The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
The combined forces of the Parliament , the courts and of course the Far Left Biased BBC are conspiring against the Democratic vote of over 17 million people .
Who’d have ever thought the UK could come to this ?
Justin gets about.
Aren’t elections illegal now? After all we don’t know what we are voting for.
If they aren’t I’m sure parliament can bang through a bill in a week or perhaps ‘spider woman’ can save them the effort?
(Doesn’t parliament denying a recess for a party conference ‘fly’ in the face of democracy?. Don’t suppose ‘spider woman’ is too bothered though!)
When I first saw Jo Brand on TV I confess I found her mildly amusing.
After all she made quips about the “allegedly toe sucking” Conservative MP David Mellor managing to get a fcuk so why can’t she. Also I found her joke about anorexia amusing. “When an anorexic looks in the mirror she says to herself “I look fat —-well so do I”. However, I think Jo is now part of “The Agenda”. That’s a pity.
The Remainers are fixated on 31/10/19 as a date by which they cannot agree to a GE, apparently to discredit BJ into breaking his solemn oath. I cannot however see this as a problem for him. It is achingly clear that the consortium of remainiacs hold the whip hand and that he has to abide by their timing, but whenever the election is held, their prevarication and obstruction will result in massive vote swing to the tories. Cannot see any other outcome.
>honestus – “but whenever the election is held, their prevarication and obstruction will result in massive vote swing to the tories. ”
I do hope so..but to echo the issue noted above by Taffman it would seem eminently sensible for the Tories to talk sensibly with the Brexit party when a GE is called so as to avoid the sort of debacle that happened in the recent by-election in Brecon & Radnor,
Liberal Democrat 13,826 43.46% +14.32%
Conservative 12,401 38.98% -9.60%
Brexit Party 3,331 10.47% N/A
Labour 1,680 5.28% -12.46%
Minor 334 1.05% N/A
UKIP 242 0.76% -0.63%
Majority 1,425 4.48%
of course it should be remembered that in this by-election “Plaid” and the Greens decided not to stand a candidate which would almost certainly have reduced the LimpDum vote
I strongly suspect that the Tories and Brexit Party are deliberately distancing themselves from each other so as not to scare Northern Labour voters from the Brexit Party. These voters wouldn’t vote Tory if their lives depended on it and wouldn’t vote BP if they thought it was just an offshoot of the Tories.
agreed RD..but maybe in certain seats they need to arrange something like I spoke about with the Greens/Plaid “stand down” re the LibDem vote in B&R.
Good point.
BBC Newsbeat
Toy shop staff will also be trained to ask what a child is interested in rather than “is it for a boy or a girl?”
It’s ok, it’s The Netherlands.
For now.
Can just see Justin and Phoebe pinning their Albanian Amazon delivery driver to the ground and demanding their toy qualifications.
It is hilarious that the bbc promotes this stuff about girls wanting to be scaffolders one minute, and then gets excited about a hairy fat bloke called Steve in a pink tutu the next.
Anyone would think that national broadcaster was staffed exclusively by raving idiots.
If only women were interested in being scaffolders, refuse collectors, road workers or any job that requires strength and don’t mind getting dirty.
I have a vague feeling that some time in the future we will look back at the past weeks and months, and realize that the way we think about, and conduct, politics changed fundamentally. It goes far beyond Leave or Remain.
Easiest to identify as a starting point is 1997. The men who created everything from the ‘dodgy dossier’ TO TAKE US TO WAR on a lie, to the abortion we now have as a ‘Supreme Court’, came to power. It became possible to let in 2-3 million “migrants”–simply ‘to give the Tories one in the eye’ — as Tommy Cooper might have said: ‘just like that’. I can hear Tony, snapping his fingers. Mr Magic Power.
The PEOPLE, to whom much lip service was paid, were –in reality– unimportant or even irrelevant. To the sound of ‘things can only get better’ we find that the WHOLE IDEA was to deceive those very people. This showed your God-like mastery of power. Let them eat cake.
This period “ended” in 2016, when (convinced he could not lose) Dave C. gave the despised people a referendum. Through his disasterous miscalculation, THE PEOPLE actually took power, in a brief moment of DIRECT DEMOCRACY.
Since then, parliament has been scrambling to recover the REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY model. That is why we constantly hear about “parliamentary sovereignty” (which sees no connection to the sovereignty OF THE PEOPLE). Up there, in ‘that place’, THEY decide. And just to SHOW US, they have reneged on their promise and kept us waiting for three years. One in the eye, yet again!
And now we see why Tony Blair is still very much with us, if only in mindset.
When Boris challenged the tyranny of parliament model, lo and behold, there was THE SUPREME COURT. Many, many Labour and SNP scoundrels sanctimoniously pointed us to the (hastily promulgated) RULE OF LAW yesterday. Lest we thought that parliament might be dithering re our instructions, or even be showing us two reversed fingers, the mighty Spiderwoman and her ten weblings appeared– magically, darting out to back up and re-legitimise the ‘honourable and right honourable members’ – unanimously, of course (Lest we doubt their determination).
And so Tony, the vulgar Magician, would-be President of the European Union, walks among us still. We, the people, spoilt his little game. All that screeching and yelling and shrieking and indignation yesterday was a reflection of Tony’s outrage. And his little pal, the very erudite Mr Speaker, is very much present. And HIS MASTER’S VOICE- Al Beeb is still very much around, -like the Guardian- hand outstretched.
Forget “Communism”. New Labour very much refined that idea, with its outmoded Leninist “vanguard party” model. No, we got the new, improved “Cool Britannia” party model.
Our system keeps Nigel out. We still wonder about Boris. How much of what he says does he mean?
What will we do now?
succinct and accurate summation. I would go further. The political driving force that has been bubbling away beneath the surface and just out of view of the voting public for years has now been drawn out, like the poison it is, exposed as openly biased and partisan. This is the heavily politicised media especially and in particular – the biased broadcasting company. They drive and sometimes create the narrative. The individuals or groups that they want to be villains are painted and promoted as such, with a frequency and consistency that can only be explained by collusion and agreement between the larger media players and their ideological partners. This is full on propaganda warfare where the people have few representatives on the major media platforms which shockingly, if unsurprisingly includes ‘Auntie beeb’, the state tax funded broadcaster that voters actually fund but find little representation in.
The plan
Emily knows best. Even if out of sight until things cool off.
Hi could anyone help me please. I must have pressed something on my tablet and all day I have been receiving every message from this site to my can imagine how many I have had, dont know what I pressed but must have done something wrong when I was logging in .. help anyone please.
I had one ticked I’ve unticked it now I’ll see how that goes thank you very much
I’ve unticked them both but unfortunately I’m still getting them. I’ll turn off tablet and go to bed I think.
Hi cromwell you also need to make sure the comments box when you post anything isn’t ticked too!
Recently this evening I watched on BBC4 a documentary about the Spitfire.
It was not made by the BBC but by an independent production company about a year ago.
It had many references to the role of women both in the manufacture and the delivery of aircraft to front line squadrons.
I have no problem with the role of women in the war effort. It is admirable.
I do have a problem with the role of women in the politics of the Labour party.
The women of WW2 and the women of the Labour Party are not compatible. The women of the Labour Party with few exceptions are a disgrace to the country and the memory of those brave women who flew for our freedom.
All those MPs spouting their false outrage and unable to distinguish between ‘threats’ that are extremely unlikely to be carried out and real violence, should take a moment to consider the frustration of the electorate that has waited forty years to say ‘No’ to the EU, (having only had a choice of blue, red and orange EUnuch parties) in the past.
Then being given that ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity that electorate has seen the bulk of MPs renege on their promises.
They should especially realise that ‘the vote’ is the only way that the ordinary voter can lawfully express their opinion, (the courts being beyond their pockets and unlikely to hear their case).
The hero of ‘the left’ John F. Kennedy realised this and, as I told my MP over a year ago:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”.
or from Hosea 8:7
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”
They delude themselves if they think ‘Boris’ is the problem.
A friend of mine complained to the Metropolitan Police about the hate attack on JRM that he had seen on the video.
The response from the police was that because my friend had not actually been there in person, the complaint was not valid.
The hate attack on JRM
The attack was carried out by Class War, who have teamed up with the leftoid remainers. Their leader, who did the shouting at JRM’s children was a student of Barry Sheerman, and says this about his former tutor on their FB page .
Class War
Yesterday at 6:49 AM ·
BARRY SHEERMAN’S RAGE WAS THE ONLY possible response. He used to be my politics tutor at Swansea uni.
So CLASS WAR is forming the SHEERMAN BRIGADE to take the fight onto the streets
oh the bleeding hearts on newsnght last night – please be nice to us . get a fucking grip – it’s CLASS WAR the old Etonians will dance on jo cox grave – they already are.
Any old Etonian will do – they need to be hurt – to be afraid then their arrogance will be a noose
I fucking told yas!
They plan to make a citizen’s arrest of Boris Johnson, with violent confrontation. Will Corbyn and the Labour Wimmin disassociate themselves from this?
Boris has the opportunity now to transform this country.
I think he will.
Why does she look so happy? Where are the hands of the gentleman behind her?
Has she finally decided to offer “accommodation” to a “refugee”.
Oh Christ. Perish the thought.
Peaky Blinders
In recent days the libmob, the Guardianlalaland, the BBC have been chanting that we must not have a national atmosphere that is angry or inciting and that words like “surrender” and “humbug” should be banned
Yet this same BBC has created and promoted this drama series where downright nasty violent characters are glorified.
BTW did anyone listen to Wednesday’s R4 Media Show
which was entirely about Peaky Blinders ?
Instead of having the BBC’s Amol Rajan talking about how great this BBC show is , they had the non-BBC presenter
So that was impartial
Yeh right, the guy they used is a Guardian Editor ..
Their Media Editor jimWaterson
…. facepalm
“Could polygyny be the answer to Russia’s problems?”
Where is this one going ?
Very difficult to judge. A curious (or at best, lazy) choice of photograph (St Basil’s cathedral) when the story has a predominately Muslim theme: something like the Moscow Cathedral Mosque may have been more appropriate. But I’ll hazard a guess on a follow-up article:
“Like Russia, Britain has a demographic problem. Whether it is a shortage of nurses in the NHS or chefs to work in Asian restaurants, we have a drastic shortage of people. Traditionally, Britain has been a nation of immigrants, enabling us to maintain the population levels necessary for economic growth and ensure a diverse, vibrant society. But Post-Brexit, that ideal solution is being thrown into doubt and experts are calling for a more radical solution. Even in socially conservative Russia, there have been calls for polygyny, a respected system whereby a man can have multiple wives. And now Islamic scholars advising the government in Britain have suggested that polygyny, at least for the Muslim community in the UK, should be fully embraced, along with a reduction in the age of marriage and consent to 14. They point out that polygyny is already recognised de facto, for instance with benefits payments to multiple wives and the resultant offspring. A spokesperson for the Labour Party, who did not wish to be named, described it as a ‘fresh and innovative solution to an old problem’ and one worthy of serious consideration.
Couldn’t agree more, this is exactly where this is going and has been a quite regularly recurring narrative on the bBC for a while now, just do a quick search on the webshite.
First polygyny (why not call it the more understood polygamy) then a push to lower the age of consent and marriage to allow for a younger third wife or marriage to their teenage niece from their village back home thus legalizing paedophilia.
Sick, sick people.
“polygyny” is used in the BBC title NOT “polygamy”
I don’t know why the BBC has to introduce that rare word
polygyny is an example in which a man has more that one wife.
“polygamy” refers to the practice of having more than one spouse.
In the article the mufti is first quoted as supporting the tradition on polygyny of men having multiple wives
and then he also adds that since there are too many women , it might be a solution.
The BBC could have just used the word polygamy and people would have understood
“And lower the voting age”
The idea of using continued immigration to maintain a base for the Labour Party was largely developed by the Marxist historian and mentor to Tony Bliar, Eric Hobsbawm. His argument was that Western capitalism was basically successful in improving the economic circumstances of the working class and that, as they became wealthier, people naturally became more conservative and switched their allegiance from left-wing parties. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly bring in immigrants who, initially being at the bottom of the socio-economic structure, would be drawn to Labour.
Why has the silly old man in the middle got three arms?
Or is one of them to stick up the nose of the fat bloke behind him?
And what’s he doing to the person on his left? Looks remarkably like an elbow-fondle to me…
And I reckon the bloke with the black-currant cornet needs to ask for his money back too!
Where’s David Bailey when you need him!
For the sake of clarity, Scrobie’s post refers to the Leave.EU Tweet linked to in Stew’s post @12.22a.m..
Judging by Honourable Hackney member’s expression something naughty is going on on the Conference floor.
You can’t say things like ‘silly old man in the middle with three arms’: it is sexist, disablist, ageist and numberist and constitutes vile hate-speech. Many members of Humankind ((c) J.Trudeau) have made valuable contributions to society, including Jake the Peg.
Humankind has long been a good word. Trudeau invented “Peoplekind” which is just hiariously pathetic.
BBC HALF the story, ALL the time
which is why you never heard about these
We truly live in strange times when the words “Surrender bill” and “Back a deal, then”, both true and spoken calmly, somehow ‘incite hatred’!
And now our church leaders are joining in on the ‘Boris Bashing’, wanting him to ‘keep to the law’, which is a bit rich when one considers how they have ditched their own ‘rule book’ to keep in with the Marxist-Muslim alliance.
My apols if anyone’s seen this, but I hadn’t…
Good question…
…answer? What answer Greta?
Scrob – what does anyone expect – that’s a 16 year old .
Can but wait for the MSM group think anguish when they realise she isn’t wearing any clothes . I’m prejudiced because I have only heard her speak in this piece …
Ha ha ha. I’ve just been banned from Fcebook for drawing attention to similarities between how the Nazis used young girls to promote their ideology and the way this girl is being used.
I used this photo published in the Metro
And let’s not even explore the links and parallels between Nazism and Environmentalism in too much depth in case it leads to unexpected realisations and conclusions…
Although the imagery of Greta is more likely to be modelled on the Swedish children’s character, Pippi Longstocking
TOADY Watch #1 – Wilful ignorance or worrying innocence?
Dharshini David is said to be an economist and a business person. She is Business/Economics Correspondent for the BBC. She appeared to know nothing about business at 7.15a.m. this morning when asking whether ‘business’ really is ready for Brexit. Her interviewee was left untroubled by any probing questions whatsoever from Dharshini about the need to prepare.
The narrative that four-fifths of businesses are not ready for Brexit was inadvertently promoted or deliberately promoted by the BBC.
Let’s take the example of a sole practitioner High Street Chartered Accountant. Several where I lived in London. Several within ten miles of me now. They will be members of every business association and enterprise group going. Clients will be local small businesses and individuals. There will be no need to do anything to prepare for Brexit. (You can repeat that for small law firms, Estate Agents, etc., etc.) It is this type of business that forms the mass of businesses within the various ‘trade’ associations and in the UK.
There will be no need, whatsoever, for businesses like that to do anything to prepare for Brexit.
Dharshini David did not ask about any of that.
On the evidence of this, the BBC cannot be trusted.
Toady watch
Tourette’s Robinson has discovered a new way to be biased without actually being biased . What he does is this – he trawls the worlds main newspapers in the ‘press review’ and finds a like minded piece which follows his narrative of the world .
Today he has used an article in the Washington Post about why leaders from around the world are ( in his view ) breaking the law – so its straight to bojo – trump- and others
Clever technique to dishonestly conceal his anti democratic bias- and of course – that of the Remainer Broadcasting Corpse.
Any questions watch
Eddie Sturton – the rather grand journo who sits in for a dimbly whilst counting his dividends – gave his personal ant Brexit bias away in the trailer for his dire show this morning . Apparently a Tory minister is going to get a hostile reception after the government was found to have broken the law – according to him .
Good luck to anyone who listens to that or watches the other rubbish – Question Time .
Plod watch
Cleveland police inadequate on all areas ( great achievement )
35000 cops and staff across the country not properly vetted – imagine the real number – I did like the story of the lady in the lost property Office who got caught stealing a purse which an honest member of the public had handed in ….
Fed, those Police & Crime Commissioners are obviously working well, are they not? (Owww! tongue in cheek caught that dodgy tooth again!)
‘Dave’s’ silliest scheme for wasting taxpayer money and time. They should be dispensed with ASAP, along with directly elected Mayors.
“Wow, there’s someone who makes content for us?”
Danielle makes custom designs for games as Ebonixsims, so that other black gamers get to see themselves fully represented. ????????
(via BBC News Africa)
Careful what you wish for, presenters.
What happens if you kill a BME character in a game ….do you get reported for being racist ?
TOADY Watch #2 – MP, a bullying victim, bites back
Alok Sharma (Con) (Remain) and Minister for International Development is bullied and battered by Nick Robinson in thuggish mode at 8.10. Mr Sharma responds brilliantly, refusing to provide the BBC with the soundbites they want and putting Nick Robinson on the spot and showing him up as a dishonest presenter.
On the evidence of this, the BBC cannot be trusted.
I missed TWT last evening on R4 @10p.m.. I don’t know whether and Government Ministers or MPs were on the programme, but on the evidence of TOADY today, the BBC are starting to lose regularly in their skirmishes. The Government won TOADY and TWatO yesterday and TOADY again today. The BBC are playing a dangerous game. The Labour Party will be listening and learning.
Should we get a Labour Government at the next Election, the TOADY Programme risks being further diminished with Labour strategists cutting them out of the news loop by forbidding Ministers & MPs to appear on R4 for a mauling.
Error in first line of penultimate para: you have a choice – either add ERG spokespeople after the word ‘whether’ or turn the ‘and’ into ‘any’.
Where’s maxi when you really need him?
I banned him – alright – I didn’t – he’s too busy waving one of those ‘ stop brexit ‘ posters on college green next to the paid idiot with the top hat
Up2, Labour won’t forbid any of their ministers to boycott the BBC as all their pronouncements (no matter how awful or dishonest) will be treated as marvellous, and all Labour ministers will be fawned upon like they were the disciples of the Second Coming (Corbyn).
Labour have nothing to fear from the BBC. They claim that the way they treat the Conseervative Government is because they have to hold the government to account. However, between 1997 and 2010 the BBC supported all thigs the government pushed (except for the Iraq War when the Conservative opposition supported the Labour Government.)
Basically the BBC looks at what the Conservatives are doing (in or out of government) and take the exact opposite view.
I meant “won’t order their ministers to boycott the BBC”
The bbc are milking the bbc’s Actions for all their worth.
I’ve been seeing these moronic lefties claiming recently that the lefty Kuenssberg is a Tory!!!! They clearly never listen to her or they think that Harperson and Abbott are tories too. One even claimed that the extreme left Maitless is also a Tory.
The one they use over and over is Toenails Robinson who apparently was a Young Conservative prior to his apparent lobotomy. Well, he’s completely on board with Labour now and has been since working for the BBC.
Andrew Neil is quoted as being a leaver (possibly) and completely biased against the left. He is the one, the only one, BBC presenter who savages both sided equally. Of course the Left are horrified that any of their representatives are actually asked difficult questions on the BBC, ignoring that Neil does exactly the same to Conservatives.
The way to find out which side the BBC backs is to call for the ending of the BBC Poll tax. The Left who never believe in freedom of speech or the right for the Right to speak openly get into hysterics if someone suggests that this disgusting tax is stopped. However, most Conservatives would be happy to see it stopped despite being, in general, in favour of all sides having equal freedom of speech.
the BBC added that “audiences should not be able to tell” the opinions of its journalists on matters of public policy.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Synonymous with, “Bol*ocks to the voters” I do believe.
BBC Online News today:
Dominic Cummings speaks.
“If you are a bunch of politicians and say that we swear we are going to respect the result of a democratic vote, and then after you lose you say, ‘We don’t want to respect that vote’, what do you expect to happen?”
“In the end, the situation can only be resolved by Parliament honouring its promise to respect the result,” he said, echoing sentiments expressed by the prime minister in the Commons on Wednesday.
“This is a walk in the park compared to the referendum. We are enjoying this. We are going to leave and we are going to win,” he said.
Not a hope – it’s hatties Job already pencilled in . When it should be Lindsey hoyle .
The EU’s lackeys will further ‘fix’ the voting system.
Labour members overwhelmingly backed a motion that would give full voting rights to foreign nationals living in the UK. It would mean anyone with residency rights in the UK would be able to vote in a General Election, as well as any future Brexit referendum.
Early on at the conference, Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, went even further in terms of changing the franchise, suggesting that 16-year-olds should be able to vote in a second Brexit referendum, because they would be the ones most affected by the outcome.
This call to change the electorate, to expand it to include foreign residents and 16-year-olds, is clearly about fixing any future second Brexit referendum in favour of Remain.
If his logic is that 16 year old children should vote because they will be more affected by the outcome then pure logic says 10 year olds should also be given a vote.
Or 5 year olds.
Funny how at 16 they are either vulnerable children if they come across the channel or they are completely grown up adults if they want them to vote.
Who do you think you are fooling labour. We are not all the idiots you think we are.
It’s also strange that only a few years ago the Marxist views and beliefs that Milliband Senior had at 16/17, that an Englishman “is a rabid nationalist” for one, were to taken as the views of a naive and questioning innocent, to be disregarded as not yet fully or fairly formed, at the same as his sons and their then party supported lowering the voting age.–We-repeat-This-man-did-hate-Britain.htmlago
Why would youngsters of obviously lesser intellect, in the eyes of our establishment at least, be anymore capable of voting in a more mature, informed and considered manner now? They wouldn’t, but they would be able to vote “correctly”.
Cant see it making any difference. The big difference will come when they decide and they will one day that you don’t have to be registered at an address.
The reasons millions don’t register is that they are claiming single residency or are sub letted.
So how many unfortunate souls at Grenfal were actual tennants registered at that address to vote?
Photographic ID has to be introduced as it is here in Northern Ireland . The fact that the privilege of a democratic vote is not more respected and more rigorously managed is a scandal.
Just a comment..has anyone ever seen the BBC Brexit broadcast..I came across it at the father in laws today..4 BBC people talking to each other about Brexit – how balanced do you think this conversation is? Apparently we are paying for this …..why do the BBC need to do this…pretty sure nobody listens to it…
It’s the fourth time I’ve said this because I think it’s important . If politicians in the commons use words which are not ruled out by the Speaker they are perfectly proper .
I’m not sure if bollocks to Brexit was used but it was certainly official policy of the illiberal party acting like the lower 6th form .
Once entire Partys drop to that level it’s only going to quite rightly spiral down . But BoJo echos the majority in the country in my view . The jo cox fan club just uses her sad death as a propaganda tool as does her husband .
Something major about the Karl Turner video @GuestWho mentioned last night.
Yep sure enough the BBC are making the most of that Labour Party PR matierial
When I switched on my local radio station this morning the presenter was doing an earnest save the world speech about how poor Karl Tuner is getting death threats and that people (by which he means Brexiteers) need to calm down
He then played the Karl Turner video, which is awful radio cos the audio is terrible .
..I then check the video on Twitter
What do I find ?
BBC #BiasByOmission as they’ve cut off the subtitles when Turner ended by saying something nasty
The BBC run their news crediting him as the supplier.
Meanwhile they are on full NagaMartyr mode, quoting Donald Trump…. partially.
They have jumped the shark across the board.
Awaiting Paul Mason to be named DG next.
I watched the video yesterday and admittedly relied heavily on the sub titles as there was significant background noise. But you are right. Have played again and again and he does indeed make this vicious and very personal verbal comment with the word ‘dead’ very clear. Amazed it wasn’t cropped before uploading but due to the omission of subtitles by the beeb at this very critical point, appears now as misrepresentation or even worse, covering up for the total and mind numbing hypocrisy of Karl Turner.
Question, which msm platform has the balls to publish???!!!!
Yes Stew, Guido has picked up on this here:-
Ah Yes Guido and I must have been writing at the same time
They tweeted at 9:47am I at 9:55am
Cleverly tweeted at 8:17am
My local BBC station tweeted the Turner video twice
Thu night 7:40pm
and then again 12 hours later
I note that last time they had him on air listeners complained about his aggression.
I think the nasty comment was that ‘Cummings belongs in a ditch ‘ – which comes from the guido analysis of the end of the encounter .
I have to say Cummings certainly has some style when dealing with heated snowflakes – including the great put down “who are You ?” Answer “I’m an MP”. ( – a remainer traitor in a 68% leave constituency who dishonours his constituents ever day he has his snout in the trough ).
Fed — reminded me of a great put down by Freddie Mercury in the 70s.
Queen were recording in the same studio as the Sex Pistols, Sid Vicious walks into the Queen studio one day and sneerily asks Freddie if he’s succeeded yet in bringing ballet to the masses. Freddie calls him ‘Simon Ferocious’ and pushes him out the door…
Talk Radio now , caller is pointing out the utter HYPOCRISY of Labour MP HYPOCRITES shouting about inflammatory language.
Just an advisory – I’m going to put the weekend thread up early as there is so much comment on the site at the moment . I thank every one for their restraint in such trying and unDemocratic times .
BBC narrative \\Man held over MP Jess Phillips ‘fascist’ abuse at Birmingham office
The MP said her staff had to be locked inside the office in Birmingham while a man reportedly shouted “fascist” at them while hitting doors and windows.
West Midlands Police said they were called to a disturbance in Acocks Green at about 14:30 BST. (Thursday)//
Twitter then points out that Jess Phillips office is closed all day Tuesdays and Thursdays
so anyone who’d traipsed all the way down is likely to end up knocking on the window and shouting.
Police said
“A 36-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of a public order offence and possession of cannabis. He’s been taken into police custody and will be questioned in due course.”
ITV went further and used a headline
“Arrest made after man tried to ‘**break into** Jess Phillips’s constituency office'”
Twitter pointed out “he was arrested on a public order offence not attempted breaking in”
Stew – I think they’ll find that it was the bloke I sent to deliver a printer to the poor impoverished girl .
She’s work class you know – people like her don’t normally get into Parliament ( thank god )
( for the record Fedup2 considers itself to be working class – but what might be considered a ‘traditional type ‘ who prefers self reliance to claiming benefits not paid for ).
Paul not helping.
Off to walk the dogs. The media turn my stomach.
I think the ethnic channel four chap has a bit of a chip that Brillo is a thousand time better journo and interviewer than he could ever be .
And to use the brilliant powerful example of Brillo defending France and journalism after the Charlie hebdo attacks is – something else . Now where did I put the picture of Corbyn posing with the guru Murphy. ( there is one )
When it comes to *racism*, there’s no such thing as ‘impartiality’
I bet they’d say
When it comes to *CLIMATE CHANGE*, there’s no such thing as ‘impartiality’
ie this is a game where you insert your ‘sacred dogma ‘
The point is she was being PARTIAL, she was using the Smear/Label/Dismiss PR trick against Trump as she smears him labels him a racist
Racism itself is always wrong but “Bearing false witness” sticking the word racist on people who aren’t is a worse crime.
*Throwing dehumanising heavy LABELS like “racist” on people*
.. is not impartial
“…As British broadcasters and journalists of colour, we demand it reconsiders…”
Demanding reconsideration seems to be a bit of a zeitgeisty thing doesn’t it?
when gobby mason would like nothing more than for the BBC to become a fully fledged political arm of global marxism. So not the ‘political’ that’s the issue – its the wrong type of political.
important critical path for msm and bbc;
Does the comment impugn, condemn, call into question Boris’s morals or legitimacy, his behavior or his character. If so – use and promote.
If if does none of these things or involves partner individuals or groups – bury.
Same goes fro Trump, their other nemesis!
Same goes fro Trump, their other nemesis!
Well worth repeating- this was written in 2014,
Soon, there won’t be a Europe to be part of -Economically and politically, Europe is sinking fast, and it seems powerless to save itself. Our island nation cannot indefinitely escape these destructive dynamics. At this week’s CBI annual conference, there was much talk of the damage that uncertainty over British membership of the EU was doing to business confidence.
Indeed, the way things are going, there soon won’t be a Europe to be part of. The greater threat to our future is not loss of European markets and investment, but a continent paralysed by political crisis and economically crippled by a malfunctioning monetary union. Europe pretends to be a single nation, but is incapable of acting like one. That this tragedy is in part caused by the enforced march to federalism is beside the point. Whatever the reasons, Europe is burning up again, and, historically, it’s always been impossible for Britain to escape Europe’s flames.
Britain finds itself in the same boat. In order to compensate for economic failure in Europe, the UK is forced to pursue reflationary policies that in the long term it can ill afford. What is already one of Europe’s most unbalanced economies is being compelled by Europe’s tragic series of wrong turns into becoming even more dependent on pumped up domestic demand.
The European Union is failing. Whether we are in or out scarcely now seems to matter anymore. In imagining it does, many of our leading businesses and politicians are woefully behind the curve. Something will eventually emerge from the wreckage. But whatever it is, it won’t be the status quo.
They the EU are still sinking and will sink lower when the UK has gone from their greedy, duplicitous agendas.
Governement obviously does not represent us anymore-whom has it represented these 40 odd years? It clearly does not have our best interests at heart. Instead of our wishes, it has ruthlessly implemented EU treaties, EU laws, 120,000 EU regulations, and the EU’s agenda. Our parties are obviously not controlled by us, the electorate, but by the European Union our government so obviously represents. And now refuses, so it would seem to adhere to the voting publics wishes, as per the referendum 2016-to leave the EU.
Twitter say BOjo is not doing PMQs next week – domRaab is taking it on . I suppose MSM and the poisonous speaker will be demanding the PM attend in one of those rapidly being abused ‘urgent question ‘ jobs which turn up by the bucket load now .
If I has the proper government I’d just ignore them now because they are just an excuse for speaker /traitor parliament grandstanding and playing the ‘first to mention jo Cox ‘game
And then find an excuse to clap an whoop like it’s a Saturday night bread and circuses game show ….
UK Pays the EU and UK MPs.
UK MPs go to a forum paid by the EU.
This is a double hit for the UK – MP not available and paid for a nice break!
Labour MP … Karl Turner… European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development … £2,141
update on Karl Turner (‘in a ditch dead’) video comment.
Talk Radio reports that he has contacted them and said comment was something like – ‘they said i should be dead in a ditch’.
Trouble is, why no subtitles for this horrendous comment which would have added impetus to his point??
Listen carefully – the last word spoken, almost spat out is, to me, the word ‘dead’.
So either Turner was saying it to Cummings
or he was quoting what the Tweeter had said to him
.. em those words are unpleasant disdain, but NOT an actual death threat.
dishonesty is with us each and every day. Sometimes, it is beyond that and becomes hypocritical and abusive dishonesty.
KT has engineered the encounter with Cummings as his colleagues video was running when he first ‘spotted’ DC. It looks as though Turner thought that this might be an opportune moment to burnish his moral and upstanding credentials by berating Cummings in a public and moralistic manner. All on tape of course. Trouble is, you do need discipline and self control if you are going against someone like DC. Turners aggressive body language, leaning in toward DC saying, ‘don’t tell me to get Brexit done’ shows he possess’s neither and the circumstances would suggest he ended the conversation in a threatening manner – hence ‘should be in a ditch dead’, in my view.
By the way, he voted down the WA every time, probably becuase his party told him to and will do again should a brexit deal offer materialise in future.
BBC Titles:
1. Trump whistleblower ‘is CIA officer’ (BIG PICTURE OF TRUMP NOT WHISTLE BLOWER)
2. Teens respond better to ‘warmer’ tone of voice (DIG AT BORIS)
3. Harry walks minefield 22 years after Diana (HARRY GOT OUT OF BED)
Interesting vid about politicians
Lammy watch list of his deleted tweets
…. list of deleted-tweets from ALL MPs
They delete one about each 15 mins
Apart from Maxi, is there anyone who believes that Naga Munchetty is the most outstanding television broadcaster of her generation? That she transformed the television interview, changed the relationship between politicians and television, and strove to assert balance and rationality into the medium’s treatment of current affairs?
No I thought not.
Munchetty is in hot water for not knowing the difference between opinion and fact, an understanding which many would argue is fundamental in her doing the job she does for the BBC.
The BBC Complaints Unit have found her guilty of being biased and subjective in her comments about President Trump where she accused him of using remarks that were “embedded in racism”.
Naturally all the notable race hustlers like Lenny Henry have rushed to her support and in an open letter to The Guardian state that this has implications for all BAME broadcasters, celebrities and auto-cue readers in the UK. Their argument in essence is that if you dare to criticise anyone ‘of colour’, then you are a racist.
If Winston Churchill was alive today, he might have made this comment about the vacuous morning “Grand Inquisitor”:
An empty taxi arrived at BBC Broadcasting House and Naga Munchetty got out of it.
Cassandra – it seems that there are now complaints about the state broadcaster complaints unit . They’ve all been caught blacking up for a Trudeau themed party…. and more seriously it seems that the complaints unit is a sort of ‘craggy island ‘ for types of employee who have been put a side for younger more diverse types…..
Usual ethnics pleading special privilege and untouchability status.
And usual Libtards pandering to them.
Having adopted the ‘speaker ‘ role on this site I have decided to ignore Precedent and opened the weekend thread a bit early .
In line with current parliamentary democracy – you can object if you want – but it will be ignored and you’ll be told ‘to go away and calm down man ‘ using a favoured Bully Bercow line
It’s been a long week. Happy New Year .
Is that a hatey face and comment she’s making, and isn’t that illegal?
Oh I forgot, it’s only when conservatives make hatey comments that it’s illegal.
When it’s Lefties it’s righteous anger or justifiable indignation.