There are lots of photos and films on YouTube taken in the period from the late 1800s to the 1970s and they all have one thing in common: they’re all showing white people. Any ethnic is the exception and very few and far between.
That’s the country we’ve had stolen from us. A beautiful country filled with attractive people living normal, peaceful civilised lives, in many cases with an amount of quirkiness and humour.
Completely agree. Our home has been taken from us and if we protest we are accused of racism and hate speech and i think that in future white people who resist even peacefully will be increasingly persecuted.
Boris live now .. live on YouTube
Everyone should minimise contact now
particularly vulnerable groups likes over 70s
.. work from home, minimise social life etc
Particularly target is leaving the London health services not over used
Period of shielding of over 70s will begin in a few days time for 12 weeks
right now Google giving me contradictory info on Covid19 quick tests
I’m in Wetherspoons right now
Its doing OK for a Monday afternoon.
I came in, did the handwipe thing handed my money over
and used my knuckle for the coffee machine.
Yep I took a steam cleaned white mug
as per hygeine regulations.
It would not have had any bugs on it.
and didn’t touch my face until I’d washed my hands.
I see no reason for increased mug cleaning cos existing crockery handling procedures already take account of avoiding bug spreading.
I never eat takeaway food I suspect such places often don’t adhere to proper handling procedures.
Can imagine a bloke handling your bix, and then the delivery driver as well.
steam cleaned by a minimum wage employee guarnateed cleaned we are sure, whatever the effects of this virus or any other, its like driving on the M25 which I minimise you can be dead within 10 seconds( I know for a fact) every day we put our trust in other people as you say
“I never eat takeaway food I suspect such places often don’t adhere to proper handling procedures.”
BTW this is Britain we do a proper job, no matter what salary. Even if we are volunteering we follow hygeine regulations.
eg when we serve the pensioners, we have tongs in our clean hands and put the food on their clean paper plate.
When the radio guy recapped he implied that not all over 70s will be shielded by this future request for more isolation, but those with pre-existing health conditions
Guido has helpfully listed 23 MPs who are over 70 now being invited to stay at home – a Mr J Corbyn is amongst them – so we will see how much regard he has for medical advise from the NHS he seems to treat as a Religion …..
as for the news conference – isn’t is terrible that there is no BAMELGBTQUERTY representation to address the needs of the BAMELGBTQUERTY ‘community’ whose needs are going to be so much different when it comes to the chinky bug .
I think it’s sad that I spot this and comment on it – such is the snowflake sickness
they are too busy fighting in the bog roll aisles,then going to the basket only aisle with two trolley loads of toilet paper for some bizarre reason, as witnessed this morning, hush yo mouth dat racist innit, Dis is africa look afta numba 1 (until it comes to foreign aid to top up the presidents bently fleet whilst his children starve)
only £3 a week apparently for a starving child in africa which will buy maybe 2 minutes of polishing their thieving corrupt government bentlys and their five wifes mercede s class
true, seen it
and the same corrupt selfish mentality coming to a tesco near you
look at dads army or any historical record and see how things were then and how we have been enriched since then
The government reckons Londonistan is a head of the curve they keep going on about . No real surprise – the tube must be like a Petri dish at the best of times – I used it on and off daily for 40 years but thankfully no longer . No using lifts for me either ….
How serious is the crisis in relation to other flu pandemics? I read that in 1968/9 there was the Hong Kong flu pandemic and that in the UK between 50,000 and 80,000 died of it. I was at school then ,a 16 year old , and I don’t remember school being closed, my granny locked up in her house , football called off , all of which I would remeber if they had happened. So why the hype by the MSM this time round? Is the current pandemic likely to be as deadly as Hong Kong flu was? If so then strong measures are needed but if not is this being overhyped?
My view is that usually every major crisis , be it war or disease , results in a shake up of the world order. Although the Globalists are in power they are being successfully challenged by Populists who represent ordinary folks and democracy. But the Globalists hold all the levers of power and I think they may be exaggerating things via their allies in the MSM to create a crisis much worse than it need be. This will allow them to introduce increasingly draconian measures and help them head off the Populist challenge and consolidate their grip right across the West. Time will tell. In the meantime I am taking sensible precautions.
Double – not sure that I agree – what the bug is showing is practical reasons for solid controlled borders . If , when this event subsides , it can be shown that lack of borders adversely affected the outbreak in hard hit countries ( Italy ) or that solid borders reduced the number of infections – how will a globalist get an electorate to vote for open uncontrolled borders anywhere ?
I got the feeling , watching the press conference , that the MSM is dying to blame BoJo and the Tories for the virus itself . As for the government not invoking legislation yet – the MSM seems to want this . Invoking restriction is far easier than removing it –
So I guess that the government will monitor how people behave from now – but if legal restrictions are bought in I wonder if the state is strong enough to enforce them . Maybe it’s a job for those annoying low lives who buzz around the streets of towns and cities desperate to give out parking tickets ….
I’m trying to recall how established the internet was at the time of 9/11. But is this the first global event where everyone has been wired up to the internet and able to Chuck their tuppeny halfpenny’s worth?
I’m actually being entertained by doom and gloom merchants modelling mortality rates of 39/44/ plus percentages as if those lies are doing any one any good – apart from the need – if such nonsense was true – to buy your own body bag and dig your own grave . Mad panic .
Dr Steve Turley’s latest video reports that Greece has begun building proper concrete walls along its border with muslim Turkey.
And the commies in the Greek government are supporting it.
As Steve Turley says, the globalists are finally losing.
But I don’t think we’ve really begun to drain our swamp; not when the racist far-left bbc collective is still in tact and some of the Remoaner rats were sent to the HoL to parasitise on our taxes.
Have nt seen the numbers for the numbers of peers over 70 but I bet they’ll want a ‘social isolation allowance ‘ just like their turning up fee. I don’t think they’ll be much of a loss to democracy …
Fed Up,
I see your point re borders but the MSM is so powerful that they can persuade or brainwash a lot of the population into believing any take they want. Already in the Times Boris is reported as abandoning the Populist line of ‘ never taking the advice of experts’ in favour of the sensible approach of doing what the experts advise. Which is just propaganda for Populists are dangerous fools , the established Globalist technocracy knows best. The trick played by the MSM here is lumping all experts together ,epidemiologists , economists, social scientists, climatologists etc and pretending Populists ignore them all.
I was ready to leap on you first sentence but then saw the rest of the comment – which hits the nail on the head
The context of the reliance on ‘experts ‘ isn’t discerned by the MSM – there is a huge difference between medicine and the far more complex factors regarding – say EU membership .
In the case of EU membership the MSM put economy higher than self determination / sovereignty – which has the big mistake that remainers like Miller /grieve et al didn’t recognise .
Depending on the severity of the Chinky Virus ( to misquote POTUS ) the resistance to globalism and the growth of nationalism will continue to be fought .
I bet the EU will use the virus as an excuse for a pan EU medical organisation (European Health Service)
Free for all and paid for by the UK taxpayer – they’ll also be having a full EU fortress border based on that of the Reich – but as I’ve said here – I see the EU as the third reich without the military bit – so far …
Well, chaps from this coming weekend, looks like you lot will be my only outlet to the outside world ! so expect more ramblings from me, and after 3 months under house arrest, my ramblings will really BE ramblings !!!
It had to happen.
On the BBC 1 6 pm ‘Coronavirus news’ we get a feature on community groups standing ready to help.
Guess what community group is featured?
Yes, it’s the As-Suffa group in Birmingham. All Muslim.
And not just any old community group either. See for yourself.
The BBC. They just can’t help themselves.
Even at a time like this.
The main aim of As-Suffa Maktab is to facilitate in instilling Islamic Knowledge and Tarbiyya (inclusive development) for children of the age group 5-16. The objective is to teach children in order to ensure that their understanding and development of Islamic Knowledge is not hindered. As-Suffa Maktab is looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and reliable Head Teacher to provide high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improve standards of learning and achievement for all students.
Not quite the Salvation Army then, who have been working for the homeless for years without a mention from the bbc, unless of course there are Govt grants avialable for trumpets and then I am sure we will suddenly see a desperate need for a muzzie brass band
Always worth getting a good book or two lets look at what is on offer:
(aint diversity wonderful mk3)
A few weeks ago, we reported that disgraced former Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya had rebranded as a motivational speaker and written a memoir.
And after reading all 122 pages of Snakes and Adders: A Set Up for the Step Up, we also quickly confirmed that it was amongst the worst political memoirs ever written – a delusional attempt to rewrite the history of her own court case, written with a lack of self awareness.
But this wasn’t just us being cruel, as the savage Amazon reviews for her book make clear. Here are some of the funniest and brutal, one star reviews that we found on the site.
“Incoherent ramblings of a bent MP”
The review Amazon users have deemed the most useful is this pithy one sentence takedown credited to user Richard: “This book should be rated by how long it will burn in a wood stove, because that’s it’s only reason for existence.”
User Sandra72 didn’t even make it to the first page before she gave up: “I read the back page and now want to throw the entire book into the bin. Completely deluded and attempting to profit from a crime.”
Nasty BBC cherrypicking
our local TV news just played an edited clip from the Marr Sunday interview where the expert said “we are asking the elderly to stay at home”
In their clip they put on 4 reports of that phrase “stay at home” on triple repeat with dramatic blurring
.. They might as well have put Jaws music behind it.
AFAIK that expert did also explain that the elderly wouldn’t be locked in their house and their neighbours and relatives could still come round since the level of isolation would not be 100% but rather a 75% reduction in the variety of people. So you’d be seeing closer relatives more often.
Does quarantine for people, who are well, for four months smack of imprisonment?
I know we have to be careful, but where can we get four months of provisions when the supermarket shelves have been empty of the essentials for at least a fortnight!
I didn’t catch all of Boris’ message of doom and gloom this afternoon, I was at the gym, honing my already magnificent torso, before they’re forced to close their doors due to the corona-virus.
However, I gather that mass assemblies are being discouraged.
No football…
No theatre…
No pubs…oh dear, now that’s the tough one.
I just wondered, was there any mention of mosques being asked to close? I only ask because having lived in Streatham (massive Muzzie population) I know that the bloody places are thronging all day long. And they’re swarming in there for prayers five times a bleedin’ day. There’s hundreds of them in there. In my local we’re lucky to see ten on a Monday night.
So, I tell you what, Boris, I’ll stop going to the pub when Abdul and his cohorts stop going to the mosque.
In theory – no religious gatherings of any types – including the heathen moor . No gym either …I’m in mourning for Paddy’s Day tomorrow – draft cans only …..
“Coronavirus: BBC delays over-75 TV licence fee changes”
If you don’t watch it why should you have pay for it ? Just scrap it altogether.
Its a tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
7:30pm BBC1 Green stuff will feature on some BBC Inside Out editions
– “discussing vegan “leather” with Dr Kerry Senior of Leather UK”
– ‘Why is climate activism so white?’ – focusing on @ExtinctionR & @XrLeicester
They tweeted
” Tactics focused on getting arrested may not appeal to those most likely to be physically hurt – potentially very badly – instead of just charged.”
“The white middle class are more likely to be employed on contracts with sympathetic employers.
Contrast that with the BAME workforce, who are 47% more likely to be on a zero hours contract.
Attending protests costs money
2 in 5 ethnic minorities are in low income households v 1 in 5 whites. That changes priorities from saving the world to your next meal.
Poorer people are less likely to attend protests; more noticeably BAME households..”
Northwest – Jacey Normand visits a Manchester ‘confidence consultancy’ that is helping to change the lives of transwomen by offering voice coaching and styling tips.
– Catalytic converter theft a 2 month wait for parts
– Danger to truckers by traffickers at Calais
– London’s Latin-American market to close
West Midlands
– As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War Two nears, are we in danger of losing many of the stories of those who lived through the conflict?
All now in their 90s, Inside Out West Midlands talks to three of those who served on land and at sea and to the daughter who saved and published her POW dad’s diaries, discovered in the attic after he died.
Funny that over the last 12 months air travel was seen as the devil’s own transport all of a sudden it’s such a shame airlines aren’t flying anymore….tossers.
Oh and I’m waiting for someone on the BBC saying……the weather’s bucked up since this virus kicked in…..again tossers
I see that the biased anti British anti white BBC are again pushing the narrative of the nasty white society and the down trodden black person(s).
Black guy and black woman discussing how badly done to they are in this ‘world’ and how they have to work harder and do not get the same life chances as the nasty white people. Then the guy goes home and tells his black dad and white mum that they shouldn’t be letting their young daughter believe that she could become a (climate!) scientist because she is black init. What a load of tosh. You’ve only got to look at most of the ads on tv to see that blacks have more opportunities than the whites nowadays.
“A medical devices maker has cast doubt on using non-specialist manufacturers to produce more ventilators.”
There is a war on, think positive, it must be done ! Adopt a ‘can do mentality’.
Get the great industrial might and minds of Great Britain behind it .
We did it in WW2 and we can do it again.
Begin by ditching the defeatists at Al Beeb.
Get rid of Al Beeb !
It can be done. It can be broken down into constituent parts each one is simple to make, then gradually brought together as small sub assembly’s into larger assembly’s it’s not difficult !!
Bloody virus!As I am in my seventies my daughter is no longer taking me shopping with her.She has told me to stay at home to reduce risk of getting infected,then delivers my shopping.Given the fact that I live in a care home with 40 other residents, who all have regular visits from family and care workers I am probably safer outside!Not BBC at the weekend but on SKY, their female correspondent in Italy,was in Rome at a hotel that was struggling with visitor numbers down.The female reporter attempted to shake the owners hand which he politely declined.The reporter then went inside the hotel and climbed the stairs,holding onto the hand rail!Makes you wonder about the common sense of these media people.
I’m so Jelous lordy, I dread my daughter taking me shopping and if my grandaughter is there as well then It can directly impact the Spanish economy as I bank with Santander.
I do sometimes think they are both part of a Basque separatists slepper cell bent on destroying the Spanish economy through taking me shopping !!
“These are special times and need special measures. As from tomorrow the BBC has been given full responsibility for managing the coronavirus response in the UK. Of course, with responsibility comes accountability which may, in the future, result in some senior BBC personnel facing long prison terms”.
The BBC News cointinues to try and undermine the Goverment. Maybe it’s just me but there is no link to an Gov or NHS web page. If this was a war situation would the BBC be allowed to report like this?
Happy St Patrick’s Day – pubs being closed in Ireland is as likely as water flowing up hill …..
Should we be surprised by the MSM s reaction to an Event which is So Out Of The Ordinary ? It applies the same techniques to undermining the Government by searching around for ‘former ‘ people to stick in front of the camera and say that the medical advise is wrong .
So what does this achieve ? Nothing – apart from heightening fear which is already there.
I don’t think Blighty is a ‘positive ‘ country any more – ( BoJo has tried in the light of Brexit – but that light seems gone ).
. I suppose a combination of international decline , the MSM Liberal blame culture and welfare entitlement , as well as the importation of various alien cultures has contributed to this .
The virus will be dealt with and pass . But in the short term the MSM is just piling on the panic with people hanging on every word .
Methinks the environmental panic has been displaced by the virus panic – and with a bit of luck we ll hear less about a fictitious ‘climate emergency ‘.
Between the unhealthy coordinated packs of professional activists, unprofessional media and mentally deficient political classes addicted to tv studios desperate for heat over light, this country is being served poorly.
Philosopher Onora O'Neill tells @r4Today those who can easily act in the public good should do so more readily than those who can't. She was discussing virus, but could also apply to #ClimateChange . @BBCTomFeilden
Have not these so-called experts, lobby groups and general doom mongers been telling us for at least the last thirty years that something is going to collapse, disappear, become extinct, or worse.
It wouldn’t be a crisis if you and your ill informed colleagues masquerading as ‘journalists’ just spoke facts rather than using the terms ‘could’ ‘may’ if’ ‘has’ at the start of every article…
BBC Production meeting: ‘We need more divisive bashing’
BBC Head of Caution: ‘Yes, but we need to do it via a ‘quote’ from a safe pair of hands’.
BBC Production meeting chorus: ‘David Miliband!’
What on earth is David Miliband going on about? Saying Britain not at the table. There was a G7 yesterday. Now praising China as the leader in this – which really takes the sodding biscuit. @BBCr4today
Yes, that David Milliband interview was painfully typical BBC. Its leading questions were carefully crafted to give Miliband the chance to tell us all about the need for more supranational government to handle the crisis and to give him the opportunity to get a dig in against brexit and Trump.
But I thought the real bias was where the presenter asked what supranational organisations could do better than the UK government and Milliband had 3 bullet points ready. Nicely lined up, he was ready to answer perfectly with no hesitation. No way do I believe this was spontaneous. He had definitely been told the precise question he was going to be asked before the interview.
I appreciate you’ve got to brief your guests on the subject to be discussed on a radio show. But this was definitely way beyond that. I actually suspect Miliband might have handed the question himself to the BBC – it just happened to suit his global socialist world view too well.
Peter – thank you for that excellent link and Mr Redwood – with his years of ‘ combat experience ‘ with a hostile biased BBC knows his onions .
The tactics interviewers use to undermine they ‘ victim ‘ ( not interviewee in my view ) must be straight out of the BBC journo school textbook .
They must hate John Redwood because he remains calm and uses words to explain stuff to the audience – whatever the nature of the abuse .
The reply comments are also worthy – and I’d join with the view that politicians should choose their moment and return the hostility ( the problem there being that the bbbc clone will go with ‘ now the weather ‘)
Millipede and his ilks rotten global socialist controlling view of the world was soundly rejected at the last election (with the exception of a few in Londonistan and other inner city strongholds).
His narrative regarding supranational government is diametrically opposed to what should be happening.
Nations need to double down on border control and identification of persons entering their sovereign territories.
Health, Education, Defence & law/order are the primary responsibilities of Government.
Our current crop of cowardly Tories and many in the Anti-Beeb would do well to remember this.
Conspiracy theories aside (difficult to avoid them), Miliband is merely espousing and promoting the internationalist/globalist agenda of The Trilateral Commission, of which he (and Starmer) are members.
I believe I heard on the bbc news this morning that we would have 250,000 deaths if we did not change (or was it had not now changed) our handling of the covid 19 virus.
How does this compare with China and her population over 20 times that of the UK having a death count of just over 3,200.
Also, I hear Idris Elba has tested positive yet he has no symptoms.
How did he get a test?
Are they readily available for us all?
Why does he think he’s important enough to tell us on social media ? I couldn’t give a toss ! But I can see testing positive being a badge of honour for these slebs, who hope it will ‘up their profile’ if reality shows are cancelled 🙂
Yep – I couldn’t give a t***. Why do celebs think they are important news? He will keep everyone updated on how he is doing..yes because forced isolation to the likes of celebs is like sunlight to Dracula
This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how I’m doing ???????????????? No panic.
The ‘someone’ was non-other than Ms Grégoire Trudeau
“She shared a stage with former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and singer Leona Lewis. Other guests at the event included celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, actor Idris Elba and Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton.”
Listening to Today this morning I was getting really annoyed with the quality of the narrative. Too many people have a really poor grasp of the English language when it comes to verbs. They ‘do’ this and ‘do’ that, and don’t seem to know any other doing words.
I’d just come to the conclusion that it could be a useful rule of thumb to discount the views, opinions and advice that eminated from such persons when Today finished and a new programme called The Patch began, with the words “Me and my producer decided….”. And that person potentially has a degree in English.
One can always see the quality of the MSM, especially the bbc, when an emergency arises, noticed this in the Gulf Wars, so many errs and umms without a script, quite embarrassing to watch them struggle with basic language skills, desperately trying to evade the camera and perform their basic function
Darcy/west – when I wrote a full name of someone here I was labelled ‘ a racist ‘ for doing so . How much sleep do you think I lost by being trolled in such a way ?
I was rather proud that I could now evidence how the truth is being used by members of the race industry
Speaking of which – the valued mouthpieces of the race industry must be desperately looking for an angle to get themselves back on the airways again now that they have been displaced by that new species – which I shall call
‘ the moaning medic ‘
Who is gladly put on the MSM to winge about shortages of protective kit ( probably being stolen by other health professionals )
He talks about the words faireness, fair trade, fair, fair share, more, racism, racist, compassion, mean-spirited, greedy, the hungry, earlier and simpler times.
To act in a racist way is wrong
Cos the principle of equality is that you treat people as individuals, not by means of grouping them by their skin colour.
No one immediately has good or bad qualities by their skin colour.
.. There are plenty of bad white people.
IMHO Saying something that sounds racist should be legal
#1 You need to have the freedom to be wrong
#2 You need to have the freedom to offend, cos otherwise people will twist your political point to say it is “racist” and therefore should be shut down.
I call that bullying by taking offence.
Fed, kindly allow me to make a small correction to this “I was rather proud that I could now evidence how the truth is being used misused by members of the race industry.”
Those dishonest, devious Chinese are trying to desperately wriggle out of any responsibility for ‘their’ virus: Corvid – 19. They’ve been manipulating the MSM, World Health Organisation and other World Government departments such as the UN to that end. So now, their Communist supporting acolytes are claiming that the POTUS’ use of the expression, “Chinese Virus” is xenophobic.
What ‘our’ President does which the MSM detest, is to call out those Marxists who are working their way toward control the Western way of life.
I think that, in a small way, we should all take on the responsibility for joining the POTUS in referring to the “Chinese Virus” whenever possible – at least because that’s the truth.
Pandemics and diseases are commonly referred to using their place of geographic option or where they are associated with. Hence: Ebola (after the Ebola river in the Congo); German Measles (see if you can guess); MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome); Hong Kong flu etc. Sometimes it is inaccurate; for instance, the Spanish flu did not originate in Spain, but whereas most countries censored the existence of the problem, Spain did not and hence it became associated with them. All of these names are widely recognised and used by the World Health Organisation themselves.
It is perfectly legitimate for the US President to describe the current problem as ‘the Chinese virus’ as it is and will forever be intimately associated with that country. In itself it does not cast any assertions on that country or its policies, how the disease originated, much less on its people. We do not stigmatise Germans because of German Measles, Spaniards because of the Spanish flu, or people from the Middle East because of MERS. The fact that the WHO spent so much time debating a name for the disease, rather than declaring it a pandemic at an earlier stage, is far more of an issue.
I can remember countries terrified of catching the British Disease in the 1970s and 1980s. It was best exemplified on BBC TV in the 1960s with the late Miriam Karlin playing a Union Shop Steward. “Right, I’m calling a strike.” Whistle blows. “Everybody out!”
Bojo could use her right now, blowing her whistle and yelling “Everybody in! Especially if you are over 70 years of age.”
yellow and jewish racism is acceptable in the msm, probably because they just get on with life and are not forever whingeing or dancing around a burning flag
BBC, this morning, one of the lady newsreaders (can’t remember who) was interviewing a WHO representative and spent the whole of the interview practically begging the guy to criticise the UK government – she twisted this way and that, but it was clear she was absolutely NOT trying to inform the public – but simply trying to elicit a ‘bombshell’ headline which excoriated the UK government. Nothing else. It was so blatant it was untrue. But it is now absolutely par for the course for the BBC.
This morning, I picked up from a BBC radio programme playing in the background whilst I was doing some work, that it was ‘answering your questions about the coronavirus pandemic’, and the hostess read out an e-mail from some numpty who asked whether, in the current circumstances, he was allowed to go out on his own for a drive in his car. It took two milliseconds or so for one of the experts the BBC had brought along to inform the public, to say ‘Yes’.
But it’s the inanity of all this garbage purporting to be ‘confusion’ that’s being liberally sown by the BBC as part of the ‘government incompetence’ meme now suffusing that body.
Let’s just think for a moment – some guy, who was capable of switching on a radio, had heard about this programme, had the capability to write an email and expect an ‘on-the-air’ reply……but hadn’t a clue as to whether he was still allowed to go out and about, in his own car, unacompanied. How the hell can he be that confused, given the lengths he went to to get on the radio ?
Maybe he just shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of a complex couple of tons of steel with that level of confusion.
still trying to identify the device in white vans that disables the frontal lobe and directs them to the nearest dogging spot and / or fly tipping site
Anyone else noticed that BBC News website Coronavirus articles/homepage links about the symptoms/self isolation are illustrated by white people but any mention of community spirit/helping others is illustrated by blacks/Muslims?
It is a usual BBC tactic to show BAME helping the useless white folk.
BBC Editorial Guidelines, Volume 12, Chapter 3, Section 13:
‘Wherever possible, BAME people should be portrayed in a positive light, showing the contributions they make to British society. This should also extend to ‘neutral’ stories, where ethnicity is not a factor; for example, stories about libraries, gardening, shopping or other everyday aspects of life should be illustrated with BAME subjects wherever possible, regardless of relevance or applicability. If it is absolutely necessary to use a photograph of a white person, this should prefereably be of a woman, ideally aged around 30″
“Likewise, negative stories should be illustrated by depictions of white people. For instance, a story on inner-city knife crime could use a photograph of a white hand holding a knife, regardless of accuracy or relevance to the story. Older white people should be shown as ‘problematic’, for example being reactionary, prejudiced, using up NHS resources or otherwise holding back younger and more deserving people”.
“In stories involving babies and children, ensure that BAME young people are massively over-represented. For instance, in a story about schools, use a photograph taken in an inner-city London school where 90% of the pupils are BAME. If reporting on a specific school elsewhere in the country, where there may only be a small number of BAME pupils, ensure that they appear in the front and middle of the photograph. If Muslim girls are present, encourage them to wear headscarves, even if they do not normally do so.”
“When showing couples, always aim for a same-sex couple. If this is not appropriate (and ask yourself ‘why not?’), use an inter-racial heterosexual couple with a black male and a white female.”
The above references are fabricated. But you can pretty much guarantee that something like this is going on.
“Uganda’s Kanungu cult massacre that killed 700 followers
By Patience Atuhaire
BBC News, Kanungu
17 March 2020”
Members of a loopy Christian sect burn a church.
BBC must be struggling to find UK Christians to demonise.
Or merely to fill some space.
Hint to the BBC, look up the Religion of Peace website.
You will find murders and massacres reported every day.
Website run on a shoestring.
Imagine if the ROP website had £4+ Billion pa guaranteed income.
They could do the job that the lying Marxists at AlBeeb have avoided for decades.
Darcy – with one line my achievement has been destroyed . At least I’ve got a ‘fasting ‘ one in reserve which I’ve managed to stick to for a very long 24 hours per week ….
The male anatomy is there to be laughed at or ridiculed. Ask Nigel Farage, when asked by a smirking female journalist which testicle he had removed because of cancer, he wiped the nasty smile off her face by asking if she would like to have a look and check for herself. Now reverse that for a male journalist asking a female political leader which breast she had removed because of her cancer.
Men are easy prey, with the gays and feminists infesting the bbc they are easy targets for all kinds of abuse.
Yes, sometimes wish I was a journalist so I could ask “battery acid” Jo Brand, who has made a career out of hurling abuse and snide at her husband, how she managed to find matrimony with a face like a witch doctor’s rattle
possibly something to do with the white stick and labrador in her hallway
stick her on the Bake off and see if there is anything left to judge after 5 minutes
although unlikely even the bbc could afford her with a one page contract and 50 pages of dressing room riders for Greggs and Pizza Hut
Whenever I see Jo Brand I see her in her role as one of the ‘Greenham Common women’ whose arrival in any of Newbury’s shops was preceded by an aroma of sweat, wood-smoke and soiled underwear.
Sit-rep : In the small town life seems pretty normal
Plenty of people on the high street
that is normal on a sunny day, cos people know that most days have bad weather , so they always make the most of good weather.
No huge evidence of shortages
previously underused shelves now have wipes on that have been brought out of the warehouse
Toilet rolls are on the shelves, but sales are high , cos they keep having to restock.
I didn’t think pensioners would turn up for the coffee morning, but only 3 didn’t.
And most want to come next week
and the council haven’t sent any ruling.
Moist are neighbours, so this is their inner circle. They have cancelled their outer signal events.
One shopkeeper was blaming Boris, for only making bar closures advisory not a rule.
I don’t agree with him.
But the hospital has just tightened visiting restrictions
“We are limiting visiting to two people per patient between 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm.
No children under the age of 16.”
The hospital visiting used to have those rules decades ago, when nurses wore ‘proper’ uniforms and hats, disinfectant filled the air, and Matron ruled with an iron fist. Oh yes, and visitors did at least turn up looking clean and smartly dressed – unlike now when nurses look no different to supermarket staff, and visitors bring all their kids along at anytime during the day after lunch, and most wouldn’t look out of place on a building site !
ah update : the reason that town looks busyish
is cos all the pensioners have been down the supermarkets stockingup / panicbuying
There’s not a loaf of bread in either supermarket.
Tescos looks well scraped
still plenty of whisky and fruitnveg.
I just scored some free food, cos the courtyard cafe closed after lunch
.. most of its customers are pensioners and it is a small space
so it makes sense they close.
The darn pub hasn’t got it’s usual newspapers.
Spare a thought for the ex CEO of York council who will struggling after agreeing to a £400K payment for taking early retirement.
The Liberals have signed off the deal , though I think Labour or Tories were in charge at the start of the dispute.
Indeed Stew. Ever since the Council Tax provided them with a conveniently unattributable yet easily accessed pot of gold, the CEOs and many minions have considered themselves worthy of BBC-level remuneration, significantly more than MPs. And all without so much as a smidgin of shame – while closing libraries due to ‘savage-tory-cuts’.
“Ever since the Council Tax provided them with a conveniently unattributable yet easily accessed pot of gold, ….”
Just you wait until they get their hands on Business Rates as planned.
got this today after reporting a child at risk and their address: (front door regularly broken open, male callers from 7 am until 2am arguing and shouting at the door and standing outside texting etc)
Thank you for your email. To enable us to assist you further please could provide us with mums name and the childs name and age if you know it.
Unfortunately as we do have the details for the child, we would advise that you contact the police on 101 for a child welfare check.
the genuine expertise of local authorities :
Finding a reason not to do something. well done 10 out of 10
and there was me thinking that the police were concerned with crime and your responsibility was child welfare, not shuffling some paperclips around a desk while waiting for a fat pension wrong again
These councils are out of control.
How much of an increase in council tax will you be forced to pay this coming year?
My overall increase is about 3.5% with the cops getting a 5% increase.
And they tell us inflation is only about 2%.
So, what is the council planning to waste this extra money on? I don’t know because it’s almost impossible to get understandable information. But we have just had stupid little green plastic bins imposed on us to collect waste food, at goodness knows what cost.
And what are the cops using all this extra money to do? Certainly not to prevent crime and arrest criminals, if some of the reports on how they refuse to arrest and prosecute shoplifters and bicycle thieves is anything to go by.
The cops, too, are out of control.
Comparisons between countries, and certainly island states and countries, is dubious on almost every level.
However, considering population density, Singapore is worthy of observation, with the state (via the PAP) having a pretty firm control of everything (inc. the media) vs. the kiasu culture of many there.
Yes, Guest, I gather the Police Force in Singapore don’t mess about. You get fined for dropping litter and, especially, dropping chewing gum on pavements.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
There are lots of photos and films on YouTube taken in the period from the late 1800s to the 1970s and they all have one thing in common: they’re all showing white people. Any ethnic is the exception and very few and far between.
That’s the country we’ve had stolen from us. A beautiful country filled with attractive people living normal, peaceful civilised lives, in many cases with an amount of quirkiness and humour.
Completely agree. Our home has been taken from us and if we protest we are accused of racism and hate speech and i think that in future white people who resist even peacefully will be increasingly persecuted.
Boris live now .. live on YouTube
Everyone should minimise contact now
particularly vulnerable groups likes over 70s
.. work from home, minimise social life etc
Particularly target is leaving the London health services not over used
Period of shielding of over 70s will begin in a few days time for 12 weeks
I’m in Wetherspoons right now
Its doing OK for a Monday afternoon.
I came in, did the handwipe thing handed my money over
and used my knuckle for the coffee machine.
and took a well used white mug then sat at table not cleaned, your point being ?
Yep I took a steam cleaned white mug
as per hygeine regulations.
It would not have had any bugs on it.
and didn’t touch my face until I’d washed my hands.
I see no reason for increased mug cleaning cos existing crockery handling procedures already take account of avoiding bug spreading.
I never eat takeaway food I suspect such places often don’t adhere to proper handling procedures.
Can imagine a bloke handling your bix, and then the delivery driver as well.
steam cleaned by a minimum wage employee guarnateed cleaned we are sure, whatever the effects of this virus or any other, its like driving on the M25 which I minimise you can be dead within 10 seconds( I know for a fact) every day we put our trust in other people as you say
“I never eat takeaway food I suspect such places often don’t adhere to proper handling procedures.”
lets just hope the others are trustworthy that a dramaqueen I hear ?
BTW this is Britain we do a proper job, no matter what salary. Even if we are volunteering we follow hygeine regulations.
eg when we serve the pensioners, we have tongs in our clean hands and put the food on their clean paper plate.
When the radio guy recapped he implied that not all over 70s will be shielded by this future request for more isolation, but those with pre-existing health conditions
Guido has helpfully listed 23 MPs who are over 70 now being invited to stay at home – a Mr J Corbyn is amongst them – so we will see how much regard he has for medical advise from the NHS he seems to treat as a Religion …..
as for the news conference – isn’t is terrible that there is no BAMELGBTQUERTY representation to address the needs of the BAMELGBTQUERTY ‘community’ whose needs are going to be so much different when it comes to the chinky bug .
I think it’s sad that I spot this and comment on it – such is the snowflake sickness
Ofcom is proposing to make changes to its BBC Performance Tracker to ensure it remains up-to-date and fit for purpose.
Our BBC Performance Tracker measures viewers and listeners’ perception of and attitudes towards the BBC.
Presumably it is being connected to an electron microscope.
One of our county paper’s editors had a moan on social media.
they are too busy fighting in the bog roll aisles,then going to the basket only aisle with two trolley loads of toilet paper for some bizarre reason, as witnessed this morning, hush yo mouth dat racist innit, Dis is africa look afta numba 1 (until it comes to foreign aid to top up the presidents bently fleet whilst his children starve)
only £3 a week apparently for a starving child in africa which will buy maybe 2 minutes of polishing their thieving corrupt government bentlys and their five wifes mercede s class
true, seen it
and the same corrupt selfish mentality coming to a tesco near you
look at dads army or any historical record and see how things were then and how we have been enriched since then
The government reckons Londonistan is a head of the curve they keep going on about . No real surprise – the tube must be like a Petri dish at the best of times – I used it on and off daily for 40 years but thankfully no longer . No using lifts for me either ….
How serious is the crisis in relation to other flu pandemics? I read that in 1968/9 there was the Hong Kong flu pandemic and that in the UK between 50,000 and 80,000 died of it. I was at school then ,a 16 year old , and I don’t remember school being closed, my granny locked up in her house , football called off , all of which I would remeber if they had happened. So why the hype by the MSM this time round? Is the current pandemic likely to be as deadly as Hong Kong flu was? If so then strong measures are needed but if not is this being overhyped?
My view is that usually every major crisis , be it war or disease , results in a shake up of the world order. Although the Globalists are in power they are being successfully challenged by Populists who represent ordinary folks and democracy. But the Globalists hold all the levers of power and I think they may be exaggerating things via their allies in the MSM to create a crisis much worse than it need be. This will allow them to introduce increasingly draconian measures and help them head off the Populist challenge and consolidate their grip right across the West. Time will tell. In the meantime I am taking sensible precautions.
Our two have just advised the Unis are shutting down.
Feel for them as it’s their finals and all that entails, but what to do?
Shame their rooms are full of stuff after we got flooded.
Double – not sure that I agree – what the bug is showing is practical reasons for solid controlled borders . If , when this event subsides , it can be shown that lack of borders adversely affected the outbreak in hard hit countries ( Italy ) or that solid borders reduced the number of infections – how will a globalist get an electorate to vote for open uncontrolled borders anywhere ?
I got the feeling , watching the press conference , that the MSM is dying to blame BoJo and the Tories for the virus itself . As for the government not invoking legislation yet – the MSM seems to want this . Invoking restriction is far easier than removing it –
So I guess that the government will monitor how people behave from now – but if legal restrictions are bought in I wonder if the state is strong enough to enforce them . Maybe it’s a job for those annoying low lives who buzz around the streets of towns and cities desperate to give out parking tickets ….
I’m trying to recall how established the internet was at the time of 9/11. But is this the first global event where everyone has been wired up to the internet and able to Chuck their tuppeny halfpenny’s worth?
I’m actually being entertained by doom and gloom merchants modelling mortality rates of 39/44/ plus percentages as if those lies are doing any one any good – apart from the need – if such nonsense was true – to buy your own body bag and dig your own grave . Mad panic .
Dr Steve Turley’s latest video reports that Greece has begun building proper concrete walls along its border with muslim Turkey.
And the commies in the Greek government are supporting it.
As Steve Turley says, the globalists are finally losing.
But I don’t think we’ve really begun to drain our swamp; not when the racist far-left bbc collective is still in tact and some of the Remoaner rats were sent to the HoL to parasitise on our taxes.
Have nt seen the numbers for the numbers of peers over 70 but I bet they’ll want a ‘social isolation allowance ‘ just like their turning up fee. I don’t think they’ll be much of a loss to democracy …
Update – a bit of research suggests that over half of peers are over 70 . About 450 …… definitely no visits to the old folks home ….
Even their hideous speaker is over 80
Fed Up,
I see your point re borders but the MSM is so powerful that they can persuade or brainwash a lot of the population into believing any take they want. Already in the Times Boris is reported as abandoning the Populist line of ‘ never taking the advice of experts’ in favour of the sensible approach of doing what the experts advise. Which is just propaganda for Populists are dangerous fools , the established Globalist technocracy knows best. The trick played by the MSM here is lumping all experts together ,epidemiologists , economists, social scientists, climatologists etc and pretending Populists ignore them all.
I was ready to leap on you first sentence but then saw the rest of the comment – which hits the nail on the head
The context of the reliance on ‘experts ‘ isn’t discerned by the MSM – there is a huge difference between medicine and the far more complex factors regarding – say EU membership .
In the case of EU membership the MSM put economy higher than self determination / sovereignty – which has the big mistake that remainers like Miller /grieve et al didn’t recognise .
Depending on the severity of the Chinky Virus ( to misquote POTUS ) the resistance to globalism and the growth of nationalism will continue to be fought .
I bet the EU will use the virus as an excuse for a pan EU medical organisation (European Health Service)
Free for all and paid for by the UK taxpayer – they’ll also be having a full EU fortress border based on that of the Reich – but as I’ve said here – I see the EU as the third reich without the military bit – so far …
Well, chaps from this coming weekend, looks like you lot will be my only outlet to the outside world ! so expect more ramblings from me, and after 3 months under house arrest, my ramblings will really BE ramblings !!!
We will all become Billy No Mates, and become the untouchables.
It had to happen.
On the BBC 1 6 pm ‘Coronavirus news’ we get a feature on community groups standing ready to help.
Guess what community group is featured?
Yes, it’s the As-Suffa group in Birmingham. All Muslim.
And not just any old community group either. See for yourself.
The BBC. They just can’t help themselves.
Even at a time like this.
The main aim of As-Suffa Maktab is to facilitate in instilling Islamic Knowledge and Tarbiyya (inclusive development) for children of the age group 5-16. The objective is to teach children in order to ensure that their understanding and development of Islamic Knowledge is not hindered. As-Suffa Maktab is looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and reliable Head Teacher to provide high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improve standards of learning and achievement for all students.
Not quite the Salvation Army then, who have been working for the homeless for years without a mention from the bbc, unless of course there are Govt grants avialable for trumpets and then I am sure we will suddenly see a desperate need for a muzzie brass band
With the increased burden on the NHS resources maybe more useful turning their ever ready shed loads of protest placards into stretchers
Always worth getting a good book or two lets look at what is on offer:
(aint diversity wonderful mk3)
A few weeks ago, we reported that disgraced former Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya had rebranded as a motivational speaker and written a memoir.
And after reading all 122 pages of Snakes and Adders: A Set Up for the Step Up, we also quickly confirmed that it was amongst the worst political memoirs ever written – a delusional attempt to rewrite the history of her own court case, written with a lack of self awareness.
But this wasn’t just us being cruel, as the savage Amazon reviews for her book make clear. Here are some of the funniest and brutal, one star reviews that we found on the site.
“Incoherent ramblings of a bent MP”
The review Amazon users have deemed the most useful is this pithy one sentence takedown credited to user Richard: “This book should be rated by how long it will burn in a wood stove, because that’s it’s only reason for existence.”
User Sandra72 didn’t even make it to the first page before she gave up: “I read the back page and now want to throw the entire book into the bin. Completely deluded and attempting to profit from a crime.”
iss cos she is black innit
Darcy – looks like she won’t be doing much ‘motivational speaking ‘- except to herself and a mirror ….
I suppose she has remainer friends with their hands on taxpayers cash …
“iss cos she is black innit” And a criminal.
Nasty BBC cherrypicking
our local TV news just played an edited clip from the Marr Sunday interview where the expert said “we are asking the elderly to stay at home”
In their clip they put on 4 reports of that phrase “stay at home” on triple repeat with dramatic blurring
.. They might as well have put Jaws music behind it.
AFAIK that expert did also explain that the elderly wouldn’t be locked in their house and their neighbours and relatives could still come round since the level of isolation would not be 100% but rather a 75% reduction in the variety of people. So you’d be seeing closer relatives more often.
A reminder that Peston on Saturday thought he’d got a leak
and misinformed the world by actually using the word “quarantined”
Like the Bible says
… “There will plagues, floods and Peston-pants”
Mr Peston, isn’t he just another racist far-left bbc reject?
Does quarantine for people, who are well, for four months smack of imprisonment?
I know we have to be careful, but where can we get four months of provisions when the supermarket shelves have been empty of the essentials for at least a fortnight!
I didn’t catch all of Boris’ message of doom and gloom this afternoon, I was at the gym, honing my already magnificent torso, before they’re forced to close their doors due to the corona-virus.
However, I gather that mass assemblies are being discouraged.
No football…
No theatre…
No pubs…oh dear, now that’s the tough one.
I just wondered, was there any mention of mosques being asked to close? I only ask because having lived in Streatham (massive Muzzie population) I know that the bloody places are thronging all day long. And they’re swarming in there for prayers five times a bleedin’ day. There’s hundreds of them in there. In my local we’re lucky to see ten on a Monday night.
So, I tell you what, Boris, I’ll stop going to the pub when Abdul and his cohorts stop going to the mosque.
In theory – no religious gatherings of any types – including the heathen moor . No gym either …I’m in mourning for Paddy’s Day tomorrow – draft cans only …..
“Coronavirus: BBC delays over-75 TV licence fee changes”
If you don’t watch it why should you have pay for it ? Just scrap it altogether.
Its a tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
7:30pm BBC1 Green stuff will feature on some BBC Inside Out editions
– “discussing vegan “leather” with Dr Kerry Senior of Leather UK”
– ‘Why is climate activism so white?’ – focusing on @ExtinctionR & @XrLeicester
They tweeted
” Tactics focused on getting arrested may not appeal to those most likely to be physically hurt – potentially very badly – instead of just charged.”
“The white middle class are more likely to be employed on contracts with sympathetic employers.
Contrast that with the BAME workforce, who are 47% more likely to be on a zero hours contract.
Attending protests costs money
2 in 5 ethnic minorities are in low income households v 1 in 5 whites. That changes priorities from saving the world to your next meal.
Poorer people are less likely to attend protests; more noticeably BAME households..”
East edition- Plastic affects local rivers
East Mids – Is it time climate activism became more diverse?
Southeast Vegan materials item
East Plastic affects local rivers
Northwest – Jacey Normand visits a Manchester ‘confidence consultancy’ that is helping to change the lives of transwomen by offering voice coaching and styling tips.
– Catalytic converter theft a 2 month wait for parts
– Danger to truckers by traffickers at Calais
– London’s Latin-American market to close
West Midlands
– As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War Two nears, are we in danger of losing many of the stories of those who lived through the conflict?
All now in their 90s, Inside Out West Midlands talks to three of those who served on land and at sea and to the daughter who saved and published her POW dad’s diaries, discovered in the attic after he died.
Funny that over the last 12 months air travel was seen as the devil’s own transport all of a sudden it’s such a shame airlines aren’t flying anymore….tossers.
Oh and I’m waiting for someone on the BBC saying……the weather’s bucked up since this virus kicked in…..again tossers
I see that the biased anti British anti white BBC are again pushing the narrative of the nasty white society and the down trodden black person(s).
Black guy and black woman discussing how badly done to they are in this ‘world’ and how they have to work harder and do not get the same life chances as the nasty white people. Then the guy goes home and tells his black dad and white mum that they shouldn’t be letting their young daughter believe that she could become a (climate!) scientist because she is black init. What a load of tosh. You’ve only got to look at most of the ads on tv to see that blacks have more opportunities than the whites nowadays.
“A medical devices maker has cast doubt on using non-specialist manufacturers to produce more ventilators.”
There is a war on, think positive, it must be done ! Adopt a ‘can do mentality’.
Get the great industrial might and minds of Great Britain behind it .
We did it in WW2 and we can do it again.
Begin by ditching the defeatists at Al Beeb.
Get rid of Al Beeb !
It can be done. It can be broken down into constituent parts each one is simple to make, then gradually brought together as small sub assembly’s into larger assembly’s it’s not difficult !!
You can predict the coming sneers
Not enough money being injected into the economy ( compared to much better countries than the U.K.)
NHS forever failing
Respiration kit not being made in adapted factories
Contrary or changing advise
Why arnt laws being passed to ban something ?
Someone breaking a ban and nothing being done about it
Moaning medics
Ethnic heroism ( not whitee)
Some section getting less than another
Why isn’t more being done about ( fill in as applicable ) ?
And of course, ” we must, must have more laws to force people to do things they don’t want to do”.
Denmark has apparently passed a law that forces people to have a vaccine against the virus. Even though there is no such vaccine.
I saw an article somewhere saying that Africa had closed its doors on Europe. Amazing that these doors can only close on one side.
Bloody virus!As I am in my seventies my daughter is no longer taking me shopping with her.She has told me to stay at home to reduce risk of getting infected,then delivers my shopping.Given the fact that I live in a care home with 40 other residents, who all have regular visits from family and care workers I am probably safer outside!Not BBC at the weekend but on SKY, their female correspondent in Italy,was in Rome at a hotel that was struggling with visitor numbers down.The female reporter attempted to shake the owners hand which he politely declined.The reporter then went inside the hotel and climbed the stairs,holding onto the hand rail!Makes you wonder about the common sense of these media people.
I’m so Jelous lordy, I dread my daughter taking me shopping and if my grandaughter is there as well then It can directly impact the Spanish economy as I bank with Santander.
I do sometimes think they are both part of a Basque separatists slepper cell bent on destroying the Spanish economy through taking me shopping !!
“These are special times and need special measures. As from tomorrow the BBC has been given full responsibility for managing the coronavirus response in the UK. Of course, with responsibility comes accountability which may, in the future, result in some senior BBC personnel facing long prison terms”.
If only!
The BBC News cointinues to try and undermine the Goverment. Maybe it’s just me but there is no link to an Gov or NHS web page. If this was a war situation would the BBC be allowed to report like this?
At the start of the thread, I posted a tweet from A Marr.
I tracked down the original Italian report. It can be downloaded and translated using –
Figure 2 suggests more female fatalities (perhaps because of the way Italian society functions)
Over 90% of fatalities are in people over 70 because of impaired immune systems and other conditions most often found in that group.
see also –
BBC breakfast in the background and (as was always the case) I’m hearing a clip from Michelle O’Neill – never from Arlene Foster.
Incidentally, You won’t see this on BBC –
Katty channels her inner Steve McCroskey..
The population via the telly tax actually fund individuals like this ‘Katty Kay’ and her mental, warped outlook.
Ratty Katty should speak to John Sweeney about the beneficial effects of Kir Royals. Maybe they’ll have the same result for her.
Happy St Patrick’s Day – pubs being closed in Ireland is as likely as water flowing up hill …..
Should we be surprised by the MSM s reaction to an Event which is So Out Of The Ordinary ? It applies the same techniques to undermining the Government by searching around for ‘former ‘ people to stick in front of the camera and say that the medical advise is wrong .
So what does this achieve ? Nothing – apart from heightening fear which is already there.
I don’t think Blighty is a ‘positive ‘ country any more – ( BoJo has tried in the light of Brexit – but that light seems gone ).
. I suppose a combination of international decline , the MSM Liberal blame culture and welfare entitlement , as well as the importation of various alien cultures has contributed to this .
The virus will be dealt with and pass . But in the short term the MSM is just piling on the panic with people hanging on every word .
Agree Fedup
funny thing is that almost everyone I talk to has the same view…it appears that only the MSM are hysterical..
XR noticing the salaries at corporate level dipping as the PR stunts fail to capture the same headlines, or backfire?
Methinks the environmental panic has been displaced by the virus panic – and with a bit of luck we ll hear less about a fictitious ‘climate emergency ‘.
Their ‘pause’ stunt backfired badly.
Between the unhealthy coordinated packs of professional activists, unprofessional media and mentally deficient political classes addicted to tv studios desperate for heat over light, this country is being served poorly.
Desperate much?
They may have more PR people than 38 Degrees and Compass have ‘teams’.
XR’s Man in the BBC stays true…
Once again, emphasis on the ‘could’
Have not these so-called experts, lobby groups and general doom mongers been telling us for at least the last thirty years that something is going to collapse, disappear, become extinct, or worse.
Norm, Sadiq and VD walk into a bar…
But Katty has already necked all the red.
Dear VD (Veneral Disease?)
It wouldn’t be a crisis if you and your ill informed colleagues masquerading as ‘journalists’ just spoke facts rather than using the terms ‘could’ ‘may’ if’ ‘has’ at the start of every article…
So much for Priti Patel who has obviously failed as a Home Secretary to support these children
Followed by a BBC ‘should say’.
What does £5,000,000,000 inject to the country at the cost of sticking 20,000 overpaid knobs on the BBC Ark?
All MSM TV and radio off…..I am self isolating…..from hysteria…
BBC Production meeting: ‘We need more divisive bashing’
BBC Head of Caution: ‘Yes, but we need to do it via a ‘quote’ from a safe pair of hands’.
BBC Production meeting chorus: ‘David Miliband!’
Yes, that David Milliband interview was painfully typical BBC. Its leading questions were carefully crafted to give Miliband the chance to tell us all about the need for more supranational government to handle the crisis and to give him the opportunity to get a dig in against brexit and Trump.
But I thought the real bias was where the presenter asked what supranational organisations could do better than the UK government and Milliband had 3 bullet points ready. Nicely lined up, he was ready to answer perfectly with no hesitation. No way do I believe this was spontaneous. He had definitely been told the precise question he was going to be asked before the interview.
I appreciate you’ve got to brief your guests on the subject to be discussed on a radio show. But this was definitely way beyond that. I actually suspect Miliband might have handed the question himself to the BBC – it just happened to suit his global socialist world view too well.
John Redwood’s diary today is pertinent, but in showing how Al Beeb shows its bias.
Peter – thank you for that excellent link and Mr Redwood – with his years of ‘ combat experience ‘ with a hostile biased BBC knows his onions .
The tactics interviewers use to undermine they ‘ victim ‘ ( not interviewee in my view ) must be straight out of the BBC journo school textbook .
They must hate John Redwood because he remains calm and uses words to explain stuff to the audience – whatever the nature of the abuse .
The reply comments are also worthy – and I’d join with the view that politicians should choose their moment and return the hostility ( the problem there being that the bbbc clone will go with ‘ now the weather ‘)
Millipede and his ilks rotten global socialist controlling view of the world was soundly rejected at the last election (with the exception of a few in Londonistan and other inner city strongholds).
His narrative regarding supranational government is diametrically opposed to what should be happening.
Nations need to double down on border control and identification of persons entering their sovereign territories.
Health, Education, Defence & law/order are the primary responsibilities of Government.
Our current crop of cowardly Tories and many in the Anti-Beeb would do well to remember this.
Conspiracy theories aside (difficult to avoid them), Miliband is merely espousing and promoting the internationalist/globalist agenda of The Trilateral Commission, of which he (and Starmer) are members.
Mr Miliband’s father was a communist. Communism is internationalist; ie globalist/ one world government. The apple never falls far from the tree.
I believe I heard on the bbc news this morning that we would have 250,000 deaths if we did not change (or was it had not now changed) our handling of the covid 19 virus.
How does this compare with China and her population over 20 times that of the UK having a death count of just over 3,200.
Also, I hear Idris Elba has tested positive yet he has no symptoms.
How did he get a test?
Are they readily available for us all?
Why does he think he’s important enough to tell us on social media ? I couldn’t give a toss ! But I can see testing positive being a badge of honour for these slebs, who hope it will ‘up their profile’ if reality shows are cancelled 🙂
Yep – I couldn’t give a t***. Why do celebs think they are important news? He will keep everyone updated on how he is doing..yes because forced isolation to the likes of celebs is like sunlight to Dracula
Idris tweeted
AFAIK if you were in direct contact with a person who had been diagnosed in the first phase, you would be in line to get tested.
But you don’t get tested just cos you’ve been in contact with someone who self diagnosed
Dear Idris,
I’m not panicking. Far from it old chap.
The ‘someone’ was non-other than Ms Grégoire Trudeau
“She shared a stage with former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and singer Leona Lewis. Other guests at the event included celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, actor Idris Elba and Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton.”
Bird of a feather flock together.
judging by the look on his partners face, looks like they have already run out of bog roll
Listening to Today this morning I was getting really annoyed with the quality of the narrative. Too many people have a really poor grasp of the English language when it comes to verbs. They ‘do’ this and ‘do’ that, and don’t seem to know any other doing words.
I’d just come to the conclusion that it could be a useful rule of thumb to discount the views, opinions and advice that eminated from such persons when Today finished and a new programme called The Patch began, with the words “Me and my producer decided….”. And that person potentially has a degree in English.
@infoquest the more metroliberal media you watch
.. the more disinformed you are.
How Did Coronavirus Start?
Apologies if the article has already been posted, but a Facebook ban seemed a good reason for displaying it on this site.
One can always see the quality of the MSM, especially the bbc, when an emergency arises, noticed this in the Gulf Wars, so many errs and umms without a script, quite embarrassing to watch them struggle with basic language skills, desperately trying to evade the camera and perform their basic function
Regarding their wurld klass gernalissts.
RE Tommy Robinson and the bbc’s obsession with the real name of ONE individual, let’s have some equity here:
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah (born 25 February 1975), better known as Naga Munchetty
Dear bbc can we have that dribbled out as often as you do with TR or are there different rules for those of a dusky disposition ?
any wonder they are getting a reputation as racist ?
Heres a good un to use also
Stormzy · Official name
Michael Ebenazer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr
Or Prince, artist formerly known as twat
real name Mr Dublin Gobshite esq
Which ‘Prince’ would that be – there’s a couple that would answer that description !
The Jimi Hendrix karaoke act without the ability, talent or much else but he had a jacket that looks a bit like him
Darcy/west – when I wrote a full name of someone here I was labelled ‘ a racist ‘ for doing so . How much sleep do you think I lost by being trolled in such a way ?
I was rather proud that I could now evidence how the truth is being used by members of the race industry
Speaking of which – the valued mouthpieces of the race industry must be desperately looking for an angle to get themselves back on the airways again now that they have been displaced by that new species – which I shall call
‘ the moaning medic ‘
Who is gladly put on the MSM to winge about shortages of protective kit ( probably being stolen by other health professionals )
I suspect Fed, that like me you sleep very well at night.
Lets not worry to much about being labelled a racist by the bridge dwellers. Its a term bandied about so much nowadays its lost all its meaning.
I think it was Thomas Sewell who said that ‘the word ‘racist’ is like ketchup; it covers everything’.
The first mention on Twitter was June 2012
Dr Thomas Sewell – ‘A Political Glossary’ (a five-minute read!).
He talks about the words faireness, fair trade, fair, fair share, more, racism, racist, compassion, mean-spirited, greedy, the hungry, earlier and simpler times.
There’s nothing wrong with being a racist.
In fact suppressing our natural instincts to protect our own race has brought our country to the sorry state it is now in.
In Africa the black racists get away with it by re labelling it tribalism, bit like the muslim, anti fa / labour racists and antisemitism
To act in a racist way is wrong
Cos the principle of equality is that you treat people as individuals, not by means of grouping them by their skin colour.
No one immediately has good or bad qualities by their skin colour.
.. There are plenty of bad white people.
IMHO Saying something that sounds racist should be legal
#1 You need to have the freedom to be wrong
#2 You need to have the freedom to offend, cos otherwise people will twist your political point to say it is “racist” and therefore should be shut down.
I call that bullying by taking offence.
Fed, kindly allow me to make a small correction to this “I was rather proud that I could now evidence how the truth is being
usedmisused by members of the race industry.”Today’s Yorkshire Post
“I should have backed Naga” says Dan Walker in the Radio Times .
Is that news, .. or is it PR ?
Surely now gov should be marshalling operation redeploy
eg waiters become Tesco delivery drivers etc.
We shouldn’t have staff laid off in one biz
whilst the same biz or another needs MORE staff for a NEW purpose.
Those dishonest, devious Chinese are trying to desperately wriggle out of any responsibility for ‘their’ virus: Corvid – 19. They’ve been manipulating the MSM, World Health Organisation and other World Government departments such as the UN to that end. So now, their Communist supporting acolytes are claiming that the POTUS’ use of the expression, “Chinese Virus” is xenophobic.
What ‘our’ President does which the MSM detest, is to call out those Marxists who are working their way toward control the Western way of life.
I think that, in a small way, we should all take on the responsibility for joining the POTUS in referring to the “Chinese Virus” whenever possible – at least because that’s the truth.
Pandemics and diseases are commonly referred to using their place of geographic option or where they are associated with. Hence: Ebola (after the Ebola river in the Congo); German Measles (see if you can guess); MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome); Hong Kong flu etc. Sometimes it is inaccurate; for instance, the Spanish flu did not originate in Spain, but whereas most countries censored the existence of the problem, Spain did not and hence it became associated with them. All of these names are widely recognised and used by the World Health Organisation themselves.
It is perfectly legitimate for the US President to describe the current problem as ‘the Chinese virus’ as it is and will forever be intimately associated with that country. In itself it does not cast any assertions on that country or its policies, how the disease originated, much less on its people. We do not stigmatise Germans because of German Measles, Spaniards because of the Spanish flu, or people from the Middle East because of MERS. The fact that the WHO spent so much time debating a name for the disease, rather than declaring it a pandemic at an earlier stage, is far more of an issue.
Ian, you are quite right.
I can remember countries terrified of catching the British Disease in the 1970s and 1980s. It was best exemplified on BBC TV in the 1960s with the late Miriam Karlin playing a Union Shop Steward. “Right, I’m calling a strike.” Whistle blows. “Everybody out!”
Bojo could use her right now, blowing her whistle and yelling “Everybody in! Especially if you are over 70 years of age.”
Do they not deserve a special word like our muslims demand ?
contributions are invited, I will start with “sinophobia”
“an irrational fear of those consuming the genitals of endangered species”
‘Asian flu’?
‘A man flu’
yellow and jewish racism is acceptable in the msm, probably because they just get on with life and are not forever whingeing or dancing around a burning flag
BBC, this morning, one of the lady newsreaders (can’t remember who) was interviewing a WHO representative and spent the whole of the interview practically begging the guy to criticise the UK government – she twisted this way and that, but it was clear she was absolutely NOT trying to inform the public – but simply trying to elicit a ‘bombshell’ headline which excoriated the UK government. Nothing else. It was so blatant it was untrue. But it is now absolutely par for the course for the BBC.
This morning, I picked up from a BBC radio programme playing in the background whilst I was doing some work, that it was ‘answering your questions about the coronavirus pandemic’, and the hostess read out an e-mail from some numpty who asked whether, in the current circumstances, he was allowed to go out on his own for a drive in his car. It took two milliseconds or so for one of the experts the BBC had brought along to inform the public, to say ‘Yes’.
But it’s the inanity of all this garbage purporting to be ‘confusion’ that’s being liberally sown by the BBC as part of the ‘government incompetence’ meme now suffusing that body.
Let’s just think for a moment – some guy, who was capable of switching on a radio, had heard about this programme, had the capability to write an email and expect an ‘on-the-air’ reply……but hadn’t a clue as to whether he was still allowed to go out and about, in his own car, unacompanied. How the hell can he be that confused, given the lengths he went to to get on the radio ?
Maybe he just shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of a complex couple of tons of steel with that level of confusion.
Lets face it Richard, numpties like this caller you eloquently identify and the Anti-BBC are part of the problem in all this.
Regarding the car point, I’ve always been of the opinion that driving is right at the end of most peoples cognitive, physical and mental abilities.
still trying to identify the device in white vans that disables the frontal lobe and directs them to the nearest dogging spot and / or fly tipping site
Anyone else noticed that BBC News website Coronavirus articles/homepage links about the symptoms/self isolation are illustrated by white people but any mention of community spirit/helping others is illustrated by blacks/Muslims?
It is a usual BBC tactic to show BAME helping the useless white folk.
Example of white person illustraing self isolation
Example of a needy white old man
Example of a strong BAME doctor helping us
BBC Editorial Guidelines, Volume 12, Chapter 3, Section 13:
‘Wherever possible, BAME people should be portrayed in a positive light, showing the contributions they make to British society. This should also extend to ‘neutral’ stories, where ethnicity is not a factor; for example, stories about libraries, gardening, shopping or other everyday aspects of life should be illustrated with BAME subjects wherever possible, regardless of relevance or applicability. If it is absolutely necessary to use a photograph of a white person, this should prefereably be of a woman, ideally aged around 30″
“Likewise, negative stories should be illustrated by depictions of white people. For instance, a story on inner-city knife crime could use a photograph of a white hand holding a knife, regardless of accuracy or relevance to the story. Older white people should be shown as ‘problematic’, for example being reactionary, prejudiced, using up NHS resources or otherwise holding back younger and more deserving people”.
“In stories involving babies and children, ensure that BAME young people are massively over-represented. For instance, in a story about schools, use a photograph taken in an inner-city London school where 90% of the pupils are BAME. If reporting on a specific school elsewhere in the country, where there may only be a small number of BAME pupils, ensure that they appear in the front and middle of the photograph. If Muslim girls are present, encourage them to wear headscarves, even if they do not normally do so.”
“When showing couples, always aim for a same-sex couple. If this is not appropriate (and ask yourself ‘why not?’), use an inter-racial heterosexual couple with a black male and a white female.”
The above references are fabricated. But you can pretty much guarantee that something like this is going on.
Black ops. Or should that be brown ops?
I can’t help myself
The Guardian has a headline saying
‘France on a war footing ‘
Best dig out the white flags from the last time then !
Why are French roads lined with trees? … etc.
“last times….” surely?
Interesting isn’t it? Oh, how we scoffed.
Cameron, 9 May 2016
David Cameron: Brexit could lead to Europe descending into war
Macron, 16 March, 2020
“We are at war,” said President Emmanuel Macron on Monday evening in a speech to the French people.
Question remains, who exactly is Europe at war with?
“Uganda’s Kanungu cult massacre that killed 700 followers
By Patience Atuhaire
BBC News, Kanungu
17 March 2020”
Members of a loopy Christian sect burn a church.
BBC must be struggling to find UK Christians to demonise.
Or merely to fill some space.
Hint to the BBC, look up the Religion of Peace website.
You will find murders and massacres reported every day.
Website run on a shoestring.
Imagine if the ROP website had £4+ Billion pa guaranteed income.
They could do the job that the lying Marxists at AlBeeb have avoided for decades.
Although not watching the BBC until after Easter – I trawl through the listings to see if there’s anything decent on – like a film –
Instead – one night next week BBC is putting on a programme called
“My left nut “
“ Teenager Mick discovers a swelling on his test Icke and attempts to hide it . Contains strong language “
I can guess what the “strong language “ will be ..
It doesn’t say whether it’s a documentary , a non comedy or something for homosexuals. But it clashes with news night .
F2 I thought lent was all about avoiding something that one likes or enjoys…..but it will do wonders for your immune system
Darcy – with one line my achievement has been destroyed . At least I’ve got a ‘fasting ‘ one in reserve which I’ve managed to stick to for a very long 24 hours per week ….
I have decided to limit my access to the Muslim Council of Britain, shares in Currys are going down thanks to less demand for replacement keyboards
The male anatomy is there to be laughed at or ridiculed. Ask Nigel Farage, when asked by a smirking female journalist which testicle he had removed because of cancer, he wiped the nasty smile off her face by asking if she would like to have a look and check for herself. Now reverse that for a male journalist asking a female political leader which breast she had removed because of her cancer.
Men are easy prey, with the gays and feminists infesting the bbc they are easy targets for all kinds of abuse.
Yes, sometimes wish I was a journalist so I could ask “battery acid” Jo Brand, who has made a career out of hurling abuse and snide at her husband, how she managed to find matrimony with a face like a witch doctor’s rattle
possibly something to do with the white stick and labrador in her hallway
stick her on the Bake off and see if there is anything left to judge after 5 minutes
although unlikely even the bbc could afford her with a one page contract and 50 pages of dressing room riders for Greggs and Pizza Hut
Whenever I see Jo Brand I see her in her role as one of the ‘Greenham Common women’ whose arrival in any of Newbury’s shops was preceded by an aroma of sweat, wood-smoke and soiled underwear.
In other words his reply was essentially, ‘…the ball’s in your court madam.’
It’s a joke of course
using the title of the more famous film “My Left Foot”
Sit-rep : In the small town life seems pretty normal
Plenty of people on the high street
that is normal on a sunny day, cos people know that most days have bad weather , so they always make the most of good weather.
No huge evidence of shortages
previously underused shelves now have wipes on that have been brought out of the warehouse
Toilet rolls are on the shelves, but sales are high , cos they keep having to restock.
I didn’t think pensioners would turn up for the coffee morning, but only 3 didn’t.
And most want to come next week
and the council haven’t sent any ruling.
Moist are neighbours, so this is their inner circle. They have cancelled their outer signal events.
One shopkeeper was blaming Boris, for only making bar closures advisory not a rule.
I don’t agree with him.
But the hospital has just tightened visiting restrictions
“We are limiting visiting to two people per patient between 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm.
No children under the age of 16.”
The hospital visiting used to have those rules decades ago, when nurses wore ‘proper’ uniforms and hats, disinfectant filled the air, and Matron ruled with an iron fist. Oh yes, and visitors did at least turn up looking clean and smartly dressed – unlike now when nurses look no different to supermarket staff, and visitors bring all their kids along at anytime during the day after lunch, and most wouldn’t look out of place on a building site !
ah update : the reason that town looks busyish
is cos all the pensioners have been down the supermarkets stockingup / panicbuying
There’s not a loaf of bread in either supermarket.
Tescos looks well scraped
still plenty of whisky and fruitnveg.
I just scored some free food, cos the courtyard cafe closed after lunch
.. most of its customers are pensioners and it is a small space
so it makes sense they close.
The darn pub hasn’t got it’s usual newspapers.
Spare a thought for the ex CEO of York council who will struggling after agreeing to a £400K payment for taking early retirement.
The Liberals have signed off the deal , though I think Labour or Tories were in charge at the start of the dispute.
Indeed Stew. Ever since the Council Tax provided them with a conveniently unattributable yet easily accessed pot of gold, the CEOs and many minions have considered themselves worthy of BBC-level remuneration, significantly more than MPs. And all without so much as a smidgin of shame – while closing libraries due to ‘savage-tory-cuts’.
“Ever since the Council Tax provided them with a conveniently unattributable yet easily accessed pot of gold, ….”
Just you wait until they get their hands on Business Rates as planned.
got this today after reporting a child at risk and their address: (front door regularly broken open, male callers from 7 am until 2am arguing and shouting at the door and standing outside texting etc)
Thank you for your email. To enable us to assist you further please could provide us with mums name and the childs name and age if you know it.
Unfortunately as we do have the details for the child, we would advise that you contact the police on 101 for a child welfare check.
the genuine expertise of local authorities :
Finding a reason not to do something. well done 10 out of 10
and there was me thinking that the police were concerned with crime and your responsibility was child welfare, not shuffling some paperclips around a desk while waiting for a fat pension wrong again
The wake up call to the West and in particular, the US as regards the true status of any relationship with China –
The asnswer to that may be connected to why is the grass so green in Ireland ?
becasue they are all over here trampling on ours
I wonder what the demographics of crime are in Huddersfield is ?
something is causing residents to leave.
The community centre shooting were all 12 and 13 year olds so no ethnicities are mentioned.
So i turn the page.
Do I get a story about how local councils in the area are targeting crime ?
Nope I get this
These councils are out of control.
How much of an increase in council tax will you be forced to pay this coming year?
My overall increase is about 3.5% with the cops getting a 5% increase.
And they tell us inflation is only about 2%.
So, what is the council planning to waste this extra money on? I don’t know because it’s almost impossible to get understandable information. But we have just had stupid little green plastic bins imposed on us to collect waste food, at goodness knows what cost.
And what are the cops using all this extra money to do? Certainly not to prevent crime and arrest criminals, if some of the reports on how they refuse to arrest and prosecute shoplifters and bicycle thieves is anything to go by.
The cops, too, are out of control.
Interesting way to combat hand sanitiser problem.
Free 500ml to every household. Problem here would be the shysters who would find a way to abuse it and the beeb who would find a way to call it something-ist
gb123, population of 6m in Singapore is a bit different to at least 11 times that – 66million.
Comparisons between countries, and certainly island states and countries, is dubious on almost every level.
However, considering population density, Singapore is worthy of observation, with the state (via the PAP) having a pretty firm control of everything (inc. the media) vs. the kiasu culture of many there.
Yes, Guest, I gather the Police Force in Singapore don’t mess about. You get fined for dropping litter and, especially, dropping chewing gum on pavements.