The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
Imagine doom and gloom BBC doing a documentary like this
“Brexit: Opposition MPs agree strategy to block no deal”
The Battle of Britain has begun.
Nigel will form an alliance with Jeremy if he goes for a ‘no deal’ pact.
Brexit Party ‘up and at them’! The Nation’s Democracy, Sovereignty, Independence and Identity are at risk.
Al Beeb and the MSM are about to do their damnedest.
You forgot the CCBGB.
Currently c3400 comments and I could only find one in the first 100 highest rated that did not have more dislikes.
Brexit supporters are nearly ready to drag a few MPs outside and …
Yes – lucky for us we have our own backstop that the dimwits don’t take enough notice of.
A. the wisdom of the british people,
B. The Brexit party
A coallition of Farage and Boris will be formidable in any election
So Jo and Kier – if you want a really right wing government then you keep doing what your doing.
Well Jeremy has finally thrown the dice. He has obviously decided to ditch the traditional Northern and Midland Labour supporters to concentrate on his “Islington” cronies and Momentum.
Looks like a last ditch attempt to run as leader of anything at all if he can before he disappears into oblivion!
“He has obviously decided to ditch the traditional Northern and Midland Labour supporters to concentrate on his “Islington” cronies and Momentum.”
The Labour supporters in Wales can be included in that list.
Have any Tory Remainer MPs been deselected yet?
He’s only after the photo of himself and his looney tattooed, pink dyed, bolts-in-their-noses squatters, work-shy low achievers of momentum stood outside NO 10 so he can be seen occupying the place with pretty ribbons round his neck..
SO now the cowardly useless incompetent Tories admit that they know that Channel 4 is biased against them and is breaking the broadcasting code “Chief among those rules is that news, in whatever form, must be reported with ‘due accuracy and presented with due impartiality’.”
But the Tories are terrifyed of their own shadows and petrified the Left will emit one of their meaningless bully word isms and fauxbias, and are far to useless to actually do anything.
This is the same party which knowingly signalled to Adolf Hitler that they were so scared of him and so incompetent that they would not react if he annexed Austria and the Sudetenland. Their total paralysis galvanised Hilter into further invasions because he knew the Tories would never stand up to him, and he was right.
They have of course learned no lessons at all from the past and by showing total cowardice and weakness have galvanised the left into believing no matter how absurdly they behave the weak and incompetent Tories are never going to stand up to them.
This is only going to make the BBC bias worse as they know no matter how far to the left they go no one is ever going to call them out, because the Tories are too scared.
‘But the Tories are terrifyed of their own shadows and petrified the Left will emit one of their meaningless bully word isms and fauxbias, and are far to useless to actually do anything.’
And the cure? Massive defeat at the ballot box and then hopefully rebuild with politicians who are more courageous
Alas that’s not the way this party works. Far too many alumni of the rotten school like Cameron see expediency as the only way and move the party ever further left.
The fact about the rotten school I now find stated by another of its alumni whose name escapes me!
The cure is an end to the Tory party and a new right of centre party which eliminates the old school tie and selects on merit and views, not who your parents are/were and whether you are ‘one of us’.
I had hopes Nigel Farage would start a new party but alas he has formed another single issue party which will evaporate when he acheives his goal preventing another from rising.
Absolutely appalling if entirely predictable bias on BBC 1 6 pm news.
Corbyn gas got various antidemocratic parties together to agree tactics to thwart a no-deal Brexit.
The BBC are absolutely creaming their pants and knickers.
The upbeat gleeful tone of this, the first item on the news, cannot be misunderstood for anything other than the flagrant bias that it is.
No space was provided for the alternative except a tiny fragment of a Farage speech.
No time was spent following the logic- that opposition to no-deal implies a deal which gives a. The EU the freedom to ‘negotiate’ i.e not negotiate ad infinitum and b. For the remoaners to devise endless minutiae causing them to oppose each and every deal.
Totally disgraceful.
That is quite sexist – I think pants and knickers should go under the generic -‘underwear’ How ‘woke’ are you! and how stupid are we to be even thinking about it. (just me then)
I only saw a tiny bit of the BBC News channel this morning and again a tiny bit at 6:20pm but both times the “expert” they had to state the bleeding obvious was black. I cannot remember the one from the morning but the evening one was for an article about making mobile phone masts taller to improve coverage where the black expert came on near the end to repeat the scripted line “if we make mobile phone masts taller it will improve coverage”.
Is this a new BBC agenda to only have black expert opinions from now on?
Tabs-Without doubt this is a BBC agenda. Along with other agendas
to educate us to agree with the BBC’S liberal bigotry.
Watched 100 days – shameless , shameless. As soon as we get a chance Boris we must revoke the BBC’s right to charge us a licence fee for this drivel.
SPC – I think you may be waiting a long time.
Boris,s loyalties are to his class first (the elite who are mainly remainers) as are the BBC,s.
These people see politics more of a game rather than anything more fundamental. They have little loyalty to their country, and at the end of the day, as long as the elite can still use their economic advantages and through patronage still have access to ways of making money that in reality are closed to most people, then all is well. Hence why he still pushes for a WA, to minimise disruption to his fellow blue bloods.
The One Show on BBC1 tonight had a nice piece about a blood biker (the volunteers who deliver blood products to hospitals for free) who died. 50 other blood bikes attended his funeral and his wife/girlfriend then went on to become a blood biker herself in his honour. Every single volunteer in the piece was white but the BBC still managed to crowbar a mandatory Muslim into the video (the lady blood biker had to ring a door bell and a smiling hijab wearing Muslim answered the door and took the package).
Tabs-I believe that BBC TV have employed a hijab lady to
act as a member of the public to be interviewed on a number of
different subjects. Wearing a hijab , a burqa or a head scarf it’s
difficult to see its the same person, when either giving her
views on the weather on a beach in Bournemouth. The train
services outside a railway station. Knife Crime, Brexit Or like
your example of answering her door and taking a package.
I expect to see her next giving her views on who will be the
next Premiership champions. Interviewed by the lady sports reporter
with the strong Republic of Ireland brogue.
Its not Nadya moonlighting is it ?
Anything about this on the bBC?,jury-retires-to-consider-verdicts-in-rotherham-abuse-trial_33204.htm
The great thing about the ‘ multiagency ‘ approach to issues is that it allows organisations to deny responsibility and rely on wrong ‘ group think ‘ despite their ‘heads’ being well paid and looked after .
So no individual will be responsible for systematic rape by racist Pakistani paedophile gangs . Not law enforcement , councils , media , courts one . And I doubt much changes .
Promotions and pensions all round .
The Labour party and the left in general HATE white people with a deep burning passion. They even have words to express that HATE such as ‘white flight’ and ‘White privilige’ neither of which exist, but if they are used to describe ethnics it is called ‘racism’ which also does not exist.
To this end the left have exonerated themselves from blame over anti white race HATE by claiming that you cannot be ‘racist’ towards white people.
Couple the race HATE towards white people with the HATE of the Jews and we see the left today attempting to recreate the atmosphere of 1930s Germany.
And the Cowardly Useless Incompetent Tories don’t even a single word of condemnation, in fact some of their MPs have actually defended Labour from these attacks!
Absolutely true.
“an house [political party] built on sand” is always going to collapse.
In this case Labour and its leader (s)
It is becoming obvious that the BBC is collaborating in war crimes with these invading soldiers who rape
OT, but Sky has excelled itself.
‘The rich and famous are not like you and I; the media has got their backs’.
Listening to a programme about rape and the failure of the jury system in that crime, on beeb radio4, and who is the first male voice we hear, sounding suitably aggressive?
Well, have a guess.
Yup, it’s none other than President Trump. (The ‘aggression’ -I believe- is cos it’s about politics and the Kavanaugh appointment. It’s indignation.)
Interesting topic and serious topic. Nasty crime. Suspect UK justice system, in so many ways. Wanted to listen But now?
Naaah. Credibility nil. I’m no great fan of the person (as distinct from some policies), but this is very transparent.
Will they being on Bolsanaro, the arsonist?
Or Salvini, a terror who believes in borders?
Orban, perhaps? For sovereignty crimes?
Boris, for bad Brexit thoughts?
Has Nigel ever had a pint too much, and…?
They’re all deplorables of a certain gender.
So, how do you stuff up what should have been a serious programme, beeb? When actually you have every sympathy for the victims.
I reckon Trump, for eating babies, must be close at hand.
Well, for all of us with pets on this forum, we can fight climate change according to Roger Harrabin BBC environment analyst.
Our pets are estimated to be consuming up to 20% of all meat globally.
‘Insect-based food ‘better for pets than top steak‘
Simon Doherty, the BVA president, told BBC News: He said it was essential to find food sources that did not deplete the soil or water, or fuel climate change, and added that it was better for meat to be fed to people than pets..
Doherty said insect protein might particularly appeal to vegetarian owners of cats, because cats need an essential amino acid called taurine – which is found in meat, fish and insects.
“You’d still be killing insects but some vegetarians might find that more palatable than killing cows or chickens,” he said.
Box ticking all the way.
Turns out, most pet food meat is offal that we don’t tend to eat anyway..
Only problem is has anyone asked Lenny, my black cocker spaniel for his opinion.. He won’t like that…
There is a statement from Channel 4 News by someone called
Ben De Pear – who apparently is not a male porn star-bitching about senior politicians not making themselves available to be “ interviewed “ by state broadcasters – to be “ held to account “
Well I’ll repeat my view about this .
The problem is that the super egoed presenters think that adopting aggressive interrogations lead to the Audience being enlightened . Informed . When it is clear that all the presenter wants is a ‘scalp’ to boast about to others in the bubble .
The good news is that these so called “ media organisations “ are rattled .
The bad news is that adopting the clearly biased format used on politicians who do not share their personal outlook on the world – they do a disservice to the taxpayer – the voter – the citizen – us .
Well said Mr President (again) !!
Msm quite rightly taking a well deserved kicking. They’ve always been gutter level but this past 4 years of so they have been downright rancid.
It used to be Communism vs Captialism, now it’s Virtue Signallers vs Populists.
Did you know Andy Murray is currently pissing around on the tennis Challenger Tour in Mallorca! ????
I have nothing against him personally including his anti-English comments in 2006, but he is Al beeb’s darling which make it all the more delicious ????
Me and my dog have not contributed to climate change or pollution of the oceans, she has never walked around with water in a single use plastic bottle, she never drinks coffee-to-go or other liquids from a paper cup, she’s never used beauty products with plastic granules or particles, and she doesn’t eat products that are purchased in single wrap plastic.
She walks everywhere 99% of the time despite her being middle aged, so if she turns her nose up at her usual meat and biccys for dinner, and fancy’s a bit of steak then by God that’s what she’s gonna get !
I’d love to feed my dog on prime steak, he’d probably like it too – however, I usually can’t afford steak for myself, and the family, let alone the dog, so it isn’t going to happen.
As you say Davy, most dogfood is leftovers from human meat production, the offal none of us want to eat (other than those who eat faggots, or haggis, to be fair), and lots of wheat flour/biscuit to bulk it out and make it cheaper.
Insects would probably be accepted happily enough by most dogs – true, but they seem like more effort than they’re worth when there is plenty of unwanted offal to spare. As I have no intention of giving up eating meat, and I assume most other sane people aren’t, that ‘waste offal’ is still going to be there, so why not use it?
Another ridiculous non-news story from the Green Fairies.
Brissles, I expect, like myself and the missus, you have the dog as a kind of surrogate child. It’s the British (European?) way, we have a couple of kids, and then rather than keep on producing them (as among certain communities) we stop childbearing and buy a dog instead.
Don’t know about you, but I suspect a dog is far less damaging to the environment than a child (or six).
Jeepers. Will these far far far far lefties ever give the guy a break ??? He suggested using his golf complex for the next G7 , that is all but Edward wants him impeached for it.
What a miserable little turd Edward is, don’t be like Edward !!!
Doobster – They’re not going to be giving him a break, especially because election time is coming up in the US.
I predict we ain’t seen nothing yet. As I pointed out a little earlier, Radio 4 were quick to link him to the topic of rape in the UK, and the ‘failure’ of the jury system, this evening.
I suspect major efforts will be made by the Democrats to establish a much closer link to this sort of crime, as far as the President’s past is concerned. Beeb will be keen to tag along: Sopel and little Buckle are already sharpening their pencils.
The efforts to impeach began on day one of his Presidency, and haven’t stopped. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’ve been observing Presidents since Dwight Eisenhower. Not even the rage against Richard Nixon is a precedent.
The gloves are going to come off. Was the President behind the mysterious Bermuda triangle disappearances? Was he remote controlling the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers? Did he have shares in the company producing mustard gas during WW2? Was he hiding Dr, Mengele in one of his hotels? Did he actually invent racism?
The timing isn’t right for some of this you say? Who cares about little historic details like that when Trump has to lose this time around? I predict the anger of the Left and the Feminazis will know no boundaries. The MSM will join the hunt with glee. This will be big.
Mark my words: you ain’t seen nothing yet…
The MSM are going to really up against it in denigrating POTUS in the Election Campaign because they’ve thrown every thing at him in the last 4 years .
I suppose they must be relying on leaks from traitors or off the cuff remarks Mr Trump might make . Otherwise it’s a ‘ black swan’ event that few anticipates and affects many people .
With just over 14 months to go is there an opponent capable of taking on Mr Trump – particularly since he appears to be delivering on his election promises .
Shame it doesn’t happen on this side of the pond. Manifestos are just toilet paper .
Fed – I wonder if the lack of an impressive opponent is not simply going to increase the rage? It means they’re going to have to ‘build/ big up’ whoever it is, and especially the Hillary fans will be desperate for ‘revenge’.
If it does turn out to be sleepy Joe Biden, they’re going to have to try extra hard.
How on earth would he have got there: white, male and aged? So ‘last century’? Wouldn’t Ocasia-Cortez , or whatever her name is, be much better for the Dems, from a media point of view, as well? Watching her crash and burn would be, as The Donald might say, “a great thing”. Ditto Ilan Omar.
There are things I don’t like about the President, but -as you say- he is the rarest of political beasts: he tries to keep his promises. Indeed, where would you find someone like that on this side of the pond? Dunno.
With 40,000 undeported (known) illegal ‘migrants’ in the country (The Times), it would be nice to find someone with guts.
At least with the upcoming US presidency campaign every one knows where they are at . The MSM hateS POTUS so he will continue to bi pass them .
If the democrats get someone like Oprah? to be a non politician – non white – non male – candidate – the bubble will pull out every stop.
I’m guessing it will be difficult to find someone who doesn’t have a past so dodgy that they refuse to run . But let’s see.
In normal times – with a country on increasing employment and good economic conditions – plus no dumb wars – a sitting president would stroll it . But these are strange times eh?
Radio 4 drag names include Thea Churrs, Ina Thyme, and R. Kai von Phwoar.
Well of course they are.
Listening to the news today, it’s obvious that the political elite are still hell-bent on stopping Brexit from happening in whatever ways they can.
It’s always worth reading the latest John Gray article in my opinion, and this one has just appeared on the unherd website.
Government to ask Queen to suspend Parliament, reports eu.bc
Laura Kuenssberg said only a small number of government ministers knew about the plan and it was going to cause a huge row.
A huge row, Apparently But we all know the beeb always tells the truth
My kids were watching CBBC’s ‘Step Up to the Plate’ a programme a bit like Masterchef but with kids cooking the meals for judges to taste.
All the chef kids apart from one were white.
All the judges, including those shown in the highlights from the past, were black or Indian apart from one white lady (who scored very high on my trans alert radar).
It was like a subliminal message where white slaves serve their black masters.
Here are some images to give you a taste of the CBBC agenda:×360/p07l45nb.jpg×360/p07l4k53.jpg×360/p07kt96b.jpg
Take a close look at the BBC, especially the webshite, and you’ll notice that middle-aged (straight, non-drag), white men are nearly completely air-brushed out of existence now.
Virtually any you see are targets of abuse and ridicule.
Aunty Beeb has become rather peculiar in her dotage, but to be fair it’s not just the Beeb, the universe inhabited by ad writers is a very strange place too.
CBBC gets even worse. The next programme was ‘Junior Bake Off’ hosted by BBCs Nadiya, a butch white woman and two gay men.
The 5 remaining kids in the competition are:
1. black boy, straight off a London estate
2. big black girl, gang leader straight off a London estate
3. Asian girl with glasses
4. white girl
5. Chinese girl with a facial deformity.
Tabs – I can match you . I saw that BBC Scotland has a programme called something like “ young disco divas”. A few years back ITV had to cancel a series of young kids dressed up as adult pop stars because the programmes were being copied for the entertainment of paedophiles .
Do TV people never learn ?
The opening 6 mins of Sky News and Beth Rigby could find no one who supports the Prime Minister in proroguing Parliament. No one. Not one single voice. Not a squeak.
Amazing. I thought the majority of the country who voted, wanted us out of the EU.
Just who do Sky think they are kidding? Themselves maybe?