Shrine to burglar Henry Vincent who was stabbed by pensioner in SE LOndon last week. Locals pulled some of it down, but some tributes remain.
There is a water processing place opposite my house where they are working today. Disgusting, dirty, dangerous work but probably quite well paid.
Not a single woman among the workers! Feminists should campaign for 50/50 female water processing workers, for that evil wage gap will never close unless women get their hands dirty. I imagine Stella Creasy will be Tweeting imminently about such a burning injustice – smash that patriarchy which does all the essential things we take for granted and would be helpless without. Who needs roads, buildings, running water and electricity?
Nobody is going to pay you a lot if you are doing something warm, safe and easy which anyone can do. Go process some filthy water in the freezing rain and the market might bump up your earnings. They could not get away with paying this lot the same as till workers in Tescos as nobody would do the work for that price and the work has to be done.
Have all the feminists have a well-earned year off from sitting in warm offices and moaning and do some male-dominated jobs. Now that is a BBC show I would pay for.
Week 1: Stella Creasey works on an oil rig.
Week 2: Carrie Gracie builds a sky scraper in the freezing cold rain.
Week 3: Cathy Newman gets a job managing an IT team in a school. When the network keeps crashing and everything goes down, she just shouts at the computers over and over: “So you are saying you will work now!”
Week 4: Having plummeted to her death in a previous episode, the ghost of Carrie Gracie returns to say she was sorry for being such a snide bitch and she now appreciates the essential work men do which she would hate to do.
So says the BBC News Channel reporter concerning the Russian spy story.
But we know that’s not true. The BBC is doing no independent journalism or critical reporting on this issue.
This morning the BBC simply passes on a press release concerning Yulia Skipal’s release from hospital – which happened yesterday.
And, by the way, on Sunday (the day prior to Ms Skripal’s release) Jane Hill of the BBC (with some excitment) read out a previous official press release telling us that in contrast with what Russian sources were saying (that Yulia herself believed she would be released within the week) the medical authorities were denying this to be true. Our Jane Hill news anchor with the BBC went to some rather tedious lengths to highlight this apparent contradiction. BBC reports went further – they still questioned the authenticity of the telephone recording in which Yulia Skripal told her female relative she would soon be out of hospital.
So, no BBC, we very much doubt that you will be keeping us up to date with the detail of this story. In fact you will do no independent investigative journalism on it. You will simply pass on official press releases. Your editorial efforts will go into supporting that official narrative and into pooh-poohing information which comes from other sources. You will abide by the official narrative only. We can’t trust you as a balanced independent broadcaster – because you are no such thing.
BBC, you may not be a government lapdog on every issue (we know that) – but on an issue where your political instinct matches that of the authorities then you will pretend to be the bulldog but really you will wag your little tail, yap and nuzzle up.
AISI, whether or not the BBC were being toadies in the Skripal Affair, they have just totally defective as a news broadcaster.
I hope to get around to listing what the BBC have not covered on R4 on this but as an unpaid, unresourced journalist – unlike that W1A shower with their multi-billions of £s – I will have to make time for it along with other tasks. It may be a long list.
Am here fresh from Blair on TOADY (R4 8.12am onward) and thought he spoke very well.
Until the end, when he said something stupid and followed it up by being completely dishonest. On that last point, if my memory is correct, Blair HAS SAID on air, on the BBC – think it was the TOADY Programme, again – that he DID want to form a ‘Centrist’ Party in and for the UK.
The stupidity was revealing. Blair does have a globalist, one world Government agenda if he really believes that a country’s resources and economy should be run for the benefit of others outside that nation. Think I heard him right on that. The fact is that the UK has been governed slightly/partly/mostly like that, certainly since 1 January 1973, and it was probably a prime motivation for the majority of the UK to vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016.
“Blair sounds more and more like a demented old lady…” For me, rather religious. At least he enjoys sounding like a religious minister. (Not RoP) but leaving just room to improve with his, “I say to you….”. Shortly, no doubt, on the current trajectory to be, “I say unto you…..”. Whatever, a prize Prick.
The advantage is that he is now widely disliked and distrusted. Toxic Tone has his uses. The more Blair nails his flag to the Remain mast must be a help to the good ship UK as it sails of into EU free waters. I note that The Humph didn’t ask him too much about that this a.m.!
While we are talking about ‘stupid’, I feel Assad and his Russian allies are being just that in refusing an independent investigation into the Duma gas attack. In this age of easy filming/recording and making the material widely available, I would have thought that a recorded inspection would back up the claims it was a staged attack. Recording the inspection would put pressure on the inspectors to be scrupulous in their work.
Unless it was truly ordered and carried out by the Syrian military. Which likelihood Assad has now re-inforced in the thinking of the West. Stupid.
Even more so when set against the two UN inspections that Assad allowed years ago. Why not now?
In 2006 we had a very hot, dry year. In the northwest there was a hosepipe ban for most of the year.
On the Today program John Humphries had on “experts” telling us that we’d better get used to it, it was man made and with 15 years time the UK would have the same climate as the Mediterranean.
Well, 12 years later it’s absolutely hammering it down again here, all the surrounding fields are flooded and we haven’t had a hosepipe ban since.
The good news though is that not one of those “experts” has been on again to say that they were wrong so we only have three years to wait until it feels like we’re permanently on holiday.
Been hammering it down in the Antarctic by all accounts, t.o..
Having been so definite on AGW/CC as you rightly state, I note with interest that ‘they’ are now going to do ‘groundbreaking’ research there in order to discover what is happening under the ice shelf. Unfortunately the researcher said they would run the findings through computer modelling. Er … ummh … isn’t that where it may have gone all wrong last time? I thought GIGO, GIGO I thought.
Been hammering it down in the Antarctic by all accounts, t.o..
Having been so definite on AGW/CC as you rightly state, I note with interest that ‘they’ are now going to do ‘groundbreaking’ research there in order to discover what is happening under the ice shelf. Unfortunately the researcher said they would run the findings through computer modelling.
Er … ummh … isn’t that where it may have gone all wrong last time?
The cycle can be far shorter. Go back 30 years from 2006 to 1976 ‘The Drought Year’ when we had experts of the period blathering on with total conviction about permanent changes in northern European agriculture, with rice, millet and alfalfa as staples – that same ‘Mediterranean Climate’.
Not only did the wheels fall off the very next year, the combine harvesters went down to their axles in waterlogged ground, eventually leaving most of the harvest to rot.
Hard though it may be to believe, no experts were available to make educated and profound comments on the aberrant conditions through the good offices of the BBC, and certainly none of those who knew without doubt what they were talking about less than a year earlier.
Nothing changes, only the weather.
Guardian columnist comparing Catholicism and Facebook .
If people are stupid enough to put their personal lives on the internet what more can they expect .
Politicians use anything they can to get elected . All and every side. The sun comes up in the morning .
If you engage with TV licensing they require that you write to them to explain why you don’t need a tv licence . You have to disclose personal information to get them to stop sending you threatening letters.
And al beeb talks about Facebook like it’s bad because it uses personal data. It’s a business . It would be mad not too.
BBC Katty Kay uses her twitter (BBC) to sell her book … does this reduce the BBC TV Tax or break any guidelines or do the those prosecuted for not paying their BBC TV Tax get some royalties ?
When there’s a competition as to who can pronounce his name correctly.
(because I’m struggling. But then, I can barely get my tongue around George Alegaiaahaha, or the actors Chiwetel Ejiofor and David Oyelowo, and I suspect I am not alone)
I agree that saying you are criticised by both sides is not an answer. And I never say it. As for Nigel Farage, please look at OfCom rulings about UKIP and scale of coverage in period they enjoyed high popular support.
Perhaps Assad & Co feel that they are going to be stitched up?
Currently he and Russia are the baddies. Listen to the BBC: there are no two sides to every story, there are only the BAD (Assad & Russia) and the GOOD (all forces opposing them). Everything that happens is fitted into that narrative. Convenient.
I don’t contest that, cos I don’t KNOW. But I have seen how biased the MSM can be, and when they’re all singing from the same hymn-sheet, you DO wonder.
The ‘Arab Spring’ was supposed to be a much publicised ‘triumph’ of Western style democracy in all the Arab countries, but Assad has been a thorn in the side of that narrative.
The Jihadists who fight him are presumably all angels?
fnw, the two previous UN inspections, IIRC, exonerated Assad but found that he had the ‘capability’ to produce chemical weapons. Again, IIRC, at that point Assad surrendered or destroyed his stocks of potential components. Think its on a Wiki page somewhere – usual warnings about Wiki accuracy apply.
Can only assume that our elites rather are taken with the need to save the Islamic State mutations and variants from wipeout.
Hence the EU seeking to “bring our boys home” for a bit of R&R, and some incubation time.
Enoch was right-just because the Tiber doesn`t literally flow down Woolwich High Road doesn`t mean that Lee Rigby(and, yes, even Stephen Lawrence) had to die, so Islam could get a foothold.
What a wonderful few days of sport it has been on the BBC with its blanket coverage of something called the Commonwealth Games. Prince Charles has got out of the Palace(s) and a bloke nearly won the 90kg weightlifting in the women’s event. Like all Sport Days in the modern era, everyone, no matter what their preferred gender or nationality, must win prizes,
“And the Gold Medal goes to Wales” – savour the moment while you can.
One long never ending Prize Day at the Beeb isn`t it?
The very embodiment of the Dodo Conjecture.
“All Must Have Prizes” indeed.
Witness The Nobel Peace Prize of 2007.
Irena Sendler (saved 2,500 Jewish babies by posing as a social worker in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1944)-nominated for the Prize, 2005, 2006, 2007-never won, died 2008.
Al Gore and the I.P.C.C jointly shared the Prize of 2007, before handing it along to Barak Obama in 2009.
All Must Have Prizes-but not Polish War Heroes who saved 2,500 babies from the gas chambers…but Lineker, Beyonce, Savile, Rooney, Blair and Cox?….
Police can`t do anything about this then?
Funny what they CAN do, when they`ve got their heels on and make up fixed, like take pensioners into custody and throw loads of blue tape around the site of someone refusing to pay her TV Licence.
Personally, I`d tell the Brum Bin Bruvvers that that teddy hanging in the picture was NOT gay-but is actually called Muhammad. That should get the place cleared.
Also-do you notice how well those “tributes” to daddy are written? And somebody asked what all those girls at the BBC are doing? I bet they`re writing them for the 6pm news grabs. This lot would not have learned to write like this, never in school surely.
The force helicopter and 10 officers were sent to a home in Highdene Road, Cherry Hinton after a complaint from members of the public the music was too loud and people were allegedly shouting anti-Islamic abuse.
I noticed that the group of slappers that were sent to lay the touching flower memorial were so upset that they had to cover their faces from the cameras.
Brought a tear to my eye.
In other news UK MP’s give themselves 18% pay rise (both Labour and Conservatives) from 2010 without asking the people (their employers) if they are worth it during a recession and austerity period?
They are still running with the damp squib of Stormy Daniels. I am so sick of character assassination by the Left. It is the last resort of those who have lost the argument. It did not work during the election and it will not work know, and I think they know that. There is none of the fire of their previous attacks, perhaps because they have always ended up with egg on their faces.
I think it makes him look good that he has been having sex with porn stars; it would certainly play well with his base. I am sure Ed Miliband never had an affair with anyone, let alone a porn star, and I know who I would rather have negotiating with the likes of Putin. Theresa May has probably never broken a rule in her life which is why she is such an abject appeaser too afraid of cracking eggs to make an omelette.
Ruthless maleness has done great things for humanity; the USA could never have been created had the founders not been brutal to the native Indians. Women would be too caring. God if only Merkel had just told the invaders to f**k off? Trump sure would have. With Merkel, May and all these beta males in charge we are safe spacing our way to oblivion.
Stumbled onto the Today programme , pelted off pronto. I recognised that girly glottal stop of ex PM Liar.
That`s twice in three days. Bound to have something important to say.
Not David Kelly or Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or creaming it off in Qatar or wherever though.
Only the Beeb eh?
“A message from Morrissey. “Please read Douglas Murray’s ‘The Strange Death of Europe’.””
I am sorry that our art-hounds at The Independent and The Guardian were so hateful about the tour, but as we now know, hatred is their income. – Morrissey
A message from Morrissey. "Please read Douglas Murray's 'The Strange Death of Europe'."
It looks like Trump is going to be a hero for his tough stance against Assad. Treezer and Macron are willing to get stuck in. Some allies eh.
Note how the BBC have now reverted to calling him President Trump
It’s odd that every time Assad’s forces are about to win a victory, Assad suddenly decides to use chlorine gas.
Not nerve gas, not mustard gas, chlorine. First used by the Germans in 1915, long obsolete as a chemical weapon, but easily made by anyone with access to swimming pool cleaning kit.
Assad must be a real idiot. He doesn’t seem to realise that just when he has got the enemy on the ropes, and is about to win, it is stupid to decide to use chlorine gas, and so get his forces bombed by the USA.
Good job the White Helmets are always there to rescue the victims of these chlorine attacks isn’t it? Where would be be without them?
Ah “The Heroic White Helmets”
Rescue workers by day and “Freedom fighters by night”
Must get a bit confusing about what to wear at the “White Helmet HQ” without a Mr Benn to guide them.
“Decisions, decisions, decisions -What shall I wear today Mohammed – My camos, webbing – complete with glock pistol and extra Khalashnikov mags or my overalls, first aid kit and spade and of course my white helmet?”
“Whats that? – The Jeremy Bowen is in town? Ah the white helmet and theatrical make up it is then !”
I was chatting to a couple of regular blokes today at a gym. What I found interesting is that quite a few people are starting to get very suspicious of Western Middle East Policy.
In the Daily Mail today that inveterate establishment Ivory Tower dweller “Max Hastings” was waxing lyrical on how much more trustworthy and virtuous western leaders were than Putin when it comes to dealing with the Middle East. Even forgetting the lies and press manipulation that seems to go on. It would be quite interesting to know how many more people have died because Western leaders spurred on by the desk warriors in the MSM thought it would be a good idea to get involved in regime change in the Middle East.
Oh lucky, lucky Hebrides. Lock up your daughters! The tentacles reach ever further, ever deeper.
While the beebistan are no doubt celebrating this latest outpost of the Invaders, others are not quite so enchanted at the prospect:
“But the mosque faces fierce opposition from the local arm of the Free Church of Scotland which has urged followers to pray that “no mosque will ever appear in Stornoway”. ”
Not of major importance but an observation . I just happened to tune in to the comment at the end of “Woman’s hour ” on Radio 4 today . It was announced that they had “at least” two tweets from teenagers. Wow ! and that’s worthy to broadcast ?
That`s either two they`ve found in Jimmy Saviles old laundry room at the BBC-or two of their own interns.
Even the crybaby girly students I know here , back from Uni Studies at Roehampton wouldn`t DREAM of listening to Womans Hour, even if mum passed it on the channel finder.
Let alone “tweet them”. That`d be the same as borrowing their old bras or going to M&S for the quilted bedjacket sale.
No-sense all those girls you see as the telly rolls on behind the autocutes are writing post its to the 5th floor, to pretend that anybody`s listening to Radio 4 that`s not a public sector cabbage.
This was my experience of cancelling my direct debit TV Licence about a month ago. I still detest the propagandist BBC and perhaps I was just lucky?
I received an email from TV Licensing stating that there was a problem with my payments. After checking various websites as to best way to cancel my licence I went onto TV Licensing’s website and cancelled my TV Licence. They then asked me why I wanted to cancel and I told them that I no longer watched any live TV and only watched via internet and Amazon Prime. As far as I could see the only information I was asked for was the information they already had on me when I had a TV licence. They then contacted me and said I may be eligible for a refund. Yesterday I received a letter saying that my refund had been paid into my bank account.
I do not subscribe to Sky or any other live TV subscription service nor do I have an outside aerial so it would be difficult to prove that I could be watching live TV however I am not now watching live TV as all news outlets are as biased as one another IMO and I can’t bare to listen to them .. all other stuff are either repeats or politically correct diversity dramas.
I did not receive any threatening letters or threats of visits to my property.
Just thought it might be of interest to members on here, who maybe considering cancelling their licence and having the same circumstances as me, of my own experience of this.
So far, so easy for me too oldcrone.
Only ten days in ,mind but it`s been easy thus far.
Sense they`ve given up if you`re young and live in a funky postcode as I do.
Capita target only the old, white and middle-class,I`m guessing. As if any black or Muslims in my student patch would pay for the BBC.
So hopefully will be OK.
That said, I`ve just had to do a Driver Awareness “course” nearby.
What a crock.
No Safeguarding, no Urdu translations, no Human Rights of the Speeding Driver up on display at “reception”-seedy portakabin, crap machine and water cooler instead.
Is this ANY way to encourage the speeding(alleged) community?
I`m going to get OFSTED in-no proof the “course” teaches anything, but how to speed past it-my “tutor” didn`t even drive as far as I could tell. And her perfume was pretty base as well.
No-we need a “National Drive” to up the standard of education provision for the velocity enhanced community. Who`s with me? Am writing a prospectus and want to investigate this scandal of educational failing. Bog Standard is NOT an option.
For my tuition fee of £110, and a half day off work-I demand better!
Holly you write “Sense they`ve given up if you`re young and live in a funky postcode as I do. Capita target only the old, white and middle-class,I`m guessing.”
That can’t be it … as per my assumed name on here .. I’m not in the first flush of youth by any stretch of the imagination and I *am* white however I do live in a gentrified semi rural neighbourhood.
I think maybe more than anything, if you at least attempt to do it legally and don’t just stop paying and ignore them, you stand more chance of not being threatened.
Will see if this changes in the years to come as per JimS’ comment below, but at the moment I’m not griping!
Enjoy perhaps two years maximum of peace, after which the threats will begin.
I have never operated a TV at my address in 20 plus years. I have had my MP warn off the b***ers but still the threats come.
Jim, may I suggest that you invoice them for dealing with their letters. If the letters include any threats that you find worrying, warn them that they are in breach of the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 and at least twice ask them in writing to ‘cease and desist’ from harassing you.
You are then occupying the legal high ground once that notice has been served twice.
If they continue, you can then ask the police to intervene on your behalf. In addition, you can seek payment for your time and trouble via the Small Claims Court. Others have been successful in this.
Well done you, oldcrone, for stopping and for sticking to the rules.
This time next year the Snuffy household will be over £2k richer for giving up TV. And there was more money saved on not buying a digi-box or upgrading to a digital TV.
I see that scientists have discovered that the snow has been coming down in buckets in eastern Antarctica for the last 120 years. Enough snow has fallen that would cover the whole of New Zealand in water up to a depth of one metre. Apparently in scientific terms this is know as a shed-load of snow. It appears that the snow has been on the increase since at least 1900 and its rise has been most marked in recent decades up to 2010. Lady on the BBC last night desperately tried to tie it into man-made global warming but even she didn’t seem convinced.
This Antarctica place is rapidly turning into a disaster area for the global warming activists. I always enjoy the silly stories about the 600,000 penguins who are in danger of bring wiped out. Alas someone then spotted a vast colony of about 1.5 million of the little beasties on a satellite photo. There they were happily munching away at all the plentiful fish and sun-bathing on all the ice, or whatever it is that penguins do in their spare time.
Did you guys not see the blatant bit of propaganda about Viktor Orban on the BBC website? Cleverly entitled “The Man Who Thinks Europe Has Been Invaded” to remain factually correct, but worded in a way that makes him seem as if he is some oddball with crazy ideas, as if the notion of Europe being flooded with certain people is untrue and anyone who thinks so is crazy.
Should be a good Last Word this week.
Will Henry Vincent make it to the first tribute from Roger Bannister at 4pm on Friday?Got my tranny to my ear, all ready to swap notes with the girls on the school wall.
Could be a long roll call if they name ALL the wannabe footballers, pop stars and World Service interns who`ve been stabbed recently. My guess is that`ll they`ll choose just one to represent the knife and trainers community. But which one, gyzangals?
There is something strange in it that does not add up. Anyone else notice it? Please note that I am not saying it did not happen or that journalists have not been killed – merely that in that anonymous article there is something that is very strange, an embellishment as it were.
We might share your data across different parts of the BBC for research, analysis, marketing or TV Licensing purposes.
This might include commercial parts of the BBC, like BBC Worldwide when it’s necessary to give you a service you’ve asked for.
In exceptional circumstances, we (BBC) may share your information without your permission if we reasonably believe you might be breaking the law, for example on hate speech, and such disclosure is allowed under the relevant laws, including data protection law.
– BBC – hate speech – can give you data to the BBC (IF THEY WANT TO AND WHEN THE BBC DEFINES HATE)
This is also quite disturbing, from the BBC privacy policy…
7. Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?
We may use information which we hold about you to show you relevant advertising on third party sites (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter). This could involve showing you an advertising message where we know you have a BBC account and have used BBC products and services. If you don’t want to be shown targeted advertising messages from the BBC, some third party sites allow you to request not to see messages from specific advertisers on that site in future. If you want to stop all personalised services from the BBC, including targeted advertising messages on third party sites you can visit Your Account in Using the BBC and disable personalisation there.
and… 8. Will the BBC share my personal information with anyone else?
Generally, we will use your information within the BBC and will only share it outside the BBC where you have requested it or given your consent. However, we may share with third party sites (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter) some data, with appropriate security measures, to show you relevant advertising on third party sites, as set out in section 7. Sometimes the BBC uses third parties to process your information on our behalf, for example to provide services or analysis. The BBC requires these third parties to comply strictly with its instructions and the BBC requires that they do not use your personal information for their own business purposes, unless you have explicitly consented to the use of your personal information in this way.
I can barely ever get a comment onto BBC Have Your Say these days. I’m on their blacklist (is that racist?) so my posted comments have to be moderated first before they appear on the website some 30 minutes later.
I’d say 9 out of 10 get rejected for “offensive comment” when I mention a factual statement.
Example today on a HYS about Iceland stores stopping use of Palm Oil.
I posted “I can’t keep up with Liberals and their changing stance on everything. One minute we are creating wealth and jobs by buying products from black farmers now they are the enemy of the world.” That was rejected for being “offensive”.
I then posted “I’d just like to say the BBC are doing a brilliant job reporting environmental issues like this.”. Even though that is off topic my post was allowed onto the forum – strange that isn’t it?!?
Just like all Champagne Socialists, you can pat them on the back saying ‘well done’ but don’t you dare mention the truth.
I’d thought I’d test the BBC some more by complaining about my last post “I’d just like to say the BBC are doing a brilliant job reporting environmental issues like this.” reporting it as ‘it is advertises products or services for profit or gain’ and ‘off topic’.
And surprise surprise the Moderators replied saying it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.
I was expecting Iceland to give its reasons for stopping the use of palm oil in their products as health reasons but there was no mention of that as far as I recall on Radio 4. Instead they talked of environmental considerations that would appeal more to the BBC. Their PR department clearly knows what the BBC want to hear.
Has anyone else been watching Masterchef and noticed how it is becoming one big multicultifest? Many of the contestants are either foreign or of foreign extraction or of a certain religious persuasion.
What is alarming, though, is how some are allowed to progress through the rounds cooking nothing more than their own cultural/country of origin/country of heritage dishes.
This makes it easy for any of those cooking crowd-pleasing food such as Indian or Thai, which is exactly what we’ve got in the current series.
Now I don’t deny that Nawamin’s Thai dishes are cleverly put together, good to look at and probably absolutely delicious but almost without exception he uses nothing but Thai/Asian spices (lemon grass features time after time) and has included a curry sauce on several occasions. Not for him the judges’ critical eye for culinary variety and classical cookery skills.
And nor for Moonira – in fact, even less so for Moonira. In the catch up finals episode I watched last night she cooked what looked like a pretty average takeaway – an Indian version of scotch eggs with rice and and a very watery-looking curry gravy – and amazingly not only did the 3 food critics swoon over it but also Greg and John. And I mean swoon.
But you begin to smell a rat when Moonira claims scotch eggs are ‘one of my favourites’. Now I couldn’t be entirely certain, but I’d guess Moonira is Muslim, especially as her ‘hero’ dish was a tribute to a 14th c. Islamic poet and scholar, so…..scotch eggs? i.e. boiled egg wrapped in PORK sausage meat? Her ‘Indian’ take on it, however, looked to use a darker meat and I suspect it was lamb – but no mention of this fundamental adaptation of a favourite British snack. So….we have effectively a shami/seekh kebab wrapped round a boiled egg? A tad overpowering for the egg, I would have thought? Not a bit of it – wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, this disastrous looking and sounding concoction could not be praised highly enough without one iota of criticism, not even against the presentation which looked like you’d dumped three takeaway containers hastily onto a plate after 8 pints and no food since breakfast. Gob-smackingly, two other finalists were criticised for their lack of adventure and simplicity of their dishes. Where’s the fairness in that?
Now Moonira seems a lovely person but – how do I say this? – I can’t help but thinking she has been a useful stooge for the BBC’s relentless multiculti and especially pro-Islam, agenda (oh look – they’re just like us!).
Used to like Masterchef and I don’t particularly care about the background of the contestants as long as they are representative of Britain as a whole and have to demonstrate a wide range of culinary skills, but it has been forced away from its original challenging remit by the politically-correct obsessions of the BBC hierarchy. I might give it one more chance, but not in this series.
I quite agree – in fact I was having exactly the same conversation with a friend the other day. Whenever you see an Asian contestant you know exactly what they’re going to cook.
And as for presentation, who could forget the lopsided cake that Nadia made for the Queen? I could’ve done better myself, and I can’t boil water without burning it!
I haven’t bothered to watch this year’s series, because what you describe happened last year as well. An Asian lady week in week out cooking her own curry after curry after curry, and always with gushing results. Naturally she got into the finals, but at the cost of other fairly decent cooks, from the outset it was a given that one of the ethnics would be in the last 8.
Pretty young females always seem to get further in Masterchef than their cooking appears to deserve. I never know whether it is John and Greg’s roving eyes or BBC agenda.
Well, at long last, almost five weeks after the Skripal poisoning, the BBC on TWatO today (R4 1-1.45pm) are starting to ask questions.
Here’s a list that I only created this morning of the questions the BBC from the outset did not appear to seek answers to in my hearing on R4 (they may have been asked on TV – I don’t watch so do not know):
The hunt for the culprit, the assassin
Whether Skripal existed only on his HMG pension or whether he works and, if so, who for
The ownership of the house
His neighbours and what they thought or knew about Sergei
Whether Skripal had developed any friendships or was involved in the community
Did he often have visitors
Did Julia visit regularly or was this a first visit
The ongoing treatment of the Skripals and the policeman – especially on a daily or at least regular basis
The progress of the investigation and how many investigators are working on it at any time, which Police Forces are involved (boundaries being crossed)
The difference in time scale to arrive at ‘conclusive evidence’ as far as the PM, COBRA, Porton Down chemists and OPCW Investigators are concerned
Why the restaurant table was destroyed and why it was not retained as evidence
Has the house now been cleaned of all traces of the nerve agent
Why the effect of the nerve agent acted so slowly – we now have suggestions that what we have been told about ‘Novichoks’ may have been severely exaggerated or have even been untrue
Why such a deadly nerve agent failed
There has been a complete lack of ongoing updates – compare this with extensive, intensive, almost endless, coverage of Priti Patel visit to Israel aftermath and the Damien Green accusations last year.
Frank Gardner (Security Correspondent) has been noticeably silent through this. Why? So have Clive Coleman (Legal Correspondent) and Steven Rosenberg (Russia Correspondent)
I find this all very strange. As mentioned before, it is almost as if an old-fashioned D Notice (do they still exist in this age of Super Injunctions?) had been applied by the Government.
TWatO has now informed me that “Mark Urban has followed the case closely.” He states that he thinks the lack of information (doesn’t stop you asking, Mark!) was due to the investigation being overwhelmed. Mark does not appear to know – despite ‘following the case closely’ – that huge resources were made available for that, with over 400 investigators and soldiers involved at one point. The work of the 250 soldiers, I assume, has come to an end. Still leaves 180 investigators. How large is the OPCW team?
180 investigators and no answers? BBC: you could ask some pointed questions about that use of taxpayers’ money!
I missed Frank Gardner’s contribution to today’s TWatO, so will have to catch up on iPlayer.
““Comrade Putin, we have successfully stockpiled novichoks in secret for ten years, and kept them hidden from the OPCW inspectors. We have also trained our agents in secret novichok assassination techniques. The programme has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but now we are ready. Naturally, the first time we use it we will expose our secret and suffer massive international blowback. So who should be our first target? The head of a foreign intelligence agency? A leading jihadist rebel in Syria? A key nuclear scientist? Even a Head of State?”
“No, Tovarich. There is this old retired guy I know living in Salisbury. We released him from jail years ago…”
“With respect Comrade Putin, are you sure he is the most important target to reveal a programme we have put so much resource into for ten years?”
“Yes. I sit here every day and I cannot concentrate on the affairs of Russia or the World as all the time am thinking of Sergei Skripal. I should never have let him out of jail to spend his life buying lottery tickets and eating in Zizzis. But you must make absolutely certain to kill him.”
“Don’t worry Comrade Putin, we have been training in secret novichok assassination techniques for ten years. We even have an detailed manual explaining our methods. We will spread the novichok on his outside door handle (fiendish laugh).”
“Are you sure comrade? Is there not a danger it will wash off or get diluted?”
“No Comrade Putin, it never rains in England.”
That is, genuinely, in every detail the official British government version of what happened in Salisbury, including the ten year programme and the secret assassination manual.
Despite this story being one of the most improbably wild conspiracy theories in human history, it is those who express any doubt at all as to its veracity who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists” or even “traitors”.”
I forgot to include in my list above that the BBC have only once asked about the death of another Russian emigre that occurred about the same time as the Skripal attack. That death has been deemed, I understand, to be suspicious and is being investigated by the Police. No questions asked in the four weeks or so since then by the BBC.
Excellent article in today’s D/Mail (sorry, cant find the link Online), where Quentin Letts fights his corner after being accused of racism when criticising the casting of a black actor in a production by the RSC. He accuses the RSC of a diversity tick box exercise, and as expected the Company has gone into theatrical meltdown !
BBC London News in the middle of the day surpasses itself with reports pushing the BBC’s chosen agenda on all issues. And the middle of the day is about the only issue BBC London News does come down in the middle of.
Apparently BBC stands for Black Broadcasting Cabal today as our personable young black female anchor links to a report on the death of a black man with prior history with the police and mental health issues restrained in some way in police custody and although there are inevitably legal retraints on what the authorities can say his family are allowed a BBC platform to go making claims about: “another black man dies in police custody, how many more…?”
Practically an accusation of racially motivated police murder.
But if the BBC seems to have the word hate tattoo’d on the knuckles of one hand then they have the word love on the other.
Cue publicaly-funded artist Tracey Emin’s new slogan artwork at St Pancras station which she cheerfully explains means she’s a “Remainer” and wants to carry on spending our cash.. sorry, er… her time with Brussels and France.
And gosh but did BBC London love that arts report.
Assuming we are lumbered with a second referendum, can we please have the public purse cost of this artwork taken into account as part of Remain spending?
The sublimely talentless Tracy Emin also got a slot on Today this morning to announce her love for “Europe”, and her desire to be a part of “Europe”.
Strangely, Humphys didn’t point out to her that after we leave the EU, we will still be part of “Europe”, and she will still be able to take a Eurostar to Paris or Brussels.
Can anyone remember if someone in favour of Brexit has ever been allowed any airtime to express an opinion? Or is the BBC, dare I say it, blased?
Luckily our Tracey’s permanent ‘Bulldog biting a wasp’ expression does a fine job of ensuring her legacy to art remains within the aegis of Gompertz, Saatchi and the like.
The secret Lobs is being really, really, really intelligent. So intelligent in fact that only you and a few gifted people like Will Gompertz and Charles Saatchi are clever enough to make a living from delusion. And of course Damien Hirst who has made a real fortune from taking the piss out of the ‘intelligentsia’.
“Despite being known as the Crafty Cockney, darts champion Eric Bristow MBE, who has died aged 60, moved out of London saying he had no plans to return. ‘I can’t speak 27 languages’, he remarked. ‘When you ask someone for directions and they don’t speak English, it puts you off a bit’. “
Quentin Letts getting pilloried for racism for daring to suggest that a black actor playing a 17th Century country squire doesn’t quite work. (Anything less than unqualified rapture for all things black now being a thought crime.)
“It’s not box-ticking political correctness, squeal the RSC, he just happened to be the best man for the job and we’re completely colour-blind – in fact we hadn’t even noticed he was black till racist Quentin pointed it out to us, fancy that.” (I made up the last bit)
Ok RSC, if you’re so colour blind I look forward to a production with a white actor playing Saint Mandela, or His Holiness Martin Luther King Jnr.
Or a white woman perhaps, seeing as you’re also gender-blind.
Renowned Shakespearean Sir Antony Sher recently on the BBC explaining why he never got the part of Cleopatra : “I was told by the director that if he gave me the part Britain’s leading actresses would lynch him”
Just a note while mentioning Quentin Letts, his new book ‘Patronising Bastards’ is a hoot, superbly put together and it pillories all the people who want to crap on ths country!
(Sorry though Quentin, I got it from the library..;0)
I agree with Quentin – I’ve suffered enough race and gender. Changed shows recently . Even look at cast now so as not to bother going. If that makes me racialist tough. Same for genderism too.
“What has always seemed to me one of the most shocking deeds of the last war was one that did not aim at killing anyone — on the contrary, it probably saved a great many lives. Before launching their big attack at Caporetto, the Germans flooded the Italian army with faked Socialist propaganda leaflets in which it was alleged that the German soldiers were ready to shoot their officers and fraternize with their Italian comrades, etc., etc. Numbers of Italians were taken in, came over to fraternize with the Germans, and were made prisoner — and, I believe, jeered at for their simple-mindedness. I have heard this defended as a highly intelligent and humane way of making war — which it is, if your sole aim is to save as many skins as possible. And yet a trick like that damages the very roots of human solidarity in a way that no mere act of violence could do.”
Look Jeremy Vine when the line goes bad, bring the expert back on
… Instead he said, that’s enough and after a couple of records he let Chris Packham phone on.
The debate was Iceland Stores founder’s son says they will ban palm oil.
Yes previous Indonesian & Malaysian governments did do wrong by not controlling the industry
But “Ban it”= Fallacy of applying black white solutions to FullColour problems
(I’ve lived in various parts of Borneo, not financially connected)
It’s important that, both sides of ANY debate are aired to get truth
But Vine quickly decided ” I’m on the anti side so stuff @SimeDarby corp, let’s have Chris Packham on ”
So we got 2 big chunks of anti, and only half a chunk of pro.
Today most Borneo tribal people grown palm oil … You hit the price and you’ll affect their lives.
Previous wars against settlers from Java stopped cos settlers were driven off or are now working OK
President Joko managed to stop 26 years of massive forest fires
The corps now clear old palm oil trees without burning the land.
Settlers are the last group that have been burning land and Joko was getting them to stop.
The trick is to reward the honest farmers and punish the bad.
Bans will end up punishing all they all might as well go bad.
HYS : Iceland Palm Oil ban
Dumb libs gave this comment the most downvotes
“However well intentioned this move is, it denies a number of the world’s poorest economies an important source of foreign income by effectively banning one of their main cash crops.
Supporting orangutans in the wild does not buy you much needed medication or education in countries that are chronically short of both so perpetuating the poverty that currently exists. Western ideals v. pragmatism! ”
94 people think that is a bad comment ?
Tracey Emin joins #MeToo
“It was a FEMALE powerful artist, when I was a young artist
She grabbed my crotch and pinned me against a wall,
I told her, you can’t do that, I’ll punch your lights out”
Previously she said ‘yeh was raped at age 13, but that’s par for the course in Margate’
Nigel Biggar that Oxford don’t who wrote about positives of Empire, writes in the Times about the vile name calling he got on Twitter from fellow academics
..and how when he pointed out to college authorities that academics should be setting a good example to students, they just shrugged and did nothing about it.
That’s what you get for not being in the lefty tribe.
Good news people – Aunty is coming out with a “Stephen Lawrence ” special to be shown over three days to mark the 25th anniversary of his murder.
I dont think the BEEB will be really happy until a few more of us waycist whiteys get a good stabbing to “teach us a lesson for being the wrong colour”
1963 …. USA …
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
2018…. UK …
Telegraph have joined BBC, ITV, New Statesman , Greenpeace: This traineeship is only open to candidates from a black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority background
Creative = “make stuff up instead of reporting straight science & maths”
Marky’s link goes to Greenpeace advert
With the wonderful @GreenpeaceUK @UE as a Social Media Intern
(basically a job where you get to write & create all day ❤️)
Being Green is not good enough, you have to be black as well.
“This traineeship is only open to candidates from a black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority background”
So now we know why the quality of journalism is low.
Grateful token blacks and Asians who must know they are there because of their skin and just want to please their bosses.
Yaas massa I will write what you want.
May 6 Speakers Corner : march for freedom of speech, (and no doubt will be infested with a certain religion who already infest the place), protesting for our right to speak freely and demand OUR rights that our forefathers fought and died for
Lojo – I was almost crying with sadness today when on the “World at One” they read out 3 or 4 tributes attached to the fence in remembrance of that wonderful, warm, family man.
Heart warming of a white Australian union employee with a Facebook ‘black lives matters’ who has got over a £100 000 in donations- Aussie bank account too.
BBC headline : Jaguar Land Rover to shed 1,000 contract staff
at the bottom it says
“but company insiders were keen to stress that it would continue to invest in its UK plants and recently launched a drive to recruit another 5,000 engineers.(within 1 year)”
(JLR has 40K UK employees)
The anti-Brexiteers are shouting in the comments Telegraph reported that 5,000 plan last year
(About 90pc of the cars JLR sells in the UK are powered by diesel….. but surely most production is export)
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
This is a good question.
Luckily for the bbc, they do not have to answer any questions.
Humph with Blair on Northern Ireland
“ the threat of brexit”
That” threat “word -not “challenge “
Lesley seems distressed.
And here’s Rach…
Just noted the colour scheme.
Can’t Lady Nugee drive by and get disgusted, as Chuka makes the one call to Polis Scotland needed to send a full hate crime team down?
I’d clean the whole lot off – it’s littering and then I would set fire to it…where are the police when it comes to standing up for decent people?
Locking them up, usually.
There is a water processing place opposite my house where they are working today. Disgusting, dirty, dangerous work but probably quite well paid.
Not a single woman among the workers! Feminists should campaign for 50/50 female water processing workers, for that evil wage gap will never close unless women get their hands dirty. I imagine Stella Creasy will be Tweeting imminently about such a burning injustice – smash that patriarchy which does all the essential things we take for granted and would be helpless without. Who needs roads, buildings, running water and electricity?
Nobody is going to pay you a lot if you are doing something warm, safe and easy which anyone can do. Go process some filthy water in the freezing rain and the market might bump up your earnings. They could not get away with paying this lot the same as till workers in Tescos as nobody would do the work for that price and the work has to be done.
At the very least Carrie Gracie should be donning her galoshes and Scotchguard mic guard.
Have all the feminists have a well-earned year off from sitting in warm offices and moaning and do some male-dominated jobs. Now that is a BBC show I would pay for.
Week 1: Stella Creasey works on an oil rig.
Week 2: Carrie Gracie builds a sky scraper in the freezing cold rain.
Week 3: Cathy Newman gets a job managing an IT team in a school. When the network keeps crashing and everything goes down, she just shouts at the computers over and over: “So you are saying you will work now!”
Week 4: Having plummeted to her death in a previous episode, the ghost of Carrie Gracie returns to say she was sorry for being such a snide bitch and she now appreciates the essential work men do which she would hate to do.
If, like me, you are somewhat bemused…
“We’ll keep you up to date with this story”
So says the BBC News Channel reporter concerning the Russian spy story.
But we know that’s not true. The BBC is doing no independent journalism or critical reporting on this issue.
This morning the BBC simply passes on a press release concerning Yulia Skipal’s release from hospital – which happened yesterday.
And, by the way, on Sunday (the day prior to Ms Skripal’s release) Jane Hill of the BBC (with some excitment) read out a previous official press release telling us that in contrast with what Russian sources were saying (that Yulia herself believed she would be released within the week) the medical authorities were denying this to be true. Our Jane Hill news anchor with the BBC went to some rather tedious lengths to highlight this apparent contradiction. BBC reports went further – they still questioned the authenticity of the telephone recording in which Yulia Skripal told her female relative she would soon be out of hospital.
So, no BBC, we very much doubt that you will be keeping us up to date with the detail of this story. In fact you will do no independent investigative journalism on it. You will simply pass on official press releases. Your editorial efforts will go into supporting that official narrative and into pooh-poohing information which comes from other sources. You will abide by the official narrative only. We can’t trust you as a balanced independent broadcaster – because you are no such thing.
BBC, you may not be a government lapdog on every issue (we know that) – but on an issue where your political instinct matches that of the authorities then you will pretend to be the bulldog but really you will wag your little tail, yap and nuzzle up.
AISI, whether or not the BBC were being toadies in the Skripal Affair, they have just totally defective as a news broadcaster.
I hope to get around to listing what the BBC have not covered on R4 on this but as an unpaid, unresourced journalist – unlike that W1A shower with their multi-billions of £s – I will have to make time for it along with other tasks. It may be a long list.
Am here fresh from Blair on TOADY (R4 8.12am onward) and thought he spoke very well.
Until the end, when he said something stupid and followed it up by being completely dishonest. On that last point, if my memory is correct, Blair HAS SAID on air, on the BBC – think it was the TOADY Programme, again – that he DID want to form a ‘Centrist’ Party in and for the UK.
The stupidity was revealing. Blair does have a globalist, one world Government agenda if he really believes that a country’s resources and economy should be run for the benefit of others outside that nation. Think I heard him right on that. The fact is that the UK has been governed slightly/partly/mostly like that, certainly since 1 January 1973, and it was probably a prime motivation for the majority of the UK to vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016.
Brainless Blair. Devious Blair.
Keep going, Tony.
Blair sounds more and more like a demented old lady…I guess his wife won’t earn as much money helping refugees if we leave the EU.
I have had a break from BBC and I think my policy will be 1 week on 3 weeks off from now on..
And now the gender pay me a favour..Listen to Jordan Petersen and learn some statistics and you will see why this measure is flawed…
“Blair sounds more and more like a demented old lady…” For me, rather religious. At least he enjoys sounding like a religious minister. (Not RoP) but leaving just room to improve with his, “I say to you….”. Shortly, no doubt, on the current trajectory to be, “I say unto you…..”. Whatever, a prize Prick.
The advantage is that he is now widely disliked and distrusted. Toxic Tone has his uses. The more Blair nails his flag to the Remain mast must be a help to the good ship UK as it sails of into EU free waters. I note that The Humph didn’t ask him too much about that this a.m.!
And as per usual, Humpty asks his bland questions in the nice, even, quiet, measured tone….
which he and his lieutenants Mish and Miss Shouty NEVER use when interrogating and interrupting ad nauseam Tory interviewees.
While we are talking about ‘stupid’, I feel Assad and his Russian allies are being just that in refusing an independent investigation into the Duma gas attack. In this age of easy filming/recording and making the material widely available, I would have thought that a recorded inspection would back up the claims it was a staged attack. Recording the inspection would put pressure on the inspectors to be scrupulous in their work.
Unless it was truly ordered and carried out by the Syrian military. Which likelihood Assad has now re-inforced in the thinking of the West. Stupid.
Even more so when set against the two UN inspections that Assad allowed years ago. Why not now?
In 2006 we had a very hot, dry year. In the northwest there was a hosepipe ban for most of the year.
On the Today program John Humphries had on “experts” telling us that we’d better get used to it, it was man made and with 15 years time the UK would have the same climate as the Mediterranean.
Well, 12 years later it’s absolutely hammering it down again here, all the surrounding fields are flooded and we haven’t had a hosepipe ban since.
The good news though is that not one of those “experts” has been on again to say that they were wrong so we only have three years to wait until it feels like we’re permanently on holiday.
BBC were considering how we should drink sewage and s ea water.
The good news: we shall all be drinking sewage.
The bad news: there won’t be enough of it.
Been hammering it down in the Antarctic by all accounts, t.o..
Having been so definite on AGW/CC as you rightly state, I note with interest that ‘they’ are now going to do ‘groundbreaking’ research there in order to discover what is happening under the ice shelf. Unfortunately the researcher said they would run the findings through computer modelling. Er … ummh … isn’t that where it may have gone all wrong last time? I thought GIGO, GIGO I thought.
Been hammering it down in the Antarctic by all accounts, t.o..
Having been so definite on AGW/CC as you rightly state, I note with interest that ‘they’ are now going to do ‘groundbreaking’ research there in order to discover what is happening under the ice shelf. Unfortunately the researcher said they would run the findings through computer modelling.
Er … ummh … isn’t that where it may have gone all wrong last time?
I thought GIGO, GIGO I thought.
The cycle can be far shorter. Go back 30 years from 2006 to 1976 ‘The Drought Year’ when we had experts of the period blathering on with total conviction about permanent changes in northern European agriculture, with rice, millet and alfalfa as staples – that same ‘Mediterranean Climate’.
Not only did the wheels fall off the very next year, the combine harvesters went down to their axles in waterlogged ground, eventually leaving most of the harvest to rot.
Hard though it may be to believe, no experts were available to make educated and profound comments on the aberrant conditions through the good offices of the BBC, and certainly none of those who knew without doubt what they were talking about less than a year earlier.
Nothing changes, only the weather.
Salient points I forgot to add were that the 1977 ‘summer’ while one of the wettest on record was also bitterly cold.
The Long View
Guardian columnist comparing Catholicism and Facebook .
If people are stupid enough to put their personal lives on the internet what more can they expect .
Politicians use anything they can to get elected . All and every side. The sun comes up in the morning .
If you engage with TV licensing they require that you write to them to explain why you don’t need a tv licence . You have to disclose personal information to get them to stop sending you threatening letters.
And al beeb talks about Facebook like it’s bad because it uses personal data. It’s a business . It would be mad not too.
BBC Katty Kay uses her twitter (BBC) to sell her book … does this reduce the BBC TV Tax or break any guidelines or do the those prosecuted for not paying their BBC TV Tax get some royalties ?
Just one of so many uniques…
When there’s a competition as to who can pronounce his name correctly.
(because I’m struggling. But then, I can barely get my tongue around George Alegaiaahaha, or the actors Chiwetel Ejiofor and David Oyelowo, and I suspect I am not alone)
It has to be admitted, names like Noakes were easier to deal with.
I think there is a suggested insult to the Shropshire Chinyanganyas, whose attachment to their native land for centuries is an inspiration to us all.
They’re grooming him for great things.
I don’t mean grooming in the muslim sense.
Although that’s possible too at the Paedophile Broadcasting Corporation.
Cat. Meet pigeons. Quite the admission.
Lord Hall and Fran know?
Perhaps Assad & Co feel that they are going to be stitched up?
Currently he and Russia are the baddies. Listen to the BBC: there are no two sides to every story, there are only the BAD (Assad & Russia) and the GOOD (all forces opposing them). Everything that happens is fitted into that narrative. Convenient.
I don’t contest that, cos I don’t KNOW. But I have seen how biased the MSM can be, and when they’re all singing from the same hymn-sheet, you DO wonder.
The ‘Arab Spring’ was supposed to be a much publicised ‘triumph’ of Western style democracy in all the Arab countries, but Assad has been a thorn in the side of that narrative.
The Jihadists who fight him are presumably all angels?
Ah, yes – the same hymn sheet.
One that springs readily to mind, is the forecast landslide victory Hillary Clinton was poised to achieve…
…that went well for the press, didn’t it?
fnw, the two previous UN inspections, IIRC, exonerated Assad but found that he had the ‘capability’ to produce chemical weapons. Again, IIRC, at that point Assad surrendered or destroyed his stocks of potential components. Think its on a Wiki page somewhere – usual warnings about Wiki accuracy apply.
Can only assume that our elites rather are taken with the need to save the Islamic State mutations and variants from wipeout.
Hence the EU seeking to “bring our boys home” for a bit of R&R, and some incubation time.
Enoch was right-just because the Tiber doesn`t literally flow down Woolwich High Road doesn`t mean that Lee Rigby(and, yes, even Stephen Lawrence) had to die, so Islam could get a foothold.
Wonder if the BBC could report on our leaders and their failings ….
Corbyn refuses to blame anyone for anything … unless it’s British.
* Flag with guns on – TICK.
* Theocratic dictator on poster in background – TICK.
* Smiling MP of Islington for 34 years – TICK.
. . . .
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (the face for Al Quds) banned all music from Iranian radio and television yesterday because, he said, it is “no different from opium.” {1979}
Jeremy Corbyn (marches for Al Quds) says he wants every child to ‘have the right to’ write poetry and make music at Glastonbury appearance {24jun2017}
What a wonderful few days of sport it has been on the BBC with its blanket coverage of something called the Commonwealth Games. Prince Charles has got out of the Palace(s) and a bloke nearly won the 90kg weightlifting in the women’s event. Like all Sport Days in the modern era, everyone, no matter what their preferred gender or nationality, must win prizes,
“And the Gold Medal goes to Wales” – savour the moment while you can.
One long never ending Prize Day at the Beeb isn`t it?
The very embodiment of the Dodo Conjecture.
“All Must Have Prizes” indeed.
Witness The Nobel Peace Prize of 2007.
Irena Sendler (saved 2,500 Jewish babies by posing as a social worker in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1944)-nominated for the Prize, 2005, 2006, 2007-never won, died 2008.
Al Gore and the I.P.C.C jointly shared the Prize of 2007, before handing it along to Barak Obama in 2009.
All Must Have Prizes-but not Polish War Heroes who saved 2,500 babies from the gas chambers…but Lineker, Beyonce, Savile, Rooney, Blair and Cox?….
We still have people in the UK who stand up for what is right.
Shrine to dead burglar removed.
Locals pissed off with cops for allowing it to appear.
Police can`t do anything about this then?
Funny what they CAN do, when they`ve got their heels on and make up fixed, like take pensioners into custody and throw loads of blue tape around the site of someone refusing to pay her TV Licence.
Personally, I`d tell the Brum Bin Bruvvers that that teddy hanging in the picture was NOT gay-but is actually called Muhammad. That should get the place cleared.
Also-do you notice how well those “tributes” to daddy are written? And somebody asked what all those girls at the BBC are doing? I bet they`re writing them for the 6pm news grabs. This lot would not have learned to write like this, never in school surely.
UK 2017 ….. 10 Police … 1 Helicopter .. 1 complaint …. 0 arrests …
Police swoop on garden party where song mocking the death of Osama Bin Laden was played {26may2017}
The force helicopter and 10 officers were sent to a home in Highdene Road, Cherry Hinton after a complaint from members of the public the music was too loud and people were allegedly shouting anti-Islamic abuse.
I noticed that the group of slappers that were sent to lay the touching flower memorial were so upset that they had to cover their faces from the cameras.
Brought a tear to my eye.
The so-called letter from the dead burglar’s father says “you were too good to walk this Earth”.
Pretty much sums up the current state of the UK, you are either a) hard working person earning a proper living or b) a cnut.
How do you walk an earth?
In other news UK MP’s give themselves 18% pay rise (both Labour and Conservatives) from 2010 without asking the people (their employers) if they are worth it during a recession and austerity period?
April 2010 £65,738
April 2018 £77,379
They are still running with the damp squib of Stormy Daniels. I am so sick of character assassination by the Left. It is the last resort of those who have lost the argument. It did not work during the election and it will not work know, and I think they know that. There is none of the fire of their previous attacks, perhaps because they have always ended up with egg on their faces.
I think it makes him look good that he has been having sex with porn stars; it would certainly play well with his base. I am sure Ed Miliband never had an affair with anyone, let alone a porn star, and I know who I would rather have negotiating with the likes of Putin. Theresa May has probably never broken a rule in her life which is why she is such an abject appeaser too afraid of cracking eggs to make an omelette.
Ruthless maleness has done great things for humanity; the USA could never have been created had the founders not been brutal to the native Indians. Women would be too caring. God if only Merkel had just told the invaders to f**k off? Trump sure would have. With Merkel, May and all these beta males in charge we are safe spacing our way to oblivion.
Stumbled onto the Today programme , pelted off pronto. I recognised that girly glottal stop of ex PM Liar.
That`s twice in three days. Bound to have something important to say.
Not David Kelly or Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan or creaming it off in Qatar or wherever though.
Only the Beeb eh?
“A message from Morrissey. “Please read Douglas Murray’s ‘The Strange Death of Europe’.””
I am sorry that our art-hounds at The Independent and The Guardian were so hateful about the tour, but as we now know, hatred is their income. – Morrissey
It looks like Trump is going to be a hero for his tough stance against Assad. Treezer and Macron are willing to get stuck in. Some allies eh.
Note how the BBC have now reverted to calling him President Trump
At least one US newsman is critical of the rush to war in Syria
It’s odd that every time Assad’s forces are about to win a victory, Assad suddenly decides to use chlorine gas.
Not nerve gas, not mustard gas, chlorine. First used by the Germans in 1915, long obsolete as a chemical weapon, but easily made by anyone with access to swimming pool cleaning kit.
Assad must be a real idiot. He doesn’t seem to realise that just when he has got the enemy on the ropes, and is about to win, it is stupid to decide to use chlorine gas, and so get his forces bombed by the USA.
Good job the White Helmets are always there to rescue the victims of these chlorine attacks isn’t it? Where would be be without them?
BBC has a record of fixing details of wounded children in Syria
Ah “The Heroic White Helmets”
Rescue workers by day and “Freedom fighters by night”
Must get a bit confusing about what to wear at the “White Helmet HQ” without a Mr Benn to guide them.
“Decisions, decisions, decisions -What shall I wear today Mohammed – My camos, webbing – complete with glock pistol and extra Khalashnikov mags or my overalls, first aid kit and spade and of course my white helmet?”
“Whats that? – The Jeremy Bowen is in town? Ah the white helmet and theatrical make up it is then !”
I was chatting to a couple of regular blokes today at a gym. What I found interesting is that quite a few people are starting to get very suspicious of Western Middle East Policy.
In the Daily Mail today that inveterate establishment Ivory Tower dweller “Max Hastings” was waxing lyrical on how much more trustworthy and virtuous western leaders were than Putin when it comes to dealing with the Middle East. Even forgetting the lies and press manipulation that seems to go on. It would be quite interesting to know how many more people have died because Western leaders spurred on by the desk warriors in the MSM thought it would be a good idea to get involved in regime change in the Middle East.
“Funding target reached for Western Isles’ first mosque”
Oh lucky, lucky Hebrides. Lock up your daughters! The tentacles reach ever further, ever deeper.
While the beebistan are no doubt celebrating this latest outpost of the Invaders, others are not quite so enchanted at the prospect:
“But the mosque faces fierce opposition from the local arm of the Free Church of Scotland which has urged followers to pray that “no mosque will ever appear in Stornoway”. ”
Not of major importance but an observation . I just happened to tune in to the comment at the end of “Woman’s hour ” on Radio 4 today . It was announced that they had “at least” two tweets from teenagers. Wow ! and that’s worthy to broadcast ?
That`s either two they`ve found in Jimmy Saviles old laundry room at the BBC-or two of their own interns.
Even the crybaby girly students I know here , back from Uni Studies at Roehampton wouldn`t DREAM of listening to Womans Hour, even if mum passed it on the channel finder.
Let alone “tweet them”. That`d be the same as borrowing their old bras or going to M&S for the quilted bedjacket sale.
No-sense all those girls you see as the telly rolls on behind the autocutes are writing post its to the 5th floor, to pretend that anybody`s listening to Radio 4 that`s not a public sector cabbage.
It is so self-pitying and spiteful at times. I hate how the host gets something absurd like 300k a year to preach hatred of men.
Compare and contrast with Talk Sport, which is essentially Man’s 24 hours. Much more humour, light-heartedness and banter.
Evening Standard: “Royal baby name: Bookies reveal most popular name choices for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s third child”
I trust Mohammad is on the list.
I bet Donald or Nigel aren’t, though!
This was my experience of cancelling my direct debit TV Licence about a month ago. I still detest the propagandist BBC and perhaps I was just lucky?
I received an email from TV Licensing stating that there was a problem with my payments. After checking various websites as to best way to cancel my licence I went onto TV Licensing’s website and cancelled my TV Licence. They then asked me why I wanted to cancel and I told them that I no longer watched any live TV and only watched via internet and Amazon Prime. As far as I could see the only information I was asked for was the information they already had on me when I had a TV licence. They then contacted me and said I may be eligible for a refund. Yesterday I received a letter saying that my refund had been paid into my bank account.
I do not subscribe to Sky or any other live TV subscription service nor do I have an outside aerial so it would be difficult to prove that I could be watching live TV however I am not now watching live TV as all news outlets are as biased as one another IMO and I can’t bare to listen to them .. all other stuff are either repeats or politically correct diversity dramas.
I did not receive any threatening letters or threats of visits to my property.
Just thought it might be of interest to members on here, who maybe considering cancelling their licence and having the same circumstances as me, of my own experience of this.
So far, so easy for me too oldcrone.
Only ten days in ,mind but it`s been easy thus far.
Sense they`ve given up if you`re young and live in a funky postcode as I do.
Capita target only the old, white and middle-class,I`m guessing. As if any black or Muslims in my student patch would pay for the BBC.
So hopefully will be OK.
That said, I`ve just had to do a Driver Awareness “course” nearby.
What a crock.
No Safeguarding, no Urdu translations, no Human Rights of the Speeding Driver up on display at “reception”-seedy portakabin, crap machine and water cooler instead.
Is this ANY way to encourage the speeding(alleged) community?
I`m going to get OFSTED in-no proof the “course” teaches anything, but how to speed past it-my “tutor” didn`t even drive as far as I could tell. And her perfume was pretty base as well.
No-we need a “National Drive” to up the standard of education provision for the velocity enhanced community. Who`s with me? Am writing a prospectus and want to investigate this scandal of educational failing. Bog Standard is NOT an option.
For my tuition fee of £110, and a half day off work-I demand better!
Holly you write “Sense they`ve given up if you`re young and live in a funky postcode as I do. Capita target only the old, white and middle-class,I`m guessing.”
That can’t be it … as per my assumed name on here .. I’m not in the first flush of youth by any stretch of the imagination and I *am* white however I do live in a gentrified semi rural neighbourhood.
I think maybe more than anything, if you at least attempt to do it legally and don’t just stop paying and ignore them, you stand more chance of not being threatened.
Will see if this changes in the years to come as per JimS’ comment below, but at the moment I’m not griping!
Nice to read comments from somebody who really knows what a “community” is.
Enjoy perhaps two years maximum of peace, after which the threats will begin.
I have never operated a TV at my address in 20 plus years. I have had my MP warn off the b***ers but still the threats come.
Jim, may I suggest that you invoice them for dealing with their letters. If the letters include any threats that you find worrying, warn them that they are in breach of the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 and at least twice ask them in writing to ‘cease and desist’ from harassing you.
You are then occupying the legal high ground once that notice has been served twice.
If they continue, you can then ask the police to intervene on your behalf. In addition, you can seek payment for your time and trouble via the Small Claims Court. Others have been successful in this.
Well done you, oldcrone, for stopping and for sticking to the rules.
This time next year the Snuffy household will be over £2k richer for giving up TV. And there was more money saved on not buying a digi-box or upgrading to a digital TV.
I see that scientists have discovered that the snow has been coming down in buckets in eastern Antarctica for the last 120 years. Enough snow has fallen that would cover the whole of New Zealand in water up to a depth of one metre. Apparently in scientific terms this is know as a shed-load of snow. It appears that the snow has been on the increase since at least 1900 and its rise has been most marked in recent decades up to 2010. Lady on the BBC last night desperately tried to tie it into man-made global warming but even she didn’t seem convinced.
This Antarctica place is rapidly turning into a disaster area for the global warming activists. I always enjoy the silly stories about the 600,000 penguins who are in danger of bring wiped out. Alas someone then spotted a vast colony of about 1.5 million of the little beasties on a satellite photo. There they were happily munching away at all the plentiful fish and sun-bathing on all the ice, or whatever it is that penguins do in their spare time.
That would be the time that they are not employed in British Gas advertisements, presumably…
Did you guys not see the blatant bit of propaganda about Viktor Orban on the BBC website? Cleverly entitled “The Man Who Thinks Europe Has Been Invaded” to remain factually correct, but worded in a way that makes him seem as if he is some oddball with crazy ideas, as if the notion of Europe being flooded with certain people is untrue and anyone who thinks so is crazy.
Should be a good Last Word this week.
Will Henry Vincent make it to the first tribute from Roger Bannister at 4pm on Friday?Got my tranny to my ear, all ready to swap notes with the girls on the school wall.
Could be a long roll call if they name ALL the wannabe footballers, pop stars and World Service interns who`ve been stabbed recently. My guess is that`ll they`ll choose just one to represent the knife and trainers community. But which one, gyzangals?
This is interesting:
There is something strange in it that does not add up. Anyone else notice it? Please note that I am not saying it did not happen or that journalists have not been killed – merely that in that anonymous article there is something that is very strange, an embellishment as it were.
BBC Data Harvesting?
When we share your data outside the BBC…
We will:
Always share it in a secure way
Make sure it’s treated consistently with our privacy promise
Not allow other companies to use it to contact you with their own marketing.
When we share your data within the BBC
We might share your data across different parts of the BBC for research, analysis, marketing or TV Licensing purposes.
This might include commercial parts of the BBC, like BBC Worldwide when it’s necessary to give you a service you’ve asked for.
In exceptional circumstances, we (BBC) may share your information without your permission if we reasonably believe you might be breaking the law, for example on hate speech, and such disclosure is allowed under the relevant laws, including data protection law.
– BBC – hate speech – can give you data to the BBC (IF THEY WANT TO AND WHEN THE BBC DEFINES HATE)
This is also quite disturbing, from the BBC privacy policy…
7. Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?
We may use information which we hold about you to show you relevant advertising on third party sites (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter). This could involve showing you an advertising message where we know you have a BBC account and have used BBC products and services. If you don’t want to be shown targeted advertising messages from the BBC, some third party sites allow you to request not to see messages from specific advertisers on that site in future. If you want to stop all personalised services from the BBC, including targeted advertising messages on third party sites you can visit Your Account in Using the BBC and disable personalisation there.
8. Will the BBC share my personal information with anyone else?
Generally, we will use your information within the BBC and will only share it outside the BBC where you have requested it or given your consent. However, we may share with third party sites (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter) some data, with appropriate security measures, to show you relevant advertising on third party sites, as set out in section 7. Sometimes the BBC uses third parties to process your information on our behalf, for example to provide services or analysis. The BBC requires these third parties to comply strictly with its instructions and the BBC requires that they do not use your personal information for their own business purposes, unless you have explicitly consented to the use of your personal information in this way.
I can barely ever get a comment onto BBC Have Your Say these days. I’m on their blacklist (is that racist?) so my posted comments have to be moderated first before they appear on the website some 30 minutes later.
I’d say 9 out of 10 get rejected for “offensive comment” when I mention a factual statement.
Example today on a HYS about Iceland stores stopping use of Palm Oil.
I posted “I can’t keep up with Liberals and their changing stance on everything. One minute we are creating wealth and jobs by buying products from black farmers now they are the enemy of the world.” That was rejected for being “offensive”.
I then posted “I’d just like to say the BBC are doing a brilliant job reporting environmental issues like this.”. Even though that is off topic my post was allowed onto the forum – strange that isn’t it?!?
Just like all Champagne Socialists, you can pat them on the back saying ‘well done’ but don’t you dare mention the truth.
I’d thought I’d test the BBC some more by complaining about my last post “I’d just like to say the BBC are doing a brilliant job reporting environmental issues like this.” reporting it as ‘it is advertises products or services for profit or gain’ and ‘off topic’.
And surprise surprise the Moderators replied saying it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.
I was expecting Iceland to give its reasons for stopping the use of palm oil in their products as health reasons but there was no mention of that as far as I recall on Radio 4. Instead they talked of environmental considerations that would appeal more to the BBC. Their PR department clearly knows what the BBC want to hear.
The BBC will doubtless ban word ‘blacklist’ in the next few years, with ‘blackmail’ and ‘black mark’ to follow – probably.
Has anyone else been watching Masterchef and noticed how it is becoming one big multicultifest? Many of the contestants are either foreign or of foreign extraction or of a certain religious persuasion.
What is alarming, though, is how some are allowed to progress through the rounds cooking nothing more than their own cultural/country of origin/country of heritage dishes.
This makes it easy for any of those cooking crowd-pleasing food such as Indian or Thai, which is exactly what we’ve got in the current series.
Now I don’t deny that Nawamin’s Thai dishes are cleverly put together, good to look at and probably absolutely delicious but almost without exception he uses nothing but Thai/Asian spices (lemon grass features time after time) and has included a curry sauce on several occasions. Not for him the judges’ critical eye for culinary variety and classical cookery skills.
And nor for Moonira – in fact, even less so for Moonira. In the catch up finals episode I watched last night she cooked what looked like a pretty average takeaway – an Indian version of scotch eggs with rice and and a very watery-looking curry gravy – and amazingly not only did the 3 food critics swoon over it but also Greg and John. And I mean swoon.
But you begin to smell a rat when Moonira claims scotch eggs are ‘one of my favourites’. Now I couldn’t be entirely certain, but I’d guess Moonira is Muslim, especially as her ‘hero’ dish was a tribute to a 14th c. Islamic poet and scholar, so…..scotch eggs? i.e. boiled egg wrapped in PORK sausage meat? Her ‘Indian’ take on it, however, looked to use a darker meat and I suspect it was lamb – but no mention of this fundamental adaptation of a favourite British snack. So….we have effectively a shami/seekh kebab wrapped round a boiled egg? A tad overpowering for the egg, I would have thought? Not a bit of it – wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, this disastrous looking and sounding concoction could not be praised highly enough without one iota of criticism, not even against the presentation which looked like you’d dumped three takeaway containers hastily onto a plate after 8 pints and no food since breakfast. Gob-smackingly, two other finalists were criticised for their lack of adventure and simplicity of their dishes. Where’s the fairness in that?
Now Moonira seems a lovely person but – how do I say this? – I can’t help but thinking she has been a useful stooge for the BBC’s relentless multiculti and especially pro-Islam, agenda (oh look – they’re just like us!).
Used to like Masterchef and I don’t particularly care about the background of the contestants as long as they are representative of Britain as a whole and have to demonstrate a wide range of culinary skills, but it has been forced away from its original challenging remit by the politically-correct obsessions of the BBC hierarchy. I might give it one more chance, but not in this series.
I quite agree – in fact I was having exactly the same conversation with a friend the other day. Whenever you see an Asian contestant you know exactly what they’re going to cook.
And as for presentation, who could forget the lopsided cake that Nadia made for the Queen? I could’ve done better myself, and I can’t boil water without burning it!
I haven’t bothered to watch this year’s series, because what you describe happened last year as well. An Asian lady week in week out cooking her own curry after curry after curry, and always with gushing results. Naturally she got into the finals, but at the cost of other fairly decent cooks, from the outset it was a given that one of the ethnics would be in the last 8.
It’s amazing what you can do with a tin of Winalot these days!
Pretty young females always seem to get further in Masterchef than their cooking appears to deserve. I never know whether it is John and Greg’s roving eyes or BBC agenda.
Well, at long last, almost five weeks after the Skripal poisoning, the BBC on TWatO today (R4 1-1.45pm) are starting to ask questions.
Here’s a list that I only created this morning of the questions the BBC from the outset did not appear to seek answers to in my hearing on R4 (they may have been asked on TV – I don’t watch so do not know):
The hunt for the culprit, the assassin
Whether Skripal existed only on his HMG pension or whether he works and, if so, who for
The ownership of the house
His neighbours and what they thought or knew about Sergei
Whether Skripal had developed any friendships or was involved in the community
Did he often have visitors
Did Julia visit regularly or was this a first visit
The ongoing treatment of the Skripals and the policeman – especially on a daily or at least regular basis
The progress of the investigation and how many investigators are working on it at any time, which Police Forces are involved (boundaries being crossed)
The difference in time scale to arrive at ‘conclusive evidence’ as far as the PM, COBRA, Porton Down chemists and OPCW Investigators are concerned
Why the restaurant table was destroyed and why it was not retained as evidence
Has the house now been cleaned of all traces of the nerve agent
Why the effect of the nerve agent acted so slowly – we now have suggestions that what we have been told about ‘Novichoks’ may have been severely exaggerated or have even been untrue
Why such a deadly nerve agent failed
There has been a complete lack of ongoing updates – compare this with extensive, intensive, almost endless, coverage of Priti Patel visit to Israel aftermath and the Damien Green accusations last year.
Frank Gardner (Security Correspondent) has been noticeably silent through this. Why? So have Clive Coleman (Legal Correspondent) and Steven Rosenberg (Russia Correspondent)
I find this all very strange. As mentioned before, it is almost as if an old-fashioned D Notice (do they still exist in this age of Super Injunctions?) had been applied by the Government.
TWatO has now informed me that “Mark Urban has followed the case closely.” He states that he thinks the lack of information (doesn’t stop you asking, Mark!) was due to the investigation being overwhelmed. Mark does not appear to know – despite ‘following the case closely’ – that huge resources were made available for that, with over 400 investigators and soldiers involved at one point. The work of the 250 soldiers, I assume, has come to an end. Still leaves 180 investigators. How large is the OPCW team?
180 investigators and no answers? BBC: you could ask some pointed questions about that use of taxpayers’ money!
I missed Frank Gardner’s contribution to today’s TWatO, so will have to catch up on iPlayer.
I found this wryly amusing.
““Comrade Putin, we have successfully stockpiled novichoks in secret for ten years, and kept them hidden from the OPCW inspectors. We have also trained our agents in secret novichok assassination techniques. The programme has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but now we are ready. Naturally, the first time we use it we will expose our secret and suffer massive international blowback. So who should be our first target? The head of a foreign intelligence agency? A leading jihadist rebel in Syria? A key nuclear scientist? Even a Head of State?”
“No, Tovarich. There is this old retired guy I know living in Salisbury. We released him from jail years ago…”
“With respect Comrade Putin, are you sure he is the most important target to reveal a programme we have put so much resource into for ten years?”
“Yes. I sit here every day and I cannot concentrate on the affairs of Russia or the World as all the time am thinking of Sergei Skripal. I should never have let him out of jail to spend his life buying lottery tickets and eating in Zizzis. But you must make absolutely certain to kill him.”
“Don’t worry Comrade Putin, we have been training in secret novichok assassination techniques for ten years. We even have an detailed manual explaining our methods. We will spread the novichok on his outside door handle (fiendish laugh).”
“Are you sure comrade? Is there not a danger it will wash off or get diluted?”
“No Comrade Putin, it never rains in England.”
That is, genuinely, in every detail the official British government version of what happened in Salisbury, including the ten year programme and the secret assassination manual.
Despite this story being one of the most improbably wild conspiracy theories in human history, it is those who express any doubt at all as to its veracity who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists” or even “traitors”.”
Craig Murray
Are you sure you are Craig Murray? The above is of a quality I attribute to Craig Brown.* 😉 🙂
(* award winning satirist)
Al, I think Brown may have a serious rival there!
I forgot to include in my list above that the BBC have only once asked about the death of another Russian emigre that occurred about the same time as the Skripal attack. That death has been deemed, I understand, to be suspicious and is being investigated by the Police. No questions asked in the four weeks or so since then by the BBC.
I wonder why?
Excellent article in today’s D/Mail (sorry, cant find the link Online), where Quentin Letts fights his corner after being accused of racism when criticising the casting of a black actor in a production by the RSC. He accuses the RSC of a diversity tick box exercise, and as expected the Company has gone into theatrical meltdown !
I hope he’s learned the lesson from the current POTUS modus: NEVER apologise or back down – at all.
Just saw this post, I made similar comment below.
BBC London News in the middle of the day surpasses itself with reports pushing the BBC’s chosen agenda on all issues. And the middle of the day is about the only issue BBC London News does come down in the middle of.
Apparently BBC stands for Black Broadcasting Cabal today as our personable young black female anchor links to a report on the death of a black man with prior history with the police and mental health issues restrained in some way in police custody and although there are inevitably legal retraints on what the authorities can say his family are allowed a BBC platform to go making claims about: “another black man dies in police custody, how many more…?”
Practically an accusation of racially motivated police murder.
But if the BBC seems to have the word hate tattoo’d on the knuckles of one hand then they have the word love on the other.
Cue publicaly-funded artist Tracey Emin’s new slogan artwork at St Pancras station which she cheerfully explains means she’s a “Remainer” and wants to carry on spending our cash.. sorry, er… her time with Brussels and France.
And gosh but did BBC London love that arts report.
Assuming we are lumbered with a second referendum, can we please have the public purse cost of this artwork taken into account as part of Remain spending?
The sublimely talentless Tracy Emin also got a slot on Today this morning to announce her love for “Europe”, and her desire to be a part of “Europe”.
Strangely, Humphys didn’t point out to her that after we leave the EU, we will still be part of “Europe”, and she will still be able to take a Eurostar to Paris or Brussels.
Can anyone remember if someone in favour of Brexit has ever been allowed any airtime to express an opinion? Or is the BBC, dare I say it, blased?
Only Tim (Mr Wetherspoons) Martin, Rob.
It rather makes me inclined to head to one of his establishments on 29th or 30th or 31st March next year for a celebratory meal!
Luckily our Tracey’s permanent ‘Bulldog biting a wasp’ expression does a fine job of ensuring her legacy to art remains within the aegis of Gompertz, Saatchi and the like.
How does anyone earn so much money by peddling such utter garbage as she does? “Emperor’s New Clothes” doesn’t even come close.
The secret Lobs is being really, really, really intelligent. So intelligent in fact that only you and a few gifted people like Will Gompertz and Charles Saatchi are clever enough to make a living from delusion. And of course Damien Hirst who has made a real fortune from taking the piss out of the ‘intelligentsia’.
Chuckle of the day (courtesy of the D/Mail)…………
“Despite being known as the Crafty Cockney, darts champion Eric Bristow MBE, who has died aged 60, moved out of London saying he had no plans to return. ‘I can’t speak 27 languages’, he remarked. ‘When you ask someone for directions and they don’t speak English, it puts you off a bit’. “
Quentin Letts getting pilloried for racism for daring to suggest that a black actor playing a 17th Century country squire doesn’t quite work. (Anything less than unqualified rapture for all things black now being a thought crime.)
“It’s not box-ticking political correctness, squeal the RSC, he just happened to be the best man for the job and we’re completely colour-blind – in fact we hadn’t even noticed he was black till racist Quentin pointed it out to us, fancy that.” (I made up the last bit)
Ok RSC, if you’re so colour blind I look forward to a production with a white actor playing Saint Mandela, or His Holiness Martin Luther King Jnr.
Or a white woman perhaps, seeing as you’re also gender-blind.
The Speccie disagrees: “Quentin Letts isn’t racist – our theatrical culture, which hands out jobs on the basis of racial profiling, is.”
Renowned Shakespearean Sir Antony Sher recently on the BBC explaining why he never got the part of Cleopatra : “I was told by the director that if he gave me the part Britain’s leading actresses would lynch him”
These things never seem to cut both ways.
Just a note while mentioning Quentin Letts, his new book ‘Patronising Bastards’ is a hoot, superbly put together and it pillories all the people who want to crap on ths country!
(Sorry though Quentin, I got it from the library..;0)
I agree with Quentin – I’ve suffered enough race and gender. Changed shows recently . Even look at cast now so as not to bother going. If that makes me racialist tough. Same for genderism too.
Vlad – Maybe if they do another re-make of Alex Hayley,s “Roots”
Kunta Kinte could be played by Gregor Fisher complete with string vest and headband.
“What has always seemed to me one of the most shocking deeds of the last war was one that did not aim at killing anyone — on the contrary, it probably saved a great many lives. Before launching their big attack at Caporetto, the Germans flooded the Italian army with faked Socialist propaganda leaflets in which it was alleged that the German soldiers were ready to shoot their officers and fraternize with their Italian comrades, etc., etc. Numbers of Italians were taken in, came over to fraternize with the Germans, and were made prisoner — and, I believe, jeered at for their simple-mindedness. I have heard this defended as a highly intelligent and humane way of making war — which it is, if your sole aim is to save as many skins as possible. And yet a trick like that damages the very roots of human solidarity in a way that no mere act of violence could do.”
In the event of WWIII I doubt if we could muster up a decent armed force – the number of transitioning male to female would go stratospheric !
I’ve got a superb pitchfork, Brissles; they won’t know whether it would be in ’em, on ’em or up ’em, but it’d damn well hurt!
Can you imagine al Beeb reporting ww3
Shabi. Toynbee. Owen. Discussing what the War means to Brexit and was the war caused by austerity?
Look Jeremy Vine when the line goes bad, bring the expert back on
… Instead he said, that’s enough and after a couple of records he let Chris Packham phone on.
The debate was Iceland Stores founder’s son says they will ban palm oil.
Yes previous Indonesian & Malaysian governments did do wrong by not controlling the industry
But “Ban it”= Fallacy of applying black white solutions to FullColour problems
(I’ve lived in various parts of Borneo, not financially connected)
It’s important that, both sides of ANY debate are aired to get truth
But Vine quickly decided ” I’m on the anti side so stuff @SimeDarby corp, let’s have Chris Packham on ”
So we got 2 big chunks of anti, and only half a chunk of pro.
Today most Borneo tribal people grown palm oil … You hit the price and you’ll affect their lives.
Previous wars against settlers from Java stopped cos settlers were driven off or are now working OK
President Joko managed to stop 26 years of massive forest fires
The corps now clear old palm oil trees without burning the land.
Settlers are the last group that have been burning land and Joko was getting them to stop.
The trick is to reward the honest farmers and punish the bad.
Bans will end up punishing all they all might as well go bad.
HYS : Iceland Palm Oil ban
Dumb libs gave this comment the most downvotes
“However well intentioned this move is, it denies a number of the world’s poorest economies an important source of foreign income by effectively banning one of their main cash crops.
Supporting orangutans in the wild does not buy you much needed medication or education in countries that are chronically short of both so perpetuating the poverty that currently exists. Western ideals v. pragmatism! ”
94 people think that is a bad comment ?
Another proud day for Corbyn,but i genuinely believe the prick dosn’t care.
Tracey Emin joins #MeToo
“It was a FEMALE powerful artist, when I was a young artist
She grabbed my crotch and pinned me against a wall,
I told her, you can’t do that, I’ll punch your lights out”
Previously she said ‘yeh was raped at age 13, but that’s par for the course in Margate’
Emin – Thick as doo doo – europe is the ReichEU.
Nigel Biggar that Oxford don’t who wrote about positives of Empire, writes in the Times about the vile name calling he got on Twitter from fellow academics
..and how when he pointed out to college authorities that academics should be setting a good example to students, they just shrugged and did nothing about it.
That’s what you get for not being in the lefty tribe.
Meghan wedding polly’s invited not even Obarmy
Damn – no invitation and I even borrrowed the ‘suits’ box set.
R4 Great Lives a labour female comedian picked the Indian immigrant woman who led the Grunwick strike.
George Ward, the former boss of Grunwick Processing Plant was also Angli-Indian, partially why he employed mostly ethnic Indian women.
Good news people – Aunty is coming out with a “Stephen Lawrence ” special to be shown over three days to mark the 25th anniversary of his murder.
I dont think the BEEB will be really happy until a few more of us waycist whiteys get a good stabbing to “teach us a lesson for being the wrong colour”
Will there be special. Stamps. And. An
‘It’s a knockout ‘ special or a musical?
It changed so much for the better didn’t it?
The credibility of Syrian gas attack which Trump, Treezer and Macron are ready to go to war over.
Methinks the distressing scenes of Syrian children crying might be something to do with not wanting to be hosed down by rough looking jihadistsls.j
1963 …. USA …
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
2018…. UK …
Telegraph have joined BBC, ITV, New Statesman , Greenpeace: This traineeship is only open to candidates from a black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority background
Creative = “make stuff up instead of reporting straight science & maths”
Marky’s link goes to Greenpeace advert
Being Green is not good enough, you have to be black as well.
“This traineeship is only open to candidates from a black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority background”
see also
Previously the BBC had six ads on that recruit by skin colour agency
So now we know why the quality of journalism is low.
Grateful token blacks and Asians who must know they are there because of their skin and just want to please their bosses.
Yaas massa I will write what you want.
May 6 Speakers Corner : march for freedom of speech, (and no doubt will be infested with a certain religion who already infest the place), protesting for our right to speak freely and demand OUR rights that our forefathers fought and died for
I know that no-one will be surprised to see that the Biased BBC has decided to come out to bat for an armed burglar, and against a sleeping OAP.
Yep always down with the minorities .
Lojo – I was almost crying with sadness today when on the “World at One” they read out 3 or 4 tributes attached to the fence in remembrance of that wonderful, warm, family man.
Least the fucker is burning down below now ain’t coming back .
Heart warming of a white Australian union employee with a Facebook ‘black lives matters’ who has got over a £100 000 in donations- Aussie bank account too.
Trump, Treezer and Macron’s excuse for a war in Syria is looking weak.
Best get Donald to drop a few big ones before he has to explain the lack of evidence regarding the gassing and who he wants to replace Assad.
I thought Trump would have more sense than listen to the dodgy CIA briefings.
There’s a reason the swamp is so deep and has been around for so long.
BBC headline : Jaguar Land Rover to shed 1,000 contract staff
at the bottom it says
“but company insiders were keen to stress that it would continue to invest in its UK plants and recently launched a drive to recruit another 5,000 engineers.(within 1 year)”
(JLR has 40K UK employees)
The anti-Brexiteers are shouting in the comments
Telegraph reported that 5,000 plan last year
(About 90pc of the cars JLR sells in the UK are powered by diesel….. but surely most production is export)