Back to business . The BBC charter isn’t currently due for renewal until January 2028 . So for those who see the BBC as a Far Left Biased Monster -reviewing the Charter system and funding to cut it down to size must start now . This got mentioned a bit in the General Election but must be maintained in the collective consciousness – particularly since it is too arrogant to change .
Weekend Thread 14 December 2019
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R4 Politics show is the usual metroliberal bubbleworld
Ayesha* the Labour woman pundit “OMG Boris win got endorsement from Katy Hopkins
.. that is not uniting”
FFS she says she is claiming that ” a country is united when people like KT Hopkins do not support the policies”
KT supports Brexit, the democratic vote of brexit, that is why she endorsed Boris win.
The show is branded “Electioncast
* Ayesha Hazarika MBE (born 15 December 1975) is a Scottish comedian, broadcaster, journalist and political commentator, and former political adviser to senior Labour Party politicians.
Works written: Pu
The presenter just asked Ayesha if she was getting messages from potential Labour leaders lobbying her
“well my phone is on flight mode”
… I check Twitter and see that is a LIE cos she is communicating I can see her tweeting.
Deception is the first reaction of these people.
Was the prog recorded ? it appears to be live
An unexpected source of bias from the archives.
Looking on youtube to find a comedy sketch of interest to Mrs S and chanced upon the HIGNFY edition, circa 2002, with Boris Johnson as presenter.
It was mid Blair era, but there were some good jokes at his expense, as well as other Labour figures, and then the Tories and of course Johnson. HIGNFY did comedy in those days.
But successfully goading Johnson, he goes into ‘auto-rant’ and starts having a go at the bias of the BBC !!!!!
Yes, even back then at Blair’s height, the bias was visible and being called out.
Trouble at ‘t mill….
Only the guardian would report such a story without reference to the BBC 100% hostility to brexit and far left bias in every area the monster covers
No wonder more people are refusing to talk to BBC drones . And I hope the new government gives them a wide berth too .
Adopt the Trump model – if you have to talk to them – do it at airports at the plane warms up …
MarkH quoted
“BBC journalists based in London, an area with strong Labour support, reported finding it harder now that their friendship groups were increasingly critical of the corporation’s output.”
Unconscious admission that the jounalists are lefties.
Had they been right of centre they’d have got fed up of being criticised years ago.
The left is so used to being free of any criticism from the TV media and apart from the news sectors, they still are.
A lot of opinions were aired before this election by TV stars.
The PR machine disinformation continues with the Ugly Sisters shouting that they are the most beautiful in the kingdom
and that the BBC is biased AGAINST the left
by which they mean the metroliberal Islington bubbleworld
an effing preposterous suggestion
The BBC is biased against the actual working class largely white people of the north unless they conform to their Islington bubbleworld
whilst SpecialVictimhood groups get a free pass.
Which special victimhood group is due to win SPOTY tomorrow ?
Unfortunately for al beeb, Ben Stokes is a shoe in to win it at 1/5!
I don’t watch anymore because it is riddled with PC cobblers, plus jug-ears presents it, but if he doesn’t win then the result will have been rigged because Stokes is too white, male and heterosexual ????
The Labour social media team actually bragged how *successful* they were, in the final hours before voting started.
The letter’s header
Times : Janice Turner
‘Ash Sarkar and Owen Jones;
the Corbyn kids. who burnt down the family home,
and know they are in big trouble with the grown ups’
Labour may conceivably learn the lesson, not to insult the electorate (though don’t hold your breath) but the BBC never will. Their overarching theme, so far, has been ‘what has gone wrong?’ which they stick to, regardless of the obvious fact that the majority of people watching think something has gone right.
I see my last comment looks like I was referring to a different point but I meant that I’d noticed the SNP had polled under 50% which meant the majority in Scotland voted for Unionist parties.
I see my last comment looks like I was referring to a different point but I meant that I’d noticed the SNP had polled under 50% which meant the majority in Scotland voted for Unionist parties.
Is the BBC same as The Times ?
“Democrats risk backlash after charging president
… Trump was formally charged with abuse of office yesterday as the Democrats forged ahead with the gamble of putting him on trial, even as public support for impeachment appears to be waning”
In 1900 UCL students nicked a sales statue from outside a shop
and displayed it, cos being a soldier and winning battles for Britain is a good thing
In 2019 students vote that a statue of a white Scottish soldier symbolises evil colonialism and must go.
Yet in a South African mixed race university an identical statue is still celebrated.
When Extinction Rebellion activist superglue themselves to buildings why do the police unstick them ? Why not just leave them there so they can get freezing cold, wet when it rains, pee themselves when they get desperate and better still defecate. You can bet they would not do it again.
And it would cost the authorities nothing.
Dutch military police let XR demonstrate outside the airport , but when they moved into the building they’ve been cuffed and put on buses to bedumpedin dome suburb.
I suspect some of them had just *flown* in from Madrid.
Person described as “teenage stabber”
is actually 19yo from a Muslim gangster home
His step father is jailed for attacks on people for not being sharia compliant
Sew much beter now yu have fixed the edit buten.
Missing postal ballots think it was a one off ?
On voting day morning how the heck was the Times forecasting a hung parliament ?
I wonder what background these lowfives come from.. who drowned a homeless woman so they could collect her benefits ?
HSBC advert full page on election day
“over 320,000 people are homeless”
… that must be on the loosest definition
..and misleads people before voting.
How come such a Political advert was allowed ?
One thing is now crystal clear the left have no mandate at all in this country .Boris has the opportunity to start a serious push back against the Marxists that have infiltrated all our institutions and I hope he takes it because if there is no push back this will turn out to be only a short respite. . He can make a good start by reclaiming our streets from anti fa and climate rebellion mobs . Then roll up his sleeves after Brexit and start on the bBBC and its lovechild Channel 4.
I hope you’re right and Boris’ New Year resolutions will be:
a) sort Brexit, and
b) disband al beeb
The bBBC has been exposed for all to see over its appalling coverage of this election . They really made no attempt (apart from Andrew Neils demolition of Corbyn) at proper balanced journalism or to hide their left leaning bias. As Pug says in his excellent post above they tried to foist on us a hard line Trotsky government . I will not forgive or forget it.
It will be Interesting to see who is on the Andrew Marr in the morning , no doubt he will be full of c–p and bemoaning the Tory win ….the look on his face Friday was wonderful…perhaps its stuck in that position
Absolutely, Charlie!
His voice was almost incoherent with rage, but that may have been down to facial rictus at such a huge majority for common sense prevailing over his inability to express anything other than a bilious stream of invective.
He really is getting past it now, and not a very good questioner either. I suppose they’ll choose a ‘comedian’ next on his dire prog.
A good summing up of the election that the beeb would never air.
Not for the first time, Sky Aus are way more enlightened than our own Sky UK.
And unlike the beeb, the interviewer actually lets the interviewee express his views without interrupting every few seconds.
Yes good video
the purpose was to listen and learn from the interviewee
NOT to get him on under a pretext and then rush for a GOTCHA
.. like emma/Emily beeboids do.
Apropos nothing too much, but I do perceive Sean Ley as a reasonable, unbiased, interviewer and presenter on the ghastly national broadcaster. I do hope I haven’t condemned him to a one-way ticket to the gulags !
Good one Pug, as usual.
The BBBC continually avoid remembering that Tony Benn, for all his faults, always said that ‘it’s not the people, it’s the policies that count’.
As usual, the bbbc try to cloud the issues, mentioning ‘names’ and inverting the real issues is much easier than actually doing what they ought to be doing – REPORT SOMETHING!
They get paid enough for God’s sake!
Love it !!! What a great couple of days it’s been !!!!
These bubble dwelling luvvies firmly put in their place !!! The sanctimonious little turds !
Who’s the gurning bloke in the middle?
And didn’t he shag the bird on the other side of the bald nob in some old film?
We’ll probably know when the bbbc churn out all the tired old flicks that nobody watches over Christmas – THE Christian celebration which happens in ten days time…
I can’t wait.
I said they would be out on the streets in 2 days
no matter how much they lose they wont accept it, time to get tough on these anti-democratic scum
The BBC want to portray the problem Labour has is just the issue of Corbyn . Change Corbyn as leader to someone else and its job done , new leader , new start, people will flock back to the party , the votes ( normal and postal) will flow into the ballot boxes and Labour will return to power .
The problem isn’t just Corbyn . The problem is also the likes of Keir Starmer , the lot who go from prestige public sector jobs into Labour , or they move from the charity sector into Labour , or from the BBC , media or arts . Jo Cox , the murdered MP was typical of them .
They don’t want to eradicate the problems workers have , they want to control them and everyone else .they have no affinity with the working class , they have affinity with their own like , both here and abroad . They are the new CLERISY .
You only have to look at their in house rag , The Guardian and see the letters page . A quarter of those printed are sent in by professors and doctors at universities . They should be in charge , they think , and be allowed to jet to anywhere in the world to meet like minded clerisy to formulate policies for the whole of mankind .
“formulate policies for the whole of mankind”
Labour, Liberal Democrats, Greens, State Broadcaster.
Mix and match.
Agreed, Nibor. Labour have made a colossal mistake by tying themselves to Remain and could compound it by electing a Remainer like Starmer or any of the women Remainers to lead the Party.
That means any decent democrat – who voted Remain in June 2016 – who is a Labour member and/or regular voter and who is a small p Patriot or lover of democracy, will have a massive crisis of conscience at the next Local Authority election and especially at the next General Election.
I suspect (and certainly hope) that Bojo’s and the Conservatives’ emphatic victory was also down in part to those Remainers who are ordinary, decent, UK democracy-loving, people and couldn’t stomach voting for a Labour Party without principles with a Leader who equivocates and dissembles and allows himself to be pushed around by extremists, including Keir Starmer.
Doctor with twisted moral values
A junior Harold Shipman
*vid contains top profanity*
I hope to God that a creature like this upper class airhead never becomes a doctor. Ever! She could not be trusted with patients’ lives or wellbeings.
A doodle and thoughts on the Labour Aftermath:
Calvin – you’re wasted on this site ! How did you find out thar Labour had a plan to get the Army to do hand written letters of apology to Gerry Adams ?????
Thank you -must take ages .
I’ve listen to a bit of al beeb today and they theme seems to be that Corbyn got a bad press – it didn’t go on to say he got a bad press because he has been consistently bad since 1970.
I found the telling thing the segment I saw when the BBC interviewed a bunch of ‘reluctant ex-Labour’ voters, some of whom had gone to LibDem, one green, those who went Tory said they’d return to the fold if the antisemitism thing was better dealt with by someone new.
Not one mentioned Brexit, other than to deny it had any influence on their choice. All of them were minority voters. I can pretty much guarantee all of them lived in that city they were interviewed in and I’d stake solid money that their local MP is still a Labour one.
And the BBC is surprised at the result?!
The SNPee wanting independence, god they kept that quiet. Even the bbc keeping stum
So happy to see the despicable Corbyn hammered and delighted that he will now never be PM. And three defectors to the LibDems all lost their seats. And Swinson was defeated – after all the hype about how she was going to save the country, if not the world, by denying Brexit.
Interesting how she and Corbyn blame their defeat on anything but their own failings.
If Boris had stood up to the EU, these elections would have made my day. My worry is that he will accept Brexit in name only.
In this season of goodwill, on behalf of Al-beeb I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Diversity, along with Paul Joseph Watson.
Vlad – wow – thank you – a tour de force … and a great watch .
Thank you vlad , excellent, sums it up completely, hope Boris watches this site
I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve copied that to a Word document, not to disseminate widely, but to show my daughter (with acknowledgement of course) if she repeats what she said last week. She said she thought the BBC were biased towards the right/Conservatives. Not wishing to provoke a big argument before Christmas, I merely replied that I thought the opposite! Yours is a very powerful statement and very well argued. Thanks in advance!
Excellent, Vlad!
had to look up “dystopia” to make sure I knew it’s meaning!!!
“a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding”
wonder if Ragan has been reading this book –
“Survive and Resist: The Definitive Guide to Dystopian Politics”
from the limited online book intro –
“Introduction(pp. 1-6)
It’s no coincidence that two dystopian classics—George Orwell’s 1984 and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale—shot to the top of best-seller lists in the wake of the 2016 pro-Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Novels, like other art forms, can help people make sense of the world around them. In this case, it is political fiction helping readers parse the political world, with frightening futuristic visions serving to amplify, explain, or warn us about current trends. The government that controls Oceania in Orwell’s 1984 is a Stalinesque communist nightmare centered in what was…”
naw, he can’t have read it, or he would have mentioned Labour.
Bit lucky for Labour that Channel4 chose to wait til after the election to air their drama about the Stafford Hospital deaths in 2007
“patient deaths at Stafford were 40 per cent higher than the national average, after its managers embarked on radical cost-cutting measures. ”
“The dirt, disorder and poor care her daughter witnessed during visits were so shocking”
“On visits she sees nurses hunting for patients who’ve been wheeled into corners and forgotten about, inadequately organised drug rounds and care gaps between shifts, patients who can’t reach their food trays or are so dehydrated they drink water from flower vases. Julie is so distraught that she corrals family members into a 24-hour rota to ensure that Bella is not left for a moment. It isn’t enough.”
‘The Cure’ airs December 19 on Channel 4
I will try to watch that . I’m sure Andy burnham will too – since he was health Secretary at the time – so personally responsible in the way Labour/BBC tried to make BoJo responsible for some socialist putting their kid on a hospital floor and taking a picture …
Next – the Liverpool Pathway.. we must not criticise the NHS because Health Professionals ££ are all saints … £
Hitting the hay, and there’s nothing like an ex-BBC editor gem to smile about as the land of nod beckons.
After the excellent result – and 5 years of a real Conservative government to come – I wondered if it will affect the mental health of those already suffering – and by the looks of it Mr Mason is already there.
There is a YouTube extract of a momentum girl wishing the PM a slow painful death . She adds she wants to work for the NHS and become a doctor . Obviously there are efforts to identify her – she was at the violent Whitehall protest after the election where unfortunately only 2 were arrested . They should have been kettled and identified . I think she has committed a crime under the malicious communications act and is certainly a lefty ‘hatee ‘ crime .
Now I know people say stupid things . We all do – but this is going to cost her ( hopefully ) when her face is all over the press and they ask her family for ‘comment’…
She wants to be a doctor and wish death on people ?!
Well there was a society that had medical staff like that . They worked in places like Aushwitz until 1945 .
Nibor – looking at the extract on Twitter – which would be good if reposted here – the kid looked like an affluent southerner who has had no contact with real life and just lives in the bubble . Her view might change when she sees , feels and smells her first dead body .
Can you imagine that before treating a patient she will
be asking them who they voted for? God help the
poor souls that voted Conservative !!
If you look up the page to 6:26pm Saturday 14th you’ll see I already posted the young doctor’s hatey rant
Richard Black left the BBC to do his Global Warming PR fulltime OUTSIDE the BBC
.. whilst his mate Harra does the same thing from inside.
Their cheerleading for the subsidised inefficient intermittent energy makes us all poorer.
If a lefty says that the BBC is pro Tory
ask them which were the 5 programmes they added to their boycott list
I used to listen to 80% of progs
then a they got colonised by agenda pushing, I had to boycott them, maybe I just about tolerate 10% of national progs.
“colonised by agenda pushing”
Great phrasing and sadly what has happened to Radio 4.
State Broadcaster shuts out too many voices. Those who are left can never voice a balanced output. SB isn’t funded like a newspaper but through taxation. Speak to all not to some.
Pug, in the Mail online –
Perhaps the BBC backed the wrong horse.
Apparently Boris will not go for a softer Brexit. Also Cummins has said the Whitehall is not fit for purpose.
BBC R4 MN R4 news – Newspapers (00:23)
Also –
CM and Pug
I have also just read this – Could it be that the scales are finally starting to fall away from some of our politicians eyes?
It is interesting that Bojo has stopped listening to Today, one of the reasons I so seldom post here anymore is that I used to listen to Toady when driving around as part of my job and since we voted to LEAVE the EU (please take note Boris) R4 and particularly Toady have morphed into nothing more than the Remain Broadcasting Channel, with the rest of R4 only seemingly interested in the thoughts of practitioners of anal sex, those who worship a child molester, females who have suffered some sort of slight (imagined or self created) or those who would like to change their genitals.
When I started regularly shouting and swearing at the inanimate radio set when driving to a job , I realised it was finally time to switch off from R4 not only for my safety but also other road users.
What the article didnt mention however, was that at the last charter review, Whittingdale was the one who bottled it, so in some ways much of the treatment that the Tories received from the BBC at the election was due to his weakness.
Just such a pity that the politicians are not nearly so concerned about us having to listen to this biased, insufferable, woke sh##e for so many years, and only consider lifting a finger when it started to significantly impact on them personally.
Another promise broken – this time – watching Marr – I gave up years ago but I want to hear the ‘tone’ now – and whether the collective anti conservative sneer continues .
And whether they will already start to undermine the landslide by concentrating on the National socialist `party of Scotland – which I see as a ‘side show ‘.
As for the SNP – they mimic the EU with the requirement to keep having votes until they get the result they want – another referendum .
What will the SNP do if they lose again ? Call for a third referendum ? Blame the English for everything as usual . Tearfully run off the Brussels for ‘help ‘? – with the BBC – of course on their side all the way .
Yes like all left wing “revolutionaries” with the BBC democracy only counts when they get the result they want.
The BBC is like a promiscuous 17 year old lad who has just found out what is between his legs and is chasing anything in a skirt. Except in this case the BBC chases anything that offers a real threat to the unity and stability of our nation , hence why it sides with terrorists, Labour, Remain and now the Scots Nats.
The one good thing that has come out of all of this is that the BBC has finally been publicly exposed as the collection of sneering, unpatriotic, anti British traitors, all of us here know it to be.
Fed, On the World R4 service from 1:10 to 1:30 they discussed the consequences of the election. In their opinion the ‘paradox’ of Brexit will lead to break up of the UK ie Scotland and NI. The only thing they weren’t sure about was which would leave the UK first but that it would happen in the next 5 – 10 years.
This will likely be the ‘narrative’ into the future..
If you need an escape from the bias of the Beeb and the rest of the far left remain stream media, try SkyNews Australia, I stumbled across it by accident on you tube. Well worth listening to. No bias like its U.K. Sibling and gets to the point with no agenda pushing. Refreshing and far more balance from the presenters.
The not so civil service is long overdue reform.
I had the displeasure of having to work with representatives of one such department for many years, unwashed, scruffy, anti British, anti industry. Only worried about the next p****-up, or how they could best leverage deals with overseas suppliers to this particular department, so they could get their travel perks.
Bloody disgraceful lot and unemployable in any other walk of life my old boss would mutter.
The left distort history –
“If Napoleon had remained emperor of France for the six years remaining in his natural life, European civilization would have benefited inestimably. The reactionary Holy Alliance of Russia, Prussia and Austria would not have been able to crush liberal constitutionalist movements in Spain, Greece, Eastern Europe and elsewhere; pressure to join France in abolishing slavery in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean would have grown; the benefits of meritocracy over feudalism would have had time to become more widely appreciated; Jews would not have been forced back into their ghettos in the Papal States and made to wear the yellow star again; encouragement of the arts and sciences would have been better understood and copied; and the plans to rebuild Paris would have been implemented, making it the most gorgeous city in the world.
Napoleon deserved to lose Waterloo, and Wellington to win it, but the essential point in this bicentenary year is that the epic battle did not need to be fought—and the world would have been better off if it hadn’t been.
Read more:
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Chiles did a piece not long ago on whether to have a British passport or an east European (EU) one – I think Croatian ?
Perhaps he’ll do another documentary – now that we are leaving the ReichEU – about applying the the Croatian passport and leaving Blighty as he and his family don’t like democratic decisions of the British …. certainly wouldn’t be much of a loss .
From listening to the World Service earlier, the sneer continues Fed, a certain Mr Woricker was promoting the Corbin interview that’s been conducted in which the deluded old commie is actually and unbelievable arguing that he won the doorstep argument during the election campaign.
Now I liken to the football manager who states his team played the better game, had most possession, created the more chances etc… But at the end of 90minutes there is only one stat that counts, the final score and Jezza got battered 5 – 0.
The Beeb just won’t admit this however. At all.
I gave up on the so called “world service’ when the poison got to it – but I ask this – as the ‘Sunday Game ‘
Which footy manager is most like Corbyn ? ( within the laws of defamation of course ).- me – Neil Warnock .
More of a Cricket fan myself Fed, hoping the great white hope Stokes upsets the racist lefty Beeb by winning sports thingy of the year tonight, won’t be watching tho….
I’ll offer Brendan Rogers for football.
He may have been a good manager, but souness at Southampton played Ali Dia, a fake player for nearly an hour. Does that count.
I used to have a soft spot for Saints, and remember that incident.
To bring it back on topic, ahem. Didn’t Alec Furgeuson ban the Beeb from Old Trafford?
Yes, he should have said,: ‘Well, it’s a game of two halves but at the end of the day the best team won and I’m as sick as a parrot’
The BBC is ‘quoting’ Jeremy a lot currently.
And Greta of course…
Her PR team taking the best of Jez. Genius,
There is a Greta update
the actual German train company tweeted
that it would have been good if she had thanked their staff for giving her a free place in first class.
Is that why we see her smiling for the first time ?
There has been something radically bad at the BBC for a long time. And someone they are still plummeting further.
A warning for Boris.
I keep hearing that because he has a large majority he can disregard the ERG and will go for a much softer Brexit or Brino.
I don’t know if there’s any truth in that but what Boris needs to remember is that he won this election because politicians did not carry out the Brexit we voted for, and tried to get out of the commitments to leave the SM, CU and ECJ, as written in the booklet everyone received, and based their in out decision on.
If he starts to backslide and goes for a softer Brexit then the voter fury will be focused on him and the Tories will suffer greatly.
If he carries out what he promised (or maybe goes further towards the Brexit we voted for) he will be safe.
So Boris.
Brexit got you back in with a large majority.
Play brino or softer Brexit games and we will get rid of you.
You can be a great PM or you can mess it up.
Do what the people voted you in for, it’s that simple.
Not good. The Muslim Issue website which was a good source of facts & truth about Islam has been brought down. It seems to have been suspended sometime in 2017. is no longer available.
This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document.
Lucy the site is on the archive sites
There were no changes since late 2017
archive visible here
Remember you can’t add comments now.
See, this is why I am dubious about polls:
Raheem Kassam
After 6,000 votes, the results of this super scientific mega poll are in!
98% of people trust a feral chicken for their news!
Just 2% of people trust the BBC or CNN.
Amazing ????????????
2% still trust those clowns?
Caricature becomes real.
All those ‘fireside chats’ by the BBC with cuddly Uncle John Mcdonnell.
It’s really happening on the Andrew Marr show at 0930 !!!!!
The only thing missing is the actual fire. I hope his central heating is fuelled only by sustainable energy.
Trotskyist Uncle John is in total denial, claimimg Jezza won all the arguments, and blaming Brexit and the media, and Marr is even now lobbing soft balls at him.
The final quote summed it up. A comment about the floral curtains !!!!
I know. But amazingly, totally true.
During the following interview with actor Brian Cox, Cox said to Marr, “I really admired your interview with John Mcdonnell… I was very moved”. It’s like watching the Oscars.
I guess that like me, many of my fellow contributors here have, since last Friday or so, avoided our Marxist State Broadcaster like the plague as respite. But, today, Sunday, I tuned my radio into the news at 0900 mainly to discover the flavour of how the BABC would approach Boris they having got over the shock last week of losing their communist bedfellows – the Labour Party.
Under the part sub-heading, “……Paddy O’Connell…” looks at the “aftermath” of events last Thursday. Clearly, for the BABC, ‘aftermath’ suits as in, “The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it”. Compliments of Collins Dictionary online. So, last Thursday’s event were seen by the BABC as a, ‘harmful’ event. I see the beginning signs of the BABC’s new sense of direction. Needless to say, straight out the Marxists Handbook – Character Assassination. I was not disappointed and in support of my initial thoughts, O’Connell’s first interviewee was confronted by the assertion, by O’Connell, that, Boris is a person who, “insults muslim women” (in the ‘letterbox’ sense).
So, there you have it, ‘Character Assassination’ is the order of the future: day in day out, month in, month out – drip, drip, drip…….For the next five years.
Some silly bint on LBC, Andrew Castle, earlier this morning was over-excited, as is their wont. Her assertion is that the Conservative Party won for three reasons : Hate, Greed and Fear.
For me, this is just another example of that condition called Projection. All that the commies have in their armory are precisely hate – of everything and everyone, greed – coveting their neighbours goods etc, and Fear – that they might be wrong, found out for their wicked plans and crushed into oblivion.
The racist far-left bbc is full to the gunnels with such people.
I read in the Express that Prime Minister Johnson is going to boycott the Radio4 Today programme. Let’s hope he sticks to that decision as well as his cabinet ministers.
Prime Minister Johnson is apparently going to review the decriminalisation of non-payment of the TV protection money tax. Again, let’s hope this isn’t an empty threat and that he carries it through. With matters such as this, I believe time is of the essence and they need to be implemented while the blood is still running hot. Give it a week or two and other matters will take over as more important and it will, again, be ignored. I hope he carries out his threat and that it’s the first step into selling off the racist far-left bbc into a subscription based private enterprise. Which swims or sinks by its own efforts. My preference would be that it joins CNN and the rest of the propaganda machinery and sinks without trace, only to be remembered as a few lines in history books.
“Prime Minister Johnson is apparently going to review the decriminalisation of non-payment of the TV protection money tax. Again, let’s hope this isn’t an empty threat and that he carries it through.”
It’s a Governmental warning ‘Blimp’, sent up into the air in the hope that the enemy would be deterred or fly elsewhere. I had a lot to do with Ministers, the Government of the day and top Civil Servants in the early 2000’s. One expression oft used by them all was, (in the sense of urgently needed reformation/legislation), “We pursue the policy of a ‘light touch’ “. That’s how they view any urgency – try half measures first and maybe if we wake up eventually, we’ll get round to it – sometime.