The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
The Pork Pie story has had 7 different edit stages so far
BBC blithely informs us that 82(!) were arrested at the Notting Hill Carnival for assaulting Police, but it’s fine because most are behaving well. She could not have been more blasé about it, as if she had just dropped a few pennies.
A few idiots posting racist abuse on social media, however, is the end of the universe and absolutely must be seen as evidence that all society is rotten. Never mind that the vast, vast majority are not remotely racist these days. Plus it’s just words – not attacking law enforcement with weapons; and words on social media which you could easily just not read if they upset you that much. Plus it would not surprise me at all if the ‘online racist abuse’ were posted by anti racism campaigners to justify their well-paid positions. Fake hate crimes are extremely common.
Everyone must be treated equally for society to work. You can’t lock one side up for mere thought crime whilst casually dismissing assaults on Police – surely an utterly abhorrent offence – from another.
BBC best and brightest please note.
In the world of media, all is relative. Apparently.
On this basis, BBC should have died at birth.
Toady watch
The BBC seems to be adopting a tactic of inviting a government minister on to be interviewed about their specific responsibility and then attempting to ambush them over brexit .
This morning Nicki Morgan was asked about phone masts (yawn ) and then our Justin got really into it by demanding to know if she’d resign if bojo shut the traitor parliament .
Luckily Nicki said she’s busy with her new job and left it at that .
I maintain that it is vital – vital – that government ministers stay away from the MSM until after 31 October in order to prevent giving ammunition to them – remainers – which might help further frustrate brexit .
The issue about closing parliament and the effect of doing so must be being ‘gamed’ every day . The MSM does seem to want to explain how it is done but is that any surprise since it remains in denial about leaving the Reich
As an aside Toady has got interested in Fostering – with some bloke called ‘lem’ going on about something which to me should be on wimmin s hour or one of the countless ‘social’ programmes which infests the R4 schedule every day now ….
But it is the desperation come gotcha voice with which Justin asks a Minister to resign, similar to Kuensberg standing in the middle of a press pack shouting the same. They may think it makes them look clever but actually makes them look stupid.
Would be nice if once in a while the minister shouted something back, like “Still taking the tablets?”
Top quality news reporting, here’s some of the highlights
Why Margo Perin was made to have a nose job at 13
Romania’s killer roads
Corbyn warns that no deal means ‘Trump Brexit’
As for the beeb and Corbyn in one sentence, dont get me started on that!
Toady watch and further on Fedup’s last paragraph.
An ‘important feature’ was done on fostering.
The section is introduced in the context of foster children being moved around regularly.
Only a third of the way through do we learn that the featured child is transgender and transitioning from female to male (or was it the other way round). Needless to say it wasn’t long before the words equality and diversity cropped up.
So in other words it wasn’t about fostering at all, just another another pathetic effort by the BBC to showcase one of the current era’s favourite minorities. No doubt their chums at Stonewall were delighted.
The thought that.a teenager being fostered might not be in the best place to make informed life-affecting decisions on gender did not of course occur to any of the presenters.
All I know was that when there was a council run children’s home near me there were feral kids running around night and day and a lot of trouble .
When it closed life in the ‘ community ‘ improved greatly .
I’m more concerned about elderly care rather than what the state does with unparented kids – for whatever reason – but that’s just me . There are a lot more elderly people suffering neglect that foster kids .
Assad Ahmad on his Londonistan Programme has just inferred
that the 350 arrests at the Notting Hill Carnival , the robbery, the
attacks on policeman , the knife carrying etc ,was acceptable
for the size of the event.
Well Mr Ahmad and your anarchist editors. NO IT’S NOT !!!
Mr Ahmad you , Riz Lateef and the rest may think that the still
35% indigenous population of the capitol count for nothing
on your programme. But believe me we do care about our
policemen being attacked by your editors heroes!!
R4 Kier Stamer
When pushed on the legality of proroguing Parliament he blustered and bluffed and finally admitted he did know if it was illegal but it should be and wasn’t right to use it…ah didums
Are they idiots – apparently the only way to resolve Brexit is to have another a No deal is a way forward
The arrogance of these people is astounding and later we have Jo Swinson…depth of thought anticipated
Indeed James . They (Remoaners) don’t like the idea of proroguing Parliament, BUT, they (Bercow in particular) have no issues with conjuring up some ridiculous old unused weird law from the 1700’s to prevent Brexit when it suits them !!!! Its those double standards of the Left on show again.
I just heard Jo Swinson on the radio. She was talking about the getting the numbers in Parliament to stop a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, and stated it was important for a politician to be able to count. Well, Ms Swinson, I know the numbers in were big, but surely she can see 17.4 million is a bigger number than those voting to stagnate (remain!)
22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?
Lost … so they will be found?
Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.
Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.
Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.
Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.
Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.
“those in Manchester who were lost (KILLED/MURDERED BY A REFUGEE FROM LIBYA) on that terrible night (RIPPED TO SHREDS FOR AN ISLAMIC IDEAL)”
For another example of perverted language – on the Peter Taylor Northern Ireland documentary of his making a living out of the Troubles – IRA terrorist murderers were referred to by him as ‘operators ‘ – obviously sexy terms like “active service units’ was used instead of ‘terrorist murder squads’ .
Plenty of other examples of BBC sympathy for Republic Terrorist Murderers(IRA) but need to blood pressure normal…
Was/is this not another outfit headed by an ex-Beeboid?
R4 Jo Swinson
opening lines without challenge
A national crisis crashing out of EU what it means for economy, jobs, shortages of medicines, food…..all opinion no fact but allowed to be put out there with no challenge…
An outrage if we removed the option for the people to have their say…funny didn’t we do that in 2016
But she wants an extension to article 50 – funny I thought the EU were not open to negotiation or an extension
She isn’t very bright is she? No detailed points or knowledge just sound bites…but no challenge at all well done BBC
Notice the language ..”swim to (INTOLERANT) Britain” … and not … “swim from (TOLERANT) Belgium” …. … This language makes it OUR problem, not Belgium’s. …
“Body of Iraqi migrant who tried to swim to Britain found off Belgium. Tragic. These are incredibly desperate people.”
Desperate for what?
Free NHS care?
Free housing?
Free social benefits?
Jokes about the EU aside, perhaps Flabbot would care to enlighten us about what is so desperate about Belgium that you’d want to risk your neck swimming to the UK. Belgians don’t seem to feel the need, and having worked in Antwerp myself the answer is not at all obvious.
Notice Ms Abbott hasn’t housed any of them yet.
When will the Left and the ensemble of saints realise that nobody has the right to enter another country without following the proper pathway…and that they have all passed through at least 2 safe countries.
It is always sad when somebody dies but this is not our fault..s
When the BBC smugly inform us that the arrests at the Notting Hill carnival are less than half than those for Glastonbury, they pertinently don’t mention the injuries to police.
The gormless kids at Glasto’ are predominantly middle class and overwhelmingly white (how can Jon Snow stand it?). They may not have a brain cell or an original thought between them, but they’re not violent.
Over 12,000 police were in attendance at this nightmare noise fest. Weeks were spent rounding up potential trouble makers. People had to enter through metal detecting gates so that knives could be confiscated. I’m guessing there’s not much call for those at Glasto’…
I think Carnival is a celebration of the brutal and the primitive.
Sadiq Khan made me chuckle when he told us that people had spent months honing their musical skills playing…the steel drums…FFS!
Not exactly Last Night of the Proms, is it?
As far as I know Jeff, these figures are for arrests only made in the designated carnival area / route. When you examine the numbers for the arrests made just outside this zone, then it is believed that these figures are actually much higher. These arrest figures are not released.
As of 10pm on Monday there had been a total of 353 arrests across both carnival days.
On Sunday there were 111 arrests, and on Monday there were 242 arrests.
Breakdown of overall total:
37 x Assault police
2 x Drink drive
2 x Criminal damage
31 x Public order
34 x Offensive weapons
10 x Theft
162 x Drugs
10 x Sexual offences
5 x Robbery
5 x GBH
14 x ABH/ Common assault
40 x Other
30 Met police officers have suffered minor injuries at Notting Hill Carnival, the force said (friction burns from dry humping?).
Strange world isn’t it ? If you’d have posted that picture and caption a few weeks ago I’d have thought about taking it down to avoid accusations of racism – now thanks to OFCOM I know it is perfectly acceptable .
BTW I have no personal issues with it but I’d think about it just for the reputation of the website for the time when the MSM does a survey of anti BBC websites ….
Thanks for the support and allowing me to post it, Fed. I honestly thought when Snow made the comments he did, he was going to be in hot water.
I realise you are going to have to be careful with regard to the content posted on this site, especially after the proposed UN / EU laws which propose to make any criticism of ‘migration’ a crime.
BBC TV Sofa News this morning:
Two sloths and a female comedian. The word Meninist was used by her.
If they really did say this, I’m beginning to warm to the Brazilian President.
The thing is that Bolsonaro is right to a huge extent..Much of the EU including France Germany and the UK have deforested a lot of their land for exactly the same reasons the Brazilians are now doing with theirs – so why is Macron so pious about the rain forests and nowhere else? Make Brazil a deal and I am sure they won’t cut down the trees
More on Toady.
After the transgender foster child story the very next article was introduced as ‘capitalism is not working for all’.
Have the BBC secretly hired Jeremy Corbyn as the permanent editor of Today? From the story selection, order, priority, agenda and narrative i’d say there must be a very good chance.
LOL !!
David Lammy, red-hot poker, red-hot poker, David Lammy.
No ‘climate energency’ doesn’t come to mind but tales of Edward II do!
Is he the baby eating bishop of Bath & Wells?
Unelected eurocrats have decided that criticism of ‘migration’ is going to become a criminal offence and any media outlet or site (presumably this includes Biased BBC) will be shut down.
Watch from 55s…
This is the EU at it’s totalitarian best. I hope Boris does not sign this treaty.
We are all Winson Smith now.
The US, Australia and Hungary have indicated they will not sign up to an extension of hate speech to cover migration speech.
Big question. What about the UK? Will Boris refuse to sign, or will he close this blog down with others?
Now why am I rapidly losing confidence in Boris and Priti?
Are our prisons really capable of taking in several million extra inmates or do these twats have another “final solution” in mind? Surely these people cannot be all there.
To me my country is part of my home and nobody has the right to break and enter.
This is just another manifestation of the Globalist one world scheme to rule the entire world as one single entity. Prevent any and all opposition to mass migration , import migrants by the million into the rich powerful, predominantly white , developed world in order to facilitate its take over. The Remainer fury over Brexit and the attempted coup upon the election of Trump are just other manifestations of the Globalist scheme. The world becomes much easier to understand once you see it in this way.
Toady 2
Humph interviewing the Labour Party Leader in Waiting – Kier Starmer. The driven Keir – who is so aspirant that he is willing to work for Corbyn-McDonnell- like any lieing lawyer- managed to lie for his boss by saying that Corbyn has been a remainer for ‘several months ‘ and labour policy is now to have a referendum and encourage a Remain vote .
Now when I heard this I thought ‘ ah Humph will go for the jugular ‘ but not – he just said he couldn’t;nd remember Corbyn ever saying that ….
Anyway – before tediously going on about Humph and his memory – I wonder why he didn’t challenge about what the
Labour manifesto said – or that policy is meant to be decided by the comrades on the National Executive Committee -?
No – a free pass – don’t attack the party which will keep the BBC well fed and over 75s taking their pension money to pay for the bloated BBC and the salarys of old rich men like Humph and the thousands of others on the payroll ….
I was just trying to image – if Corbyn McDonnell got into number 10 what would the first conversation between him and POTUS sound like – or would the phone be permanently engaged ?
Is Greta Thurnburg popular ?
If she is , is she a populist ?
Whatever this poor child is she is definitely being used. You can guarantee that there’s a Marxist who thinks that the planet Earth is a country, has a hand up the back of her jumper pulling the levers.
Very sad.
This is why we cannot have another referendum. The Remain side will do anything, any little trick they can to gerrymander the result.
On the off chance we did have one, it should be
A – No deal
B – Take the deal on the table.
No remain option reqd, we’ve had that one thanks.
1.6 million Scots voted Remain
1 million voted leave .
The SNP is never challenged on ‘ speaking for Scotland ‘
Virtually no politician up here speaks for me, FU2. Media coverage often makes it feel like I’m the only person in Scotland who wants Brexit.
In the circumstances a vote of 1,000,000 was quite amazing. About the same as voted for the current SNP administration.
It’s important to state that more of us in Scotland voted for Brexit than the SNP.
You think it’s bad being a Brexiteer in Scotland?
Try being a Thatcherite!
Steptoe & 2 other party leaders flatteringly pictured on the BBC website front page. Remember for when Boris & Trump next top the news agenda.
Did you notice how the bbc described the hs2 costs which the government were told about back in 2016.
They actually say ‘fears’ about the future of hs2.
Fear is the last word to use if there’s a chance of this rich mans train set being cancelled.
The only people who ‘fear’ this are the fabulously rich investors in it who will become even more fabulously rich.
Unfortunately, these are the people making the decisions and telling us it’s what we want.
I would guess over 80% definitely don’t want it.
The government appears to be surprised about this escalating cost yet every person in the UK could have told them this would happen.
Of course, the population are always far ahead of the government on everything.
The tens of thousands of little schoolgirls getting a right good enriching in places such as Rotherham.
The hundreds of thousands of immigrants destroying the infrastructure which now cannot cope.
The increasing number of attempts at channel crossing after it became clear that once in the water you’ve made it to the UK via our water taxi collection service.
There are so many obvious things going on yet the government seems to not notice anything (or more likely not want to notice anything)
There’s an opening in the government for a couple of more ministries.
The minister of the bleedin’ obvious and the minister of common sense, both completely missing from our useless bunch of expense claiming windbags.
I don’t have personal interest in this but on those few times I go North of London I am struck about just how poor Cross England rail is . How London became a ‘ hub’ seems insane .
Scrap North South Rail and put the money into improving local rail between northern towns and cities . Common sense .
There has been an HS2 budget estimate of over £70 bn within the offices of state for at least 5 years.
At least a billion is needed to move all the toads, newts, and bats.
Personally instead of spending £zillion billion on HS2 (rail accounting for the princely sum of 7% of all travel) I’d like to see it all spent on roads, which is how the vast majority (85%) of ordinary people travel around. You know ordinary people. They are the folk the intelligentsia, the BBC, and especially the public transport state stazi hate with a passion.
£70bn compared with the annual amounts spent on roads is an extraordinary amount, especially in the context of a comparison of the amounts spent on roads with the taxes raised from the motorist.
Click to access Transport_finances_Bayliss_October_2014_final.pdf
EG, for a few more Ministers
I’d like to add –
Minister for Hanging
Minister for Fracking
Minister for Deportations
Minister for Temporary Prison Camps
Minister for Treasonous ex-Politicians
Minister for Being Beastly to the Remainer Crowd After We’ve Left
Minister for Abolishing the BBC and NHS
Minister for Resetting Education to Sanity
Minister for the Legal Profession (Complete Overhaul)
Minister for Quangos (We’re Definitely Abolishing Them All)
Minister for Royalty (They have Outgrown their Usefulness)
and an all-purpose Minister for You’re Having a Laugh- for whenever the MSM demands a ridiculous solution for dealing with any made-up non-issue eg LGBTXYZ nonsense.
BBC haven’t reported the space crime by the lesbian spacewoman..the very same one they were banging on about when she couldn’t do an all female space walk due to lack of suits…
Funny that isn’t would think that a first in space would be top news..first crime in space committed by a woman and a gay one to boot…I know it’s all speculation..but that doesn’t normally stop the BBC
…..Saucers say………….
It’s not BBC – but today – the 27th August marks the 40th anniversary or the mass murder of Paras at Warren Point in Northern Ireland and the murder of Mountbatten and his crew on a boat in the Republic
Mark Hodgsonn says
Well I’m blowed! I never thought I’d see something like this on the BBC:
“Eat less meat to save the planet from climate change?”
“East [sic] less meat and save the planet. It’s an idea that’s been floating around for a while and now seems to have reached peak newsworthiness in response to the latest expert report on climate change. But perhaps not surprisingly farmers really don’t agree with this idea at all.
…Indeed, the IPCC report points the finger at livestock production in the far east and also rice farming as particular issues for the climate in terms of emissions. Meanwhile, British beef farmers look at the poor productivity of Brazilian cattle as another source of problems.
And for the rest of us it’s just much more seductive to think we can do our part to save the planet by choosing a veggie burger once a week rather than decide to skip that long haul holiday or getting rid of the family car.
British farmers say they are not a climate change problem. They are part of the solution. We should at least hear out their arguments before condemning them. As the full IPCC report suggests, it’s all a bit more complicated than trying a vegan sausage roll now and then.”
Re-tweeted by Gary Lineker. Illegitimate !!! Short memories these hard left types , very short. Everything is hunky dory when it suits the Left !!
In my lifetime, Anthony Eden, Alec Douglas Hume, Harold McMillan , Jim Callaghan , T May plus Brown of course. The ones who became PM after winning an election are Churchill, Wilson, Heath , Thatcher, Blair and Cameron
It would just be my suspicious nature to think that the Mirror, spoilt for choice of Boris images, just happened to use one which suggested Boris was wearing a Kippah.
The BBC wants to listen to what you are saying in the privacy of your own home… The BBC has learnt from the Guardian newspaper* that it is to launch a ‘voice assistant’ next year to compete with Amazon Alexa and Google’s Home. Whereas Amazon and Google and other manufacturer’s produce smart loudspeakers with the assistant built-in, the BBC offering is a software app only, which can be pre-installed by manufacturers of televisions and other devices. These devices constantly listen to what you say, waiting to be triggered by a keyword (‘Beeb’) in this instance, at which point they offer to assist or answer your question.
Why would the BBC be doing this? Assuming that there is any ‘need’ whatsoever, why not just team up with Amazon and Google, who already have well established products? The BBC cite two reasons: firstly, their product will recognise regional accents, something presumably beyond the capabilities of Amazon and Google, who have invested hundreds of millions in this technology; secondly, many people access BBC radio services through other apps (e.g. TuneInRadio) but these companies will not share the listening statistics with the BBC.
That’s what they say. But here’s three other likely reasons for this apparent vanity project:
1. The IP address of the device will be correlated with other information, such as the TV licensing database. The BBC started doing this in Northern Ireland years ago, exploiting a ‘loophole’ in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (see
2. It will be used to push and promote BBC iPlayer. Manufacturer’s who want to licence/provide iPlayer will find that it’s probably a package deal and they can’t have one without the other. Use of iPlayer requires a TV licence, so this also helps support the previous point.
3. Such devices and applications can respond to multiple (effectively unlimited) keywords. Say something such as ‘immigration’, ‘diversity’, ‘Islam’ etc and your speech can be instantly routed to the appropriate authorities for processing and analysis.
How they must have dreamt of such capabilities in the Soviet Union and East Germany…
* the story apparently appeared in the Guardian newspaper before the BBC’s own website
In future, if Britain votes on a referendum, there must be legislation that forces Parliament to conform with the result.
I never thought prior to 2016 that such legislation would be needed.
The vast majority of Parliament has shown itself to be totally undemocratic.
If Remainers gain power they will legislate to prevent anything but strictly advisory referenda occurring in future. The Globalists don’t want the masses to have any say over their own future ever again.
Nor for “populist” politicians to speak directly to the masses. The channel 4 News boss claims that Boris communicating via Twitter rather than the JonSnow show puts him in the same boat as Putin.
Spot on Dover. Who would have thought that in Great Britain in 2019 you cannot cast a vote without fear of vote rigging and the democratic result not being upheld. It really is a disgusting situation and one you expect to hear of when elections are held in Kenya, Zimbabwe and the like, not the UK.
Even more sickening when we still, continually preach to these other countries about Democracy / equality etc and have sent in troops to depose leaders we feel are un-democratic.
Lets get our own house in order first hey !!!!!!
“Who would have thought that in Great Britain in 2019 you cannot cast a vote without fear of vote rigging and the democratic result not being upheld.”
The whole business of voting in the UK is so corrupt these days that I wouldn’t mind betting that the South African Government will offer to send some of their famous citizens in order to monitor our polling stations next GE.
I know that its a few years ago but do you remember the time when we the UK government was asked to send some of our own Lords and MPs to Africa in order to make sure nothing untoward (vote rigging – AKA Muslims in Birmingham style) would happen during their GE.
Methinks the time has come when the African Government must be invited to over-look our GE in case cheating amongst our saintly MPs and MSM is as we on the right believe is rampant and out of control..
Came across some ‘professor’, who on GMB/Twitter was having a go at Enyd Blyton books because they were ‘racist’. Kehinde Andrews, from Birmingham. Says they are too conservative.
I loved those, back in the fifties. They were magic.
The do give ‘academics’ small minds these days. Not embarrassed about going to war against our culture.
I suggest he applies for a post on another continent somewhere, where he will feel more at home. No one forces him to stay here.
And Royal Mint, going along with the madness, need to be boycotted. They won’t do a commemorative coin cos Blyton was ‘racist, sexist and a homophobe’.
He bought his XXXXXXL black chip from the Lammy Chip Shop.
Uses it every hour of every day.
“I suggest he applies for a post on another continent somewhere”
Seconded, he can take a few million unproductive, unwanted, uneducated, chip owning friends with him.
I watched an armchair discussion on the racist, homophobic blah blah Enid Blyton.
The man taking her side annoyed me as much as the leftie man of colour who, despite his muscular build, sounded terrified of Enid.
The defender of Enid annoyed me because of his smug assertion that we should not judge people of the past by OUR standards.
Now I don’t share standards those media armchair people call our standards. I come on this blog frequently to reject having those standards rammed down our throats.
On a personal level, as a child my family were hard up and we had no books other than the Bible, on which I learnt to read. But when Enid Blyton books were available reading for sheer pleasure took over. Note, the content of these books was good, from the famous five, winning over evil. That was the ethical aspect of her books.
It appears that there is more to the “pork pie” row than meets the eye. The chairman of the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association said that, contrary to what Boris said, they do not export to Iceland, Singapore etc. This was debunked by No.10 promptly (no admission from the Beeb yet that they were wrong). Then it appears that the said chairman is a life-long member of Labour AND a Labour Party Parliamentary candidate! Of course, the BBC wouldn’t have known this…would they?
I have feeling we haven’t heard the end of this, popeye. Guido has got this on his website…
“While No. 10 provided the evidence to prove the PM hadn’t been fibbing, Today have yet to offer a clarification on this issue. Guido wondered what possessed the chair of the pork pie association to be so publicly delighted at the opportunity to humiliate the PM. It turns out the chair, Matthew O’Callaghan, is a long-time Labour Party member and former parliamentary candidate, standing in Loughborough in 2015.
“Once again, the BBC totally failed to mention their supposed ‘expert’ was in fact a Labour Party shill. O’Callaghan’s pies are full of red meat…”
Remember this ?
The BBC has defended its vetting process after it emerged a guest on its leadership debate show had shared allegedly anti-Semitic tweets.
Imam Abdullah Patel said he was sure he had not criticised Jewish people but stood by criticism of Israeli policy.
The broadcaster said: “Had we been aware of the views he expressed he would not have been selected.”
Mr Patel has been suspended as deputy head of a girls’ school and also by the Masjid e Umar mosque in Gloucester.
The BBC said the tweets had come to light after Mr Patel re-activated a previously inactive Twitter profile in the aftermath of Tuesday’s debate, and had not been visible to its researchers before then
Always striving for that famous impartiality ….. when it suits .
Vetting question
“Have you ever deactivated a twitter or other account . Please give access to it or fail vetting “…
Oh, that is why he was on the BBC speed dial.
Shame.I was quite partial to a melton mowbray pork pie. Never mind, Lincolnshire pork pies here I come.
edit – in reply to Cassandras post above but cannot move it back to where I intended it to go…………..
This is well worth a read if you have 5 mins, about the gradual takeover of Great Britain by the left:
The chart isn’t bad for a first go but seems very shallow . If you look at the bit which covers ‘left wing media ‘ I’m afraid it lacks much of the details discussed every day here
I’m more concerned about what is missing as opposed to what is there . I didn’t spot the NUJ …
Fedup- To be fair it would have taken all day to list all of the left wing organisations in Britain today
Fair enough . I’d like to see a ‘bubble chart ‘ of who went to school with who ‘ and which politician is related to which journalist’ – i would demand that it be declared if they turned up on the TV – bit like a requirement that they publish their income for the year when they are preaching to the ‘ poor’ who are not on the 40% tax level .
Worth read, worth signing. Indicates growth of awareness of the BBC#s departures from our culture and history.
The BBC… Beelzebub’s Broadcasting Corporation
For those unfamiliar with this figure, in the Old Testament Beelzebub (or, more properly, Baalzebub) was the name of the Philistine god associated with the city of Ekron in southwestern Canaan. Other names attributed to him were dung god, prince of devils, and lord of the flies (probably because of the association with dung). By the time of Christ, the name had become explicitly associated with Satan, the prince of demons. It may be remembered that the Pharisees famously accused Jesus of casting out demons in the name of Beelzebub (Mt 10:25; Lk 11:14-28), a charge categorically denied by Jesus, who pointed out the logical absurdity of anyone attempting to cast our devils by invoking the name of the head devil waging an unremitting battle to seize control.
So Beelzebub, the father of lies, is the enemy of Christ. Which brings us to the BBC.
Last week, in its supposedly flagship (and only) Christian programme, Songs of Praise, the BBC saw fit to include a same sex marriage ceremony between two men, who were ‘married’ in Rutherglen United Reformed Church near Glasgow. This occurred regardless of the fact the Bible prohibits any and all sex outside marriage, laid down as between one man and one woman for life, for their mutual support and encouragement, and for the bringing up of any children that may result from their union. Biblical doctrine could not be clearer – all sex outside marriage is prohibited – as are non-heterosexual marriage services by all mainstream denominations, including the Church of England, the Church of Wales, and the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that worldwide traditional believers are united in condemnation of this demonically inspired push to recast Christian belief.
Which says a lot about the BBC. Because, in its wisdom and commitment to ‘diversity’, it has chosen to over-rule this core doctrine of Christianity in favour of what it clearly sees as a more acceptable form of liberal faith. In response to howls of outrage from concerned Christians across the nation, it says self-righteously, ‘Songs of Praise tells the stories of Christians across all denominations in the UK and, in so doing, aims to reflect the balance of opinions on different issues.’ But only certain opinions, it appears.
The arrogance of such a stance, claiming the right to redefine what Christians are permitted to believe, is staggering. Indeed, the conclusion is inescapable that in 21st century Britain the BBC has become no more than an ideological tool for promoting an agenda hostile to Christianity; and doing so deviously – not in open opposition, but by rewriting doctrine, so that it appears to conform to its agenda. This is blatant social engineering at its worst, and goes far beyond the remit of the BBC as laid down in its Charter, renewed in December 2016 ( system/uploads/attachment_data/file/577829/57964_CM_9365_Charter_Accessible.pdf).
It is, in fact, increasingly clear that we are in an ideological war, with Christianity under unremitting and vicious attack. Beelzebub is taking control and is challenging the Christian heritage and values of our nation.
Please sign our new petition to the the Rt Hon Micky Morgan MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, calling for urgent enquiry into the Governance of the BBC, and for removal of those responsible for this agenda-driven abuse.
Sign here:
Looking at ‘Politicsweb’ and the latest article on the banning of the previous South African flag, and what machinations really lay behind it (related to the alleged display of the flag after the murder of a white farmer), I notice a comment on the article, discussing ‘asprophobia’, an interesting term I hadn’t come across before. (Article by Jeremy Gordin)
The commentator is referring to the ‘virulent’ anti-white’ sentiments of the ruling ANC regime, but hastens to add that this is not the feeling of the ‘man in the street’.
I was wondering whether asprophobia has not already spread well beyond the borders of that continent, and -in some well-disguised cases- found its way into the UK? Again, probably not the sentiment of ‘the man in the street’, but, looking at politics and academe….
BBC tv lunchtime news: within the first two minutes we have seen/heard Corbyn, Swinson (x2), Blackford, Starmer.
Nigel has been tagged on at the end, probably to display ‘impartiality’.
Here is a screenshot I took this lunchtime of the BBC “News” webpage. Note the conspicuous amount of space dedicated to those seeking to stop Brexit. Meanwhile, the Brexit Party (who won the Euro elections) is holding a conference about election strategy and is completely ignored by our impartial broadcaster.

Swinson on again – I think she must have a chair at the BBC today – she is still an airhead…Soundbite Swinson – food and medicine shortages – no challenge again
Now she says Boris will defy the rule of law – the law they are trying to create for him to fall foul of. Ba..ds!
And they just need the Speaker to agree to let them bring the legislation in – which no doubt he will
I am so annoyed at these MPs and frustrated that they really do believe they know best
I must confess that I don’t really support the proroguing of Parliament, as I believe it cedes the high moral ground. I’m hoping that Boris is deliberately allowing a head of steam to build around that option to distract opponents then hit them with something unforeseen.
And so thick, they cannot seem to correlate THEIR behaviour and THEIR contempt for the voting public , with the supposed hate mail / messages they go running to the BBC about. They really are a cretinous bunch of self serving parasites.
Too right Doob
It is incredulous but I actually think they are just arrogant but the worst combination is arrogant and ignorant….which sums up a lot of Remainers
Yes – confident in the bounds of their own stupidity.
OT, but just had to suffer Global BS on Classic FM, and was treated to what Jez and Jo ‘think’, followed by an irony free vox pop rant from the poison green pixie about her getting in charge because Boris does not have a mandate.
She was also on Sky News – I will not watch BBC News but Sky is little better. She was asked a rather good question, surprisingly, about what the public would think if judges were to over-rule the results of the referendum on political (not legal) grounds. This was TOTALLY ignored and she was allowed to ramble for several minutes completely uninterrupted. Oh, how we need a Fox News!
I’m please someone is as angry as me about the situation. The lib dems have proved by their actions to be self serving dimwits. Look at how many were bought off in the cooalition with lordships so as not to rock the boat too much – and then Nick the Clegg – prostitutes himself at facebook – they have no morals/intelligence/democracy.
3:30pm R4
In this first episode Cole meets the Deputy Mayor of Calais responsible for clearing the Jungle camp,
and a Frenchwoman who fell in love with a migrant and helped him escape by boat.
“Béatrice Huret” and Iranian man Mokhtar who hid in a truck to Sheffield
The Banksy at Calais beach warned naive migrants that
“the vulture will get you”
the wall owner painted it over in 2017

2:15pm R4 drama
The play opens in 1999: ‘my life was moving in the right direction – a career, a new home and a new girlfriend (lesbian as the writer is female)
Great Lives : First Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald
The first woman in the 3pm show is also a lesbian
..who becomes a prostitute to men.
Second part of that show is by Axel K about blackness
..and includes a selection of seventies clips of white people speaking about the influx.
11pm R4 Why are teenagers paid to stab each other?
Beyond Today
Spoiler : Merseyside Police say they have no evidence that this is happening
The Yorkshire Post has used Freedom of Information requests to get police to reveal the shocking number of arrests linked to child sexual exploitation.
Across South Yorkshire between 2014-2019, there were 2,016 arrests, while in West Yorkshire there were 1,410 arrests.
That’s just two police force areas – so imagine the scale across the country.
This is certainly a national scandal which ought to be top of the BBC news agenda. But it isn’t….and it’s not even on its Yorkshire pages….
The BBC doesn’t see beyond its elitist metropolitan cocoon. These poor kids out in the provinces, subject to vile abuse and rape at the hands of paedo gangs perpetuating their dark ages culture, are being ignored and let down by our biased state broadcaster.
See full story here…..
“elitist metropolitan cocoon” ?
Come off it. Quite a lot of people in Yorkshire have not been in much of a hurry to deal with it either.
The title is flaky
“The true extent of child sexual exploitation across Yorkshire revealed”
Nope all we have is 2 of the 4 police forces admitting to three and a half thousand arrests.. over 5 years.
..thats 1,800 days
As if each force arrests one man each day.
There maybe some overlap eg the same man being arrested in both areas and multiple times.
I wonder if it includes obstruction of justice people ..I guess not.
I guess a thousand men could have been arrested.
We know each girl was abused by multiple men
but each man may have abused multiple girls .
What happened did the police release most of the guys
.. how many were actually innocent.
All we know is that the police are doing something.
The YP did an ambush-headline
It doesn’t mean what it says.
Parliament has rejected the May/EU agreement three times. The EU refuse to renegotiate. Therefore, the only alternative is to leave without a deal. What is so difficult to understand? And yet, here we have opposition MPs getting together to stop a no-deal scenario when we know their true intentions are to stop it all together. Ian Blackford (SNP) has accused Boris of ‘shutting down democracy’. What gross hypocrisy! They conspire, they cheat, they lie. What loathsome creatures they are. The Great Stink of 1858 pales into insignificance when compared to such rank and duplicitous effluent.
Up – As you were saying !!!! Oh the irony , “Threaten the very nature of our democracy”.
Pity they allowed TV cameras into Parliament now.
Even on Radio this creature scares you half to death.
You won’t find too many disagreeing here
I am so annoyed I would make the time to demonstrate at parliament and I have never been on a demonstration..
Why at parliament ?
Why do we have to go to their territory ?
Better to do it in an unexpected town
like Lincoln or Northampton, Newark etc.
BTW Indonesia is moving its capital away from Jakarta
to Southeastern Borneo instead.
I would do it anywhere…
They aren’t trying to stop us leaving without a deal. They are trying to get us to remain…..a marked difference and one they won’t admit.
Its like Christmas Day for the BBC today, all the favourites are out, McDonnell, Corbyn, Swinson, Blackford, even the Green woman getting a run out !!
And to help them out, uninterrupted , hour after hour BBC coverage of their crusade to walk over 17.4 million voters. If it wasn’t for being able to “vent” on this site, i think i would have spontaneously combusted today .
Confident speaker will allow !!! LOL. No shite sherlock !!!
TOBY YOUNG “It’s time for the BBC to become Beebflix and get rid of the licence fee for everyone.”
According to Toby Young it’s been a grim year for the beeb, and it’s only going to get worse. Aw, shucks.
“Brexit: Opposition MPs agree strategy to block no deal”
The Battle of Britain has begun.
Nigel will form an alliance with Jeremy if he goes for a ‘no deal’ pact.
Brexit Party ‘up and at them’! The Nation’s Democracy, Sovereignty, Independence and Identity are at risk.
Al Beeb and the MSM are about to do their damnedest.
Quietly promoting conservative values