I’ll start with an example of where this ridiculous wokery takes us:
Laurel Hubbard: First transgender athlete to compete at Olympics https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57549653
Looking at the picture, I’m unclear if that’s before or after the switchover ‘event’.
Damn. Pipped.
That is most unlikely, no “genetic” woman stands a chance in a strength event such as this when pitted against someone who is, to all intents and purposes, a man. The New Zealand authorities should be ashamed, but I doubt it. I imagine they are celebrating the stand they have taken in the name of Big Trans.
The ruling they should apply is very simple.
No individual who has been through male puberty can compete in female sport.
I enjoy watching sports that are mixed, mostly equestrian events, they have no problems it’s pure ability. Strength events must remain separate to each sex. That’s two by the way.
Al Beeb……………….“Covid vaccine: We need answers on autumn booster plan, say health leaders”.
Here we go again are they preparing us for yet another lockdown? The behavioural scientists are treating us like Pavlov’s Dogs.
The only people that will be allowed to travel without ‘let or hindrance’ will be the illegals that the government’s border farce who are shipping them in by the thousand.
The government have one objective : keep it out of the news.
It’s not their money and none of these imports will go anywhere near the areas they live in.
Keeping things out of the news is a heroic act. Apparently.
Charlie • 18 hours ago • at ITBB
Fran Unsworth has written to all BBC News staff following that well publicised haranguing of Newsnight editor Nicholas Watt.
She writes;
“Abuse of journalists is a growing problem. We know these attacks are more often aimed at women and journalists of colour.”
Really. I’d like to see the evidence. I’m wondering if that is true or just the BBC once again promoting victimhood on gender and race because it suits the narrative to believe it is so.
The counter factual might be that the BBC now employ more journalists who are women and of colour than men who are white. It wouldn’t surprise me.
The BBC are using vague insinuations and meaningless generalisations with no actual evidence to draw conclusions more and more these days.
They found with Trump they could get away with it and now the line in the sand has been moved.
Am I bad for enjoying seeing these BBC scum to be harangued like that?
How often have you seen the lefty hate mobs and Antifa’s cowardly attacks on isolated individuals?
Live by the gun……..
I think they are addicted to the power now – to screw peoples’ lives . Maybe they’ve calculated the ‘tipping point ‘ where people stop listening – which should be today …
They’ve had well over a year to be ready for any more increases in covid so we should be freed up right now ….
Amazing : another 33:1 chance comes in.
The odds of a random choice being a black person is the same as winning a bet on a specific number in roulette. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57548796
This one has pictures of 7 women (2 Asian), one Asian male and a single white male.
I can’t even begin to calculate what the odds of that makeup would be if it were random. Which means it’s deliberately racist AND sexist.
The article you reference above, now very unusually seems to be mainly white people .. So unusual for the BBC I can only suspect they read this post and completely revised the article so they can claim they are not biased !!
No – it’s still the same. I usually go by what faces I can see.
All the white people are women except one male at the end.
It is unusually light on the non-whites – just 30%.
@JohnC are you sure that you’ve not picked up the link to another page ?
That page is a new one “Covid booster vaccine plan to come in a few weeks – Matt Hancock”
The pics are all from news, rather than image libraries
Pic #1 Hancock
Pic #2 Woman getting a Vax .. 3 white women, nurse, patient, registrar
Pic #3 Historic video of first Covid vax recipient white woman with black female nurse
(I don’t count sidebar pics)
@Twin_Town’s child vax page is a page which has existed for months but keeps getting revised.
Pic #1 Getty image : kid vaccinated in America used in LA Times in Spanish May 22, 2021
“13-year-old Iván Hernández’, his mother Sequoia Hutton by Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times”
Both sets of adults arms are very black.
Pic #2 Getty image : “Washington, DC – May 13: Jacob Balogun, 12, of DC receives the vaccine”
That first pic was added this last week
but Twitter links continue to use the second pic
That story is almost entirely about the UK, and the image are not references in the text
So what are the BBC news doing by *INSERTING American BAME * pics, decoration ?
If you were working for a UK based black newspaper like The Voice, you might say, we like to show black community so will use a black image library, but why would the BBC do that ?
If a story is made up of selected Image library photos , then that is story CREATION, rather than story reporting.
“Marie Le Penn Far Right party did worse than expected getting only 19% of the vote – macron on 10% “
So she gets double the current president but they spin it as a negative – Goebells would be proud …
Then some tiresome project fear stuff about autumn booster jabs – official reply – ‘yes we are doing that ‘
Best of all – the easy time the SNP got explaining why they didn’t tell Manchester about travel restrictions – best of reply
‘ we will reflect on that “ ( as in putting in a call to the Mayor ).
Was this
1 just forgotten
2 incompetence
3 personal slight on burnham
4 trying to offend the English
5 the worst of Scottish national socialism
6 done to get an anti Scottish reaction
The French traiterous government terrrified with the result of the support for Le Penn-Macron has an inflated opinion of himself and immagines that the evil elites will do their utmost to keep him in power-having a little experience of the true French, if I were Macron I would be packing my bags well before the event. Rothschild may give a little job.
This idea sounds like an administrative nightmare: ‘Let Scots in whole of UK vote on independence, Johnson urged‘ (Times)
One wonders whether the same civil servants whose cockups brought us the Windrush Scandal will run the paperwork?
That was an adminstrative mess involving a few hundred Jamaicans which has gifted the Left a rallying call and justification for a few million more new immigrant arrivals.
We sense a gloomy Monday morning is an ideal time for the goverment to fly a few kites – I mean place a few daft blue sky thinking ideas in the press and see how they fly? Perhaps the government could come up with a tartan track and trace app?
One asks about the feasiblity of marking out ex-pat Scots for an Indy Ref 2 The Sequal because it appears the chickens are soon coming home to roost lockdown-wise. I’ll explain the connection later.
But first, news of the reckoning…
‘Pension raid to pay for pandemic‘ (Telegraph) – they mean lockdown not pandemic.
The Telegraph warns the highrollers of looming tax rises on their retirement: ‘Treasury officials are drawing up plans for a pensions tax raid this autumn to help pay for public spending… one idea is to reduce the pensions lifetime allowance from a little above £1million to £800,000 or £900,000… Another is that individuals contributions… get the same rate of tax relief, meaning higher rate tax-payers lose out… A third is a new taxation on employer contributions‘
‘”Our job is to keep people out of poverty, not to enrich the middle-classes” said one senior government source‘
That reads like good red meat for the Red Wall.
The Daily Express meanwhile warns the hardworking do-the-right-thing moderately well-off – you know these people, you and me, the ones who always end up paying the bulk of the national tax bill: ‘Anger at triple lock pension threat… The Chancellor’s staff are said to be looking at axing the pledge to save £4billion. That could cost pensioners £10 a week, sending a “ripple of fear” through hundreds of thousands already facing rising living costs‘
Some of this is obviously newspaper hype and government spin. Give us hints about really bad news now and then we’ll be relieved when the budget comes along and the tax bill is less than they leaked. But there’s no denying there will have to be a reckoning. Die Rechnung as the Germans say.
Back in Tudor times, when white London men used to carry daggers (and the only young black man in England was busy playing the trumpet for royalty) everyday disagreements could end in a stabbing. The famous young playwright Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a Deptford lodging house. The circumstances were shady, the official account concluded the killing was a violent quarrel over the bill, or “recknynge”
So my point is this: How about we have a form of hypothecation of taxpayers? Those who vote for further lockdowns can jolly well pay the extra costs in government spending and those who vote for normality get a tax relief?
Lack of imagination and doesn’t go nearly far enough. There should be two votes on the same day:
1 – In Scotland only: “Do you wish Scotland to become an independent nation, yes/no?”
2 – In rest of UK only: “If Scotland votes to remain in the UK, do you agree that they be allowed to, yes/no?”
On the one hand she whets my appetite for extreme nourishment of a sexual kind, yet her opinions mark her down as someone to be restrained using cable ties and duct tape, then placed under controlled observation in a secure environment. I find her videos highly stimulating, yet also hugely irritating. She’s a complex and misguided young lady who would benefit from spending some quality time in my company.
Fort Lauderdale Mayor @DeanTrantalis said the deadly car incident at the gay pride event was a “terrorist attack,” sparking left-wing conspiracies & panic. But the driver of the vehicle was a gay participant in the event who says it was an accident https://t.co/cj6EszPEtV
Robinson interviews Andrew Dilnot about the need for the State to fund care for the elderly . Declaration – I’m in favour of this and would use the overseas aid give away to fund it .
Anyway – for anyone with an interest in this Mr Dilnott did a report years ago on how to fix the problem . But nothing has been done .
The reason I write this is that the BBC neither mentioned the Labour Party view or even mentioned the Tory minister responsible – despite a manifesto commitment .
I was ‘lucky ‘ I was able to avoid putting my mum in a care home because I could care 24/7 as I could stop work . But others are faced with the ‘horror ‘ ( in Londonistan ) of finding a care home .
Nothing will be done … the state doesn’t care about the elderly – in fact last year it was using bio weapon against them …
9am R4 more of the Black Orientated programming the media are obsessed with
Kirsty Wark will be taking about Bessie Smith
The Glasgow black singer from Victorian times.
. “Jackie Kay remembers growing up as a young black girl in Glasgow and she tells Kirsty Wark how she idolised this iconic singer.”
Plus “Rosemary Hill and Michael Armitage discuss cultural heritage and the history of the everyday”
She’s plugging her book
he’s plugging his exhibition
of 15 of his large scale works painted on lubugo bark cloth, a material traditionally made in Uganda.
“Born in Kenya in 1984 but based between Nairobi and London, Armitage is influenced by contemporary East African art and politics..”
My error there, It’s Jackie Kay who is the Glasgow black person
… and she says she was inspired by Bessie Smith the 1920s Atlanta based singer.
(I’d been thinking there’d been a black female singer in Glasgow in the 1900’s when Buffalo Bill was doing his show)
Jackie Kay has been on Radio4 a number of times talking about Bessie Smith.
– Oct 24, 2018 Desert Island Discs
– Nov 15, 2018 Only Artists
– (Jan 27, 2020 her novel Trumpet: Love, jazz & identity was serialised on Radio4)
– Aug 22, 2019 Loose Ends
– Aug 8, 2020 Saturday Live.
– Feb 2021 5 episode reading her book
Oh dear Thoughtful, you don’t understand feminism at all.
It’s got nothing to do with equality at all. It’s about women cherry picking the parts they want, usually through envy and greed. They don’t want any of the bad stuff men have to endure at all.
It’s now 40 years ago that I shared a student house with a feminist.
I well recall a poster on her wall. It read…
‘Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’
And it gets truer with each passing day.
What was not envisaged of course was the loss of free speech – that merely to oppose such a thought would lead to outrage, victimisation, threats, and the risk of being ‘cancelled’.
I hope that many more ex males choose to compete as female athletes in all disciplines. This will expose the absurdity of the whole transgender issue. Of course I have sympathy with those real women who will have sacrificed so much to get to the Olympics only to be pitted against a man but their sacrifice is necessary to help put an end to this nonsense. I hope that some women refuse to compete against men masquerading as women and bring matters to a head.
Absolutely DT. Only a concerted stand by all women athletes, refusing to compete on patently unfair terms with those who are essentially cheats will end the farce.
A couple of passges from an article read recently, very much food for thought just now.
ONLY the most cynical or naive could entertain the fantasy that the recent puppet show in Cornwall, with a starring turn from the shuffling corpse of American democracy, showcased the real powers of the world.
Sadly this description corresponds to the majority of journalists sent to cover them. Here is a question that someone should ask them: How can you continue to pretend that the United Kingdom has a normal democratic leader, or a normal democratic government?
We are living under tyranny. The novelty of our situation has made its essence difficult to grasp, while the comforts that we still enjoy (for now) are concealing this reality for many, but the direction of travel is clear. The British government, and other governments, are operating through propaganda, censorship, deception, whisper networks, diktats, smear campaigns, political corruption and political repression to disseminate a pseudo-scientific narrative and ideology intended to entrench their power.
Think that sums it up-aided and abetted as all such events are by the great propagandist British Broadcasting Corporation.
A DOZY TOADY Watch #1 – Is that really a good idea?
I wake at a now usual 5.47 p.m. and then sleep (doze on and off) through Framing Today and the start of TOADY so I have no idea whether this item of news was considered and questioned in depth: apparently the PM is to create a new QUANGO.
Oh joy! Oh delight!
Not. I thought there was a Conservative Government Minister responsible for getting rid of QUANGOs; that there was to be a bonfire of the QUANGOs after the 2015 GE. Worse news follows.
The Prime Minister is the one not just to create this new QUANGO but to chair it. Is it really a good idea to have someone who half the time has his head stuck in the third, fourth and fifth centuries Before Christ with the Ancient Greeks, chairing a committee charged with seeking out new science and technology for ‘the public good’.
I think not.
My heart sinks further than my boots when I hear/read this: “Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser to the government, will lead a new Office for Science and Technology Strategy.”
Oh joy! Oh deep joy! Oh scintillating joy that cometh around the cornerfitbold and smackereth the headage of all who sat at home and thinkit all throughout: ‘Who will pay for all this?’ as Professor Stanley Unwin – who knew a thing or two about science and technology – might have put it.
Anyone remember Rachel Elnaugh? A business lady, and one of the original “Dragons” on Dragons Den.
Check out Delingpole’s podcast, with her on board. A very switched on lady for the greater part (but a bit whimsical in places…) – she has a good handle on what’s going on.
It’s a bit over an hour, in duration, but I thoroughly recommend it.
I listened OG and would handle what I heard with care. I think Rachel is a teeny bit flaky, she’s certainly into New Age religion. Don’t think she has thought through – and a lot of other conspiracy theorists on Covid vaccines are the same – what makes the uber wealthy uber and what makes them wealthy.
Thanks OG. An interesting listen. I like the lady’s analysis but I do think she’s joined some pretty tentative dots. My own view is that many Governments are definitely subverting their own constitutions (or equivalents) by moving towards a global system that entrenches their hold on power. But I think it’s far less coordinated than she suggests.
Sixteen candidates lined up to perform in the Batley and Spen by-election circus. Front runner is the sister of Jo Cox who intends to be the member for Gaza as well. The Green’s candidate had to withdraw after they found out he had made some offensive tweets in the past. Karma.
The conservative parties (I don’t count the Conservative Party as a conservative party) are split into four with English Democrats Ukip, Heritage, and For Britain.
One of these parties needs to make a breakthrough and get a sizable share of the vote. Ukip are a busted flush these days, English Democrats don’t and cannot appeal to true Brits. Heritage is too religious.
In the light of what has been going on in Batley there ought to be a upwelling of anti-islamisation votes to be mobilized. “For Britain” is the only one that will attempt to tap that source.
I would wish Anne Marie Waters every success. I know that she won’t win but a huge vote could start the ball rolling.
Let Labour and George Galloway vie for the lions share of the Islamic vote. And you can be sure the rest of the candidates will be presenting their multicultural credentials to the RoP.
I remain sceptical but outrageously hopeful that AMW gets a good score!
My prediction. AMW will be discredited in some way, maybe her meetings closed or worse. The left, including UAF – the organization of which PM Cameron is a founder member – are holding counter activities in support of the people from whom the school teacher is hiding.
”Promoted by Stand Up To Racism, PO Box 72710, London SW19 9GX
Fascist Tommy Robinson is planning a demonstration in Batley and Spen on Saturday 26 June, in support of Anne Marie Waters candidacy. In opposition to racism, the far right and fascists, we urge people to attend a peaceful Batley and Spen march and unity demonstration and show the depth of support for keeping racism out of the election.
26th June 12 noon till 6pm
Location Batley Town Hall Market Square
Agree the usual suspects will be up to their dirty tricks again and do so with the full support of the establishment , the law , the police and the MSM.
With ER, trans issues, everyone’s invited, anti-globalism, anti-capitalist, and BLM, can the professional activist class spare the time for another demo?
I realise many of them do not actually do paid work for a living but even so, there are only so many hours in a leftoid campaigning week.
Thank you all for the lovely and humorous comments, hugely appreciated.
Jeff : apology accepted. Not going to dwell, but the
recent intense heat can make us all a bit tetchy, myself included.
Scrobs: (and others) welcome any time to share a pretty decent Scotch, – all dogs also welcome, and for the avoidance of doubt, any imaginations of me being Miss Marple walking my dog, I’m actually considered more Jo Wood in my village !!!
Welcome back . Ive had times here when ive just gone ‘ why bother ‘ ?
But then i recall the damage the BBC is doing to our country and resolve that if is a tiny way of objecting – as well as not paying for it – i must stay .
Do you recommend any particular single malt? Asking for a friend who takes a lot of ice with his ….
Sad that he gets so much wrong in that clip. Yes the media is absolutely corrupt and unfit, but in our country that’s down to the cowardly useless incompetent Tories.
He’s wrong about Biden too, and although his popularily has taken a hit he’s still above 50% and still higher than Donald Trump was.
He moans about Bidens’ anti White race hate, but that’s fine, the people of America voted for him and now they have to live with that. They knew what he was going to do with the border and they voted for that too.
But again his attacks should be better aimed at the chronically Socialist far left Boris Johnson and his gang of Commieserveyouselves who said they preferred Biden over Trump !
Biden is driving America into civil war and its economy into the dust, and all that’s fine because the people wanted him to do that. In the UK however we didn’t vote for a woke idiot whose paramour now extravagant wife is directing him on policy.
Still at least we get what we pay for which isn’t much so none of us can really complain, when the people running small towns and city Mayors are paid more than the person we expect to run the country.
You seem not to believe in the stolen election story. I think it very plausible myself and I don’t believe any opinion polls or any other figures bandied about by the MSM.
If anything demanded a quick and thorough investigation to hold a country together, it was the accusations of election fraud.
The fact they didn’t go anywhere near that and ruthlessly tried to shut-down anyone who even mentioned it is all the evidence I need.
Politicians say all sorts of things all the time and it is reported without comment yet right from the start ‘baseless’ was appended to Trump’s claim – the same word used on all channels.
It was as if they had conspired, but to say that would be ‘baseless’ no doubt.
As we are often told, “if you have nothing to hide…” etc.
Isn’t it strange that a US citizen can be murdered in plain sight in a government building yet ‘no-one’ knows who did it?
Can we agree that the Democrat PR machine and media went crazy against Trump
And then follows by giving Biden a free pass.
But then we shouldn’t just flip and be the same as them ‘oh look Biden is a senile old pervert’
In the first clip Biden it did seem like Biden was saying “The answer is , the answer is coming in my earpiece.”
In other speeches he rambled.
Yet when he was rude to the journalist he was coherent.
We should be wary of falling into tribal silos
.. neither Trump nor Biden are the true KING of America
A free vote would have shown a split almost 50/50
And had there been a fair press and no vote counting trickery Trump would’ve clearly been over the line
but even then say 40% of people would be against him.
When you say they support open borders I doubt it
..they as ever didn’t vote FOR Biden, but rather AGAINST an evil bogeyman version of Trump.
Belfield is not missing anything by attacking Biden & cronies.
He does attack Boris in other videos.
I can’t even read the HYS comments any more let alone join in.
Most are clearly written by spiteful students who are too naive to realise just how pathetic they sound.
Em in the Covid discussion the libertarians are still winning
..but looks to me the lefties are back quicker than the righties
cos the lefties are downvoting righty comments, more than the other way
When HYS was not censored to restrict free speech in favour of the BBC’s agenda, I noticed that in general topics comments by the right got about three times the upvotes of those from the left.
But when a very specific political topic came up, it dramatically switched to be the other way round.
Something smelled bad. I don’t know if they had a propaganda outlet to students they could use or they faked it in some way – but it was definitely abnormal voting.
Mind you they all do it. The Telegraph used to routinely delete entire comments sections against their agendas (feminism and Trump mostly) if they didn’t like the top rated ones.
They ended up not opening ‘opinion’ articles for comment which is absurd. Mostly for their feminist contributors who wrote the most amazingly lopsided nonsense. Particularly Bryony Gordon.
OT but with a frisson of BBC bias courtesy of its famously selective editorial.
In the Newspaper review the BBC highlight the possibility of a pensions raid to pay for covid, with the lifetime allowance reducing possibly to only £800,000, above which swingeing tax rates, currently 55%, would be payable.
Let’s assume a person could save £800,000 in a private pension pot. With annuity rates close to all time lows, this would give an annuity based pension with some inflation protection of a maximum of 3%, so less than £24,000 per year, or £2000 a month. Nice but not fantastic.
But if you are in the public sector on a salary related scheme, there is no pension pot. Instead there is a calculation where the pension pot value is assumed to be 20 times your pension entitlement. It’s always explained this way but in reality it equates to a fully inflation protected, spouse benefits included, annuity rates of 5%. A doctor, nurse, civil servant, teacher, etc etc. could earn a pension of £40,000 before the swingeing taxes become payable.
In an age of ‘equality’ is this not one of the most unequal examples of public sector versus private sector treatment ?
But can you imagine the BBC wall to wall furore if our NHS heroes were treated the same as the rest of us?
Predictably enough the MSM are making much of Marine Le Pen’s lower than expected performance in the French elections.
She’s actually had far higher results than Macron and took top honours in Provence-Alpes Maritimes, but they don’t want to spoil a good story with boring detail.
I think they are very concerned about the number and types of complaints going to OFCOM – there will be a conspiracy to complain and try to get a GBNews a ‘reputation ‘.
This issue will come ‘live ‘ when a presenter goes ‘off piste ‘
An incident ( terrorist attack ) occurs involving – as usual -Muslim killers
The former is likely to be the cause – also – broadcasters on the ‘banned ‘ list – will also give cause to the ‘approved unthinkers ‘…
Lots of things don’t mean what you think they mean when it comes to minorities. Most of the definitions have been written to specifically exclude white people as victims.
My current favourite is the ‘adaptable’ definition of Islamophobia.
This is the Cambridge dictionary definition of phobia:
‘a type of anxiety disorder (= a mental illness that makes someone very worried and affects their life) that involves an extreme fear of something’
Yet the EU see fit to define it as: “the fear of or prejudiced viewpoint towards Islam, Muslims and matters pertaining to them”
So are they saying ‘pre-judging a Muslim you see in the street to be like other Muslims is a type of anxiety disorder which affects your life.’ ?.
Of course not. The simple fact is that it is a compact and unpleasant sounding label liberals can stick on people – so they have simply changed what the words mean to suit their agenda.
They should say ‘Anti-muslimist’ but they can’t spit that at people in the same way so they just lie. Just as the title of the ‘Equality Act’ is a lie.
Similarly, xenophobia used to mean (and still does really) fear of strangers or foreigners. It could be argued that this is not an entirely unreasonable phobia.
It has now been changed to mean fear or hatred of foreigners, which automatically makes anyone wary of ‘the other’ a CRIMINAL.
You give people in showbusiness far too much credit.
They will gladly and greedily accept any position or award which comes their way. Very, very few of them will be troubled by any fragment of ‘conscience’ they may have.
Until they make it and get rich of course. Then they fake some principles. Just read the autobiography of any actor. They will do anything.
2pm drama is a fiction set in a Norfolk wetland reserve
stars Sophie Okonedo and Rylance
“conservation taking place in the face of rapid environmental change in the wetlands of Norfolk, and everywhere.”
recorded at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen.
GB News yesterday featured Peter Tatchell being interviewed by a gay GB News reporter.
The reporter didn’t take himself seriously and told us that most of his boyfriends had been gay. He had a good sense of humour and was articulate.
Tatchell is a pain in the backside.
But it was good that GB News shows balance. It exposes what a farce of a news organisation our BBC is.
Angdrew Doyle, the presenter of the show and the creator of the Woke spoof Tatiana McGrath, was excellent throughout. He has a very dry sense of humour and was relentless in his mocking of the Woke. I hope that he continues on the channel for a long time.
After a week I think that GBN has done pretty well. The tech issues are slowly being sorted out and whilst some of the programmes are a bit tepid others are very good and so refreshing to a mind , mine, which has been assaulted by leftist Woke propaganda for years , well decades actually, so much so that I had to stop watching MSM news and current affairs programmes some years ago.
The channel is still to the left of my own views on some important topics but on others it is quite close to my views. I’m sure that the liberal watchdog of Ofcom means that the channel has to pull some punches. Even so if necessary I would be willing to take out a subscription for the channel if that proved to be required to keep it on the air.
Meghan Markle labelled ‘unhinged sociopath’ in new report in the Times
Meghan Markle has been branded an “unhinged sociopath” as palace insiders allege the Duchess of Sussex “humiliated and shouted” at her staff, according to a new report.
Warning video contains
#1 constant naff unnecessary background music
#2 constant nauseating vocal-fry from the newsreader
TWatO Watch #1 – The tragedy of Treloar and other infected blood plasma scandals
The Montacutie & the BBC arranged two vox pops for this lead item and both blamed the Government. Coincidence? However, that is not the whole story. What lies behind it are Civil Servants and a public sector organisation SWCBB – She Who Cannot Be Blamed – a.k.a. the NHS, not the Government.
If I recall correctly, several Health Secretaries (of both major political Parties) have tried to get to the bottom of what happened only to meet with obstruction and the mysterious disappearance of files. As for the NHS staff involved directly, running the unit attached to Treloar College, they are all now dead.
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
(Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961)
Someone said in my hearing either on BBC R4 today or the Delingpod with Rachel Elnaugh that America is addicted to opium (more correctly opiods – ie. meds containing some opium or equivalent) and in the UK cannabis use is rife. Some are lobbying for it to be legalised/decriminalised in the UK. It already is in some States in the USA.
Then there are the extra soft drugs of festivals, footie and food which the BBC are big on at present.
Up2, all I know is that the cannabis on the streets today is light years stronger than that which I (unlike Bill Clinton) inhaled in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
The states in the US where it has been either decriminalised or legalised are experiencing higher rates of economically-driven crime (folks looking for money to buy more) than they experienced pre-reform.
Radio Day more progs
I didn’t all, there are some more repeats.
11am May 2021 2017 REPEAT “ethics of donations made to museums and universities. Recent philanthropic scandals and climate change alarm have sharpened the need for scrutiny.” I wonder what that is
11:30am Loose Ends
– black rapper Ben Bailey Smith
– black astronomer Maggie Aderin-Pocock
– black singer/activist from Benin, Angelique Kidjo
– ethnic Pakistani barrister
– Palestinian musician Rasha Nahas
– Jenna Russell is an English actress and singer
8pm 2020 REPEAT history of the New Deal 1/3 probably promotes Biden
11pm 2017 REPEAT female comedians
Drakeford’s race-offence detectives have reported in
209 statues or plaques
– A Gandhi statue in Cardiff Bay
(unveiled by Carwyn Jones and Mark Drakeford themselves back in 2017).
“Fascist, racist and sexual predator” according to one cited petition from Leicester
– Three statues of Admiral Nelson. Appeared on UK crowdsourced map ‘topple the racists’
– Two statues of the Duke of Wellington.
“There have been calls to remove statues in Scotland by reason of his Indian campaigns.”
If you are interested in WW2 bbc 4 had a rare non word documentary about Stalin and his relationship to the Nazis .
And something new – had the pact lasted and Germany got into trouble – with – say – the British empire – the Russians would have come in on Germany’s side ….
I wonder if all of those useful idiot spies knew that ?
The coloured actor playing himmler in the ‘reconstructions ‘ had his work cut out …
Came across this video today, sorry it’s not a BBC but one the BBC should be showing or investigating . It’s an ex copper pleading with other decent police officers about what they are being forced to do against us. It’s not that long and gives me some hope that there are still decent coppers around https://youtu.be/S2SvIfZkBoQ
So many inquiries
BBC news leading with the killing of large numbers of people with haemophilia by the NHS back in the 1970s and 1980s .
The BBC went gently on this – which is another example of ‘institutional corruption ‘ within the medical mafia covering up the decision to import American blood products negligently at best – to check the source and cleanliness of said products .
Hepatitis and HIV were / the killers the NHS imported ….
I knew some one who died horribly because of this .
“Covid: 19 July ‘looking good’ for end of lockdown, says PM”
But he warned there could be a “rough winter for all sorts of reasons”, including a resurgence of flu. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57552793#comments
Meanwhile, millions are dying, waiting for lifesaving surgery and the UK’s economy is being wrecked .
Yes, a real re-organisation, not the Labour bodge or Cameron’s tinkering in Coalition Government.
Did I hear right that Dido Harding has thrown her hat in the ring to follow Simon Stevens when he finishes with the NHS? That is unlikely to go well. Dido was a disaster at TalkTalk.
“Dame Vera Lynn: White Cliffs meadow named after Forces’ Sweetheart” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-57514357
I am very surprised the woke brigade have not called for the “white” to be removed from the White Cliffs of Dover?
“In the Heights,” set in the predominantly Afro-Dominican New York neighborhood Washington Heights, didn’t cast dark-skinned Latinos in lead roles. Our writers discuss what that absence means for representation in the arts. https://t.co/DInu4tvlPr
Today marks the start of #ArmedForcesWeek, an opportunity to celebrate the range of activities & people comprising HM Armed Forces, exploring the work of our people at home & around the world, closing with #ArmedForcesDay on Sat 26 June.
GB News. Monday 21 June. 19.15 pm Dewbs & co. Report and article on Armed Forces Week…
BBC The One Show. Monday 21 June 19.15pm Report and article on Windrush, and how grateful we should be for the contribution these immigrants have made….
ITV local news weather
“It’s Show Your Stripes Day to raise awareness of the Climate Emergency
.. look for the hashtag on Twitter !”
Oh #PRasNews
FFS.. here’s some reality from a skeptic’s tweet last year
Apparently it’s #ShowYourStripes day… the public should be aware that warming and cooling periods have taken place ever since the Earths Climate evolved. Recent warming has replaced the cooling of the Little Ice Age a few hundred years ago, showing recent warming is propaganda pic.twitter.com/mrjA5mEpli
Sometimes it goes around and it comes around and we can all rejoice.
The Scots footie fans go to London in their thousands, and in massed crowds ignore all covid rules. No SNP politician raises an eyebrow.
Then wee Krankie bans Scots going to Manchester (and/or vice versa) in a typical example of her casual anti-English racism.
But…..joy of joys, a Scottish footballer has tested positive for coronavirus.
It’s not all good news though. The biased anti-England BBC can be relied on to play down this story and put a positive spin on the ‘opportunities’ it creates. And they do.
Pass the sick bag. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57551368
Young lady local councillor on R4 interview wants councils to have the power to remove male councillors by police and get them sacked if they disagree and argue with women on the council. Her husband is plod too!
If anyone says GBNews isn’t ‘quality ‘ just listen to the first 20 minutes of Brillo tonight – on inflation – and what it coming . Central banks in denial whilst inflation is rapidly growing – which means higher interest rates . What a shock to the system that will be ….
To spend that much time in discussion – as opposed to ‘gotcha’ is a bit unsettling ….
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
A Quiet night.
No trolls .
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 9pm Sunday so about 12 posts overflowed
– page 2
I’ll start with an example of where this ridiculous wokery takes us:
Laurel Hubbard: First transgender athlete to compete at Olympics
Looking at the picture, I’m unclear if that’s before or after the switchover ‘event’.
Damn. Pipped.
As the anecdote goes.
Doctor: Take a seat Mr Hubbard.
Hubbard: Its Ms Hubbard, actually.
Doctor: Sorry, Ms Hubbard.
We have got the results back and can confirm that you have testicular cancer.
Ps. If anyone on here is/has someone affected by cancer, please don’t take offence.
What if Mr+Ms Hubby is one of those creatures claiming dual ‘citizenship’ ?.
Does the doctor have to say ‘Will you both take a seat.’ ?.
I hope Hubbard is beaten by a woman
That is most unlikely, no “genetic” woman stands a chance in a strength event such as this when pitted against someone who is, to all intents and purposes, a man. The New Zealand authorities should be ashamed, but I doubt it. I imagine they are celebrating the stand they have taken in the name of Big Trans.
The ruling they should apply is very simple.
No individual who has been through male puberty can compete in female sport.
I enjoy watching sports that are mixed, mostly equestrian events, they have no problems it’s pure ability. Strength events must remain separate to each sex. That’s two by the way.
Where will this Inclusion nonsense stop. What about Apes?
Al Beeb……………….“Covid vaccine: We need answers on autumn booster plan, say health leaders”.
Here we go again are they preparing us for yet another lockdown? The behavioural scientists are treating us like Pavlov’s Dogs.
The only people that will be allowed to travel without ‘let or hindrance’ will be the illegals that the government’s border farce who are shipping them in by the thousand.
Correction –
……that the government’s border farce are shipping in by the thousand.
The government have one objective : keep it out of the news.
It’s not their money and none of these imports will go anywhere near the areas they live in.
Keeping things out of the news is a heroic act. Apparently.
Charlie • 18 hours ago • at ITBB
Fran Unsworth has written to all BBC News staff following that well publicised haranguing of Newsnight editor Nicholas Watt.
She writes;
“Abuse of journalists is a growing problem. We know these attacks are more often aimed at women and journalists of colour.”
Really. I’d like to see the evidence. I’m wondering if that is true or just the BBC once again promoting victimhood on gender and race because it suits the narrative to believe it is so.
The counter factual might be that the BBC now employ more journalists who are women and of colour than men who are white. It wouldn’t surprise me.
Reminds me of when Lord Tone made a rare appearance with a Range Rover full of close protection guys for a month because of a hurty tweet from Europe.
A farcical flounce at a time when the BBC was platforming blubberbags advocating throwing cups of stuff over people with differing views.
Franny might try rerunning ‘don’t say or write anything stupid’ again, but that is a boat long sailed.
The BBC are using vague insinuations and meaningless generalisations with no actual evidence to draw conclusions more and more these days.
They found with Trump they could get away with it and now the line in the sand has been moved.
Am I bad for enjoying seeing these BBC scum to be harangued like that?
How often have you seen the lefty hate mobs and Antifa’s cowardly attacks on isolated individuals?
Live by the gun……..
Boris Johnson is not a conservative. He is a globalist and EU type socialist. Never more comfortable then in their presence.
This invasion will lead to a civil war and the end of a tolerant Britain. He is dumb enough not to realise it.
Happy Midsummers day, from here the nights start drawing in again !
I am not sure I want to tap “like” to be depressed by that information. Oh well, it will soon be Christmas.
Not strictly accurate – it’s the Summer Solstice, that’s true, but Midsummer Day, traditionally, is the 24th of June…
Don’t mean to be nittus-pickus, but I’m in that sort of mood!
GB 🇬🇧 First with the vaccine!
Last to open up?
I think they are addicted to the power now – to screw peoples’ lives . Maybe they’ve calculated the ‘tipping point ‘ where people stop listening – which should be today …
They’ve had well over a year to be ready for any more increases in covid so we should be freed up right now ….
Dr John Campbell explains that long term immunity is very likely with a vaccine
The idea that we wont be able to travel freely without annual jabs is appalling.
Not sure if anyone has seen this…
Typical of their agenda pushing good old whitey further towards the cliff edge.
Of all the photographs of under 18’s to show being jabbed, they have to pick this one 🙄
When can we have news that is proportional to the population not their ideal scenario?
Amazing : another 33:1 chance comes in.
The odds of a random choice being a black person is the same as winning a bet on a specific number in roulette.
This one has pictures of 7 women (2 Asian), one Asian male and a single white male.
I can’t even begin to calculate what the odds of that makeup would be if it were random. Which means it’s deliberately racist AND sexist.
The article you reference above, now very unusually seems to be mainly white people .. So unusual for the BBC I can only suspect they read this post and completely revised the article so they can claim they are not biased !!
No – it’s still the same. I usually go by what faces I can see.
All the white people are women except one male at the end.
It is unusually light on the non-whites – just 30%.
Apologies…Hmm.. Maybe the mobile version which I am looking at is different to web version.
@JohnC are you sure that you’ve not picked up the link to another page ?
That page is a new one “Covid booster vaccine plan to come in a few weeks – Matt Hancock”
The pics are all from news, rather than image libraries
Pic #1 Hancock
Pic #2 Woman getting a Vax .. 3 white women, nurse, patient, registrar
Pic #3 Historic video of first Covid vax recipient white woman with black female nurse
(I don’t count sidebar pics)
@Twin_Town’s child vax page is a page which has existed for months but keeps getting revised.
Pic #1 Getty image : kid vaccinated in America used in LA Times in Spanish May 22, 2021
“13-year-old Iván Hernández’, his mother Sequoia Hutton by Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times”
Both sets of adults arms are very black.
Pic #2 Getty image : “Washington, DC – May 13: Jacob Balogun, 12, of DC receives the vaccine”
That first pic was added this last week
but Twitter links continue to use the second pic
That story is almost entirely about the UK, and the image are not references in the text
So what are the BBC news doing by *INSERTING American BAME * pics, decoration ?
If you were working for a UK based black newspaper like The Voice, you might say, we like to show black community so will use a black image library, but why would the BBC do that ?
If a story is made up of selected Image library photos , then that is story CREATION, rather than story reporting.
Toady – classic –
“Marie Le Penn Far Right party did worse than expected getting only 19% of the vote – macron on 10% “
So she gets double the current president but they spin it as a negative – Goebells would be proud …
Then some tiresome project fear stuff about autumn booster jabs – official reply – ‘yes we are doing that ‘
Best of all – the easy time the SNP got explaining why they didn’t tell Manchester about travel restrictions – best of reply
‘ we will reflect on that “ ( as in putting in a call to the Mayor ).
Was this
1 just forgotten
2 incompetence
3 personal slight on burnham
4 trying to offend the English
5 the worst of Scottish national socialism
6 done to get an anti Scottish reaction
The French traiterous government terrrified with the result of the support for Le Penn-Macron has an inflated opinion of himself and immagines that the evil elites will do their utmost to keep him in power-having a little experience of the true French, if I were Macron I would be packing my bags well before the event. Rothschild may give a little job.
The Reckoning
This idea sounds like an administrative nightmare: ‘Let Scots in whole of UK vote on independence, Johnson urged‘ (Times)
One wonders whether the same civil servants whose cockups brought us the Windrush Scandal will run the paperwork?
That was an adminstrative mess involving a few hundred Jamaicans which has gifted the Left a rallying call and justification for a few million more new immigrant arrivals.
We sense a gloomy Monday morning is an ideal time for the goverment to fly a few kites – I mean place a few daft blue sky thinking ideas in the press and see how they fly? Perhaps the government could come up with a tartan track and trace app?
One asks about the feasiblity of marking out ex-pat Scots for an Indy Ref 2 The Sequal because it appears the chickens are soon coming home to roost lockdown-wise. I’ll explain the connection later.
But first, news of the reckoning…
‘Pension raid to pay for pandemic‘ (Telegraph) – they mean lockdown not pandemic.
The Telegraph warns the highrollers of looming tax rises on their retirement: ‘Treasury officials are drawing up plans for a pensions tax raid this autumn to help pay for public spending… one idea is to reduce the pensions lifetime allowance from a little above £1million to £800,000 or £900,000… Another is that individuals contributions… get the same rate of tax relief, meaning higher rate tax-payers lose out… A third is a new taxation on employer contributions‘
‘”Our job is to keep people out of poverty, not to enrich the middle-classes” said one senior government source‘
That reads like good red meat for the Red Wall.
The Daily Express meanwhile warns the hardworking do-the-right-thing moderately well-off – you know these people, you and me, the ones who always end up paying the bulk of the national tax bill: ‘Anger at triple lock pension threat… The Chancellor’s staff are said to be looking at axing the pledge to save £4billion. That could cost pensioners £10 a week, sending a “ripple of fear” through hundreds of thousands already facing rising living costs‘
Some of this is obviously newspaper hype and government spin. Give us hints about really bad news now and then we’ll be relieved when the budget comes along and the tax bill is less than they leaked. But there’s no denying there will have to be a reckoning. Die Rechnung as the Germans say.
Back in Tudor times, when white London men used to carry daggers (and the only young black man in England was busy playing the trumpet for royalty) everyday disagreements could end in a stabbing. The famous young playwright Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a Deptford lodging house. The circumstances were shady, the official account concluded the killing was a violent quarrel over the bill, or “recknynge”
So my point is this: How about we have a form of hypothecation of taxpayers? Those who vote for further lockdowns can jolly well pay the extra costs in government spending and those who vote for normality get a tax relief?
Seems fair to me.
‘Let Scots in whole of UK vote on independence’
Lack of imagination and doesn’t go nearly far enough. There should be two votes on the same day:
1 – In Scotland only: “Do you wish Scotland to become an independent nation, yes/no?”
2 – In rest of UK only: “If Scotland votes to remain in the UK, do you agree that they be allowed to, yes/no?”
Not all she has lost, regularly.
The TV Green Room Champion.
A kidult who for some reason is listened too – and appears on this site !
On the one hand she whets my appetite for extreme nourishment of a sexual kind, yet her opinions mark her down as someone to be restrained using cable ties and duct tape, then placed under controlled observation in a secure environment. I find her videos highly stimulating, yet also hugely irritating. She’s a complex and misguided young lady who would benefit from spending some quality time in my company.
Bet asking Spingster to check gets you banned.
Toady 2
Elderly Care
Robinson interviews Andrew Dilnot about the need for the State to fund care for the elderly . Declaration – I’m in favour of this and would use the overseas aid give away to fund it .
Anyway – for anyone with an interest in this Mr Dilnott did a report years ago on how to fix the problem . But nothing has been done .
The reason I write this is that the BBC neither mentioned the Labour Party view or even mentioned the Tory minister responsible – despite a manifesto commitment .
I was ‘lucky ‘ I was able to avoid putting my mum in a care home because I could care 24/7 as I could stop work . But others are faced with the ‘horror ‘ ( in Londonistan ) of finding a care home .
Nothing will be done … the state doesn’t care about the elderly – in fact last year it was using bio weapon against them …
9am R4 more of the Black Orientated programming the media are obsessed with
Kirsty Wark will be taking about Bessie Smith
The Glasgow black singer from Victorian times.
. “Jackie Kay remembers growing up as a young black girl in Glasgow and she tells Kirsty Wark how she idolised this iconic singer.”
Plus “Rosemary Hill and Michael Armitage discuss cultural heritage and the history of the everyday”
She’s plugging her book
he’s plugging his exhibition
of 15 of his large scale works painted on lubugo bark cloth, a material traditionally made in Uganda.
“Born in Kenya in 1984 but based between Nairobi and London, Armitage is influenced by contemporary East African art and politics..”

My error there, It’s Jackie Kay who is the Glasgow black person
… and she says she was inspired by Bessie Smith the 1920s Atlanta based singer.
(I’d been thinking there’d been a black female singer in Glasgow in the 1900’s when Buffalo Bill was doing his show)
Jackie Kay has been on Radio4 a number of times talking about Bessie Smith.
– Oct 24, 2018 Desert Island Discs
– Nov 15, 2018 Only Artists
– (Jan 27, 2020 her novel Trumpet: Love, jazz & identity was serialised on Radio4)
– Aug 22, 2019 Loose Ends
– Aug 8, 2020 Saturday Live.
– Feb 2021 5 episode reading her book
That’s it; the bbc now needs to hire a plane load of Graysons and Eddies to properly ‘report’ over there.
Seriously! What category would this individual bt put under?
“New Zealand names transgender athlete Hubbard to women’s Tokyo Olympics weightlifting team” http://reut.rs/3cVxoUZ
Surely it’s self-evident that he has an advantage?
No problem.
There is always the possibility of the mixed singles at Wimbledon.
Would the ball-boys play a major role in the match?
Farce turning into reality.
This is great news comrades !
If women want ekwalitee then they should have it and compete alongside men equally.
Why should there even be a womens events section, allow it to be open to all comers and the best entrant win.
Oh dear Thoughtful, you don’t understand feminism at all.
It’s got nothing to do with equality at all. It’s about women cherry picking the parts they want, usually through envy and greed. They don’t want any of the bad stuff men have to endure at all.
It’s now 40 years ago that I shared a student house with a feminist.
I well recall a poster on her wall. It read…
‘Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’
And it gets truer with each passing day.
What was not envisaged of course was the loss of free speech – that merely to oppose such a thought would lead to outrage, victimisation, threats, and the risk of being ‘cancelled’.
I hope that many more ex males choose to compete as female athletes in all disciplines. This will expose the absurdity of the whole transgender issue. Of course I have sympathy with those real women who will have sacrificed so much to get to the Olympics only to be pitted against a man but their sacrifice is necessary to help put an end to this nonsense. I hope that some women refuse to compete against men masquerading as women and bring matters to a head.
Absolutely DT. Only a concerted stand by all women athletes, refusing to compete on patently unfair terms with those who are essentially cheats will end the farce.
That Semolina bloke has much to answer for.
A couple of passges from an article read recently, very much food for thought just now.
ONLY the most cynical or naive could entertain the fantasy that the recent puppet show in Cornwall, with a starring turn from the shuffling corpse of American democracy, showcased the real powers of the world.
Sadly this description corresponds to the majority of journalists sent to cover them. Here is a question that someone should ask them: How can you continue to pretend that the United Kingdom has a normal democratic leader, or a normal democratic government?
We are living under tyranny. The novelty of our situation has made its essence difficult to grasp, while the comforts that we still enjoy (for now) are concealing this reality for many, but the direction of travel is clear. The British government, and other governments, are operating through propaganda, censorship, deception, whisper networks, diktats, smear campaigns, political corruption and political repression to disseminate a pseudo-scientific narrative and ideology intended to entrench their power.
Think that sums it up-aided and abetted as all such events are by the great propagandist British Broadcasting Corporation.
A DOZY TOADY Watch #1 – Is that really a good idea?
I wake at a now usual 5.47 p.m. and then sleep (doze on and off) through Framing Today and the start of TOADY so I have no idea whether this item of news was considered and questioned in depth: apparently the PM is to create a new QUANGO.
Oh joy! Oh delight!
Not. I thought there was a Conservative Government Minister responsible for getting rid of QUANGOs; that there was to be a bonfire of the QUANGOs after the 2015 GE. Worse news follows.
The Prime Minister is the one not just to create this new QUANGO but to chair it. Is it really a good idea to have someone who half the time has his head stuck in the third, fourth and fifth centuries Before Christ with the Ancient Greeks, chairing a committee charged with seeking out new science and technology for ‘the public good’.
I think not.
My heart sinks further than my boots when I hear/read this: “Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser to the government, will lead a new Office for Science and Technology Strategy.”
Oh joy! Oh deep joy! Oh scintillating joy that cometh around the cornerfitbold and smackereth the headage of all who sat at home and thinkit all throughout: ‘Who will pay for all this?’ as Professor Stanley Unwin – who knew a thing or two about science and technology – might have put it.
Framing Today sounds like a laugh a minute.
Anyone remember Rachel Elnaugh? A business lady, and one of the original “Dragons” on Dragons Den.
Check out Delingpole’s podcast, with her on board. A very switched on lady for the greater part (but a bit whimsical in places…) – she has a good handle on what’s going on.
It’s a bit over an hour, in duration, but I thoroughly recommend it.
Thanks, OG. Will do. I enjoy Laura’s & James’ Chinwags although there are two or three of those I need to catch up on.
I listened OG and would handle what I heard with care. I think Rachel is a teeny bit flaky, she’s certainly into New Age religion. Don’t think she has thought through – and a lot of other conspiracy theorists on Covid vaccines are the same – what makes the uber wealthy uber and what makes them wealthy.
It certainly isn’t each other.
Thanks OG. An interesting listen. I like the lady’s analysis but I do think she’s joined some pretty tentative dots. My own view is that many Governments are definitely subverting their own constitutions (or equivalents) by moving towards a global system that entrenches their hold on power. But I think it’s far less coordinated than she suggests.
Sixteen candidates lined up to perform in the Batley and Spen by-election circus. Front runner is the sister of Jo Cox who intends to be the member for Gaza as well. The Green’s candidate had to withdraw after they found out he had made some offensive tweets in the past. Karma.
The conservative parties (I don’t count the Conservative Party as a conservative party) are split into four with English Democrats Ukip, Heritage, and For Britain.
One of these parties needs to make a breakthrough and get a sizable share of the vote. Ukip are a busted flush these days, English Democrats don’t and cannot appeal to true Brits. Heritage is too religious.
In the light of what has been going on in Batley there ought to be a upwelling of anti-islamisation votes to be mobilized. “For Britain” is the only one that will attempt to tap that source.
I would wish Anne Marie Waters every success. I know that she won’t win but a huge vote could start the ball rolling.
Let Labour and George Galloway vie for the lions share of the Islamic vote. And you can be sure the rest of the candidates will be presenting their multicultural credentials to the RoP.
I remain sceptical but outrageously hopeful that AMW gets a good score!
My prediction. AMW will be discredited in some way, maybe her meetings closed or worse. The left, including UAF – the organization of which PM Cameron is a founder member – are holding counter activities in support of the people from whom the school teacher is hiding.
”Promoted by Stand Up To Racism, PO Box 72710, London SW19 9GX
Fascist Tommy Robinson is planning a demonstration in Batley and Spen on Saturday 26 June, in support of Anne Marie Waters candidacy. In opposition to racism, the far right and fascists, we urge people to attend a peaceful Batley and Spen march and unity demonstration and show the depth of support for keeping racism out of the election.
26th June 12 noon till 6pm
Location Batley Town Hall Market Square
‘…peaceful Batley and Spen march and unity demonstration…’
Despite Covid?
Agree the usual suspects will be up to their dirty tricks again and do so with the full support of the establishment , the law , the police and the MSM.
With ER, trans issues, everyone’s invited, anti-globalism, anti-capitalist, and BLM, can the professional activist class spare the time for another demo?
I realise many of them do not actually do paid work for a living but even so, there are only so many hours in a leftoid campaigning week.
Maybe Pounce, late of this site but an occasional early poster on TCW, will attend. Batley and Spen is the area where he grew up and he knows it well.
I wish Pounce would come back.
I see that The Independent is holding an anniversary “party” for Anti-Brexit.
Brexit: The Independent to host free virtual panel event on the EU referendum’s fifth anniversary
You don’t need a ticket folks it’s going to be Free!
But be warned it’s probably going to be spiteful and bitter too!
Thank you all for the lovely and humorous comments, hugely appreciated.
Jeff : apology accepted. Not going to dwell, but the
recent intense heat can make us all a bit tetchy, myself included.
Scrobs: (and others) welcome any time to share a pretty decent Scotch, – all dogs also welcome, and for the avoidance of doubt, any imaginations of me being Miss Marple walking my dog, I’m actually considered more Jo Wood in my village !!!
Welcome back to the fray, Brissles. It’s not the same without you!
Welcome back . Ive had times here when ive just gone ‘ why bother ‘ ?
But then i recall the damage the BBC is doing to our country and resolve that if is a tiny way of objecting – as well as not paying for it – i must stay .
Do you recommend any particular single malt? Asking for a friend who takes a lot of ice with his ….
I’m partial to a Tullibardine 225 – light in colour due to a Sauternes cask finish, and as smooth as velvet.
Thank you – it sounds like a type of Italian tank ( 4 reverse gears 1 for manoeuvring ) I shall look it up …
You’ve just made my day, Brissles!
My alcohol-free Monday will descend into fun and games later today!
Best wishes!
While the BBC continues to shield Biden and lie that he’s compos mentis, Belfield is having none of it.
(And yesterday’s Telegraph exposed his collapsing popularity back home: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/biden-returns-from-triumphant-world-tour-to-find-sinking-popularity-and-spending-plans-in-disarray/ar-AALd0P8)
Sad that he gets so much wrong in that clip. Yes the media is absolutely corrupt and unfit, but in our country that’s down to the cowardly useless incompetent Tories.
He’s wrong about Biden too, and although his popularily has taken a hit he’s still above 50% and still higher than Donald Trump was.
He moans about Bidens’ anti White race hate, but that’s fine, the people of America voted for him and now they have to live with that. They knew what he was going to do with the border and they voted for that too.
But again his attacks should be better aimed at the chronically Socialist far left Boris Johnson and his gang of Commieserveyouselves who said they preferred Biden over Trump !
Biden is driving America into civil war and its economy into the dust, and all that’s fine because the people wanted him to do that. In the UK however we didn’t vote for a woke idiot whose paramour now extravagant wife is directing him on policy.
Still at least we get what we pay for which isn’t much so none of us can really complain, when the people running small towns and city Mayors are paid more than the person we expect to run the country.
You seem not to believe in the stolen election story. I think it very plausible myself and I don’t believe any opinion polls or any other figures bandied about by the MSM.
If anything demanded a quick and thorough investigation to hold a country together, it was the accusations of election fraud.
The fact they didn’t go anywhere near that and ruthlessly tried to shut-down anyone who even mentioned it is all the evidence I need.
Politicians say all sorts of things all the time and it is reported without comment yet right from the start ‘baseless’ was appended to Trump’s claim – the same word used on all channels.
It was as if they had conspired, but to say that would be ‘baseless’ no doubt.
As we are often told, “if you have nothing to hide…” etc.
Isn’t it strange that a US citizen can be murdered in plain sight in a government building yet ‘no-one’ knows who did it?
Can we agree that the Democrat PR machine and media went crazy against Trump
And then follows by giving Biden a free pass.
But then we shouldn’t just flip and be the same as them ‘oh look Biden is a senile old pervert’
In the first clip Biden it did seem like Biden was saying “The answer is , the answer is coming in my earpiece.”
In other speeches he rambled.
Yet when he was rude to the journalist he was coherent.
We should be wary of falling into tribal silos
.. neither Trump nor Biden are the true KING of America
A free vote would have shown a split almost 50/50
And had there been a fair press and no vote counting trickery Trump would’ve clearly been over the line
but even then say 40% of people would be against him.
When you say they support open borders I doubt it
..they as ever didn’t vote FOR Biden, but rather AGAINST an evil bogeyman version of Trump.
Belfield is not missing anything by attacking Biden & cronies.
He does attack Boris in other videos.
“Biden is a senile old pervert”
That’s exactly what he is. And you forgot crook.
And the biased BBC are shilling for him.
Well documented evidence of election fraud is still leaking out daily, despite huge media and Big Tech censorship.
You have to know where to look.
“…the people of America voted for him…”
Stop right there!
Have Your Say is back
after the BBC banned them during criticism of Bashir
They are open in this Science article @Taffan posted
They started a few last week
The actual HYS page is still acting as a Covid story list
and not listing HYSs
I can get a list for last 7 days using Google
It includes
– Scottish travel workers say industry has been ‘banned’ from operating
– Covid : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57548796
I can’t even read the HYS comments any more let alone join in.
Most are clearly written by spiteful students who are too naive to realise just how pathetic they sound.
Em in the Covid discussion the libertarians are still winning
..but looks to me the lefties are back quicker than the righties
cos the lefties are downvoting righty comments, more than the other way
When HYS was not censored to restrict free speech in favour of the BBC’s agenda, I noticed that in general topics comments by the right got about three times the upvotes of those from the left.
But when a very specific political topic came up, it dramatically switched to be the other way round.
Something smelled bad. I don’t know if they had a propaganda outlet to students they could use or they faked it in some way – but it was definitely abnormal voting.
Mind you they all do it. The Telegraph used to routinely delete entire comments sections against their agendas (feminism and Trump mostly) if they didn’t like the top rated ones.
They ended up not opening ‘opinion’ articles for comment which is absurd. Mostly for their feminist contributors who wrote the most amazingly lopsided nonsense. Particularly Bryony Gordon.
OT but with a frisson of BBC bias courtesy of its famously selective editorial.
In the Newspaper review the BBC highlight the possibility of a pensions raid to pay for covid, with the lifetime allowance reducing possibly to only £800,000, above which swingeing tax rates, currently 55%, would be payable.
Let’s assume a person could save £800,000 in a private pension pot. With annuity rates close to all time lows, this would give an annuity based pension with some inflation protection of a maximum of 3%, so less than £24,000 per year, or £2000 a month. Nice but not fantastic.
But if you are in the public sector on a salary related scheme, there is no pension pot. Instead there is a calculation where the pension pot value is assumed to be 20 times your pension entitlement. It’s always explained this way but in reality it equates to a fully inflation protected, spouse benefits included, annuity rates of 5%. A doctor, nurse, civil servant, teacher, etc etc. could earn a pension of £40,000 before the swingeing taxes become payable.
In an age of ‘equality’ is this not one of the most unequal examples of public sector versus private sector treatment ?
But can you imagine the BBC wall to wall furore if our NHS heroes were treated the same as the rest of us?
Predictably enough the MSM are making much of Marine Le Pen’s lower than expected performance in the French elections.
She’s actually had far higher results than Macron and took top honours in Provence-Alpes Maritimes, but they don’t want to spoil a good story with boring detail.
Batley and Spen by-election. The bBC reminds us that St. Jo was murdered by a far-right extremist. Boris Johnson pledges to ‘level up’ in the traditional Lab seat and Con candidate Ryan Stephenson appears to have been “talking to people on the doorstep” who say “they want change.” Well lucky Ryan. Unfortunately even leafleting for some political parties has to be carried out covertly in selected areas of Batley under threats of violence.
Perhaps GB News will report that a registered political party cannot canvas safely in certain areas – or perhaps not.
Early days yet but worth watching GBNews on Islam. I suspect on this issue it will be close to the BBC
I think they are very concerned about the number and types of complaints going to OFCOM – there will be a conspiracy to complain and try to get a GBNews a ‘reputation ‘.
This issue will come ‘live ‘ when a presenter goes ‘off piste ‘
An incident ( terrorist attack ) occurs involving – as usual -Muslim killers
The former is likely to be the cause – also – broadcasters on the ‘banned ‘ list – will also give cause to the ‘approved unthinkers ‘…
Lots of things don’t mean what you think they mean when it comes to minorities. Most of the definitions have been written to specifically exclude white people as victims.
My current favourite is the ‘adaptable’ definition of Islamophobia.
This is the Cambridge dictionary definition of phobia:
‘a type of anxiety disorder (= a mental illness that makes someone very worried and affects their life) that involves an extreme fear of something’
Yet the EU see fit to define it as: “the fear of or prejudiced viewpoint towards Islam, Muslims and matters pertaining to them”
So are they saying ‘pre-judging a Muslim you see in the street to be like other Muslims is a type of anxiety disorder which affects your life.’ ?.
Of course not. The simple fact is that it is a compact and unpleasant sounding label liberals can stick on people – so they have simply changed what the words mean to suit their agenda.
They should say ‘Anti-muslimist’ but they can’t spit that at people in the same way so they just lie. Just as the title of the ‘Equality Act’ is a lie.
Similarly, xenophobia used to mean (and still does really) fear of strangers or foreigners. It could be argued that this is not an entirely unreasonable phobia.
It has now been changed to mean fear or hatred of foreigners, which automatically makes anyone wary of ‘the other’ a CRIMINAL.
You give people in showbusiness far too much credit.
They will gladly and greedily accept any position or award which comes their way. Very, very few of them will be troubled by any fragment of ‘conscience’ they may have.
Until they make it and get rich of course. Then they fake some principles. Just read the autobiography of any actor. They will do anything.
Bbc news paper reporting that the amount of UK programmes shown in the EU must be reduced because it is ‘impacting their culture ‘
Excellent – they can make their own wokes programmes and buy in less BBC propaganda …
2pm drama is a fiction set in a Norfolk wetland reserve
stars Sophie Okonedo and Rylance
“conservation taking place in the face of rapid environmental change in the wetlands of Norfolk, and everywhere.”
recorded at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen.
UEA the home of climate alarmism
are promoting it
@StewGreen. I think I remember her! She used to hunt with the West Norfolk.
GB News yesterday featured Peter Tatchell being interviewed by a gay GB News reporter.
The reporter didn’t take himself seriously and told us that most of his boyfriends had been gay. He had a good sense of humour and was articulate.
Tatchell is a pain in the backside.
But it was good that GB News shows balance. It exposes what a farce of a news organisation our BBC is.
Angdrew Doyle, the presenter of the show and the creator of the Woke spoof Tatiana McGrath, was excellent throughout. He has a very dry sense of humour and was relentless in his mocking of the Woke. I hope that he continues on the channel for a long time.
After a week I think that GBN has done pretty well. The tech issues are slowly being sorted out and whilst some of the programmes are a bit tepid others are very good and so refreshing to a mind , mine, which has been assaulted by leftist Woke propaganda for years , well decades actually, so much so that I had to stop watching MSM news and current affairs programmes some years ago.
The channel is still to the left of my own views on some important topics but on others it is quite close to my views. I’m sure that the liberal watchdog of Ofcom means that the channel has to pull some punches. Even so if necessary I would be willing to take out a subscription for the channel if that proved to be required to keep it on the air.
Watch GBN for their comments on (a) Islam (b) the vaccines. I don’t think their employees will step far out of line, but I hope I am wrong.
I think Andrew Neil will keep them all firmly in line. I doubt many argue with him and win.
Meghan Markle labelled ‘unhinged sociopath’ in new report in the Times
Meghan Markle has been branded an “unhinged sociopath” as palace insiders allege the Duchess of Sussex “humiliated and shouted” at her staff, according to a new report.
Warning video contains
#1 constant naff unnecessary background music
#2 constant nauseating vocal-fry from the newsreader
‘Vocal-fry’ has been seriously annoying me for a long time but I never knew it had a name.
You learn something new every day….
TWatO Watch #1 – The tragedy of Treloar and other infected blood plasma scandals
The Montacutie & the BBC arranged two vox pops for this lead item and both blamed the Government. Coincidence? However, that is not the whole story. What lies behind it are Civil Servants and a public sector organisation SWCBB – She Who Cannot Be Blamed – a.k.a. the NHS, not the Government.
If I recall correctly, several Health Secretaries (of both major political Parties) have tried to get to the bottom of what happened only to meet with obstruction and the mysterious disappearance of files. As for the NHS staff involved directly, running the unit attached to Treloar College, they are all now dead.
Not al beeb – or is it?
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
(Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961)
Dobyns, is that not already the case?
Someone said in my hearing either on BBC R4 today or the Delingpod with Rachel Elnaugh that America is addicted to opium (more correctly opiods – ie. meds containing some opium or equivalent) and in the UK cannabis use is rife. Some are lobbying for it to be legalised/decriminalised in the UK. It already is in some States in the USA.
Then there are the extra soft drugs of festivals, footie and food which the BBC are big on at present.
Up2, all I know is that the cannabis on the streets today is light years stronger than that which I (unlike Bill Clinton) inhaled in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
The states in the US where it has been either decriminalised or legalised are experiencing higher rates of economically-driven crime (folks looking for money to buy more) than they experienced pre-reform.
Radio Day more progs
I didn’t all, there are some more repeats.
11am May 2021 2017 REPEAT “ethics of donations made to museums and universities. Recent philanthropic scandals and climate change alarm have sharpened the need for scrutiny.” I wonder what that is
11:30am Loose Ends
– black rapper Ben Bailey Smith
– black astronomer Maggie Aderin-Pocock
– black singer/activist from Benin, Angelique Kidjo
– ethnic Pakistani barrister
– Palestinian musician Rasha Nahas
– Jenna Russell is an English actress and singer
8pm 2020 REPEAT history of the New Deal 1/3 probably promotes Biden
11pm 2017 REPEAT female comedians
Tonight’s TV
The BBC presenter uses alternative English in his tweet
Tonight he asserts that BAME are held back from leadership roles.
followed by HGNFY presented by top comedian Steph McGovern
..then RuPaul’s drag race.
BBCFour 8pm-12;40pm Days of the Raj night
featuring all the baddies like Churchill
The longest day of the year and the heating’s on.
Drakeford’s race-offence detectives have reported in
209 statues or plaques
– A Gandhi statue in Cardiff Bay
(unveiled by Carwyn Jones and Mark Drakeford themselves back in 2017).
“Fascist, racist and sexual predator” according to one cited petition from Leicester
– Three statues of Admiral Nelson. Appeared on UK crowdsourced map ‘topple the racists’
– Two statues of the Duke of Wellington.
“There have been calls to remove statues in Scotland by reason of his Indian campaigns.”
– Any pub named The Clarence. The Duke of Clarence: “spoke out strongly and on many occasions in favour of plantation owners and against abolition of the slave trade”
StewGreen, and there’s this troubling pub just down the street from Caernarfon Castle …
’tis a lovely establishment, when we departed we all had a nice cwtch off our waitress
Who can object to the Black Boy? There is nothing wrong with black. Is there?
It’s next Banania, it’s next
If you are interested in WW2 bbc 4 had a rare non word documentary about Stalin and his relationship to the Nazis .
And something new – had the pact lasted and Germany got into trouble – with – say – the British empire – the Russians would have come in on Germany’s side ….
I wonder if all of those useful idiot spies knew that ?
The coloured actor playing himmler in the ‘reconstructions ‘ had his work cut out …
Came across this video today, sorry it’s not a BBC but one the BBC should be showing or investigating . It’s an ex copper pleading with other decent police officers about what they are being forced to do against us. It’s not that long and gives me some hope that there are still decent coppers around https://youtu.be/S2SvIfZkBoQ
So many inquiries
BBC news leading with the killing of large numbers of people with haemophilia by the NHS back in the 1970s and 1980s .
The BBC went gently on this – which is another example of ‘institutional corruption ‘ within the medical mafia covering up the decision to import American blood products negligently at best – to check the source and cleanliness of said products .
Hepatitis and HIV were / the killers the NHS imported ….
I knew some one who died horribly because of this .
Fed, I know the mother of two ‘victims’ both of whom, miraculously, are still alive. Think I have met one or both of the sons.
“Covid: 19 July ‘looking good’ for end of lockdown, says PM”
But he warned there could be a “rough winter for all sorts of reasons”, including a resurgence of flu.
Meanwhile, millions are dying, waiting for lifesaving surgery and the UK’s economy is being wrecked .
taffman, the NHS will jumping up and down and saying they can’t cope in three or four months time.
Answer – More Nurses and doctors, less admin pen pushers .
Yes, a real re-organisation, not the Labour bodge or Cameron’s tinkering in Coalition Government.
Did I hear right that Dido Harding has thrown her hat in the ring to follow Simon Stevens when he finishes with the NHS? That is unlikely to go well. Dido was a disaster at TalkTalk.
“Dame Vera Lynn: White Cliffs meadow named after Forces’ Sweetheart”
I am very surprised the woke brigade have not called for the “white” to be removed from the White Cliffs of Dover?
VD never really goes away.
Love the smell of desperation in the evening.
OT, but… LOL…
Guest Who
Here’s Biden Family Values and ethics …
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Today marks the start of #ArmedForcesWeek, an opportunity to celebrate the range of activities & people comprising HM Armed Forces, exploring the work of our people at home & around the world, closing with #ArmedForcesDay on Sat 26 June.
GB News. Monday 21 June. 19.15 pm Dewbs & co. Report and article on Armed Forces Week…
BBC The One Show. Monday 21 June 19.15pm Report and article on Windrush, and how grateful we should be for the contribution these immigrants have made….
ITV local news weather
“It’s Show Your Stripes Day to raise awareness of the Climate Emergency
.. look for the hashtag on Twitter !”
Oh #PRasNews
FFS.. here’s some reality from a skeptic’s tweet last year
SlyNews are on it
Typical replies to her tweet ‘oh you are pretty’
Sky, or bbc. Decisions, decisions.
BBC Weather guy
GMB weather presenter
The GMB video gets an answer back
cos GMB are famous for their faked striped photo
list of the main tweeters of the E Hawkins project
Will the BBC refer in future to ‘balls of colour’, which seems to now be the in-phrase, when commentating on the snooker ?
‘And a great positional shot from Ronnie o’Sullivan leaves him on the ball of colour’
And on BBC London tonight, the feature you have all been waiting for.
Yes, the transgender-friendly hairdressers.
Or do I mean barbers?
Another one for the ever-growing BBC ‘you can’t make it up’ file.
Sometimes it goes around and it comes around and we can all rejoice.
The Scots footie fans go to London in their thousands, and in massed crowds ignore all covid rules. No SNP politician raises an eyebrow.
Then wee Krankie bans Scots going to Manchester (and/or vice versa) in a typical example of her casual anti-English racism.
But…..joy of joys, a Scottish footballer has tested positive for coronavirus.
It’s not all good news though. The biased anti-England BBC can be relied on to play down this story and put a positive spin on the ‘opportunities’ it creates. And they do.
Pass the sick bag.
Young lady local councillor on R4 interview wants councils to have the power to remove male councillors by police and get them sacked if they disagree and argue with women on the council. Her husband is plod too!
GBNews watch
If anyone says GBNews isn’t ‘quality ‘ just listen to the first 20 minutes of Brillo tonight – on inflation – and what it coming . Central banks in denial whilst inflation is rapidly growing – which means higher interest rates . What a shock to the system that will be ….
To spend that much time in discussion – as opposed to ‘gotcha’ is a bit unsettling ….