The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
soon … very soon …

It’s like the Matrix is real.
It’s a bit like watching the bbc news only there is virtually no reality!
The EU has done a pretty good job hijacking the British establishment with its ‘people ‘ so that any attempt at sincere negotiation by a British government is derailed from the start .
Remainers object to the EU being referred to as an ‘enemy ‘ . Well – it has never behave like a friend – and crushes any dissent from the project – so it acts like an enemy organisation .
It is not the same as the voting people who live in it .
Proof, if it were needed, that leftists are not just hypocrites, they are stupid hypocrites.
Boris Johnson was on splendid form yesterday, and so was Geoffrey Cox, though as a QC, he, unlike Boris, had to show a modicum of respect for the leftist remainer elitists of the “Supreme Court”.
Boris left us in no doubt that he held the “Supreme Court” in absolute contempt, and I must hope that a future Conservative government with a majority will sort it out. It is a grotesque Tony Blair piece of constitutional vandalism, which dates back all the way to 2009. We seemed to have managed quite well for a thousand years without a “Supreme Court”, and going forward I would like to see the status quo resumed.
Against all this, all the pinheaded leftist morons can do is fabricate imagined shock at uses of such terrible, inflammatory terms as “surrender”. My word, how awful. If the poor souls ever see a piano leg without a skirt round it they must faint in horror.
Pull the other one.
Leftists are the most aggressive, foul and nasty bunch of political street fighters there are. Corbyn met with the IRA in parliament itself just days after the Brighton bombing. Did he care about the feelings of Mrs Thatcher or Norman Tebbit? Of course not. He hated them. Real hate. He never met a terrorist he did not like, but we are expected to believe that leftists are such sheltered snowflakes that a word like “surrender” makes them weep with fear? I don’t think so.
Corbyn and McDonnell lead a hard left party which is institutionally anti-Semitic. They don’t care about the real fear that Jews have about their safety. They don’t care that Jews feel they are being driven out of the Labour Party. They are doctrinaire hard line Marxists, for whom the end justifies the means.
The fact is that Boris nailed it yesterday. He was terrific. The only weapon the left have against him is manufactured outrage against a few perfectly normal words. Oh, and of course, the leftists can rely on their fellow travellers in the BBC to take up their cause and run with it. I have some words for the BBC: you are a vile, leftist agitprop gang, and deserve to be closed down immediately.
Stick that in your soy lattes, you pathetic bunch of leftist scum.
Anytime soon Jeremy Vine will ‘take a call’ (yeah, right!), from Dale Aston ‘from Pontypridd’. Our Dale will use language that you could use to strip paint from walls and Jeremy will just chuckle along.
In fact I’m surprised Dale Aston isn’t a regular on The News Quiz, he could easily fill Jeremy Hardy’s boots ten-times over.
I wonder if Jez will take a call from Neil Coyle MP?
I would post a tweet of his, but, well, rules.
Suspect the BBC won’t either but, well, ‘editorial integrity’.
> on!
“May I just make one request Mr. Speaker, that we no longer invoke the name (Jo Cox) of any person who has been a victim of attacks in order to make a political point. (Up roar) Because it is simply used as an opportunity to SHAME other members of this house.”
Jo Swinson – ‘women and especially women of colour, should get a free pass to be as emotional as they like without being rebuffed, because, well, Trump’.
If the suffragists knew they would produce this pack of wimpettes they would have willingly gone back to their kitchens.
So sad. The Sweden that Greta has to return to –
Yes, the retarded Swedish dwarf COULD campaign against the ‘explosion’ of bombings, shootings, crime, rape, soaring immigration unemployment and lack of assimilation. But it’s so much more fun swanning around the world faking histrionics at the UN and having politicians and the meeja fawn at your feet like you were some kind of saint or prophet.
Talking of false prophets, terrorist acts are going through the roof too.
“One of the realities, according to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) — the state authority for community protection and preparedness — is that terrorism is now a threat everywhere in Sweden, and therefore even smaller municipalities need to be prepared for terrorist acts to occur.”
No doubt al-beeb will commission a Nordic Noir thriller on some of the above one day soon.
For the life of me I can’t see how using phrases like “cowardice” and “surrender” can in any way be described as dangerous.
And when Boris was criticised for dismissing the passive/aggressive remonstrations about his language he used the very mild term “humbug”. I would have thought “bollocks” would have been better and rather more concise, but that would have had the belligerent Brecow bellowing “order, order.”
You know, I don’t remember this level of manufactured opprobrium from the Beeb when the eloquent David Lammy likened Jacob Rees Mogg and members of the ERG to Nazis.
Or when the delightful Jo Brand suggested it would be a good idea to throw acid in Nigel Farage’s face.
Not that I recall…
Yet it’s perfectly ok for Lib dums to wear that word on their t shirts in relation to brexit, an offensive insult to the 17.4 million leave voters who WON the referendum.
Miliband dislikes references to surrender, war etc. But the class war….
Bah Humbug.
Surrender to Love
Apols if shared already.
Paul Mason, late of BBC Newsnight gets a mensh. Not in a good way.
Those cited look like the BBC outrage guest relay squad.
Paul Mason says “this language is the language of incitement”.
Paul Mason said a month ago: “We are coming for you Boris Johnson, ready or fucking not…”
An now Jess Philips jumps on the band wagon with her demand for an apology from Boris.
The same Jess Philips who said that she would stab Jeremy Corbyn in the front not in the back.
What, this Jess Phillips?

Now the BBC is disseminating what it knows to be lies.
It knows perfectly well Boris did not describe the murder as humbug, but thinks that by dressing it up in quotes from someone else that it can get away with it.
I fear I have spent too long on Twitter this morning instead of getting on with work, but a stand needs to be made against this attempt to shut down debate by proscribing perfectly harmless words.
Last night was when my dislike of politicians turned into utter contempt for the moronic, over-promoted, virtue-signalling, gutter-dwelling weasels. They bleat about feeling threatened when they laughed at Nigel Farage being barricaded in a pub by a howling mob of lefties or when he had milk thrown at him, or when a rapper held up a model of Boris Johnson’s severed head. Well, they can damn well reap what they sowed.
0:48 onwards
The Labour wimmin keep reminding us that words have consequences.
So do hurty hatey faces.
pictures of balanced, reasonable and measured debate – ha ha ha ha.
Sat through several hours of the joyful return of the Boris. Impressed with his controlled and precise comments, most of which hit home and hurt.
Geoffry AG was an absolute revelation and showed what quality oratory and not a small amount of righteousness can achieve, especially for the viewing plebs.
However, BJ and his merry band have the forces of the evil empire and their propaganda arms ranged against them, now including a juridical detachment and I cannot see how he can battle those without, (the EU) and those within and be victorious. Simply, he will need some support. Some coming together of like minded defenders and exponents of freedom of thought, speech and action and ardent believers in our democratic rights as citizens to march for freedom.
I await the call and would ask, despite the inconvenience, despite the sometimes huge effort it may require, that all patriots heed the call when it comes. The future of our free and sovereign democracy will depend upon it.
I could only listen to this, not watch it, but they sounded like shrieking fishwives to me, even the men.
Des, just watch this segment. This is the ‘straight to the point’ debating that parliament should indulge in. The shriekers unfortunately are not far away.
Can anyone with greater fortitude and, more importantly time available right now, please put up a link to Hansard for yesterday’s business in the House as soon as it becomes available.
Starting page.
They all bounced off Boris, didn’t they?
Didn’t he do well?
Kept his cool, stuck to his guns, ignored the shrieking, screeching and shouting. Stayed polite. Repeated his goal, over and over again.
I knew beeb would immediately hunt him, and they didn’t keep us waiting. By 10.00pm they had little Rory Stewart on R4 news, complaining about Boris’ language, and saying how moderate and measured we Brits normally all are.
I say, like Boris: Deliver what people asked for three years ago, and things will become as moderate as ever they were. Try to thwart the will of the people, and you will get anger.
Parliament is the servant of the people, not some glorious body floating up in the clouds, deriving its sovereignty straight from God. Let’s see it starting to serve. We pay their salaries. That’s not asking for much.
No, they get their sovereignty from US, and the time has come to DELIVER. We received a solemn promise!
The hour is getting late.
Before I get on with pressing tasks (as well as avoid BBC disgraceful ‘coverage’ a.k.a. manipulation of the news agenda) here comes . . . …..
TWatO Watch #1 – Sarah’s back in town
And doing her best, too, to hector and hassle like Mishal but Iain Duncan-Smith (our Fed’s MP) is having none of that. It seems to me that the more grit-grot that is thrown at Brexiteers and some other Conservatives by their own Party members or former members like Soames & Soubry & Grieve & Hammond, by Remainers in the House, the media and elsewhere, the more that Brexiteers like Iain Duncan-Smith appear to grow in stature.
Or am I biased? Maybe.
I thought I D-S sounded good on TWatO today. He resisted Sarah’s (less strident than Mishal) temptations to offer up an anti-Bojo or Lefty-rabble-rousing soundbite. To my ears he was positively measured and statesmanlike. Far better than when he was Party leader.
Two sessions won today v. the Biased-BrusselsBC.
when the traitor tory mp’s (I use the word traitor considerately) are finally black balled, IDS should be slotted in, as he will almost certainly become seatless after incoming GE, so he can continue flying the flag for freedom which the traitors have demonstrated so much contempt for. And, as they go, hopefully someone will whisper – ‘well, was it worth it?’
Up2 – your memory is obviously good that you recall that IDS is my MP . I’ve met him a few times and he seems pretty okay . It will be a shame to lose him and the constituency to Labour but they have imported a Muslim Asian woman type and they have been pouring canvassing resources into the place for years .
A once proud place has been swamped with third worlders so it is ripe for postal vote( Peterborough) type fraud which may extinguish the @3500 majority from last time . The council is also Corbyn red so there will be plenty of opportunity for ballot boxes to get lost in Tory wards as well as miscounting by socialist council employees . But bleak isn’t it ?
TWatO Watch #2 – Beware the Ires of Johnson
To the best of my knowledge Jo Johnson has been diplomatically silent since resigning as a Government Minister. Not so sister Rachel, who was happy to come on the programme to attack bro Bojo.
Bit disappointed politically and craving some coverage?*
The BBC and Sarah duly obliged.
(* Rachel Johnson has tried to become a LD MP candidate but then switched to Change UK & failed to become a MEP. She is a pro-Remain anti-Brexit campaigner.)
Failing all her political ambitions she could always become an ambassador for Specsavers, seeing how she’s always squinting when on The Pledge.
The BBC are LYING through their back teeth today…along with O Brien and Fogarty on LBC…I literally cant beleive what I have heard on the media…..
I listened to parliament all the way through yesterday and the BBC are bl@@dy LYING
I’m sure if you write to them all, pointing out their errors, they’ll issue an apology and amend their reports. At least I think that’s what will happen.
the BBC have studied at the feet of the experts.
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”
Joseph Goebbels
FAR RIGHT …. Police raids find huge arms cache linked to Islamic terror group
Four men arrested in Coventry by counter-terrorism officers after rifle, silencer and ammunition found at two addresses
Far right muslims?……..Mark, you shouldn’t give the activist propaganda broadcasters ideas…..
Men? Is that how they want to be described? I think the MSM is using some form of hate speech or whatever of they are calling these invaders men.
Another quick observation from the debate yesterday. Jezzer looked shattered and all of his years. Even the cloudy lens on his crooked glasses added to the appearance of sloven dishevelment. Perhaps being a marxist anti democrat hypocrite disagrees with him?
Note – no nastiness intended and no lemon suck faces being pulled as I write……………..
It is obvious that those Remainer MPs whose constituents voted Leave are scared of a GE , this includes most of the Tory rebels and up to 80 Labour MPs. So it’s no surprise that they won’t vote for one. But it now seems that they are trying to get rid of Boris , but not the Tory ‘government’ which they seem to want to stay in place. They must think , or have been told by moles in the Tory party, that almost any other Tory who becomes PM will sue for peace and declare Brexit null and void. The vote not to allow a recess for the Tory conference is presumably because they know that Boris will get a hero’s welcome in Manchester which will get him a boost and be very embarrassing for them. My view is that the conference must go ahead and that Boris must make a key note barnstorming speech using the strongest possible language to attack the traitors in the liberal left Globalist establishment and put the fear of God unto them. This is his moment to rally the pro Brexit forces and lead us , the people , into battle against the establishment . Not bad for a ex Etonian Tory toff.
Couldn’t they rearrange things like hotels etc they are starting it Sunday. What about Saturday that would give enough time for all of the conference
We have to consider problems facing the good komrads of the People’s Assembly Against Austerity, UAF, Unions, Class War and all who have organised transport to hold demonstrations to disrupt the Tory Conference. No Conference and the unwashed will have nowhere to go
If anyone actually believes that the EU isn’t a global capitalist and middle class liberal stitch up they must be very very stupid. The working class in the west have everything to fear from globalism . Globalists want to export their jobs to countries where labour is cheaper. If you value your job and your way of life always vote against the Globalists, whether they be disguised as a Labour or Lib Dem or Tory europhiles.
Double – I think loyal brexit tories should just leave the parliament to the 500 traitors and do the conference as you say ,
What difference will it make for them to be there ? Whipping is dead . Pairing also .the Remain shadow government – with the conivance of Bercow – canput through any law they all like – no manifestos apply . Outfits like the Labour NEC can be ignored for policy changes and they all want revenge over Boris
I really hope they pass a law which people will just say “what the ….?” In the midst of this .
There is nothing to stop them .
J H-B is right, of course, but since when have Remoaners been interested in facts?
WoOT, but worrying. Can’t wait until the BBC picks it up. The magic ‘may’ is of course front and centre.
Too late for some, but the good news it appears localised. WiA, Salford, Sweden…
Guest Who
“It is thought – experts predict – could have been – may have been – could be – blah blah blah blah blah – – off switch.
In Massachusetts somebody has been putting up posters saying this:
The lefties are going potty because they don’t know whether to applaud this or be offended by it.
Oh come on vlad pleathe behave yourthelf. You KNOW your potht ith rathist. In any cathe my friend Greta,who hath thtudied thethe thingth all her long life tellth me that by the year 2050 the planet earth will not exthitht let alone an igthignificant dot in the ocean like Great Britain. Tho there!!
I was pondering the crazy state of the Labour Party. Old lefties like Tony Benn and Peter Shore were anti-EU, (as is supposedly the beloved leader), yet Momentum and the Blair Project are pro-EU.
But poor ‘working class’ Doncaster-man will no doubt continue to vote Labour, just going by the party label.
It occurs to me that it is like supermarkets, are you a Waitrose person or an Aldi person? Guess what? I’ll let you into a secret – they all sell groceries and they all exist to make a profit!
And isn’t that exactly where we have been for all these years as a Euroregion – different names over the door, but the same goods and the same objectives.
Vive la revolution, Momentum! Useful idiots indeed!
[WARNING Snowflakes and female MPs may have been harmed in the making of this post They may contain nuts.]
“[WARNING Snowflakes and female MPs may have been harmed in the making of this post They may contain nuts.]”
Brilliant Jim!
BBC live: Two ten-year-old children, Kaysey and Farrell, placed in isolation for five hours, and then excluded from school for five days. Why? Because they dared to object to the LGBT agenda being pushed in their state primary school.
(They had both asked to be excused as they were feeling uncomfortable with the subject), what followed was a ritual humiliation by the head teacher…
Its is as though George Orwell had suddenly arrived, via the BBC airwaves to a state school near you. The left are in charge now, you conservatives had better pack up and go, we are in parliament, we are in the EU, we are the new pecking order, to object is blasphemy
It is a stark picture of the times we’re living in. But with the sexualisation agenda sweeping through schools, and the government introducing compulsory Relationships Education in primary schools from next year, this could be just the beginning. The start of severe indoctrination of children, never question biological sex, group sex sessions ‘encouragement’ (self stimulation at bath time), to experiment with ‘gay theology’ as this will help ‘climate change’, as it will be suggested ‘children’ can save-the-world by NOT having children because you will be STERILISED – as there is not enough food for you, because you refuse to be abused, you will be abused. No council housing for you, your parents are racist and horrid homophobes!, NO polar bears will speak to you -ever!, you will have NO ‘friends’ in school – they are dead already! and you will die of a horrible disease from the NHS as they will inject you with TRUTH serum. You will die of Climate Change as you question the indoctrination. BECAUSE you are NOT GAY yet you are bad person. Stay after school, write one hundred lines and say you are wrong and the LGBT teacher is always right! Say ‘Right is wrong and wrong is right. Five plus two is EIGHT and your parents and family will be reported to the Police, you have nor right to an education and I am the Head teacher of this school and Jimmy Saville is the school governor. HE wants to see you next, you had better not say anything – to your parents – as anyway they are being arrested as we speak and you will have no home to go to tonight. GRETA, your name is Greta isn’t it?
No ‘Miss’ its Billy. GRETA is that boy there, (dressed as a girl). He says he wants to ‘experiment’ on me Miss. I don’t like this Miss, I want to go home. I want to go home, I don’t want to see Mr Saville or Miss Shandy, she is not a Woman either, please Miss I just want to go home.
I wish I was joking. Jimmy Saviile was not working alone (as Police can – Operation Yewtree- can testify he had help), he therfore is alive, having established his own right into the BBC advocates. He has several teaching partners now working in state schools to ‘purge’ the non-believers. Its is a belief in immortality of left wing miracles. Its totally legal and you cannot say now its an abuse as it was put in place by Lord Blair and his Stonewall chums under Blair and Gordon with many like minded fellows also in the House of Lords which they forgot to abolish, in haste of privileges when the money ran out.
The new cult of extremism unfolding in our schools. An objection based on biological ‘facts’ is heresy. You will be punished and you will be forced to watch CBBC until your are open to child abuse by other confused children or Adults.
This may of may not be the actual facts of the case, but never the less it is the motion of travel for teachers who have been ‘fast drafted’ in to promote the new unorthodox liberal religion based perversions pioneered by the BBC and made into law. This is the REAL CLIMATE change, it was never ‘JUST’ about the weather… it was ridding the world of ‘conservatism’ to save the planet and that means Anarchy, Air taxation to fund geo-politics to accept ‘perversion’ as a right to abuse others. Mental health and poverty will naturally follow. Only then will you agree to World Marxism. It must be true, it a UN policy, the BBC support it and its called UN AGENDA 21. The EU has banned member states from commenting on what will be called SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTS which include USA and UK sign ups. The EU without even asking seeks total surrender of all European nation states, educating the masses that new armegeddon has arrived in the form of GRETA, climate princess.
Gaw’d help us all. Depopulation has never been so popular since the last war on stereotypes. This time its bigger and bolder than before. More urgent with only 18 months to save the planet (according to the BBC experts) who can never be ‘proved wrong’. Facts are blasphemy, to argue is heresy. Perversion is a ‘right’ and sexual abuse is ‘normal’ for children. Jimmy Saville was a ‘saint’ to the new lefties in power. How exciting for the new liberals that they are helping the left to achieve their dreams. Oh cripes! get us OUT BORIS!
Good point – the visual aspect of it should not really be an issue – You can feel black inside and have a white outer.
I’m no racist – but fair is fair.
Oo… #plottwist This one might have to be put before a BBC panel.
It has been tried:
Agreed. They get on their high horses when it’s so called cultural appropriation.
There’s an interesting piece about sexual appropriation here for anyone who is interested;
Confrontation and manufactured anger is manifested in virtually everything one comes across at present. It has been building since even before the Referendum. How long can this go on until a hand/fist (or more) is raised as the remedy?
Plenty as usual to complain about .
Have you notice the BBC are attacking Labour a little more recently – Why? because they indicated they will close down private schools and sieze their assets. Of course you could bet that the top BBC loons send all their kids to the best private schools in London. What a self serving shower they are.
Also – for a start Boris did not bring up Jo Cox’s name – labour did, they wished to use it for political capital – shoddy. The Cox family indicated they didn’t like it much and when pushed very hard at lunchtime by Anita Mcveigh for them to ask for Boris to give an apology – they rightly said ‘NO’.
As for Jess Philips – anguished by the whole experience with faux trauma. She is the most gobby and rude Labour MP they have and swears like a trooper. She wants to be PM – My god!
She wouldn’t last 2 mins – she’s just a snowflake, and can’t take what she hands out.
The public are not fooled by all this acting by Labour MP’s – we see through it – this is what they do not understand, as they themselves are low quality merchandise.
Perhaps if Labour want to fill their ranks with poor quality female candidates, then good luck to them. They will sink as a viable party. The process has started already.
All candidates should be chosen by ability. Race, Gender, Sexuality, should not ever be an issue.
If yo has a black hide you is in de frunt of de cue man. You bedder believe dat man.
Lefty Wright – For women maybe – not seen much evidence of it for working class black males – have you? Maybe well educated Eton types, then yes.
So sorry. My feeble attempt at a satirical reply to your post obviously does not apply to Labour Party candidates. After all they have a general election to fight so from their totally non racist point of view perhaps it is understandable that they want to give themselves the best chance of victory. No, my point was mainly in reference to the appearance of non white folks on our TV screens particularly in TV ads. (I never watch BBC) which is way out of proportion to their numbers in the population as a whole. So are they at the front of the queue? I cannot help but feel that these people get there because of the colour of their hide, which ,as I understand the dogma, amounts to racism.
Lefty – ignore my other post – I didn’t realise you had ‘come out’ so to speak.
I do not believe in positive discrimination – It advances the norm before society has a chance to catch up. These things must be a gradual process. If society is ready then so be it.
But I do believe everyone should have a fair chance of a decent education and start in life. Whatever ones skin colour.
Cameron of course pushed things too far ( I won’t say in which direction) too soon. Look what is now happening – more violence and bigotry.
Consecutive Governments have not encouraged racial integration for 50 years. This is the consequence – Us and Them.
I fear it is now too late for us to become a fully racially integrated society. Most people of whatever colour are decent.
Speak to them and find that out. It is the fear of the unknown that causes the problem.
>SPC re earlier post “not seen much evidence of it for working class black males – have you?
“David “his father left the family when he was 12 years old” Lammy?
..actually you have a point… no further comment.
I watched several hours of ‘debate’ yesterday and only turned the sound down when I knew some usual bleating idiot was about to pitch in (e.g Soubry, Blackford). However, the screaming banshees on the opposition benches were a sight to behold. The lip quivering and hollow voices were a true education in method acting. I do a bit of that as it happens and it was interesting to see these ‘crocodile tears’ come flooding down at the appropriate places within the script.
But I think the best analogy I can think of refers to those animal kingdom programmes where two lions are filmed defending their prey against a pack of hyenas. Cox and Johnson were magnificent in this respect and Cox had a strong, powerful voice and delivery suitable for any play. ‘The Lion in Winter’ perhaps?
And then we have the reporting from the BBC. Here is my list of it’s impartial news of the day:
Jess Phillips denies shouting at Boris Johnson as they passed during Commons vote…
It seems like any weapon to hand will do for those despicable remain MP’s – in this case even people only 4ft away when it occurred confirm it had happened.
it seems like denial of of fact is yet another tool they are happy to use. How could we possibly trust any of these people to govern the Country?
They only get away with it because they know the stinking remain press will ignore the facts and paint it in a noble light!
Can’t wait for the next General Election, let’s clear these coniving specimens out!
I’m making a list….
She really is one of the mostly ghastly harridan out there.
The left yet again have over played their hand. Before all of this all the left had to do was play their ace argument winning “jo Cox”/waycism/accusations of aggressive language card, and game over, but now people are getting fed up with the fact that these hypocrites can act in the most disloyal and devious way then just wave their ace card and clean up – I think those days may have gone.
Someone who’s got her sussed and is fed up with her has been banging on her constituency door or window or something.
Jess Phillips, are you too stupid to learn that actions have consequences?
Of course the cops are right on the matter. But the continuous sexual abuse of our young girls and boys by muslims, not so urgent.
And given that we haven’t had a functional Parliament for over three years, I have to wonder why we bother having one and why they cost so much. Both of the rat infested HoP.
The LGBTQ-obsessed BBC lists the following piece among its “MUST SEE” selection of video content on its news website.
“Fighting loneliness among older LGBT people
Maurice Greenham is 77 and has been living with HIV since diagnosis in 1984.
He is the founder member of a group in Stoke-on-Trent that helps combat loneliness and isolation among older LGBT people.
It is a safe place for people to discuss their lives, including Angela who said it took nearly 40 years for her parents to accept her transition.
Mr Greenham said it was clear from the group’s first meeting that older LGBT people often had no-one to whom to turn for support.
This video was created as part of We Are Stoke-on-Trent – a BBC project with the people of the city to tell the stories that matter to them.
Video journalist: Yusaf Akbar”
Note “… a BBC project …” – i.e. TV Poll Tax payers are forced to pay for it.
The BBC seem obsessed with Stoke on Trent at the moment. Anybody know why ??
Daily Telegraph:
“From the Rule of Law, to the Rule of Lawyers.”
“Until 10 years ago, almost to the day, the most senior judges in the land sat in the House of Lords.”
“All that changed when Tony Blair’s Labour government decided, for no obvious reason, to dismantle what had been a perfectly workable, if somewhat haphazard, constitutional settlement.”
“It manifestly shifted the balance of powers within the British system, establishing a European style constitutional court which sits uneasily within a common law jurisdiction without a written constitutional code.”
” How far the centre of gravity has moved was apparent on Monday with the ruling of the Supreme Court to strike down an Order in Council, signed by the Queen, requiring the prorogation of parliament. Such an action would have been unthinkable just 10 years ago.”
Why has everything been damaged by Blair?
I still can’t get over the fact that Labour were able to hold a lengthy and leisurely conference, which was covered in great detail by the beeb, turning many R4 programmes into mini Labour conferences in their own right.
On and on it went, as if the world had ceased to exist, and there was nothing but the Labour conference, day in and day out. Brighton became the centre of the universe.
But the Tories can’t have one, other than perhaps very furtively.
Parliament is too busy. Parliament is cannot be prorogued. They will probably want to sit over Christmas?
And as for the many shrill, screeching, indignant Labour MPs, why are they even in parliament? They don’t look capable of stacking shelves at….
Fake ..Its nice to have the Westminster crèche back. It more than compensates the removal of Jeremy Kyle. I feel that the remainers are digging their own grave here.
After yesterday’s performance in Parliament by Boris and Cox, most Opposition MPs probably wish that Parliament was still prorogued.
The snowy lab nutters had a couple of days to pronounce the most ludicrous policies ever devised,and will have them chucked back in their faces at the next GE.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives don’t have to have the bbbc swarming all over them next week, which will mean a whole lot more interesting twitter and less biased reporting!
Nice one HoC, just what Boris really wants; the bbbc are now out of the loop!
On beeb TV news at 6pm, John Sopel does what he’s been doing for three years: trying to help with President Donald Trump’s impeachment. Heavily biased and one-sided reporting, as usual. Slanted and boring, with written extracts on screen, which are difficult to follow and interpret, but are supposed to sink the President. It’s one thing CNN doing this. It’s quite another when the bbc enthusiastically tries to get the leader of our chief ally impeached.
And this we, the licence fee payers, are expected to dock up for!
Anyone interested in the other side of the Ukraine story (the one which Sopel won’t even allude to) and interested in the details, Stefan Molyneux has an analysis on YT.
Just watched the 6 o clock news on al Beeb and my piss is now boiling.
How do they get away with it?
Loads of airtime for Jess Philips, lip quivering for dramatic effect, accusing Boris of referring to Jo Cox’s murder as “humbug” – he was actually referring to the accusation that his use of the word “surrender” was lowering the tone and leading to death threats etc. – no mention of this made by the reporter.
Boris was calm, measured, dextrous and compelling in what he said but the slimy b******s edited the whole thing so that the half of his speech that shone a light on the half that they actually showed was cut out. Absolutely blatant bias.
Note too the contorted features and frothing mouths of Sheerman etc. as they accuse Boris of stoking violence and anger.
We then saw a scene from outside the House of Traitors where the usual shot of a brexiteer with a placard bearing the legend “Traitor Parliament” was overvoiced by Kuennsberg talking of the febrile atmosphere with the clear message being that it was Boris in particular and brexiteers in general lowering the tone of the discourse. However, if you were watching closely, you would have seen a Procession of remainiacs in the same shot – all with their EU flags and hats – one carrying a placard bearing the legend “the lying fat tory f**k with the stupid hair isn’t my PM”. Blink and you’ll miss it but let’s see if it’s shown again at 10.
The BBC – hypocrites telling lies to hypocrites.
They get away with it because they are unique, self-monitoring, overseen by ex-colleagues and allowed to by the folk in the HoP whose commitments to logic and sanity are on full show as we speak.
I shared the counter evidence to a several lefty social media sites going ballistic over what seems to be a normal Momentum coffee morning, but as far as they are concerned it is ‘different’ or ‘right wing propaganda’.
Oh, that includes several BBC FB and twitter threads.
Have to say, glanced at Biased BC news earlier and quickly flicked across to ITV. Then quickly flicked across to sky. They are all shim shammying from the self same hymn sheet.
‘Boris refuses to apologise…….’
‘Boris in deep do do……….’
‘Boris is evil incarnate – don’t vote for the tories…..’
Ok, I made up the last one but this is the whole point of the exercise and proves yet again that the BBC (charter constrained!) is totally unfit for purpose and that we desperately need a tv media platform that does not conform to the leftist globalist agenda for the majority of viewers who are normal, sane individuals.
Al Beeb…………”Johnson defends language after criticism from MPs”
Please pay attention all of you !
All the theatricals displayed by the harpies in parliament is purely a distraction to divert public attention from the mess its in. The British people have voted to leave the European Union in the biggest democratic exercise in our history, and all Parliament has done is to procrastinate and prevaricate for over three years, delaying the inevitable. They have used the propaganda of Al Beeb and The MSM to try to change our mindset and that of the easily influenced youth. We on this site have seen through their feeble ruse and will make ourselves known through the ballot box .
British Democracy and the British people have been betrayed by parliament while the world watches on.
Please clarify your definition of ” the inevitable” as I’m hoping it is the same as mine. The word OUT springs to mind.
Lefty Wright
Out. Definitely Out! , or we sack and get rid of the lot of them.
The Brexit Party will ‘clean up’.
Lefty – what happened to your patois – don’t tell me you’re really a white man playing the fool?
My patio at this moment in time is looking quite colourful, give or take a slug or two, you know how it is. However, my grasp of the French language is abysmal.
Patois?? What the fcuk is that?? MRS WRIGHT -would you mind. Thank you so much.
pass the foie gras darling!
I like the word ‘interesting’, especially when deployed in the Chinese sense.
At this rate it may get banned by Parliament at the behest of the BBC.
Man who yelled ‘fascist’ outside of Jess Phillips’ office has been arrested.
No, it wasn’t David Lammy; he calls people Nazi’s and racists. And he will never be arrested or questioned.
PS. Have they arrested the far right thugs who attacked poor wee Owen Jones?
I think the lefty remainers are scoring constant own goals with their despicable behaviour, and long may it continue.
But the devious media are a huge problem especially al beeb with its ‘impartiality’!
However, a quick chat with my remain voting Mum tonight revealed that she wants us out regardless and cannot stand Steptoe or Swinson ????
The tide is turning, keep the faith ????
If Slowtai had waved a toy golliwog in his hand would he have managed to appear on YouTube? Are we all children??
Just watched last nights Peston (where his interview technique is to interrupt leavers)
He was asking Rudd if she thinks a GE would solve this (Brexit) and she said “no” and that you would only get the same people voted back in so it would solve nothing.
I’ve heard a few politicians come out with this, all remainers of course.
Are they really so out of touch.
Are they completely deaf and blind as to what’s going on.
Do they really think they will be voted back in again?
I would say that at least 300 of them will be gotten rid of.
There will be a big change and even with no alliance with TBP the Tories would get a 60 seat majority.
Rudd says a referendum is the way to settle this.
Give me strength.
Everyone on here can see how wrong that is in so many ways (9 months to organise, the question, best of 3 if remainers won, Swinson won’t accept a leave win and so on)
The only one speaking sense on the Peston panel was the leaver, Alex Phillips from TBP.
Amber has a cat in hell’s chance of regaining her seat in Hastings and Rye.
The local fishing fleets have been decimated since she scraped in last time, so she’ll probably finish up in Lidl, or perhaps the local council.
This is just an hour ago.
The bbc seem content to pretend that their man and his party are linguistic saints, despite considerable reminder evidence to the contrary.
As a consequence, #CCBGB
I don’t know who edits BBC Politics, but they look set for a bonus. Well, a bigger one.
Ems will have her bff on later, surly?
Oh, and #CCBGB
The bbc has hitched to another knackered mare.
That is this BBC Politics, pulling every stunt it can.
Again, #CCBGB
Considering that thousands of Britons have died to uphold a form of democracy its a bit rich for a traitor to complain about being scared . They all should be for what they are doing and have done .
And if politicians are stupid enough to use their children as propaganda through the state broadcaster there will be a price too. Subverting democracy can’t be allowed to happen and those trying to do so must know there will be consequences
Silly of me I know assigning any level of smarts or sanity to these mother of the year champs, but dragging their kids into the limelight at a febrile time to make a cheap score in the news, in the age of google, seems nothing short of psychotic.
“Yvette Cooper’s daughter Ellie says her house has been fitted with panic buttons”
They will press them in the event of a no deal Brexit, or Corbyn becoming prime minister.
We’ll all need panic buttons when he opens the floodgates to unlimited immigration.
Why don’t you have a wee chat with Arlene Foster or Nigel Dodds?
Might help you and your daughter to put your problems into perspective.
Nobody is killed by words or offensive language, a car bomb or a snipers bullet are a different matter.
“Jeremy Corbyn says Boris Johnson’s language is “encouraging people to behave in a disgraceful and abusive way” towards public figures
He calls on MPs to avoid using words like “surrender”……
He must prefer words like “No surrender” as used by his friends in the IRA.
It’s the other side, the community I am a part of, who traditionally use “No Surrender”, it fits in especially well half way through God Save The Queen and is often proceeded on the sides of gable walls by “For God and Ulster”.
It was supposedly first used by UVF soldiers at the Somme on the 1at of July, 1916, a date of already immeasurable significance within the shared Ulster Protestant and British cultures, as they went into battle wearing their Orange Order regalia.
The fact that the 1st of July, 1690, was the date of the Battle of the Boyne, when the army of the newly crowned Protestant King William III, (William of Orange, hence the Orange Order founded a century later in 1795) defeated the troops of the Catholic James II was not lost on those who fought so bravely or on the communities from which they came who lost so many.
The IRA slogan is usually “Tiocfaidh (chucky) ar la”, “Our day will come” in Irish. The only Gaelic most of them actually know.
Who’s the old nutter asleep in the pic above?
Blimey, he looks old, probably time for Horlicks, or maybe his old mentor’s drink, Wincarnis!
I see Jo Swinson is in on the act too.
Does no media genius not see that a sudden rash of threats in one media-narrative direction is awfully convenient?
Or that in the history of nasty political stuff, it’s the nutters not just making the threats that are the issue.
The ones who do stuff the BBC’s comediennes find funny.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Letter in the Times from a well known capitalist lackey supporting Boris
I have had a couple of conversations today, both involving remain voters who would now vote to leave with no deal because they are disgusted at the behaviour of the politicians and their attempt to stop Brexit by any underhanded means whatsoever.
People are realising that our democracy is under threat.
Not to mention the bbc.
Seems all you have to do is take a crew to a staged effort and they’ll run it, no questions asked*.
*Depending on party approval.
Karl Turner resorts to aggressive and confrontational posturing over some so called hurty words, seemingly blaming DC for ‘death threats’ due to said hurty words. Irony seems in short supply within the labour ranks.
I saw that this morning and thought exactly the same as I am sure anyone watching did…these Labour MPs are by far the worst and the female only select list ones the worst of the worst…
It does seem strange that only the Labour female MPs have death threats …and the Jess ‘ gobby’ Philips office attack seems to have 5 different versions..
In most of these cases it is one off or an online rant..I didn’t notice the Left complaining when their organised group (mob) outside JRM’s house shouted at his kids..No they are woke so it is okay
Could do with that election ….
Much worse than “surrender” but of course you’ll never hear of it on the far left state broadcaster as most are their comrades:
The ‘Independent’ has found a new way to denigrate Johnson, worthy of the beeb: smear by association.
‘Boris Johnson hailed by far-right extremists for ‘brilliant’ performance in parliament.’
Yep, the ‘far-right’ approve of his performance, therefore he’s a fascist.
“A man has been arrested for allegedly verbally abusing staff at MP Jess Phillips’ constituency office.
Was a druggie ‘off his head’ smoking pot ? A side act ?
Its pretty clear now these shouts of “No Deal off the table” Really means they want to stop Brexit altogether.
That’s what most of the MPs are desperately trying to achieve. Despite there ‘forked tongue’ words of respect the wishes of the people.
Boris really needs to have a pact with The Brexit Party. That would really put the willies up the Remainers .
>taff..”Boris really needs to have a pact with The Brexit Party. That would really put the willies up the Remainers .”
would love to see that..Brecon&Radnor for example would be blue again I think.