As a birthday approaches, Senora O’Blene has been badgering me for ideas for a present, and I’m going to get all the ‘Hustle’ DVDs (we don’t have to have many secrets or surprises at our tender ages), and this means we will be paying money for a BBC ‘product’…
I’m so sorry about this, but please forgive an ageing Scrobs, and allow me to enjoy a pretty decent programme with a super cast, on a small DVD player!
I’ve just about exhausted the few progs that are on Youtube, Lucky, as I’m an eternal fan of both the beautiful Kelly Adams and also the gorgeous Jaime Murray, I can watch all these, tucked up in the privacy of my own armchair, away from prying eyes…
(Signal’s not too good in my secret viewing room…)!
The cost of the redundancies will be massive and take a decade in non-payment of salaries to break even, by which time most of the departing staff will be on pension. Many will be rehired as contractors anyway.
This smells of nonsense but does presage a further demand from the BBC staff pension scheme for another billion to prop it up.
Previously the BBC trustees just waved through specious calls for more pension scheme subsidies, at colossal cost.
According to SA Today, a farm attack took place in a place called Polokwane on 19 June . 8 armed attackers shot two children through a window. Farm of a mr Du Preez.
But that’s OK, cos White lives there don’t matter, as we gather from the MSM.
It seems it was just a bit of fun, really. The report suggests the gang was actually after the farmworkers. But they did rob the family.
We have to be careful though, cos the MSM News24 has told us that we can’t rely on this site to be truthful. MSM, of course, always are.
Monitoring farm attacks in SA, with their frequent brutality -which doesn’t even bear thinking about- is SO Last Century.
The farmworkers are likely to be black, but they don’t matter either. Are they knee-takers or statue topplers? Bit of the old BP? Nope; no matter then.
Certainly, I have a hat to eat, if beeb ever decides to dwell on the topic.
Jeez – I was in Polokwane a couple of years ago – delightful little place, great little hotel ’61 on Ireland’– their business will suffer. Hope the small plug from me will help even a little.
From British Rhodesia to Ian Smith’s Rhodesia to Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.
Predominantly white farmers employing black farm hands made Rhodesia the breadbasket of Africa.
After civil war and the rise of Black Rule by Robert Mugabe there followed land reform which often meant farms were turned over to black people often with violent deaths of white farmers.
Productivity dropped and eventually Zimbabwe became the basket case of Africa.
British colonial rule gave the land life while Mugabe’s nationalist black rule gave the land death. The British Empire had given infrastructure and order and life to the land.
I believe Russia has offered land and refuge to the Boers . Russia is maybe a last hope for civilisation. I think my descendants would do well to consider going there.
Look up the new Cathedral of the Armed Forces.
It is a building the like of which Europe has not seen foe generations. It is something else.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 (for Friday) – Someone must have complained!
I note that the oil prices which have been missing for some weeks have been reinstated on the Market Data section of Business on the BBC w-s.
Yes, Stew, I gathered that their omission from the BBC w-s had attracted more than just my attention. There was a bit of discussion about it on a BBC HYS that I happened to view in the last week or so.
Roger Sawyer and I have swapped e-mails about BBC accuracy & completeness before and I was thinking about sending the poor bloke another one.
Makes me wonder whether the messing about with the Covid-19 stats was just errors rather than deliberate obfuscation. With the BBC – sadly – these days, you never know.
By the way, you deserve an extra medal for not just looking for BBC bias at Twitter but also at Facebook. Am steeling myself for another go at the BBC w-s.
What do you mean by “BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 (for Friday)” – is this some website that has been keeping an eye on certain BBC activities? If so can you please provide the website / webpage. Thanks.
BoBotC, No it’s all mine or I should say it’s ours as Guest Who does his ‘Morning Emole’ thing and others on here comment on the BBC’s web-content, often every day. Fed started this weekend Thread in mid-Friday so I’m still churning out WsWs for today. The link is there in my post.
As I’m not really listening now to TOADY – I used to be a faithful, full 3hrs x 5 days a week plus 2hrs on Saturday listener, if possible – I’ve switched to critiquing the BBC’s web-site. That’s becoming a bit too much these days, some stuff being buried away, other bits merely pushing BBC propaganda and what with stale women pulling faces at me and other bits of old news going grey and mouldy with age alongside the food I’m thinking of giving that up, too.
I’ve heard that watching listening to paint dry can be quite involving and entertaining. May try that instead of the BBC.
I do give some thought about the timing of new threads – I stuck with the weekend – start the week – midweek – format ….but I did consider doing one every day ….. I get the feeling that once the thread pages get 600 or more comments there are ‘technical issues ‘ so I tend to end them around that number .
If people prefer the threads to start on the actual day I’m good with that . We’ve gone from some weekends where we got 150 comments – at the moment we’re on around 200 a day …… which is great .
I appreciate that people use the site in their own way – some jump in – leave a comment and go away – some engage in a discussion with others ( which I prefer ) and of course – many read but don’t comment ….
I’d like more challenge but it brings the hazard of the kind of abuse / nasty comments found on the likes of twitter . It would be great if someone were to demonstrate the ‘right wing bias’ of the BBC or -indeed ‘pro government ‘or ‘pro police ‘ or ‘pro brexit ‘ but I’d submit it would be impossible to produce that evidence .
Hence we don’t get an honest pro BBC view ….. even the occasional troll will only comment on what others have written and not on the BBC itself …..
I should add – by the way – that in the current climate this site would be on a ‘hit list ‘ somewhere and I don’t think any of us would get any notice of it being killed off . I’d only be a bit surprised ……
Yes, I’m quite happy with all of that, Fed, and thanks for all you do as our Moderator. Thanks to Stew and the backroom boys & girls who do the techie bits.
I have actually reached the stage where I come on here to find out what the news is. Often, things are revealed that the BBC has missed or chosen to avoid. See post by Thoughtful below as an excellent example.
BBC, you are sinking! Soon, you may be sunked. Beware.
I’m happy for folk to disagree with me and will debate. I do sort of object to ‘the drive-by-snipings’, though. The latest and most ridiculous coming from the Wild Woman who pops up from time to time. Am sorry I spotted that so late as it was just laughable.
Am fronting a massive new project for the @bbc and the truth is I’m very excited about it.
It’s called #RETHINK.
And it’s about how the world is going to change after COVID-19 – and more importantly, how it SHOULD change.
It launches next Monday at 9am @bbcradio4 with me in the hot seat and a mega global panel.
The whole shebang will be spread across @bbcradio4 @bbc5live and @bbcworldservice.
At its core are short audio essays from some of the world’s leading thinkers, available on @bbcsounds.
We’ve got essays from, among others, The Pope (!), George Soros, Lady Hale, Samantha Power, Tara Westover, Caleb Femi, Emma Dabiri, Niall Ferguson, Andy Murray, Steven Pinker, Amanda Levete, Tim Berners-Lee, Joshua Wong, and many more.
One of the most exciting ideas for a big project that I’ve come across for a while.
I hope we can pull it off, and more importantly that you enjoy some or all of it.
Well Niall Ferguson is OK
The first 3 aren’t my favourites
Here’s a free suggestion for Amol re. how things SHOULD change:
The TV licence should be abolished, and the BBC’s buildings, equipment, intellectual (ha!) property rights and every other corporeal or incorporeal asset in which it has a right should be handed over to the state.
If the BBC management and staff thereafter wish to continue to broadcast then they are free to do so under a different name (the BBC name and, ahem, goodwill being the property of the state), provided that they are self-funding.
BBC Rethink list
Amol Rajan’s got a prog Monday 9am then another Wednesday 9pm guests discuss how the coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity to reshape our world.
In nations across the globe, it exposes underlying tensions within and between communities
– whether over inequality, age, wealth or nationalism.
Does this brutal disease paradoxically create the conditions necessary for radical change in our societies, economies, ecosystems and international relations?”
“The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have made lots of us rethink our lives.
Many say they want to make changes to the way they work, whilst others see this as a pivotal moment to radically rethink society.
But how do you actually implement change?
What really drives it?
How are obstacles to change overcome?
Will perceived economic imperatives mean change is relegated to wishful thinking? “
Comments opened and then closed within 3 hours
And it’s not as if moderators are going off shift
Labour lost the comments 350 to 20, I guess their zombies re on a BLM march
Labour need to ditch the far left Owen Jones types
if they ever want to return to power
Er, by definition, populist policies are popular.
We’ve just seen that in the landslide general election result. Labour are too rooted in the past and the U.K. is a small-c conservative country – it doesn’t want a ‘revolution’, let alone a Marxist one.
When Labour understands that they’ll maybe make some progress.
Student politics don’t scale up for the real world.
Labour continues to betray the working class
with it’s focus on identity politics
and hating fundamental values the country holds dear
(Churchill anyone – where’s the condemnation of that vandalism ?)
Labours leadership needs to understand that unions no longer represent the working class, they are increasingly irrelevant as are Labour as a political entity.
Until Labour can get away from just calling others out / Woke, identity politics, they don’t have a chance. See Lammy, Nandy etc re the “taking the knee” comments yesterday.
They just don’t seem to get that it turns most of the electorate off.
Focus on communicating credible policies.
I’m no expert but I suspect that progressively telling the bulk of the country
that they’re stupid, privileged, racist (conscious and unconscious)
“nasty” (what’s that?) may not ingratiate you with the electorate.
Labour has subsumed itself in toxic identity politics
and all the “going one better” silliness that involves
Wow, Stew, that could be close to a record. I spotted a HYS that lasted only three hours a few weeks back and, iirc, commented on here about its short life Maybe it was minutes between them?
I’ve pretty much given up on HYSs, joining in one yesterday for the first time in days. The BBC sure know how to drive people away!
Funny, (seriously droll, Emmanuel) – but, can you see the Masters of the Human Race (BLM/Antifa) allowing that to happen without being ‘seriously offended’ – somehow, anyhow, again ?
The crux of it is that the European Central Bank has been found to have been illegally using quantitative easing and the Germany government was equally at fault for not stopping or at least questioning them.
Claus Vistesen, chief euro zone economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said that “these are fighting words from the German court, and it ends with an ultimatum and a threat to the ECB, not to mention German politicians.”
The German court asked the Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, to stop buying government bonds under the ECB’s stimulus program in the next three months.
The second story reports that any bail out for countries such as Italy or Spain which have been hit hard by the pandemic has been vetoed by four EU members.
If we had still been a member of the EU we would have been expected to shoulder a large proportion of the EU incurred debt to bail out other countries – and Germany appears currently unable to bear any of it.
With the economies of Spain and Italy on a knife edge before the lockdown.
Here’s a piece from the NY Times in March when they felt certain Italy’s banks were going to get a rescue deal:
I think those of us watching have known for a long time it’s not a question if, it’s a question of when, and this might just be the first few pebbles rolling down the slope signifying the landslide.
We need to start a campaign to ensure the BBC’s next director general Tim Davie never takes up his post in September.
We must accuse the BBC of doing what the BBC accuse other institutions of doing – of appointing yet another white man as head. We must say the BBC are hypocrites and acting exactly like other organizations which they call institutionally racist.
We must demand that the next director general be a Black Muslim Woman or a Black Transgender Female or a Non-White Muslim and former Refugee. We must build up a huge social media campaign for this.
When they appoint such a figure then we will a) see if the BBC really will be happy with what they themselves preach for others. b) Maybe sit back and watch the BBC implode.
Tim Davie is a Tory (cowardly useless and incompetent). On the offchance that he actually is able to steer the ghastly mess back to the centre ground which would be a herculean acheivement for anyone let alone a Tory, then there is a chance that the hopelessly craven Boris the Bottler will take the easiest way out and renew the charter for another 10 years.
Your suggestion should force even the most yellow bellied amongst them to retract the Royal charter.
He will NOT steer the beeb back to the centre ground. The leftism is now entrenched in the beeb’s DNA and runs through it top to bottom. At best he might achieve some cosmetic changes (the occasional extra conservative voice on QT, or pro-Brexit opinion) that will only make it harder to prove the bias.
BBC ‘Must See’ section in full agitprop mode, pro-BLM and anti-Orange Man.
They’ve found sneaky new ways of peddling their propaganda. To promote the BLM agenda, they ‘report’ on The New Wave of Protest Songs. This gets their message across vicariously, and has the bonus of being cool and down with the kids – double-tick.
Then they dream up a ‘fun new quiz’ to mock Trump and promote the latest anti-Trump book, while claiming plausible deniability: wasn’t us guv, we’re impartial. It were that bloke Bolton what wrote the book.
Subtext: Trump’s a dickhead.
“What claims are in the new Trump book?”
“Oh, are you a nuclear power?” Donald Trump asked during a meeting with Theresa May, when she was UK prime minister, according to a book by his former national security adviser. But what else does John Bolton claim the US president has done?
– Asked whether Finland was part of Russia
– Said it would be ‘cool’ to invade Venezuela
– Suggested journalists should be executed
PS. I know a lot of Venezuelans who would dearly love the US to invade their bankrupt socialist hellhole and get the economy going again. And as for executing journalists – I couldn’t possibly comment.
Yes, Katie Hopkins with a million followers has been permanently banned from Twitter.
Shame no one argued in reply to anything she said, instead they said abusive things which she laughed at and continued her arguments.
But they put up a petition and Twitter banned her.
We don’t have a Conservative Party with an interest in freedom of speech.
They are closing down on dissidents.
Not many around now
Are we next?
I can see this home education thing opening the door to Nicola Sturgeon to bring back her (Inter)National Socialist policy of the State appointing ‘named Guardians’ for children. Holyrood had the good sense to chuck it out first time around but I’m sure people will soon be calling for checks to be made on what children are being taught at home.
I expect the loudest voices to come from the Teachers Unions in the UK, backed up by the BBC.
Oops I added my KThopkins notes to the end of the last thread by mistake .
Synopsis : libmob had run another ban campaign against her
Yesterday she tweeted ‘thanks I’m still here & you campaign has given me 100K new followers, I’m at 1.1. million now !’
– Today Tweeted ‘Oh Twitter is rewarding me me for new followers by REMOVING my blue tick’
– She then posted a reminder her tweets are all on her Instagram account
… Then her account was suddenly marked “suspended”
This is different from REMOVED
cos when that happens the page comes up as “account doesn’t exist”
Shameful. We can expect a mass exodus of police officers. Who wants to be insulted and attacked by savages every day, and unable to stand their ground for fear of triggering more violent riots, and end up accused of more racism?
Law and order are on the run; violent anarchy in the ascendancy.
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
In reality we have reached the stage where all white police should be withdrawn from those parts of London where there is a BME majority. It is too risky for them and the locals do not want them.
Then either depolice ? the area or allow only BME police to go there. I have always followed the principal that there is a solution to every problem . Then the locals can no longer have objections to either the absence of police or being policed by their own people.
I agree with you. I would go further. Do not investigate reports of black on black crime, do not arrest for black on black crime. No trials, no imprisonment.
Oh dear, I should have done another BBC WSW. There has been an item to that effect, I think, on the BBC web-site all week long. At first a BAME lady was pictured but now the photo is of a BAME man. I resisted the click-bait so cannot be certain.
I suspected that something similar to a Withdrawal of Policing occurred in London toward the end of 2018. The horrendous statistics of youngsters knifing and shooting each other in 2019 and 2020 are testament to that. You can understand a local Police Superintendent saying “Why should I put my Officers at risk? If criminals take each other out, eventually there will be less crime for the people of London to suffer.”
There are no Police in Britain, see Miller vs College of Policing, we have a Gestapo.
A politicised Police no longer interested in crime or doing the work of Policing, but instead concentrating on the political beliefs of individuals and whether they conform to what they want.
They deserve everything they get including a lynching. I would not have shed a single tear over the lynching of one of Goebbels goons, and I won’t shed one over todays equivalent.
The rioters removed Blakelock’s protective helmet, which was never found. The pathologist, David Bowen, found 54 holes in Blakelock’s overalls, and 40 stabbing or slashing injuries, eight of them to his head, caused by a weapon such as a machete, axe or sword. A six-inch-long knife was buried in his neck up to the hilt. His body was covered in marks from having been kicked or stamped on. His hands and arms were badly cut, and he had lost several fingers trying to defend himself. There were 14 stab wounds on his back, one on the back of his right thigh, and six on his face. Stabbing injuries to his armpits had penetrated his lungs. His head had been turned to one side and his jawbone smashed by a blow that left a six-inch gash across the right side of his head. Bowen said the force of this blow had been “almost as if to sever his head”, which gave rise to the view that an attempt had been made to decapitate him
85% of deaths are white people vs 15% BAME (ONS say)
.. non-white men do have an extra risk factor
but higher inceidence of pre-existings like diabetes is a major part
putting aside the much higher levels of comorbidities in BAMEs like diabetes (8x in Pakistani men than white men) and heart disease especially older ones – and their cultural customs – those figures are about right for the proportion in population and exact for the BBC.
So what is the problem? 🙂
The media love to condemn everyone else for misuse of stats but they are the worst…
In three short lines, you have equalled the best BBC analysis and bettered the great majority of it. You’ve quoted a source, given two %-figures, qualified those figures with the note about non-White men, and correctly pointed to the role of preexisting conditions.
That the BBC chooses to do this so rarely, is indicative of the bias running through the wretched organization.
The Labour Party have just published a report into their election defeat. It was ahem graciously discussed this morning on Toady, rather in the style of a group of chums talking about an academic paper. But I digress.
The spokesperson (that is Labour not the BBC) stated that the report concluded Labour had forgotten about its traditional voters in favour of (get this bit) young graduates and city residents.
Now think about that. Where do BAME people disproportionately live? And what sort of people support BLM or for that matter ER? And how much fawning coverage has the BBC given to both?
And what group does the BBC endlessly try and aim at ? The young of course. And when does the BBC focus in, for example white working class underperforming boys in Northern towns? Never.
So weirdly and unexpectedly the well-known bias of the BBC is proved by of all things, the Labour Party’s own election report !!!!!!
The BBC are making a huge deal out of the BAME population at risk from the Covid19 virus due to housing/poverty.
But a few months ago when they were pushing for even more mass immigration the BBC said BAME/immigrants hardly use the NHS as they as so healthy and take nothing out of the system as they are hard working paying more tax in than they take out.
Both statements cannot be true. Perhaps the BBC are making it up as they go along?!?
\\Sheku Bayoh: ‘Why did my brother die in police custody?’//
“He no longer has a knife and appears to be walking away, but two more officers arrive. They draw their batons and irritant sprays; they use them.”
Drugs ?
Noticed this yesterday. Great point. Remember the meltdown from the MSM who simply could not understand what “Stay alert” meant.
Lefty after lefty wheeled out to tell us how confusing it all was . The BBC couldn’t get them on quick enough..
Phil and Holly on This morning were in complete confusion, Lorraine Kelly on GMB was stunned, couldn’t work it out. Piers Morgan throwing his arms in the air.
Nicola amends it’s to “Stay safe” and not a peep, no confusion, nothing. BBC , MSM all happy. Clear as day.
Wonder if we’ll see the same fuss about “Stay Safe” being as confusing as “Stay Alert” was…
Having followed this forum for five years now, mainly because it is one of the few mediums where I can hang on to my sanity, I have finally decided to add my two penny worth. 2d that is.
Just one observation I would like to share with you at this stage:
I was thinking of the three all consuming issues which the MSM have used as sticks to constantly beat the government with over the last 12 months
Black Lives Matter
Spot the acronym. Coincidence or conspiracy theory?
So, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” is being ‘reviewed’ by the RLA as to its appropriateness to be sung at matches.
Hmm, well, I wonder how many at the funeral of George Floyd who were belting out Amazing Grace, realised that it was written by John Newton, an Anglican clergyman and former slave ship master !
Quite right, Brissles, my dear old thing. Will ‘How Great Thou Art’ get banned because it was found on a wall in a Russian prison cell and everyone knows how awful Vlad Putin is?
When I was a kid, we would sing Negro Spirituals in services in a largely white church and the same in a largely white Primary School. Why? Because far from demeaning the Afro/Caribbean American slaves that wrote these songs and hymns, it showed their nobility and deep, deep, saving faith in a God that loved them just as much as any white, yellow, brown, man or woman.
Bris – I don’t know anything about rugby but the idea of banning a song which is a ritual of the game seems …. unlikely . However even the fact that it is being ‘reviewed ‘ shows how fearful either collectively or individual people are about being accused of being ‘ a witch ‘ or ‘a communist ‘ or ‘a racist ‘ ….
The collective mental breakdown caused by the Chinese virus and the measures to minimise it until someone turns up with a cure – or it disappears …. as an armchair virologist I’ve always been concerned that it might become more virulent – more fatal . …
I just listened to Dead Ringers on R4 as I was in the car. My goodness it was painful. I’m telling you it took serious discipline to endure the full 30 mins. I genuinely gave it a fair chance to see if any of the jokes were objectively funny.
It was F painful. Even the wokest Guardian reader would not have actually laughed; they would have been nodding in agreement through the whole show, however.
The whole program was based on 3 “jokes”:
1 Personal attacks on Boris and Churchill
2 Attacks on conservative opinions
3 Minorities are discriminated against and don’t have equality
Honestly, the whole thing could have been written by a committee of Momentum.
Never again. I am pretty tolerant and accepting but I’m beginning to actually feel hatred for the BBC.
It is impossible to watch or listen to the BBC now. It insults my intelligence. There is a backlash on the way and a very serious one. The BBC has not even tried to bring the country together in these hard times but deliberately driven a wedge between the races and the classes. Time to defund it.
At first it seemed like typical progressive indulgence but now it threatens the realm.
I occasionally google this site to see where it turns up . On the search return an article in The Sun by Dan Wootton turned where he describes the ‘ survey ‘ being conducted by the BBC to see if it is biased – you might recall that it is being by a chap called Sambrook who haa lefty bias record in print already . I suppose he has friends in the BBC …
I was thinking about the football in England at the moment. This occurred to me, whenever we see a picture of the crowd, there are more black faces on the pitch than in the crowd. Does this not seem funny to anyone else? Can the E F L not see the stupidity in calling every player Black Lives Matter?
Katie Hopkins banned from Twitter. Al bin Neil Brillo will not speak up for her.
Worth another look at this anti Trump BBC hack trying to put her down. Watch Neil at the end sucking up to the man from the Independent, when Katie has left
Mr Neil knows what are the right noises to make . Keep the bank balance healthy – a good journalist – which means no principles apart from fame and fortune.
Surprising Katie Hopkins has lasted so long … on many levels …
Interesting that Wiki is so up to date with the Hopkins Twitter ban; this is from a search a few minutes ago.
“… … … … In the 2017 libel case Monroe v Hopkins, Hopkins was required to pay £24,000 in damages and £107,000 in legal costs to Jack Monroe after making defamatory remarks on Twitter. She was banned from the platform in June 2020.[5] Her role at LBC was terminated in May 2017 following her comments on Twitter about the Manchester Arena bombing. She is considered a far-right political commentator.[6][7][8]”
Then again, she is “far-right” (whatever that means) so it’s ok.
Boo. Those nasty racist Tories !!! But Naz Shah , butter wouldn’t melt !!!!!I
But, it’s a bloody fair question and one which always has me stumped. It’s not racist to ask, if you hate the country you live in so much and are disgusted at everything it stands for, then why wouldn’t you Foxtrot Oscar ????
Tories suspend activist over 'back to Pakistan' comment about Labour MP
The BBC article includes an explicit lie. The very first line reads ‘”A Conservative activist has been suspended after tweeting a British Muslim MP should “go back to Pakistan”.’ But she did not use the word ‘should’ in the quoted Tweet, she asked the question “if racist Naz Shah hates this country so much why doesn’t she go back to Pakistan?”. In general terms that’s perfectly acceptable: one of my neighbours constantly bemoans the decline of Britain, the poor weather and tells me how wonderful Spain is, to which my usual response is ‘Well why don’t you go and live there, then?’.
Aside from the obvious point that Ms Shah can’t really ‘go back’ to Pakistan (she was born in Yorkshire), there are two other points:
1. There is no denial of the descriptor of the term ‘racist’ in the description of Ms Shah in the tweet.
2. The Muslim Council of Britain is quoted as saying ‘such “blatant racism” was unacceptable’. Islam is not a race and there are black, white, oriental and Arab muslims, as well as those from the Indian sub-continent and elsewhere. Rather, it is a religious belief system for most of its adherents and a combined belief system and political ideology for many of them.
“They never excepted him to survive”⁰ Five-year-old Tony has raised nearly half a million for the @EvelinaLondon ???? This is why the hospital means so much ????⤵️
Not BBC I know but ITV4 showing “An Audience with Billy Conolly”
at 10. Jeez – this has been practically milked to death with repeats every month for the past 35 years!. Most folk would not even know who is in the audience and I would guess a good percentage are dead now.
I admit it was funny but not warranting the continual repeats.
You know all that fixation by the BBC about the excess BAME victims of Coronavirus? With the insidious implication of waycism?
This evening I went past a local park and a large number of youngsters were playing football. The goal posts were 4 foot high and freestanding on bases. Parents had clearly taken some of the kids. The whole thing had some level of organisation.
Now on one level I was rather cheered. Kids enjoying themselves, what’s not to like? And their own risk of CV19 is minimal.
But here’s the thing. They were all BAME. Suppose one of them has the virus, transmits it, and somewhere along the line it is transmitted to a more vulnerable relative, which we can assume are also BAME.
Suddenly there is a proven case, maybe a hospital admission, and possibly a death. The BAME victim statistics notch up. The excess BAME victims go up.
Cue BBC outrage. Cue demands for enquiries. Cue accusations of racism.
Because it will all be us racist whities’ fault in the BBC la la LibMob land.
And not the BAME parents who sanctioned the game in the first place.
Banks and financial institutions to be stopped using the phrase ‘in the black’ when there is profit or a surplus of funds. Suggested replacement is ‘in the non-red’, subject to approval by Native Americans.
However, plans to rename the ‘Penny Black’ as a ‘Stamp of non-descript Colour’ have been abandoned after the discovery that Sir Rowland Hill may have had ancestors who evolved in Africa appoximately 2 million years ago.
So many things to ban
Rolling Stones ” painted black ” ” honky tonk woman “.
Black Sabbath
1985 film ” black to the future ”
Could waste my time thinking of more but I need to clean the brown stains in the toilet bowl !
BBC Yorkshire as ever put up on of its own STAFF as an example of Victimhood
Bradford man speaks out on facing two decades of racism: Usmaan Arshad says he has bottled up the hurt of racism but now feels compelled to speak out. Via
Usmaan Arshad says his first experience of discrimination came as a small child in a park playground but it had continued…
Mr Arshad, who works for the BBC in Yorkshire, said he wanted to speak out: “It’s only when we talk about these experiences that people can see what we see. To see what happens on their doorstep. Don’t be silent.”
OK lets get this out of the way
The 5,000 Grooming/raping/pimping gang victims obviously tower over this guy in the victimhood charts.
but the BBC live in their fantasy universe so we can’t expect them to appreciate that.
In his video he gives us 2 examples
He’d never seen any harm as a child
Then he went to the park and saw other kids he didn’t know taking over the swings, he waited then went over to push one of them on the swings to try to join in
You know what they called him the rudest unmentionable names.
#2 As an adult recently in the city two toughs looked at him
“And told him to get out of the country”
FFS There is obvious racism
Racism in the way his BBC colleagues didn’t tell him that his grade of victimhood is probably so low it’s probably 20/100 where most white people get 19/100
and some much more.
FFS Does he really not understand that most of us have been pushed off the swings by the bullies ?
That we’ve had
– bullies made us stay in the den until we pissed out pants, so they could laugh at us,
– been beaten by parents, by teachers, had teachers that made us cry.
– Had bullies spit in our faces trip us up and punch us on the way home, steal our stuff.
Until we learnt to handle ourselves.
Does he not understand that had I gone past his 2 toughs and had the wrong expressions, I would have go called out at for my glasses for my hat , or a punk for his hairstyle ?
These nutters are rude and aggressive at anyone any opportunity
but through life we’ve learnt to adopt strategies/manners to cope
Like we avoid the rough end of town, walk with a swagger look them in the eye, break the ice, stay away from drunks and druggies etc.
His victimhood is so low
Plenty of other West Yorkshire ethnic Pak/Bangla will also tower over him, as they might be victims of injustice and harm at the hands of drug gangs or wrongly jailed etc.
Constant and repetitive ? I’m thinking of Muslim girls made to be pious , wear the headscarf/veil before being carted off back to the homeland to be married to an old man
their victimhood is 60/100 probably.
You make a good point, Stew. That is, what is now called “racism” by some people of a darker skin colour, is just part of unpleasant behaviour that many will have been through, even in shops and offices, let alone the school playground.
I for one refuse to accept the claim that racism is somehow worse than other sorts of bullying. If you are White but have ginger hair, you may be the victim of prejudice by other Whites; not racism, but still very unpleasant. What if you’re not good at football at school or a slow learner? Or more educated than most of your work colleagues?
Joan Armatrading, (a female singer-songwriter of colour who managed to ‘make it’), was once asked if she had ever experienced racism.
Her answer, of which I am sure Morgan Freeman would approve, was, “No! But I have met people who don’t like me”.
I have observed that all through my school and working life that I seem to have gone from ‘hero to zero’ and back depending on my teacher or boss at the time. That suggests it was a change of perception rather than an actual change in me.
This wartime anecdote might also apply:
During the “Manhattan project” (the making of nuclear bomb[sic]), Fermi asked Gen. Groves, the head of the project, what is the definition of a “great” general. Groves replied that any general who had won five battles in a row might safely be called great. Fermi then asked how many generals were great. Groves said about three out of every hundred. Fermi conjectured that considering that opposing forces for most battles are rougly equal in strength, the chance of winning one battle is 1/2 and the chance of winning five battles in a row is (1/2)^5=1/32. “So your right General, about three out of every hundred. Mathematical probability, not genius.”
Suppose as we go through life there is an equal chance that our teacher or boss likes us or not. A few people might go through hell, most of us achieve middling success, a few ‘greatness’.
It would certainly explain why many of our ‘leaders’ aren’t that great at all!
Tulsa: stick it to them Donald. Here we’ll get ‘another beauty’ report from the toxic, biased, propaganda -driven bbc. Who will it be?
Poisonous dwarf, Sopel?
Could The Donald send Boris a set of balls, I wonder? Marked: For ‘Blue Labour’
Maybe he would get some positive noises from GB, to assist the special relationship?
Or has that also been ditched in favour of knee-bending and statue toppling?
Oh how the world has changed!
Time for all of us to stand up and be counted. A little propaganda of our own wouldn’t hurt.
Lots and lots of black inspired tv progs on at the mo. BBC2 have Selma, I am not your Negro, Black Hollywood, and I see that Sky Films have an entire channel of Will Smith films for a fortnight. Talk about senses getting a battering.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC Bosses Skewered by MPs Over Bias and Inaccuracy
– BBC Announces Voluntary Redundancies in Effort to Make Ends Meet
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the ghastly way the BBC generates its revenue, via the TV licence system.
backlinks to previous thread
– page 6 started 9am Friday
– page 5 started 5 pm Thursday … page 4
Scrobs has an apology to make…
As a birthday approaches, Senora O’Blene has been badgering me for ideas for a present, and I’m going to get all the ‘Hustle’ DVDs (we don’t have to have many secrets or surprises at our tender ages), and this means we will be paying money for a BBC ‘product’…
I’m so sorry about this, but please forgive an ageing Scrobs, and allow me to enjoy a pretty decent programme with a super cast, on a small DVD player!
Tut, tut. The bended knee will suffice in penance.
If I have to go down on bended knee, G, Senora O’Blene will think I’ve been watching something completely different, by subscription only…
You will get a surprise when the package arrives
and you find autocorrect had added an “r” and you’ve got a box of Hustler products.
LOL x 10! Brilliant.
Is that the ride-on mower of another pernicious item, again, only available on prescription (or subscription)…?
Stew/Up, any more clues…?
save your them on You Tube
I’ve just about exhausted the few progs that are on Youtube, Lucky, as I’m an eternal fan of both the beautiful Kelly Adams and also the gorgeous Jaime Murray, I can watch all these, tucked up in the privacy of my own armchair, away from prying eyes…
(Signal’s not too good in my secret viewing room…)!
The cost of the redundancies will be massive and take a decade in non-payment of salaries to break even, by which time most of the departing staff will be on pension. Many will be rehired as contractors anyway.
This smells of nonsense but does presage a further demand from the BBC staff pension scheme for another billion to prop it up.
Previously the BBC trustees just waved through specious calls for more pension scheme subsidies, at colossal cost.
This screenshot is the Instagram account

of which famous activist NGO ?
That’s BBCnews ..anyone monitor BBC Instagram accounts ?
I know @GuestWho looks at their Facebook output
There no white men until the 27th photo
.. he is wearing a rainbow T-shirt
Pictures 34 & 37 do have a white man
Same photo of a weak guy being carried by a black hero.
(actually an undercover BLM security guard)
BBC account appears to PR for new progs ..lot of Sandi Toskvig
BBC Bristol very activist
– BBC London very activist
– BBC Womans Hour not in the least activist …/sarc
bbcsounds page not 87% white more like 50%
According to SA Today, a farm attack took place in a place called Polokwane on 19 June . 8 armed attackers shot two children through a window. Farm of a mr Du Preez.
But that’s OK, cos White lives there don’t matter, as we gather from the MSM.
It seems it was just a bit of fun, really. The report suggests the gang was actually after the farmworkers. But they did rob the family.
We have to be careful though, cos the MSM News24 has told us that we can’t rely on this site to be truthful. MSM, of course, always are.
Monitoring farm attacks in SA, with their frequent brutality -which doesn’t even bear thinking about- is SO Last Century.
The farmworkers are likely to be black, but they don’t matter either. Are they knee-takers or statue topplers? Bit of the old BP? Nope; no matter then.
Certainly, I have a hat to eat, if beeb ever decides to dwell on the topic.
Jeez – I was in Polokwane a couple of years ago – delightful little place, great little hotel ’61 on Ireland’– their business will suffer. Hope the small plug from me will help even a little.
Dear, oh dear.
From British Rhodesia to Ian Smith’s Rhodesia to Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.
Predominantly white farmers employing black farm hands made Rhodesia the breadbasket of Africa.
After civil war and the rise of Black Rule by Robert Mugabe there followed land reform which often meant farms were turned over to black people often with violent deaths of white farmers.
Productivity dropped and eventually Zimbabwe became the basket case of Africa.
British colonial rule gave the land life while Mugabe’s nationalist black rule gave the land death. The British Empire had given infrastructure and order and life to the land.
I believe Russia has offered land and refuge to the Boers . Russia is maybe a last hope for civilisation. I think my descendants would do well to consider going there.
Look up the new Cathedral of the Armed Forces.
It is a building the like of which Europe has not seen foe generations. It is something else.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 (for Friday) – Someone must have complained!
I note that the oil prices which have been missing for some weeks have been reinstated on the Market Data section of Business on the BBC w-s.
Someone must have complained. Wasn’t me.
People have been tweeting them since May 20th
Yes, Stew, I gathered that their omission from the BBC w-s had attracted more than just my attention. There was a bit of discussion about it on a BBC HYS that I happened to view in the last week or so.
Roger Sawyer and I have swapped e-mails about BBC accuracy & completeness before and I was thinking about sending the poor bloke another one.
Makes me wonder whether the messing about with the Covid-19 stats was just errors rather than deliberate obfuscation. With the BBC – sadly – these days, you never know.
By the way, you deserve an extra medal for not just looking for BBC bias at Twitter but also at Facebook. Am steeling myself for another go at the BBC w-s.
What do you mean by “BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 (for Friday)” – is this some website that has been keeping an eye on certain BBC activities? If so can you please provide the website / webpage. Thanks.
BoBotC, No it’s all mine or I should say it’s ours as Guest Who does his ‘Morning Emole’ thing and others on here comment on the BBC’s web-content, often every day. Fed started this weekend Thread in mid-Friday so I’m still churning out WsWs for today. The link is there in my post.
As I’m not really listening now to TOADY – I used to be a faithful, full 3hrs x 5 days a week plus 2hrs on Saturday listener, if possible – I’ve switched to critiquing the BBC’s web-site. That’s becoming a bit too much these days, some stuff being buried away, other bits merely pushing BBC propaganda and what with stale women pulling faces at me and other bits of old news going grey and mouldy with age alongside the food I’m thinking of giving that up, too.
I’ve heard that
watchinglistening to paint dry can be quite involving and entertaining. May try that instead of the BBC.Up2
I do give some thought about the timing of new threads – I stuck with the weekend – start the week – midweek – format ….but I did consider doing one every day ….. I get the feeling that once the thread pages get 600 or more comments there are ‘technical issues ‘ so I tend to end them around that number .
If people prefer the threads to start on the actual day I’m good with that . We’ve gone from some weekends where we got 150 comments – at the moment we’re on around 200 a day …… which is great .
I appreciate that people use the site in their own way – some jump in – leave a comment and go away – some engage in a discussion with others ( which I prefer ) and of course – many read but don’t comment ….
I’d like more challenge but it brings the hazard of the kind of abuse / nasty comments found on the likes of twitter . It would be great if someone were to demonstrate the ‘right wing bias’ of the BBC or -indeed ‘pro government ‘or ‘pro police ‘ or ‘pro brexit ‘ but I’d submit it would be impossible to produce that evidence .
Hence we don’t get an honest pro BBC view ….. even the occasional troll will only comment on what others have written and not on the BBC itself …..
I should add – by the way – that in the current climate this site would be on a ‘hit list ‘ somewhere and I don’t think any of us would get any notice of it being killed off . I’d only be a bit surprised ……
Yes, I’m quite happy with all of that, Fed, and thanks for all you do as our Moderator. Thanks to Stew and the backroom boys & girls who do the techie bits.
I have actually reached the stage where I come on here to find out what the news is. Often, things are revealed that the BBC has missed or chosen to avoid. See post by Thoughtful below as an excellent example.
BBC, you are sinking! Soon, you may be sunked. Beware.
I’m happy for folk to disagree with me and will debate. I do sort of object to ‘the drive-by-snipings’, though. The latest and most ridiculous coming from the Wild Woman who pops up from time to time. Am sorry I spotted that so late as it was just laughable.
Amol’s latest post
Well Niall Ferguson is OK
The first 3 aren’t my favourites
Here’s a free suggestion for Amol re. how things SHOULD change:
The TV licence should be abolished, and the BBC’s buildings, equipment, intellectual (ha!) property rights and every other corporeal or incorporeal asset in which it has a right should be handed over to the state.
If the BBC management and staff thereafter wish to continue to broadcast then they are free to do so under a different name (the BBC name and, ahem, goodwill being the property of the state), provided that they are self-funding.
BBC Rethink list
Amol Rajan’s got a prog Monday 9am then another Wednesday 9pm
guests discuss how the coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity to reshape our world.
In nations across the globe, it exposes underlying tensions within and between communities
– whether over inequality, age, wealth or nationalism.
Does this brutal disease paradoxically create the conditions necessary for radical change in our societies, economies, ecosystems and international relations?”
“The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have made lots of us rethink our lives.
Many say they want to make changes to the way they work, whilst others see this as a pivotal moment to radically rethink society.
But how do you actually implement change?
What really drives it?
How are obstacles to change overcome?
Will perceived economic imperatives mean change is relegated to wishful thinking? “
Boycott it. It is not worth your time. Think for yourself and ignore the propaganda.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – Well, he didn’t last long
One almost feels a smidge of sympathy but the BBC have the knives out for Der Starmer. I thought it might happen but not quite this soon.
Gone some time after the Party Conference, perhaps?
Comments opened and then closed within 3 hours
And it’s not as if moderators are going off shift
Labour lost the comments 350 to 20, I guess their zombies re on a BLM march
Wow, Stew, that could be close to a record. I spotted a HYS that lasted only three hours a few weeks back and, iirc, commented on here about its short life Maybe it was minutes between them?
I’ve pretty much given up on HYSs, joining in one yesterday for the first time in days. The BBC sure know how to drive people away!
I once asked what the rationale behind HYS pullings were.
Guess what? Exempted… ‘purposes of’…
R4 Feedback
– “Should the BBC censor old repeats ?”
– “The governments misuse of dubious statistics”
(libmob love the new Woke MoL)
40yo of Burkiss Way mocked black South Africans
(The actor sounded like Fred Harris
I thought he was mixed race)
Just heard there will be a 2 min round of applause for Dame Vera…..don’t know where don’t know when!
Funny, (seriously droll, Emmanuel) – but, can you see the Masters of the Human Race (BLM/Antifa) allowing that to happen without being ‘seriously offended’ – somehow, anyhow, again ?
Imagine standing on the doorstep at Christmas singing “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” !!!
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Boris Johnson says song should not be banned”
Where does the New Zealand RFU stand with their national team ?
Really really important news regarding the Eurozone and the EU which yet again appears to have gone unreported by UK media.
The crux of it is that the European Central Bank has been found to have been illegally using quantitative easing and the Germany government was equally at fault for not stopping or at least questioning them.
Claus Vistesen, chief euro zone economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said that “these are fighting words from the German court, and it ends with an ultimatum and a threat to the ECB, not to mention German politicians.”
The German court asked the Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, to stop buying government bonds under the ECB’s stimulus program in the next three months.
The second story reports that any bail out for countries such as Italy or Spain which have been hit hard by the pandemic has been vetoed by four EU members.
If we had still been a member of the EU we would have been expected to shoulder a large proportion of the EU incurred debt to bail out other countries – and Germany appears currently unable to bear any of it.
With the economies of Spain and Italy on a knife edge before the lockdown.
Here’s a piece from the NY Times in March when they felt certain Italy’s banks were going to get a rescue deal:
I think those of us watching have known for a long time it’s not a question if, it’s a question of when, and this might just be the first few pebbles rolling down the slope signifying the landslide.
We need to start a campaign to ensure the BBC’s next director general Tim Davie never takes up his post in September.
We must accuse the BBC of doing what the BBC accuse other institutions of doing – of appointing yet another white man as head. We must say the BBC are hypocrites and acting exactly like other organizations which they call institutionally racist.
We must demand that the next director general be a Black Muslim Woman or a Black Transgender Female or a Non-White Muslim and former Refugee. We must build up a huge social media campaign for this.
When they appoint such a figure then we will a) see if the BBC really will be happy with what they themselves preach for others. b) Maybe sit back and watch the BBC implode.
Tim Davie is a Tory (cowardly useless and incompetent). On the offchance that he actually is able to steer the ghastly mess back to the centre ground which would be a herculean acheivement for anyone let alone a Tory, then there is a chance that the hopelessly craven Boris the Bottler will take the easiest way out and renew the charter for another 10 years.
Your suggestion should force even the most yellow bellied amongst them to retract the Royal charter.
He will NOT steer the beeb back to the centre ground. The leftism is now entrenched in the beeb’s DNA and runs through it top to bottom. At best he might achieve some cosmetic changes (the occasional extra conservative voice on QT, or pro-Brexit opinion) that will only make it harder to prove the bias.
Careful, BoBotC, you could end up with Mishal Husain as DG.
BBC ‘Must See’ section in full agitprop mode, pro-BLM and anti-Orange Man.
They’ve found sneaky new ways of peddling their propaganda. To promote the BLM agenda, they ‘report’ on The New Wave of Protest Songs. This gets their message across vicariously, and has the bonus of being cool and down with the kids – double-tick.
Then they dream up a ‘fun new quiz’ to mock Trump and promote the latest anti-Trump book, while claiming plausible deniability: wasn’t us guv, we’re impartial. It were that bloke Bolton what wrote the book.
Subtext: Trump’s a dickhead.
“What claims are in the new Trump book?”
“Oh, are you a nuclear power?” Donald Trump asked during a meeting with Theresa May, when she was UK prime minister, according to a book by his former national security adviser. But what else does John Bolton claim the US president has done?
– Asked whether Finland was part of Russia
– Said it would be ‘cool’ to invade Venezuela
– Suggested journalists should be executed
PS. I know a lot of Venezuelans who would dearly love the US to invade their bankrupt socialist hellhole and get the economy going again. And as for executing journalists – I couldn’t possibly comment.
The excellent Kate Hoey speaks sense to Mike Graham
from 08:40
Eventually Twitter will just have a load of people all agreeing with each other – and all with the BBC mindset…talk about killing your own business..
Yes, Katie Hopkins with a million followers has been permanently banned from Twitter.
Shame no one argued in reply to anything she said, instead they said abusive things which she laughed at and continued her arguments.
But they put up a petition and Twitter banned her.
We don’t have a Conservative Party with an interest in freedom of speech.
They are closing down on dissidents.
Not many around now
Are we next?
I can see this home education thing opening the door to Nicola Sturgeon to bring back her (Inter)National Socialist policy of the State appointing ‘named Guardians’ for children. Holyrood had the good sense to chuck it out first time around but I’m sure people will soon be calling for checks to be made on what children are being taught at home.
I expect the loudest voices to come from the Teachers Unions in the UK, backed up by the BBC.
Oops I added my KThopkins notes to the end of the last thread by mistake .
Synopsis : libmob had run another ban campaign against her
Yesterday she tweeted ‘thanks I’m still here & you campaign has given me 100K new followers, I’m at 1.1. million now !’
– Today Tweeted ‘Oh Twitter is rewarding me me for new followers by REMOVING my blue tick’
– She then posted a reminder her tweets are all on her Instagram account
… Then her account was suddenly marked “suspended”
This is different from REMOVED
cos when that happens the page comes up as “account doesn’t exist”
Here is her essay from yesterday
No new updates on Katie’s Instagram
Here’s yesterday’s video
It does embed automatically here, but it takes up the entire screen so
here’s the link
Shameful. We can expect a mass exodus of police officers. Who wants to be insulted and attacked by savages every day, and unable to stand their ground for fear of triggering more violent riots, and end up accused of more racism?
Law and order are on the run; violent anarchy in the ascendancy.
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
In reality we have reached the stage where all white police should be withdrawn from those parts of London where there is a BME majority. It is too risky for them and the locals do not want them.
Then either depolice ? the area or allow only BME police to go there. I have always followed the principal that there is a solution to every problem . Then the locals can no longer have objections to either the absence of police or being policed by their own people.
Dave S
I agree with you. I would go further. Do not investigate reports of black on black crime, do not arrest for black on black crime. No trials, no imprisonment.
Oh dear, I should have done another BBC WSW. There has been an item to that effect, I think, on the BBC web-site all week long. At first a BAME lady was pictured but now the photo is of a BAME man. I resisted the click-bait so cannot be certain.
I suspected that something similar to a Withdrawal of Policing occurred in London toward the end of 2018. The horrendous statistics of youngsters knifing and shooting each other in 2019 and 2020 are testament to that. You can understand a local Police Superintendent saying “Why should I put my Officers at risk? If criminals take each other out, eventually there will be less crime for the people of London to suffer.”
There are no Police in Britain, see Miller vs College of Policing, we have a Gestapo.
A politicised Police no longer interested in crime or doing the work of Policing, but instead concentrating on the political beliefs of individuals and whether they conform to what they want.
They deserve everything they get including a lynching. I would not have shed a single tear over the lynching of one of Goebbels goons, and I won’t shed one over todays equivalent.
“How far are we from our first lynching?”
PC Keith Blakelock 28 June 1945 – 6 October 1985
Cressida Dick should consider her position and do the proper thing. This must be stopped.
Covid19 the myth that ethnicity is the biggest vulnerability
If 11K women have died
how many men have ?
1 thousand more, 2 thousand more, 4 thousand more, 6 thousand more ?
85% of deaths are white people vs 15% BAME (ONS say)
.. non-white men do have an extra risk factor
but higher inceidence of pre-existings like diabetes is a major part
So Stew
putting aside the much higher levels of comorbidities in BAMEs like diabetes (8x in Pakistani men than white men) and heart disease especially older ones – and their cultural customs – those figures are about right for the proportion in population and exact for the BBC.
So what is the problem? 🙂
The media love to condemn everyone else for misuse of stats but they are the worst…
In three short lines, you have equalled the best BBC analysis and bettered the great majority of it. You’ve quoted a source, given two %-figures, qualified those figures with the note about non-White men, and correctly pointed to the role of preexisting conditions.
That the BBC chooses to do this so rarely, is indicative of the bias running through the wretched organization.
btw the answer is 17,000 men died
That’s 6,000 more than 11,000 women.
BBC 1 6 pm news.
‘The government announces all schools to be back in September’
‘We’ll be asking whether this is realistic’..
Anyone care to guess what their answer will be?
But hey. What do our children matter when ‘gotcha’ points mY be scored?
It’s join the dots biased BBC time.
The Labour Party have just published a report into their election defeat. It was ahem graciously discussed this morning on Toady, rather in the style of a group of chums talking about an academic paper. But I digress.
The spokesperson (that is Labour not the BBC) stated that the report concluded Labour had forgotten about its traditional voters in favour of (get this bit) young graduates and city residents.
Now think about that. Where do BAME people disproportionately live? And what sort of people support BLM or for that matter ER? And how much fawning coverage has the BBC given to both?
And what group does the BBC endlessly try and aim at ? The young of course. And when does the BBC focus in, for example white working class underperforming boys in Northern towns? Never.
So weirdly and unexpectedly the well-known bias of the BBC is proved by of all things, the Labour Party’s own election report !!!!!!
I’d call that a result.
BBC News
“I’m a young black man, doing all that I can to stand.”
Keedron Bryant posted a song about the fears of being a young African American, which went viral.
Nifty new payola system now.
Signed to Warner Bros. who tried to sue the Marx Bros., and so came off worse.
As they, and the bbc do in the comments.
Bet Lily Allen has tears.
Well, that and the lying and censorship.
Is Al Beeb into advertising ?
Pure #1degreeofseparation editorial ‘integrity’ (bbc quotes).
Just an observation…
The BBC are making a huge deal out of the BAME population at risk from the Covid19 virus due to housing/poverty.
But a few months ago when they were pushing for even more mass immigration the BBC said BAME/immigrants hardly use the NHS as they as so healthy and take nothing out of the system as they are hard working paying more tax in than they take out.
Both statements cannot be true. Perhaps the BBC are making it up as they go along?!?
\\Sheku Bayoh: ‘Why did my brother die in police custody?’//
“He no longer has a knife and appears to be walking away, but two more officers arrive. They draw their batons and irritant sprays; they use them.”
Drugs ?
Noticed this yesterday. Great point. Remember the meltdown from the MSM who simply could not understand what “Stay alert” meant.
Lefty after lefty wheeled out to tell us how confusing it all was . The BBC couldn’t get them on quick enough..
Phil and Holly on This morning were in complete confusion, Lorraine Kelly on GMB was stunned, couldn’t work it out. Piers Morgan throwing his arms in the air.
Nicola amends it’s to “Stay safe” and not a peep, no confusion, nothing. BBC , MSM all happy. Clear as day.
But Boris changes it and hell breaks loose.
Having followed this forum for five years now, mainly because it is one of the few mediums where I can hang on to my sanity, I have finally decided to add my two penny worth. 2d that is.
Just one observation I would like to share with you at this stage:
I was thinking of the three all consuming issues which the MSM have used as sticks to constantly beat the government with over the last 12 months
Black Lives Matter
Spot the acronym. Coincidence or conspiracy theory?
StS, for a first post that IS a cracker!
Stuart – welcome aboard – as for the acronym- the “C” could easily have been “Cummings “ cos they still haven’t let go …
There is a god … and (s)he’s having a laugh at the BBC!
excellent 🙂 will have glass of red and salute you sir, might even bend a knee ( to pick up bottle)
BBC News
“It’s only when we talk about our experiences that people can see what we see.”
Usmaan, who works for the BBC, first encountered racism as a young boy – and still faces it 20 years on.
(via BBC Yorkshire)
Lobbed up at the literally best place ever then.
Oh, and, #montoyamoment
So, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” is being ‘reviewed’ by the RLA as to its appropriateness to be sung at matches.
Hmm, well, I wonder how many at the funeral of George Floyd who were belting out Amazing Grace, realised that it was written by John Newton, an Anglican clergyman and former slave ship master !
Quite right, Brissles, my dear old thing. Will ‘How Great Thou Art’ get banned because it was found on a wall in a Russian prison cell and everyone knows how awful Vlad Putin is?
When I was a kid, we would sing Negro Spirituals in services in a largely white church and the same in a largely white Primary School. Why? Because far from demeaning the Afro/Caribbean American slaves that wrote these songs and hymns, it showed their nobility and deep, deep, saving faith in a God that loved them just as much as any white, yellow, brown, man or woman.
Excellent Briss.
I just reposted your comment.
Hope it’s not copyrighted….
Nope, its there for all to see on Wikepedia.
Bris – I don’t know anything about rugby but the idea of banning a song which is a ritual of the game seems …. unlikely . However even the fact that it is being ‘reviewed ‘ shows how fearful either collectively or individual people are about being accused of being ‘ a witch ‘ or ‘a communist ‘ or ‘a racist ‘ ….
The collective mental breakdown caused by the Chinese virus and the measures to minimise it until someone turns up with a cure – or it disappears …. as an armchair virologist I’ve always been concerned that it might become more virulent – more fatal . …
I just listened to Dead Ringers on R4 as I was in the car. My goodness it was painful. I’m telling you it took serious discipline to endure the full 30 mins. I genuinely gave it a fair chance to see if any of the jokes were objectively funny.
It was F painful. Even the wokest Guardian reader would not have actually laughed; they would have been nodding in agreement through the whole show, however.
The whole program was based on 3 “jokes”:
1 Personal attacks on Boris and Churchill
2 Attacks on conservative opinions
3 Minorities are discriminated against and don’t have equality
Honestly, the whole thing could have been written by a committee of Momentum.
Never again. I am pretty tolerant and accepting but I’m beginning to actually feel hatred for the BBC.
It is impossible to watch or listen to the BBC now. It insults my intelligence. There is a backlash on the way and a very serious one. The BBC has not even tried to bring the country together in these hard times but deliberately driven a wedge between the races and the classes. Time to defund it.
At first it seemed like typical progressive indulgence but now it threatens the realm.
Well said Sir. Well said.
The likes of Nandy , Lammy, Butler, Abbott, always playing the victim card is tiresome. They are never satisfied no matter what.
They NEVER appreciate how things have massively improved. Typical Labour. Negative. Negative. Negative.
I occasionally google this site to see where it turns up . On the search return an article in The Sun by Dan Wootton turned where he describes the ‘ survey ‘ being conducted by the BBC to see if it is biased – you might recall that it is being by a chap called Sambrook who haa lefty bias record in print already . I suppose he has friends in the BBC …
BBC News inadvertently publishes the truth…
“Twitter says it has permanently suspended the controversial commentator for violating its hateful conduct policy.“
I was thinking about the football in England at the moment. This occurred to me, whenever we see a picture of the crowd, there are more black faces on the pitch than in the crowd. Does this not seem funny to anyone else? Can the E F L not see the stupidity in calling every player Black Lives Matter?
Toenails on form.
Katie Hopkins banned from Twitter. Al bin Neil Brillo will not speak up for her.
Worth another look at this anti Trump BBC hack trying to put her down. Watch Neil at the end sucking up to the man from the Independent, when Katie has left
Mr Neil knows what are the right noises to make . Keep the bank balance healthy – a good journalist – which means no principles apart from fame and fortune.
Surprising Katie Hopkins has lasted so long … on many levels …
Interesting that Wiki is so up to date with the Hopkins Twitter ban; this is from a search a few minutes ago.
“… … … … In the 2017 libel case Monroe v Hopkins, Hopkins was required to pay £24,000 in damages and £107,000 in legal costs to Jack Monroe after making defamatory remarks on Twitter. She was banned from the platform in June 2020.[5] Her role at LBC was terminated in May 2017 following her comments on Twitter about the Manchester Arena bombing. She is considered a far-right political commentator.[6][7][8]”
Then again, she is “far-right” (whatever that means) so it’s ok.
Twitter is, of course, favoured by bbc staff for views that are their own, and sharing with like minded souls.
Boo. Those nasty racist Tories !!! But Naz Shah , butter wouldn’t melt !!!!!I
But, it’s a bloody fair question and one which always has me stumped. It’s not racist to ask, if you hate the country you live in so much and are disgusted at everything it stands for, then why wouldn’t you Foxtrot Oscar ????
I don’t know about Scarborough for a week , I was lucky to go to Withernsea for a week in an old railway carriage with a chemical toilet. Happy days!
Withernsea is bad. if I remember correctly it has a beach of pebbles rather than sand.
The BBC article includes an explicit lie. The very first line reads ‘”A Conservative activist has been suspended after tweeting a British Muslim MP should “go back to Pakistan”.’ But she did not use the word ‘should’ in the quoted Tweet, she asked the question “if racist Naz Shah hates this country so much why doesn’t she go back to Pakistan?”. In general terms that’s perfectly acceptable: one of my neighbours constantly bemoans the decline of Britain, the poor weather and tells me how wonderful Spain is, to which my usual response is ‘Well why don’t you go and live there, then?’.
Aside from the obvious point that Ms Shah can’t really ‘go back’ to Pakistan (she was born in Yorkshire), there are two other points:
1. There is no denial of the descriptor of the term ‘racist’ in the description of Ms Shah in the tweet.
2. The Muslim Council of Britain is quoted as saying ‘such “blatant racism” was unacceptable’. Islam is not a race and there are black, white, oriental and Arab muslims, as well as those from the Indian sub-continent and elsewhere. Rather, it is a religious belief system for most of its adherents and a combined belief system and political ideology for many of them.
BBC News. Exceptional.
Tony Hudgell, the youngest ever knight or member of the House of Lords?
Probably not, as through no fault of his own, he won’t be able to join in the (mandatory) support of BLM, making him ‘extreme far-right’.
LOL. I wonder if Jeremy read the replies. The irony of HIM asking if Raab is out of touch.
It’s just astounding the bubble they live in.
He honestly, most likely expected a wave of agreement. But my god, he could not have been more wrong.
Lovely stuff !!!
Comments could be going better..
Wow #RATIOED big time
2,500 replies vs 138 Likes
that’s 20 to 1
I would say I found the tweet offensive
but really I don’t expect much from people who live in the metroliberal Guardianlalaland
“out of touch” Vine is projecting
For those who watch Marr on Sunday – he wont be on it this week cos his dad died . The replacement is Nicholas Robinson . My deepest sympathies …,
Perhaps therell be a period of silence
A Beeb fave, along with Dancing Justin.
Not BBC I know but ITV4 showing “An Audience with Billy Conolly”
at 10. Jeez – this has been practically milked to death with repeats every month for the past 35 years!. Most folk would not even know who is in the audience and I would guess a good percentage are dead now.
I admit it was funny but not warranting the continual repeats.
It makes a change from ‘The Bourne Identity’ Doc.
Channel 57 PBS Black Power day 1pm to 10pm
8pm Black In Space: Breaking the Colour Barrier
9pm The Obama Years: The Power of Words
4:00pm The Lost Tapes Malcolm X
5:00pm When Tariq Ali Met Malcolm X
6:00pm MLK: The Assassination Tapes
7pm Black Wings
Documentary examining the stories of African-Americans who overcame racism to realise their aviation dreams by learning to fly
Will the BBC put out the Malcolm X files
You know all that fixation by the BBC about the excess BAME victims of Coronavirus? With the insidious implication of waycism?
This evening I went past a local park and a large number of youngsters were playing football. The goal posts were 4 foot high and freestanding on bases. Parents had clearly taken some of the kids. The whole thing had some level of organisation.
Now on one level I was rather cheered. Kids enjoying themselves, what’s not to like? And their own risk of CV19 is minimal.
But here’s the thing. They were all BAME. Suppose one of them has the virus, transmits it, and somewhere along the line it is transmitted to a more vulnerable relative, which we can assume are also BAME.
Suddenly there is a proven case, maybe a hospital admission, and possibly a death. The BAME victim statistics notch up. The excess BAME victims go up.
Cue BBC outrage. Cue demands for enquiries. Cue accusations of racism.
Because it will all be us racist whities’ fault in the BBC la la LibMob land.
And not the BAME parents who sanctioned the game in the first place.
BBC News
A string of high-profile brands are reviewing names and logos in light of the recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
Crosse & OfColorwell soup anyone?
Or “Of colour & Decker” tools?
‘Black Beauty’ to be renamed ‘Horse of Colour’.
Banks and financial institutions to be stopped using the phrase ‘in the black’ when there is profit or a surplus of funds. Suggested replacement is ‘in the non-red’, subject to approval by Native Americans.
However, plans to rename the ‘Penny Black’ as a ‘Stamp of non-descript Colour’ have been abandoned after the discovery that Sir Rowland Hill may have had ancestors who evolved in Africa appoximately 2 million years ago.
If black wants a war with white you can be assured that white will win.
So many things to ban
Rolling Stones ” painted black ” ” honky tonk woman “.
Black Sabbath
1985 film ” black to the future ”
Could waste my time thinking of more but I need to clean the brown stains in the toilet bowl !
Go into a pub (when they open ) ask for a pint of, of colour and of colour!
BBC Yorkshire as ever put up on of its own STAFF as an example of Victimhood
Bradford man speaks out on facing two decades of racism: Usmaan Arshad says he has bottled up the hurt of racism but now feels compelled to speak out. Via
Usmaan Arshad says his first experience of discrimination came as a small child in a park playground but it had continued…
Mr Arshad, who works for the BBC in Yorkshire, said he wanted to speak out: “It’s only when we talk about these experiences that people can see what we see. To see what happens on their doorstep. Don’t be silent.”
OK lets get this out of the way
The 5,000 Grooming/raping/pimping gang victims obviously tower over this guy in the victimhood charts.
but the BBC live in their fantasy universe so we can’t expect them to appreciate that.
In his video he gives us 2 examples
He’d never seen any harm as a child
Then he went to the park and saw other kids he didn’t know taking over the swings, he waited then went over to push one of them on the swings to try to join in
You know what they called him the rudest unmentionable names.
#2 As an adult recently in the city two toughs looked at him
“And told him to get out of the country”
FFS There is obvious racism
Racism in the way his BBC colleagues didn’t tell him that his grade of victimhood is probably so low it’s probably 20/100 where most white people get 19/100
and some much more.
FFS Does he really not understand that most of us have been pushed off the swings by the bullies ?
That we’ve had
– bullies made us stay in the den until we pissed out pants, so they could laugh at us,
– been beaten by parents, by teachers, had teachers that made us cry.
– Had bullies spit in our faces trip us up and punch us on the way home, steal our stuff.
Until we learnt to handle ourselves.
Does he not understand that had I gone past his 2 toughs and had the wrong expressions, I would have go called out at for my glasses for my hat , or a punk for his hairstyle ?
These nutters are rude and aggressive at anyone any opportunity
but through life we’ve learnt to adopt strategies/manners to cope
Like we avoid the rough end of town, walk with a swagger look them in the eye, break the ice, stay away from drunks and druggies etc.
His victimhood is so low
Plenty of other West Yorkshire ethnic Pak/Bangla will also tower over him, as they might be victims of injustice and harm at the hands of drug gangs or wrongly jailed etc.
Constant and repetitive ? I’m thinking of Muslim girls made to be pious , wear the headscarf/veil before being carted off back to the homeland to be married to an old man
their victimhood is 60/100 probably.
You make a good point, Stew. That is, what is now called “racism” by some people of a darker skin colour, is just part of unpleasant behaviour that many will have been through, even in shops and offices, let alone the school playground.
I for one refuse to accept the claim that racism is somehow worse than other sorts of bullying. If you are White but have ginger hair, you may be the victim of prejudice by other Whites; not racism, but still very unpleasant. What if you’re not good at football at school or a slow learner? Or more educated than most of your work colleagues?
Joan Armatrading, (a female singer-songwriter of colour who managed to ‘make it’), was once asked if she had ever experienced racism.
Her answer, of which I am sure Morgan Freeman would approve, was, “No! But I have met people who don’t like me”.
I have observed that all through my school and working life that I seem to have gone from ‘hero to zero’ and back depending on my teacher or boss at the time. That suggests it was a change of perception rather than an actual change in me.
This wartime anecdote might also apply:
Suppose as we go through life there is an equal chance that our teacher or boss likes us or not. A few people might go through hell, most of us achieve middling success, a few ‘greatness’.
It would certainly explain why many of our ‘leaders’ aren’t that great at all!
TRUMP 2020!
Tulsa: stick it to them Donald. Here we’ll get ‘another beauty’ report from the toxic, biased, propaganda -driven bbc. Who will it be?
Poisonous dwarf, Sopel?
Could The Donald send Boris a set of balls, I wonder? Marked: For ‘Blue Labour’
Maybe he would get some positive noises from GB, to assist the special relationship?
Or has that also been ditched in favour of knee-bending and statue toppling?
Oh how the world has changed!
Time for all of us to stand up and be counted. A little propaganda of our own wouldn’t hurt.
Lots and lots of black inspired tv progs on at the mo. BBC2 have Selma, I am not your Negro, Black Hollywood, and I see that Sky Films have an entire channel of Will Smith films for a fortnight. Talk about senses getting a battering.