This mornings perusal of the BBC website brings numerous evidence of the BBC pushing agendas. However for your consideration I bring you the current lead story in the BBC’s Entertainment & Arts news section:
Please read the headline & accompanying text – is there anything that might be in breach of the BBC charter?
Would you be able to guess who the painter might be – a white man or a white woman feminist?
600 health and social care workers have caught coronavirus and died.
The clear aim is to tug at the heart strings and imply that these brave souls died as a result of putting their lives at risk by working on the front line.
Yet months ago there was a survey done which showed NHS workers died in the same proportion as the rest of us. Nor was there any evidence that they actually caught the virus at work as opposed to at home, in the shops etc ect.
And 600 deaths out of 42000 isn’t that bad when you consider the million ++ workers in the sector as a proportion of the working population.
So maybe the biased BBC could think about those workers in the evil private sector – bus drivers, taxi drivers, security people, who really did die in excess numbers.
I you were to invade the compounds of illegal immigrant hotels,
with minibuses each full of 10 people from the Covid hotspot of Bolton
what would happen ?
.. The lefty trickster lawyers would be straight to court saying that British people are putting the poor little babes lives at risk
.. and the Covid laws should be used to jail you.
Whereas when dozens of boats land on Hastings beach each with 10, 15, 20 illegals from the Covid hotspot of the Calais camps
who march through the town
.. the authorities act as if no laws have been broken.
Xmas wish…………….
Keep all the rubber boats and outboards in preparation for the 1st January 2022.
Send em back. But have the decency to alert the French as they approach the mid pickup point as observed by goodness knows what planes and vessels are observing.
Funny how it is the organisations that do not suffer from market forces and so do not need talented individuals best suited for their roles who pack their places to the rafters with blacks, local authorites are typical of this.
I remember well my tenure at one (as one of three white males on a floor of about sixty) with droves of them arriving at 10 am for work loaded with tupperware boxes of curries and various garlic concoctions, first thing they would do was not check their desk or email but straight to the microwave for…. a 10 am breakfast.
The place stank of fish curries and garlic bread burning in toasters all day.
Others (mostly white females) crunching their way through bowls of cereal at their desks all morning.
I had an hours drive to arrive at 8am this lot turn up between 9 and 10 and still appaerently have not managed to have breakfast before they leave for work.
That was bad enough but as a person required to improve customer service to be told by their manager “that one will lie to you and that one will shout at you” if challenged about complaints and enquiries not addressed for over 30 days who are still employed I got out as soon as possible
Yes, I’m also of the generation that lived with, “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”; “Stitch in time, saves nine” etc. The wasters now-a- days have no idea particularly the foreigners. Its forcing the country down to their ‘African’ style approach to day-to-day events and work. I’m not unhappy with my upbringing. Indeed, I am extremely happy that I can distinguish myself from the wasters. Call that ‘White Privilege’ if you will.
Hmmm, well I turn up between 9 and 10 (to my box room desk nowadays though) …but work later to make up for it. And definately have breakfast in my own time. Aka flexi.
Just standing up for some of us conciencious, but not a morning person, types 😉
2020, Day 262.
The UK has lost appx 4663 people to suicide this year,
That’s 18/day
There are about 20 Covid deaths each day, almost all over 80yo
1,500 die each day of all causes
(Of course if there were zero Covid lockdown measures, Covid deaths would be a bit higher)
The majority of people dying from suicide (absolute numbers): white male.
The majority of people dying from covid (relative numbers): white male (double the proportion of women).
I had a number which suggest that a third more suicides are males over 40 – which would suit the BBC agenda all the way down
I dread what the real numbers are going to look like when covid ends – which it will –
And the price paid – not just in UK but everywhere that China infected is added up .
Ive said here before that the way covid pans out really is unknown – but if the ‘ normal ‘ pattern of viruses is followed it becomes less infectious and less malign
In its effect …
……. but if it goes the other way …, we really will have some more ‘issues ‘ to deal with .
Its one of those subjects which is so horrible to contemplate as to avoiding serious planning … which is why we are in a mess…
The BBC should have been banging on and on about how the local authorities, the local police, the local care services, the local media allowed this to happen. Instead the BBC were part of the cover up.
There is a lot more to this than has ever been reported in the British news such as the trafficking of white girls out of England.
Don’t forget, the BBC don’t do investigative journalism. They’re told what to do by all those white ‘managers’ in W1A (never any other sort), and get around the situation that way.
Just about every ‘journo’ on the Beeb payroll is given instructions, told to say nothing to hurt the bruvvers, the lefties, the immigrants etc, and just sit there looking like a prick…
…which is easy on £330k plus a year plus pensions, benefits, subsidies, extra fete openings (paid through a personal service company), and all that adoration from a stupid gormless underclass who still believe that what the BBC says is true.
In case you missed it (and I certainly did), Gray killed his wife Chantelle in EastEnders last night, despite her attempts to get help from another man, Kheerat. According to the soap’s publicity, this is all about exposing the truth about domestic abuse.
It’s just that. . . Gray isn’t grey, he’s white; Chantelle is black, or at least mixed-race; Kheerat is. . .I think you can guess. Are we expected to believe that these roles are applied purely coincidentally?
A story about domestic violence; demonisation of white people just an added bonus.
I’ll leave the last word to EastEnders Executive Producer Jon Sen (British-Asian btw):
“She (Chantelle) looks at Gray as being someone who is above her – his smart suit, nice job – he’s very middle class.
In reality, she is worth a million of him because she’s a kinder, better, nicer person.”
Sorry Fed!
Consider me slapped like the proverbial red-headed stepchild!
Next time I’ll type EastEnders SPOILER ALERT: This programme is trying to SPOIL any ENJOYMENT you get out of life!
“This programme is trying to SPOIL any ENJOYMENT you get out of life!”
But it’s always done that, Trick!
Ever since I turned off and never watched it after the very first prog, I’ve been much happier, despite hearing it through several walls, mainly because they all shriek and yell at each other…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died and I glance through the BBC Obituary and flag waving piece. There must be substantial differences between UK and USA Law. In the UK we require our Judges, whatever their ranking, to be impartial, strictly politically neutral in their application of the Law to the accused or the plaintiff.
The BBC make it apparent that Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was extremely biased and imply that she was very political and partial in her judgements.
According to the BBC she was a heroine. Notice how the BBC make a big fuss about the death of feminists and they don’t have to be British or relevant to British society for them to make a big fuss over it: homepage news, multiple reports across the BBC website, inspiration to the next generation of feminists etc.
When a white man dies there is no BBC report, maybe there is a footnote in one of the minor news sections. Unless of course the white man was gay or a woke celebrity. Then the BBC get their team of woke writers to get writing and commission an expensive melodrama documenting their heroic struggle.
“Unless of course the white man was gay or a woke celebrity.”
This report will be done by an outsourced crowd, totally independent from the awful BBC, and therefore will not ‘tarnish’ the supposed formality of the white-shirted nerds in W1A.
The blame is then lost in a shower of bureaucracy, just a few minutes after the said piece is broadcast, and of course, nobody will bother to retract anything, and the damage will have been done!
In the US, judges are supposed to be impartial and make their decisions based on the law and legal precedents.
That being said …
In many places, at the state and local level, judges must stand in elections many of which will be partisan elections. Most of these judgeships are for a fixed term after which the incumbent will have to stand for reelection. This can cause them to be very aware to the winds of public opinion and the shifts and ebbs and flows of the Vox Populi, but certainly never influencing their sound and impartial opinions. ????????
At the Federal level, judges are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate. Federal judges are appointed for life, in theory insulating them from the pressures of public opinion or political interference. Oft times thus works but a President is not going to appoint someone with a political ideology 180° different from their own.
This results in political and ideological biases at the Federal level where the issues in dispute are oft times influenced by politics of the US District Attorneys who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the President and who decide what matters to prosecute.
Well the alternative? Precisely what we’eve got and that didn’t get us an unbiased Supreme Court over the Prorogation issue. Only a artificial intelligence may fit the bill.
Let’s see if the US Constitution lives through the the nightmare to come in November. At least the Americans have a solid 2nd Amendment if the SHTF.
I think that as long as we have the severely divided, polarised society we do that it’s inevitable that the judiciary will mirror the “outside” world.
I’ve been saying for a while now that all the BLM & Antifa Nachtmusik is Basic Training in preparation for the Left’s post-election anarchy if it looks like Trump has won
I agree with you about 2Amd, when I left America to come here I had to dispose my weapons and associated kit, e.g., powder mixers and reloading kit. If I were still there I would be buying, buying, buying just to be on the safe side.
Dobyns, thank you for those insights. I knew the Sherriff (C.o. Police) and Mayor stood for election but didn’t know about Judges doing the same. That means the system is fully politicised.
I knew that Police Chief and District Attorney were stepping stones to higher office, thanks to Hill Street Blues and Homicide: Life on the Streets.
I puzzle why Tony Blair would want a UK Supreme Court that might weaken or even conflict with future Labour Governments. We have seen already what can happen with the notorious Lady Hale (retired). Hopefully we will not go fully down the US route but what happened there often happens here in time.
Perhaps Blair just wanted the extra Power of Patronage? Maybe he wanted more tendrils attached to the Deep State?
The BBC have another top story on their CBBC Newsround channel for British kids promoting Taylor Swift – a 30 year old white female pop singer from the USA who is a feminist activist and worth upwards of $500 million.
Week after week the BBC produce at least one article or one report or one broadcast on Taylor Swift promoting her albums, her songs, her concerts, her merchandise, her politics, her life. These usually get headlined on the BBC homepage and the BBC Newsround channel.
What do the BBC get in return from all their promotion of Taylor Swift?
Are they getting a cut of her sales profit? Are they getting free concert tickets for family and friends? Are they using her celebrity popularity to brainwash kids and others into their radical feminist agenda?
There was a great band called ‘Kraftwerk’ once, and they were forerunners of electronic music, so perhaps that’s what she likes doing, playing around with electrical things…
Lockdowns-the Government will impose new lockdowns if they think they can get away with it. This year’s stay-at-home orders and lockdowns imposed by governments on their populations represent a watershed moment in the history of the modern state.
Before March 2020, it is unlikely that many politicians—let alone many ordinary people—thought it would be feasible or likely for government officials to force hundreds of millions of human beings to “self-isolate.”
But it turns out governments were indeed able to force a sizable portion of their populations to abandon jobs, religious practices, extended families, and community life in the name of “flattening the curve.”
Whether through fear as manufactured by the news media, BBC or through outright threats of punishment, business owners shuttered their shops and offices, churches closed down, and schools abandoned their students. Well you know the rest.
Over time, most governments lessened their restrictions, largely out of fear that tax revenues would collapse and out of fear that the public would become unwilling to obey lockdown edicts indefinitely. Those fears—not scientific objectivity—have been guiding the gradual loosening of lockdowns and lockdown-related restrictions in recent weeks. After all, in many jurisdictions—both in Europe and the USA, cases and case growth are far above what they were back in March and April when we were told that high case totals absolutely required strict lockdowns. If the case numbers are higher now than during the previous peak, why no new lockdowns?
Make no mistake many politicians, would love to impose lockdowns again, and indefinitely. After all, the power to micromanage the behavior of every business, and households in the manner of covid lockdowns is a power, undreamed of by even the most despotic emperor of old. It’s not a power that any regime would abandon lightly. But people, could they get away with it? This is a question every pro-lockdown politician is asking. For the extent to which lockdowns have been scaled back and lessened, we cannot thank any enlightenment or change of heart on the part of politicians. If lockdowns now seem to be receding, it’s because policymakers fear another round of lockdowns would be greeted with resistance rather than obedience. In short, the retreat of lockdowns is a result of an uneasy truce between the anti-lockdown public (which is by no means the whole public) and the pro-lockdown politicians. The politicians have conceded nothing in terms of their asserted authority, but they nonetheless fear greater resistance in the future and they should.
Governments Are Limited Only by the Public’s Resistance-On the other hand, governments are limited by how much the public is willing to tolerate. Tricky situation-riot Police, we don’t want to see on our streets-however to think that governments will limit themselves without at least the fear of some form of resistance would be fanciful, to say the least.
Remarkable (not really) difference in headlines for Justice Ginsberg and Justice Scalia from the BBC .
Scalia BBC US and Canada News: “One of the most conservative members of the US Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, has died.
Justice Scalia’s death could shift the balance of power on the US high court, allowing President Barack Obama to add a fifth liberal justice to the bench.”
Ginsberg BBC US and Canada News: “Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Republicans vow to vote on Trump pick.”
Ginsberg BBC US Lurch News: ” Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death sparks political firestorm”
Strange that the Beeb omits the fact that, despite being polar opposites politically, Scalia and Ginsberg were friends who went on vacations together. Something sadly missing in today’s climate.
Excellent gb123. No-one is condemning the BBC for what they obviously are. All British institutions including the Universities allow them to get away with it. Only mavericks or the excluded or those without influential voices see what should be obvious. Others are labelled far-right and criminalised.
US politics have just got even more complex, but Dr Turley reckons the death of Supreme Court Judge RBG means that the Dems won’t be able to ‘fix’ the election as they were planning.
Vlad interesting piece . The idea that an election would have an indeterminate final date – due to postal votes after 3 november should be easy for any court .
It they are counted on 3 nov they can be considered legit otherwise they are out of time ….
Potus forcing a resplacement onto the supreme court now seems to me more likely if only for the democrats to expend more hate contesting the nomination . Pelosi will have a heart attack….
Political violence has moved a little closer.The Democrat party leadership has encourage rioting, looting and burning in an attempt to sway the election by terrorising people . They created a monster and when the President wins a second term they won’t be able to control it even if they wanted to.
Here is a suggestion for Ginsberg’s replacement.
Justice Janice Rogers Brown.
Ticks BBC and Dem boxes for identity. A woman with black skin.
But apart from that rubbish she looks good.
She served as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 2005 to 2017 and before that, Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court from 1996 to 2005.
Her nomination to the Court of Appeals was stalled for nearly two years as part of Democratic opposition to appointments made by George W. Bush.
No way DJT would pick her with her Calif background. Also keep in mind that Chief Justice Roberts was a Bush 43 appointee and he has disappointed at every opportunity.
19 Sept, from NPR (in the US, a publicly funded nationwide radio broadcaster à la albeeb)
There is clearly something wrong with judges in the USA (and probably here too).
The US Constitution is quite straightforward (not like the EU Treaties) and one would think that senior judges would all interpret it the same way regardless of their politics.
(It has never struck me as being right in this country that a case can go to appeal, the decision be reversed, go to the Supreme Court, who then reverses the judgement again. That smacks of Jarndyce and Jarndyce rather than Justice).
Looks like a large turn out of anti rule of sick and face mask opponents in Trafalgar Square. Far right, Q anon, Covid Deniers, with additional reports of rough handling by cops.
No mention on the BBC yet. Possibly awaiting pictures from actors giving Nazi salutes, as they do with movements opposed by the BBC and its Government.
As we all begin again to lose relatives, friends, work colleagues and neighbours, please remember the faces of those gathered in Trafalgar Square today.
They are Covid-19 deniers. Along with our incompetent Tory government, they are the reason that many more of us will die.
The majority of the BAME community just ignore the lockdown rules rather than go on visible marches.
They tend to live in their own cultural enclave in England. For example all those underground (?) textile factories in the Midlands owned by “Asians” and who employ fellow Asians, immigrants, asylum seekers, illegals.
They only go on marches to flex their muscles when their expansion is threatened and when they want to string someone up such as Salman Rushdie
Broadcasting – on a side note, I got caught up in that Salman Rushdie protest in London (was on a coach that got stuck in the middle of it). It was one of the most hateful scenes I’ve ever witnessed.
And it then that I began to distrust the powers that be to really preserve fair and democratic freedom of expression. This was under Major I think. (I remember questioning why no-one seemed to be being arrested for calling for an end to a man’s life. Maybe they were later, but not at the point when I saw it.)
Dr Vernon Coleman tells it as it is.
You will be redirected to his new site
Well worth a watch folks and puts everything that is happening into context.
Please give this a watch it could well be the most important video you have ever seen.
Sorry folks – this is the one.
Just as well I am not one of lifes “leaders”
otherwise we might all be wearing masks in shops for no discernible reason, telling each other to “stay safe” babbling about the “new normal” and worrying about the “r” rate!
Oaknash, thanks for that but the link just evaporates. If I go to it will not let me view the Old Man in a Chair without creating an account first and I just don’t want all that hassle.
Being a White House correspondent is surreal. Last night, shouting over Air Force One's engines and Tiny Dancer, I asked the president to react to the death of Justice Ginsburg, and he responded as if this was the first he was hearing of it.
Confession – i listened to ‘from our own correspondent ‘ – it led on the effect of the treaty between UAE and israel – and how people had made positive contact with each other , were doing deals and getting along – upsetting iran and the palestinians .
Obviously POTUS and his team never got a mention . It was temarkably upbeat otherwise and held out the prospects of the likes of saudi making nice with israel , tremours in the middle east becoming an earthquake .
Meanwhile self appointed middle east peace makers like mr Anthony Blair sell hos soul to soros and fights democracy in his own country ..
Cinema is finished consumed by wokeness and Covid. Just watched Cleopatra with Richard and Elizabeth and ok its a bit 60’s but nonetheless it wouldnt get made today. All cinema will have to have women as the heros and BME as the victim and be on message and who is going to pay to watch it ????? Sky and Netflux im afraid is going the sameway the woke message prevails through all media with a few exceptions even the adverts are 80% BME its message before profit how Marksist is that….TV advertising revenues down 20% and I wonder why…….
Anything on Al Beeb about our Government setting up camps for ‘illegals’ ?
Is France moving their camps over to UK ? If true it’s a recipe for disaster especially with the huge number of unemployed people looming on the horizon.
@FedUp2 did you delete my post about the Radio Humberside presenter claiming to be a Twitter victim today ?
(whereas I know he the normal beeboid and so quite hatey himself against the usual targets like Trump, Cummings, Brexit, Boris
And I quickly found him tweeting sneers at 17 yo Alice Grant.. the conservative Youtuber who was featured here on Friday
Anyway amazingly since I went out at lunchtime’s turned into a newspaper article.
Stew – ive checked the trash. There are 133 items in there – a couple from you but not as you describe – nor in the spam – but if you want to meet a lovely russian model i have a website address…..
Bizarrely FedUp the comment did have a line about Russian models .
The post was on my screen tonight, but I guess maybe I hadn’t pressed send this morning like I thought I had.
What I saw this morning was the local BBC producer falsely tweeting
that Kofi is such a nice guy “Here’s a photo of us ”
.. and in it they are both wearing RAINBOW glasses
And another presenter also falsely tweeted that Kofi is an angel.
My post explained that is not true cos Kofi speaks and tweets bile along with the beeboid grouthink.
eg When young conservatives 17 yo Alice Grant and her sister Grace made their video against socialism which ends by saying “socialists try to close down free speech” Kofi tweeted mocking her.
These two sisters and their 2 friends were on the Brexit march.
This caused the newspapers to write an article saying that good looking young girls couldn’t be at the Brexit supporting demos, they must be paid Russian models.
OK so here is today’s story about an anti BBC guy who tweeted
a black local radio presenter today
(The context is that although of course it’s fine for anyone to rise through talent it often seems that some BBC staff are shoehorned in based on a sin colour tickbox
.. this local of Ghanaian decent just happened to win their new talent competition)
The guy tweeted (still not deleted) to the presenter I’m defunding the BBC because it’s become a left wing group. .. Blacks and DIVERSITY rules.
That’s why you where employed
cos your black, talent is not a consideration.
That’s why I am defunding the BBC it supports the left wing groups and no longer suitable to report the news.
I don’t see that tweet is illegal, cos it’s just opinion.
But sending such an opinion is bound to trigger the beeboids, they are not going to calmly read it, of course they are going to lash out and behave like a school bully gang.
.. Doing the trick of bullying by taking offence, to dehumanize the speaker
And sure enough that is what the newspaper article does
labels it as “racist”
and they can do that, cos an ex-beeboid colleague came forward and labelled the comment as
“your hate-filled racism does not have a place in my circle of friends.”
The newspaper claimed that the public was against guy
In fact this morning , I saw no public commenting ..rather the presenter’s producer and another presenter had falsely lionised the presenter.
More context : It’s another case of white presenter kicked out for black presenter.
Looking at the Hull guys old tweets shows 4 or 5 tweets complaining
That he liked the old breakfast presenter, so why have the BBC replaced him with the black guy..who’d previously just done PR for station and a couple of day/week of nightime shows.
The guy is also annoyed by Kofis BLM agenda
ad said himself the cases of wrong prosecuted soldiers in Northern Ireland are being ignored by the media he tweeted Kofi about 13 times
but only the recent one generated 147 tweets from the BBC school bully gang back at him.
Full of HATE, pictures of gammon etc
aggression and micro-agression
Of course people who support the guy are going to keep their heads down.
Short version : Big pile on by Local BBC school bully gang
against one local radio listener who dared to stick his head above the parapet and complain about the local black presenter who’s just replaced a white presenter
And in his opinion is second rate, and an agenda pusher who was brought into the BBC and promoted to tick the skin colour box.
Wow the hatey pile on was instigated by the BBC presenter using his Facebook page to request people to ‘give the guy a clowning’
This is where you punish someone by bombarding their social media.
Hardly surprising that incited people to send the guy hate and someone said there was a death threat.
Hi StewGreen – I would be grateful for a brief synopsis / reference:
name of BBC employee, job title at BBC, what he did to garner a hate mob. Could be a useful case study.
After watching the Man Utd-Crystal Palace match this evening
I was juggling around with the movie channels and low and behold
an adventure film , one of the very best ,and English to , from
1959 was on Talking Pictures. This ,actually a masterpiece of it’s
type would NEVER in a million years be shown on the BBC.
Even more than the Dam Busters with the immortal words spoken
by group captain Guy Gibson VC to his black labrador “come here “**gger, Yes, North West Fontier starring Kenneth Moore ,Laureen Bacall,Herbert Lom, Wilfred Hyde White and the irrepressible I.S.Johar as Gupta the train driver, who should
of won an academy award.The film is about as politically incorrect
today as you could ever wish to see. For those of you who
contribute to this website, it’s a must!
You see to put it in latter day terms Herbert Lom is Muslim terrorist.He is trying to kill a Hindu child the young son of a
maharaja . Captain Scott is trying to save the child as the steam
train travels though the North West Frontier.Herbert Lom
tries to kill the child several times and when Scott finally
susses out his intentions . He tells Lom “Now i know why
you are doing this,you are a Muslim!”
But this is only one of several occasions when the woke
hierarchy at the BBC would shit themselves if anybody suggested, and I reiterate ,that this adventure masterpiece
be shown.
I know that I have written about this before.But if you like
good examples of British TV tradition.For example The last night of the Proms.Last of the summer wine. A question of sport with Sue Barker . Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell. Watch this film.
And say *uck you BBC. Because there is no British tradition in
you. You shouldn’t even allowed to use the word British in your name.Being British is an anathema to you.
My late Nan had a black dog with the same name as Guy Gibson’s. The scruffy old thing only exists to me on the very fringes of my early memories but my Dad, who’s 85 now, remembers him with affection.
When an old picture surfaced of the dog on a beach, my Dad said, “He would guard your clothes without even being told!”
I’ve no doubt that Guy Gibson loved his dog, too. So however unacceptable it might seem today, why can’t people see that there was nothing offensive meant about it at the time?
It’s OK, Vlad, Jon Sopel thinks that President Trump can’t do it also, and misquotes the Barry thing from a few years ago, and winds in the ‘dying wish’ stuff as well!
Walkers’ advert for Wotsits Giants. Lineker appears at the very end. Watch on YouTube and look at the comments – of 37 in total when I looked, 14 mention Lineker – 12 of them disparagingly.
The BBC homepage as of now: check out the third story:
Really unbelievably. The BBC is demanding the United States recognize their foundational stories are a myth and in fact the Pilgrim Fathers represent a bunch of racists and were the Original Sin that led to the murder of Floyd George at the hands of a racist police force in a systemically racist America.
The BBC demand the racist Pilgrim Fathers be torn down from their pedestals in the same manner that Confederate statues are being torn down from their pedestals.
But then later on the BBC say it wasn’t the Pilgrim Fathers it was in fact the Pilgrim Mothers in a feminist twist to the story. The article is a complete mess of woke thinking and a complete hatchet job.
The “impartial” BBC strikes again and all paid for by the British people.
David Wood points out the hypocrisy of eBay refusing to sell an item that ‘could be’ offensive to muslims while being perfectly happy to sell items disgustingly offensive to Christian.
We are all, now, held to different standards. And the law/justice system follows that, confirming a clear multi-level approach which whitee sees every day. The ‘queer’ vandalising public property and a court discharge above, demonstrates the multi-level penalty system. But, try peeing near public property in London and see what happens to you.
As the ‘system’ appeases different groups, the disparities are exacerbated. You are not exempt even if you are a member of the largest group of about 87%. In fact, you will receive more harsh treatment compared to a black in the 3.5% demographic range.
A recipe for big trouble, I submit.
Were there any witnesses to the dying woman making this wish? Is there anything in the constitution requiring that the wishes of dying women are carried out?
by Kevin Ryan
In a July, 2016 interview with the New York Times, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “chastised the Senate for refusing to act on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.”
While the other seven Supreme Court Justices said nothing in public about President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left when conservative justice Antonin Scalia died prior to the 2016 election, Justice Ginsburg was unequivocal.
“There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year,” she said when asked if the Senate had an obligation to vote on Judge Garland.
“That’s their job,” she said.
One universal press headline this morning with negligible minor variation in phrasing across the piece:
‘£10,000 fine for people who fail to self-isolate’
One might might raise the query “so now we punish the sick (or the supposedly sick) with the full scientific expert medical backing of our sainted NHS?”
Yet I blame the political leadership, or lack thereof.
What happened to Boris? With what was he injected when he got sick with bad man-flu? What happened to our puckish prince, our lord of misrule, Falstaff and Prince Hal rolled into one? One moment ready to storm the breach oncemore to de-flower the flower of Frenchified EU bureaucracy, the next unashamedly akimbo on the high wire jack in hand, the people’s guvnor, popular in the northern taverns for brashly displaying his admiration for the common butt and firkin.
Now he’s Lord Protector. Take your pick of those dark shades, of Olly Cromwell the Christmas canceller of the exchequer and first lord of the misery, or he’s dirty Dick third, humpty with a flu monkey on his back welcoming the winter of lockdown discontent and jabbing our buised arms with unlicensed vaccines. Our monuments graffitied.
Phew…. enough said, let’s say no more and hope it goes away.
‘PJ O’Rourke. The craziest election yet’ in the Sunday Times on the upcoming US Presidentials is probably a good read.
While the Observer goes all po-faced in their pro-liberal partisanship: ‘Death of revered judge prompts US turmoil’
‘The good university guide 2021. Free inside’ (the Times) is probably moot – given the on-going social distancing restrictions student fees will buy our kids a Zoom tutor and slim chance of disposing with their virginity in 2021.
I am interested however to know how it is: ‘I got my first lesson in leadership from my donkeys’ in the Times’s Keir Starmer interview. That seems no way for a Labour leader to talk about his trades union bosses.
I am a fan of Ruby Wax and admire the way she seems to subvert the regular female celeb goes for sympathy with tales of past angst press interview: ‘I’m still crazy but in a happy way’ in the Sunday People.
The Mail reckon they have landed ‘two superb Royal scoops’ – that’ll be Diana and Kate stories.
And then there’s TV…
The Mirror heralds: ‘Katie Piper. Why I’ll present songs of praise’
The Telegraph warns: ‘Bake Off is back’
The Star featrues: ‘Strictly Neil foxtrots off’
And Sarah Vine in the Mail points out ‘Kill Whitey ‘joke’ puts BBC in the last chance saloon’
What do you think of it so far…?
‘Bring me sunshine’ emplores the Star. ‘Morecambe & Wise would hate telly now. Shows just not funny says their writer mate’
R4 religion show interview with the founder of Black Police Association @LeroyLogan999
There was no mention of religion
until the end
“Your faith is important to you isn’t it ?”
“And you have a new book coming out”
” and a star is to play you in a new film”
next item “there are no statues of women”
woman wants statue to women wrongly persecuted as witches in Scotland.
(A landowner would shout witch as an easy way of getting a tenant off their land)
In addition, Doctors (qualified at great expense in Edinburgh Medical School) would complain if a woman gave a herbal remedy (forerunner of aspirin, say) to someone with a pain “Chew on this willow” and it helped them.
DEFUND THE BBC Jim Naughtie was paid £175,000 last year. But the presenter spent just 23 hours on air, a rate of more than £7,600 an hour. Critics of the licence fee will, perhaps, question how this is money well spent.
The previous item had been genuine religious news
” Pakistan’s Muslim men abducting Hindu and Christian girls and women, a vile pattern which neither state nor religious authorities can stop”
The prog didn’t dare tweet about that themselves.
Now a Birmingham Muslim has been brought on to give opinion about Christian prayer wall.
He ticks the boxes “BLM” “we must not let the Far Right divide us”
The Christian claims the giant artwork will generate “hundreds of millions for charity”
A previous item lionised the Democrat top judge who just died
“her Jewish faith was important to her”
hmm the prog was just pushing anti-Trump agenda.
The Bader family is described as Orthodox but said to be non-observant. However, Ruth was very much a teacher and taught (not sure exactly what) at a Jewish Summer Camp. From Wiki (usual disclaimers)
BBC executives were choking on their muesli when it was reported that I was in the running to be next Chairman of the BBC. I have no interest in the job. But now the Daily Mail is reporting Charles Moore is favourite for the post, I expect BBC to be begging me to take it.
Charles Moore is the best that we can hope for. He has long believed that the BBC is severely biased, that its far to Woke and that it needs root and branch reform and to Cecile a service funded largely by subscription. . I think that he much more likely than any other candidate to deliver some far reaching changes for the better.
of course in my view the BBC should be abolished and then its memory obliterated but none of the candidates are of that view.
Tory MP Rehman Chishti had a job as
“Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or BELIEF”
… but when the government said
… ‘we BELIEVE we should have the option of changing the EU exit agreement’
… he resigned in protest. Twitter
The role is about implementing the Bishop of Truro’s report dealing with :
The persecution of Christians by Muslim regimes
: The Chinese government persecution of Christians a Uighar Muslims
According to the MailonLine there are 180 diversity officers in Whitehall and one third are in the Cabinet Office.
I once had to attend diversity training as a teacher had decided he was transgender. I had to sit in a room listening to a person who had been a married man with children train us to accept he was now a woman so that we accepted that a man who had been married with children was now a woman. Both people were now living as gay women.
I don’t think any of us were convinced. For example the trainer opened the bottle of water for drinking, arms akimbo, nothing like a woman would. I had asked how the person had behaved as a child. Girls play with plasticine to make flowers, boys will make guns. I didn’t get a reply. The whole training cost a lot of money.
66 people in the Cabinet Office directing diversity issues, Makes me wonder how many there are responsible for green issues. No wonder we got nonsense at daily briefings during Covid. I am thinking bicycle lanes and football in empty stadiums
It’s not funny many of these are Harvard professors. We also have them in Oxbridge and elsewhere. Bristol University have a whole department dedicated to Social Justice and it was there that academics and students were responsible for throwing statues into the canal.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Greetings and Good Morning.
This mornings perusal of the BBC website brings numerous evidence of the BBC pushing agendas. However for your consideration I bring you the current lead story in the BBC’s Entertainment & Arts news section:

Please read the headline & accompanying text – is there anything that might be in breach of the BBC charter?
Would you be able to guess who the painter might be – a white man or a white woman feminist?
BBC above
And there’s more.
How about this example of a non-story made into a story to support the agenda – in this case our NHS heroes
‘NHS workers who died in the pandemic’
600 health and social care workers have caught coronavirus and died.
The clear aim is to tug at the heart strings and imply that these brave souls died as a result of putting their lives at risk by working on the front line.
Yet months ago there was a survey done which showed NHS workers died in the same proportion as the rest of us. Nor was there any evidence that they actually caught the virus at work as opposed to at home, in the shops etc ect.
And 600 deaths out of 42000 isn’t that bad when you consider the million ++ workers in the sector as a proportion of the working population.
So maybe the biased BBC could think about those workers in the evil private sector – bus drivers, taxi drivers, security people, who really did die in excess numbers.
But no. That would not fit the narrative.
I you were to invade the compounds of illegal immigrant hotels,
with minibuses each full of 10 people from the Covid hotspot of Bolton
what would happen ?
.. The lefty trickster lawyers would be straight to court saying that British people are putting the poor little babes lives at risk
.. and the Covid laws should be used to jail you.
Whereas when dozens of boats land on Hastings beach each with 10, 15, 20 illegals from the Covid hotspot of the Calais camps
who march through the town
.. the authorities act as if no laws have been broken.
Xmas wish…………….
Keep all the rubber boats and outboards in preparation for the 1st January 2022.
Send em back. But have the decency to alert the French as they approach the mid pickup point as observed by goodness knows what planes and vessels are observing.
Has the time come where if a UK male does not get a job (especially at the bbbc) he is entitled to say:
“is it coz I is white innit ?”
Funny how it is the organisations that do not suffer from market forces and so do not need talented individuals best suited for their roles who pack their places to the rafters with blacks, local authorites are typical of this.
I remember well my tenure at one (as one of three white males on a floor of about sixty) with droves of them arriving at 10 am for work loaded with tupperware boxes of curries and various garlic concoctions, first thing they would do was not check their desk or email but straight to the microwave for…. a 10 am breakfast.
The place stank of fish curries and garlic bread burning in toasters all day.
Others (mostly white females) crunching their way through bowls of cereal at their desks all morning.
I had an hours drive to arrive at 8am this lot turn up between 9 and 10 and still appaerently have not managed to have breakfast before they leave for work.
That was bad enough but as a person required to improve customer service to be told by their manager “that one will lie to you and that one will shout at you” if challenged about complaints and enquiries not addressed for over 30 days who are still employed I got out as soon as possible
I didn’t know you once worked at Kent County Council, Darcy!
I’d have bought you a drink in that place like an old tea-planters house had I known, and we could have had a great discussion!
Sorry about that, but well said anyway!
Yes, I’m also of the generation that lived with, “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”; “Stitch in time, saves nine” etc. The wasters now-a- days have no idea particularly the foreigners. Its forcing the country down to their ‘African’ style approach to day-to-day events and work. I’m not unhappy with my upbringing. Indeed, I am extremely happy that I can distinguish myself from the wasters. Call that ‘White Privilege’ if you will.
Hmmm, well I turn up between 9 and 10 (to my box room desk nowadays though) …but work later to make up for it. And definately have breakfast in my own time. Aka flexi.
Just standing up for some of us conciencious, but not a morning person, types 😉
2020, Day 262.
The UK has lost appx 4663 people to suicide this year,
That’s 18/day
There are about 20 Covid deaths each day, almost all over 80yo
1,500 die each day of all causes
(Of course if there were zero Covid lockdown measures, Covid deaths would be a bit higher)
Yoy comparison – gender ? Age ?
The majority of people dying from suicide (absolute numbers): white male.
The majority of people dying from covid (relative numbers): white male (double the proportion of women).
I had a number which suggest that a third more suicides are males over 40 – which would suit the BBC agenda all the way down
I dread what the real numbers are going to look like when covid ends – which it will –
And the price paid – not just in UK but everywhere that China infected is added up .
Ive said here before that the way covid pans out really is unknown – but if the ‘ normal ‘ pattern of viruses is followed it becomes less infectious and less malign
In its effect …
……. but if it goes the other way …, we really will have some more ‘issues ‘ to deal with .
Its one of those subjects which is so horrible to contemplate as to avoiding serious planning … which is why we are in a mess…
I can’t help feeling there might be a common link between some of the coronavirus hotspots.
Leicester. Bradford. Rochdale. Blackburn. Birmingham.
Now what could it possibly be?
Do you think the BBC might investigate?
Those names bring back memories of a different plague that mysteriously affected young white girls.
The BBC failed to spot any common link then also.
The BBC should have been banging on and on about how the local authorities, the local police, the local care services, the local media allowed this to happen. Instead the BBC were part of the cover up.
There is a lot more to this than has ever been reported in the British news such as the trafficking of white girls out of England.
Don’t forget, the BBC don’t do investigative journalism. They’re told what to do by all those white ‘managers’ in W1A (never any other sort), and get around the situation that way.
Just about every ‘journo’ on the Beeb payroll is given instructions, told to say nothing to hurt the bruvvers, the lefties, the immigrants etc, and just sit there looking like a prick…
…which is easy on £330k plus a year plus pensions, benefits, subsidies, extra fete openings (paid through a personal service company), and all that adoration from a stupid gormless underclass who still believe that what the BBC says is true.
Sun : Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford fear This Morning axe amid ITV’s diversity drive.
Funnyish : black comedians making fun of black people, with the idea that they are are not very good at getting out of bed early.
In case you missed it (and I certainly did), Gray killed his wife Chantelle in EastEnders last night, despite her attempts to get help from another man, Kheerat. According to the soap’s publicity, this is all about exposing the truth about domestic abuse.
It’s just that. . . Gray isn’t grey, he’s white; Chantelle is black, or at least mixed-race; Kheerat is. . .I think you can guess. Are we expected to believe that these roles are applied purely coincidentally?
A story about domestic violence; demonisation of white people just an added bonus.
I’ll leave the last word to EastEnders Executive Producer Jon Sen (British-Asian btw):
“She (Chantelle) looks at Gray as being someone who is above her – his smart suit, nice job – he’s very middle class.
In reality, she is worth a million of him because she’s a kinder, better, nicer person.”
Trick – why didnt you put in a Spoiler Alert ????????????????
Some people here might watch that show …….. i live in an E number so the last thing id want to watch is E 20….
Sorry Fed!
Consider me slapped like the proverbial red-headed stepchild!
Next time I’ll type EastEnders SPOILER ALERT: This programme is trying to SPOIL any ENJOYMENT you get out of life!
“This programme is trying to SPOIL any ENJOYMENT you get out of life!”
But it’s always done that, Trick!
Ever since I turned off and never watched it after the very first prog, I’ve been much happier, despite hearing it through several walls, mainly because they all shriek and yell at each other…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died and I glance through the BBC Obituary and flag waving piece. There must be substantial differences between UK and USA Law. In the UK we require our Judges, whatever their ranking, to be impartial, strictly politically neutral in their application of the Law to the accused or the plaintiff.
The BBC make it apparent that Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was extremely biased and imply that she was very political and partial in her judgements.
Hasty re-write maybe, BBC?
According to the BBC she was a heroine. Notice how the BBC make a big fuss about the death of feminists and they don’t have to be British or relevant to British society for them to make a big fuss over it: homepage news, multiple reports across the BBC website, inspiration to the next generation of feminists etc.
When a white man dies there is no BBC report, maybe there is a footnote in one of the minor news sections. Unless of course the white man was gay or a woke celebrity. Then the BBC get their team of woke writers to get writing and commission an expensive melodrama documenting their heroic struggle.
“Unless of course the white man was gay or a woke celebrity.”
This report will be done by an outsourced crowd, totally independent from the awful BBC, and therefore will not ‘tarnish’ the supposed formality of the white-shirted nerds in W1A.
The blame is then lost in a shower of bureaucracy, just a few minutes after the said piece is broadcast, and of course, nobody will bother to retract anything, and the damage will have been done!
In the US, judges are supposed to be impartial and make their decisions based on the law and legal precedents.
That being said …
In many places, at the state and local level, judges must stand in elections many of which will be partisan elections. Most of these judgeships are for a fixed term after which the incumbent will have to stand for reelection. This can cause them to be very aware to the winds of public opinion and the shifts and ebbs and flows of the Vox Populi, but certainly never influencing their sound and impartial opinions. ????????
At the Federal level, judges are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate. Federal judges are appointed for life, in theory insulating them from the pressures of public opinion or political interference. Oft times thus works but a President is not going to appoint someone with a political ideology 180° different from their own.
This results in political and ideological biases at the Federal level where the issues in dispute are oft times influenced by politics of the US District Attorneys who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the President and who decide what matters to prosecute.
Well the alternative? Precisely what we’eve got and that didn’t get us an unbiased Supreme Court over the Prorogation issue. Only a artificial intelligence may fit the bill.
Let’s see if the US Constitution lives through the the nightmare to come in November. At least the Americans have a solid 2nd Amendment if the SHTF.
I think that as long as we have the severely divided, polarised society we do that it’s inevitable that the judiciary will mirror the “outside” world.
I’ve been saying for a while now that all the BLM & Antifa Nachtmusik is Basic Training in preparation for the Left’s post-election anarchy if it looks like Trump has won
I agree with you about 2Amd, when I left America to come here I had to dispose my weapons and associated kit, e.g., powder mixers and reloading kit. If I were still there I would be buying, buying, buying just to be on the safe side.
Dobyns – i read the appeal and lords devisions . What got me on the lords was not one dissenting judgement out of 11 .
I thought it was biased and the judiciary interfered with executive in a way which deserves revenge . …,
The traitor parliament – now being tippexec out of fast moving events will not be forgotten by me .
Dobyns, thank you for those insights. I knew the Sherriff (C.o. Police) and Mayor stood for election but didn’t know about Judges doing the same. That means the system is fully politicised.
I knew that Police Chief and District Attorney were stepping stones to higher office, thanks to Hill Street Blues and Homicide: Life on the Streets.
I puzzle why Tony Blair would want a UK Supreme Court that might weaken or even conflict with future Labour Governments. We have seen already what can happen with the notorious Lady Hale (retired). Hopefully we will not go fully down the US route but what happened there often happens here in time.
Perhaps Blair just wanted the extra Power of Patronage? Maybe he wanted more tendrils attached to the Deep State?
“…we require our Judges, whatever their ranking, to be impartial, strictly politically neutral.” Lady Hale?
Really, I can think of only one thing to say:
Not much of an ITV or C4 fan either, but then, I don’t have to pay for them.
These are the top three CBBC iplayer programs being promoted on the BBC’s channel dedicated to British kids:
Typically these will be promoted for a whole week before being switched for something more current.
Lurch is currently hiding behind RTs.
The BBC appears to favour governance by caving to tantrums.
Katty clearly favours nuance.
GW … Spot on
The BBC have another top story on their CBBC Newsround channel for British kids promoting Taylor Swift – a 30 year old white female pop singer from the USA who is a feminist activist and worth upwards of $500 million.
Week after week the BBC produce at least one article or one report or one broadcast on Taylor Swift promoting her albums, her songs, her concerts, her merchandise, her politics, her life. These usually get headlined on the BBC homepage and the BBC Newsround channel.
What do the BBC get in return from all their promotion of Taylor Swift?
Are they getting a cut of her sales profit? Are they getting free concert tickets for family and friends? Are they using her celebrity popularity to brainwash kids and others into their radical feminist agenda?
Apple, Branson, Disney, The Guardian, Last Minute DotCom, What Three Words App…
… and all providers of expensive food.
Never heard of her!
Is she on a soap somewhere, like Sparkle?
I think she ‘twerks ‘ – whatever that is ..,
What on earth is a twerk?
There was a great band called ‘Kraftwerk’ once, and they were forerunners of electronic music, so perhaps that’s what she likes doing, playing around with electrical things…
Lockdowns-the Government will impose new lockdowns if they think they can get away with it. This year’s stay-at-home orders and lockdowns imposed by governments on their populations represent a watershed moment in the history of the modern state.
Before March 2020, it is unlikely that many politicians—let alone many ordinary people—thought it would be feasible or likely for government officials to force hundreds of millions of human beings to “self-isolate.”
But it turns out governments were indeed able to force a sizable portion of their populations to abandon jobs, religious practices, extended families, and community life in the name of “flattening the curve.”
Whether through fear as manufactured by the news media, BBC or through outright threats of punishment, business owners shuttered their shops and offices, churches closed down, and schools abandoned their students. Well you know the rest.
Over time, most governments lessened their restrictions, largely out of fear that tax revenues would collapse and out of fear that the public would become unwilling to obey lockdown edicts indefinitely. Those fears—not scientific objectivity—have been guiding the gradual loosening of lockdowns and lockdown-related restrictions in recent weeks. After all, in many jurisdictions—both in Europe and the USA, cases and case growth are far above what they were back in March and April when we were told that high case totals absolutely required strict lockdowns. If the case numbers are higher now than during the previous peak, why no new lockdowns?
Make no mistake many politicians, would love to impose lockdowns again, and indefinitely. After all, the power to micromanage the behavior of every business, and households in the manner of covid lockdowns is a power, undreamed of by even the most despotic emperor of old. It’s not a power that any regime would abandon lightly. But people, could they get away with it? This is a question every pro-lockdown politician is asking. For the extent to which lockdowns have been scaled back and lessened, we cannot thank any enlightenment or change of heart on the part of politicians. If lockdowns now seem to be receding, it’s because policymakers fear another round of lockdowns would be greeted with resistance rather than obedience. In short, the retreat of lockdowns is a result of an uneasy truce between the anti-lockdown public (which is by no means the whole public) and the pro-lockdown politicians. The politicians have conceded nothing in terms of their asserted authority, but they nonetheless fear greater resistance in the future and they should.
Governments Are Limited Only by the Public’s Resistance-On the other hand, governments are limited by how much the public is willing to tolerate. Tricky situation-riot Police, we don’t want to see on our streets-however to think that governments will limit themselves without at least the fear of some form of resistance would be fanciful, to say the least.
Remarkable (not really) difference in headlines for Justice Ginsberg and Justice Scalia from the BBC .
Scalia BBC US and Canada News: “One of the most conservative members of the US Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, has died.
Justice Scalia’s death could shift the balance of power on the US high court, allowing President Barack Obama to add a fifth liberal justice to the bench.”
Ginsberg BBC US and Canada News: “Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Republicans vow to vote on Trump pick.”
Ginsberg BBC US Lurch News: ” Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death sparks political firestorm”
Strange that the Beeb omits the fact that, despite being polar opposites politically, Scalia and Ginsberg were friends who went on vacations together. Something sadly missing in today’s climate.
Excellent gb123. No-one is condemning the BBC for what they obviously are. All British institutions including the Universities allow them to get away with it. Only mavericks or the excluded or those without influential voices see what should be obvious. Others are labelled far-right and criminalised.
Me either.
This has the essence of things …
To borrow a line from a Creedence Clearwater Revival song, “There’s a bad moon on the rise”
US politics have just got even more complex, but Dr Turley reckons the death of Supreme Court Judge RBG means that the Dems won’t be able to ‘fix’ the election as they were planning.
Details below.
Vlad interesting piece . The idea that an election would have an indeterminate final date – due to postal votes after 3 november should be easy for any court .
It they are counted on 3 nov they can be considered legit otherwise they are out of time ….
Potus forcing a resplacement onto the supreme court now seems to me more likely if only for the democrats to expend more hate contesting the nomination . Pelosi will have a heart attack….
The machinations on this already make ‘The Pelican Brief’ seem rational.
Political violence has moved a little closer.The Democrat party leadership has encourage rioting, looting and burning in an attempt to sway the election by terrorising people . They created a monster and when the President wins a second term they won’t be able to control it even if they wanted to.
Here is a suggestion for Ginsberg’s replacement.
Justice Janice Rogers Brown.
Ticks BBC and Dem boxes for identity. A woman with black skin.
But apart from that rubbish she looks good.
She served as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 2005 to 2017 and before that, Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court from 1996 to 2005.
Her nomination to the Court of Appeals was stalled for nearly two years as part of Democratic opposition to appointments made by George W. Bush.
No way DJT would pick her with her Calif background. Also keep in mind that Chief Justice Roberts was a Bush 43 appointee and he has disappointed at every opportunity.
19 Sept, from NPR (in the US, a publicly funded nationwide radio broadcaster à la albeeb)
There is clearly something wrong with judges in the USA (and probably here too).
The US Constitution is quite straightforward (not like the EU Treaties) and one would think that senior judges would all interpret it the same way regardless of their politics.
(It has never struck me as being right in this country that a case can go to appeal, the decision be reversed, go to the Supreme Court, who then reverses the judgement again. That smacks of Jarndyce and Jarndyce rather than Justice).
JimS, please see my reply to Up2Snuff about the American judiciary if you have not already done so.
There are as many ways to interpret the “intent” of the Framers as there are judges. This is why confirmation hearings now turn into^t storms.
liberal vs conservative ideologies and you CANNOT let someone with different views to yours get in
Yes she d upset the democrats on at least 2 counts – but anyone taking that nomination need be squeaky clean ….
Spot on FedUp2
Does anyone remember Brett Kavanaugh
Looks like a large turn out of anti rule of sick and face mask opponents in Trafalgar Square. Far right, Q anon, Covid Deniers, with additional reports of rough handling by cops.
No mention on the BBC yet. Possibly awaiting pictures from actors giving Nazi salutes, as they do with movements opposed by the BBC and its Government.
Cops attack Lockdown protesters
The majority of the BAME community just ignore the lockdown rules rather than go on visible marches.
They tend to live in their own cultural enclave in England. For example all those underground (?) textile factories in the Midlands owned by “Asians” and who employ fellow Asians, immigrants, asylum seekers, illegals.
They only go on marches to flex their muscles when their expansion is threatened and when they want to string someone up such as Salman Rushdie
BoBotC, much like the American blacks want, “Separate but equal”
Broadcasting – on a side note, I got caught up in that Salman Rushdie protest in London (was on a coach that got stuck in the middle of it). It was one of the most hateful scenes I’ve ever witnessed.
And it then that I began to distrust the powers that be to really preserve fair and democratic freedom of expression. This was under Major I think. (I remember questioning why no-one seemed to be being arrested for calling for an end to a man’s life. Maybe they were later, but not at the point when I saw it.)
Dr Vernon Coleman tells it as it is.
You will be redirected to his new site
Well worth a watch folks and puts everything that is happening into context.
Please give this a watch it could well be the most important video you have ever seen.
Sorry folks – this is the one.
Just as well I am not one of lifes “leaders”
otherwise we might all be wearing masks in shops for no discernible reason, telling each other to “stay safe” babbling about the “new normal” and worrying about the “r” rate!
But my comments above still stand.
Oaknash, thanks for that but the link just evaporates. If I go to it will not let me view the Old Man in a Chair without creating an account first and I just don’t want all that hassle.
Strange plod was quite happy to stand or kneel when our statues were being vandalised in the “largely peaceful” protests by BLM
But protest about real issues – well plod suddenly gets nasty.
Lurch retweeted this.
It is a reporter of sorts.
She has been challenged.
Seems all is based on her ‘belief’.
This is how the bbc works.
Looks like Zoe and Gary chipped in.
It wasnt tiny dancer
Confession – i listened to ‘from our own correspondent ‘ – it led on the effect of the treaty between UAE and israel – and how people had made positive contact with each other , were doing deals and getting along – upsetting iran and the palestinians .
Obviously POTUS and his team never got a mention . It was temarkably upbeat otherwise and held out the prospects of the likes of saudi making nice with israel , tremours in the middle east becoming an earthquake .
Meanwhile self appointed middle east peace makers like mr Anthony Blair sell hos soul to soros and fights democracy in his own country ..
Cinema is finished consumed by wokeness and Covid. Just watched Cleopatra with Richard and Elizabeth and ok its a bit 60’s but nonetheless it wouldnt get made today. All cinema will have to have women as the heros and BME as the victim and be on message and who is going to pay to watch it ????? Sky and Netflux im afraid is going the sameway the woke message prevails through all media with a few exceptions even the adverts are 80% BME its message before profit how Marksist is that….TV advertising revenues down 20% and I wonder why…….
Anything on Al Beeb about our Government setting up camps for ‘illegals’ ?
Is France moving their camps over to UK ? If true it’s a recipe for disaster especially with the huge number of unemployed people looming on the horizon.
@FedUp2 did you delete my post about the Radio Humberside presenter claiming to be a Twitter victim today ?
(whereas I know he the normal beeboid and so quite hatey himself against the usual targets like Trump, Cummings, Brexit, Boris
And I quickly found him tweeting sneers at 17 yo Alice Grant.. the conservative Youtuber who was featured here on Friday
Anyway amazingly since I went out at lunchtime’s turned into a newspaper article.
Stew – no – never saw it – and i do not delete posts without giving an indication .
Have you access to the trash ? Shall i look ?
Stew – ive checked the trash. There are 133 items in there – a couple from you but not as you describe – nor in the spam – but if you want to meet a lovely russian model i have a website address…..
Bizarrely FedUp the comment did have a line about Russian models .
The post was on my screen tonight, but I guess maybe I hadn’t pressed send this morning like I thought I had.
What I saw this morning was the local BBC producer falsely tweeting
that Kofi is such a nice guy “Here’s a photo of us ”
.. and in it they are both wearing RAINBOW glasses
And another presenter also falsely tweeted that Kofi is an angel.
My post explained that is not true cos Kofi speaks and tweets bile along with the beeboid grouthink.
eg When young conservatives 17 yo Alice Grant and her sister Grace made their video against socialism which ends by saying “socialists try to close down free speech” Kofi tweeted mocking her.
These two sisters and their 2 friends were on the Brexit march.
This caused the newspapers to write an article saying that good looking young girls couldn’t be at the Brexit supporting demos, they must be paid Russian models.
OK so here is today’s story about an anti BBC guy who tweeted
a black local radio presenter today
(The context is that although of course it’s fine for anyone to rise through talent it often seems that some BBC staff are shoehorned in based on a sin colour tickbox
.. this local of Ghanaian decent just happened to win their new talent competition)
The guy
tweeted (still not deleted) to the presenter
I’m defunding the BBC because it’s become a left wing group. .. Blacks and DIVERSITY rules.
That’s why you where employed
cos your black, talent is not a consideration.
That’s why I am defunding the BBC it supports the left wing groups and no longer suitable to report the news.
I don’t see that tweet is illegal, cos it’s just opinion.
But sending such an opinion is bound to trigger the beeboids, they are not going to calmly read it, of course they are going to lash out and behave like a school bully gang.
.. Doing the trick of bullying by taking offence, to dehumanize the speaker
And sure enough that is what the newspaper article does
labels it as “racist”
and they can do that, cos an ex-beeboid colleague came forward and labelled the comment as
“your hate-filled racism does not have a place in my circle of friends.”
The newspaper claimed that the public was against guy
In fact this morning , I saw no public commenting ..rather the presenter’s producer and another presenter had falsely lionised the presenter.
Ex BBC breakfast star Carl Wheatley dumps friend after ‘vile’ racist rant at Kofi Smiles
Stew – what happened to your original post – ? If i didnt vet it who did? Please tell me .
More context : It’s another case of white presenter kicked out for black presenter.
Looking at the Hull guys old tweets shows 4 or 5 tweets complaining
That he liked the old breakfast presenter, so why have the BBC replaced him with the black guy..who’d previously just done PR for station and a couple of day/week of nightime shows.
The guy is also annoyed by Kofis BLM agenda
ad said himself the cases of wrong prosecuted soldiers in Northern Ireland are being ignored by the media
he tweeted Kofi about 13 times
but only the recent one generated 147 tweets from the BBC school bully gang back at him.
Full of HATE, pictures of gammon etc
aggression and micro-agression
Of course people who support the guy are going to keep their heads down.
Short version : Big pile on by Local BBC school bully gang
against one local radio listener who dared to stick his head above the parapet and complain about the local black presenter who’s just replaced a white presenter
And in his opinion is second rate, and an agenda pusher who was brought into the BBC and promoted to tick the skin colour box.
Wow the hatey pile on was instigated by the BBC presenter using his Facebook page to request people to ‘give the guy a clowning’
This is where you punish someone by bombarding their social media.
Hardly surprising that incited people to send the guy hate and someone said there was a death threat.
Hi StewGreen – I would be grateful for a brief synopsis / reference:
name of BBC employee, job title at BBC, what he did to garner a hate mob. Could be a useful case study.
After watching the Man Utd-Crystal Palace match this evening
I was juggling around with the movie channels and low and behold
an adventure film , one of the very best ,and English to , from
1959 was on Talking Pictures. This ,actually a masterpiece of it’s
type would NEVER in a million years be shown on the BBC.
Even more than the Dam Busters with the immortal words spoken
by group captain Guy Gibson VC to his black labrador “come here “**gger, Yes, North West Fontier starring Kenneth Moore ,Laureen Bacall,Herbert Lom, Wilfred Hyde White and the irrepressible I.S.Johar as Gupta the train driver, who should
of won an academy award.The film is about as politically incorrect
today as you could ever wish to see. For those of you who
contribute to this website, it’s a must!
You see to put it in latter day terms Herbert Lom is Muslim terrorist.He is trying to kill a Hindu child the young son of a
maharaja . Captain Scott is trying to save the child as the steam
train travels though the North West Frontier.Herbert Lom
tries to kill the child several times and when Scott finally
susses out his intentions . He tells Lom “Now i know why
you are doing this,you are a Muslim!”
But this is only one of several occasions when the woke
hierarchy at the BBC would shit themselves if anybody suggested, and I reiterate ,that this adventure masterpiece
be shown.
I know that I have written about this before.But if you like
good examples of British TV tradition.For example The last night of the Proms.Last of the summer wine. A question of sport with Sue Barker . Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell. Watch this film.
And say *uck you BBC. Because there is no British tradition in
you. You shouldn’t even allowed to use the word British in your name.Being British is an anathema to you.
My late Nan had a black dog with the same name as Guy Gibson’s. The scruffy old thing only exists to me on the very fringes of my early memories but my Dad, who’s 85 now, remembers him with affection.
When an old picture surfaced of the dog on a beach, my Dad said, “He would guard your clothes without even being told!”
I’ve no doubt that Guy Gibson loved his dog, too. So however unacceptable it might seem today, why can’t people see that there was nothing offensive meant about it at the time?
If you enjoy watching woke liberal snowflake lefties get triggered to the point of meltdown by recent events favouring Trump, look no further.
“Lefties Threaten To Burn Country Down if Ruth Bader Ginsburg Replaced”
Not enjoying it at all.
The first 30 seconds.
It’s OK, Vlad, Jon Sopel thinks that President Trump can’t do it also, and misquotes the Barry thing from a few years ago, and winds in the ‘dying wish’ stuff as well!
Rosa Klebb……………..
BBC Radio 4
How do teachers feel about being back at school?
Mehreen Baig has been listening to their stories
BBC Sounds
Fewer than 20 reactions.
And one might guess at who the bbc found to provide their ‘story’.
“Better yet, on an open cheque tab, with no accountability…”
Walkers’ advert for Wotsits Giants. Lineker appears at the very end. Watch on YouTube and look at the comments – of 37 in total when I looked, 14 mention Lineker – 12 of them disparagingly.
The BBC homepage as of now: check out the third story:

Really unbelievably. The BBC is demanding the United States recognize their foundational stories are a myth and in fact the Pilgrim Fathers represent a bunch of racists and were the Original Sin that led to the murder of Floyd George at the hands of a racist police force in a systemically racist America.
The BBC demand the racist Pilgrim Fathers be torn down from their pedestals in the same manner that Confederate statues are being torn down from their pedestals.
But then later on the BBC say it wasn’t the Pilgrim Fathers it was in fact the Pilgrim Mothers in a feminist twist to the story. The article is a complete mess of woke thinking and a complete hatchet job.
The “impartial” BBC strikes again and all paid for by the British people.
David Wood points out the hypocrisy of eBay refusing to sell an item that ‘could be’ offensive to muslims while being perfectly happy to sell items disgustingly offensive to Christian.
Same attitude as the biased BBC.
We are all, now, held to different standards. And the law/justice system follows that, confirming a clear multi-level approach which whitee sees every day. The ‘queer’ vandalising public property and a court discharge above, demonstrates the multi-level penalty system. But, try peeing near public property in London and see what happens to you.
As the ‘system’ appeases different groups, the disparities are exacerbated. You are not exempt even if you are a member of the largest group of about 87%. In fact, you will receive more harsh treatment compared to a black in the 3.5% demographic range.
A recipe for big trouble, I submit.
Lurch gets into selective educational standards.
Was he at Harvard with Lammy?
OT, but finding the Mirror gets funnier each week, beyond Maguire.
Another young Democrat… in The Hill. Who will RT; Jon, Katty, Lurch or Nick?
Were there any witnesses to the dying woman making this wish? Is there anything in the constitution requiring that the wishes of dying women are carried out?
by Kevin Ryan
In a July, 2016 interview with the New York Times, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “chastised the Senate for refusing to act on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.”
While the other seven Supreme Court Justices said nothing in public about President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left when conservative justice Antonin Scalia died prior to the 2016 election, Justice Ginsburg was unequivocal.
“There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year,” she said when asked if the Senate had an obligation to vote on Judge Garland.
“That’s their job,” she said.
My dying wish is that AOC be jailed for life.
Will they act on it?
No, they don’t care, boo-hoo.
“Violation” of her dying wish is very dramatic. What about following the due legal procedure?
There’s nothing in American law that puts “The Make A Wish Foundation” above the Constitution
This is the Mirror.
And this is the Standard.
Aaaaand, bringing up the rear… down at the back, Evan, in ‘news’, the national broadcaster of the U.K.:
Some bloke of color in the USA is, amazingly, annoyed about something irrelevant and trivial.
Al Beeb informs us of new draconian laws for British people yet Channel illegals get away with four star hotels?
We have a Tory government ?
One universal press headline this morning with negligible minor variation in phrasing across the piece:
‘£10,000 fine for people who fail to self-isolate’
One might might raise the query “so now we punish the sick (or the supposedly sick) with the full scientific expert medical backing of our sainted NHS?”
Yet I blame the political leadership, or lack thereof.
What happened to Boris? With what was he injected when he got sick with bad man-flu? What happened to our puckish prince, our lord of misrule, Falstaff and Prince Hal rolled into one? One moment ready to storm the breach oncemore to de-flower the flower of Frenchified EU bureaucracy, the next unashamedly akimbo on the high wire jack in hand, the people’s guvnor, popular in the northern taverns for brashly displaying his admiration for the common butt and firkin.
Now he’s Lord Protector. Take your pick of those dark shades, of Olly Cromwell the Christmas canceller of the exchequer and first lord of the misery, or he’s dirty Dick third, humpty with a flu monkey on his back welcoming the winter of lockdown discontent and jabbing our buised arms with unlicensed vaccines. Our monuments graffitied.
Phew…. enough said, let’s say no more and hope it goes away.
‘PJ O’Rourke. The craziest election yet’ in the Sunday Times on the upcoming US Presidentials is probably a good read.
While the Observer goes all po-faced in their pro-liberal partisanship: ‘Death of revered judge prompts US turmoil’
‘The good university guide 2021. Free inside’ (the Times) is probably moot – given the on-going social distancing restrictions student fees will buy our kids a Zoom tutor and slim chance of disposing with their virginity in 2021.
I am interested however to know how it is: ‘I got my first lesson in leadership from my donkeys’ in the Times’s Keir Starmer interview. That seems no way for a Labour leader to talk about his trades union bosses.
I am a fan of Ruby Wax and admire the way she seems to subvert the regular female celeb goes for sympathy with tales of past angst press interview: ‘I’m still crazy but in a happy way’ in the Sunday People.
The Mail reckon they have landed ‘two superb Royal scoops’ – that’ll be Diana and Kate stories.
And then there’s TV…
The Mirror heralds: ‘Katie Piper. Why I’ll present songs of praise’
The Telegraph warns: ‘Bake Off is back’
The Star featrues: ‘Strictly Neil foxtrots off’
And Sarah Vine in the Mail points out ‘Kill Whitey ‘joke’ puts BBC in the last chance saloon’
What do you think of it so far…?
‘Bring me sunshine’ emplores the Star. ‘Morecambe & Wise would hate telly now. Shows just not funny says their writer mate’
Ain’t that the truth.
R4 religion show interview with the founder of Black Police Association @LeroyLogan999
There was no mention of religion
until the end
“Your faith is important to you isn’t it ?”
“And you have a new book coming out”
” and a star is to play you in a new film”
next item “there are no statues of women”
woman wants statue to women wrongly persecuted as witches in Scotland.
(A landowner would shout witch as an easy way of getting a tenant off their land)
In addition, Doctors (qualified at great expense in Edinburgh Medical School) would complain if a woman gave a herbal remedy (forerunner of aspirin, say) to someone with a pain “Chew on this willow” and it helped them.
A face that says ‘because I’m worth it’.
Guest, I’m not willing to spread gossip or rumour, so suffice to say that news about Naughtie epitomises everything about the BBC.
Nuff said?
The previous item had been genuine religious news
” Pakistan’s Muslim men abducting Hindu and Christian girls and women, a vile pattern which neither state nor religious authorities can stop”
The prog didn’t dare tweet about that themselves.
Now a Birmingham Muslim has been brought on to give opinion about Christian prayer wall.
He ticks the boxes “BLM” “we must not let the Far Right divide us”
The Christian claims the giant artwork will generate “hundreds of millions for charity”
A previous item lionised the Democrat top judge who just died
“her Jewish faith was important to her”
hmm the prog was just pushing anti-Trump agenda.
The Bader family is described as Orthodox but said to be non-observant. However, Ruth was very much a teacher and taught (not sure exactly what) at a Jewish Summer Camp. From Wiki (usual disclaimers)
But given who appears featured; living, dead or the living dead… nah.
They do seem chipper, mind.
Such revelations usually attract considerable media excitement.
Guesses on American BS’ editorial reaction?
1) Wowsers… that looks serious, best cover it.
2) Oo… no time or space, plus Gav is dishy in a mask.
A person of media, apparently.
Charles Moore is the best that we can hope for. He has long believed that the BBC is severely biased, that its far to Woke and that it needs root and branch reform and to Cecile a service funded largely by subscription. . I think that he much more likely than any other candidate to deliver some far reaching changes for the better.
of course in my view the BBC should be abolished and then its memory obliterated but none of the candidates are of that view.
Tory MP Rehman Chishti had a job as
“Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or BELIEF”
… but when the government said
… ‘we BELIEVE we should have the option of changing the EU exit agreement’
… he resigned in protest.
The role is about implementing the Bishop of Truro’s report dealing with :
The persecution of Christians by Muslim regimes
: The Chinese government persecution of Christians a Uighar Muslims
According to the MailonLine there are 180 diversity officers in Whitehall and one third are in the Cabinet Office.
I once had to attend diversity training as a teacher had decided he was transgender. I had to sit in a room listening to a person who had been a married man with children train us to accept he was now a woman so that we accepted that a man who had been married with children was now a woman. Both people were now living as gay women.
I don’t think any of us were convinced. For example the trainer opened the bottle of water for drinking, arms akimbo, nothing like a woman would. I had asked how the person had behaved as a child. Girls play with plasticine to make flowers, boys will make guns. I didn’t get a reply. The whole training cost a lot of money.
66 people in the Cabinet Office directing diversity issues, Makes me wonder how many there are responsible for green issues. No wonder we got nonsense at daily briefings during Covid. I am thinking bicycle lanes and football in empty stadiums
Please Mr Cummings, drain the swamp.
“diversity officer jobs” = jobs for the boygirls
The BBC Got Talint heats for a new Washington Bureau Chief are hotting up.
It’s not funny many of these are Harvard professors. We also have them in Oxbridge and elsewhere. Bristol University have a whole department dedicated to Social Justice and it was there that academics and students were responsible for throwing statues into the canal.