THE New Conservative MP for Solihull -Julian Knight- is campaigning to become the new chair of the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee- replacing a BBC remainer fan called Damien Collins . Mr Knight wants a Commons inquiry into the future of the BBC because of its’ bias ; as well as being ‘out of touch ‘ with those who pay for it . It’s worth watching for signs of the real change this site is looking for .
Start the Week Thread 20 January 2020
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Pesto is so sweet.
Top comment.
How long before BBC staff, ex-staff and FoBs twig that screaming the BBC is the only opposition to the Government may be helping neither the BBC’s case or the ambitions of the shambles Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice are vying to ‘lead’ with all the competence and vision Tony has shown?
Bob digs deep…
Even Google barely knows what ‘peak diversity’ means however I believe it is related to ‘minimum inequality’. Also, is Peston having a go at the hypocrisy of Hall Taking the top job at the National Gallery?
I think Amol is giving a hint as to who he thinks ought to get the DG’s job.
P.S. There is only one job at the BBC that Amol hasn’t done yet.
“Decision on who replaces Lord Hall as bbc DG is probably as important as who becomes next Labour leader.”
Says who?
I care fuque-all about the labour party, and while the bbbc just buqqers around with it’s own brand of politics, I just ignore anything it spurts, and so do my chums.
Why does the tax-funded shite-hole in W1A think it’s worth a tinker’s cuss?
The whole bunch of lefty losers gave up their status years ago, and are just a whining, pathetic crowd of farts in a colander, looking at a way to cream more money for their inflated wages, and do very little for it.
I don’t know anyone who thinks that the bbbc is any use in the current state of affairs, and the more good gals and guys here keep reporting the same mantra of ‘just pizz off’, the more we can claim to have helped get rid of this huge scab on the arzehole of commercial enterprizes reporting proper news.
I can’t believe the number of deluded fools on the Twitter comments accusing the BBC of being PRO Tory! Crackpots!
R4 Drama this week is about Orwell
Seems a BBC hit job
He arrives in Burma under duress he kills a runaway killer elephant
and flips to his Hyde personality pumping bullets into it
Then he is removed cos he shouldn’t have killed timber company property
– Going to a new job, he beats a young boy calling for the British to go home
– His train companion points out how the British are funnelling the countries wealth to London
Now he is ashamed of believing in Kipling and his own Eton education.
First Lord Hall need to have most of their pension taken away
#1 They stole from the licence payers by engineering this stunt whereby the cave-in to the Samira crowd and plan on using Licence Fee cash to give them huge backdated pay
.. The are negligent for not appealing the tribunal
#2 They stole from the licence payers by using BBC funds to push their own metroliberal POLITICAL agendas like StopTrump, StopBrexit, GreenDream-Cult, Virtue-Signalling etc.
PMs spokesman’s says it would breach convention for the labour leader to nominate a Conservative for the Lords . So Mr Bercow May have to join the Labour Party to get a peerage .
Meanwhile a Black Rod has said that whilst Mr Bercow is still subject to a bullying inquiry it would not be right to stick him up your peers .
Maybe Bercow can get a peerage as the next chair of the BBC . He’d have to black up or get a better tan though . And comrade Corbyn May be looking for a job . He’d be ideal at the BBC .
“a bullying inquiry”
How ironic that Corbyn should forget about this.
Someone could do a photoshop job advert
to change those BAME-only intern jobs
to BAME-only, Director General job
BBC now woken, broken and token.
The new Tony Heller video will go live at 4pm
it’s got Brian Cox on the front and is about temperature charts being rigged
Then at 4:30pm sneery Cox comes on Radio 4 with a show mocking Political opponents as Conspiracy Theorists
..there is so much wrong with that show
eg it Features overconfident Robert Grimes who wrote a peer reviewed paper about Conspiracy Theories
only for skeptics to prove his papers maths was wrong.
Despite Cox’s Professorship and with regard to the ideal subject on which to practice Marxism – (because, ‘change’ cannot be denied, it’s the main feature of weather), – I’d much prefer the Tony Heller view. Marxists have high-jacked, ‘change’, re-packaged it and sold it to the Simple Souls as life threatening.
What’s the expression? – “Bullsh*t baffles brains”………………
Anybody looked at, ‘Friends of Science’ on YT?
Mainly short but pithy. Well worth it.
The graph keeps changing: First it was 0.76 Kelvin change in 200 years, with a pause in the 21st Century. Then Obama wanted to eliminate the pause, so it got up to over 0.8 Kevin, then I saw a graph go over One Kelvin thanks to changes to historical data. Last month I saw a new one which had changed back to 0.76 Kelvin for unamended satellite data.
But there is also real change. Every day you get a 12 hour period of Global Warming of almost ten degrees. Also from January to June you get a change of about ten degrees of Global Warming. The Earth Albedo has been observed to change from 0.27 to 0.4. Therefore you can imagine how this huge change between a white Pacific Ocean under Cloud and a dark Cloudless Pacific Ocean could cause Climate Change. Thermodynamics infers that the temperature of the Oceans drives Global Warming, with random thermal lags that can change from four to seven and up to and beyond eleven years. Look to the Svensmark theory for what causes Climate Change, and see below for proof.
Mr Cox ( he of the rictus grin) might do well to remember this saying, possibly said by Mark Twain:
“Never argue with a fool because he will drag you down to his level and then beat you with his experience.”
A point that did not occur to Toenails.
Anyone who read that the Discontented Duchess and her catch hoped to “collaborate with the Queen” knew the answers to:-
1. Which one wears the trousers?
2. Which one wrote the demand?
3. How will it end?
I, an unknown actress, swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law.
There is an excellent YouTube video that I can definitely recommend, uploaded about 3 days ago with James Delingpole and Laurence Fox having a chat about wokeness, white privelege, al beeb etc!
Tap in ‘Delingpod 52: Laurence Fox’ if you have the time (one and a quarter hours) or inclination ????
Brendan O’Neill has also spoken to Laurence Fox (post QT). 1hr long.
Just sat on the train on the way home reading the comments on the BBC NEWS page regarding the director general resigning. I know we all contribute regularly ‘re our loathing of the BBC and we may be seen by some to be the Big Wing against the merciless onslaught of Luftbiass constantly trying to destroy our magnificent culture and country. But fear not a massive army of anti BBC infantry supports us. We are not alone I’m reading the comments coming in from the resistance. When the BBC goes from a tax to a subscription service our battle nah our war will be over and one day people will say “This was their last women’s hour”. ..tally ho blue leader intercepting now………
With a bit of luck the BBC will be caught in a demographic pincer of young people bred on Netflix and more seasoned people gradually waking to the tired biased constant snowflaking of the existing BBC leading to extinction in its current form .
The government must apply leverage now – as I’ve mentioned in the thread preamble there are moves afoot …
I just hope Boris has a good heavy duty boot on his foot and a steel toecap.
Halifax, brilliant piece – well done!
Thanks up that’s appreciated.
It appears this is a job. At the bbc.
” 70% stated that the BBC licence fee should be abolished or cut according to an ICM poll for The Sunday Telegraph in 2013.
– The Magistrates’ Association has been calling for the decriminalisation of TV licence evasion for nearly 20 years, concerned that evaders are punished disproportionately.”
The Young people that I know don’t pay the Telly Tax anyway . Older people are conscientious and always pay despite their abhorrence of the bias and propaganda promulgated by the decrepit broadcaster.
Lord Hall announces resignation prior to negotiations over the future funding of the BBC !
Is this what we have been waiting for ?
Probably not in the end.
Just skimming through Wiki, it seems that the bloke has few qualifications to negotiate anything.
He’s never had a real job, never had a payroll of trusted employees to care for, never made anything, never produced anything to export for the good of the country, never provided employment for people who might rely on his skills and judgement, never been anything but a shoe-in for a sinecure at the disgraceful bbbc.
I suppose the next dg will be from the same sort of thick baggage, someone who will be just like this idiot.
Step up Mr Boris Johnson, you’ve understood real journalism for years! Get someone who is a proper DG, not a workshy wimp.
Did he jump before being pushed ?
Will Fran Unsworth be next?
In the EU everything is wonderful, it must be, because the BBC never reports anything ‘bad’ happening there and they are after all ‘the most trusted’.
In the UK the NHS (trademark The Labour Party) is in crisis, shortage of staff, medicines, you name it.
If all else fails we could all have second homes in utopian France.
This from March last year:
BBC 6 pm news.
Threekilled in Ilford. They and the perpetrators are known to each other and all from the Sikh community.
Readers may notice a difference in the reluctance of the BBC to mention a certain other religious group in crimes involving child abuse and terrorism.
Sluff, as an admirer of all your posts here, may I suggest that you join me in a tincture of your choice instead of turning on your tax-funded skwawk box to become so very upset!
We could sink several pints, enjoy real, friendly discussion and banter, and expect a new dawn while the ‘dg’ of the awful bbbc digests his tax-funded pension…
Mine’s a Shepherd Neame’s ‘Silly Old Bastard – 8.5% ABV’! You can have whatever you like of course!
Something to do with upaid wages so highly unlikely to be the usual reasons in this case.
Sluff : Sikhs ..there were 8 edit stages in the BBC news story
A former Chaplain to the Queen speaks, in very British moderate and measured tones, of the muslim intention to make the UK an Islamic Republic ‘within about 30 years’; among other subjects like Hate Laws and islamophobia. (He lost his job as a result of speaking out, surprise surprise.)
I don’t expect this to be on Al-Beeb any time soon.
(The relevant passage starts at 41:45 but for some reason I wasn’t able to ‘Copy video URL at current time’. Any techies reading this?)
PS. If I understand correctly his somewhat diplomatic language, he seems to be implying that the Queen might have been in agreement about his misgivings on islam.
(Unlike her somewhat challenged son who can’t wait to make it the State Religion.)
Sorry if this has already been posted. Get your foot ready to tap along, man the barricades and press play …
Quiz : #OurPlanet Matters & #PowerOfTrees
#1 Hashtags used by multinational POLITICAL NGO Greenpeace in their POLITICAL campaigning using money supporters have donated to them ?
or #2 Hashtags used by the IMPARTIAL BBC in their POLITICAL campaigning using money licence payers have given them to make news and entertainment programmes ?
Here is the initial campaign webpage for the BBC #ourplanetmatters campaign
– an #OurPlanetMatters Twitter video pushed by BBC Wales
– Another Tweet by BBC India staffer
@BBCBreakfast is doing a week of #ourplanetmatters
Their Twitter video they tweeted 3 times
– BBC Scotland Campaign video
– BBC Scotland staffer’s promo tweet… another of her ten tweets
– screenshot of the prog
There’s a BBC Reality Check tweet also
Actually there is just too many Jan17th tweets to check
Other Campaigning
Reconnecting with nature ‘triggers’ eco-actions
They opened comments, and lost but few noticed
BBC media release from 4 days ago
It’s used as source material for TV listings magazines etc.
Surprisingly no one has ever tweeted it
R4 ThePM prog had its daily #PowerOfTrees item
a platform was given to a Berlin based activist
The PM Editor tweeted
@BBCPM and as well as looking at #trees in the UK, we’re also looking at forests and #deforestation around the world with the help of @CMJStreck at @Climate_Focus_ and @globalforests #poweroftrees @BBCRadio4
Aside from the fact that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories will certainly screw up any kind of meaningful end of the TV tax here are a few thoughts as to how it might be made a little easier.
Surely such a woke organisation like the BBC couldn’t appoint another white male as DG ?
I propose RuPaul becomes the next DG any objections are:
a) racist
b) transphobic
c) homophobic
d) sexist
Samira Ahmed or Naga Munchetti ?
Lennu Henry perhaps?
Or even better the insane Camilla Batmanghelidjh maybe Yasmin Alibhai-Brown perhaps or Dianne Abbott ?
These are the people we should be hoping for as a new DG who will be utterly useless in the job, but fit the ‘diversity’ agenda perfectly. Accept nothing less, however you can expect the BBC to fight like a tiger to defend its unique funding model. The £2 billion black hole in the pension fund is all part of that defence.
probably Hall retired now so Attenborough could be shoved in
to unite BBC with Greenpeace
Had Hall waited Attenborough would have died before he took over.
MaxinePeake’s Twitter account tries to put the Fox in the box
or to box the Fox
I’m not sure if @MPeakeOfficial is getting beaten
“only the plebs write their own tweets”
Maxine Who?
Stew – why not think that every time someone hits ‘report’ a TV licence gets renewed? ????
Newsnight clearly thinks the BBC is spoiled for choice.
Guest Who
“BBC is spoiled for choice.” Nevertheless, I bet maxincony gets the job.
The reason the BBC thinks there is so much choice, is because of sixty Labour MP’s who lost their seats to the Tories, as well as ten Labour MEP’s in February.
Gotta love it when the troops rally round.
Or… not.
Is there an undertone of bitter resentment in what Mr Sweeney has written?
Why would that be? He sounds like a man with a grudge about something. Has the Mr Hall wronged him in some way?
Isn’t Mr Sweeney going to apply for Mr Hall’s job? Doesn’t he want to work for the organisation?
“More than 1,000 European financial firms seek UK entry, despite Brexit uncertainty”
Things are looking good but I can’t see anything about this on Al Beeb .
Al Beeb appear to be very shy about certain news topics don’t they ?
They’re not very good at searching for real stories, Taffman.
Autocue-readers just do what their under-managers tell them to say, and it’s ‘hey-ho’ off to the bank account for a few thousand splonders more!
Doesn’t the racist far-left bbc have something like 5000 people referred to as journalists?
What do they do all day? That’s a lot of people and very little to show for their time and effort. Not very good value for what is probably a lot of money.
9pm repeat on BBC 4
American hip hop star Fab5 Freddy taking a tour around Florence talking about *people of colour* in renaissance paintings.
People of colour!
Are we still in the mind set of hating little green men with one eye and a silly side-kick called ‘Fatty’?
Yup, the awful bbbc tells us so…
‘The latest hate figure…’
Apparantly ISIS has a new leader and I wonder how long it will be before some insufferably woke Western politican elite know nothing tells us that “he’s not really a Muslim” or they are betraying Islam, or there’s nothing in the Qur’an to support what they do.
The Marxist Theresa May made the laughably stupid statement that Al Bagdhadi wasn’t a proper Muslim despite him being born into that faith, and then studying at Cairo university graduating with a Ba an MA and a PhD in Islamic studies, yet apparantly he was slueless compared to the intellectual genius and Islamic theocritist Theresa of Marxism!
One hour since the Iraq attack
no casualties reported
Maajid’s new thread on Pakj/Bangla child raping gangs
Of course the numbers are thousands
but I think the stat he gives is a mistake
I think 19K children stat is about all groom attempts in 2019 in the UK by all types, but most was online and were not actually raped
Um, a bit confused. Just watched Silent Witness (yes I know), and there was a Det Inspector going about his duties in a wheelchair. Is this possible ? Of course the disabled have every right to work, but this is the first I’ve seen (or heard) of a high ranking police officer being pushed around by a carer – placing ramps where necessary – in the line of duty. Injured through the job would he not have been pensioned off, or offered desk bound duties ? Clearly a wheelchair would not be able to access many homes or certain buildings, so that would be a restriction in day to day enquiries for a start I would have thought.
Perhaps someone on here could educate me.
They ought to remake The Sweeney with Regan in a wheelchair. Or perhaps not.
“John Smith, you are under arrest!”
“But I am innocent, I don’t dun no murder!”
“Ah, but you failed to make your premises wheelchair-accessible, as required under the Disability Access Act 2003. Anything you say will be taken darn and used in evidence against you. Innit.”
I think the one you mean works for the outfit providing forensic services to the police?
In previous series they were laboratory based. If I recall correctly the actor was upset because disabled people weren’t depicted enough in this year’s series trailer.
Stop Press – Agh you mean last night’s episode? Oops. Scrub that which applies to last week.
It would never have been the case inb my day. Now, they accept anyone, and short of being dead, they’ll keep ’em on to save embarrassment from the diversity squad.
It is no longer necessary as a prerequisite for someone to be able to do the job, provided they tick the diversity boxes.
Chief Ironside (Raymond Burr) was in a wheelchair. He was very effective in tracking down the bad guys.
It was on the TV years ago, when you could believe everything you watched. So, it’s probably a better way for our police to get around and catch haters and punish them for their criminal thoughts.
Yep I remember watching Ironside with his couple of sidekicks, and most of the action with him was in his open plan apartment figuring out the crime, or in the courthouse. On this week’s SW (on tonight as well), we didn’t see the wheelchair Inspector actually being transported anywhere, so the logistics I would have thought would be costly in the name of diversity.
Quote from Douglas Murray about established Marxist academics in universities:
‘They are unusual beasts in nature in that they have no predator…’
Douglas Murray is gay and I’m not. But I’d very happily have a beer or three in his company.
Sadly our institutions are replete with them, pumping out their poison, year in, year out. A bit like the beeb.
11pm BBC 4 Grooming gang doco
that is not in my TV guide
BTW that page is marked as “BBC one”
as if had been scheduled to be on there at a later date
“In a changed to our scheduled programme”
Ah it’s the 2017 doco
“The Betrayed Girls is being re-broadcast tonight on BBC Four at 23:00 on account of Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham’s review of child protection in Manchester, which he called after seeing the film. It’s also back on iPlayer for 30 days”
Opening words featured Andrew Norfolk and Maggie Oliver
.. now shot of Nazir
– Sara Rowbotham
– Maggie Oliver
– Long video from Ann Cryer the ex-LabourMP
“BBC Four at 23:00”
The televisual equivalent of BBC > News > UK > England > Regions > Yorkshire > Bradford > Page 2, (but only for 30 minutes!).
Still, no doubt enough to ’cause’ a drunk to mug-a-Muslim sometime, somwhere in the next six-months (according to Tell Mama, a ‘trusted’ BBC source).
Ah, yes Tell Mama. Tim Burton knows a lot about this organisation and the paragon of virtue, Fiyaz Mughal, the founder of this purveyor of all things true and friend of people in high places.
We discussed the prog on July 3rd 2017
page 1 , page 2
… July 5th
.. The general feeling was that the doco was good, but too late .. and tried to deflect fear towards the BNP and then EDL.. when in fact they had been telling the truth.
It includes a clip where TR is speaking then rowdy crowds and 30 seconds later its cut to Andrew Norfolk saying “The EDL were spreading complete poison”
That does to me appear to create a narrative by editing that a Union Jack man in a crowd was worse that a multiple Pak/Bangla rapist.
Local Keighley /Bradford newspaper 26th January 2017
“No need for full Rotherham-style enquiry into sexual grooming of children in Keighley and Bradford according to Bradford Council” By Miran Rahman
.. Well Ann Cryer was the Labour Party MP for Keighley
..she spoke up years ago
Yet at least one Keighley gang was convicted
8th December 2015
Keighley rape trial verdict: 10 men convicted
February 8, 2016 Bradford: 12 men jailed for total of 140 years for rape and abuse of 13-year-old girl
“But, while at least 1,890 foreigners reached British shores in small boats last year, the Home Office says only about 125 were returned to European countries during the same period.
In fact, experts say most of those crossing the Channel appear to have “strong” claims to asylum, with the majority hailing from Iran, according to the National Crime Agency (NCA).”
Is Al Beeb baiting our Home Secretary ?
Why didn’t the so called “asylum seekers” claim asylum in France ?
Could this be Al Beeb’s desperate ‘swansong ‘ ?
As far as I’m concerned, the only people who can legally claim asylum in England are those that live in Wales or Scotland.
The UK government guidelines on eligibility for asylum seem rather vague (no doubt deliberately so).
Your claim might not be considered if you:
are from an EU country
have a connection with another country you can claim asylum in, for example if you’ve claimed asylum in an EU country before arriving in the UK
This implies to me that if you are originally from e.g. Iran and have not bothered to apply for asylum elsewhere en route to Calais or one of the other ‘sympathetic’ EU ports then you will/could be considered for asylum here even if you arrive illegally by dinghy or lorry.
I may have the interpretation wrong, but this is clearly nonsense and just plain WRONG.
10 days to BRINO.
“Trump impeachment: President’s lawyers demand immediate acquittal”
Despite the wishes of Al Beeb, the bookies are giving President Trump the odds of 8/11 to being elected again .
“Government loses first parliamentary votes since election” is a fancy bit of State Broadcaster ‘clickbait’ to remind us that our upper parliamentary chamber is unelected.
Oh toady watch
6.10 am and the BBC is talking about sex – in schools . Off switch .i didn’t want to know what age young children should be taught about sodomy. I turned it on again . Meeeshall – interviewing a’friend ‘ of president trump and an enemy about president trump’s attitude to the press . Sopel was nowhere to be seen and the true reasons for the press to be sidelined avoided –
That being the ability to talk directly to people through the internet and a hugely hostile lefty media from the start or ‘getgo’ whatever that means . The White House is no longer a ‘club’ for the convenience of reporters and with a bit of luck this will push further in the second term . A lot of those snowflake journos will be redundant because all they’ll be doing is talking to each other.
Sopel and other snowflakes will be hoping the impeachment show starting today will carry on until the election in November in a desperate attempt by the democrats to affect voting in the election . Methinks it will play into the hands of Mr Trump – particularly if unemployment reduces and he orders the killing of more or our enemies . However things might get a bit strained if there is a drone strike on Luton or tower hamlets .
Yesterday The Conservative Woman published an article about sex education in schools which provides grim reading.
“The statutory guidance leaves schools free, within the regulations, to adopt their own curriculum, a freedom which some have used to create lessons that parents welcome, but others to introduce something much more controversial.
One of the more questionable RSE curriculums for 4-to-11-year-olds to have come to light so far – though by no means the only one; this is going on in schools up and down the country – has been produced by the Conservative-majority Warwickshire County Council for its primary schools.
‘All About Me’ pushes ‘self-stimulation’, transgenderism, homosexuality, and sexual permissiveness from a very young age.”
The telegraph reports of BBC sports reporters being sacked for being too old . Purcell the DG in waiting is pushing to get under 35s to use the BBC more so dumping journos with experience .
Why not reduce the policy to ‘under 25s?’ Then they can get rid of more oldies .
Seems a bit strange that oldies like Attenborough are treated like infallible gods whilst other ( white men ) are just dumped .
On the upside such a hair brained policy will diminish the attraction of the BBC even more .
Look at the bright side – no more crisp seller.
Not Gwent – fair point – Thr crisp seller is an old man now – 60? Must be due to be replaced by one of those completely unknown retired wimmin footballers who know all there is to know about prem footy having never played it .
And maybe knowing anything about footy unfairly discriminates against others who have no interest in sport at all.
Toady spends 6 minutes asking ‘what is the future of the BBC ?’ And asks a former BBC newsmanager called ‘Harding ‘ . Another one so far out if touch that could not appreciate the concept . The impact of Charies Moore being given air time at Christmas is still bugging the BBC. He said something which the BBC did not like . He must be denounced. He must be silenced . Off to the media gulag .
Talking of ‘denounced ‘ – a half wit from the Equity Ethnic Minorities committee ( gotta be kidding ) struggled to justify ‘denouncing ‘ Lawrence fox for voicing his opinion on an opinion show (QT ) when challenged over being ‘white ‘. I think the fella being interviewed must be a clown by profession because he sure sounded like one . He was funny though .
Seems like ‘denouncing ‘ is a new 2020 ‘in ‘ word – which should be denounced .
Looks like Newsnight has decided to adopt a unique combo of BBC QT guest selection and Labour competence in self analysis to resolve their travails.
What could go wrong?
And a bright future in the green rooms awaits this genius.
The usual whitee hatee industry must be getting worried when new black faces turn up to advertise their book ‘why black men don’t write books ‘
Laurence should pen a tome entitled ‘Think like a Black man’ just to see the irony meter go off the scale as the Bbc and usual sus.. guest list lose their collective minds.
‘Think like a Black man’.
That would mean no self-restraint and fathering many children by a host of women (white per the ads) preferably and numerous other charming facets such as stabbing one another. Wouldn’t it?
Winning formula.
A bit of ITBB in worthy complement:
And a bit more…
Hat trick!
Useful collection of responses of actual public vs. Bbc marshalled bubble heads.
Bet she is on QT soon.
From GW’s Guardian link above:
“Lawrence Fox….has joined the ranks of posh white guys who feel they have to champion the so-called common man”
Sounds more like the Labour Party to me? 🙂
Also the Graun:
An exorcist, perhaps.
Facebook’s Big Brother Tower
“Facebook is to employ 1,000 people to REMOVE content
.. they will be based at a new HQ in Kings Cross”
#1 That looks like an Orwellian censorship job to me
#2 Facebook is an online corp, why aren’t their workers spreasdthrough Scottish villages and Islands ?
It seems strange to put them in central London increasing apollution problems.
and continuing a London bubbleworld problem.
Excellent point.
I am being helped by Apple support with an OS nightmare that is taking weeks.
So far person to person onscreen with advisers in the Phillipines, Eire, Portugal & USA.
Another BBC bung for Davos 2020 this morning, As Greta address the WEF summit.
Good job we still have coal……
Damn – run out of oil and sun again ….
You have to be impressed at what criteria went into this group shot.
Oh dear I’m watching the grass grow under the snow at those times.
And here’s our girl… hope the bbc babe is on full wedge.
David Buik on LBC this morning had it right about Davros (sic).
An enormous amount of money to attend; £17,000 per person; and to join; I think he said about £250,000 per person. What have they achieved?
Absolutely nothing!
And apparently, they had an aeroplane dedicated to flying in the booze for the bash.
I wonder if little miss muffet will criticise them for their ‘Carbon Footprint’ and wanton squandering of the earth’s resources? Or is she also being bunged a few quid to play nice?
BBC Online News:
“”Woman gang raped in Plymouth in 1978 wants attackers to face justice””
Front BBC page. Why? This was re-investigated by the police in the 90’s.
The police are very short of resources because the wokes want to use them as puppets for all their weird foibles.
The priority is the rapes that are happening in towns up and down the land NOW. Organised rape gangs are out there operating under the ‘woke cloak’ of invisibility.
Things must change and change NOW.
Fear not! Other treasured bbc narratives are still available.
Yay – the new Saturday evening ratings smash ‘strictly lenggar ‘
Judged by a series of trannies , queers and other sexual orientations of which I am unfamiliar ….
Or as Dave Chappelle called them, much to the annoyance of the Fascists – the alphabet people !
Interesting: National Conservatism Conference: Rome, 3-4 February. Featuring, for the first time together, Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orban. Marion Marechal will be there, on behalf of France. Organised by the think-tank, Nazione Futura.
These are all people who see a Europe of free and sovereign nations, which have borders that they control. No EU fans here! Not a one.
Present also from England: Douglas Murray. From Poland, Ryszart Legutko. And many others from all over Europe.
Objective is to form an alliance of what the bbc would refer to as ‘populists’. They will try to ignore them.
We wish them luck.
It will be banned or ‘protested ‘ .
Talking of protesting – the chap with the hat who spent the last 3 years working for Soros shouting ‘stop brexit ‘ had his hat nicked on Saturday by a couple ‘passers by ‘ on Saturday who filmed it and put it on Twitter .
Fed- I think we can take it for granted that the Antifas of this world will be out in force. Merkel and her toxic socialist foreign minister, Maas, won’t be inactive either.
And I was reading that the Italian State Prosecutor is thinking about a case against Salvini (for enforcing Italian law against the ‘German’ Mediterranean ‘rescue’ taxi-boat driver, Carola Rackete, who was breaking it). What a stuffed up world we live in!
Come to think of it, I read yesterday that Maas wants to do what Rackete did, and place ‘rescue’ boats in the Med, paid for by the German state. Apparently this little commie wants more ‘migrants’. If you ask who voted for this little t..d, well the SPD in Germany is on the verge of disappearing, but his party and former East German Young Communist secretary (FDJ/SED) Merkel keep each other afloat….somehow.
He also had his megaphone flattened…
It’s already been touched on, but I took one for the team last night and watched the third two part story in the new series of Silent Witness and wasn’t disappointed. For the record, I didn’t report on last weeks episode because in terms of bubble dwelling woke virtue signalling it actually scored quite low on the ten scale. But boy/girl, it was just the calm before the storm because the needle swung right back last night.
The interwoven stories surround a women’s refuge and domestic abuse and within a few moments Jack and Nikki ,our field pathology experts, were walking towards a crime scene. To make light of the situation Jack asked Nikki what she hated most. He hated the acrid smell of crime scenes. She questioned back, didn’t he hate this thing more, that thing more, or DISCRIMINATION more. Oh Good Grief. Lighten up woman.
So we get to the crime scene, a woman’s body lying on train tracks and the guest Detective Inspector arrives. In a wheelchair. Oh how woke, no one’s thought of that before! Actually they have, Ironside did it years ago but the difference was that he was the brains of the outfit and he had a team around him to do the physical work that he couldn’t manage. He’d have never been stupid enough to skid down an embankment and get his wheels jammed down by the tracks. Fortunately our DI has a support worker to push him around, obviously she was black.
We move on to Jack in the changing rooms exercising by punching a heavy bag. Jack was introduced several series ago as an action man and part time MMA fighter. He did spark a few people out as I recall and they were joyous moments of street justice, meting out a hiding on our behalf before the perpetrator gets handed to the judge to be given a no doubt soft sentence. That doesn’t happen any more. Anyway, his colleague Clarissa was asking him why he enjoyed doing it, what did the bag represent? A body?? Given that the episode is about domestic abuse I could almost hear the trowels scraping in the background it was being laid on so thick.
A mixed race women gets raped by her abusive white boyfriend. Am I being over sensitive here in thinking why a white boyfriend and not a black boyfriend? Or an “Asian”? Or a “Man”? I probably am but hey, that’s what this stuff does to you.
We moved on to a slight, blonde, young woman from the refuge going to prison to meet her boyfriend as he’s being released. This could mean one of two things, she’s part of an abusive relationship and will soon be attacked herself, or it’s a red herring and she’s the abuser, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Anyway her boyfriend gets released. And she’s black. They kiss. And kiss. And kiss. And kiss. They kiss in a full on, lip locking manner that you never see heterosexual couples kiss in BBC dramas but hey ho these are double bubble, lesbian AND interracial. Heck they even hired the cameraman off Strictly to do his swooping circling thing around them like he does to add dynamism to routines on the dance floor. Later we see them in bed together getting it on. Whatever.
It’s becoming a game for me, it’s fun. Before a character is introduced I exercise my brain and think “what could they do to make this person totally out of whack with real life?” and I’m rarely disappointed. I genuinely think there’s a writing and production team that take each Silent Witness script then pore over it changing every new character to something exactly the opposite of what’s written and reasonably expected. That bricklayer is a man, why? That nurse is a woman. Why? That old white man is married to a white woman. Why? She is heterosexual. Why? That black man has black children. Why? These people aren’t gender fluid/non binary/transgender. Why? That man dresses like a man. Why? That character is likeable. Why? Every single character is boiled down to sex, race, and sexuality then deliberately flipped around and/or minoritised. I’ve gone past exasperation to a point where I find it humorous, and there’s got to come a point where they can’t dial up the wokeness any further. I’ll be interested to see what they do then, but until that time arrives I look forward to seeing what improbable couplings of people and roles they can create.
Perhaps the police did the murder and the forensic lab faked the evidence, and they all get locked up and the rest of us live happily for ever after?
Woolwich tell me what is the is ‘WOKE’ thing?
Very good Woolwich !
Years ago it was a very simple programme, where the viewer didn’t have to ‘think’ too much. Now, from the get go , its brain strain trying to figure out who goes where and with whom at what address ! and it doesn’t help when most of the characters look the same. Young white women with short dirty blond hair, Black women with the same afro hairstyle, and who is partnered with whom.
The police in this programme are surplus to requirements it seems, as all the detective work is done by the forensic team.
You’re absolutely right,
In terms of brain bending, the deliberate use of actors that don’t “fit” really takes away from the enjoyment. I remember an episode of Vera (not BBC) where the stereotypical systematically racist old jailbird copper (jailed for dodgy dealing and played by DCI Carver off the Bill) was married to a an equally old West Indian headscarf wearing woman. It’s not who he would marry, it makes following the plot damned awkward. I’ve seen the review of the latest Dr Who episode by The Critical Drunker on YouTube where he humorously highlights that the reason the strong white female character hadn’t done more to help her daughter was probably because “there wasn’t a strong family resemblance “.
Re Silent Witness I have been deliberately only addressing the wokeness of the programme, if I wanted to look at the plotting and holes within it then my essay would be twice as long.
The team doing the detective work.
Clarissa telling experienced pathologist Jack to look for blood splatter on clothing and pollen on boots.
Nikki taking a visible dislike to the husband who is a suspect in his wife’s murder. Yes he’s a wrong un but surely you need impartial experts. Anyway he’s been murdered now too so she’ll feel pretty stupid.
The team deciding who the perpetrator is and looking for the evidence to make the links rather than letting the evidence lead to the perp. In fairness to the DI in a wheelchair he’s the only one talking sense and the script is written in such a way as to make him look like the bad guy as opposed to the Devil’s Advocate, the same happened in an earlier episode with me relating to the guy that the scriptwriters seemed to want the viewers to dislike.
Oh well.
This is happening everywhere! I get furious watching ANYTHING on the TV now, due to this, and just wait for the wokeness to appear. And am ALWAYS CORRECT. Tried this out with Midsomer Murders tonight, and wasn’t disappointed. Out of the 11 characters, 3 BMEs, 1 Pole and 1 disabled North American – you can’t make it up. It always ranges from 1/3 to 50% – which is simply preposterous, and completely unrealistic, not too mention discriminatory – which I thought was against the law?
Seven key facts about Trumps impeachment trial
For gods sake, give it a rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Classic FM Global “news” suggesting that Trump will be acquitted “because the Senate is Republican” rather than because he is innocent. They must have got that from the BBC…
OG – what is not mentioned at all, is that the ‘impeachment’ was concocted by the Democrats in the House because the House is Democrat (i.e. they currently have a majority).
The Democrats know they won’t win a Trump ‘impeachment’ (although Sopel still sounded hopeful on Toady this am, on the basis of ‘who knows what could happen?’), so this is all about trying to fling mud at Trump in election year and hoping that some will stick.
From what I have read, I’m concluding that the Demonrats had expected the Republican party dominated Senate to reject the Impeachment of President Trump. But, he persuaded his Republican friends in the senate to vote for Impeachment.
I think the Demonrats are once again playing into his hands.
Assuming the ‘trial’ goes ahead, President Trump can now begin calling witnesses and forcing them to answer questions under oath and unless they are prepared to perjure themselves, the truth will out. The gangster Pelosi, little Adam Shit, Chucky (wants to play) Shumer, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and the rest must be having nightmares.
As Q has said many times – these people are stupid.
Old Goat – That’s the trouble with the massively funded BBC: it pollutes and corrupts all the other news agencies, and sets the tone for the national debate.