On Test counts : I believe that some of the libmob army that occupies and controls our country
.. are so devious that they would deliberately thwart the test numbers if it meant that would stop Boris getting good PR.
Just as I believe that some of the cockups to do with Universal Credit cases are lefty employees deliberately trying to make the Tories look bad.
Former Tory MP Dr Phillip Lee has labelled the government response to Corvid-19 as a ‘spectacular failure’. Dr Lee resigned from the party in 2019 over Brexit and stood for the Lib-Dems in the election where he lost his seat.
Now then, for those children working from home, please construct a sentence containing the words: pique, spite, remainer, pygmy and political non-entity. Send your sentence on a postcard to The Labour Party, London and the winner will receive a signed photograph of a real live knight!
@john in cheshire The libmob went crazy calling a daily Express photo about Brighton beach crowds a ‘lie cos it’s a photo from last years Bank Holiday’
doh yes all newpaper photos are manipulated to build narratives
but by accusing the Express of using a photo from last year
.. libmob have lost the plot.
The photo guy was able to show that photo was really from this weekend cos the ice-cream shop webcam has exactly the same cars on.
He doesn’t say that the cameraman by taking the photo looking directly down the promenade has made a shot which has a lot of people in and makes those people look much closer together than they are.
Hacked Off founders Hugh Grant and Brian Cathcart were among thousands retweeting posts accusing the Daily Express of faking a front-page picture
.. only 3 tweeted the Express’s PROOF that the photo was legitimate
Having been in self-imposed BBC lock-out, (as I value my mental health), I might have missed it, but has ‘our’ BBC actually reported that the ‘social distancing’ rules around the world aren’t the same.
Here we are supposed to space out 2metres,
in Australia it is 1.5 metres and in France, 1 metre.
Now isn’t that a question worth asking at the kangaroo court briefing session?
I got really sick of the Biased BBC, so went to the page to cancel my licence. https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/no-licence-needed/about.app
I wonder if there is a flood of people cancelling their licence, because they seem to have shut the page down ?
It’s clear to me china is faking the coronavirus in china and has spread this disease deliberately around the world to get at donald trump.His policies and tarriffs have decimated china’s economic ambitions,the communists will try anything to stop him being re-elected.The truth will come out eventually and the bbc will reluctantly have to mention it very quickly and then try and ignore it.
Mackers, the numbers on the Johns Hopkins inter-active appear to indicate deliberate infection of the USA. Whether it was China or not who knows? Both Italy and Spain have links with the US and may be ‘disguising’ China’s involvement.
It is curious how both President Trump and Prime Minister Johnson have both been attacked by their domestic and each others media. I wonder if that has happened elsewhere?
You can hear the collective groan the other end of the Mersey tunnel up hear every late afternoon as Dominic/Priti/Matt say “and now we’ll take some questions from the press” ????
Seriously, from what I can gather resentment is gathering pace quickly amongst the GBP towards these self-centered and self-serving idiots calling themselves ‘journalists’ ????
You’ve only got to be watching the Facebook stream live to see how the ‘watching’ numbers tumble when the 3 wise monkeys start up with their “are you going to apologise for not apologising….” etc, etc!
Tossers the lot ????
I have gone through the episode at can’t find it nor could anyone else
All the main TV & radio broadcasters leading with the blood chilling findings of #Panorama last night. All except BBC Radio 4. Still no mention of the shocking revelations made by their own colleagues in last nights documentary. What the hell is going on at the Today programme?
The response from the BBC so far is silence and we all know that BBC silence = refusal to acknowledge = guilt.
This really does need raising in Parliament, they are supposed to be our National news broadcaster not the organ of the hard-left labour activist brigade.
They keep going lower and lower, it has to end with their demotion or demise.
The most effective government action would be to move the 16.30 Coronavirus Update to ITV. Such a simple action would deliver a monumental slap and give the public a much needed confidence boost. This, combined with the PM treating the usual banal ‘gotchas’ with a barked ‘Next question!’ would change the game irrevocably.
Northern Ireland death toll rises by nine
A further nine people have died with Covid-19 in hospitals in Northern Ireland, latest daily figures show.
It takes the total number of deaths to 347.
Northern Ireland health minister Robin Swann said the nation “remains on a knife edge” and urged people to stay home.
So just nine deaths across NI, yet the province” remains on a knife edge”. Over dramatic, or what?
Surely more than nine people die in NI every day.
What’s the betting that all nine had pre-existing medical conditions, were frail and elderly or were a combination of both.
Treating us to a photo of a black female with a mask.
More gloating.
Followed by a photo of three people who may have recently returned from a holiday on the surface of Mercury. Other explanations are available.]
[More gloating, accompanied by a histogram, which, to save BBBC readers the trouble of looking, I will assure you, shows statistics that have Red-Robbo and Witless wetting their little pink undies. Yes even the girls wear pink.]
Liz’s story: A queue which snaked around the car park
[Photo of a racial minority member here.]
Liz Sargent, 65, from Shepton Mallet in Somerset, embarked on a 40-mile round trip to Bristol Airport to get tested after developing Covid-19 symptoms only to find herself waiting in a queue.
[Liz has a big smile and does not look like a virus victim to me.]
She said: “After 30 minutes we realised exactly how long that queue was
[‘cos we are not very bright? or fibbing?]
– there must have been more than 100 cars waiting in a queue which snaked all around the car park.
“Then people wearing high-vis jackets appeared and started going round cars with a sign saying the testing facility was over capacity and to make an appointment for another day.”
After trying to book again she was told the next available was on Friday, her seventh day of self-isolation and outside of the testing window.
“I was left feeling angry, disappointed and very frustrated by this mismanagement and waste of time,” she said.
[It is 198.3 miles from Shepton Mallet to Peterborough
Which is where Liz Sargeant lives.
Liz Sargeant OBE
Clinical lead health and social care integration ECIST NHSE/I
Peterborough, United Kingdom500+ connections
Wrong one, this one ate all the pies though!
LCS, “and my nose is telling me this is yet another BBC stitch up”
yes, especially so, when tbomk [ that’s ‘to the best of my knowledge’ roughly equiv. (that’s equivalent, Fed) to AFAIK ‘as far as I know’, Fed, – I hope you have stopped twitching now 😉 🙂 ] you have to make an appointment for a Covid-19 test. You cannot just turn up and queue.
Another case of “there is no support from the Government” , and “the Government needs to help”.
Ha ! this time its from Obesity Uk, – its been highlighted that a third of sufferers of Covid19 are obese. Whether its true or not, a spokeswoman has said ‘we need more help from the Government’. To do what exactly ????
God on a bike, every whinger from the dancing flea organisation to Posh Spice’s vanity project wants a handout from the government, but its really me, the tax payer.
Well, if these organisations/charities cant get a handle on their affairs, then they shouldn’t be in existence at all. In Obesity UK, there should be only one mantra – stop the deliveries from Deliveroo and stay away from the fridge.
The BBC seem very adept at finding whingers..I don’t watch or listen to much these days expect contribute here 🙂 but I usually have to switch off pretty quickly due to whingers and whiners…or of course the usual BBC narrative
“The series said it wanted to promote “gender equality and a level playing field” within motorsport.”
Bollox, 50% of the best drivers (men) are effectively being eliminated because of their sex.
In the good old days lap times were recorded, the fastest candidates progressed, everybody else went home.
If some of the rejects were women, so be it.
This is the same policy that promoted feeble bodied pussy munchers like Cressida Dick beyond their competence.
Despite her lack of competence risking the lives of real police officers.
When John McEnroe stated that Serena Williams would be ranked 700 he was wrong.
If there were no female only tournaments Williams would not be ranked at all.
Girls do not believe the “hard done by mantra” you are fed. If you can beat the men (all the men), you can name your price.
The promoters will beat a path to your door and you will become a zillionairess. If.
81,611 tests in 24 hours
Yes what an utter utter failure this Tory government is
Boris has murdered all these 26,000 victims himself
He and the press briefing team should lie on the floor
so the #GotchaGang can spit on him
If we had a Labour government
80 million tests would have been done in the last 24 hours.
Crikey. PM says more than 81,000 tests were performed yesterday.
Based on that daily increase it sounds like Matt Hancock will have got very close to hitting his 100,000 target today.
Credit where credit is due, the expansion of UK testing has been pretty rapid.
I think the virus came from one of the laboratories in Wuhan.
I don’t believe it came from eating bats.
Imagine if there were several world epidemics/pandemics (as we’ve had from Wuhan) but that they had originated in Porton Down where our bio labs are.
Then, our politicians told you was because the locals were eating hedgehogs and the virus(‘s) all came because of that.
Would you believe them.
The Wuhan virus labs must have Mickey Mouse security and the virus(‘s) got out because of their lackadaisical procedures.
Surely it wasn’t unleashed on purpose!
I don’t know how true it is but I’m seeing conspiracy posts saying the people working in the virus labs of Wuhan have all now disappeared.
I’ve seen many posts giving reasons why this is a man constructed virus.
There have been several fiction books predicting virus escapes from the Wuhan virus labs.
For me it’s a case of Occams Razor.
It appears so obvious.
I’ll stick to Eddy’s Bic one blade guess, if you don’t mind:
What’s the most likely scenario
A: The Chinese are utter geniuses that can create viruses in a laboratory, dispite them not having invented anything original since the umbrella 3,000 years ago.
B. They’re as thick as pig muck, and think it’s clever to eat every animal on earth, and having worked their way through the menu, eventually hit upon the brilliant idea of mangy bat broth…
Now ask yourself which would the Chinese prefer you believe..
I wonder if one of the questioners on Hancock’s half hour (Boris’ half hour doesn’t work) will ask for an apology because only 99,999 tests (or however many) were carried out instead of the 100,000
Obviously the BBC won’t be happy as it looks like Hancock will be very close indeed to his testing target. The BBC thought he would be way away from it.
So, what does our George ask us at 6pm ?????
“is it the number of tests that are important or who we are testing”
I kid you not. So now, after all the hissy fits from the BBC libmob about the 100k target, the numbers weren’t that important after all .
We want a lockdown, and we want it now…
Shut down the schools, teaching unions cry…
ventilators vital, how many have we got, minister? Are you including substandard private sector machines in that figure, minister?
ventilators not a problem, so why all the panic? we don’t ask…
PPE almost/maybe/possibly running short, say some unbiased people…
4 flights full of PPE arrived today, we won’t be telling anyone, but what about the carbon footprint?…
Nightingale hospitals are empty, we ask ‘are they a waste of money, how many extra journalists could we have had for that money?’….
UK covid19 deaths forecast to be highest in the universe, says Surkeer, who is widely regarded as an expert inside the BBC…
The Government are fixated with testing, why is this?
Will the minister apologise for the glorious weather we have had, which has made 3 weeks of lockdown insufferable, especially in London?…
and in 6 months time…
When will the schools re-open, minister?… It is absolutely vital they open on Friday so St. Greta can organise a pupils strike…
Why are British children achieving lower academic standards than European Union countries, minister?…
Why did the government over-react to the pandemic, and crash the economy? We ask Rishi why hasn’t he apologised?…
Yesterday 102,467 people were tested, why is the government wasting 2,467 testing kits?…
100k tests ? Waste of time – wrong sort of test – doesn’t mean anything – everyone needs testing every day – too far to travel – too long to wait – every other country does it better – too expensive – wrong people being tested – not green enough – why can’t kits be recycled – what about pets ?
For those daft enough to watch BBC’s Question Time this evening you should know that they have on 3 socialists, one Tory and George Osborne. Osborne believes that if he undermines the conservatives on everything they say and do then one day he will be conservative PM.
Sorry? The scientist the BBC have on the panel? Oh yeh. That’s Paul Nurse, labour party member for 40 years and at one time close to the International Socialist Tendency.
So good luck Grant Shapps, tonight! It won’t be easy.
Scrib – unfortunately I’m going to miss it because it clashes with the clapping after party we all have on Westminster Bridge – hugs all round – and we all feel as we’ve really done our bit . Then I go write a column in the Guardian …..
Wonder if Jon, Tone, Katty and Nick of BBC N. America will be covering this (and the deficit) as usually dancin’ Justin is their boy.
Hilarious! Justin Trudeau comes out of hiding for 35 minutes a day, reads a prepared speech that someone else wrote for him then answers pre cleared questions submitted earlier for him to prepare and memorize his answers. Why has he been hiding for 44 days? https://t.co/pnvrLbyWtZ
Hey Nick, odds of it being ‘waged’ in a certain square in Beijing? Not sure they quite got the stains out yet.
China’s Xinhua News leases one of the most prominent giant screens in Times Square. Will the propaganda war between China and US be waged in the heart of New York? https://t.co/ccBN4NLBT9
“Brexit: Electoral Commission and Arron Banks reach settlement”
\\But the NCA found “no evidence” of criminal offences.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52478574
Hooray! They finally published it a day after it was mentioned on this site . What took them so long , what motivated them to do it ?
Bias , what bias ?
It would appear that Al Beeb is selective on what it reports and how it is reported.
It only ‘reports’ according to its agenda.
Who directs the ‘agenda’, who is in charge of Al Beeb ?
Will Mr Dominic Mckenzie Cummings advise Boris ?
Auntie’s attitude to the Government concerning its handling of the Chinese virus is like that of a nightmare backseat-driving shrewish nag of a wife. She herself has no idea how to drive, cannot read a map or programme a satnav, has no sense of direction, knows nothing about mechanics, makes no positive suggestions but never stops criticisng his every move, always after the event.
“You should have gone left, right, straight, back; why didn’t you take the M25, the North Circular, the gyratory system, the shortcut, the scenic route, the flyover, the underpass, the overpass, the bypass; you’re driving too fast, too slow; do you even know where we are, are we nearly there yet, why not; why did you buy this car, if you had a better job we could have bought a better car, why did I ever marry you?” etc…
The distrust/Anger towards BBC Farsi is huge among Iranians. Hence the campaign #IslamicRepublicOfBBC BBC is biased, at times pro-regime, sensuring the opposition. They even cut off the murdered Pouya's footage where he asked ppl to join him on #IranianProtests Nov2019. Enough! pic.twitter.com/MyBnUxtyHx
“America is in chaos (lol)”@bbcpersian presenter Rana Rahimpour (lower screen) appears to revel in America’s #COVID19 misery. For too long @bbcpersian has been dominated by anti-American & pro regime (reformist) voices. When will it stop? pic.twitter.com/loWQfxY8Ih
Anecdotal – I went out today – north east London – a lot more traffic – a lot more people – the north circular looked ….. busy mid afternoon …..
I wonder if those graphs are telling the truth ?
I have a theory that we Englishmen and women control authority in a subtle way. We don’t riot or commit acts of violence, in the main ( unless the rats go over some undefined line), we just ignore them.
I think that’s what’s coming to the fore now; we’re beginning to behave like our forefathers. The cops say don’t and we shrug off shoulders and go one as if they aren’t there.
Another multi choice GEC exam question for Al Beeb employees ………………..
Law-breaking illegal, Bogus asylum seekers cross the English Channel because:
Select one answer only.
a) They want to serve in HM Forces to defend Great Britain.
b) The have always aspired to British Values, ways and laws.
c) They want free accommodation, health, education and income.
d) They are fleeing a cruel and oppressive European Union.
Maybe they want all these things and are proud to be here?
That’s sarcasm by the way.
I hope Mrs Patel is true to her word and stops the illegals from being brought here by the Border ferry service. But more that she deports all the illegals already here.
Or will my cynicism prove correct once again and nothing will actually be done?
john in cheshire
Forget The Border Farce that have been bobbing about the channel aboard their chocolate teapot using blustery words like “Intercepted” and “PPE”. Our government has thousands of Royal Marines and Sailors at their disposal that could have done the job ages ago. Unfortunately successive Home Sectaries have been to timid to act other than issue similar blustery words such as “Serious incidents” until now. Let’s witness our new Home Secretary protect the integrity of our borders ? How many has she sent back? Didn’t Boris warn that they would be returned ?
You’re so right and from the ex-navy types I’ve known, as well as the ex-army ones, they’d be only too ready, willing, happy and able to execute the role.
If we’d let our defence forces do their job the illegals would not only not be trying to come here, those already here would be fleeing for their lives. Common Purpose senior officers notwithstanding.
Defence being the operative word; that’s what they’re paid to do, that’s what they want to do, that’s what they should be allowed to do.
john in cheshire
Of course , our government could be ‘turning a blind eye’, what else could be the reason?
The more they let in, the more they will come, building up problems for the future when we will hear the often repeated platitude “lessons to be learned”. The Royal Navy and Royal Marines are watching and waiting …………..
I have posted this before , There is a war going on , a war between Al Beeb and the government. At present Al Beeb is winning the war. Not for long, for I detect that the public are beginning to see “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
I don’t think al beeb are winning the war taffman, no chance!
The tide has turned massively in the last 4 months!????
As someone on here commented recently, al beeb are behaving like a cornered rat ???? at the moment
Yes, I posted something similar to “behaving like a cornered rat ” some time ago . Why hasn’t the government done something about it ? If everyone stopped paying the Telly Tax, the tax that robs from the poor to pay the rich, the war would be over.
Sweden , apparently, is a great country . The kind of country the BBC likes – in fact – any country is good apart from this one .
However – it seems that the idea Sweden had of not having a ‘ lock down ‘ sadly – and I mean sadly – has not led to a good outcome – with 2500 dead from covid related causes.
I’m sure friends here – better on the detail than me can do the numbers but I don’t think it has the makings of a happy story .
And – perhaps – May vindicate the lockdown strategy …..
Sweden is 10.5m people so UK is 6.5 times bigger
meaning UK sized Sweden would have 16,250 deaths
but we have 26K
So Sweden is doing better
but when you go into AllCauses death stats for the last month
Sweden clearly doesn’t have any deaths caused by delayed operations etc.
Which actually all it’s neighbours do
media just point out that for Covid deaths Sweden does worse than its neighbours.
The racist far-left bbc should release the Balen report on racist far-left bbc Jew hatred and their involvement in the 28gate collusion to spread climate stories in all of their broadcast material. They should investigate the Tommy Robinson Panodrama effort to destroy him with false allegations, smears and HopenotHate bigotry.
Well, I just had an enormous amount of fun recording Have I Got News For You in my spare room with Ian, Paul, @RomeshRanga & @MaisieAdam doing the same from their kitchen, studies & sitting rooom. Surreal, but if the end product is half as funny as the recording we'll be golden!
US ‘Intelligence’ which has a record of screwing up which is so comprehensive it’s now difficult to trust their point of view on any subject !
These were the goons who supported the Shah of Iran – leading to the Ayatollah, Batista leading to Castro, then the multiple asinine assasination attempts on him which verged on comedy in their uttery naivety.
They started the feminist movement and then lost control of it.m
Were incapable of giving a kill command when a sniper had Bin Laden in their sights.
I could go on, but the CIA is a useless crazed organisation staffed by the mentally unsound.
My science says few cloud seeding contrails criss crossing the sky, made it the sunniest April since 1920!
Gonna be a steaming hot summer if you don’t help get then climate cooling airplanes back in the sky BBC.
Just read The Guardian article here on the subject.
At last all those diversity and equality officers will have something to do!
I can’t help but feel that if NHS Scotland or NHS Wales were to carry out similar surveys they would find that most staff affected by the virus were born in Scotland/Wales = “Shock horror, most virus casualties in Scotland are Scots, Boris to Blame”.
Interesting that the Cowardly useless incompetent Tories have introduced 5 tests for lifting lockdown – tests which will almost certainly never be met.
Reminds me of the 5 economic test Gordon Brown had for monetary union, which as most remember ended in disaster, and we never joined the Euro (or ERM and EMU).
Remember that PM in New Zeland wearing the hijab that the BBC loves
11 women from this video were arrested for saying no to forced hijab. Some are still in jail. Sadly, they received no solidarity from Western female politicians who wore hijab in the name of “respecting our culture” for the Ramadan. Why selective solidarity?#WhiteWednesdayshttps://t.co/uRzKbgXUWI
There are many disgusting things in this world, but few more so than Western so-called ‘progressives’ donning the hijab while their sistas in muslim countries are beaten, jailed and tortured for refusing to.
Two clappers tonight in my neck of the woods.
Just a lonely old gossip who just wanted to open her door and shout at the virtue signaller opposite about her aches and pains and the signaller.
Looks like the new normal (a shite phrase) loved by BBC and celebs is rapidly returning to the normal normal despite Boris and the BBC propaganda.
#bbcRadio4 11.45am Discussing migrants coming to Britain on boats ….. "We would be in direct contravention of the UN refugee convention if we don't let them in & give them the opportunity to claim asylum" Interviewing migrants in Calais, all claimed to be fleeing persecution
— ???????????????????????????????????? (@Pumpwater1) April 30, 2020
Nadiya Hussain shares anxiety 'struggle' during the lockdown.
Nadiya Hussain has said her anxiety means there have been times during the coronavirus lockdown when she has "struggled to get out of bed".https://t.co/YD6rdA6Z68
Don’t we all feel sorry for her….she is special cos the BBC say so….get up woman get dressed and volunteer to do something useful instead of whinging….if your anxiety was that bad you would not be on TV so much…
I don’t consider myself ‘conned’ at all. I just accept that if they are right 75% of the time, great. No one is perfect, but I certainly don’t hang on every word as though its gospel, clearly the media and others do.
I use my own judgement and common sense as to what to do. There’s a disease, therefore we shouldn’t mix. And that’s not rocket science. I shall continue to wear a mask and gloves, and if its for 6 months or a year or until there is a vaccine, then so be it. I shan’t blame anyone because they said this or that a few weeks or months ago. Whingeing was never my forte. Just be glad we’re alive.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 12, 22:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 GB News lefty Christopher Hope looks like an old Harry Potter.
StewGreenMar 12, 21:55 Midweek 12th March 2025 The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored…
tomoMar 12, 21:48 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/DouglasKMurray/status/1899510205332754897 [img]https://i.ibb.co/DDP8FPxZ/chrome-a-HZMa-Bn-Ljv.png[/img]
StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
On Test counts : I believe that some of the libmob army that occupies and controls our country
.. are so devious that they would deliberately thwart the test numbers if it meant that would stop Boris getting good PR.
Just as I believe that some of the cockups to do with Universal Credit cases are lefty employees deliberately trying to make the Tories look bad.
Former Tory MP Dr Phillip Lee has labelled the government response to Corvid-19 as a ‘spectacular failure’. Dr Lee resigned from the party in 2019 over Brexit and stood for the Lib-Dems in the election where he lost his seat.
Now then, for those children working from home, please construct a sentence containing the words: pique, spite, remainer, pygmy and political non-entity. Send your sentence on a postcard to The Labour Party, London and the winner will receive a signed photograph of a real live knight!
@john in cheshire The libmob went crazy calling a daily Express photo about Brighton beach crowds a ‘lie cos it’s a photo from last years Bank Holiday’
doh yes all newpaper photos are manipulated to build narratives
but by accusing the Express of using a photo from last year
.. libmob have lost the plot.
The photo guy was able to show that photo was really from this weekend cos the ice-cream shop webcam has exactly the same cars on.
He doesn’t say that the cameraman by taking the photo looking directly down the promenade has made a shot which has a lot of people in and makes those people look much closer together than they are.
Hacked Off founders Hugh Grant and Brian Cathcart were among thousands retweeting posts accusing the Daily Express of faking a front-page picture
.. only 3 tweeted the Express’s PROOF that the photo was legitimate
Red van, then white van with ladders next to lamp post
Express Photo

Having been in self-imposed BBC lock-out, (as I value my mental health), I might have missed it, but has ‘our’ BBC actually reported that the ‘social distancing’ rules around the world aren’t the same.
Here we are supposed to space out 2metres,
in Australia it is 1.5 metres and in France, 1 metre.
Now isn’t that a question worth asking at the
kangaroo courtbriefing session?And in the USA it is six feet, which is what it should be here.
I got really sick of the Biased BBC, so went to the page to cancel my licence. https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/no-licence-needed/about.app
I wonder if there is a flood of people cancelling their licence, because they seem to have shut the page down ?
You are right. At 1710 both the link you provide and the licensing main site are unobtainable.
Lojo I bet you are right ….. really glad I stopped it years ago – I notice they don’t offer an alternative method of cancelling .
It’s clear to me china is faking the coronavirus in china and has spread this disease deliberately around the world to get at donald trump.His policies and tarriffs have decimated china’s economic ambitions,the communists will try anything to stop him being re-elected.The truth will come out eventually and the bbc will reluctantly have to mention it very quickly and then try and ignore it.
Mackers – bbc covering for Communists? Surely not!
Mackers, the numbers on the Johns Hopkins inter-active appear to indicate deliberate infection of the USA. Whether it was China or not who knows? Both Italy and Spain have links with the US and may be ‘disguising’ China’s involvement.
It is curious how both President Trump and Prime Minister Johnson have both been attacked by their domestic and each others media. I wonder if that has happened elsewhere?
You can hear the collective groan the other end of the Mersey tunnel up hear every late afternoon as Dominic/Priti/Matt say “and now we’ll take some questions from the press” ????
Seriously, from what I can gather resentment is gathering pace quickly amongst the GBP towards these self-centered and self-serving idiots calling themselves ‘journalists’ ????
You’ve only got to be watching the Facebook stream live to see how the ‘watching’ numbers tumble when the 3 wise monkeys start up with their “are you going to apologise for not apologising….” etc, etc!
Tossers the lot ????
This is a BBC Media statement on the Panorama program –
It claims that the findings were put to the government minister interviewed on the next morning’s Today programme
I have gone through the episode at can’t find it nor could anyone else
The Daily Mail are now running the story of the scandalous BBC Panorama PPE attack from the 100% Labour activists featured.
The response from the BBC so far is silence and we all know that BBC silence = refusal to acknowledge = guilt.
This really does need raising in Parliament, they are supposed to be our National news broadcaster not the organ of the hard-left labour activist brigade.
They keep going lower and lower, it has to end with their demotion or demise.
The most effective government action would be to move the 16.30 Coronavirus Update to ITV. Such a simple action would deliver a monumental slap and give the public a much needed confidence boost. This, combined with the PM treating the usual banal ‘gotchas’ with a barked ‘Next question!’ would change the game irrevocably.
digg – No surprises!
From the BBC news feed:
Northern Ireland death toll rises by nine
A further nine people have died with Covid-19 in hospitals in Northern Ireland, latest daily figures show.
It takes the total number of deaths to 347.
Northern Ireland health minister Robin Swann said the nation “remains on a knife edge” and urged people to stay home.
So just nine deaths across NI, yet the province” remains on a knife edge”. Over dramatic, or what?
Surely more than nine people die in NI every day.
What’s the betting that all nine had pre-existing medical conditions, were frail and elderly or were a combination of both.
2020-04-30 14:30
Coronavirus: ‘Probable’ government will miss 100,000 test target
[Gloats the hard left racist BBC.]
Treating us to a photo of a black female with a mask.
More gloating.
Followed by a photo of three people who may have recently returned from a holiday on the surface of Mercury. Other explanations are available.]
[More gloating, accompanied by a histogram, which, to save BBBC readers the trouble of looking, I will assure you, shows statistics that have Red-Robbo and Witless wetting their little pink undies. Yes even the girls wear pink.]
Liz’s story: A queue which snaked around the car park
[Photo of a racial minority member here.]
Liz Sargent, 65, from Shepton Mallet in Somerset, embarked on a 40-mile round trip to Bristol Airport to get tested after developing Covid-19 symptoms only to find herself waiting in a queue.
[Liz has a big smile and does not look like a virus victim to me.]
She said: “After 30 minutes we realised exactly how long that queue was
[‘cos we are not very bright? or fibbing?]
– there must have been more than 100 cars waiting in a queue which snaked all around the car park.
“Then people wearing high-vis jackets appeared and started going round cars with a sign saying the testing facility was over capacity and to make an appointment for another day.”
After trying to book again she was told the next available was on Friday, her seventh day of self-isolation and outside of the testing window.
“I was left feeling angry, disappointed and very frustrated by this mismanagement and waste of time,” she said.
[It is 198.3 miles from Shepton Mallet to Peterborough
Which is where Liz Sargeant lives.
Liz Sargeant OBE
Clinical lead health and social care integration ECIST NHSE/I
Peterborough, United Kingdom500+ connections
Wrong one, this one ate all the pies though!
This Liz Sargeant is a solicitor. Similar looks to the virus candidate.
Not similar enough.
Other Liz Sargeants behind paywalls and my nose is telling me this is yet another BBC stitch up.]
LCS, “and my nose is telling me this is yet another BBC stitch up”
yes, especially so, when tbomk [ that’s ‘to the best of my knowledge’ roughly equiv. (that’s equivalent, Fed) to AFAIK ‘as far as I know’, Fed, – I hope you have stopped twitching now 😉 🙂 ] you have to make an appointment for a Covid-19 test. You cannot just turn up and queue.
Another case of “there is no support from the Government” , and “the Government needs to help”.
Ha ! this time its from Obesity Uk, – its been highlighted that a third of sufferers of Covid19 are obese. Whether its true or not, a spokeswoman has said ‘we need more help from the Government’. To do what exactly ????
God on a bike, every whinger from the dancing flea organisation to Posh Spice’s vanity project wants a handout from the government, but its really me, the tax payer.
Well, if these organisations/charities cant get a handle on their affairs, then they shouldn’t be in existence at all. In Obesity UK, there should be only one mantra – stop the deliveries from Deliveroo and stay away from the fridge.
Agree Brissles
The BBC seem very adept at finding whingers..I don’t watch or listen to much these days expect contribute here 🙂 but I usually have to switch off pretty quickly due to whingers and whiners…or of course the usual BBC narrative
if we dont get back to work soon, there wont be any obese people for much longer
I like the title of a programme on Freeview – I’ve never seen it – called “It’s Your Fault I’m Fat”.
lets hope there are no reversing and parking tests involved 🙂
I do wonder how they are going to recharge these devices, which probably explains why the races are two days instead of twenty
“The series said it wanted to promote “gender equality and a level playing field” within motorsport.”
Bollox, 50% of the best drivers (men) are effectively being eliminated because of their sex.
In the good old days lap times were recorded, the fastest candidates progressed, everybody else went home.
If some of the rejects were women, so be it.
This is the same policy that promoted feeble bodied pussy munchers like Cressida Dick beyond their competence.
Despite her lack of competence risking the lives of real police officers.
When John McEnroe stated that Serena Williams would be ranked 700 he was wrong.
If there were no female only tournaments Williams would not be ranked at all.
Girls do not believe the “hard done by mantra” you are fed. If you can beat the men (all the men), you can name your price.
The promoters will beat a path to your door and you will become a zillionairess. If.
81,611 tests in 24 hours
Yes what an utter utter failure this Tory government is
Boris has murdered all these 26,000 victims himself
He and the press briefing team should lie on the floor
so the #GotchaGang can spit on him
If we had a Labour government
80 million tests would have been done in the last 24 hours.
R is between 0.6 & 0.9
1 is 1 in 1 out, less than one is a decline
Hospital admission graph is clearly going down
So in London the number of patients is less than half the peak
whereas the rest of country is flat
The other graph shows that this has been leading to falling deaths.
(The graph is not one peak, but wave topped like Germany’s is )
Laura & Peston’s new attack is
“you Tories are failing. cos this lock down is costing too much money
..isn’t it ?”
“If we had a Labour government
80 million tests would have been done in the last 24 hours.”
Then Olly Robbins would have left the results in a gay bar or taxi.
Straight from the government
As far as the MSM is concerned, covering your R is required Downing Street policy, when ‘Part-time’ and Pesto are running the Gotcha Bizz.
So what’s the world’s R ?
Being as our borders are wide open still..
Or is it rude to ask.
Uh-oh. Incoming.
Would the last remaining Newsnight viewer please check your privilege.
Anazing? ????
I think the virus came from one of the laboratories in Wuhan.
I don’t believe it came from eating bats.
Imagine if there were several world epidemics/pandemics (as we’ve had from Wuhan) but that they had originated in Porton Down where our bio labs are.
Then, our politicians told you was because the locals were eating hedgehogs and the virus(‘s) all came because of that.
Would you believe them.
The Wuhan virus labs must have Mickey Mouse security and the virus(‘s) got out because of their lackadaisical procedures.
Surely it wasn’t unleashed on purpose!
I don’t know how true it is but I’m seeing conspiracy posts saying the people working in the virus labs of Wuhan have all now disappeared.
I’ve seen many posts giving reasons why this is a man constructed virus.
There have been several fiction books predicting virus escapes from the Wuhan virus labs.
For me it’s a case of Occams Razor.
It appears so obvious.
I’ll stick to Eddy’s Bic one blade guess, if you don’t mind:
What’s the most likely scenario
A: The Chinese are utter geniuses that can create viruses in a laboratory, dispite them not having invented anything original since the umbrella 3,000 years ago.
B. They’re as thick as pig muck, and think it’s clever to eat every animal on earth, and having worked their way through the menu, eventually hit upon the brilliant idea of mangy bat broth…
Now ask yourself which would the Chinese prefer you believe..
I wonder if one of the questioners on Hancock’s half hour (Boris’ half hour doesn’t work) will ask for an apology because only 99,999 tests (or however many) were carried out instead of the 100,000
I think if the number of tests is one under 100000 the MSM will be calling for a General election and the sacrifice of Bojo s new baby .
They really are in the immoral depths .,
The sidebar is full of MSM articles asking how Panorama came to be ‘infiltrated’ in this way by the left.
Infiltrated? Just Panorama?
Any these twerps ever seen a Paul Mason tweet, even before he lef… pursed his own interests.
He often arrived at protests before the protestors.
BBC 6pm headlines.
Obviously the BBC won’t be happy as it looks like Hancock will be very close indeed to his testing target. The BBC thought he would be way away from it.
So, what does our George ask us at 6pm ?????
“is it the number of tests that are important or who we are testing”
I kid you not. So now, after all the hissy fits from the BBC libmob about the 100k target, the numbers weren’t that important after all .
Scumbags !!!!!
We want a lockdown, and we want it now…
Shut down the schools, teaching unions cry…
ventilators vital, how many have we got, minister? Are you including substandard private sector machines in that figure, minister?
ventilators not a problem, so why all the panic? we don’t ask…
PPE almost/maybe/possibly running short, say some unbiased people…
4 flights full of PPE arrived today, we won’t be telling anyone, but what about the carbon footprint?…
Nightingale hospitals are empty, we ask ‘are they a waste of money, how many extra journalists could we have had for that money?’….
UK covid19 deaths forecast to be highest in the universe, says Surkeer, who is widely regarded as an expert inside the BBC…
The Government are fixated with testing, why is this?
Will the minister apologise for the glorious weather we have had, which has made 3 weeks of lockdown insufferable, especially in London?…
and in 6 months time…
When will the schools re-open, minister?… It is absolutely vital they open on Friday so St. Greta can organise a pupils strike…
Why are British children achieving lower academic standards than European Union countries, minister?…
Why did the government over-react to the pandemic, and crash the economy? We ask Rishi why hasn’t he apologised?…
Yesterday 102,467 people were tested, why is the government wasting 2,467 testing kits?…
100k tests ? Waste of time – wrong sort of test – doesn’t mean anything – everyone needs testing every day – too far to travel – too long to wait – every other country does it better – too expensive – wrong people being tested – not green enough – why can’t kits be recycled – what about pets ?
What was it about guaranteed unique income no matter what that first attracted everyone to join the BBC?
Millions elsewhere juggling budgets to cope.
20,000 ‘essential’ ‘workers’ tweeting views at home… not so much.
Hope ex-Paul Mason colleague JO’bsworth enjoys his HIGNFY fee. And both see their pensions propped up by the TVL.
For those daft enough to watch BBC’s Question Time this evening you should know that they have on 3 socialists, one Tory and George Osborne. Osborne believes that if he undermines the conservatives on everything they say and do then one day he will be conservative PM.
Sorry? The scientist the BBC have on the panel? Oh yeh. That’s Paul Nurse, labour party member for 40 years and at one time close to the International Socialist Tendency.
So good luck Grant Shapps, tonight! It won’t be easy.
Scrib – unfortunately I’m going to miss it because it clashes with the clapping after party we all have on Westminster Bridge – hugs all round – and we all feel as we’ve really done our bit . Then I go write a column in the Guardian …..
Time for some to be in the spotlight as they lose their religion and find a new religion.
‘Music To Clap By’.
Wonder if Jon, Tone, Katty and Nick of BBC N. America will be covering this (and the deficit) as usually dancin’ Justin is their boy.
Why has Fidel Trudeau been hiding?
Two thoughts:
1. Has he run out of costumes to dress up in?
2. Does he use Adrenochrome?
Hey Nick, odds of it being ‘waged’ in a certain square in Beijing? Not sure they quite got the stains out yet.
Nice MacBook. Made of hemp?
“Brexit: Electoral Commission and Arron Banks reach settlement”
\\But the NCA found “no evidence” of criminal offences.//
Hooray! They finally published it a day after it was mentioned on this site . What took them so long , what motivated them to do it ?
Bias , what bias ?
The manner in which this has been ‘ reported ‘ compared to the treatment Mr Banks got at the time illustrates the corruption of the BBC
Will Marr issue an apology ? Do a piece on how he was wrong to smear Arron Banks on his dirty show ?
You can guess .
I just hope Mr Banks can take on the corrupt Electoral Commission – a Wholely owned subsidiary of the Remainers.
It would appear that Al Beeb is selective on what it reports and how it is reported.
It only ‘reports’ according to its agenda.
Who directs the ‘agenda’, who is in charge of Al Beeb ?
Will Mr Dominic Mckenzie Cummings advise Boris ?
Remember when Fred put him out at night?
Remember when those apprentices, wet behind the ears weren’t allowed to make anything on their own until they’d completed their apprenticeship?
Nowadays every naif on the MSM block thinks he/she knows it all.
Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone! Eh?
Auntie’s attitude to the Government concerning its handling of the Chinese virus is like that of a nightmare backseat-driving shrewish nag of a wife. She herself has no idea how to drive, cannot read a map or programme a satnav, has no sense of direction, knows nothing about mechanics, makes no positive suggestions but never stops criticisng his every move, always after the event.
“You should have gone left, right, straight, back; why didn’t you take the M25, the North Circular, the gyratory system, the shortcut, the scenic route, the flyover, the underpass, the overpass, the bypass; you’re driving too fast, too slow; do you even know where we are, are we nearly there yet, why not; why did you buy this car, if you had a better job we could have bought a better car, why did I ever marry you?” etc…
Time for a divorce.
Excellent post vlad, I liked that comparison ????
is Trending on Twitter now
54.4K Tweets
Organised by Iranian activists.
Here are the tweets with more than 300 likes
… You can see most are in Farsi
I don’t know that it isn’t a double bluff by the Iranian government
The campaign seems to be connected to this tweeter
who is one of the leaders of the anti-Iranian-government groups in the US
They attack BBCpersian journo Rana Rahimpour .
Over months people have been tweeting that she is an Iranian regime propagandist .
Al beeb really are a disgrace. Scrap the tax, now.
Anecdotal – I went out today – north east London – a lot more traffic – a lot more people – the north circular looked ….. busy mid afternoon …..
I wonder if those graphs are telling the truth ?
I have a theory that we Englishmen and women control authority in a subtle way. We don’t riot or commit acts of violence, in the main ( unless the rats go over some undefined line), we just ignore them.
I think that’s what’s coming to the fore now; we’re beginning to behave like our forefathers. The cops say don’t and we shrug off shoulders and go one as if they aren’t there.
Their comeuppance will be when they ignore us.
Another multi choice GEC exam question for Al Beeb employees ………………..
Law-breaking illegal, Bogus asylum seekers cross the English Channel because:
Select one answer only.
a) They want to serve in HM Forces to defend Great Britain.
b) The have always aspired to British Values, ways and laws.
c) They want free accommodation, health, education and income.
d) They are fleeing a cruel and oppressive European Union.
Maybe they want all these things and are proud to be here?
That’s sarcasm by the way.
I hope Mrs Patel is true to her word and stops the illegals from being brought here by the Border ferry service. But more that she deports all the illegals already here.
Or will my cynicism prove correct once again and nothing will actually be done?
john in cheshire
Forget The Border Farce that have been bobbing about the channel aboard their chocolate teapot using blustery words like “Intercepted” and “PPE”. Our government has thousands of Royal Marines and Sailors at their disposal that could have done the job ages ago. Unfortunately successive Home Sectaries have been to timid to act other than issue similar blustery words such as “Serious incidents” until now. Let’s witness our new Home Secretary protect the integrity of our borders ? How many has she sent back? Didn’t Boris warn that they would be returned ?
You’re so right and from the ex-navy types I’ve known, as well as the ex-army ones, they’d be only too ready, willing, happy and able to execute the role.
If we’d let our defence forces do their job the illegals would not only not be trying to come here, those already here would be fleeing for their lives. Common Purpose senior officers notwithstanding.
Defence being the operative word; that’s what they’re paid to do, that’s what they want to do, that’s what they should be allowed to do.
john in cheshire
Of course , our government could be ‘turning a blind eye’, what else could be the reason?
The more they let in, the more they will come, building up problems for the future when we will hear the often repeated platitude “lessons to be learned”. The Royal Navy and Royal Marines are watching and waiting …………..
I have posted this before , There is a war going on , a war between Al Beeb and the government. At present Al Beeb is winning the war. Not for long, for I detect that the public are beginning to see “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
I think we are winning the war taffman .
We are winning the War with the help of this and other freethinking sites.
I don’t think al beeb are winning the war taffman, no chance!
The tide has turned massively in the last 4 months!????
As someone on here commented recently, al beeb are behaving like a cornered rat ???? at the moment
Yes, I posted something similar to “behaving like a cornered rat ” some time ago . Why hasn’t the government done something about it ? If everyone stopped paying the Telly Tax, the tax that robs from the poor to pay the rich, the war would be over.
Sweden , apparently, is a great country . The kind of country the BBC likes – in fact – any country is good apart from this one .
However – it seems that the idea Sweden had of not having a ‘ lock down ‘ sadly – and I mean sadly – has not led to a good outcome – with 2500 dead from covid related causes.
I’m sure friends here – better on the detail than me can do the numbers but I don’t think it has the makings of a happy story .
And – perhaps – May vindicate the lockdown strategy …..
Sweden is 10.5m people so UK is 6.5 times bigger
meaning UK sized Sweden would have 16,250 deaths
but we have 26K
So Sweden is doing better
but when you go into AllCauses death stats for the last month
Sweden clearly doesn’t have any deaths caused by delayed operations etc.
Which actually all it’s neighbours do
media just point out that for Covid deaths Sweden does worse than its neighbours.
The racist far-left bbc should release the Balen report on racist far-left bbc Jew hatred and their involvement in the 28gate collusion to spread climate stories in all of their broadcast material. They should investigate the Tommy Robinson Panodrama effort to destroy him with false allegations, smears and HopenotHate bigotry.
Is this weeks HIGNFY all lefties as usual ?
BBC “US intelligence dismisses ** idea coronavirus was man-made but does not rule out China lab accident”
** They put in the word “Conspiracy idea”
Official source
US ‘Intelligence’ which has a record of screwing up which is so comprehensive it’s now difficult to trust their point of view on any subject !
These were the goons who supported the Shah of Iran – leading to the Ayatollah, Batista leading to Castro, then the multiple asinine assasination attempts on him which verged on comedy in their uttery naivety.
They started the feminist movement and then lost control of it.m
Were incapable of giving a kill command when a sniper had Bin Laden in their sights.
I could go on, but the CIA is a useless crazed organisation staffed by the mentally unsound.
Toenails struggling to win converts.
Nick quotes Ben Page of Ipsos
that man who is in touch with the people ..NOT
Ah “Trust” !
from Ben Page the Ipsos “bogus survey” man
..who blocked me for commenting
when @etzpcm called his bogus survey out
My science says few cloud seeding contrails criss crossing the sky, made it the sunniest April since 1920!
Gonna be a steaming hot summer if you don’t help get then climate cooling airplanes back in the sky BBC.
Just read The Guardian article here on the subject.
At last all those diversity and equality officers will have something to do!
I can’t help but feel that if NHS Scotland or NHS Wales were to carry out similar surveys they would find that most staff affected by the virus were born in Scotland/Wales = “Shock horror, most virus casualties in Scotland are Scots, Boris to Blame”.
Em it’s not scientific to remove people from jobs cos of their skin colour
It’s em …. what do you call it ? … racist
Interesting that the Cowardly useless incompetent Tories have introduced 5 tests for lifting lockdown – tests which will almost certainly never be met.
Reminds me of the 5 economic test Gordon Brown had for monetary union, which as most remember ended in disaster, and we never joined the Euro (or ERM and EMU).
Seems the civil service likes its 5 year plan errr tests so much it repeats them and hopes no one will notice.
I thought the same when viewing the 5pm update thoughtfull.
Those five tests will unlikely ever be achieved. I’d guess 3 at best. The country needs to realise we will be living with this virus for ever more.
Lord HallHall has a lot to answer for. May justice be done.
Remember that PM in New Zeland wearing the hijab that the BBC loves
There are many disgusting things in this world, but few more so than Western so-called ‘progressives’ donning the hijab while their sistas in muslim countries are beaten, jailed and tortured for refusing to.
Feminazis, hang your heads in shame.
Boris. We are guided by the science.
Science. No real evidence wearing masks provides benefit.
Boris. I think masks would be useful.
Come on people. We are being conned in plain sight.
” I think masks would be useful.”
Bank Robbery ?
Two clappers tonight in my neck of the woods.
Just a lonely old gossip who just wanted to open her door and shout at the virtue signaller opposite about her aches and pains and the signaller.
Looks like the new normal (a shite phrase) loved by BBC and celebs is rapidly returning to the normal normal despite Boris and the BBC propaganda.
Always remembering Calais victims
..but rarely Rotherham’s
11:30am Thu Radio repeated the prog about one of their pet illegal immigrants
It was only on 3 weeks ago
@Pug a tweet
Is it that the Preacherr BBC is trying to give a sermon on mental illness during lockdown
and is using Nadiya as an in to the story ?
Don’t we all feel sorry for her….she is special cos the BBC say so….get up woman get dressed and volunteer to do something useful instead of whinging….if your anxiety was that bad you would not be on TV so much…
I don’t consider myself ‘conned’ at all. I just accept that if they are right 75% of the time, great. No one is perfect, but I certainly don’t hang on every word as though its gospel, clearly the media and others do.
I use my own judgement and common sense as to what to do. There’s a disease, therefore we shouldn’t mix. And that’s not rocket science. I shall continue to wear a mask and gloves, and if its for 6 months or a year or until there is a vaccine, then so be it. I shan’t blame anyone because they said this or that a few weeks or months ago. Whingeing was never my forte. Just be glad we’re alive.