It’s daft talking about the effect of Cambridge Analytica on Brexit via Facebook
when the libEstab rig EVERY news bulletin &every current affairs show DAY IN, DAY OUT.
PC bingo full house on ‘The Big Paintinf Challenge’. The contestants include: a married gay man; a black woman; a fat woman; an Asian man; a disabled man empowered in some way; an elderly man.
The instant we have reached ‘peak diversity’ gangsters will put down their knives, terrorists will stop plotting and we will all join hands as paradise on Earth will have arrived.
They don’t even bother to play the game it appears. At least C4 still buys in some decent stuff from abroad, although I recommend avoiding Belgian noir, it isn’t a patch on the Scandinavian equivalents.
I’ve already mentioned on here the Oz drama A Place to Call Home, well, tonight I watched another excellent Aussie offering – a new series on Drama called The Heart Guy. Far funnier than anything on our own channels – and only a couple of ethnics; a mixed race nurse with a terrible Irish accent, and an oriental Asian. Completely watchable.
He doesn’t.
His left wrist is being used to prop the violin.
It should be loose, pointing down.
Also he seems to be bowing ‘col legno’ (the wooden side of the bow, not the horsehair side) which although a defined technique, is extremely rare to say the least.
And he is not holding the bow correctly either.
So having agreed to participate in the BBC tax dodging scam, she failed to make any personal pension provision, presumably preferring to spend her cash instead. Still as the wife of a wealthy old Etonian businessman, Sir Christoper Brooke, I doubt she’ll be subsisting on beans on toast in her dotage, even give her meagre earnings. However Lady Brooke, to use her formal title, should probably not apply for any future broadcasting role involving financial advice as it clearly isn’t her forte, despite an earlier career in the city #poshwomensproblems
I am shocked that the head girl is actually Lady Brooke – if ever there was an example of how disconnected to the listener a beeboid would be is some one called lady Brooke .
It’s almost as surprising as a socialist shadow foreign sec called Lady Nugee.
The BBC website carries on with it’s absolute obsession
with Tiger Woods. Again for the tenth time it is the
MAJOR headline on the website. So far as the actual golf
is concerned Tiger cant see the wood for the trees anymore.
BUT this once great golfer ticks the right boxes so far as
golf is concerned.
I’d have thought mass migration would lower house prices in areas where it occurs and push prices up in areas that it was yet to reach…or is that illogical? 🙁
Makes me chuckle when I hear of the claims that brexiteers didnt know what they were voting for.
Because I think back to 1975, and our referendum on whether to stay in or get out.
All the remainers of course knew they were voting for
Complete political union.
Total loss of sovereignty
A border free schengen area.
An EU army
An EU arrest warrant..
Yada yada yada yada….
Yes of course they knew all of that didnt they?
Apparently there was going to be half an attack on the Berlin half marathon – another half dozen gathered together all with mental health issues and an “adios “ betamax vidjoe.
Imagine being so utterly, utterly contemptuous & cavalier about spending public money as the production team of Brian Cox's Wonders of the Universe when they flew off on a jolly to Rio to film some pretentious cack in an abandoned prison for absolutely no valid reason whatsoever.
Couldn`t the BBC have saves us some money and sent him to the Maze in Belfast?
Imagine McGuinness is scraping the shit from the walls of hell for ever.
Five years today since the death of Mrs Thatcher, one since the demise of Brian Matthew.
We`ve lost a hell of a lot of our countrys cultural capital, and we`re left with Phil Shiner and Rylan Clark-Neal.
God surely has a plan, seems screwy to me though.
Meanwhile, our hugely subsidised 7,500 wind turbines are producing a measly 0.47% of current electricity demand. The whole wind industry is running at less than 2% of its capacity. So this means effectively only 150 of the 7500 are producing any power. What a fecking waste of our money! A scandal of immense proportions the BBC will never mention .
I drove through part of Northumbria today and counted over 40 of the wretched things – none of them turning; still at least the landowners will be getting their £12,000 per year for each one on their property.
Hope all the girls in the production dept. have reinforced their jean pockets should Handy Andy get a bit tired and emotional after a long, difficult day.
£4b a year and the BBC cannot do simple science. Some old man on the Masters golf coverage used a fixed metal ramp to demonstrate how far a ball will roll down hill on the fast greens. Then using the “same ramp” he demonstrated how little it rolls the other way up the hill.
Not the same ramp at all! If the metal ramp is fixed at say 30 degrees and is placed on a 10 degree down slope then the ramp is actually 40 degrees (30+10). When he reverses the direction the ramp would be 20 degrees (30-10).
I would have thought at least one person at the BBC on an all expenses jolly to the USA to cover the Masters could see his demonstration was scientifically flawed!
Its a gas attack on children. Unverified, probable. And who supplied the evidence?
The saintly White Helmets of course.
‘One video, recorded by rescue workers known as the White Helmets, shows a number of men, women and children lying lifeless inside a house, many with foam at their mouths.’
Just listening to In Business and the Irish ‘Brexit’ problem.
Yet another anti-Brexit programme by the BBC.
We are told how milk tankers might be held up at the border, with the milk turning sour, clearly refigerators haven’t got there yet. All the customs paperwork on the EU/UK border will make it hard to trade with the UK so they are looking to sell milk powder into the Middle East. So no ‘external’ border there then?
If the Irish do so much trade with the UK maybe they should leave the EU too BBC? Why not ask that question?
Thought that this one had been sorted last November when both sides-E.U and Britain -had agreed on the EU paper that had been prepared to prevent any of this nonsense that they suddenly are coming up with in Brussels.
This is a sorted non-issue that has only been reheated by a malicious E.U and a craven gay Indian Teashop who wants to be as obtuse as the IRA who threaten his votes in the republic.
And that they try to whip up cross-border history to get a result for Brussels bureaucrats is truly evil. And only shows how debauched and irrelevant Ireland is now a former sovereign nation. It`s now a dick splint for the European Union.
And we need to play hardball and threaten the Irish with no trade or ports if they don`t remember who baled them out in 2010/11.
At least the Greeks and Italians will regain their pride-the Irish are intent on a hunger strike that`ll finish them as anything but a Google cabbage patch.
Is there a helpline I can ring to pledge her some money? Am happy to swim with dolphins somewhere nice for a few weeks if it helps poor Sarah make ends meet?
Dare we lose this talent?
Lady Nugee-Brooke Appeal.
Yes, also Osborne as Chancellor announced that the taxpayer will have to find an extra £3.5 Billion for some nonsense or other. I remember the joy on the BBC reporters face when she was filmed recording that statement outside No. 11 – Kuenssberg.
Do you ever listen to that programme ? I used to use it to nod off . Bonny Greer -who I suppose is an American democrat gets a pulpit to expound her snow flake views . Why ? Why does al beeb regularly roll the likes of her and Toynbee , and ms Owen Jones on their programmes ?
Surely there are wider opinions than just these people ? It seems not just biased but lazy .
I believe the 3 panelists on that programme were remainers – no surprise there . Off switch time
PS – albeeb saying that victor Orban won but lost the Hungarian Election – if he does land up with a decent majority they’ll bury this in the morning .
Jane Hill is supposed to be unbiased. Not by the sound of
her report from Budapest. Sorry Jane, the Hungarians
don’t want a load of mentally ill van drivers in their
Bonnie Greer is a US born, British black woman who has had tax payer’s money to write plays that no one wants to see. She campaigns for all the BBC’s favourite ideas.
She has pocketed tens of thousands from the BBC for plays about such subjects as the mental health problems of black women. She is often seen on Newsnight and Question Time. Her appearance on one QT program stirred her to write an Opera about it thus enriching western art. She writes for the Guardian and Time Out.
She is a member of umpteen tax funded groups and despises the west and Britain. I have never heard her say anything kind or positive about the country whose tax payers have made her wealthy.
Yep, I think Afua Hirsch is the love child of Bonnie Greer – both out of the same mold, yet happy to take the pay cheque for appearing as talking heads on the BBC and Sky’s the Pledge. They both need to get out there and bloody work for a living !
I have been taken to task for not believing instantly that Putin directly ordered and enabled the attack on the Skripals. Let us work with the known knowns for a while, ie. all that we have been told by the BBC (in my case limited to Radio 4 & the web-site) but setting aside some contradictions or confusions sown by the BBC themselves.
Putin orders the killing and provides the assassin with a deadly nerve agent that is in two parts and is highly toxic when mixed but decays to uselessness quite quickly. The assassin carries the chemicals to the UK together with the necessary protective clothing and gets them through customs.
The supposed (assumed) purpose is to kill the Skripals or at least frighten them. It is also, by extension, to frighten other Russian enemies of Putin and/or the Kremlin who have sought to live here in the UK.
Julia Skripal arrives in the UK and goes to straight to Salisbury. The assassin is either there already (perhaps staking out the house?) or makes the same journey. During the night (Sat>Sun) or before anyone is awake at the Skripal house, the assassin mixes the two parts of the nerve agent, wearing protective clothing (air to air contact is a deadly prospect for a while) and goes to the house in protective clothing and applies the nerve agent to the handle of the front door. All that notwithstanding the possibility of attracting attention and being seen, together with the collateral risk to neighbours, tradespersons, burglars even, et al and also excluding the possibility that the Skripals might leave and return to the house via another door, say, at the rear of the property.
The Skripals’ first movements on the day appear to be house to graveyard. At this point contact may have been made with the nerve agent but it is not so soon as to be immediately effective. If they return inside and handle the door handle and handle the pets, then the agent must have lost sufficient potency for the animals not to show signs of sickness or death which would raise some alarm.
It is possible that the Skripals return to the house after visiting the family graves. That could be the point of first contact with the nerve agent and may explain its loss of potency.
They then go to a pub in the town centre for drinks.
From there, they go to eat at the Zizzi’s Restaurant. The table is so highly contaminated after their visit that it has to be destroyed. They are now possibly feeling unwell or leave the restaurant and start feeling unwell and go to sit on the bench in the street. They are seen to be in distress. People notice. A police detective-sergeant, presumably off-duty, also notices and goes to help them by which time one or both of the Skripals are unconscious and not breathing. The officer gives one or both CPR.
In the meantime, the emergency services have been alerted and they arrive, taking the Skripals to hospital. The detective either goes with them as escort or is also starting to feel unwell. All three are hospitalised. News breaks very quickly. Witnesses from the street are interviewed same day on BBC R4 and again on the Monday. An investigation starts and proceeds with the Prime Minister making her statement to the House of Commons on the Wednesday.
There is no information about the hunt for the assassin at all. What has happened to the assassin? They could be lying low within the UK, still with stocks of the nerve agent components. They may have died from the same chemical in a location yet to be discovered or found by the authorities but not revealed. They might have left the UK to return to Russia. (If so, their lack of success in the mission – now known – may not go well for them.) They may have been tracked by MI5 and/or Special Branch and picked up and detained. Though it seems unlikely, they may have been stopped by our Border Force. If either of the last two possibilities, it was done very quietly and privately with no public attention at all.
Massive resources are drafted in to Salisbury as part of the investigation after a day or so, including military specialists in germ/chemical warfare. There is much coverage of the removal not just of Sergei Skripal’s car but also some of the Police and emergency vehicles that might be contaminated.
There is occasional news and interviews including with a former Porton Down chemist, another highly qualified chemist (a Professor, if I recall correctly) and politicians. Politicians and broadcasters say “We must not speculate.” and “We must let the investigation takes its course.” And “We must not jump to hasty conclusions.” Despite all that, some broadcasters do so and some politicians join in while many are cautious.
We are told that someone claiming to be a cousin of Sergei Skripal has said that Sergei was depressed.
We are variously told that the nerve agent is of the Novichok type, also that it is an organophosphate, that it is ‘military grade’, that it carries a ‘fingerprint’ to the lab that manufactured it, that its only made in one, maybe two places in ‘Russia’ but that may include The Ukraine. We are told by the PM that it is most probable that it was an attack by the Russians. Her language is subtly toned down over the three days following her statement to the House. Probable becomes most possible becomes highly likely. Boris Johnson is not so reticent in statements and heads in the opposite direction.
We are told that the table from the restaurant has been destroyed. The Secretary of State for Defence tells the Russians to ‘shut up’.
We are told after some days by a police investigator that they wish to establish the movements of the Skripals and that they are concentrating their attention on Julia Skripal. We are later told that the greatest concentration of the nerve agent was found on the exterior door handle of Sergei Skripal’s house.
The Organisation for Prevention of Chemical Weapons (a Treaty organisation to which the UK is signed up) asks to investigate or is invited to send scientists to investigate. They state in advance of starting work that it will take them two weeks to report. They go to Court to obtain sanction to take blood samples from the victims. In the meantime, in the UK & BBC media three things happen.
First, attacks on Jeremy Corbyn commence because he wishes to wait for the conclusion of the investigation. Secondly, there are diplomatic expulsions by Britain, other Western and one Southern nations and by Russia in retaliation together with talk of a new Cold War and even the possibility of actual war. The attacks on Jeremy Corbyn are widened to include Boris Johnson. Thirdly, they are then widened further to include anyone who does not firmly believe that Putin ordered the attack and provided the chemicals whether made by the Russian Army or by the FSB.
While the whole thing plays out there is little interest in hourly ‘running news’ bulletins on the condition of D-S Nick Bailey or the Skripals who all eventually recover or show signs of a recovery to an extent. There is no apparent attempt to apprehend the assassin.
The police officer recovers from unconsciousness first and starts talking. Then the daughter, Julia, followed in the last forty-eight hours by Sergei Skripal.
Julia Skripal makes a statement which is released on her behalf by the Police. This is followed by news of a supposed telephone call from a cousin in Russia to Julia in hospital, initially thought to be faked but I think this has now been found to be genuine. We receive no news of whether Julia has been interviewed by police or what she has been able to tell them.
We also receive news in the last forty-eight hours that Sergei kept pets, two cats and two guinea pigs. The guinea pigs are dead. The cat became ill and distressed and was put down. There is no mention of the second cat or its condition.
This is where we are now, errors & omissions excepted. I apologise for the length of this but feel it is worth setting it out as no other possible explanation can exist according to ‘most people’. This is the public domain information, from the BBC via Radio Four. If I have missed anything, please add it. I do not listen to all news broadcasts or catch them in totality.
It does seem strange that a professional assassin, trained and equipped by the Russian State, should choose such an indefinite means of killing its target(s) while possibly indiscriminately killing third parties or even the assailant themselves. Perhaps Russia should consider a return to the more reliable umbrella or retractable ballpoint pen or Polonium in the teapot? I await the OPCW Report with interest and reserve judgement although I would not be surprised if nothing, effectively, changes.
Please feel free to make up your own mind, based on evidence in the public domain or based on your speculation or reasoned assumptions. We live, as ever, in interesting times.
wronged, to answer your question, I did wonder for a brief moment whether the PM had deliberately gone over the top (in all senses) on Skripal & Putin in order to get rid of Bojo, remove him as a Tory leadership challenger and halt Brexit, even if it might also cost her her job. For a moment. Then I dismissed it. Too weird.
Mind you, I remember that Readers Digest made a fortune on the back of ‘The Truth is stranger than Fiction.’.
Reminds me of the Las Vegas massacre. Shock, outrage, we can’t give you anymore information, let the police/fbi do their job…still waiting. Very few answers have been provided. At first, Tucker and pals kept asking questions but I think even he’s given up now. It’s unbelievable that the public allows an organisation to act like this.
Obviously, there is much about this case we still do not know.
We do know that the Eastern bloc has form in killing emigres in the west using chemical weapons. It started in the 1950s, when KGB assassins in West Germany used cyanide sprays. In 1978 Georgi Markov was assassinated with ricin, and of course Alexander Litvinyenko was murdered with Polonium 210.
I do not know why the Russian secret services used these esoteric weapons when a silenced pistol would do just as well, but they do have very large research departments, so perhaps they just like to use these poisons once they have been developed.
In the case of the Skripals, we have something which fits into that established pattern. Sergei Skripal had been released by Russia, and should not have been a target, but Putin is a vindictive man, and has publicly said he will never forgive traitors. Skripal was useful alive as part of a spy swap, but once the Russian spies were back, he had no value to Russia, so could be eliminated as an example to other “traitors”.
From what I have read (and it could all be wrong), in this case the novichock was administered as a gel on Skripal’s door handle. If it came in two parts, the assassin would have been in no danger until the two parts were mixed, and as a gel he would not have had to worry about breathing it in. I assume the level of lethality can be controlled too. In this case, it would need to be lower than it could be, since the Russians wanted to kill Skripal, not half of Salisbury. Maybe that is why the three people poisoned by it have survived.
But really, given the long history of Russia using poison to murder exiles in the west, and given Putin’s vengeful character, I have no reason to doubt that this was a Russian hit on a man Putin saw as a traitor. Unless I see evidence to the contrary, that is the reasonable conclusion to draw.
RiC, glad you mentioned Markov. I remember that case and think what a wonderful example it was of a targeted, effective, assassination. Think I mention umbrellas elsewhere. 😉
I agree that the Skripal attack fits a pattern but have you noticed what the BBC have also not been asking questions about? The other ‘suspicious death’ of Russian emigre at the same time as the Skripal attack?
I would remind you that we were told that Novichoks were SO DEADLY that initial ‘air to air’ contact was sufficient for an effect. Agree about a gel – that would enable the use of an innocent pen as the carrier weapon (safe and effective) – but we have been ‘told’ it was a powder. It is interesting that it has since emerged that a time delay might have been built into the nerve agent.
I agree that it could have been Putin directed but also could be 1) a rogue FSB operation, 2) a freelance operation on behalf of the FSB or done in order to try to win friends at the FSB, 3) a Russian criminal gangster hit, and 4) a Western criminal gangster hit. Lots of possibilities there before Putin’s assertions that it was an MI5/6 job.
We do not know what Sergei Skripal was up to in his life in Britain. Living quietly on the pension afforded him by Her Majesty? No questions have been asked by the BBC at all about his current life.
What this all does go to prove is how the BBC not doing their job leaves a lot of BBC generated ‘disinformation’ out there. Then, they have the nerve to complain about that!
Meanwhile, the “German-born” van driver in Münster, whose name we don’t know but mental health status we do; with no known connection to Islam but with connections to the far right has disappeared from the news. Like it never happened.
Perhaps he will return to the headlines when they get their story right and have done him up like a kipper.
After the masterpieces from Jane Hill about the Hungarian Election I wonder about the link at bottom of the BBC web pages,”
Why you can trust BBC News ” . Surely a mistake. The link should go to “404 page not found”.
Last night albeeb was saying victor Orban would win but with a reduced majority thus making him less challenging to the ReichEU.
This morning their news is using the term “ landslide” with him holding 2 thirds of the parliament .
The wishful thinking for all things pro Islam and liberal ( impossible) is so clear to see for those who want to see.
I just hope mr Orban challenges the ReichEU about forcing immigrants on countries who are wise enough to refuse them . As we have found – open the door a little bit and you lose your country . GCHQ monitoring – another one for the file.
They referred to it as an ‘act of violence’ which is newspeak for terrorism.
The liberal elite love to sneer at Trump for his coarseness or dismiss Leave voters as ‘low information’ but they never thought it might be an extremely bad idea to let your enemies flood into your countries.
I used to really enjoy the selection of World Service programmes on Radio 4 between 1am and 5.20am. Recently they have gone so SJW they are unbearable.
At 3am was ‘Hard Talk’ where they interviewed a mildly right wing Norwegian politician who thinks immigrants should maybe integrate, nor cover their faces etc and that radical Islam might be a bit of a problem. The interviewer grandstanded and acted like she was heinous. A key symptom of the SJW illness is an inability to adapt views to accommodate new evidence, which is too numerous to go into fully here. Er, Rotherham? Two terror attacks just over the weekend in Germany? It is the same with the ‘pay gap’. Once Jordan Peterson brilliantly explains why it does not exist and how forcing equal outcomes would be tyranny, they just ignore his wise words and continue to bang on about equal outcomes. The liberal elite are on the wrong side of the argument with the ROP and should stand up for us for once. How their betrayal disgusts me to my very core.
Then at 3.30am they interview a female gamer, as not enough women gaming is a problem apparently though I see no problem in men and women preferring different pursuits. She has suffered – you guessed it – online abuse, another BBC Groundhog narrative. I play with my mates online and we constantly abuse each other; it is part of how men communicate. If she has just beaten some anonymous geek who lives thousands of miles away and does not even know who she really is, there is no need to wallow in the victimhood of some childish abuse. SJWs also suffer from hyper literlalism: they still never get it when Trump is trolling them to get a reaction, or that people might make light-hearted jokes to friends on Twitter which do not condemn their entire character for eternity.
It is no coincidence that as we approach the year for which they plan to have ‘peak diversity’ much of their output is unbearable. They should aim for quality, not diversity. In the reckless quest for perfection they have ruined something good.
When the world service did away with the traditional call sign music and replaced it with bongo noise you knew what was coming . World service was the last bit of the objective bbc . Then it became al beeb like the rest of the rubbish.
Dead right! I believe some BBC person said Lilliburlero was too redolent of our military and imperial past. There was an intermediate stage when it was played not by a military band but by a string orchestra. Is Lilliburlero played at all now on the World Service?
Online abuse has become a new form of martyrdom. If someone has been “abused” online then they are assumed to be in the right, so no further thought is needed. Of course only people who disagree with the BBC approved view are ever guilty of abusing people.
Entirely agree BB it seems de rigueur now to demand apologies left right and centre, (or mostly at right from left)’, when is a so called “celebrity” or politician going to have the guts to say “sod off” and “get over yourself” next time someone is “offended”
When I saw him proudly saying he called someone a fat pig and mocking a woman for being on her period a weight lifted and a heavenly fresh air blew; he became a massianic figure for me after that as he is the only one who stands up to the tyranny with manners which is political correctness. Nobody can make jokes anymore and that is so terrible.
Where are the stories on the BBC about two thirds of asylume seekers lying about their age to get in ? surely that is in the public interest ?? or a baby mutilated by non married muslim father againt mothers wishes ? or mosque in outer Hebrides built against Stonaway residents wishes WHERE are these stories ? no where it seems. but a hip bleeding hop musical gets some awards and police shortages cause black people to stab others, that dominates the front pages (with of course acknowledging t is blacks causing these crimes) are national news service is no longer fit for purpose
I think the majority of BBC ‘news’ staff work on making sure no actual news gets to us.
If the BBC were truthful 50% of people would want to change gender; construction sites would be full of toiling women whilst men stayed in bed with the kids; all the London gangsters would spend spare moments between stabbing to study for Oxbridge exams as it is only the massively racist attitudes of those institutions which hold back these bookish career criminals – nothing whatsoever to do with culture.
The BBC really need to dig up Rodney to re-pair with Terry in a comedic ‘news’ programme called The ‘Likely (BBC quotes) Lads’.
From this morning’s email summary:
“Cuts ‘likely contributed’ to crime rise
The government has insisted that cuts in police resources are not behind the recent spike in violent crime in London, but its own Home Office analysts appear to disagree somewhat. “
That ‘appear to disagree somewhat’ is also an epic turn of phrase, worthy of the spawn of a Jane Hill/Mark Easton quickie in the Xmas party photocopier room.
Meanwhile, from the ‘London violence…’ ‘report’ above….
“Police cuts ‘likely contributed’ to violence rise, document says”
It remains to be seen whether the civil servants at the bbc will mirror their colleagues in the Home Office in elevating this to ‘highly likely’ on a little bit more pregnant basis in due course.
Is that picture of the little girl in the attack on the Homs
Syrian military base, the same of the little girl under gas
attack in Douma? Front page BBC website. If it is . What’s that
all about?
It’s always the same little girl on the pictures, presumably the daughter of one of the White Helmets, that group of Al Qaeda associates, partly financed by the UK government and backed by a British PR company humanitarians who are always in the right place well in advance at the right time 🙂
Great news from Hungary, about people who believe in and care for their country, and who have observed the unfolding nightmare in Germany and especially France. So how does the BBC in the form of the Today programme treat the news? Over to our correspondent in Budapest: ” Victor Orbán DEFIED his critics in Hungary and the International Community …. ”
[I might have got the words slightly wrong, but using the word ‘defied’ was unconscionable – implying that Orbán’s actions were somehow wrong]
Martin ,
We won’t be hearing much about this election unless Soros makes allegation of fraud – then they’ll be all over it -like brexit .
I wonder how much soros spent trying to buy the election – he being a token Hungarian .
It’s a good day because he can challenge the kraut EU over Islamic immigration and become a god ally to the brexit supporters here- not the PM of course.
I think a white man won the golf – the tiger woods show ended.
Ah, Tiger.
The beeb had him lined up as the boy wonder, oops, sorry let me rephrase that the black boy wonder.
The boy dun good.
Having become orgasmic over him, the poor bastards were beside themselves with grief when the wheels came off the bus.
Woods, caught out with Ladies of the night, and a not too happy wife, fucked it all up.
Boo hoo…
Now they hope the plebs have had enough time to forget all about it, they can begin to resurrect him once again.
The politicians were on their Easter holidays
While much of the londonistan killings have been going on . Now they are back and chucking blame about on a party basis . The hippy named Amber Rudd tried to say lower police numbers has no connection to street policing . Should be a career ended . Sure Diane abbot would be so different.
Rudd was interviewed on Toady and tried to claim she’d met victim families this year . She should have said it’s not her job . That’s for the mayor who Lso hasn’t bothered . Political and class don’t go together .
Given that there is a shortage of prisons and under 16’s always get let off fter being found with a knife. Is there any reason why knife carriers cannot be tagged? No courts and little cost, some will ignore the tag others won’t
To all intents and purposes, they are tagged. The location of anybody with a mobile phone is instantly knowable to the authorities to within a few yards. Or should that be to within a few Yardies?
The taller milliband now an. American ngo mouthpiece spouting on about getting the military. Involved in Syria. He obviously likes seeing union flags covering coffins . I m sure. he d send his kids to fight if he cares that much .
Earlier sopel did his stuff about another President Trump failure with. Syria. Sopel sounded like he was playing. with himself ot maybe getting. a bj from katty. She’s got a book out you know.
Listening to TOADY from 6am and it – with one notable exception – appears to plumb new depths of awfulness.
Martha Kearney is, I think, making her TOADY debut and is brutally honest for a brief second: the BBC have not got possession of the ‘leaked Home Office document’ but just ‘two slides’, whatever that means in the digital age. Martha, that just will not do.
Amber Rudd, Home Secretary has not bothered to listen to the programme. She has not asked an aide to listen to the whole programme and brief her or, if she did, she forgets what she has been told. She gets quite worked up in an intensive interview, the like of which we have not seen on TOADY since 4 March. What a shame that level of questioning cannot be applied by the BBC to the Skripal poisoning.
John Sopel gets worked up in Washington, David Miliband almost starts spinning like a top. Justin gets an American General, Gen. Jack Keane, worked up to the point of starting WW3 just before the pre-8am weather.
Never mind evidence it is supposition that counts.
Putin is guilty. Assad is guilty. Trump is guilty. Theresa May is guilty. Jacob Rees-Mogg is guilty. Viktor Orban is guilty. Tories are guilty. Cambridge Analytica is guilty. Cuts are guilty. Music is guilty. Voters are guilty. Facebook is guilty. Jeremy Corbyn is guilty. The Leave campaign is guilty. Israel is guilty. Boris Johnson is guilty. Old people are guilty. YouTube is guilty. Rory McIlroy is guilty.
The BBC is innocent, OK?
Why not paint it on the sides of lots of bridges over motorways … ?
(And Hamilton is not guilty and an American musical wins an award for the best British musical. Hmmmmmn. That’s a puzzle. No questions from the BBC. I wonder why?)
Yessir! And we want a big war. We have nice big nuclear weapons to use on Putin and his people. Dr Strangelove is alive and well.
Yes, that awful Putin who has trouble offing a Russian double agent, his daughter and one of the cats using his newest technology.
And that Assad, who gets to the point of winning a Civil War that he did not start – and has to fight with one hand tied behind his back – but throws it all away in the fourth minute of Extra Time with a poison gas attack.
I find it really sinister that much of ‘the International community’ wish to keep the Syrian civil war going and are anxious, when it is nearly over, to stoke up the flames again.
Guys, guys! Blessed are the peacemakers. Hey! Let’s be c a r e f u l out there today.
Radio Humberside presenter David Burns was straight up “Today I’ll be continuing to make Hull a straw free city”
FFS that is a POLITICAL campaign
If you own a bar it has impacts on your business.
So the BBC platform should not be used for politics.
It’s the local council’s job and they a democratic accountability process that BBC Radio Humberside doesn’t.
Burnsey pointed out the Hull Daily Mail do have a campaign “Hull knife free city”
Trans : Then at 8:35am the next item was about a local trans person organising a small town meetup.
Not saying he/she should be excluded, but it was a long sympathetic item, that the local hunting club wouldn’t have got.
On first read I couldn’t work out why straw is so offensive ? What about hay or grass? Or was it jack straw. With the huge amount of overpriced drink water bottles going into the seas surely they are first target. ? Tap water for fedup .
paper straws are plastic coated inside
like the coffee cups
Food products generally come in sealed plastic
If you had a paper straws in a paper bag , there’s a much higher likelihood of the product being compromised in the warehouse.
A plastic straw in a turtles mouth is not nice, however the chance of the straw that you or I use doing that is zero.. We’d put in in the right bin , it would go with the rest of plastics off to be recycled or PREFERABLY to the incinerator to be safely turned into energy.
C4 did a wimmins show last night to undermine the New Testament – written by nasty men . The. Ladies looked like a couple of witches doing Satan’s work to undermine Christianity. .
It’s part of the wimmins propaganda move led by the god awful Mary magdelane film.
C4 being so balanced. – I’m sure they’ll do one next week about the profit being a trannie or similar … I could draw you a picture ….
Remind us how many women are known by their own name in the Koran.
… Just Mary
There are a few other women, but referred to as “wife/daughter of” a man.
R4: Andrew Marr is on, your favourite! It’s about inequality and redistribution! You’ll love it! I’m sure he’s going to tell us he’s donating 50% of his huge salary to the poor! Also, I feel in my urine he’ll be taking a dozen ‘refugees’ in to his home. I guess South Sudanese (4) will share with Eritreans (4) and Congolese (4).
I’m really excited a bout this. I’m sure he’s gonna do it. C’mon Andrew, put your money where your mouth is….
Oh heck, he’s gone off redistribution and is talking to Maggie’s secretary. About sexism. Could this mean I was wrong? Oh dear, she Had to work so much harder than any man, cos of this conspiracy against wimmin…
Maggie wasn’t a feminist, we’re told.
Now we’re on to Nick Spencer. The parable of the man who’s mugged, and the Samaritan. I wonder what’s coming now, cos I’d never guess. Never, never, never.
BBC1 Breakfast were running an ad, sorry, ‘promotion’ on a new television programme called Secret Agent Selection. It’s a reality tv show following fourteen people put through the SOE selection tests from WW2. The camera kept lingering on a grinning black woman in the clip shown, followed by a discussion in the studio. Among the guests was one of the participants who was a female asian doctor. She said the programme makers contacted her to see if she wanted to be in it. It was emphasized that ‘agents’ chosen came from DIVERSE backgrounds.
Think I’ll give it a miss and return to reading Tin Tin in the Congo.
See how the BBC use language…. Trump’s migrants …. where are they from? Why does Trump own them? Why are they leaving is the Real Question …. Mass exodus from central America. …why?
A BBC text headline late last night was: ‘Orban claims landslide victory’ – suggesting perhaps that he got back in but the result needs scrutiny. More realistic and honest reporting would have said: ‘Orban gains landslide victory’ but that would have left far too many boxes unticked.
I thought the same. With a record voter turnout (that the beeb desperately hoped would favour his opponents) Orban got almost half the vote. His closest rival got 20%.
I would call that a HUGE landslide – and so would the beeb if it had been, say, Saint Hillary, Saint Corbyn, or Remain…
I missed the full programme detail announced on R4 earlier but, in essence, the BBC are running a feature on Enoch Powell presumably because on the 20th of this month, it will be 50 years on from his “Rivers of Blood” speech. Judging by the BBC’s comments during the announcement, we (the BBC), pure as the driven snow, should have urged the people (in our own special way) to string up Powell to the nearest lamp post at the time. But, Mr BBC, the majority of the population would agree with Enoch Powell in retrospect. Why should this be?
A very large number agreed with Mr Powell at the time but, then as now, were silenced by the forces of the ‘liberal’ Left – very much including the BBC, whose mission to destroy the UK in any recognisable form was just getting going at that time.
I think after he made the Birmingham Speech, surveys of the British public showed 88% agreed with him; yet it was the 12% who determined our country’s continuing immigration policy – as the Americans say: ‘Go figure’.
…20% reduction of Police verses an 18% pay increase for UK MPs …
. . .
In other news UK MP’s give themselves 18% pay rise (both Labour and Conservatives) from 2010 without asking the people if they are worth it during a recession and austerity period?
When there is a chemical attack by the Assad regime/Russia it is portrayed by the BBC as “Suspected Chemical Attack in Syria” not wanting to be bold enough to tell the truth like a responsible national news organisation.
Yet when there is a retaliatory air strike on the airbase in question, without a shred of evidence the BBC have no qualms about pointing the finger straight at the Israelis – “Israel blamed for attack on airfield”
Double standards? Anti Semitic bias? Surely never!
Can’t begin to think how this snippet got past the censors but Antarctic snowfall during the period 2001-2010 rose by several billion tonnes (272bil.) compared with 200 years ago.
So despite irrefutable evidence (Harrabin’s words, probably) of massive shrinkage of the Antarctic ice cap, it’s actual area has somehow accommodated many, many billions of tonnes of snow. The obvious answer is that the world’s highest mountain – suggested name: Mt. Deception – has yet to be discovered, somewhere near the South Pole. The BBC are sending David Attenborough on an urgent fact-finding mission.
Perfectly understandable mistake, Sluff, but as all the notable scientists, and others, involved have been saying for many years now it is ‘global warning’ that’s the problem. All this snow is just a smokescreen. Well, when I use the term ‘smoke’, of course this should not imply any heat source.
It’s all very complicated, degree level you might say, but just accept that these are gifted men – and women of course – and they know what they are talking about.
Just follow the rules, install solar panels and a wind turbine and you should be OK.
PS Government subsidies on renewable energy sources are subject to delay and cancellation.
…….so its perhaps a timely moment to mention that in the D Mail today there is a story showing that the owners of those big solar farms you see covering acres of fields gain more income from subsidies than they do through actual electricity sales!
Most of this extra snow has fallen on the Antarctic Peninsula, which saw significant increases in temperature during the 20th Century.
“Theory predicts that, as Antarctica warms, the atmosphere should hold more moisture and that this should lead therefore to more snowfall. And what we’re showing in this study is that this has already been happening,” Dr Thomas said.
Claim is that onscreen pic and the banner are different
whilst the banner was reporting on the Munster attack
,the actual item was about something else , hence the pic of another guy not in the Munster attack.
The bBBC are keen to blame the rise in London crime on police cuts, and avoid the various elephants in their news editors’ room.
Hence this headline
‘Police cuts likely contributed to violence rise…’
And they are running a HYS. But it’s fair to say things are not going too well……..
Police don’t make crime, criminals do
Hence the top replies on the HYS
– You cannot blame the police, or lack of for what’s going on.
You cannot go around killing people!
Stop making excuses and blaming the authority.
Oh, and it’s nothing to do with Brexit
– Parents are to blame,if you cannot bring up children correctly don’t have them.
– Am I missing something
It’s the murderers that are at fault and nobody else !
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Islam – winning the game of terror and attrition – do we close all Churches so we don’t offend Islam?
It’s daft talking about the effect of Cambridge Analytica on Brexit via Facebook
when the libEstab rig EVERY news bulletin &every current affairs show DAY IN, DAY OUT.
PC bingo full house on ‘The Big Paintinf Challenge’. The contestants include: a married gay man; a black woman; a fat woman; an Asian man; a disabled man empowered in some way; an elderly man.
The instant we have reached ‘peak diversity’ gangsters will put down their knives, terrorists will stop plotting and we will all join hands as paradise on Earth will have arrived.
Got I hate all these judged contests; bake off; sing off; paint off.
F**k off, I say. Lazy, cheap as chips television which is so tediously repetitive.
Too bloody right. It is all SO fucking boring.
Privileged never to have seen them – and the list is getting longer.
Which is why I watch Netflicks and Amazon.
Programs such as:
A man in a high castle
The Expance
Shows me the bBC have lost the quality program game.
They don’t even bother to play the game it appears. At least C4 still buys in some decent stuff from abroad, although I recommend avoiding Belgian noir, it isn’t a patch on the Scandinavian equivalents.
I’ve already mentioned on here the Oz drama A Place to Call Home, well, tonight I watched another excellent Aussie offering – a new series on Drama called The Heart Guy. Far funnier than anything on our own channels – and only a couple of ethnics; a mixed race nurse with a terrible Irish accent, and an oriental Asian. Completely watchable.
Yes, I watched that and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Why can’t the bbc make programmes like that anymore?
Avoid it. I shan’t be watching it any more than I watch all the other tedious crap broadcast from the B, B, fucking C.
How misleading can a picture possibly be?
As if that thick c**t would even know how to hold a violin correctly.
I thought he knew all about fiddles.
He doesn’t.
His left wrist is being used to prop the violin.
It should be loose, pointing down.
Also he seems to be bowing ‘col legno’ (the wooden side of the bow, not the horsehair side) which although a defined technique, is extremely rare to say the least.
And he is not holding the bow correctly either.
So having agreed to participate in the BBC tax dodging scam, she failed to make any personal pension provision, presumably preferring to spend her cash instead. Still as the wife of a wealthy old Etonian businessman, Sir Christoper Brooke, I doubt she’ll be subsisting on beans on toast in her dotage, even give her meagre earnings. However Lady Brooke, to use her formal title, should probably not apply for any future broadcasting role involving financial advice as it clearly isn’t her forte, despite an earlier career in the city #poshwomensproblems
I am shocked that the head girl is actually Lady Brooke – if ever there was an example of how disconnected to the listener a beeboid would be is some one called lady Brooke .
It’s almost as surprising as a socialist shadow foreign sec called Lady Nugee.
The BBC website carries on with it’s absolute obsession
with Tiger Woods. Again for the tenth time it is the
MAJOR headline on the website. So far as the actual golf
is concerned Tiger cant see the wood for the trees anymore.
BUT this once great golfer ticks the right boxes so far as
golf is concerned.
I’d have thought mass migration would lower house prices in areas where it occurs and push prices up in areas that it was yet to reach…or is that illogical? 🙁
Makes me chuckle when I hear of the claims that brexiteers didnt know what they were voting for.
Because I think back to 1975, and our referendum on whether to stay in or get out.
All the remainers of course knew they were voting for
Complete political union.
Total loss of sovereignty
A border free schengen area.
An EU army
An EU arrest warrant..
Yada yada yada yada….
Yes of course they knew all of that didnt they?
Please add the bits I’ve missed out.
A loss of our fishing rights .
Common Agricultural Policy
Completely open borders
This could have been nasty – “German police foil Berlin half-marathon attack plan” –
Six arrested with links to the Tunisian involved in last years truck attack – So are all six suffering from mental health issues?
Six loners somehow find they have one thing in common….
A pack of lone wolves.
The six, who were arrested yesterday in Munster, were found hiding in the back of a van which had apparently taken a wrong turning….
Apparently there was going to be half an attack on the Berlin half marathon – another half dozen gathered together all with mental health issues and an “adios “ betamax vidjoe.
Next…. New Zealand is nice for Bri and his posse to capture a nice shot of him looking up at the sky….
Couldn`t the BBC have saves us some money and sent him to the Maze in Belfast?
Imagine McGuinness is scraping the shit from the walls of hell for ever.
Five years today since the death of Mrs Thatcher, one since the demise of Brian Matthew.
We`ve lost a hell of a lot of our countrys cultural capital, and we`re left with Phil Shiner and Rylan Clark-Neal.
God surely has a plan, seems screwy to me though.
Meanwhile, our hugely subsidised 7,500 wind turbines are producing a measly 0.47% of current electricity demand. The whole wind industry is running at less than 2% of its capacity. So this means effectively only 150 of the 7500 are producing any power. What a fecking waste of our money! A scandal of immense proportions the BBC will never mention .
I drove through part of Northumbria today and counted over 40 of the wretched things – none of them turning; still at least the landowners will be getting their £12,000 per year for each one on their property.
Hope all the girls in the production dept. have reinforced their jean pockets should Handy Andy get a bit tired and emotional after a long, difficult day.
Rob Burley’s insight may be interesting.
£4b a year and the BBC cannot do simple science. Some old man on the Masters golf coverage used a fixed metal ramp to demonstrate how far a ball will roll down hill on the fast greens. Then using the “same ramp” he demonstrated how little it rolls the other way up the hill.
Not the same ramp at all! If the metal ramp is fixed at say 30 degrees and is placed on a 10 degree down slope then the ramp is actually 40 degrees (30+10). When he reverses the direction the ramp would be 20 degrees (30-10).
I would have thought at least one person at the BBC on an all expenses jolly to the USA to cover the Masters could see his demonstration was scientifically flawed!
Its a gas attack on children. Unverified, probable. And who supplied the evidence?
The saintly White Helmets of course.
‘One video, recorded by rescue workers known as the White Helmets, shows a number of men, women and children lying lifeless inside a house, many with foam at their mouths.’
Stories of gas attacks is their speciality
Just listening to In Business and the Irish ‘Brexit’ problem.
Yet another anti-Brexit programme by the BBC.
We are told how milk tankers might be held up at the border, with the milk turning sour, clearly refigerators haven’t got there yet. All the customs paperwork on the EU/UK border will make it hard to trade with the UK so they are looking to sell milk powder into the Middle East. So no ‘external’ border there then?
If the Irish do so much trade with the UK maybe they should leave the EU too BBC? Why not ask that question?
Thought that this one had been sorted last November when both sides-E.U and Britain -had agreed on the EU paper that had been prepared to prevent any of this nonsense that they suddenly are coming up with in Brussels.
This is a sorted non-issue that has only been reheated by a malicious E.U and a craven gay Indian Teashop who wants to be as obtuse as the IRA who threaten his votes in the republic.
And that they try to whip up cross-border history to get a result for Brussels bureaucrats is truly evil. And only shows how debauched and irrelevant Ireland is now a former sovereign nation. It`s now a dick splint for the European Union.
And we need to play hardball and threaten the Irish with no trade or ports if they don`t remember who baled them out in 2010/11.
At least the Greeks and Italians will regain their pride-the Irish are intent on a hunger strike that`ll finish them as anything but a Google cabbage patch.
Is there a helpline I can ring to pledge her some money? Am happy to swim with dolphins somewhere nice for a few weeks if it helps poor Sarah make ends meet?
Dare we lose this talent?
Lady Nugee-Brooke Appeal.
Yes, also Osborne as Chancellor announced that the taxpayer will have to find an extra £3.5 Billion for some nonsense or other. I remember the joy on the BBC reporters face when she was filmed recording that statement outside No. 11 – Kuenssberg.
Week in Westminster watch
Do you ever listen to that programme ? I used to use it to nod off . Bonny Greer -who I suppose is an American democrat gets a pulpit to expound her snow flake views . Why ? Why does al beeb regularly roll the likes of her and Toynbee , and ms Owen Jones on their programmes ?
Surely there are wider opinions than just these people ? It seems not just biased but lazy .
I believe the 3 panelists on that programme were remainers – no surprise there . Off switch time
PS – albeeb saying that victor Orban won but lost the Hungarian Election – if he does land up with a decent majority they’ll bury this in the morning .
Well, Jane Hill May need to tweak her analytical antennae..
Meanwhile, the bbc continues to ‘discuss’ votes and stuff in the uniquely impartial way for which it is noted:
Jane Hill is supposed to be unbiased. Not by the sound of
her report from Budapest. Sorry Jane, the Hungarians
don’t want a load of mentally ill van drivers in their
Maybe Jane is testing the waters in moving ‘views my own’ without consequence from twitter to the BBC ‘news’ improper?
Jane once spent some time across the pond helping a Democrat party election campaign. Colour me surprised.
Bonnie Greer is a US born, British black woman who has had tax payer’s money to write plays that no one wants to see. She campaigns for all the BBC’s favourite ideas.
She has pocketed tens of thousands from the BBC for plays about such subjects as the mental health problems of black women. She is often seen on Newsnight and Question Time. Her appearance on one QT program stirred her to write an Opera about it thus enriching western art. She writes for the Guardian and Time Out.
She is a member of umpteen tax funded groups and despises the west and Britain. I have never heard her say anything kind or positive about the country whose tax payers have made her wealthy.
On a plus side she possesses a mellifluous voice.
Yep, I think Afua Hirsch is the love child of Bonnie Greer – both out of the same mold, yet happy to take the pay cheque for appearing as talking heads on the BBC and Sky’s the Pledge. They both need to get out there and bloody work for a living !
I have been taken to task for not believing instantly that Putin directly ordered and enabled the attack on the Skripals. Let us work with the known knowns for a while, ie. all that we have been told by the BBC (in my case limited to Radio 4 & the web-site) but setting aside some contradictions or confusions sown by the BBC themselves.
Putin orders the killing and provides the assassin with a deadly nerve agent that is in two parts and is highly toxic when mixed but decays to uselessness quite quickly. The assassin carries the chemicals to the UK together with the necessary protective clothing and gets them through customs.
The supposed (assumed) purpose is to kill the Skripals or at least frighten them. It is also, by extension, to frighten other Russian enemies of Putin and/or the Kremlin who have sought to live here in the UK.
Julia Skripal arrives in the UK and goes to straight to Salisbury. The assassin is either there already (perhaps staking out the house?) or makes the same journey. During the night (Sat>Sun) or before anyone is awake at the Skripal house, the assassin mixes the two parts of the nerve agent, wearing protective clothing (air to air contact is a deadly prospect for a while) and goes to the house in protective clothing and applies the nerve agent to the handle of the front door. All that notwithstanding the possibility of attracting attention and being seen, together with the collateral risk to neighbours, tradespersons, burglars even, et al and also excluding the possibility that the Skripals might leave and return to the house via another door, say, at the rear of the property.
The Skripals’ first movements on the day appear to be house to graveyard. At this point contact may have been made with the nerve agent but it is not so soon as to be immediately effective. If they return inside and handle the door handle and handle the pets, then the agent must have lost sufficient potency for the animals not to show signs of sickness or death which would raise some alarm.
It is possible that the Skripals return to the house after visiting the family graves. That could be the point of first contact with the nerve agent and may explain its loss of potency.
They then go to a pub in the town centre for drinks.
From there, they go to eat at the Zizzi’s Restaurant. The table is so highly contaminated after their visit that it has to be destroyed. They are now possibly feeling unwell or leave the restaurant and start feeling unwell and go to sit on the bench in the street. They are seen to be in distress. People notice. A police detective-sergeant, presumably off-duty, also notices and goes to help them by which time one or both of the Skripals are unconscious and not breathing. The officer gives one or both CPR.
In the meantime, the emergency services have been alerted and they arrive, taking the Skripals to hospital. The detective either goes with them as escort or is also starting to feel unwell. All three are hospitalised. News breaks very quickly. Witnesses from the street are interviewed same day on BBC R4 and again on the Monday. An investigation starts and proceeds with the Prime Minister making her statement to the House of Commons on the Wednesday.
There is no information about the hunt for the assassin at all. What has happened to the assassin? They could be lying low within the UK, still with stocks of the nerve agent components. They may have died from the same chemical in a location yet to be discovered or found by the authorities but not revealed. They might have left the UK to return to Russia. (If so, their lack of success in the mission – now known – may not go well for them.) They may have been tracked by MI5 and/or Special Branch and picked up and detained. Though it seems unlikely, they may have been stopped by our Border Force. If either of the last two possibilities, it was done very quietly and privately with no public attention at all.
Massive resources are drafted in to Salisbury as part of the investigation after a day or so, including military specialists in germ/chemical warfare. There is much coverage of the removal not just of Sergei Skripal’s car but also some of the Police and emergency vehicles that might be contaminated.
There is occasional news and interviews including with a former Porton Down chemist, another highly qualified chemist (a Professor, if I recall correctly) and politicians. Politicians and broadcasters say “We must not speculate.” and “We must let the investigation takes its course.” And “We must not jump to hasty conclusions.” Despite all that, some broadcasters do so and some politicians join in while many are cautious.
We are told that someone claiming to be a cousin of Sergei Skripal has said that Sergei was depressed.
We are variously told that the nerve agent is of the Novichok type, also that it is an organophosphate, that it is ‘military grade’, that it carries a ‘fingerprint’ to the lab that manufactured it, that its only made in one, maybe two places in ‘Russia’ but that may include The Ukraine. We are told by the PM that it is most probable that it was an attack by the Russians. Her language is subtly toned down over the three days following her statement to the House. Probable becomes most possible becomes highly likely. Boris Johnson is not so reticent in statements and heads in the opposite direction.
We are told that the table from the restaurant has been destroyed. The Secretary of State for Defence tells the Russians to ‘shut up’.
We are told after some days by a police investigator that they wish to establish the movements of the Skripals and that they are concentrating their attention on Julia Skripal. We are later told that the greatest concentration of the nerve agent was found on the exterior door handle of Sergei Skripal’s house.
The Organisation for Prevention of Chemical Weapons (a Treaty organisation to which the UK is signed up) asks to investigate or is invited to send scientists to investigate. They state in advance of starting work that it will take them two weeks to report. They go to Court to obtain sanction to take blood samples from the victims. In the meantime, in the UK & BBC media three things happen.
First, attacks on Jeremy Corbyn commence because he wishes to wait for the conclusion of the investigation. Secondly, there are diplomatic expulsions by Britain, other Western and one Southern nations and by Russia in retaliation together with talk of a new Cold War and even the possibility of actual war. The attacks on Jeremy Corbyn are widened to include Boris Johnson. Thirdly, they are then widened further to include anyone who does not firmly believe that Putin ordered the attack and provided the chemicals whether made by the Russian Army or by the FSB.
While the whole thing plays out there is little interest in hourly ‘running news’ bulletins on the condition of D-S Nick Bailey or the Skripals who all eventually recover or show signs of a recovery to an extent. There is no apparent attempt to apprehend the assassin.
The police officer recovers from unconsciousness first and starts talking. Then the daughter, Julia, followed in the last forty-eight hours by Sergei Skripal.
Julia Skripal makes a statement which is released on her behalf by the Police. This is followed by news of a supposed telephone call from a cousin in Russia to Julia in hospital, initially thought to be faked but I think this has now been found to be genuine. We receive no news of whether Julia has been interviewed by police or what she has been able to tell them.
We also receive news in the last forty-eight hours that Sergei kept pets, two cats and two guinea pigs. The guinea pigs are dead. The cat became ill and distressed and was put down. There is no mention of the second cat or its condition.
This is where we are now, errors & omissions excepted. I apologise for the length of this but feel it is worth setting it out as no other possible explanation can exist according to ‘most people’. This is the public domain information, from the BBC via Radio Four. If I have missed anything, please add it. I do not listen to all news broadcasts or catch them in totality.
It does seem strange that a professional assassin, trained and equipped by the Russian State, should choose such an indefinite means of killing its target(s) while possibly indiscriminately killing third parties or even the assailant themselves. Perhaps Russia should consider a return to the more reliable umbrella or retractable ballpoint pen or Polonium in the teapot? I await the OPCW Report with interest and reserve judgement although I would not be surprised if nothing, effectively, changes.
Please feel free to make up your own mind, based on evidence in the public domain or based on your speculation or reasoned assumptions. We live, as ever, in interesting times.
Thanks for that Up2snuff, worth the read.
When things like this happen, it normally precedes something big around the corner. Who has the West got in its targets, Russia?Syria? Brexit?…..
wronged, to answer your question, I did wonder for a brief moment whether the PM had deliberately gone over the top (in all senses) on Skripal & Putin in order to get rid of Bojo, remove him as a Tory leadership challenger and halt Brexit, even if it might also cost her her job. For a moment. Then I dismissed it. Too weird.
Mind you, I remember that Readers Digest made a fortune on the back of ‘The Truth is stranger than Fiction.’.
Reminds me of the Las Vegas massacre. Shock, outrage, we can’t give you anymore information, let the police/fbi do their job…still waiting. Very few answers have been provided. At first, Tucker and pals kept asking questions but I think even he’s given up now. It’s unbelievable that the public allows an organisation to act like this.
Up2 – Solid post.
Obviously, there is much about this case we still do not know.
We do know that the Eastern bloc has form in killing emigres in the west using chemical weapons. It started in the 1950s, when KGB assassins in West Germany used cyanide sprays. In 1978 Georgi Markov was assassinated with ricin, and of course Alexander Litvinyenko was murdered with Polonium 210.
I do not know why the Russian secret services used these esoteric weapons when a silenced pistol would do just as well, but they do have very large research departments, so perhaps they just like to use these poisons once they have been developed.
In the case of the Skripals, we have something which fits into that established pattern. Sergei Skripal had been released by Russia, and should not have been a target, but Putin is a vindictive man, and has publicly said he will never forgive traitors. Skripal was useful alive as part of a spy swap, but once the Russian spies were back, he had no value to Russia, so could be eliminated as an example to other “traitors”.
From what I have read (and it could all be wrong), in this case the novichock was administered as a gel on Skripal’s door handle. If it came in two parts, the assassin would have been in no danger until the two parts were mixed, and as a gel he would not have had to worry about breathing it in. I assume the level of lethality can be controlled too. In this case, it would need to be lower than it could be, since the Russians wanted to kill Skripal, not half of Salisbury. Maybe that is why the three people poisoned by it have survived.
But really, given the long history of Russia using poison to murder exiles in the west, and given Putin’s vengeful character, I have no reason to doubt that this was a Russian hit on a man Putin saw as a traitor. Unless I see evidence to the contrary, that is the reasonable conclusion to draw.
RiC, glad you mentioned Markov. I remember that case and think what a wonderful example it was of a targeted, effective, assassination. Think I mention umbrellas elsewhere. 😉
I agree that the Skripal attack fits a pattern but have you noticed what the BBC have also not been asking questions about? The other ‘suspicious death’ of Russian emigre at the same time as the Skripal attack?
I would remind you that we were told that Novichoks were SO DEADLY that initial ‘air to air’ contact was sufficient for an effect. Agree about a gel – that would enable the use of an innocent pen as the carrier weapon (safe and effective) – but we have been ‘told’ it was a powder. It is interesting that it has since emerged that a time delay might have been built into the nerve agent.
I agree that it could have been Putin directed but also could be 1) a rogue FSB operation, 2) a freelance operation on behalf of the FSB or done in order to try to win friends at the FSB, 3) a Russian criminal gangster hit, and 4) a Western criminal gangster hit. Lots of possibilities there before Putin’s assertions that it was an MI5/6 job.
We do not know what Sergei Skripal was up to in his life in Britain. Living quietly on the pension afforded him by Her Majesty? No questions have been asked by the BBC at all about his current life.
What this all does go to prove is how the BBC not doing their job leaves a lot of BBC generated ‘disinformation’ out there. Then, they have the nerve to complain about that!
I gather the BBC are starting to ask questions again. It is on the web-site Home Page. ‘What would be the effect of a nuclear winter on our climate?’
I think that deserves a Richie Benaud answer: “Silly question, really.”
“Police arrest people” in Berlin. Thanks for the information, BBC.
‘People’ and not those ‘men’ any more ? Have they become non sexist now ?
Meanwhile, the “German-born” van driver in Münster, whose name we don’t know but mental health status we do; with no known connection to Islam but with connections to the far right has disappeared from the news. Like it never happened.
Perhaps he will return to the headlines when they get their story right and have done him up like a kipper.
Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee
2010-2017 Andrew Tyrie
2017- present Nicky Morgan
Both very strong Remainers.
I wouldn’t trust anything stated by the anti Brexit Treasury.
sack ’em all.
I don’t think Al Beeb or the EU are very happy about that result ?
“And now, over to Jane Hill, to tell you all you need to think about this….”
After the masterpieces from Jane Hill about the Hungarian Election I wonder about the link at bottom of the BBC web pages,”
Why you can trust BBC News ” . Surely a mistake. The link should go to “404 page not found”.
Toady watch
Last night albeeb was saying victor Orban would win but with a reduced majority thus making him less challenging to the ReichEU.
This morning their news is using the term “ landslide” with him holding 2 thirds of the parliament .
The wishful thinking for all things pro Islam and liberal ( impossible) is so clear to see for those who want to see.
I just hope mr Orban challenges the ReichEU about forcing immigrants on countries who are wise enough to refuse them . As we have found – open the door a little bit and you lose your country . GCHQ monitoring – another one for the file.
And here is a BBC headline from last week..
Viktor Orban: The man who thinks Europe is being invaded
So, according to the BBC he is wrong..
They referred to it as an ‘act of violence’ which is newspeak for terrorism.
The liberal elite love to sneer at Trump for his coarseness or dismiss Leave voters as ‘low information’ but they never thought it might be an extremely bad idea to let your enemies flood into your countries.
I used to really enjoy the selection of World Service programmes on Radio 4 between 1am and 5.20am. Recently they have gone so SJW they are unbearable.
At 3am was ‘Hard Talk’ where they interviewed a mildly right wing Norwegian politician who thinks immigrants should maybe integrate, nor cover their faces etc and that radical Islam might be a bit of a problem. The interviewer grandstanded and acted like she was heinous. A key symptom of the SJW illness is an inability to adapt views to accommodate new evidence, which is too numerous to go into fully here. Er, Rotherham? Two terror attacks just over the weekend in Germany? It is the same with the ‘pay gap’. Once Jordan Peterson brilliantly explains why it does not exist and how forcing equal outcomes would be tyranny, they just ignore his wise words and continue to bang on about equal outcomes. The liberal elite are on the wrong side of the argument with the ROP and should stand up for us for once. How their betrayal disgusts me to my very core.
Then at 3.30am they interview a female gamer, as not enough women gaming is a problem apparently though I see no problem in men and women preferring different pursuits. She has suffered – you guessed it – online abuse, another BBC Groundhog narrative. I play with my mates online and we constantly abuse each other; it is part of how men communicate. If she has just beaten some anonymous geek who lives thousands of miles away and does not even know who she really is, there is no need to wallow in the victimhood of some childish abuse. SJWs also suffer from hyper literlalism: they still never get it when Trump is trolling them to get a reaction, or that people might make light-hearted jokes to friends on Twitter which do not condemn their entire character for eternity.
It is no coincidence that as we approach the year for which they plan to have ‘peak diversity’ much of their output is unbearable. They should aim for quality, not diversity. In the reckless quest for perfection they have ruined something good.
When the world service did away with the traditional call sign music and replaced it with bongo noise you knew what was coming . World service was the last bit of the objective bbc . Then it became al beeb like the rest of the rubbish.
Dead right! I believe some BBC person said Lilliburlero was too redolent of our military and imperial past. There was an intermediate stage when it was played not by a military band but by a string orchestra. Is Lilliburlero played at all now on the World Service?
Online abuse has become a new form of martyrdom. If someone has been “abused” online then they are assumed to be in the right, so no further thought is needed. Of course only people who disagree with the BBC approved view are ever guilty of abusing people.
Entirely agree BB it seems de rigueur now to demand apologies left right and centre, (or mostly at right from left)’, when is a so called “celebrity” or politician going to have the guts to say “sod off” and “get over yourself” next time someone is “offended”
President Trump did it .
Draining the swamp .
When I saw him proudly saying he called someone a fat pig and mocking a woman for being on her period a weight lifted and a heavenly fresh air blew; he became a massianic figure for me after that as he is the only one who stands up to the tyranny with manners which is political correctness. Nobody can make jokes anymore and that is so terrible.
Where are the stories on the BBC about two thirds of asylume seekers lying about their age to get in ? surely that is in the public interest ?? or a baby mutilated by non married muslim father againt mothers wishes ? or mosque in outer Hebrides built against Stonaway residents wishes WHERE are these stories ? no where it seems. but a hip bleeding hop musical gets some awards and police shortages cause black people to stab others, that dominates the front pages (with of course acknowledging t is blacks causing these crimes) are national news service is no longer fit for purpose
Said musical does indeed also dominate the ‘What the bbc thinks you should know’ email.
Admirably un-self aware, mind:
“If you’ve missed all the hype around Hamilton, here’s what our arts editor thinks about it – a hint, he loves it…”
Explaining the hype, then.
I think the majority of BBC ‘news’ staff work on making sure no actual news gets to us.
If the BBC were truthful 50% of people would want to change gender; construction sites would be full of toiling women whilst men stayed in bed with the kids; all the London gangsters would spend spare moments between stabbing to study for Oxbridge exams as it is only the massively racist attitudes of those institutions which hold back these bookish career criminals – nothing whatsoever to do with culture.
The BBC really need to dig up Rodney to re-pair with Terry in a comedic ‘news’ programme called The ‘Likely (BBC quotes) Lads’.
From this morning’s email summary:
“Cuts ‘likely contributed’ to crime rise
The government has insisted that cuts in police resources are not behind the recent spike in violent crime in London, but its own Home Office analysts appear to disagree somewhat. “
That ‘appear to disagree somewhat’ is also an epic turn of phrase, worthy of the spawn of a Jane Hill/Mark Easton quickie in the Xmas party photocopier room.
Meanwhile, from the ‘London violence…’ ‘report’ above….
…there is another ‘report’ linked:
“Police cuts ‘likely contributed’ to violence rise, document says”
It remains to be seen whether the civil servants at the bbc will mirror their colleagues in the Home Office in elevating this to ‘highly likely’ on a little bit more pregnant basis in due course.
Is that picture of the little girl in the attack on the Homs
Syrian military base, the same of the little girl under gas
attack in Douma? Front page BBC website. If it is . What’s that
all about?
Foscari, what? Propaganda? From the BBC? Surely not.
They will be doubting that Putin & Trump ‘dun it’ next!
It’s always the same little girl on the pictures, presumably the daughter of one of the White Helmets, that group of
Al Qaeda associates, partly financed by the UK government and backed by a British PR companyhumanitarians who are always in the right placewell in advanceat the right time 🙂Some say that Al Beeb is going to remake Worzel Gummage . Will it star JC ? Will it be another waste of £1 Million because they just don’t do comedy .
No. The BBC do not waste money like that. They waste it by the Ten Million at the very least.
Great news from Hungary, about people who believe in and care for their country, and who have observed the unfolding nightmare in Germany and especially France. So how does the BBC in the form of the Today programme treat the news? Over to our correspondent in Budapest: ” Victor Orbán DEFIED his critics in Hungary and the International Community …. ”
[I might have got the words slightly wrong, but using the word ‘defied’ was unconscionable – implying that Orbán’s actions were somehow wrong]
Martin ,
We won’t be hearing much about this election unless Soros makes allegation of fraud – then they’ll be all over it -like brexit .
I wonder how much soros spent trying to buy the election – he being a token Hungarian .
It’s a good day because he can challenge the kraut EU over Islamic immigration and become a god ally to the brexit supporters here- not the PM of course.
I think a white man won the golf – the tiger woods show ended.
Ah, Tiger.
The beeb had him lined up as the boy wonder, oops, sorry let me rephrase that the black boy wonder.
The boy dun good.
Having become orgasmic over him, the poor bastards were beside themselves with grief when the wheels came off the bus.
Woods, caught out with Ladies of the night, and a not too happy wife, fucked it all up.
Boo hoo…
Now they hope the plebs have had enough time to forget all about it, they can begin to resurrect him once again.
Doesn’t Jane Hill, belong with Eddie on an Iron Maiden poster?
Toady watch 2
The politicians were on their Easter holidays
While much of the londonistan killings have been going on . Now they are back and chucking blame about on a party basis . The hippy named Amber Rudd tried to say lower police numbers has no connection to street policing . Should be a career ended . Sure Diane abbot would be so different.
Rudd was interviewed on Toady and tried to claim she’d met victim families this year . She should have said it’s not her job . That’s for the mayor who Lso hasn’t bothered . Political and class don’t go together .
Given that there is a shortage of prisons and under 16’s always get let off fter being found with a knife. Is there any reason why knife carriers cannot be tagged? No courts and little cost, some will ignore the tag others won’t
To all intents and purposes, they are tagged. The location of anybody with a mobile phone is instantly knowable to the authorities to within a few yards. Or should that be to within a few Yardies?
Toady. Watch 3
The taller milliband now an. American ngo mouthpiece spouting on about getting the military. Involved in Syria. He obviously likes seeing union flags covering coffins . I m sure. he d send his kids to fight if he cares that much .
Earlier sopel did his stuff about another President Trump failure with. Syria. Sopel sounded like he was playing. with himself ot maybe getting. a bj from katty. She’s got a book out you know.
Listening to TOADY from 6am and it – with one notable exception – appears to plumb new depths of awfulness.
Martha Kearney is, I think, making her TOADY debut and is brutally honest for a brief second: the BBC have not got possession of the ‘leaked Home Office document’ but just ‘two slides’, whatever that means in the digital age. Martha, that just will not do.
Amber Rudd, Home Secretary has not bothered to listen to the programme. She has not asked an aide to listen to the whole programme and brief her or, if she did, she forgets what she has been told. She gets quite worked up in an intensive interview, the like of which we have not seen on TOADY since 4 March. What a shame that level of questioning cannot be applied by the BBC to the Skripal poisoning.
John Sopel gets worked up in Washington, David Miliband almost starts spinning like a top. Justin gets an American General, Gen. Jack Keane, worked up to the point of starting WW3 just before the pre-8am weather.
Never mind evidence it is supposition that counts.
Putin is guilty. Assad is guilty. Trump is guilty. Theresa May is guilty. Jacob Rees-Mogg is guilty. Viktor Orban is guilty. Tories are guilty. Cambridge Analytica is guilty. Cuts are guilty. Music is guilty. Voters are guilty. Facebook is guilty. Jeremy Corbyn is guilty. The Leave campaign is guilty. Israel is guilty. Boris Johnson is guilty. Old people are guilty. YouTube is guilty. Rory McIlroy is guilty.
The BBC is innocent, OK?
Why not paint it on the sides of lots of bridges over motorways … ?
(And Hamilton is not guilty and an American musical wins an award for the best British musical. Hmmmmmn. That’s a puzzle. No questions from the BBC. I wonder why?)
“Old people are guilty.” I’m glad you mentioned old people. I would have felt distinctly, ‘out of it’ if you hadn’t.
Up – nice that an American general wants Blighty involved in one of their wars again.
Yessir! And we want a big war. We have nice big nuclear weapons to use on Putin and his people. Dr Strangelove is alive and well.
Yes, that awful Putin who has trouble offing a Russian double agent, his daughter and one of the cats using his newest technology.
And that Assad, who gets to the point of winning a Civil War that he did not start – and has to fight with one hand tied behind his back – but throws it all away in the fourth minute of Extra Time with a poison gas attack.
I find it really sinister that much of ‘the International community’ wish to keep the Syrian civil war going and are anxious, when it is nearly over, to stoke up the flames again.
Guys, guys! Blessed are the peacemakers. Hey! Let’s be c a r e f u l out there today.
Headline from the BBC:
“A 73-year-old man has smashed his Porsche 911 through a wall in Colchester”
Rather different to other car headlines from the BBC.
Not least because a human was involved. An old one.
“Not least because a human was involved. An old one.” Probably a Brexiteer……….
Man, too. If white, a real problem.
They seem to be awaiting confirmation on that.
Can’t be too careful.
So we can’t say “Naughty Porsche!”
Quick look at the BBC News website homepage for the “news” this morning and we have…
Afghan (hijab) mother feeding her 2 month baby whilst sitting for a Uni entrance exam:
Meet the ‘fearless’ drag queens of Beirut:
The undying Asian gay icon in red high heels:
A wide selection of “news” as we expect from the BBC!
BBC Are reporting on Grooming in detail … no, not that grooming …
“Extreme dog grooming: Harmless fun or threat to pets?”
Radio Humberside presenter David Burns was straight up “Today I’ll be continuing to make Hull a straw free city”
FFS that is a POLITICAL campaign
If you own a bar it has impacts on your business.
So the BBC platform should not be used for politics.
It’s the local council’s job and they a democratic accountability process that BBC Radio Humberside doesn’t.
Burnsey pointed out the Hull Daily Mail do have a campaign “Hull knife free city”
Trans : Then at 8:35am the next item was about a local trans person organising a small town meetup.
Not saying he/she should be excluded, but it was a long sympathetic item, that the local hunting club wouldn’t have got.
On first read I couldn’t work out why straw is so offensive ? What about hay or grass? Or was it jack straw. With the huge amount of overpriced drink water bottles going into the seas surely they are first target. ? Tap water for fedup .
Why don’t they just make everyone use paper straws instead of plastic ones?
paper straws are plastic coated inside
like the coffee cups
Food products generally come in sealed plastic
If you had a paper straws in a paper bag , there’s a much higher likelihood of the product being compromised in the warehouse.
A plastic straw in a turtles mouth is not nice, however the chance of the straw that you or I use doing that is zero.. We’d put in in the right bin , it would go with the rest of plastics off to be recycled or PREFERABLY to the incinerator to be safely turned into energy.
C4 did a wimmins show last night to undermine the New Testament – written by nasty men . The. Ladies looked like a couple of witches doing Satan’s work to undermine Christianity. .
It’s part of the wimmins propaganda move led by the god awful Mary magdelane film.
C4 being so balanced. – I’m sure they’ll do one next week about the profit being a trannie or similar … I could draw you a picture ….
Remind us how many women are known by their own name in the Koran.
… Just Mary
There are a few other women, but referred to as “wife/daughter of” a man.
R4: Andrew Marr is on, your favourite! It’s about inequality and redistribution! You’ll love it! I’m sure he’s going to tell us he’s donating 50% of his huge salary to the poor! Also, I feel in my urine he’ll be taking a dozen ‘refugees’ in to his home. I guess South Sudanese (4) will share with Eritreans (4) and Congolese (4).
I’m really excited a bout this. I’m sure he’s gonna do it. C’mon Andrew, put your money where your mouth is….
Oh heck, he’s gone off redistribution and is talking to Maggie’s secretary. About sexism. Could this mean I was wrong? Oh dear, she Had to work so much harder than any man, cos of this conspiracy against wimmin…
Maggie wasn’t a feminist, we’re told.
Now we’re on to Nick Spencer. The parable of the man who’s mugged, and the Samaritan. I wonder what’s coming now, cos I’d never guess. Never, never, never.
BBC1 Breakfast were running an ad, sorry, ‘promotion’ on a new television programme called Secret Agent Selection. It’s a reality tv show following fourteen people put through the SOE selection tests from WW2. The camera kept lingering on a grinning black woman in the clip shown, followed by a discussion in the studio. Among the guests was one of the participants who was a female asian doctor. She said the programme makers contacted her to see if she wanted to be in it. It was emphasized that ‘agents’ chosen came from DIVERSE backgrounds.
Think I’ll give it a miss and return to reading Tin Tin in the Congo.
Why don’t the BBC find the following odd.
One person,Mark Duggan, a known villain,drug pusher and suspected murderer gets killed by the police. There ensues mass protests and the Riots.
50 innocent black people get stabbed and murdered in the last four months. No riots, no protests in the streets, nothing.
Is this confirmation that the Gangs in London control the streets and decide when to riot and protest and when not to?
Then, diverse social backgrounds but a common cause, the love of country and preservation of democracy.
Now, diverse ethnicity but a common cause, the hatred of the host country and destruction of democracy.
See how the BBC use language…. Trump’s migrants …. where are they from? Why does Trump own them? Why are they leaving is the Real Question …. Mass exodus from central America. …why?
Comment in DailyMail … “What a bunch if racist, why the heck would anyone complain about a mosque. They are all just peace loving family orientated people. I’d much rather live in an island full of Muslims than that lot… Soon it may be true too!”
. . . . in other news . . . . Malala goes to Pakistan but does not stay there . . . .
Malala’s brief but revealing homecoming to Pakistan
{ 02apr2018}
Not much about Hungary’s elections in BBC news. They mentioned that a Euro Sceptic won.
Tee he.
Best to check on the latest from the SWP and the UAF for the opinion to be accepted by the BBC
A BBC text headline late last night was: ‘Orban claims landslide victory’ – suggesting perhaps that he got back in but the result needs scrutiny. More realistic and honest reporting would have said: ‘Orban gains landslide victory’ but that would have left far too many boxes unticked.
I thought the same. With a record voter turnout (that the beeb desperately hoped would favour his opponents) Orban got almost half the vote. His closest rival got 20%.
I would call that a HUGE landslide – and so would the beeb if it had been, say, Saint Hillary, Saint Corbyn, or Remain…
I missed the full programme detail announced on R4 earlier but, in essence, the BBC are running a feature on Enoch Powell presumably because on the 20th of this month, it will be 50 years on from his “Rivers of Blood” speech. Judging by the BBC’s comments during the announcement, we (the BBC), pure as the driven snow, should have urged the people (in our own special way) to string up Powell to the nearest lamp post at the time. But, Mr BBC, the majority of the population would agree with Enoch Powell in retrospect. Why should this be?
‘Fraid Mr BBC, you are yet again so, out-of-touch with the Real World.
A very large number agreed with Mr Powell at the time but, then as now, were silenced by the forces of the ‘liberal’ Left – very much including the BBC, whose mission to destroy the UK in any recognisable form was just getting going at that time.
I think after he made the Birmingham Speech, surveys of the British public showed 88% agreed with him; yet it was the 12% who determined our country’s continuing immigration policy – as the Americans say: ‘Go figure’.
Where was the BBC when MP’s gave themselves 18% pay rise … silence … omission …
“.@Theresa_May and @AmberRuddHR are ignoring their record on security. They have cut 21,000 police officers from our streets.” {@jeremycorbyn}
…20% reduction of Police verses an 18% pay increase for UK MPs …
. . .
In other news UK MP’s give themselves 18% pay rise (both Labour and Conservatives) from 2010 without asking the people if they are worth it during a recession and austerity period?
April 2010 £65,738
April 2018 £77,379
whenever Diane Abbott makes a statement with large numbers in it alarm bells start ringing.
Diane Abbott
Probably, despite a strong Labour field, the thickest of thick politicians in the last 40 years.
There are lots of things about Corbyn that I don’t like, but no one can question his bravery.
When there is a chemical attack by the Assad regime/Russia it is portrayed by the BBC as “Suspected Chemical Attack in Syria” not wanting to be bold enough to tell the truth like a responsible national news organisation.
Yet when there is a retaliatory air strike on the airbase in question, without a shred of evidence the BBC have no qualms about pointing the finger straight at the Israelis – “Israel blamed for attack on airfield”
Double standards? Anti Semitic bias? Surely never!
Can’t begin to think how this snippet got past the censors but Antarctic snowfall during the period 2001-2010 rose by several billion tonnes (272bil.) compared with 200 years ago.
So despite irrefutable evidence (Harrabin’s words, probably) of massive shrinkage of the Antarctic ice cap, it’s actual area has somehow accommodated many, many billions of tonnes of snow. The obvious answer is that the world’s highest mountain – suggested name: Mt. Deception – has yet to be discovered, somewhere near the South Pole. The BBC are sending David Attenborough on an urgent fact-finding mission.
Surely the massive increase in Antarctic snowfall is down to global……errr………warming.
Perfectly understandable mistake, Sluff, but as all the notable scientists, and others, involved have been saying for many years now it is ‘global warning’ that’s the problem. All this snow is just a smokescreen. Well, when I use the term ‘smoke’, of course this should not imply any heat source.
It’s all very complicated, degree level you might say, but just accept that these are gifted men – and women of course – and they know what they are talking about.
Just follow the rules, install solar panels and a wind turbine and you should be OK.
PS Government subsidies on renewable energy sources are subject to delay and cancellation.
…….so its perhaps a timely moment to mention that in the D Mail today there is a story showing that the owners of those big solar farms you see covering acres of fields gain more income from subsidies than they do through actual electricity sales!
Why, yes it is!
Heads I win, tails you lose.
as soon as the words “German Citizen” as opposed to “a German” were rolled out, everyone knew where this one was going
Claim is that onscreen pic and the banner are different
whilst the banner was reporting on the Munster attack
,the actual item was about something else , hence the pic of another guy not in the Munster attack.
The bBBC are keen to blame the rise in London crime on police cuts, and avoid the various elephants in their news editors’ room.
Hence this headline
‘Police cuts likely contributed to violence rise…’
And they are running a HYS. But it’s fair to say things are not going too well……..
Police don’t make crime, criminals do
Hence the top replies on the HYS
– You cannot blame the police, or lack of for what’s going on.
You cannot go around killing people!
Stop making excuses and blaming the authority.
Oh, and it’s nothing to do with Brexit
– Parents are to blame,if you cannot bring up children correctly don’t have them.
– Am I missing something
It’s the murderers that are at fault and nobody else !
Join the “Islamic Human Rights Commission” promoting “Al Quds” march …
“The Quds Day is a universal day. It is not an exclusive day for Quds itself. It is a day for the oppressed to rise and stand up against the arrogant.” – Imam Khomeini
* Gun on flag – TICK
* Mention of Theocratic dictator in background – TICK
* Smiling Labour MP – TICK