Andrew Bolt takes no prisoners after the Cardinal Pell verdict.
Where is the journalist in Britain who will call out the shocking mob mentality of the BBC on so many issues?
Ha Yasser you got there before me
Very big story in Australia : almost akin to Panorama vs Tommy R
Background article and video
: “Shameful pack mentality of the Australian media”
#1 The ABC teamed up with writers to say Top Vatican man Cardinal Pell was a paedophile
#2 Bolt (a Jew) is about the only journo who stands up and says “this is a mad witch-hunt
#3 Years go by Pell is dragged back from Rome put on trial
Found guilty ABC celebrates.
#4 August 2019 Pell loses appeal
#5 April 2020 in an incredible judgement the High Court by a majority of 7 to 0 rules the Victoria Court findings were wrong through misdirection. And that the original appeal judges made devastating errors.
There are three of them; the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, British Broadcasting Corporation and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. And they are all spawn of the devil. Their influence and reach, collectively is like a fungus spreading out over large swathes of the English speaking world.
But the Cardinal Pell case also shows how the state systems in these countries all follow the same play book; the police, the judiciary, the prosecution services, the educational and literature establishments. They are all run by wicked people.
The sickest part, is that other than a few really evil people at the top of these bodies, the majority of the drones don’t even know how wicked they are.
It’s all a manifestation of the falling away from God.
The ABC, the state funded broadcaster is and has been at the forefront of the anti-Christian anti-Catholic witch hunt of Cardinal Pell.
Cardinal Pell was a sceptic on AGW and Climate Change. And ofcourse the treatment, persecution and harassment of Tommy Robinson by the institutions of the state, must be examined by a neutral and honest body.
Yasser- as I mentioned on the previous thread the Aussie Supreme Court judgement is only 2 pages long and is unanimous in its finding the lack of evidence at trial .
It has echoes of the convicted liar in UK who alleged a high level paedo ring which didn’t exist but snowflake plod accepted without question / challenge .
if only Sky would set up a similar channel in UK – I’d gladly pay .
These daily press briefings have served a great purpose. Nothing at all to do with getting information out about Covid-19 and the Government response.
What they have shown up to millions of viewers who may not normally tune in to stuff like this, is that the standard of journalism in this country, right now, it’s at rock bottom. Gutter level.
Kuensberg, Rigby, Peston as the 3 “big hitters” have been nothing short of a disgrace . Inane, pointless, gotcha questioning for nigh on two weeks.
Great thing is, reading the Twitter feeds of these bubble dwelling libtards, there is a lot, and I mean a lot , of negative feeling towards them. There always was, but nothing on this scale now they have been opened up to a whole new audience.
They really are scum.
Raab should have said: "Take a f-king wild guess Laura. I'm the deputy PM chairing Cabinet. This isn't rocket science"
— Neil Alexander |???????? | (@Dick4Dastardly) April 7, 2020
Watched Village of the Damned last night on the Horror channel (I know), for those not in the know its about a bunch of platinum blonde kids all born at the same time, with no humour or logic, and when the townspeople begin to mysteriously die, the survivors find a way to fight the children’s power or be subject to a complete takeover by them ; and it struck me that all those alien kids that acted ‘as one’, reminded me of the current crop of journalists. No humour, act as one, and with no logic in their questioning. A new film could be made “Village of the Damned Journalists” !!!
“Village of the Damned Journalists” Great Idea.
Perhaps Doobster’s “3 big s hitters Kuensberg, Rigby and Peston ” – personally never heard of ’em – could be persuaded to take leading roles – just to add a touch of realism. Sorry about the above typo Fed.
Funny how the BBC has a habit of putting certain politicians on a pedestal – the Burmese lady comes to mind – then something happens which makes them less fashionable – or unmentionable . Got to feel sorry for NZ .
NZ has no one to blame but itself. Once a tough bunch who distinguished themselves in combat, are now a bunch of wusses, who snitch on their neighbours.
The truth is the that Jacinda didn’t shut the borders when she should have, and she let large gatherings like music festivals and St Patrick day parties go ahead when she should have stopped them. By nature she is an open borders type and most of the cases of covid in NZ relate to recent arrivals who should have been properly quarantined. She was reluctant to bring in the appropriate measures until pressured by a group of respected medical practitioners led by a concerned, level headed epidemiologist.
We are in midway into a strict four week lockdown and for the most part, it has to be said, it is going well. The numbers of new infections has been dropping and the outlook is promising.
But what worries me is will she soften the border rules?
Never trust a liberal with borders. They find it easier to restrict their own people than to place even mild conditions on people coming in from abroad.( Unless they are non-PC overseas speakers then it goes without saying)
It’s a moot point, of course, but I wonder how Big Norm (the late Norman Kirk, to those unfamiliar with 1970s NZ politics) would have handled the Covid-19 crisis? Somehow I can’t imagine that he would have played fast and loose with the lives of the people he represented.
Big Norm had a lot of commonsense and would have clamped down as required. Labour Parties have changed since then. They are now dominated by those who have had all commonsense educated out of them.
My relatives in NZ tell me pretty much the same thing about modern Labour politicians, Yasser.
Incidentally, and going way off topic, there’s some interesting clips on you tube of Big Norm being interviewed by David Frost – well worth seeking out if you’ve a few minutes to spare.
What’s a country supposed to do though.
It could close it’s borders completely for a year or two ( until a vaccine is developed)
This lockdown strategy seems to be just about flattening the curve of infections to a manageable rate.
So it’s possible they’re operating the opposite tap too. Perhaps if its deemed too flat they don’t mind letting some infected people in to steepen it.up.? So they can let the virus work it’s course through the population , without taking too long. Who knows,…
The short answer, Eddy, is that a government is supposed to act in the best interests of its people. By my reading, that doesn’t involve allowing a dangerous virus to infect a large section of the population in the hope that this *may* confer some sort of herd immunity.
I’m not sure what you are getting at Stew. The quarantine measures used changed when the government was shaken out of it’s dreaming. However there is still a bit of criticism around due to the government allowing people to self isolate if they promised to be good and obey all the rules. (Yeah, right) What the govt said it would do and what it has actually done again is an area of dispute and I am in no position to comment with any accuracy.
You have lived in this country you understand it’s geographical isolation gives it advantage in times like this.
Also it has space, and Australia is the same in this respect, and while there are a few huge cities like Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney etc there is a lot of space within these cities. People prefer to live somewhere with a bit of greenery around, with a bit of garden space. In times like this it will be another huge advantage compared to the densely packed towns and cities of Europe.
This brings the question of having massive populations. Why has Britain’s population increased so much. Stupid question Yasser! Not relevant! Nobody wants to talk about that!
I wonder how many pandemics it is going to take before it becomes relevant?
I remember an afternoon tea break discussion in an office in Leicestershire I as a sixteen year old made the statement that Britain was overpopulated. A colleague came in quickly with “Why don’t you move out and lower it then”. Laughs all round. So within eighteen months I did just that.
All these years later despite having made several trips back I still
miss Britain, hugely.
“At a time when we are asking New Zealanders to make historic sacrifices I’ve let the team down. I’ve been an idiot, and I understand why people will be angry with me.”
Stew, There has only been one death so far though four people were in intensive care last I heard. It is very hard to cover anything up in NZ.
But, mate even as we were posting and counterposting, unknown to us, the wheels of politics were turning and now the govt is now moving to tighten up the quarantine rules after much popular support and pressure from the opposition.
I am not watching BBC news anymore, I don’t trust it.
Their political editor Laura Kuensberg is an absolute
disgrace. How she must despise the Prime Minister
Boris Johnson. From making facetious comments when
he was in isolation in Downing Street to not expressing
the slightest degree of empathy as he stays in intensive
care. Just asking Dominic Raab negative questions.
And Kuensberg is just one of several presenters at the BBC
whom seem to expressing shadenfreud at the Prime Ministers
predicament. Who needs to watch this?
Both the Telegraph and Times have articles this morning based on the style of questioning undertaken by the broadcast media yesterday evening.
The comments following both articles are totally damning of the BBC, Telegraph and Times and ‘gotcha’ journalism generally.
If these papers want to increase sales/subscriptions they are not going the right way about it.
Judging by the replies perhaps people are finally waking up to the leftist woke BBC
The problem with the BBC is perhaps similar to what destroyed the labour Party?
Watching @BBCNews, this evening, it's self-evident that they are keen for the PM to succumb to Coronavirus.
What isn't clear is whether this is because: ▪︎They hate him generally; ▪︎They fear he's going to remove their funding; or ▪︎ They think it will make a great story.
— Stephen Phillips ???? (@uk_sf_writer) April 7, 2020
Beeb are Labour.
Boris is in the way.
They think it will be much easier to demolish Raab. So a Boris who has departed the political scene is a must for beeb.
Then they start building up Keir Starmer. It WILL happen.
Raab needs to be MUCH more assertive to stop them in their tracks.
Would the USSR have fallen earlier if our Quick Reaction Alert Lightning fighters had escorted those Russian ‘Bear’ Tu95s to reception centres in Lincolnshire during the Cold War?
Perhaps we should open up the port of Bristol again, exporting Ganja to the USA, transporting iPhones to West Africa and importing ‘New Britons’ to benefits offices in Bristol?
John Prine is trending on UK Twitter – How could I have never heard of him?
Oops – the answer is here –
“John Prine (born October 10, 1946) is an American country folk singer-songwriter. He has been active as a composer, recording artist, and live performer since the early 1970s, and is known for an often humorous style of country music that has elements of protest and social commentary.”
I’m actually very sorry to read of the death of John Prine, I’ve been a fan of his since his early 90s album The Missing Years (even if it does have a guest appearance by one B. Springsteen).
Prine wrote a lot of good songs, both sad (Sam Stone – about a drug addicted Vietnam vet; Hello In There – loneliness in old age) and humorous (Grandpa Was A Carpenter, The Bottomless Lake).
Seems appropriate to post this one, the upbeat and irreverent Please Don’t Bury Me.
R.I.P. John.
Edit: John Prine’s death has been attributed to Covid-19, but he had a history of health problems, squamous cell cancer in his neck in 1998, lung cancer in 2013.
” London (CNN) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is receiving “standard oxygen treatment” and is breathing without assistance, his spokesperson said Tuesday, a day after he was transferred to intensive care with coronavirus.
Johnson’s condition is stable and he “remains in good spirits,” his spokesperson said. He has not required invasive or non-invasive ventilation and does not have pneumonia.
But the seriousness of the Prime Minister’s condition at a time of national emergency, combined with the lack of a formal succession procedure for heads of government in the UK, has raised questions about who is leading the country.
Johnson has nominated his Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, to deputize for him “as necessary” but there is no recent precedent for a sitting UK prime minister becoming incapacitated for a lengthy period.
In its daily update to reporters, Downing Street moved to head off concerns, stressing that Raab was running the country from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with the support of government officials.
Raab would chair meetings of the National Security Council if any were needed while he was deputizing for the Prime Minister, a spokesperson said”
” London (CNN) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is receiving “standard oxygen treatment” and is breathing without assistance, his spokesperson said Tuesday, a day after he was transferred to intensive care with coronavirus.
As I feared, late figures (possibly only released overnight) show a big increase in Kent Covid-19 cases: 132 for 7 April. Previous day’s increase was only 36. Could be why the numbers were late – extra checks were instituted because of the large increase.
The pattern seems to be large increase followed by smaller ones then a big fall followed by a large increase. This wave pattern can be tracked right from the start.
The Domenican Republic has now the chair of the United Nations Security Council,where the pandemic will now be talked about.
This is after 3 months where the Chinese had this position and the XI JINPING VIRUS was not allowed to be discussed.
The Chinese putting a veto on it!
The Domenican Republic TV has a lot of similarities with the
BBC in it’s presentation. The demographics of the island is
around 70% Indo-Mulatto , 17% black and 13% white.
We see this reflected on their TV , and why not?
Of course the demographics of the UK are a little different.
But whilst watching BBC I feel at times, and quite a few times
that I could be watching TV from the Caribbean island.
So far, about 2,000 British nationals from seven countries have been brought back on flights organised by the Foreign Office. It’s not free though – passengers have to pay for a seat, which has cost people up to £1,000. Luke Wallwork and his girlfriend Chiara paid around £250 each to get back from Peru. The 23-year-old, from Liverpool, believes it was down to the pressure UK tourists put on the government that finally made them take more action. “The response we got in the first week was that you’re kind of on your own,” he says .
Read full analysis >
Cherry Wilson
BBC News
What further ‘analysis’ Cherry will offer one can only imagine. Based on ‘belief’, no doubt.
9am Radio4 : More or Less
– Is the coronavirus related death count misleading because of delays in reporting?
– Do face masks help prevent the spread of the virus?
– Was a London park experiencing Glastonbury levels of overcrowding this week?
– And after reports of condom shortages …
“I arrived at the ERC a fervent supporter of the EU [but] the Covid-19 crisis completely changed my views" Oh dear, they really are falling apart
This will be spun as complete vindication of the need for greater centralisation within the EU. More power to the Brussels bureaucracy will allow it to better manage crisis like this rather than the piecemeal haphazard approach of the individual member states.
11am R4 “Alan also catches up with 16 year old Ibrahim who was homeless on the streets of Athens when they last spoke – but now has some good news to share.”
I cannot see this on BBC front web page, where I consider it should be:
Labour mayor is kicked out of the party after saying Boris Johnson ‘completely deserves’ intensive care coronavirus battle
Prime Minister was admitted to hospital on Sunday and sent to ICU last night
As he fights off the deadly Covid-19, some trolls have celebrated his condition
Labour’s Sheila Oakes, mayor of Heanor in Derbyshire, said the PM ‘deserves it’
Golly gosh, #r4today lets Samantha Power ridicule Trump when the US rejected her/ Obama/ & the gross imbalance & dependence on China they facilitated. BBC is so married to apologists for the authors of the mess we're in, & so hates those who'll correct it, they have had their day
BBC local headline “Coronavirus: Mayor apologises for PM ‘deserves this’ comments”
She told the BBC: “I didn’t think what I said would upset so many people. It came across as not a nice thing to say.
“I’m concerned about nurses and doctors who don’t have protective equipment. I said something when I was angry without thinking about the prime minister or his family.”
She is a paralegal, defending levels up to murder in court .. says her profile.
How do people like her get to be a Mayor? She is clearly a nasty shallow idiot…is that the qualification to be a Labour Mayor?
I love the way it is okay for them to apologise and think it is okay but if a Tory said something 20 years ago they don’t like they harass like hyenas on a zebra until they fall.
“How do people like her get to be a Mayor? ” Fraid its apathy. The public had become disinterested in politics and taken on the approach, ‘Let them get on with it’. Now, increasingly, the public recognise that, like it or not, they cannot continue to be disinterested. Otherwise the sort of wasters who we see in power all over the place in prime positions will continue to destroy the country.
I saw it on the night . I reported her on Twitter although I never comment on Twitter .
Some one put her home address , phone number and email address on twitter too .
To me – that was a fair thing to do . Reap and sow – is what I believe and she is paying full price .
It’s a bit sad that she is receiving the sort of hate she spewed out .
So this stupid bitch’s asserts that ‘Labour. bailed out the banks’ …without admitting that Labour’s debt explosion, government and private, caused it, together with their p-poor regulation of the finance industry.
The BoE was a competent regulator until Brown/Bollocks/Millipede took control of bank regulation and like everything else…it turned to the brown stuff.
The BBC attempted to save Sheila Oakes. They ran extensive coverage, fawning over the point that she had appologised for her ”misdemeanor”, but then shut up shop completely when they heard that she’d been sacked.
4pm R4 Amol Rajan asks what the role of religious media is and whether the pandemic now threatens their business model.
– Charmaine Noble-Mclean, Premier Christian Radio,
– Joseph Hayat, editor-in-chief British Muslim TV
– Richard Ferrer, editor Jewish News
– Martin Bashir, BBC Religion Editor
Since the MSM Is so eager to talk about ‘ who is in charge ‘ rather than ‘ how are hospitals doing ‘ it’s a wonder that it isn’t really interested in the fate of Professor Ferrari Chairnan of the EU European Research Council ERC .
Prof Ferrari has resigned after 4 months out of despair for lack of EU action over fighting the Chinese Virus . I’m looking forward to hearing an interview . But somehow I don’t expect to hear it on the BBC – the failure of the EU to Support its’ states is as bad as the behaviour of the WHO- both organisations which are loved by the BBC and as such not criticised .
With a fair wind the EU will weaken because Brussels will want more money to fund recovery and damaged countries will say ‘ go swing for it ‘ in Spanish or Italian or Greek or polish or Hungarian .
But not British . …
If you look at the intellectual level of the Labour front bench it can be seen that they are many years away from being contenders – thankfully –
I suppose someone as thick as Angie Rayner is entertainment value but not much more than that . She isn’t a very good driver – Twitter keeps putting bits Of car crash interviews up to entertain us in the lock up .
This week’s R4 lunchtime book is a sympathetic novel about Mexican illegal immigrants Jeanine Cummins’ heart-rending and heart-stopping novel following a mother and son as they flee from the Mexican drug cartels into the US
R4 motto “You can never have too many programmes about immigrants”
11:30pm repeat Knocking on Britain’s Door Shahrzad was arrested as she worked in her newly opened tattoo parlour and hair salon in Iran. Fearing what might happen, her parents paid smugglers to get her to Europe.
….Shahrzad says any risks are worth taking because she won’t feel safe until she reaches Britain
R4 motto “You can never have too many programmes about wonderful highly educated immigrants”
Their stories are always the same….over came adversity and added to society never mention the ones that come in illegally get into drugs and prostitution live off state..
And strangely they all seem to be Muslims
BBC . Balance isn’t one of the B’s
Me cynical. yep, not racist, just like balance and not propaganda
Yes, Balance, JA, with a capital B is important for but absent from the BBC. It would be good if the BBC made the point that Bishop Guli is a genuine refugee (and tell us why!) and not an economic migrant or an opportunist. But they will not, because it will sadly highlight an inconvenient truth that they do not like to have highlighted.
Deserves or completely deserves? As a headline makes a difference doesn’t it, slot it into the article, softens the impact a little. Regardless, it could be expected but not forgiven from a teenage red wedger, but from a mayor, shocking. Made me think about the modern left, if Corbyn Abbot or this ‘mayor’ contracted covid my instinct would be to wish nothing but the best for them and their families. To go on social media and say what this woman did? Where are these people coming from?
The Globalists at the Times , Guardian and BBC are , as anticipated, claiming that only a Global government could have dealt with the pandemic properly and effectively. They claim that the response by each nation state has been haphazard and caused many more deaths than need be. Their criticism of nation states within the EU allows them to absolve the EU bureaucracy itself of any criticism, they argue that , ‘ if only the EU central government had had authority over the member states it would have been able to fight the pandemic much more effectively than the individual states have done’.
Make no mistake the Globalists will be using this crisis to argue for more Europe and more Global government. And in Sir Keir they have their figure head. Stand by for a full throated media assault against Brexit and for rejoining , or more correctly not leaving, the EU.
You only have to look at the Globalists, flagship junior assembly – the EU to see where that ‘collective’ approach has taken Europe in the current difficult times. The EU? Which is currently teetering on the brink of financial and political ruin.
I reported here about the same time yesterday on a Toady item of news. That was the relentless questioning whenever possible of Government spokesmen over the issue of, “Who is in charge?”. Today that continues unabated but in a slightly different form. Now our Black & Asian Broadcasting Corporation have incorporated into that line of questioning, the element of the previous disclosure that the ‘lock-down’ policy would be reviewed in a couple of weeks. Now the question is, ‘Who will be responsible for shelving or adjusting that lock-down policy?’ i.e. ‘Who is in charge?’. The daily feast these sickening people have daily is staggering. Personally, I long for a massive change in the trend of interviewees responses to questions, where the initial response is, (or in similar words): ‘If I answer that honestly, you will condemn the Government for not reaching that target in uncertain times’ and/or, ‘Which answer would you prefer? because only one will satisfy your Marxist agenda’. Tell it the way it is or be replaced by someone who can.
Instead, we get wimps being interviewed who appear to be obsequious in the extreme or, constantly reaching for the dark corners for appeasement. If this current batch of mortally weakened politicians do not alter their response to the likes of the BABC’s line of questioning, nothing will change within our, “World’s most trusted Broadcaster”.
It all started when?
I submit:
G, TW3 was a quite revolutionary programme. My parents – who had lived as adults through WW2 – were taken aback by it. I was too young to watch it.
My view is the real pivot moment came for the BBC in about 2008. They realised the Liberal ‘Wrongism’ was having a massive and very public failure in the UK, the US and somewhat less so in Europe. They realised Blair/Brownism had horribly failed. But what to replace it with?
Something slightly less liberal and very much promoted to the nation led by the BBC, with much of the broadcast and print media standing shoulder to shoulder or following in their wake. At that point the renewed ‘UK Wrongists’ had a huge collision with the rest of the nation in 2015 – by which time the BBC had hoped its propaganda would have paid off – who chose to give a small majority to a Conservative Government in that year’s General Election.
Having gone in one direction – of slightly more extreme ‘Wrongism’ – and had a Liberal Conservative Coalition and then upped the dose with the result of majority Conservative Government, the BBC increased the medicine and thought after June 2017 ‘This has at last worked! Hooray. Let’s increase the dose again for one last push.’
Unfortunately, the patient nation, did not respond well to the increased dosage in 2019.
It is almost as though the BBC and the rest of the ‘Wrongists’ have been going through phases of aromatherapy, naturapathy, homeopathy, proper medication and on to massive medication – more and more radical treatments of propaganda – in trying to cure the patient nation of its inherent conservativeness.
Yes, interesting. David Frost on Wiki? no mention of his politics. I suspect that if he were to emerge current day, he would be described as a Marxist (if he didn’t admit that fact like the woman Ash Sarkar who is openly admitting she is a Communist).
Thank you for this update Mr Frost, but please do NOT extend the transition beyond December. Contrary to what some sources would have you/us believe, support to finally get out of the rotten and failing EU remains just as, if not higher, than ever.
G, indeed. Lurking at the back of my mind is a feeling that we learned something considered to be quite ‘shocking’ about David Frost’s political views just after his death. Of course, it would be a natural progression much noted by others, to turn rather more ‘C’onservative in later years, especially if wealthy and successful.
Cannot remember with accuracy what it was.
Certainly the bulk of his contemporaries and collaborators would have been ‘Wrongists’ but there are names there that are now considered (by the BBC) to be ‘populist’ and ‘of the right’.
I thought it was just – incredible – that the ‘ news’ from China that they had no Chinese virus cases yesterday was reported with a straight face .
I think China a bought a lot of people and organisations .
Apparently the BBC found one alarmist Hong Kong vet and based their article on him.
Thank you for the clarification. I have just read the BBC article & was hugely confused as to the official advice. Well done @BBCNews – completely irresponsible reporting that will undoubtedly cause some idiots to dump their cats thinking they're a threat.
It was thought that. WAS. Chris Smith a virologist on BBC R4 early in March thought that there was zero chance of human → pet and pet → human transmission of Covid-19 was not possible unless you had a pet bat or pangolin.
That all may have changed. MAY. We heard a claim via BBC that big cats in a US zoo had been diagnosed with Covid-19 virus. If an accurate diagnosis and true then that is serious for domestic cats and their owners.
Maybe BBC, like many middle class want people signing on, more people in the UC nightmare, means more people forced to work for agencies, more forced to accept zero hours contracts, more people to lower the wage rates, for jobs where your get your hands dirty.
Life is wonderful for BBC employees. Job security, high pay and expenses, huge pensions, and no intelligence or qualifications required except being the right gender and colour.
The BBC displays an almost childlike naivety in comparing international statistics.
I suppose this stems in part from their individual employee’s educationally ingrained relativism – my ‘truth’ is no better or worse than your ‘truth’.
Also an important consideration is the BBC’s corporate aim of becoming a global broadcaster. For the same reasons as Google happily complies with Chinese censors and we probably won’t ever see Covid the Hollywood Movie truthfully touch on the root of the current big issue for fear of offending the lucrative Chinese market.
And in part the BBC believes in foreign statistics due to the overriding fear of any accusation of racialism that might come their way from the left – which loves the BBC but feigns to hate it because it is so anxious to keep their favourite broadcaster on-message.
So it is that the BBC happily trumpets these headlines:
“Coronavirus: US records highest death toll in single day”
It’s my understanding that if you are hit by a car in the US but test positive then you died of Covid.
Meanwhile in China as your lungs fill with fluid from pneumonia in late stages of the virus but you die of a heart attack – then you died of heart attack.
Please don’t try to compare international statistics unless you can drill down into the details.
They, AISI, they do. They did however at least mention the low number of new cases in USA eastern zone yesterday in the 6 a.m. R4 News but it was reported without a China-stylee enthusiasm or fanfare.
It was as though they were disappointed that the USA is not getting massively sick out east.
Maybe BBC, like many middle class want people signing on, more people in the UC nightmare, means more people forced to work for agencies, more forced to accept zero hours contracts, more people to lower the wage rates, for jobs where your get your hands dirty.
I can’t quite believe what’s happened to our country in such a short period of time.
The virus is bad enough, but it’s our reaction to it…and to each other that I think is more disturbing.
People who I thought were quite rational are calling for ever tougher measures. The “lock down” isn’t enough.
I had a perusal of Facebook last night and someone had put up a photograph of police questioning a man sunbathing on a local common. His nearest neighbour must have been over a hundred yards away, but his conduct was deemed to be an infringement of law.
To my astonishment and utter misery most of the posters were in agreement with the officious plod. Indeed some of them thought the police should have gone further. People were suggesting water cannons be used. Someone mentioned imprisoning him, Another said it’s time to bring in the army. It was like a Monty Python sketch that had gone wrong…
It’s difficult to make light of this puritanical mob mentality. In a couple of weeks we’ve reduced the country of Magna Carta to a vindictive Venezuela .
Oh, while we’re on the subject of tyrannical conduct, don’t forget this evening at 8 O’clock…
Mere applause is no longer sufficient. Dustbin lids, football rattles, grannies false teeth. Anything to make a cacophonous racket.
People seem to get comfort out of conforming, and knowing their role, I’ve noticed the unmeasured 2 metre queing distance outside businesses, has slowly increased to 4 plus in my area ( North Yorkshire)
I’m not quite there yet , but after seeing the initial mass greed buying, and now the nasty grassing and pathetic obedeince of the masses, I’m getting near to not caring COVID-19 if reeks havoc..
Hang on, it’s only Wednesday, you old fool.
Blimey, that would have been embarrassing, out in my front garden, clattering a couple of dustbin lids, all on my lonesome.
What a plonker…
Jeff, it’s ‘Do it for Boris’ night, isn’t it tonight? Total silence around here from neighbours. Had I remembered I might have rattled a teaspoon in a saucer alongside the cup.
When this is over the main issue will be China and how it started and why. Added to that will be the lack of coherent policies by the West to protect it’s people both from economic destruction and national survival . Interesting times ahead.
BBC exaggerating the Covid-19 issues in New York this morning, spreading the false “temporary interment in parks” rumour that Governor Cuomo himself debunked. Also interview with a New York funeral director hyping the situation. Local deaths are 2-3 times the monthly average, which is not at all the same thing as the seasonal monthly average.
Correction to my earlier post, the BBC referred to temporary burials on Hart Island, which the New York Mayor has indeed mentioned as a possibility although not something they are doing now:
“I have spoken to many folks in City gov’t today, and received unequivocal assurance that there will be *no* burials in NYC Parks. All have stated clearly that if temporary interment should be needed it will be done on Hart Island. And that of course if such burials are required they will be done in a dignified, orderly, professional manner. Let’s all keep working hard to slow this virus so that such steps are not in fact needed.” – Mark D. Levine, 6 April
I agree surgical gloves are the new plastic bags, I’ve noticed them everywhere on my daily walks (
I meant WALK, please don’t report me to the authorities☎️????)
Any other unitended consequences of the lockdown??
How about it makes the virus more virulent.
Theory: it reduces the chance of people catching just a very small dose of COVID-19, say from a passerby, which they could well have fought off and gained immunity.
With the lockdown it will spread much slower, but maybe with larger more deadly doses being exchanged, say among families etc.
Yes indeed, something that hasn’t fully sunk in with a lot of people is that, according to the Imperial College paper that was used to justify the lockdown, “flattening the curve” by delaying sufficient herd immunity will cause repeated outbreaks of the same virus over a long period. The chart on page 12 has the repeated outbreaks continuing to December 2021.
This will have a devastating effect on the at-risk groups that the media pretend to care about; they will have to stay isolated and with limited medical care until a vaccine appears in perhaps 18 months. Many in the at-risk groups will die anyway in the next 18 months, so “flatten the curve” could be condemning these people to a life sentence of poor medical care and solitary confinement.
I’m afraid I didn’t need an, ‘Imperial College Paper’ 6/8 weeks ago when I realised what was going on and predicted, here, that the vulnerable will catch the thing anyway. The corollary? The Government will hope that the numbers of dead will be too few over the, yes, years not to cause alarm. Space the deaths out (“Save the NHS”) seems the objective until a vaccine is available. Only hope for the aged and highly vulnerable (like me) is to hibernate for, perhaps a year/18 months.
Eddy, these discarded plastic gloves (I saw and photographed a pair on Friday last) are from carers, possibly from the EU who are so very essential, I am told by the BBC.
and here is part of an email sent to me by a relative, a theatre nurse, in Zurich…….
“I went back to ICU in October last year. We now have to look after Corona Patients. I have to say that it gives me a lot of stress. I looked after a patient a couple of days ago, that got a tracheostomy. He was coughing a lot (but still on the Respirator). Every time he coughed, the whole thing disconnected, and the phlegm would go all over the place. It s not a good feeling… even though we had the whole protection with gloves, masks etc.
There is a lot of insecurity around, and new Hygiene rules every day!!!! Some people tend to panic. We have more of the good masks FFP2 for the next 10 days. They are waiting for more masks to be delivered. People also steal masks and disinfection products in the Hospital!! ………….
We’re all in the same boat around the world, and its no good whingeing about when we come out of lockdown, because too soon could produce a second/third wave which could result in us staying in (I hate ‘self isolation’ ) until Christmas !
According to the Imperial College paper that was used to justify the lockdown, “flattening the curve” will bring us second/third/fourth/fifth… waves anyway by delaying herd immunity. Nobody is suggesting that lockdowns remove 100% of the virus.
Ok. Not BBC but just caught itv segment. It was two lefties, Matthew Wright and Janet Street Porter. Basically was two more journo’s going on and on about “who is in charge” etc.
I honestly do not think the general public give a toss. They accept its Raab. That’s it. It’s only these gutter level journalists who seem bothered about it, trying their best to create more uncertainty and panic. They thrive on it. Pure scum.
So, I check Twitter and see if my thoughts are correct.They are indeed. 90% against Wright and Porter.
I’m sorry Matthew wright, but how can you sit there and say ‘Dominic Raab couldn’t answer any questions about when the lock down will end’ HE DOESNT KNOW! There is currently no science to say when it will be ending. #thismorning
Well done @Schofe. Janet and Matthew talking pie in the sky. Keep it real. There is no power vacuum. The government will continue to be led by THE SCIENCE and not the paranoia and below par journalism. #thismorning
Said it before, normal, everyday folk are really beginning to get sick of this media. The above were just a few, the tweets were endless about the sensationalist journalism.
I’ve given up watching or listening to any of it.. The are a bloody national disgrace.
The final straw for me was these idiot journalists claiming to be ‘chief Political Correspondent’ or some such grandiose title before then asking a billy basic bottom drawer question about how the functioning of Government continues when the PM is laid low.
FFS, as journalists with a chosen specialist subject of politics, British politics in particular you should already be fully aware of this and procedure that is followed.
@Doobster yep always worth checking on Twitter
– Live on air the metrolibs have control of the microphone so are kings of the buubleworld.
.. so you go on Twitter and you can call them out
.. They respond by saying that
“social media is fake news stay away from it”
… then they often block you on Twitter so they can keep their bubbleworld.
Wright blocked me on one of my accounts even tho I’d only tweeted in his thread twice.
On another account wgen I tweeted Amol , Wright leapt in with an insult.
Dubai : The teachers are effectively doing the class register every morning on Facebook
… good idea to get the kids up and ready for study.
(no Easter Holiday there of course)
I have relations living in Dubai. The schools broke up weeks ago and brought their holidays forward so kids had 2 weeks off school and then Dubai decided not to restart schools but would have on line lessons which I believe is working well, this is what I think should happen here. The children have a few hours on line with their teachers and at least have some form of education and normality. My relation works as a nursery teacher and she goes on line for 3 hours each morning. She said it works well and has had lots of thanks from the parents as the children are 3 or 4 year olds and it must be murder trying to keep them entertained. I spoke to her yesterday and she said Dubai are really clamping down
now and you must go online and request permit to leave home for shopping, medical etc and police are about to make sure people conform. If anyone is out without authority its £1000 on the spot fine. They are also spraying the streets with disinfectant. All the malls etc are shut it’s only food shops that are open.
Leonard “Nipper” Read has died aged 95. He was the detective who put the Kray twins behind bars in the late 60’s.
If you go to Wikipedia and their page which lists alphabetical “recent deaths”, the single-line entry for Read states that he died from COVID-19, however there isn’t a single mention of COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the BBC report. I found this strange.
Did a bit of digging. It would seem, judging from various reports, that Read was admitted to hospital with a foot infection, but actually contracted COVID-19 *whilst in the hospital*. Perhaps this is why the BBC makes no mention of it. After all, we can’t have the world’s greatest health service infecting their own patients with this virus. What would the trained-monkey clappers make of it all? Best keep quiet about that possibility.
This does of course raise the question of how many people are actually catching this virus whilst in hospital. I would imagine that if those stats are available they’ll be hushed up somewhere. The NHS is happy to lecture the public about taking precautions but it would indeed be ironic if a huge number of deaths are actually as a result of poor NHS standards.
It gets more interesting as well. Various posters on this site have questioned the number of deaths which are attributed to COVID-19 but in reality are caused primarily by something else; but hospital staff are just putting “COVID-19” down as the cause of death because……well… looks dramatic and can help with future grants and they might get allocated a few more ventilators as well. Also there seem to be very few post-mortems taking place, so let’s just put “COVID-19” down, it’ll keep the BBC happy and help to justify the UK-wide house arrest.
There does seem to be a massive amount of mis-information and assumptions.
I know someone who went into the local hospital for a minor issue – the hospital gave them a free dose of MRSA – a third world nurse told them -outright – that they’d have to stay in hospital “ for weeks “ – which caused them to breakdown in distress . That was a lie . I was there . So many reasons not to turn the NHS into a God .
I have so much negative experience of that outfit and I can’t see my desire for total reform Of the NHS and medical industry to be changed ….
The NHS exhibits all of the characteristics of the USSR’s command economy. Staff who in many non-clinical positions couldn’t care less about their ‘clients’, so-called ‘managers/administrators’, mostly overpaid, who couldn’t manage the proverbial p-up and who don’t rotate stock (PPE?) and render it useless, gross waste and inefficiency, blind focus on central targets (tractor production) whilst devoting insufficient resources to the problem to be solved.
The classic example is the Nightingale…the NHS faffed about longer thinking what to do than the Army took to build it. And the contrast between the UK and Germany, where health policy is advisory at the national level and carried out at regional level by autonomous authorities and the private sector could not be explained better.
Agreed Non Snowflake.
This is a question that journos need to ask at the afternoon brief: what percentage of Covid-19 deaths were the result of the disease being contracted after arriving in hospital? I bet it’s quite high and as you surmise.
Eddie Large also seems to have been such a victim of HAI.
We (and I’m afraid I’m one of those dreaded NHS workers) are HUGELY aware of the risks of people acquiring Covid-19 by visiting hospital and trying hard to balance the risks faced by bringing someone to hospital vs. trying to manage them in the community.
Our schedules of care have reduced dramatically and everyone I work with is trying to maintain a safe level of care. People will die who would have been ok had they become ill 6 months earlier and this needs to be acknowledged more widely.
Criticise what we are trying to do, complain about the inflexibility of NHS monoliths but please believe that there are thousands of us trying hard to keep as many people safe as we possibly can.
Am guessing that some late reporting around the globe has delayed the update of the Johns Hopkins Uni chart. Belgium – who reported early yesterday – made a brief jump into the top ten.
(Why do I tend to favour JHU? Well Johns Hopkins Uni has both a major med school and large hospital attached to it, all with good past reputations, and I like to think that their approach to counting Covid-19 cases would be thorough albeit limited to ten nations. It also acts as a counter to some of the narrative emerging from the BBC on R4.)
Anyway, that blip downward of about 1000 new cases in eastern USA has been followed by a jump upward of 3x that.
We often say on here CCBGB . Never more so on this piece from our “Beff” .
How, in the name of all that’s holy, can they read the replies they are getting and think “yep, I think we have captured the mood of the nation ”
ANALYSIS: PM in intensive care in the midst of an era-defining crisis. The Whitehall machine grinds on. But what’s missing is the most important cog of all – the PM. The handover of power partial, the solution temporary. Situation can’t hold indefinitely
Obviously they only mention ‘Cabinet’ or ‘collective responsibility’ when a Conservative Minister has touched a female journalist who is an old family friend ‘on the knee’.
Reminder, they spent months telling us that Boris didn’t matter cos Dominic Cummings was running the show.
..Cummings had put himself in isolation about April 3
.. There’s no news of him.
I was due to end my self isolation today, but Dominic Cummings says he finds it easier to run the country without me getting in the way.#COVIDー19
— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) April 3, 2020
I get confused with some of the abbreviations on this site too so I generally try Googling them. This time I think “CCBGB” could mean “Comments could be going better”.
I notice one of the current strands of MSM attack on the government is to seek out a number – such as weeks until the lockup is ended or number of tests or ventilators .
And when there is even a whiff that such a number is to be achieved by a ‘set time ‘ they go into full attack .
The political journalists ‘gotcha’ methods won’t be forgotten me thinks – but surely people know that all those numbers can only be guesses and not fixed . There was even a discussion about the health sec refusing to say he’d resign if 100000 tests per day were not achieved by the 31st of April . So if only 99999 are achieved the MSM will demand resignation .
They’re not doing themselves or their masters many favours and I think a lot of people are noticing and getting angry .
Fed “They’re not doing themselves or their masters many favours and I think a lot of people are noticing and getting angry.”
Think you are right.
Clue for BBC: look at front page of Daily Express. Yes, I know its the Express and not the Guardian or Mirror. Yes, I know it was probably all set up by a staff photographer. But I think it expresses the national mood that you, the BBC, claim to be so in touch with.
A lot of people inside with a lot of time on their hands – less familiar with the ways of Laura Beff and the rest will be wondering – ‘why are These self important clowns wandering around Westminster for no apparent reason when we are being told a thousand times a day to stay inside ?”
Why is every thing being said or done being rubbished ? It’s beyond this mythical “ scrutiny “ and just sick games where sick people are An aside – unless they have some MSM approved attribute like non white skin or such like ….
The government is in a ‘no win ‘ – end the restrictions too soon – blame – keep restrictions going longer than other nations – get the blame .
Meanwhile China is free of its own virus . Anyone there who says otherwise gets the ‘enemy of the state treatment ‘.
And then there is the BoJo obituary they are all working ( they can’t wait ) on with the longer term aim of undermining the legitimacy of the elected government to demand a fresh general election so that we deliver the BBC approved result next time ……
The Telegraph gives the order of deputies to Boris as:
1. Dominic Raab
2. Rishi Sunak
3. Priti Patel
(Gove is 4th)
Other deputies are available.
So there bBC, Peston etc. – no problem.
Jay Blades is coming up on Rado4
12:39pm “Jay Blades joins Winifred to motivate those of us staying indoors self-isolating to have a go at fixing up something old.”
amazing viewing figures
This is from someone who went bankrupt and left his wife. Now he has become the new sweetheart of the BBC thanks to his fronting The Repair Shop. He ran a community centre in the east end, was sponsored to open an upcycling workshop in Wolverhampton which went bust, but did make a few appearance painting chair legs on Money for Nothing, then he was upgraded to sharing the hosting of this programme, and is a useless fixture (but does push forward to shake hands first with the ‘customer’s – just watch next time) amongst all the really talented and skilled people on The Repair Shop. Like Nadia Hussein who got the OBE for services to cooking (?) will he get the same in a couple of years for services to old sofas ?
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam?
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
Hee-hee ????
???? Gesundheit!
I hope you are all well ????
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Andrew Bolt takes no prisoners after the Cardinal Pell verdict.
Where is the journalist in Britain who will call out the shocking mob mentality of the BBC on so many issues?
Brilliant minute or so from 2.05 !!!!!!! Superb. Calling out those journo’s ????????
Ha Yasser you got there before me
Very big story in Australia : almost akin to Panorama vs Tommy R
Background article and video
: “Shameful pack mentality of the Australian media”
#1 The ABC teamed up with writers to say Top Vatican man Cardinal Pell was a paedophile
#2 Bolt (a Jew) is about the only journo who stands up and says “this is a mad witch-hunt
#3 Years go by Pell is dragged back from Rome put on trial
Found guilty ABC celebrates.
#4 August 2019 Pell loses appeal
#5 April 2020 in an incredible judgement the High Court by a majority of 7 to 0 rules the Victoria Court findings were wrong through misdirection. And that the original appeal judges made devastating errors.
When oh when will we have a Sky News Aus here?
There are three of them; the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, British Broadcasting Corporation and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. And they are all spawn of the devil. Their influence and reach, collectively is like a fungus spreading out over large swathes of the English speaking world.
But the Cardinal Pell case also shows how the state systems in these countries all follow the same play book; the police, the judiciary, the prosecution services, the educational and literature establishments. They are all run by wicked people.
The sickest part, is that other than a few really evil people at the top of these bodies, the majority of the drones don’t even know how wicked they are.
It’s all a manifestation of the falling away from God.
I must confess I don’t know too much about God but, that said ,I agree with every word you have posted. Thank you.
The ABC, the state funded broadcaster is and has been at the forefront of the anti-Christian anti-Catholic witch hunt of Cardinal Pell.
Cardinal Pell was a sceptic on AGW and Climate Change. And ofcourse the treatment, persecution and harassment of Tommy Robinson by the institutions of the state, must be examined by a neutral and honest body.
Cardinal Pell’s lawyers should sue the pants of all who libeled Pell. I’m sure lawyers will do so with delight.
Yasser- as I mentioned on the previous thread the Aussie Supreme Court judgement is only 2 pages long and is unanimous in its finding the lack of evidence at trial .
It has echoes of the convicted liar in UK who alleged a high level paedo ring which didn’t exist but snowflake plod accepted without question / challenge .
if only Sky would set up a similar channel in UK – I’d gladly pay .
What about Weinstein? It seems, he has been a victim of a #metoo witch hunt.
These daily press briefings have served a great purpose. Nothing at all to do with getting information out about Covid-19 and the Government response.
What they have shown up to millions of viewers who may not normally tune in to stuff like this, is that the standard of journalism in this country, right now, it’s at rock bottom. Gutter level.
Kuensberg, Rigby, Peston as the 3 “big hitters” have been nothing short of a disgrace . Inane, pointless, gotcha questioning for nigh on two weeks.
Great thing is, reading the Twitter feeds of these bubble dwelling libtards, there is a lot, and I mean a lot , of negative feeling towards them. There always was, but nothing on this scale now they have been opened up to a whole new audience.
They really are scum.
Watched Village of the Damned last night on the Horror channel (I know), for those not in the know its about a bunch of platinum blonde kids all born at the same time, with no humour or logic, and when the townspeople begin to mysteriously die, the survivors find a way to fight the children’s power or be subject to a complete takeover by them ; and it struck me that all those alien kids that acted ‘as one’, reminded me of the current crop of journalists. No humour, act as one, and with no logic in their questioning. A new film could be made “Village of the Damned Journalists” !!!
Oh yes, based on John Wyndham’s novel, The Millbank Cuckoos.
Sorry – The Midwich Cuckoos.
He’d adapt the triffids to the evil bubble – days are numbered …
If I recall – books far better than the films …
You only have to study the, ‘Pack Mentality’ of some wild animals. Question is, if such a wild pack gets out of hand, they are culled.
“Village of the Damned Journalists” Great Idea.
Perhaps Doobster’s “3 big s hitters Kuensberg, Rigby and Peston ” – personally never heard of ’em – could be persuaded to take leading roles – just to add a touch of realism. Sorry about the above typo Fed.
Jon speaking for the whole BBC here. I think by the way Jon is clearly in a state of “semi on” here, Mrs Sopel best watch her back.
Funny how the BBC has a habit of putting certain politicians on a pedestal – the Burmese lady comes to mind – then something happens which makes them less fashionable – or unmentionable . Got to feel sorry for NZ .
NZ has no one to blame but itself. Once a tough bunch who distinguished themselves in combat, are now a bunch of wusses, who snitch on their neighbours.
In my school we were taught that snitching was the worst sin of all. Even the teachers thought so, and treated the snitch with contempt.
But what else can you expect from a nation that elected a PC female PM.
Oh Gawd! Sopel is a real drip isn’t he.
The truth is the that Jacinda didn’t shut the borders when she should have, and she let large gatherings like music festivals and St Patrick day parties go ahead when she should have stopped them. By nature she is an open borders type and most of the cases of covid in NZ relate to recent arrivals who should have been properly quarantined. She was reluctant to bring in the appropriate measures until pressured by a group of respected medical practitioners led by a concerned, level headed epidemiologist.
We are in midway into a strict four week lockdown and for the most part, it has to be said, it is going well. The numbers of new infections has been dropping and the outlook is promising.
But what worries me is will she soften the border rules?
Never trust a liberal with borders. They find it easier to restrict their own people than to place even mild conditions on people coming in from abroad.( Unless they are non-PC overseas speakers then it goes without saying)
It’s a moot point, of course, but I wonder how Big Norm (the late Norman Kirk, to those unfamiliar with 1970s NZ politics) would have handled the Covid-19 crisis? Somehow I can’t imagine that he would have played fast and loose with the lives of the people he represented.
Big Norm had a lot of commonsense and would have clamped down as required. Labour Parties have changed since then. They are now dominated by those who have had all commonsense educated out of them.
My relatives in NZ tell me pretty much the same thing about modern Labour politicians, Yasser.
Incidentally, and going way off topic, there’s some interesting clips on you tube of Big Norm being interviewed by David Frost – well worth seeking out if you’ve a few minutes to spare.
What’s a country supposed to do though.
It could close it’s borders completely for a year or two ( until a vaccine is developed)
This lockdown strategy seems to be just about flattening the curve of infections to a manageable rate.
So it’s possible they’re operating the opposite tap too. Perhaps if its deemed too flat they don’t mind letting some infected people in to steepen it.up.? So they can let the virus work it’s course through the population , without taking too long. Who knows,…
The short answer, Eddy, is that a government is supposed to act in the best interests of its people. By my reading, that doesn’t involve allowing a dangerous virus to infect a large section of the population in the hope that this *may* confer some sort of herd immunity.
Haven’t NZ shops been full of Easter eggs since January like the UK?
In the UK as long as a household has a pillow and a coin the ‘tooth fairy’ gets about just fine.
With ‘leaders’ like this ‘the West’ will be Muslim within a decade.
NZ have only logged 1 Covid19 death
scaling for population that would be 13 in the UK
What softy lefty policy did NZ use ?
“NZ quarantined passengers for 14 days on arrival. “
I’m not sure what you are getting at Stew. The quarantine measures used changed when the government was shaken out of it’s dreaming. However there is still a bit of criticism around due to the government allowing people to self isolate if they promised to be good and obey all the rules. (Yeah, right) What the govt said it would do and what it has actually done again is an area of dispute and I am in no position to comment with any accuracy.
You have lived in this country you understand it’s geographical isolation gives it advantage in times like this.
Also it has space, and Australia is the same in this respect, and while there are a few huge cities like Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney etc there is a lot of space within these cities. People prefer to live somewhere with a bit of greenery around, with a bit of garden space. In times like this it will be another huge advantage compared to the densely packed towns and cities of Europe.
This brings the question of having massive populations. Why has Britain’s population increased so much. Stupid question Yasser! Not relevant! Nobody wants to talk about that!
I wonder how many pandemics it is going to take before it becomes relevant?
I remember an afternoon tea break discussion in an office in Leicestershire I as a sixteen year old made the statement that Britain was overpopulated. A colleague came in quickly with “Why don’t you move out and lower it then”. Laughs all round. So within eighteen months I did just that.
All these years later despite having made several trips back I still
miss Britain, hugely.
Yasser I wasn’t making such a big point I was only quoting a tweet
Has NZ only had one death ? or is there a cover up ?
I know the KFC eaters don’t have much respect for obeying rules
so how has been so contained ?
BBc News
“At a time when we are asking New Zealanders to make historic sacrifices I’ve let the team down. I’ve been an idiot, and I understand why people will be angry with me.”
Health Ministers… what are they like?
He drove his family to the beach didn’t he ?
Stew, There has only been one death so far though four people were in intensive care last I heard. It is very hard to cover anything up in NZ.
But, mate even as we were posting and counterposting, unknown to us, the wheels of politics were turning and now the govt is now moving to tighten up the quarantine rules after much popular support and pressure from the opposition.
With a ‘top row’ of teeth like that, you can surely see where she’s coming from……………..
I am not watching BBC news anymore, I don’t trust it.
Their political editor Laura Kuensberg is an absolute
disgrace. How she must despise the Prime Minister
Boris Johnson. From making facetious comments when
he was in isolation in Downing Street to not expressing
the slightest degree of empathy as he stays in intensive
care. Just asking Dominic Raab negative questions.
And Kuensberg is just one of several presenters at the BBC
whom seem to expressing shadenfreud at the Prime Ministers
predicament. Who needs to watch this?
Both the Telegraph and Times have articles this morning based on the style of questioning undertaken by the broadcast media yesterday evening.
The comments following both articles are totally damning of the BBC, Telegraph and Times and ‘gotcha’ journalism generally.
If these papers want to increase sales/subscriptions they are not going the right way about it.
At least their readers have a choice……….
BBC News
Some commonly used words to describe the US by Canadians included “chaos,” “confused”, “bully” and “disappointing”.
Some commonly used words to describe the BBC are…
FFS BBC journalism consists of cooking up narratives to stir hate against Trump
Isnt “Trump v Money” more than 1 word?
call me crazy but im sure it is
Canadians have CBS, another PC lefty feminist PM, like NZ.
Judging by the replies perhaps people are finally waking up to the leftist woke BBC
The problem with the BBC is perhaps similar to what destroyed the labour Party?
Beeb are Labour.
Boris is in the way.
They think it will be much easier to demolish Raab. So a Boris who has departed the political scene is a must for beeb.
Then they start building up Keir Starmer. It WILL happen.
Raab needs to be MUCH more assertive to stop them in their tracks.
“Channel migrants: Four boats intercepted crossing Channel”
Intercepted used to mean sunk.
Now it means ‘ferried over’.
Would the USSR have fallen earlier if our Quick Reaction Alert Lightning fighters had escorted those Russian ‘Bear’ Tu95s to reception centres in Lincolnshire during the Cold War?
Perhaps we should open up the port of Bristol again, exporting Ganja to the USA, transporting iPhones to West Africa and importing ‘New Britons’ to benefits offices in Bristol?
At the same time the people in the uk are in lockdown . Surely another “serious incident “ ?
Trump says US may put a ‘very powerful hold’ on funding to World Health Organization
Lol! Are Al Beeb spinning yet!
Trump is looking at helping the UK out by supplying two hundred ventilators?
Go on maxincony admit it , Al Beeb is biased !
John Prine is trending on UK Twitter – How could I have never heard of him?
Oops – the answer is here –
“John Prine (born October 10, 1946) is an American country folk singer-songwriter. He has been active as a composer, recording artist, and live performer since the early 1970s, and is known for an often humorous style of country music that has elements of protest and social commentary.”
I’m actually very sorry to read of the death of John Prine, I’ve been a fan of his since his early 90s album The Missing Years (even if it does have a guest appearance by one B. Springsteen).
Prine wrote a lot of good songs, both sad (Sam Stone – about a drug addicted Vietnam vet; Hello In There – loneliness in old age) and humorous (Grandpa Was A Carpenter, The Bottomless Lake).
Seems appropriate to post this one, the upbeat and irreverent Please Don’t Bury Me.
R.I.P. John.
Edit: John Prine’s death has been attributed to Covid-19, but he had a history of health problems, squamous cell cancer in his neck in 1998, lung cancer in 2013.
Replace the letters CNN with BBC
” London (CNN) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is receiving “standard oxygen treatment” and is breathing without assistance, his spokesperson said Tuesday, a day after he was transferred to intensive care with coronavirus.
Johnson’s condition is stable and he “remains in good spirits,” his spokesperson said. He has not required invasive or non-invasive ventilation and does not have pneumonia.
But the seriousness of the Prime Minister’s condition at a time of national emergency, combined with the lack of a formal succession procedure for heads of government in the UK, has raised questions about who is leading the country.
Johnson has nominated his Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, to deputize for him “as necessary” but there is no recent precedent for a sitting UK prime minister becoming incapacitated for a lengthy period.
In its daily update to reporters, Downing Street moved to head off concerns, stressing that Raab was running the country from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with the support of government officials.
Raab would chair meetings of the National Security Council if any were needed while he was deputizing for the Prime Minister, a spokesperson said”
The Queen is an excellent example of how to be impartial because she always supports the UK government.
Yes , because it’s always HM’s Government.
” London (CNN) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is receiving “standard oxygen treatment” and is breathing without assistance, his spokesperson said Tuesday, a day after he was transferred to intensive care with coronavirus.
That is the official position.
As I feared, late figures (possibly only released overnight) show a big increase in Kent Covid-19 cases: 132 for 7 April. Previous day’s increase was only 36. Could be why the numbers were late – extra checks were instituted because of the large increase.
The pattern seems to be large increase followed by smaller ones then a big fall followed by a large increase. This wave pattern can be tracked right from the start.
I wonder if it has anything to do with returning RN ships from patrol.
The Domenican Republic has now the chair of the United Nations Security Council,where the pandemic will now be talked about.
This is after 3 months where the Chinese had this position and the XI JINPING VIRUS was not allowed to be discussed.
The Chinese putting a veto on it!
The Domenican Republic TV has a lot of similarities with the
BBC in it’s presentation. The demographics of the island is
around 70% Indo-Mulatto , 17% black and 13% white.
We see this reflected on their TV , and why not?
Of course the demographics of the UK are a little different.
But whilst watching BBC I feel at times, and quite a few times
that I could be watching TV from the Caribbean island.
Fos, “70% Indo-Mulatto”?
do you not mean Indo-Spanish or Afro-Spanish?
BBC News
More than 250 trades unions and environment groups have signed an open letter to governments opposing plans for bailing out the aviation industry.
Looks like Jon’s Fiat 500 is stuck in HRW short stay forever.
BBC Moaning Emole (kind of)
Have Brits stranded abroad got home yet?
So far, about 2,000 British nationals from seven countries have been brought back on flights organised by the Foreign Office. It’s not free though – passengers have to pay for a seat, which has cost people up to £1,000. Luke Wallwork and his girlfriend Chiara paid around £250 each to get back from Peru. The 23-year-old, from Liverpool, believes it was down to the pressure UK tourists put on the government that finally made them take more action. “The response we got in the first week was that you’re kind of on your own,” he says .
Read full analysis >
Cherry Wilson
BBC News
What further ‘analysis’ Cherry will offer one can only imagine. Based on ‘belief’, no doubt.
23 year olds in Peru, eh; essential travel?
I can’t stand all of these whingers….all the BBC and MSM seem to do at the moment is find a whinger to criticise Govt
Doubtless covered by bbc foi exemptions, but the process each one comes to air would be interesting.
Did their people call up the bbc people and offer a whinge and get snapped up?
Or did the bbc simply locate a whinger and call them?
9am Radio4 : More or Less
– Is the coronavirus related death count misleading because of delays in reporting?
– Do face masks help prevent the spread of the virus?
– Was a London park experiencing Glastonbury levels of overcrowding this week?
– And after reports of condom shortages …
– how many Earth-like planets there are in existence
Katya all over this, no doubt?
This will be spun as complete vindication of the need for greater centralisation within the EU. More power to the Brussels bureaucracy will allow it to better manage crisis like this rather than the piecemeal haphazard approach of the individual member states.
11am R4 “Alan also catches up with 16 year old Ibrahim who was homeless on the streets of Athens when they last spoke – but now has some good news to share.”
is one of the 3 items
Beth Rigby ‘analyses’ too. Bless her.
“BBC China correspondent trying not to get deported? “
I cannot see this on BBC front web page, where I consider it should be:
Labour mayor is kicked out of the party after saying Boris Johnson ‘completely deserves’ intensive care coronavirus battle
Prime Minister was admitted to hospital on Sunday and sent to ICU last night
As he fights off the deadly Covid-19, some trolls have celebrated his condition
Labour’s Sheila Oakes, mayor of Heanor in Derbyshire, said the PM ‘deserves it’
BBC Editorial Integrity means there is only space for good news; that is, ‘news’ the bbc considers ‘good’… eg:
“Coronavirus: Wuhan emerges from the harshest of lockdowns”
That’s not from Stevo, but By John Sudworth BBC News, Beijing.
Is Beijing near Wuhan?
BBC having a China Crisis?
BBC local headline “Coronavirus: Mayor apologises for PM ‘deserves this’ comments”
She told the BBC: “I didn’t think what I said would upset so many people. It came across as not a nice thing to say.
“I’m concerned about nurses and doctors who don’t have protective equipment. I said something when I was angry without thinking about the prime minister or his family.”
She is a paralegal, defending levels up to murder in court .. says her profile.

How do people like her get to be a Mayor? She is clearly a nasty shallow idiot…is that the qualification to be a Labour Mayor?
I love the way it is okay for them to apologise and think it is okay but if a Tory said something 20 years ago they don’t like they harass like hyenas on a zebra until they fall.
“How do people like her get to be a Mayor? ” Fraid its apathy. The public had become disinterested in politics and taken on the approach, ‘Let them get on with it’. Now, increasingly, the public recognise that, like it or not, they cannot continue to be disinterested. Otherwise the sort of wasters who we see in power all over the place in prime positions will continue to destroy the country.
I saw it on the night . I reported her on Twitter although I never comment on Twitter .
Some one put her home address , phone number and email address on twitter too .
To me – that was a fair thing to do . Reap and sow – is what I believe and she is paying full price .
It’s a bit sad that she is receiving the sort of hate she spewed out .
So this stupid bitch’s asserts that ‘Labour. bailed out the banks’ …without admitting that Labour’s debt explosion, government and private, caused it, together with their p-poor regulation of the finance industry.
The BoE was a competent regulator until Brown/Bollocks/Millipede took control of bank regulation and like everything else…it turned to the brown stuff.
The BBC attempted to save Sheila Oakes. They ran extensive coverage, fawning over the point that she had appologised for her ”misdemeanor”, but then shut up shop completely when they heard that she’d been sacked.
4pm R4 Amol Rajan asks what the role of religious media is and whether the pandemic now threatens their business model.
– Charmaine Noble-Mclean, Premier Christian Radio,
– Joseph Hayat, editor-in-chief British Muslim TV
– Richard Ferrer, editor Jewish News
– Martin Bashir, BBC Religion Editor
Mr. Bashir’s ‘model’ remains divinely unique, and golden.
Since the MSM Is so eager to talk about ‘ who is in charge ‘ rather than ‘ how are hospitals doing ‘ it’s a wonder that it isn’t really interested in the fate of Professor Ferrari Chairnan of the EU European Research Council ERC .
Prof Ferrari has resigned after 4 months out of despair for lack of EU action over fighting the Chinese Virus . I’m looking forward to hearing an interview . But somehow I don’t expect to hear it on the BBC – the failure of the EU to Support its’ states is as bad as the behaviour of the WHO- both organisations which are loved by the BBC and as such not criticised .
With a fair wind the EU will weaken because Brussels will want more money to fund recovery and damaged countries will say ‘ go swing for it ‘ in Spanish or Italian or Greek or polish or Hungarian .
But not British . …
see 7:37am post above
“0 Brexiteers in the Shadow Cabinet.
The new Labour Party leader claims the party under him represents all.”
If you look at the intellectual level of the Labour front bench it can be seen that they are many years away from being contenders – thankfully –
I suppose someone as thick as Angie Rayner is entertainment value but not much more than that . She isn’t a very good driver – Twitter keeps putting bits Of car crash interviews up to entertain us in the lock up .
This week’s R4 lunchtime book is a sympathetic novel about Mexican illegal immigrants
Jeanine Cummins’ heart-rending and heart-stopping novel following a mother and son as they flee from the Mexican drug cartels into the US
R4 motto “You can never have too many programmes about immigrants”
11:30pm repeat Knocking on Britain’s Door
Shahrzad was arrested as she worked in her newly opened tattoo parlour and hair salon in Iran. Fearing what might happen, her parents paid smugglers to get her to Europe.
….Shahrzad says any risks are worth taking because she won’t feel safe until she reaches Britain
20:45pm Bishop of Loughborough Guli Francis-Dehqani reflects on her journey of identity as an Iranian-born British Christian.
10:55am “Mari and Melita”
Mother and daughter
R4 motto “You can never have too many programmes about wonderful highly educated immigrants”
Their stories are always the same….over came adversity and added to society never mention the ones that come in illegally get into drugs and prostitution live off state..
And strangely they all seem to be Muslims
BBC . Balance isn’t one of the B’s
Me cynical. yep, not racist, just like balance and not propaganda
Yes, Balance, JA, with a capital B is important for but absent from the BBC. It would be good if the BBC made the point that Bishop Guli is a genuine refugee (and tell us why!) and not an economic migrant or an opportunist. But they will not, because it will sadly highlight an inconvenient truth that they do not like to have highlighted.
Deserves or completely deserves? As a headline makes a difference doesn’t it, slot it into the article, softens the impact a little. Regardless, it could be expected but not forgiven from a teenage red wedger, but from a mayor, shocking. Made me think about the modern left, if Corbyn Abbot or this ‘mayor’ contracted covid my instinct would be to wish nothing but the best for them and their families. To go on social media and say what this woman did? Where are these people coming from?
The Globalists at the Times , Guardian and BBC are , as anticipated, claiming that only a Global government could have dealt with the pandemic properly and effectively. They claim that the response by each nation state has been haphazard and caused many more deaths than need be. Their criticism of nation states within the EU allows them to absolve the EU bureaucracy itself of any criticism, they argue that , ‘ if only the EU central government had had authority over the member states it would have been able to fight the pandemic much more effectively than the individual states have done’.
Make no mistake the Globalists will be using this crisis to argue for more Europe and more Global government. And in Sir Keir they have their figure head. Stand by for a full throated media assault against Brexit and for rejoining , or more correctly not leaving, the EU.
You only have to look at the Globalists, flagship junior assembly – the EU to see where that ‘collective’ approach has taken Europe in the current difficult times. The EU? Which is currently teetering on the brink of financial and political ruin.
I reported here about the same time yesterday on a Toady item of news. That was the relentless questioning whenever possible of Government spokesmen over the issue of, “Who is in charge?”. Today that continues unabated but in a slightly different form. Now our Black & Asian Broadcasting Corporation have incorporated into that line of questioning, the element of the previous disclosure that the ‘lock-down’ policy would be reviewed in a couple of weeks. Now the question is, ‘Who will be responsible for shelving or adjusting that lock-down policy?’ i.e. ‘Who is in charge?’. The daily feast these sickening people have daily is staggering. Personally, I long for a massive change in the trend of interviewees responses to questions, where the initial response is, (or in similar words): ‘If I answer that honestly, you will condemn the Government for not reaching that target in uncertain times’ and/or, ‘Which answer would you prefer? because only one will satisfy your Marxist agenda’. Tell it the way it is or be replaced by someone who can.
Instead, we get wimps being interviewed who appear to be obsequious in the extreme or, constantly reaching for the dark corners for appeasement. If this current batch of mortally weakened politicians do not alter their response to the likes of the BABC’s line of questioning, nothing will change within our, “World’s most trusted Broadcaster”.
It all started when?
I submit:
G, TW3 was a quite revolutionary programme. My parents – who had lived as adults through WW2 – were taken aback by it. I was too young to watch it.
My view is the real pivot moment came for the BBC in about 2008. They realised the Liberal ‘Wrongism’ was having a massive and very public failure in the UK, the US and somewhat less so in Europe. They realised Blair/Brownism had horribly failed. But what to replace it with?
Something slightly less liberal and very much promoted to the nation led by the BBC, with much of the broadcast and print media standing shoulder to shoulder or following in their wake. At that point the renewed ‘UK Wrongists’ had a huge collision with the rest of the nation in 2015 – by which time the BBC had hoped its propaganda would have paid off – who chose to give a small majority to a Conservative Government in that year’s General Election.
Having gone in one direction – of slightly more extreme ‘Wrongism’ – and had a Liberal Conservative Coalition and then upped the dose with the result of majority Conservative Government, the BBC increased the medicine and thought after June 2017 ‘This has at last worked! Hooray. Let’s increase the dose again for one last push.’
Unfortunately, the patient nation, did not respond well to the increased dosage in 2019.
It is almost as though the BBC and the rest of the ‘Wrongists’ have been going through phases of aromatherapy, naturapathy, homeopathy, proper medication and on to massive medication – more and more radical treatments of propaganda – in trying to cure the patient nation of its inherent conservativeness.
Yes, interesting. David Frost on Wiki? no mention of his politics. I suspect that if he were to emerge current day, he would be described as a Marxist (if he didn’t admit that fact like the woman Ash Sarkar who is openly admitting she is a Communist).
At last an update from the OTHER David Frost
G, indeed. Lurking at the back of my mind is a feeling that we learned something considered to be quite ‘shocking’ about David Frost’s political views just after his death. Of course, it would be a natural progression much noted by others, to turn rather more ‘C’onservative in later years, especially if wealthy and successful.
Cannot remember with accuracy what it was.
Certainly the bulk of his contemporaries and collaborators would have been ‘Wrongists’ but there are names there that are now considered (by the BBC) to be ‘populist’ and ‘of the right’.
BBC now. Victoria Derbyshire yet AGAIN trying to push the line about “who is making decisions” .
Now banging on that the British public need confidence in the person making said decisions, clear agenda is that there is no confidence in Raab.
This interview is DISGUSTING.
Update – now she is not happy about using terms that are linked to war when speaking about coronavirus.
Anything at all to do with Britain and the Government is NEGATIVE. 24\7
But now, a POSITIVE story about China. Unbelievable.
I thought it was just – incredible – that the ‘ news’ from China that they had no Chinese virus cases yesterday was reported with a straight face .
I think China a bought a lot of people and organisations .
Indeed Fed. You could sense the change of tone in her voice when reporting the China news . She perked up no end.
No need to question the Chinese figures, just keep picking away at the UK figures. Seems the BBC way. Strange !!
Vic Derbyshire misadvising
Apparently the BBC found one alarmist Hong Kong vet and based their article on him.
That’s probably because the last time he/she/it ate a bowl of cat/dog stew in their local Hawker Stall, it resulted in a ‘bad tummy’…..
Our local Korean takeout has stopped serving poshin-tang
Chinese take aways have dropped number 19 off the menus …….
Sorry Fed, off topic but they should be kept in doors in order to prevent them destroying the native bird population, esp as its now nesting time.
Despicable creatures, send em all back to Egypt.
It was thought that. WAS. Chris Smith a virologist on BBC R4 early in March thought that there was zero chance of human → pet and pet → human transmission of Covid-19 was not possible unless you had a pet bat or pangolin.
That all may have changed. MAY. We heard a claim via BBC that big cats in a US zoo had been diagnosed with Covid-19 virus. If an accurate diagnosis and true then that is serious for domestic cats and their owners.
Maybe BBC, like many middle class want people signing on, more people in the UC nightmare, means more people forced to work for agencies, more forced to accept zero hours contracts, more people to lower the wage rates, for jobs where your get your hands dirty.
Life is wonderful for BBC employees. Job security, high pay and expenses, huge pensions, and no intelligence or qualifications required except being the right gender and colour.
The BBC displays an almost childlike naivety in comparing international statistics.
I suppose this stems in part from their individual employee’s educationally ingrained relativism – my ‘truth’ is no better or worse than your ‘truth’.
Also an important consideration is the BBC’s corporate aim of becoming a global broadcaster. For the same reasons as Google happily complies with Chinese censors and we probably won’t ever see Covid the Hollywood Movie truthfully touch on the root of the current big issue for fear of offending the lucrative Chinese market.
And in part the BBC believes in foreign statistics due to the overriding fear of any accusation of racialism that might come their way from the left – which loves the BBC but feigns to hate it because it is so anxious to keep their favourite broadcaster on-message.
So it is that the BBC happily trumpets these headlines:
“Coronavirus: US records highest death toll in single day”
“Coronavirus: China reports no Covid-19 deaths for first time”
It’s my understanding that if you are hit by a car in the US but test positive then you died of Covid.
Meanwhile in China as your lungs fill with fluid from pneumonia in late stages of the virus but you die of a heart attack – then you died of heart attack.
Please don’t try to compare international statistics unless you can drill down into the details.
They, AISI, they do. They did however at least mention the low number of new cases in USA eastern zone yesterday in the 6 a.m. R4 News but it was reported without a China-stylee enthusiasm or fanfare.
It was as though they were disappointed that the USA is not getting massively sick out east.
I wonder why?
Maybe BBC, like many middle class want people signing on, more people in the UC nightmare, means more people forced to work for agencies, more forced to accept zero hours contracts, more people to lower the wage rates, for jobs where your get your hands dirty.
I can’t quite believe what’s happened to our country in such a short period of time.
The virus is bad enough, but it’s our reaction to it…and to each other that I think is more disturbing.
People who I thought were quite rational are calling for ever tougher measures. The “lock down” isn’t enough.
I had a perusal of Facebook last night and someone had put up a photograph of police questioning a man sunbathing on a local common. His nearest neighbour must have been over a hundred yards away, but his conduct was deemed to be an infringement of law.
To my astonishment and utter misery most of the posters were in agreement with the officious plod. Indeed some of them thought the police should have gone further. People were suggesting water cannons be used. Someone mentioned imprisoning him, Another said it’s time to bring in the army. It was like a Monty Python sketch that had gone wrong…
It’s difficult to make light of this puritanical mob mentality. In a couple of weeks we’ve reduced the country of Magna Carta to a vindictive Venezuela .
Oh, while we’re on the subject of tyrannical conduct, don’t forget this evening at 8 O’clock…
Mere applause is no longer sufficient. Dustbin lids, football rattles, grannies false teeth. Anything to make a cacophonous racket.
Big Brother is watching you!
People seem to get comfort out of conforming, and knowing their role, I’ve noticed the unmeasured 2 metre queing distance outside businesses, has slowly increased to 4 plus in my area ( North Yorkshire)
I’m not quite there yet , but after seeing the initial mass greed buying, and now the nasty grassing and pathetic obedeince of the masses, I’m getting near to not caring COVID-19 if reeks havoc..
Hang on, it’s only Wednesday, you old fool.
Blimey, that would have been embarrassing, out in my front garden, clattering a couple of dustbin lids, all on my lonesome.
What a plonker…
Jeff, it’s ‘Do it for Boris’ night, isn’t it tonight? Total silence around here from neighbours. Had I remembered I might have rattled a teaspoon in a saucer alongside the cup.
At least someone’s telling it like it is…
(and it’s not the beeb)
“World Health Organisation and Communist China engaging in deplorable actions”
Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat has questioned the truth behind China’s coronavirus death toll after the country reported no new deaths for the first time since the outbreak.
When this is over the main issue will be China and how it started and why. Added to that will be the lack of coherent policies by the West to protect it’s people both from economic destruction and national survival . Interesting times ahead.
BBC exaggerating the Covid-19 issues in New York this morning, spreading the false “temporary interment in parks” rumour that Governor Cuomo himself debunked. Also interview with a New York funeral director hyping the situation. Local deaths are 2-3 times the monthly average, which is not at all the same thing as the seasonal monthly average.
A bit long at > 31 mins but well worth a watch:
Correction to my earlier post, the BBC referred to temporary burials on Hart Island, which the New York Mayor has indeed mentioned as a possibility although not something they are doing now:
“I have spoken to many folks in City gov’t today, and received unequivocal assurance that there will be *no* burials in NYC Parks. All have stated clearly that if temporary interment should be needed it will be done on Hart Island. And that of course if such burials are required they will be done in a dignified, orderly, professional manner. Let’s all keep working hard to slow this virus so that such steps are not in fact needed.” – Mark D. Levine, 6 April
This writer has BBC world in her bio
Shailja Patel’s thread of hate against Boris
… really lashing out.
Coronavirus: Discarded disposable gloves on the street
I agree surgical gloves are the new plastic bags, I’ve noticed them everywhere on my daily walks (
I meant WALK, please don’t report me to the authorities☎️????)
Any other unitended consequences of the lockdown??
How about it makes the virus more virulent.
Theory: it reduces the chance of people catching just a very small dose of COVID-19, say from a passerby, which they could well have fought off and gained immunity.
With the lockdown it will spread much slower, but maybe with larger more deadly doses being exchanged, say among families etc.
Yes indeed, something that hasn’t fully sunk in with a lot of people is that, according to the Imperial College paper that was used to justify the lockdown, “flattening the curve” by delaying sufficient herd immunity will cause repeated outbreaks of the same virus over a long period. The chart on page 12 has the repeated outbreaks continuing to December 2021.
This will have a devastating effect on the at-risk groups that the media pretend to care about; they will have to stay isolated and with limited medical care until a vaccine appears in perhaps 18 months. Many in the at-risk groups will die anyway in the next 18 months, so “flatten the curve” could be condemning these people to a life sentence of poor medical care and solitary confinement.
I’m afraid I didn’t need an, ‘Imperial College Paper’ 6/8 weeks ago when I realised what was going on and predicted, here, that the vulnerable will catch the thing anyway. The corollary? The Government will hope that the numbers of dead will be too few over the, yes, years not to cause alarm. Space the deaths out (“Save the NHS”) seems the objective until a vaccine is available. Only hope for the aged and highly vulnerable (like me) is to hibernate for, perhaps a year/18 months.
I’m sorry to hear that, G. I’m caring for an elderly relative so we are also self-isolating.
Eddy, these discarded plastic gloves (I saw and photographed a pair on Friday last) are from carers, possibly from the EU who are so very essential, I am told by the BBC.
and here is part of an email sent to me by a relative, a theatre nurse, in Zurich…….
“I went back to ICU in October last year. We now have to look after Corona Patients. I have to say that it gives me a lot of stress. I looked after a patient a couple of days ago, that got a tracheostomy. He was coughing a lot (but still on the Respirator). Every time he coughed, the whole thing disconnected, and the phlegm would go all over the place. It s not a good feeling… even though we had the whole protection with gloves, masks etc.
There is a lot of insecurity around, and new Hygiene rules every day!!!! Some people tend to panic. We have more of the good masks FFP2 for the next 10 days. They are waiting for more masks to be delivered. People also steal masks and disinfection products in the Hospital!! ………….
We’re all in the same boat around the world, and its no good whingeing about when we come out of lockdown, because too soon could produce a second/third wave which could result in us staying in (I hate ‘self isolation’ ) until Christmas !
According to the Imperial College paper that was used to justify the lockdown, “flattening the curve” will bring us second/third/fourth/fifth… waves anyway by delaying herd immunity. Nobody is suggesting that lockdowns remove 100% of the virus.
Ok. Not BBC but just caught itv segment. It was two lefties, Matthew Wright and Janet Street Porter. Basically was two more journo’s going on and on about “who is in charge” etc.
I honestly do not think the general public give a toss. They accept its Raab. That’s it. It’s only these gutter level journalists who seem bothered about it, trying their best to create more uncertainty and panic. They thrive on it. Pure scum.
So, I check Twitter and see if my thoughts are correct.They are indeed. 90% against Wright and Porter.
Said it before, normal, everyday folk are really beginning to get sick of this media. The above were just a few, the tweets were endless about the sensationalist journalism.
I’ve given up watching or listening to any of it.. The are a bloody national disgrace.
The final straw for me was these idiot journalists claiming to be ‘chief Political Correspondent’ or some such grandiose title before then asking a billy basic bottom drawer question about how the functioning of Government continues when the PM is laid low.
FFS, as journalists with a chosen specialist subject of politics, British politics in particular you should already be fully aware of this and procedure that is followed.
Utter cretins the lot of them.
@Doobster yep always worth checking on Twitter
– Live on air the metrolibs have control of the microphone so are kings of the buubleworld.
.. so you go on Twitter and you can call them out
.. They respond by saying that
“social media is fake news stay away from it”
… then they often block you on Twitter so they can keep their bubbleworld.
Wright blocked me on one of my accounts even tho I’d only tweeted in his thread twice.
On another account wgen I tweeted Amol , Wright leapt in with an insult.
Dubai : The teachers are effectively doing the class register every morning on Facebook
… good idea to get the kids up and ready for study.
(no Easter Holiday there of course)
I have relations living in Dubai. The schools broke up weeks ago and brought their holidays forward so kids had 2 weeks off school and then Dubai decided not to restart schools but would have on line lessons which I believe is working well, this is what I think should happen here. The children have a few hours on line with their teachers and at least have some form of education and normality. My relation works as a nursery teacher and she goes on line for 3 hours each morning. She said it works well and has had lots of thanks from the parents as the children are 3 or 4 year olds and it must be murder trying to keep them entertained. I spoke to her yesterday and she said Dubai are really clamping down
now and you must go online and request permit to leave home for shopping, medical etc and police are about to make sure people conform. If anyone is out without authority its £1000 on the spot fine. They are also spraying the streets with disinfectant. All the malls etc are shut it’s only food shops that are open.
Yes @iroMG of @TalkRadio had his daughter on the show
and that is what she reported
On the BBC website –
“Meanwhile the World Health Organization has named the virus Covid-19.”
Perhaps the reason for that, very confusing name, was to hide the fact that the ‘China’ virus is another SARs variant – SARS-CoV-2
C_M, took me far too long to twig but isn’t the ’19’ bit down to the year? SARS was 2002, hence Covid-02. Covid-19 started in November/December 2019.
High time we had a Coronavirus conspiracy theory or 4.
Leonard “Nipper” Read has died aged 95. He was the detective who put the Kray twins behind bars in the late 60’s.
If you go to Wikipedia and their page which lists alphabetical “recent deaths”, the single-line entry for Read states that he died from COVID-19, however there isn’t a single mention of COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the BBC report. I found this strange.
Did a bit of digging. It would seem, judging from various reports, that Read was admitted to hospital with a foot infection, but actually contracted COVID-19 *whilst in the hospital*. Perhaps this is why the BBC makes no mention of it. After all, we can’t have the world’s greatest health service infecting their own patients with this virus. What would the trained-monkey clappers make of it all? Best keep quiet about that possibility.
This does of course raise the question of how many people are actually catching this virus whilst in hospital. I would imagine that if those stats are available they’ll be hushed up somewhere. The NHS is happy to lecture the public about taking precautions but it would indeed be ironic if a huge number of deaths are actually as a result of poor NHS standards.
It gets more interesting as well. Various posters on this site have questioned the number of deaths which are attributed to COVID-19 but in reality are caused primarily by something else; but hospital staff are just putting “COVID-19” down as the cause of death because……well… looks dramatic and can help with future grants and they might get allocated a few more ventilators as well. Also there seem to be very few post-mortems taking place, so let’s just put “COVID-19” down, it’ll keep the BBC happy and help to justify the UK-wide house arrest.
There does seem to be a massive amount of mis-information and assumptions.
Non Snow, think HAIs (sorry Fed, Hospital Acquired Infections) are mentioned here:
or here:
I know someone who went into the local hospital for a minor issue – the hospital gave them a free dose of MRSA – a third world nurse told them -outright – that they’d have to stay in hospital “ for weeks “ – which caused them to breakdown in distress . That was a lie . I was there . So many reasons not to turn the NHS into a God .
I have so much negative experience of that outfit and I can’t see my desire for total reform Of the NHS and medical industry to be changed ….
The NHS exhibits all of the characteristics of the USSR’s command economy. Staff who in many non-clinical positions couldn’t care less about their ‘clients’, so-called ‘managers/administrators’, mostly overpaid, who couldn’t manage the proverbial p-up and who don’t rotate stock (PPE?) and render it useless, gross waste and inefficiency, blind focus on central targets (tractor production) whilst devoting insufficient resources to the problem to be solved.
The classic example is the Nightingale…the NHS faffed about longer thinking what to do than the Army took to build it. And the contrast between the UK and Germany, where health policy is advisory at the national level and carried out at regional level by autonomous authorities and the private sector could not be explained better.
And the fraud , theft , daft contracting , corruption of billing – overcharging , negligence and cover ups . All angels.
Meanwhile Sweden is proposing to start counting “deaths from” Covid-19 (excess deaths) rather than “deaths with” (total test-positive deaths) as most other countries do. They reckon the change will reduce the numbers by 80%!
Agreed Non Snowflake.
This is a question that journos need to ask at the afternoon brief: what percentage of Covid-19 deaths were the result of the disease being contracted after arriving in hospital? I bet it’s quite high and as you surmise.
Eddie Large also seems to have been such a victim of HAI.
We (and I’m afraid I’m one of those dreaded NHS workers) are HUGELY aware of the risks of people acquiring Covid-19 by visiting hospital and trying hard to balance the risks faced by bringing someone to hospital vs. trying to manage them in the community.
Our schedules of care have reduced dramatically and everyone I work with is trying to maintain a safe level of care. People will die who would have been ok had they become ill 6 months earlier and this needs to be acknowledged more widely.
Criticise what we are trying to do, complain about the inflexibility of NHS monoliths but please believe that there are thousands of us trying hard to keep as many people safe as we possibly can.
Am guessing that some late reporting around the globe has delayed the update of the Johns Hopkins Uni chart. Belgium – who reported early yesterday – made a brief jump into the top ten.
(Why do I tend to favour JHU? Well Johns Hopkins Uni has both a major med school and large hospital attached to it, all with good past reputations, and I like to think that their approach to counting Covid-19 cases would be thorough albeit limited to ten nations. It also acts as a counter to some of the narrative emerging from the BBC on R4.)
Anyway, that blip downward of about 1000 new cases in eastern USA has been followed by a jump upward of 3x that.
We often say on here CCBGB . Never more so on this piece from our “Beff” .
How, in the name of all that’s holy, can they read the replies they are getting and think “yep, I think we have captured the mood of the nation ”
Obviously they only mention ‘Cabinet’ or ‘collective responsibility’ when a Conservative Minister has touched a female journalist who is an old family friend ‘on the knee’.
Reminder, they spent months telling us that Boris didn’t matter cos Dominic Cummings was running the show.
..Cummings had put himself in isolation about April 3
.. There’s no news of him.
Hi Guys
I don’t post on here but I do read everyday like a religion. One thing is frustrating me, what does CCBGB mean?
I get confused with some of the abbreviations on this site too so I generally try Googling them. This time I think “CCBGB” could mean “Comments could be going better”.
I notice one of the current strands of MSM attack on the government is to seek out a number – such as weeks until the lockup is ended or number of tests or ventilators .
And when there is even a whiff that such a number is to be achieved by a ‘set time ‘ they go into full attack .
The political journalists ‘gotcha’ methods won’t be forgotten me thinks – but surely people know that all those numbers can only be guesses and not fixed . There was even a discussion about the health sec refusing to say he’d resign if 100000 tests per day were not achieved by the 31st of April . So if only 99999 are achieved the MSM will demand resignation .
They’re not doing themselves or their masters many favours and I think a lot of people are noticing and getting angry .
Fed “They’re not doing themselves or their masters many favours and I think a lot of people are noticing and getting angry.”
Think you are right.
Clue for BBC: look at front page of Daily Express. Yes, I know its the Express and not the Guardian or Mirror. Yes, I know it was probably all set up by a staff photographer. But I think it expresses the national mood that you, the BBC, claim to be so in touch with.
A lot of people inside with a lot of time on their hands – less familiar with the ways of Laura Beff and the rest will be wondering – ‘why are These self important clowns wandering around Westminster for no apparent reason when we are being told a thousand times a day to stay inside ?”
Why is every thing being said or done being rubbished ? It’s beyond this mythical “ scrutiny “ and just sick games where sick people are An aside – unless they have some MSM approved attribute like non white skin or such like ….
The government is in a ‘no win ‘ – end the restrictions too soon – blame – keep restrictions going longer than other nations – get the blame .
Meanwhile China is free of its own virus . Anyone there who says otherwise gets the ‘enemy of the state treatment ‘.
And then there is the BoJo obituary they are all working ( they can’t wait ) on with the longer term aim of undermining the legitimacy of the elected government to demand a fresh general election so that we deliver the BBC approved result next time ……
The Telegraph gives the order of deputies to Boris as:
1. Dominic Raab
2. Rishi Sunak
3. Priti Patel
(Gove is 4th)
Other deputies are available.
So there bBC, Peston etc. – no problem.
Jay Blades is coming up on Rado4
12:39pm “Jay Blades joins Winifred to motivate those of us staying indoors self-isolating to have a go at fixing up something old.”
amazing viewing figures
He said the High Wycombe community put him in touch with
local master craftsmen who taught him.
This is from someone who went bankrupt and left his wife. Now he has become the new sweetheart of the BBC thanks to his fronting The Repair Shop. He ran a community centre in the east end, was sponsored to open an upcycling workshop in Wolverhampton which went bust, but did make a few appearance painting chair legs on Money for Nothing, then he was upgraded to sharing the hosting of this programme, and is a useless fixture (but does push forward to shake hands first with the ‘customer’s – just watch next time) amongst all the really talented and skilled people on The Repair Shop. Like Nadia Hussein who got the OBE for services to cooking (?) will he get the same in a couple of years for services to old sofas ?