be at variance with the rest of society.
The names and faces of those killed in London
In just 123 days, 50 people have been killed in London – raising serious concerns about how to tackle violent crime on the city’s streets.
Looks like a Grenfell tower photo
how many indigenous people left in our capital?
It’s all about priorities.
I’m indigenous and I was born in east London and now live in east londonistan . Another interesting picture would be the faces of those charged with the killings or descriptions of suspects .
That’s where it gets difficult for al beeboid snowflakes – multi cultures killing each other and c—ts like Lammy whining about prisons being full of black male killers and paki terrorists
The 2021 Census figures will make for interesting reading…2011 figures show Londonistan as 45% white and that 600k whites moved out since 2001. I imagine a future with 0% indigenous whites when Londonistan becomes a totally lawless no-go zone 🙁
Out of interest, does anyone happen to know how many of these enrichers are property owners?
Country – lots of benefits fraud supplying the cash for deposits then rent out to 20 to a room on shifts – cash only . Councils bribed to look the other way. Inspectors bought off or relatives of the owners . An ethnic speciality as they can hide behind race .
Nun’s Moor Park: Man charged with rape of teenage girl
…and it’s a Muslim sounding name (again).
Was this girl raped, assaulted or attacked?
Two sentences and the BBC use three words for what happened.
The police released a photo of the bloke they`ve caught, but the BBC won`t be showing us that, in case we think it`s another Muslim.
But never fear-the girl is getting counselling and the BBC want you to know that. Only six lines, but one is devoted to the police looking after her. So why do we worry?
As ever, the news will leak out from somewhere-but it won`t be the BBC, It never is.
The comments to this will doubtless improve with age.
Paygap = Hasty Generalization Fallacy
of trying to draw proper conclusions from simplistic data
“You’d fail a first year sociology student for producing a study like that”
The input data doesn’t include so many things like hours worked, experience, training cost etc.
eg it’s not an offence to pay doctors more than nurses
cos for a start doctors have to have study 5 years without earning anything whereas thenurses they work alongside might have been paid all the way through their on the job training.
Only the BBC could ask us whether a statistic generated by others-a neutral thing-might be “sexist”.
The number 8 is curvy and feminine, the number 1 is linear and penetrative. The number 9 seems gender fluid.
Can I have my maths degree?
Adopt the brace position now…
Bevan stuffing doctors’ mouths with gold to join the international health service – was it ever thus
A bit off the pace today but mention of Toady by GW reminds me of a bizarre interview at about 0735 when Humphries, with no irony, interviewed as an implied expert.. on Salisbury I think…….Dianne Abbott!!! Humphries’s toe-curlingly soft questions led to a moment where he was egging her on to have a go at Boris J and she sort of was so embarrassed she seemed to hold back.
I sometimes think Humphries is the last man standing up to a bit of impartiality but it appears I was wrong.
Humph is another one who was a journo but sold his soul for £650k pa to be a beeboid . Sometimes I feel embarrassed listening to the bias . Bit like him talking about the ridiculous genda pay gap for the over paid.
He must be waiting to do a noktee and pretend to be a proper journo like alistair cook. Now there was a man who lacked bias ( except for the waster Kennedy clan).
Oh goody! It’s gender pay gap day today. The bBBC feminazis must have their vibrators on max.
Why can the zealots not understand that average pay per female, if lower than average pay per male does not of itself equate to discrimination.
The gender pay gap is a never-ending saga that will thrill and fill the news hacks, much as Leveson minutiae, Trump and Rusiia, Chilcot or Barniers body language does.
It`s their news for them. The rest of us need not bother with them or their preoccupations.
Meanwhile France is in meltdown with SNCF strikes, and a decent , honourable footballer died way too early.
Who gives a stuff about womens pay gays at the BBC-only Womans Hour and their lefty invites. My mum gets £7.92 per hour, my uncle gets £8.25. You can only imagine how vicious the fighting is between them.
Life without the BBC-it`s lovely, do join!
News at 5 watch
Bloody Martin LK . Apparently people listening yesterday had to suffer 8 minutes of wind . Any the snowflakes cried . Great speaker -so was hitler – so was Obama. But it’s results that matter not words .
Getting all messianic and going for hyperbole and promises mean nothing . Not in the al beeb script .
Off switch time
Weird isnt it? Think about the BBC filming Cliff Richard’s house as it was being taken over by the Police. No need for hard evidence there in order to report.
Now let us consider the MLK adulation on the bBBC today but for some reason they seem to have selective amnesia of their own reports !!! How about this ?
Still, as usual with the bBBC, forget journalism, the agenda is the thing.
Martin Luther King was the last Christian world-famous prophet that we`ve known.
Only the BBC could besmirch his legacy and meaning with their endless crap about Black Lives Matters, Obama and how Malcolm X was only the man that we could have been ,had King not been shot. The clue`s in his name-MARTIN LUTHER…Baptist preacher. He was a Bible believing Christian and it was this that fuelled all that he did.
Yet who credits THAT these days? Not the liberals who like their Christians dead in orange jumpsuits on a Libyan beach.
Or cowering behind a bakers counter, hoping the gays won`t fit them up on Newsnight.
As for his sexual issues-what man under such pressure would NOT get tempted by Hoover and the FBI into such stuff? Whether he succumbed or not( I imagine he did); we`re in fake news territory. The Communists WERE all around his campaign, but his views on Communism were well known. Sad to see that the Deep State were up to their evils back then, and have not been cleansed or purged in our lifetimes.
MLK was the real thing, like all prophets he had his weaknesses. But we owe him, so forget the BBC-read his sermons. None better, more often than not.
I wonder why the FBI files on him are sealed until 2027?
Maybe because he was such a great man?
“His name wasn’t Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided Martin Luther had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King.
2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King’s. An academic committee later found that over half of King’s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctorate. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King’s famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950’s.
3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60’s ruled that the FBI files on King links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the correct bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.
4. One of King’s closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King’s obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children.
Martin Luther King Day. A day when this country will come to a screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor this man, a man that most of the world views as a saint for his role in the civil rights movement. No other public holiday in the United States honors a single individual. Of all the great leaders in our Nation’s history – none of them have their own holiday. All of our great war heroes share Memorial Day. All of our great presidents share President’s Day. Yet King — a man who was a phoney, a cheater, a traitor, and a sexual degenerate gets a day of his own.”
After weeks and weeks we are till waiting for Corbyn to condemn Putin but within hours of the “alledged” cover up of toxic source Corbyn is imediately out of his front door asking: where are the microphones! Where are the microphones, I must condemn the British PM/Government!
Communist Leech!
I don’t know whether you’ve been keeping up with current events but Russia isn’t a Communist country anymore and the Cold War ended around 30 years ago.
In the words of Gerry Adams… “They’ve not gone away, you know!”…
A bit like the 1970’s Militant Tendency (Momentum, anyone?).
London news update
630 al beeb London news. Insane . They are fixated with comparing homicide rates between London and New York . And some fool labour MP wants to legislate the internet to stop kids killing each other .
Apparently both teenagers killed on Monday were a result of mistaken identity . Ah well that’s ok then .
The truth is the state withdrew from controlling kids and a fair amount of the foreign ones in londonistan have gone feral . Only fairly brutal crime control will remedy it. Or put a tax on knives ( sick joke).
Al beeb news then followed up with a story about sihks getting mullahed. Off switch time again.
Guess the LondonistN borough for a fatal stabbing tonight .
Awwwww, how sweet.
On BBC London news, Uncle Jeremy is featured at a play group in Watford sitting on the floor with a mother wearing…….a Hijab !!!!!
Old Jezza knows who his voters are. That is of course why he turns the blind eye to the bare-faced antisemitism in his party.
Prestatyn man denies race-hate in golliwog court case
Makes the ‘Top Stories’ main web page because….
When we know of so many huge criminal stories which could be defined as race-hate, which are buried away on local pages.
BBC, not fit for purpose.
You could theoretically have a feud with a black neighbour and put a golliwog right in front of their kitchen widow to intimidate them.
However there is no obvious back story to this case
The words -Prestatyn golliwog- do not appear on Twitter search before today…so it’s not really been a big thing in Prestatyn since she reported it on Jan 4th
The same town actually prosecuted a guy for “racially-aggravated disorder ” for using the term “WELSH sheep-shagger”, instead of just ” “sheep-shagger”.
The precedent is that in 2013 Scottish police decided not to prosecute about a 1936 mural which featured a golliwog looking out of a window.
Twitter shows me that there’s golliwogs across the country in diferent windows
.. and sometimes lefties squealing
Only time someone was convicted was when they put a noose round its neck
I was thinking today about the Count Dunkula case and how those humourless fools in the Scottish courts decided that the context behind his ‘crime’ was irrelevant.
Surely context in any legal matter is crucial. Hell, isn’t the distinction between murder and manslaughter that of context?
Re Crime in London: I well remember when the Mc Pherson report declared the entire police force as ‘institutionally racist’, thinking that that would HUGELY UNDERMINE the police. I well remember thinking when Ms M reduced ‘stop and search’ to show off her PC credentials how THAT would UNDERMINE the police. Should I bother to list all the other PC madness that pulls the rug out from under the feet of the police repeatedly. Think I’ll give it a miss. rt Thornton might come on and tell us all what a loon website this is.
I have to tell him: these days Common Sense (replaced by PC) resides with loons. Or the ‘extreme Right’. PC seems to reign supreme. Let the killings/rapes/ burglaries continue. Let the hand-wringing continue.
Now why is this happening?
Nope, no one can figure it out.
Baffling. Where did we go wrong?
Re Crime in London: I well remember when the Mc Pherson report declared the entire police force as ‘institutionally racist’, thinking that that would HUGELY UNDERMINE the police. I well remember thinking when Ms M reduced ‘stop and search’ to show off her PC credentials how THAT would UNDERMINE the police. Should I bother to list all the other PC madness that pulls the rug out from under the feet of the police repeatedly. Think I’ll give it a miss. rt Thornton might come on and tell us all what a loon website this is.
I have to tell him: these days Common Sense (replaced by PC) resides with loons. Or the ‘extreme Right’. Or any other phrase to demonise people who try to think rationally about a matter instead of mouthing the ideologically correct phrases. PC seems to reign supreme. Let the killings/rapes/ burglaries continue. Let the hand-wringing continue.
Now why is this happening?
Nope, no one can figure it out.
Baffling. Where did we go wrong?
We have to deal with the ‘Right’ for trying to point out where we went WRONG…
Exactly what goes on behind the closed doors of the UK madrassas?
Well, precisely what the majority of the British public understand to be going on with the obvious blessing of the Government and police. Not forgetting OFSTED of course.
Islam sees the UK as an absolute joke, ripe for takeover.
No “hate speech” there, then!
Lob, not that the police would be interested in. But, hey, use the expression ‘muzzie’ and see what happens. On that subject and my own experience, I cannot emphasise enough, do not let the bastards come into your home if they come ‘aknokin’. No matter what excuse they offer refuse to let them in with out a warrant signed by a Magistrate. As I’ve mentioned here before, voluntarily letting them in is perhaps instinctive for most Brits but, in doing so, you give them licence to search your property without further consent.
“Islam sees the UK as an absolute joke, ripe for takeover.”
They’re right, we are.
I just bet the air is blue behind the scenes at the F.O ! Lots of effing and blinding as to why the Chief Exec at Porton Down was allowed to air his views on a Sky interview and why he didn’t clear it with the FO first. In the words of the fabulous Terry Thomas “what an absolute shower” (just watch him in Carlton-Brown of the FO, brilliant)
Just for you!
Aw bless Lobby ! TT was great.
All the evidence pointed to ‘Russia’ but I felt that Ms May needed to state her case with a little more caution and reserve. Boris too. Other purposes were being served. We get that. But even lots of pointers are still only circumstantial. It could still have been said with careful thought.
The way it was said, the when it was said…left the door open for this little fiasco. Sorry.
PS Good old Terry Thomas. When the world wasn’t quite so mad.
Do see him in ‘It’s a mad mad mad world’ if you haven’t done so. A gem.
Views own, obvs.
This is truly an exceptional account.
Bit off topic, but I know many of you good people here like to keep tabs on the publishing world.
“Ask Me About My Uterus” by Abby Norman is out now in hardback and on Kindle.
The Sunday Times says “as well as a memoir of chronic pain, Ask Me About My Uterus is an examination of how women’s suffering has been questioned and silenced throughout history”.
I’ll probably wait until the film comes out
I think the film has already been released – it’s called “A Womb With A View”.
I’ll get me coat …..
Top marks Lobster!
19:45pm BBC2 Clare Balding is giving a long plug for the Anti-Colonisation protesters at the Commonwealth Games
The image of them has been filling the screen for a while
Saying “Commonwealth Games”= StolenWealthGames
This is the very image BBC2 used
19:30 to 19:41 Opening Ceremony with Ponce Charles
19:41 Item on the protests That image was on the screen for 40s while Balding spoke over it
19:42 to studio with handpicked BBC “diverse panel ” (BBC favourites)
So I was unlucky to switch on for that 40 seconds
More like “Undiscovered Wealth” if it wasn’t for the UK. The Chinese are the 21st Century version in Africa. It even baffles them why they wanted rid of the British from their lands but then did nothing with the swathe of resources remaining.
Mr Grayling said: “The basic premise of the change is to get the law to a position where if you are in your home, and you are confronted by an intruder… then if, in the heat of the moment you use a level of force that in the cold light of day might seem disproportionate, the law will be on your side.”
Mr Cameron said that he was more interested in defending the “rights” of homeowners rather than burglars.
“We’re saying ‘you can do anything as long as it’s not grossly disproportionate,” he said. “You couldn’t, for instance, stab a burglar if they were already unconscious, but really we should be putting the law firmly on the side of the homeowner, the householder, the family, and saying ‘when that burglar crosses your threshold, invades your home, threatens your family, they give up their rights’.
“And I’m more interested in the rights of the people who want to defend their homes and their properties.”
So what happened here and has the law been changed again because the BBC report appears to suggest that it’s back the tired old reasonable force backed up by the CPS
This old guy was 78 for heavens sake and there’s no way he should be arrested save for a debriefing and his own safety from reprisal attacks from the scroats family and friends.
“My view is that someone who defends themselves against an intruder should be interviewed as a witness not as a potential offender.”
Clearly this is not the view of the disastrous Communist Theresa the Appeaser unless of course the suicide of the would be burglar happens to be an effnik.
Other news
– Tommy Robinson on RT
bbc goes the ‘criticised by’ route.
These “glass ceilings” we keep hearing about never seemed to be a problem for Margaret Thatcher.