How will the Far Left anti British BBC greet the birth of a new State – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ? As the BBC is largely supportive of all things Muslim – or ignores – at best – crimes committed in the name of Islam – it may welcome it as a new friend .
Current affairs programmes will greet taliban spokesmen with due regard – unlike – of course – anyone from a disapproved political view . Further – will the BBC continue to give overwhelming support to Joe Biden – who is responsible for the current turmoil ?
Weekend Thread 21 August 2021
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Dorothy Butler Gilliam: ‘I am not a maid, I am a reporter’
Another entirely pointless BBC article whose only purpose is to try and rake over the coals and keep the ‘White people are racists’ agenda going. With the usual irony that the article contains so many generalisations and white-stereotypes, it would be considered totally racist if the colours were reversed.
Just read what shocking racism this woman had to put up with:
‘People often wouldn’t believe she was a reporter, like the elderly woman’s doorman. She also had to face some racist attitudes in the newsroom itself.’
While she was in Mississippi she was not allowed to stay at white hotels and ended up staying at a black funeral home. “I slept with the dead,” she says. “You do what you need to do in order to get the story.”.
Are we supposed to believe this poor black woman slept in the storage area for bodies ?. What rubbish.
“You really cannot tell the true story or the full story if you are only telling it through the eyes of one group of people,”
She says in her article being told totally through the eyes of one group of people. How true.
The only interesting part of this utterly racist piece is:
“There were some old style editors who were still at the Post when I was there. One of them said, ‘We don’t cover black murders because those are cheap deaths,'”
The BBC still don’t cover black murders and it’s still about racism – but now it’s all about protecting the agenda by hiding what they do from the white people.
Absolute classic BBC agenda-based racist rubbish.
And Lo, the U.K. media hears things…
Tricky times for the BBC MSM – it seems their boy – Joe – is not the great remedy to president trump they all – all – thought he was .
Now that the war criminal Blair has surfaced the next stage will be to question the mental capability of Biden . Perhaps one of his carers will resign and go public .
It is sad that it has taken Afgee to get even a crack in the wall of adoration which has been around Biden for the last year .
Maybe someone will finally wonder out loud whether the election was stolen …?
Very sad and very bad
As the true scale of the disaster in Afghanistan becomes apparent and we see what the Taliban are really doing – instead of being spoon-fed their propaganda by the BBC and MSM – the sh1t will really hit the fan for Joe.
Russia and China will encourage them to do everything they can to damage the West and I’ll be a monkeys uncle if the Taliban don’t keep thousands of hostages.
As as Joe sinks further into his nasty and bitter persona and makes ever-increasingly outrageous lies, I really think the time may come soon where he has to be removed.
Then we have Harris as President dealing with all of that. The same woman we currently see stood behind Joe nodding profusely like a stupid teenager whenever Joe says something which warrants a bit of virtue signalling.
What an expensive lesson this is going to be for the USA to learn what happens when the far-Left get to play their politics.
Surely Toady on Sunday hit a new low this morning.
For twenty minutes we had a ceaseless virtue-signalling auction where the do-gooders tried to outdo each other in their support for unlimited immigration into the UK of Afghans.
Then, when you thought you had had enough, the next item was from the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation about muslim women in sport.
We couldn’t take one for the team a moment longer and the off switch provided sweet relief.
I’ll tell you a minority the BBC should get behind. White working class just-about-managing anglo-saxon families in the UK on council house waiting lists. They will be the ones who will suffer most from the immigration invasion. And there is no pressure group who supports them. Especially the Labour Party.
The UK needs to look to its own security now . China and Russia have now become emboldened witnessing the fall of Afghanistan.
With the flood of illegals being allowed in across the Channel, the Home Office has failed the people of this nation with the care they should have been given by ensuring strict border control. The west has been distracted by global warming while our enemies have been up to no good…….
Al Beeb have missed all this with it’s woke agenda.
This must have been a terribly hard decision for the diversity
department to allow for the names of those wanted for
the homophobic attack in Birmingham to be made known .
Yes I know it would of been difficult for the BBC to hide
the names away . But the police have made them public.
Maybe it’s a question at the BBC of all diversity being equal . But some diversity being more equal than others. And thankfully
the BBC considered that being gay was quite a better diversity than being homophobic Muslims. Maybe things are changing at
the BBC? But I wouldn’t bet on it.
We’ve a former Labour Party bigwig on our newspaper frontpages again, sharing his no doubt sage insights: ‘Ed Balls cooking up a storm in the magazine‘ (Observer) – that’s the former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer in a feature about cookery and kitchens. He’s also a bit of guru when it comes to dancing.
Of course there’s that other star struck Labourite Tony Blair giving his three-ha’p’orth in most of the Sundays. The Mirror is most succinct: ‘Blair: Biden imbecile on Afghanistan‘ although the broadsheets are not exactly diplomatic: ‘Blair attacks Biden’s “imbecilic” retreat as Kabul chaos deepens‘ (Sunday Times)
The formerly patriotic Times refers nostalgically to the chaos at Kabul airport where they observe the old: ‘Thin red line. Exhausted British troops‘
Meanwhile the Observer apparently tries to hold the line, implying things aren’t really so bad, presumably in support of their favoured blue Democrat President: ‘…chaotic scenes cast doubt on promises of safe evacuations‘ – which is putting it mildly. Chaotic scenes at Gatwick have cast doubt on promises of my next holiday.
The Observer editorials continue: ‘A familiar story of fumbling, flannel and failure plays out again‘ – amusingly this is not aimed at Sleepy Joe Biden but at our very own Boris – one understands when this chaos first blew up the PM had to wait 36 hours to get through on the hotline to the US President. A call waiting time which rivals Dom Raab’s office’s level of poor customer service. As Bojo might tell you after many a rodeo – she keeps you on hold for a day-and-a-half, either she’s playing extremely hard to get and having a super long duvet day, she’s ill, or that ain’t so special a relationship.
The Daily Star has: ‘Footie legend Terry’s dementia battle‘
25th Ammendement, anyone? President Kamala – “Joe Biden was racist” – Harris? Perhaps not. Leave the old codger alone, he’s doing his best.
The Sunday People seems to think Afghans could all just come to Britain and live happily everafter: ‘Refugees welcome in our homes‘ – if only that were literally the case that those people in favour of ever more immigration actually had to personally provide the extra accomodation, education and healthcare – and policing – for all the newcomers. In fact the way this works is we will all have to budge up a bit more to provide any safe landings.
And then there’s the cultural impact on Britain. Here’s a rare prominent appearance in liberal media of a tale of multiculturalism gone awry: ‘Three men sought by police in Birmingham Gay Village attack probe‘ (BBC)
You don’t exactly have to be a BBC Mastermind contestant with George Orwell’s 1984 newspeak as your specialist subject to guess the plot and cast of characters behind this story.
‘Police have released details of three men they want to speak to in connection with a violent homophobic attack in Birmingham… Detectives said they want to speak to Sohail Khan, 24, Mosin Mahmood, 31 and Ishaaq Ayaz, 21, who are all from Birmingham‘
The only real surprise here is the near absolute frankness of the police and BBC about the identity of suspects and the very unusual fact we’re hearing about it at all.
‘As they left Missing Bar, on Bromsgrove Street, Rob said he made a joke towards a group of men in a car and they shouted homophobic slurs back… Officers said the men then attacked Rob and Patrick with bottles. Rob and Patrick needed treatment in hospital for their injuries‘
And then the rubber hit the road – so to speak – multicultralism-wise.
Can you imagine the headlines if our media were as receptive to the voices of the people as they are to famous old Labour drones – Mr AsISeeIt attacks Blair’s “imbecilic” multicultralism as UK chaos deepens – or some such.
Some excellent prose around inspired by our Flawed Estate.
News Channel:- They just had another large dollop of unwelcome home truths on the News Channel, this time from Paul Farthing, the ex-Royal Marine founder of an animal charity in Kabul – according to Farthing, the whole tragic mess is entirely Biden’s fault.
Victoria Derbyshire was a joy to watch – she was wearing that look, somewhere between a constipated owl and a rabbit frozen in car headlights, which is often seen on the faces of BBC newsreaders when a voice is screaming into their headphones to, ” Shutt’im down, for God’s sake – move on!” Happily, Mr Farthing didn’t want to be shut down or moved on!
I don’t, somehow, think footage of this will make it through to the 1pm News!
VD might garner an award for that look.
Maybe a photo shoot with a rabid Tasmanian Devil on her lap for What Host?
remembered this from the guardian 2001 –
“Blair’s big error, by Bush’s guru
Britain is ditching traditional culture for meaningless multi-racial policy, claims presidential adviser”
The BBC are reporting seven people have died in the crush about Kabul airport. Here’s a virtue-signallers view of what needs to happen next. The LibDems among many others will surely be on board.
1. A presumption that the uncaring evil Tories are to blame.
2. A demand for a full enquiry.
3. Representation by any number of pressure groups for the families of the bereaved.
4. Based on a combination of tenuous reasons and pressure from snowflakes, legal aid in the UK will be granted to the families.
5. No win no fee lawyers will be appointed to take the government to court for health and safety violations and causing distress.
6. The government, fearing that it be labelled as uncaring, will settle out of court with a massive payment (at UK rates)
7. Pressure groups will demand all the families are allowed into the UK, a judge will order this be carried out immediately.
8.No ordinary UK residents will be allowed anywhere near the above process and no opposition to it will be allowed, and none articulated on the BBC.
How am I doing?
Sunday, Blooming Sunday.
Hansard is an important historical document since it records and remembers the mad and contrived utterances of MPs and Lords.
e.g. Starmer on 11 November 2020
“May I welcome the victory of President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris—a new era of decency, integrity and compassion in the White House.”
and 20 January 2021
“May I also welcome the inauguration of President Biden and Vice-President Harris? This is a victory for hope over hate, and a real moment for optimism in the US and around the world.”
I’m timing as to how long our BBC will maintain the images of the Muslims who ‘allegedly’ were the attackers of two gay men on their news website. It’s front page at the moment.
15 hours so far, at the time of posting this comment.
Any time soon, it will disappear into the Regional section.
I knew it! The feature has been dropped from the BBC front page, probably after about 18 hours. Most of that time was overnight with minimal views.
700 to 800 landed on Kent’s beaches or were escorted in by border farce yesterday, a new record… yet the BBC is so far completely silent as is every other media outlet apart from the daily mail. ( including not surprisingly the local rag, kent on line which seems not so far to be interested in such a story about kent) .
Kent rags are just dire these days, Brexers.
I sometimes look at The Courier, and the Messenger, when the paint has almost dried, but they’re just plonking on about a load of victims, car-crashes and a few weather details, so I rarely bother. Local Beeb radio is so dire, I never bother with them either.
Sad isn’t it!
I sometimes amuse myself listening to the BBC radio kent morning show on weekdays to see how long after the turn of the hour it is before they feature something promoting gays, lesbians, feminists, migrant communities and how wonderful they are etc etc or some other woke agenda item. They always feature such stories daily. Usually you can’t make it further than five minutes past the hour before one crops up.
Now the afternoon and the mass media cover up of the record 600 to 800 dinghy arrivals yesterday continues. Only the daily mail has the numbers. No-one else mentioning it at all .. Especially the BBC. GB news at least just mentioned that there were arrivals in kent yesterday but did not report the actual numbers arriving, only to say that ‘ the French stopped 100’. I despair . I really do. What I remember as a child being taught that the Soviet Union was like with controlled media and no freedom of speech is now the situation in my country. The country I remember is lost for ever.
BBC weekend editorial is always awesome.
BBC Radio 4
This week’s Radio 4 Appeal is on behalf of the charity Feed Your Feet presented by the journalist and broadcaster John Snow.
Where they manage to get just about every single aspect of the post wrong.
I wrote yesterday that the Telegraph had moved from strongly supporting Biden last year in the presidential campaign, to moaning about his presidency, when he was only doing what he campaigned on, and are now even saying that Trump would have done a better job in Afghanistan.
Today the editorial in the paper lambasts Biden . What a volte face , what hypocrisy , they supported poor senile Joe against a hugely successful Trump. They helped create the mess which they are now complaining about.
I was once briefly cowed by the establishment assault from politicians, ideological media, politicised Civil servants, NGOs, charities and breathtakingly stupid acquaintances’ reaction to asking at the height of TDS what, beyond being bombastic blunt, orange and direct in doing what he was voted to do, was so bad about Donald Trump vs. preceding bombing, snorting, fornicating, race baiting Presidents who appeared to get richer in office whilst he got poorer.
A term which, outside domestic politics, foreign Pygmy statesweasels eleswhere and global media assaults 22/7, most of the country seemed more proud, bullish and striving, whilst decent deals were cut and peace evolved in places riven by strife for decades.
Whereas, now….
Nice one, BBC. That holding power to account claim really shines a spotlight on who presumes to shine the lights. Or not. And why.
In my last days of following the DT, they were obsessed with Trump and feminism. It was ridiculous.
They even had to stop comments against feminist opinion pieces from people like Bryony ‘me-me-me’ Gordon because the author got held to account for the lopsided rubbish they wrote.
I think they were trying to sell it off at the time and was when they markedly shifted to the Left and went woke (with a few exceptions of individual reporters).
This BBC quote from the Taliban has to go down in history –
“A Taliban official told Reuters news agency that they hoped to have a model for governing Afghanistan within the next few weeks.”
“It will not be a democracy like in the West but it will “protect everyone’s rights”, he told the agency.”
Our BBC did not challenge it.
It’s a staple of Radio Four Extra that any comedy programme older than 10 years has to be prefaced with an ‘attitudes and language of the time warning’ but it can’t be long before they extend that practice to all other programme types.
This morning we had Matthew Parris giving us the Great Lives of Mother Teresa with lots of tosh about her being a ‘strong’ Albanian woman, despite not being brought up there.
The Parris goes quiet, how can he cover such a delicate issue? Must he give a trigger warning? One can sense all three panelists feel the same way.
Look away now!
Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun, was against abortion! A modern heresy.
But didn’t she have a point? Isn’t there something unnatural about a mother wanting to murder her own child? Not in our ‘modern’ upside-down world.
Attitudes and Language of the time indeed.
‘The Sun’ doesn’t hold back –
“Biden has been reckless beyond belief. Despite all the woke pieties of his administration, despite all the simpering clichés about the rights of women spouted by Vice President Kamala Harris, this American President just pimped 20million women and girls to an army of medieval, women-hating misogynists.”
“The body bags of British and American troops stopped coming home years ago.”
“The US and Nato formally ended their combat role in Afghanistan at the end of 2014.”
“The status quo in Afghanistan was achieved with just 2,500 American troops and 750 Brits, all in non-combat support roles — 2,500 is less personnel than the staff in the US Embassy in London!”
“America has 55,000 troops in Japan who have been there since 1945.”
“America has had 28,500 sailors, airmen and Marines in South Korea since 1953.”
“The US has 320,000 military personnel in Europe. Afghanistan enjoyed peace and freedom with a tiny fraction of these numbers.”
“And now Joe Biden has thrown away a country it took 20 years to build.”
I assume that the BBC will be the first port of call for the Talibs/Isis, or whatever they will be calling themselves when they officially take over here, in order to facilitate the daily, compulsory, televised call to prayer. I say officially because, unofficially, it appears to have already happened. Civil war, anyone?
It’s only up there because of the gay rights/homophobia agenda which trumps the Muslim one.
The BBC are only pro-Muslim because they can be used as ‘victims’ to sling insults and labels at the Right – whereas the staff of the BBC seem to be chock-full of gays.
I would bet that the BBC employ more gay people than Muslims.
And one of my favourite singers has just popped off…
I bought a whole album by The Everly Brothers, just because of five fabulous guitar chords at the start of ‘So sad’
Sad. I loved their music.
The Taliban are very well supported in Pakistan. And one topic
which has not been mentioned too often. There is good deal of
support for them amongst some good folk over here as well.
As the BBC would say it is impossible to tell who knocked out
the Jewish Man in North London. It would be impossible for the
BBC to tell who might support the Taliban in the UK. As it is impossible to generalize who has been abusing vulnerable young
women. And of course “cultural” differences have to be understood. Such as stoning to death. Throwing gays of roofs.
It’s what diversity is all about.
Guardian Reports Jesse Jackson – that leading member of the race industry is in hospital with the Chinese virus . He is 79 and apparently has Parkinson’s .
The BBC must be getting ready for round the clock ‘tributes ‘ and a refocusing of their ‘agenda ‘ to take the heat off of their favourite false president .
Once you know their propaganda tune – you can hum it …
And which body is now in touch regarding those who identify as primary school kids?
They on Oprah yet with Mich and Barry to highlight the lack of opportunities for people without full pr units?
Ah well, there’s always a bbc studio.
The bbc li…loves ‘emotion’…
It might sink in to the BBC what’s happened in Afghanistan when
they wont be able to show an Afghanistan ladies team playing
cricket. Or so far as Sky is concerned a men’s Afghanistan cricket team.
I bet ‘Carry on up the Khyber’ isn’t high on Albeeb’s repeats list either, Fos!
When they filmed ‘Follow that camel’, on Camber Sands, the cast stayed in ‘The Hope Anchor’, in Rye. A lot of pals were in it as extras, for ten bob a day and a packed lunch!
The hotel was a riot all the time they were there – happy days…
The BBC, like the rest of the MSM, are apparently incapable of presenting an impartial view on… let’s be honest, anything at all! They seem to be under the impression we need to be told what to think, and are incapable of making our own minds up (which I find annoyingly patronising, as well as incredibly tedious as we’re subjected to yet another lecture on global warming, LGBT rights, blah blah… ).
If you watch and listen to old BBC news reports it’s interesting how understated they are, just plain facts, no, or little ‘interpretation’. Today we have the reverse, masses of ‘interpretation’ and (often rather suspiciously) light on actual facts and figures.
I understand with the papers, they all write for and sell to a specific ‘demographic’, that’s fair enough, you expect everything they publish to have a certain ‘bias’ supporting the supposed views of their target market. The BBC, on the otherhand, is specifically NOT supposed to be biased and to cater for all UK demographics and political leanings (both of which they’re failing to do dismally).
There is no denying Trump had his flaws, he also had a number of good points, anyone with any degree of objectivity, and not suffering from terminal TDS, can see that. Personally, I’d argue that two of Trumps strengths were: his motivating of the neglected American working classes, and his ‘strongman’ style of international diplomacy that seemed to work with some of the more bullish sorts globally. The flip side being those in the international community who like to be pussyfooted around were a little miffed by his crass persona. You can’t win them all.
It’s only the same as any other US President, Obama had his good features (in my opinion), but plenty of flaws too (in contrast to Trump, some internationally definitely saw him, and hence the US and NATO as weak). I am struggling a bit to see the upsides of Biden, but I’m sure he must have some, he certainly has a few drawbacks, which must be apparent to even some of his most rabid fans now? I don’t need to be told about his more obvious failings, because they’re painfully obvious, which is a good job, as in contrast to every time Trump put his foot in his big mouth, the BBC don’t seem to think people need to know about every time Biden has a ‘senior moment’.
BBC radio 4 news is now using the word ‘imbicilic’ – as deployed by Blair – to describe the American decision to dump Afgee . It is careful not to mention the name of the false president .
Maybe social media will take Biden down too – although i guess his dementia prevents him from anything ‘ difficult ‘
Elsewhere- ironically – radio 4 x is broadcasting ‘ animal farm ‘ on Sunday afternoon as well as a science fiction thing called ‘ one state ‘ – the BBC EU ideal
“Elsewhere- ironically – radio 4 x is broadcasting ‘ animal farm ‘ on Sunday afternoon as well as a science fiction thing called ‘ one state ‘ – the BBC EU ideal”
Sorry for doing a troll-like cut and paste, but the awful beeb are intent on spreading misery everywhere they go these days. The ‘comedians’ they have on are just dire and unfunny, the ‘actors’ are just not good enough, the ‘singers’ and ‘bands’ are without much talent as well!
We’re now buying every old DVD of all the funnier shows that used to be around before the dreadful idiots in W1AA decided to go as woke and insipid as they could, which isn’t that long ago if I remember correctly…
(Note to Scrobs – cut and paste is reserved for trolls, not you you lazy sod…)!
I leave the occassional troll bait but it is left largely unbitten .
The programmes i advertised would not be made now – without approved thought conditioning .
Certainly orwell would recognise it .
I didnt look how old the broadcast edition of 1984 is – and when i read 1984 for the first time in my teens never dreamt that it would come true here
‘The road to Wigan Pier’, was one of the most interesting books I’d ever read.
I always think of ‘fruit-juice drinkers’, when the awful Beeb is around…
Australia –
People around the World have learnt to hate the Police.
Sensible News. GB News –
Andrew Neil quote re Kabul –
‘It combines the cack-handedness of Bay of Pigs, the drama of Saigon in 1975 and shades of the Iran hostage situation in 1980’
Being interviewed yesterday by Nigel Farage –
A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the oasis only to find a British soldier selling regimental ties.
The Taliban asked, “Do you have water?”
The soldier replied, “There is no water, the well is dry. Would you like to buy a tie instead? They are only £5.”
The Taliban shouted, “You idiot infidel! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water! I should kill you, but I must find water first!”
“OK,” said the soldier, “It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger than that, and that I am a much better human being than you. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find our Sergeant’s Mess. It has all the ice cold water you need. Inshallah.”
Cursing him, the Taliban staggered away over the hill.
Several hours later he staggered back, collapsed with dehydration & rasped:
“They won’t let me in without a tie!”
I wonder what will happen to all those contracts for ‘ womens’ rights training’ paid for by the UK taxpayer ?
Maybe it will go the way of those PPE and Covid test contracts.,.
Seems to me the money would have been better spent, including the money on the Afghan Army, training and equipping the women to fight and kill the enemy. They would have more motivation defending their real rights.
Ha! Made my day EG 🙂
Emmanuel Goldstein
I am alone in my house roaring with laughter at this typically English joke. Thanks for making my weekend.
Couple of interesting things I noted on the BBC over the last couple of days. A team was sent to Chapel-en-le-Frith showing a group of cheerful volunteers putting together clothing and toy bundles for their new residents. I wonder how far their gratitude will extend? I’m going back a bit but I recall French volunteers turning up at Sangatte with food and clothes only to have the food tipped out (Not halal you see) the clothes set on fire (No designer labels) and the volunteers beaten up. That will happen soon I’m sure, unreported of course. I also wondered what would happen if a local young single mum turned up, only to be told that her little boy couldn’t have the toy train he liked the look of, while a couple of new arrivals pin her ten year old daughter against a wall.
Second one is a report which states that it is strange that it is mostly the poorer councils taking in these poor unfortunates. It’s not that these are kinder locals; more that the council are strapped for cash and get paid a heck of a lot for taking them in. If you live in Henley-on-Thames or Richmond of course you’ve got tons of moolah so you can look the other way.
How are you Brissles?
Hope it all turned out OK, and you’re feeling better these days!
Much love from ‘Chez Scrobs’…
“Rightwing lobbies and dark money funders backing assaults on voting rights”
[“assaults on voting rights”
In the USA.
AKA ensuring that only those legally entitled can vote.
Surely everyone wants that.
But no, it’s all white racism, in the Guardian version.
My view is if morbidly obese blacks are too fat to get off their lazy arses and waddle down to the polling station, or too dim to remember the date or the location, tough.
I regard these Lefty attempts to prevent the creation of secure voting systems as a tacit admission that they are fiddling the books.
Why would the US Republicans hamper themselves by stopping opportunities for electoral fraud which they are currently using?
They would not, which makes the Democrats as guilty as sin in my logical world.
I spent two months last year watching videos (not on the BBC or similar Commie channels) with panoramic views of Donald Trump in football stadia and similar venues, full of supporters.
Concurrently I watched, on the usual Commie channels, Mr Memory Joe biden reading from displays with letters a foot high, in shopping malls or car parks which are so sparsely populated with supporters that the photographer had to take close ups to hide the poor turnout.
The only way I can understand how senile Biden was “elected” is cheating.]
BBC interview Taliban supporter
Musharraf Hussain is an Islamic scholar and a deputy lieutenant of Nottinghamshire County Council. He was awarded an OBE in 2008 for “services to community relations”.
He is also a Taliban apologist, as you will hear from 1:22 here. 1/5
To my great surprise I found myself agreeing with much of what T Blair said in his lunchtime R4 interview. Certainly a first since 1997! (As we discovered, ‘thing’s’ could certainly NOT ‘only get better’, but much, much worse). Then he had to spoil it all by saying his reference to ‘imbecilic’ applied to ‘forever wars’, and not Joe Biden, for whom he had a great respect.
Could that be yet another BBC manipulated ‘interview’, hastily constructed to prevent any negativity about Creepy Joe?
Certainly a contrived ‘interview’, I’d not trust blair further than I could chuck him.
Nasty man who made a fortune from being a nasty politician.
Nasty family too, very unpleasant people.
Wimmin only commentary for 5Live footie then. High pitched sqeaking not ideal for radio, at least you can mute the tele. Back to illegal streaming then.
TWoTWeee Watch #1 – really?
Simon Jack was caretaking. Someone at the BBC has been neglecting the scheduling: Sarah Montague, Ed Stourton and Jonny Dymond all on holiday at the same time. C’mon, get that Holiday Rota sorted. Poor old Simon struggled a bit, introducing Neil Nunes to read the 1pm News as Neil Memo. Perhaps the work experience teenagers are in at the BBC, too. That predictive text and auto correct can be a bit tricky to work with.
The BBC’s favourite Poster Boy was lead item: Tony Blair and his opining on Afghanistan. Did you know you cannot go to war on a slogan? Yes, really. I laughed at that. Blair really said that. Hhhhmmmmn, the memories came flooding back. “Weapons of mass destruction” and “The capability to launch missiles at the UK.” And that was just military-type war of the fighting sort.
There was political ‘war’: “Education, education, education”, “The peoples’ Princess”, “Climate Change” and “Things can only get better”. Go to Kabul, Tony, and tell that last one to the Afghans outside the airport. If Tony Blair thinks the decision to leave a ‘Never ending war’ was imbecilic, I wonder what the mass of the British and American people would think of Tony Blair and George W. Bush getting us involved in Afghanistan and Gulf 2?
Blair speaks out – but silence from Bush . The tradition of previous presidents not commenting on the incumbent went out with the attacks on President Trump.
Of All people Bush surely must say something . However I don’t think he will have the intellect to understand the meaning of ‘imbecile’ – since he is one .
So now we know. One imbecile took us into the Afghan war and now another imbecile is going to bring us out of it.
I really do think it’s time for us in the West to stop electing imbiciles
Should we be surprised that the Observer editorial concentrates its fire on nut nut and Raab and their respective inadequacies ( again ) . The MSM is still reluctant to turn its full criticism on the false president .
I wonder what it will take ?
For more years than I like to admit I was an avid reader of both The Observer and The Guardian. My one regret is that it took me so long to see the light. Still better late than never eh?
You’re among friends, Lefters, I used to like the Daily Telegraph some years ago…
Fed, you speak of nut nut but the real power behind the throne is the Princess. Of course, the Observer would not attack her, she’s a Greenie and loves animals and stuff.
Why on earth don’t we have any real leaders in government these days?
I despair at the bunch of cowards we have in the Conservative Party, who should be working night and day to get GB Inc. back on course, but all we have is Bottler, his adviser Nut Nut and a few simpering idiots tagging on behind.
Luckily, as I’m around mid seventies, I won’t be around when the whole shooting match descends into total chaos, but bugger me, what a tiresome, faded lot we’re saddled with!
Fed, I agree, both should be called to account for the damage they have done to countless lives both in the UK, USA and in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cameron and Obama were as bad with Libya.
The G7 on Tuesday will resolve whether the false president will stick to his made up time schedule of getting Americans out of Afgee – by 31 August .
After what he has done – how can he extend it ? Certainly he will want to be out by 11 September ….
The desperate cases of stranded foreigners will come thick and fast this week . I suppose the Taliban tribes can be bought off with secret American money – but maybe they have plenty of treasure already ….
Just finished watching ‘Rock the Kasbah’ movie with Bill Murray. All about a young Afghan girl who sings in the Afghan tv X factor type show. Really emotional given what’s happening to these girls now. Recommended.
Jack – yes – I stand off switch .
Lots of pictures of British soldiers guarding the airport , however there appears to be a problem. According to the BBC and Sky etc a big chunk of our front line armed forces are (tough) women looking at pictures of reality it would appear not.
Col. Richard Kemp.
Why can’t we have him both court – martialed AND impeached? Rudy Giuliani thinks Biden could be removed on the 25th Amendment.
VP Harris could be impeached for a variety of delicts, not least of all her failure to secure the US Southern border, a task which Biden delegated to her.
Then again, if we’re looking for someone to prosecute for not protecting a national border and allowing -or even assisting- ‘migrants’ to stream in illegally, we could begin a lot closer to home.
The problem is that with the Dumbocrats having a majority in the House and an effective majority in the Senate where “One Hump or Two” Harris potentially has the deciding vote impeachment is not a probable option
If Trump was now in power and had caused this catastrophe, The Democrats would have been screaming for the past week for his impeachment.
As would our BBC!
It’s now slowly dawning on even the imbeciles at the BBC that the imbecile in the White House is not fit for purpose, and that his actions will have devastating consequences for Afghanistan and the West, emboldening Islamic terrorist groups around the world, as well as hostile regimes like Iran, China and Russia.
But who helped put the Imbecile in power?
The BBC’s systematic denigration of Trump and cover-up of Biden’s mental incapacity will have contributed to his win (if he did).
Americans still respect the BBC (however mistakenly) and don’t like to see their Prez mocked by the foreign media.
The BBC is complicit in whatever horrors fall out from Afghanistan and beyond.
SUNDAY COLUMN: Afghan refugees will bring hell on earth
Anne Marie Waters
“Our politicians are rotten. Both of the big parties are exactly the same. I said before that we have imported hell on earth. With another mass inflow from Afghanistan, we will import it yet again.”
Not a BBC comment so I apologise for that. If you are tired, like the rest of us with PC World,as it were, you might like to try Robert Fabbri’s Vespasian historical novels. A welcome relief, very much like Bernard Cornwell and George MacDonald Fraser from the tiresome claptrap we normally have to endure.
It really looks like mr buydon of 13, Acacia Gardens, is toast.
What will CNN, Huffpo and Wapo do when he collapses in a sort of soggy heap and blames something or other for his utter failure on Afghee? Kamilla Park-n-Ride will have to get some new Janet Regers when she’s stuck in the WH with another load of faceless lefties!
The awful beeboids will all rally round of course, Zimmer frames futures will become a huge investment, and John Major’s underpants will become a fashion accessory for the stupid…
We will end up with Bidet being replaced by a pacifist, articulate loony and Afghanistan becoming a state exporting world-wide terrorism.
What could possibly go wrong??
Sunday’s TV
Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes was on BBC2 in the afternoon
9pm BBC Ruby Wax’s famous interviews
All press use the Trump photo in the previews
yet the texts then explain Trump caught her off guard It wasn’t good
“It was the worst interview I ever did”
The Times review then says
“Her chat with Melania Knauss (as she was at the time), meanwhile, shows a now-shocking human side
to a first lady notable for *her apparent absence of personality*. “
.. How nasty is that ?
10:15pm Channel4 Did Covid Leak From A Lab In China?
Ruby’s one of the “in crowd” who seems to be thrown a bone on a regular basis, regardless.
As a thoughtless motormouth, I see she’s popular with other people’s lawyers.
I wonder if she has a lifetime membership at Soho House?
Strange how there are a disproportionate number of nutcases on the TV – her – campbell – to name just two …
7pm Countryfile celebrate the 50th anniversary of Offa’s Dyke Path
– conservation efforts to help to preserve the dyke
– Ellie abseils to measure and record one of the UK’s rarest trees.
– the engineering skills of nature’s very own master builders.
– Adam Henson has got the experts in to calculate the carbon footprint of his farm
– Result of this years calendar competition
Countryfile is still the BBC’s most popular prog outside the local news
.. though 90% of the UK population don’t watch it
How many lesbee friends will be walking the path? The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation must be able to muster a full battalion of them.
– Beavers : they said some people object to the reintroduction..but we never got the details or to hear from those people that was not balance.
“Here the beaver has cut down an oak tree
but that is essentially coppicing,
it will grow back.”
FFS do not try to tell me that 5 inch sump will absorb as much CO2 as when it was a 10 foot high tree
– CO2 : “There is a big push for farmers go green”
“but the NFU has stated farming should aim to be Netzero by 2040″
They said Adams farm is a net emitter of 500T as 700 of the 1,200 annual emissions goes back into the fields
They made out ploughing releases all the CO2 the last crop put there
.. not sure that’s true
.. He then went on about how the future is farmers “earning money from bio-diversity”
There was no mention of who will pay for this non-production.
“Next week .keeping yields high whilst minimising the effect us farmers have on the climate”
Another item “A new species of tree was discovered here in 2009
it grows into the rockface ”
They always make out species are going extinct, when in fact many news ones are discovered all the time
– Then it was to a new GLAMPING farm
– Then back to another bio-diversity farm planting wildflower meadows
BBC #wefiles
What a complete tool that man is.
‘Misogynist’… how? where? when? No, it isn’t, that’s just another boo, nasty ‘ist’ word you thought you could squeeze in.
Real misogyny is hateful and vile… it’s also extremely rare in the UK (at least in my experience), rather like racism, although both seem a little more common recently, in direct response to the constant beating of those drums.
Let us hear it for Dominic Frisby! The man who kept us going through those dark Brexit days of Teraiter May. (He mentions our BBC quite a few times).