How will those living in self isolation because of the Chinese Virus view the Far Left Biased BBC after a few days of enforced listening and watching ? I’m referring to those not regularly exposed to the monster and suffering it for long periods . I think we ll be getting more recruits .
Midweek Thread 18 March 2020
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It was a BBC “correspondent” that asked Trump about stigmatising China ( “Chinese virus” )at the WH presser – anybody know which one ? unlike CNN’s Acosta the git didn’t rate a name check in the clips I’ve seen.
The sods at Broadcasting House are now just copying and pasting ChiCom propaganda … putrid.
If Trump had recognised the BBC he may not have taken the question
It was a BBC “correspondent” that asked Trump about stigmatising China ( “Chinese virus” ) at the WH presser – anybody know which one ? unlike CNN’s Acosta the git didn’t rate a name check in the clips I’ve seen.
The sods at Broadcasting House are now just copying and pasting ChiCom propaganda … putrid.
I believe it was Yamiche Alcindor from PBS.
nah – she was later, the initial “question” was categorically one of the BBC boys (Sopel I’m thinking) – finding out who’s WH accredited was surprisingly difficult. Saw that the BBC have got a press office of 11 folks in Washington though – not counting the “correspondents”
It was certainly someone with an English accent.
The “Trump said Chinese virus” thing using later PBS woman has been pushed to the top of “most watched” on the web site – sly gits.
Contrived mendacious BS is the default setting
Why are we all treated to business stuff on the BBC with a bloke called Islam?
I’m certainly not waycist, but a continuing reminder of the crims who profess to like that sort of ‘religion’ isn’t helpful at all!
We used to like Signome Jack, even noticing the first time he wore glasses, and looked forward to hearing his quite-smart evaluation, but it seems he’s been kicked into the long grass these days!
But I just don’t want that blasted islam word anywhere near me, however clever he might be!
Sorry, but that’s the way it is beeb, you still like to rub our noses in your fake diversity.
Scrobie, ol’ Faisal is the brand new Economics Editor at the BBC. I write ‘brand new’ and in a way he is because although appointed over 18 months ago and in post over a year ago he has been hardly seen on BBC Radio 4 and is almost non-existent on the web-site.
I think back to the glory days of dear old Steffie. How I miss her. She would Blog five (or more) days a week and she would – time permitting – read comments (they were always allowed) and even occasionally reply direct to posters. She would be on air regularly on the main Radio news programmes. And this all before (as Economics Correspondent), during (when appointed EconEd), and just after the Crash and recession of 2007-09. Can’t speak for TV because the Snuffy household was legally Licence free back before then as now. I expect she did just as much on-air stuff for TV, perhaps more.
Stephanie Flanders, via her Blog, would also teach the readers stuff. We learned a lot from her and from each other. She was also very honest about what she didn’t know and why and that also led to a lot of on-line discussion and self-help learning. Back then, the BBC was actually quite valuable. Now?
Faisal Islam, I think, works Tuesdays. Perhaps.
He gives the appearance of out-PartTiming the BBC’s Political Editor, Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg.
“Faisal Islam, I think, works Tuesdays. Perhaps”
The rest of the time he spends in the canteen (starting to look like his old mate fatty Boulton)
Beg to differ regarding Tory-hating Steph; as Economics editor she was nearly as comical as her music hall father.
Peter, you are welcome to disagree.
But was Pesto an improvement after Steffie? And was her predecessor, Evan Davies, much better or merely better.
The BBC Moaning Emole is a peach, however as it is hilariously headed ‘what you need to know about the Coronavirus outbreak this morning’ might not get read by anyone sensible other than to assess just how delusional they are.
But there is a picture of a chubby minx of color who might be an aspiring pharmacist.
Guess Who-So it’s called an Emole. Being computer illiterate
I don’t know all these terms. It’s the same kind of Emole
you will get on Domenican TV where the demographics
of the country are around 70% of the population
are Indo-Mulato, 17% black and 13% white.
Switched on BBC at 0717 hoping to see the weather.
It was full-on shit-stirring whinge mode.
The government announcement about school closures, admittedly not fully thought through but in my opinion allowable given the current rate of change, has of course produced all manner of combinations of circumstances not explicitly mentioned.
So Naga and the rest go into full whinge mode featuring only those affected.
Strangely missing is the contrast between fully job secure, guaranteed pension entitlement teachers looking forward to weeks of extra time off with full pay, versus almost everyone in the private sector especially in the transport and leisure sectors.
Switched off at 0719. I feel so much better.
Re -teachers….not to mention pensions not at risk in the stock market, and free child care for their children. (Same as for most public sector employees)
Oh, come now – there’s a high risk that they may not be able to have their usual 5-week jaunt down to the gite in the Dordogne or the villa in Tuscany, or the chalet in the foothills of the Alps this summer……don’t you just feel for them ?
9am @BBCOne bunker. Do join us. Not inside, obvs
Here to bring you the latest FILTERED coronavirus info, Labour activist experts to answer your questions and of course, to TELL YOUR STORIES. The more dire THE BETTER.
Every single one of us is affected by this. Well, not us as we can self isolate on full wedge, but that is what makes ‘us’ unique.
How are you coping with the uncertainty affecting almost every area of our lives? Make it heartbreaking and don’t forget to blame the EVIL TORIES rather than our BFFs the People’s Republic of China, who seem to have handled this so well, and are not racist like Trump.
“Coronavirus: Three grandmothers self-isolating together”
There is so much evil and treason emanating from the BBC that some of its other characteristics are often overlooked.
Such as many of its employees being stupid.
The BBC are going to have to explain how you can be isolated in a threesome. Esther Rantzen, BBC OAP, was on R4 at the weekend. Listeners would have heard her talk about self-isolating and then mention that she has a daughter living with her.
Shots fired.
Speaking of lenses, Amol looks down on hacks, as opposed to the awesome insights of his professional colleagues.
BTW the Lancet isn’t really a science publication
Richard Horton pushes Climate Activist articles into it
.. so I wouldn’t call him a reliable authority
He has a reputation as a Labour and XR supporting activist.
The Top 10 Most Read articles on the BBC News website are all about Coronavirus.
In fact, the enitre homepage is all Coronavirus apart from one story about Thomas Cook.
Not one Trans, LGBT, Labour, or aspiring rapper story to be seen!
Some pay £5,000,000,000 for this.
Be fair GW, credit where it’s due. They were just taking the piss.
Sometimes, you’re in over your head.
That’s a line of a different kidney.
I think its offal that no-one else has kept this going.
And muslims drink camel piss for similar reasons. Guess who told them to drink it? His name begins with M and ends with a D.
They’re not available for comment. All gone away on a cruise.
TOADY Watch #1 – Just when you thought things could not get worse
The BBC bring on Gordon Brown, former Labour Party PM & Chancellor, to save the world.
Private Frazer: “We’re doomed! We’re all doomed!!”
Needless to say, Gordon Brown is suddenly concerned about unemployment and the unemployed. Funny thing, he didn’t mention them much from May 1997 to June 2010 and didn’t get unemployment below 1.3m during his time in Government.
The Failed former Labour Party PM & Chancellor, Gordon Brown, also complains about the Conservative Government, the action they have taken, when they did it, nationalism, populism, Brexit, barriers and trade, employment, unemployment, G20.
Hypocrite. Windbag. Windbag and Hypocrite. Hypocrite and Windbag.
It has perked up the House journal.
I’m still BBC free but was thinking that those who were traitor remainers such as Brown Major hezza and the like would crawl out from under their rocks to snipe at BoJo and co.
Perhaps the BBC could get the last PM to deal with a global pandemic ….
Now let me see .. that would be ..?
Speaking of leadership – the emir of Londonistan is shutting down stations of the tube . What a great contribution . But he did get an invite to a cobra – which he was after .
QT is meant to be on tonight – without an audience – I’m tempted – but don’t know who is on it – let me guess – Toynbee – an ex bbc Marxist – a green – a coloured – a lesbian campaigner – and a Windrush fan .
That the lot?
I’m thinking about giving up on BBC Radio except for the News Headlines and selective programmes, Fed. Listening to Lord HawHaw after Gordon Brroooon, I’d quite like one of the largest of those rocks these failures crawl out from to be dropped on me from a great height.
It was dire.
I’ve already got to the point of almost ditching the BBC web-site. Why?
The BBC cannot get much lower than that. It is – in their opinion – a ‘Must See’.
I think not.
I’m still doing pretty well on BBC avoidance with 2 weeks to Easter and the end of my ‘fast’ twitter ( so full of hate ) and you tube fill the gap as well as the Deezer for tunes
The site is very busy and I would remind people about language and content and a reminder that amongst current events – which will pass – the future of the BBC is still up for
So I would remind people that the cut off point is the end of March and if you want to try to even the least to end the BBC please complete the Gov uk submission site –
There are links on previous threads .
Yours Fed – moderator
I don’t suppose anyone asked the Prime Mentalist why he sold our gold at rock bottom price. And announced beforehand that he was going to do it?
So, more an Owen than Champion Ash commentator then?
That’s got as much truth in it as me winning the lottery last night – but I did get a ‘free Dip’ for Saturday … if spared .
I wonder…
Statistically, is one more likely to
A) Win the lottery
B) Die from Coronavirus?
Do you know, personally, anyone who has ever won the Lotto jackpot?
TOADY Watch #2 – Just when you thought things could not get even more worse
Nick Robinson interviews outgoing BBC DG, Tony Hall. He ums and ers and equivocates and .. er … waffles. He will subject the nation to more repeats and will … umm … er inform … er …. the public about the … umm … ongoing crisis and the BBC will help keep everyone healthy.
If that’s Lord Hall and the BBC keeping everyone healthy, I’m now feeling like jumping off Archway Bridge.
That man should have been sacked by the PM, any PM, a long time ago.
I wonder why the BBC aren’t going all out to help the cash-strapped poor by giving the public a ‘holiday’ on having to buy the TV licence?
Sweeney! Is on a roll.
Just goes to show our Black and Asian Broadcasting Corp. are running out of Socialist/Marxists to interview to condemn everything. Stooping to entertain Gordon “no more boom no more bust” Brown was not a realistic move. I noted from amongst the Globalists rant he made the point that the World should stop the, “Nationalist nonsense”. “A proper Prime Minister”? Personally I’d have preferred to hear what, “that bigoted woman” that Brown encountered felt about the current situation.
G, I think she might be hoping he’d catch ‘it’. 😉
GW / G —
Emma Barnett just had David Miliband on R5. I think he broke the record for most mentions of the word ‘global’ in a ten minute slot. Global cooperation… coordination… communication.. global everything.
All nicely squaring up for some new emergency legislation in the affected countries. For our own protection, of course.
Passenger on the Titanic: “Ice! Ice! We need more ice! Hic. [falls to floor, drunk.]
“in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”
2,400 year old proverb.
Gordon Brown “I’m not playing party politics, but here’s some party politics”
.. not the kind of voices we need when we should be pulling together.
In the Guardianland the BBC is a rightwing org in control of the government
Yet it employees only ever tweet praise for lefties & Remainers
Yesterday’s man spouting yesterday’s crap.
Was he wearing his face mask? Did he look as if he’d had a wash?
Google directed me to Mr Crace who writes the sketch column in the Guardian. I have never read it before and I will never again. I have never read such bile.
Full of how Boris the clown is out of his depth, how he has worked at least part nine days out of the last 14 without going on holiday etc etc.
There were nearly 2000 comments, each nastier than the last. If this is the mind set of the Guardian reader then it is the mind of the BBC. Even in the time of national crisis, which we are, they are only interested in point scoring and nastiness. Not a constructive suggestion amongst them.
All I can say is thank goodness we didn’t have Corbyn and Abbott having to deal with Covid 19.
@Deborah I expect the Guardian is still habitually censoring comments
so that sensible comments are removed
Unfortunately I can only give Deborah one “thumbs up” for this excellent piece.
Deserves more.
I am sincerely sorry that you discovered Mr Crace – who is a sort of literary version of ms Josephine “throw acid “brand pouring acid over any one and anything not compliant with the Guardian version of the world .
Note that he is so cheap that unlike columnists at other – better – newspapers – he is free to read .
I was musing whether current events might kill off rags like the guardian but I’m sure plenty of tax payer funded subscriptions on auto renew will keep it afloat .
As guardian readers – if the virus mutates to become more hostile their tunes may change.
If Dianne Abbot has been dealing with it then it would have been labelled Covid 1+1=3
Covid 27
The Pubs are saying all their stock will go to waste as people stop going out for a drink. Why don’t they offer customers the chance to turn up with a jug and buy the beer that way without ever entering the pub. I remember way back when it was possible to do just that.
Here’s a thought:
Rather than have people collect beer from pubs, why don’t pubs deliver it?
Draught beer could be delivered in returnable growlers (no sniggering at the back) for which the customer pays a deposit.
If the pub offers grub then this too could be sold on a home-delivery basis.
Operating in this way would help pubs to garner some much-needed revenue, keep at least some staff in jobs and fit in well with social distancing measures.
I think home delivery of beer by pubs is a bloody good idea.
The wonder is why none of them have tried it, regardless of viruses and such.
They could create an app – Just Booze, perhaps. I suppose one downside is if the delivery boys decide to sample it on the way to your house.
Morning Toady watch (5 mins while I have a shave is the full ration – often don’t even get that far).
From our ‘environment correspondent (don’t know who don’t care): A post-Covid economic recovery would be (exact words) “a catastrophe for climate change”. There you have it – BBC worldview in a nutshell.
Greta in the office already?
Has she offed her folks yet?
Nick and Martha best watch their backs.
Ah… she is there.
Though Nick might not have thought this brag through fully.
I’m taking another BBC “news vacation”. A short hiatus from the misery.
Towards the end of last year I did it with Brexit. The BBC were banging on about it endlessly. “Throwing ourselves off the cliff edge.” “Financial Armageddon”. Anna Soubry seemed to be on every BBC show. It was ceaseless anti Brexit bias. I’d had enough.
As soon as we had the election result they moved onto the climate. Every few minutes we were inundated with scenarios of doom. The TV coverage seemed to be wall to wall Greta, Australian bush fires or that lonely polar bear.
And of course we had that bunch of unemployable middle class twats gluing themselves to bridges, dancing like a bunch of jessies and painting their faces.
How that was supposed to help I don’t know.
Now, in the blink of an eye, it’s coronavirus.
Look, I know it’s serious. I know people are dying. But the media coverage has made this so much worse than it needed to be. There’s no balance. We’re swamped with stories of panic and misery. It’s like an hypnotic mantra…
Last night, after hours of listening to this endless catalogue of misery, I was convinced I had it. I was warm, I sneezed, coughed and felt really run down. I struggled up to bed.
This morning, after a good night’s sleep I feel as right as rain. Now, I’ve either got the most astonishing immune system known to medical science, or…I just had a good night’s kip and I’ve not been subject to any negative news stories.
So, for the foreseeable, I’m avoiding the Beeb and letting you brave lot keep me informed.
You’re tougher than I am!
Jeff, I have done the same as you and feel so much better for it, I just watch Boris at 5pm for his update and read posts on here. I try not to sit watching too much TV but do recommend talking pictures, some great films without the PC. Hopefully the weather will get warmer soon and I have to tackle my garden to knock it into shape for the summer
Yes, I love Talking Pictures.
And I’ve got a rather ramshackle garden to attend to and an allotment.
Bloody Hell…I hope that doesn’t get banned!
“Financial Armageddon’ might well occur from HM Government paying people to stay at home, but it is much more likely to come from the City’s status as effective lender of last resort to an EU which is in an even greater parlous state than us before Covid-19..'Managing%20Euro%20Risk%20-%20Saving%20Investors%20from%20Systemic%20Risk'%2C%20Reynolds%2C%20Blake%2C%20Lyddon
“China reports no domestic cases of coronavirus for first time since outbreak began
Which begs the question , do they have a vaccine?
They’re testing one at the moment but it’s not in general use.
The truth (probably) is that the measures taken by them when they finally admitted that a new coronavirus was at large have worked, and that in under two months.
COVID-19 is beatable even without a vaccine IF the right measures are taken. If those measures had been taken early enough then illness, disruption and financial loss would have been minimised. But our (in a global sense) leaders chose to stick their heads in the sand, thereby creating the present mess.
Things will get better, but most of the present strife could easily have been avoided.
Edit: ironically, China’s main issue is now the number of cases being imported from elsewhere…
Hindsight is a wonderful attribute, but if draconian measures had been taken ‘early enough’ they would have been derided and ridiculed as ‘draconian over-reaction’ – that’s why even the QT audience stopped clapping that idiotic ranting Professor Ashton last week.
What we will find is that human nature, not the PC version, the reality, takes over and we will experience its full benefits over the coming months.
One example. Stockpilers are currently clearing shelves without much hinderance, but when they find the shelves are already bare when the family trolley squads turn up, that’s when the violence will start.
Unless of course the government establish martial law – but I can’t see the BBC and the Guardian being too keen on that.
In my defence (and as my long-suffering wife will attest), I was in favour of taking what some may think to be draconian measures pretty much as soon as I learned about the novel coronavirus. Understanding how it was likely to be spread through unrestricted, unquarantined international travel didn’t involve me straying into the realms of rocket science.
But you’re right to say that many would have thought that taking early action was premature and probably unnecessary. My retort to that is that the consequences of taking what might prove to be excessive action are far outweighed by the potential consequences which might attend the failure to take such action.
Absolutely VH, my comments were more observation that critique, but whatever stance we might take now my jaundiced view of ‘human nature’ will, I fear, become inevitable.
Ironically those like BBC fans and the sort of Guardian readers who enjoy Crace’s poison – Guardian readers in other words – will be hurt the most as their fundamentally flawed Utopia is seen to be as fictitious and empty as their morality.
PS Just to weaken my argument, and apropos your 9.30 comment on pubs, two locals are already offering the service you suggest. Human nature is nothing if not contradictory.
From what I can make of it, of greater concern should be what drugs you are already on. MedCram (Update 37) explain that those on ACE inhibitors (such as Ramipril) are using a drug that enhances the China virus’ ability to penetrate and infect our own system. There’s apparently an equal amount of research currently on this aspect.
I wouldn’t take any news or stats out of East Asia at face value
I’m sure I read somewhere that Malaria tablets containing HCQ were allegedly curing the virus.
If this is the claim then shouldn’t the worlds most trusted broadcaster be “fact checking” it ?
Nah, too busy re-hashing Windrush and fact-checking Trump’s every pronouncement.
If, as has been suggested, Covid-19 was engineered in a chemical weapons lab in Wuhan, it would be an antidote.
Be very afraid!
“China reports no domestic cases of coronavirus for first time since outbreak began”
Which begs the question , do they have a vaccine?
They killed them all.
Yes you can picture the scene can’t you -“you don’t want to report a new infection today do you ?” (. Otherwise it’s off to the work camp )
I wonder if the Chinese made sure those banged up in their gulag network got infected….. nothing would surprise but we ll never know …..
China reported no new domestic cases but 30 new cases where the infection came from outside – this is the start of the second more deadly phase of the illness after the virus has mutated in human hosts.
Celtic & Van, the cases were apparently Chinese nationals returning home. Guess they think that there might be a better chance of a cure there (if they knew they were sick) than where they had been living or touring in the world.
Government: It’s not quite as simple as shutting down all the things. As we need to consider people’s livelihoods, we believe a measured response based on available data and input from our experts is the best approach.
– A few days later…
Government: After careful consideration, we have decided that now is the appropriate time to shut down all the things.
TOADY Watch #3 – I could almost feel some sympathy
For Norman Smith. Poor old Norm. He was in full snowflake Panic-mode this morning just after 6.30am.. This Covid-19 thing is getting to him. All this and him having to be #2 to ‘Part-time’.
While self-isolating and social distancing ourselves from the BBC perhaps the following can help to put things in perspective.
The Ballad of Dunny Roll by Bush Poet S J Paterson
Remember, when it comes to the crouch, there’s never a need to ‘panic in a crisis and steal bog roll from your mates’ because there are always ample supplies of the ‘Radio Times’ available in local shops, stores and supermarkets.
At last a reason to obtain copies of The Guardian
There is a pile on against Nigel Farage for what he tweeted last night
He tweeted it again 2 hours later.
For the libmobbers though they claim to preach tolerance, their priority is to Virtue Signal that they won’t tolerate speech which goes against their own narrative
and that people like Farage should be intimidated into self-censoring.
His tweet got 44,000 likes, the metrolibs are nowhere near ratioing it.
This is absolutely true!
It makes me sick that certain sections of the media are actually congratulating China for getting it under control so swiftly. They’ll use China as a stick with which to beat Boris.
If China had been a bit swifter in informing the rest of us instead of lying this pandemic wouldn’t have gained such a hold.
This is the Chinese Virus!
Stew, there were examples from Soviet Russia during the real Communist days (like China) and the one that pings to my mind – beware, am posting from memory and it may be defective – was the Russian nuclear fleet up on the Baltic/Arctic coast. They were told by high ranking officers (an Admiral was it?) that their kit was in a serious state of dilapidation. They were probably paid for reporting the true facts to the Politburo with a trip to a Gulag cell.
Not long after, it became apparent in the West that there had been a release of radiation from a Russian military establishment. Cannot remember whether it was a ship or submarine but I think the reactor and a rusty hull and general neglect had led to a bit of a meltdown.
Hard-line econo-political systems do not like being told the truth. One of the three or four people to spot the 2007-2009 Crash coming was speaking in a seminar in, I think, the US in early 2007. The speaker outlined what was going wrong with the UK & US financial systems and their respective economies. I heard this person on Radio 4 talk about that day and subsequent events not that long afterwards.
Gordon Brown was in the front row of the audience.
Stew, Left-liberalism attracts the nastiest people on the planet – personal experience on forums where they have control. The only good thing is that they are now devouring their own!
Here my prediction:
The China virus situation will be over by May.
Why? Because May is the month when commies like to have parades.
That’s the prediction, what is mine.
Oh, and in my spare time, I am Ann Elk and I can burrow through the side of an elephant.
LBC expert “If you have a runny nose, you almost certainly don’t have corona
.. its symptoms are a dry cough and raised temperature
.. The death rate is 1 in 6 for patients over 80
and still quite high for those over 70
but women have a much lower death rate than men”
Should we all now identify as wimmin so as to increase our chance of survival ?
Yes, but if you are Covid-19 asymptomatic and also have rhinitis or allergic rhinitis or just react badly in the nasal department to cold weather, then a wipe of the nose followed by a grab of the bus or tube handrail is a pretty good way of spreading the joy of Covid-19 around.
Italy had 475 deaths yesterday
I wonder if that is approaching the same rate as for normal flu
EU’s chief Brexit negotiator tests positive
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, has tested positive for coronavirus.
ohh dear
They will have to get someone else to ‘negotiate’ then.
No excuse for an extension to the ‘transition’ period.
How Nish, Jo and the rest of the BBC TDS giggle gremlins react, or not, to that will be one of the few educational revelations of newly slimmed-down staff complement.
Except when it isn’t
That is the official Chinese government media calling it “Wuhan Virus”
The original page is still active
“The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper,”
It’s what happens when the censors don’t speak English… ;-/
Surprised though that it’s still up…..
BBC local radio news imprecision this morning
“Asian markets SLUMPED by 3%”
… a FALL of 3% is a FALL .. it is not a SLUMP
The chinese virus is not the virus only threat going around at the moment .
A lady called gal Godot has launched a bunch ? Gaggle ? Of largely unknown ( to me ) celebs singing “imagine “ by that late multi millionaire .
It can only be a matter of time before it infects the BBC
Now I didn’t know that people sing “imagine “ unless they’ve had a few pints and got to that maudlin phase before the need for a curry occupies human survival needs .
But these characters are lurking around the internet causing gasping , eye rolling and despair ….
Are we gonna invade China after this ?
Fed “Are we gonna invade China after this ?” only with full bio-hazard suits on ….
Might dent their tourist traffic for a while.
In the middle of ‘events’ it’s difficult to look forward to the return of some form of ‘normality ‘ and what the consequences will be .
Chinese peasants will have to change if they want their country to have a place in the world again – and perhaps it’s not just China – and other countries with customs which allow cross over – if that’s what happened to be stopped .
I’m sure governments have a better read on what’s going on in China rather than stuff being given to the public – and to think that their infection count is falling should be considered a joke .
As for the BBC / MSM – not exactly its finest hour is it ? And I’ve seen calls on twitter for it to change and at least put out programmes – entertainment – more relevant to circumstances rather than ‘homes under the hammer ‘ and similar dross ….. ( won’t affect me as I’m not partaking ) .
Fed, I’m mind-boggled at what the Chinese have achieved in the last 20-odd years in their ‘mixed’ Communist economy. It is impressive. But would I want to go and look at China that looks like Manhattan?
No. I’d rather go to the real Manhattan.
The Chinese peasants have achieved great things. Once the Leadership in Peking had at last stopped being in denial about Covid-19, the peasants built a hospital in a couple of weeks. I think the leadership might have to change a little bit. < Understatement.
As to Chinese infection levels, one of the problems of that rigid Communist/Leftist/semi-Fascist State is that you may get under-reporting of Covid-19 symptoms/infections out of fear by the general populace of the power and possible response of the semi-police State.
I take the numbers with a pinch of salt anyway, from anywhere in the world, 1. because of the fact that the virus has the same symptoms as proper influenza and we are still close to peak season for that, and 2. I think I heard a proper Doc (may have been Chris Witty or Patrick Vallance) say on TOADY this a.m. that the scientists are not fully sure how to test for it and the reliability of the tests (incl. ± error percentages) that are currently in use.
The only real thing you can rely on – and what the BBC is not telling us accurately and clearly – is the Covid-19 trend.
Having stood behind a dark lady at the queue in tescos today with 10 big bottles of something – and getting ‘bounced’ at the till ( three only).
I was musing as to how to deter panic buying – no doubt said African lady took her booty to the car and came back for more ….
Perhaps they should have their picture taken – complete with hoard and the picture put on the internet . ?
I know there are plenty of people you have no idea of what ‘shame’ is – but every little helps .
By the way since CCTV is on every till it would not be difficult …
Trip to my local Asda’s today ……no Whiskey at all …..nothing ….even the expensive one’s all gone . Must be wee Krankie putting a block on deliveries as a Brexit revenge ! !
Charlie – I feel your pain – I’m fortunate to have laid down a supply of Jameson’s for a while
Perhaps supermarkets are being careful about security as a number of ‘steaming ‘ type smash and grabs have been reported .
Price inflation will also be coming along ….
In the end this could be the most infamous Machiavellian
success , in the history of the world for China and Russia.
However I still can’t quite believe that the Chinese would
of set this all up, even though comparative to
their population their loss of life was small.
No, as Pat Condel says that most likely it was the cover up
attempted by the “batty” Chinese government, that caused the
Apologies if it was mentioned yesterday but Al Beeb’s grievance programme ‘You and Yours’ (and they always want more of MINE) had an expert who had been commissioned by HM Government a few years back to look into our food distribution chain and its resilience in the light of (then) impending Brexit. He said he had been updated by his contacts and because of the now likely 1/1/2021 exit they were well stocked.
Quick change of subject, naturally!
(More apologies for listening to it but ‘er indoors prefers it to my boring conversation when we are having lunch.)
And another misleading bit of mortality that the BBC are happy to report: “First coronavirus death in Northern Ireland.”
(Elderly patient with underlying medical condition). People are dying with the virus. How many have died because of the virus? When do we get to hear a discussion with medical statisticians about confounding variables so we’re not being misled?
Positive tests for presence of the virus in 9,285 deaths in a global population of 7.7bn over 4 months (assuming first case reported at 17th November).
But our way of life will not be the same for a long time.
Am I being overly suspicious here?
Not yet on the BBC but probably won’t be long…
BRITS stranded in Peru yells the Express…
Tanya Yilmaz and Neus Rodriguez are stranded in Peru after the Peruvian Government prohibits all flights…
Brits or Ex-Peruvians who want the hell out of there to get back to the good old NHS? No comment!
BBC more interested in the WR ‘scandal’
This was widely reported on US networks –
Dr. Sarah Jarvis on Jeremy Vine – ‘if you see a 78 year-old in a supermarket you may need to challenge them’.
These control freaks are loving it, aren’t they!
Sarah sounds nice.
Wonder if a 6′ chavette hawking up the morning fag packet in the booze aisle would see her tweeting them wuffly?
Jim, think she may have been the ‘snowflake’ GP who popped up on R4 last week and I whinged about her moaning, on here, to the effect that “We don’t know what to do, there isn’t anything on the NHS web-site.”
I am sure that she is too busy appearing on Jeremy Vine and The One Show to fit in Radio 4!
Tomorrow she will be back on Vine to read out Mothers’ Day request so the virus crisis must be over.
(I wonder if she actually does any GP-ing?)
You may well have more patience than me, but my attempts to discover what UK government was in power in 1948 at the time of the Windrush ‘scandal’ have met with little success – only by direct query on dates, without links to other subjects.
As regard the actual position on Windrush there is much on-line covering May, Rudd and Conservative actions , nothing on Attlee and the Labour government in power until 1951 during which time guidelines and attitudes were established .
You might almost think history is being ‘adapted’ to suit current agendas.
Labour Party, I think, Beltane although I wasn’t around then.
The BBC’s priorities at the moment
1) Pump Chinese propaganda
2) Dunk on Trump
3) Pretend we want to inform the public rather than score political points.
Since you’re here it’s likely preaching to the converted – but actually it should be repeated as often as they keep doing it…. effin tiresome and not much value for the £4 billion ++ they grab every year.
For some reason a fresh appendage of the BBC is popping up in my searches
I see it’s littered with placeholders for advertising ….. >> part of the escape plan?
And effing Britbox is appearing everywhere; clips on YouTube, adverts on Amazon Prime. Trying to sell us stuff we’ve already paid for.
My brother – (on the local council), has attended a County Council meeting, and says it was surreal ! he said it was attended by the police, the military and other civil defence biggies, who were discussing what he described as a zombie apocalypse scenario !!!
Clearly local councils are getting well prepared for eventualities, but civil unrest is also high on the agenda.
In light of this I no longer leave my bottles of milk on the doorstep – some bastard might nick ’em. Seriously, this could escalate into something quite nasty.
Brissles, sorry to say it will happen.
Armed forces in my area (I know some) have been placed on 1 hour notice in order to be deployed onto the streets in case of disorder.
Saw two mounted police on patrol as I walked back from the town at lunchtime.
See my post below re the Guardian call for a coalition government. The Remainer Globalist Alliance will use any opportunity to force us back into the EU and creating civil unrest on top of the pandemic will further justify their call for a coalition government. I increasingly regard Remainers as extremists and fifth columnists because of their continued refusal to accept democratic decisions. They , most of the top civil servant , police, health officials etc are likely hoping for a civil disorder to allow them to rest back control. Will they stop short of creating the disorder themselves if we remain calm and there is no disorder?
Boris has just delivered a keep calm and don’t panic speech, that I heard whilst driving the diesel home.
The Beeboids were very upset that further control measures were not being introduced and, shock horror, he even speculated a turn around in 12weeks despite the beeboid feeling necessary to tell us that was going to be the ‘peak’.
I think No.10 has learned a lesson since yesterday’s capitulation over school closures.
The madness Is that it is ‘ easy’ to bring in restrictions but not so easy to enforce them – nor to lift restrictions
The BBC just love restrictions and controls – it’s part of its socialist DNA
Are the BBC reporting this?
“Mum ripped schoolgirl’s hair out then claimed she was the victim”
Well look at the way they present her as “Mum”. They missed out the “sli” after the “u”.
Just popped into the town to pick up snacks and supplies for the weekend.
The food hall I used had plenty of stock and there was no sign of panic buying and the mainly elderly clientele were keeping calm and carrying-on.
The checkout lady commented that stocks were good and most of the panic buying was attributable to the great unwashed swallowing the media hype.
Compare/Contrast with the Anti-BBC webshite.
‘Fundamental changes’ and a new reality as to how we live our lives’
‘How social distancing applies to you’
‘continued speculation that more stringent measures could be introduced in the city (London)
Still on the plus side 10,000 mooslims gathered for ‘healing’ prayers in Bangladesh & Barnier tests positive.
Nothing surprises me anymore with that community, Mothers attacking their daughters, fathers and brothers killing their daughters and sisters, along with fgm. F………g barbarians. Can you imagine the outcry if a white woman had done the same ? the might of social services would have come down on her alongside extensive press coverage.
I see the Guardian is suggesting that the way forward in combatting the pandemic in this country is a coalition government. I assume that after the pandemic is defeated , sometime probably this autumn , they will want the coalition to be dissolved and a GE which may form a new anti Brexit government. I expect the BBC will jump on this particular bandwagon tomorrow robably supported by the Times.
The bitterness of Remainers , their continued refusal to accept democratic outcomes and their willingness to use every tactic ,no matter how dirty , to get their way is astonishing. We all know that the MSM, civil service are Remainers and continue to be so. I have no doubt that if an opportunity presents itself to use the pandemic or any other future crisis , possibly manufactured by themselves,to overturn Brexit they will seize it with glee. Only by burning all bridges behind us so that we can never turn back can Brexit be secured. Alternatively the swamp could be drained but sacking tens it thousands of civil servants, council officials and quanocrats just isn’t going to happen. The battle for Brexit is at from over and if no resolute action to secure it isn’t taken we will be back in the EU before 2026.
Double – delusion is a terrible thing isn’t it ? If a government didn’t have such an overwhelming majority then the threat of a coalition would be real . Presumably the Guardian has forgotten this and is losing the plot .
The idea of the simpletons on the labour front bench getting anywhere near power is as big a threat as the Chinese flu bug .
As for brexit – with luck the hysterical reaction to the bug will derail the EU which will be shown to be of little value to fighting the bug . That’s for nation states to do .
I hope your calm analysis proves to be correct. Perhaps I am seeing Remainer plots everywhere when infact there are none, but the past few years have turned me into a conspiracy theorist whenever there is any possible Brexit connection. I don’t trust Remainers a single inch.
Double – I’m with you of EU opportunists trying to get UK to rejoin – or associate – I think number 10 is more than aware that pushing for a further ‘extension ‘ keeps coming along . Fortunately it would take a change in the law to do it
I caught some of Traitor Maitliss attempted assassination of Dom Cummings . In normal times people might have noticed it . Fortunately she wasn’t given the material needed to achieve her evil anti democratic aim ….
Even with various defeated traitors like Grieve – Gauke – Miller and others – being given an airing and yet another opportunity to winge
It was interesting to see what was left out – such as the country suffering under a corrupt parliament and speaker which we couldn’t get rid of .
At the end – Maitliss – whom the BBC has decided to be some sort of new Dimbleby – failed to come up with anything which would damage Mr Cummings – indeed it performed a function of reminding those thinking of going their own way in the government that he knows how to deal with them
The same with the policy toward the Chinese virus – There is no doubt that he is tuned into british behaviour – hence the reluctance to use law to enforce social separation –
Although the behaviour of metro kidults is cause for concern which will be remedied when a few of them get the bug and die – hoping of course that they don’t take decent people with them .( do I sound brutal ? I m a realist ).
The comfort to be taken from anything in the Guardian is that it will be read by a miniscule and ever more derided proportion of the population, and then broadcast by proxy to an increasingly sceptical audience.
Coalition, Labour Tory, doesn’t really matter, they are all the uniparty and there’s no real difference between any of them !
I have found a few interesting theories about why the toilet paper obsession. Some I have found have a common thread, over-hype by the media and generational problems.
Two I liked came from gab but I cant find them again. One was people were told there was a virus and they needed something to control the bots. The other was advice to prep with toilet paper because there will be panic buying of baked beans.
gb123, apart from the later stages of Covid-19 when you may be coughing and sneezing up the yellow/green/grey stuff (delete those not applicable to you/your disliked choice of colour) and a section of bog roll can catch it and flush it without harm to the sewerage system …
…. there is another reason ….
… many of the public know and remember what happened in Venezuela a few years back.
David Lammy tells us in the Guardian that the Home Office is broken following the Windrush affair and that it needs to be reset. Read the long article and buried deep down this reset basically means allowing 1.2 million currently illegal migrants and would-be migrants full UK residency rights at the drop of a hat…
One of the benefits would be a massive drop in the work load for the Home Office.
So following this logic, the long-term solution would be to disband the Home Office, border force etc. altogether and just let anyone into the UK who wished to come from anywhere in the World with no questions asked!
Should also result in a lot more Lammy voters in Tottenham I would have thought!
Digg – let’s put the Lammy Trivia in a box – give the ‘victims ‘ the hand out they crave and deal with important current stuff – not ‘historic’ mistakes like that one . There’s personal responsibility in there somewhere but somethings people arnt expected to have that – just play the ‘victim’ role .
Victimhood – Good
Personal responsibility – Bad
March 27th Celebs doing pilgrimage to an Instanbul Mosque
.. yep when the rest of the world is talking about immigrants doing the pilgrimage from Turkey to the benefits office in Britain.
The new series will feature
Adrian Chiles, a converted Catholic;
Edwina Currie, a lapsed Jew; Olympian
Fatima Whitbread, a practicing Christian;
broadcaster Mim Shaikh and television presenter Amar Latif, both Muslims
and two confirmed atheists, comedian Dom Joly and and actor Pauline McLynn
Good evidence of how out of step/touch the BBC is with listings . Things have changed but the BBC is slow to respond – which in my mind is excellent for those like me who want to see it gone .
Palpable tone of disappointment in radio4 beeboid voices (Davis and Kunnsberg) just now as PM delivers upbeat message to the nation about beating the Chinese corona virus.
But, but, but, they screech ‘people’ have been talking all day about further restrictions and lock downs. Why oh why is this not happening, especially in London?
Perhaps, Boris has realised its better to listen to the scientific advise, rather than be swayed by the Anti-BBCs continued scare based rhetoric about what THEY want to happen…
The WestWyvern
Oh dear, please advise me.I am 80 years old and I have just imbibed a delicious Corona beer. Will I die tomorrow?
Oh well, if I do it will at least give some comfort to the ‘remain’ people. Who knows? -they may in time – agree with me that they were wrong.
Hang in their lefty. It’ll all be fine.
I’d recommend Tea, Cider or Water personally, not sue about that Corona beer to be honest.
As for getting them to agree. I don’t think we can or they will, therefore as I see it, our only path is the abolition of the BBC. No subscription, nowt, nadda. Get em gone.
The WestWyvern
Between you and me mate I have never sampled a Corona Beer in my life because it’s too expensive, so I brew my own ale.
By the way, your last sentence ticks ALL my boxes.
The woman described as “The BBC’s chief Political correspondent”
straight after Boris spoke was asked to do a summary
.. and she went into spin-mode
‘Oh he said 12 weeks, that something could be done ..ooh I doubt that’
Doh what can we do, than play it week by week ?
“The BBC’s chief Political correspondent?
Big Brother at his best. Turn the c—t off and THINK.
She really got my goat tonight. An utter ef***ing disgrace. The sheer sneering holier than thou attitude and contempt was even detected through the car stereo.
I’m mailing the local MP and Tory Central, plus Conservative home to register this particular piece of blatant bias, spin and sneer demonstrated by the BBC ‘political correspondent’. If nothing else I’ll feel better.
Here’s a cheery titbit.
Forget about the £300 per day that the Lords & Lasses pocket in the House of Lords. The ‘gig’ to get is clearly The Pledge ! for about 45 mins (without adverts), of ‘debate’, the attendees pick up £1,200 !!!! Nice work.
Well, having also read the inane utterings in articles by slebs and columnists as “things to do’ when self isolating, perhaps they have an inkling now of what its like every single day for some of us solitary pensioners !!!!! Not great is it.
Celebs self isolating? How I wish they would- forever. Perhaps then we might get some grown up programs that I can enjoy instead of, almost entirely 24hr CBBC. Thank God for the “off switch” It’s a pity that the snowflakes among us don’t make more use of this excellent facility instead of whining about “nasty”people making “unkind comments” about them online.
Lefty Wright
Cut off their oxygen by not paying the Telly Tax.
That is my intention. Whatever it takes. The years (or hours who knows?) available to me now are too few for me to worry about the consequences. I intend to use any time I may have left to defy the traitorous bastards who are, by stealth and deceit, willfully destroying our British culture.
Lefty Wright
That’s the spirit !
Today I had my umpteenth warning letter shoved through my letterbox telling me that I am now ‘under active investigation’ – another red one at that.
Cutting the telly goons lose has saved me a lot of money which I have spent wisely on far more valuable entertainment.
Local ITV news …first politician aired ?
Diana Johnson the Hull Labour MP
Anti BBC, SLY and ITV. All as bad as each other.
BBC going on about schoolchildren missing their education. Clever little buggers don’t need education; they appear so often lambasting us oldies over the environment, climate change and so on. Now is their chance to save the world. Come on Greta, get them moving.
As for the yoonies. Kick the students out and turn the buildings into hospitals which will be a better use of resources than teaching units in gender studies..