The Far Left Pro EU Pro Islam BBC Cannot , by law , say anything which might influence voting in any part of the EU until 2200 on Sunday 26th . So it gives us the opportunity to record breaches of the law as the BBC makes unlawful comments .
Out Election Voting papers are in the hands of a pro remain civil service . Will the results be fiddled ?
Moves afoot.
Catch-up with previous posts
– page 3 started 1pm Thursday
– page 2 started 4pm Wednesday
Thanks Stew
Fedup2 , StewGreen
Thanks to you both for your longstanding efforts in promoting democracy.
I heard something on the 7am Radio 4 news this morning on a segment regarding the elections, it was something along the lines of ‘400 million voters will be voting in the EU elections, which is the largest democratic practice in the world’. Why was it necessary to add that as if it was something to crow about?
Que ?? Isn’t the Indian election bigger ?
To be honest I was only half-listening to start with so I may have got the figure they quoted wrong, but I definitely heard ‘…which is the largest democratic practice in the world’. They obviously can’t get their facts right.
I guess the voice you mis-heard was talking about the Indian election
This is a Tweet from a Radio4 producer
Maybe Radio4 meant
“the EU is he world’s biggest ANTI-democratic exercise”
“Some people say” (BBC) that the largest democratic practice was the Indian elections just.
It’s also a lie as their own recent news headline proves:
“More than 600 million people voted in a marathon six-week process.”
“Will the results be fiddled?”
Exactly what I’ve been asking myself. The fact that I can’t simply dismiss such an idea as preposterous says everything about the slide into the mire of Great Britain in the 21st century.
The left have had the prevailing ‘acceptable’ mores in mainstream culture twisted for their own devices for so long now. What was once black is now white etc.
Given that all they generally do is lie I am now forced to err on the side of giving some credence to conspiracy theories, no matter how outlandish they might sound.
Ronald Deschain, totally agree. I voted yesterday taking a pen with me to mark the paper. I was gutted that, in a country I have lived in, loved and fought for, for over 70 years, I felt that my trust in its institutions had sunk so low that I suspected the corruption levels of the Third World may prevail. The liberal “elite” have a lot to answer for
Completely agree. Our voting system was designed for the start of the last century not the present. It’s is wide open to abuse both through postal votes and at the polling station, let alone what may happen at the count. We have reached a point where if I lived in a large town or city I wouldn’t trust my fellow voters to obey the rules. Our society has become fractured, identity politics will be the ruin of us, and it is becoming acceptable to attack folks with non ‘liberal’ views , presently with milk shakes but who knows with what weapons next. The authorities seem to condone this or turn a blind eye.
Our ‘liberal’ politicians seem unable to accept it when the people reject their brand of politics and then actively seek to overturn legitimate democratic election outcomes. Those politicians are trying to take us into the post democratic era when they want us to accept their Globalist liberal consensus and abdoned democracy altogether. The EU Parliament has no power to initiate legislation , this power , the life force of a democracy, is vested by design in the unelected European Commission . All that the parliament can do is to either rubber stamp the legislation proposed by the commission or ask them to think again.It is much more like the HoL than the HoC of old. What use is that in a democracy?
We need CCCT cameras at the count, and covering all aspects relating to the ballot papers.
BBC tell me that Treason May is expected to resign tomorrow. But she will remain at No.10 until a new PM is appointed. Question is, for her to remain in position, is there a caveat such that she makes no decisions? I see the danger. She is incapable of making decisions and could do immense damage if left to her own devices.
she wont resign until shes been in office longer than brown
”She is incapable of making decisions”
she is a traitor not incompetent
She is very competent and you are missing what she is.
Many people appear to be incapable of taking a tin of beans from the shelf, opening it and finding peaches inside, and yet still refusing to accept they are peaches because the label tells them it is a tin of baked beans!
So it is with May who is an entryist Marxist – far to the left of Corbyn, she has acheived her mission of destroying the Tory party and bringing the country as close to her Marxist goal as she possibly can.
Her last great act was to present her ‘turd’ of an withdrawl treaty to parliament in full knowledge of what was going to happen. No sane person with the future of their party in mind would do that, and May is not Insane.
It is said by some that May is an empty vessel, devoid of personal conviction and belief, and that she is being manipulated by known Communist sympathiser Olly Robbins, however she was pretty much as bad when she was at the Home Office, the two together though represent an even more serious threat to the UK never mind the Tory party.
It doesn’t matter now who they elect as leader the party is finished. Those who shouted about the dangers were ignored and over ruled by incompetent liberal leftists who should never have been in the party in the first place.
New from Sargon : He recaps Labour’s connections to groom/rape gangs
There is a theory out there that Jo Cox was killed because she never once spoke up about the rape, torture and murder of white underage girls by muslim jihadi rape gangs in her consitutency. Clearly she knew what was going on. So I shed no tears for her. Given what we know about Labour actively covering up this scandal for many years, the theory is far from way out there. The trial of Marr barely raised a ripple which is odd given how they were intent on demonising him a neo-nazi.
I suggest you read this….
See also a video by Richard Hall:
imaynotalwaysloveyou mentions that he is giving a little credence to the possibility of some conspiracy theories. I have always dismissed most as the obvious ballcocks they are, however the Jo Cox murder looks very suspicious.
Clearly she was murdered and whatever her shortcomings as a politician it was a tragedy. But some argue that the man doing time for the crime is just a poor sap who was framed. The links below are worth considering.
At first I believed the story as told on the “news” but I thought it strange that everybody who knew the “killer” said he had never uttered a single political comment in his life. Not the sort of person who would get so enraged by a no-mark MP that he would resort to murder. The next thing was that people on here sent details of a few examples of other young, telegenic, rising stars of the left who were murdered at crucial times in election campaigns which boosted the left-wing votes. When I stumbled across the above I was shocked that it made sense in a way that conspiracy theories rarely do.
I have to accept the official story as true because I personally know nothing about it, and all conspiracy theories omit facts that don’t support the hypothesis. Although I have to wonder when seeing the links. Look at the first link first.
No I don’t think this is credible. One major inconsistency is stating that the person being interviewed by the police was not Mair even though as shown in that interview he quite clearly has the injury to the head which was shown as being sustained when Mair was being taken down in the cul de sac. The video commentary clearly states that the person in the cul de sac was definately Mair.
You can’t help agreeing however that the two police men being interviewed were pathetic and embarrassingly cringe worthy.
The video was consigned to Orwells memory hole, because it was the truth.
Certain people should burn in hell for this if true
The video is now back, but is tagged as “unlisted”. Youtube does not want you to know about this because they support Islamic child rape, its as simple as that.
Stew Green
Vid of Sargon
Video unavailable.
This is a Muslim problem and not merely a Pakistani one. The same kind of behaviour- soliciting young non-Muslim girls, and rape of non-Muslim women, is evident in Europe, particularly Nordic countries. As usual the police is not keen to investigate or prosecute, for fear of the charge of “racism”. Or thats what they say.
It is futile blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it “honour” killings, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred being preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us. Muslims are doing what they are required to do as required by their religion. No, the fault lies with us. And if we didn’t know this would happen, then that is our failure.
Once we admit that, the solution too lies within our hands, ie separation from Islam.
Carl Benjamin is regularly demonized on political broadcasts by people who evidently have taken no trouble to find out anything about him. It happened again this morning on Politics Live.
Plensih Drinks got ratioed on Twitter
(If you don’t know what that means. Look it up )
I was just wondering if you threw pigs blood at that Muslim who threw milkshake at Tommy Robinson if that would be ok?
Then i remembered Kevin Crehan left a bacon sandwich outside a Mosque, and he was thrown in prison and wound up dead for his “crime”.
So probably pigs blood on a Muslim is not ok, but milkshake thrown on someone who dislike Islamic child rape is fair game.
Its almost like there is some hypocrisy here… but i just can’t put my finger in it.
I would love to avail myself of her milkshakes, take a couple and pour them all over her.
Come on, she’s ginger.
Everybody hates her.
is it just me that would go up to this girl and take all the milkshakes and walk off – open each one and tip em down the drain – any complaints – she said they were free, no one told me what I had to do with them!
Libmob lashout at old volunteer
..supporters already pledge £3,200 to replace his suit
\\ It appears Mr MacNaughton wants to donate his money to a charity – the parachute regiment.
I haven’t spoken with him directly yet but it’s for him to do as he pleases so I hope you’re as happy as me that he’s a giver //
Criminal Ali says it wasn’t a real milkshake attack, but a Bannon stunt
A double bluff
There is an account claiming to be a shopkeeper saying he has CCTV footage
but the account name : @JoshWoogsMotoGP
shows as
“Account suspended
This account has been suspended.”
It looks very like the guy shouting “Fake !” is actually a faker.
Twitter discussion
That Josh”shopkeeper” account seems to a $h!tposter account
cos back in October he tolled about LadiesOnly parking bays
and there was a daily Mail story
about how he wound people up
It was good that Alistair Campbell could get out of his depression pit in order to inject poison into British Politics . Maybe he’ll stay under the covers on Friday and when the election results are announced .
I know I shouldn’t say it but he’d not be a loss to Britain or its politics .
This Alister Campbell ?……………………
“Alistair Campbell@campbellclaret tweeted Picture posted without any evidence of the actual act”
OK so as it stands who am I to believe – an ex Paratrooper or a Labour spin doctor. The latter were telling me yesterday to vote against Farage because he was going to close the NHS.
Whom should I believe “without any evidence of the actual act”?
Back on the meds Alistair?
One of Pat Condell’s best videos is Brexit Morons. It’s a bit dated, but still totally relevant with his incisive take on the battle over Brexit, with occasional cutting humour like this, referring to Remoaners:
“They say they are ashamed to be British: we are ashamed that they are British.”
I can always rely on Pat to get me angry at injustice but also to cheer me up.
“European elections 2019: EU citizens turned away from UK polls.”
“EU citizens living in the UK have told of their anger after they were unable to vote in the European elections.”
Why should they be angry ? This was Great Britain’s vote for independence and democracy .
They were not British citizens .
Will the EU use this as an excuse to call for another vote , ” A people’s vote” ?
Refreshing to see pro Brexit members in QT audience as well as people sticking up for Tommy Robinson. A woman even managed to mention the fact that police escorted “Asian” thugs to Tommy Robinson event and threw bricks at children (“Asians” not police!).
That’s Al Beeb being worried, very worried.
Their end is nigh.
It seems that the fund to get the old chap who was campaigning for The Brexit Party during polling dry cleaned following an attack using milk shakes has succeeded .
It has hit £14000 . He has said that he will donate the £13970? To an appropriate charity – perhaps the charity for Gavin Esler career counselling
@Fedup the page is only £5,067 NOT £14K
Twitter appeared to say it reached £14K then fell back to £3K after anti-Brexiteers started to make the claim that it was faked and offered the CCTV man’s tweet as evidence
.. That CCTV man tweet was 99% surely *spoof*
Last night I could’ve taken 1000 screenshots
of libmob tweeters saying
“You thickos believed the BrexitParty veteran in Aldershot was milkshaked
but this tweet from a shopkeeper saying he has CCTV
proves the veteran did it himself”
Projection is a libmob characteristic
Don’s video statement
so “jack” original forename not available monroe is on news night tonight
Described as coming from a working-class background,
Monroe was born in Southend-on-Sea to David Hadjicostas, MBE
with insufficient GCSEs to progress to A-level
“she” as referred to by A Neil to day former she he she mother bisexual lesbo “they” now she
so why would we be interested in the position of someone who apparently cant even make their own bloody mind up
bbc news has a sister of one of the birmingham 21 victims
the beeboid is asking no grilling her on how she can expect “justice” after so long what can she possibly expect
its funny I remember the bbc celebrating the release of the original “guilty” men , the victory for justice
I note their glee when some 89-90 German is finally being brought to justice
finally catching up with an IRA bomber though ooohh no no no thats way toooo difficult and pointless
The anti-British BBC, in typical style, just can’t pass up an opportunity to browbeat the British public in to submission… as we see in this nasty little article: “Chagos Islands dispute: UN backs end to UK control”
Diverse employee Nada Tawfik of the BBC, first gives us her opinion that the “dispute was at its heart a matter of decolonisation”, the BBC of course just has to tell us the virtues of “decolanzation”, whether its decolanizing education, decolanizing Science, or decolanizing the UK of its native population, as we know by the loud cheers when the native English population in London dropped to 45% in 2011.
We then get told that “The vote was decisive” with “116 states were in favour and only six against”… “Fifty-six states, including France and Germany, abstained”, However “The US, Hungary, Israel, Australia and the Maldives were the states voting with the UK against the resolution.”.
Doesn’t this just tell us who our friends in this world are?, and it isn’t the f***ing EU as the BBC would have us believe, or states like Pakistan who get endless UK “foreign aid” money while they persecute Christians like Asia Bibbi, and ex-British servicemen are homeless.
And did you notice the extra snide Britain-hating, surrender-monkey comment in that BBC quote?
Yes, the BBC call the Falkland islands “The Maldives”… in a snide wink to people who would undermine the UK in every way possible, the BBC prove yet again that they are parasites intent on undermining and killing this nation… and in reversing yet another democratic vote by the Falkland islanders who voted to stay with the UK when asked a few years ago.
Of course in reality the Chagos Islands islands, as well as the Falkland islands are hundreds of miles way from anywhere, and were never part of the countries claiming sovereignty… because those countries never existed at that time…. But the BBC just can’t pass up the opportunity to jam another rusty needle into the seeping abscess they have created in order to demoralize this country in to submission.
Of course, in reality s**thole countries, need to divert attention from their own failings, and what better way than to bang on about tiny islands hundreds of miles away, that were never part of their countries anyway… but of course the diverse traitors at the BBC are all to happy to surrender without a shot, and help destroy the fabric of British society through a drip-drip of such cancerous and evil propaganda.
I can`t wait for the UN (based in the USA) make a direct demand to Donald Trump that he remote the strategically important US Air Base from there… Bear in mind the statement made by his UN representative regarding the blatant anti American bias and the withdrawel of itrs` special status, its` funding and the protections it has being in New York….. Also all of thos pi$$ant sh1thole countries who voted need to remember who currently gives them security wherever they are across the globe, especially the Maldives… It`s nowhere near the islands but is within reach of the most corrupt and wartorn area of the sub-Saharan African continent… That airbase is there for a reason, also the natives were compensated some with a passport and the rest a new home on islands which could support their tiny population the islnd was unable to do this hence it remained a protectorate for so long… the Maldives only just manages to support itself from tourism, but for decades it relied on foriegn aid and also British Goodwill who cartried on funding the islands years after it gained independant status…
Who doesn’t know the difference between the Republic of the Maldives, the island state in the Indian Ocean, and Las Malvinas, the Spanish name for what is the Falklands in English? I’d be careful who you are calling “our friends” if I were you: the Maldives is an oppressive Muslim state.
You are perfectly entitled to your views on the BBC but I trust you’ll be retracting that particular slur based on a factual error.
Maldives vs Malvinas
Big error @Jip,
Always be careful when posting at 2 o’clock in the morning
that was a big jump to conclusion.
AFAIK The Maldives just changed back to the Climate alarmist PM
after the previous regime used repression to keep his side down
Ok so i made an error on that, however the comments about the BBC “decolanization” propaganda still stands. As does the fact that the US, Australia will have our back any day over the BBC’s beloved EU, or any of these other ‘113’ states that the Britain-hating BBC holds as moral examples to browbeat the British public.
This article is a demoralization piece from the BBC, pure and simple, and that disgusting organization still needs shutting down.
BBC moaning emole, complete with ‘critics are saying’:
“Is Facebook undermining democracy in Africa?
Facebook is under fire in Africa for undermining democracy, with critics saying the social media giant has allowed its platform to be weaponised for co-ordinated misinformation campaigns. The role of false news has taken centre stage in every single one of the continent’s eight national polls this year – and last week Facebook said an Israeli political consultancy was behind much of it. It banned the Archimedes Group, which it said was responsible for a network of those masquerading as African nationals. But Nanjira Sambuli, from the World Wide Web Foundation, says it has taken Facebook too long to pay attention to this problem in developing countries.
Read full analysis >
Larry Madowo
BBC Africa business editor
There is a certain irony to Larry relying on this : “… last week Facebook said…” in “much of” Larry’s ‘analysis’.
I wonder what she leaves at the door?
On the plus side, if Ms Claire and the rest of the bbc staff do go on strike we’ll have at least one day without lies and propaganda.
Are we out yet ?
Has she gone yet ?
Al Beeb you better brace yourselves when the answer to both questions is in the affirmative.
Thankful for your thanks .
Mrs May wants to stay on so that she can ‘do’ the D day commemorations and be on The Big Stage again along with President Trump – and be a national embarrassment at such a precious event .
( I bet they’ll be rerunning the history of D Day as though the only ones there were Americans )
Saw a brief picture of a miserable looking Greive traitor on BBC news this morning. He looked and sounded like the man who is completely “downcast” because his only chance to remain in the EU (may) is on her way out.
I wonder if the BBC will ever put him in the same room as Greta?
The point is Greta is a vulnerable child. The manipulating adults behind her are the ones who should be exposed by argument.
Agreed. Which is why they put up Greta. And the BBC plays along.
Greta is a witch, a sorceress. She will turn all those she dislikes, into invertebrates (mind you, some of them already are…) – you can see it in her CO2-fogged swedish eyes.
Anyone see the shadow education sec this morning on BeeB?
My wife looked at me and said – WTF..not only did she not look professional she sounded pretty dumb…and for her to be the Shadow Education Sec astounded me – even for the Labour party – then I looked at her background..basically no real education then to Union role before Labour (female only short list)…we are truly doomed when this is the calibre of people making decisions…
Angie Rayner is good value . When she went in front of Brillo and got asked questions to which she should know the answer she used to get so flustered it was comedy . She admitted to ‘not doing numbers ‘ – bit like Diane Abbott .
Seriously though – the thought that these Corbyn types could get power is pretty frightening but hopefully they are so dumb that nothing would get done .
There is nothing better than a government which doesn’t work so that it allows people to get on with their lives without more freedoms being taken away…
Fed, “She admitted to ‘not doing numbers ‘ – bit like Diane Abbott.”
Oh, Diane does numbers.
Boy, does Diane do numbers! As long as they are big ones. The bigger the better. The bigger numbers are all the bestest of all to bash the Tories over the head!
I was wondering yesterday if I should make a comment about
Tommy Robinson advising potential voters for him to use
a black pen when making a cross on the ballot paper and not
use a pencil.
Surely” the establishment” would not attempt to rig the results
of an election ? But after watching Question Time last night when
that courageous lady , to dead silence from the audience and
panelists told how the police allowed a Muslim rioting gang to
attack those attending a Tommy Robinson election meeting , well
away from the Muslim area of Oldham, with bottles and bricks.
All I will say is that I expect is for Robinson to be elected by a
landslide or to be defeated by a landslide.
The few bookies betting on the outcome make it a 50-50 result.
But as somebody being involved in betting on football for 50 years
I can’t forget that in 2002 the World Cup was fixed with some
of the hierarchy of the organizers being very much involved.
I am sure Fedup 2 that those responsible for counting the vote
will do their duty. Don’t you?
I am both a pessimist and cynic so I expected the original referendum vote to be fixed – particularly since Project Fear even bought in St Obama to threaten us .
But the structure of the vote made it difficult to fix . This one is far easier because the State has our votes for 3 whole days before the vote is announced .
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying this in order to provide forward defence for the Brexit Party not doing as well as expected .
I just have little faith in a system which could fix the vote and an MSM and bubble not interested in looking too closely at a ‘remain ‘ outcome if it is corrupt .
It could be that non British counters who are used to corruption in their own countries see no problem with grabbing bunches of Brexit Party votes and dumping them out of the count .
As an aside …. guess who humph interviews on Toady at 0810 – The traitor Ken Clarke – who apparently used to be a Tory –
And when the’ Any Question ‘ panel was announced I near choked in surprising disbelieve
Paul mason
Gina Miller
Anthony seldon
Someone called ‘Cheryl ‘ who works for the Telegraph.
3 traitors and a no one remainer ….. par for the Biased BBC course .
Won’t be listening – never will .
Fed, it is also at a Yoooni – in the Midlands – Aston University in Birmingham.
Q.What are the possibilities of a stacked, LeftyLibby-biased audience?
First Class Honours degree for Snuffy, please … 🙂
Yes I forgot that – it might even be worth listening too just to hear the Group Think . What – 95% with the same ‘mind set ‘ ?
As an aside —- I nearly went to Aston Yoonee as a child but so glad I didn’t .
Snuffy – have a treble first on me —- PPE and student bar …
Aston University majors heavily on engineering and technology. I don’t believe it offers a Bachelor of Arts degree. I thought you guys approved of that sort of thing. It helps to check facts before going off on one.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Aston University majors heavily on engineering and technology. I don’t believe it offers a Bachelor of Arts degree. I thought you guys approved of that sort of thing. It helps to check facts before going off on one.
Try this. Facts checked. Aston Univ offers this
Gender, Sexualities and the Body
Gender Sexuality Body Large Square
The Gender, Sexualities and the Body research stream of CCISC brings together established and early career researchers whose theoretical perspectives are informed by feminist and queer perspectives and a commitment to social justice. Collaboration between scholars within the stream is aimed at developing theoretically and methodologically innovative ways of exploring the intersections between gender, sexualities, and the body. Current events hosted by the stream include a pan-university reading group – the Feminist Café – which provides an informal space for staff and students to conceptual and political issues relevant to contemporary feminism.
However did we manage before we had degree courses like this? Definitely 50 grand well spent.
Maybe Wild Woman thinks that ‘Gender, Sexualitites & the body’ is, Engineering? Either body or brain. Could have a point.
“You guys.” What category is that? (Are you filling in for Maxincony – i.e are there two of you?)
“Paul mason
Gina Miller
Anthony seldon
Someone called ‘Cheryl ‘ who works for the Telegraph”
Don’t worry too much Fed their time on their generous “retainers” at BBC/SKY News will no doubt soon be coming to an end as they won’t be of any real use to both TV-trash-companies – even the silly man outside parliament with that weird hat on knows full well any chance of convincing the country/New PM to remain in the EU has been and gone.
Brown will never sleep nights. Yippee!
Blair will be checking himself into his private hospital. Yippee!!
Greive will most likely move to his beloved EU now. Yippee!!
Brilliant video – and well worth a look as regards TR and his stance on Islam. There are also some very brave ex muslims out there and this guy has all of my respect.
I recommend you view it quickly before Utube take it down as these days truth is hate.
Brave man.
Absolutely! This was the Salford rally where Anne Marie Waters also spoke in support.
Jessica Swietoniowski has done a fair job reporting on Tommy’s campaign for The Rebel – I think her eyes were opened.
Mme. Goat doesn’t like ‘Tony’ Robinson – she can’t give a reason why, but he’s just a “horrible” man.
Likewise with Donald Trump. She can’t stand him either, but is unable to give reasons.
She knows nothing about either, or about their politics.
Mind you, I’ve noticed that especially with the few British (and one American) ex-pats that there are around here, and with the Dutch, too. All left wing, all hate Trump, nationalism and populism, and love the EU, and all unable to give credible reasons – they even get heated when one broaches the subject.
So I often feel a little isolated…
You should drop down to our little part of France, there is a growing group of proud far- right knuckle draggers flying the English flag and we have an EUSSR flag ready to burn. Many of the new recruits are ex Remainers who are disgusted by the EUSSRs attitude and who have had their eyes opened by all the bile thrown at the UK.
I really hate to admit it but this is an overwhelmingly female reaction. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly.
I despair at the number of female friends who vote according to who they “like”, as if they were making up a dinner party guest list. It doesn’t bloody matter.
Anyone listening to Ken Clarke R4 – the right wing in Tories are to blame for everything and slagging off Nigel F…..then British Steel closing due to Brexit and tariffs, Honda closing down for same reason – he basically just telling lies and not a single challenge from BBC..he is a blathering idiot…
Clarke really is an example of why Parliament is a joke . If I recall he has been an MP since …1970 ? I’ll write that again -1970…. How can he have any idea of how non politicians live ? How he and his type have ruined british by importing The Third World – European- African – Asian or otherwise …. ?
Sorry I’ve really got to repeat this Ken Clarke – real name Kenneth Clarke – has been an MP since 1970 …. how old were you then ?
For some reason he is quite fond of Cuba?
A clue: he puts it in his mouth.
To be honest whilst I agree with you.. It’s the fact that he seems to have lost all sense of reality and just lies and beeB just let him…
On a rant point
Somebody made a point earlier that I think has got lost in this Brexit shite – people like me were too young to vote for going into EU and have had to live with why shouldn’t we have the right to vote to leave – so stick that up your – Remainers who use the Yoof didn’t get a choice argument
James – you are wrong – Britain voted to join the common market . I was 13 . I thought it a great idea . No more European civil wars with Blighty getting involved . It was a big lie .
Heath knew what the aspiration was – a European united statelets and that’s where we are …. soon … if we don’t get out of it – despite the bbc and it’s traitor bubble .
Apologies…it should have been EC….I can only put it down to my sadness that Treason May was about to resign 🙂
TOADY Watch #1
Remainer Central – again! – on the TODAY prog this a.m..
Gus McDonnell
Damien Green
Ken Clarke
– – –
To be fair, keen (and young) Brexiteer, Suella Braverman MP was mentioned and contributed an audio clip but it was short and solely dealing with the PM’s possible resignation.
BBC TV News this morning:
BBC business reporter talking with the out going CEO of WHSmith.
BBC reporter: And what will you do with all your time after your time at WHS?
WHSmith CEO – oh, thats easy; me and my HUSBAND…..
BBC simply cannot resist every opportunity to promote Gay marriage. I actually think the discussion was specially arranged by the BBC simply to promote gay marriage – the other stuff they spoke about was useful to no one.
Good for them . But in Fed world there is no such thing as homosexual marriage . Marriage is something between male and female . Anything else is something else – call it ‘gay arrangement ‘.
I wouldn’t ordinarily do this but can I commend to you an excellent obituary of the PM drafted by Quentin Letts in The Sun today . He has linked it from his twitter account . A hugely entertaining death notice .
the beeb – far left – all so perfect
the beeb – far right – sooooooooooooooo bad
Just a reminder that as the runners are under starters orders to replace PM May, every single one of them is pro continued third world immigration in one form or another. Indeed in order to appease the strong liberal tendency in the Tory party all of them are likely to parade their inclusive diverse beliefs. Getting out of The EU doesn’t address this existentialist issue. It does give the Globalist elite a good kicking , which is good to see, but does nothing to combat the key issue of our time.
“Infamy, infamy. They’ve all got it in for me!”
Not yet on the BBC news but I have heard it in broadcasts, of how Ed Milliband failed to realise the effects dragging her out to support his leadership affected her. He is of course spun as the caring husband who was simply too ‘in the moment’ to be able to realise. If he was a Tory he would have been spun as uncaring and ignorant of his wife in typical patriarchal fashion.
There is however a different view of this.
All he is expressing is the great failure of leftist ‘thinking’. Blunder ahead without thinking about the effects and consequences until it’s too late. Its now nearly 5 years since he resigned, and it’s taken this long for him to realise?
Look at Maraget Beckett and the other ‘morons’ who nominated Jeremy Corbyn in an act of unbelievable stupidity to ‘broaden the debate’ whilst failing to see that he might ever get elected.
There are hundreds if not thousands of other examples of the leftist mindset – act first think later.
These are people standing for election and their policy decisions are no different. If they can’t recognise the effects on nearest & dearest, then what hope is there for the people when Labour get into power?
Thoughtful….unfortunately we have too many MPs who are either ignorant, arrogant or both and it is the latter group who are the worst..Milliband is towards the high end of arrogant and thinks we actually care about his opinions
Re: Treezer Quisling Chamberlain.
Media reports she is going. I will not believe it until I see it. On her pervious form we will be given a withdrawal from PM agreement. This will be a resignation in name only followed by a transition period of xxxx years, followed by it being scrapped due to lack of support and a second Tory party election.
Typo pervious = previous. Although allowing water to pass through could be an analogy for ignoring the voters.
pervious sounds correct to me, all May’s actions on Brexit were perverted.
Now let’s have her in court, then jail.
From Support Our Lefty
Not BBC but at 0958 Friday – the PM is about to go live to announce she is finally going – or not ….
yep she has – she is actually making quite a good speech..which is what she is good at – making pointless speeches when she doesn’t have to do anything….a sound bite at best
I thought it was a very good speech… for a socialist …
and we are leaving the EU on the 29th March, I will keep the champers on ice till she is actually gone
Next ?
“Brexit means Brexit” .
Over to Al Beeb……………………………..
Yes!!! She blubbed at the End !
Cameron did it better.
May was undone by trying to push through a deal that didn’t work for her political partners nor for the whole of her party.
Some might say it’s heartless to enjoy another’s distress – nah not for her – she made our country a joke and treated Brussels with a respect it never deserves ..
It’s just my opinion though if after a referendum that says ‘leave’ we elect a parliament that says ‘remain’ then porridge is the inevitable result.
Three years on and it seems to me there are three possibilies
Agree May deal – Seems impossible after three goes though EU says stick.
Leave with no deal – Parliament says no.
General Election – At which Labour will again fight on ‘social issues’ and stay fuzzy on EU membership.
labour, conservative and I think the lib dems campaigned to honour the referendum result in the snap election.
So we didn’t elect a Parliament that says remain , we just ended up with one
Con and Lab campaigned to honour the EU Referendum result in GE17, hence they gleaned 82% of the votes. The Lib Dims stood against Brexit, scraped 8 seats and ended up with that old fool Cable as their ‘leader’.
Schadenfreude Is the word you are looking for.
It’s German of course.
“She blubbed” – possibly because hubby Phil’s promised bonus from the EU is now in jeopardy.
They both miscalculated. Cameron on the referendum result and May on her deal.
The only problem is the EU are actually delighted with the deal they agreed with May. Get around that one Bercow & Co.
how did May miscalculate?
we are still firmly stuck in the EU as she planned.
She knew full well the deal would not get voted for, but enable her can kicking pantomime.
When I see Larry standing at the door of waving goodbye and don’t come back I will know it has actually happened.
Another racist murder likely to be ignored by the BBC
White South African farm activist is beaten to death at her home in horrifying hammer attack
Annette Kennealy, 51, was beaten to death on her farm in Limpopo
A male suspect, 40, has been arrested and will appear before court
Kennealy was publicly outspoken about attacks on white Afrikaner farmers
Katie Hopkins has also been covering this.
Funny how Katie Hopkins cover a wider range of significant news items than the thousands of well paid researchers and auto cue readers in the BBC
As the racist beeb won’t do it, let’s do their work for them, shall we?
Many thousands have been tortured / raped / murdered in a racist genocide, but you’d never know it from the beeb or our politicians.
President Trump however IS speaking out, once again going where the lily-livered liberals look away.
Annu- in the unlikely event that the bbc picks this up, I doubt it will have a programme on the context of such now daily events. They are all -in fact- ‘racist’ murders, often preceded by rape and/or extreme torture.
The bbc will avoid these incidents like the plague, as they would completely undermine its agenda and narrative with regard to race and ‘hate’. They daren’t mention numbers, or show acres of white crosses of the butchered. So best to pretend it’s not happening. Now there is a Conservative leader election coming up, that will be so much easier.
There is really a big story here, and it is clear that deliberate and probably explicit bbc policy is to ‘look away’, look away, look away…
Theresa May has just resigned.
Here comes the biased coverage over the leadership challenge where anyone who is firmly on the right and a strong hard Brexiteer will be snarled at by any BBC journalist who might tremble at the thought of No Deal possibly being put back on the table
Disappointed she hasn’t been forced out today rather than 7 June. There’s still plenty of time for more of her treasonous mischief until she is replaced.
Two weeks is a long time in politics I guess!
Oh well at least it is only two weeks and not another three years
welcome back smoogie where you been hiding
I see its not even 11am yet a the BBC managed to get a pundit to describe boris as a man who says racist things and doesnt like muslims
that didnt take long did it, we know he the BBC dont want as a replacement
Boris had his shot in 2016. Does second time around win?
welcome back smoogie where you been hiding
I see its not even 11am yet a the BBC managed to get a pundit to describe boris as a man who says racist things and doesnt like muslims
that didnt take long did it, we know he the BBC dont want as a replacement
I had to take a break from things as the whole Theresa May thing was getting depressing and I was sick of the bias from the BBC of course. The sad thing is with Bojo putting his name down the bias will only get worse in the months to come so expect a nasty smear aimed at him.
They will all miss May when she is gone!
So farewell then Theresa.
You tried.
And you failed.
An all too common lament, these days.

last time I looked we were still in the EU :
just as the traitor May intended.
Tried and failed to do what?
I’ve just been watching an interview of Marine le pen with Nigel farage. She speaks very well and shares similar views with Donald trump and Nigel .She praises the historical liberalism of anglo saxon influence. On two points i differ , firstly and less importantly the majority bloodline still remains an ancient briton since the roman era,there have been Jutes and Normans in small numbers but what gave us are now name was larger tribes of pagan Angles and Saxons . Secondly and most important that unfortunately gets overlooked by our politicians is not that we’re anglo saxon it’s that we are christian protestants who left the corrupt catholic church. In no way am i saying anything bad about individual catholic worshippers. This godly influence is the reason for all the benefits of the so called anglo saxon world. What we need to do for our country’s sake is to get back to church and to start praising and worshipping our creator almighty god and our saviour jesus christ the messiah, then we can go back to reaping all the benefits. It’s really quite simple when you know god.
Mackers -.agree – the BBC likes doing the tired old lie about church going declining . Well my church in London isn’t dying -it’s growing . I help with the collection each week so I see the numbers on paper .
The BBC is possessed by evil – just look at what it promotes .
Not generally a fan of SKY, little different from the BBC most of the time but, credit where credit’s due, they reported in moderate detail on the sick “scoreboard” game where the scoreboard “gives 50 points for a wound to the head, 30 points for the chest, 20 for the stomach, 10 for the leg, and 5 for the arm”.
My initial thought was “probably part of London, Manchester, or perhaps Leeds or Birmingham”. Then I heard: “Last month four young men from Ipswich were sentenced to life in prison for murder, having previously made a YouTube video about “scoring points” against a gang from a different postcode in the Suffolk town”.
Ipswich? May’s failure is not just about Brexit, it’s about virtually everything that the Conservatives used to stand for, like law and order. Then there’s the failure of the MSM, and the cowardice of the middle classes in particular, to face up to what is really going on on several fronts.
A change of Conservative PM will not be enough. And don’t get me started on Labour.
I know politicians don’t tell the truth, that’s axiomatic, but what a golden opportunity Theresa missed.
What a note to go out on, if only she had detailed the deliberate humiliations, the prevarication and duplicity inherent throughout her many visits to Brussels. The blame is always sited within parliament, and so to a large extend it has been. But what about the enforced waits in corridors until the small hours of the morning while the commission pretend to discuss Brexit, the pizza slices eaten outside while her ‘peers’ finish their five-course dinners, the unannounced schedule changes, the closed doors, the pretence and distain, the diminution and condescension.
All the outrageous treatment of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom she has suffered on our behalf – even though some may have been her own fault – it has been her office that has borne the insults, that is what should not be forgotten.
And what an opportunity for Trump, during the D-Day celebrations, to make these same points. Could he do it? Well if anyone could – enraged by the EU’s utter failure to pay its NATO dues – it’s the Don.
Your analysis hits the nail right on the head. I have just read Yanis Varoufakis’ book “Adults in the Room” which lifts the lid on all of the tricks of the EU’s so called negotiators and how the MSM licks their spittle repeating lies and inaccuracies spouted by them.
A lot of analysis I am reading about the faiure of Theresa May seems to be blind to all of the back stage shenanigans.
Theresa May could have done us all a favour by detailing what has really gone on behind closed doors. That she has chosen not to is, in my view, a product of her lack of real desire for this country to leave the EU.
I see that State Broadcaster is doing a feature today titled “how can I help to fight climate change?”
OK if this isn’t bias then I don’t know what else is.
On the side of the people?
Take money from all promote the views of some.
Well, one could look at this, and discover some of the lies currently being told by climate “scientists”, which may help you to consider not being required to do anything…
There will be one hell of a task for whomever eventually takes the role of PM. Most probably not the most popular person to be our Prime Minister, but for the moment Boris Johnson is the man needed to pull Britain out of the EU, taking no dam nonsence from those in Brussels, able to negotiate with vigour and honesty on our behalf with the World and with Europe. He may not be a lasting Premier but one we need at this moment. Not necessarily would most of his cabinet be ‘Leavers’ but the wets he would certainly get rid of. Britain needs to show a strong face as once we did, when our backs were up against the wall.
Regardless of Theresa Mays back sliding and duplicitous behaviour, i was genuinely upset to see her cry. Lets hope Leave really does mean Leave this time, First time post LOL
Welcome, Fiter.
There are many more deserving of your sympathy such as Tommy Robinson’s kids when he is dragged off to prison on trumped up charges. May could have stopped this but failed in that also.
Welcome aboard . I’m glad we differ on the PM blubbing . I thought it was high comedy. I’ve run out of popcorn as well .
She sounded a bit like Ron Burgundy . I m sure she’ll get a really good job in the ReichEU as a reward for the sell out .
The BBC is meant to avoid issues around the EU elections until 2200 Sunday but judging by what I’ve just seen with the coburg politics show .
I’m sure the pro EU electoral commission will investigate .
We had Cameron sauntering away from the lectern humming a jaunty tune, and now May giving a wretched self-serving turn with fake emotion bewailing the fact that she hadn’t fully managed to screw the country over before her time was up.
What piece of political kabuki will Boris provide when it’s his turn? Not that I care, the Tories are a spent force and deserve all the ‘wilderness years’ coming to them.
she couldnt shed a tear or show much empathy for the victims of the manchester bomb, london bridge attack, policeman killed defending MPs , grenfell tower
yet she cries for theresa may who has lost her position, not even her job she is still an MP
O boo hoo woman
you were trying to lead us into a trap from which there was no escape , to prove leaving was impossible and inevitably leading to rejoining and were prepared to give away £39bn of OUR money to do it.
Good Bl**dy riddance
Excellent post!
“Leave really does mean Leave this time, First time post LOL”
Don’t worry about it.
Those in the cabinet who are staunch remainers know for sure that any chance of changing the first result of the referendum has been and gone never to be seen on the political horizon again – ok, a few of the usual suspects will no doubt huff-and-puff for a while – but they will go the way of the dinosaurs. Clarke, Heseltine, Blair, Clegg, Corbyn, SNP, BBC….
And welcome, your views are of great value here.
If the CP are to survive the new leader should be one of the Brexiteers who has consistently voted against the WA.
As @JamesDelingpole says
I really don’t want a healing compromiser to take over the Conservatives. I want a cancer surgeon.
Fat chance.
They are actually touting Rory Stewart as next Tory leader – if that were to happen – he would be their last leader – and we’d never get out of the ReichEU.
Mrs Mays legacy of destroying the police and enabling the ingredients of violent Britain to grow is going to be with us for a long time . I know Blair started it but knife crime is increasing because of her time as Home Secretary . She devalued that role as much as PM .
Remember the clandestine Fifth Column who responded to Arron Banks request that Brexiteers join the Conservative Party and await, but relish, the time when they have to vote in Party business? I’m one of thousands. Waiting patiently……….
Yes – on the upside the Tory party HQ has called for candidates for the traitor tiggers who defected . So bye bye Soubry Wollaston – Allen ….
“Rory Stewart”
One thing I like about this guy is that I’m sure he is Ex-military. The nation needs someone leading them with combat experience.
From my read of wiki mr Stewart never held military rank / wore uniform – did PPE at Oxford like the rest of the bubble then joined the FCO and played empire for a bit .
Correct me but he has as much military experience as Rod Stewart .
Being in the military doesn’t make for a decent politician – see John call me Johnie mercer – a typical decent chap corrupted by that parliament building . They can’t all pretend to be Churchill .
I stand corrected. Thanks.
I must be thinking of some other MP?
Ah, well. I’ll make a note of that.
I don’t own a TV so I miss a lot of bias. I got the threatening letter but it went in the bin with the leaflets that Labour kept sending me but I keep an eye on them from their website and that place is full of a lot of bias alone!
BBBC should take note –
“These populists, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own country.”
Any Remainiacs reading this?
All I have heard from you Remainiac traitors for three years, is advisory referendum, Brexit lies, thick Leavers, we are now better informed so we must have a second referendum (rigged by Remain).
Complete, total, utter, 100%, nonsense.
The Juncker statement requires no comment.
The EU has been lying to European people for 50+ years, since before it changed from a “trading block” to the anti European monstrosity it has become. Remainers in the UK have been lying to the EU hymn book since Heath.
Remember Tusk’s special place in Hell for Brexit, Remainiacs?
Hundreds of millions of European people want to leave the EU as it now is, they sure as hell do not want more EU, the destruction of their states, an EU army, a totalitarian surveillance state.
These people must have their wishes granted.
Bye bye EU, and good riddance.
The outcome of the EU elections across Europe are potentially even more significant than the local ones promise to be.
According to an exit poll, the Dutch haven’t performed as expected – they remain soy…
I was going to a bit cheeky and go ‘off piste’ and put up a separate thread to enable those who wanted to pay tribute to the outgoing EU prime minister –
– but I decided not to do it as it wouldn’t be used much – if at all ..,,
The Tories seem to think it’s business as usual with the usual nonsense about their next leader . They don’t realise that the people just want ‘ out’ no sell out – just gone . If the EU Election result isn’t fiddled with I think the outcome will reflect that .
The reichEU can deal with the NI border as we need not do anything .
“a separate thread to enable those who wanted to pay tribute to the outgoing EU prime minister”
Wise decision, it would have received one less comment than you have currently received for your post at 13:17.
Old Goat, how are the Dutch allowed to do an exit poll? Ou media are not allowed to discuss the vote.
Answering my own question, I assume it is because our masters have decreed that if we appear to have made a demand for freedom and exit it might encourage other “exiteers” across Europe, but the Dutch voting for more enslavement is to be publicised.
Trexit at last.
I think Hammond and Rudd should follow her.
They are also unwanted.
Then the likes of Gauke and the other remainers contaminating the cabinet.
Get the dominoes falling now the head remainer is getting booted out. (Sorry, I meant resigning of her own free will)
The historical background to all this is –
Click to access OCLA_Report_2019-1.pdf
The EU elections across Europe will perhaps be very significant, if you like, no less than the beginning of the end of the ‘Fourth Reich’
Jump to the conclusions in the PDF –
“The only effective resistance against globalization in the West has become the recent electoral and demonstrative revolts related to the Brexit vote, the Trump electoral victory, and the Gilets jaunes movement, all newly understood as the class conflict between the deplorables and the bobos-and-elites, between the sedentary rural inhabitants (the “somewheres”) and the globalist urbanites (the “anywheres”)
Celtic – thanks for the ideal weekend reading…
Not forgetting Mr Grieve. I don’t think any one would grieve at his departure.
Ilkley Moor fire: Mohammed Zukifl charged with arson (Wow, the BBC mention his name!)
Well it’s a good day to bury bad news.