I don’t know what to write. The BBC need not broadcast anti Brexit propaganda because the government is failing to represent the outcome of the Referendum without any help .
Elsewhere the constant propaganda against President Trump is becoming worn out as he continues to repair his country after years of Democratic swamp rule .
For those marching for Remaining on Saturday ( disputed numbers of course) – it’s good that you still have the freedom to do so because people with out of fashion views find themselves becoming enemies of the State – with political trials and summary sentences .
I have posted this early because of the recent server issues …
What does the muslim council of Britain have to say about this ? :
Today the Muslim Council of Britain repeated calls for meaningful and proactive Government action as new figures reveal a rise in Islamophobic hate crime.
Religiously-motivated hate crime has risen 40% in England and Wales, with more than half (52%) directed at Muslims, according to the Home Office. The latest figures come in the same week as the Equality and Human Rights Commission released results of the first national survey of prejudice for over a decade, which showed 70% of Muslims surveyed experienced religion-based prejudice.
nothing about attacks on Jews, homoseuals or 12 year old white girls hmmmm how dare they use the word England when so many of their members break our laws and they actively ignore it
70% of Muslims surveyed experienced religion-based prejudice…?
Or SAID they experienced religion-based prejudice to play the victim card?
All about the MCB:
The MCB is pledged to work for the common good of society as a whole; encouraging individual Muslims and Muslim organisations to play a full and participatory role in public life. We are a democratic body, built on consultation, co-operation and co-ordination among Muslim institutions and concerned Muslim individuals throughout Britain. (IE just muslims no one else) Founded in 1997, the MCB is:
Independent – core funding comes from affiliation fees
Cross-sectarian – affiliates belong to Islam’s diverse religious traditions (IE only muslims)
Democratic – leadership is elected for 2-year terms and is accountable to affiliates
Go figure….only muslim members so.. demrocatric
Love to see that outfits accounts submission to maintain its tax free charitable status .
Saturday’s Orwellian Headline in the Independent

The first disniformation is the context the page shows 20 faces
but AFAIK most of those had already been judged by the jury at the time of TR’s arrest
TR has responded to Lizzie Deardens story . He claims she is named in the court transcript as having breach the judges ‘ reporting restriction twice but no action was taken
He also says her paper circulation is 30000 – but it’s owned by a Russian so who knows where the finance comes from ….
Ms dearden has quite a fruity google Response including her twitter picture of “refugees welcome “
I’m sure she must be waiting for the phone call from al beeb offering a completely unbiased political job on newsnight or some other degraded propaganda .
Do know if you notice but al beeb is doing programmes on “ why people are angry?”
As if they’d ever know
After dearden left school she got a first at the university of York in English then got work with the Ilford Recorder and got into the failing independent rag – has obviously written for the Guardian and has been criticised in the recent past for white wash reports of Muslim paki paedo gangs attacking whites girls .
She seems to value the attackers more than the young victims but if that is how one makes a living who am I to criticise .
Apparently some think journalism is getting more dangerous these days
I suppose ms dearden will be at the Bailey on Tuesday ready to bury TR if she can …
Guardian reports 39000 knife offences in the first 6 months of the year which is about 13% and last year it was up over 10%
And it proves that NHS A and E units are getting better at keeping the victims alive . So that’s a good thing right ?
There is a quote from the mets Chief Superintendent Ade ade something which can be summarised as “ haven’t got a clue why there are more stabbing s” – no do do Sherlock ….
I’ve not seen this movie documentary about TR before
It just popped up on Twitter , It’s from June
Stew – thanks for posting the link – will watch -unless the censors take it down …
I think we all should embrace far right, as this term seems to imply those who respect our (UK / British culture ) our culture that allows all religions to express themselves, homosexuals, cross dressers et al to have the right to express themselves, and objects to those in our society that join / infest our country that are at odds with those values….Muslims
Goeballs would have been proud of that cringeworthy nonsense science fiction programme al beeb put out of Sunday Evening -.i lasted 4 minutes – even the guardian only gave it 2 stars out of 5 . A pig is a pig however much lipstick you put on it .
The girly playing the Doctor part was very good in “good” .
Louise Raw bills herself as Historian for BBC London
I just bumped into her tweet
Is this the kind of historian BBC licence payers money should be paying for ?
I thought accuracy was important to be a historian
and that you shouldn’t be constructing false narratives.
Her Twitter output seems that of an hatey activist who aligns herself to antifa
I didn’t search to see if she encourages her followers to go to court when GroomNrape gang trials are on to CONFRONT the perps … should I ?
Will the BBC rush to report if Bolsonaro wins to become President of Brazil on Oct 28th ?
The last BBC story that mentioned 3 words : Bolsonaro President Brazil
So Sikh Awareness Society what did you think of the BBC reporting on Huddersfield
Video shows they are not happy with BBC reporters
“How come all those times the perps were Muslim the BBC never tweeted the religion
yet now all of a sudden they are tweeting that one was a Sikh ?”
Facebook video and comments/a>
It’s worth mentioning that Dominic Casciani has not tweeted since 5:20pm on Friday when his last tweet was
Maybe someone reminded staff of this?:
The blasted BBC just gets worse. It has no idea about what makes real news, because it is so intent on pursuing it’s propagandist agenda.
How else can you explain today’s repetitive coverage of a passenger’s racist rant on a Ryanair plane – how else can you justify turning an argument involving a nutter on an airplane into one of the main news items on our state broadcasting channel?
This is simply not news. No serious news outfit ought to even consider giving this nonsense the time of day.
Meanwhile, as pointed out elsewhere and complained about by Sarah Champion MP, the Huddersfield rape gang scandal has quickly disappeared from BBC coverage – no follow ups, no outrage, and absolutely no attempt to reflect the genuine concerns of its licence payers.
The speed with which this has been ditched is a stain on the BBC and further proof that it is rotten to the core.
Was he a Chelsea fan by chance?
You hit 2 nails on the head: one is the beeb’s obsession with sniffing out alleged racism and blowing it up out of all proportion, and the other the beeb’s obsession with exonerating/hiding any wrongdoing by their favourite religionists.
Rotten to the core indeed.
transcript : Mark Easton on Fridays 10pm BBC1 News
\\10:05pm our home editor, mark easton, is with me.
.. we’ve seen a pattern of cases like this in the last five or six years… rotherham, 0xford, woakes del potro derby, banbury, telford, peterborough, aylesbury, bristol, halifax, 03, newcastle, huddersfield, this is a familiar scandal, the sexual abuse of vulnerable children in english towns by groups of men are predominantly pakistani heritage but others, too.
it went on for decades but only in the last six or seven years have people taking proper notice.
indeed it isa people taking proper notice.
* indeed it is a crime which until recently was rarely discussed in public. * (WTF !)
child sexual abuse is often ignored or covered up, the protection of institutional reputations or the protection of community cohesion has been put before the protection of children.
the grooming gangs of provincial england have tended to operate where the disinfectant of public scrutiny fails to reach, the poor areas of town, around the minicab ranks and the fast food joints, the twilight zones of urban life, and child abuse thrives in dark corners where people look the other way or don’t ask difficult questions. but when we do look, we find schoolmasters, care workers, priests, tv presenters, shopkeepers and minicab drivers, when we look, we find. and the only crumb of comfort from this deeply painful process is that by exposing what is at the heart of our society, belatedly we are making our children hopefully a little bit safer. //
I just watched it .. it was PERFORMANCE rather than journalism
..’look at me I am so sincere’ emotes Easton
And hide it from your headlines or front page, should actually feature on BBC science page : faster than light :
paki muslim rape gangs disappearing off the BBC front page
Or a new puzzle for British public where can we find racially aggravated rape stories hidden within the BBC news ? hmm lets try and have a look until thay can find a white film producer that touched a womans leg then that will stay on the front page for fucking months, tying up a 12 year old girl to a bed and 20 pakis fucking her over and over …not news apparently, even f it has ocurred in numerous towns around the country over and over again and still happening
transcript : Nazir afzal, former chief crown prosecutor in north west england 7:13am-7:20am Saturday
(and that seems a repeat cos its a signed version)
Then BBCNews gave up talking about Huddersfield groomNrape gang after less than 24hours of coverage
beware of autotranscript errors (I corrected some)
\\ we’re joined now by morning. why are we still hearing things like this?
i have sat on this sofa so many times talking about this issue. we have now uncovered this issue.
we have now uncovered this criminal behaviour in more than 20 towns and cities in the united kingdom over a period of seven or eight years.
it is good news that people have been prosecuted, it is good news that victims are finally getting justice.
the reality, however, is that *we are still scratching the surface*.
every day pretty much, police officers and others are uncovering and other victims.
i think the answer has to be, yes, prosecution is fantastic, it is the endgame, but let’s prevent it is the endgame, but let’s prevent it in the first place.
what can we do about that?
we *quite rightly raised the ethnicity of the perpetrators*
, when it comes to this sort of abuse, sadly you are right, british pakistani men are disproportionately involved.
although the leader of this trip was indian Sikh. (** actually a Muslim name Amere who converted to Sikh AFTER first arrest **)
the point is that this is an issue that has to be grappled with, it is not being grappled.
It’s fact that victims have simply been ignored for such a long time, there are so many stories, you probably heard where they have got to the police and the authorities have simply allowed them to carry on. that just because the police. go back a step. — beggars belief.
the phrase used in relation to the city, this is an issue that has to be grappled with. a lot of people reading to individual stories and hearing about victims in sync to the perpetrators are, will draw certain conclusions.
how do you address that very, very difficult issue?
firstly i contextualise it.
#1 if you are in the family or an institution online, it is a british white man.
#2 but when it comes to street grooming, *sadly* (why no sadly in front of British ?) the ethnicity seems to be british pakistani. i think you cannot get away from that. i tried to understand this for the last seven or eight years.
eric often the victims when they are left behind end up in the nigh-time economy,
Sadly (“sadly” again !) you will find disproportionate numbers of pakistani men and cab drivers
and that is pakistani men and cab drivers and that is where the predators hide.
i think you will also find it you focus on the ethnicity, then sadly you will say to young victims,
“ignore that british pakistani and go with that particular OTHER man, sadly they will be abused by that person too. ”
In fact what we have uncovered is in recent years now
is that when you are prosecuted and put the men in jail, a group of white men step into the void that was now created and work on abusing the victims.
..(*Whoaa that is a big claim^, where’s his big evidence ?)
There is still a sense of denial. whenever i talk about this issue, people will say “stop talking about british pakistani men” as it somehow that will make the issue go away.
it is not. work is happening in the communities. there are some serious issues about why it happens in the first place.
* i am happy to talk about those today but we don’t have time. *
…(WTF WTF ! Who said we don’t have time ??
BBC Stalinesque producersI guess ..well it is breakfast time )
(Asian Presenter : Naga speaks ) what we do have time to talk that is the other end of that. these young girls who are not being protected. there are many tales, we have looked at the research, many tales of these girls flagging this abuse that they all see.
what is concerning, my first question is why are we still talking about it, why are there these gaps in the system in social care, up to the police
before you have to get a prosecution.
Why are there these gaps?
Nazir obviously the events yesterday had to do with a crime up to 2011.
There are crimes still happening now.
much of the work that has been prosecuted is non—recent, ie from the 2000 to 2015, or thereabouts. there are still situations where girls are vulnerable —— 2000 to about.
Naga : But the fact is your still said there are still situations where girls are vulnerable to WHICHEVER RACE OF MAN
Nazir Theproblem is that when victims who have very troubled and chaotic backgrounds, who are often involved in low level criminality, taking drugs, whatever it is,
the authorities have said you are too difficult,
and said we’ll focus on some of the victim.So they have been completely ignored.
it is too early to give you some of the most horrific examples. victims,
sadly, have come forward, talked about their experiences, and then gone back to the person offending against because that is the they trust.
Male presenter : one other question,
in the immediate aftermath of the trial, there would have been plenty of journalists and the police, various authority figures came out to address the cameras,
none of them were prepared to take questions about what had happened when, who knew what when.
if no other lesson has been learned, surely transparency, openness about the mistakes that were made,
and immediately my sense watching some of that is already they are doing the back up, don’t say much, wait for it to be dragged out, possibly by journalists, possibly by journalists at a later date, there will be people working on the stories, to note who knew what when. why are they not more open?
no one is suggesting that on the doorstep they could do everything. do you know what i mean?
it feels that there is an establishment position.
Nazir : i had my head in my hands when i heard them saying things like “lessons will be learned”.
why can’t you get it right first time?
the reality is Naga, actually, the problem has been incompetence. people have been really bad at their job over many, many years. they have not listened, not acted appropriately,
So the last thing they want to do is focus on their own incompetence, rather than the bravery of the victims, absolutely essential that we talk about the bravery of the victims.
They distracted you by talking about the bravery of the victims rather than their own incompetence. we have to start from that point.
if we accept that we got it wrong, all of us, every agency for 20 or 30 years, then we are in a better place to fix things.
if we are in denial about that or pretending somehow that we are addressing it, on the surface, there will be another victim today, and there will be another victim denied.// END