The Al Beeb “Start The Week” show discussed democracy and elections. Normally I would have hit the off switch but had to listen to hear the inevitable recital of attempts to undermine UK votes through a completely undemocratic unelected House of Lords. But I listened in vain – similarly to anything on Al beeb about the March for Freedom in London on Sunday.
Anyway this is an open thread to demonstrate there is always a rich variety of bias by Al Beeb – which I will call it until the day it becomes British again.
Thanks to those who have given me valuable feedback about the administration of the site – I will try do my bit in response.
Knock knock.
“The Extremely CONTROVERSIAL Jordan Peterson will be on NEXT week”
says Amol Rajan covering for Marr on R4 Start The Week
I take it Louise O’ Neill is in no way ‘controversial’.
As for ‘progressive’ – enough already. Every political agenda and thought process associated with it is the exact opposite.
Thanks TC (at the risk of sounding like Benny the Ball).
There are plenty of others though, especially with a naval heritage eg Ark Royal, which I remember seeing as a kid at a ‘Navy Day’ in Devonport. I was so impressed I mithered me old dad till he bought me a toy one for sailing in the rockpools of Whitsand Bay!
SORRY – out of step here. See Trick Cyclist’s post below.
Progressive = Marxist.
It’s one of their favourite words and quite obviously meant to deceive. Interestingly, that founding member of the UAF, Mr Cameron, at one time, seemed to use it a lot. Maybe he didn’t know what he was saying and doing.
Nice one John,
or …
Progressive = wanting to take the country foreward to 1974
“Extremely controversial” = does not toe the BBC lefty line.
At least they did not say ‘Far Right’ which is their usual description of anyone to the right of Marx.
‘Professes’ to bring order to life – nice snide little dig there. You know any divisive moron like Lammy would be treated with the utmost reverence, his absolute horse shit about gangsters wanting to go to Cambridge treated like the gospel truth.
They had better bring their ‘A’ game and not gang up on him. Cathy Newman was an absolute disgrace: rude, nasty, bullying and totally unprofessional.
Right, now onto the bbbc.
On the big question yesterday someone mentioned that the birthrate for us whiteys was below replacement level, something like 1.4 children.
This was said as if it is a bad thing when I think it is probably the best thing that could possibly happen to the planet.
In England we are overcrowded. The politicians all say they will build hundreds of thousands of houses every year. This, if it actually happens, might house the yearly admitted to figure of a 300,000 net immigration increase.
Just imagine if we were not stuck with getting 300,000 more doctors and nuclear physicists every year and the birthrate was 1.4, we would have far less overcrowding, cheaper housing for all, a huge improvement in all the ‘green’ figures such as less waste or using less fuel and energy and so many more benefits and improvements in the quality of life.
Nobody on the big question mentioned this, they all appeared to agree that populations must continuously increase.
Of course, overpopulation does benefit the company owners and suchlike with cheap labour.
Nobody on the big question mentioned this, they all appeared to agree that populations must continuously increase.
They should have spoken to this beboid, Emmanuel, he seems to have a different opinion.
Funny how these Agenda 21 themes keep cropping up on the BBC….
I seem to recall that in the 60s, due to future population projections, we were actively encouraged by the powers that be that to have fewer children was a good thing whilst they championed the use of the Pill and abortion. Today this doesn’t seem to apply to all groups of our society.
Did I misunderstand? 🙁
According to Paul Ehrlich, one of the original eco-nutters who started these extreme scare stories in the 60s (another was Rachel Carson authoress of ‘Silent Spring’), the world would have a billion starving to death by the 80s, mass migration would be out of control etc etc. This was before the great ‘CO2 is rapidly bringing on another ice age’ scam which was rapidly followed by the ‘CO2 will cause global warming meltdown’ scam when they realised the post-war cooling had gone into reverse. All designed to fit the same anti-mankind, anti-capitalist agenda. Since then, of course, the post-war temperature record is gradually being fixed to fit the global warming narrative – similarly the 1930s which is still the hottest decade of the last 100 years.
Now this politically-driven eco madness has the whole world in its grip.
Crazy, frightening times.
jtf, if Erlich predicted in the 1960s that “the world would have a billion starving to death by the 80s” he was actually correct, pretty much right on the money. By the end of the 1990s, around two-fifths of the world’s much increased population still went to bed hungry at night. (Source: Tear Fund/Oxfam/Christian Aid/take your pick of charity or economist.)
The great achievement of the 21st century, is that those numbers have been dramatically reduced.
Funny thing, the BBC do not talk about that much.
I wonder why?
Unless I’m mistaken, I think it was only us Christians who danced around our handbags in the 60’s, and because our miniskirts drove the boys to distraction, the Pill was invented for us ! Other faiths were not in great numbers during that time, so they never got the memo that breeding was a bit frowned upon in the UK.
Who was to know that when we wee`d it all back out in the 80s/90s . our blokes ended up with moobs and no interest in us, now we`re a bit wrinklier?
Circle of Life, karma I guess.
I’ve been doing catch up on ‘Warship’, the b-BBC’s documentary on the trialling of our new aircraft carrier (why couldn’t it have been named The Winston Churchill?).
First episode: waited with dread for the inevitable agendas to surface. In reality, didn’t really detect any and quite impressed with the tone of it – by Al Beeb’s standards, quite patriotic.
Second episode: here we go. The ship has a ‘multicultural crew’, apparently, and to prove it several chunks of this episode featured the Muslim head chef. Seemed a good bloke actually, and had 20 years service under his belt. We were shown the prayer room they had set aside for his specific use – in actuality a large store cupboard which made me wonder: how can they afford to do that when space is so limited on warships? There were no other Muslims in evidence, there were one or two black lads and I noticed one bloke of Oriental heritage – all great to see proof positive of genuine integration – but nowhere near enough to justify the BBCs ‘multicultural’ claim (if the ships 700+ crew were representative wouldn’t there be 20+ Muslims, for example?). And why is multiculturalism a good thing on a warship anyway?
Final episode: all about the women. Great gutsy lasses all, and full of admiration for them, but this being the BBC a disproportionate amount of this episode was delivered from a feminist angle, and in that respect was true to form.
More brainwashing from the BBC.
“Why couldn’t it have been named The Winston Churchill?”
There’s already a USS Winston S. Churchill. Unbelievable to think that he might be regarded as a greater historical hero in America than in his own country. Or maybe, all too believable.
See reply above TC.
He was half-American, which might have something to do with the USN ship being named after him.
I have recorded this series, but not watched it yet.
What annoys me about programmes like this is that they are always about the human interest. The head chef is muslim? Oh how interesting.
I want to see a programme which deals with the ship and its aircraft. I want to know about its engines, it radars, its weapons etc etc. Out of a three part series, I wouldn’t mind one part being about the boys and girls on board, but we have spent £3 billion on this ship, and I want to see a programme which explains how the ship works and what it is for.
I remember “Sailor” from 1976, about the old Ark Royal. It had a good scene in which an RAF pilot took about four goes to land on board for the first time. Apart from that, I don’t recall much about how the Ark used steam catapults, an angled flight deck and mirror landing system, all British inventions, to operate the latest fast jets from a ship designed in World War II.
Mind you, the Labour government was going to scrap the Ark within two years, so perhaps it was not the time to show that Britain had led the world in developing aircraft carriers was it?
Radio 4 this morning doing the usual about how are we going to survive after Brexit . This time it’s the cheap labour needed for our hotel industry .
Never asked as usual , how did we get on for the hundreds of years before 2006 when the hordes came in ?
How do the hotels in Poland , Roumania , India etc get on ?
I used to have holiday jobs in the hotel industry when I was at College and University, well before the Treaty of Maastricht. I worked with Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Germans, Egyptians, Iranians, Israelis, Ghanaians, Australians, Irish, Poles, and, surprise surprise, English people. Seemed like everything worked fine. Don’t tell the BBC it would ruin the narrative.
A few months ago, there was a ‘behind the scenes’ prog about the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Hyde Park. Like a lot of the luxury hotels in London, many of those in key positions in the running of the hotel were from Eastern Europe.
how come british hotels are so bloody expensive then???
I imagine a hotel operating in central London has eye watering overheads. Imagine the business rates they have to pay to the emir!
On this week’s STW Anne Applebaum seemed like a FakeNews machine serving us a convenient narrative on a plate
30 mins in
(Whoaa …Now hang, now Ann is playing us
#1 The first email thing is Hillary ILLEGALLY put her own emails on her own insecure server rather than the proper government one.
#2 The Democrat Election emails were a different thing
#2.1 It is a false narrative to say that that email leak won the election for Trump, cos the media largely suppressed coverage of them
I suspect a great many people who voted for Trump were unaware of them when they voted.
#2.2 It’s not the case that a Russian Media channel controlled the show : putting out a stream of stories twisted to discredit Hillary.
Rather the entire stack , was released batch by batch onto the Wikileaks server, where everyone who wanted could see them . And it was those third parties that went through them and found examples of Democrats dirty tricks plans , and other things like Uranium One, and the payments for speeches and heavy donations from Saudi. These weren’t twisted facts , these were facts.
Amol : “AA was a journalist and now has moved into the dept Study of Disinformation at the LSE ”
(Well since the LSE houses The G rantham Climate Institute, they’d be experts at disinformation )
Amol’s lying by omission was the failure to mention that in fact after a career in journalism Applebaum moved in 2014 to work for Legatum Thinktank funded by businessman that made money from finding “mis-priced assets” eg at time of Russian Dissolutionand in 2014 Legatum used to be strong on anti-Russia
\\ Legatum employed @anneapplebaum & @peterpomeranzev as lobbyists, at the same time (around 2014) they arguably ignited the “Russia disinformation” panic which has gripped the US & EU in recent years. //
but then last year she suddenly left, but won’tsay if its cos of their Brexit positivity
(People allege she is a libEstablishment stooge, see comments here
\\Applebaum is a Polish national married to Radoslaw Sikorski, former Polish Foreign Minister who switched his Citizenship from Polish to UK to Polish // ..etc etc.
“We know that Russian Trolls work very close with Alt-Right Trolls ..American/Swedish”
Hmm that language smear-framing trick
If by At-Right you mean people who call themselves Alt-Right the real white-supremacists ..there are very few of them.
If you are using that label as a smear against Tommy Robinson or even Austrian identitarians , I don’t think those guys do work closely with Russians.
But indeed it is difficult to say who is a Russian Troll, Russian-government bot or UK based real person ..such people have been misidentified in the past.
“The solutions are not to do with Russia”
“The internet has changed things has created distance between people are traditional institutions .. sources of distrust ”
Que ? I thought the internet had brought members into Momentum and Labour ?
Amol “A lot of people who talk about FakeNews, cos they have an ulterior incentive”
Yes to me AA seems to be like a thief who shouts “look over there, a thief !”
She goes back to saying the use of hacked email was the same in Ukraine as it was later in the US
Hmm if we say UKraine was a disinfo campaign, then what happens when someone 100% honest hacks a western email, can we just dismiss it ?
Climategate did release true useful info. As did 28gate
“The use of troll farms, the use of bots”
..Hmm the irony is that once you brainwash an entire cohort of people like Momentum, Antifa, BBC-staff they as real humans behave like a gigantic HUMAN bot network pushing out disinformation and suppressing other info.
‘We discovered a Russian Based bot farm which was amplifying AfD messages’
Hmm cos locations can easily be spoofed, you would not know for certain the bot farm is in Russia. Nor would you know who is the ultimate customer..e.g. CIA could use Russian bot-farms
‘This same bot-network was selling escort services in Dubai. also promoting local biusinesses’
(There you go, makes it sound like it’s a freelance for cash operation)
David Runciman @TPpodcast_ ”We know that the most retweeted story in the US election was not a real story, it was a fake story”
(That sounds like a made up fact , you want to believe
Cherrpicking particular retweets doesn’t count
Things that actually swung people’s votes DO.
ie if a million bots tweet a story at each other, it doesn’t change the outside world.)
Amol says that story was “Denzil Washington back’s Trump”
Did that win Trump votes ?
Or did making that story and then saying it was Fake, cost Trump votes ?
AA is LSE but Runciman is connected also
\\ Just back from @LSEGovernment retreat @CumberlandLodge discussing intergenerational politics with David Willetts, David Runciman ..Labour MP .. and lots of @LSE students. //
I suppose it would be churlish of me to enquire if there has been any mention of the ‘handful’ of persons who marched yesterday in support of freedom of speech, and the attendant speeches?
There was indeed a connected story on the radio news this morning
‘Putin doesn’t allow protests against him to reported on state media’
BiasedBBBC world’s biggest buyer of irony meters
Now they report
“Phnom Penh Post’s sale to PR director increases media freedom fears ”
I’m wondering if the BBC LONDON local news doesn’t come up on a Google search ..
Seems Londoon-Live page only runs on weekends
And can’t see it on lasts nights local news
Black people stabbed , acid attacked
white people have premature baby survive.
There is
They put up a photo of baby yesterday, and there are 20 comments from people 90% with non-traditional English names.
typo “only runs on weekdays”
After being asked what would you do if you won £3million on a scratch card, one of them said;
Holly Jones Wueste;
Move permanently to London, the most glorious city in the world, and my life’s dream
Her avatar was of a whitey as well!
Old Goat
‘there are none so blind as those who will not see’
But those who were on the march yesterday will see how Al Beeb has not reported the event.
Censorship in action, funded by the Licence Fee.
Where is maxi our special correspondent when you want him ?
Taffman I think censorship is spreading out even to once reliable independent satirical outfits. Last week I think I upset Guido. They had a piece on antisemitism in the Labour party so I pointed out that this was probably tolerated because Labour value the Muslim vote more than the Jewish one. Bland stuff I thought. For three hours they were “moderating” it
So I sent another post asking them why they had not cleared my first post as I believe it could cause little “offense” – I also congratulated them on their move to become the new vanilla “OK” site rather than a satirical one.
Now I find my posts on this Guido story have “disappeared” and I seem to have lost my login on disqus (which is also used on Con Woman)
Am I being paranoid or do you think the state tentacles are starting to take the next step in closing all opposing opinions down?
To be honest even if this is just a tech glitch I could not be bothered in trying to set up a new login.
You seriously have to consider the possibility that Guido had been ‘leaned on’.
Geedo has definitely changed, and has gone overboard in censorship.
From yesterday’s free speech march, or as the media would say, the hate march. They had a huge screen for speakers who are not allowed to come here and speak.
Once upon a time Geedo might have engaged with this. Or maybe not.
Is anyone aware of any mainstream/liblabcon politician even commenting on this event (either for or against)?
You would think that someone had something to say, wouldn’t you?
Well done to Gerard and Anne Marie for speaking.
Milo delivered a few pertinent digs at the BBC.
The island
I’ve not noticed a politician mentioning the march but a certain freelance journo called
Ellie Mae O Hagan
Wrote a short article for the guardian which would have got a grade D at journo school titled
“ the far right is rising and Britain is dangerously complacent about it”
The tone suggests she neither witnessed the march nor got the point – just a screech about Tommy Robinson – and move on .
Comments were not open on this column about free speech – irony alert .
Couldn’t find out too much about this journo apart from being funded by leftie outfits – but appears to be on the way up as a kind of girl version of the al beeb favoured O Jones
I found it on the Metro site. Where many in the comments have called it out for describing protestors as “far right”.
you can spot her here on owen jones twitter pic. Shes a rabid corbynista wanting to be the next caitlin moron. Reading that article she wrote it was pure one sided biased drivel and letting an awful lot of useful info out.
Breitbart mention it.
Raheem Kassam gave a short speech; I think he followed Milo, who appeared to overrun his allotted time and so used some of Raheem’s time.
He’s banned me from posting comments but won’t tell me what I wrote that was so unforgivable. So, I’ve stopped visiting his site. Funnily enough I’m no worse off for not going there.
John – You probably critisised his highlights – I think only he is allowed to do that.
I think he is brilliant, witty, self deprecating etc but he is also incredibly vain in all ways. But I am bloody glad the bugger is on our side!
Guido has a Facebook pages, lots of open comments there.
“Not often you see Corbynistas quoting the BBC approvingly nowadays, yesterday they were keen on the legitimising glow of the establishment broadcaster’s extrapolation.”
Mr. Corbyn is, of course, the leader who has explicitly guaranteed the BBC’s unique funding.
I can login under Disqus and post.
but my recent “moderated then banned for no reason”innocent comments seemed to be under my own name
via logging into Disqus but via Google account.
I got banned by Guido for not much, but it didn’t affect my Disqus login – it just said I was banned from posting on his site.
Roland – I will give it another go on disqus. Trouble is I never quite know whether it is by accident or design. Unfortunately I am not very tech savvy. It did seem a heel of a coincidence though.
I have had a similar experience with the Guardian. I have not been explicitly banned – i.e. I can log in and post comments – but just after I post a comment it disappears. Do they (as well as banning lots of people) identify certain posters of comments as unwelcome, without telling them?
Another “Record Breaker” ?
“Today marks the hottest May Bank holiday Monday since the long weekend was introduced in 1978. “…………….
With the usual patronising ‘how to stay safe in the sun’ advice from some medical guru with too much time on their hands.
Yet another example of the BBC treating us like a nation of moronic ten year-olds.
No wonder Trump and Brexit shook them to the foundations of their Ministry of Truth HQ.
Only the Guardian, London Evening Standard and Metro covered yesterday’s March for Freedom, and Russia Today gave it a mention. All four smeared the participants as being of the “Far Right”.
The media have also been studiously ignoring this important book that was, I think, brought to my attention by a commenter on this site. The author cannot be disparaged as either ”far right” or “uneducated”: he is, after all, a fellow of Exeter College Oxford and has had a series of long articles published by the Guardian about his year with the Arctic Inugguit.
I bought my copy from Amazon, have read it twice and am currently annotating it and following up the online references.
Yes, I recommended that book – I’ve only just finished it, and urge everyone to get hold of a copy (mine is on my Kindle), because it is really strong stuff, and goes way beyond Douglas Murray.
Thank you for that recommendation, OG. The man’s erudition is astonishing:, isn’t it? He speaks six foreign languages, four to professional standard; his work is peppered with classical and philosophical references and he appears to have a working knowledge of the Russian Orthodox Church (to which I find myself increasingly attracted, though the nearest regular service is over forty miles away).
He seems to be one of those British scholar-adventurers – {T. E. Lawrence, Sir Richard Burton, Colonel Burnaby come to mind) but the only reviews I’ve found of these essays have been on somewhat obscure websites; nothing in the national press. This is surely a disgrace.
The book has been described as a rant and a polemic, though to me it is more a cri de coeur. He has seen at first hand the unwelcome changes forced on remote indigenous peoples, and this has prompted a reflection on the demise of his own ethic group.
I shall be drawing it to the attention of as many people as I can and discussing it with family and friends.
Me, too.
So when the BBC talk in approving tones of everything ‘progressive’….
What is it exactly they think we are progressing towards?
I suppose that’s a bit of a rhetorical question really for anyone familiar with the aims of George Soros and UN Agenda 21.
JTF, not forgetting Agenda 2030 as well.
This country is turning in to the ‘Wild West’…………….
Oxford town, Oxford town
Everybody’s got their heads bowed down
Sun don’t shine above the ground
Ain’t a-goin’ down to Oxford town 😉
Oh dear, this isn’t supposed to happen in the home counties is it?
Guess that warm feeling thay got diversifying somebody else’s neighbourhood is evaporating now, the human sewage is enriching their areas.
Anyone else having trouble accessing this link?
Constantly timing out.
I do hope the bBBC is not having problems (not)
It’s set to improve further shortly: The Croatians are being permitted ‘free movement’ as from 18th June. ‘Welcome, welcome to the cesspit called UK’. I read that their specialty is gun-running so they’ll fit in rather well here when they take up residence and register for Housing Benefit and all the rest.
Are BBC/MSM still continuing their boycott of Trans, refugees and other #SpecialVictimhood groups ?
Yes tonight you have to make do with :
Trans : 9pm C4 Genderquake doco, followed on Tues by Two hours doco + discussion
Syria Refugees : 10pm BBC4 doco on the love story between one in Lebanon and one in France
Genderquake doco has straight people living in a house with a variety of trans
I’m pleased to see the BBC highlighting the threat of tourism’s carbon impact, an argument could be made that most of this lot were tourists,
Not forgetting the carbon spewing whirlybirds who buzzed Sir Cliffs gaff, still, do as I say…, I wonder just how many air miles the BBC accumulates for ‘work’ purposes.
Not just the Olympics, OS but still another taxpayer funded (AKA bottomless) outfit.
From the Tax Payers Alliance.
NHS Quango Flights
Last weekend we released a damning report exposing the excessive travel expenses of NHS staff. For the first time, it can be revealed that taxpayers have forked out millions of pounds to pay for business class flights for bureaucrats in the NHS.
Since 2015, staff at NHS quangos have taken at least 16,866 flights at a cost of £6.5 million – 716 of which were business class, costing taxpayers £2.2 million, and 174 premium economy flights at a cost of £241,345.
These businesses class flights are a breach of government guidance, which states that: “For international flights of over eight hours flying time, personnel should be provided with cost options for flying premium economy but may only be used with senior management agreement.”
Beach lifeguards train volunteer lifesavers in The Gambia
Seems globalism has been seeded everywhere. Time will tell whether the donors to the RNLI approve.
A bit like the NHS really .
Yes, its a hell of a swim to Cape Verde ! (is it still under Portuguese protectorate)
BBC denigrate hairdressers, tailors and farmers.
After risking all to escape a war torn country and certain death, sorry he was an economic migrant, all he got offered on return was training in “fairly basic stuff, like hairdressing or tailoring, or learning how to farm” at this point words fail.
Or how about this charmer reflecting on his failed foray to Europe,
“, ‘This guy’s mum sold her land so he could go to Europe – and then he failed!’ If I hear anyone saying that, I tell you, I’ll kill them.””
Should fit right in London on his next attempt then.
BBC’s – New (<—BBC speak for not yet another repeat)) – ‘The Road To Palmyra’.
As per commentary – ‘The first thing we see is the recently restored ‘Lion of Elat’, from Palmyra, which was smashed by.
Wouldn’t it have been far more beautiful in it’s original condition before the Islamists and Jihadis of Islamic State took their explosives/hammers to it?
Do I need to expand? Oh, ok, I will…
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers… said current Turkish President, Recep Erdogan.
BBC’s – New (<—BBC speak for not yet another repeat)) – ‘The Road To Palmyra’.
As per commentary – ‘The first thing we see is the recently restored ‘Lion of Elat’, from Palmyra, which was smashed by IS.
Dan Cruickshank’s photographer, “Looks so beautiful with the minarets in the background”.
Wouldn’t it have been far more beautiful in it’s original condition before the Islamists and Jihadis of Islamic State took their explosives/hammers to it… and without the minarets?
Trump = Nobel Peace Prize.
Let’s see how the BBC deal with this.
Up with Farming Today (BBC R4 approx 5.35-6.00am), well, turning on near the end of it. I find the BBC love-affair with north American (American? didn’t sound Canadian) academics, and north American female academics, at that, continues apace. She had, I think, been telling us that we were doing our farming all wrong. Thanks, American academic.
Yet when another American merely repeats something that a British hospital doctor in London has said about his A&E Department . . . …
… . . the BBC get upset and continually for two or more days report about the upset of any other Brits that they can find that do not like President Trump.
BBC going big on this – ‘Tax on pensioners proposed to heal inter-generational divide’ – this morning although, strangely, it doesn’t appear to have made it onto the BBC’s web-site very-out-of-date Home Page.
Mishal is talking about it on TOADY as I write with ‘Two-Brains’ (neither working, David Willetts) on the programme to add his comments to his think-tank’s report. Absent from BBC coverage so far (that Kamal is useless as an economist) is how much this £10,000 payment to 25yr olds would cost. ‘Tax on pensioners proposed to heal inter-generational divide’
No good questions for Two-Brainless from our Mishal. She doesn’t come across as the strongest signal from the BBC amplifier, either. Oh dear! What a feeble mess our beloved BBC has become.
Come on – you’ve got to say it was unusually funny for al beeb . I thought they didn’t do comedy any more .
I saw over the weekend that there is a campaign growing to bad ‘double entendres ‘ which I understand is used a lot on that baking programme with a professional queer lady on it.
I was thinking of all the past British comedy which would be banned as well as all the queer presenters ( and non queers) who would need to find another job . Ooh matron .
Fed, I thought it was a tad sinister. Willetts was allowed a free run. I’m getting that feeling that I’m being propagandised by the BBC – again.
I don’t like it.
It is also very, very divisive. The BBC don’t like divisive.
But suddenly they appear to be happy to help promote a very divisive (as well as economically illiterate) measure.
The BBC are propagandising hypocrites.
The BBC was one of the first out when the intergenerational claptrap was thought-up by the Left. It has been promoting it hard since the very start.
As you say, funny how this ‘divisiveness’ works, isn’t it?
All hail Marrow Man!
Diane will be pleased.
Oh! What a Beauty!
BBC London News cause we viewers a wry smile this morning.
After running a default policy of pretending the daily knifings and regular shootings were not really happening
– often you only got to hear about a killing in BBC reports when the police crime tape was causing a rush hour traffic jam.
As far as the BBC were concerned murders were of little interest beyond what they carefully term ‘the community’
Suddenly today the BBC voices a call for a ‘strategy’
From Government, no less.
Wait a minute… isn’t little man Khan in charge of the capital’s policing?
Good news everyone – Ramadan starts next week!
I hope everyone is brushing up on their hashtags, put their orders in for flowers, candles and cheap teddies, as “peace” could soon be among-st us again.
Hopefully this year Theresa will have some better lines than “Enough is enough” because for Theresa enough never seems enough while she chases all these “right wingers” whilst some of the Ramadan celebrants get on with bring their idea of peace to us.
And of course BBC reporters will be practicing their “sad” faces forgetting they are all part of what bought this whole situation upon us
Arnt we lucky!
I’ve had enough of Theresa.
I’d had enough of her when she was Home Secretary and let in 680,000 LEGAL immigrants in 2016 and an estimated 200,000 illegals.
A remake of Shaft would be timely. I’d like to see the lead character played by Leonardo DiCaprio or Benedict Cumberbatch, which would help break the racial-stereotyping in Hollywood that the BBC hates so much. And perhaps a remake of Foxy Brown, remade as a lesbian character and starring Emma Watson?
Rare to see a lead character who isn’t white? Will Smith on his own can give the lie to that.
Men in Black
I, Robot
War of the Worlds
Independence Day
Enemy of the State
After Earth
I am Legend
Sadiq Khan on the Today programme, Tuesday morning. Justin and Sadiq agreeing, Sadiq saying he is asking for more resources and Justin asking about the ‘cuts’, giving Sadiq the opening. Then Justin asking about Trump and Sadiq saying that Trump was saying there should be more guns on the streets which I don’t think was exactly what he said. But of course Justin wasn’t going to challenge.
Owen has Justin’s back…
You beat me to it.
High comedy . I never thought I’d feel sorry for the emir of londonistan as he burbled through the diverse street crime of londonistan . When he blurted our that the cops have all got body worn cameras I actually laughed .
I’m sure any feral 14 year old with a blade is going to have that fact at the front of his small mind as he stabs someone for “dissing “ him.
Khan is also realising its a bit trickier to be a politician in office than shouting from the opposition
The other bit that made me laugh was where he began his chat with the beeboid and suddenly realised he’d forgotten the “ thoughts are with the victim” routine and threw it in before anyone noticed
Khan sounded depressed . A good thing . Al beeb gave him an easy time – especially when we changed his tune of meeting President Trump
He said he’d meet the president if invited . I hope President does invite him because the handshake picture should kill khans pisspoor career. .
“He said he’d meet the president if invited”. I’d prefer it if the POTUS did not meet the Emir of Londonistan but referred to him, “that’s another beauty”.
Deb, Fedup.. I was listening to Mr Khan whilst driving and shouting at the radio…which I am prone to do…he didn’t address what he was going to do about the gun problems at all and didn’t really discsuss the known factors of gang fighting between different ‘ multicultural factions’ over drugs
As far as I can tell his strategy is to tell all young people they are great and that they can trust the police ‘cos’ they have body cameras…WTF!
What exactly has he done for London since being in position? The man is a fool…and if all he wants to tell Potus is that you can be a muslim and have western values it sort of tells you where his focus lays…
My policy – caught with a gun – 10 years minimum no reprieve caught a second time 30 years..simples
Well, I think Mr Khan did say what he was trying to do …. ‘get more resources’. Trouble is this is the Socialist answer for everything, more money. But they never say what they will do with the money to improve the situation. Just like 2 brains Willetts, throwing money at something or someone, is thought by the Left to solve all evils. It doesn’t – it just makes it worse for those of us who pay tax.
Yeah Debs, the media en masse appeared to think the Don was calling for us to have guns.
What he actually said was that in spite of having no guns, the idiots are still slaughtering each other, but with knives.
and guns!
Yes, 4 shootings in 24 hrs after he made his statement, as if the bbc had planned it to make The Don look stupid eh?
Toady watch 2
Toady was unexpectedly entertaining today – sad mayor of londonistan was preceded by some black bloke doing a propaganda job on blackness and Christianity – which was squirmingly funny and before that a fool – Baron Willetts of tax haven – talking seriously about giving 25 year olds £10000 each .
Willetts is a classic policy wonk . Never had a job . Double First at oxford and then into the Westminster bubble .
This character was the “brain” behind the brilliant idea of PFI for hospitals meaning a lot of Trusts are busted by crap contracts . That’s Willetts .
He thinks giving 10 k to each 25 year old plus making working 65 year olds pay NI is a good idea .
Lucky this arsehole is in the Lords because he’d get fried as an MP.
Declaration . I was 25 once. I am under 65 .
Willetts is a fine example of someone who has been ‘educated’ beyond his intelligence. Of course, a decent interviewer would have torn him into little pieces – but this is the BBC we’re talking about, isn’t it?
Like Lord Birkenhead, “His brains have gone to his head”.
Fed & GC, too right.
If Mishal had been sharp, she might have said “Why not just use this money to scrap tuition fees for UK nationals?” (It was Two-Brains who introduced the ramping up of Uni tuition fees in 2010 with the wonderful words “It’s not a debt, it’s not like a credit card debt.”)
I’m all for funding a ‘had it all babyboomer lifestyle’ for 25 year-olds. I’d start by depriving them of:
Phones (of any description)
Central heating
Colour TV
Multi-channel TV
Ready meals
Sandwich shops
Coffee shops
Cocktail bars
Foreign holidays
Gap years
World travel
Car leasing
etc etc etc – you get the picture.
Meanwhile I would insist that before handing any money over I’m allowed to do catch-up and have at least a flavour of the lavish lives these so-called deprived 25 year-olds have had the privelege to enjoy and yet take for granted – well beyond my wildest dreams at that age – then hand over whatever money is left.
However, I think they might end up owing me.
The over 65s who would have to pay more tax are mostly white. The 25 year olds who would get the ten grand bung rather less so. No wonder the BBC likes the idea.
8:30 Turn on BBC they’ve talking tosh
Turn on Talk Radio and Ex black gang member Sheldon Thomas, saying good stuff
behind every knife crime is a PARENT not doing their job
It’s not police numbers or stop and search.. it’s parenting
Mum/Dad should be doing the stop and search not letting kids rule the roost.
What are kids doing out at all hours ?
Not sure Dad is too often in the picture.
Certainly not those of wailing harpies ‘visiting’ the scene of their kids’ sad demise with a posse of ‘reporters’ in tow.
Al beeb doesn’t do parenting any more -they prefer –
Kids going to school unfed
Kids in poverty
Kids killing and being killed
Kids unable to read and right ( irony)
Kids eating badly / obese
All the fault of the State ( conservative Government )nothing to do with the parent – however that is defined these days .
Bbc rather shown to be masters of double standards…
Exactly Stew.
The solution always seem to address the symptom but ignore the root cause, whilst demanding shedloads more of taxpayer’s money.
Some train ticketing quango bloke on BBC news earlier burbling on about complicated rail fares – well, fair enough.
I did have to smile when the clever chap gave an example of a train passenger demographic type that struck right up the BBC’s own personal in-house alley…
‘Single mother working two or three times a week’
Quite why this notional part-time commuting passenger needs to be: a) female and b) single, is a quite a thought, isn’t it?
This guy obviously knows his BBC and how to ring their interest bells.
So much for railways and civil engineering, we now live in the brave new world of social engineering.
He was also allowed to get away with several minutes of marketingspeak pseudowaffle for which, had the interviewer shown the slightest competence he would have been skewered.
The standard of BBC interviewing these days is just miserable. No lying drone like that should be allowed to get away with it – but many are.
nov2017 … BBC Nick Robinson … ‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
may2018 … Day for Freedom … BBC don’t report on it … “right to tell people what they do not want to hear”
An example of the BBC telling people what they don’t want to hear = any utterance from a Remainer, no matter how laughable.
‘Iran’s Online Hate Campaign using “Death To America” Emoji.’
– can Sadiq Khan say if he agrees with this Majority Muslim Country hate crime?
Muslim outrage at French attempt to REWRITE the Koran to delete verses calling for ‘murder of Jews, Christians and unbelievers’
– Will Sadiq Khan ban Macron due to France’s
You would think that the BBC might be in favour of free speech, would you not, with Orwell’s words carved into the side of Broadcasting House.
Once upon a time the Blogs of the Senior Editors would be open for several days and always over a Bank Holiday weekend. Then when Have Your Says really got going, the same would apply to them. Now?
Everything gets closed down quick, pronto, speed of light. No doubt so Beeboids can get to their country cottages for the weekend.
Blogs are sometimes not open to comment. The Political Editor is particularly bad in this respect. HYS rarely last more than forty-eight hours before closure. It is now past 10am after a Bank Holiday weekend and there are no new HYS.
The BBC, apparently not interested in free speech or the opinions of the people of the UK.
But, peculiarly, very interested in the money that the UK provides for their lifestyles … . . . .
‘free speech’ hurts and makes you deal with the real world. Protected speech produces one message and a dull society …
. . .
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooleyy
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
Such carnage over one sunny bank holiday weekend, can you imagine what it will be like this summer? All those budding architects and surgeons so angry school is on holiday they will have no choice but to kill each other. I am filled with foreboding.
Dimming the luvvies theatrical light bulbs really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Newly proposed EU rules bring a whole new meaning to the term theatres going dark since they could lead to all lighting equipment becoming redundant. Rufus Norris from the National Theatre estimates the cost of replacing the equipment to be around £1.25bn.
One would have thought that was a small price to pay for saving the planet particularly among an artistic community that has previously been so keen on de-industrialising within 40 years on the basis of fake global warming science. So it a little surprising that Mr Norris is seeking a theatrical exemption from the new rules. He suggests that not exempting theatres is an “oversight”.
Apart from the small matter of demanding an exemption, Mr Norris notes: “You can understand why this legislation has come about. In every area of life we need to be driving forward with energy reduction”.
Every area, except mine, would perhaps have been more accurate.
Do as I say, not as I do is common among elite virtue signalers. Scare monger-in-chief the Prince of Wales noted around 10 years ago that we had 100 months to save the planet from “irreversible damage” by ending the era of consumerism. Perhaps it is a tad unfair to pick on the heir apparent since he is a man of limited brain power and zero self awareness. Around this time he flew by private jet to America to pick up an environmental award from Al Gore, complaining that first class seats on regular flights were too uncomfortable for the Noble Backside.
And 100 plus months later we are all still here and Charles continues to spend millions on a lifestyle he seeks to deny to everyone else.
I , too , chuckled at that one since the luvvies are so pro the EUreich. No doubt they’ll want the UK tax payer to pick up their tab. Presumably though – we ll be out of that organisation and not subject to that nonsense .
I believe in conserving energy- but only to undermine the Arabs and their poisoning of civilisation with their false religion and perverted way of life.
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or traditional views using violence if necessary.
. . . Change is Coming (copyright Jeremy Crobyn) . . .
That’s how far it has come in Europe.
Morocco? Egypt? Iran? Iraq? Afghanistan?
Nope: Mallorca!
This woman gets upset because a girl in the library reportedly wore shorts that were too short.
Priorities …. BBC £3.5bn News Service and Media are only interested in one item below …..
1 women repatriated after failing to renew her documentation … reported!
3k extremists on watch list being monitored … which is ignored daily.
20k extremists on watch list not being watched … which is ignored daily .
600k illegal immigrants in UK lost by home office … which is ignored daily.
MM, you might add another to the list from the TOADY prog this a.m.: UK Government takes away guns from Olympic athletes but disfunctional Home Office & Border Force allow them to flood into the country to be used by our youth to kill & injure each other as well as innocent passersby.
The BBC pay scandal ruffled feathers but it would be nothing compared to what they are fiddling via production companies.
Say a family member/friend of a commissioner owns a production company that produces some garbage sing off contest that costs so little to make (no actors, writers, set etc and performers all work for free.) You commission it for millions then cream off the dividends. You could probably even get away with owning the production company yourself. It would probably be well hidden with all sorts of layers of plausible deniability etc; they probably even do it brazenly seeing as they are all in the same game so nobody is going to blow the whistle on them.
One of the Problems with The Resolution Foundation report and Willetts proposal is that I get the impression that our PM is in a slight state of panic about the youth vote. I have a suspicion that she is desperate to introduce measures that will be an incentive for the 18-35 year old to vote Conservative at the next General Election.
That can go very badly wrong when creating policies for the future, let alone for a Party Manifesto.
The BBC are out to get Theresa May removed. That much was clear from their ‘Windrush coverage’, especially after Amber Rudd had resigned. What is happening in Salisbury, BBC? No, I thought not, you really are not interested even though that REALLY could end yet in the PM’s resignation.
The PM then gets desperate to shore up her ‘youth appeal’.
Jeremy Corbyn looks in the bathroom mirror and wonders ‘Where did all that Glasto go? I must come up with something to get the 18-35s chanting again that they want me, not her!’
Thus, the circle continues.
The BBC. Very guilty of not neutrally reporting but instead ‘aiding and abetting’.
The PM is so stupid and lacking in principles that I can see her trying to bung ten grand to win the youth vote. But Labour will promise to bung them twenty grand, and get the youth vote anyway (twice if they are at “uni”), and Theresa the Appeaser will just lose the grey vote instead.
I hope I am wrong, but that woman is just a colossal disappointment in every way.
RiC, totally correct. You end up in a political Party bidding war and that can ruin this country’s economy.
Which in turn harms young people and their prospects.
The Tories seem adept at sending out the likes of Parris, Willetts, Clarke, Heseltine-and their prototype Patten.
These get used as showroom blimps, waving their arms all over the place as the wind generator blows them to their full gaudy fat heights.
And then the BBC use them as cover-“ex Tory, former Tory Minister, Conservative eminence grise, big beast etc”.
This allows the “Resolution Foundation” to be seen by the BBC as somehow “balanced”-as if Willetts is , in any way a conservative.
The RF is never called what it is-a stinking sinking lefty concrete slab of Miliband chimps, who just want money and to splash it around to their mates and Corbyns goons.
Patten was the first-they are ex-Tory because even the useless cowering May is way too right wing for them. Yikes.
The BBC make me heave, we all KNOW that the TUC.CBI, EU, UN, uniz, lefties and greenies are behind ALL their news. They in fact have no news-and when I want Sralix` brain scan(as if he`s got anything but a pickled walnut for one)-given a medical analysis by Doctor David or Dr Hook for that matter-I`ll go online and find it.
Sod the BBC.
They have discovered the motive behind one of this weekend’s killings.
The boys in one gang were getting higher marks in geography tests than the other group. In order to eliminate rival Oxbridge applicants the only choice was murder.
Most of us are concerned about the implications for new buildings and urban planning when all the aspiring architects have killed each other off…
Given the rubbish which counts as modern architecture, I wouldn’t really mind someone busting a few caps at RIBA.
I heard it was a long running dispute about the relative merits of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders of ancient Greek architecture. These things can become very heated you know.
That was MY original theory Theresa. But then some forensic science investigation-Crystal Gardens Inc, gave me the nod that it was actually a Wadham College v Peters College long-running rumpus over a Bamber Gasgoigne stutter malfunction in 1965.
Will we EVER find peace? Let`s get Bono to mediate and bring the Wardens of these two ancient rivals onto the stage. so we can sort this out.
It`s going to kick off Pru.
Going out on a RNLI boat to rescue someone in stormy seas is a very brave thing to do and many people are inclined to support them with charitable donations. A number of years ago, I worked with a RNLI volunteer and his advice was not to donate money to them, on the basis that they were raking it in. Apparently, they make a fortune from the salvage rights involved in rescuing boats and ships, and most of their clients are amateur boatsmen who get into difficulties rather than the headline stories. It certainly put a different perspective on things.
What is currently going on with the RNLI, as with many other supposedly neutral organisations and charities, it is politicisation. It is akin to what took place in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, where the Party had to have a presence and control all organisations within society. Here we do not – as yet – have an openly totalitarian party, much as the likes of Corbyn and May would like one. But we do have an unofficial alliance of leftists, globalists, puritans, racialisers, diversity fetishists and petty busy-bodies who aspire to be more than traffic wardens and killjoys. All backed by a cheerleader in the form of the BBC.
I see Muslim women visibly uncomfortable having to cover up in weather like this. I wonder if the brave feminists at the BBC will raise the issue? Their bravery is somewhat more pronounced when it comes to asking for more money.
Didn’t Hollywood become the centre for US film making because it had lots of sunlight?
Don’t they have any sun in Africa? Don’t they have any people who could work in films? What’s stopping them?
I was in Krakow last week. Lovely place. Only english channel BBC world news.. all they could talk about was Trump’s ‘one night affair’ 10 years ago…
And surprisingly absolutely no multiculturalism or PC on show…there’s a strong Jewish heritage but they seem to be prospering well without multiculturalism to aid we apparently do
I don’t think the Jews have really prospered in Krakow, to put it mildly.
“London mayor @SadiqKhan on recent spate of London attacks:
“There’s no culture that should accept or condone criminality and what we have to do is make sure we invest in young people… the famous lines ‘tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime’ were accurate.” #r4today”
“There’s no culture that should accept or condone criminality “
. . .
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws carry a potential death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. Critics say they have been used to persecute minority faiths and unfairly target minorities. { 2014}
. . . .
“There’s no culture that should accept or condone criminality” … “used to persecute minority faiths and unfairly target minorities”
‘tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime’
Tired Blairite platitudes don’t cut it anymore, Mr Khan
Does he always pull that face when he shits his nappy?
I rather thought that Iran was a hellhole that imprisoned our citizens on the flimsiest of pretexts, tortured and executed gays and was a threat to world peace.
That`s what we were being told as Namazin-Ratcliffe was locked up in Evin Prison, Boris getting berated for not being able to spring her out like a decent Milk Tray stand-in could. Ah, but that was before Christmas. So old news.
So todays 8am news gave us the peaceful Iranians pleading, being conciliatory and hurt at nasty Trump and his wishing to bin Obamas pathetic rubber shark of a deal over nuclear development.
Oh the humanity, how unstatesmanlike can you get?
Which one is it BBC? Threat to world peace and holidaying mums? Or trusting loving peaceniks with a bit of uranium in their pockets?
The BBC make me sick. Rank hypocrites…yes, rank…
But one song remains the same-Boris is still shit as is Trump. Same Old Songs, hang the DJs
The emir is a classic affirmative action hire. He has been promoted way above his abilities.
I can’t imagine what persuaded the people of London to vote for this race baiting muslim. Does anyone have any clues?
Has Jeremy Corbyn congratulated his FRIENDS yet?
Lebanon election: Hezbollah leader declares ‘victory’ { 07may2018}
Video with Jeremy Corbyn, Shami Chakrabarti and Keith Vaz all in the same room .. enjoy..
Keith Vaz tells Shami off!
Jeremy Corbyn: I regret calling Hamas ‘friends’
You would think eventually the penny would drop and Londoners of all faiths, creed and colour would see he is not a good Major….
He seems to have no policy except blame police cuts and jump on any passing politically correct or racist issue that floats by..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”
The Londonistan Evening Standard is reporting that the mum of the latest dead teenager has had to scrub the blood of the street herself . I’m sure al beeb will blame austerity for the local London boroughs not being able to do this . After all they should have had plenty of practice by now .
I’m still waiting for the constructive comment of Baroness Lawrence – Who Can Say No Wrong – on the killing of a promising architecture student similarly to her beloved son who was killed 25 years ago . How times change .,
It’s not just the bias of the BBC that offends – it’s the banality of the bias.
R4’s WATO, for example, ran two shallow, credulous, biased, completely unopposed ‘Green’ features today, (one ticking two boxes as it had a West Indian explaining the joys of repairing broken electrical goods, so that was a plus for the diversity score as well). The other about ‘wet wipes’, today’s lesson for the pearl clutchers whose days would be sheer hell if someone didn’t give invent a crisis to alleviate their tedium.
Then, heaven be praised, a glimmer of light in the form of a feature about the alleged popularity of Melania Trump. But, of course, it was no such thing. In fact it was a thinly disguised hatchet job on President Trump aided and assisted by one of the soy boys at the WaPo. Look how popular Melania is – almost as popular as Michelle Obama, unlike her nasty husband. And on and on and on… until someone remembered to unplug Sarah Montague’s batteries.
It’s not just rubbish, it is predictable rubbish and no one but a loon could believe it qualifies as news. The wet wipes, the immigrants recycling, the hateful president and his estranged wife (you just know she is!) the prisoner in the White House.
The real prisoners, of course, are us – the poor saps forced to pay for this slush and with no redress. This pathetic, miserable apology for journalism from these clapped-out hacks.
Race baiter Lammy all over the media after talking to Joseph Rowntree Foundation
‘BBC just pays lip service on diversity’ – Labour MP David Lammy in furious attack.
\\ Mr Lammy said that during the past two decades there had been a “a consistent failure” to make the BBC more diverse. //
He’s talking about the top committees
I don’t suppose he’ll ever mention the lack of diversity in BBC opinions.
He never has anything positive or constructive to say, therefore he seems to pretty much have his own office at the BBC. The BBC is being ethnically cleansed of white people he has some chutzpah to moan about diversity there. When your paid position is effectively professional shit stirrer you are bound to stir things up. So many parasites paid to just moan about how crap everyone else is when it is everyone else’s money which pays their wages. It can’t be all that bad for diverse groups in this country or they would all fuck off.
When Lammy says “BBC just pays lip service on diversity”, what he really means is “BBC is not appointing enough useless BAME people to roles they are totally unsuitable for”
Dear David Lammy – Jamaica is not diverse, can he correct this as well? Maybe 50% European?
Ethnic groups in Jamaica ….
Black 92.1%
Mixed 6.0%
East Indian 0.8%
Other 0.4%
Unspecified 0.7%
Silly season story ? On Mr Men
Not happy writing new stories for the future, they want to change the past …
Now Mr Men and Little Miss stories are branded sexist: Study says the simple tales portray female characters as less powerful
“Little Miss characters have to be ‘saved’ in the stories more than half the time”
. . . .
Maybe she should review the Bible and Koran and Mein Kampf and have a go at Buddha ….
… in whatever religion women are ordained, that religion will not last long. As families that have more women than men are easily destroyed by robbers, as a plentiful rice-field once infested by rice worms will not long remain, as a sugarcane field invaded by red rust will not long remain, even so the True Dharma will not last long.
Surely it should be Mx Persons, of Colours?