The Far Left BBC and the rest of the main stream media reported -with the usual bias – on a march on Saturday by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance. The opposition was described as ‘anti fascist’ therefore labelling the Lads as fascist . This has turned into a term of abuse now – or just for a person with whom one doesn’t agree. From traffic wardens to American presidents the term ‘fascist’ is thrown out as easy hate.
As for Brexit – the BBC will be stirring the pot again to support the EU against Britain in yet another “crunch week” ….
Another crunch week from BBC where treason May has done nothing for anyone again, except her EU masters. You wouldn’t have noticed that though, from biased bbc. Who had Dominic grieve with lots of extra time to talk about remain. Typical one sided BBC.
Theressa has to go, she can’t do what the country needs. Someone has to stick up for this great country, England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales! Come on guys get on with it!
You politicians need to sort this out so if your reading this get on with doing as the public voted.
Brexit means Brexit now
You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off. Ali snack bar
So what is going on with Brexit today then?
Our national broadcaster, or national shame as I call them seem to be having a lot of fun stiring things up as usual but I see conflicting stories.
Is the ‘transition’ period going to end in 2020 as the PM said? Or is it 2021 now? I actually read somewhere else it might be 2022?
Of course the BBC have the perfect excuse to have an anti Tory week, I guess they think that big time hard Brexiter Corbyn would do a better job. Shame for Labour that their ‘second referendum’ idea is not well liked either.
Why can the BBC not just present the facts and facts only. I don’t want to hear their overpaid ‘experts’ spitting out any old rubbish that is confusing and conflicting. The BBC is proving to be as unhelpful as possible.
“Why can the BBC not just present the facts and facts only.”
Because the facts get in the way of a good anti-Brexit story or “Propaganda”.
So what is the real story? Is Brexit actually going well?
I myself like to regard myself as a middle man, neither friend or foe in the Brexit world. I like to hear all views before jumping onto a ship. I do however also believe in democracy and agree that the vote for leave should without any question be respected. The bias that the BBC has shown Brexit and the Brexit voters is beyond disgusting and all of this ‘mind games’ that they are playing has to stop.
I hope that the UK can get a good deal, I want us to be the leading country in the world. That is nothing racist, I just want our country to be the one that leads again. I don’t want our ‘national broadcaster’ to try and undermine anything. I don’t like their obvious support for the opposition, the constant anti Tory stories. That is the last thing we need right now and although things are not perfect in our government just look at what holds them back. Why did the PM lose her majority? It was because Corbyn lied about cancelling student debt to get young voters on his side and the BBC and also ITV and Sky all regarded it as a Labour ‘victory’
Thanks to that things have been made harder for Brexit, we now have an opposition trying to stir things up as much as possible for another election. They are trying to appeal to both sides with their constant U-turns. The Tories have both leaver and remainers as their supporters yet the remain camp on Labour seem to be the remoaners. The fact that the BBC want to support that is just plain selfish of them and I hope that once Brexit has been dealt with the left wing bias from the BBC will be dealt with. If there is a referendum on stopping the BBC and ending the license fee then I will be their biggest and loudest ‘leave’ voter
Then vote UKIP.
Not my party to be honest. The thing is they would never really make any more ground than they had at their peak. A couple more seats could be possible but the most fortunate for them would be a hung parliament to the Tories which the Tories would need to form a coalition with someone. A couple of pro Brexit UKIP MPs might help things move quicker but the chance of that ever happening is slim.
You don’t have many options left then ?
Any other options that you can think of?
The only other option is Labour and I don’t need to go into how bad they would be for this country in the long term let alone for Brexit
qt muppet audience what about the 48%
WHAT about the 52% you f00kin morons
WHAT about the 52% ?
They are in need of ‘Re-educating’.
despite guido publishing multiple articles today with everyone promising no hard border
qt is talking about war in NI due to a hard border
keep up folks I thought you were suppose to be well informed
now we are onto trans rights and no women have been hurt by self identifying trans women, despite the male rapist trans prisoner detailed last week
keep up folks , there is such a thing as the internet and the news
now they are claiming there is the same number of intersex people as ginger people , really, really f00kin really
I know way more ginger people than intersex people
I don’t even know what ‘intersex’ is. Is that a new buzz word that the BBC made up?
I’ve met plenty of people who were into sex, oh sorry, wrong end of the stick, you said intersex… not a clue, sorry… on retrospect, don’t want to know, sounds kind of weird.
Al Beeb tells us that “Homicide rate at highest level in a decade”
Who was the Home Secretary?
Who is the Prime Minister now ?
Answers please………………………..
Is that actually true or did the BBC get handed some ‘figures’ from the opposition?
the one thing they cant spin is murders
‘The puzzle of the people least likely to vote Tory’
‘Black and ethnic minority communities are as diverse in their values and beliefs as the rest of the population. So, why do these voters overwhelmingly support the Labour Party over the Tories?
The Conservative Party faces a serious challenge when it comes to securing the support of non-white voters.
About three-quarters vote Labour, while fewer than one in five votes Conservative, according to the 2017 British Election Study (BES).
Unless the pattern changes, this is a headache for the Tories which could worsen in the long term, as the non-white population increases.
So, why has this happened and what can the party do to win over communities who play an increasingly decisive role in choosing who governs Britain?’
‘About this piece
This piece is based on an episode of BBC Radio 4’s Analysis programme. It was written for the BBC by an expert working for an outside organisation.
Rosie Campbell is Professor of Politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London. She specialises in voting behaviour, political participation, representation and gender. Follow her @ProfRosieCamp.’
I read through it, I see that the BBC mentioned Windrush and that might be ‘putting off’ non whites into voting Tory. Funny was that not something to do with Labour as well? How many more times will the BBC keep peddling this against the Tories?
As I said, interesting…
As a Mensa member, I am aware of a book called “The Bell Curve” by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray. A book about intelligence and class structure. It shows that low IQ people are more likely to be represented by a political party that was set up to represent the lower classes, such as the Labour Party. While high IQ people are more likely to be middle class and therefore represented by a political party that represents the higher classes such as the Tory Party.
Black Africans are the oldest type of human race that still survives in the same environment from its origin about 150,000 years ago. Colder environments allow the brain to be more active, so those races that moved to colder environments evolved higher intelligence, and therefore became more likely to vote Tory.
Its well known that the BBC exists as a way in which low IQ middle-class whites are able to preserve a middle-class status, in defiance of social mobility. These people vote Labour or Green.
Its also known that the abolition of Grammar Schools and the introduction of progressive education has ended social mobility for highly intelligent working class people. These people vote Tory or UKIP.
So the only possible solution to Blacks being less likely to vote Tory would be to introduce a IQ points based immigration policy.
As a non-Mensa member, I am also aware of the book “The Bell Curve”. Funny that, Richard, especially as I only have an IQ of 45. Not quite Mensa eligibility level eh? Whereas you, as you frequently remind us, have an IQ of 320 (if I remember correctly.) No doubt it gives you a headache just to talk down to my level.
I read Charles Murray but found while I could accept his findings I could not go along with the gist of what he seemed to be saying overall. And that was high IQ equals good citizen low IQ bad citizen. A gross simplification perhaps but then we low IQ types tend to do that and it was a long time ago when I read it.
As for an immigration policy based on IQ. I’m sure you jest.
Besides do we really want massive numbers of Richard Dawkins type idiots flooding the country? And would we want the Tory Party in forever? Crikey Dick! We can’t get of Mrs May as it is.
Looking at the current Tory party I have to ask why anyone with any brain would want to vote for them. (except to keep out others) and if they are the party of the intelligentsia then heaven help us all.
Sorry Richard, but speaking as a Delta, I find myself unable to buy into your brave new world
I am afraid Yasser, that I too am a MENSA member, or former one, so you can happily ignore my views.
Charles Murray’s finding have been substantiated by every bit of research that followed it. So I suggest that if you have research that confounds his arguments you present it so it may be analysed.
You said: “As for an immigration policy based on IQ. I’m sure you jest.”
IQ has been growing in the West since measurements began, and now it is falling. The West gave you the industrial revolution, the end of slavery, wealth creation, freedom, democracy, free speech, Bach, DaVinci, the Renaissance, the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment, etc.
Now we are importing people from areas of the world with a low IQ, where there is no concept of democracy, equal rights, or even a work culture.
This is an uncomfortable discussion for us all. Impossible for the BBC/Guardian. But will these changes have an effect on the world? Can the world continue to develop if the areas that have created progress lack the IQ to continue the drive forward.
Best not even discuss it, else you will be a racist, evil, hard right, right alt right, etc etc.
Scribbling Scribe, what a strange response! I don’t ignore views of people from Mensa. I enjoy reading them and often agree. I certainly like reading Richard Pinder’s letters on here and find them very informative and am in agreement with most of what he says. I especially like his understanding of the British Empire and only wish more of our Western intellectuals were more like him.
You go on to list the achievements of the West, the folly of the immigration policies, the labeling of any criticism of bbc/guardian views as fascist. Look mate I’ve written enough on these columns to show anybody where I stand.
It appears that you are really just upset that I have the audacity to disagree with a Mensa member!
You also misinterpret my line “I’m sure you jest”. I was referring to the political realities of trying to get such a move through in today’s
political climate. Face the reality!
SS if you read what I wrote carefully, you will see that I said I accept Charles Murrays findings about the the bell curve. I just added a comment or two indicating that I do not agree with the stratifying of society by IQ in certain areas especially when it comes to behaviour. Low IQ people can fit in very well in society if they accept the rules.( Not that I think any immigration is needed to the UK.)
And please realize that the right to free speech extends to low IQ people like myself.
I am not against Mensa, never have been, but I must say after all this, next time your organisation is fundraising don’t expect me to buy from your cake stall.
Gosh you are excitable. I am an ex member of the group that fascinates you so much.
Those with low IQs are a problem for society, as blunt and difficult as it is to see that, or even admit it, it is nevertheless true. Criminals tend to be low IQ, not all for sure, but most.
And immigrants with lower IQ are a future problem for society, so it is right to raise the question of intelligence at the point of entry.
Again, if you question Murray’s research, which is backed up by others, then please furnish your own.
If I may say so any well-sourced and interesting post, of which there are many on this site, is of greater value than the author and stands on its own merits. May I gently suggest that the introduction of ‘As a …’ does suggest from the off that there is no debate to be had. There are many people here speaking from different points of view and experience, I enjoy reading them all. This is a tactic of the Left and the BBC to shut down debate because ‘they know better’, let’s not go there
“which could worsen in the long term” Did the BBC ask you to put that in? It is the usual BBC bias disguised as fact by not putting the opposite view. Perhaps that would not worsen as it is known that older people tend to vote conservative and the population subgroup mentioned have a rising average age.
Oh ffs.
That fat parcel of piss and wind, or even pies and wine as spellcheck suggested, Stephen Nolan, has been named the UKs Best Breakfast Radio Presenter at the ‘Oscars of UK radio’. Oscars? In Leeds?
How the hell does a gobshite like him win an award like this?
Ah, the competition. Fellow bBBC blethers Rachel Burden, Nicky Campbell and Mishal, or mishap as was corrected for me, Husain.
Says it all really.
Enough is enough. Time for Donald Trump to do the Brexit negotiation on our behalf. If he could start today we could have it all wrapped up for Sunday evening.
Brexit – border..NI..Food shortages…suppliers will miss the UK and ship to Ireland…FFS if it was that easy or cheaper they would be doing it already….how much trade actually goes via s Ireland through UK to Europe and vice versa..
How long will the BBC keep pushing their project fear?
Anyone get the Steve Coogan petition for second vote….not BBC related ..just another annoying rich pompous F…K who thinks he knows what’s best for democracy
Why dowe want trucks using our roads to transit yet barely cover the costs of the wear and tear and enforcement ?
No mention on the BBC of Starbucks’ move to London from Holland?
Bbc morning email ‘news’ from Justin, and he has curated a TGIF special…
By Justin Parkinson
Speed up petrol and diesel car ban, say MPs
The government wants to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2040, in an effort to reduce pollution. But MPs say the plan isn’t ambitious enough, and that the change must come eight years earli….
Woah! Hit the brakes there, Justin. The bbc has been telling anyone still listening to it that car sales are suffering because of Brexit. As opposed to not being keen on buying something that may lose its lithium subsidy?
Have you still got a local bank?
Yes, several. Never use them. Or their ATMs. Aldi has cashback. Yet the bbc just keeps expanding despite fewer people watching. Go figure
Big C podcast host wins posthumous award
Award season.
Harry and Meghan go barefoot on Bondi Beach
Next… in the park? Over hot coals?
I travelled 4,000 miles to find my dad
I always had a nagging feeling that something in my life was unresolved. Nobody had seen my dad for 26 years. All I had were three decades-old photos, the year of his marriage to my mum, and his name from my birth certificate. The idea of trying to find a man I knew so little about seemed almost inconceivable.
I was afraid of the emotional impact of discovering he was dead, or that he didn’t want to see me, or of simply not finding him. And I was angry with him.
Read full article >
Mim Shaikh
Poor Mim. I hope Jeremy Corbyn gave up the seat he had decided on to use for a photo opp.
Toady watch
Rabbi Lord Sachs excelled his beeboid self on the ‘ lack of thought for the day spot’an anecdote about ‘lord of the flies’ and how we should all be nice to each other because we re not different at all – so no hate . He didn’t mention ‘sharia’ or suicide vests or raping English kids by organised groups .
Shamefully shallow nonsense but to be expected from a fool beeboid .
I thought the same…funny how it is always pointed out that it’s hate against Muslims and Jews…implication is that it is us white British Christians – or maybe I am hyper sensitive 🙂 no mention of inter Muslim hate between colour hate….and if anyone is interested the study Robbers Cave he cited has been discredited by many psychologists for all sorts of reasons
James, don’t forget the Hindus. Loitering on the home page this week for several days was this: Sabarimala: Mobs attack women near India Hindu temple.
Other mobs and examples of religious misogyny are available in the region. The beeb could send their Delhi correspondent to make nice little videos of those too, but they never seem bothered.
As Medhi Hassan admitted “antisemitsm, it’s their dirty little secret”.
I heard Sachs’ Thought For Today’ this morning and I’m amazed that he and the BBC have absolutely no idea which ‘community’ is responsible is for the assaults on Jewish people.
Oh yes, it’s fine to bleat about the hate crimes committed against Muslims but from which ‘community’ do the majority of people who are bombing, murdering, grooming, raping, honour killing, performing FGM, entering the country illegally marrying their first cousins and producing severely disabled children etc hail from?
Look closely enough and I think you might just find a connection to the first paragraph of this post.
Fed, James & Cassandra,
I was so horrified at the start of Lord Sachs’ TftD that I switched off after the first 40/45 seconds.
He obviously has had a sudden memory loss.
The Scriptures are clear about a past leader’s clarion call: Joshua 24 v 14 & 15. “Choose you this day whom you will serve.” Does that not immediately create a distinct people grouping?
So is the history of Israel & the Jews; a constant falling away, going after false gods, keeping the Law in re-arranged letters but not in the spirit (and Spirit!) of the Law. A cycle of failure & repentance and renewal, Divine rescue being a constant necessity.
That TftD was worrying. Is worrying.
Fed, I disagree that Lord Sachs is a ‘fool beeboid’. He has (or had) a fine mind and is also very familiar with the New Testament Scriptures and, IIRC, specialised in the Gospels when training. The worrying aspect for me is that he has started to sell out and buy into a god of this age, the multiculty thing. That is a backward step away from the God of his fathers. He needs to read those verses from Joshua today.
Eating their own.
radical feminist turf wars, eating their own… there’s a joke in there somewhere…
Given me first laugh of day
This might make you snigger…
Brilliant !!!! Thanks for posting. It’s being shared! 🙂
Burley was right .. for once
Stopped clock etc.
BBC London News presenter Tolu Adeoye informs us that islamic terrorism preacher Anjem Choudary has been released from prison. [Have a nice day – as they say in the States] His conviction, she explains, was for “inviting support for Islamic State”. For a moment I wonder whether the diversity hire has fluffed her line – did she mean to say inciting support? I check BBC on line where home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani uses the same word ‘inviting’. This unusual, innocent-sounding, far less-conspiritorial term has obviously been BBC-approved.
In common English parlance, if I were to throw a barbeque party in my back garden I might invite guests.
Whereas if I were to recruit for an anti-British terror state I think I might tend to incite.
Yes Anjem Chouadry is out. But don’t worry our trusted “security services” will be watching him “very carefully”.
Now let’s see. He’s a Muslim. Muslim women wear the niqab, a full body garment that completely hides their identity.
I wonder how Anjem could give our “security services” the slip.
Maybe a female visitor or two. The police sitting outside his house watch the “women” leave….
FFS have they not seen the film Sister Act!
Well spotted.
Its hard to imagine another country releasing such a man onto its streets. We are insane.
He probably went straight to the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) for further advice and support.
Every little helps.
Whenever I see this pic I automatically replace May with Corbyn and have the man handing an IMF Loan Application form to him
Labour are playing a very good game with the help of al beeb of letting the red tories take the rule stick ( rightfully ) for the brexit non – negotiations / capitulation .
The less Corbyn / McDonnell is exposed to The MSM the better for Labour . He has become a “ brand” now so money tree ideas go unchallenged together with other hair brained socialist ideas .
Do you laugh? Do you cry?
At 0735 on Toady there is an interview with a countwr terrorism person. He discusses how social media glorifies people like Anjem Choudry, who he claims comes out top in a ‘Muslims in UK’ google search. He adescribes the adverse aspects of publicity.
Fifteen minutes later, the presenter interrups the flow ‘ and news just coming in, Anjem Choudry has just been released’. Oh, the juxtaposition.
The BBC. The mouthpiece for Islamic Fundamentalsim. Free mass advertising and propaganda included.
Which one does the creature go on first – Dimbleby senior or minor ? Or Toady ? Or an interview in The Mail ? Will he march as a remainer saturday ?
Or maybe he ll get an invite to the Saudi Embassy ( don’t make any plans for the following day..).
Toady 2
JRM and our Justin – no wonder the Far Left BBC hate interviewing JRM . He is just forensic in his reasoning – and beeboids don’t follow up on what he says because it is hard for shallow journos like Our Justin to challenge JRM – 3 minute interview . Why bother ?
BBC decides to quote Baby Lee.
All Singapore has is money, and it doesn’t seem to be making them as happy as some presume. Especially with HDB estates crammed with fast-tracked PRCs to ‘boost the economy’ but causing serious social unrest.
As metaphors go…
Has anyone found out WHY he is being released NOW?
Mark Rowley, former UK’s national lead for counter-terrorism policing, says media editors giving extremists like Anjem Choudary airtime “plays to what they’re looking for” #r4today
He kept saying if you search British Muslims on Google : Anjem Choudaryis the top 5 results ..they are profiting from this .
So he wants the internet censored
… I know he makes out that so called “far right crime” is a s big a problem as “Islamist”..seems to me his agenda is to ban Tommy Robinson from the net.
Douglas Murray coined the phrase “Rowleyism” – a perverse false equivalence trying to equate Islamist extremists, and people who criticise Islam, in order to smear the latter
BUt on Newsnight MR said ‘I’m not saying they are the same level we stopped 14 attacks last year, 10 Islamist 4 far-right.’
Mark Rowley has convinced the world that Anjem Choudary and Tommy Robinson are the same level
In another BBC vid he says the same thing
– Whilst hosting the Alex Jones show TR directly responded to that clip
That interviewer is the lowest of vermin.
I did some more checking on the Rowley piece
#1 R4Today’s tweet could have included the whole interview, but no it’s been edited to cut off the specifics
..Then underneath the first tweet and other try to push the false equivalence between Anjem and Tommy
Someone has gone to a lot of time and effort to claim that BBC Newsnight promotes TR
That’s the same level as KGB cyber teams who might interfere in Elections
So I went straight to the R4Today full audio
which has changed system so I can no longer do direct to minute links
So you have to pull the slider to 1 hour 36 yourself
“Anjem Choudary’s name come up #1 on Google
for : British Muslim spokesman
…and the 4 top Youtube videos are about him”
*STOP* right there Rowley
Look at those 10 videos
On Google Video search is not 4 just 3
– The first are 3 are all CRITICAL of him
#4 is Everything You Need To Know About The “Happy British Muslims .”
And the rest are positive to Muslims
#8 has a dig at Tommy Robinson by malisciously editing footage of a Muslim headscarfed bus driver
#10 has a dig at Gerard Batten
I’ll just do a screen shot
I highlight the fact that 5 of the 10 are from THE GUARDIAN
and 2 are from THE INDEPENDENT
..that gives an indication of realworld Google-bias
Screenshot of that search
This could be controversial. Thank you for your service and all that but I personally derive no pleasure whatsoever from the Invictus Games. Nor the wheelchair racing olympics. For those competing – good for you I’m pleased for you. For the audience – I question your motivation because it seems a bit condescending and virtue signalling to me. Similarly I laughed when a lefty-minded mate of mine claimed to enjoy watching women’s football.
Of course the BBC are ramming it down our throats. Covering the launch of the event in their news and then their sport sections. BBC morning sofa dwellers claim to love the event. And then, lo and behold, it turns out the BBC have sent a crew out to sunny Sydney and, surpirse surprise, the BBC are ‘covering’ the games.
I understand the sentiment and – yes- there is a lot of virtue signalling . I don’t have physical disabilities ( yet) so it’s tricky to comment .
Anything which helps people who have lost body parts whilst serving their country deserves support – as does those who don’t take part and have mental scares – same with the relatives of those killed by those wars .
But it barely makes up for the pain and suffering caused by politicians sending underequipped soldiers into wars which were none of our business and from which Blighty gained nothing apart from a bill to the taxpayer .
On the upside – whilst President Trump stops the US from playing ‘world policeman’ neither the Americans or Blighty ‘s military will have unnecessary losses
Not controversial to me. Spot on.
I have huge admiration for Invictus participants, and some Paralympians. Overcoming disability. Creating a purpose and ambition. In fact, this Summer descending from high altitude I came across a guy with a prosthetic leg going up. I just gave him a clap and said ‘Bravo’.
But it is not the same as able bodied people breaking world records. It is much less competitive (any idea of the % of wheelchair users of working age? Fractions of 1%).
But it is all music to the ears of diversity and equality obsessives.
A local school felt compelled to put in a lift to the first floor for wheelchair users- you know, all those disabled children we see all the time. Cost? £200k. Usage? Nil. Money not available for anything else educational? £200k.
The cost of disability equality is disproprtionately high for the population as a whole.
On disability
I worked for an organisation where a lady doing a basic admin job had her own parking space for her converted car.
The office – in Westminster – joked that the parking space value was many times more than what this lady could ever earn . Bit nasty but reality .
Good morning
Did anyone else have a problem getting on to this site from yesterday teatime onwards? The 522 error message indicated some kind of server error.
Navets- yes – the server thingy went down but emails were sent and complaints were made …
When I saw it the first thought was
British state
But apparently it was just techy.
I wrote in big CAPITALS last night looking for options should the site be attacked and down longer …..
The Islamic terrorism-friendly Beebistan calls Anjem Choudary a “Radical Preacher”.
I can think of other epithets, unfortunately unprintable in a family-blog such as this.
Rhymes with Murderous C*nt.
We shall now spend millions ‘monitoring’ and protecting the vermin.
I propose the bill be sent to the muslim Council of Britain. Or shared with the bbc, which would hasten their demise, not a minute too soon.
(Six feet of rope would be so much cheaper.)
Woman’s Hour is giving tribute to a dead female MP
… Make a guess : socialist or non-socialist ?
Yep one less peer on the taxpayers cheque book … seat waiting for the alleged bullying speaker …
Adrian Chiles R5 just now
“We are going to play this Question Time clip with no comment or agenda from us, then we’ll go straight into the news, Here’s Nish Kumar”
Clip “Yeh all the leaders of Brexit have fled the scene : Farage is a MORON, ..Boris is blah blah… complete mess ”
cue rapturous applause.
Kumar must know he can’t just appear on TV and throw words like moron about against people who are not there to defend themselves.
That little ant-British shite was on QT earlier this year.
What does he bring to the table for a ‘political’ show?
Fuck off to last leg or HIGNFY etc
QT fits under the BBC comedy umbrella
It’s full of clowns
has a ringmaster
and is a satire of reality.
R4 Trailer now : reflections on Britain ..featured Adrian Chiles
“Most British Muslim can’t go to the pub that’s where the sweetshop comes in”
Correction trailer featured Adrian Goldberg
Kumar was a complete waste of space on the programme. Why was he there?
War of the Worlds … swap aliens for Islamic ideology?
“No-one would have believed, in the last years of the 21st century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of Mecca. No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life in the Middle East. And yet, across the gulf of sands, minds immeasurably inferior to ours regarded this Western Technology with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us…”
Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. This is an Islamic obligation for us to support our brothers around the world. Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.” – Anjem Choudary {youtube oct2010}
Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.
Hmmmm. Is it just me or does this sound a bit like EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER?
I wonder how much longer ‘Woman’s Hour’ can survive before the ‘gender police’ have it’s name changed? Apparently there are at least six genders now, and fairness would demand a slot for each!
I think the beeb want PC enforced on everyone else. Doubt that they’d see themselves as subject to it…
The Netherlands issues the first gender neutral passport today.
—”Leonne Zeegers, from Breda, will receive a document with an ‘X’ in the place where an initial representing male or female would normally be. The initial is to symbolise that the Dutch courts have recognised Zeegers’ rights as an ‘intergender’ person, who feels neither male nor female.”
I look forward to hearing Anjem Choudary discuss what this means for European Mosques on Loose Women (Decadent Persons? Slack Hominids?) soon.
From the express:
‘Enormous progress made!’ Jeremy Hunt praises Theresa May for ‘TOUGH’ stance on Brexit
‘JEREMY Hunt claimed “enormous progress” was made on the Brexit withdrawal deal because Theresa May has refused to budge and renounce her principles of keeping the UK united.’
From the BBC:
‘Jeremy Hunt has urged Tory MPs to get behind Theresa May – amid a backlash against suggestions the Brexit transition period could be extended.
The foreign secretary said the “great strength” of other EU nations was that they had stayed united in the talks – and he urged Tories to do the same.
The PM had to “maximise her negotiating leverage in Brussels,” he added.
Scottish Secretary David Mundell has raised concerns about a longer transition period with No 10.
He is said to be concerned it could mean the UK staying in the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy beyond 2020.
Source close to Mr Mundell said the idea of an extension was “vague” and “unexplored”.
And former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said it would see the UK paying the EU “tens of billions” more.’
Same story just worded differently? The BBC seemed to have left a bit of it out. The bit about ‘progress’ having been made? Have we actually made progress? Then again the BBC don’t like positive news do they?
I am still not sure what is going on but there is now talks of David Davis possible taking over according to other sources.
Interesting few weeks ahead and needless to say that the BBC would make things as hard as possible for everyone involved.
Davis is growing on me:
‘BBC BLASTED: David Davis furious at plans to cut free TV licenses for elderly
DAVID Davis has slammed the BBC over plans to axe free TV licences for over-75s.’
‘But a BBC-commissioned paper said the concession is “no longer justified” as over-75s wealth had “improved significantly”.’
Have the BBC jus admitted that the country is actually better off as a result of the austerity that they are obsessed about?
‘Mr Davis blasted the BBC for paying lavish salaries while planning to cut the free licences.’
He could win an election on that above line!
Time for the BBC to get a taste of their own medicine. Get rid of trouble makers like Kassenburg as well!
Great post, smoogie.
The Zanny Minton Beddoes lecture to her audience of ONE (just Steve Bannon)
… relies heavily on the rhetorical trick of misrepresentation ala Cathy Newman style
The Economist left comments open on YouTube
Of course comments are overwhelmingly against her
#1 Louis Rossmann
“So much interrupting. This interviewer sucks.”
I watched all of the video with objective interest expecting the worst. In fact, it was a refreshing balanced ‘debate’ (rather than, interview) in which Bannon answered the questions very well. He held his position with authority. Pity he was unable to reverse the questions and debate the woman on her, ‘Davos Party’. Bravo! Mr Bannon, I hope your work in the EU goes well. (but I suspect he’s pushing against an open door the way the political landscape is changing so quickly).
The way things are moving in Europe since June 2016, given maybe 3/4 years and this EU will not exist in the current form. I’ts waning rapidly.
Bannon did well to keep his temper. He stayed good-humoured throughout, even though inwardly he may have been seething.
pug, think you forgot two adjectives, no, make that three ‘pinched, harpy and screaming’.
I had to knock the sound levels back a notch or two just to watch that through.
Like you said Douglas Murray took the Economist apart on this
Well her name is Zany
In other news…
Not sure John Prescott using the desktop assessment method will win many converts, even within the BBC.
Still, the BBC are always hiring. If seldom working.
“More editors, more editors… my kingdom for more editors of obscure or bonkers new platforms!”
Too big too fail may be pushing its luck.
So, impartial roving reporter for bbc Newsnight didn’t work out, and anything EU looking iffy… therefore…
He seems the bbc’s kind of g… person.
Owen Jones is toast now.
The trial about which TR was campaigning has ended and the ‘no publicity’ order has been lifted – judge Mardon? The one who gave TR a 13 month death sentence said the case was at ‘the worse end of such cases’
Raped 11 year old girls using a plastic bag as a condom apparently …. all sentenced to time in a Muslim prison .
Marson gave them bail and one of them ran back to Pakistan. Disgusting.
BBC News, 20 erm, “men” again … yep, yet another racist, Islamic child rape gang.
The same MO from our shameful judiciary, reporting restrictions
so damage limitation to just one day is in full effect.
The news reports on Al BBC radio had no mention of the I word
at all, they picture a Sikh on its site, (the other 19 don’t get name mentioned?) … Drive has just started so possibly more will be forthcoming.
It is utterly sickening
Can you imagine the news outcry if these country wide, industrial scale racist, paedophile gang rapes were committed by our white population, on any Islamic children?
Its still going on … unbelievably,the BBC is trying to dress itself as some kind of news hero???, saying that they got the restrictions lifted.
scrap the BBC, do it now.
Mark Easton, one of the principal culprits as a senior Al Beeb news editor, currently on the 10pm news telling us what the public knew years ago, that men of mainly Pakistani origin had been grooming and raping young white girls with impunity.
Totally shameless!
Peter Grimes
Yes, I caught some of his nauseatingly pious piffle. Several years ago, pre-Saville, one of those tiresome BBC self-blurbs was “The BBC -possibly the best investigative journalists in the world”. I think Jeremy Bowen also featured, gurning smugly The main function of the BBC now seems to be convincing the masses that “It’s nothing to do will Islam”. C4 was also showcasing the Sikhoid as the leader, while completely ignoring the 19 other personages of “Pakistani heritage”.
Listened to first 20 minutes of PM, the first time since Eddie Mair moved on.
In all the discussion about the rapes of children not once was the Muslim or Islam word used. Though I felt some of the interviewees were edging towards it.
I am sickened that Hindus, Christian, Buddhist and Sikh Asians are tarred so despicably the BBC. They should complain, they will have support from most people in this country.
Barry Sheerman mentioned his disappointment in the BBC not following up on his disclosures about Muslim gangs some ten years previously. His comment was left to hang in the air.