The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
Excuse the rush, I just want to see if I can get first place this time, and I am afraid this link is all I have to offer:
Will read the article later! (Already has over 700 comments!)
Edit: Yay, made it!
I am sure some of the comments on the DM site are written by the BBC Press Office but they are not ‘liked’ by many. I used to try to comment there myself many moons ago but found I was frequently not published and like my comments here there was no swearing. I also read the free DM on line on the iPad but it has turned into a Remain loving gossip mag. Also I find in a Brexit story it can be quite difficult to tap like to some comments which suggests doctoring of the comments.
DM – I hate the right hand column in the Mail online version where its full of sleazy, unholy stories about which half naked female star is kissing another female star outside a club and the world will know all about. I’m sure the DM editors realise how sleazy the online version is but continue brainwashing its readers. Filth.
You’re right there, Vesna, The online DM is just awful these days, with far too much nonsense about unheard-of slebs, and blasted Renault Megane and her brood!
It used to be quite readable but seems to have followed the downward path after Countryfile, The Archers etc.!
On the subject of the pot here, of course, Capita are now rubbing their greasyy mitts at the thought of bullying all those senior citizens, many of whom tried to make GB great after several wars.
The whole BBC setup is a national disgrace.
The paper version isn’t much better. They had a new Editor some months ago, and the change has been palpable, now it has lots of, as you say ‘nonsense’ stories. Although there is sport for the chaps at the back (if they like sport), the paper has become more female orientated with fashion, beauty, health, dating etc etc.
The Express is little better, though seems to be the only paper that backs Brexit, it has the same stories with almost word for word text, so not much effort there (I suspect there is only one journalist who sits at a computer cutting and pasting from the Mail) – fewer pages, but lots of adverts !
Yes – I would buy the Express for it’s Brexit stance, but the rest of the paper is full of rubbish health scares. I’m committed to the awful ‘i’ paper which is very anti Brexit and ‘woke’, with some terrible contributors. Eleanor Margolis , for instance. They swear like troopers! and are likely covered in tattoos – the permanent makeup of choice for the modern young lady. So I buy the ‘i’ because I’ve got used to the crossword. Sundays means the Sunday Times which is getting more desperate as no deal gets closer, although you do get the odd pro-brexit contribution aka Rod Liddle who talks much sense.
Last time I looked at ‘paper’ newspapers the ‘i’, or what used to be the Independent was more commie than the Guardian. I’d switch your crossword choice or you might end up as the Manchurian Candidate!
There is the pull – I can resist the stupidity of the ‘i’ as I have my own opinions – but the brain can’t function at another crossword level. I suppose it could be considered a collaboration but it would take 50yrs to find me out.
We never pay for the DM, we get a ‘free’ copy if we spend more than ten quid in Waitrose, so I suppose we do pay something, as they’re normally more expensive in that particular grocers.
The amount of rubbish stuff we chuck out is worrying though, as a small sapling goes straight back into the bin, unread, and unwanted whenever we get a copy. That’s our guilt trip really…
I agree.
Its a sorry state of affairs in most MSM/TV companies.
Will the public “bite-back” though.
In a small way the BBC seem to be panicking – that’s if they know what panicking means? The teenage BBC TV Editors I mean.
Interesting point you make, Vesna.
If advertising on the msm doesn’t do very much, do they eventually shy away, and plonk their ludicrous stuff in dead-tree rags?
Presumably there’s some small bloke in the bbc, trying to work out if he’ll have a job when the corporation gets the heave-ho, and wondering what sort of advertising will make enough money for his pension!
As we very rarely watch any bbc stuff, except cricket and rugby, and our ‘set’ is so easily noticeable as we live in leafy Kent, we’ve actually forgotten what a tv ad really does these days, so perhaps ad-managers might be more than worried for their jobs as well!
Lets hope so.
I agree wholeheartedly.
“Boris Johnson goes to war with the BBC…”.
It’s only classically emotive language used by media reporters. That’s essentially all they learn at their journalism school: how to embroider, distort, manipulate and finally, present the so-called, “News” as, “fact”.
Anyone hear Katya (Larry) Adler playing her namesakes EU harmonica earlier on Toady?
Can’t think why. They make Ch 4 and Sky seem rational.
“Chairman of the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association Matthew O’Callaghan says his pies are not sold in Thailand or Iceland. Boris Johnson claimed they were sold there but not in the US, when he was giving an example of an American trade restriction.”
I wonder just who is coordinating on Climate Change. Was it Thursday that the BBC 1 news led on the story that Brazil was on fire? The next day they report that Macron is saying the same thing. The mere fact that Notalotofpeopleknowthat tells us it is not so unusual is by-the-by. If it was a single identifiable event such as the Norte Dame on fire, I could understand the Press and politicians commenting at the same time. I know it is really about the G7 and the hate of a right wing government in Brazil (fire of devastating proportions of dry forest in Bolivia is virtually unreported) but who is agreeing with whom for the BBC and Macron to be pushing the same agenda at the same time?
My dealings with BBC radio are few and far between these days, but I do catch a short part of BBC Scotland’s morning radio while in the shower each morning, as there’s no DAB radio there. Almost every time I turn on it’s about racism, feminism, climate change, Trump or Brexit. Always with the appropriate angle, of course.
This morning it was the turn of climate change. What struck me was the BBC reporter referring to “the climate emergency”. No “so-called”. It seems a memo may have gone round to adopt the extremist terminology and present it as fact.
We are being softened up.
I wonder just who is coordinating on Climate Change
Is it:
(1) Massive corporations and billionaires, seeking to create a totalitarian system of global governance where they can do as they please, make even more money and never be challenged, operating through the auspices of the United Nations, with the full backing of the media and academics and institutions with vested interests, cynically using a 16-year old Swedish girl with autism and pigtails called Pippi Longstocking?
Er, there is no (2) or (3) answer for this question.
They have all become so proficient at constructing circumstances where more tax has to be devised and taken. I must confess that the current, ‘end-of-the-World’ in 10 years nonsense takes the biscuit. This con is absolutely brilliant. I’m sure the $3 billion dollar industries based on the fiction would agree if they were in any way honest.
The next? How else will the UN Migration Compact be financed? Not only do these foreigners invade a country, they feed off it in services stretching the communally financed services to breaking point. ‘Tis only a matter of time before the UN comes, ‘a tapping’ for more money. The UN – the other massive con.
My reference to, “billion” is incorrect. That should be ‘trillion’.
Walter Veight has produced a number of informative videos including his exposés on the genesis of the United Nations.
This makes an interesting read:
Note the names of the significant players in the birth of the UN; Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit, surprise, surprise. Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky, satanists.
The UN is an evil organisation and the source of much of the wickedness that has spread across the world.
It doesn’t really cost the BBC anything to fund the TV licences of the over 75s as their costs are largely fixed, irrespective of the size of the audience. However, if they really believe they need to save some money, here’s some items they could trim (these figures are from their 2013 report, the actuals may well be higher now):
Licence free collection £111 million (mainly to Capita)
CBBC & Cbeebies £151.7 million (duplicates commerically available services)
BBC Radio 1Xtra £11.8 million (racist radio station)
BBC Asian Network £13 million (racist radio station)
Local radio £152.5 million (duplicates commerically available services)
Fees to celebrity presenters and non-entities – £millions
Broadcasting rights to Wimmin’s football – 75p
You’re welcome
They only need one News team rather than a different team for every channel, with the same pre recorded bulletins played by each channel on the hour and/or half hour.
The BBC accounts themselves show that BBC local radio only reaches 13% of the target audience so that’s a saving of over £150 million with almost 90% not noticing ….
Toady watch
A chap called Gordon Brown being interviewed by a BBC drone . I don’t know who Mr Brown is but he sounds like he runs a country or world or similar .
Apparently we need to think Mr Brown for brexit because he allowed unrestricted access to guest workers from Eastern Europe when wiser EU countries imposed limits .
I’ll include this Gordon Brown chap in the Project Fear list for the week even though nobody know who he is or what he does – apart from brood and Hate England .
By the way the BBC drone didn’t ask him whether T May was the worse PM in living memory . …. pity .
Yes the ‘prudent’ chancellor (failed) and PM (failed) who led the country onto the verge of economic ruin. His ‘advice’ re the folley of Brexit was given an UNINTERRUPTED airing from after the 8am News for a good 18-20 minutes followed by another anti Brexit ‘analysis’ by some woman whose name I did not catch until the 8.30 sport news. No ‘balancing’ view was offered.
When that disaster Brown is ‘called’ for an opinion, most business people (me included), remember his total disgrace as a chancellor, and also the total failure as a PM.
Our company took a huge hit because of his utter stupidity and incompetence, and I’ll never forgive him.
” No more ‘Boom and Bust’ “. He was still saying it while the Banks and other Financial Institutions were preparing themselves for the disaster they saw coming just ahead.
( By preparing themselves I mean penalising their customers.)
” BIG BROTHER here ,listen up everybody. It’s that time of the year
where WE have to decide who’s going to be Sports Personality of the
year.” ” Yes Big Brother , but what are we going
to do about Gary LIneker saying that Bin Socks is a shoe-in after
yesterday?” ” Lineker is not going to be here much longer , which
women have we lined up to replace him? Get that bloke from
Peterborough who “arranged” the By Election result. I want him to
head the vote. We don’t even cover any live cricket on TV, why
should Socks win it? What about someone from the Women’s
World Cup or Netball, surely one of those girls tick the right boxes ?
That USA captain she ticks every box so far as the BBC is concerned.”
” But she is from America Big Brother and we have to have somebody from the UK.” I reiterate the winner must be diverse!!!
” He does have New Zealand heritage, is that diverse enough?”
” Is Socks a Maori, that might suffice?” ” No he is a Caucasion male.” ” Get me the telephone number of that Mahmood in Peterborough.”
Regardless of the vote I would anticipate the BBC will ‘appoint’ the Sports Personality of the Year and it will be Jofra Archer, or Jofra Archer or possibly Jofra Archer.
The Charity mouthpiece, who is the BBC goto on the question of Over75 TV licences, acts like most charities, i.e. the tax payer should pay more (e.g. the sole business model of the erroneously named “Shelter” that provides no shelter but just exists to extract money from the taxpayer)
Age UK director Caroline Abrahams said: “The BBC and the government clearly are in different places on this and it is old people who are in the middle – which we are very uncomfortable about.
“The government created this situation by passing responsibility for the licence fee to the BBC at the last settlement without giving them all the money to pay for it.
FFS – the government gave the BBC permission to extract an inflation linked levy from the public as the quid pro quo.
Don’t forget that the requirement to have a licence was extended to ‘catch-up’ BBC TV.
Arguably that opens up a new source of revenue or a means to re-capture the younger end of the population who were getting used to ‘no TV, no licence’.
Sorry! Just got here… repetition for effect ????
And a joke of an editor uses a classic bbc technique to push a joke of a broadcaster’s impartiality a notch further.
Walter Veight has produced a number of informative videos including his exposés on the genesis of the United Nations.
This makes an interesting read:
Note the names of the significant players in the birth of the UN; Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit, surprise, surprise. Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky, satanists.
The UN is an evil organisation and the source of much of the wickedness that has spread across the world.
BBC…. ‘News’
The street is full of rainbow flags, supporting a neighbour who was targeted with homophobic abuse. ????️????
(via BBC North West)
I bet they all use Gillette razors too.
More… BBC News…
“Japan’s immigration system has been widely criticised for exploiting workers.”
Well, I don’t know where they are getting the immigrants from, because when I was there, and in all the restaurants I visited I only saw one person of colour (other than yellow) working behind the counter ! All other positions in supermarkets, public toilets, staff in the many parks, shops, tea places etc were all filled by Japanese – unless they were Chinese, in which case it could be them who are exploited, but I would have thought more so back home in China.
Be interesting who provided the flags?
Like, can you please get all your flags out that you’ve used every year since 1980. Or was all this pre-planned?
“All the street” they claim?
Looking at that photo methinks there’s more than one gay resident in the street.
The BBC have a long list of propaganda items – and number one on that list is propaganda for themselves.
These are the stories it is currently headlining against the government regarding the BBC license fee for over 75s:
a) TV licence: Boris Johnson says BBC must ‘cough up’ for over-75s
Note the emphasis of “cough-up” as in “cough-up the money” which gives the impression of the PM being a school bully or a local criminal in a protection racket.
b) Licence fee decision was ‘nuclear’, BBC boss says
This gives the impression that the PM is an extremist and this is an extremist option.
c) Stars appeal to PM over licenses
Here the BBC are using its celebrities to get the public on its side and to lobby the government. This headline links to the following story:
d) Cuts to pay “cannot save license”
Here the BBC is attempting to discredit the argument that its overpaid “stars” should receive a large paycut. This headline links to the following story:
I can add much more – such as the anti-Boris Johnson propaganda it ran against Boris Johnson on its CBBC childrens channel calling him a racist and misogynist for his comments on Muslim women dressed in burkhas.
I should also add the BBC spend a lot of taxpayers money on research – getting feedback from the public in order to work out what works best in terms of getting the BBC message across.
“I should also add the BBC spend a lot of taxpayers money on research – getting feedback from the public in order to work out what works best in terms of getting the BBC message across.”
I’d prefer, “…..getting their Marxist message across”.
The TV Telly Tax abolition war has now commenced .
Its squeaky bum time at Al Beeb and maxincony has already been wheeled out .
Save time and money by getting rid of the telly tax altogether.
Sadly at the slightest hint of a reduction in the extortion tax, al beeb will trot out its ‘stars’ and claim that its ‘hugely popular’ programmes are under threat. Thus making the government appear petty and vindictive. No government can afford the bad press, so the beeb have them over a barrel.
Anything on Al Beeb about London’s ‘peaceful’ carnival ?
It wouldn’t surprise me that any Notting Hill news is under whatever they call the ‘D’ Notice nowadays.
On the BBC News Channel about 9:15am they showed a clip of Donald Trump saying “we are going to do a good trade deal (with the UK)”.
Cuts back to the studio and the news presenter says “hmmmmmm, …. Trump is an optimist”.
I don’t know what annoys me most, the BBC being blatantly impartial or the fact they hate the UK so much they don’t want it to do well.
It’s a theme . I’m English but always had an interest in Northern Ireland and grew up watching the BBCs own Peter Taylor reporting on NI .
When Mr Taylor passes I hope some one does a documentary on Mr Taylor and his involvement in the reporting of Terrorist Murderers in Northern Ireland – and perhaps the role of the BBC in reporting NI – particularly its use by the IRA as an instrument of propaganda .
Taylor describes how he asked to interview the boss of a NI prison . The NI office said no it was a security threat . But the governor went ahead and gave Taylor an interview. Two weeks later the IRA murdered him .
I know this programme has been mentioned in the weekend strand but I think Mr Taylor evidences the damage the Biased BBC does when it assists / supports a particular view – as it is doing now with other groups who get reported here every damn day .
Imagine the modern BBC existing in 1939:
Well we have just heard from our Europe correspondent, Hans Adler, how comprehensive Reich Chancellor Herr Hitler’s invasion plans are, but how prepared is the UK? Our South of England correspondent, Klara Koenig reports.
“Winnie has said we are ready for anything that Herr Hitler will throw at us, but here we are at a beach in Kent, not even a roll of barbed wire in sight and just over that dune is an undefended railway line leading straight to London”.
Now over to our West of England correspondent, who will describe a similar situation down in Dorset…
I think you’ve got that really wrong . Why is nasty chamberlain treating that nice Mr Hitler so badly ? Look at what great things mr Hitler has done for his country ? He’s even extending it .
Mr Hitler has said he’ll never attack Blighty as we have so much in common ….. but we demand the 39 billion you owe the Reich – I mean – the EU….
,,seems strange that a Pole like Tusk acts so like a German …
No they don’t – they are anti-British – heavens knows why – in any other country of the world the BBC would not exist, or their excessive level of remuneration. Just seen the BBC reaction to Boris stating that they should allow free licensing for over 75’s – they said it would mean the loss of BBC2,3,4,5, various radio stations, and the News channnel (off the top of my head) – what’s not to like?
I saw this as well. What right has this none entity have to make any comment. This is news not a opinion program. I turned off straight away another lost viewer. But the bbc don’t care because they still get money if if zero viewers which is the way they are heading
R4 Todaywatch
7:50amR4 Thought For The Day
” Why isn’t there a world outcry over the Amazon rainforest fires like there was for Notre Dame ?”
FFS #ConstantAgendaPushing
BBC progs mostly don’t get many tweets any more. cos everyone now knows progs are just made for loony Guardianlalaland people.
R4Today is a show I never listen to cos it’s made for the hatey-liberals who hate Brexit and hate the Tories.
but tweets about the show are full of Momentum PR people screeching the opposite that the show is Tory Brexit mouthpiece.
I accidentally switched on at 7:50am
8:08am Gordon Brown is on now, given free rein to push the agendas
The religious do listen to R4Today they call out Professor @TinaBeattie
“Did the person giving Thought for the Day on @BBCr4today just misquote Jesus?
Jesus never said that “the love of money is the root of all evil”.
It was St. Paul who said this in his letter to young Timothy,
The apostle Paul, in his first letter to his young disciple, Timothy, had this to say:
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs”
(1 Timothy 6:10) often misquoted as saying, “Money is the root of all evil.”
BTW Her line ” Why isn’t there a world outcry over the Amazon rainforest fires like there was for Notre Dame ?”
..I see Greenpeace tweeted that on Aug 22
It’s the fallacy of false analogy.
N Dame is a unique thing, whereas forest fires are akin to stealing lead of church roofs. A thing that is not nice, but that happens commonly.
The Brazil forest fires are not mega nor unique compared to the Bolivian or Siberian fires,
and are about average for the Brazil 15 year trend
and are for the most part made of already cultivated land being cleared of last years crops.
typo : lead off
I’ve listened to Toady on and off since I was a kid . No Radio 1 Tony Blackburn breakfast show for me . I listen to it now – from time to time to hear what the enemy is upto . And ‘enemy ‘ is the right description because if you listen to them they sound ashamed to live in the UK and just want it merged into some sort of approved confederation . How they approve of a particular ‘religion ‘ and a particular ‘orientation ‘ at the same time bewilders me …..
Fe2 – I think the BBC has just “outgrown” us
They have no interest in anyone unless they are metropolitan based, non white, (preferably with a chip on their shoulder), preferably disabled, preferably not straight ( I prefer the word “abnormal”), whiny with an overgrown sense of entitlement, very left wing and of course hating any traditional values that many of us were bought up with.
The rest of us and are all awful racists and should be binned, but only after we have paid the BBCs extravagant bills and wages for the the liars (joke – enly referred to as “journalists” and presenters) that people are forced to listen to.
If the BBC “has a dream” and it does not include anyone who identifies as “British” unless of course we are wearing pine overcoats.
I tweeted her direct and she thanked me and put out a correction
See I have said before that instead of getting frustrated with the BBC complaints process its’s better to tweet the presenter immediately,
– On the fires she is holding her ground
“They happen every year but not on this scale”
,by quoting a Canadian newspaper factcheck
I went to look for a debunk of that Canadian newspaper story
but something amazing : when I go to check the journalist’s tweets I find MahamAbedi has put her Twitter account on lockdown
due to a viral backlash from Indians after she tweeted a FAKE meme
: a child with a sign from Pakistan , labelled as Indian Kashmir.
The child has a hidden adult behind him, hence the extra hands.
I guess a Canadian blogger could debunk her Brazil fire claims.
Hi StewGreen – are you helping the BBC to better produce fake news or to cover their tracks? I don’t understand your above comment although it seems to relate to a BBC Radio 4 transmission. Or is this Radio 4 falsely attributing something to a Prof Tina Beattie whose politics I am unaware of.
– No
– You don’t understand. Well, it is a long complicated chain, so read it again
– No
Okay I’ll just ignore it and take assurance from your answer. I was worried you had unwittingly crossed over to the dark side – you have dispelled that notion with your reply. Most of your other comments are self-explanatory and highly informative.
It’s what I call rabbit holing
They make one an error , this leads you to spot another error on another topic which leads down a rabbit hole to spot another error by another person
– prof Beattie was on Thoughtht For The Day
– You know she’ll be from Guardianlalaland cos that is who they invite
– She makes a mistake I spot about Brazil burning
– I check it and spot others saying she also made the scripture mistake
– I tell her she accepts the scripture mistake
– She won’t accept the Brazil fire mistake and quotes a Canadian newspaper
– i check the Canadian journo , and find she is an ethnic pakistani who is in trouble now cos she has tweeted some fake news about India
– That throws some doubt on her Brazil fire story.
Haven’t seen anything on the BBC but here is a list I copied from this morning’s Daily Mail…
What were people arrested for at Notting Hill Carnival?
Assault on police: 12
Criminal damage: 1
Public order offences: 10
Offensive weapons: 9
Theft: 3
Drug offences: 41
Sexual offences: 3
Robbery: 1
GBH: 2
ABH/ common assault 3
Other 12
From what I understand these are the offences committed in the designated carnival route area and not in the adjoining streets, which would raise the figures substantially.
Ah enrichment: doncha luv it?
Not that long back, their families were eating people. ‘Cannibal’s’. And, as is accurately said, “You can take the African out of Africa but you can’t take the Africa out of the African”. Same evidence shows up in the US.
Wasn’t really listening but I’m fairly sure that I heard on SKY news this morning that the carnival (I refuse to drop the definite article) involved 12,000 police officers.
12,000 !!!!
Well that must be all the Met out in force then. Good day to go on the rob anywhere else in London then !
Boris is going to commit £10,000,000 to “fight” Amazon fires, rather than distribute this charity at home. These fires occur every year, and this years are on a lesser scale. Why the sudden over zealous interest?
Ah, of course – the “Climate Emergency”. Macron taking the lead, because being a minnow, he has little else to offer – besides, he’s buddies with Trudeau, would like to be buddies with Trump (fat chance), and has French interests in the region.
When you see basic information about the fires on tropical rainforests it is remarkable how our media journos either miss-inform or omit. As that report says most of the fires are annual events and not in virgin rain-forest.
This year they seem to have ignored Indonesia where illegal logging (fuelled by environmentalist demand for renewables and furniture) causes a smoke fest throughout the region. You never hear about the effects in has on Kuala Lumpur and Singapore pretty much every year.
Amazing what you can do with other peoples money and you are unaccountable to those people.
The BBC, along with the rest of the controlled media, continues to avoid giving salient information. Parts of the forest are deliberately being burnt down, but why? The answer is to clear land for cattle farming. Why are more cattle needed? To produce more beef, mainly for export to China. China is the world’s second largest consumer of beef: demand has been growing naturally and is now being additionally fuelled by a shortfall in pork supplies as a consequence of African Swine Fever, which has ravished the local industry. Mouthpiecing the UN, the BBC is constantly telling Westerners that they need to stop eating meat, eat insects, adopt vegetarianism and veganism and so on. So no why lectures and finger pointing at the Chinese from the BBC?
Whatever system this site “runs” on, it is abysmal. It takes forever to post, and then you manage to post the same comment twice (which it normally tells you is impossible), then you don’t have an “edit” button in order to get rid of one of the extra postings. Much as I hate Disqus, might that not be a better platform?
Old ,
I sympathise – I don’t know much more than you about the operating system and when I’m posting sometime the comment doesn’t make it .
I’ve deleted your repeat posting – sometimes I don’t even get the ‘edit ‘ function .
As for giving millions to the Brazilians to put fires out – it would be funny if it wasn’t taxpayers cash being thrown away – they might as well have burnt it . Suppose boris had to throw chips in because the other g7 mugs were having to do it ….
Fed up Old Goat.
I don’t know why but on my iPad everything works as it should. Edit for example for 15 minutes.
Also, cancel and delete work during this 15 minute window.
One suggestion for this site is a go to last page option as well as next page at the top right.
Fedup2, could you please delete my second posting too?
John in Cheshire ,
I’ve looked but I can’t see any duplicate by yourself – is there one you want taken off ? I’ll do it but I try not to spend too long on the site as it could really absorb my time if I allowed it ..
Fedup2, they are both time stamped at 9.21am. But one version appears lower down the page than the first one. It’s bizarre, I don’t know what I did to post it twice.
It’s not that important really but I don’t want to appear as though I’m deliberately doing it.
I don’t know but I imagine the POTUS declined to contribute……..
Well done him, if that’s the case.
Bit like the Royal Mail in my area. Postman changes and the new one seems to think (if that actually occurs), any old letter box will do, sod the address.
I’m willing to bet that this will turn out to be a load of BBC bo**ocks.
It is, and he did, via one of his tweets. Fake news, he said…
#BBCreportedly ‘News’.
One of the two Munchkin women said today that she didn’t
know much about cricket. I think that both of them are just
about capable of telling us where the Yellow Brick Road is ,
and nothing else.
Mind you why should anybody on BBC TV know anything
about England’d national sport? They don’t show any of it live
and get a lady from the Republic of Ireland talking with an Irish
brogue to tell us what happened yesterday. OK for a bit
of diversity Monty Panesar came on to elucidate. I reckon he
should go on Mastermind.
I missed Toady this morning.
Apparently I missed the man who sold British gold reserves at rock-bottom prices, doing the British economy and Treasury huge damage, Gordon Brown. Should have been sacked and jailed just for that. ‘Selling the family silver’ pales into insignificance.
Also did his bit to fund the war in Iraq? Did he know about the ‘dodgy dossier’ and the death of Dr Kelly? He hasn’t told us. He could come onto Toady again and enlighten us.
He also closed an eye so as not to see Tony’s 2-3 million illegal migrants brought into the UK to ‘give the Tories one in the eye’. Then ‘saved the banks’, although a slip of the tongue told us he thought he had saved the world?
I remember him and his pal Tony, sitting at the Granita, deciding who would be PM and Chancellor, and when. I always imagined Adolf and his mates operating something like that in the thirties.
Tony eventually quit, and Gordon took over, as arranged. Corrupt or what? Now Labour are complaining thst Boris wasn’t ‘democratically elected’. What a bare-faced cheek!
Should G Brown not be in jail, instead of preaching on R4 Toady? Were I him, I should be keeping an extremely, extremely low profile.
Regarding the £745m Tony Hell is reported to have said “cannot be saved in any other way”
Am I missing something by thinking there is something amiss with the figures? If 3.7m pensioners pay £154.50 for a TV licence, this would raise £576.65m for the BBC.
Where does the figure of £745m come from?
Navets – I couldn’t figure that either . Apparently people on pensioner credit are exempt from the tax – but only 40% of those entities to claim pensioner credit claim it .
The plain fact is that the BBC is continuing to expand what it does . How can it justify so many staff – all with expensive pensions – on top of the freelancers like Linaker charging the commercial market rate for a public state service ?
Could be a ‘Red Bus’ moment for the BBC?
If the over 75’s entitled to Pension Credit form part of the 3.7m then the amount raised by the over 75’s paying for a TV liicence would be even less than the £576.65m. If they are additional to the 3.7m then the £576.65 stands.
The most justifiable thing for the Cultural Marxist BBBC would be its immediate and summary abolition and we would then benefit from having one fewer enemy of The State in our midst.
That £576 million sum assumes that every pensioner pays up.
There would also be a sizeable cost for the collection and management of this sum, sending reminders, threatening letters, tv detectorist visits, general accounting and staff to oversee it all.
What about the cost of prison for all the pensioners unable to pay up.
What about the court costs, judges, lawyers etc.
The police and bailiffs may also be involved
It all mounts up and would reduce the £576m by quite a chunk.
Perhaps a good many OAP’s would appreciate (and look forward to) a spell in clink. Regular meals, company and above all, a free TELLY!
Ha I wouldn’t even watch their TV (as a non-groupthink ageing white bloke).
Well, this didn’t last long.
The BBC subs have found a way round this.
It’s not lying. It is BBC editorial integrity.
The above was meant to be a link to the Facebook complement to this latest BBC travesty of journalism that looks a bit different.
#CCBGB there, evenly split between mental FBPE types (ok, tautology), and those even less impressed with BBC impartiality than before.
So, top results, Aunty.
@Guest Who it is a link to facebook
it autoembeds the Facebook post into the comment box
If you you didn’t want it to that you make a html link
(a href=”https://www.”) Facebook link (/a)
If you click at the top of you embed it goes to the FB post
If you click the bottom it goes to the BBC website
Anyway the BBC have retitled their webstory
Melton Mowbray pork pie makers and No 10 clash over Johnson claim
but spin against it being a mistake
Downing Street insisted pies were exported, citing producer Walker & Son – but the company said this was not correct.
Walker & Son told the BBC it had previously exported a “tiny amount” of pork pies to Singapore, but had not done so for “at least two years” and is now “entirely focused on the UK market”.
When asked if the company had ever exported to any other countries, the spokeswoman said she was unsure.
Thailand shop website
Another 2015 article
“Now we are introducing them around the world, and building contacts with distributors.
“Iceland, for instance, is a country that likes premium products and they are a wealthy country too, so we expect lots of demand there.
They go by air to Hong Kong and by ship everywhere else.”
It’s a classic example of where journalism has now sunk to. They aren’t interested in informing. They’re interested in a gotcha. Bring on someone you are confident will say something you are aiming for. When he does so, headline that person’s claim in such a way as to clearly imply that the claim is fact, without actually saying so. Do no actual investigative journalism to prove or disprove the point, lest it provide the wrong answer.
Should someone else do the journalism you should have done and disprove the claim, you have an “out” by being able to deny you ever said it was a fact. Despite the fact it was your reporting that put it in the public domain.
The guy who is head of their association needs to be sacked and pronto! When some one is going out to bat for you, increasing sales widening markets and gaining you new opportunities, the last thing you do is stab them in the back and try to humiliate them.
I hope that Boris now drops these absurd people until they regain a sense of what is morally right !
The CEO of Melton Mobray wants sacking, or, at least, be told to keep his trap shut. His product is receiving worldwide publicity, thanks to Boris. Shut up and start selling!
He is a Socialist, so the truth is irrelevant as is his Company’s prospects when there is a chance to diss the Conservative Government.
Neil put up another tweet
Most BBC headlines these days, as created by the cubicle gardens:
“Does the [insert industry not uniquely funded here] do enough for the [insert #PRasnews from some no name ‘charity’ here?”
Here’s a thought BBC… use the licence fee to start businesses serving all those you demand others serve. But first show a business plan that does not show raiding the LF to prop it up.
The only business plans the BBC recognise are those that involve taking money from others.
Hold on a mo!
What about this characters business plans?:
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Kamal Ahmed BBC.
Nice, typical, BBC employee.
Apologies in advance for a post containing multiple tweets, but, it’s Lammy and he has taken his anti brexit, anti Trump, anti UK ramblings to another level this past couple of days !!! The man is a hate filled , race baiting, moron !!!!
Mr Lammy really is a disgrace. How do these people get to be MPs and in his case a Solicitor. He is so full of vitriol and everything is about race…he is a bit sad really because as flappospammo says above – in the big world of politics nobody knows who he is, or cares what he says..
I’m afraid that Lammy, Abbott , Kahn and others are just the vanguard of the ethnic politicians who have to place ethnicity at the forefront of their politics. Whether this is by their own conviction or by merely chasing the votes of their ethnic constituents really doesn’t matter. The point is that we are seeing the fracturing of our once cohesive society. Things will get steadily worse from here on in until we have complete societal disintegration.
He was probably expecting to be prime minister by now. Instead his party is about to be thrashed at the next election.
Lammy might be a disgrace and a hopeless race hustling fool, but he has some things the Tories simply don’t have – a backbone and some (misguided) principles.
When did you ever see or hear a cowardly incompetent Tory attack the left like Lammy does? These morons are more likely to defend the left than attack it!
When did you ever hear any of the idiots defending convservatism or even arguing in favour of it.
The media support Lammy. That’s why he gets away with it. His body is unique in not having a backbone.
“When did you ever hear any of the idiots defending convservatism or even arguing in favour of it.”
Every time they go to their Annual “invite” to Labour’s Christmas Ball.
1’st Prize Raffle ticket wins a wine and dine evening with a certain Mr Hammond. But you’ll have to pay the bill as he loves his £100 a bottle red wine.
I wonder how much respect ‘the queen’ has for Lammy? (Nine out of ten isn’t bad going for an unfamiliar Polish surname, getting the boss of your own country wrong, not so good).
BBC boss Lord hall earns over £400k per year.
How, just how is this justified? Tax payers need to know and know soon.
He’s earning four times as much as Boris, the guy who’s responsibilities are Brexit, running the country and engaging in international politics.
Good point. His contribution seems minimal at best.
The Prime Ministers salary is a paltry £150K pa which by my maths makes Halls Salary 2.67 times as much, not 4X
Hall also gets a BBC pension on top, making it £500k.
My point is that Lord Hall is vastly overpaid. And what is yours, Thoughtful?
Details, Details – talking of which, why is it when I have a plumber, eletrician, whatever, in – I’m always left with something to finish myself. Anyone else have that ? change of subject, yes, but it all still applies.
PM salary
£77K for MP plus PM supplement of £80K
but she took about £3K less
the pension is mega £100K a year or something
Sturgeons salary is £151,271
“Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year”
Jon is aghast. What a pity.

Possibly not so aghast at this one, I suspect.

This one, I think, will run and run. Unlike the pork pies they tried this morning.
Off to look up if ‘memorialised’ is a thing and tangible.
I think Jonathan’s come up with the winningest tweet of the week.
I often memorialize my conversations. For future generations to appreciate once they’ve dug up the time capsule in the garden
Jon, He’s their but he’s in a white suit.
.. I bet you’ve all gone running to show radio
Farage is on at 6pm
Radio2 has Black Presenter Weekend (sorrry I mean Motown Weekend)
Did anyone see C4 yesterday with their reporter Matt Frei at Biarritz almost crying because Boris cancelled their interview – ‘it’s unprecedented’..but what they didn’t talk about was what his boss had said…typical lying by omission – and the BBC haven’t repeated it either – If they had told the viewers then most people would have said good on Boris
I really hope Boris sticks with his approach and doesn’t let us down
D. Cummings knows there’s nothing to lose by upsetting the MSM so it will be good to see them screwed around like that more – plus direct access to the public through Facebook or whatever .
After we leave BoJo can ranted at by Humph , maitkliss, Robinson or any of the many who consider themselves more important than the subject Because They Are Paid Too Much …
Totally off topic as it isn’t the BBC, but it just shows how gullible the media are when the brown eyed favourites are involved.
This is the local press report although it has been reported in the nationals.
They can’t even get his name right! ILYAS, Abdul Moneeb is his real name, and he appears to run a shell company with just £1 of capital. This company he claims to have enriched him so greatly was only incorporated in late December last year and there hasn’t even been sufficient time to file any accounts!
Yet this 21 year old can afford not only a £40K BMW convertible (allegedly stolen) and a Porsche which has apparantly been vandalised.
The Porsche was parked in Kensington and whilst I think we are all aware of the problems in Khans London, grafitti on cars is not normal. Nor is the so called ‘racist’ nature of the grafitti – how would the culprits know who owned the car?
Also remarkable is the fact neither incident is recorded on CCTV. There’s certainly a lot more to this story than meets the eye, the hacks just couldn’t be bothered to look.
I’m fairly certain I recall a recent incident highly publicised by the BBC in which the victim was viciously kicked around the head, leading to slight grazing on his wobbly stomach. Bizarrely, that wasn’t on CCTV either as far as I know.
Also OT – but not really given the agenda.
… the many armed and visible police hanging around the area do not arrest any illegals for breaking into UK registered cars and trucks (the migrants only prey on us). Even if they threaten or harm a driver are they arrested, taken down to the cop shop and always released.
The police told me that their orders not to intervene come directly from Paris.
This despite the French taking our money.
Janice Atkinson has made a series of films reporting from Calais and Ouistreham.
I don’t think this guy will be interviewed on the BBC any time soon …..
I can highly recommend his YouTube postings – they are very often of the laugh-out-loud type!
WARNING – The language is usually VERY strong!
Strong and plain speaking is the minimum required to prevent our hopeless befuddled and corrupt politicians merrily dancing their way to our economic and technological destruction.
And if that doesn’t work – it’s heads on spikes then 🙂
Thanks for posting. I’ve subscribed.
In response to the Opening Post.
State Broadcaster should be a subscription service.
Only on the biased BBC.
‘Magazine publishes wrong image of black model’
Yes, this story from Australia (!!!) is deemed important enough to rate a webshite front page article.
The BBC. Giving you the messages they want you to have.
“Brexit: Job of Parliament is to ‘get this thing done’ – Johnson”
Is this “thing” done a Brino MK 2 ?
Our Parliamentarians are ‘doing the job’ for the EU.
Its The Brexit Party for me from now on.
Tonight’s agendas on TV
– Repair Shop man
– Nadiya
– Horrible white racist drives at peaceful machete wielding black man ..part2
– 10pm Pride Live at the Apollo
8pm Britain’s Extreme weather – Morland Sanders looks at Climate Change
C5 10pm Celebs work on a farm
The Mobeen Azhar doco ended with a life sentence
– The jury found it murder
and cos he was in a racist group , found the crime was racist.
The vid apparently showed machete man had turned and was walking away, so obviously it wasn’t self defence nor reflex.
\\ He turned the car round when he couldn’t get him the first time.
If he only wanted to scare him, he would have slammed on the brakes, but he didn’t.
His intentions were to run him over & his g/f egged him on. //
The question is was Mobeen s editing politicising the situation by his editing.
It’s not the same as setting out to at the beginning of the day to kill a black guy.
He was attacked by black machete guy, and didn’t do the right thing of driving away.
You could role reverse by considering a case where a bad black guy is in fear of a bad white cop who attacked him first.
Once you have got into the role of “It’s him or me” how easy is it to back down and say “now I’m safe in my car, I should back down” ??
I don’t know how machete man came to be running around with a machete.
Victory for the BBC!
They show a photo of Boris giving a Trump gesture.
There we have it! Boris is therefore the new Trump and to be hated even more.
I see the BBC are up in arms against the new Mr Evil having a go at Macron wife.
Isn’t she women that as a teacher had a relationship with a 14 year old boy. Now just imagine if it was a male teacher……deep breath please…….
Nothing beats a British Carnival for family entertainment.
Multicultural Carnival at Notting Hill.
Probably be shown later on the BBC
We are going to see more when we get 20,000 more cops.
Cum to the carnival
Looks like they couldn’t find a heterosexual copper to get up onto the roof to simulate fornication as part of ‘ community relations’
Mark Easton better look out as someone very BBC approved is clearly on his beat.
If he really is a member of our esteemed police force then he needs a reprimand. WTF happened to the great British copper…Yes a bit of playful community fun but simulated sex with woman that didn’t look like she was enjoying it?
The national disgrace.
And, no.
The chairman ? Of Melton Mowbray pies on toady this morning was so remainer smug about to where is company exported that I smelt a rat in the pork…
Previous experience had found that many company chairman of medium and large companies are so divorced from the activities of his company that they don’t know what’s actually going on .
Sounds like that company won’t be around in its current form for too long . He bought pork pies into the studio – I get the feeling none of the Toady presenters would have been pleased …..
Apology at 0606 Tuesday morning …
Wait for Gavin’s as well hey ??
Not to mention the apologies from all the FBPE nutters he stirred up. Idiots.
10 out of 10 for effort though !!!!
Way things are going Boris will give some outfit 10 million of our money to teach illegals to swim the channel . They get s gold star and a national insurance number on the beach when they arrive .
These Remoaners, just got to love em !!!
Pretty sure 52 – 48 the other way would have been classed as a victory and legally binding. The strangest of strange folk that lot !!!!!
Excellent articles here. Douglas Murray is my favourite.
A valid alternative to BBC rubbish.
Don’t have a DT subscription but spotted the headline on Twitter:
The Lost Words prom Royal, Albert Hall, review: An infuriating piece of eco-propaganda from the BBC
Not BBC directly but definitely includes them, a clip of this interview with Piers Morgan
This has probably already been picked up here but the Guardian asks “Is rightwing comedy on the rise?”
“There may be those who consider rightwing comedy oxymoronic because comedy mustn’t punch down, and punching down is what rightwingery is all about.”
Ah the Guardian rewriting the rules of comedy. Of course left-wing comedy exists only to uplift the soul, speak truth to power and shine forth the light of righteousness (cf. Jo Brand; Mark Thomas etc).
Meanwhile (old news but reposting): Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence:
WTF.. you won’t be able to say migration isn’t a good thing? Soon it will be illegal to have any opinion on anything other than what some self important body decides – welcome to 1984 and the UN, EU and the BBC
Thank providence that we no longer have May in charge.
She was a total disaster. In fact, a dishonest disaster that led us astray from Brexit for three years. The cost has been immense.
We need a Royal Commission to investigate both her and the Civil Service. Not very likely, as the Tories protect their own.
Strange that she has disappeared off the face of the earth. Maybe she’s returned to her home planet .
Although I’m betting on NZ South Island …
Pity it’s not Krakatoa.
Important notice:
The BBC really really wants us to think that the Notting Hill Carnival is the best thing since sliced bread.
Just in case you hadn’t got the message. (And if you don’t agree, you’re a bigoted racist).
12,000 police were deployed for the Notting Hill carnival.
BBC news features families where children get free school meals. The narrative is that school holidays carry the unfairness that there are no free meals. So we get tearful moaning about this and the fact that the families cannot afford any holidays.
A number of parents are featured but the odd thing is that every parent shown was hugely obese!!!!
So. Can’t feed the kids but can stuff their own faces.
Needless to say this contrast was not picked up at all by the presenter. Too busy getting out the hankies and keeping to the narrative to ask the blindingly obvious questions.