The biased anti brexit propaganda produced by the BBC is ratcheting up as we head through October . Once again thank for your restraint in such anti democratic times .
(Note to self, ‘If that nice Mr Up2 always puts up a new post on a Tuesday evening, why not just look at PC before retiring’).
As usual, R5’struggling to survive’ was full of dire exclamations of woe in its pathetic delivery of night-time ‘news’. Why we have to hear about Democrat Congress getting heated on Northern Ireland at four o’clock in the morning, and from someone on the Wapo, the most diehard Republican paper in the US – NOT, I’ll never understand.
Oh Heck, why are these old eyes so dull, or why is this old head so grey – or summat, to change your name at the last minute!
Who am I?
Where were we?
Taffman, who is the snowflake – me or someone else…?
Brissles, you started all this; please help an old man, I feel like an old corrobbyn here, a seriously out-of-touch idiot, holding a bottle of hooch in a paper bag and shouting at nobody in particular…
I’ve given up helping old men, they shout and rant, they have runny noses, and underpants showing above their trousers, have hair growing out of their ears and wear Velcro slippers – and then you discover they’re only 66 !!!! (I’m 71 tomorrow and it peeves me because it ‘sounds’ old, so I put on my best Janice Joplin hair knowing the alternative is worse)
I do hope the “first” post on each new thread is representative of gender preference, ethnicity, sexual orientation , political leanings and body type within the population of the Uk or indeed any other country which any Poster might inhabit or owe any allegiance.
Sluff, you are a shining beacon in a desert of despond!
If Brissles hadn’t been watching out for the start, none of this would have happened, but as my future has been compromised, then I suppose I must plough a new furrow, cry to the moon, in fact listen to the dire bbbc for inspiration – not!
Your agenda should be cast in stone, and issued in triplicate (86 languages for eu ‘rules’), to every school in the country!
I thank you from the heart of my – er (can we say bottom – Ed)?
In the #ThinkTent pitching policy of legalising drugs. The crowd preferred scrapping the BBC licence fee, no deal Brexit, bringing back grammar schools and fracking – in that order – when it came to a vote.????
My little dog has a pink harness, thus making it easier for other dog owners to easily realise she’s a bitch, rather than asking “is it a boy or girl ? ” – and no-one has ever referred to her as a boy ! Pink or blue is better than an ID disc and avoids embarrassing questions.
This is animal cruelty of a typically Conservative, Brexit variety.
Perhaps your canine companion detests this pink he is forced to wear and yearns for the day when she can run around naked and make its own decision as to what is the most gender appropriate position for urinating on my car wheel.
Brr Brr, Brr Brr
This is the Josef Stalin Home for abused mammals, sorry but all our investigators are busy at the moment.
Your call is important to us …
Not to mention the scrabble, scrabble, samba after such actions!
JRT regularly showers many passers-by after such motions, and sometimes she seems even more pleased with herself than is strictly necessary!
In fact, it’s not well known, but Jon Sopel always does this peculiar sort of scrabbling ritual, when he has made some sort of silly comment, and needs a Ritalin boost! It’s apparently a homeopathic alternative to proper aspirations towards common sense, or in his case, an excuse to stop himself getting too excited by his own drivel!
Harry banging his drum again at how awful the Press is.
Ok then Harry, carry on pontificating as to how we should all behave – and with a bit of luck the Press and Media won’t give you a platform by not reporting anything at all about you, in public or otherwise.
It will however give us all a bloody rest from you and your put upon wife.
Not really BBC – But the Daily Mail (or as someone here referred to it as the Daily Meghan) Is now about to be sued by Harries personal albatross for publishing without permission some letter she sent.
What I found particularly amusing was that the Mail has wholeheartedly thrown itself into the Meghan rehabilitation programme slavishly following the blessed couples saintly mission to Africa dispensing good will and love for all.
I just thought Ha, ha ha “thatl learn e” Two faced, brino loving rag.
The articles in the DM may be full of Meghan love, but the comments are more honest. In the past I have seen suspicious top comments that read the opposite to everything immediately below them, but not re the sixth in line and his wife. Is this because the DM know people wouldn’t believe supporting Meghan comments. Let me just say that my dislike is nothing to do with race and everything to do with someone lecturing me on how to behave whilst doing what they want. Evidence of wanting the limelight was for William”s children a quick introduction on the hospital steps, for Meghan’s son, a Hollywood production in Windsor. I don’t remember much fuss over Anne’s, Andrew or Edward’s children.
Harry clearly needs therapy. Yes we all know how tragedy came into his young life, but Diana has been mentioned in every permutation of his life – ‘how she would have loved Meghan’ when courting her; continually mentioned on his wedding day – given Meghan Diana’s huge aquamarine ring; always mentioned on tours, and now in Africa the comparison with Diana in the land mine saga, and how Meghan wore a scarf a la Diana.
And now this business with the Press and how they hounded his mother. Well, he’s married an actress who plays to the camera and the media. She’s applauded for not needing notes on giving a speech – hey ! she knows how to learn her lines for God’s sake.
Him and William are not the only ones who have lost a parent at a young age, so Harry needs to now move on and get a life, but most of all needs to extricate himself from his wife’s pocket.
Here is an example of BBC propaganda in support of Islam embedded in a Sport story of the current World Athletic Championship being held in Doha, Qatar:
Farid ‘breaking down barriers‘: One of the moments of the championships came in the heats for the 400m hurdles when Qatar’s Mariam Mamdouh Farid finished last … but in a personal best time.
The 21-year-old, one of two female athletes from Qatar taking part in the World Athletics Championships for the first time, explained why her participation at the event was important.
“My goal is inspiring the younger generation, breaking down barriers, making people’s perception of how women are in the Middle East,” said Farid, who was competing in a black full bodysuit under a national team singlet.
Yet elsewhere the BBC runs story upon story of how the white capitalist patriarchy of British society oppresses women and minorities with its various gender and BAME gaps, it’s sexist and racist microaggressions …
For those interested in blood sports – comrade Corbyn’ s ex girlfriend will be ‘doing ‘ PMQs against Dominic Raab on Wednesday . I think it’s the only thing Parliament has done since its got its biased Supreme Court win from 11 corrupt judges .
Super model manhandles gatecrasher : GOOD
Tory MP manhandles gatecrasher : VERY BAD
That’s the double standard we see from the media
re super model Gigi Hadid and the Paris fashion walk gatecrasher
…. vs Mark Field MP in London banquet with the Greenpeace gatecrasher
See this George Carlin video about anxiety
and anxious people.
(BTW Tuesday R4 Al Khalili science show pointed out that anxious people have a NARROW focus and miss the big picture )
I doubt that the BBC does ‘unscripted’ – another failed attempt to solicit an opinion.
“BBC BREAKFAST welcomed Jeremy Hunt to the show this morning and host Naga Munchetty took the opportunity to quiz the politician on the recent tweets posted by President Donald Trump, claimed by many to be “racist”. But the Foreign Secretary was not willing to go into detail about the remarks.”
Another of those stories that Al-beeb don’t seem interested in (which is strange given one of the alleged rape victims was a ‘feminist activist’ and another was disabled.)
“French authorities expand rape probe into Oxford University professor Tariq Ramadan to include evidence from two more alleged victims after police charged him with raping a disabled woman and a feminist activist.” – DM.
For those not familiar with him, Tariq Ramadan is the extremely unctuous islamic scholar and apologist.
Below he can be seen debating ‘Is Islam a Religion of Peace?’ – ha ha – with Christopher Hitchens, Peace Be Upon Him. (I can’t help noticing the first 4 letters of that title spell ISIS, which sort of answers the question.)
In case you are unaware, the colour of the skin of the person representing the opposition at Question Time is black. Both the BBC and Guardian have reported this as news, pointing out that this is the first person with black skin to perform this role. Don’t forget, look for the skin. It’s black I tell you, black. Have you got it? Black skin.
"I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces"
Prince Harry says he and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are suing the Mail on Sunday newspaper over the publication of a letter written by the duchess
Having read the BBC’s article I am none the wiser as to what it was the paper was reporting that has so incurred the Royal couple’s ire. Other than, apparently, an allegedly private letter but there is absolutely no context to enable us to make our own judgement. Almost as if the BBC doesn’t wish us to do so.
The Duke of Sussex makes clear his anger at a section of the British media – comparing “malicious” treatment of his wife to the way his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was “commoditised” – as his wife, Meghan, begins legal action. In a statement, Prince Harry says: “I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.”
Referring to claims filed at the High Court that the Mail on Sunday breached data protection laws by publishing one of Meghan’s private letters, he says the paper strategically omitted sections “to mask the lies they had perpetrated for over a year”. The Mail on Sunday stands by the story and says it will defend the case “vigorously”, adding: “We categorically deny that the duchess’s letter was edited in any way that changed its meaning.”
If it is editing to change meaning, for the bbc to raise this is indeed ‘brave’.
@Iromg of Talk Radio just massively slagged of Drama-Queen Meghan
‘She’s a bit manipulative , fell out with her father, did a PR campaign against him and didn’t invite him to her wedding, the Mail turn up and he sells them a bitter letter she has sent him.
The Mail sit on the letter for a year
Then when the Woke-Family do a PR campaign Look-at-us-saving-Africa, the Mail release the letter on the back of it.
Suddenly Harry sends out a protest letter, by a new set of ambulance chasing lawyers as if the normal royal lawyers didn’t want anything to do with it’
Harry is being an idiot again. He is accusing the entire media of victimising his family, but he cannot realise that it’s down to his woke wife’s appalling left wing political activism which she has said she will not abandon.
He is blaming the media because being left wing himself and a product of the rotten school, he cannot contemplate the fault might lie with him & his wife.
Clue here Harry – how are the media treating other less political members of the Royal family?
The Bee Lady talked to the Bird lady who said ‘So’ at the start of every sentence. She must , therefore, be an expert. Meanwhile, self-identifying Remain voter (I think she said that) Petronella Wyatt speaks of Bojo from her time working with him at The Spectator. She remembers extreme courtesy, no mysogyny, no bad behaviour. The birds and the bees were not going wild while Bojo edited The Spectator in Wyatt’s time there. She also dismisses Rachel Johnson’s earlier claim on BBC R4.
The BBC keep the thigh squeezing story going by getting someone on the programme who is actually supportive of Bojo.
Isle of Man: Houses six feet under water? Really? Or, flooded to a depth of six feet? Am awaiting a clarification or a correction.
Cash machines in Battle, Sussex. None? Really? If I recall correctly, there’s at least one supermarket (Sainsbury’s?) within 100 metres of the centre of town. Am ready to be corrected.
Prince complains about personal letter revealed in Sunday newspaper. Doesn’t want Press intrusion, doesn’t want Press attention. Am ready for continual complaints and continuing coverage on and by the BBC.
Anyway, a couple of quotes from the article showing how perhaps leaving the EU is not such a bad thing..
Obviously not newsworthy by our National Broadcaster…
You might have read something about the UK not having the F-35’s “source code”. This is basically the aircraft’s operating system. The Americans initially appeared reluctant to give the source code to the UK, but eventually they did. The UK is the only partner nation to have the F-35 source code. The real utility of this is if the UK ever wants to integrate new weapons, sensors or avionics systems onto our F-35s we can do so ourselves without having to go back to the Americans and get them to do it for us. This has been one of the issues with the Typhoon. Political agreements between the partners meant that any upgrades like new weapons, sensors, etc would need to be signed off and paid for by all partners. For years the RAF wanted to integrate new capabilities on Typhoon but couldn’t because the other partners didn’t want to pay for it. Eventually the agreements were torn up and these last few years have seen the RAF’s Typhoons become by far the most advanced models and new capabilities have been coming thick and fast after the aircraft was left to languish for so long.
Both France and Germany have collaborated with the UK on military aircraft previously, and both have a history of stiffing the UK. France did so with the Jaguar and Anglo-French Variable Geometry fighter. Germany did so with the Tornado and Eurofighter Typhoon. Both have been extremely poor partners for the UK when developing this kind of aircraft. Thus, the news that France and Germany are going to collaborate on a major new combat aircraft is very good news. The French will want a French aeroplane designed and built in France but paid for by the Germans. The Germans will want the lion’s share of the manufacturing and jobs, but will want the French to pick up the lion’s share of the development costs. I can almost hear the bickering now. I can’t think of two countries which deserve each other as partners more than these two. .
Why share tecky with enemy states .as for sharing tecky – I like the story about how Blighty thought it would just give a rolls Royce jet engine to the Russians to ‘make nice ‘ which promptly went into MIGs used against us and the Americans. Clever move .
‘Blighty’ in this case meant the Attlee government. The engine was the RR Nene and it was given to the Soviets along with a large percentage of our nuclear technology, to help them keep pace with the US. Nothing changes in Labourland.
Toady sport
Oops – the bloke who trained sir Mohammed Farah has turned out to be a naughty drugs type . The toady sports bloke – Gary – someone said ‘ mo had questions to answer ‘ – and I notice did not refer or treat him with the sainthood and knighthood the state broadcaster has traditionally fixed on ‘ our mo’..
Sometimes it’s like being a Kremlin or gremlin watcher -.-and now the weather …
Fed, yes, you gotta have one of those typewriters that reads between the lines when listening to the BBC.
Global Warming, Climate Change and Climate Emergency is all the go at our BeebBeepCeeb but Gary’s twin, Rob Sport, didn’t ask any hard questions the other day about an extra World Cup for Wimmins Foolball or whether an annual World (athletics) Championships is really needed when there is the Olympics every four years.
Funny how that Global Warming is there one minute and gone the next. How do they do that?
It would be churlish to suggest that this was to head off embarrassing questions for any BBC studio summarisers that may have been Nike athletes in their competitive careers.
The BBC has (perhaps) been doing a damage limitation exercise since 2015 when they discovered the investigation and partnered a Panorama investigation
“Rupp and GB Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah are part of Salazar’s US stable, the Nike Oregon Project. There is no suggestion Farah has broken any rules.”
“The Usada interim report was passed to the Sunday Times by the suspected Russian hacking group Fancy Bears.
The BBC has so far been unable to verify its authenticity with Usada, or establish whether any of its reported conclusions are out of date.”
[‘Fancy Bears’ also allegedly hacked Hillary’s emails]
Don’t you know that Brexit will be the cause of plague pestilence and all other worldly poxes…the truth is that the BBC are don’t do causation just correlation and can’t be bothered to look in other issues as it doesn’t suit their agenda
Just listening to LBC , nearly choked on my toast, they have just had on the political editor of The Financial Times. They were discussing how the chancellor was thinking of looking again at inheritance tax as ordinary people were getting roped in and how they have already paid tax through their lives. The idiot reporter railed on about how Javid was spending money like there was no tommorow when we are the verge of a recession. This is what I dont like about Ferrari, he didn’t counteract that with the fact that the Labour Party are bribing everyone with anything they want. Totalling one sided, then he was allowed to go as he was very busy at the conference. Just a hit job.
Headline on the Daily Express front page this morning is that the remoaners want Hammond as the pm to replace Boris.
I’m sure this must be clickbait.
Imagine his cabinet full of the likes of soubry, Swinson, grieve, Rudd, Lucas, snp, Corbyn, Abbott and the likes of that sorry bunch of eurofanatics.
I think there would be rioting if that happened.
Guy Fawkes would be a national hero.
“Maori shootings: Britain regrets killings by Endeavour crew”
“It is impossible to know exactly what led to those deaths, but what is clear is that your ancestors were shot and killed by the crew of the Endeavour and others were wounded,” Ms Clarke said.
When are we going to get an apology from Italy for all the Brits killed by the Romans , and from Norway from the ravagers of the Vikings etc etc etc ?
Where is this once great nation going ? From the sublime to the ridiculous !
The silence over the circumstances of the ‘killings’ leads, again, to only one conclusion when the BBC one-sidedly highlight something…………………….
Since there was a high probability that the Maori were indulging in their favourite, confrontational and deeply offensive ‘hakka’ – specifically designed to show supremacy and instil fear – it’s hardly surprising that Cook’s reaction was to shoot first and ask questions afterwards. This was the standard reaction to similar meetings of the period, though naturally only the British are seen as culpable.
The fact that the WRFU condone and encourage such arrogant and thoroughly unsporting behaviour has always been a mystery to me.
Take it from me the ‘hakka’ is very frightening and intimidating, especially when you are only armed with a musket firing one round a minute.
Even more so when you face that lot on the Rugby field.
Hats off to the ‘All Blacks’ ! Ooops can I say that ?
High Minded ideals and political dogma not based upon any common sense.
In Sweden, ‘Diversity’ is really coming home to roost.
“”About 13 percent of the population in Sweden experience problems in their own residential areas with crime, violence or vandalism. It is one of the highest proportions in Europe.””
It will get much worse there. We must ensure that Swedes are not welcome here when it does. Their ideology has created the mess, just as the ideology of the left allows the rape of our children by invaders. Keep the Swedes out.
How could Brexit affect music festivals? That’s the header for a video on the home page of the BBC website – the same website that still hasn’t published one word about the hugely important matter of alleged collusion between certain MPs and foreign governments trying to block Brexit.
This festival non story is so typical of the biased BBC, framing a question to maintain its narrative of uncertainty and potential problems ahead.
The answer to the question is, of course, “no, music festivals won’t be affected.”
Didn’t we have massive festivals at the Isle of Wight, Reading, Hyde Park etc long before we were in the EU? Of course we did. Didn’t Dylan, Hendrix, The Doors, Beach Boys etc. all play festivals here long before the EU? Of course they did.
So, why ask the question? Why put it on the home page?
Well, the answer my friends is blowing in the BBC’s biased wind….
Is it just me, or when the media are moaning about the costing of any prospective Conservative spending promises, why don’t they say it will simply come out of the £39 BILLION we save when we exit the EU with no deal.
This answer can also be used when crying about ‘crashing out’ and ‘cliff edge’
They are moaning because the Tories are doing everything the Left has been complaining about..funny old world Tories damned if you do and damned if you don’t..welcome to the world of the liberal woke Left
on a BBC related issue did anyone unfortunately come across a ‘comedy’ State of the Union? My wife came across it and it has Chris O’Dowd who is normally funny – we watched with bemusement as it was not funny…but focused on exactly what is important to the BBC type Highgate middle class with digs at Brexit..comedy it was not – but it won an award!!!!
We paid for it…
What happened to Digital Spy ?
It used to be THE forum for discussing UK TV stuff
But I just saw the thread about the Countryfile “far right” item
and he discussion was led by full on anti-Brexit people
The Full English – Warrant Officer Simon Bean MBE
Claims the EU will take over all UK armed forces on November 1st 2019!
Assisted by Common Purpose ***** in the military.
Given the almost ubiquitous treason uncovered since the Brexit vote, I am nearly paranoid enough to believe it.
No problem. I had to edit out part of the comment because you were calling for death to treacherous politicians. Such talk, in jest or not, endangers you personally and also this website in a country verging on becoming a police state intent on silencing opponents of the ‘liberal’ left.
Re this claim by Simon Bean that the EU will take over all UK armed forces on November 1st 2019 – it is difficult to know whether there is any truth in this particular claim because no-one will give a straight answer to questions or talk about it.
I did see someone else on YouTube claim months ago that he had heard from someone in the MoD (hearsay of course) that all MPs from the major parties, including the ERG, had agreed not to talk about Defence. This subject doesn’t ever seem to come up in Parliament does it?
On 2 September Lt Gen Riley gave a briefing in Whitehall on the Defence threat from hidden EU deals here . Veterans for Britain have been warning for years that we were being signed up surreptitiously to a web of interconnected EU defence initiatives from which it would be difficult or impossible to break free from.
Today they tweeted this:
Anyone asking the PM whether he‘ll give in to the EU’s defence stitch-up is now answered by a team which helped put us into the stitch-up — the Foreign Office’s EASP unit. They of course deny that being in EU-controlled structures leads to a loss of political control. WRONG.
Now either VfB are lying, or the FCO are still covering up (lying), or stupid.
I know who my money’s on! But I bet Dom Raab believes the FCO.
Roger Lane Knott @mrrogerln who is the prospective Brexit Party Candidate for Milton Keynes South has also tweeted concerns, and he is a former RN Officer (Rear Admiral).
Alarming to say the least-however he could be right considering the charge this new EU top person Von Der Leyen gave to the EU assembly.
A German Head of all Armed Forces! For goodness sake, do the EU want a war with the UK?
Was on 1 o’clock news also.
BBC doing a bit of Captain Cook bashing today.
Legacy been questioned by many..
Re. Treatment of the Maori. 9 got shot by over zealous crewmen.
Although it was regretted at the time and apparently now,
“Why has Britain stopped short of a full apology?”
Err. Perhaps because it was 250 years ago?
News or PR ?
Radio Humberside LOCAL news The RSC is endingi ts partnership scheme from with the oil giant BP
whereby BP subsidise youth tickets
“The RSC say they cannot ignore the fact concern about climate change was putting off young people from taking up the offer” (newsreader quietly sniggers)
WTF what has this Stratford story got to do with Humberside ?
and is it news? cos I saw 3 weeks ago that the RSC was likely to give up the scheme
Sep 3 RSC Tweet
Aged 16-25 and love the @TheRSC? Sign up for the @TheRSCKey
and enjoy a world of theatre for free! You will get access to BP £5 tickets, invites to exclusive events and much more
At 3 a.m. this morning Susan Rae introduces Hard Times by Charles Dickens with a quote from the author relating unfavourably to someone’s wild hair – how prescient of Dickens to anticipate the future!
Come on, spit it out Susan!
“Good morning! This is the Boris Bashing Corporation, Radio 4 Extra, with Susan Rae bigging up my continuity role!”
Perhaps not the RBC but whilst zapping channels I came across the latest Deliveroo advert for ‘family favourites’.
The woman dishing out the delivery looks and sounds like Labour MP Jess Phillips.
Is she moonlighting, perhaps her salary isn’t enough to pay for all her bodyguards.
It was rather spooky i thought.
I would also like to know what’s happened to all the white children in adverts, they have all but been replaced by mixed raced kids. Like the demise of white man, white children must be having a hard time in model agencies when they step through the door, as they clearly have no chance when casting directors see they aint the right shade of pale.
The EU borders map shown here is informative and instructive. Juggernauts cannot drive across the Irish Sea, whether with legal or illicit cargo, and ferries can be monitored.
The Swedish/Norwegian land border is extensive and forested without being an issue. Why the Irish border is proving to be such an insuperable problem is very difficult to understand.
The “integrity of the single market” stuff is all bogus. Thousands of containers arrive every day in Rotterdam, and only 1% are physically checked. The idea that the Irish border is some sort of back door into the pristine single market is just nonsense.
They do not want us to leave and take our £12 billion a year with us. They have a cadre of hard core remainers in parliament who are actively plotting with the EU to thwart Brexit. The Benn Act is the fruit of this. They will not give Boris an inch because he has no leverage over them, now that, as they see it, no deal is off the table.
Plotting with a foreign power against your own country used to be called treason. Lord Haw Haw was hanged for far less. I used to laugh when people said this was why Tony Blair got rid of the death penalty for treason, now I’m not so sure.
“Lord Haw Haw was hanged for far less. I used to laugh when people said this was why Tony Blair got rid of the death penalty for treason, now I’m not so sure.”
Why do you think lamp posts no longer have crossbars?
“Addressing his party conference in Manchester, the PM said his plan would be a “compromise by the UK”, but he hoped the EU would “understand that and compromise in their turn”.”
So is Boris :-
a) Compromising Brexit a la May – NOT BREXIT.
b) Deliberately offering the EU a deal that it cannot accept, so we go straight to WTO.
The details of what the Boris deal actually is Remain a bit of a mystery. Does the UK leave the custom union ? Well he seemed to indicate that is the case. Do we leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ ? He seemed to indicate that we would . Are we paying a Kings ransom to get our ticket out? No comment from the PM on that score. Perhaps it is a Brexit worthy of the name or no deal, fingers crossed, but we need the details to be sure. Either option is far far better than the awful May WA.
The ball is now in the Remoaner fifth columnist court, how are they going to stop Brexit? Are they really going to try and lock Boris up if he doesn’t ask Brussels for an extension? Are they going to try and form a new Government after a vote of no confidence and cosy up to the EU whilst refusing to hold a GE.
I think that Either option does their cause a lot of harm in the eyes of voters and they will pay a heavy price when there eventually is a GE, unless of course they dispense altogether with elections.
If we ever do get a solid majority Leave Government I think some cleansing of our institutions is required. My number one target is the BBC . It must be got rid of ASAP. Broken up into at least five or six lots and sold off so it can never be reconstituted in the future.
“….unless of course they dispense altogether with elections.”
They have to one way or another in the plain knowledge that many of them will be slaughtered come next election.
The Remainers will find a ‘Government of National Unity’. Then announce there is a ‘National Emergency’ and that’s the ticket to suspend the next election, or maybe more. We are on our way to a dictatorship pretty soon now.
Any bets?
I have been thinking that for awhile. If Bercow can ignore Erskine May, if a parliament can by-pass ‘checks and balances’ and put through a bill in three days, if the Supreme Court can invent law, apply it retrospectively without any evidence, then all bets are off!
(I might put a few euro on Gina Miller getting the ECJ to rule that Brexit will always be illegal!)
Sometimes we can argue and the reasons for the argument are just a misunderstanding, let me tell you what happened to me and Mrs Fiter
The other night she walked in to the room and heard me in full rant mode
She heard me poor out my scorn and hatred (yes hatred) of the BBC and everything BBC related
Mrs Fiter then pointed out that not only does she like BBC she positively loves BBC
Well tempers became frayed and solicitors became involved, divorce seemed likely
Only at the last minute before we entered the courtroom did we find out that the BBC i hate and the BBC my wife loves are two different things
Who would have thought it!!!
Fiter – as a self trainer marriage guidance counsellor all I can ask is ‘ how can you live with someone who likes the state broadcaster .? Surely this is grounds in itself . Please don’t say you pay the TV licence as well . That would be too much ????
My licence fee is due at the end of October, and i would love to cancel my payment
Sadly i do not know how to avoid payment as i do watch live TV
Any advice would be appreciated
Well I have just caught up with the PM’s speech and I enjoyed it. No gaffs and no one handing him a P45 but sadly something had to spoil it. Not the Prime Minister or anyone from the party but rather at the end as he walked off stage who should we see shouting at someone other than Laura Kuenssberg!
Trust the BBC to try and spoil it and even though I couldn’t work out what she said it would likely be something on the lines of ‘how am I supposed to smear that?’
Tuesday story : about a man setting himself on fire outside parliament
Beard MiddleEastern looking guy was angry about a parking ticket
A man tried to set himself on fire outside the Houses of Parliament this morning after dousing himself with petrol in an alleged protest about a parking ticket.
“Beard MiddleEastern looking guy”. He’s probably angry because he could’nt pay, baksheesh to the parking attendant which is probably the norm where he comes from.
Oh! hang on though, it is Londonistan and the police there are already ‘diversified’ enough for the diversified officers to operate their own similar system………..
Nice to know there’s always a fire extinguisher handy when a bloke’s doused himself out in the street and has a lighter in his hand. Did he wait for the cameras too?
Even if he was perchance a Muslim, he can’t be a real Muslim. It is well known that Islam is a Religion of Peace (c) BBC Enterprises, licensed to all MSM. Practioners of peaceful religions do not perform violent acts, ergo he could not possibly be a Muslim.
R4 Media show the BBC agenda pushing are milking the Naga situation The BBC is engulfed in a row about its handling of a complaint against Breakfast presenter Naga Munchetty. Krishnan Guru-Murthy* of Channel 4 News and Chris Banatvala, formerly Director of Standards at OFCOM and a member of the News Board at Sky, discuss.
+ new strategy of YouTube using their stars to front original factual programmes.
with Minal Modha of Ampere Media Consultants
I love the Times phrase “she secretly filmed the encounter to try and discredit the reporter” TRIED! she did discredit Sweeney and he was shown up for the low life, greedy, cowardly liar most of us here know he is!
As for Sweeney “paying for the drinks” Well thats alright then, what ever were we worrying about!
I had never heard of Mr Sweeney until listening to a BBC interview
this week where the interviewer gushed over him…funny they never mentioned this bit..but Sweeney made constant reference to POTUS and how he was an awful person..hypocrites again
Trribunal ‘The doctors views were “incompatible with human dignity” and that the DWP had not breached the Equality Act. ‘ Christian Doctor Who Refused To Use Preferred Pronouns For Trans Patients Loses Tribunal
A Christian doctor who refused to call a (manly) transgender women “she” has lost his employment tribunal.
David Mackereth claims he was sacked from his role with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after saying he would not “call any 6ft tall bearded man madam” during an “abstract discussion” with his manager.
The 56-year-old, from Dudley, West Midlands, alleged the DWP discriminated against his religious beliefs, costing him his job as a disability claim assessor.
But at a hearing in July, the tribunal heard he had chosen to leave work and was not suspended from his post’
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Brissles, you have taken away my future…
I am bereft of new days in front of me…
(Note to self, ‘If that nice Mr Up2 always puts up a new post on a Tuesday evening, why not just look at PC before retiring’).
As usual, R5’struggling to survive’ was full of dire exclamations of woe in its pathetic delivery of night-time ‘news’. Why we have to hear about Democrat Congress getting heated on Northern Ireland at four o’clock in the morning, and from someone on the Wapo, the most diehard Republican paper in the US – NOT, I’ll never understand.
Nuffink to do wiv’ me, Scrobie.
Not guilty, M’lud.
Oh Heck, why are these old eyes so dull, or why is this old head so grey – or summat, to change your name at the last minute!
Who am I?
Where were we?
Taffman, who is the snowflake – me or someone else…?
Brissles, you started all this; please help an old man, I feel like an old corrobbyn here, a seriously out-of-touch idiot, holding a bottle of hooch in a paper bag and shouting at nobody in particular…
I’ve given up helping old men, they shout and rant, they have runny noses, and underpants showing above their trousers, have hair growing out of their ears and wear Velcro slippers – and then you discover they’re only 66 !!!! (I’m 71 tomorrow and it peeves me because it ‘sounds’ old, so I put on my best Janice Joplin hair knowing the alternative is worse)
Snowflake !
‘You have taken away my future….I am bereft of new days in front of me’.
I am appalled. Appalled I say at the lack of support given by this website to people who cannot be first on it.
First, we need to create a ‘safe space’ where people who miss out can feel at ease.
Then we need to consider the mental health issues. Time off work should be granted, and special clinics set up in every NHS hospital.
And to prepare future generations, new cllasses in schools should address this issue.
The total bill to taxpayers of these measures is only £7 bn. Can we afford not to do it?
I do hope the “first” post on each new thread is representative of gender preference, ethnicity, sexual orientation , political leanings and body type within the population of the Uk or indeed any other country which any Poster might inhabit or owe any allegiance.
Sluff, you are a shining beacon in a desert of despond!
If Brissles hadn’t been watching out for the start, none of this would have happened, but as my future has been compromised, then I suppose I must plough a new furrow, cry to the moon, in fact listen to the dire bbbc for inspiration – not!
Your agenda should be cast in stone, and issued in triplicate (86 languages for eu ‘rules’), to every school in the country!
I thank you from the heart of my – er (can we say bottom – Ed)?
Backlinks to previous thread, for those catching up
– Tuesday night 7pm we started page 4
– page 3 started 9:30am Tuesday
– page 2 started 6pm Monday
Maybe Lord Hall can overturn it?
BBC Radio 4
The idea of pink for a girl, blue for a boy, feels increasingly outdated. But is it?
My little dog has a pink harness, thus making it easier for other dog owners to easily realise she’s a bitch, rather than asking “is it a boy or girl ? ” – and no-one has ever referred to her as a boy ! Pink or blue is better than an ID disc and avoids embarrassing questions.
This is animal cruelty of a typically Conservative, Brexit variety.
Perhaps your canine companion detests this pink he is forced to wear and yearns for the day when she can run around naked and make its own decision as to what is the most gender appropriate position for urinating on my car wheel.
Brr Brr, Brr Brr
This is the Josef Stalin Home for abused mammals, sorry but all our investigators are busy at the moment.
Your call is important to us …
LCS….. peeing on car wheels requires a cocked leg, – generally the action of a male (dog), whereas bitches on the other hand elegantly stoop.
(On the other hand I once had a pair of whippets – brothers, and one regularly tried to mount the other, most disturbing)
Regularly happens at the BBC.
Not to mention the scrabble, scrabble, samba after such actions!
JRT regularly showers many passers-by after such motions, and sometimes she seems even more pleased with herself than is strictly necessary!
In fact, it’s not well known, but Jon Sopel always does this peculiar sort of scrabbling ritual, when he has made some sort of silly comment, and needs a Ritalin boost! It’s apparently a homeopathic alternative to proper aspirations towards common sense, or in his case, an excuse to stop himself getting too excited by his own drivel!
MY dog says Boris is a racist for saying she looks like a letter box
My dog Lenny doesn’t like racism…
Harry banging his drum again at how awful the Press is.
Ok then Harry, carry on pontificating as to how we should all behave – and with a bit of luck the Press and Media won’t give you a platform by not reporting anything at all about you, in public or otherwise.
It will however give us all a bloody rest from you and your put upon wife.
Brissles, I’ve forgiven you!
It’s all a lead-up to them eventually living in the USA I suppose.
Might be a good idea really, we’ve got enough problem families here without having to cater for another one!
Not really BBC – But the Daily Mail (or as someone here referred to it as the Daily Meghan) Is now about to be sued by Harries personal albatross for publishing without permission some letter she sent.
What I found particularly amusing was that the Mail has wholeheartedly thrown itself into the Meghan rehabilitation programme slavishly following the blessed couples saintly mission to Africa dispensing good will and love for all.
I just thought Ha, ha ha “thatl learn e” Two faced, brino loving rag.
The articles in the DM may be full of Meghan love, but the comments are more honest. In the past I have seen suspicious top comments that read the opposite to everything immediately below them, but not re the sixth in line and his wife. Is this because the DM know people wouldn’t believe supporting Meghan comments. Let me just say that my dislike is nothing to do with race and everything to do with someone lecturing me on how to behave whilst doing what they want. Evidence of wanting the limelight was for William”s children a quick introduction on the hospital steps, for Meghan’s son, a Hollywood production in Windsor. I don’t remember much fuss over Anne’s, Andrew or Edward’s children.
Harry clearly needs therapy. Yes we all know how tragedy came into his young life, but Diana has been mentioned in every permutation of his life – ‘how she would have loved Meghan’ when courting her; continually mentioned on his wedding day – given Meghan Diana’s huge aquamarine ring; always mentioned on tours, and now in Africa the comparison with Diana in the land mine saga, and how Meghan wore a scarf a la Diana.
And now this business with the Press and how they hounded his mother. Well, he’s married an actress who plays to the camera and the media. She’s applauded for not needing notes on giving a speech – hey ! she knows how to learn her lines for God’s sake.
Him and William are not the only ones who have lost a parent at a young age, so Harry needs to now move on and get a life, but most of all needs to extricate himself from his wife’s pocket.
Here is an example of BBC propaganda in support of Islam embedded in a Sport story of the current World Athletic Championship being held in Doha, Qatar:
Farid ‘breaking down barriers‘: One of the moments of the championships came in the heats for the 400m hurdles when Qatar’s Mariam Mamdouh Farid finished last … but in a personal best time.
The 21-year-old, one of two female athletes from Qatar taking part in the World Athletics Championships for the first time, explained why her participation at the event was important.
“My goal is inspiring the younger generation, breaking down barriers, making people’s perception of how women are in the Middle East,” said Farid, who was competing in a black full bodysuit under a national team singlet.
“We are not oppressed. I can still compete with my scarf on. If there is something I want to do, I will do it.” [and scroll down]
Yet elsewhere the BBC runs story upon story of how the white capitalist patriarchy of British society oppresses women and minorities with its various gender and BAME gaps, it’s sexist and racist microaggressions …
For those interested in blood sports – comrade Corbyn’ s ex girlfriend will be ‘doing ‘ PMQs against Dominic Raab on Wednesday . I think it’s the only thing Parliament has done since its got its biased Supreme Court win from 11 corrupt judges .
The ‘peasants’ have to go through a months-long four-stage process to get there and Ofcom never replies directly.
“Ofcom is “assessing” the programme after a Labour MP complained to the watchdog.”
Super model manhandles gatecrasher : GOOD
Tory MP manhandles gatecrasher : VERY BAD
That’s the double standard we see from the media
re super model Gigi Hadid and the Paris fashion walk gatecrasher
…. vs Mark Field MP in London banquet with the Greenpeace gatecrasher
See this George Carlin video about anxiety
and anxious people.
(BTW Tuesday R4 Al Khalili science show pointed out that anxious people have a NARROW focus and miss the big picture )
This man was a comic genius. I think he might have been voted the best stand up comedian of all time actually.
I doubt that the BBC does ‘unscripted’ – another failed attempt to solicit an opinion.
“BBC BREAKFAST welcomed Jeremy Hunt to the show this morning and host Naga Munchetty took the opportunity to quiz the politician on the recent tweets posted by President Donald Trump, claimed by many to be “racist”. But the Foreign Secretary was not willing to go into detail about the remarks.”
Another of those stories that Al-beeb don’t seem interested in (which is strange given one of the alleged rape victims was a ‘feminist activist’ and another was disabled.)
“French authorities expand rape probe into Oxford University professor Tariq Ramadan to include evidence from two more alleged victims after police charged him with raping a disabled woman and a feminist activist.” – DM.
For those not familiar with him, Tariq Ramadan is the extremely unctuous islamic scholar and apologist.
Below he can be seen debating ‘Is Islam a Religion of Peace?’ – ha ha – with Christopher Hitchens, Peace Be Upon Him. (I can’t help noticing the first 4 letters of that title spell ISIS, which sort of answers the question.)
Cheers Vlad – Aunty more than aware of where of the feminists position in the Victimhood League, well below The Religion of “Peace”
I look forward to a “Wimmins Hour” special on this!
In case you are unaware, the colour of the skin of the person representing the opposition at Question Time is black. Both the BBC and Guardian have reported this as news, pointing out that this is the first person with black skin to perform this role. Don’t forget, look for the skin. It’s black I tell you, black. Have you got it? Black skin.
She ll be dining out on that one a lot .
Maybe Lady Nugee needs to do a Trudo
There are other characteristics that unite the ‘Members’ of the HoC as well, GWF.
Nah! Not feeble, not limp enough in the other photo.
Not fake dozens of similar images tweeted since 2012
eg the head of the police federation tweeted a similar pic in February
Thanks Cassandra. Brilliant!
I needed a laugh.
Having read the BBC’s article I am none the wiser as to what it was the paper was reporting that has so incurred the Royal couple’s ire. Other than, apparently, an allegedly private letter but there is absolutely no context to enable us to make our own judgement. Almost as if the BBC doesn’t wish us to do so.
I think we are looking at the dawn of a new ‘card’, one that can only be played by a tiny, privileged and select group of individuals.
May I present to you….”The Diana Card”!
Harry, get used to it. Give a couple of years and she will be suing you and the royal family, or exposing y’all in her book.
BBC Moaning Emole clarifies further. Or not.
Meghan sues Mail on Sunday over private letter
Story detail
The Duke of Sussex makes clear his anger at a section of the British media – comparing “malicious” treatment of his wife to the way his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was “commoditised” – as his wife, Meghan, begins legal action. In a statement, Prince Harry says: “I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.”
Referring to claims filed at the High Court that the Mail on Sunday breached data protection laws by publishing one of Meghan’s private letters, he says the paper strategically omitted sections “to mask the lies they had perpetrated for over a year”. The Mail on Sunday stands by the story and says it will defend the case “vigorously”, adding: “We categorically deny that the duchess’s letter was edited in any way that changed its meaning.”
If it is editing to change meaning, for the bbc to raise this is indeed ‘brave’.
@Iromg of Talk Radio just massively slagged of Drama-Queen Meghan
‘She’s a bit manipulative , fell out with her father, did a PR campaign against him and didn’t invite him to her wedding, the Mail turn up and he sells them a bitter letter she has sent him.
The Mail sit on the letter for a year
Then when the Woke-Family do a PR campaign Look-at-us-saving-Africa, the Mail release the letter on the back of it.
Suddenly Harry sends out a protest letter, by a new set of ambulance chasing lawyers as if the normal royal lawyers didn’t want anything to do with it’
Harry is being an idiot again. He is accusing the entire media of victimising his family, but he cannot realise that it’s down to his woke wife’s appalling left wing political activism which she has said she will not abandon.
He is blaming the media because being left wing himself and a product of the rotten school, he cannot contemplate the fault might lie with him & his wife.
Clue here Harry – how are the media treating other less political members of the Royal family?
TOADY Watch #1 – The Birds & the Bees
The Bee Lady talked to the Bird lady who said ‘So’ at the start of every sentence. She must , therefore, be an expert. Meanwhile, self-identifying Remain voter (I think she said that) Petronella Wyatt speaks of Bojo from her time working with him at The Spectator. She remembers extreme courtesy, no mysogyny, no bad behaviour. The birds and the bees were not going wild while Bojo edited The Spectator in Wyatt’s time there. She also dismisses Rachel Johnson’s earlier claim on BBC R4.
The BBC keep the thigh squeezing story going by getting someone on the programme who is actually supportive of Bojo.
But schneaky.
The greatest shit show on Earth ….
TOADY Watch #2 – News but not News
Isle of Man: Houses six feet under water? Really? Or, flooded to a depth of six feet? Am awaiting a clarification or a correction.
Cash machines in Battle, Sussex. None? Really? If I recall correctly, there’s at least one supermarket (Sainsbury’s?) within 100 metres of the centre of town. Am ready to be corrected.
Prince complains about personal letter revealed in Sunday newspaper. Doesn’t want Press intrusion, doesn’t want Press attention. Am ready for continual complaints and continuing coverage on and by the BBC.
Not BBC related, but,
Just read a most interesting article from the ‘Going Postal’ site.
F-35 – What’s The Big Deal?
Anyway, a couple of quotes from the article showing how perhaps leaving the EU is not such a bad thing..
Obviously not newsworthy by our National Broadcaster…
You might have read something about the UK not having the F-35’s “source code”. This is basically the aircraft’s operating system. The Americans initially appeared reluctant to give the source code to the UK, but eventually they did. The UK is the only partner nation to have the F-35 source code. The real utility of this is if the UK ever wants to integrate new weapons, sensors or avionics systems onto our F-35s we can do so ourselves without having to go back to the Americans and get them to do it for us. This has been one of the issues with the Typhoon. Political agreements between the partners meant that any upgrades like new weapons, sensors, etc would need to be signed off and paid for by all partners. For years the RAF wanted to integrate new capabilities on Typhoon but couldn’t because the other partners didn’t want to pay for it. Eventually the agreements were torn up and these last few years have seen the RAF’s Typhoons become by far the most advanced models and new capabilities have been coming thick and fast after the aircraft was left to languish for so long.
Both France and Germany have collaborated with the UK on military aircraft previously, and both have a history of stiffing the UK. France did so with the Jaguar and Anglo-French Variable Geometry fighter. Germany did so with the Tornado and Eurofighter Typhoon. Both have been extremely poor partners for the UK when developing this kind of aircraft. Thus, the news that France and Germany are going to collaborate on a major new combat aircraft is very good news. The French will want a French aeroplane designed and built in France but paid for by the Germans. The Germans will want the lion’s share of the manufacturing and jobs, but will want the French to pick up the lion’s share of the development costs. I can almost hear the bickering now. I can’t think of two countries which deserve each other as partners more than these two. .
Why share tecky with enemy states .as for sharing tecky – I like the story about how Blighty thought it would just give a rolls Royce jet engine to the Russians to ‘make nice ‘ which promptly went into MIGs used against us and the Americans. Clever move .
‘Blighty’ in this case meant the Attlee government. The engine was the RR Nene and it was given to the Soviets along with a large percentage of our nuclear technology, to help them keep pace with the US. Nothing changes in Labourland.
” 105 North Tower, 105 North Tower, 105 North Tower,”
Aargh, Doctor Manette.
Who he?
I thought he was trying to look like Jethro Tull!
(So sorry, Mr Tull, I love your music really, but when you get silly old flakes trying to impersonate you, we’re here to help)!
A Tale of Two Cities Dr Manette – but in Corbyn’s case maybe it should be “105 Millbank Tower”
Why are so few women inventors named on patents?
Er, ummmh, ‘cos they don’t invent things? Maybe?
NEWS (News! I kid you not.)
Why are women sharing their period stories?
Er, ummmh, that’s a really difficult one, that one: ‘cos only they can do that. Period.
Toady sport
Oops – the bloke who trained sir Mohammed Farah has turned out to be a naughty drugs type . The toady sports bloke – Gary – someone said ‘ mo had questions to answer ‘ – and I notice did not refer or treat him with the sainthood and knighthood the state broadcaster has traditionally fixed on ‘ our mo’..
Sometimes it’s like being a Kremlin or gremlin watcher -.-and now the weather …
Fed, yes, you gotta have one of those typewriters that reads between the lines when listening to the BBC.
Global Warming, Climate Change and Climate Emergency is all the go at our BeebBeepCeeb but Gary’s twin, Rob Sport, didn’t ask any hard questions the other day about an extra World Cup for Wimmins Foolball or whether an annual World (athletics) Championships is really needed when there is the Olympics every four years.
Funny how that Global Warming is there one minute and gone the next. How do they do that?
Climate Emergency – the new religion.
Thumbelina – the new messiah !
Perfect irony that Salazar was banned on a TUEsday.
Crammy (a Nike ambassador) was wheeled out by the BBC for an interview to support Mo, who had been part of Salazar’s Nike Oregon Project until 2017:
It would be churlish to suggest that this was to head off embarrassing questions for any BBC studio summarisers that may have been Nike athletes in their competitive careers.
TUE = Therapeutic Use Exemption.
Very drole!
Sir Bradley Wiggins was in a bit of trouble over this a while back but surely Sir Mo is untouchable?
Mustapha-So far as the BBC is concerned, Sir Mohammed Farah
“untouchable?” You are 100% correct
The BBC has (perhaps) been doing a damage limitation exercise since 2015 when they discovered the investigation and partnered a Panorama investigation
“Rupp and GB Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah are part of Salazar’s US stable, the Nike Oregon Project. There is no suggestion Farah has broken any rules.”
[UK- Scotland?]
Wikipedia references this BBC article –
“The Usada interim report was passed to the Sunday Times by the suspected Russian hacking group Fancy Bears.
The BBC has so far been unable to verify its authenticity with Usada, or establish whether any of its reported conclusions are out of date.”
[‘Fancy Bears’ also allegedly hacked Hillary’s emails]
BBC News
Do you dye your hair regularly or perhaps you have tried it and has gone horribly wrong?
A study has shown that one in 20 women will spend £50,000 in their lifetime on colouring their hair, with the blonde being the most popular.
I wonder how much of what is flushed down the pipes by Ems, Steph and Co?
GW, LOL x 5!
Oh no.
A male student armed with a sword
Police did not name the suspected attacker, but said he was a male Finnish citizen born in 1994.
A man armed with a bladed weapon …
On my own site I now lead with
“metallic ores pose danger of exsanguination.”
My earlier headline
“haematite suspected in mysterious cuts to the neck epidemic.”
Has the BBC gone near this yet?
Even via the rest, the details seem, at best, vague to the point of looking deliberately ‘careful’ and semantically suspicious. Again.
Brexit is going to harm many activities, from music festivals to Crufts, so the brilliant BBC cub reporters with movie cameras tell us.
Please tell me how is it possible for US performers to play at UK music festivals, and US, Russian, South American, etc. dogs to enter Crufts?
Anti Brexit propaganda is now directed at specific interest groups. How childish.
Don’t you know that Brexit will be the cause of plague pestilence and all other worldly poxes…the truth is that the BBC are don’t do causation just correlation and can’t be bothered to look in other issues as it doesn’t suit their agenda
Just listening to LBC , nearly choked on my toast, they have just had on the political editor of The Financial Times. They were discussing how the chancellor was thinking of looking again at inheritance tax as ordinary people were getting roped in and how they have already paid tax through their lives. The idiot reporter railed on about how Javid was spending money like there was no tommorow when we are the verge of a recession. This is what I dont like about Ferrari, he didn’t counteract that with the fact that the Labour Party are bribing everyone with anything they want. Totalling one sided, then he was allowed to go as he was very busy at the conference. Just a hit job.
Headline on the Daily Express front page this morning is that the remoaners want Hammond as the pm to replace Boris.
I’m sure this must be clickbait.
Imagine his cabinet full of the likes of soubry, Swinson, grieve, Rudd, Lucas, snp, Corbyn, Abbott and the likes of that sorry bunch of eurofanatics.
I think there would be rioting if that happened.
Guy Fawkes would be a national hero.
“Maori shootings: Britain regrets killings by Endeavour crew”
“It is impossible to know exactly what led to those deaths, but what is clear is that your ancestors were shot and killed by the crew of the Endeavour and others were wounded,” Ms Clarke said.
When are we going to get an apology from Italy for all the Brits killed by the Romans , and from Norway from the ravagers of the Vikings etc etc etc ?
Where is this once great nation going ? From the sublime to the ridiculous !
The silence over the circumstances of the ‘killings’ leads, again, to only one conclusion when the BBC one-sidedly highlight something…………………….
As one come’s to expect from the BBC, there is another story. This brief resume tells the other half.
Since there was a high probability that the Maori were indulging in their favourite, confrontational and deeply offensive ‘hakka’ – specifically designed to show supremacy and instil fear – it’s hardly surprising that Cook’s reaction was to shoot first and ask questions afterwards. This was the standard reaction to similar meetings of the period, though naturally only the British are seen as culpable.
The fact that the WRFU condone and encourage such arrogant and thoroughly unsporting behaviour has always been a mystery to me.
Take it from me the ‘hakka’ is very frightening and intimidating, especially when you are only armed with a musket firing one round a minute.
Even more so when you face that lot on the Rugby field.
Hats off to the ‘All Blacks’ ! Ooops can I say that ?
Borders …
High Minded ideals and political dogma not based upon any common sense.
In Sweden, ‘Diversity’ is really coming home to roost.
“”About 13 percent of the population in Sweden experience problems in their own residential areas with crime, violence or vandalism. It is one of the highest proportions in Europe.””
Well, fancy that, no one would have believed…………
It will get much worse there. We must ensure that Swedes are not welcome here when it does. Their ideology has created the mess, just as the ideology of the left allows the rape of our children by invaders. Keep the Swedes out.
How could Brexit affect music festivals? That’s the header for a video on the home page of the BBC website – the same website that still hasn’t published one word about the hugely important matter of alleged collusion between certain MPs and foreign governments trying to block Brexit.
This festival non story is so typical of the biased BBC, framing a question to maintain its narrative of uncertainty and potential problems ahead.
The answer to the question is, of course, “no, music festivals won’t be affected.”
Didn’t we have massive festivals at the Isle of Wight, Reading, Hyde Park etc long before we were in the EU? Of course we did. Didn’t Dylan, Hendrix, The Doors, Beach Boys etc. all play festivals here long before the EU? Of course they did.
So, why ask the question? Why put it on the home page?
Well, the answer my friends is blowing in the BBC’s biased wind….
Might see Jez doing Woodstock put on hold.
Tweet of the day for me.
And every pond bottom feeder in the MSM knows it and where they are.
Shows how important it was to get the Supreme Court to rule MPs should be allowed back into the House of Commons.
Is it just me, or when the media are moaning about the costing of any prospective Conservative spending promises, why don’t they say it will simply come out of the £39 BILLION we save when we exit the EU with no deal.
This answer can also be used when crying about ‘crashing out’ and ‘cliff edge’
They are moaning because the Tories are doing everything the Left has been complaining about..funny old world Tories damned if you do and damned if you don’t..welcome to the world of the liberal woke Left
on a BBC related issue did anyone unfortunately come across a ‘comedy’ State of the Union? My wife came across it and it has Chris O’Dowd who is normally funny – we watched with bemusement as it was not funny…but focused on exactly what is important to the BBC type Highgate middle class with digs at Brexit..comedy it was not – but it won an award!!!!
We paid for it…
Countryfile : It used to be about sheep
……………………………………………………… now it’s for the sheep
What happened to Digital Spy ?
It used to be THE forum for discussing UK TV stuff
But I just saw the thread about the Countryfile “far right” item
and he discussion was led by full on anti-Brexit people
I notice they chose to put write their discussion under the POLITICS section
instead of the TV progs thread
I wonder if the sites contollers have been practising Guardian like comment deletetion
waiting for one of the loonies to claim that the colder spell we are having today is due to Global Warming and nothing to do with Autumn….
Followed a link from Guido.
The Full English – Warrant Officer Simon Bean MBE
Claims the EU will take over all UK armed forces on November 1st 2019!
Assisted by Common Purpose ***** in the military.
Given the almost ubiquitous treason uncovered since the Brexit vote, I am nearly paranoid enough to believe it.
“Nothing to see here, move on” – Admittedly May 2019 ––eu-defence-and-security-cooperation
Is this true ? Any verification of this claim , or is it fake news?
“Is this true ? Any verification of this claim , or is it fake news?”
I was hoping somebody would tell us.
UK traitors have tried to give the EU everything it demanded, why not our Armed forces?
[I had to edit this out. I think you know why. Please respect the rules here. TrueToo]
TT – Sorry
I have only just seen this, but can no longer remember what is was!
No problem. I had to edit out part of the comment because you were calling for death to treacherous politicians. Such talk, in jest or not, endangers you personally and also this website in a country verging on becoming a police state intent on silencing opponents of the ‘liberal’ left.
Re this claim by Simon Bean that the EU will take over all UK armed forces on November 1st 2019 – it is difficult to know whether there is any truth in this particular claim because no-one will give a straight answer to questions or talk about it.
I did see someone else on YouTube claim months ago that he had heard from someone in the MoD (hearsay of course) that all MPs from the major parties, including the ERG, had agreed not to talk about Defence. This subject doesn’t ever seem to come up in Parliament does it?
On 2 September Lt Gen Riley gave a briefing in Whitehall on the Defence threat from hidden EU deals here . Veterans for Britain have been warning for years that we were being signed up surreptitiously to a web of interconnected EU defence initiatives from which it would be difficult or impossible to break free from.
Today they tweeted this:
Now either VfB are lying, or the FCO are still covering up (lying), or stupid.
I know who my money’s on! But I bet Dom Raab believes the FCO.
Roger Lane Knott @mrrogerln who is the prospective Brexit Party Candidate for Milton Keynes South has also tweeted concerns, and he is a former RN Officer (Rear Admiral).
Alarming to say the least-however he could be right considering the charge this new EU top person Von Der Leyen gave to the EU assembly.
A German Head of all Armed Forces! For goodness sake, do the EU want a war with the UK?
Was on 1 o’clock news also.
BBC doing a bit of Captain Cook bashing today.
Legacy been questioned by many..
Re. Treatment of the Maori. 9 got shot by over zealous crewmen.
Although it was regretted at the time and apparently now,
“Why has Britain stopped short of a full apology?”
Err. Perhaps because it was 250 years ago?
News or PR ?
Radio Humberside LOCAL news
The RSC is endingi ts partnership scheme from with the oil giant BP
whereby BP subsidise youth tickets
“The RSC say they cannot ignore the fact concern about climate change was putting off young people from taking up the offer” (newsreader quietly sniggers)
WTF what has this Stratford story got to do with Humberside ?
and is it news? cos I saw 3 weeks ago that the RSC was likely to give up the scheme
Sep 3 RSC Tweet
Aged 16-25 and love the @TheRSC? Sign up for the @TheRSCKey
and enjoy a world of theatre for free! You will get access to BP £5 tickets, invites to exclusive events and much more
In May 2017 Luvvies launched a crowdfunder to replace BP
It did badly crawling to £3K
now it has just got to £4K
They don’t give it a rest do they?
At 3 a.m. this morning Susan Rae introduces Hard Times by Charles Dickens with a quote from the author relating unfavourably to someone’s wild hair – how prescient of Dickens to anticipate the future!
Come on, spit it out Susan!
“Good morning! This is the Boris Bashing Corporation, Radio 4 Extra, with Susan Rae bigging up my continuity role!”
Perhaps not the RBC but whilst zapping channels I came across the latest Deliveroo advert for ‘family favourites’.
The woman dishing out the delivery looks and sounds like Labour MP Jess Phillips.
Is she moonlighting, perhaps her salary isn’t enough to pay for all her bodyguards.
It was rather spooky i thought.
I would also like to know what’s happened to all the white children in adverts, they have all but been replaced by mixed raced kids. Like the demise of white man, white children must be having a hard time in model agencies when they step through the door, as they clearly have no chance when casting directors see they aint the right shade of pale.
The EU borders map shown here is informative and instructive. Juggernauts cannot drive across the Irish Sea, whether with legal or illicit cargo, and ferries can be monitored.
The Swedish/Norwegian land border is extensive and forested without being an issue. Why the Irish border is proving to be such an insuperable problem is very difficult to understand.
It is a problem because the EU wants it to be.
The “integrity of the single market” stuff is all bogus. Thousands of containers arrive every day in Rotterdam, and only 1% are physically checked. The idea that the Irish border is some sort of back door into the pristine single market is just nonsense.
They do not want us to leave and take our £12 billion a year with us. They have a cadre of hard core remainers in parliament who are actively plotting with the EU to thwart Brexit. The Benn Act is the fruit of this. They will not give Boris an inch because he has no leverage over them, now that, as they see it, no deal is off the table.
Plotting with a foreign power against your own country used to be called treason. Lord Haw Haw was hanged for far less. I used to laugh when people said this was why Tony Blair got rid of the death penalty for treason, now I’m not so sure.
“Lord Haw Haw was hanged for far less. I used to laugh when people said this was why Tony Blair got rid of the death penalty for treason, now I’m not so sure.”
Why do you think lamp posts no longer have crossbars?
Conference speech.
“Boris Johnson: No-deal only alternative to Brexit plan”
“Addressing his party conference in Manchester, the PM said his plan would be a “compromise by the UK”, but he hoped the EU would “understand that and compromise in their turn”.”
So is Boris :-
a) Compromising Brexit a la May – NOT BREXIT.
b) Deliberately offering the EU a deal that it cannot accept, so we go straight to WTO.
c) Untrustworthy.
The details of what the Boris deal actually is Remain a bit of a mystery. Does the UK leave the custom union ? Well he seemed to indicate that is the case. Do we leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ ? He seemed to indicate that we would . Are we paying a Kings ransom to get our ticket out? No comment from the PM on that score. Perhaps it is a Brexit worthy of the name or no deal, fingers crossed, but we need the details to be sure. Either option is far far better than the awful May WA.
The ball is now in the Remoaner fifth columnist court, how are they going to stop Brexit? Are they really going to try and lock Boris up if he doesn’t ask Brussels for an extension? Are they going to try and form a new Government after a vote of no confidence and cosy up to the EU whilst refusing to hold a GE.
I think that Either option does their cause a lot of harm in the eyes of voters and they will pay a heavy price when there eventually is a GE, unless of course they dispense altogether with elections.
If we ever do get a solid majority Leave Government I think some cleansing of our institutions is required. My number one target is the BBC . It must be got rid of ASAP. Broken up into at least five or six lots and sold off so it can never be reconstituted in the future.
“….unless of course they dispense altogether with elections.”
They have to one way or another in the plain knowledge that many of them will be slaughtered come next election.
The Remainers will find a ‘Government of National Unity’. Then announce there is a ‘National Emergency’ and that’s the ticket to suspend the next election, or maybe more. We are on our way to a dictatorship pretty soon now.
Any bets?
I have been thinking that for awhile. If Bercow can ignore Erskine May, if a parliament can by-pass ‘checks and balances’ and put through a bill in three days, if the Supreme Court can invent law, apply it retrospectively without any evidence, then all bets are off!
(I might put a few euro on Gina Miller getting the ECJ to rule that Brexit will always be illegal!)
Sometimes we can argue and the reasons for the argument are just a misunderstanding, let me tell you what happened to me and Mrs Fiter
The other night she walked in to the room and heard me in full rant mode
She heard me poor out my scorn and hatred (yes hatred) of the BBC and everything BBC related
Mrs Fiter then pointed out that not only does she like BBC she positively loves BBC
Well tempers became frayed and solicitors became involved, divorce seemed likely
Only at the last minute before we entered the courtroom did we find out that the BBC i hate and the BBC my wife loves are two different things
Who would have thought it!!!
Ha ha Fiter, yes I like that one ????
It made me chuckle!
We are here for a good time not a long time, and some times its good to laugh
Fiter – as a self trainer marriage guidance counsellor all I can ask is ‘ how can you live with someone who likes the state broadcaster .? Surely this is grounds in itself . Please don’t say you pay the TV licence as well . That would be too much ????
My licence fee is due at the end of October, and i would love to cancel my payment
Sadly i do not know how to avoid payment as i do watch live TV
Any advice would be appreciated
Cease paying immediately and do not have any communication with the Telly Goons.
None whatsoever!
BBC already throwing mud at the Boris deal.
Only one option now ….. General Election and Brexit Party all the way.
A deal will NEVER get thru parliament and how do we leave No Deal ?? Pathetic.
Well I have just caught up with the PM’s speech and I enjoyed it. No gaffs and no one handing him a P45 but sadly something had to spoil it. Not the Prime Minister or anyone from the party but rather at the end as he walked off stage who should we see shouting at someone other than Laura Kuenssberg!
Trust the BBC to try and spoil it and even though I couldn’t work out what she said it would likely be something on the lines of ‘how am I supposed to smear that?’
Tuesday story : about a man setting himself on fire outside parliament
Beard MiddleEastern looking guy was angry about a parking ticket
“Beard MiddleEastern looking guy”. He’s probably angry because he could’nt pay, baksheesh to the parking attendant which is probably the norm where he comes from.
Oh! hang on though, it is Londonistan and the police there are already ‘diversified’ enough for the diversified officers to operate their own similar system………..
Hang on. Isn’t that policeman using white foam to put him out?
How racist!
Nice to know there’s always a fire extinguisher handy when a bloke’s doused himself out in the street and has a lighter in his hand. Did he wait for the cameras too?
Amazing how slow British justice is for non-libmob

5 months after the milkshake attacks, Burger Kings ads are banned
#DoubleStandards #Orwellian #Britain2019
Justice delayed is Justice denied
Tate Gallery child push : Libmob are squealing ‘see the attacker wasn’t a Muslim’, look at his face
Not all Muslims are brown so how do they know?
Even if he was perchance a Muslim, he can’t be a real Muslim. It is well known that Islam is a Religion of Peace (c) BBC Enterprises, licensed to all MSM. Practioners of peaceful religions do not perform violent acts, ergo he could not possibly be a Muslim.
Interesting that the ‘artists impression’ overlooks the solid bar of eyebrow so revealing in the photo.
I want to know why the artist’s impression/sketch is subtitled “Tate Modern Fall Incident”.
He did not FALL he was deliberately THROWN!
R4 Media show the BBC agenda pushing are milking the Naga situation
The BBC is engulfed in a row about its handling of a complaint against Breakfast presenter Naga Munchetty. Krishnan Guru-Murthy* of Channel 4 News and Chris Banatvala, formerly Director of Standards at OFCOM and a member of the News Board at Sky, discuss.
+ new strategy of YouTube using their stars to front original factual programmes.
with Minal Modha of Ampere Media Consultants
* KGM was a spiv full of BS “We don’t know why the PM won’t speak to Channel4”
Is this KG-M on the turn? Seems his opinions are heading for 180 degrees away from his political contemporaries.
“He can take serious questions. ”
The problem is that Krishnan Guru-Murthy won’t ask any serious questions, so there is no point going on the programme.
Boris ought to use Twitter to announce his plans, in the style of the POTUS, one item per day. Circumvent the lying treacherous MSM.
John Sweeney “has left .. after the collapse of an undercover documentary about the FAR-RIGHT* activist TR”
*TR is not FR it’s just a smear-label

That Times print article doesn’t show up on a Twitter nor Google search.
my tweet
I love the Times phrase “she secretly filmed the encounter to try and discredit the reporter” TRIED! she did discredit Sweeney and he was shown up for the low life, greedy, cowardly liar most of us here know he is!
As for Sweeney “paying for the drinks” Well thats alright then, what ever were we worrying about!
I had never heard of Mr Sweeney until listening to a BBC interview
this week where the interviewer gushed over him…funny they never mentioned this bit..but Sweeney made constant reference to POTUS and how he was an awful person..hypocrites again
Trribunal ‘The doctors views were “incompatible with human dignity” and that the DWP had not breached the Equality Act. ‘
Christian Doctor Who Refused To Use Preferred Pronouns For Trans Patients Loses Tribunal
A Christian doctor who refused to call a (manly) transgender women “she” has lost his employment tribunal.
David Mackereth claims he was sacked from his role with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after saying he would not “call any 6ft tall bearded man madam” during an “abstract discussion” with his manager.
The 56-year-old, from Dudley, West Midlands, alleged the DWP discriminated against his religious beliefs, costing him his job as a disability claim assessor.
But at a hearing in July, the tribunal heard he had chosen to leave work and was not suspended from his post’
The doctor says he will appeal.
Mozambique joined our Commonwealth to get benefits
Yet I see they’ve just brought in 200 Russian soldiers to fight jihadists.