The Far Left Pro EU Biased BBC has a major problem with the vaccine wars . In its eyes the EU can do no wrong . Yet the failure of the EU to roll out vaccines across its’ sub states is both a major embarrassment and a tragedy for citizens . So how will the BBC spin this to favour the EU especially when vaccine exports owed to the UK are stopped ?
Weekend Thread 30th January 2021
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1st? ????
Catchup links to last post on previous thread
– page 5 started at 1:30pm Friday
– page 4 .. page 3
The dimwits in the fake assembly in Cardiff have locked us down for at least another 3 weeks – absolutely shocking. We deserve better.
Drakeford makes Boris seem competent
“We deserve better.” We certainly do , try The Reform Party next time.
The Dalek has gone power mad .
Taff…. in twin town… I doubt whether there is enough gumption with people to have a change. During the attempted coup I emailed ms antonazi about her stance on Brexit and she knew there was no opposition and just sent a pro forma bullshit reply. It’s a sad situation here ????
Look on the bright side, Labour took a hammering in the last General Election and don’t forget, Wales voted for Brexit.
And thank God we did !
Bang on Martin ????????
Ladies and Gentlemen
The DT reports that the EU is plotting to invoke article 122 of the Lisbon Treaty to seize control of vaccine plants in the EU .
I hope the British Army is ready to prevent UK plants being invaded …… almost unbelievable …… and I’m sure the resident EU fan club will justify such horrors ….
We had a Narrow escape thank god for that even if we do have to spend the next 20 years fighting the Teutonic Bast***rds
Bet Jon was there, laughing along.
She cultivates the cool base voice pioneered by Clint Eastwood. Its a Feminist thing.
She cultivates the cool base voice pioneered by Clint Eastwood. Its a Feminist thing.
Jen Psaki? – is that brother Jeff Pisaki at the bent hedge fund Citadel?
Jen Psaki? – is that brother Jeff Psaki at the bent hedge fund Citadel?
I don’t believe we have the ‘highest COVID death-rate in the world’.
Why do our politicians believe it or claim to believe it?
Does the UK have ‘highest COVID death-rate in the world’.
It’s a damned lies and statistics thing.
If we cherrypick this last week then UK is probably the worst unless data is updated
but the normal thing is to measure from the beginning
and then we are third in main countries
Belgium and Slovenia being 15% higher
We’ve risen as South America’s surge went down
In the short term we could even climb to #1
But in the longer term other countries will have spurts & overtake us.
Brazil, Spain and the US have a higher daily rate than us , so theoretically that means in a month their daily deaths will be worse than ours.
Oh I forgot to mention a trick
The Times chart puts the UK at #1
and then in magnifier glass small print says ‘excludes countries smaller than 20 million” FFS
ti, am sure I have recounted on here before that GPs and Hospital Doctors can put anything on the Death Certificate that they choose and is reasonable in the circumstances. Without a PostMortem by a skilled ME, cause of death could be anything within reason.
The key statistic is continuing new infections. Infectivity is the key in any Pandemic or Epidemic.
However, that demands reliable tests for Covid that are accurate enough to separate it and its variants from all the other coronaviruses. These include bird ‘flu’, chicken ‘flu’, Mexican swine ‘flu’, ordinary ‘flu’ (in all its many varieties) and the common cold (in all its many varieties).
Then it needs accurate statistics to be kept by a reliable body, preferably just one body (ONS?) who use the same parameters all the time during the Pandemic. Unfortunately, so many different groups keep the numbers going, on a different basis which has been changed at times, I really do not think we can trust the statistics whether of deaths or infections.
Then there is that mysterious R rate – and various vaguenesses that surround it – which keeps appearing and then disappearing. It is normally quoted to one decimal place. Suddenly, this week, the BBC were refering to it quoting it to two decimal places. That is no way to provide accurate information to policy-making politicians or their voting public!
Up 2
The covid deaths figures are high.
But deaths in January are always high.
And the non covid deaths are significantly below the 5 year average.
So it could well be that a fair chunk of probably elderly who would have died anyway of flu or pneumonia in a normal year have died instead of covid.
Let’s hope the powers that be don’t jump to erroneous conclusions.
What covid has brought is the corruption of statistics, and even raw data. This means that even access to raw data is pointless.
The whole purpose of the ongoing coup against the whole West, is to harness the energy supply and usage of the West for control.
Pres Trump was against it. It will not end nicely.
I suppose they use Dominion when they need to obfuscate!
Are there ever any stats which say how well citizens who don’t break the rules are faring?
I expect the BBC would love to know the numbers of all those over75s who are paying for a third-rate broadcaster’s waste of time and money.
Sluff, NC and Scrobie, very good article by James Delingpole here
which I had just read before posting on here last night.
I had noted that ti had put up the link referenced by Delingpole. I commend both articles to you and anyone else for that matter.
Excellent, Up2!
Many thanks for this link!
Thank you Up2snuff
Now the question. Why is it that just the West has gone into hysterical over reaction to a bad case of flue. Why is it that only the West has gone completely bananas over supposed Climate Change, which is backed only by government research grants and UN demands.
To me the answer is that Climate Change is a kind Chicken Little “Sky is falling down” event, that can be used to panic the people and impose any kind of draconian policy of control.
Its ideal for the purpose, as it allows Western governments to mandate what type of vehicle and fuel that a ordinary person can use. It can also mandate the amount, and time, a citizen will be allowed to use a vehicle or fly in a year. Its perfect.
No research papers except the ones payed for by government were used. Any that went against, didnt get grants, or persons bent on such folly, were denied promotion.
Climate Change is the vehicle to imprison the people. To this effect all the organs of propaganda were used. Universities, and above all the BBC, was used to brainwash the people of the world. The BBC is a trusted broadcaster throughout the world, and very useful. It will never be axed.
All was set for Climate Change and the Great Reset. The purpose was to transfer vast amounts money to the other poorer parts of the world, and thus control them too. World Government. What Globalists and Marxists have been desirous for decades.
Greta the pixie savant too appeared just at the right time, as a voice of the next generation.She was given an Einstein like adoration.
All was going well. Then quite without warning, Pres Donald Trump was in the White House. Worse, he didn’t believe in Climate Change or AGW .He asked for advice from Thermodynamic experts, who had been silenced for long. Trump wasn’t playing or paying.
America got on with Alaska pipelines and fracking. It refused to pay Climate Change fees. Without America, the EU couldnt afford it.
So began a concerted effort by the EU, the Dems, Leftists, and Big Tech to politically assassinate Donald Trump. None worked.
It took an artificially blown up Covid 19 mortality rates, political lockdowns, and systematic election fraud, to overthrow Pres Trump.
Just look at what is happening in America now. In just one week after Biden was dragged into the White House, Democrat controlled states have suddenly discovered that strict lockdowns can be relaxed.
In my view, the reason why we were all put in prison, was to politically assassinate Pres Trump. Yes indeed. Blame Trump.
Such a Big Election fraud is unlikely to happen again. They promise that, as such a need is unlikely again. It wont matter anyway if the truth comes out, just as long as Pres Trump does not get back soon.
We lost a family friend last year. He had cancer and had been shielding for months, not even leaving his home.
When he finally had to go into the hospital, he died within a few days. The death certificate said “Covid”!
He never even had a Covid test. He was due to have one on the day that he died.
I simply do not believe the official figures. They seem to count everyone as a Covid death unless they are forced not to.
“Brexit: EU introduces controls on vaccines to NI”
Hello , hello ?
…and in an update to previous post on Sophie at 6, that nice Mr Macron has waded in with his assertion that the Astra-Zeneca gloop is worse than useless, barely effective for the over 60s, let alone 65s, and La Belle France is well out of it all.
Coming rather sooner than later yet in every respect salutary, the Covid-tuperation exposes the EU for what it is, a nasty, scheming cabal of introverted, morally dishonest minor politicians and bureaucrats with not a scruple between them.
Time will prove this, irrevocably.
And to think we were the “thick” ones , the ” racists ” who voted to leave !!!
For 4 years the BBC told us we didn’t know what we were voting for . They wheeled the so called “clever” folk out daily to reiterate how bloody thick we were .
This must be hurting the BBC , big time ????????????????
Wonderful to see this implosion of the EU so soon after Brexit.
RULE BRITANNIA ????????????????
I really hope the EU go all out Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuerer over this it will be worth some delays in shots to wake stupid people in this Country to What despots we have escaped from…
I disagree that it is worth the delay of vaccination of groups 1 to 5 – from what I’ve been seeing and reading tonight perceptive nations in the EU know where the blame lies – and it ain’t us .
That being called thick and racist by the bbc was awful. I felt daily that I was being bullied by the telly!! Hence my search for this site, which I read for years during that time, despite most of my politics being different.
Yet the European vaccination agency ( maybe ) has authorised – today – the use of the Oxford AZ for anyone over 18 – so I guess the Franco krauts will leave their over 65 s without vaccination until they get more ‘satisfactory data ‘…..
… I’ve just seen a commercial lawyer being interviewed on bbc news . His interpretation of the contract released today is that AZ have been correct this week in that there is no guarantee in the contract to deliver x amount of vaccine by y date – and that the ‘best reasonable effort “ allows AZ to not deliver if not practicable….
The BBC hardly mention that the 60m shots of Novavax will, in fact, be manufactured in Tyneside!
What fabulous news for British people, the workforce as well as the citizens who will receive the vaccine, but not worthy of more than a tiny grunted footnote by Britain’s most hated broadcaster.
“…..nasty, scheming cabal of introverted, morally dishonest minor politicians and bureaucrats with not a scruple between them.”
A measure of the intensity of socialist principles? Same description of the Dem/Communists in the US if I’m not mistaken.
I am sure this had nothing to do with the fact that the French firm Sanofi could not produce a Covid vaccine.
It must infuriate the little prick that the hated British and Americans have been able to produce several vaccines, whilst the French have come up with none.
Anyway, if the AZ vaccine is so bad, why are the EU so keen to have it? Something does not quite add up.
Anyone else agree that the rot set in in the UK when a bunch of people who never went into pubs and never smoked got smoking banned in pubs?
Lockdown was a piece of cake after that!
Closing the pubs was a clever way of preventing public discourse. That’s why we are leaders of the world with democracy and freedom of speech. Until the woke brigade, Al Beeb and the yoounies started meddling.
You seem to be discoursing pretty freely on BB to me. Well, within a limited subset of the public anyway; you all seem uncomfortable with universal discourse. Personally I think pubs went down the pan when the pubcos ripped out the dartboard and the bar-billiards table and installed loud music to discourage public discourse because people sitting round tables putting the world to rights don’t buy as many drinks as people propping up the bar unable to hear themselves think, let alone hold a conversation.
Excuse me if I’m quiet this weekend because my university is requiring me to read Walter Benjamin’s ‘Theses on the Nature of History’ in order to brainwash me into helping to bring down Western Civilisation, because I will of course believe every word uncritically. I bet you’ll miss me!
A lot of ‘seem’ there.
Maybe the BBC needs Seem Editors to go with their Substantiated By Source and Based in Selected Fact Editors?
A period of quiet from you is entirely excusable, and indeed to be encouraged.
You aren’t going to debate Walter Benjamin’s view of history with me then? That’s a shame. I’m disappointed in your attitude to free discourse.
Your disappointment duly noted. Along with ongoing debate attempts not on forum topic.
For shame.
Free discourse does not include mandatory engagement.
For now. FYI.
I’d rather know what the remainers are going to do now that the ReichEU has exposed itself … which ..of course the BBC will try to forget as soon as it can – look squirrels
I won’t
I always thought military equipment was moved on NATO forms, wait till the krauts walk around the Maginot line again, it’ll be “Sorry Monsieur Macron, we’ve just got to get these forms filled, get through Dover past all the trucks you’ve dumped there, and we’ll see you soon.
Unlikely. Thanks to Frau von der Leyen, the German Army is armed with broomsticks.
She failed as the German Defence Minister, so she was promoted to be the European Commissioner. How’s that working out?
Living in France as Mrs Voter and I do is not all brie and beaujolais, I can assure you. To get a vaccination, if one is available, you must ring the Health centre,which for us is 40 kilometres away. They may or may not give you an appointment, if a vaccine is available, at some date in the future.However you have to be over 75, unfortunately Mrs Voter and myself are below the threshold. For God’s sake give us some vaccines or Monsieur Macron will throw Teddy out of the pram.
Northern – I think that has already happened . I think the UK government will appease the EU by supplying ‘off contract vaccine ‘as ‘good will ‘.
This is be seen either as admission of guilt and or weakness – and will be a mistake preventing more elderly UK residents getting their vaccine – the development – after all – was underwritten by the UK taxpayer – not the EU .
My last line will not be mentioned by the EUBBC
By the way France 24 reports that the border will be closed to non EU nationals from midnight Sunday … no Eurostar then ….
Fed, The news this a.m. (Sat) has the story that the EU watched their popularity barometer dropping like a stone past the 850 barrier (even in Scotland) and have decided the hurricane and storm is one that they could do without right now and have backed down.
I wonder if the BBC will be interviewing Ursula von der Leyen and asking her – repeatedly – when is she going to resign?
Mine came through the post and 5 days later bingo. But of course this is the s—-t UK……..
Latest smoothed UK Covid stats
The case peak was about 4 weeks ago
So currently deaths seem to be flat
It could rise a touch cos we could be keeping people alive longer so might not be at the peak peak
But I can’t see the smoothed figure rising to above 1,500/day
We are at 1240, so 1,300 or 1,350 is possible.
‘The case peak was about 4 weeks ago’
Which was BEFORE the lockdown was introduced.
Surely worth the odd BBC journo putting down the Guardian puzzle page and doing a bit of work…….l
There’s a replot, where you put the ACTUAL death date in
Then you get peak death day to be January 19th
at 1290
Dribs of data can come in 3 weeks later so that will rise to 1292-3 etc.
and the peak death day could move to 22nd or something
…and possibly even later as data comes in.
There are rumours, I stress rumours, that the official R rate was 0.6 across the UK during the late autumn, early winter and Christmas and New Year period which may explain why it dropped out of sight in the media for a while. It may also explain the PM’s dithering over Christmas ‘relaxations’ and schools confusions.
SAGE: “The R-rate is the most important thing, PM.”
“Well, it’s nowhere near one, at present, why do we need a Lockdown then?”
SAGE: “We’ll be having a new variant that breaks all the virus rules very soon. The NHS will not be able to cope.”
“Napier Barracks: Fire ‘under control’ at asylum-seeker site”
Where is our ‘tough’ Home Sec. and her ‘covert marine’, will she put them up in 4 Star Hotels ? It would appear that the French have moved their camps at Calais en-bloc to the UK and we paid them for it ? Disgraceful !
It is a disgrace to our homeless veterans !
Does it count as an insurgency ?
after all Trump supporters didn’t smash the whole place up, or set it on fire.
Priti spoke 3 hours ago
Damian Collins threatening there will be prosecutions … as if
A 4 min news clip from ITV local news
I found myself swearing alongside the bloke who recorded this footage of ITV “journalists” from now on “MSM woke propagandists” making excuses for these spoilt “asylum seekers” I love the way the earnest male MSM woke propagandist was talking about “far right” and the female MSM propagandist was talking about how the fire “broke out” as if it had lit itself. Its almost as if the “far right” was the issue, not the fact that they are committing arson and destroying stuff that we had paid for – for their own comfort. Christ what message does it send to these bastards about how weak we are?
I expect they tried to burn the bloody place down because all of these doctors and engineers were frustrated because being cooped up at Napier, they are unable to use their unique skill sets help build this country back better.
And what a unique skill set it is – apparently violence and setting places on fire – and still Boris and Priti welcome these bastards in.
As for Fred Dinage – I remember him on “How” in the 1970s
I have a question for Fred
Dear Fred “How” come you the MSM makes constant excuses for these people who are taking the piss out of us?
The police charged this guy with criminal damage about this stunt.
The Indy say “nooo he’s a journalist”
Well he tweets like an activist.
I suppose he is on good terms with the police
claim Jan 27th “Some of the Illegal Immigrants who were moved from Napier Barracks are now at the Stade Court Hotel, Hythe.”
It’s suggested there are agitators inciting the refugees
many of who will be pawns.
Any OAPs here?
Was just thinking about this.
A new icecream advert from Lever Brothers
Never liked it, can’t see the point of it, just glad they never had any of my cash, vote with your wallets folks it’s just bloody ice cream ffs. Not Martin Luther King!!!
The Remainers and the BBC have always gone on and on about the EU having by their united existence prevented WW3 in Europe.
Now look what they’ve done by closing the NI Border. The most aggressive act by a European nation against another European nation since a certain Corporal with delusions of greatness invaded Poland. ????
DS, time for HMG to bring a little piece of legislation* before Parliament ‘for humanitarian reasons’ ? 😉
you know, the *one that gave Remainers pause last year. 😉
Further to my above regarding NATO forms, whilst serving in the Royal Navy in the 60’s I didn’t require a passport until I was drafted to the Far East Station ( then only because I was flying out) I travelled round Europe on a warship visiting France, Belgium, Norway, and Denmark. If I had travelled to the FES by ship I still wouldn’t have had to have a passport unless I was flying home.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC as well as being the
media partners of the BLM organization , joined Kate Adler
their European editor and completely followed the
line of the EU over their vaccination programme or lack of it.
Kate Adler has never made any pretence of her support for
the EU over the UK and Brexit.At least she is open about
her support.
The BBC is all but an enemy of the state broadcaster. The
BRITISH broadcasting corporation ? What a perfect example
of the meaning of an oxymoron.
690,000 people died of AIDS last year I will leave you all to figure out why that is not a troubling statistic while we get hit by the coronavirus police.
The WHO seem to think it’s nothing to worry about.
Question to maxincony, Blackwell & thewildwoman etc …………..
Who does the BBC support,
Great Britain or The European Union ?
From what I can gather from Radio 4 news, the BBC is reporting the views of both sides of the issue. Of course, while the vaccine issue is in the news the problems of the fishing industry have dropped out of sight so it could be seen as a convenient distraction: let’s emphasise an aspect where Britain appears to have won a game on its own service, although not the set yet and the match is wide open and won’t be resolved for a year or two.
The BBC, like most of the media, always stresses the Oxford aspect of the AZ vaccine, the place where it was researched, whereas the Pfizer, Moderna etc vaccines are referred to by the manufacturer rather than where the research was done. Could it be that this stresses the Britishness of that particular vaccine rather than the fact that AstraZeneca, which sponsored the research and manufactured the product, is half Swedish? Zeneca was the biochemical/pharmaceutical aspect of ICI, a genuinely great British company, before the asset strippers were allowed to plunder it. As such AZ has plants on both sides of the divide and Brexit makes it inevitable that there will be problems moving product across it. Without Brexit I suggest that there would have been free movement in accordance with EU rules. With it then Britain will of course demand to be put first and so will the EU, so there’s a squabble.
I don’t take all my news from the BBC. I read The Guardian, as I’m sure you will already have assumed, and the Telegraph to see the other side, I drop in on this forum and The Conservative Woman to see what the Other Side thinks. In cases like this one I have a look at Le Monde (the French version for its domestic audience, not the international one), La Stampa and La Repubblica (ditto) as I speak and read French and Italian fluently (but not Die Welt as my German is rudimentary and mostly based around ordering beer and Bratwürst mitt). And the Irish Times of course, which can be relied upon to give a level-headed commentary on Brexit matters.
On the whole I’m not really into only reading or hearing things I agree with, it’s no fun.
Gathering from Radio 4 News?
Next, an RT from The Hill on all truths N. American,
I see libmob media are still all recommending the Channel 4 series “It’s a Sin”
about gay life at the beginning of AIDS
… It’s their world
I note for streaming the Times recommends the Old Vic’s eco angst production Lungs
Guess how much it will cost you to watch it on your sofa ?
The Times doesn’t even mention it.
£100, or £60
The Times as ever went out of its way to find black authors
So they plug the book Bi-Racial Britain
‘ oh one of the people even called me half caste’
Next page the Indian novel review is titled
“A tale of India and its fear of Muslims”
Turn the page to Saturday’s TV .. their recommendation with a big photo is the Tiger Woods
I have to say they are toned down from normal though.
“I see libmob media are still all recommending the Channel 4 series “It’s a Sin” about gay life at the beginning of AIDS
… It’s their world”
It’s also real history in all our worlds. There are many facets to history. The history of my neighbour is also my history.
Vintage BBC 10pm news Frau Adler standing outside the EU commission and describing it as ‘chaotic ‘ as it seems the Northern Ireland border control is to be changed again because some one realised what they have done .
Then the BBC had to report two new vaccines developed using UK research . …. must have hurt them to report something positive about the UK…..
Can you hear it?
The deafening silence from all those nailed-on Remoaners reference the EU bare-faced protectionism over the covid vaccine rollout.
There is of course the sound of much egg on face as they clean up their own mess.
And how wonderful to see the BBC squirm and sit truly in a pickle as the true nature of the EU is revealed.
Ha ha – good point …. this weekend could be very important in the future of the EU – and the UK relation with it …. lots of midnight oil being burnt ….
……and while we are on about it, why the hell are the stupid Leftoids through their virtue-signalling, giving away the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine to the EU AT COST PRICE !!!!!
As if they can’t afford it, FFS.
Next the EU will be wanting AZ to develop mutant-resistance vaccine variants at their, and through Oxford’s idiocy, the UK taxpayer’s expense.
I’ve forced myself to watch news night for the first time in probably 10 year – faisal Muslim well out of his depth dealing with a fast moving situation – including the EU commission now backing down from border control of vaccines ….
Poor Faisal interviewing Nigel Dodds – deputy leader DUP – who gave the EU a spanking . God knows what the Irish republic thinks because they are likely to be the first recipient of excess supplies of UK vaccines in a few months time …..
I wonder who is vying to get him on ASAP?
Katya has… a source. Bless.
What’s new? We have already had police acting as guards on the border in Ireland for months now.
Weren’t the IRA supposed to get upset if that happened?
Al Beeb is not sustainable in its present form, it is running out of hard cash. I suspect that there will be even more cancelled licences after today’s debacle.
Don’t forget, there are a lot of Al Beeb employees looking forward to big, fat, Redundancy Packages.
That’s the senior employees that is, the ones who are deliberately allowing the woke generation to run amok with their agenda.
The woke generation will be left to go and find a ‘real job’.
Swiss Burka Vote in 5 weeks
Switzerland will be having a referendum on the proposal to ban veils such as burqas and niqabs in public spaces on March 7.
A poll has shown that more than 60 percent of voters are in favour for a ban on full face coverings.
Then can we expect more Swiss ‘asylum seekers’ coming in from Europe?
I think you should have also put ‘Swiss’ in inverted commas!
Lets hope voting is done properly. No postal ballots or machine counting systems as in the USA.
Why stop with just apparel?
Just like for the BBC , Times readers call out the Times in the comments of the Sedwell interview (ex head civil servant)
“After 4 years of anti-Trump articles every day in The Times, Trump is finally gone.
However The Times is determined to continue coming up with anti-Trump articles!
When wil it end? Isn’t there any better material to fill the paper?
“Isn’t there any better material to fill the paper?”
Yes , fish and chips!
The thousands of comments on the mail online site over the activities of the EU commission … wonder if anyone will ever get to read them all ?
IT fat fingers / flub of the day from the overpaid goons at the Berlaymont
“descended into farce after Brussels accidentally published an unredacted version of a disputed supply contract.
The classic tech blunder saw commercially sensitive details freely published online – and readable by anyone”
They redacted the main doco
but bookmarks section included all the redacted info anyway
IT fat fingers / flub of the day from the overpaid goons at the Berlaymont
Cock-up on the catering/posting front here…
Comment about Dominion was well above, so, as it’s there now where it should be, here is some light music to fill in the time…
(Remember ‘Interlude’, presumably the time when the one newsreader went off for a wee and a fag)
It’s about time some facts about the BBC and Woke brigade’s
love of the president of the European Commission
Ursula von der Lyden,came to light.
The fact that her families wealth comes from her ancestors
being slave owners from South Carolina is not her fault.
But the cancel culture brigade might well make a point of it.
More pertinent is the fact that she was a lousy defence minister
in Merkel’s government and her constituents in lower
Saxony where the largest car manufacturer in the world is located.
Volkswagen have their headquarters in Wolfsberg know it. The
manufacturing plants in Wolfsburg employ thousands upon
thousands of workers and the UK buy 25% of their cars !!!
Von der Lyden has decided to go to war with the UK over
the Chinese virus vaccination. So be it. Just remember you
know all of this before you buy your next Volkswagen.
She may be a hero of the BBC and the rest of the remoaner
brigade.But her German constituents in Wolfsburg have always
known how pretty useless she is as a politician. It’s about time
in the UK that we let the chickens come home to roost so far
us this hausfrau is concerned.
Champagne is of course preferred.
Just drop the bottles in the corridor.
Champagne? Nah! Overpriced and overrated, strictly for poseurs and City traders. Prosecco is overdone these days too. Give me a nice Crémant d’Alsace instead. Aldi do a lovely Crémant du Jura for about eight quid, it’s worth going to Aldi for alone.
Suitably distanced of course, as any essential journalistic venture must surely be.
None in W1A city traders, so your experience identifies them well.
BBC News
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation won the Olof Palme human rights prize for promoting “peaceful civil disobedience against police brutality and racial violence” across the globe
BBC Mostly PR as News.
Toady watch
Having watched Newsnight for the first time in probably 10 years- i didnt realise how far it had declined ( great) .
Now – toady watch 8am
Bee lady interviews Arlene Foster – quiet outrage about the EU action and reverse.
Bee lady was determined not to give the EU what it deserves . How can she ? How can any BBC droid say anything bad about the EU since theyve been bestist friends for years .
So expect plenty of ‘look over there- squirrel ‘ during this weekend .
Meanwhile with a bit of luck the EU is on its way to destruction- maybe it can take the BBC with them
By the way Twitter comments about the EU breaking the brexit agreement speculate on how and who did the deed . The best guess is that cleaner in the Brussells HQ hit the button accidentally and no one realised because it was friday evening
Who’s Bee Lady Fed?
Martha Kearney – lives in Suffolk -keeps bees – as useless at interviewing as the tick box one – meeeshhall is ….
At 0832 Robinson had a nice chat with an ex prime minister of Finland – why ? – about EU vaccination stuff – apparently the EU has done pretty well dealing with Covid – but has a few ‘difficulties ‘ with vaccinations …..
At the end of a tedious chat he mentioned in passing that there might be more ‘social unrest ‘ in EU states …..
But as is being said here – do you notice the absence of those who have been in the thick of the brexit war being absent ?
They can’t have gone on holiday – that’s illegal now ….
How Bad Lewis is da bomb…
Even if I hadnt liked your post Fe2 – I would have upticked it anyway just for the fact that listening/watching BBC propaganda – for us is Truly taking one for the team!
I have now completely expunged the BBC from my life. It used to make me feel afterwards as if I had been badly short changed or overcharged in a shop but had not discovered it until I had got home – almost a “shame” feeling no longer watch or listen to any BBC bilge any more and no longer feel “dirty”
Fed, thanks, saved me some brain strain for a post on that. I did enjoy Arlene’s mood and desire for some international rule-breaking legislation which apparently is catered for in the latest ‘agreement’!
Boris is, apparently, dithering again and playing ‘nice’ in the meantime, as you predicted yesterday. I wonder if the MSM, the BBC especially, will attack him for that?
Anyone noticed how reluctant the BBC are to interview confirmed Brexiteers or Remoaners about the EU covid protectionist garbage?
As avid readers of this site, of course you have !
Remember when Rog was not bent enough for Jo Abbess?
His black ‘Nurse’ is always in the background. Presumably for when he collapses.
Ha , of course anyone can set up a Bury St Edmunds XRTwitter account
..even close associates of @GuestWho
Keep your associates close, keep your close associates closer still.
But at least 2m away. Masked. Or not. Depending on mood.
Have you *been* to Bury St Edmunds in the sugar-beet processing season? It’s the stinkiest town in England.
I have not.
Looking forward to anything related to BBC professional failures in this evening’s output.
No black lives lost whilst harvesting sugar beet.
So the EU have shown their true colours by betraying the Brexit deal in NI within the first month of us leaving (no surprise there at all) and what quote do the BBC choose for their headline ?.
Ex-NI secretary says EU move was ‘almost Trumpian’
Note ‘almost’ giving the direct inference that Trump was worse.
God I’m sick of these people. I still remember the uproar over the Internal Markets Bill. Someone should go prod Theresa May and see what she has to say about the EU now. The Guardian simply dismisses it as ‘an error’ by the EU.
Both correct.
The Trump angle is particularly important. The MSM , BBC would be in meltdown if this was Trump pulling these stunts.
He did NOTHING on this scale but got vilified 24/7 !!!
I was musing earlier.
I recall, not in any real detail though, the period in the US when ‘McCarthyism’ was at its height, in the early 1950’s. Quite amazing to see that now, just over 70 years later that the Vice-President of the US is a radical Marxist and members of her party share the same attributes. All well within a lifetime.
The US sure needs a new updated dose of ‘McCarthyism’ right now. More than the Covid jab I’m sure.
Even the BBC news website is having to admit that the EU has made a complete mess of its vaccination programme , but you can hear the teeth being gritted whilst they do it.
I see that Boris is contemplating releasing some AZ vaccine made in the UK to the EU in order to avoid a vaccine war. Until we are receipt of the 3.5 million Pfizer doses that we have bought I think he should put that thought firmly out of his head. After that he ought to make sure that the UK gets some benefit from the EU if we do release some AZ doses. For instance amendments to the Brexit treaty which benefits NI and the fishing industry, stopping the nonsense about using the right coloured ink on export documents and confiscation of ham sandwiches. A mention in the European Parliament that Scotland’s potential candidacy would require a minimum of five years from time of application from a sovereign country. That ought to shut wee Nippy up.
The EU is behaving very badly and thankfully ensuring that there is now zero chance of Brexit being reversed for a long time to come.
Times like this, it is best to see what Lewis makes of it all.
Better yet, what ITBB makes of Lewis making…
The BBC will, as ever, survive, but another hole below the waterline for Timmeh! to stick a digit in.
The covid mistakes we still make, who’s the sausage and the tsarina back on the booze
The Guardian this morning is most anxious that Boris Johnson seems to be getting credit for taking the lead over the EU in the race for jabs. Under the heading: ‘How the UK got ahead in vaccine race’ we learn what the Leftist narrative is going to be: ‘Scientists in Oxford were developing a plan long before Downing Street realised the full scale of the crisis’ – you’ll be hearing this story from Sir Keir and from the BBC, and – god forbid – that will be the narrative of the eventual, long-drawn-out gravy and dripping feast for lawyers, public inquiry.
The Guardian would of course forgo all personal liberties, drown freedom of speech and quash the spirit of free enterprise, and instead have our society submit to the rule of the technocrats: ‘The covid mistakes we still make. What’s safe, what’s not: experts give their views on the measures we could be taking to protect ourselves’
My GP is a bright chap, I’m sure. If I should happen to bust my leg falling from a ladder whilst dismantling the TV aerial after a few beers (a la Rod Hull) then my NHS doc is just the guy to hobble along to for the administration of a splint. What I won’t necessarily be doing is to take his advice as gospel on everything from my kid’s schooling to my career prospects via the safe level of the National Debt. He may be what they term an expert in his limited field but like most experts he’s rather a one trick pony. So best limit him to that specific field – don’t for goodness sake let him out on the main road.
As if the pharmacy business wasn’t doing a roaring trade as it is, Boots this morning teams up with the Daily Mirror, Express and Star to promote: ‘Half price adult face masks and family protection kits’ – you’ll probably laugh but the Biden administration in the US appears to be promoting the notion of wearing TWO face masks. So a bogoff offer would seem to be apposite. Quite what a family protection kit entails, is a mystery to this poster. I believe the last time I was offered one was at the barber’s shop – which must have been just before the weekend, some three decade ago.
Guardian readers meanwhile can presumably afford to shell out on double or even triple masks and so in terms of kits, their paper offers: ‘The best restaurant delivery kit reviews’ – I’m not making a point here – it’s just a feature in today’s Guardian.
At first glance there may even be something to praise about the Guardian’s female celeb feature today: ‘Teenage stardom is one of the few things I don’t feel angry towards. Billie Piper’ – which on the face of it is a refreshing attitude. However, noticing the on-message sub-header: ‘‘I know about dysfunctional relationships – what it costs to be a woman’ – one could say something mean after all, but sympathy has to be due to anyone who is a notch on the obnoxious Chris Evan’s bedpost.
Am I the only one questioning the fact we now have no less than five different versions of the celebrated vaccine? The ‘i’ sees no issues over this disconcerting situation: ‘Vaccine leap will protect UK – and the rest of the world’ – before we all skip off, Gordon Brown-like, to save the world, do I need all five jabs? ‘Fifth vaccine is single-dose jab that could transform prospects for fighting covid-19’ – that sounds less like proper newspaper journalism and more akin to advertising copy. Do I break it to my old dad that his jab was a dud, and he needs another? Ought I to consult a Rough Guide to Jabs? Jab-advisor? The Which Guide to Vax?
The Star has an intriguing pet story: ‘Forget talking chimps! The dog set my homework’ – I take that as commentary on the teacher unions.
The Daily Mail keeps up it’s tedious banging on about computers for school kids: ‘£5m for laptops …and they can’t thank you enough’ – I’ll bet they do.
In completely unconnected news: ‘Anticlimax. The YouTube star Zoella has been dropped from a GCSE media studies course after parents objected to her adult content such as guides to sex toys’ (Times)
In further completely unconnected news: ‘Who’s the sausage? ..Sheridan, Billie or one of the Staceys’ (Sun) – this is news about TV celeb talent show the Masked Singer. Oh the irony.
The Sun is offering big prizes for their competitions: ‘Win £55k caravan’ – well, you can hardly expect them to run to the cost of an actual house these days.
Our public health officials seem to have, temporarily at least, relented in their bullying of us over our drinking: ‘…former vaccines tsar Kate Bingham… ditched Dry January and broke out the booze’ (Star) – shouldn’t that be vaccines tsarina?
Anyway, the cheeky Star speaks for the nation when they announce as their thought for the day: ‘We gave up Dry January on the 1st of January, Kate’
Having returned to the MSM at such an important time – I thank you fir the light relief on reporting the trials of someone called billy piper – who engaged horizontally with Chris evens ugh …
The Kate Bingham has been getting rave reviews and is being used as an example of what can be done when the Civil Service / NHS is bypassed – with a narrative that the PM rang her up – asked to sort it out and she and her crew just got on with it –
– leading to where we are now – on the brink of war with the ReichEU for the 3rd time …( ok exaggeration ).
But I tell you something – the trolls and traitors will be quiet for some time to come –
KTHopkins is trending.
The first thing I see is an American blue tick “Human Rights” lawyer tweeting this
libmob portray themselves as the #BeKind people
but that monstering of KT is so hateful & inciteful
Of course KT didn’t call for genocide & is not a Nazi
To debase the word Nazi to mean “my political opponents”
is extremely disrespectful to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and actual Nazis.
“Coronavirus: WHO criticises EU over vaccine export controls”
Marianna joining forces?
Nope. Marianna is back to the feet story. Again.
This is BBC at it’s most pathetic…their narrative is so predictable…notice how it’s the uncle that’s the conspiracist…not the aunt…BBC advising critical thinking…now that is comedy gold
\\Napier Barracks: Fire at Covid-hit asylum-seeker site was ‘arson’//
What people forget is the fact that while our emergency services attend these malicious fires and the RNLI are out in the English Channel picking up so called ‘asylum seekers’ from persecution in the European Union, there could be a need for our emergency services at home to deal with genuine emergencies.
The UK is seen as a soft touch and until that view changes the invasion will continue.
I thought that there were “lessons to be learned” from Australia?
Lovely bunch. Really struggling to understand why the general British public might have issues with the ongoing invasion of these little cherubs !!!!!
BBC have told me for years that these immigrants contribute enormously to Britain and I am racist for daring to have my doubts !!!!
Just like the EU debacle, BBC proved wrong. AGAIN.
They are weapons for the Left to use against the Right.
They don’t actually care one bit about these people.
Muslim’s give us the proof : they are homophobic, extremely sexist, intolerant and insist we provide them with meat which is slaughtered in a cruel and barabaric way. Yet the Left never go anywhere near them. In fact they DEFEND them. Because it’s all about hate of their political enemies.
Jon, Lurch, Katty and Nick still in awe of this lady?
They, and CNN, tended to be less forgiving before.
One for BBC NA BS ‘analysis’?
Or maybe stick with the dogs.
Maybe Katya, JezBo and Femi could be sent to Israel to do a special… Three Sunk Persons?