How will those living in self isolation because of the Chinese Virus view the Far Left Biased BBC after a few days of enforced listening and watching ? I’m referring to those not regularly exposed to the monster and suffering it for long periods . I think we ll be getting more recruits .
Midweek Thread 18 March 2020
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Er , has anyone heard from , or heard about Greta lately ?
BBC , have you dropped her ?
The next protest gathering about climate change is when ?
You have this to look forward to!
Apparantly in January the department of health ran a flu pandemic excercise and determined that there were insufficient ventilators. Then the Coronavirus arrived and despite being in possession of the facts, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories whose to do what they always choose unless forced otherwise – to do nothing!
And now as a result they are running around like headless chickens not knowing what to do, and where ever possible doing – nothing!
Even Nigel Farage has commented on how utterly hopeless this shower are, in failing to make any kind of difficult choice what so ever.
This man, Gregory Mannarino, has some interesting things to say about the global nature of what is happening concerning the China virus, the fall in the price of crude oil and worldwide panic and economic shutdown.
This 15 minute video is just one of his, his latest. It’s worth a listen.
One observation of mine: many people are telling us to buy gold and silver. From what I can see, it’s too late, there’s none for sale.
The gold price initially rose, j-i-c, as the oil price collapsed but in the last week or so gold is down $200 approx.. This afto’s fix is the first rise in a while.
Don’t put your faith in silver and gold. Seem to remember an old song line ‘a loaf of bread would buy a bag of gold’. Larry Norman, was it? I dimly remember ‘I wish we’d all been ready’?
Up2snuff, I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. I was checking some of the sellers of gold and silver and it seems it doesn’t matter how much the gold price is fixed by the LBMA, there’s none for sale for the likes of you and me.
Another thought has crossed my mind though:
Remember all the reports during the Dubya Bush and Bathhouse Barry years of FEMA buying 30,000 guillotines and hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins? I wonder what has happened to them?
j-i-c, yes, the difficulty of ordinary people buying gold goes back to the aftermath of the public bullion sale days of Johnson Matthey, if I recall correctly.
If my memory serves me well, some high earning people discovered that there was a loophole in the UK Tax Code (and maybe also the US Tax Code) and that if they were paid in gold bars they could escape some of the higher Income Taxes or Income Tax altogether. Needless to say, there was quite a fuss and the tax rules were tightened by Geoffrey Howe. Hope I have remembered that right. E&O.E! 😉
An alternative way to buy gold in the UK is to buy either gold sovereigns or jewellery. If you are after silver, then it’s old teapots and other household articles to go for.
The hysterical BBC coverage of the deadly virus comes as no surprise. I want to mention another virus which has quietly been spreading on UK news outlets.
Far left bias virus – will not kill.
The BBC being the undisputed super spreader. Why or how Sky News contracted the damn thing is a mystery, unless it was a result of drug induced focus group meeting hosted by a professor or Greta.
It has devastated alternative opinions to the extent that if you want UK news then a Russia Today inoculation is required.
Is now not the time for the Government to issue a mandate to the bBC…either
1) abide by your agreement to maintain the free Licence for all over 75 0r;
2) Reduce your workforce and costs to facilitate 1.
My Mum 92 is a Norman Smith hater and she points out much of the daytime programmes are repeats already paid for.
She has had 2 GoonShow; letters so far…..I am trying to get her on the Pension credit …..the type 2 Personal savings bit….anyone any luck? with this
Vine & Kuenssberg trying to MAKE the news
rather than just report it
‘Tge Scottish government has said it will close schools
… so it seems unlikely that England will be able to resist
so we expect in the Cobra meeting at 4:45pm
to say schools in England will be closed’
“The BBC licence fee is a “dumb” anachronism, Greg Dyke, the former director-general, said as he added his voice to those calling for it to be scrapped.”,17755.0.html
Is he playing the ( hideous) white man for a change?
Bully boy John Bercow
‘flew into rage’ with staff after his toothpaste was confiscated at airport, new book claims. via @PoliticsHome
A judge who knows Keir Starmer has donated £100,000 to Starmer Leadership campaign. The Rich stick together
judge’s guidelines say they should stick away from politics
but it is not a rule.
Wasn’t Mr Starmer the Attorney General under the last Labour government?
So, goodness knows what machinations he and the lefty judiciary were getting up to at the time.
He was the Director of Public Prosecutions. That is why he was knighted.
It is a travesty that having been DPP he should have gone into party politics, but you will never hear the BBC questioning him about this.
There are no enemies on the left.
Here is the bBC’s newly announced game plan to save the nation (or, as they see it, themselves).
“BBC sets out plan to inform, educate and entertain during unprecedented times”
In these challenging times …
“We need to pull together to get through this. That’s why the BBC will be using all of its resources – channels, stations and output – to help keep the nation informed, educated and entertained. We are making a series of changes to our output to achieve that.
We will help people in the UK deal with the impact of the crisis on their own lives, by providing advice, education and support.
Initiatives include:
Launching a virtual church service on Sunday mornings across local radio in England, led initially by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Subject to outside broadcast capacity and our partners, we will aim to broadcast a weekly Sunday morning church service on BBC One, and explore how to support other religions and denominations, including in the run-up to Ramadan.
Truth comes to BBC journo whilst she is making
*Think of the Children refugee show*
BBC journalist Sue Mitchell and ex-soldier turned good Samaritan Rob Lawrie thought they were dealing with the heartbreaking but fairly straightforward story of an Afghan father and his motherless daughter as they struggled to get to Britain.
But the following four years saw Sue and Rob fall into a web of lies and life-altering, mind changing events
The father and daughter who are living in Scotland with asylum had cheated.
They hadn’t just come from Afghanistan fleeing Taliban death threats.
the father and mother had actually been living in Iran for 20+ years since they were children
– The mother wasn’t dead she’s alive the BBC spoke to her.
Aren’t they ideal candidates for deportation?
And the fake Afghans too.
The ‘Chinese Virus’ –
Current cure thinking:
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Former, pence per pill in the UK, over the counter.
Monday : The Times corrections page repeated its apology to the Muslim Lewisham scoutmaster
Link does not work. ?
BBC PR have put out a 4 tweet thread
‘Trusted news and information’ – interesting phrase.
The big contradiction of the BBC is that on the one hand it likes to champion various ’causes’ and on the other, it claims it’s a ‘trusted’ bastion of the unbiased ‘truth’.
Can’t be both a fierce proponent of any specific cause (let alone dozens of them) AND claim unbiased impartiality – it’s not physically possible.
It’s a bit like an outspoken and dedicated football fan of a particular team saying “People know they can trust me to referee matches, because I’m totally impartial.” They might even believe they are impartial, but…
Over on Talk Radio there has just been an interview with the “comedian” Russel Kane.
Apparently he is to host a new “game” show “DEVELOPED WITH THE BBC”, where they take a person in history and then “debate” whether or not their “good” contribution to society outweighs the “evil” that they bestowed upon us. At the end of the “show” the (no doubt carefully selected) audience will cast their votes and decide their fate. Should they then be regarded as a hero or a villain?
Well we all know where that one is heading don’t we. A liberal hate fest directed at historical white people whilst no doubt championing the non white, non indigenous “contributors” to our society.
I will anticipate that this retrospective kangaroo court will then create a Twitter storm of hate towards said historical individuals and then demand that their artwork, statues etc are removed from our society and condemned to the dustbin of non pc history.
So there you have it, the biased anti British BBC rewriting history to suit their far left libtard agenda. I rather doubt they will stop at historical figures though. I suspect the POTUS and Boris will feature at some point and be trialed by the non appointed judges of the liberal left and the BBC eat al.
This is a disgusting idea for so called entertainment.I wonder what lowlife thought up that. Russel Kane is a unfunny, lefty BBC type ‘comedian, what else would he be working for them.
This is getting out of hand the BBC obviously thinks it can say what it wants and do whatever it likes. It surely takes a total Marxist to think this up.
This current trend of rewriting history is one of the things that riles me the most about the BBC.
“History is written by the victors” goes the adage, in fact, history is written by historians, usually in return for some kind of patronage/income from book sales. Which is why no history can really be trusted, and it’s always got some kind of bias/slant, but reworking it simply to suit your latest ‘woke’ agenda, seems particularly duplicitous to me.
Russel Kane said he thought of it after a night out when he and a few others returned home and watched a film by a “certain producer who he won’t name who has just got into trouble” (so Harvey Weinstein then!). He said they had the discussion “should we even be watching a film by him”.
His prog “Evil Genius” is NOT new
There have been 43 episodes
Coronavirus: BBC revamps broadcast plans amid outbreak
The BBC has announced it will focus more of its programmes, including The One Show, on the coronavirus outbreak.
PS and dont forget..
BBC Radio 5 Live will host regular coronavirus phone-ins
They will try to use it to back their claim they are a useful public service broadcaster…..
agree how much more do we need..and let’s face it the BBC just repeat the same items throughout the day…
I am sick of corona phone ins…they are usually whingy blobs…I really don’t care if they are worried or have somebody to worry about –
They will try to use it to back their claim they are a useful public service broadcaster…..
agree how much more do we need..and let’s face it the BBC just repeat the same items throughout the day…
I am sick of corona phone ins…they are usually whingy blobs…I really don’t care if they are worried or have somebody to worry about –
The Times yesterday reported
A far right terrorist who became a Muslim extremist and befriended the Streatham knifeman behind bars has had his release postponed in the first case of its kind since a spate of attacks by former inmates.
The ‘model’ prisoner who befriended Streatham knifeman Sudesh Amman whilst
They say that the guy must be called X
This sounds like a metroliberal fantasy idea
I the real world tgere are
#1 genuine terrorist groups
#2 lone psycho nutters
Surely it’s almost obvious that X is a psycho nutter not a genuine terrorist.
I presume that metrolibs class any white psych who has waved a Union Jack, as a far right terrorist
otherwise they’d have to face up to the truth that in genuine terrorist stats almost all terrorists are Islamic inspired , followed by animal/eco terrorists, then socialist/communist groups like Shining Path
Just heard that Scotland , Wales and no doubt England will feel they have to follow them into closing schools on Friday. I think it’s a stupid idea, we will have kids running about everywhere spreading the virus no doubt about that. Their parents either having to stop working or the grandparents who are told not to mix with people having to look after them. They break up for Easter in 2 weeks so I dont see the rush now. I do know that parents who have to stop work to look after them will just decide to stay off and say they have cold or cough to their employers. At least in school the children are in one place, learning, being told to keep washing hands and the parents can earn.
ITV is remaking Belgium’s Professor T , the philosophy lecturer police drama series.
and set to use Rob Brydon.
… That’s daft cos Channel4 airs the Belgian original
it doesn’t need remaking
The Times says The Charity Commission reports
” Stamford Hill Orthodox Jewish charity finance boss laundered £10m through selling ‘dangerous’ fake Viagra and diet pills”
Is that news ?
The actual court case was done and reported in July 2019
If it was fake Viagra then it won’t stand up in Court !
Haha Charlie. Excellent!
I’m hearing a lot of the deaths on the radio that are being reported are people who died “with the corona virus”. Now again on the BBC home page: Man in 40s ‘youngest UK coronavirus death.’
A man in his 40s “is thought to be the youngest person in the UK to have died having tested positive for coronavirus.” Craig Ruston’s chest infection was diagnosed as Covid-19. Except he also suffered from motor neurone disease — and in June 2018 he was given two years to live.
What criteria were used to determine the cause of death? Are the media explaining co-morbidity in all this frenzy? Is this just typical BBC irresponsible journalism, a bigger issue with misunderstanding clinical diagnostics or is something weirder going on…?
You are right – I noticed last dies and found to have CV-19.. he was very old and had underlying health conditions…was a sub text…as I try to explain to students …causation or correlation.
Man dies wearing a tie – people warned not to wear ties…
The BBC and other MSM are the biggest problem I can see with the developing hysteria
But what is it with toilet rolls?
I think the toilet-roll conundrum is just a gut reaction.
James, also when do viruses cause ill-health and when do they not?
I found this quite a level-headed take (he says nothing about the loo rolls though):
Bum paper? The MSM are obviously giving a lot of people the sh–s.
Toilet rolls are just cheaper than the metro liberals choice of expensive aloe Vera (careful don’t say man size) tissues.
As I listened this morning to R5, a caller was criticising Boris for poor leadership and lack of clarity. Governmental advice wasn’t enough, he was demanding — almost begging — that we be given orders on how to behave during this crisis. Which makes me wonder…
– China’s been working on a national vaccine tracking system (completion date end of March 2020)
– Global rollout of 5G ushering in the Internet of Things (Wuhan was a trial city in China for 5G)
– Israel electronically tracking people who may need quarantining, because “the government is obligated to take steps to protect citizens’ and residents’ lives”
– Hong Kong protests all but forgotten
– Near-martial law in France (fines for leaving the house without state approval)
– Corona vaccine being fast tracked without usual regulatory checks
– Joe public increasingly accepting — even demanding — curfews and restrictions on movement
Seems to be a good time if you wanted to get more of a grip on the deplorables.
On the ‘all pulling together’ theme have you noticed that France, Germany, Spain, Italy and no doubt other members further down the pecking order seem to have different approaches to the virus problem?
Glad to see the EU working in concert for the common good as usual.
Beware, dark forces are at work using Corona Virus to undermine Brexit . Watch this space , Al Beeb and the so called “Best for Britain”………………………….
Yes, Taffman, I just heard the leader of so called “Best for Britain”, Naomi Smith, being interviewed on Talk Radio.
She was blurting all this nonsense about how the government can’t possibly deal with two crises at once and that Brexit should be ‘delayed’ (code for stopped completely).
Unlike the BBC though, she was actually challenged and told that this is in fact the best time to get a better deal, because we are in a much stronger position than the rest of the EU right now.
Death toll gradually creeping up daily, scary stuff , and ‘dropping like flies’ seems to be the mantra now. Why do I feel slightly comforted that its mainly London that’s being hit ?
Brissles, the info the BBC should be providing in R4 News: 672 new confirmed cases, over 50% up on yesterday. The UK is back in the Top 10 Nations @ no.10, leapfrogging The Netherlands. *
There’s a helpful interactive timeline chart if you scroll down the page.* Note the II pause button. If you use it you can then whizz the little arrow on the timeline to where you find something of interest. Left to its own devices, the interactive bit just rolls on, on a continuous loop.
Apols if I’m repeating a previous post unnecessarily or if you have already found that info..
(* The interactive bit is helpful but not helpful because the BBC have excluded China. I wonder why? Just like the present BBC to engage in obfuscation. Hhmmmnnn.)
Well I’ve just been in Tesco at Bradford and the meat shelves are looking quite bare.
On the upside, there is however plenty of bacon and British pork sausages on the shelves there. I kid you not.
Oh and they have lots of EASTER eggs.
From Tesco:
“In order to allow Tesco colleagues to focus on stocking shelves, helping to provide the essential groceries you are looking for and to avoid waste, we will close all meat, fish, deli counters and salad bars.”
Same with Sainsburys. It makes sense though. This is a time of good trade for them and they need to make the most of it. Oh and to look responsible.
BBC, some perspective on school closures for you:
Approx total population N.Ireland – 1.9m
Approx total population Wales – 3.2m
Approx total population Scotland – 5.4m
Approx total population England – 56m
On Breitbart London Delingpole has a piece about the loony Wokist message that was prevalent in northern Italy in January, ‘ hug a chinaman’ to help China combat the epidemic as it was then. No one would dream of hugging a Chinaman at present. But what about other diseases that are slower spreading but are also deadly? I’m thinking about TB. Since the seventies Britain had been more or less free from TB but in recent years the number of cases in the UK has been rising as more and more people from parts of the world where it is still rife arrive in our country. Wokists seem to think , or at least they did until the pandemic threw their life style into a spin, that our way of life in the West was so strong that any amount of Wokist nonsense couldn’t even put a dent in it. We could absorb millions of folks who have bought diseases and thought that we were trash without any adverse impacts on our way of life . I wonder if they are so dumb that they still think that now!?
With only 13 new reported cases yesterday in China (a nation with over one million people), it’s probably safer to hug a chinaman than pretty much anyone else from around the world!
Just heard on R2 news ….”the pound is at its lowest since the 2016 Brexit Referendum ” its was announced with such GLEE ! .BBC AT ITS BLOODY WORST……..ABOLISH THE LICENCE
Excerpt from a 2010 talk, not sure if whole speech is still available. At the least interesting.
Timing and sequence of events we’ll out, maybe just a lucky hit regarding virus?
I would caution about vids & conspiracies like that. Also I’d caution about believing this:
but I’m sure the BBC would take it as completely believable and true. After all, it is in the Guardian.
However, it is interesting. It is yet another reason why the BBC should be doing better in its interviewing of virologists. The thought occurs that Covid-19 may mutate so wildly and quickly that it brings itself back into line with the influenza virus or even something far less worse than influenza.
I agree, conspiracy theories are usually little more than modern day adult fairy tales. Note for end of world prophets, never name the date. The never let a good crises go to waste mob could make some kind of grab however.
Good spot, here’s another lucky guess.
See Scottish Government have written to UK Government to say that due to Covid-19 they are delaying plans for a Scottish Independence referendum and suggesting the UK do the same regarding Brexit.
I wondered when someone would get round to that.
Does anyone imagine that this whole thing is a ploy to stop Brexit and get more control over the global population?
Dyst, it is possible but the thought of the rest of the globe kowtowing to the EU after its handling of Covid-19 is somewhere between highly unlikely and absurdly laughable.
The EU has not exactly covered itself in glory over the past six to eight weeks.
True to form the BBC criticises the cowardly useless incompetent Tories, first for deciding not to shut the schools, then doing a cowardly U turn and closing them!
But they crow, what about all the children who only get one hot meal a day at school?
It was inevitable, and widely predicted that no matter which way the shamoblic Johnson turned they would to this, alas he and his shower are so hopeless that they let the get away with it.
The bronzed strumpet shares views, that are her own.
And she’s never stopped picking up on these stories!
It is a Chinese virus!
They had it for months and they hid it and lied.
The doctor that tried to expose the virus was arrested and ridiculed.
Had China come clean earlier this may not have spread nearly as much as it has. China is culpable.
By calling it “The Chinese Virus” the president is only telling us the truth.
And of course the Wuhan Institute of Virology, located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, in the Province of Hubei, is regarded as a world-class institution due to its contribution in the fields of virology, immunology, and microbiology.
And of course it cant possibly have a viral leak could it, far easier to blame the pandemic on a live meat market.
Do we believe him?
Panic Buying Knee Jerks.
I was at a Morrisons today buying in a non panic mode. The reactions of people are getting a bit weird. I was idlily looking at the batteries, picked one up and then saw the price so put it back thinking I may as well get some cheaper ones elsewhere. As I walked away at least 10 people descended on the batteries like a bunch of seagulls on fish an chips at the seaside. Have I inadvertently started another product panic buy?
I was amused to see, in a vid by USA ‘Preppers’, that the guy talks about getting batteries, lots of AA, AAA and 123As. Next item or one after was torches. He displays his hoard of torches, many of which obviously require ‘C’ and ‘D’ cells. I realise there are ‘hacks’ that mean you can use smaller cells in devices requiring larger ones but why not just buy the correct batteries in the first place?
Just been at said supermarket
Not a loaf of bread, no beans, no fresh milk, no long life milk. loads of veg sold out which never happens
loads and loads of flowers on the cheap shelf 90% off
Try buying candles gb ! I reckon we’ll have electricity shortages before too long. You heard it here first 🙂
Blimey BRISS’, you’re a ray of sunshine, aren’t you 😉
I well remember those power cuts in the 70’s. My parents would bring out the candles and my gran, who lived with us, would fish out the old shove ha’penny board.
In the corner we had a bubbling paraffin heater and we’d huddle around the kitchen table and my gran always said it reminded her of the blackouts during the war.
There was also a petrol shortage and I recall women queuing up to buy loaves of bread.
Ah…the good old days!
Ex Beeboid Pesto throws words around and hopes something will stick. It is… just not as he clearly intended.
Well. Finally They’ve got the schools to close.
So the big question from the BBC tonight is.
‘When are they going to reopen’ ……..
Tesco’s boss says they want people to give the elderly priority in their shops between 9 and 10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
In many areas free bus passes can’t be used before 9.30 a.m. so those elderly had best get their skates on!
I hear rumours that from Monday the local buses will work to a Saturday timetable so maybe there won’t be a bus to catch anyway?
Being brave/foolish I took a bus today and went upstairs thinking it would be best. There was only me, so that seemed good. Just as the bus was about to pull out from the bus station a man got on and climbed the stairs and took the seat right in front of me! He is probably the guy who parks his car next to mine if I choose to park at the remotest part of a car park. (Two inches from the driver’s door!).
Jim, WHY is that ? – empty carpark yet some berk HAS to park beside you, it never fails.
May I add to your examples?
Back in the 70’s I found myself travelling north on the A4069 above Brynamman toward Llangadog during the winter. This road slowly rises over the West Glamorgan Brecon Beacon mountains and, apart from this road, is a very remote location. Eight or so miles up, there is a car park on the right with truly amazing views. I parked in the snow to take in those view having passed no vehicles either way. Within 10 mins a car pulls up alongside, so alongside that it was impossible to open my drivers door without hitting the other vehicle. Which I did on getting out – intentionally…………..
Once happened to me too.Was on a fairly long drive home by myself and was feeling a bit tired so pulled into a service station on the M1.Parked up in a quiet corner and after a short while another car pulls up next to mine.I have a quick doze and wake up to find a man stood between the cars peering into the other motor who’s male occupant had the seat reclined and was sat there with a big grin on his face.Needless to say my tiredness was quickly cured and I drove off posthaste!
8pm ITV hilarious new sitcom
“Seaside café owner Kate (Brenda Blethyn) takes against her latest customer, Koji
(Jimmy Akingbola), an African doctor housed at a nearby hostel.
Didn’t 70s sitcom Rigsby used to have a dumb white landlord and a clever African doctor character ?
Also at 8pm
BBC 1 Jay Blades Repair Shop
BBC 2 Susan Calman … Bakey thingy
Channel 5 GPs: Behind Closed Doors
Today at 8:00pm on CHANNEL 560min
with Dr Ajay Singal and Dr Nashat Qamar
And STILL Jay Blades sounds like a thick oik ! – wozz tha’ for then.
He must be revelling in being host of an increasingly popular tv show. Lost his business, left his wife, part host of Money For Nothing, and now this. I would say he could be in line for the next season of Strictly, but even that might be cancelled – cant have a dance show without an audience.
And why ruin a half decent cheffy show with adding a host – why ? it didn’t need one.
8:45pm Radio4 “Anthony Reddie reflects on his journey of identity as a Black theologian and activist”
9pm BBC2 Emily Maitliss sticks the knife into Dominic Cummings
9pm Channel 4 The Undateables
Sam has been “single since the day I was born” – the delightful 19-year-old has autism so finds social situations tricky.
Chatty Jodie, 22, has no such problem, but her dwarfism has hindered her search for a girlfriend to travel the world with
. And sporty Hannah, 29, has sporadic paralysis that can suddenly leave her in pain and unable to walk
ITV 9pm drama : the star male author is visiting the school
… I bet you can’t describe him
Don’t forget the vile “Love Thy Neighbour”
And guess what Stew.
Jay Blades Repair Shop premiered with a reed organ all the way from Jamaica via the Windrush immigrants.
Agenda agenda agenda…
I have given up on Repair Shop. It used to be a charming programme on BBC2. Then the woke agenda took hold. There were the repairers who sounded Russian/east European and couldn’t speak English when they returned the item; the man with his broken pottery cat who brought his husband in when he collected it, the black Canadian lady with her very colourful painting of lots of black people and a tear in it. I used to like to see how the repairs were done but the BBC decided telling the story and the background of the ‘customers’ was more important. The BBC might go back to telling us about the repairs. I won’t know because I have an off switch and use it.
Davy, I thought I was watching a repeat, because there has already been a pump organ on before, and I think again that was brought in by a black couple.
A Hitchhikers Guide to the Pandemic – Rule #1 – Don’t Panic
A Hitchhikers Guide to the Pandemic – Rule #2 – Don’t Just Stand There
A Hitchhikers Guide to the Pandemic – Rule #3 – Don’t Be A Marvin Misery Marvin Guts – Spread some joy
Wise posters to the latest Thread on a Planet Earth based web-site known as Biased-BBC have already been sharing jokes and other items of interest in an attempt to boost human immune systems or to keep spirits up in order to fight a virus known as Covid-19. This Earth-found virus is believed to be similar to the influenza virus but is considered to be rather more serious. It has to be said, however, that at the time of writing rather less is known about Covid-19 than, say, Vogon Poetry or the Great Tea Ceremony of Tsafkaerb.
While Covid-19 is presumed to be extremely virulent, it is quite unlike the violent and vile strain of Laxington6-7/7-6 found on the Planet Teliot in the outer edges of the Crab Nebulae.
Those who catch Laxington6-7/7-6 have been known to spend 6 days with their heads down a toilet followed by 7 days sitting on the same toilet for a not totally disimilar purpose. Alternatively, some patients more lightly afflicted, find the reverse to be true. They spend 7 days with their heads over a toilet followed by 6 days sitting on the same toilet for a not disimilar purpose or reason.
Quantities of water are required along with even greater quantities of rolls of a soft absorbent fabric that can be seperated into almost square rectangles. These almost square rectangles are normally found in rolls. These rolls are the item which Earthlings at a time of crisis have been known to prize and therefore panic buy and stockpile in great quantities.
I think we have all heard about face masks where we are told they are no good to protect you from the virus but they are good against spreading the virus if you wear one when you do have the virus.
To me this doesn’t ring true because if it prevents droplets or whatever from leaving contagious people then it should prevent these same droplets going in to other people.
I would think that face masks reduce the chances of contagion by a fair bit so why do so many ‘experts’ say they do not.
I also think that because we have been continuously lied to by our government/politicians/bbc etc that we now simply don’t believe what they say any more.
Think of all the scaremongering over Brexit for one example and then things like climate change, a week to save the nhs, only 6000 will come from Poland and so on, the list is endless.
250,000 deaths in the uk when China, with a population over 1.4 billion has had 3,200 is another.
Stockpiling is one of the effects of a population that has no faith in those running the country. People don’t believed them any more and are looking after themselves.
I’ve seen it on here before that if this wasn’t being reported in such a dramatic way, if it wasn’t mentioned at all on the news, then nobody would notice it.
Nobody notices the 17,000 annual average flu deaths so why would they notice this tiny amount of deaths, 71 I think at the last count.
If I’m wrong then fair enough but I think this is being exaggerated way out of proportion.
At least, I hope it is, after all, they might just be right this time.
Cannot remember who first masked surgeons but this page on Sir Joseph Lister appears OK. Doesn’t mention masking but does have a reference to gowns. . Usual Wiki disclaimers – there might be errors.
Although I worked in the locality for a few years, I never got around to visiting the Old Operating Theatre at Guys Hospital. Must go sometime, when life returns to normal.
Think you are right about masks in your first sentence, Emmanuel. Could it be the effectiveness of the material of the mask for droplet catching is primarily one way, i.e. surgeon & nurse to patient? I feel sure I was told that years ago.
I was told when in Japan, that the reason most of the population wear face masks most of the time, is the amount of pollen that comes from the forests that surround cities like Tokyo, so that info rather flies in the face of being told that masks are no protection; and the Japs aren’t stupid.
Briss, it may depend on the particulate size.
The problem is that we know the position in Italy. There are a number of easily accessible eye witness accounts of the situation. There is a large and increasing number of dead. The hospitals are overwhelmed.
It is idle to think that this is not widely known here.
Jon and gang must be proud of their old boss.
ARE the government going to pay Kraft’s loss of revenue, or will they say it serves you right for relocating to poland and not having enough plants in the UK. no chocolate on the shelves. HA Ha Ha
One might wish a few more pols here would deal with such claims thus…
Please let Jon or Katty be retweeting this one like fury…
Whilst the BBC is virtually unwatchable
Interesting links in Paul’s blog
and this –
The ‘fiasco in the making’ author JOHN P.A. IOANNIDIS published a paper in 2005 – “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”
Whilst it may not make much difference in the end, Boris has been forced to take the ‘draconian measure’ route.
My impression of the timing of events yesterday was Wales and Scotland and then Boris’s announcement about schools.
Interestingly, there is a conspiracy theorist on FB (who knew?) predicting that the government will impose a complete lockdown at 5 pm today.
https://www.facebook dot com/jason.nota/videos/10163479770280553/
I thought that after Alex Jones was removed from social media that was the end of it. As far as I am aware the real believers thought Jones was a ‘shill’ and possibly the real reason [for shutting him down] was politically motivated.
Turns out that on YouTube there are loads of them eg – dot com/watch?v=bmA8rreTvm8&t=18s
Trump will take the first step to end the global experiment if he gets the chance. They won’t go quietly if the BBC etc is allowed to continue to pump their propaganda.
Here, Farage is one of the few who are leading the way –
Oh the irony !
Its reported that Harry & Megs are taking the necessary ‘action’ as they feel they have been exposed to the virus via Harry’s hugging of Louis Hamilton who in turn was shown to be in a photograph with the Trudeus, after which Mrs T was tested positive for the v.
If the entertainment industry is closing down, and large social gatherings are cancelled, its to be wondered how and where Mr & Mrs Markle plan to pimp themselves in return for the old ‘readies’ . Self financing is already crashing down around them and how long can they afford the rented villa in Vancouver ? Private jet back home to Dad then ????
I hear that the Queen has left the door open for when Harry gets over it. Incidentally, according to the conspiracy theorists, Prince Philip is dead!
BBC Panorama ‘journalist’ and Hope not Hate lackey, John Sweeney showing his true colours yet again, asking if president Trump is dead yet.
He wishes..
Just John being John.
The BBC must love having him as an alumnus.
I think there might be more context to the mask story
.. I bet the UK has not run out of masks
but rather staff have been asked to restrict and ration use right now
so that stocks don’t rum out in future.
Not too many things shock me about the repulsive BBC these days or the comments their “journalists” both past and present get away with.
But this is just disgusting.
Can you imagine the outcry if someone on the right ever made such a nasty and poisonous remark about Obama?
Beneath contempt!