We did have a lot of good stuff coming in last night
Page 4 eg about the “OK to be white” posters in Perth being called racist
..the jailing of the anti-Soubry protester
.. The new Yougov Poll : “Trust in the BBC ”
…. showing a big swing into DISTRUST
Page 3 Another mad lefty at Cardiff Uni
Vine’s snowflakeland, BBC bleating about licence fee attacks, the 69 immigrant asylum shoppers, etc. etc.
Note to self:
Always Copy contents before clicking on Post, especially in the early hours. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing the browser going mental then eventually ‘Cloudfare’ telling me that the rest of the world exists but BBBC doesn’t!
.@JimS ..click back look at the bottom of the page
your just typed comment should still be there.
… but you need to check if your post actually got through
so open a fresh tab
(put the mouse over the top right of the page Recent Comments and right click – and select open new tab )
If your new comment has got through you can close that first tab
otherwise go back to it and press post.
I wrote a comment, I clicked on Post Comment and I opened another tab to do other things.
I noted that the BBBC tab was still indicating that the post hadn’t been completed. I continued to do other things.
I noted that the BBBC tab was now stable. I clicked on it and found that the DNS had thrown up an error page instead, as BBBC was now ‘down’, so there was no page to check if the content had been received. Possibly around that time a new thread was being created…
Jim S
Sorry to hear that . I put up the new thread {this one ) last night but for some reason it didn’t allow comments ( I blame the BBC ) so I took it down and had another go this morning – early .
This time it seemed to work but I’m not sure if the site is “strong and stable “ . I’ve noticed it taking a while to load as well something …. Fingers crossed ….
I would have been first if I hadn’t been timed out so much, so I’m complaining to the Labour Party Executive as my votes didn’t register so Mr Corrybin lost the GE, and I wanted a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
The GE was waaaaycist, so I don’t agree with it an’ neither do my mates.
The BBC have let me down as they promised me a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
The phone company have let me down because they offered me a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
Toady watch
Apart from the loss of Frank Field as MP one of the saddest aspects of the General Election was that Evette Cooper Balls kept her seat – down from a majority of 14000 to 1000.
If only her brexit constituency had done the right thing and shown her the door after putting so much effort into fighting democracy in the traitor parliament – which it seems we are expected to forget .
This morning she was pretending to be ‘reflecting ‘ on a leadership bid and not upsetting too many On the Far Left – which will please the BBC .
Compared to the shrewish Rebecca Wrong-Daily and the lumpen Jess Philips Mr Yvette Cooper-Balls comes across as fairly capable.
Then you remember that she has spent a lifetime and been paid a fortune for consistently lying to the public…but then so have all Liebore politicians!
The only reason that she survived is that the BP candidate took 8000 votes. If NF had accepted the Tory offer of a free run in 50 seats in return for standing down elsewhere , Cooper Balls and perhaps another 20 plus Labour MPs would have been turfed out, and the BP would most likely have some in MPs in the new Parliament. I’m afraid that Nigel made a big mistake on this. He and Boris could have reduced Labour to less than 180 seats and smashed any notion that they still represent the working class possibly leading to their terminal decline. But we should honour him as the father of Brexit although sadly he won’t be there at the birth.
agreed Fedup..though I like Farage this was one constituency where he could have stood down the Brexit party candidate given her role in the shenanigans in pre-election Parliament. PixieBalls would almost certainly have gone if he had done that..and that would really have made my day…poisonous little bint that she is.
sorry Doublethinker..made a cuppa and didn’t see your post (above) before posting mine
Toady 2
Selwyn Gummer was allowed to rant away on toady about alleged climate change . Selwyn is an expert since he studied history at oxford . He has , through his lady wife , banged out 4 kids thus – in his version of the world – increased pollution many times over.
I comfort myself when the likes of he tells us what we need to do that there is a coal powered fire station being opened in China in a week or two … with a couple of hundred in the planning …..
I’m of the view that people should have as many kids as they want if they can afford them . My point is that climate change zealots like gummer need to stick to their own rules before yapping at everyone else .
As for population s – finite resources means there must be a finite population .
If ‘man made climate change’ is what concerns the likes of Gummer then I think it legitimate to ask them whether an ever increasing world population was a good idea?
What gets my goat is that we can all choose to live like Nofunberg today. That’s a choice. Of course that’s not how XR and their pals think – they want everyone to do as they say.
NG, as I pointed out to a Warmist friend recently, you could stop all human activity, remove all industry, and get people all over the world to lie down where they are. What would happen to CO2 levels? They would increase.
You could do all the above and destroy all human life on earth. What would happen to CO2 levels?
They would still increase.
He was incredulous. He just doesn’t know any basic science or has forgotten it all from his school education or he has been totally brainwashed by the Environmental Movement.
Spot on, Up2.
Reminds me of that old story of the guy whose doctor told him ” if you stop smoking, drinking and having sex you will live longer”.
To which he replied, but doctor, if I give up all of those, why would I want to live longer?”.
@up2 I’ll diasgree
It’s a full colour complex issue so simplistic art student rports screw it up when they try to reduce it to black and white.
Firstly water vapour is the biggest greenhouse gas
..and their is variance in it and maybe some variance is impacted by man.
CO2 from man only increases what is measured in the atmosphere
However nature has two sources the vast majority of CO2 emitted is supposed to be part of the organic life balance so is basically assumed to be reabsorbed, but other natural sources like dissolved CO2 in oceans can go up or down ..and that could severely affects that atmospheric measurement .
alarmists argue these second natural sources are tiny compared to man made and that without man made CO2 it would still be 10% lower at 270ppm
OTOH we calculate that natural CO2 has been much higher in the ancient past than today.
Stew, I don’t disagree that water vapour (could be, should be, as I was taught) a so-called ‘greenhouse gas’ along with methane as well as CO2 and the rest of the atmosphere. You should know that I challenged fellow poster on NALOPKT, ‘Jit’ about his/her claim that only CO2 is a warming gas. If he/she is a scientist then either he/she has discovered something radical and what I was taught is now updated by more recent scientific discoveries or ‘Jit’ is part of the Warmist gang and also – maybe – a NALOPKT troll.
As a scientist, Stew, you should also know that humans lying on their backs doing nothing (as in my example) expirate not just CO2 but water vapour also! In addition, they could also expirate some methane, too, 😉 from both ends, as it were but we won’t dwell too much on that.
Take out the total human element: industry and human life, only then does your concern over absorbed CO2 come into play. And that seems to indicate that you have missed the point I was making to my friend. Without any humans and human activity, the natural world would still be pushing out CO2. And you could add both water vapour and methane emissions from the natural world to that particular tally. The CO2 in the atmosphere would increase.
As you should know, just the humble mosquito and its habitat may well contribute far more to Global Warming and Climate Change than anything humankind can do.
@Up2Snuff I said “However nature has two sources the vast majority of CO2 emitted is supposed to be part of the organic life balance so is basically assumed to be reabsorbed, but other natural sources like dissolved CO2 in oceans can go up or down ”
You seem to be asserting that natural sources are not in balance
.. but that doesn’t make sense cos the Earth is 6 billion years old so if CO2 ever grew then it would be mega by now.
I wonder if you are arguing not about CO2 but actual temperature.
Cos it would be true to say that if man stopped doing everything , then each century would still be warmer than the last cos the Earth is still coming out of the ice age. Until it cycles back down and goes into the next ice age.
… I haven’t seen JIT on the forums for years … ah yes he was a bluffing troll.
Stew, we know the universe is not in balance, and our biosphere wobbles around quite a lot. Prof Dan Britts talked about that in the lecture that our very own G linked to on a Thread here, weekend before last.
I find the Bible has interesting things to say about that imbalance: Colossians chapter 1 verse 17. Appreciate that you approach science from a different, atheistic, perspective.
Are you more of a Gaia enthusiast?
Agree that oceans can emit/absorb CO2 because they have breathing cycle, if I remember the science correctly.
The IPCC have tied themselves to a CO2 reduction (which is madness) because they blamed CO2 initially for AGW and now its linked to Climate Change as well since late 1990s. The IPCC dismiss the things that I would point to (as an economist of sorts) as causing warming, although I note that this year, the process of making concrete has been given some acknowledgement. In addition, some AGW/CC proponents have also recently given a bit of a nod toward the warming effects of sunshine on concrete (night storage radiator effect) in the built environment which I have observed as more major 20th century cause.
They are still broadly in denial of what is truly warming our biosphere though and are going after CO2 as the Villain in the Big Black Hat and methane as the Villain in the Smaller Black Hat in the ongoing, full year, every year, IPCC Panto.
Corrections & Clarifications Department – actually only the latter:
Should have made it clear in my above post to the uninitiated or casual reader that I’m repeating what I’m told about AGW/CC gases by the IPCC. I don’t necessarily go along with that stuff and would point to very many other causes of global warming, not least all the extra human bodies in the world who are consuming lunch or about to and giving off extra heat afterward. And maybe some methane, too. Oooops! Pardon.
Selwyn Gummer AKA Lord Deben is an expert cos a number of his businesses benefit from green subsidy grants or advising on them.
As Guido wrote.
but the BBC probably failed to declare that.
There’s a good reason that Lord Deben felt a pressing need to educate the masses about climate change via the medium of Toady. At least 600,000 reasons to be precise – another pig at the green trough.
This is how fake news tries to influence elected govs by amplifying minority interets that "urge" the prime minister. Ignore it @BorisJohnson#bbcfakenews. YOU are PM. not the fake news BBC Director Generalhttps://t.co/tXNUpMAUxQ
The BBC on Radio4 are suddenly ‘going big’ on the Greek island of Lesbos and the refugee camp there. A gentleman from the Greek Government who works with the refugees there contributed to the programme. He explained that the refugee camp was not new.
It had been there for some time, plenty of time for the BBC to find it and report about it.
The Greek gentleman had some solutions to the problems on the island of Lesbos but, suddenly, Nick Robinson felt the BBC had run out of time to hear them. The interview was terminated.
I’m afraid I do the switch off when that stuff come up because I know the final line will be criticism of the UK for not giving even More taxpayers money to some dodgy charity and even better importing just ‘a few thousand’ so that local authority taxpayers can pick up the tab – after all were the the firstest richest country in the universe….
Fed, it could be that was the direction the interview would have headed but I have a suspicion not. Rather, I suspect the Greek interviewee was going to tell Nick that the EU must share out the Lesbos refugees but also close its borders and adopt and enforce firm Vienna Convention (have I got the right one there?) rules on refugees.
Melanie Phillips describes herself as a ‘Liberal mugged by reality’. The Greek people are lovely people, generally, and very warm and open hearted. They are being ‘mugged by reality’ and ‘mugged by the EU’. In the latter case, in more ways than one.
I listened to that as well. So comforting to learn that the children were attending schools and learning a new language. English of course, I wonder why?
Invicta, so that they can teach others to become airline pilots?
Think I recall that English, to a high standard, is the argot of international flight. Possibly medicine, too, along with some Latin for that discipline.
Yesterday in the Daily Mail John Humphries wrote about the lack of bias at the BBC and how both sides complain so the BBC must have it about right. I would compare Andrew Marr’s interview with Boris and the cosy chat he had with McDonnel in his leafy cottage. How can anyone say he handled the two interviews the same?
The only reason the left are now complaining is that during the election the BBC had to be impartial. Suddenly, the BBC is “fair”, and the left interpret this as anti left, because they aren’t pro left.
The only reason the left are now complaining is that during the election the BBC had to be impartial. Suddenly, the BBC is “fair”, and the left interpret this as anti left, because they aren’t pro left.
Complaints from both sides? Tories say they are too left wing and Corbyn’s Labour say that they are not left wing enough. Not quite the same thing Mr Humphries.
@GW powerful tweet there … 29 likes in a country of 65 million
The BBC subheadline used in tweets etc
\\ Climate watchdog urges PM to get back on track:
The comments from the UK’s official climate come ahead of a global climate conference in Glasgow //
FFS that doesn’t make sense cos the conference is in 12 months time
Indeed Fed, employment at a 45 year high – despite Brexit.
I wonder if George (Chicken Licken?) Osborne is still telling everyone the sky will fall down?
I find this constant..first woman to….a bit boring now..good luck to her – my mum payed darts with men over 50 years ago and could beat many – no reason why not…..
If the media could just stop making it a big deal then real equality will have been achieved..
.although it will be fun to see the headline..Joe bloggs is the first man to…in women’s sport (take your pick)
or even Joe Bloggs becomes first man to join the Women’s institute…
I read the Twitter feed yesterday, in response to that guy staying the obvious about entitled youngsters blaming the older generation for ruining the planet.
A noteable number of them mitigating themselves on the grounds that they weren’t the ones who “invented” all of these things such as.mobile phones, technologies etc, so therefore “why should we give them up?”. Claiming its not their fault if mummy drives them to school in a 4×4 and it isn’t them driving! Wow.
Well if I was one of those parents I’d now take responsibility and say “sorry dear I cannot bear the guilt and shame any longer, you’re just going to have to walk to and from school from now on and, by the way, as I’m also responsible for the electricity usage/bill, I can no longer allow the constant charging of your gadgets or use of unnecessary gaming consoles etc.”
Part of my job is necessary driving. I notice a significant reduction in the amount of morning/ evening traffic when the schools close for the holidays. Imagine that much less traffic all year round and kids walking to school being less obese and having actual lives instead of a virtual reality / social media based existence. Oh and saving the planet to boot. Come on parents, take responsibility..you owe it to your kids. Cruel to be kind and all that….
what these entitled youngsters also forget is that it is the older generation who have invented/developed all of the new technology to combat climate change while they are the biggest consumers/users of power…
Not the only one, as shared ideology plays a major part, but it is up there.
The only reason ‘journalists’ stand behind the BBC is because it is a potential meal ticket. BBC is paid for under threats by the state. If freedom means anything at all it means the fundamental choice about what news you voluntarily choose to listen to and pay for. https://t.co/UeeVlnMt2F
In what way are journalists “protecting press freedom” by demanding the imposition of criminal penalties on people who have not paid to own & operate a TV? It’s hardly challenging Dr. Goebbels is it?
BBC breakfast doing segment about Ch 4 doc ‘The Cure’
The scandal, which led to the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust being dissolved, has been turned into a documentary called The Cure.
Although the health secretary at the time (2008) Alan Johnson, was mentioned. At no point do they mention it happened in under a Labour government.
I wonder why ?
Soapy, in reporting on President Trump’s written response to the Democrat’s case for his impeachment, opines that it displays self pity. Why do arrogant BBC staff consider it appropriate to insert their partial views into whatever they should be reporting?
I’ll wager that letter has been designed to occupy the media while Trump is up to something else entirely, which his opponents won’t see until too late. Despite what the likes of Jon believe, Trump always has a reason for his actions and it isn’t petulance.
TOADY Watch #2 – Cognitive dissonance* in abundance
*Psychology – noun – Cognitive dissonance – ‘the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.’
Amply demonstrated by Sir Keir Starmer who is considering running in the contest to become the new Labour Party leader. I suspect that he is the BBC’s favoured contender because he wants, above all else, Brexit to be cancelled. As Sir Keir ‘considers’, I suggest that he considers the above and also the following (hat tip to: markantro on Twitter):
2014 – UKIP raise their electoral profile
2015 – Conservative Party win GE15 promising an EU membership Referendum
2016 – The UK votes to leave the EU
2017 – Parliament votes to leave the EU, filing Article 50 notice of leaving.
2017 – Both the Conservative and Labour Parties pledge to fulfil the decision of the UK electorate to leave the EU in their GE17 manifestos. The Conservative Party win with the most seats but lose their majority. The Labour Party come second.
2018/19 – a further vote takes place in Parliament to leave the EU on 31 March 2019.
2019 – opposition to leaving the EU arises in Parliament, led by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – Parliament votes to seek a delay to the UK’s cessation from the EU, supported by Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – The Conservative Party leader, led by someone who voted Remain and really wishes to Remain in the EU and who did not keep her word and did not negotiate a viable – by her standards – Withdrawal Agreement, was told by her Party that they had no confidence in her leadership. She is replaced.
2019 – Boris Johnson wins the leadership of the Conservative Party.
2019 – Further Parliamentary opposition to Brexit arises in Parliament, supported by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – In the face of this opposition, the Prime Minister seeks a General Election.
2019 – The Liberal Democrats become a National Socialist Party with the leader pledging, if elected as Prime Minister, to overturn democracy and cancel Brexit. The leader loses her Parliamentary seat.
2019 – The Conservative Party, led by the Prime Minister, pledge to Get Brexit Done in their manifesto and election campaign. The Labour Party, strongly influenced by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer, decides to force its leader to ‘sit on the fence’ and merely commit to a renegotiation of the UK’s departure from the EU (keeping the UK totally aligned) followed by a ‘no choice’ further EU Referendum to Remain in the EU.
2019 – The Conservative Party win a landslide majority at GE19, pledging to ‘Get Brexit done.’.
An excellent expose .
But may I add a little warning – Be careful, watchful and alert as we have not left yet .
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
Looking at the most downvoted
“.. Next time the morons who found a voting slip for EU elections won’t turn up.
Look forward to a Labour majority folks! only 18% under 35 voted Tory. ”
..nasty and I don’t think his 18% claim is true.
Of course the BBC lefty bias shines through with their choice of photo
which is Thornberry scowling at Corbyn, instead of one of the hundreds where they are smiling together.
it just shows how dumb these people are – they don’t seem to realise that as people get older they usually become realists…and the Tory vote increases – and since the percentage of older people is increasing and they vote more than younger – it bodes well for Tories 🙂
taffman, yes, I’ll be nervous until I’m sat in Wetherspoons on 1 February 2020 to raise a glass of tomato juice in a toast to The Patron and maybe enjoy a celebratory lunch as well.
Then I’ll do the uncertainty and nervousness all over again through January 2021 and February 2021 and, maybe, March 2021 until I know we are out and clean away and a No Deal depart has not been a disaster.
Ta, taffman. A pint of TJ. That might challenge the old bladder! The vitamin C should, however, keep the common cold germs at bay for the rest of the winter.
I actually bought some fireworks this year, some rockets, to fire at midnight on 31 October. Unfortunately, Boris let me down then and they are still in their packet.
Reassuringly, the BBC are back in Brexit Panic Propaganda-mode this a.m. with Justin or Nick using the phrase ‘Hard Brexit’ on the TOADY Prog in relation to the vote tomorrow.
As a matter of interest, I wonder how much money the bbc passes on to ‘local democracy’ reporters in local papers, who round here at least seem very keen on… the hand that feeds.
Follow the money, investigative hacks. In all denominations.
“General election 2019: Tony Blair warns Labour not to ‘whitewash’ reasons for poll defeat” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2019-50829352
He was part of the problem interfering and trying his best to prevent the Nation’s democratic vote for Brexit.
He should stay out of politics and enjoy his “hard earned” pension.
What the heck happened in 2017 ?
– We still had a Remainer parliament
– We had had a referendum result and should have had a leaver implement it.
– Instead the Tories put in TeamRemain’s Theresa May
– She put in an unneeded election
Many people chose to vote their local Tory and put in a Labour guy
.. why did they do that ? … Was it their local Tory was a Remainer
– Thus we ended up with heavy Remainer parliament
with those Remain MP’s driving to stop Brexit
and finally Labour Leaver MPs capitulating to Remain.
Where was the all party proper Brexit alliance ?
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories were so dim witted they elected not only an ultra remainer, but a comitted Marxist as their leader.
She chose not just a fellow Marxist, but a Stalin apologist as her negotiator, and also mde him her de facto political advisor.
She appointed Alison Saunders as Attourney general with a brief to convict men of rape regardless of the evidence, she forgot some would have enough funds for decent lawyers.
She went nuts on equality, crushed freedom of thought and expression, appointed a committee to ensure censureship of any ideas she didn’t approve of, under the nebulous guise of ‘hate’.
She allowed the far left free reign, in the media and entertainment, she joined in the lie of the ‘rise of the far right’ banning groups no one had ever heard of, and whose members were clearly mentally ill, and at the same time refusing to ban real terrorist threats like Antifa.
Under her Marxist administration we saw political prisoners and also torture whilst in detention.
Being a Marxist it was beneath May to actually campaign in the election she called. We all saw through her, and she was known here as ‘Thersa the appeaser’ for her complete uselessness as Home secretary.
Why did the Tories put her in as leader? Simple, they are cowardly useless and incompetent, they wanted the easy option – a safe pair of hands – or so they thought.
Julian Assange – a truth teller – languishes in Belmarsh high security prison in poor health while this monster, the Belial, is allowed to travel the world unconcerned for his safety while enjoying an undeserved freedom.
This goes 180 degrees totally against all the evidence and I think is the start of a London-centric mind-gaming plan which the BBC will then probably pick up on to bring Corbyn back from the ashes. Expect this to drip-drip-drip until he can be re-installed.
So look out on the BBC for lots of mumbling apologies and “this time we didn’t get it quite right” etc.
It also reports that the BBC is planning now to make more programs in the North and Midlands. Well as a North/Midlander I say Just F*** O** BBC we don’t want your vile trickery here.
“The metro-bubble Evening Standard running with a story about how the BBC vilified Corbyn and Labour and lost Corbyn the election.”
The more anti – Beeb the better . More calling for its demise .
I've got the passion, the working class roots and belief in the values of the Corbyn Labour Party @Keir_Starmer tells @BBCr4today whilst he insists that his Brexit policy wasn't to blame for Labour's defeat. Wonder if may be doing more than "considering" running for leader? ????
Anybody hear Sopel’s BABC version of the US Impeachment debacle earlier on Toady?
A classic Marxist State Broadcaster attempt at sleight of hand deception which was crafted to convey that the POTUS would eventually escape due to the Republican rejection in their House. But no mention of the real reasons. Not, any honesty in conveying that the Democrats have no evidence whatever to support Impeachment. This glaring major detail is left out by our World Class reporter, Mr Sopel. How can anybody understanding this manipulation of the news, have any trust whatever in BABC reporting?
I don’t really follow the doings of Soapy Sopel but has he ever done any real investigative journalism? Has he ever uncovered any original stories?
What is his role in the scheme of things, is he just a glove puppet for someone else’s messages?
The same goes for Ratty Katty Kay.
Are these two a double act? Which is the straight man and which is the clown?
Seems to have resonated with another cubicle gardener on Moaning Emole duty:
‘I tried to become the first female British Asian Tory MP’
Of the 365 Conservative MPs elected last week 14 were British Asians and four of them were women. It’s a far cry from the late spring of 1983, when Cambridge University student Bem Le Hunte was on her way to watch an address by Margaret Thatcher. She was with a group of friends, carrying a basketful of eggs. That’s when the news reached her.
Her mother had just been selected as the first British Asian female Conservative Parliamentary candidate in the forthcoming election. The announcement caused huge media excitement. Bem, however, was unimpressed, although it did make her think she’d better not pelt the prime minister with eggs, as she’d been intending.
This program went on to say much of the cause of Muslim radicalisation can be placed at the door of the Marxist doctrine of multiculturalism. It coincided with the release of the Satanic Verses, and instead of the condemnation they deserved they received understanding and compassion from our idiotic elites.
The warning signs were there all along, they weren’t heeded, and now we have BLiar Mk IV as our PM. most sane people would realise that one of the most hated leaders in our history is not someone who should be copied.
Stew, with all the exposure Tony Blair is getting on BBC R4 today, you might think it was another case of RD’s “This could become awkward.”
On the other hand, the sainted Tone could have a guitar thrust into his hands and he could sing “It’s an open secret.” on Radio4 while sending some urchins round with hats to raise a collection for outgoing and outgone Labour Party leaders.
Well, it IS Christmas, season of goodwill and all that.
Oh, sorry, forgot my New Labour glottal stops.
Well, ih IS Chrissmas, season of goohwiw an’ all tha’.
Over at ITBB, a key share. Time to track down the Sun link and serve it up to all these ‘fact checking’ propaganda merchants in the BBC to… well… ‘check’.
Charlie18 December 2019 at 09:15
Here’s a piece of analysis from my favourite topic BBC Reality Check. It’s from Ross Clark in The Sun today;
I’ve just been through the Twitter feed of the BBC’s “Reality Check”. Since the parties launched their campaigns, 39 of its tweets rejected claims made by the Conservatives and two tweets were generally supportive of claims the party had made.
By contrast, only seven tweets rejected claims made by Labour, while 13 supported its claims. Not one tweet, though, dealt with the biggest lie of the campaign by far — Labour’s charge that the Conservatives are planning to sell off the NHS.
The Festive Fifty is worth a view too.
I want Fran and Tony sat across from David Keithley and Piers explaining just precisely how not checking the daft claims of the party who explicitly guaranteed the BBC’s lucrative survival is not the very definition of conflict of interest.
Looks like the BBC have a new campaign – supporting some snowflakes who want to put up EU flags on bridges and similar places on 31 January in ‘ solidarity ‘- perhaps they could go to the channel and recycle some of those boats the illegals use to escape from the French and head for their EU home ….
I can feel the ‘ rejoin ‘ party coming along . We want Chuka we want Chuka ‘ popcorn
I can hear the “Oh, Chuka Ummuna” already.
It has the right number of syllables.
So have Angela Rayner and Re-becca long daily.
Kier doesn’t have a chance, nor Emily unless it’s “Oh, la-dy squeegee”
Lisa Nandy works at a push.
Jessie is a bit forced.
Thankfully, Abbott doesn’t sound right at all.
Best stick with the tried and tested “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn” just to be safe (for another 20 years of Tory government)
See, there are plenty of Scotsmen who have a normal attitude to what is right and what is wrong. It’s the Scots Nazis who are the abnormal ones.
But isn’t it telling that people in England and Scotland feel the need to put up such posters? For me it’s a symbol of the fight back against evil. And long may it continue.
The only logical conclusion is that the complainers believe it is not OK to be white.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is not OK to be white”.
Similarly it would be atrocious, the term chosen by Swinney, for signs stating “it is OK to be male”.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is atrocious to be male”.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is doubly atrocious to be white and male”.
If Sky really did pay Bercow £60k for that election night show that no one watched
… then wasn’t the payment some kind of backpay bribe for Services to Remain from the Remain supporting Sky ?
It ensured that I for one avoided watching Sky election night broadcast. I returned to the BBC, after many years avoiding it. At least it had a few adults such as Andrew Neil on it.
Not strictly BBC but statist in the way the love best. And failing.
Hot on the heels of the 10 year old battle of sub postmasters to get justice for inaccurate fraud accusations rooted in a useless IT system comes another beauty.
A little boy was mis (or un) diagnosed at Great Yarmouth hospital and died of a heart attack.
It has taken the parents FIVE years to get closure and then only with the intervention of the Health Ombudsman.
I’m prepared to accept the NHS will occasionally get it wrong. We all get things wrong in our jobs. It’s the cover ups that are unacceptable. Has anyone been disciplined? Anyone been fired for gross incompetence? Any accountability at all ?
Yet another example of a nationalised industry caring far more about protecting its own than looking after customers (in this case patients).
I agree with the tenor of your statement.
I disagree with your use of the term customer.
A customer is someone who has a choice as to whether they purchase a product or service.
A customer is someone who, having chosen to acquire a product or service, then has to choose a product/service provider.
If I had a choice I would choose not to pay for many of the “products or services” provided by Central or Local Government.
If I had a choice, those products or services provided by Central or Local Government, which I wished to enjoy would mainly be sourced from the private sector as being both cheaper and superior.
In my opinion the public sector is increasingly run for the benefit of public sector employees.
The large and increasing proportion of council tax which will be spent on pensions suggests that in ten years time there will be very few local services.
Soapy was in fighting form this morning. President Trump is going to become the third US President to be impeached and go before the Senate on trial for his crimes. Soapy and the US Democratic Party has been so confident about Donald Trump.
It would be found out that he had stolen the Election in 2016. He would be impeached after taking office in 2017. He would be gone by Christmas 2017. He would be impeached in 2018. He would go down to a massive mid-term defeat and resign, also in 2018. Now, Impeachment Day is here.
Jon Sopel is thrilled!
Here’s a thought for Soapy. The House, The Senate, the whole of the USA, is stuffed with lawyers. The nation is full to the brim and overflowing with lawyers. The Democratic Party is, probably, full of lawyers. Lawyers might just look at the facts and the law and the evidence and conclude that there is no case to answer. They may be Democratic Party congressmen and congresswomen. Nancy Pelosi may just lose her vote in the House today. After all, Jo Swinson was confident, so confident, that she would be Prime Minister in the UK after our General Election last week.
Talk Radio just talking about idea that when doctors pay rose, many cut their hours by going part time etc. cos they don’t really NEED the money.
So part of the reason for doctor scarecity is that half the time many are doing childcare, or playing golf etc.
A good manager would be able to organise things so a doctor would be willing to work 35 hours/week instead of 20
The huge pay rises given to GPs occurred during a Labour “Government” and the War Criminal in Chief
specifically promoted it.
Thank you Tony, again.
The Labour Government whose Liam Byrne left the note “I’m afraid there is no money.”.
Yet the Labour Party still received 32% of the votes recently, we urgently need intelligence tests for prospective voters.
#Corbynwasright trending currently at 11.2k tweets
I know Trending is the wrong word because people maybe using the hashtag but against corbyn…but yeah…i’m gobsmacked at the level of intelligence of some people in society. They truly believe Socialism is the way forward.
This may have been mentioned, but did anyone else listen to Angela Saina on R4 last night on ‘Misinformation’ using Science? It was called ‘The Misinformation virus’.
It managed to have a go at Donald Trump and the ‘extreme right’. The latter apparently misuse data to spread ‘misinformation’ for their own causes. As ever, the definition of this ‘extreme right’ was extremely vague, but who needs precision? (Scientists I should have thought?)
@FNW I made some comments in the last thread
If people are interested in an R4 prog, you can see them live tweeting
yet there almost zero tweets about the progs contents .
Rather 30 odd the tweets before and after from her fan club saying “Angela we love you”
Which reminds me again of the old joke:
The Lone Ranger and Tonto surrounded by hostile red Indians
The Lone Ranger: it looks like we’re about to be killed, Tonto
Tonto: Who’s this we, white man?
And there’s the rub. Executives find it more tax advantageous to take profits as bonuses instead of share dividends, so it appears to the ignorant that directors salaries are huge – some are of course, but when they are inflated by share dividends they become out of proportion.
This is what the Marxist leader of the Tories Theresa May was too dim to realise.
No actually her salary is huge
“The co-founder of the online gambling firm was paid a £277m salary plus dividends as the popularity of online gambling continues to grow.
… her salary rose from £220m on the previous period.”
She is unusual is that she claims to be a good taxpayer cos she pays more income tax than anybody
However some of that tax is used to clean up after her
… all the gambling addict problems of her business, like when the addicts steal from their employers, or bankrupt their own business and leave suppliers unemployed and unpaid.
Th BBC has conned us into thinking just about salaries, when it is annual wealth gains that count .
Other entrepreneurs might see the value of their corp shareholding rise a £ billion in one year , but pay little tax cos they just leave the wealth in the shares
..and indeed next often suffer a £billion fall in their wealth anyway.
In the post election sobfest on the Left, I have heard a number of woke snowflakes express their deep fear and anxiety about the future. Alibaba-Brown and Sham Chakrabutty amongst others.
Having demonised the evil Tories for so long (egged on and pandered to by our State Broadcaster) they’ve come to believe their own alarmist nonsense.
Boris is as bad as Trump, who is as bad as Hitler. In fact anybody who is one degree to the Right of their safe-space metro-bubble is seen as a dangerous fascist.
One heard muslims say they are planning to leave the UK. Tragic loss though that would be, of course none will really leave. We heard similar nonsense around the time of Trump’s election, and no-one left the US.
To call them Snowflakes would be an insult to the white stuff. At least it looks pretty and you can ski on it.
Why are the BBC turning a blind eye on the subject today when they fully reported on institutional UN child abuse in Haiti in 2006?
‘UN troops face child abuse claims’. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6195830.stm
What could possibly have changed at the BBC over the intervening years?
According to State Broadcaster’s News page it’s back!
“President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has warned that forthcoming Brexit negotiations face another “cliff-edge situation”.
Mrs von der Leyen said the timetable for talks – due to conclude by December 2020 – was “extremely challenging”, adding: “This would clearly harm our interests, but it will impact more on the UK.””
“but it will impact more on the UK”
She would say that wouldn’t she, but she is lying.
The Politbeuro is inwardly terrified of Brexit.
Billions of income reduction.
Boycotts on EU products, especially German cars.
Billions more Ponzi Euros being printed.
Germany in recession, Deutsche Bank insolvent.
Italian economy faltering, more Italians want to leave the EU.
Gilet Jaunes still protesting in France, not that you would learn this from the BBC.
The electorate voted for a proper Brexit, leave now and pay them SFA.
Correction make a £200 billion claim for EU assets to which the UK has made a significant contribution.
No May type Brexit is acceptable, no concessions to, or connexions to, the EU.
Overtures to European states who would consider leaving the EU would be empire, and joining a solely economic
“There is also a strong relationship between deprivation and overweight/obesity prevalence.
In 2015/2016, 40% of children in England’s most deprived areas were overweight or obese, compared to 27% in the most affluent areas.”
Really strange those deprived of food become fat.
Unless Cooper is lying again.
Children are going to go hungry for many reasons.
One of which is feckless mothers refusing to cross their legs and having multiple children through multiple fathers with no visible means of financial support other than the state.
I am not sure how she makes the logical connection – once again dumb…correlation not causation……if it is even true as not sure how she knows if kids are going hungry…
Normally the beeb are obsessed with LGBTxyz rights, and quick to report at length any perceived cases of homophobia, such as a funny look or refusing to bake a cake.
Yet here we have multiple acts of deliberate, premeditated and violent homophobia, that the beeb ignores completely.
I wonder why?
“Three teenagers who lured gay men on dates and launched horrific homophobic attacks have been jailed for more than 37 years.”
– “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.”
– “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.”
well seems labour is looking to remain FAR LEFT – if thornberry gets in, i hope the party splits up, a new centre left party needs to be formed & the Far left should be flung into the trash
I disagree on thornberry being left wing . Thornberry , like any lawyer , is only interested in themselves and the £.
During the campaign and before she swung to Remain and brexit which is why I think the hi command kept her muzzled .
I think Cooper will become the BBC favourite – although she ll have to spend more time away from Islington and ooop north – which I’m sure will be great suffering for all the Labour candidates … which is warming .
There were fuzzy stories about big profits from property dealing which didn’t get much traction during the campaign but the comrades will pay attention with comrade Lady Nugee as a rival candidate .
I suppose it will end with Nugee as the number 2 role and some thicko with a northern accent as number one . Angie would be far better for popcorn sales though ….
With respect to the replacement of Corbyn, Lady Brooke reports that some buzzards are circling around in a far lower orbit than the regular crowd hopelessly circling still off the planet. Names have been thrown around.
If I had a vote for Corbyn’s replacement, I would select David Lammy as I am confident most here would agree……………
My reasoning? Better to have one displaying serious derangement than the rest part-deranged.
I caught a snippet of that ‘strangely Norman ‘character who is the deputy assistant senior sub political editor . He was talking about the Blair speech and for the life of me he sounded like his spin doctor .
Probably dreaming of happier times when there was always a chance of a job on the gravy train of brussells . He can’t even go to Davos now .
Oh ffs, Al Beeb website is unbearable as it’s gone into post-election defeat mode, so back to its favorite topics with a vengeance
Refugee camps: Pregnant and living in a wet tent https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-50826733
Why is Sweden deporting talented tech workers?
Lesbos migrant camp children ‘say they want to die’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-50814521
And this!
Police officer Amjad Ditta in group charged with sex offences https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-50838823
Containing a long list of undiverse diversity. Don’t suppose that will be up for very long.
Yes, but there always seems to be very little, if any, diversity among those charged with such offences.
Or maybe they hail from different villages in the Hindu Kush. Anyway, let’s hope they get sent back there after they have completed their sentences. Fat chance, I think.
Al-Beeb seem to think the fact that he’s a police officer is the most important distinguishing feature about this man. I’m sure it’s very significant, but I wonder if there may be some other significant feature about him, perhaps one that he shares with his fellow-accused?
Vaqaas Abbas, Nadeem Adalat, Sajid Adalat, Vaseem Adalat, Amjad Ditta aka Amjad Hussain, Metab Islam, Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, Ishtiaq Latif, Asad Mahmood, Arfan Mir aka Khalifa Mughal, Younis Mohammed aka Younis Khan, Nadeem Nassir, Shahzad Nawaz, Shazad Nazir Sohail Zafar…
Some might say it’s a typical BBC diversion ploy: distract from the elephant in the room by pointing to a mouse in the corner.
One day, maybe one day, the BBC will produce a positive report about Brexit. Been waiting almost four years so far.
In September 2016, a Select Committee asked Lord Hall (BBC boss) if the BBC would at some time produce a positive feature on Brexit. He said they would.
Maybe he’s been distracted by his £400k salary and wondering how to spend it?
Boris doesn’t have that problem as he earns less than half that figure.
I think this says all we need to know about the judiciary….
BBC report on the trial of the ER loons who glued themselves to a train…
Three Extinction Rebellion activists who glued themselves to a train have been found guilty of obstructing the railway.
Cathy Eastburn, Mark Ovland and Luke Watson were charged after a protest halted Docklands Light Railway services at Canary Wharf station on 17 April.
A jury at Inner London Crown Court unanimously found the trio guilty.
Judge Silas Reid said most defendants do not come to court “for such noble purposes”.
Jurors convicted the defendants after an hour of deliberations, but the foreman added it was “with regret”.
and ….
Judge Reid indicated that a conditional discharge was possible, telling the jury: “I don’t see at the moment that there’s any possibility of any of these defendants going back to prison.
Hardly innocent but the judge is quite clearly on-side!
watch the bBc going on manoeuvres with the 3 cushion shot…or more aptly the 3 legged stool namely;
the EU
republicans of Ireland
Scottish Republican nationalists
the trick might be to cripple the weakest leg so the stool falls on its side…or better still on top of Lord hall’s bonce!
The up front aggression of the SCot nazis is a front….to cover for their complete mismanagement of Scotland…..however, they have many place-men stooges right across the public sector and in high places…
You just have to wonder at the speed with which that obnoxtion Cherry had the Senior judge onside to call the prorogation unlawful
……..and worse still the collaboration with Spider woman and her 10 waxworks of the “supreme court”
I,m sure Boris will see the threat and not allow these 3 parties co-ordinated by the bBC to open up 3 fronts!
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury {slate.com feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..?
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1897584242093162593
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre https://www.gbnews.com/news/migrant-crisis-afghan-asylum-seeker-raped-schoolgirl-falkirk-scotland
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
State Broadcaster continues to concentrate on getting Labour back on its feet.
Links back to recent threads
– Start The Week : page 4 started Tuesday night 11pm
– page 3 started Tuesday 1pm … page 2 … page 1
– Dec 15 Real-Reality-Check
– Weekend Thread Sunday page 4 … page 3
We did have a lot of good stuff coming in last night
Page 4 eg about the “OK to be white” posters in Perth being called racist
..the jailing of the anti-Soubry protester
.. The new Yougov Poll : “Trust in the BBC ”
…. showing a big swing into DISTRUST
Page 3 Another mad lefty at Cardiff Uni
Vine’s snowflakeland, BBC bleating about licence fee attacks, the 69 immigrant asylum shoppers, etc. etc.
It’s so wonderful to see the beeboids still in total shock after the hammering Labour got… Happy days.
Note to self:
Always Copy contents before clicking on Post, especially in the early hours. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing the browser going mental then eventually ‘Cloudfare’ telling me that the rest of the world exists but BBBC doesn’t!
.@JimS ..click back look at the bottom of the page
your just typed comment should still be there.
… but you need to check if your post actually got through
so open a fresh tab
(put the mouse over the top right of the page Recent Comments and right click – and select open new tab )
If your new comment has got through you can close that first tab
otherwise go back to it and press post.
I wrote a comment, I clicked on Post Comment and I opened another tab to do other things.
I noted that the BBBC tab was still indicating that the post hadn’t been completed. I continued to do other things.
I noted that the BBBC tab was now stable. I clicked on it and found that the DNS had thrown up an error page instead, as BBBC was now ‘down’, so there was no page to check if the content had been received. Possibly around that time a new thread was being created…
Jim S
Sorry to hear that . I put up the new thread {this one ) last night but for some reason it didn’t allow comments ( I blame the BBC ) so I took it down and had another go this morning – early .
This time it seemed to work but I’m not sure if the site is “strong and stable “ . I’ve noticed it taking a while to load as well something …. Fingers crossed ….
I would have been first if I hadn’t been timed out so much, so I’m complaining to the Labour Party Executive as my votes didn’t register so Mr Corrybin lost the GE, and I wanted a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
The GE was waaaaycist, so I don’t agree with it an’ neither do my mates.
The BBC have let me down as they promised me a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
The phone company have let me down because they offered me a free Ipad, free tuition, accommodation, a new car, lots of money each week and a holiday in Magaluf.
An’ I wanna new tattoo!
Toady watch
Apart from the loss of Frank Field as MP one of the saddest aspects of the General Election was that Evette Cooper Balls kept her seat – down from a majority of 14000 to 1000.
If only her brexit constituency had done the right thing and shown her the door after putting so much effort into fighting democracy in the traitor parliament – which it seems we are expected to forget .
This morning she was pretending to be ‘reflecting ‘ on a leadership bid and not upsetting too many On the Far Left – which will please the BBC .
Compared to the shrewish Rebecca Wrong-Daily and the lumpen Jess Philips Mr Yvette Cooper-Balls comes across as fairly capable.
Then you remember that she has spent a lifetime and been paid a fortune for consistently lying to the public…but then so have all Liebore politicians!
Have you really dug into FF’s policies? I’ve come across more moral fraudsters.
Have you really dug into FF’s policies? I’ve come across more moral fraudsters.
The only reason that she survived is that the BP candidate took 8000 votes. If NF had accepted the Tory offer of a free run in 50 seats in return for standing down elsewhere , Cooper Balls and perhaps another 20 plus Labour MPs would have been turfed out, and the BP would most likely have some in MPs in the new Parliament. I’m afraid that Nigel made a big mistake on this. He and Boris could have reduced Labour to less than 180 seats and smashed any notion that they still represent the working class possibly leading to their terminal decline. But we should honour him as the father of Brexit although sadly he won’t be there at the birth.
agreed Fedup..though I like Farage this was one constituency where he could have stood down the Brexit party candidate given her role in the shenanigans in pre-election Parliament. PixieBalls would almost certainly have gone if he had done that..and that would really have made my day…poisonous little bint that she is.
sorry Doublethinker..made a cuppa and didn’t see your post (above) before posting mine
Toady 2
Selwyn Gummer was allowed to rant away on toady about alleged climate change . Selwyn is an expert since he studied history at oxford . He has , through his lady wife , banged out 4 kids thus – in his version of the world – increased pollution many times over.
I comfort myself when the likes of he tells us what we need to do that there is a coal powered fire station being opened in China in a week or two … with a couple of hundred in the planning …..
“banged out 4 kids”
If people are the cause of climate ill then the answer isn’t over population.
I’m of the view that people should have as many kids as they want if they can afford them . My point is that climate change zealots like gummer need to stick to their own rules before yapping at everyone else .
As for population s – finite resources means there must be a finite population .
Indeed Fedup2
If ‘man made climate change’ is what concerns the likes of Gummer then I think it legitimate to ask them whether an ever increasing world population was a good idea?
What gets my goat is that we can all choose to live like Nofunberg today. That’s a choice. Of course that’s not how XR and their pals think – they want everyone to do as they say.
No Fun ? Greta has loads of fun
.. and a carbon footprint that dwarfs mere mortals like you or I.
NG, as I pointed out to a Warmist friend recently, you could stop all human activity, remove all industry, and get people all over the world to lie down where they are. What would happen to CO2 levels? They would increase.
You could do all the above and destroy all human life on earth. What would happen to CO2 levels?
They would still increase.
He was incredulous. He just doesn’t know any basic science or has forgotten it all from his school education or he has been totally brainwashed by the Environmental Movement.
Or all three.
Sad. Really sad.
Spot on, Up2.
Reminds me of that old story of the guy whose doctor told him ” if you stop smoking, drinking and having sex you will live longer”.
To which he replied, but doctor, if I give up all of those, why would I want to live longer?”.
@up2 I’ll diasgree
It’s a full colour complex issue so simplistic art student rports screw it up when they try to reduce it to black and white.
Firstly water vapour is the biggest greenhouse gas
..and their is variance in it and maybe some variance is impacted by man.
CO2 from man only increases what is measured in the atmosphere
However nature has two sources the vast majority of CO2 emitted is supposed to be part of the organic life balance so is basically assumed to be reabsorbed, but other natural sources like dissolved CO2 in oceans can go up or down ..and that could severely affects that atmospheric measurement .
alarmists argue these second natural sources are tiny compared to man made and that without man made CO2 it would still be 10% lower at 270ppm
OTOH we calculate that natural CO2 has been much higher in the ancient past than today.
Stew, I don’t disagree that water vapour (could be, should be, as I was taught) a so-called ‘greenhouse gas’ along with methane as well as CO2 and the rest of the atmosphere. You should know that I challenged fellow poster on NALOPKT, ‘Jit’ about his/her claim that only CO2 is a warming gas. If he/she is a scientist then either he/she has discovered something radical and what I was taught is now updated by more recent scientific discoveries or ‘Jit’ is part of the Warmist gang and also – maybe – a NALOPKT troll.
As a scientist, Stew, you should also know that humans lying on their backs doing nothing (as in my example) expirate not just CO2 but water vapour also! In addition, they could also expirate some methane, too, 😉 from both ends, as it were but we won’t dwell too much on that.
Take out the total human element: industry and human life, only then does your concern over absorbed CO2 come into play. And that seems to indicate that you have missed the point I was making to my friend. Without any humans and human activity, the natural world would still be pushing out CO2. And you could add both water vapour and methane emissions from the natural world to that particular tally. The CO2 in the atmosphere would increase.
As you should know, just the humble mosquito and its habitat may well contribute far more to Global Warming and Climate Change than anything humankind can do.
@Up2Snuff I said “However nature has two sources the vast majority of CO2 emitted is supposed to be part of the organic life balance so is basically assumed to be reabsorbed, but other natural sources like dissolved CO2 in oceans can go up or down ”
You seem to be asserting that natural sources are not in balance
.. but that doesn’t make sense cos the Earth is 6 billion years old so if CO2 ever grew then it would be mega by now.
I wonder if you are arguing not about CO2 but actual temperature.
Cos it would be true to say that if man stopped doing everything , then each century would still be warmer than the last cos the Earth is still coming out of the ice age. Until it cycles back down and goes into the next ice age.
… I haven’t seen JIT on the forums for years … ah yes he was a bluffing troll.
Stew, we know the universe is not in balance, and our biosphere wobbles around quite a lot. Prof Dan Britts talked about that in the lecture that our very own G linked to on a Thread here, weekend before last.
I find the Bible has interesting things to say about that imbalance: Colossians chapter 1 verse 17. Appreciate that you approach science from a different, atheistic, perspective.
Are you more of a Gaia enthusiast?
Agree that oceans can emit/absorb CO2 because they have breathing cycle, if I remember the science correctly.
The IPCC have tied themselves to a CO2 reduction (which is madness) because they blamed CO2 initially for AGW and now its linked to Climate Change as well since late 1990s. The IPCC dismiss the things that I would point to (as an economist of sorts) as causing warming, although I note that this year, the process of making concrete has been given some acknowledgement. In addition, some AGW/CC proponents have also recently given a bit of a nod toward the warming effects of sunshine on concrete (night storage radiator effect) in the built environment which I have observed as more major 20th century cause.
They are still broadly in denial of what is truly warming our biosphere though and are going after CO2 as the Villain in the Big Black Hat and methane as the Villain in the Smaller Black Hat in the ongoing, full year, every year, IPCC Panto.
Corrections & Clarifications Department – actually only the latter:
Should have made it clear in my above post to the uninitiated or casual reader that I’m repeating what I’m told about AGW/CC gases by the IPCC. I don’t necessarily go along with that stuff and would point to very many other causes of global warming, not least all the extra human bodies in the world who are consuming lunch or about to and giving off extra heat afterward. And maybe some methane, too. Oooops! Pardon.
That’s where I’m headed. Lunch.
Selwyn Gummer AKA Lord Deben is an expert cos a number of his businesses benefit from green subsidy grants or advising on them.
As Guido wrote.
but the BBC probably failed to declare that.
There’s a good reason that Lord Deben felt a pressing need to educate the masses about climate change via the medium of Toady. At least 600,000 reasons to be precise – another pig at the green trough.
(Edit: just seen your reply StewGreen – backs it up)
Good summary on BBC Green agenda pushing
TOADY Watch #1 – No time for solutions
The BBC on Radio4 are suddenly ‘going big’ on the Greek island of Lesbos and the refugee camp there. A gentleman from the Greek Government who works with the refugees there contributed to the programme. He explained that the refugee camp was not new.
It had been there for some time, plenty of time for the BBC to find it and report about it.
The Greek gentleman had some solutions to the problems on the island of Lesbos but, suddenly, Nick Robinson felt the BBC had run out of time to hear them. The interview was terminated.
I’m afraid I do the switch off when that stuff come up because I know the final line will be criticism of the UK for not giving even More taxpayers money to some dodgy charity and even better importing just ‘a few thousand’ so that local authority taxpayers can pick up the tab – after all were the the firstest richest country in the universe….
Fed, it could be that was the direction the interview would have headed but I have a suspicion not. Rather, I suspect the Greek interviewee was going to tell Nick that the EU must share out the Lesbos refugees but also close its borders and adopt and enforce firm Vienna Convention (have I got the right one there?) rules on refugees.
Melanie Phillips describes herself as a ‘Liberal mugged by reality’. The Greek people are lovely people, generally, and very warm and open hearted. They are being ‘mugged by reality’ and ‘mugged by the EU’. In the latter case, in more ways than one.
I listened to that as well. So comforting to learn that the children were attending schools and learning a new language. English of course, I wonder why?
Invicta, so that they can teach others to become airline pilots?
Think I recall that English, to a high standard, is the argot of international flight. Possibly medicine, too, along with some Latin for that discipline.
Yesterday in the Daily Mail John Humphries wrote about the lack of bias at the BBC and how both sides complain so the BBC must have it about right. I would compare Andrew Marr’s interview with Boris and the cosy chat he had with McDonnel in his leafy cottage. How can anyone say he handled the two interviews the same?
“how both sides complain”
Some science needs to be applied, time interviewee allowed to speak, interruption count etc. Do this for the whole six weeks of the campaign.
The only reason the left are now complaining is that during the election the BBC had to be impartial. Suddenly, the BBC is “fair”, and the left interpret this as anti left, because they aren’t pro left.
The only reason the left are now complaining is that during the election the BBC had to be impartial. Suddenly, the BBC is “fair”, and the left interpret this as anti left, because they aren’t pro left.
Complaints from both sides? Tories say they are too left wing and Corbyn’s Labour say that they are not left wing enough. Not quite the same thing Mr Humphries.
Sky now embracing the ‘we’ route in a question as pioneered by the bbc.
Bit late, given most see neither broadcaster as trustworthy.
Britain’s official climate clown.
@GW powerful tweet there … 29 likes in a country of 65 million
The BBC subheadline used in tweets etc
\\ Climate watchdog urges PM to get back on track:
The comments from the UK’s official climate come ahead of a global climate conference in Glasgow //
FFS that doesn’t make sense cos the conference is in 12 months time
Indeed Fed, employment at a 45 year high – despite Brexit.
I wonder if George (Chicken Licken?) Osborne is still telling everyone the sky will fall down?
Looks like Radio Four has its new page banner decided.
if she does she’ll probably need to change her constituency as next time she’ll probably be voted out.
BBC Online News:
“I have proved that we can play the men and can beat them,” said Sherrock.”
“Fallon Sherrock became the first woman to win a match at the PDC World Championship by coming back from behind to stun Ted Evetts 3-2 in London.”
At darts…
How about cards? Ludo?
Dover, for years my old Mum ‘took me to the cleaners’ 😉 while playing Halma.
Yeah, but can you down eight pints of lager as well?
At the same time, Scrobie? Well, Halma does require the player to progress in a squiggly line from one corner of the board to the other. 😉
Oh yes!
Halma – the game of real strategy!
Must see if there’s an app!
I made a real enemy back in 1973 because of that confounded game…
I find this constant..first woman to….a bit boring now..good luck to her – my mum payed darts with men over 50 years ago and could beat many – no reason why not…..
If the media could just stop making it a big deal then real equality will have been achieved..
.although it will be fun to see the headline..Joe bloggs is the first man to…in women’s sport (take your pick)
or even Joe Bloggs becomes first man to join the Women’s institute…
I read the Twitter feed yesterday, in response to that guy staying the obvious about entitled youngsters blaming the older generation for ruining the planet.
A noteable number of them mitigating themselves on the grounds that they weren’t the ones who “invented” all of these things such as.mobile phones, technologies etc, so therefore “why should we give them up?”. Claiming its not their fault if mummy drives them to school in a 4×4 and it isn’t them driving! Wow.
Well if I was one of those parents I’d now take responsibility and say “sorry dear I cannot bear the guilt and shame any longer, you’re just going to have to walk to and from school from now on and, by the way, as I’m also responsible for the electricity usage/bill, I can no longer allow the constant charging of your gadgets or use of unnecessary gaming consoles etc.”
Part of my job is necessary driving. I notice a significant reduction in the amount of morning/ evening traffic when the schools close for the holidays. Imagine that much less traffic all year round and kids walking to school being less obese and having actual lives instead of a virtual reality / social media based existence. Oh and saving the planet to boot. Come on parents, take responsibility..you owe it to your kids. Cruel to be kind and all that….
what these entitled youngsters also forget is that it is the older generation who have invented/developed all of the new technology to combat climate change while they are the biggest consumers/users of power…
Not the only one, as shared ideology plays a major part, but it is up there.
In what way are journalists “protecting press freedom” by demanding the imposition of criminal penalties on people who have not paid to own & operate a TV? It’s hardly challenging Dr. Goebbels is it?
I don’t see these self described journalists standing behind Julian Assange. Or Tommy Robinson.
BBC breakfast doing segment about Ch 4 doc ‘The Cure’
The scandal, which led to the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust being dissolved, has been turned into a documentary called The Cure.
Although the health secretary at the time (2008) Alan Johnson, was mentioned. At no point do they mention it happened in under a Labour government.
I wonder why ?
Mid-Staffs. I thought that was the reason why the now mayor of Manchester was awarded the title Belsen Burnham.
Soapy, in reporting on President Trump’s written response to the Democrat’s case for his impeachment, opines that it displays self pity. Why do arrogant BBC staff consider it appropriate to insert their partial views into whatever they should be reporting?
I’ll wager that letter has been designed to occupy the media while Trump is up to something else entirely, which his opponents won’t see until too late. Despite what the likes of Jon believe, Trump always has a reason for his actions and it isn’t petulance.
TOADY Watch #2 – Cognitive dissonance* in abundance
*Psychology – noun – Cognitive dissonance – ‘the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.’
Amply demonstrated by Sir Keir Starmer who is considering running in the contest to become the new Labour Party leader. I suspect that he is the BBC’s favoured contender because he wants, above all else, Brexit to be cancelled. As Sir Keir ‘considers’, I suggest that he considers the above and also the following (hat tip to: markantro on Twitter):
2014 – UKIP raise their electoral profile
2015 – Conservative Party win GE15 promising an EU membership Referendum
2016 – The UK votes to leave the EU
2017 – Parliament votes to leave the EU, filing Article 50 notice of leaving.
2017 – Both the Conservative and Labour Parties pledge to fulfil the decision of the UK electorate to leave the EU in their GE17 manifestos. The Conservative Party win with the most seats but lose their majority. The Labour Party come second.
2018/19 – a further vote takes place in Parliament to leave the EU on 31 March 2019.
2019 – opposition to leaving the EU arises in Parliament, led by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – Parliament votes to seek a delay to the UK’s cessation from the EU, supported by Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – The Conservative Party leader, led by someone who voted Remain and really wishes to Remain in the EU and who did not keep her word and did not negotiate a viable – by her standards – Withdrawal Agreement, was told by her Party that they had no confidence in her leadership. She is replaced.
2019 – Boris Johnson wins the leadership of the Conservative Party.
2019 – Further Parliamentary opposition to Brexit arises in Parliament, supported by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer.
2019 – In the face of this opposition, the Prime Minister seeks a General Election.
2019 – The Liberal Democrats become a National Socialist Party with the leader pledging, if elected as Prime Minister, to overturn democracy and cancel Brexit. The leader loses her Parliamentary seat.
2019 – The Conservative Party, led by the Prime Minister, pledge to Get Brexit Done in their manifesto and election campaign. The Labour Party, strongly influenced by – among others – Sir Keir Starmer, decides to force its leader to ‘sit on the fence’ and merely commit to a renegotiation of the UK’s departure from the EU (keeping the UK totally aligned) followed by a ‘no choice’ further EU Referendum to Remain in the EU.
2019 – The Conservative Party win a landslide majority at GE19, pledging to ‘Get Brexit done.’.
An excellent expose .
But may I add a little warning – Be careful, watchful and alert as we have not left yet .
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
“Brexit: Emily Thornberry warned Labour of dangers of neutral Brexit stance”
Currently 1531 HYS responses and the 20 most popular dislike her intensely.
They do not come much fatter than this.
Looking at the most downvoted
“.. Next time the morons who found a voting slip for EU elections won’t turn up.
Look forward to a Labour majority folks! only 18% under 35 voted Tory. ”
..nasty and I don’t think his 18% claim is true.
Of course the BBC lefty bias shines through with their choice of photo
which is Thornberry scowling at Corbyn, instead of one of the hundreds where they are smiling together.
it just shows how dumb these people are – they don’t seem to realise that as people get older they usually become realists…and the Tory vote increases – and since the percentage of older people is increasing and they vote more than younger – it bodes well for Tories 🙂
taffman, yes, I’ll be nervous until I’m sat in Wetherspoons on 1 February 2020 to raise a glass of tomato juice in a toast to The Patron and maybe enjoy a celebratory lunch as well.
Then I’ll do the uncertainty and nervousness all over again through January 2021 and February 2021 and, maybe, March 2021 until I know we are out and clean away and a No Deal depart has not been a disaster.
See you in Wetherspoons and I’ll buy you a pint to propose the toast to Freedom & Independence.
Ta, taffman. A pint of TJ. That might challenge the old bladder! The vitamin C should, however, keep the common cold germs at bay for the rest of the winter.
I actually bought some fireworks this year, some rockets, to fire at midnight on 31 October. Unfortunately, Boris let me down then and they are still in their packet.
Reassuringly, the BBC are back in Brexit Panic Propaganda-mode this a.m. with Justin or Nick using the phrase ‘Hard Brexit’ on the TOADY Prog in relation to the vote tomorrow.
It’s like Justin Trudeau decided to do a woke Katie Price on Newsnight.
So what happened to all of that ‘luxury communism’ that they where bleating on about?
Speaking of the paragon on impartiality that is Newsnight…
Good job they are importing the balanced hand that is Lewis…
Maybe they could fact check this? McAlpine-styly?
As a matter of interest, I wonder how much money the bbc passes on to ‘local democracy’ reporters in local papers, who round here at least seem very keen on… the hand that feeds.
Follow the money, investigative hacks. In all denominations.
“General election 2019: Tony Blair warns Labour not to ‘whitewash’ reasons for poll defeat”
He was part of the problem interfering and trying his best to prevent the Nation’s democratic vote for Brexit.
He should stay out of politics and enjoy his “hard earned” pension.
What the heck happened in 2017 ?
– We still had a Remainer parliament
– We had had a referendum result and should have had a leaver implement it.
– Instead the Tories put in TeamRemain’s Theresa May
– She put in an unneeded election
Many people chose to vote their local Tory and put in a Labour guy
.. why did they do that ? … Was it their local Tory was a Remainer
– Thus we ended up with heavy Remainer parliament
with those Remain MP’s driving to stop Brexit
and finally Labour Leaver MPs capitulating to Remain.
Where was the all party proper Brexit alliance ?
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories were so dim witted they elected not only an ultra remainer, but a comitted Marxist as their leader.
She chose not just a fellow Marxist, but a Stalin apologist as her negotiator, and also mde him her de facto political advisor.
She appointed Alison Saunders as Attourney general with a brief to convict men of rape regardless of the evidence, she forgot some would have enough funds for decent lawyers.
She went nuts on equality, crushed freedom of thought and expression, appointed a committee to ensure censureship of any ideas she didn’t approve of, under the nebulous guise of ‘hate’.
She allowed the far left free reign, in the media and entertainment, she joined in the lie of the ‘rise of the far right’ banning groups no one had ever heard of, and whose members were clearly mentally ill, and at the same time refusing to ban real terrorist threats like Antifa.
Under her Marxist administration we saw political prisoners and also torture whilst in detention.
Being a Marxist it was beneath May to actually campaign in the election she called. We all saw through her, and she was known here as ‘Thersa the appeaser’ for her complete uselessness as Home secretary.
Why did the Tories put her in as leader? Simple, they are cowardly useless and incompetent, they wanted the easy option – a safe pair of hands – or so they thought.
Julian Assange – a truth teller – languishes in Belmarsh high security prison in poor health while this monster, the Belial, is allowed to travel the world unconcerned for his safety while enjoying an undeserved freedom.
It begins….
The metro-bubble Evening Standard running with a story about how the BBC vilified Corbyn and Labour and lost Corbyn the election.
This goes 180 degrees totally against all the evidence and I think is the start of a London-centric mind-gaming plan which the BBC will then probably pick up on to bring Corbyn back from the ashes. Expect this to drip-drip-drip until he can be re-installed.
So look out on the BBC for lots of mumbling apologies and “this time we didn’t get it quite right” etc.
It also reports that the BBC is planning now to make more programs in the North and Midlands. Well as a North/Midlander I say Just F*** O** BBC we don’t want your vile trickery here.
“The metro-bubble Evening Standard running with a story about how the BBC vilified Corbyn and Labour and lost Corbyn the election.”
The more anti – Beeb the better . More calling for its demise .
For the life of me I cannot figure out how BBC editors justify their use of quotes, ‘quotes’, “quotes” or… none at all.
It is gibberish.
Anybody hear Sopel’s BABC version of the US Impeachment debacle earlier on Toady?
A classic Marxist State Broadcaster attempt at sleight of hand deception which was crafted to convey that the POTUS would eventually escape due to the Republican rejection in their House. But no mention of the real reasons. Not, any honesty in conveying that the Democrats have no evidence whatever to support Impeachment. This glaring major detail is left out by our World Class reporter, Mr Sopel. How can anybody understanding this manipulation of the news, have any trust whatever in BABC reporting?
I don’t really follow the doings of Soapy Sopel but has he ever done any real investigative journalism? Has he ever uncovered any original stories?
What is his role in the scheme of things, is he just a glove puppet for someone else’s messages?
The same goes for Ratty Katty Kay.
Are these two a double act? Which is the straight man and which is the clown?
Paragraph four lets us all into a little non-secret.
Seems to have resonated with another cubicle gardener on Moaning Emole duty:
‘I tried to become the first female British Asian Tory MP’
Of the 365 Conservative MPs elected last week 14 were British Asians and four of them were women. It’s a far cry from the late spring of 1983, when Cambridge University student Bem Le Hunte was on her way to watch an address by Margaret Thatcher. She was with a group of friends, carrying a basketful of eggs. That’s when the news reached her.
Her mother had just been selected as the first British Asian female Conservative Parliamentary candidate in the forthcoming election. The announcement caused huge media excitement. Bem, however, was unimpressed, although it did make her think she’d better not pelt the prime minister with eggs, as she’d been intending.
Read full article >
Kavita Puri
BBC News
I wonder if Ms. Puri’s nickname is ‘Search’?
No gardens around my cuticles, Guest, cannot think what you mean.
Nails getting overdue for a trim though ….
Or her middlename ‘pot’ ?
This program went on to say much of the cause of Muslim radicalisation can be placed at the door of the Marxist doctrine of multiculturalism. It coincided with the release of the Satanic Verses, and instead of the condemnation they deserved they received understanding and compassion from our idiotic elites.
The warning signs were there all along, they weren’t heeded, and now we have BLiar Mk IV as our PM. most sane people would realise that one of the most hated leaders in our history is not someone who should be copied.
Stew, with all the exposure Tony Blair is getting on BBC R4 today, you might think it was another case of RD’s “This could become awkward.”
On the other hand, the sainted Tone could have a guitar thrust into his hands and he could sing “It’s an open secret.” on Radio4 while sending some urchins round with hats to raise a collection for outgoing and outgone Labour Party leaders.
Well, it IS Christmas, season of goodwill and all that.
Oh, sorry, forgot my New Labour glottal stops.
Well, ih IS Chrissmas, season of goohwiw an’ all tha’.
Over at ITBB, a key share. Time to track down the Sun link and serve it up to all these ‘fact checking’ propaganda merchants in the BBC to… well… ‘check’.
Charlie18 December 2019 at 09:15
Here’s a piece of analysis from my favourite topic BBC Reality Check. It’s from Ross Clark in The Sun today;
I’ve just been through the Twitter feed of the BBC’s “Reality Check”. Since the parties launched their campaigns, 39 of its tweets rejected claims made by the Conservatives and two tweets were generally supportive of claims the party had made.
By contrast, only seven tweets rejected claims made by Labour, while 13 supported its claims. Not one tweet, though, dealt with the biggest lie of the campaign by far — Labour’s charge that the Conservatives are planning to sell off the NHS.
The Festive Fifty is worth a view too.
I want Fran and Tony sat across from David Keithley and Piers explaining just precisely how not checking the daft claims of the party who explicitly guaranteed the BBC’s lucrative survival is not the very definition of conflict of interest.
Looks like the BBC have a new campaign – supporting some snowflakes who want to put up EU flags on bridges and similar places on 31 January in ‘ solidarity ‘- perhaps they could go to the channel and recycle some of those boats the illegals use to escape from the French and head for their EU home ….
I can feel the ‘ rejoin ‘ party coming along . We want Chuka we want Chuka ‘ popcorn
Fed up.
I can hear the “Oh, Chuka Ummuna” already.
It has the right number of syllables.
So have Angela Rayner and Re-becca long daily.
Kier doesn’t have a chance, nor Emily unless it’s “Oh, la-dy squeegee”
Lisa Nandy works at a push.
Jessie is a bit forced.
Thankfully, Abbott doesn’t sound right at all.
Best stick with the tried and tested “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn” just to be safe (for another 20 years of Tory government)
Had a chuckle – then there’s “there only one Anna Soubry (thank God )’..
Both Labour and the BBC are not only the same but have lost vast numbers of voters and viewers.
Hello BBC/Labour! May I introduce you to the writing on the wall? Perhaps you’ll also wake up and smell the coffee?
I’m only being fair and impartial. I usually get it about right..
I hear that Waitrose have had a monumental return of unopened champagne bottles from the BBC this week 🙂
In true bbc #1degreeofseparation style I share this ‘people are saying’ view on atrocious politicians faithfully quoted by atrocious media.
See, there are plenty of Scotsmen who have a normal attitude to what is right and what is wrong. It’s the Scots Nazis who are the abnormal ones.
But isn’t it telling that people in England and Scotland feel the need to put up such posters? For me it’s a symbol of the fight back against evil. And long may it continue.
I rather suspect that whoever put these up was trolling for precisely the reaction it got.
The only logical conclusion is that the complainers believe it is not OK to be white.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is not OK to be white”.
Similarly it would be atrocious, the term chosen by Swinney, for signs stating “it is OK to be male”.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is atrocious to be male”.
Therefore we must welcome signs truthfully stating “It is doubly atrocious to be white and male”.
If Sky really did pay Bercow £60k for that election night show that no one watched
… then wasn’t the payment some kind of backpay bribe for Services to Remain from the Remain supporting Sky ?
It ensured that I for one avoided watching Sky election night broadcast. I returned to the BBC, after many years avoiding it. At least it had a few adults such as Andrew Neil on it.
Not strictly BBC but statist in the way the love best. And failing.
Hot on the heels of the 10 year old battle of sub postmasters to get justice for inaccurate fraud accusations rooted in a useless IT system comes another beauty.
A little boy was mis (or un) diagnosed at Great Yarmouth hospital and died of a heart attack.
It has taken the parents FIVE years to get closure and then only with the intervention of the Health Ombudsman.
I’m prepared to accept the NHS will occasionally get it wrong. We all get things wrong in our jobs. It’s the cover ups that are unacceptable. Has anyone been disciplined? Anyone been fired for gross incompetence? Any accountability at all ?
Yet another example of a nationalised industry caring far more about protecting its own than looking after customers (in this case patients).
I agree with the tenor of your statement.
I disagree with your use of the term customer.
A customer is someone who has a choice as to whether they purchase a product or service.
A customer is someone who, having chosen to acquire a product or service, then has to choose a product/service provider.
If I had a choice I would choose not to pay for many of the “products or services” provided by Central or Local Government.
If I had a choice, those products or services provided by Central or Local Government, which I wished to enjoy would mainly be sourced from the private sector as being both cheaper and superior.
In my opinion the public sector is increasingly run for the benefit of public sector employees.
The large and increasing proportion of council tax which will be spent on pensions suggests that in ten years time there will be very few local services.
TOADY Watch #3 – Confidence. Confidence. Confidence. Confidence.
Soapy was in fighting form this morning. President Trump is going to become the third US President to be impeached and go before the Senate on trial for his crimes. Soapy and the US Democratic Party has been so confident about Donald Trump.
It would be found out that he had stolen the Election in 2016. He would be impeached after taking office in 2017. He would be gone by Christmas 2017. He would be impeached in 2018. He would go down to a massive mid-term defeat and resign, also in 2018. Now, Impeachment Day is here.
Jon Sopel is thrilled!
Here’s a thought for Soapy. The House, The Senate, the whole of the USA, is stuffed with lawyers. The nation is full to the brim and overflowing with lawyers. The Democratic Party is, probably, full of lawyers. Lawyers might just look at the facts and the law and the evidence and conclude that there is no case to answer. They may be Democratic Party congressmen and congresswomen. Nancy Pelosi may just lose her vote in the House today. After all, Jo Swinson was confident, so confident, that she would be Prime Minister in the UK after our General Election last week.
I think I’m right in saying that they haven’t actually been able to come up with a law he’s broken, other the unwritten one of “we don’t like you”.
How does a non game like darts make it to the front page of the BBC news web site when it even ignores darts on its sports pages.
…….and she’s gone for the large Prosecco…….
A woman beat a man in ONE darts match and moves into the next round
It’s not like she’s won the final yet.
Surely loads of women can beat loads of men and such coordination sports like darts, snooker, pool etc.
Fine athlete that Eric Bristow
Talk Radio just talking about idea that when doctors pay rose, many cut their hours by going part time etc. cos they don’t really NEED the money.
So part of the reason for doctor scarecity is that half the time many are doing childcare, or playing golf etc.
A good manager would be able to organise things so a doctor would be willing to work 35 hours/week instead of 20
The huge pay rises given to GPs occurred during a Labour “Government” and the War Criminal in Chief
specifically promoted it.
Thank you Tony, again.
The Labour Government whose Liam Byrne left the note “I’m afraid there is no money.”.
Yet the Labour Party still received 32% of the votes recently, we urgently need intelligence tests for prospective voters.
Simply no hope for some of this great nation.
#Corbynwasright trending currently at 11.2k tweets
I know Trending is the wrong word because people maybe using the hashtag but against corbyn…but yeah…i’m gobsmacked at the level of intelligence of some people in society. They truly believe Socialism is the way forward.
@Vonbedda 11 thousand people in a country of 65 million people
and some of those 11 thousand accounts are part of a bank of 100 or 500 accounts controlled by one person.
Luckily for us, 14 million people on election night ‘trended’ in a rather different way.
This may have been mentioned, but did anyone else listen to Angela Saina on R4 last night on ‘Misinformation’ using Science? It was called ‘The Misinformation virus’.
It managed to have a go at Donald Trump and the ‘extreme right’. The latter apparently misuse data to spread ‘misinformation’ for their own causes. As ever, the definition of this ‘extreme right’ was extremely vague, but who needs precision? (Scientists I should have thought?)
@FNW I made some comments in the last thread
If people are interested in an R4 prog, you can see them live tweeting
yet there almost zero tweets about the progs contents .
Rather 30 odd the tweets before and after from her fan club saying “Angela we love you”
i never understand that statement “we Love you” cause you cant possible be speaking on behalf of all fans & people of this earth 😉
Which reminds me again of the old joke:
The Lone Ranger and Tonto surrounded by hostile red Indians
The Lone Ranger: it looks like we’re about to be killed, Tonto
Tonto: Who’s this we, white man?
HAHA Genius!
@FNW my comments on Angela Saini’s prog are halfway down page 3
you mis-spelt her name
Women’s pay issues
\\ Bet365 boss Denise Coates has received a £320m payday, confirming her position as the UK’s best paid executive. //
And there’s the rub. Executives find it more tax advantageous to take profits as bonuses instead of share dividends, so it appears to the ignorant that directors salaries are huge – some are of course, but when they are inflated by share dividends they become out of proportion.
This is what the Marxist leader of the Tories Theresa May was too dim to realise.
No actually her salary is huge
“The co-founder of the online gambling firm was paid a £277m salary plus dividends as the popularity of online gambling continues to grow.
… her salary rose from £220m on the previous period.”
She is unusual is that she claims to be a good taxpayer cos she pays more income tax than anybody
However some of that tax is used to clean up after her
… all the gambling addict problems of her business, like when the addicts steal from their employers, or bankrupt their own business and leave suppliers unemployed and unpaid.
Th BBC has conned us into thinking just about salaries, when it is annual wealth gains that count .
Other entrepreneurs might see the value of their corp shareholding rise a £ billion in one year , but pay little tax cos they just leave the wealth in the shares
..and indeed next often suffer a £billion fall in their wealth anyway.
In the post election sobfest on the Left, I have heard a number of woke snowflakes express their deep fear and anxiety about the future. Alibaba-Brown and Sham Chakrabutty amongst others.
Having demonised the evil Tories for so long (egged on and pandered to by our State Broadcaster) they’ve come to believe their own alarmist nonsense.
Boris is as bad as Trump, who is as bad as Hitler. In fact anybody who is one degree to the Right of their safe-space metro-bubble is seen as a dangerous fascist.
One heard muslims say they are planning to leave the UK. Tragic loss though that would be, of course none will really leave. We heard similar nonsense around the time of Trump’s election, and no-one left the US.
To call them Snowflakes would be an insult to the white stuff. At least it looks pretty and you can ski on it.
I thought Alibaba-Brown was leaving..by now everything she hates has been voted into being..can’t be any reason to stay now..
Internet ‘silence’ so far from the BBC on the UN ‘peacekeepers’ ‘fathering’ hundreds of children in Haiti.
Today’s headlined article on the front page of the Times newspaper:
‘UN peacekeepers in Haiti ‘fathered hundreds of babies’ then abandoned mothers’
(btw, shouldn’t that disingenuous headline read: UN ‘peacekeepers RAPED CHILDREN then abandoned them’?)
Why are the BBC turning a blind eye on the subject today when they fully reported on institutional UN child abuse in Haiti in 2006?
‘UN troops face child abuse claims’.
What could possibly have changed at the BBC over the intervening years?
OP re “Project Fear”
According to State Broadcaster’s News page it’s back!
“President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has warned that forthcoming Brexit negotiations face another “cliff-edge situation”.
Mrs von der Leyen said the timetable for talks – due to conclude by December 2020 – was “extremely challenging”, adding: “This would clearly harm our interests, but it will impact more on the UK.””
That’s ok Mrs Leyen, we’ll just Leave on WTO terms.
So don’t worry your silly little head about it.
“but it will impact more on the UK”
She would say that wouldn’t she, but she is lying.
The Politbeuro is inwardly terrified of Brexit.
Billions of income reduction.
Boycotts on EU products, especially German cars.
Billions more Ponzi Euros being printed.
Germany in recession, Deutsche Bank insolvent.
Italian economy faltering, more Italians want to leave the EU.
Gilet Jaunes still protesting in France, not that you would learn this from the BBC.
The electorate voted for a proper Brexit, leave now and pay them SFA.
Correction make a £200 billion claim for EU assets to which the UK has made a significant contribution.
No May type Brexit is acceptable, no concessions to, or connexions to, the EU.
Overtures to European states who would consider leaving the EU would be empire, and joining a solely economic
The BBC doesn’t like women who.., oh I forgot she’s white business woman. Also a trademark of the left – everything must be over-regulated
I predict an epidemic of famine and the Black Death.
\\ BBC Radio 2 labour MP Yvette Cooper
‘Children are going to go hungry because of the election result’
She worked against the will of the people for over 3 years //
“There is also a strong relationship between deprivation and overweight/obesity prevalence.
In 2015/2016, 40% of children in England’s most deprived areas were overweight or obese, compared to 27% in the most affluent areas.”
Really strange those deprived of food become fat.
Unless Cooper is lying again.
Children are going to go hungry for many reasons.
One of which is feckless mothers refusing to cross their legs and having multiple children through multiple fathers with no visible means of financial support other than the state.
I am not sure how she makes the logical connection – once again dumb…correlation not causation……if it is even true as not sure how she knows if kids are going hungry…
Bias by omission:
Normally the beeb are obsessed with LGBTxyz rights, and quick to report at length any perceived cases of homophobia, such as a funny look or refusing to bake a cake.
Yet here we have multiple acts of deliberate, premeditated and violent homophobia, that the beeb ignores completely.
I wonder why?
“Three teenagers who lured gay men on dates and launched horrific homophobic attacks have been jailed for more than 37 years.”
PS. Islam on homosexuality:
– “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.”
– “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.”
A fine looking bunch of British citizens.
Yep, all born and bred here.
Mohammed Sohail Khan, Qaasim Ahmad, and Muhammad Umar.
The two diverse yoot who Allegedly beat up a rabbi in Stamford hill have given themselves up and been charged .
Similarly CCTV picture of the diverse yoot who beat up the two gay ladies on a night but has also come to public view .
No doubt Lammy will be for the defence .
well seems labour is looking to remain FAR LEFT – if thornberry gets in, i hope the party splits up, a new centre left party needs to be formed & the Far left should be flung into the trash
I disagree on thornberry being left wing . Thornberry , like any lawyer , is only interested in themselves and the £.
During the campaign and before she swung to Remain and brexit which is why I think the hi command kept her muzzled .
I think Cooper will become the BBC favourite – although she ll have to spend more time away from Islington and ooop north – which I’m sure will be great suffering for all the Labour candidates … which is warming .
Hey Fed,
oh she is definitely out for herself, But what Far Left Socialist isn’t, let’s make everyone poorer & keep myself in a position of power & comfort.
it is hard these days to label LEFT or RIGHT that i’m sure we can agree on, the water has been mudded.
Thornberry is an MP all parties need to see the back off…& type of MP that never needs to return to our democracy
There were fuzzy stories about big profits from property dealing which didn’t get much traction during the campaign but the comrades will pay attention with comrade Lady Nugee as a rival candidate .
I suppose it will end with Nugee as the number 2 role and some thicko with a northern accent as number one . Angie would be far better for popcorn sales though ….
2019-12-18 12:45 BBC Politics
“Labour leadership: Emily Thornberry to run for Labour leadership”
Poor verb selection, Thornberry is too fat to run.
Currently 945 HYS comments, top 20 all against Thornberry, again.
None mentioning obesity though.
With respect to the replacement of Corbyn, Lady Brooke reports that some buzzards are circling around in a far lower orbit than the regular crowd hopelessly circling still off the planet. Names have been thrown around.
If I had a vote for Corbyn’s replacement, I would select David Lammy as I am confident most here would agree……………
My reasoning? Better to have one displaying serious derangement than the rest part-deranged.
I caught a snippet of that ‘strangely Norman ‘character who is the deputy assistant senior sub political editor . He was talking about the Blair speech and for the life of me he sounded like his spin doctor .
Probably dreaming of happier times when there was always a chance of a job on the gravy train of brussells . He can’t even go to Davos now .
Oh ffs, Al Beeb website is unbearable as it’s gone into post-election defeat mode, so back to its favorite topics with a vengeance
Refugee camps: Pregnant and living in a wet tent https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-50826733
Why is Sweden deporting talented tech workers?
Lesbos migrant camp children ‘say they want to die’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-50814521
And this!
Police officer Amjad Ditta in group charged with sex offences https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-50838823
Containing a long list of undiverse diversity. Don’t suppose that will be up for very long.
Diversity is our strength !!
Yes, but there always seems to be very little, if any, diversity among those charged with such offences.
Or maybe they hail from different villages in the Hindu Kush. Anyway, let’s hope they get sent back there after they have completed their sentences. Fat chance, I think.
Al-Beeb seem to think the fact that he’s a police officer is the most important distinguishing feature about this man. I’m sure it’s very significant, but I wonder if there may be some other significant feature about him, perhaps one that he shares with his fellow-accused?
Vaqaas Abbas, Nadeem Adalat, Sajid Adalat, Vaseem Adalat, Amjad Ditta aka Amjad Hussain, Metab Islam, Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, Ishtiaq Latif, Asad Mahmood, Arfan Mir aka Khalifa Mughal, Younis Mohammed aka Younis Khan, Nadeem Nassir, Shahzad Nawaz, Shazad Nazir Sohail Zafar…
Some might say it’s a typical BBC diversion ploy: distract from the elephant in the room by pointing to a mouse in the corner.
As I’ve said before, if these muslim animals are doing this to our children, God only knows what they are doing to non-muslims in their own countries.
From my comment at 1333 above,
A fine looking British citizen.
Yeomen sons of Albion all.
Jon Sopel’s day has finally arrived.
Kir Royales all round. On expenses.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit will harm UK more than EU, warns Ursula von der Leyen””
One day, maybe one day, the BBC will produce a positive report about Brexit. Been waiting almost four years so far.
In September 2016, a Select Committee asked Lord Hall (BBC boss) if the BBC would at some time produce a positive feature on Brexit. He said they would.
Maybe he’s been distracted by his £400k salary and wondering how to spend it?
Boris doesn’t have that problem as he earns less than half that figure.
I think this says all we need to know about the judiciary….
BBC report on the trial of the ER loons who glued themselves to a train…
Three Extinction Rebellion activists who glued themselves to a train have been found guilty of obstructing the railway.
Cathy Eastburn, Mark Ovland and Luke Watson were charged after a protest halted Docklands Light Railway services at Canary Wharf station on 17 April.
A jury at Inner London Crown Court unanimously found the trio guilty.
Judge Silas Reid said most defendants do not come to court “for such noble purposes”.
Jurors convicted the defendants after an hour of deliberations, but the foreman added it was “with regret”.
and ….
Judge Reid indicated that a conditional discharge was possible, telling the jury: “I don’t see at the moment that there’s any possibility of any of these defendants going back to prison.
Hardly innocent but the judge is quite clearly on-side!
Remember Tommy and compare the courts actions…..
watch the bBc going on manoeuvres with the 3 cushion shot…or more aptly the 3 legged stool namely;
the EU
republicans of Ireland
Scottish Republican nationalists
the trick might be to cripple the weakest leg so the stool falls on its side…or better still on top of Lord hall’s bonce!
The up front aggression of the SCot nazis is a front….to cover for their complete mismanagement of Scotland…..however, they have many place-men stooges right across the public sector and in high places…
You just have to wonder at the speed with which that obnoxtion Cherry had the Senior judge onside to call the prorogation unlawful
……..and worse still the collaboration with Spider woman and her 10 waxworks of the “supreme court”
I,m sure Boris will see the threat and not allow these 3 parties co-ordinated by the bBC to open up 3 fronts!