I note Orban’s victory is prominently (joke) displayed on the bBBC website……the 8th story down on the ‘world news’ page.
Meanwhile on the main news page, we have ‘Harman accepts Tory MP hacking apology’. After ‘ Israel blamed for Syria airfield attack.’, obviously.
The guardian reports the overwhelming victory with a day of mourning . Meanwhile mister soros will be covering his tracks and money and get ready for the European arrest warrant which is surely coming his way. I’m guessing election fraud since his people in Blighty scream it so much about brexit.
The list of countries he can go will be reducing . Lucky he has an American passport .
Great day for democracy and brexit. Buried as predicted by al beeb . Two front attack now on the reich EU.
It’s quite astonishing the absolute rubbish the BBC’s Toytown news team has rustled up for its ‘news’ website front page (gay this, trans that) and yet manages to avoid even a mention or Hungary’s rejection of Soros’s orders.
I wonder why?
The BBC reported that a Tory MP has admitted that many years ago, before she was elected to Parliament, she “hacked” into a Labour MP’s website and wrote complimentary things about the Conservative party.
The Labour MP was Harriet Harman and she has accepted an apology from the Tory MP, Kemi Badenoch, probably due to the fact that she is black and a woman.
Turns out Ms Badenoch didn’t actually hack into Harman’s website as the BBC said as she was able to guess the password and hence gained unrestricted access.
Wonder what the password was? My guess, knowing the level of Harman’s intelligence, is password.
First we were told by Lammy, Abbott and Khan that the huge increase in black people stabbing and shooting each other was due to a lack of youth centres, hence the high-spirited youngsters had to find alternative ways to let off steam.
Then we were told that it’s actually all down to cuts in the police budget. Those cheeky young devils, always keen to carry out a few pranks, spotted a few less police on the streets and so decided it was time to attack rival gang members.
Now we’re being told by Amber Rudd that it’s all down to the availability of knives, and she intends to restrict their sales.
What a fantastic idea Amber. Whatever next, restricting the sales of food to cure the obesity problem?
Maybe if you stopped with your PC nonsense and took a closer look at their ethnicity you might get a clue as to why there is a problem.
Bit of an old chestnut, police numbers. Whilst numbers have dipped a bit in recent years, in historic terms they are still high. For instance, according to FOI request 30077, there were only 71,692 officers in England and Wales in 1959 – around half of the peak number reached in 2009. Plus they had a lot more to do as: very few civilians worked in admin (tens of thousands, these days); they had to prepare prosecutions (now handled by the CPS); there weren’t any Police Community Support Officers to help out (again, many thousands). Cut the bureaucracy and desk jobs; stop investigating ‘hate’ and other imaginary crimes; scrap the monitoring of social media; stop attending the LGBQWERTY events; stop prancing about with support for resentful and ‘community groups’; end the persecution of motorists. There’ll be plenty of police officers for real work…
…unless, of course, the demographic changes since 1959 mean we have a lot more of the sorts of people who need a lot more policing than Britain historically needed.
“…unless, of course, the demographic changes since 1959 mean we have a lot more of the sorts of people who need a lot more policing than Britain historically needed.”
Which is undoubtedly the case.
And never forget, there are allegedly 900 coppers spent polishing the seats of their pants, staring at the Internet all day, monitoring the activities of people like us who dare to question the rule of the self-appointed elite.
I first saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band in 1980 and thought they were one of the best live acts I had ever seen. Great rocky songs played tight with enormous energy. Pub rock at its best. Hearing the same old songs played hundreds of different ways nearly 40 years later and one wonders what all the fuss was about.
In 1980 Ronald Reagan won the presidency and the singer declared himself “pretty frightened”. In the event it was the Russians that got “pretty frightened” and lost the cold war. Slightly less frightened were the Eastern European states that were released from socialist slavery. Springsteen is not very keen on optimistic Republicans. With Trump he now says he has never known the fear that he feels now. Needless to say he hates all Trump’s policies particularly the proposals to strengthen the border with Mexico. The “Boss” feels that this will “vilify” illegal immigrants – a policy at odds with many American citizens who think that people who break the law should be vilified, or at least returned to their country of origin.
In a previous thread, Alicia Sinclair suggested that his blue-collar affectations were “patronizing, condescending mockery”. Certainly the first line of Born in the USA – “Born down, in a dead man’s town” – suggests that he thinks many people in middle America live in squalor. When Trump refers to places as “shitholes”, they tend to be overseas. Springsteen and all his rich Democrat friends can’t see that the world has moved on and their own identity-ridden and anti-working class solutions have failed. Trump carried the blue-collar vote because he had clear and simple messages about bringing back jobs, increasing wages, combatting terrorism and curbing illegal immigration. You don’t have to like Trump to think he may be on to something here. Springsteen suggests that these are simple and powerful ideas but they are all lies. Writing about all the grime, admittedly at great remove, has made Springsteen rich beyond his wildest dreams.
Sign up please for the “basket of deplorables” tour but watch out all you rednecks in North Carolina. The Boss doesn’t play any songs about your ghastly lives any place where ladyboys can’t use the bathroom of their choice. And of course this happened recently much to the bemusement of the local population.
The whole Springsteen music operation that has generated hundreds of millions of dollars over the years is in fact a great music con. The outfit is still a pub band. Surprisingly few Springsteen songs are covered by other artists, certainly compared with a master songwriter like Bob Dylan. Name one poignant love song that he has written. Most of Springsteen’s popular songs were written years ago and the later albums have been filled with dross. There is only so much you can do with four chords and second-rate lyrics. On stage these days the similar material is partly hidden by drowning it in a big band treatment. A few years ago Nils Lofgren was introduced to play a few lead guitar fireworks, while the excellent sax player Clarence Clemons was replaced on his death by a massive horn section.
It’s a shame when your heroes fade before your very eyes.
I was a fan, and still like his old stuff – but the last time I bought an album was ‘The Rising’. All the political whingeing and ‘We are the the World’ virtue signalling nonsense gradually put me off.
Can’t deny he does a good live show though, managed to see him on the Born in the USA tour at Wembley!
BBC Stating BIG Increase in Antarctic Snowfall.
They Quote.
Dr Anna Hogg, from Leeds University, UK, uses radar satellites to measure the shape and mass of the ice sheet.
She told BBC News: “Even with these large snowfall events, Antarctica is still losing ice mass at a faster rate than it is gaining mass from snowfall, mainly due to the regions of known ice dynamic instability, such as in the Amundsen Sea Embayment which includes Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers.
“The Antarctic 4.3mm contribution to global sea level since about 1992 is still our best estimate.”
The work is published in Climate of the Past (CP) they say…..
Climate of the Past (CP) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on the climate history of the Earth. CP covers all temporal scales of climate change and variability, from geological time through to multidecadal studies of the last century. Studies focusing mainly on present and future climate are not within scope.
So there you go Mrs Hogg your outside of scope you were not supposed to be pissing about in Antarctic looking at PC climate change your supposed to be looking in the past and not making unsubstantiated comments about the future of the earth’s climate.
BBC really do need to do their research.
Back to work for me. I only get 30 minutes break, hardly long enough to de-bunk scientific reports on the BBC and have a Pot Noodle.
I am concerned about the health of my Antarctica but I note you are obviously worried about a cross infection and are staying rather a long way away from it. Please can you tell me, how accurate is your stethoscope at such a range? What +/- error margin does it have from out in space, let alone the other side of the ‘hospital’ or across your ‘surgery’?
What happens when 25 million people (the Many) find out they have been lied to (by the Few)? We should find out soon … North Korea’s population 25 million ….
BBC £3.5bn News Service might want to ask the question now … rather than later.
Looks like Steve Allen got in hot water over describing our noble travelling community in less than appropriate ways.
The BBC got a mention too.
I didn’t recall this immediately, and no surprise it has taken until now from August of last year, and only because some very dedicated folk persisted to complain about… Lord Lawson.
Where do sane, well-adjusted people go now every where has turned into a safe space? I do not want to hear about how traumatic it is to receive mean Tweets or how you have committed a crime if you hate something. I don’t care if some people hate me – it is inevitable. Who thinks you should call the Police if someone dislikes you? The BBC think it is a fantastic idea.
God get me to a place with free speech, humour and zero discussion of race, gender or ‘diversity.’
Where do sane, well-adjusted people go now every where has turned into a safe space? I do not want to hear about how traumatic it is to receive mean Tweets or how you have committed a crime if you hate something. I don’t care if some people hate me – it is inevitable. Who thinks you should call the Police if someone dislikes you? The BBC think it is a fantastic idea.
God get me to a place with free speech, humour and zero discussion of race, gender or ‘diversity.’
As mentioned above, Orban’s victory is well buried on the beeb webshite and ‘News’. (If he’d lost it would have been top of page.)
Also, the headlines and ‘articles’ still downplay the scale of his victory.
One title reads ‘Prime Minister Viktor Orban has CLAIMED a landslide victory’. No beeb, he has WON a landslide victory, whether you like it or not.
And look at the title of the beeb’s Budapest correspondent: “Orban keeps the provinces but loses the youth vote.”
Subliminal message: his supporters are horrible oldies and hideously provincial.
It doesn’t seem to say where the youth vote went. Greens? Or the Really Far Right? Is it too much to expect the BBC to at least substantiate these claims with some stats?
On R4 news today at midday, apparently Orban has “divided” the country because two thirds of the population voted for him and one third voted for the opposition.
Maybe Orban should now step down to prevent the country being “divided” any more.
Surely this has to be one of the most creative explanations for a landslide victory that the BBC has ever done.
As we all here know this disgusting excuse for a broadcaster is now nothing more than a globalist propaganda outfit. What is interesting though is that it appears to have given up all attempts of subtle propaganda to now being about as subtle as a turd in a swimming pool.
Great to know they are still pimping themselves out as experts on “fake” news. With all their experience of writing it they must definitely now be a world wide expert in recognising it as well.
Thank God I no longer have to pay for this utterly appalling shite!
Oak – split the country . Wow al Beeb admits the election was not fixed then . I thought they’d go for that. I don’t know which. Country goes to polls next but please vote sanity and borders.
One story you wont see on BBC is the hundreds of Russian
soldiers going to fight in Syria for Assad. There is an interesting
disclosure in Haaretz the left wing Israeli newspaper. This paper
is often very critical of the Israeli government. So this disclosure
of this clandestine operation by Russia is interesting.
i know of course there are Brits and Yanks out there as well
fighting against Assad . But according to Haaretz the Russian
involvement is even much bigger than what has been thought
by many.
Before blaming Assad & the Russians for the attack on Douma (Duma), I wonder if the BBC N&CA team actually looked at a map?
I have just heard someone claim on TWatO (BBC R4 1-1.45pm) that Douma is 40mins drive from central Damascus where, no doubt President Assad and his senior Russian pals hang out. Only if you travel very, very slowly: Douma appears to be about 6 to 7km from downtown Damascus. It is, effectively, within the city limits. It is closer to central Damascus than the airport.
The BBC claim Assad was responsible for this latest chemical weapons attack. I wonder if someone would order the use of chemical weapons that close to their own location? A sudden change in wind direction and you, together with people on your side, are breathing the gas intended for your enemies.
Some of the comments from the “elites” in this video sound very familiar and defy reality. (look for the Swede with the handlebar moustache. I now know the effects of 60’s drugs like LSD.
The ITN Editorial director, is Martha Kearny’s husband.
See #libEstablishment media are all the same folks.
As we know ITV and Sky are not really an alternative to the BBC, they are arms on the same monster.
MK is in the £200-250K pay band
It is not just the media. It is what Rod Liddle calls six degrees of Shami Chakrabarti: any think tank, media job, many charity gigs and cushy political positions come from the same tiny clique of ultra liberal lunatics.
Many who work in the media always have a BBC gig in mind so adapt their work accordingly. The BBC has a gravitational pull, the intellectual equivalent of a black hole sucking all the fun and sanity out of the media universe.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has vowed to do “whatever it takes” to make Britain’s streets safe when she unveiled plans to combat violent crime on Monday.
Previously I said “There are also reports of a chemical weapons attack targeting a hospital in Douma, Syria. What next?”
Well, there are also reports that there has been an almighty cock-up, with Syrian Air Force Intelligence units having arrested several SAS officers who were hiding in one of the underground military facilities in Jobar, near Damascus, and who were coordinating rebel resistance against the Syrian army in the towns of Jobar and Zamalka. The reports claim two military liaison officers were also detained. One of them, an American, the other an Israeli.
There are also reports of MI6 officers running about all over the place. London, Washington, Porton Down, Salisbury District Hospital and Oman.
It looks like its about to get more serious. The Jobar-Zamalka pocket has fallen and the Douma pocket is about to fall. That could mean many more SAS, CIA and MI6 officers could be taken. That’s the real reason for any attack on Syria. RAF Akrotiri could be very active at the moment but it looks like a rescue mission is off and a bombing mission is on.
That’s why the BBC/Liberal types would want a “False Flag” chemical weapons attack targeting children at a hospital in Douma.
Certainly goes against the multicultural narrative eh?
They are sensible to want to retain their national identity instead
of having. Vibrantly diverse foreigners foisted on them without consultation or democratic approval since 1950s.
Crime. Update. – death by cop shooting in. East. London .
A really disturbing trend is how quickly and deeply terrorism stories are being memory-holed. One successful terror attack by Germany and another horrific plot foiled, yet their homepage has nothing. They do find space for stories on royal wedding donations and an irresistible SJW story about Apu from the Simpsons.
After Darren Osborne said the BBC drama ‘Three Girls’ helped inspire his attack, BBC managers clearly had a meeting. Though they love to imagine themselves as courageous heroes fighting for truth and justice, the meeting probably went something like this:
“Report the truth, what on Earth were we thinking? How dare anyone not totally surrender? We shall surrender on the beaches! We shall surrender in the media, Police, politics and judiciary! We shall never fight back!”
Another sob story from the bBC about how black people get it rough after breaking into a house and then having a shoot out with the cops. And here poor Lakeith got 65 years in jail.
Lakeith Smith, 18, of Montgomery, Alabama, was sentenced to 65 years by Judge Sibley Reynolds for “felony murder, armed burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree theft,” Smith smiled and laughed while being sentenced at the Elmore County courthouse. He had turned down a plea deal that would have recommended he spend 25 years in prison on the charges. “I don’t think Mr. Smith will be smiling long when he gets to prison,” C.J. Robinson, chief assistant district attorney, said. “We are very pleased with this sentence. Because the sentences are consecutive, it will be a long time before he comes up for even the possibility for parole, at least 20 to 25 years.” Judge Reynolds said Smith seemed to show no remorse for his crimes during the trial and did not apologise. He also overhead the teen say, “I don’t have time for this.”
Oh and about that police shooting which the bBC describes like this: “The group turned and fled out the back door, and a shootout ensued. When it was all over, 16-year-old A’Donte Washington was dead with a bullet wound to his neck. It’s never been in dispute that a Millbrook police officer shot and killed Washington – officer-worn body cameras captured the fatal confrontation. A grand jury declined to charge the officer, finding that the shooting was justified.”
Here’s what the bBC doesn’t tell you: “On Feb. 23, 2015, Smith, along with four other people, broke into two homes in Millbrook. Police responded to calls of the robberies, and the suspects fired at the officer who entered the home they were raiding. The suspects fled the home but continued to fire at the officer. One of the suspects, A’Donte Washington, 16, of Montgomery, who was armed with a revolver, allegedly pointed a gun at the officer, body cam footage showed. The officer fired at the teenager, killing him. Smith was charged with Washington’s death despite not firing the shots due to the accomplice law. A grand jury cleared the officer who fired the shots at Washington.”
So the policeman was cleared of homicide after camera footage showed the dead youth pointing a pistol at him and how does the bBC end its article: “”I went there to show him and his family some support. What the officers did – it was totally wrong,” says Washington. “I don’t feel [Smith] deserves that. No. Not at all.”
You know when you read something on the BBC parts will be accurate but crucial elements will have been twister, spun or omitted which is their favourite trustworthy trick. I think facts and details over narrative count as hate speech these days though they are everything.
Not terror related means definitely terrorism.
‘Critics say’ means ‘this is what we want you to think.’
OT and a few days late, but i was just purging my spam filter and came across this ‘Snowmail’, where Jon Snow of Ch4 often excels at enhancing any narrative the BBC has already run through the filter:
“Several killed after car crashes into crowd in Muenster”
I haven’t read the Amber Rudd guide to stopping black people killing each other yet – but I will. She shows how devalued the Home Office has become . Just a lightweight to act as a buffer for the PM.
Notice how much political involvement there is with London policing now – the mayor – a policing deputy – local safety committees – the Home Secretary – a police minister – the Greater London asssemby – community consultation groups – and they all achieve what? Cutting the number of street cops and increasing the number of traffic wardens and ‘street patrols ‘
I’ve had a decco at the government strategy – 130 plus pages. It looks like it was re writen last week because of the shit storm of killing going on in Londonistan.
How such a report can avoid police numbers ( street ) as well as ‘stop and search ‘ is beyond me. Confession – I’ve studied criminology so am familiar with. Home office research reports which used to be authoritative and objective. This stuff is shallow and aimed at diverting people from reality .
You call a group of black kids a gang and they become one. It happened where I live. Christ they even had. ‘ colours ‘ – lime green. – a. Bit girlie – but these kids are so disorganised that they couldn’t keep their gang going once the summer holidays ended .
Kids do it because it’s expected – get a hard ‘rep’ and be feared. . It’s not what the home office thinks . The solution is hard policing . Ain’t gonna happen. .
If you are an armchair world leader like Fedup2 you do wonder if the alleged chemical attack in Syria yesterday was intended as a test for the new US Secretary of State – John Bolton – who has always been good value as a true hawk .
I just hope we stay out of it because there won’t be any benefit for us to get involved . Those that spout morality can pick up the tab themselves .
Top tip if you’re ever cornered by the police.
say “Don’t make me do it copper, get back in your car
and drive away
…. otherwise I’ll call you RACIST”
..the terrified little b@ggers will quickly comply,
cos there is nothing they are more frightened of.
This article is so pathetic, and sums up the lunacy at the bBBC.
No further comment needed, other than disband the whole stinking corrupt organisation.
Looby, the BBC really do need some Sub-editors who can Sub and some Editors who can Edit. Every newspaper and broadcaster makes errors from time to time but now it is reaching epidemic proportions at the BBC.
BBC News & Current Affairs has become a complete joke. They were warned years ago when they were starting to getting minor things wrong. They could have taken steps then to sharpen up.
Now they are including material errors in much of their coverage and, often in addition, major omissions from what is left after that. I am not including the ‘sensitive’ information side of things in that, it is the common or garden news coverage – as highlighted by you – that I am refering to. Another example would be this “Oxford University devastated student helped by ‘lovely people’ “. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43701800
How cruel of Oxford University to steal Anne-Marie’s notes!
More hoodwinking of the British taxpayers. Going the way of the US, where you will be paying for the healthcare and education of anyone in the country no questions asked.
Secondary schools “to drop any pretence of teaching anything”.
Oh wait-old news-they in fact gave up teaching once Al Gore sent his “Inconvenient Truth ” DVD , and it was compulsory to watch it.
Bloody North Koreans eh? Copycats.
“Discrimination against the Welsh language”.
That is only one of the barking oxymoronic statements in this crazy hazy piece of lunacy from the BBC.
But who`s taking this use of language apart? Where`s Orwell when you need him?
Let`s face it-the Lefty Media and their Pliant Goons dotted around these Isles are truly barking. All sense of reality gone.
The humour slunk off way back-you need to be educated, humble and discerning to get a joke-the Left have long shown they`re mad and thick as mince.
Keep poking Rod.
Loobyloo & Fedup2
The Welsh Nats. are having a ‘hissy fit’ using a PC attack on Liddle.
Most Taffs would adopt the ‘sticks and stones’ stance and banter back about the bridge opening up Wales to England’s multi-culti world of “black lives matter” in present-day London.
BTW , what happened to “black lives matter”?
Taff? Is it all true – late April fool jobby right?
Maybe it would be good if wales went independent as an experiment . National pride is great but can be a bit expensive . I’ve sometimes wondered how England would get on if London became a city state. But a waste of thinking time .
Ha yes indeed taff . I wonder if Hungary will get hacked off with the ReichEU when they cut funds as a punishment for non compliance with compulsory invasion by Islam ordered by Brussels .
I have seen several posts on social media, demanding the renaming be stopped.
When I ask them which Prince of Wales has been chosen, I dont seem to get an answer. Simply because they assume its our Charlie, but of course you can choose the more historic welsh ones too.
Panorama dropped again,
..was supposed to be “Mark Daly looks into whether the Criminal Cases Review Commission is fit for purpose”
They dropped their Facebook/C-Analytica story the other week
Guardian editor Carole Cadwalladr laid into them
..she then printed corrections in the Observer hidden away on page 50, two weeks running
Do you know how many people made complaints about the interview? Remember that there are thousands of fanatical environmentalists in the UK.
Yes, Just 2.
Nope. I mean literally 2. There were two complaints.
2. Got that?
Hasn’t the Ofcom got better things to do? Such as the BBC’s reporting on Telford? The death of Arkadiusz Jozwik where the BBC lied through its teeth, blaming Brexit for a ‘racist murder’. The BBC’s reporting of the fishing communities demise due to the EU?
Surely there are more than 2 complaints about those cases.
BBC/Ofcom/Guardian/Momentum it’s the same school bully gang
if they don’t like you they wait for you .. and grab your parka hood so they can gob all over your face.
They are utterly contemptuous to people like us that stand up to their gang.
2 complaints? That’s a lot! The political prisoner who taught his dog how to give a Nazi salute and the political prisoner who put a golliwog doll in his window only got 1 complaint each. But for liberals, whose entire world view is based on lies and falsehood, no opposition or dissent whatsoever can be tolerated.
His crying wolf could do the Brexit cause a favour by wasting energy and hope on a lost cause as the days tick down . And it keeps the guardian snowflakes occupied .
I think I found a bit of twisted pro Tory bias . It’s the amber Rudd thing about police numbers not being linked to street crime. Al Beeb has given her an easy time.
I can only think that they see her as one of their own. And the shadow home sec hasn’t said anything either. Maybe Diane is slow reader.
I remember when the Conservative Party was for law and order. Such a long time ago..
Think we can all sense this is coming to the boil.
Note in my local paper that Henry Vincent-the sleazeball who was stabbed by the 78 year old pensioner-has now got a shrine 20 yards away from the poor couples home.
As the hoodied scum drop by with balloons, climb local walls to put their mock up cards and tributes, they say nothing.
But the police won`t let the couple go back and are now in police protection.
Look at those cards-sheer unintended comedy (apparently he changed the lives of everybody he “came across”!). Would be hilarious if the old blokes wife didn`t have Alzheimers wouldn`t it?
Really is about time we took our streets back from scum like this-and their playmaking puppeteers at the BBC for that matter.
Disgusting, really is. The Lefts cynicism in all this is truly evil. Either the Vincents and Duggans roll us all over, or we get something that is not like Rudd or May by way of “law enforcement FFS”
There would be a certain poetic Mash-up if a passing Labour Lord on his Mobly happened to pulll a Frankenstein from Death Race 2000 along the pavement as this collection of rejects were doing their flower arranging.
Jeremy told her not to speak to any nice reporter if a question involving numbers came up. She couldn’t anyway because she held her abacus upside down and a couple of beads dropped off. Maybe she ate them thinking they were large smarties?
BBC London news last night kept asking rhetorically whether it was the goverment’s cuts to Police numbers that was causing the increasing numbers of violent attacks in the city. Perhaps if they didn’t have to spend so much time investigating domestic issues, dancing at carnivals or investigating perceived hate crimes on trannies they might have time for knife crime. Maybe even if they had been allowed to stop and search black men dealing in drugs without SJW’s screaming ‘racist’. And perhaps if police were not having to seek those bloody lone wolves with mental health issues. But less than a month before local election those stabbings are due to Toree Cuts.
I think al beeb want to link the increase to their real target, Social media.
They are desperate to keep the focus on the only means today, by which people can bypass their propaganda and arrive at the truth.
Therefore, for them, not so much police numbers, more so social media.
And here`s another one.
July 3rd 2015, kid wrongly accused of rape hangs himself in a Southampton park. Name of Jay Cheshire.
Mum has to turn off his life support machine.
Year to the day in 2016, she too hangs herself in her house. 55 year old mum called Karin Cheshire.
And last week, Alison Saunders-the creature overseeing this farrago of malice and bloke- baiting-is able to leave her job and carry on with her life, fat salary and academe awaiting her championing of women.
As for mums of those she`s falsely accusing-well, not really women in her terms are they?
Probably the worst story I`ve seen for ages. Not that the BBC will dwell on this kind of thing.
But tells you plenty of where we are these days. It`ll have to be fought.
Poor mum, poor lad and poor family left behind, How did we let it slide to this?
Apparently George Galloway is leading a boycott of @BBCNewsnight tonight. Don’t usually watch it, but if Galloway is boycotting it then I will tonight.
And by all accounts he came from a family of Travellers. This is one ‘community’ that local authorities bend over backwards for – inasmuch that local councils have to provide so many permanent pitches for them to settle. Recently my area was plagued with them ‘settling’ – knowing the time limit before they can be forcibly removed – and as expected the amount of sh..t deposited was unbelievable. They’re just animals, the lot of them.
yes I thought that,
when someone wrote the old guy/wife are under police protection.
Travellers are above the law, you cross them and they’ll escalate by coming to burn down your house and kill your dog/cat
They don’t see that such thuggery leads to more of them dying early.
I recall Travellers blocking up the Manchester Royal Infirmary car park, when one of their number was getting treated for something. No fees for them, negotiated away.
They also took over Cambridge North Park and Ride before Christmas, so the commuters to London and the city centre couldn`t use it.
And now today, I find they did the same to P&R in Taunton by the M5 yesterday, ongoing today no doubt. How come none of this makes any dent in the news-anybody see a pattern?
After Dale farm and Vanessa Redgrave in 2011, they decided to join the Duggans in taking this useless country down. And we`re letting them.
Thanks to chemical intervention the world’s premier news service has been spared giving any in-depth coverage to two rather significant events. Firstly, the Skripal Story conveniently pushed the outcome of the Italian elections way past the back burner. Over a month ago now, who even mentions them or thinks to ask what developments there might have been?
And now, thanks to another dastardly, if unconfirmed, use of chemicals in downtown Damascus, Viktor Orban’s rather significant landslide victory in Hungary can be totally ignored on News at 10.
Result. Or not, as the case may be. Both results herald immense potential damage to the EU monolith, but obviously if they ignore the fact, it might go away.
7:30 FakeBritain BBC1 ; The fake energy assessors go to houses,
and instead of doing a real assessment, their job is recommend expensive building work
..and claim it’s needed for energy efficiency.
They’re now with police rading perps houses
Hang on ..first purps face is blurred, but only ethnic MUslims use that kind of beard.
Credit must be given to the BBC cnuts for the killings that are now a daily event. It’s their constant brain bashing and civil liberties utopia propoganda that prevents the police we already have from doing anything. Should any attempts be made to interfere in the affairs of black youth the BBC would be the first to headline POLICE RACISIM. Marches and riots would follow.
Throwing more money at the problem, putting more police on the streets. Yeah, like it’s going to make a difference. Zero discipline at home, zero discipline at school and zero truth from the worlds most respected broadcaster.
Shouldn’t we be celebrating all this cultural expression?
Back in the 1950s one had to go to Los Angeles, Columbia or Somalia to get this sort of experience, now ‘it is part of living in a big city’. Enough is never enough.
BBC Radio 4 interviewed Dr Adelina Ilie claiming that Bath University has made a breakthrough in developing a new glucose – monitering skin adhesive patch. Once again, the BBC does not give credit to the Jewish State for their developments and in this field in particular where diabetic monitors are already being effectively used by many throughout the world. See http://www.Israelactive.com and search for Diabetic monitors.
Excellent analysis and discussion. You have however made the common mistake of thinking the BBC have either the intelligence to read and understand or the desire to tell the truth…
JA, I did note and liked that Martha Kearney (inadvertently?) let slip that the BBC had not seen the whole document, but just had seen a couple of ‘slides’.
In later news & interviews on BBC R4, the BBC did not repeat that honesty and, instead, were happy to give the impression that they DID have a copy of the whole document.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
I note Orban’s victory is prominently (joke) displayed on the bBBC website……the 8th story down on the ‘world news’ page.
Meanwhile on the main news page, we have ‘Harman accepts Tory MP hacking apology’. After ‘ Israel blamed for Syria airfield attack.’, obviously.
You are not alone.
BBC editorial integrity at its most predictable.
The guardian reports the overwhelming victory with a day of mourning . Meanwhile mister soros will be covering his tracks and money and get ready for the European arrest warrant which is surely coming his way. I’m guessing election fraud since his people in Blighty scream it so much about brexit.
The list of countries he can go will be reducing . Lucky he has an American passport .
Great day for democracy and brexit. Buried as predicted by al beeb . Two front attack now on the reich EU.
Right now, his victory does not show at all. It is un-news.
But they still have this from several days ago:

It’s quite astonishing the absolute rubbish the BBC’s Toytown news team has rustled up for its ‘news’ website front page (gay this, trans that) and yet manages to avoid even a mention or Hungary’s rejection of Soros’s orders.
I wonder why?
The BBC reported that a Tory MP has admitted that many years ago, before she was elected to Parliament, she “hacked” into a Labour MP’s website and wrote complimentary things about the Conservative party.
The Labour MP was Harriet Harman and she has accepted an apology from the Tory MP, Kemi Badenoch, probably due to the fact that she is black and a woman.
Turns out Ms Badenoch didn’t actually hack into Harman’s website as the BBC said as she was able to guess the password and hence gained unrestricted access.
Wonder what the password was? My guess, knowing the level of Harman’s intelligence, is password.
Or, given her self- apprecation, “Harriet”
First we were told by Lammy, Abbott and Khan that the huge increase in black people stabbing and shooting each other was due to a lack of youth centres, hence the high-spirited youngsters had to find alternative ways to let off steam.
Then we were told that it’s actually all down to cuts in the police budget. Those cheeky young devils, always keen to carry out a few pranks, spotted a few less police on the streets and so decided it was time to attack rival gang members.
Now we’re being told by Amber Rudd that it’s all down to the availability of knives, and she intends to restrict their sales.
What a fantastic idea Amber. Whatever next, restricting the sales of food to cure the obesity problem?
Maybe if you stopped with your PC nonsense and took a closer look at their ethnicity you might get a clue as to why there is a problem.
Bit of an old chestnut, police numbers. Whilst numbers have dipped a bit in recent years, in historic terms they are still high. For instance, according to FOI request 30077, there were only 71,692 officers in England and Wales in 1959 – around half of the peak number reached in 2009. Plus they had a lot more to do as: very few civilians worked in admin (tens of thousands, these days); they had to prepare prosecutions (now handled by the CPS); there weren’t any Police Community Support Officers to help out (again, many thousands). Cut the bureaucracy and desk jobs; stop investigating ‘hate’ and other imaginary crimes; scrap the monitoring of social media; stop attending the LGBQWERTY events; stop prancing about with support for resentful and ‘community groups’; end the persecution of motorists. There’ll be plenty of police officers for real work…
…unless, of course, the demographic changes since 1959 mean we have a lot more of the sorts of people who need a lot more policing than Britain historically needed.
“…unless, of course, the demographic changes since 1959 mean we have a lot more of the sorts of people who need a lot more policing than Britain historically needed.”
Which is undoubtedly the case.
And never forget, there are allegedly 900 coppers spent polishing the seats of their pants, staring at the Internet all day, monitoring the activities of people like us who dare to question the rule of the self-appointed elite.
I first saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band in 1980 and thought they were one of the best live acts I had ever seen. Great rocky songs played tight with enormous energy. Pub rock at its best. Hearing the same old songs played hundreds of different ways nearly 40 years later and one wonders what all the fuss was about.
In 1980 Ronald Reagan won the presidency and the singer declared himself “pretty frightened”. In the event it was the Russians that got “pretty frightened” and lost the cold war. Slightly less frightened were the Eastern European states that were released from socialist slavery. Springsteen is not very keen on optimistic Republicans. With Trump he now says he has never known the fear that he feels now. Needless to say he hates all Trump’s policies particularly the proposals to strengthen the border with Mexico. The “Boss” feels that this will “vilify” illegal immigrants – a policy at odds with many American citizens who think that people who break the law should be vilified, or at least returned to their country of origin.
In a previous thread, Alicia Sinclair suggested that his blue-collar affectations were “patronizing, condescending mockery”. Certainly the first line of Born in the USA – “Born down, in a dead man’s town” – suggests that he thinks many people in middle America live in squalor. When Trump refers to places as “shitholes”, they tend to be overseas. Springsteen and all his rich Democrat friends can’t see that the world has moved on and their own identity-ridden and anti-working class solutions have failed. Trump carried the blue-collar vote because he had clear and simple messages about bringing back jobs, increasing wages, combatting terrorism and curbing illegal immigration. You don’t have to like Trump to think he may be on to something here. Springsteen suggests that these are simple and powerful ideas but they are all lies. Writing about all the grime, admittedly at great remove, has made Springsteen rich beyond his wildest dreams.
Sign up please for the “basket of deplorables” tour but watch out all you rednecks in North Carolina. The Boss doesn’t play any songs about your ghastly lives any place where ladyboys can’t use the bathroom of their choice. And of course this happened recently much to the bemusement of the local population.
The whole Springsteen music operation that has generated hundreds of millions of dollars over the years is in fact a great music con. The outfit is still a pub band. Surprisingly few Springsteen songs are covered by other artists, certainly compared with a master songwriter like Bob Dylan. Name one poignant love song that he has written. Most of Springsteen’s popular songs were written years ago and the later albums have been filled with dross. There is only so much you can do with four chords and second-rate lyrics. On stage these days the similar material is partly hidden by drowning it in a big band treatment. A few years ago Nils Lofgren was introduced to play a few lead guitar fireworks, while the excellent sax player Clarence Clemons was replaced on his death by a massive horn section.
It’s a shame when your heroes fade before your very eyes.
And don’t even get me started on Roger Waters!
I was a fan, and still like his old stuff – but the last time I bought an album was ‘The Rising’. All the political whingeing and ‘We are the the World’ virtue signalling nonsense gradually put me off.
Can’t deny he does a good live show though, managed to see him on the Born in the USA tour at Wembley!
BBC Stating BIG Increase in Antarctic Snowfall.
They Quote.
Dr Anna Hogg, from Leeds University, UK, uses radar satellites to measure the shape and mass of the ice sheet.
She told BBC News: “Even with these large snowfall events, Antarctica is still losing ice mass at a faster rate than it is gaining mass from snowfall, mainly due to the regions of known ice dynamic instability, such as in the Amundsen Sea Embayment which includes Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers.
“The Antarctic 4.3mm contribution to global sea level since about 1992 is still our best estimate.”
The work is published in Climate of the Past (CP) they say…..
Climate of the Past (CP) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on the climate history of the Earth. CP covers all temporal scales of climate change and variability, from geological time through to multidecadal studies of the last century. Studies focusing mainly on present and future climate are not within scope.
So there you go Mrs Hogg your outside of scope you were not supposed to be pissing about in Antarctic looking at PC climate change your supposed to be looking in the past and not making unsubstantiated comments about the future of the earth’s climate.
BBC really do need to do their research.
Back to work for me. I only get 30 minutes break, hardly long enough to de-bunk scientific reports on the BBC and have a Pot Noodle.
Dear Dr Anna,
I am concerned about the health of my Antarctica but I note you are obviously worried about a cross infection and are staying rather a long way away from it. Please can you tell me, how accurate is your stethoscope at such a range? What +/- error margin does it have from out in space, let alone the other side of the ‘hospital’ or across your ‘surgery’?
Yours, Patiently
What happens when 25 million people (the Many) find out they have been lied to (by the Few)? We should find out soon … North Korea’s population 25 million ….
BBC £3.5bn News Service might want to ask the question now … rather than later.
I have been waiting to find out what happens now OFCOM has taken over from The Trust.
Not much different in many ways, frankly.
Click to access issue-351-broadcast-on-demand-bulletin.pdf
Looks like Steve Allen got in hot water over describing our noble travelling community in less than appropriate ways.
The BBC got a mention too.
I didn’t recall this immediately, and no surprise it has taken until now from August of last year, and only because some very dedicated folk persisted to complain about… Lord Lawson.
RE: World Service ruined.
Where do sane, well-adjusted people go now every where has turned into a safe space? I do not want to hear about how traumatic it is to receive mean Tweets or how you have committed a crime if you hate something. I don’t care if some people hate me – it is inevitable. Who thinks you should call the Police if someone dislikes you? The BBC think it is a fantastic idea.
God get me to a place with free speech, humour and zero discussion of race, gender or ‘diversity.’
Yes, that will be heaven.
And only God can get you there.
RE: World Service ruined.
Where do sane, well-adjusted people go now every where has turned into a safe space? I do not want to hear about how traumatic it is to receive mean Tweets or how you have committed a crime if you hate something. I don’t care if some people hate me – it is inevitable. Who thinks you should call the Police if someone dislikes you? The BBC think it is a fantastic idea.
God get me to a place with free speech, humour and zero discussion of race, gender or ‘diversity.’
Wonderful Labour at its rancid best…….
Who care’s about anti-semitism, its not affecting our poll ratings
Quite the opposite, it’s boosting them in certain ‘communities’.
As mentioned above, Orban’s victory is well buried on the beeb webshite and ‘News’. (If he’d lost it would have been top of page.)
Also, the headlines and ‘articles’ still downplay the scale of his victory.
One title reads ‘Prime Minister Viktor Orban has CLAIMED a landslide victory’. No beeb, he has WON a landslide victory, whether you like it or not.
And look at the title of the beeb’s Budapest correspondent: “Orban keeps the provinces but loses the youth vote.”
Subliminal message: his supporters are horrible oldies and hideously provincial.
With the beeb the devil’s always in the detail.
vlad, well spotted: “Orban keeps the provinces but loses the youth vote.”
No doubt an attempt to link to Brexit.
If only old people did not vote the wrong way.
Or, even vote.
If only they did not clog up the NHS (increased life expectancy due to better health, notwithstanding).
If only they had not worked so much and contributed to their own and to the State Pension which keeps going up.
It doesn’t seem to say where the youth vote went. Greens? Or the Really Far Right? Is it too much to expect the BBC to at least substantiate these claims with some stats?
On R4 news today at midday, apparently Orban has “divided” the country because two thirds of the population voted for him and one third voted for the opposition.
Maybe Orban should now step down to prevent the country being “divided” any more.
Surely this has to be one of the most creative explanations for a landslide victory that the BBC has ever done.
As we all here know this disgusting excuse for a broadcaster is now nothing more than a globalist propaganda outfit. What is interesting though is that it appears to have given up all attempts of subtle propaganda to now being about as subtle as a turd in a swimming pool.
Great to know they are still pimping themselves out as experts on “fake” news. With all their experience of writing it they must definitely now be a world wide expert in recognising it as well.
Thank God I no longer have to pay for this utterly appalling shite!
Oak – split the country . Wow al Beeb admits the election was not fixed then . I thought they’d go for that. I don’t know which. Country goes to polls next but please vote sanity and borders.
Gender Pay Gap … sorted.
Tax on Plastic … sorted.
Tax on Sugar … sorted.
Tax on Elderly … sorted.
Terrorist Threat Level … errrrr.
Mass immigration … errrr.
“The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.”
“After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.”
One story you wont see on BBC is the hundreds of Russian
soldiers going to fight in Syria for Assad. There is an interesting
disclosure in Haaretz the left wing Israeli newspaper. This paper
is often very critical of the Israeli government. So this disclosure
of this clandestine operation by Russia is interesting.
i know of course there are Brits and Yanks out there as well
fighting against Assad . But according to Haaretz the Russian
involvement is even much bigger than what has been thought
by many.
And on libdems site … “Leave liars must now come clean” …
https://www.libdems.org.uk/ … just as they produce a graph which is meaningless …
You have to squint to see the graph actually shows, hilariously, “the number of times the parties have been in touch”. The LibDems came last in the Carholme ward last time. Taking misleading LibDem bar charts to the next level…
Before blaming Assad & the Russians for the attack on Douma (Duma), I wonder if the BBC N&CA team actually looked at a map?
I have just heard someone claim on TWatO (BBC R4 1-1.45pm) that Douma is 40mins drive from central Damascus where, no doubt President Assad and his senior Russian pals hang out. Only if you travel very, very slowly: Douma appears to be about 6 to 7km from downtown Damascus. It is, effectively, within the city limits. It is closer to central Damascus than the airport.
The BBC claim Assad was responsible for this latest chemical weapons attack. I wonder if someone would order the use of chemical weapons that close to their own location? A sudden change in wind direction and you, together with people on your side, are breathing the gas intended for your enemies.
Not a smart thing to do.
Either way.
Diane Abbott is in full ATTACK MODE …
“For as long as we refuse to participate (IN UPHOLDING THE LAW), we can fight the government’s attempts (LAWS) to turn us into border guards. We can fight for a country that guarantees people’s human rights (LET ANYONE IN), whoever they are and wherever they come from. (EVEN CRIMINALS?)”
The LibLabs and media minions have a plan. The results of the plans could end like this.
Some of the comments from the “elites” in this video sound very familiar and defy reality. (look for the Swede with the handlebar moustache. I now know the effects of 60’s drugs like LSD.
The ITN Editorial director, is Martha Kearny’s husband.
See #libEstablishment media are all the same folks.
As we know ITV and Sky are not really an alternative to the BBC, they are arms on the same monster.
MK is in the £200-250K pay band
It is not just the media. It is what Rod Liddle calls six degrees of Shami Chakrabarti: any think tank, media job, many charity gigs and cushy political positions come from the same tiny clique of ultra liberal lunatics.
Many who work in the media always have a BBC gig in mind so adapt their work accordingly. The BBC has a gravitational pull, the intellectual equivalent of a black hole sucking all the fun and sanity out of the media universe.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has vowed to do “whatever it takes” to make Britain’s streets safe when she unveiled plans to combat violent crime on Monday.
£10 assisted passage to Somalia?
Green on Green ?
Luton imam shot at 3 times, once hit
Yet story not selected for BBCbangingOn ?
Story doesn’t name the 5 bailed.
ORBAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Previously I said “There are also reports of a chemical weapons attack targeting a hospital in Douma, Syria. What next?”
Well, there are also reports that there has been an almighty cock-up, with Syrian Air Force Intelligence units having arrested several SAS officers who were hiding in one of the underground military facilities in Jobar, near Damascus, and who were coordinating rebel resistance against the Syrian army in the towns of Jobar and Zamalka. The reports claim two military liaison officers were also detained. One of them, an American, the other an Israeli.
There are also reports of MI6 officers running about all over the place. London, Washington, Porton Down, Salisbury District Hospital and Oman.
It looks like its about to get more serious. The Jobar-Zamalka pocket has fallen and the Douma pocket is about to fall. That could mean many more SAS, CIA and MI6 officers could be taken. That’s the real reason for any attack on Syria. RAF Akrotiri could be very active at the moment but it looks like a rescue mission is off and a bombing mission is on.
That’s why the BBC/Liberal types would want a “False Flag” chemical weapons attack targeting children at a hospital in Douma.
Certainly goes against the multicultural narrative eh?
They are sensible to want to retain their national identity instead
of having. Vibrantly diverse foreigners foisted on them without consultation or democratic approval since 1950s.
Crime. Update. – death by cop shooting in. East. London .
A really disturbing trend is how quickly and deeply terrorism stories are being memory-holed. One successful terror attack by Germany and another horrific plot foiled, yet their homepage has nothing. They do find space for stories on royal wedding donations and an irresistible SJW story about Apu from the Simpsons.
After Darren Osborne said the BBC drama ‘Three Girls’ helped inspire his attack, BBC managers clearly had a meeting. Though they love to imagine themselves as courageous heroes fighting for truth and justice, the meeting probably went something like this:
“Report the truth, what on Earth were we thinking? How dare anyone not totally surrender? We shall surrender on the beaches! We shall surrender in the media, Police, politics and judiciary! We shall never fight back!”
How we can longer trust the bBC for the news it provides:

Another sob story from the bBC about how black people get it rough after breaking into a house and then having a shoot out with the cops. And here poor Lakeith got 65 years in jail.
Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
Ala. teen turns down 25-year plea deal, gets sentenced to 65 years instead – and laughs
AN Alabama teen laughed Thursday, as a judge sentenced him to 65 years in prison for murder and theft after he rejected a plea deal that would have given him 25 years behind bars.
Lakeith Smith, 18, of Montgomery, Alabama, was sentenced to 65 years by Judge Sibley Reynolds for “felony murder, armed burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree theft,” Smith smiled and laughed while being sentenced at the Elmore County courthouse. He had turned down a plea deal that would have recommended he spend 25 years in prison on the charges. “I don’t think Mr. Smith will be smiling long when he gets to prison,” C.J. Robinson, chief assistant district attorney, said. “We are very pleased with this sentence. Because the sentences are consecutive, it will be a long time before he comes up for even the possibility for parole, at least 20 to 25 years.” Judge Reynolds said Smith seemed to show no remorse for his crimes during the trial and did not apologise. He also overhead the teen say, “I don’t have time for this.”
Oh and about that police shooting which the bBC describes like this:
“The group turned and fled out the back door, and a shootout ensued. When it was all over, 16-year-old A’Donte Washington was dead with a bullet wound to his neck. It’s never been in dispute that a Millbrook police officer shot and killed Washington – officer-worn body cameras captured the fatal confrontation. A grand jury declined to charge the officer, finding that the shooting was justified.”
Here’s what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
“On Feb. 23, 2015, Smith, along with four other people, broke into two homes in Millbrook. Police responded to calls of the robberies, and the suspects fired at the officer who entered the home they were raiding. The suspects fled the home but continued to fire at the officer. One of the suspects, A’Donte Washington, 16, of Montgomery, who was armed with a revolver, allegedly pointed a gun at the officer, body cam footage showed. The officer fired at the teenager, killing him. Smith was charged with Washington’s death despite not firing the shots due to the accomplice law. A grand jury cleared the officer who fired the shots at Washington.”
So the policeman was cleared of homicide after camera footage showed the dead youth pointing a pistol at him and how does the bBC end its article:
“”I went there to show him and his family some support. What the officers did – it was totally wrong,” says Washington. “I don’t feel [Smith] deserves that. No. Not at all.”
The bBC , the biggest promoter of fake news.
You know when you read something on the BBC parts will be accurate but crucial elements will have been twister, spun or omitted which is their favourite trustworthy trick. I think facts and details over narrative count as hate speech these days though they are everything.
Not terror related means definitely terrorism.
‘Critics say’ means ‘this is what we want you to think.’
The al beeb fixation with a foreign country thousands of miles away – America .
If they can find a black victim in Blighty they look to America . The black lives matter s campaign there has some validity .
Al beeb cannot grasp that America and Blighty are different . Gun culture in different . Law enforcement is different .
So they use an irrelevant story like this – for what purpose ? Al beeb is the British state broadcaster not the American one
OT and a few days late, but i was just purging my spam filter and came across this ‘Snowmail’, where Jon Snow of Ch4 often excels at enhancing any narrative the BBC has already run through the filter:
“Several killed after car crashes into crowd in Muenster”
Totally captures the incident.
I haven’t read the Amber Rudd guide to stopping black people killing each other yet – but I will. She shows how devalued the Home Office has become . Just a lightweight to act as a buffer for the PM.
Notice how much political involvement there is with London policing now – the mayor – a policing deputy – local safety committees – the Home Secretary – a police minister – the Greater London asssemby – community consultation groups – and they all achieve what? Cutting the number of street cops and increasing the number of traffic wardens and ‘street patrols ‘
All true Fedup, but don’t forget she was jolly good at hockey and lacrosse.
I’ve had a decco at the government strategy – 130 plus pages. It looks like it was re writen last week because of the shit storm of killing going on in Londonistan.
How such a report can avoid police numbers ( street ) as well as ‘stop and search ‘ is beyond me. Confession – I’ve studied criminology so am familiar with. Home office research reports which used to be authoritative and objective. This stuff is shallow and aimed at diverting people from reality .
You call a group of black kids a gang and they become one. It happened where I live. Christ they even had. ‘ colours ‘ – lime green. – a. Bit girlie – but these kids are so disorganised that they couldn’t keep their gang going once the summer holidays ended .
Kids do it because it’s expected – get a hard ‘rep’ and be feared. . It’s not what the home office thinks . The solution is hard policing . Ain’t gonna happen. .
They will need cash for community centres with facilities for ping pong to occupy the yoofs
Report sets out options for Scottish government-owned energy firm
comments are open …. SNP supporters are well in their
but some against them a few posts down.
If you are an armchair world leader like Fedup2 you do wonder if the alleged chemical attack in Syria yesterday was intended as a test for the new US Secretary of State – John Bolton – who has always been good value as a true hawk .
I just hope we stay out of it because there won’t be any benefit for us to get involved . Those that spout morality can pick up the tab themselves .
Top tip if you’re ever cornered by the police.
say “Don’t make me do it copper, get back in your car
and drive away
…. otherwise I’ll call you RACIST”
..the terrified little b@ggers will quickly comply,
cos there is nothing they are more frightened of.
Trump Tower fire victim Todd Brassner ‘hated’ living there
This article is so pathetic, and sums up the lunacy at the bBBC.
No further comment needed, other than disband the whole stinking corrupt organisation.
Looby, the BBC really do need some Sub-editors who can Sub and some Editors who can Edit. Every newspaper and broadcaster makes errors from time to time but now it is reaching epidemic proportions at the BBC.
BBC News & Current Affairs has become a complete joke. They were warned years ago when they were starting to getting minor things wrong. They could have taken steps then to sharpen up.
Now they are including material errors in much of their coverage and, often in addition, major omissions from what is left after that. I am not including the ‘sensitive’ information side of things in that, it is the common or garden news coverage – as highlighted by you – that I am refering to. Another example would be this “Oxford University devastated student helped by ‘lovely people’ “. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43701800
How cruel of Oxford University to steal Anne-Marie’s notes!
Orban has won 133 out of the 199 seats in the Hungarian parliament
The Socialist party has 20
The Ultra Nationalists projected to win 26.
Brilliant – let’s wait to see what crap soros spits out . Hope Orban moves quickly to deal with soros . Goes around comes around .
Schools ‘to drop gathering nationality data’
More hoodwinking of the British taxpayers. Going the way of the US, where you will be paying for the healthcare and education of anyone in the country no questions asked.
Secondary schools “to drop any pretence of teaching anything”.
Oh wait-old news-they in fact gave up teaching once Al Gore sent his “Inconvenient Truth ” DVD , and it was compulsory to watch it.
Bloody North Koreans eh? Copycats.
Can you imagine this policeman doing a stop and search?
Ah – there he is – The MK2 PC Common Purpose Robo Droid. I think the little chap with the funny beardy cat like thing on his face must be the Mk 1.
I think Al Beeb are having a tantrum cos of the Orban victory.
Rod Liddle Wales article sparks complaints to IPSO
Be afraid if you have differing opinions!
“Discrimination against the Welsh language”.
That is only one of the barking oxymoronic statements in this crazy hazy piece of lunacy from the BBC.
But who`s taking this use of language apart? Where`s Orwell when you need him?
Let`s face it-the Lefty Media and their Pliant Goons dotted around these Isles are truly barking. All sense of reality gone.
The humour slunk off way back-you need to be educated, humble and discerning to get a joke-the Left have long shown they`re mad and thick as mince.
Keep poking Rod.
Loobyloo & Fedup2
The Welsh Nats. are having a ‘hissy fit’ using a PC attack on Liddle.
Most Taffs would adopt the ‘sticks and stones’ stance and banter back about the bridge opening up Wales to England’s multi-culti world of “black lives matter” in present-day London.
BTW , what happened to “black lives matter”?
Taff? Is it all true – late April fool jobby right?
Maybe it would be good if wales went independent as an experiment . National pride is great but can be a bit expensive . I’ve sometimes wondered how England would get on if London became a city state. But a waste of thinking time .
Rod is a jester isn’t he?
Yes, Wales wants independence, independence from the EU.
Ha yes indeed taff . I wonder if Hungary will get hacked off with the ReichEU when they cut funds as a punishment for non compliance with compulsory invasion by Islam ordered by Brussels .
We would have got out of the EU 18 months ago if we had a ‘Prime’ Minister.
I have seen several posts on social media, demanding the renaming be stopped.
When I ask them which Prince of Wales has been chosen, I dont seem to get an answer. Simply because they assume its our Charlie, but of course you can choose the more historic welsh ones too.
“News UK, which publishes the Sunday Times, has been asked for comment”
By whom, about what?
The BBC is as much a laughing stock as these idiot pols.
Not Al Beeb, I wonder why.
Warning, graphic images of animals in distress, being shipped from Aus to….the Middle East. Sheep, not pigs.
Panorama dropped again,
..was supposed to be “Mark Daly looks into whether the Criminal Cases Review Commission is fit for purpose”
They dropped their Facebook/C-Analytica story the other week
Guardian editor Carole Cadwalladr laid into them
..she then printed corrections in the Observer hidden away on page 50, two weeks running
The Guardian, the BBC’s favourite newspaper, well its only newspaper, is very excited about Ofcom challenging statements made by Lord Lawson on Climate on radio 4.
Do you know how many people made complaints about the interview? Remember that there are thousands of fanatical environmentalists in the UK.
Yes, Just 2.
Nope. I mean literally 2. There were two complaints.
2. Got that?
Hasn’t the Ofcom got better things to do? Such as the BBC’s reporting on Telford? The death of Arkadiusz Jozwik where the BBC lied through its teeth, blaming Brexit for a ‘racist murder’. The BBC’s reporting of the fishing communities demise due to the EU?
Surely there are more than 2 complaints about those cases.
Works out at about 3 months per complainant. I wonder what that racked up in hourlies and exes?
BBC/Ofcom/Guardian/Momentum it’s the same school bully gang
if they don’t like you they wait for you .. and grab your parka hood so they can gob all over your face.
They are utterly contemptuous to people like us that stand up to their gang.
2 complaints? That’s a lot! The political prisoner who taught his dog how to give a Nazi salute and the political prisoner who put a golliwog doll in his window only got 1 complaint each. But for liberals, whose entire world view is based on lies and falsehood, no opposition or dissent whatsoever can be tolerated.
His crying wolf could do the Brexit cause a favour by wasting energy and hope on a lost cause as the days tick down . And it keeps the guardian snowflakes occupied .
I think I found a bit of twisted pro Tory bias . It’s the amber Rudd thing about police numbers not being linked to street crime. Al Beeb has given her an easy time.
I can only think that they see her as one of their own. And the shadow home sec hasn’t said anything either. Maybe Diane is slow reader.
I remember when the Conservative Party was for law and order. Such a long time ago..
Think we can all sense this is coming to the boil.
Note in my local paper that Henry Vincent-the sleazeball who was stabbed by the 78 year old pensioner-has now got a shrine 20 yards away from the poor couples home.
As the hoodied scum drop by with balloons, climb local walls to put their mock up cards and tributes, they say nothing.
But the police won`t let the couple go back and are now in police protection.
Look at those cards-sheer unintended comedy (apparently he changed the lives of everybody he “came across”!). Would be hilarious if the old blokes wife didn`t have Alzheimers wouldn`t it?
Really is about time we took our streets back from scum like this-and their playmaking puppeteers at the BBC for that matter.
Disgusting, really is. The Lefts cynicism in all this is truly evil. Either the Vincents and Duggans roll us all over, or we get something that is not like Rudd or May by way of “law enforcement FFS”
There would be a certain poetic Mash-up if a passing Labour Lord on his Mobly happened to pulll a Frankenstein from Death Race 2000 along the pavement as this collection of rejects were doing their flower arranging.
Jeremy told her not to speak to any nice reporter if a question involving numbers came up. She couldn’t anyway because she held her abacus upside down and a couple of beads dropped off. Maybe she ate them thinking they were large smarties?
BBC London news last night kept asking rhetorically whether it was the goverment’s cuts to Police numbers that was causing the increasing numbers of violent attacks in the city. Perhaps if they didn’t have to spend so much time investigating domestic issues, dancing at carnivals or investigating perceived hate crimes on trannies they might have time for knife crime. Maybe even if they had been allowed to stop and search black men dealing in drugs without SJW’s screaming ‘racist’. And perhaps if police were not having to seek those bloody lone wolves with mental health issues. But less than a month before local election those stabbings are due to Toree Cuts.
I think al beeb want to link the increase to their real target, Social media.
They are desperate to keep the focus on the only means today, by which people can bypass their propaganda and arrive at the truth.
Therefore, for them, not so much police numbers, more so social media.
And here`s another one.
July 3rd 2015, kid wrongly accused of rape hangs himself in a Southampton park. Name of Jay Cheshire.
Mum has to turn off his life support machine.
Year to the day in 2016, she too hangs herself in her house. 55 year old mum called Karin Cheshire.
And last week, Alison Saunders-the creature overseeing this farrago of malice and bloke- baiting-is able to leave her job and carry on with her life, fat salary and academe awaiting her championing of women.
As for mums of those she`s falsely accusing-well, not really women in her terms are they?
Probably the worst story I`ve seen for ages. Not that the BBC will dwell on this kind of thing.
But tells you plenty of where we are these days. It`ll have to be fought.
Poor mum, poor lad and poor family left behind, How did we let it slide to this?
And by all accounts he came from a family of Travellers. This is one ‘community’ that local authorities bend over backwards for – inasmuch that local councils have to provide so many permanent pitches for them to settle. Recently my area was plagued with them ‘settling’ – knowing the time limit before they can be forcibly removed – and as expected the amount of sh..t deposited was unbelievable. They’re just animals, the lot of them.
yes I thought that,
when someone wrote the old guy/wife are under police protection.
Travellers are above the law, you cross them and they’ll escalate by coming to burn down your house and kill your dog/cat
They don’t see that such thuggery leads to more of them dying early.
I recall Travellers blocking up the Manchester Royal Infirmary car park, when one of their number was getting treated for something. No fees for them, negotiated away.
They also took over Cambridge North Park and Ride before Christmas, so the commuters to London and the city centre couldn`t use it.
And now today, I find they did the same to P&R in Taunton by the M5 yesterday, ongoing today no doubt. How come none of this makes any dent in the news-anybody see a pattern?
After Dale farm and Vanessa Redgrave in 2011, they decided to join the Duggans in taking this useless country down. And we`re letting them.
Thanks to chemical intervention the world’s premier news service has been spared giving any in-depth coverage to two rather significant events. Firstly, the Skripal Story conveniently pushed the outcome of the Italian elections way past the back burner. Over a month ago now, who even mentions them or thinks to ask what developments there might have been?
And now, thanks to another dastardly, if unconfirmed, use of chemicals in downtown Damascus, Viktor Orban’s rather significant landslide victory in Hungary can be totally ignored on News at 10.
Result. Or not, as the case may be. Both results herald immense potential damage to the EU monolith, but obviously if they ignore the fact, it might go away.
7:30 FakeBritain BBC1 ; The fake energy assessors go to houses,
and instead of doing a real assessment, their job is recommend expensive building work
..and claim it’s needed for energy efficiency.
They’re now with police rading perps houses
Hang on ..first purps face is blurred, but only ethnic MUslims use that kind of beard.
“Good Friday Agreement played up, suggests Labour’s Barry Gardiner”
Lets have our own HYS .
Al Beeb don’t have one so far?
The benefits of immigration……………..
Credit must be given to the BBC cnuts for the killings that are now a daily event. It’s their constant brain bashing and civil liberties utopia propoganda that prevents the police we already have from doing anything. Should any attempts be made to interfere in the affairs of black youth the BBC would be the first to headline POLICE RACISIM. Marches and riots would follow.
Throwing more money at the problem, putting more police on the streets. Yeah, like it’s going to make a difference. Zero discipline at home, zero discipline at school and zero truth from the worlds most respected broadcaster.
Shouldn’t we be celebrating all this cultural expression?
Back in the 1950s one had to go to Los Angeles, Columbia or Somalia to get this sort of experience, now ‘it is part of living in a big city’. Enough is never enough.
Emily M has retweeted this:
Emily M clearly has a great grasp of irony.
BBC Radio 4 interviewed Dr Adelina Ilie claiming that Bath University has made a breakthrough in developing a new glucose – monitering skin adhesive patch. Once again, the BBC does not give credit to the Jewish State for their developments and in this field in particular where diabetic monitors are already being effectively used by many throughout the world. See http://www.Israelactive.com and search for Diabetic monitors.
Excellent analysis and discussion. You have however made the common mistake of thinking the BBC have either the intelligence to read and understand or the desire to tell the truth…
JA, I did note and liked that Martha Kearney (inadvertently?) let slip that the BBC had not seen the whole document, but just had seen a couple of ‘slides’.
In later news & interviews on BBC R4, the BBC did not repeat that honesty and, instead, were happy to give the impression that they DID have a copy of the whole document.
Dishonest, BBC.