Back to business . The BBC charter isn’t currently due for renewal until January 2028 . So for those who see the BBC as a Far Left Biased Monster -reviewing the Charter system and funding to cut it down to size must start now . This got mentioned a bit in the General Election but must be maintained in the collective consciousness – particularly since it is too arrogant to change .
Weekend Thread 14 December 2019
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Andrew Marr Show starting his inteview with actor Brian Cox, “you play a man like Rupert Murdoch, a deeply, deeply, sinister and dangerous man I think it’s fair to say”.
I would have described Murdoch as a media mogul myself but Marr’s totally biased description is better for the BBC agenda.
“a deeply, deeply, sinister and dangerous man” = not as left-wing as we at the BBC would like.
I thought they were talking about Brian Cox!
A known Far Left sympathiser.
As soon as he came on, I reached for the off button faster than you could say’ ‘Jezza’s a Marxist’.
State Broadcaster continues to deceive
“Fewer than half backed Brexit parties”
Labour counted as a Remain party – perhaps someone should tell Thornberry?
Labour was NOT a Remain party. It was a sitting-on-the-fence, facing-both-ways, have-your-cake-and-eat-it party.
Boris Johnson is set to decriminalise non-payment of TV Telly Tax .
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Get Brexit Done and Get the TV Telly Tax ‘Done’.
The BBC will be finished if decriminalisation means that in effect the LF becomes a voluntary contribution. The BBC will within a short time be forced to plead for a subscription model rather than what will be in effect a free to air one. Boris give the people the tools and the people will kill the BBC for you at no political risk. How can the BBC and their supporters object to the people’s choice? Oh I forgot they have done that for three years about Brexit but that is precisely why they are going to get their comeuppance this time round. This news fills me with joy. I can’t wait for the day to dawn when the arrogant anti British BBC is brought to its knees by the British people themselves.
Destroying the beeb is only half the battle.
The public must simultaneously be offered a truly alternative news channel such as Fox.
At present there is none such.
Very true. The demise of the BBC will create a vacuum and we should not assume that the left/ Globalist alliance won’t fill it , after all they control most of the MSM in the USA.
(The writing on the wall)
Daniel Chapter 5:
“8 Then all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant. 9 So King Belshazzar became even more terrified and his face grew more pale. His nobles were baffled.”
25 “This is the inscription that was written:
mene, mene, tekel, parsin
26 “Here is what these words mean:
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
27 Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
28 Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”
I didn’t vote Conservative but I pray that God gives Boris and his government the courage and wisdom to do the right things by this country. And I pray that they are shielded from the abuse of the organised far-left.
I also pray that The BBC will soon see the same writing on the wall as their dear Jeremy.
“God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.”
On Andrew Marr, luvvie Brian Cox says Nicola Sturgeon is honest and has no side to her. Incredible. Sturgeon is the the most slippery of fish. She is pushing for indyref2 despite: (1) Only 45% of the Scottish electorate voted for the SNP in the election. (2) She herself admits that many of those who recently voted for her party do not want independence. (3) The opinion polls on independence have barely moved since 2014.
So her whole position on this is a sham. Not to mention a huge waste of her time and energy. But you can bet your bottom groat that if she gets another referendum and loses again, she will still be presenting herself as the defiant champion of “the people of Scotland”. Timewasting humbug.
I think mr Cox still think he’s in that Braveheart film . Tell the SNP the Barnett formula is to be ‘changed’ to enable northern England to get a fair crack….
Labour: ‘We won the argument…’
Yes you won the argument… When you had unfettered immigration and denied that it would have a detrimental impact on the Social Welfare System, the Education System, the housing crisis and the National Health System.
Yes you won the argument… When thousands of young girls were trafficked and raped in towns and cities run by Labour councils.
Yes you won the argument… When Gordon Brown called the woman from Rochdale ‘That bigoted woman’.
Yes you won the argument… When you failed to criticise the Islamic ideology that is at odds with British values.
Oh yes, you won the argument alright.
A typical Labour activist tweet
Utter b@llocks this false equivalence of left and right.
The right are *fascists* like Katie Hopkins and Yaxley Lennon and Farage
while the left want to feed and home kids, eradicate poverty, have free health care and nationalised public services.
FFS The left that stood by and hid the gang-rape/sale/prostitution of 5,000+ girls
SHOUTS that the people who spoke up are “FASCISTS” !
For a start that word is so heavy it shouldn’t be used except to describe Hitlers, genocidal Nazis
(Totalitarian is often a better word ..and the extreme left seem very like that.)
It’s absolutely offensive to smear people as fascist, TR has black people in his wedding video and has always had black ethnic Muslim friends.
It is also outrageous to say that only the left “want to feed and home kids, eradicate poverty”
When one lefty quoted Guido saying
the effect of the platforming of far-left types just because they were extremely active on Twitter on current affairs shows should be reflected on.
It normalised people who would in the past have only been only selling Trotskyite papers outside train stations.
The rest of the left like Radio4 Muslim comedian Tez Ilyas
said ‘How dare you quote a right wing site’
(I paraphrased without their expletives)
“selling Trotskyite papers outside train stations.”
may well be a reference to Red Andy i.e. Andrew Marr
cos that is what he used to do
Add to that their failure to turn the country against our Jewish community.
Ex-Newsnight Editor decides out loud who will be blessed with that bbc-level magic he has brought to bear so far.
Now if he can just swing Eddie, Hugh, Lily and Ash onto Newsnight…
Has John Sweeney found a new job yet?
Head of OFCOM Malta. Apparently.
Don’t their journalists have a tendency to have nasty accidents?
Mc Donnell on Marr, taking the blame.
Very noble.
Most beeboids talking as if it was a narrow win for Tories and a slight adjustment in Labour would do the trick next time.
Not a soul admitting: “To the extent we pushed Labour we were totally wrong, and are thus culpable as well. We simply weren’t impartial and deserve extinction.”
I hope Boris abolishes the licence fee. Be lovely to see how the luvvies react to the real world.
“ Mc Donnell on Marr, taking the blame.
Very noble.
Most beeboids talking as if it was a narrow win for Tories and a slight adjustment in Labour would do the trick next time.”
Back in the day, Old NooLabor called the Liar Blair’s 1997 GE result a landslide. The Liar Blair got 43.2% of the vote and 418 seats. Bojo got 43.6% of the vote and only 365 seats. Despite MarxistLabour’s current hatred of the Liar Blair, and they are quite correct in that, he won that GE and they called it a landslide. Bojo got his landslide despite the deeply MarxistLabour boundary advantage.
It WAS a landslide though!
PS if you can join this message board, please do so and let these clever stupid Leftoids, mostly public sector/uni lecturers or benefit recipients, know that despite their bleating since long before the referendum they lost…big time, and have very little perception of what real people think, just like their beloved Al Beeb.
They banned me around referendum time for pointing out these truths to them.
The BBC news bulletins are still “Leading with Labour”
and the politics progs are from the same bubbleworld people saying “where did we go wrong”
The local radio news just led with “The Shadow Chancellor John MacDonell was on Marr this morning and he said ”
.. so that is the BBC talking about Labour, and talking about themselves again.
Whoever writes BBC politics tweets is a genius.
Yeh the Guardian, Mirror, The independent, The Mirror group owned Daily Star, and ll the metroliberal broadcasters threw the kitchen sink at Labour.
Every lefty so far asked to give their interpretation of the worst result for Labour since 1935 simply fails to acknowledge the truth. That’s why the Labour party has had it, certainly for the foreseeable future.
The truth is the Labour party voted down every attempt to get a Brexit deal through parliament. By that, I mean 96+% of them voted against all efforts to make some progress for around twelve months. I know this because I watched it on Parliament TV. They even voted against an election at one stage. It went on and on for months on end. Their notion of a ‘debate’ was to sling verbal insults at the Tory benches, some of the worst culprits being now up for the new leadership! It was a pathetic display of petulance that paid little heed to the damage being done to industry and the well being of the population at large.
And these idiots come onto the media and say it was because Corbyn was unfairly treated. No, it was because you are a cross between a bunch of undemocratic hard-liners and a gang of schoolchildren and you were observed for what you are.
Good riddance.
Chancy -I’m thinking of spending £3 to join the Labour Party and get one of hopeless thickos on the Labour front bench elected to lead their party to oblivion ……. in the end those souls who joined to get Corbyn elected did me a big favour .
Me too! Of course, there was that rumour going round at one time that that was how Corbyn came in from the cold. (Pun intended!)
Chancy, that is a top piece that nicely summarises the truth. Well put sir/ maam.
The upcoming attack lines the BBC will use against BoJo and the 354 MPs are
Was the campaign illegally funded ?
It was the Russians
It was all lies
Dissent amongst new MPs
Splits in the new cabinet
Bojos personal life (pressure on his partner )
How the election was stolen
The new government is Far Right
Austerity isn’t over
Bojo hates the Scots
Bojo ‘played ‘ by Brussells
Conservatives muck up brexit
I watched the first bit of Marr unTil my TV switched itself off when Cranky came on. Not much sign of humble pie from Marr and a sense of grief in a solemn kind of delivery .
If the weekend press is right – and the likes of Toady will no longer the place government politicians go to then that I think for us will be a sign of hope .
Let Robinson do his sneering “we asked for a Tory minister to come onto the show but no one was available “routine and just ignore it .go straight to the public using social media until the BBC is reformed and maybe if ever becomes “fair’ again and perhaps new blood bought in to replace Barnett, lady Brooke maitliss , Mardell , Marr, Robinson and so many others broadcasting their own political views as opposed to doing a public service .
Without fail the Left always trot out this tired old excuse about the Right wing media whenever their nonsense is rejected at the ballot box. They cant face the fact that thinking people cant abide them or their divisive policies.
What I fear they will do is double down and carry on their work in the education system
Is this the first glimmer of hope?
McDonnell on the BBC says he is to blame for Labour’s “catastrophic” loss in Thursday’s election. He “owns this disaster, not being able to articulate clearly enough”. He also blamed the “media portrayal” of Corbyn for the loss.
“It’s a body blow for everyone who so desperately needs real change in our country”. He said he was “sorry that we came up short and I take my responsibility for it”, but remained “proud” of the campaign.
So; paraphrasing, ‘the message was correct but it’s the media’s fault’.
This man, his party and supporters are deluded.
Their woke, metropolitan manifesto means nothing outside their London bubble. What the hell does ‘pro Palestine’ or ‘refugees welcome’ mean to the people of Redcar? Who gives a toss in Blyth about ‘not tolerating discrimination in any form’, the oft repeated mantra from Corbyn. Why would the people of Bolsover vote again on an EU referendum they’ve already spoken on?
The Labour Party needs to choose between it’s socially liberal metropolitan meting pots and its traditional, socially conservative English base. It needs to be brave, articulate a clear message and represent those people whom it chooses to reflect.
The world in not left versus right anymore. Socialism is dead. It’s globalism v’s nationalism, corporatism and control v’s libertarian freedom, local representative autonomy v’s collective democracy. These are the choices it repeatedly refuses to make.
‘How to avoid an election fallout with the fam this Christmas’
I think that the political argument has been settled for the next few years now. Trust the BBC to try and spoil Christmas for us just because they once again did not get the result that they wanted.
This ‘country is divided’ nonsense is another dreamed up metrobubble load of tosh.
We have Jezza supporting friends and colleagues, our wheelchair bound good buddy voted libdem, in part because he is a Remainer, as is his libdem neighbour, also a good friend of ours, Most Tories we know do lots of voluntary work, charity collections, Christmas colllections and all the rest. We all get on and we’ll all be at each others Christmas parties. We just don’t all vote the same way.
But we live in a ‘town’ so naturally the hate-filled left don’t understand us and think we’re scum.
I am enjoying the Labour Party squirming and being unable to understand why they lost. Like many others here, I see this as good news because they will continue to rigidly and unquestioningly adhere to their Marxist ideology and lose the next general election for the same reasons they lost this one.
Their mindset reminds me of a joke I once heard about the Brezhnev regime circa 1980 (the date is important). Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev goes to a summit of world leaders in Washington. At the end of the meeting, the Americans take Brezhnev and the others off to a high class brothel. Brezhnev is surprised but really enjoys himself. When the time comes for the next world summit, this time in Moscow, Brezhnev orders the Communist Party to arrange similar hospitality for his guests at the end. Unfortunately, in the forthcoming weeks, the summit is deemed to be a failure by world leaders. Brezhnev can’t understand it and orders an inquiry. But he can’t discover any political reason why the summit failed. Then he summons the Communist Party official responsible for the hiring of the prostitutes. “No, it can’t be the fault of the girls,” says the trembling apparatchik. “They’ve all been good Party members since 1917.”
The Mirror editor @Kevin_Maguire tweeted

“Here’s a bit of unseen newspaper history – the unused @DailyMirror front page we prepared just in case ”
Since London is now strongly BAME, errrr I mean strongly Labour, Bojo has every reason to do what perversely Labour have advocated which is to put some money into the regions. Not least since the regions are now Tory! A little piece of logic appears to have passed the left by, which is that since the left have repeatedly complained about overinvestment in London, and since London is predominantly BAME, it must follow that BAME areas have received far above their rightful level of investment. So it must be time to invest in all those whitey towns and areas. How about it, David? Dianne?
Perhaps the BBC could join them and open new studios in Sedgefield and Bassetlaw. For their information, those places are ‘somewhere up north’. I’d be happy to lend the BBC a map.
The mayor would complain. Then again that’s his normal state so no one would notice.
Is it OK to air people making BIG accusations and leave out their own name ?
Unnamed Pole “I don’t know if i should mention names”
Sweeney “yeh mention names !”
Pole “Niigel Farage thankyou for all that, cos you are part of this death, and you’ve got blood on your hands
thanks to you thanks for all your decision
wherever you are
yeah it’s it’s your call”
Sweeney “Nigel Farage has always denied this allegation
As the search for clues and answers continues,
the fear is but two poisons* have come together to a lethal result !”
(That’s the BIG TAKEAWAY at the end of the piece “Farage =murder of foreigners” )
* The locals/shopkeepers in the vid , only talked about there being an anti-social problem with gangs of kids,
… they didn’t mention any racism, nor Brexit. It is Sweeney that shoehorned than angle in and labelled it a” poison”
“Comments are turned off” says that Newsnight video
“Officers were called to reports of a man “believed to be in possession of a firearm” in Hessle Road in Hull in the early hours of Sunday.”
Not believed to have any terrorism connection or links.
Not believed?
Pug -the curse of big organisations -group think – the language becomes the same – the approach to subjects becomes the same .
In the case of the BBC it’s very simple to see . A journo like Brillo is seen as an exception just for doing his job – whereas the sneery ones constantly interupting and cutting short the people they and their organisation don’t lIke carry on in that way .
Extreme example of this. Marr trying to ‘ do ‘ Nigel Farage a couple of months ago .
I wonder when I see those sort of interviews – what is the aim? Is it to get the victim to snap? To de mic
And walk ? Or just to get their contract renewed and Another year of tax paid pension .
My advise to Tories continues as I said in the election campaign . Just avoid the ‘ beauties ‘ until they behave decently – and fairly . Until then – they are the Far Left enemy .
I’m really interested to see if BoJo goes onto Toady as the ‘ tradition ‘ of newly elected PMs kind of ‘ dictates ‘ . I really hope he doesn’t because the way Robinson et al have conducted themselves they don’t deserve the time of day .
As far as C4 news goes – well their head called our PM a liar in a public speach . Any pretence of neutrality is gone – so close it down or privatise it – or give it to Fox .
“Madam stop there , I have reason to believe you’ve just stolen those two left shoes from the shoe shop display rack”
DA.. “No, no I always wear two left shoes,
it’s my lucky superstition
here’s a photo of me doing that at the polling station”
Votes: 39,972 .. Vote share 70.3 % … LAB majority: 33,188 .. Vote share change: -4.8%
2017 : 42,265 .. Vote share 75.1 % …. Lab majority : 35, 139
2015 : 31,357 .. Vote share 62.9 % …. Lab majority : 24,008
Piers nails it again !! ????????
Sometimes , the truth is best put nice and simply !!
Do we know which brand of gin Mrs Soubry prefers? Or will she drink anything?
They really don’t get it. David Orlando of all sorts of Labour committees and proud to be hard Left, writes in the Telegraph that unless Labour finds a way to win next time, their vision for Britain faces obliteration. Doesn’t get that the people of Britain massively considered the hard Left version of Britain and overwhelmingly rejected it.
Later in the article he states antiSemitism should be eradicated but then states “never again should Labour canvassers feel trepidation when knocking in a North London suburban door to which a mezuzah is nailed.” WHAT? Mr Osland does not consider the intimidation caused to the Jewish family inside when Momentum knocks on their door. I have had the attempt of the intimidation and a young American student I know, living a long way from home and family, experienced the horror of intimidation and bullying by fellow students once those living around her found out she is Jewish. The only thing Labour has succeeded in being is the thoroughly nasty almost evil party. They put any nastiness of the Tory party to pure amateurishness. Mrs May got that really wrong too.
Totally impartial Channel4
chose totally impartial studio audience
Not a C4 watcher but came across this clip on youtube.
A classic reference case of unquestionable proven example of C4 bias.
This audience quickly moved on to Question Time on bBBC1 the following evening, as the overall tone was the same.
Totally impartial BBC favourite …writer A L Kennedy
Well spotted, Stew. Some strong denial of reality at work there, in a besotted Labour mind. Plus some creative writing from a ….. writer.
The contributor to a part of an extended The World This Weekend, in a three way discussion, hosted by Mark Mardell, made an important point: a lot of politicians (and their media sympathisers, probably) think of and treat the public as simpletons.
They are not.
Chris ‘Reality Check’ Morris had a small segment on TWitT on R4 today. The tenor of his contribution? “Boris and the Conservatives are liars.”
He sounded quite bitter.
Is it unreasonable to guess that Chris Morris might be a Labour Party supporter and voter?
Bit late with this but yesterday Radio 4 Saturday 11 am ‘Electioncast’ slot, the one occupied by ‘The Week in Westminster’ in non election times. For once I didn’t mind listening to this. Highly amused by the puzzlement of the contributers trying to figure out what went wrong. The conclusions were that it was Brexit wot done it and/or people didn’t like Jeremy Corbyn.
No one in this program or in the other bits I caught during Saturday voiced the opinion that maybe people just didn’t want a hard left marxist big state government which I think was the main reason. Of course the debate has widened since then with McDonnell falling on his sword.
It puzzles me why these Media presenters seem to want a hard left marxist big state government when they have more to lose financially than the rest of us.
Sorry , is this the new thread?
Bit late with this but yesterday Radio 4 Saturday 11 am ‘Electioncast’ slot, the one occupied by ‘The Week in Westminster’ in non election times. For once I didn’t mind listening to this. Highly amused by the puzzlement of the contributers trying to figure out what went wrong. The conclusions were that it was Brexit wot done it and/or people didn’t like Jeremy Corbyn.
No one in this program or in the other bits I caught during Saturday voiced the opinion that maybe people just didn’t want a hard left marxist big state government which I think was the main reason. Of course the debate has widened since then with McDonnell falling on his sword.
It puzzles me why these Media presenters seem to want a hard left marxist big state government when they have more to lose financially than the rest of us.
Sorry, still in the wrong place. My brain has been addled by celebratory booze.
Just an idea for the editors of this fine website.
If someone could create a ‘search’ facility either or both by writer, or key word search, then given the large amount of traceable and referenced examples of bias, including dates of posts, it would be possible to create really good dossiers of specific bias. Thus QT, Toady, TWATO, Marr, VD, including by presenter – Tourettes, ‘useless’, Remainin, etc.
Could we then send these into OFCOM either as individuals or even better on a sort of ‘class action’ basis – and copy Downing Street while we are at it.
I also noticed that complaints about all TV channels are supposed to go to OFCOM straight off the bat EXCEPT for the BBC where uniquely one is supposed to complain to the BBC first and only then to OFCOM if the BBC reply is deemed unsatisfactory. Another piece of bias- institutionalised.
Interesting article from the BBC examining why Blythe Vally went Tory…
Of particular note is the statistic that “5% of live births in 2018 in Blythe Valley were to non-UK mothers.
England’s average is 29.1%”
That tells us that almost one in three births in the UK are to non-UK mothers.
The BBC never fitted this in anywhere with the relentless NHS cash struggles stories pre-election did they?
BBC news ‘interviews’ an ex MP called Dominic grieve . Mr Grieve lost his seat after the Tory whip was removed . BBC news allowed him to spout off as though there is anything valid to what he says now . For the record he was the MP for the constituency of Brussels .
No shame from Mr Grieve for the ending of many parliamentary careers of a large number of traitors for which we should be eternally grateful .
I really hope BoJo takes his revenge in the Bew Years Honours – and maybe doesn’t have one .
Grieve quite literally represents absolutely no-one.
But he speaks the BBC agenda so he gets the unending invitations.
BTW. If my maths is correct, the Tories won exactly the same popular vote as Labour and the Lib Dems combined.
I wonder if this balance will be reflected in BBC news programming. I doubt it. The SNP 4% seems to count for more than any of them.
The BBC. Where shit-stirring IS the news.
At his age, if I was Mr Corbyn I would spend my time getting myself right with Jesus Christ the Son and God the Father. Otherwise an eternity in hell is quite a long time.
Pug – quite simply – there’s real life – then there’s the internet . ( id hope sites like this breach the gap …. but the rest …?)
The kuentsburg woman has no credibility.
And to make her matters worse, she’s from the eMilli Mateless stable of beauty.
So, no saving graces then.
So @Pug
The BBC were cheerleading for Labour
.. instead of acting like truthseekers
Proper journalists would have had loads of interviews with 5 or 6 million people who were voting away from Honour-Brexit-Labour
.. instead of the just the 2 million (?) that moved towards the new Remain-Labour
It’s BBC Sports Personality of the year this evening. I know
it’s not of the greatest importance. I was just wondering if
the BBC would allow a white male sportsman to win it.
Or like many of the adverts we now seen has diversity or
“positive discrimination” become the order of the day. It
will be interesting to see if BIG BROTHER who controls
the BBC allows somebody like Ben Stokes to win. Whatever
the votes add up to.
Well he has got red hair. That must count for something, surely?
Its SPOTY on BBC 1 but we are told that the trophy is not there.
That’s because it is being taken there by a marathon cycle run, being led by Gareth Thomas. Ex Welsh rugby number 15.
Who is gay.
And HIV positive.
Thank you BBC for supplying me with that information.
I didn’t realise SPOTY supported unprotected homosexual sex, but I do now.
And just in case you need more agenda, why it’s Raheem Sterling talking about racism.
SPOTY is now a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the BBC party.
Little time left for actual sport.
Let’s hope hideously white Ben Stokes wins.
Wow traitor Bercow got £60000 for his unbiased comments on Election Night on Sky. 46 000 people watched it .
That works at £ pounds per viewer ( you do the sums ) …..
And for a prize – guess what Bercow will be adverting on daytime teli
Is it
A make a Co Op Will
B nasal spray
C confused . Com
D commemorative brexit 59 pence pieces
I’ve just completed a piece of mini research on Phil Wilson who has been interviewed by the beeb since he is now an ex-Labour MP and is pretty sore about it.
I checked his record on the various Brexit proposals. He voted against all three Theresa May deals. He was fully behind proposals for another ‘peoples vote’. He voted against every other pro-Brexit deal and voted for all customs union proposals. In this regard, he not only toed the party line entirely but was also quite vocal about it.
His constituency voted approximately 60% to leave and 40% to remain. Yet, in his opinion it was Corbyn’s fault he wasn’t re-elected. After all, he was told, during the canvassing, that if Corbyn wasn’t in the leadership position he would get a vote for sure.
Firstly, I think he needs to re-think how honest householders can be when confronted on the doorstep of their own homes where they are less likely to want confrontation.
Secondly, well there is no secondly. I just can’t figure out why the electorate voted for the opposition. What possible reason can there have been? It was certainly beyond the reporter to think of one either. It will remain, forever, a mystery.
I just think a collective madness gripped them as they used every deceit to stop Brexit and forgot that the people who voted for it realised what they were doing – hence those 12? Change UK traitors all losing their seats
Their failure to realise that and apologise for their treachery consigns them to the rather large political grave yard .
I agree but it was if no-one was drawing attention to it in the media. It was a kind of modern version of The Emperor’s New Clothes. We were told over and over again that the Tories were failing to implement Brexit and were incapable of doing so. But, but…it is Labour sir! Surely you can see that it is Labour who are not wearing any new clothes!
Were it not for this site I think I would have gone nuts. I had to close my Facebook account to prevent myself from almost daily ranting! I wasn’t interested in wishing distant friends a happy birthday or acknowledging any of those posts that get circulated starting with “A friend is someone you can….” Bah…humbug. Who cares! Let them eat cake.
Let me crib from an old Black Adder script with one or two distinct word changes:
Me: Where is my Brexit?
L: And what Brexit would this be?
Me: The one that has taken eighteen hours of every day for the last three years. My mother died; I hardly noticed. My father cut off his head and fried it in garlic in the hope of attracting my attention; I scarcely looked up from my work. My wife brought armies of lovers to the house, who worked in droves so that she might bring up a huge family of bxxxxxxds. I cared not…
L: Am I to presume that my elaborate bluff has not worked?
Me: Brexit!
(Kudos points for anyone who knows which episode was cribbed)
“And of course we had Amol Rajan declare, falsely…
‘Sadly, it is a matter of fact in 2019 that the British party of government looks to Twitter to dupe people.”
But Pug, didn’t I read earlier that Labour had won the “Social Media War” with eleventy billion views of their Twatter and Farcebook posts whereas the Conservatives only got 2 views???
I’m trying to keep a running mental count of black vs white people on BBC1 SPOTY. I reckon it is 75% black people so far.
Spoiler Alert: Did anyone else hear Gary Linekar say to Ben Stokes “you are also the main award winner”?
So we had Gary Linekar telling us who won well before the vote even started and Gabby Logan calling a Muslim jockey a Jihadi.
Quality BBC!!!
I happened to hear an episode of ‘Tarek’ on R4 this afternoon whilst in the car –
This Is Your Country Now, Too
Episode 7 of 7
Stories seen through the eyes of child refugees as they leave home for the unknown.
The family of 14 year-old Tarek’ is bidding him farewell in a restaurant in Idlib, northwestern Syria. Amid the partings and advice from his mother, father and sister and barrel bombs raining down, Tarek is bundled off on a perilous journey across Europe.
But, as if in a Kafkaesque nightmare, following setbacks on the road or at sea, he constantly finds himself back in the restaurant, still to start his journey and receiving more advice.
He can claim asylum once he’s in Britain – the problem is getting there.
Set in war torn Syria and across Europe, this is the final drama in a series of seven plays about the experience of child refugees fleeing persecution to find a new life in the UK since 1939.”
The author is Jonathan Myerson who also wrote ‘Number 10″
“Series 1
This series was first broadcast weekly at 9pm from 7 September to 5 October 2007. Episodes 1, 2 and 5 were written by Jonathan Myerson, episode 3 by Nicholas McInerny and episode 4 by Mike Harris. The series was produced and directed by Clive Brill.
1. Good News Day – As the Prime Minister prepares to announce an amnesty for all immigrants working illegally in the UK, a serious tube crash threatens to jeopardise his plans.
2. And Raise Them to Eternal Life – The party promised to eliminate Britain’s carbon footprint, but poll ratings are plummeting and the unions are cutting up rough.
3. Who Won the Election? – As the government prepares for a major cancer screening initiative with a private American company, a leaked letter to the PM appears to advocate legalising cannabis.
4. Rule of Law – Launching a new organisation intended to integrate Muslims into British society and prevent radicalisation, the PM also has to decide whether to back Turkey’s application for EU membership.
5. Home and Away – Crises loom on two fronts as the Prime Minister faces a backbench rebellion while British troops are being held hostage overseas.”
Guess what – it’s coming back –
A further search reveals that Jonathan Myerson is looked upon favourably by The Guardian –
It is clear that he is into propaganda –
Who knew the history of the Archers?
I listed above a series of ‘excuses ‘ the BBC will deploy to try to undermine the outcome of the election .
The bit I left out is that it sees itself as a ‘ balance’ to those newspapers who are overtly pro BoJo .
Yet the BBC isn’t meant to be biased – it’s meant to be fair and balanced . It lost its way a long time ago . It won’t – can t – reform itself so only the likes of Dominic Cummings put leverage on it through the licence fee and funding .
The hostility of the reply to this will be the same as that to the Brexit vote . The BBC will shelter behind the ‘auntie’ image of years back when we all grouped around the tv to watch certain hugely popular programmes .
Those programmes – top of the pops , dads army , Morecambe and Wise are gone . The best they do is the dancing / singing contests . So Auntie is gone too – and people know it . What remains is a biased Left Wing Propaganda monster .
THE NEW THREAD IS UP. . Please use the applicable threads running now .