This time next week the Biased Far Left failing BBC will be preparing to put out “The Last Night of The Proms”. This year many who watch it will be more attentive to it than ever . Even if the British Conventions are retained lets not forget what those running the BBC wanted to do – in favour of their own personal views -not those of the suffering taxpayer .
The next big national event is Remembrance Sunday . Interfere with that at your peril BBC.
Weekend Thread 5 September 2020
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We know absolutely nothing about what happened but we’re sure it wasn’t terror related.
Earlier Paul Lewis tried ‘tell it often enough’.
Foghorn Legless leaps to his defence with….
Neil Ferguson’s going onto the Jim Al-Khalili R4 show – and Sarah Gilbert is there too.
That’s going to be a Litmus test
“Neil, why were you so wildly wrong?” …. said nobody on the BBC *ever*?
I bet comrade fogarty is going to miss those daily ‘arnt men all bad?’ Shows With a sprinkling of fgm msg plus a Labour MP girl campaigning to kill more unborn babies ….
A DJT action that’s nettled the anonymous creeps at BBC web editorial.
Suggested template letter for parents worried about Critical Race Theory being pushed in schools:
The bBC is rife with this vile content aimed at children via their different platforms e.g. Newsround, as monitored by Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate on this site.
What a tosser this man is with his mealy mouthed leftist cowardly platitudes!
He is part of the problem, because he simply doesn’t have the backbone to stand up and clearly call out the Tories over their far leftist bullshit.
“we do need to tackle racism wherever it occurs” Really? I think first you need to decide what you mean by this word, and explain exactly why we need to tackle it and how you intend to go about that.
These are the cowardly words of appeasement which allowed Hitler not only to come to power, but to invade his neighbours unopposed.
We actually need to call out cowardice, more than so called ‘racism, because it has a far more dangerous effect than almost anything else.
Birmingham .. BBC news at one.
‘ It seems one man attacked multiple people and is still at large’
‘ the police are looking for one man and are concerned he is still at large’
Anyone who has information please contact them.
Erm maybe the BBC have forgotten they used to do a programme called ‘crimewatch’ where if police were looking for someone they would put out a description of them. No description at all in the news apart from ‘ a man ‘
So .. Time to guess .. Is he 5 foot tall, 6 foot tall ..and erm just maybe we might need to know what colour he might be !!
( just do a bit of internet research to find the answer .. Of course you will not be surprised)
If they bring back Crimewatch at least it will increase the percentage of bames on tv and that’s something all these lefties want so winners all round eh!
I somehow feel responsible for the loss of Crimewatch. Perhaps I’m not but I sure feel that way.
My guilt? Well, in an exchange with our, “Worlds Most Trusted…”, I perhaps wrongly, disclosed that to look at their ‘Rogues Gallery’ of faces and names was the clear affirmation of who and what nationalities were committing the serious crimes. Within 2/3 weeks the programme disappeared.
Norwegians ?someone with bad WiFi ? Or looking fir allans snack bar ? Or hiding in the local Hilton invaders ‘ hotel ? ‘Lone ‘mental issues ‘ ….’local man ?’ Any views – wench – ask yer plod brother to tell us ….
Isn’t it interesting that the racist far-left bbc keep pushing this diversity thing but when given examples of said diversity, they don’t use it.
On the BBC News channel was a police conference where one man was saying “The Birmingham violence was inevitable due to the lockdown frustrations and worrying about their futures. I’m not saying this is the reason for last nights attacks but it is something that must be quickly addressed in the near future.”
Absolutely shocking this man could say all that and not even mention Trump or Brexit as an additional cause. Hopefully the BBC will invite an ‘expert’ in later to blame everything else apart from the real reasons.
It was the local Police & Crime Commissioner, another example proving why this position, invented by the pathetic coalition government, is a waste of time and money.
As someone who lives near Birmingham, I’m really pleased to see you all finding it so amusing that a man has lost his life and two others are in the QEH seriously injured.
My brother, a policeman another of the people you constantly knock was on duty in the City Centre last night and it was horrendous. He phoned me this morning to let me know he’s ok, but couldn’t talk about what he had seen, and he is a officer with a lot of years of service. He’s back on duty now, in the City Centre on his rest day trying to keep Brummies of all creeds and colours safe.
No, not ‘amused’ at all. In despair that this sort of thing is happening in my country because the causes and issues behind many of the violent attacks are not being allowed to be talked about.
Spot on. It’s a great irony that all the newspapers, MPs etc are today boldly united in their defence of freedom of speech following yesterday’s protests by X R . But of course it’s only a very heavily qualified freedom that they support. They are all complicit in refusing to allow British people to vent their feelings or their disgust at the the way we are being invaded. Of course X R are loonies and they ought to be dealt with but the contrast with the way the press deals with them and it’s absolute cowardice in the face of radical Islam is startling.
Wench – what do you know of anyone on this site – and the assumptions you make . Plod deserves criticism because the conduct many witness – and you’ll find it’s about the media sanitise reporting to keep within their woke creed rather than joking about death itself .
We ll wait for the identities of victims to be revealed and go from there – watch the witness video elsewhere here if you need to reflect on high morally superior view -Wench .
Either you have have misunderstood the posters on this site or you are just trolling ?
I can assure you that I, like all the others on this site find the news from Birmingham very concerning.
Do you understand the word and use of ‘irony’ , – a typical British characteristic ?
Many on this site feel very sorry for most of the good coppers and the way they are being used politically instead of them being supported to uphold the law and keep order. Most on this site (including me) think things will continue to get worse including attacks on the innocent, homelessness, mental health issues, overcrowding, mass unemployment, low pay, societal breakdown, etc) for obvious reasons. The biased BBC will not join up these dots – likewise now the government (which we had hoped would be the party of law and order). I hope your brother and his colleagues stay safe through difficult times.
“……trying to keep Brummies of all creeds and colours safe.”
How simple if it were just one………….
But there, as is said, you make your bed……..
I’m with you on ‘bed making ‘ – personal responsibility is pretty unfashionable – and BCW – I’ve been thinking – there are probably a few plod on shift worth their money but from what I see their occupation generally only goes after nice easy whitee victims and the rest get a free pass –
I don’t give them my consent any more as I get nothing from them apart from a ‘victim pack ‘ from time to time – but that’s London ……
BlackCountryWench, it’s a form of humour known as ‘black humour’ although that probably needs to be re-named ‘dark humour’ or something even better than that in these acutely sensitive times. It is primarily indulged in by medical staff, especially those in A&Es/ERs and others in the Emergency Services and in the military when they have to deal with unpleasant events as part of their day to day jobs.
What is happening here is that those of us who routinely have to deal with the worst of the BBC, especially the lies and distortions of News, need to escape into some ‘black humour’ as respite. It does also highlight the chronic defects of the BBC.
BBC Somali service suddenly decides to do a story about Birmingham
But radio news is now speaking of a random stabber man
.. That sounds like a separate thing to the street group fighting that is being described in other news.
What is peculiar is the almost complete absence of any phone footage of the disturbances in Brum.
In 2020 near anything happening seems to have at least 2 views and these days – the first reaction of many bystanders is to get their phones out.
It looked like 20+ police vehicles in the only phone footage I’ve seen – that people didn’t record more isn’t credible…
Set your phone to “airplane” mode before recording?
Check out Sky News Birmingham …………..
Tomo, lack of phone footage was my first thought.
Normally every bystander within a 2 mile radius has their phone out recording everyone from someone scratching their a….se to a fist in the gob ! So where are all the social media videos and photos ?
BBC News Somali. Somalis pay for this service do they? Because I don’t see that it’s much use to UK licence tax payers. It’s hardly a widely used language like Spanish or Arabic. How many other obscure languages does BBC cater for I wonder?
Maybe it’s the racist far-left bbc’s way of telling ethnics not to come to our country.
Or, come to our country and you too can stab people to death?
I think the second possibility is most likely.
I wish the guy running David Vance’s Twitter account would ease off a bit.
I see he tweeted an extraordinary tweet from Lammy
which was of course fake
The actual tweet was bad enough
Farage quoting the Telegraph had complained the Proms censorship was the result of a “cultural Marxist revolution”
(That is an idea has merit)
Lammy’s actual tweet tried to monster Farage by rephrasing it as “Cultural Marxism” is an anti-Semitic trope and far right conspiracy theory
.. that is the MIsrepresent/PoisonLabel/Dismiss trick we see all the time
It doesn’t address Farage’s central point that forces are trying to change British CULTURE
& that those forces seemed to be rooted in Marxism
Farage is not saying it is an organised conspiracy.
BBC report this in the same report – “A knifeman who killed one man and wounded seven other people in a two-hour stabbing rampage across Birmingham city centre is being hunted by police.”
“The stabbings did not appear terrorism related, gang related or connected to disorder, West Midlands Police said.”
“Police said there was no evidence the stabbings were a hate crime.”
Well if it wasn’t a mental health issue (I know they will probably aim to say that it is) he must have been just seeing how effective the knife was, a sort of experiment. Is John Cleese and the Python Team writing this stuff ???
Nice to see you can stab someone with out the ‘hate’ emotion being involved – so what emotion was it plod ?
How quickly they rule out certain uncomfortable factors but still say they are ‘open minded ‘ …. but by the Law of MSM lack- of – information – we are not talking ‘right wing’ motivation which is their usual default when they ramp up coverage and get a few from the race industry on the TV – …..
“Man goes for largely peaceful nighttime stroll around Birmingham city centre”
Knife man .local man , mental wi if issues – originally from Norway …..?
It’s a truism that if you’re not looking for something, you will most probably not find it.
I wish this global warming would hurry up and start working.
How does BBC describe “a black guy 20-25 wearing a hoodie ?
“a man” ….. #ManFiles
Greek Cypriot sounding witness audio
The BBC witness is different David Nash a CCTV man.
They’ll be desperate for it to not be a third world channel swimmer
Just watching cricket on the BBC.
4 presenters at start, 2 x Bame women, 1 Bame man and 1 White man..
England team, can’t count em, but plenty of Bame players.
Racist Britain holding them back again. They really are oppressed !!!!!
On the Diversity dance massive Virtue Signal last night on Britain’s got talent, re, black oppression.
it was the Racist British public that voted for them to win the show, it’s the same Racist British public who spend money on tickets to see their show and pack out stadiums and it’s the Racist British public who have helped make them millionaires !!!!!!!!
Isn’t the UK so bloody racist and oppressive for these Bames !!!!!!
Britain is NOT Racist. However, the sense of entitlement and victimhood from sections of the Bame community is pushing the good folk of the UK’s patience !!!!!
Britain is exceptionally tolerant and it is this tolerance that is steadily leading it down the path to Islamification. One day the good people of Britain and wake wondering why they have to go down the Mosque every Friday. Well the answer is that from 2000 to 2200 you didn’t want any trouble and see where it landed you thirty years later!
Doobster – Discrimination on the part of beeb.
From people I know, it’s way past the point of patience. It seems we’re waiting for the ‘ black swan’ event that causes payback to begin.
The Guardian are fishing for Birmingham content – seems to hint that “there’s more that isn’t being revealed”
London : 12 stabbed in 24 hours gets a lot less coverage than Birmingham….
Tomo – when the brummie wench went off one one earlier on I withheld the London stabbing count – just for a look around – two yoof in West Ham last night – 6 in bexley – and that’s a quiet night ….population of brim is about 3 million? Maybe 4 ? Population of Eire – or maybe 10 London boroughs …
Pithy winner.
This site does not condone gambling – but in the 16.55 At Windsor Monday There is a horse which is favourite – like our pet troll – Sir Maxi ——…..
What’s the recommended bet? That it comes last?
John in Cheshire I’ve put my house on it and have looked for a suitable double to make it interesting ….something ‘red ‘perhaps or just ‘woke ‘…
DG Davie proposing a two-tier licence fee – premium and standard.
No ta.
….. but, but, but….they always claimed that it was impossible to provide a subscription BBC product…… now that there seems to be some sort of real wave of anti-BBC sentiment, it seems to be a very simple problem to overcome…. so go the whole hog, you Beeboid Bs’tards, and if you do indeed provide the premiere service you say you do, you should be overwhelmed by the money you will make competing with those who do not have the police diving into their pockets to fund you.
But while the BBC is mooting a two-tier system, the real goal of the new BBC DG is to have an alternative which he has ‘suggested’ – a taxation-based system, which would, of course, guarantee a bottomless pit of money for the BBC get its mitts on.
Duplicitous bunch of bottom-feeding, cave-dwelling, greedy, shady, cretins.
With a hat-tip to ‘The Who’ (and I’m not talking about that other bunch of bottom-feeding, etc., etc. which purports to be ‘managing’ the world-wide COVID problem)…..
‘Here comes the new boss….. same as the old boss…’
I think if Labour ever get in again they’d abolish the licence and subsume the cost of the state broadcaster into general taxation rendering sites like this useless – although labour would probably designate us as a ‘non site ‘ to be taken down …
The island – you could have warned us that there was a picture of the BS bronzed strumpet alias maitliss – placed amusingly next to a piece on blighty having a pubic lice epidemic …..
Apologies Fed.
I feel i should apologise to you if you think my dry non wit was a real naughty step job .
I just thought the idea of an article on the Sun on pubic lice next to a full length picture of the BS with dodgy looking knees was – quite funny ….
Scrap the anti-British outfit.
I report this as an accurate definition of BLM and claim no ownership because it was used by a guest on the Jeff Rense radio channel:
BLM = Burn, Loot and Murder
I wish I had thought of it first.
Human resources executive Melanie Briggs.
Who would be a HR Bod in these outfits?
Stern memos might not cut it in either case.
How disgusting!
Imagine the morning after the night before, where her vegan tendencies led her to just a very large plateful of asparagus for dinner…..
I was sure I had a coat with me…
Gwyneth Paltrow
Boat. Long. Sailed.
Just heard on the BBC News channel a short piece about a Mosque that blew up “due to a gas explosion”. The news anchor said, “it was believed the explosion was caused by a spark from an anti-air… errr ..air conditional unit”.
I guess we are all human and sometimes find it hard to lie 100% of the time.
“Coronavirus: Further 2,988 cases confirmed in UK”
More testing = More Results .
It’s so weak now you need a laboratory test to see if you have it.
Our brave politicians could show us how we can have faith in masks by wearing them in Parliament and having all the seats fully occupied.
If the masks work as they tell us, they will all be fine.
If the masks don’t work and they’ve been telling us lies (never!) then they can carry on as now.
It’s a bit like during WW2 when people handed in kettles and pans to make Spitfires, they (Parliament) just want to appear to be doing something.
2 covid related deaths today.
3 deaths of people falling down stairs today.
Emmanuel, the masks don’t work because church congregations are expected to wear them but they are not allowed to sing. If the Government was certain that a facemask prevented transmission then they would allow singing of hymns and songs.
It is an incoherent strategy from HMG.
\\A Conservative MP had been criticised by Marcus Rashford for saying it was a “parent’s job to feed their children”.//
IMHO it is a parent’s job to feed their children and I am pretty sure that you will all agree with that ?
taffman, Marcus Rashford rather dishonestly left out the first three words when he spoke/Tweeted about that MP’s Tweet. Mind you, some Conservative MPs are a bit dim. If they know they are going to be misquoted, why don’t they just stay off Twitter? Or if they feel the need to Tweet, make sure that what they Tweet is bullet-proof.
Much is reported about the test and trace system of locating areas of Covid. Well, I’ve just Googled where there is a centre for testing in my area – S. Beds / N. Herts and its miles away by car – at least 45 minutes. So, those who haven’t their own transport and rely on buses, then they’re stuffed !
Its a huge uncovered area where I live, so thats hundreds of thousands of people who could be carriers or have the disease, but who would know ? Trusting the British public to be ‘good people’ and get tested, is like trusting a tiger with your cat ! it aint gonna happen, particularly when its a bother to get to the Centre.
Shove a testing centre in every Tesco / Sainsbury store, and people will be more inclined to be tested because ‘its easy’.
Are BBC & Sky still struggling to release the description of the Birmingham stabber? This was posted nearly 6 hours ago.
Probably a ‘D Notice’ on the mainstream media and self-censorship by Facebook and Twitter. But we can be confident that the BBC and Sky will always tell the truth and that it won’t turn out to be, say, an asylum seeker from Sudan and that most of those stabbed (four of them) were in the ‘Gay Village’.
@Lucy I already posted a link to it above 4 hours ago at 2:52pm
It was done by a Times journo
at first Sky edited the intro words “black guy”
but later included it
American BS are alllll over this, surely?
Jon, Lurch, Nick, Katty?
I don’t think it’s a smoking gun
The guy shouts at Biden, who listens
and then does give an answer
The man says no it’s not about your son
Then Biden walks away
7pm “Countryfile Anita Rani goes back to her Yorkshire roots, (she’s not super Yorkshire
– She discovers why we’ve fallen in love with fishing since lockdown and how the humble willow is the perfect weapon against river bank erosion.
“50% of new fishers are women)
– Adam Henson meets this year’s One Man and His Dog competitors
– John Craven joins Cerys Matthews and Simon King for the photographic competition as they all battle to get their favourites from the thousands of entries into the final twelve for the Childen in Need 2021 Countryfile calendar”
(Stuff your charidy calendar & your celebs)
Calendar photos
“vote by phone, there is a 10p charge”
… ie the segment is really an advert for the phone poll that they make money from.
Who are the MPs & civil servants driving the recruitment of a ‘Woke Force’?
Chief of Staff Nick Carter has “approved” it.
So, sack him. And keep on sacking the top ranks until someone appears who wants to do the job of defending our country, with competent, tough, well trained and dedicated soldiers.
He’s probably ‘had his arm twisted’ by MPs?
This is another plot by the commies to weaken our country and leave it exposed to violence by internal and external forces.
The Common Purpose graduates must be purged from all national and local institutions.
Have a look at this short 9 minute video from liberal hivemind. This is so encouraging, even the Marxist MSM trying to portray a few sinking boats as the whole flotilla.
The commies really are obscene:
I don’t know why the BBC have to pay Gary Lineker nearly £2
million pound a football season when they have a plethora
of women sports reporters who could do the same job,
and be just as humorous as the BBC’s spuds man.
One I reckon was on the breakfast programme this morning
and I haven’t had such a laugh since “Cammie” on Soccer
Saturday was asked by Jeff Stelling who was sent off at
Fratton Park.We were taken over to Portsmouth’s stadium
and Chris Kamara retorted “Was there a red card Jeff?
I wasn’t watching!!”
So back to this morning. Although the Iceland -England
game wasn’t the most prodigious sporting event one
could think of.It was the most important sporting event
involving a BRITISH team yesterday, and something the
BRITISH broadcasting corporation should of been mildly interested
in.Particulary by the sports reporter who was asked about the
game. However she told us that she hadn’t watched the match !!
Yes, you couldn’t make it up.It was like something out of
Monty Python, when Karl Marx was asked “Who won the
FA Cup in 1949.Yes for sure this young lady sports reporter
is just the one to take over from Gary Lineker. And save this old codger a few
quid from his pension to pay for his TV license.I was thinking of asking the crisp man if he has room for me in his £4 million
Tonight 10:30pm BBC1 women’s soccer show
The BBC wouldn’t save money if it sacked Lineker
nor a lot of celebrity presenters ..the economics are more complex than face value.
Police have released footage of suspect ‘knife man’.
Guess what ?
Yep as described by the Greek guy before lunchtime
Antifa own goal in Portland.
Lucy – you have the rare honour of being the first and last officially on this thread
And thanks for the video – he aint gonna be tap dancing any time soon
Looks like he’s wearing a pair of flare trousers?
It will be a blazer next .
I can’t remember where I left my coat……..
Sorry about this but I just have to say it:
It’s occurred to me that Ralph Wiggum is based on Diane Abbott.
Uh huh.
They seem… typical.