The EU? Have we left? The BBC thinks we are only away temporarily and will come to our senses once they have kept the drip-feed anti-Brexit going for long enough. Or forever 🙁
Catchup links to final posts on the last thread
– page 5 started at 7pm Friday
– page 4 … page 3
My etiquette thoughts : If someone has said something that winds you up .
Either you have misread what they said, and you can ask them.
… Or they are not worth bothering with.
Don’t let it get to you, just hold your head up high & ignore them.
Not just the BBC! Most of the MSM , Labour, Lib Dems , SNP , a slice of the Tory party , civil service etc , in short the whole of the liberal establishment, are . They are all determined to get us as closely aligned as possible with , or even to rejoin , the EU.
The price of Brexit will be eternal vigilance, unfortunately as the MSM is so pro EU biased it may be difficult for us to know what the rejoiners are up to and nip it in the bud.
And those in the US should know. Hopefully, they’ll stop waving the so-called, “Constitution” about in the mistaken belief that the document protects their, “Constitutional Rights”. Anyone suggesting this fallacy as fact is purveying Fake News.
The Dem/Communists are revelling in resuming the Beijing/Soros plan continuing with the impunity they have enjoyed for years.
Indeedy. I watched a vid last night about AOC and it gave me nightmares that she might secure the DNC Nomination to run in 2024. She is becoming more scary than Hillary.
He seems empowered by his new Lies and Assassination Committee launch tomorrow, with such luminaries as that AOC Does Marmalade MP of diversity who wanted to recreate Escape To New York in her constituency.
The groupies on his page feeds make you wonder about what gets put in the water.
1 year without paying the telly tax and boy it feels good. Recieved a letter today saying you are being referred to our regional enforcement team. Shaking in my boots
Well done I say ,
I have been free for some time now and it so happens that I too got a threatening letter today. The colour of the envelope changes, sometimes buff, sometimes grey, sometimes with a small window with words to embarrass you with the postman . Then the red letter. I haven’t had a rainbow coloured one yet ? Ignore them and have even more pleasure by sticking them in the bin.????
Remember – have no contact with them. No contact whatsoever!
I’ve found that my doorbell/ intercom hasn’t been working . I’m worried I might have missed a visit from TVL goons although they’ve never visited in the past . Should invite them round, what biscuits do they like ?
Are ITV doing propaganda ?
11 million views
It has this technique where he says things, but they aren’t actually happening in the pictures
eg “The fought with the police”
..the people are not fighting , they are walking in a doorway
The scaffolding poles one is interesting
cos I have seen a video which shows a group of Trump supporters who have found a stack of scaffolding poles
and they say to the police we are going to pass these over to you cos there is a risk of trouble makers getting them.
In the video one person is booing them” footage of these good guys
Congratulations – I hope you got the red envelope as opposed to the boring beige one . My last one was red – I look forward to the ones saying ‘we’ve opened an investigation ‘ or ‘ will you be in on January 20 ?’ …. still not very personal when it is addressed to ‘the legal occupier “ . ….
Stevie – in the twisted minds of TV Licencing they probably think using bright red envelopes is a sign of ‘shame ‘ as opposed to a sign of pride . My posty says she gets a lot of them….
They keep trying to blackmail me with making it clear to the postie – and any neighbours if mail is incorrectly delivered – that I am an illegal evader rather than a legal non-watcher. I am hoping therefore that if I keep the envelopes as evidence then I can eventually sue TVL for harassment.
Maybe Laura Perrins will take the case on a no win no fee basis?
In the year 1776 the USA became a sovereign independent country.
Since that time there have been only three Presidential impeachments which have run their course.
If the current one runs its course Nancy Pelosi will have been responsible for half of them, which goes to illustrate just how rabid the left in America have become.
In the year 1776 the USA became a sovereign independent country.
Since that time there have been only three Presidential impeachments which have run their course.
With the current one runs its course Donald Trump will have been responsible for half of them, which goes to illustrate just how rabid the left in America have become
The left rejoices when they hear that the NRA has filed for bankruptcy.
The Second is a target and Talk Radio have a cause to fight for. Juliet HB joins Piers Morgan
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Nice to have some *good* news for a change. Bye bye and good riddance.
Quote Tweet
Kyle Griffin
· 1h
I had an immediate thought when British people start saying a USA has filed for bankruptcy and that’s the end
.. they are usually making false news
I checked “National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy *protection* ”
= “hangon a minute this court order means you can’t have the loan back or your payment straight away, rather we ar reorganising so we can keep going , so your money doesn’t crumble to zero”
GWF a tip, when you copy tweets
It puts in too many line breaks and comes out clunky.
You can use a linbreak remover tool.
Stew, you are quite right. If memory serves me well, the USA has unique provisions for pre-bankruptcy – hence Chapter 11 of an extensive code – there are more Chapters for what comes later. The rest of the world with the possible exception of Europe, takes a much more UK-like approach although we amended and codified our UK rules in 1986.
They could rename themselves ( after all it isn’t just for folk with rifles ) and become even bigger
The Wildfowlers Association Of Great Britain and Ireland became the British Association of Shooting and Conservation.
Friday evening BBC1 news reporting on 200,000 items being deleted from the police computer. Sophie Rayworth explained that this had compromised many cases. End of item.
Sophie didn’t tell us when this happened but presumably it must have happened some time ago for it to have already caused problems. She didn’t tell us who was responsible, a national register? I haven’t a ruddy clue because the BBC couldn’t be bothered to tell us. Did it include terrorists? The list of cases she suggested didn’t include terrorists but with me having no trust in the BBC, I cannot be sure. Has anybody resigned? We weren’t told.
I really don’t understand why the BBC felt the need to report this without context. I assume there is much more to this story than the BBC cares to tell me.
Sluff they were re running ‘the thick of it ‘ episode . – home office civil ‘servants ‘ spend their time trying to get the Home Sec fired for their incompetence or malice .
Maybe someone took a bung to get rid of one record in that lot ….
BTW computer records are never “deleted”
It’s kind of illegal to hold data and not to have proper backups.
And deletion is not erasure
when you delete a file all you are doing is deleting the entry on the directory list
..the file actually still sits on the disk, until that part of the disk gets overwritten
If they did delete a whole block , they’d realise and get a specialist to rebuild the directory list .
I guess such police data is held in an encrypted way but surely you have a backup password.
– They were cleaning databases to comply with a law about data which can’t be kept for more that 3 years.
– It’s not on a laptop, rather a mainframe has access to a number remote databases eg Fingerprint databases, DNA database.
– So the command was sent out to say 10 databases to delete the data.
Normally you go OMG , and restore the database.
– But if time has passed you’ll have beeb putting new data on, so you can’t just restore from backup.
You have work out what new data you have just added then add that to the backup.
– And you have to do that with all 10 databases, so you get synchronization problems.
They display their ‘news’ as yelling sound-bites, because the sort of children whom they’re desperately trying to attract only speak and write their sloppy kid’s stuff like that, so no, you’ll never get an answer as to why they’ve said something.
Senora O’Blene and I were watching a DVD of ‘Yes Minister’ last evening. It was totally hilarious, and completely re-watchable. One highlight was the impeccable Robert Dougall reading some news, which really was delivered with gravitas and sincerity back then, and it was a delight to see and hear the man, because he was the voice of my childhood, and even later when I became a teenager, then even as an adult. He never changed, and gave you the comfort of his goodwill to tell you actual facts, and help you to believe them with sound reasoning, because that was what the BBC used to do back then.
Bob Dougall’s words actually meant something. He had proper managers who kept strictly to the rules of correctness and decorum! I was looking at a Wiki on Peter Hardiman Scott the other day, and the same went for him too – there was total honesty in his delivery, and we loved his way of making his story ‘work’, and why it happened.
Today’s autocue-readers can’t hold a candle to these hugely pleasant people, who are sorely missed.
I find Fiona Bruce particularly irritating. She reads the 6pm news as though she is a primary school teacher reading a story to Key Stage 1. I have noticed the occasional time when reading the 10pm news she does adjust her style slightly ie key stage 2.
Yes, the days of Robert Dougal and Jack Demanio I believed what I heard. I have no idea whether it was biased but at least had gravitas.
Up in the roof, I still have some of the old Private Eye records from the sixties.
One passage still makes me chuckle, and I can recall it almost to perfection, as we used it all the time where I worked and things were getting tiresome…
(Ingrams) “The decision to cancel the Queen’s speech this Christmas has met with some dismay; Jack Demanio asked her why”…
Ah, Jack de Manio, that takes me back! Child of pre-WW1 immigrants you know – half Italian, half Polish. He left TWATO of his own accord before the accession to the EEC because he didn’t get on with the hard-boiled journalism of his new co–presenter Bill Hardcastle.
Interesting that you think of her as a primary school teacher.
When she is in max doom-and-gloom or self-righteous mode, with the slow shaking of the head, we think that her real occupation is as an undertaker.
I’m trying to red-pill my daughter so that she no longer watches BBC News. She hadn’t heard of the Hunter Biden laptop and the Ukraine incident (well she wouldn’t on the BBC) so I looked into online references for her. Google was a waste of time, Duckduckgo a bit better. The obvious place was Wiki which many ignorant people seem to consider a “reliable source” (I do know you can edit articles yourself but many people use it as a reference and believe it – just like the Beeb) and I got the following:
“The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of unevidenced claims centred on the false allegation that while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he engaged in corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son Hunter Biden by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. They have been spread primarily in an attempt to damage Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. Although the United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the corrupt and ineffective prosecutor, this was the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States, which, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be too lenient in investigating corruption.”
The investigative journalists of the BBC etc. couldn’t see any connection between Biden’s son, who had no knowledge of the gas industry, being on the state board of a country which was getting a load of money via his father, the state prosecutor who was investigating corruption in the industry, and Biden threatening the Ukrainian government with withdrawal of funds if the prosecutor was not sacked. It appears that he was getting too close for comfort rather than “too lenient in investigating corruption.”
Anyone trying to expose corruption against the Establishment is hounded out with not a word said by the BBC or anyone in the MSM.
I imagine places like Rebel News have a few stories about the Hunter Biden laptop story
The peak was when the NewYork Post did their Oct 14 story and Twitter went crazy by taking control of the newspapers account
even though the story was in the news papers print edition.
On Toady this morning, Knobson and Useless presented a story about ancestral ‘South Asian’ residents not wanting the vaccine.
This was in part put down to fake news about animal and alcohol vaccine content but also to said residents not understanding English.
Not asked of course was…how come people who are of an age where they qualify in a high priority group not able to understand English? And therefore what is the benefit to the UK of their residency? And how do they make an informed choice in elections if they cannot understand?
Yet another example of the ‘benefits’ of multiculturalism and unfettered mass immigration, always enthusiastically supported by the BBC, which was of course primarily designed to create huge numbers of new Labour voters. Which in certain parts of what was our country was and still is a demonstrably successful policy.
“ Not asked of course was…how come people who are of an age where they qualify in a high priority group not able to understand English? “
I’m very boring. I often point to an interview during the 2017 GE campaign where Channel 4’s Guru Murthy visited an Asian(only, lookin at the residents) care home.He asked in English who they would vote for. The community leader translated into their native language and the unanimous response came ‘Labour’.
One of the unintended consequences of the vaccination process might be to find those who don’t exist on state records – borrowed NI numbers are don’t show up on any state record at all – i suspect , however , that the state will look the other way in the same way that foreign tourists come to the UK for free treatments – something which might be ending now ….
Yes something like 85 million Brits will demand vaccinations
And they’ll be a black market
with certain doctors’ surgeries saying they had a breakin in/ flood /powercutetc and all their vaccine stock got last so can they please have some more. etc.
I had the idea that we might have had extra people flying in specifically to get a jab on our NHS, not just those you might expect but I know at least a couple of expats, not paying UK taxes, keeping their family doctor here because it is cheaper than their new country.
Not BBC but the usually slightly more reliable ITV are going on free school meals without school.
Featured is a carer who, being a single mother, she has no time to prepare food for her two kids, aged 10 and 12. Just look at the food parcel, she intimates. I can’t be doing with this free food.
Errrr,,..what exactly is wrong with a tin of soup? And how hard is it to cook ? Let ‘s see.
1. Open tin
2. Pour contents into pan
3. Heat but do not boil. Stir a little.
4. Pour into bowl and eat.
There. Not too difficult is it?
Except presumably to Marcus Rashford and his fellow travellers.
PS. I don’t like to boast but Mrs S and I regularly get by for lunch on bread, soup, tinned beans, potatoes, and fruit, without issue or comment. Where did we go wrong?
In Tesco recently, I was passing by the box where kind people shove a few items to distribute to ‘the poor’, yesterday.
I just mused – for a second – what would happen if everyone put foods in there which might take a modicum of intelligence to prepare, but sadly had to decide that the packets of Walkers crisps and sweet biscuits were all that the ‘needy’ were going to get.
There was no fresh fruit, no meat, which amazingly needs cooking, but a kind soul had put in some decent cereal, so that would have been binned straight away!
I suppose a tin of own-brand burgers might just be welcomed, as long as they were cooked – even in an oven…
When a bloke like Rashford starts winding the lefties up with his gormless stunts, there’s always hell to pay from the squeals from crowds like the BBC, the red-tops and the thicker politicians, and the cost of stupidity is the price that normal, hard-working citizens have to pay for such drivel.
US elections :I imagine a scenario called “Operation Whirlwind”
Where the Dems decided that whatever happened at the Trump protest they had lots of keyboard guys at the ready to make sure the media guys spun it to the maximum extent.
A higher level would be if the had known groups would plant agitators to try and seed trouble.
It’s basically like a guy who went fishing and caught a minnow coming back with a story that he caught a shark.
Same with the election
It’s like they had an operation in place “If anything at all comes up about fraud, just run with the narrative “there is absolutely zero , lets move on”
Just incidentally, EU nationals can still apply for settled status. As of September last year, 3.9 had done so …out of the 3.2 million we were told were in the UK.
\\The UK is to close all travel corridors from Monday morning to “protect against the risk of as yet unidentified new strains” of Covid, the PM has said.//
Horse and stable door comes to mind. Does this border control apply to “dinghy invaders”?
The army was called in to assist with the Nightingale Hospitals, why wasn’t the Royal Navy called in to help our Border Farce? The French used their navy,
The French Navy are still assisting as far as I know and our government/border force are meekly complying (scared or complicit).
Disease-ridden terrorists will continue to invade.
(It’s gale force winds over the Channel at the moment so there will be a temporary lull.)
If you dare to march in protest you will be arrested and charged. Here.
Just a minor annoyance in the overall scheme of the BBC:
‘Capitol riots: What are far-right Trump supporters saying?’
With the obvious motive of course of making sure everyone associates the words ‘Far Right’ and ‘Trump Supporters’ together.
I don’t recall ever seeing ‘Hard Left’ in a headline with BLM.
And WE are paying these low-life hypocrites to do it.
“It’s pretty amazing. This is what goes on, we just don’t often get video taped confessions like this. This is what they say doesn’t happen. It’s just that what doesn’t happen usually is you don’t get it on video tape of them confessing to all these crimes.” –
“Claims of electoral fraud are baseless. Despite this conspiracy theorists and misinformation activists continue to flood the internet with lies.
Tomorrow I will be speaking with a 35 year-old who feels they can no longer live in the same house as their middle-aged white parents who voted for the domestic terrorist leader, Trump.”
Dr Harpreet Sood has spoken to the BBC about how disinformation might be causing some people to reject the covid vaccine. He says incorrect information regarding the contents of the vaccine is one area of concern.:
Please take note, the two covid vaccines we currently have access to in the UK do not contain any pork products.
Should have fronted this with the young white blonde chick.
TOADY Watch #1 – an inadvertent slip reveals how the Beeboid mind works
It was 8 a.m. and time for the News. Mishal Husain was doing the pre-News highlights. New UK restrictions on travel into the UK come into force on Monday next week. Mishal had an on-air mis-read but it revealed exactly how the BBC Hive Mind works. She intended to read “New travel restrictions to the UK have dealt another blow to the travel industry.”
Instead she said “New travel restrictions to the UK have been dealt another blow” before correcting herself. There we have it. A definitely anti-(Conservative) Government as well as a possibly anti-(current)Home Secretary mind set at the BBC. Or at least in Mishal’s head.
I suspect that it runs to pretty much the whole of the BBC.
The monster Boris Castoff and Harry’s heart is broken
‘Borders closed to shut out new strains PM insists all travellers arriving in UK test negative for Covid and enter quarantine’ (Telegraph) – so there we have it, the most blindingly obvious counter measure against a global infection – ten months too late.
‘Keep out! UK shuts borders over mutant bugs’ (Sun) – oh dear, it’s an anti-Brexiteer’s nightmare scenario.
So, how we wonder, will the EU enthusiast/lockdown compliant papers cover this one on their frontcovers?
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror ignores it and forsaking news coverage goes with an “exclusive” feature lionising the good ship NHS and all who fail in her: ‘Modern-day miracle workers’
It is quite a feat for an institution to have taken limitless financial resources and universal popular support and within a year have turned that into 4.5 million on their waiting lists for treatment. Way to go (as the Americans might say)
Likewise, look at the pro-Brussels FT frontpage and you wouldn’t know the border closure is happening. My guess is the nay sayers on this one will wait for some contradiction in the policy or a sob story victim and then go big on it.
The Daily Star sees itself as something of a working man’s spitting image, regularly lampooning the cabinet on their cover page. Transport Secretary Grant Schapps gets the Star treatment this morning: ‘Don’t ask me I haven’t got a clue’ – he replies to the question of should we book summer holidays this year?
The Star quips: ‘On the plus side he may be dumb, but at least he’s dumb and honest’
Which is just the kind of straightforward editorial comment I can appreciate.
Whereas the FT tells me: ‘Jobs to play leading role in Sunak’s March Budget plan’ – which speculative puff frankly tells me next to nothing.
They do say we get the politicians we deserve; quite what sins one commited in some past life to now be lumbered with a formerly randy mussy-haired over-grown schoolboy with a Churchill complex, who turned on a sixpence into the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz at the first admonition from his latest posh totty, must remain unspoken.
A Johnson cast off makes the frontpage of the Telegraph: ‘Marina Wheeler QC… tells the Daily Telegraph… Women should not put off cervical cancer screening during the pandemic as “the consequences of not going can be so great”‘ – well quite.
‘Harry’s “heart is broken”‘ (Daily Mail) ‘Close confidant reveals prince’s agonising “pain and hurt” caused by Megxit royal rift’
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. William Congreve in his comedy of manners The Old Batchelour, 1693.
They do say Tony Blair used to be given a monthly video tape to watch by Alastair Campbell containing a summary of the then current popular culture – just so that he could keep up to date and appear down with the people and avoid being caught out in interviews sounding like some fuddy duddy high court judge.
‘Maisie she’s quiting Enders for Hollywood’ (Sun) – let me explain m’lud. Soap opera East Enders actress Maisie Smith, who plays mortician Tiffany Butcher-Baker, is departing the show after 13 years as she pursues a big Hollywood movie role.
To which his honour might retort – are they still making big studio movies for cinema release, I thought it was now all straight to VoD?
And finally on a day when news is sparse a Daily Mail pop up news alert warns me of: ‘Amber weather’ – I’ve heard of the ten plagues of Egypt but that’s a new one on me.
Speaking of which: ‘The lost decade, Arab Spring activists 10 years on’ (FT) – I think we can now agree our media called that one wrong.
Great resume, AsI! Like the bit about Norris Bohnson’s totty…
I have just three rags on faves here, the Telegrout, the Mail and the Express.
The latter two have this blasted, irritating Megane and Ginge complex, where they crop up every other screen, the Grout is behind a paywall so gets short shrift!
But, I don’t know if this will work with you, or anyone else, but Kent Libraries have a link to a newsreader service, whereby you can read the papers for free, with no paywall! This goes on for at least a couple of months here, and all you need is a county library account and PIN! I order all our books online anyway, so it’s a doddle to get organised! So far, the Grout gets a bit more notice, but not for long…
The site is PressReader, and may be worth a shuftie for anyone who says ‘paaaah’ to paying for online content!
Thanks, an interesting possible newspaper paywall hack.
Many moons ago I was temporarily employed with a local authority library service. In those days the newspaper reading room was the educated tramp’s friend. Sadly someone came up with the notion of turning libraries into community hubs.
Thinking again of Alastair Campbell’s popular culture vidoes for Tony Blair, I’m now wondering whether Dominic Cummings might have plied Johnson with DVDs of Open University advanced statistical course lectures – no wonder he got his marching orders.
AISI, in ‘the good old days’ before the Labour Party dominated Page 3 or Bojo’s Sultanas or Currants dominated the front page of the Torygraph, the Daily Mail’s ‘Amber weather’ warning would have been accompanied by a large photograph, full-page, of a slip of a young thing of the very female type of species – notionally called Amber – who was wearing the eeniest bit of a teeniest bikini.
Personally, I have always avoided yellow snow in accordance with the warnings.
Is there any surprise that the MSM – so in love with the EU – isn’t covering the distress being caused by limited vaccine availability – and how it is being rationed – with about 2.5 million done across the whole ReichEU with a forthcoming reduction by Pfizer …..
…………contrasted with UK where they are thinking of sending out vaccine appointments to the over 70d starting at best next weekend ……
The debacle in the EU stinks of corruption with a French outfit being contracted but then failing to deliver any time soon ….
….but I really wish we could have more numbers to boost morale and make me / us believe being locked up is worth it .
Maybe Sleepy can ask Macron to fly over those mysterious men in black who know how the state likes certain protesters dealt with, and no coverage from the MSM, especially the BBC.
Capitol : “Social media users are sharing the clip, which has been viewed more than 2 million times, with the false narrative that it shows a CNN reporter conspiring with a BLM activist”
Whilst it is true that Trump supporters have no evidence she works for CNN
so are over stating
For their report not to even mention the video of John Sullivan on top of a car giving his speech saying violence is OK in the BLM cause
and his arrest but not conviction for violence at that BLM march is strange.
It uses gets outs like
\\ “I am not linked to the BLM Organization.”
He said he is affiliated with Insurgence USA, an organization he started last May. The group’s website says it was founded to oppose police brutality. //
Prominent in the 7 and 8 a.m. News was the HM Government plan to change the planning laws and make it mandatory for landowners and Local Authorities to release for sale any land that has remained ‘unused’ for a period of time. ‘Goodee!’, I can hear the Beeboids thinking ‘More new properties coming on stream that I can add to my Buy-to-Let portfolio.’.
I seem to recall that the BBC and others in the print MSM were suggesting as many as 1.5million EU nationals of other EU Member States had left the UK by 31st December 2020. That would have solved the housing crisis almost in one go, if true.
Perhaps the Fact Check Marianna or the Reality Check Trio need to get some work done on this?
I don’t know if anyone monitors this site, which produces a video on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It’s very good, spot on with its commentary and often includes BBC sourced stuff for ridicule.
The big story breaking in the US is Trump releasing information that will incriminate not just Hilary Clinton but other top figures and several arms of the establishment. This will be a bombshell so the conservative side says.
Hmmm. I’m sure it should be but these are crazy times. The news and tech are in cahoots with the Democrat Party.
I fail to get excited about it.
I feel as if I am in a horror film where the central character has seen the ghost/vampire/whatever but cannot get anybody to believe them. The more the evidence is produced the more he is told that he doesn’t know anything, he is lying, he is deluded or he is going bonkers. Then you realize that most, perhaps all of the cast are in on it and things aren’t going to turn out well at all.
It’s not just the BBC it’s the whole damn lot now. They are all in on it. They just suppress everything.
As a post-world war child I was told that we had just escaped tyranny but unfortunately from East Germany onwards the ‘iron curtain’ still existed.
We had freedom, in thought and speech. We were a homogenous people who had come through a war together. The family was ‘a thing’, we had mums that ran the home and dads who went out to work and were practical minded.
Today, virtually locked in my house, I am told that sex is a ‘social construct’, men can give birth, (but only if they are homosexual?). Britain has always been a black and Muslim country, ruined by evil white men. (White women are to be ‘converted’ by forced ‘marriage’).
Black is white, white is evil and the truth of ages is a lie.
It’s getting closer too, I have a relative whose ‘partner’ insists that she was born to her dad.
TOADY Watch #3 – ‘just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not out to get me’ …
.. was an immortal quote from Roland Deschain on the (I think) mid-week Thread here. I got the distinct impression from the TOADY Prog and the News this a.m. that Priti Patel might be borrowing that quote as Home Secretary. The over one-day old news about the Police or the Home Office – or the Home Office or the Police – deleting 150,000 criminal records from their computerised database has been tarted up a bit to justify the BBC repeating it.
Mind you old news is regularly kept going on the BBC and its web-site these days. The post-Gilligan pledges are long forgotten by all successor Director Generals. And, yes, Ma’am Home Secretary, the opposition in your own Ministry and in the BBC and MSM are out to get you.
There will never be any improvement in the HO and elsewhere until current recruitment and ‘training’ processes are stopped and replaced with common sense.
Get rid of HR.
In the DT and other papers there’s a story about doctors being told to throw away covid vaccines rather than give a second dose.
It doesn’t seem to explain why and pushes the idea that doctors could be refused further supplies or maybe not paid for doing the vaccines.
Anyone on here know the truth about this story.
There has been much upset amongst people, including many doctors, who feel that they should have their second dose at the manufacturer recommended and investigated 3 weeks.
Initially some GPs were threatening to give the second dose as the recommended dosing schedule, which they could do as independent practitioners (they don’t work for the NHS directly).
The government responded by saying that if there was widespread evidence that national directives (to give at a 12 week interval to increase the number of people with partial protection) were being ignored then they would not pay GPs the £12 (I think, I’m not a GP) for completing the course or supply more vaccine. GPs would therefore have paid for the vaccine and administration out of their own pockets.
There has been a lot of kerfuffle about this in medical circles but nobody (on either side) has given any evidence that vaccine has been wasted.
There are always left over doses (slightly more in vials than needed, people not turning up for booked vaccinations) and some people may get the 2nd dose at the 3 week interval because they are around.
Vaccine : neighbour kept getting calls with number withheld
The person never left a message, so neighbour assumed him to be a scamcaller.
Today neighbour happened to pick up the phone as it rang , same ID withheld, and it turned out to be his doctors calling him to come 8am Sunday for vaccination.
but not his 73 yo wife.
Surely it’s logical to each household together ?
He thinks he will be immune.
AFAIK 4 out 10 wont be
and even after second it’s still 1 out of 10 that aren’t.
A relative of mine is virtually housebound and has a live-in carer of the same age.
A nurse turned up to give a jab to my relative but not to the carer, he had to drive five miles then stand in a 2 metre spaced line, shuffling ‘as to the gas chambers’ to get a jab.
I hold no candle for Boris, the Toreeeees, or even ‘the guvmint’, but instead of indulging senile pot banging opportunist activist pols and their lazy Wolfie sound bites, media should be tracking down mid management clowns failing to address this.
Guest, Jim, Stew, Khaa and Emmanuel, I think there is good evidence that there is a war going on against the Government because it is (nominally) a Conservative one. Ranged against are most of the print and broadcast MSM, including our dear friend the BBC, the NHS and various ‘health’ bodies and Unions, the teachers and their Unions and, finally, the Civil Service in general terms. (See my TOADY Watch #3) Fortunately, the Labour Party and the SNP in Parliament are a bit useless at present and the TUC are somewhat divided still because most are pro-Brexit but anti-Conservative otherwise HMG might be rolling over in the gutter and playing dead.
We currently have:
The NHS on strike
The teachers on strike
Bad weather
Footballers and slebs wishing to make life difficult for HMG
BLM, XR and others turning up to demonstrate
plus – a continuing Pandemic and, I have a suspicion, some deliberate virus infection spreading going on.
Stew – my next door neighbour is 89 . She got a couple of dodgy calls at the beginning of the week …. but yesterday she got a vaccination appointment . Problem is the vaccination centre she is being sent to isn’t walking distance – she doesn’t drive – she won’t use buses .
Her own GP is nearer but she isn’t being sent there ….. I’m guessing not much thought is being put into this – just numbers to achieve the 2 million a week .
High infection areas don’t seem to being prioritised for vaccination either – but should that be a surprise ?
This should get better as the AZ vaccine rolls out as it can be stored in normal fridges at GP surgeries.
X1 vial Pfizer vaccine contains 940 ish (I can’t remember the exact number) individual doses and must be used within 120 hrs of coming out of a -70 freezer. If you are vaccinating group 1 and 2 (over 80s and frontline health and social care) then a GP practice will not use up all the doses in time so surgeries are joining up in groups of 3-5.
My local surgery is being castigated for asking people to travel a whole 5 miles to be vaccinated, despite there being easy parking and many many volunteers offering to take people.
Surgeries are only getting short notice that vaccines will be coming…..because they are being diverted nationally to high prevalence surgeries.
This should get better as the AZ vaccine rolls out as it can be stored in domestic fridges at GP surgeries.
X1 vial Pfizer vaccine contains 940 ish (I can’t remember the exact number) individual doses and must be used within 120 hrs of coming out of a -70 freezer. If you are vaccinating group 1 and 2 (over 80s and frontline health and social care) then a GP practice will not use up all the doses in time so surgeries are joining up in groups of 3-5.
My local surgery is being castigated for asking people to travel a whole 5 miles to be vaccinated, despite there being easy parking and many many volunteers offering to take people.
Surgeries are only getting short notice that vaccines will be coming…..because they are being diverted nationally to high prevalence areas
One of our local rags was trying to work up folk on everything from timings to getting places, and then jumped on a fellow lefty activist rag screaming about how the latest restriction should have happened long ago.
Until folk started posting their screams about any restriction being anything from fascist states to destroying the tourist industry.
Our local pub can now only deliver kegs to your home.
Trying to be outraged but frankly… come 6pm, I doubt I will be.
Outragebussing isn’t it ?
Take an issue or event and then spin it up
eg a crowd of a million people where 30-100 people push against cops
becomes a crowd of a million white supremacist insurgents
… “who are on the point of murdering the congressmen”
According to AOC in the video dissect
I came across the site years ago and find it useful to have alternative sources of information. I occasionally post, but usually only if I feel that I have actual information that might be helpful.
Although I agree with lots of the opinions posted here, there are others who I disagree with.
I find the lib left BBC worldview extremely frustrating and it is reassuring to find others who agree. Don’t assume that all NHS workers are labour supporters, but equally malign intent is sometimes reported where none was intended.
Khaa – I know it’s tricky with the 1.7 employees of the NHS to assess – but what % are not Labour supporters ? More than 5% or less? Could it ever be reformed ?( and I am aware that it is kicked about by one bright idea or another )…
There are a lot of us who absolutely think it should be reformed, especially if we have worked in other health systems. I can’t see how it can continue in the current format, but have thought that for the past decade or so. Anecdotally I think that a significant proportion of secondary care doctors are not labour supporters but it is rarely discussed.
There is huge fear of the unknown and it is easy to shroud wave. The good things that happen are rarely reported beyond the individual Florence Nightingale stories – for example our diabetes care is amongst the best in the world (with half the number of amputations compared to Germany) because it is so joined up.
Personally I think the NHS fails on a management level and you do reach a point where you stop trying to change things because the environment is so hostile.
Thank you for the welcome! One of the reasons I return here is that people’s opinions (including mine) are challenged with information that I don’t get anywhere else.
Fed, London Black Cab taxi drivers are coming to her rescue. Not sure if it is for free or the normal high price fare is discounted but I heard a news item, possibly at lunchtime or this morning, that London taxi drivers are going to help with the vaccination programme as drivers. If it is a discounted fare, then good for them!
As usual, the BBC headline leaves out the detail they don’t want you to know:
‘Boris Johnson says girls’ education key to ending poverty’
It’s soon apparent they are talking about India, not the UK. Quite what effect they think Boris is going to have on Indian government policy is beyond me.
Hypocrites that they are, they completely avoid the real elephant in the room and try to infer (but do not state as they know they are lying) that all these girls who get married very young actually have any choice in the matter.
Because we all know where that road leads.
It’s been snowing like a good ‘un here on the Costa del Suffolk. Puts me in mind of that well known ditty from Ian Dury and the blockheads – There ain’t arf bin some global warmin, lucky bleeders, lucky bleeders etc.
As for Dover Sentry’s comment about the BBC and the EU – spot on. However, I would go further and say the BBC don’t actually believe that we have left. Bit odd really considering their attitude to the Trump/Biden election.
BBC and its government manufacture evidence to combat wicked covid deniers and critics of the anychess. For example.
”An NHS doctor has revealed she receives daily abusive messages on social media from Covid hoaxers.
Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden, who has worked in the NHS for 10 years, is a senior registrar and is currently working in intensive care in South East.
Speaking to the BBC, she said her inbox is often flooded with messages filled with abuse from strangers, with one reading: “I couldn’t care less who I apparently murder by not wearing a mask. Cough and die.”
Now watch video to see how the BBC/Government produce propaganda to support lockdown
A phrase, iirc, normally used in relation to theatre productions but used this a.m. – in not so many words but to the same effect – by two contributors to TOADY that were interviewed by Nick. If I remember the names correctly they were a Professor Bonford or Bomford and Dr Susan Hopkins, the latter of PH(E).
Both were asked when the current restrictions should be ‘relaxed’. Both replied pretty much to the same date: the end of March. Obviously the PM’s review, set for 3 February, will have something of a campaign thrown at it to say, in effect ‘Don’t relax the restrictions too soon – save the NHS – wait until all the vaccinations have been done on Groups 1-9 – etc., etc..
I’ve just heard as much of the news as I can stomach, which isn’t a lot. Kier Starmer (isn’t he just loathsome?)was on, moaning that Boris should have halted all entry into Blighty earlier. If Bo-Jo had announced these measures last week you can bet your bottom dollar, Starmer would be asking why didn’t he do it last month.
Play us another song, Starmer, FFS. It’s like that old game-show… I’ll name that tune in one…
The BBC, Sky and the equally irritating ITV are all just as unimaginative. I think both our politicians and media have been exposed as being utterly hopeless, one trick ponies.
We need a decent media and a functioning opposition to keep the government on their toes. We have neither. They call Starmer Captain Hindsight; I think they’re being far too polite. All he ever says is “Yes, you should do that, but you should have done it sooner.”
Jeff “Kier Starmer (isn’t he just loathsome?)was on, moaning that Boris should have halted all entry into Blighty earlier.”
Funny thing but I listened to the start of Any Questions at 1.15 p.m.. The first question was: Should the Government have closed down the UK to travel much sooner? The questioner was asked for her one word answer she said “Yes.”. The former Conservative SPAD to Hancock, now an MP apparently, said “No” in a long-winded way. The Labour MP said “Yes” in an almost equally long-winded answer but Chris Mason has got wise to these Labour Party drones. He pinned her down to a date. Or tried to. The MP wriggled out in her best Annaliese Dodds-stylee and would not answer.
Just at that moment, I thought, funny; funny I thought – the Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer did not call for the UK to be locked down in late March 2020 and for all inward and through-traffic travel to the UK to be stopped then so he cannot attack this measure as ‘too little, too late’. He may be stupid enough to try. 🙂
Dover Sentry
Are you watching the Dover Coast ?
According to Nigel another 30 arrived today from France despite Brexit ?
What excuse do our government give this time ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet that I can see .
TOADY Watch #5 – resigned but was he subverted first and who by – was it the DNC or the Swamp?
TOADY had quite a coup this a.m. and an interview with David Patraeus, former General and Commander of US forces and the multi-national ISA Force in Afghanistan, after his war service in Iraq for Gulf2. He is definitely now seeming to be a Democrat inclined former General. [The American military has a history of turning its military into politicians, most notable of them a certain Dwight D. Eisenhower 🙂 ]
Last night I went to bed a little concerned that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez might make it into the White House as President in 2024/25. I had just watched a video in which she seemed to be certifiably insane. But at least Patraeus might secure the DNC nomination to run in her stead.
After all he only appears to like to start and continuing wars abroad. AO-C appears keen to start one inside Congress and the Senate against her fellow Congressmen and women and Senators if they do not belong to her Party. Apparently mad as a box of frogs.
Did David Patraeus resign before he would have been sacked by President Trump? Nick Robinson did not ask.
I know you like me to keep you updated…. so here’s the latest on Joe gets-on-my- Wicks latest financials, from an article I gleaned…. read and weep.
“The nation’s resident PE teacher, Joe Wicks, earnt more than £9 million IN A WEEK as thousands of people signed up to his new app, The Body Coach App, to kick-start their new year fitness goals. Fitness guru Joe, 34, had more than 130,000 people sign up to the £69.99 annual subscription, meaning he was earning around £46,000 AN HOUR …………”
Brissles, my dear old thing (isn’t the cricket going well?), I hope Joe Wicks is paying UK Income Tax on that nice little earner. Who was it who said the rough equivalent of “No-one ever became rich by under-estimating the intelligence of the public.” HL Mencken or PT Barnum?
You know when you read something and just go ‘ffs’ / roll your eyes ? Well this business about a picture of a delivery driver peeing on the back of his van – published in the Pravda mirror – has gone to take the biscuit . There’s always someone to witness such trivia and take a picture . And then send it to a paper .
If there is some bit of this I’ve missed – I don’t know – but it took place on a country road ( by the looks of it ) and I just hope the chap doesn’t get into trouble . I despair .
Sluff, speaking of selective BBC memory, I had a chuckle on hearing the I p.m. lunchtime news on R4. There was an item about the result of the Ugandan Presidential Election. President Museveni won with 59% of the vote but beaten candidate Bobi Wine has claimed the election was rigged. I wondered if the BBC newsreader was trying very hard to keep a straight face.
“The greatest argument for Private Healthcare is that you don’t have to be grateful for it. You don’t have to bow and scrape and clap and grovel because people did the jobs they freely chose to do in exchange for money”.
All health care should be private, and paid for out of insurance. In France you are treated as a client, as well as a potential patient, and the whole transaction is dignified and civilized.
Laurence Fox is trending
“under fire for claiming he is exempt from wearing a mask”
And what does a Twitter search show ?
Thousands of tweets spitting his name with the name of sex organs
As if there is a Russian troll farm dedicated to making Guardian readers look like hatey school bullies
Readers of the last thread may remember I complained to the BBC about the dropping of 60s and 70s charts from Radio 2’s Pick Of The Pops. Typically they replied with nonsense –
“Thank you for contacting us about Pick Of The Pops.
We are always looking at ways to offer as much range of music on Radio 2 as possible.
Looking at our schedule on a Saturday we already play two hours of 60s music in the morning (with Tony Blackburn), so we have shifted the emphasis of ‘Pick Of The Pops’ to focus on the 70s, 80s and 90s, so that we offer a broad repertoire of the different decades across the day.
Music from the 60s is still woven throughout the Radio 2 weekly schedule, and all of our programming is available via BBC Sounds after transmission for 30 days.
Thank you for expressing an interest in this show and we hope this helps answer some of your concerns.”
No this certainly didn’t answer any of my concerns, so a second complaint has been fired off –
“Thank you for your reply. The fact that Sounds Of The 60s is on at 6 o’clock on Saturday morning when nobody is listening is no reason to drop charts of the 60s from Pick of The Pops. That the show is only on at this graveyard time is just further evidence of Radio 2’s increasingly dismissive attitude towards older listeners.
In your reply you claimed that Pick Of The Pops was still focussing on the 70s. This is not true. The last 12 charts played featured the 70s only twice and these were both 1979, the end of the decade. Neither do any of your four upcoming charts feature the 70s.
Pick Of The Pops is unique in that as it features an old chart, one often hears music seldom or never played elsewhere on Radio 2. To deprive older listeners of the memories associated with the charts of their childhood feels like yet another BBC kick in the teeth to us old ‘uns. Please provide a better explanation as to why you are doing this.”
Brian Matthew on sounds of the 60s used to be a ritual for me . But I can’t take Mr Blackburn so off switch came when he took over . Presumably mr Blackburn is untainted by Jimmy saville and his evil conduct ….
I admire any one who contacts the BBC – which believes it can do no wrong and never make a mistake – totally defensive like any large fat state monster .
Katie Hopkins new video
She’s putting out one video a day these days
A common theme is that FEAR is being used as a background to control people, whether it’s Covid or somethng else
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
The EU? Have we left? The BBC thinks we are only away temporarily and will come to our senses once they have kept the drip-feed anti-Brexit going for long enough. Or forever 🙁
Catchup links to final posts on the last thread
– page 5 started at 7pm Friday
– page 4 … page 3
My etiquette thoughts : If someone has said something that winds you up .
Either you have misread what they said, and you can ask them.
… Or they are not worth bothering with.
Don’t let it get to you, just hold your head up high & ignore them.
Not just the BBC! Most of the MSM , Labour, Lib Dems , SNP , a slice of the Tory party , civil service etc , in short the whole of the liberal establishment, are . They are all determined to get us as closely aligned as possible with , or even to rejoin , the EU.
The price of Brexit will be eternal vigilance, unfortunately as the MSM is so pro EU biased it may be difficult for us to know what the rejoiners are up to and nip it in the bud.
On my understanding, there’s an inbuilt ‘Back-door’ that automatically opens (with welcoming arms) every 5 / 5.5 years.
Nooo…. !!
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny”. Thomas Jefferson
And those in the US should know. Hopefully, they’ll stop waving the so-called, “Constitution” about in the mistaken belief that the document protects their, “Constitutional Rights”. Anyone suggesting this fallacy as fact is purveying Fake News.
The Dem/Communists are revelling in resuming the Beijing/Soros plan continuing with the impunity they have enjoyed for years.
Indeedy. I watched a vid last night about AOC and it gave me nightmares that she might secure the DNC Nomination to run in 2024. She is becoming more scary than Hillary.
A touch of the Magic Gramps?
He seems empowered by his new Lies and Assassination Committee launch tomorrow, with such luminaries as that AOC Does Marmalade MP of diversity who wanted to recreate Escape To New York in her constituency.
The groupies on his page feeds make you wonder about what gets put in the water.
1 year without paying the telly tax and boy it feels good. Recieved a letter today saying you are being referred to our regional enforcement team. Shaking in my boots
Well done I say ,
I have been free for some time now and it so happens that I too got a threatening letter today. The colour of the envelope changes, sometimes buff, sometimes grey, sometimes with a small window with words to embarrass you with the postman . Then the red letter. I haven’t had a rainbow coloured one yet ? Ignore them and have even more pleasure by sticking them in the bin.????
Remember – have no contact with them. No contact whatsoever!
Taffman ,
I’ve found that my doorbell/ intercom hasn’t been working . I’m worried I might have missed a visit from TVL goons although they’ve never visited in the past . Should invite them round, what biscuits do they like ?
‘Winalot’ , they love them.
The last one to call had ‘Bonio’
They have never been back since?
Well done, stevie, I echo taffman’s round of applause. Ignore TVL. They deserve it.
Are ITV doing propaganda ?
11 million views
It has this technique where he says things, but they aren’t actually happening in the pictures
eg “The fought with the police”
..the people are not fighting , they are walking in a doorway
The scaffolding poles one is interesting
cos I have seen a video which shows a group of Trump supporters who have found a stack of scaffolding poles
and they say to the police we are going to pass these over to you cos there is a risk of trouble makers getting them.
In the video one person is booing them”
footage of these good guys
Remind me never to let you walk through my doorway.
You might defecate in the halls like Trump supporters did.
( – a note from the Moderator – Blackwell behave or be removed from this site . )
If someone did, what would be your response?
Would it be proportionate?
Would get months of obsessive attention?
Or would it go in that special file Wendy has told the kids in the office never to open?
First warning , next one will be your last on this site if you troll or abuse . No discussion .
An apology would be in order but somehow I can’t see one coming .
Fed up- moderator
Congratulations – I hope you got the red envelope as opposed to the boring beige one . My last one was red – I look forward to the ones saying ‘we’ve opened an investigation ‘ or ‘ will you be in on January 20 ?’ …. still not very personal when it is addressed to ‘the legal occupier “ . ….
I look forward to their visit ….
They sent me a brown one this time
Stevie – in the twisted minds of TV Licencing they probably think using bright red envelopes is a sign of ‘shame ‘ as opposed to a sign of pride . My posty says she gets a lot of them….
You will find that their mailings have way more variety and imagination than BBC programmes!
Look out for the sneaky card that looks like Royal Mail are holding a parcel for you! So far I have only got one of them.
Since I started saving as opposed to binning them I now have 29.
Must be a good 30 years since I last had a visit!
They keep trying to blackmail me with making it clear to the postie – and any neighbours if mail is incorrectly delivered – that I am an illegal evader rather than a legal non-watcher. I am hoping therefore that if I keep the envelopes as evidence then I can eventually sue TVL for harassment.
Maybe Laura Perrins will take the case on a no win no fee basis?
In the year 1776 the USA became a sovereign independent country.
Since that time there have been only three Presidential impeachments which have run their course.
If the current one runs its course Nancy Pelosi will have been responsible for half of them, which goes to illustrate just how rabid the left in America have become.
And in 2021 – Unless something unforeseen happens – -it could well be that the USA becomes a servant of China.
In the year 1776 the USA became a sovereign independent country.
Since that time there have been only three Presidential impeachments which have run their course.
With the current one runs its course Donald Trump will have been responsible for half of them, which goes to illustrate just how rabid the left in America have become
The left rejoices when they hear that the NRA has filed for bankruptcy.
The Second is a target and Talk Radio have a cause to fight for. Juliet HB joins Piers Morgan
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Nice to have some *good* news for a change. Bye bye and good riddance.
Quote Tweet
Kyle Griffin
· 1h
I had an immediate thought when British people start saying a USA has filed for bankruptcy and that’s the end
.. they are usually making false news
I checked “National Rifle Association files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy *protection* ”
= “hangon a minute this court order means you can’t have the loan back or your payment straight away, rather we ar reorganising so we can keep going , so your money doesn’t crumble to zero”
GWF a tip, when you copy tweets
It puts in too many line breaks and comes out clunky.
You can use a linbreak remover tool.
Oh this one is better
Thanks, I will save this and see if I can use it.
Stew, you are quite right. If memory serves me well, the USA has unique provisions for pre-bankruptcy – hence Chapter 11 of an extensive code – there are more Chapters for what comes later. The rest of the world with the possible exception of Europe, takes a much more UK-like approach although we amended and codified our UK rules in 1986.×900
Piers and Julia
Chapter 11 is NOT liquidation
and a load of unarmed red cap wearers walking into a building
… is not “an armed insurrection”
Newsmedia give us NARRATIVES not truth.
… oh and they are often very spiteful.
In 1983 Continental Airlines filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. They shut down for three days.
By 1986 they had cleared bankruptcy and were larger than before.
In 2010 they merged with United Airlines.
I expect the NRA will outlive Morgan.
They could rename themselves ( after all it isn’t just for folk with rifles ) and become even bigger
The Wildfowlers Association Of Great Britain and Ireland became the British Association of Shooting and Conservation.
Friday evening BBC1 news reporting on 200,000 items being deleted from the police computer. Sophie Rayworth explained that this had compromised many cases. End of item.
Sophie didn’t tell us when this happened but presumably it must have happened some time ago for it to have already caused problems. She didn’t tell us who was responsible, a national register? I haven’t a ruddy clue because the BBC couldn’t be bothered to tell us. Did it include terrorists? The list of cases she suggested didn’t include terrorists but with me having no trust in the BBC, I cannot be sure. Has anybody resigned? We weren’t told.
I really don’t understand why the BBC felt the need to report this without context. I assume there is much more to this story than the BBC cares to tell me.
I suppose the concept of back up computers is alien to our world class public sector organisations.
Sluff they were re running ‘the thick of it ‘ episode . – home office civil ‘servants ‘ spend their time trying to get the Home Sec fired for their incompetence or malice .
Maybe someone took a bung to get rid of one record in that lot ….
BTW computer records are never “deleted”
It’s kind of illegal to hold data and not to have proper backups.
And deletion is not erasure
when you delete a file all you are doing is deleting the entry on the directory list
..the file actually still sits on the disk, until that part of the disk gets overwritten
If they did delete a whole block , they’d realise and get a specialist to rebuild the directory list .
I guess such police data is held in an encrypted way but surely you have a backup password.
Police records deletion : The Register is the best place for IT news.
and best commenters
– They were cleaning databases to comply with a law about data which can’t be kept for more that 3 years.
– It’s not on a laptop, rather a mainframe has access to a number remote databases eg Fingerprint databases, DNA database.
– So the command was sent out to say 10 databases to delete the data.
Normally you go OMG , and restore the database.
– But if time has passed you’ll have beeb putting new data on, so you can’t just restore from backup.
You have work out what new data you have just added then add that to the backup.
– And you have to do that with all 10 databases, so you get synchronization problems.
Deborah, the BBC don’t ‘do’ context.
They display their ‘news’ as yelling sound-bites, because the sort of children whom they’re desperately trying to attract only speak and write their sloppy kid’s stuff like that, so no, you’ll never get an answer as to why they’ve said something.
Senora O’Blene and I were watching a DVD of ‘Yes Minister’ last evening. It was totally hilarious, and completely re-watchable. One highlight was the impeccable Robert Dougall reading some news, which really was delivered with gravitas and sincerity back then, and it was a delight to see and hear the man, because he was the voice of my childhood, and even later when I became a teenager, then even as an adult. He never changed, and gave you the comfort of his goodwill to tell you actual facts, and help you to believe them with sound reasoning, because that was what the BBC used to do back then.
Bob Dougall’s words actually meant something. He had proper managers who kept strictly to the rules of correctness and decorum! I was looking at a Wiki on Peter Hardiman Scott the other day, and the same went for him too – there was total honesty in his delivery, and we loved his way of making his story ‘work’, and why it happened.
Today’s autocue-readers can’t hold a candle to these hugely pleasant people, who are sorely missed.
I find Fiona Bruce particularly irritating. She reads the 6pm news as though she is a primary school teacher reading a story to Key Stage 1. I have noticed the occasional time when reading the 10pm news she does adjust her style slightly ie key stage 2.
Yes, the days of Robert Dougal and Jack Demanio I believed what I heard. I have no idea whether it was biased but at least had gravitas.
The only thing that was ‘wrong’ with Jack Dimanio, was his time-telling!
Other than that he was a well-loved broadcaster and a great start to a working day!
I don’t watch Fiona Bruce any more, probably for the same reasons that you’re fed up with her!
Ha ha. I thought it was me just over reacting!
Jack Demanio was demoted by the BBC at the behest of the Heath government because they felt he wasn’t sufficiently pro joining the Common Market .
Up in the roof, I still have some of the old Private Eye records from the sixties.
One passage still makes me chuckle, and I can recall it almost to perfection, as we used it all the time where I worked and things were getting tiresome…
(Ingrams) “The decision to cancel the Queen’s speech this Christmas has met with some dismay; Jack Demanio asked her why”…
(Demanio – lovely guffawing voice) “Eeeeearghhhhh ‘Whyyyyyy'”?
(Her Maj) ” Becoooourse, one’s pissed orf with the whole stupid thing”!
And we still say it at home now, after well over fifty years…
Ah, Jack de Manio, that takes me back! Child of pre-WW1 immigrants you know – half Italian, half Polish. He left TWATO of his own accord before the accession to the EEC because he didn’t get on with the hard-boiled journalism of his new co–presenter Bill Hardcastle.
No he left because the Foreign Office and EU enthusiasts put pressure on the BBC to move him as he wanted a more honest approach to what was the EEC .
Interesting that you think of her as a primary school teacher.
When she is in max doom-and-gloom or self-righteous mode, with the slow shaking of the head, we think that her real occupation is as an undertaker.
Well observed, Sluff. Fiona’s slow shaking of the head is exactly right.
Slow is wise.
A brain cell can work up some momentum across a brain cavity like that.
I’m trying to red-pill my daughter so that she no longer watches BBC News. She hadn’t heard of the Hunter Biden laptop and the Ukraine incident (well she wouldn’t on the BBC) so I looked into online references for her. Google was a waste of time, Duckduckgo a bit better. The obvious place was Wiki which many ignorant people seem to consider a “reliable source” (I do know you can edit articles yourself but many people use it as a reference and believe it – just like the Beeb) and I got the following:
“The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of unevidenced claims centred on the false allegation that while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he engaged in corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son Hunter Biden by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. They have been spread primarily in an attempt to damage Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. Although the United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the corrupt and ineffective prosecutor, this was the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States, which, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be too lenient in investigating corruption.”
The investigative journalists of the BBC etc. couldn’t see any connection between Biden’s son, who had no knowledge of the gas industry, being on the state board of a country which was getting a load of money via his father, the state prosecutor who was investigating corruption in the industry, and Biden threatening the Ukrainian government with withdrawal of funds if the prosecutor was not sacked. It appears that he was getting too close for comfort rather than “too lenient in investigating corruption.”
Anyone trying to expose corruption against the Establishment is hounded out with not a word said by the BBC or anyone in the MSM.
I imagine places like Rebel News have a few stories about the Hunter Biden laptop story
The peak was when the NewYork Post did their Oct 14 story and Twitter went crazy by taking control of the newspapers account
even though the story was in the news papers print edition.
On Toady this morning, Knobson and Useless presented a story about ancestral ‘South Asian’ residents not wanting the vaccine.
This was in part put down to fake news about animal and alcohol vaccine content but also to said residents not understanding English.
Not asked of course was…how come people who are of an age where they qualify in a high priority group not able to understand English? And therefore what is the benefit to the UK of their residency? And how do they make an informed choice in elections if they cannot understand?
Yet another example of the ‘benefits’ of multiculturalism and unfettered mass immigration, always enthusiastically supported by the BBC, which was of course primarily designed to create huge numbers of new Labour voters. Which in certain parts of what was our country was and still is a demonstrably successful policy.
Lots of people in one house, with one licence?
Not a good business model.
“ Not asked of course was…how come people who are of an age where they qualify in a high priority group not able to understand English? “
I’m very boring. I often point to an interview during the 2017 GE campaign where Channel 4’s Guru Murthy visited an Asian(only, lookin at the residents) care home.He asked in English who they would vote for. The community leader translated into their native language and the unanimous response came ‘Labour’.
The Labour Party used to be for ‘the working class ‘ now it is the ‘benefits / minorities / victims / class ‘ .
Which is precisely why the Red Wall crumbled to the PinkTories.
One of the unintended consequences of the vaccination process might be to find those who don’t exist on state records – borrowed NI numbers are don’t show up on any state record at all – i suspect , however , that the state will look the other way in the same way that foreign tourists come to the UK for free treatments – something which might be ending now ….
Yes something like 85 million Brits will demand vaccinations
And they’ll be a black market
with certain doctors’ surgeries saying they had a breakin in/ flood /powercutetc and all their vaccine stock got last so can they please have some more. etc.
I had the idea that we might have had extra people flying in specifically to get a jab on our NHS, not just those you might expect but I know at least a couple of expats, not paying UK taxes, keeping their family doctor here because it is cheaper than their new country.
Not BBC but the usually slightly more reliable ITV are going on free school meals without school.
Featured is a carer who, being a single mother, she has no time to prepare food for her two kids, aged 10 and 12. Just look at the food parcel, she intimates. I can’t be doing with this free food.
Errrr,,..what exactly is wrong with a tin of soup? And how hard is it to cook ? Let ‘s see.
1. Open tin
2. Pour contents into pan
3. Heat but do not boil. Stir a little.
4. Pour into bowl and eat.
There. Not too difficult is it?
Except presumably to Marcus Rashford and his fellow travellers.
PS. I don’t like to boast but Mrs S and I regularly get by for lunch on bread, soup, tinned beans, potatoes, and fruit, without issue or comment. Where did we go wrong?
Quite so, Sluff!
In Tesco recently, I was passing by the box where kind people shove a few items to distribute to ‘the poor’, yesterday.
I just mused – for a second – what would happen if everyone put foods in there which might take a modicum of intelligence to prepare, but sadly had to decide that the packets of Walkers crisps and sweet biscuits were all that the ‘needy’ were going to get.
There was no fresh fruit, no meat, which amazingly needs cooking, but a kind soul had put in some decent cereal, so that would have been binned straight away!
I suppose a tin of own-brand burgers might just be welcomed, as long as they were cooked – even in an oven…
When a bloke like Rashford starts winding the lefties up with his gormless stunts, there’s always hell to pay from the squeals from crowds like the BBC, the red-tops and the thicker politicians, and the cost of stupidity is the price that normal, hard-working citizens have to pay for such drivel.
US elections :I imagine a scenario called “Operation Whirlwind”
Where the Dems decided that whatever happened at the Trump protest they had lots of keyboard guys at the ready to make sure the media guys spun it to the maximum extent.
A higher level would be if the had known groups would plant agitators to try and seed trouble.
It’s basically like a guy who went fishing and caught a minnow coming back with a story that he caught a shark.
Same with the election
It’s like they had an operation in place “If anything at all comes up about fraud, just run with the narrative “there is absolutely zero , lets move on”
Sorry if already mentioned.
But the government blocking flights from Portugal to the UK because of the new Covid in Brazil ?
Could it be because they know , but won’t acknowledge, that thousands of Brazilians are in the UK on PORTUGESE passports?
Not even passports in many cases, a Portuguese identity card, easier forged than a passport, has sufficed until now.
Finally Unpretty Patel has decided passports will in future be required, a potential benefit of Brexit but like flight closures, far, far too late.
Just incidentally, EU nationals can still apply for settled status. As of September last year, 3.9 had done so …out of the 3.2 million we were told were in the UK.
Must be thousands at least. Mandy banged one and Cressida Dickless had one shot dead, and he wasn’t even Mandy’s one.
\\The UK is to close all travel corridors from Monday morning to “protect against the risk of as yet unidentified new strains” of Covid, the PM has said.//
Horse and stable door comes to mind. Does this border control apply to “dinghy invaders”?
The army was called in to assist with the Nightingale Hospitals, why wasn’t the Royal Navy called in to help our Border Farce? The French used their navy,
The French Navy are still assisting as far as I know and our government/border force are meekly complying (scared or complicit).
Disease-ridden terrorists will continue to invade.
(It’s gale force winds over the Channel at the moment so there will be a temporary lull.)
If you dare to march in protest you will be arrested and charged.
Just a minor annoyance in the overall scheme of the BBC:
‘Capitol riots: What are far-right Trump supporters saying?’
With the obvious motive of course of making sure everyone associates the words ‘Far Right’ and ‘Trump Supporters’ together.
I don’t recall ever seeing ‘Hard Left’ in a headline with BLM.
And WE are paying these low-life hypocrites to do it.
John “And WE are paying these low-life hypocrites to do it.”
Don’t do it. Just stop. You know it makes sense. (Where have I heard those words before?) See Stevie m’s testimony near the top of this Thread.
Some weekend homework for little Marianna.
“Claims of electoral fraud are baseless. Despite this conspiracy theorists and misinformation activists continue to flood the internet with lies.
Tomorrow I will be speaking with a 35 year-old who feels they can no longer live in the same house as their middle-aged white parents who voted for the domestic terrorist leader, Trump.”
[Nice picture of me gurning at my phone]
BBC News
Dr Harpreet Sood has spoken to the BBC about how disinformation might be causing some people to reject the covid vaccine. He says incorrect information regarding the contents of the vaccine is one area of concern.:
Please take note, the two covid vaccines we currently have access to in the UK do not contain any pork products.
Should have fronted this with the young white blonde chick.
Maybe she, Wendy and M. Wrong Constantly are busy not checking this?
They’re not really vaccines, either…
TOADY Watch #1 – an inadvertent slip reveals how the Beeboid mind works
It was 8 a.m. and time for the News. Mishal Husain was doing the pre-News highlights. New UK restrictions on travel into the UK come into force on Monday next week. Mishal had an on-air mis-read but it revealed exactly how the BBC Hive Mind works. She intended to read “New travel restrictions to the UK have dealt another blow to the travel industry.”
Instead she said “New travel restrictions to the UK have been dealt another blow” before correcting herself. There we have it. A definitely anti-(Conservative) Government as well as a possibly anti-(current)Home Secretary mind set at the BBC. Or at least in Mishal’s head.
I suspect that it runs to pretty much the whole of the BBC.
The monster Boris Castoff and Harry’s heart is broken
‘Borders closed to shut out new strains PM insists all travellers arriving in UK test negative for Covid and enter quarantine’ (Telegraph) – so there we have it, the most blindingly obvious counter measure against a global infection – ten months too late.
‘Keep out! UK shuts borders over mutant bugs’ (Sun) – oh dear, it’s an anti-Brexiteer’s nightmare scenario.
So, how we wonder, will the EU enthusiast/lockdown compliant papers cover this one on their frontcovers?
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror ignores it and forsaking news coverage goes with an “exclusive” feature lionising the good ship NHS and all who fail in her: ‘Modern-day miracle workers’
It is quite a feat for an institution to have taken limitless financial resources and universal popular support and within a year have turned that into 4.5 million on their waiting lists for treatment. Way to go (as the Americans might say)
Likewise, look at the pro-Brussels FT frontpage and you wouldn’t know the border closure is happening. My guess is the nay sayers on this one will wait for some contradiction in the policy or a sob story victim and then go big on it.
The Daily Star sees itself as something of a working man’s spitting image, regularly lampooning the cabinet on their cover page. Transport Secretary Grant Schapps gets the Star treatment this morning: ‘Don’t ask me I haven’t got a clue’ – he replies to the question of should we book summer holidays this year?
The Star quips: ‘On the plus side he may be dumb, but at least he’s dumb and honest’
Which is just the kind of straightforward editorial comment I can appreciate.
Whereas the FT tells me: ‘Jobs to play leading role in Sunak’s March Budget plan’ – which speculative puff frankly tells me next to nothing.
They do say we get the politicians we deserve; quite what sins one commited in some past life to now be lumbered with a formerly randy mussy-haired over-grown schoolboy with a Churchill complex, who turned on a sixpence into the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz at the first admonition from his latest posh totty, must remain unspoken.
A Johnson cast off makes the frontpage of the Telegraph: ‘Marina Wheeler QC… tells the Daily Telegraph… Women should not put off cervical cancer screening during the pandemic as “the consequences of not going can be so great”‘ – well quite.
‘Harry’s “heart is broken”‘ (Daily Mail) ‘Close confidant reveals prince’s agonising “pain and hurt” caused by Megxit royal rift’
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. William Congreve in his comedy of manners The Old Batchelour, 1693.
They do say Tony Blair used to be given a monthly video tape to watch by Alastair Campbell containing a summary of the then current popular culture – just so that he could keep up to date and appear down with the people and avoid being caught out in interviews sounding like some fuddy duddy high court judge.
‘Maisie she’s quiting Enders for Hollywood’ (Sun) – let me explain m’lud. Soap opera East Enders actress Maisie Smith, who plays mortician Tiffany Butcher-Baker, is departing the show after 13 years as she pursues a big Hollywood movie role.
To which his honour might retort – are they still making big studio movies for cinema release, I thought it was now all straight to VoD?
And finally on a day when news is sparse a Daily Mail pop up news alert warns me of: ‘Amber weather’ – I’ve heard of the ten plagues of Egypt but that’s a new one on me.
Speaking of which: ‘The lost decade, Arab Spring activists 10 years on’ (FT) – I think we can now agree our media called that one wrong.
Great resume, AsI! Like the bit about Norris Bohnson’s totty…
I have just three rags on faves here, the Telegrout, the Mail and the Express.
The latter two have this blasted, irritating Megane and Ginge complex, where they crop up every other screen, the Grout is behind a paywall so gets short shrift!
But, I don’t know if this will work with you, or anyone else, but Kent Libraries have a link to a newsreader service, whereby you can read the papers for free, with no paywall! This goes on for at least a couple of months here, and all you need is a county library account and PIN! I order all our books online anyway, so it’s a doddle to get organised! So far, the Grout gets a bit more notice, but not for long…
The site is PressReader, and may be worth a shuftie for anyone who says ‘paaaah’ to paying for online content!
Thanks, an interesting possible newspaper paywall hack.
Many moons ago I was temporarily employed with a local authority library service. In those days the newspaper reading room was the educated tramp’s friend. Sadly someone came up with the notion of turning libraries into community hubs.
Thinking again of Alastair Campbell’s popular culture vidoes for Tony Blair, I’m now wondering whether Dominic Cummings might have plied Johnson with DVDs of Open University advanced statistical course lectures – no wonder he got his marching orders.
AISI, in ‘the good old days’ before the Labour Party dominated Page 3 or Bojo’s Sultanas or Currants dominated the front page of the Torygraph, the Daily Mail’s ‘Amber weather’ warning would have been accompanied by a large photograph, full-page, of a slip of a young thing of the very female type of species – notionally called Amber – who was wearing the eeniest bit of a teeniest bikini.
Personally, I have always avoided yellow snow in accordance with the warnings.
Is there any surprise that the MSM – so in love with the EU – isn’t covering the distress being caused by limited vaccine availability – and how it is being rationed – with about 2.5 million done across the whole ReichEU with a forthcoming reduction by Pfizer …..
…………contrasted with UK where they are thinking of sending out vaccine appointments to the over 70d starting at best next weekend ……
The debacle in the EU stinks of corruption with a French outfit being contracted but then failing to deliver any time soon ….
….but I really wish we could have more numbers to boost morale and make me / us believe being locked up is worth it .
The Communist / Democrat machine fires itself up ready to resume the total destruction of the USA.
“Biden plans early legislation to offer legal status to 11 million immigrants without it”
Some wag said that Biden has imported 20000 national guard to complete the coup on Wednesday – but wondered who those 20000 might have voted for ….
Maybe Sleepy can ask Macron to fly over those mysterious men in black who know how the state likes certain protesters dealt with, and no coverage from the MSM, especially the BBC.
Think that may have been me, Fed. If you think Joe is sleepy you should have seen the National Guardsmen/women in those photos.
These idiots are being hoisted into power by the MSM and big tech.
Not too sure big tech will be able to save itself, the MSM or these idiots from the consequences unless they shut themselves down.
Radio 4
ITV News crew Robert Moore & Sophie Alex risked everything to follow the extremists storming Capitol Hill.
But coming award time, BS might need to take runner up for risking everything for her people taking a call from Randy’s people.
Capitol : “Social media users are sharing the clip, which has been viewed more than 2 million times, with the false narrative that it shows a CNN reporter conspiring with a BLM activist”
Whilst it is true that Trump supporters have no evidence she works for CNN
so are over stating
For their report not to even mention the video of John Sullivan on top of a car giving his speech saying violence is OK in the BLM cause
and his arrest but not conviction for violence at that BLM march is strange.
It uses gets outs like
\\ “I am not linked to the BLM Organization.”
He said he is affiliated with Insurgence USA, an organization he started last May. The group’s website says it was founded to oppose police brutality. //
That video
The previous arrest was in July 2020 in Provo Utah
@AndyNgo has more
TOADY Watch #2 – it doesn’t add up BBC
Prominent in the 7 and 8 a.m. News was the HM Government plan to change the planning laws and make it mandatory for landowners and Local Authorities to release for sale any land that has remained ‘unused’ for a period of time. ‘Goodee!’, I can hear the Beeboids thinking ‘More new properties coming on stream that I can add to my Buy-to-Let portfolio.’.
I seem to recall that the BBC and others in the print MSM were suggesting as many as 1.5million EU nationals of other EU Member States had left the UK by 31st December 2020. That would have solved the housing crisis almost in one go, if true.
Perhaps the Fact Check Marianna or the Reality Check Trio need to get some work done on this?
UK Column
I don’t know if anyone monitors this site, which produces a video on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It’s very good, spot on with its commentary and often includes BBC sourced stuff for ridicule.
Well worth a watch thrice a week.
Yesterday’s episode:
The big story breaking in the US is Trump releasing information that will incriminate not just Hilary Clinton but other top figures and several arms of the establishment. This will be a bombshell so the conservative side says.
Hmmm. I’m sure it should be but these are crazy times. The news and tech are in cahoots with the Democrat Party.
I fail to get excited about it.
I feel as if I am in a horror film where the central character has seen the ghost/vampire/whatever but cannot get anybody to believe them. The more the evidence is produced the more he is told that he doesn’t know anything, he is lying, he is deluded or he is going bonkers. Then you realize that most, perhaps all of the cast are in on it and things aren’t going to turn out well at all.
It’s not just the BBC it’s the whole damn lot now. They are all in on it. They just suppress everything.
As a post-world war child I was told that we had just escaped tyranny but unfortunately from East Germany onwards the ‘iron curtain’ still existed.
We had freedom, in thought and speech. We were a homogenous people who had come through a war together. The family was ‘a thing’, we had mums that ran the home and dads who went out to work and were practical minded.
Today, virtually locked in my house, I am told that sex is a ‘social construct’, men can give birth, (but only if they are homosexual?). Britain has always been a black and Muslim country, ruined by evil white men. (White women are to be ‘converted’ by forced ‘marriage’).
Black is white, white is evil and the truth of ages is a lie.
It’s getting closer too, I have a relative whose ‘partner’ insists that she was born to her dad.
TOADY Watch #3 – ‘just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not out to get me’ …
.. was an immortal quote from Roland Deschain on the (I think) mid-week Thread here. I got the distinct impression from the TOADY Prog and the News this a.m. that Priti Patel might be borrowing that quote as Home Secretary. The over one-day old news about the Police or the Home Office – or the Home Office or the Police – deleting 150,000 criminal records from their computerised database has been tarted up a bit to justify the BBC repeating it.
Mind you old news is regularly kept going on the BBC and its web-site these days. The post-Gilligan pledges are long forgotten by all successor Director Generals. And, yes, Ma’am Home Secretary, the opposition in your own Ministry and in the BBC and MSM are out to get you.
There will never be any improvement in the HO and elsewhere until current recruitment and ‘training’ processes are stopped and replaced with common sense.
Get rid of HR.
BBc News
“We’re as full as we’ve ever been.”
BBC Newsnight has been given exclusive access to London’s Northwick Park Hospital, which is on the brink of being overwhelmed by Covid patients.
Watch the Lewis Goodall’s full report:
Maybe BBC Fact Check could look into links between Newsnight exclusives and things going pear shaped?
Guest, that rather confirms that the BBC do read all the posts on this web-site. 🙂
In the DT and other papers there’s a story about doctors being told to throw away covid vaccines rather than give a second dose.
It doesn’t seem to explain why and pushes the idea that doctors could be refused further supplies or maybe not paid for doing the vaccines.
Anyone on here know the truth about this story.
There has been much upset amongst people, including many doctors, who feel that they should have their second dose at the manufacturer recommended and investigated 3 weeks.
Initially some GPs were threatening to give the second dose as the recommended dosing schedule, which they could do as independent practitioners (they don’t work for the NHS directly).
The government responded by saying that if there was widespread evidence that national directives (to give at a 12 week interval to increase the number of people with partial protection) were being ignored then they would not pay GPs the £12 (I think, I’m not a GP) for completing the course or supply more vaccine. GPs would therefore have paid for the vaccine and administration out of their own pockets.
There has been a lot of kerfuffle about this in medical circles but nobody (on either side) has given any evidence that vaccine has been wasted.
There are always left over doses (slightly more in vials than needed, people not turning up for booked vaccinations) and some people may get the 2nd dose at the 3 week interval because they are around.
Vaccine : neighbour kept getting calls with number withheld
The person never left a message, so neighbour assumed him to be a scamcaller.
Today neighbour happened to pick up the phone as it rang , same ID withheld, and it turned out to be his doctors calling him to come 8am Sunday for vaccination.
but not his 73 yo wife.
Surely it’s logical to each household together ?
He thinks he will be immune.
AFAIK 4 out 10 wont be
and even after second it’s still 1 out of 10 that aren’t.
A relative of mine is virtually housebound and has a live-in carer of the same age.
A nurse turned up to give a jab to my relative but not to the carer, he had to drive five miles then stand in a 2 metre spaced line, shuffling ‘as to the gas chambers’ to get a jab.
That is insane.
I hold no candle for Boris, the Toreeeees, or even ‘the guvmint’, but instead of indulging senile pot banging opportunist activist pols and their lazy Wolfie sound bites, media should be tracking down mid management clowns failing to address this.
But in the bbc professional courtesies forfend.
Guest, Jim, Stew, Khaa and Emmanuel, I think there is good evidence that there is a war going on against the Government because it is (nominally) a Conservative one. Ranged against are most of the print and broadcast MSM, including our dear friend the BBC, the NHS and various ‘health’ bodies and Unions, the teachers and their Unions and, finally, the Civil Service in general terms. (See my TOADY Watch #3) Fortunately, the Labour Party and the SNP in Parliament are a bit useless at present and the TUC are somewhat divided still because most are pro-Brexit but anti-Conservative otherwise HMG might be rolling over in the gutter and playing dead.
We currently have:
The NHS on strike
The teachers on strike
Bad weather
Footballers and slebs wishing to make life difficult for HMG
BLM, XR and others turning up to demonstrate
plus – a continuing Pandemic and, I have a suspicion, some deliberate virus infection spreading going on.
Things cannot get much worse.
73yr old wife not currently prioritised.
Stew – my next door neighbour is 89 . She got a couple of dodgy calls at the beginning of the week …. but yesterday she got a vaccination appointment . Problem is the vaccination centre she is being sent to isn’t walking distance – she doesn’t drive – she won’t use buses .
Her own GP is nearer but she isn’t being sent there ….. I’m guessing not much thought is being put into this – just numbers to achieve the 2 million a week .
High infection areas don’t seem to being prioritised for vaccination either – but should that be a surprise ?
This should get better as the AZ vaccine rolls out as it can be stored in normal fridges at GP surgeries.
X1 vial Pfizer vaccine contains 940 ish (I can’t remember the exact number) individual doses and must be used within 120 hrs of coming out of a -70 freezer. If you are vaccinating group 1 and 2 (over 80s and frontline health and social care) then a GP practice will not use up all the doses in time so surgeries are joining up in groups of 3-5.
My local surgery is being castigated for asking people to travel a whole 5 miles to be vaccinated, despite there being easy parking and many many volunteers offering to take people.
Surgeries are only getting short notice that vaccines will be coming…..because they are being diverted nationally to high prevalence surgeries.
This should get better as the AZ vaccine rolls out as it can be stored in domestic fridges at GP surgeries.
X1 vial Pfizer vaccine contains 940 ish (I can’t remember the exact number) individual doses and must be used within 120 hrs of coming out of a -70 freezer. If you are vaccinating group 1 and 2 (over 80s and frontline health and social care) then a GP practice will not use up all the doses in time so surgeries are joining up in groups of 3-5.
My local surgery is being castigated for asking people to travel a whole 5 miles to be vaccinated, despite there being easy parking and many many volunteers offering to take people.
Surgeries are only getting short notice that vaccines will be coming…..because they are being diverted nationally to high prevalence areas
The castigation industry has run riot.
Hopefully it will see a culling of all complicit.
One of our local rags was trying to work up folk on everything from timings to getting places, and then jumped on a fellow lefty activist rag screaming about how the latest restriction should have happened long ago.
Until folk started posting their screams about any restriction being anything from fascist states to destroying the tourist industry.
Our local pub can now only deliver kegs to your home.
Trying to be outraged but frankly… come 6pm, I doubt I will be.
Outragebussing isn’t it ?
Take an issue or event and then spin it up
eg a crowd of a million people where 30-100 people push against cops
becomes a crowd of a million white supremacist insurgents
… “who are on the point of murdering the congressmen”
According to AOC in the video dissect
Thank you for your knowledge and imparting the information .
What brings you to this site , if I may ask ?
I came across the site years ago and find it useful to have alternative sources of information. I occasionally post, but usually only if I feel that I have actual information that might be helpful.
Although I agree with lots of the opinions posted here, there are others who I disagree with.
I find the lib left BBC worldview extremely frustrating and it is reassuring to find others who agree. Don’t assume that all NHS workers are labour supporters, but equally malign intent is sometimes reported where none was intended.
Khaa – I know it’s tricky with the 1.7 employees of the NHS to assess – but what % are not Labour supporters ? More than 5% or less? Could it ever be reformed ?( and I am aware that it is kicked about by one bright idea or another )…
There are a lot of us who absolutely think it should be reformed, especially if we have worked in other health systems. I can’t see how it can continue in the current format, but have thought that for the past decade or so. Anecdotally I think that a significant proportion of secondary care doctors are not labour supporters but it is rarely discussed.
There is huge fear of the unknown and it is easy to shroud wave. The good things that happen are rarely reported beyond the individual Florence Nightingale stories – for example our diabetes care is amongst the best in the world (with half the number of amputations compared to Germany) because it is so joined up.
Personally I think the NHS fails on a management level and you do reach a point where you stop trying to change things because the environment is so hostile.
Thank you – my view of the NHS is coloured by my own experience in NE London .
Thanks for your reply .
Join the gang 🙂
Thank you for the welcome! One of the reasons I return here is that people’s opinions (including mine) are challenged with information that I don’t get anywhere else.
Fed, London Black Cab taxi drivers are coming to her rescue. Not sure if it is for free or the normal high price fare is discounted but I heard a news item, possibly at lunchtime or this morning, that London taxi drivers are going to help with the vaccination programme as drivers. If it is a discounted fare, then good for them!
Up2 – thanks – i will see what transport is needed . I won’t give her or anyone else a lift as a don’t know that I’m clear of covid ..
Bloomberg has a US and global vaccination numbers website for those wishing to compare and contrast such data …I hope this link works
National numbers are half way down the sheet – UK is divided into 4 countries – which is useful .
They are also monitoring the development of vaccines….
Doctor Krankie isn’t doing very well is she?
Fortunately for her no-one ever holds her to account!
Whisper it quietly BBC, the UK is doing three times better than the best in the EU.
Maybe the BBC can get Disqus to ban ITBB?
Or promote Wendy to spokesgeneral for BBC Baghdad?
Seems Mutti’s Minions have elected an old white male from the subs bench.
No wonder no one has heard of him. Or it.
The BBC must be en masse down the nail salon having a comfort buff.
And the women.
‘A comfort buff”? Ha ha
As usual, the BBC headline leaves out the detail they don’t want you to know:
‘Boris Johnson says girls’ education key to ending poverty’
It’s soon apparent they are talking about India, not the UK. Quite what effect they think Boris is going to have on Indian government policy is beyond me.
Hypocrites that they are, they completely avoid the real elephant in the room and try to infer (but do not state as they know they are lying) that all these girls who get married very young actually have any choice in the matter.
Because we all know where that road leads.
‘ Because we all know where that road leads.’
Up the duff or up the Khyber?
Anywhere their new owner wants !. They are his property.
But we don’t ever talk about that.
“As usual, the BBC headline leaves out the detail…”
Best comment of the day. Well done, JohnC.
Best comment of the day Is here ……….
Al Beeb’s viewing figures are dropping like a ‘lead balloon’.
Latest from The New Culture Forum (Peter Whittle) here.
“Is the BBC Beyond Reform? / Hate Speech DefinitIon Expanded by Ofcom – Free Speech Implications?”
26 mins. Sound not very good in parts.
Sound matching the BBC in totality, then.
It’s been snowing like a good ‘un here on the Costa del Suffolk. Puts me in mind of that well known ditty from Ian Dury and the blockheads – There ain’t arf bin some global warmin, lucky bleeders, lucky bleeders etc.
As for Dover Sentry’s comment about the BBC and the EU – spot on. However, I would go further and say the BBC don’t actually believe that we have left. Bit odd really considering their attitude to the Trump/Biden election.
BBC and its government manufacture evidence to combat wicked covid deniers and critics of the anychess. For example.
”An NHS doctor has revealed she receives daily abusive messages on social media from Covid hoaxers.
Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden, who has worked in the NHS for 10 years, is a senior registrar and is currently working in intensive care in South East.
Speaking to the BBC, she said her inbox is often flooded with messages filled with abuse from strangers, with one reading: “I couldn’t care less who I apparently murder by not wearing a mask. Cough and die.”
Now watch video to see how the BBC/Government produce propaganda to support lockdown
TOADY Watch #4 – this one could run and run
A phrase, iirc, normally used in relation to theatre productions but used this a.m. – in not so many words but to the same effect – by two contributors to TOADY that were interviewed by Nick. If I remember the names correctly they were a Professor Bonford or Bomford and Dr Susan Hopkins, the latter of PH(E).
Both were asked when the current restrictions should be ‘relaxed’. Both replied pretty much to the same date: the end of March. Obviously the PM’s review, set for 3 February, will have something of a campaign thrown at it to say, in effect ‘Don’t relax the restrictions too soon – save the NHS – wait until all the vaccinations have been done on Groups 1-9 – etc., etc..
I’ve just heard as much of the news as I can stomach, which isn’t a lot. Kier Starmer (isn’t he just loathsome?)was on, moaning that Boris should have halted all entry into Blighty earlier. If Bo-Jo had announced these measures last week you can bet your bottom dollar, Starmer would be asking why didn’t he do it last month.
Play us another song, Starmer, FFS. It’s like that old game-show… I’ll name that tune in one…
The BBC, Sky and the equally irritating ITV are all just as unimaginative. I think both our politicians and media have been exposed as being utterly hopeless, one trick ponies.
We need a decent media and a functioning opposition to keep the government on their toes. We have neither. They call Starmer Captain Hindsight; I think they’re being far too polite. All he ever says is “Yes, you should do that, but you should have done it sooner.”
Absolutely pitiful…
Jeff “Kier Starmer (isn’t he just loathsome?)was on, moaning that Boris should have halted all entry into Blighty earlier.”
Funny thing but I listened to the start of Any Questions at 1.15 p.m.. The first question was: Should the Government have closed down the UK to travel much sooner? The questioner was asked for her one word answer she said “Yes.”. The former Conservative SPAD to Hancock, now an MP apparently, said “No” in a long-winded way. The Labour MP said “Yes” in an almost equally long-winded answer but Chris Mason has got wise to these Labour Party drones. He pinned her down to a date. Or tried to. The MP wriggled out in her best Annaliese Dodds-stylee and would not answer.
Just at that moment, I thought, funny; funny I thought – the Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer did not call for the UK to be locked down in late March 2020 and for all inward and through-traffic travel to the UK to be stopped then so he cannot attack this measure as ‘too little, too late’. He may be stupid enough to try. 🙂
How long will it be before Neil Ferguson calls for a cull of ‘hotspots’?
He has done it for animals and we are all ‘sheep’ now.
“Starmer did not call for the UK to be locked down in late March 2020 …”
I think we cannon fodder are supposed to have forgotten that simple fact.
ti, LOL 🙂 … is that what Al Gore calls an inconvenient truth?
I was fascinated by the excuse the NHS / government used to give for not restricting air travel . It went something like
“ well theres plenty of covid in the general population so a few air passengers dont make much difference “
And that was it . No one said “ are you kidding ? How stupid .”
Plenty of unrestricted arrivals today though
“Plenty of unrestricted arrivals today”
Some in Dover .
The BBC are at last pushing for Nigel Farage to be awarded for his Brexit success. No, not really.
Dover Sentry
Are you watching the Dover Coast ?
According to Nigel another 30 arrived today from France despite Brexit ?
What excuse do our government give this time ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet that I can see .
Try smuggling an undocumented yet highly qualified Canadian in and he will be sent straight back. No messin’…
Even a documented one will be deported and banned for life for showing interest in the wrong subject (Lauren Southern).
“According to Nigel another 30 arrived today from France despite Brexit ?”
Blimey, it’s almost as if the number of asylum seekers arriving in Dover had nothing to do with our membership of the EU.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been conned, taffman?
TOADY Watch #5 – resigned but was he subverted first and who by – was it the DNC or the Swamp?
TOADY had quite a coup this a.m. and an interview with David Patraeus, former General and Commander of US forces and the multi-national ISA Force in Afghanistan, after his war service in Iraq for Gulf2. He is definitely now seeming to be a Democrat inclined former General. [The American military has a history of turning its military into politicians, most notable of them a certain Dwight D. Eisenhower 🙂 ]
Last night I went to bed a little concerned that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez might make it into the White House as President in 2024/25. I had just watched a video in which she seemed to be certifiably insane. But at least Patraeus might secure the DNC nomination to run in her stead.
After all he only appears to like to start and continuing wars abroad. AO-C appears keen to start one inside Congress and the Senate against her fellow Congressmen and women and Senators if they do not belong to her Party. Apparently mad as a box of frogs.
Did David Patraeus resign before he would have been sacked by President Trump? Nick Robinson did not ask.
I know you like me to keep you updated…. so here’s the latest on Joe gets-on-my- Wicks latest financials, from an article I gleaned…. read and weep.
“The nation’s resident PE teacher, Joe Wicks, earnt more than £9 million IN A WEEK as thousands of people signed up to his new app, The Body Coach App, to kick-start their new year fitness goals. Fitness guru Joe, 34, had more than 130,000 people sign up to the £69.99 annual subscription, meaning he was earning around £46,000 AN HOUR …………”
Brissles, my dear old thing (isn’t the cricket going well?), I hope Joe Wicks is paying UK Income Tax on that nice little earner. Who was it who said the rough equivalent of “No-one ever became rich by under-estimating the intelligence of the public.” HL Mencken or PT Barnum?
Panic in the upper floors and alumni club rooms of W1A…
Plus most of the front benches, esp. Labour.
Twitter watch
You know when you read something and just go ‘ffs’ / roll your eyes ? Well this business about a picture of a delivery driver peeing on the back of his van – published in the Pravda mirror – has gone to take the biscuit . There’s always someone to witness such trivia and take a picture . And then send it to a paper .
If there is some bit of this I’ve missed – I don’t know – but it took place on a country road ( by the looks of it ) and I just hope the chap doesn’t get into trouble . I despair .
Thinking of rejoining twitter to ask the entire American BS how it was that they missed this…
…plus Marianna.
Is it ‘cos they are all white, and/or blonde?
Very scary, GW. The Dems will say that it was taken out of context, mis-spoke etc.
I saw that Fed. It was pathetic. The person at the mirror who printed that wants sacking …..DISGUSTING
A propos the BBC squeezing every last drop out of Trump protestors invading the Capitol building.
Of course such events are so incredibly historic they could never happen here.
Oh, wait……
And the violence was completely unprecedented. Wasn’t it?
I mean, BLM supporters are just so peaceful.
The BBC. World class in selective memory and reporting.
Sluff, speaking of selective BBC memory, I had a chuckle on hearing the I p.m. lunchtime news on R4. There was an item about the result of the Ugandan Presidential Election. President Museveni won with 59% of the vote but beaten candidate Bobi Wine has claimed the election was rigged. I wondered if the BBC newsreader was trying very hard to keep a straight face.
From Leo Kears – Comedian.
“The greatest argument for Private Healthcare is that you don’t have to be grateful for it. You don’t have to bow and scrape and clap and grovel because people did the jobs they freely chose to do in exchange for money”.
All health care should be private, and paid for out of insurance. In France you are treated as a client, as well as a potential patient, and the whole transaction is dignified and civilized.
Laurence Fox is trending
“under fire for claiming he is exempt from wearing a mask”
And what does a Twitter search show ?
Thousands of tweets spitting his name with the name of sex organs
As if there is a Russian troll farm dedicated to making Guardian readers look like hatey school bullies
Readers of the last thread may remember I complained to the BBC about the dropping of 60s and 70s charts from Radio 2’s Pick Of The Pops. Typically they replied with nonsense –
“Thank you for contacting us about Pick Of The Pops.
We are always looking at ways to offer as much range of music on Radio 2 as possible.
Looking at our schedule on a Saturday we already play two hours of 60s music in the morning (with Tony Blackburn), so we have shifted the emphasis of ‘Pick Of The Pops’ to focus on the 70s, 80s and 90s, so that we offer a broad repertoire of the different decades across the day.
Music from the 60s is still woven throughout the Radio 2 weekly schedule, and all of our programming is available via BBC Sounds after transmission for 30 days.
Thank you for expressing an interest in this show and we hope this helps answer some of your concerns.”
No this certainly didn’t answer any of my concerns, so a second complaint has been fired off –
“Thank you for your reply. The fact that Sounds Of The 60s is on at 6 o’clock on Saturday morning when nobody is listening is no reason to drop charts of the 60s from Pick of The Pops. That the show is only on at this graveyard time is just further evidence of Radio 2’s increasingly dismissive attitude towards older listeners.
In your reply you claimed that Pick Of The Pops was still focussing on the 70s. This is not true. The last 12 charts played featured the 70s only twice and these were both 1979, the end of the decade. Neither do any of your four upcoming charts feature the 70s.
Pick Of The Pops is unique in that as it features an old chart, one often hears music seldom or never played elsewhere on Radio 2. To deprive older listeners of the memories associated with the charts of their childhood feels like yet another BBC kick in the teeth to us old ‘uns. Please provide a better explanation as to why you are doing this.”
Brian Matthew on sounds of the 60s used to be a ritual for me . But I can’t take Mr Blackburn so off switch came when he took over . Presumably mr Blackburn is untainted by Jimmy saville and his evil conduct ….
I admire any one who contacts the BBC – which believes it can do no wrong and never make a mistake – totally defensive like any large fat state monster .
Katie Hopkins new video
She’s putting out one video a day these days
A common theme is that FEAR is being used as a background to control people, whether it’s Covid or somethng else