Start the Week 23 August 2021

We enter the final week of Western involvement in Afghanistan- according to Biden . As the situation worsens – how will the BBC excuse Biden this time ?

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370 Responses to Start the Week 23 August 2021

  1. taffman says:

    Good morning readers !
    My first thoughts are – Does the Home Office and Al Beeb have the safety and interests of the people of Great Britain at heart when we see the mounting number of invaders landing on our shores ?


    • Thoughtful says:

      There is a rumour circulating that the bottler agreed to allow a certain number of migrants into Britain during the Brexit ‘negotiations’ in return for a trade deal.

      Let’s not forget poverty pay for politicians mean we don’t get good capable people, but we save a ha’penny every decade in their wages so smile you got what you’re paying for.


      • Sluff says:

        How about ‘Blond Bottler’
        Mmmmmmm. Like it. Might use it.
        Fits the bill.


        • StewGreen says:

          Don’t forget to catchup with older comments
          It includes a 10:37pm Post from @Sluff where he explains he thinks the media is conning us about Afghanistan
          and that pullout was *designed* to be this way.
          It wasn’t accidental chaos, rather it’s part of the peace agreement the US made with the Taliban. That they would be allowed to march into Kabul.

          Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
          page 4 started with Countryfile on Sunday night
          and continued to quite a lot of Monday’s posts

          page 3 covered all of Sunday’s earlier posts from midnight on Saturday


      • Eddy Booth says:

        Agree, how can you expect the poverty stricken MPs to survive on £1500 a week, plus housing expenses etc.
        Poor things.


      • NCBBC says:

        I think we get the worst of both worlds.


    • G says:

      The only (ONLY) way to stop wayward Governments doing/continuing a path contrary to the wishes of the voters is to stop all tax payments until they stop being frivolous with the voters money. How that is achieved I have no idea. Maybe the likes of the TaxPayers Alliance could advise?


      • tarien says:

        Think G you would have a majority vote in that respect, but as you point out how would it be achieved? At present I feel this nation has been conned, firstly by Prime Minister Heath for illegally entering the UK in the European Union, contrary to the voices of Atlee and Enoch Powell who both saw little good but danger of us being involed in the EU and what happened is what they and many saw would happen-fancy the evilness of Nazsism was defeated yet only a few short years later that nation that brought it about, rises to the top and endeavours to rule the EU under the leadership of an ex East Communist European individual. Now we are opening our doors once again to the ravages of a political ideology that will slowly engulf our Christian Democratic nation. As one once said-‘last to leave turn out the lights.’


    • NCBBC says:

      The BBC and Home Office have the best interests of Afghans at heart.

      For young women and girls, who have been at the rape end of the Muslim invasion of Britain, while the police turned a blind eye, this new invasion will be worse – if the stats in Germany are an indicator.


    • NCBBC says:

      The former invaders are a threat to young girls. The present ones being airlifted are more Diversity conscious, as they go in for boys too. Its “bachabazi”. A common cultural trait.

      Another crime that will have to be hidden by the state and its organs for decades, till belatedly acknowledged.

      The reality is that Jihad is a core tenet of Islam. Sooner or later, when these are fully integrated and cannot be deported, they or their descendants will answer the Jihad call.

      By now I would have thought the politicians will have learnt the lesson.


  2. theisland says:

    Khola Hasan, a ‘scholar’ with the U.K. Islamic Sharia Council (why do we allow this?) speaking about the Taliban on bBC Radio 4’s Sunday programme:

    “Every single person that I know, as a Muslim, whether on social media, I don’t know them personally but I know them on social media or as friends, are celebrating and saying, give them a chance.”


    • Foscari says:

      The Island-I wrote about this yesterday before Khola Hasan from
      the Islamic Sharia Council told us on BBC radio that every single
      Muslim she knows is celebrating the Taliban victory in
      I expect that this information sent BIG BROTHER head of the diversity department and the rest of his, hers, or it’s team into an orgasmic state.
      I must disagree with Khola Hasan, one of many , willing to be a
      Taliban spokesman. I don’t believe it that is more than 50% of
      Muslims in the UK who are Taliban supporters. It may be as much as 75% who think that being gay should be criminalised. But
      I don’t even think that t that 50% believe that adulteress
      women should be stoned to death. And far less, that girls over 10
      should not be allowed to go to school. No I don’t even think think
      that more than 10% agree that gays should be thrown off of roof tops.
      Dressing up in their tribal attire is of course quite Ok so far as I am concerned. Be it some Jewish folk in their 18th century
      costumes. In fact very similar to the Amish. But I still don’t
      consider it par for the day for a Muslim tribesman in Stoke Newington in North London to punch a Hasidic Jew in the face
      because he is wearing his cultural cloth.
      What I don’t hope is that the good Islamic folk of the UK, decide
      that if it’s good for the Taliban, then it’s good for us to carry on
      some of the unsavoury practices they brought with them , and
      passed on to their kids , when they left their tribal heartlands
      to find a better life in the UK.


      • tarien says:

        It does not matter Foscari whether Taliban or from whatever sect, they will only obey and follow only the teachings of Islam-they will never really integrate into our Christian Democratic Society-just look already as to less Deomcratic we have become-it is just incmprehensible that the UK shoul be opening its doors to 20,000
        fleeing Afgahans, when there are at least a dozen countries all whing striking distance of Afgahan and are all co-religonists. The legistics of dealing with such an influx is mind boggling-let alone the general services of Electricity, Sewage, health issues, the strain on an already over stretched NHS-where are these people to be housed and fed meanwhile, let alone the hundreds that have landed on our shores illegally this past year. Madness.


  3. StewGreen says:

    10am Woman’s Hour “It’s Listener Week, where topics are those listeners have requested”
    And which listener topic have Woman’s Hour SELECTED as the very first one ?

    “climate change” ( and going vegan)
    What are the best food choices to make for the environment?
    And can going vegetarian or vegan really help with the issue of climate change?
    That’s what Woman’s Hour listener Judith wants to know.
    – Prof Sarah Bridle author of “Food and Climate Change Without the Hot Air joins Emma to crunch the numbers and give some practical advice on ways to make our diets less harmful for the planet.”

    As ever British people switching to vegan sausage rolls is going to have such a grand influence on the mega-system it is going to stop Fishlake and Shortferry ever flooding again
    …. by causing the Environment Agency to actually maintain the drainage banks properly.


    • StewGreen says:

      other topics
      – Male rape etc. is there a male equivalent of Stealthing men deliberately removing a condom in the middle of sex) ?

      – Women and trades : “tradespeople are £35,000 better off than university graduates.
      But only 14.5% of the construction workforce as a whole is female,
      and that drops to just 2% when it comes to skilled manual trades, “

      (I’m not sure about the maths there.. around here loads of tradesmen end up with less than £20K pa so how can they be £35K better off than graduates ?
      You’d have to talking about tradesmen making £55K.. that’s £183/day pure profit from 300 days work per year
      not just the 200 days most people work.)
      .. I wonder if they’ll point out that yes most tradespeople are male, but they have a higher risk of injury and death than women working in offices.

      – Dumping a friend


      • tomo says:

        The BBC’s ideas about income are screwy … some weeks back I listened to a piece about how truck drivers are on £45k a year…

        I wonder what the BBC average wage is – anybody know?

        – although “wage” is too vulgar for the BBC


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      According to Experts ™, the cultivation of rice is extremely damaging to the climate. More than a quarter of the world’s population depend on it as their staple food, including China and India, who both enjoy BBC Favoured Nation Status. However, listeners to Wimmin’s Hour (all three of them) probably won’t be receiving suggestions on eliminating this planet killing food from their diets.


      • Old Goat says:

        The only thing with the potential of hurting the planet, is the conglomerate of eco-alarmists who would eagerly set about destroying it in any way they possibly could, in order to make a point, and kill us all off.


      • NCBBC says:

        According to Experts ™, the cultivation of rice is extremely damaging to the climate.

        Is that so? So it must have been rice cultivating , petroleum driven proto- humans that caused previous climate changes. Absolute nonsense. These climate experts are nothing but eco-fanatics. with their third rate eco education, are bent on destroying Western engineering civilisation.

        Climate changes over long periods at a very slow rate. If one can measure the “rate of change” in the noise, then its not climate change one is measuring but weather.

        Besides, there are dozens of variables at least, many causally linked with slow and weak linkage, yet persistent.


  4. taffman says:

    My second thoughts this morning are how long will it take Al Beeb to realise that they backed the wrong horse by choosing ‘sleepy Joe’?


    • Guest Who says:

      Especially its ‘comedy’ department.


      • JohnC says:

        God help us when that woman is President.
        Will they really let it happen ?.


      • gb123 says:

        Our only hope is if the Singaporeans hold her indefinitely for smuggling chewing gum and littering.


      • Sick of it all says:

        As much as I loathe Blair, can you imagine him turning up to brief reporters during an international incident and giggling like a village idiot? He always had his game face on, like a true statesman should.

        This cackling imbecile could be the end of us all.


      • NCBBC says:

        That cackle. It is enough to drive a Taleban crazier then he already is.

        As for Tony Blair. Say what you like, you never knew when you were going to get screwed. Cant stand him, but that is what makes a smart devious politician. And he formed three majority governments.


    • Doublethinker says:

      They didn’t back the wrong candidate! They backed the swamp’s candidate as did 95% of the MSM . Biden was chosen because he didn’t frighten the average voter unlike some of the Wokists , whom even another 10,000 Dominion machines couldn’t have got across the line. Once the Dems were in office Biden was and remains disposable and the Afghanistan debacle may have been part of the plot to force resignation by popular demand. Does anyone really think heavily demented Biden made these or any other decisions alone.
      If he is replaced by the unelectable Harris I suspect that they really do have the extra 10,000 Dominion machines ready and waiting for the mid terms next year.


      • NCBBC says:

        Its not just young girls who will be raped by tens of thousands but Bacchabazi is also being imported. More gang rapes of both sexes to be ignored by the authorities.

        So the cultural extinction of the West continues. Christians being beaten or knifed by Muslims at Speakers Corner abetted by plod.

        Its the victims who are forcibly removed by the police not violent Muslims.


    • Old Goat says:

      They’ve known all along….


  5. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – sorry I’m late, internet/router/PC problems

    I’m not sure I need to have bothered turning on the radio, at least to Radio Flaw this a.m.. Lead item: Afghanistan. Support item: Job Vacancies. Secondary support item: Tesco’s fruit & veg is fresher and remains fresh for longer than other supermarkets. Thanks, but I already knew that.

    Needless to say Martha goes for the first support item to introduce Dominic O’Connell on Business News. He has a contributor to the topic of Job Vacancies and guess what?


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Why did I turn toady on ? Greeted by a woman called ‘eddy reeder ‘ – who may have had a one hit wonder ….

    Ms reeder told toady she was strolling along a sea front in Kent when he she a boat load of criminals arriving – police and ambulances were there .

    She claimed officials were calling out ‘welcome ‘ in Iraqi .
    She said she was affected by the scene – went home and gave all she had to a ‘refugee aid centre ‘ .

    By now I’d coughed on me tea …

    This was followed by an ‘interview ‘ with the Labour shadow Home Secretary . I thought the red Tory brand was bad but somehow this character was worse .

    There is never criticism of travelling from a ‘safe ‘ country – France and the huge breach of the refugee treaties .


    • taffman says:

      Ambulances waiting ? Try getting “ambulances waiting” where I live , while police are fewer to be seen.


      • JohnC says:

        They are there to scoop up any dead or dying before the far-Left (who are praying for a body – preferably a child) can get them on social media and Starmer can be suitably outraged.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Good old Eddie. She was indeed a one hit wonder with ‘Worth It’. Loved that song. Does she live on Dungeness? I knew some folk down in that neck of the woods, former colleague and his missus now lying alongside each other in a churchyard.

      Was Afghanistan worth it? I’m in a Maggie mood.

      No. No. NO!


  7. Fedup2 says:

    I think the ‘eye witness ‘ report of the ex pop ‘star’ in question was mixed with hysteria and a need for ‘fame ‘….

    Strange how so much attention is put into Afgee 3000 miles away and next to nothing into 800 illegals invading from France each day . It’s as though the EU is using the UK as its’toilet .


    • taffman says:

      And Bo Jo is letting it happen ……..


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        ‘Letting it happen’ sounds as though he is simply passive in the invasion, which some might describe as a rather charitable description of what he is doing and for whom and why.


    • taffman says:

      Time that Conservative voters and supporters voiced their opinions to their Tory MPs . That’s the only way that Bo Jo and his cabinet will do something about our security . Do it now before it’s too late.


      • Pat..original says:

        taffman – Have been down this route a number of times – usually I am ignored.
        In July I did have a reply (possibly a circular) from one J. Mercer, Esq. Sections below.

        ….’A wide range of measures were introduced in the Immigration Acts 2014 and 2016 to remove the ability of illegal immigrants to remain in the UK in defiance of our immigration laws. These include allowing earnings of illegal workers to be seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act, while employers of illegal workers also face tougher enforcement, with increased custodial sentences for those who persistently use illegal workers as a source of cheap labour.
        It is also true that those who have no right to remain in the UK are expected to leave voluntarily and should take all reasonable steps to do so. If they do not leave I know that the authorities will seek to enforce their removal.
        I do however remain committed to an immigration policy which welcomes people to the UK through safe and legal routes. All illegal immigration should be deterred and prevented. The Govt. is committed to taking back control of our borders and restoring trust in our immigration system.
        I was particularly encouraged that the New Plan for Immigration made clear that it is an essential responsibility for any Govt. to enforce and promote compliance with immigration laws, ensuring the swift return of those not entitled to be in the UK’.

        He continues with pointing out the last minute claims of those who challenge deportation is a problem but the Govt plan to introduce a new one stop process so that all appeals and claims are brought at the start of the process, upfront.

        ‘Ministers have also announced that claims from people entering illegally will be deemed inadmissible to the asylum process. If people are unable to be removed to another safe country and their claim is successful (quoting the letter but probably should be unsuccessful) in the UK they will receive temporary protection status and will be assessed for removal. This will reduce the cycle of endless claims’.

        ‘I will follow the developments in this area closely as the Govt takes action to rebuild trust in the immigration system’.

        Personally I read it as all so much waffle. Either deliberately pretending they are concerned or actually not realising how long it will take to process the thousands we have already and the massive number awaiting a ‘boat’.


  8. Doublethinker says:

    After barely two months since its launch my respect for GB News continues to grow. Over this last weekend they had an interview with a spokesman from Release International , an organisation which supports Christians suffering persecution . The discussion centred on the fate of the estimated 20,000 Christians in Afghanistan and their fear of the Taliban takeover. Christians in Afghanistan conceal their religious beliefs for fear of reprisal. The spokesman explained that right across the Middle East and Pakistan Christians were being persecuted and killed and that the relatively large Coptic church in Egypt was also experiencing persecution. He went to explain Dhimmitude , the way in which Islam treats non believers , either convert , flee or die.( what a contrast to the way in which Islam is treated in the UK! But I don’t expect that the toleration which we sow will be in any way reciprocated when we face a Muslim majority in the UK)
    Where else in the entire UK MSM would such a topic be even touched let alone discussed in detail for twenty minutes?
    GBN is doing a great job and deserves our full support.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Fick Ange rallying the troops after Lewis Goodhall’s latest Newsnight effort.


    • JohnC says:

      Just check the rest of her twitter posts.
      All the same : completely bitter Left-wing spite.
      I’d had enough after about 20 of them – and I’d only gone back 3 days.


  10. Sluff says:

    Anyone needing to vomit for health reasons this morning has the perfect solution.
    At around 0720 Toady interviewed a ‘Scottish singer’ (pretty sure it was this, totally forgettable name escapes me) who just happened to be on the Kent coast yesterday when a boat load of economic chancers………sorry, vulnerable refugees fleeing persecution in France, arrived.

    Unchallenged she was allowed to wax lyrical about the relief on their faces, the little child with a teddy bear, the pleasant demeanour of the onlookers smiling and shouting words of welcome in the mother tongue of those arriving. Absolutely execrable. It was then immediately followed by a cosy interview with the Labour Party open door immigration spokesperson. Mrs S, coming out of the shower, wondered why I had turned the radio off.

    Pass the sick bag.

    PS apologies, just seen fedup at 0741 above. Recommended.


  11. Guest Who says:

    Politics today.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Politics of the last bad today. Everywhere.


  13. Guest Who says:

    Still, we get Dame Emma in exchange.

    Plus Haz and Squeeze.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Add him to the ruby wax / alistair Campbell/ nut job list ….as discussed here Sunday .


    • Guest Who says:

      Steve ever get North of the border?


      • Fedup2 says:

        I am tempted to offer a prize for the best personalised number plate for mr blackford s lady wife’s ‘ new land rover ….
        But I guess they would not be suitable for a public website . You have to admire the sheer neck of this wealthy merchant banker .

        I suppose Mrs blackford is on the payroll for ‘ snout ‘ purposes ….

        Nice to see crofters can afford £45515 cars

        Saddest thing is – there will be no criticism of this in the house because they are all at the trough


        • tarien says:

          My goodness these Scottish MPs must be very well paid to afford such a vehicle even if it is on a Purchase Plan. Was not a good idea for Blackford to have this picture taken, but excellent for his foes.


          • BRISSLES says:

            I’m not a violent person, BUT everytime I listen to or see Blackford’s face on the box I just want to slap him.

            Perhaps he’s the grown up version of a little teacher snitch who was always telling tales, in my class at school who no-one liked, and I see Blackford being just the same.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Brissles – old love – hope you are okay .

              You are going through ‘Blackford ‘ syndrome –

              It ranges from

              Then back to disbelief

              I am at the ‘humour ‘ stage as I find his long rambling ‘people of Scotland ‘ speeches which are meant to be PMQs funny – together with the response of the benches opposite who eith groan , moan or walk out . They cheered when he was on ‘remote ‘ and got cut off …..
              Be well


      • NCBBC says:

        The above is a sign of profligate waste of raw materials and one that affects the well being of all.

        To spend £50,000 on a car that will save 5p per mile compared to a perfectly drivable 10 year old car, is the just wasteful of limited energy we have.

        If people want to preach – fine, but they must not waste good food, clothes, or perfectly drivable cars. The only exception would be faster computers.


    • NCBBC says:

      If one can measure climate change, its not climate change but weather.

      Climate change is a slow process. Its the rate of change of various variables that matter. We know nothing about some variables in the mix- say cosmic radiation or gravity waves.


  14. Guest Who says:

    If anyone has worked hard at taken the Great out of Britain it is this bunch.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    On the upside -toady is running a daily piece about adult – elderly care – this week – and hopefully the continuous failure of the red tories to sort it out .

    Apparently people are not willing to do the 15 minute care visits anymore …


  16. Fedup2 says:

    God the msm is talking about having British troops staying in Afgee after the yanks run away . More coffins with union flags on them – for nothing .


    • NCBBC says:

      And more “bacchabazi” people coming to the UK, as they “helped” us.

      BTW, they helped us as they were being paid a good salary. Something not available in Afghanistan. It wasn’t voluntary because they were good democrats, and wished to see Afghanistan become a liberal secular state.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Not going to quote the first three BBC copy paste #prasnews stories as they are pure predictable propaganda.

    So here is a clickbait question instead of journalism.


    Why phone scams are so difficult to tackle

    Many of us now refuse to answer telephone calls from an unknown number, for fear that it could be a scam. And we dread receiving a text message, purportedly from our bank or a delivery firm, again due to concerns that it might be from fraudsters. A recent report suggests that we are right to be cautious. In the 12 months to March 2021, phone call and text message fraud across England, Wales and Northern Ireland was up 83% from the previous year, according to consumer group Which?

    Which? says this was the biggest rise across all types of fraudulent attacks. It adds that the jump was fuelled by more people getting things delivered during the pandemic, which led to a corresponding huge rise in fake parcel delivery text notifications. In these “smishing” attacks, fraudsters send a person a message, seemingly from a legitimate number, to claim that a small payment is needed before a package can be delivered. Then when you click on the link they try to steal your banking details. How exactly are the fraudsters able to do this, and why is it so difficult for telecoms firms and authorities to tackle the problem?

    Read full article >

    Mary-Ann Russon
    Business reporter, BBC News

    Get bent, Ms. Russon. It goes through uniquely branded corporations. Like yours.


  18. StewGreen says:

    Friday Channel 4 ..less than 1% of UK population watched their peak times shows.

    It’s a subsidised Public Service Broadcaster
    yet 99% of the British public weren’t watching at any given time


    • StewGreen says:

      You think the 100 Cricket did much better ?
      1% watched the women’s final
      and 2% the mens
      700K, 1.2m
      add on 200K for those watching on SkySports


      • Guest Who says:

        Seems in addition to propping up such as Global News in return for support the Government sees value in maintaining market rate tal… salaries no matter the ratings.


      • Doublethinker says:

        Yes indeed SG.
        I hope that most of the viewers in your total only tuned in out of curiosity and soon got bored by the crash , bang , wallop travesty which uses cricket equipment but is otherwise a game which bears only superficial resemblance to cricket.


    • Fedup2 says:

      So low they can’t be counted . Can you have ‘minus’ viewing figures ? ( using the Biden counting method )


    • Garry Lavin says:

      It’s not unusual these days.
      It’s as if low figures are a mark of worthyness and tacit quality.
      All those people involved in producing an unpopular product. I don’t get it.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        The people producing it are doing so for their own benefit and for those who pull their strings. The general public are not the intended audience.


      • Guest Who says:

        A nation gripped, clearly.


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC really hate the Conservative Party, the present Government and its Ministers, especially Boris Johnson

    JustRemainIn Webb is making a bid to replace Mark Mardell as Chief Sneerleader on the BBC during TOADY this morning. The field is wide open, Justin: go for it. There are dangers, though. I may switch off. Oh, just one? I may be just one. But there may be thousands more. Hundreds of thousands more. All switching off TOADY.

    How are the TOADY audience figures holding up, Justin?

    JustRemainIn Webb may be wanting to sneer at Boris Johnson’s ‘non-War phrase’ Global Britain but by doing so, he displays his own ignorance and stupidity. ‘Global Britain’ is all about exporting, not about importing and definitely not about going to war!


  20. Guest Who says:

    The queue of carefully selected formers and heart string pullers outside W1A waiting to get into the studios must reach to that director’s coffee bar.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      April 1881 was the date for all British soldiers to leave Afghanistan. That was following the Second Afghan War – we should have written a line under it at that point.



  21. AsISeeIt says:

    Excuse me, officer. I’d like to report a joke
    And respect the mountain

    You know the left has been obliged to admit Biden droped a clanger when even the Guardian frames Boris Johnson as the potential hero of the piece: ‘No 10 plea to Biden aften Taliban show of strength. PM will voice anxiety amid fears over the pace of evacuation. Boris will personally lobby Joe Biden at the G7 leaders summit

    Enter the Guardainista-approved new refugee-friendly comic book super hero – Fatman and his Foreign Sec, the superfluous side kick Raaabin – “Kapow” “Waffel” “Yum-yum” “Anyone seen my posh totty toothy catwoman?” “Blunder” “Burble” “Cronyisn-Kerching”

    The Daily Mail is concise: ‘Don’t cut and run yet, Joe

    Luckily if all else fails our Fatman has a big bottle of the marvelous British open borders Fatsolution in his Fatbelt. Plus his ever compliant refugee-friendly Fatpress. He’s already spayed his special solution all over Hong Kong’s millions in his battle with supervillain The Evil Panda.

    With islamic extremists greatly emboldened the fear now is that a new provocation against the US may tempt this enfeabled Democrat administration to over-compensate and we’ll see some rerun of the botched Jimmy Carter Tehran hostage debacle of the late-1970s.

    In further attempts at diplomatic face-saving we have: ‘Nord Stream 2: Russia must not use gas pipeline as weapon, says Merkel‘ (BBC) – sorry, but my mind wanders back to family boadgames and specifically Cluedo – it was Red Captain Putin wot dunnit in the Baltic with the lead pipeline – this lame “be nice, won’t you” appeal comes after Germany woke up to their energy dependence on Russian fossil fuels and collaborated with Putin on his pipeline (to give him credit for his stubborn blinkered adherance to green credentials over American national interests, Biden happily scrapped the Keystone pipeline jeopardising energy self-sufficiency for potentially renewed middle eastern leverage over the US economy. Apparently this will also please the Native Amercans)

    Moving on from the upcoming G7 pow wow, as we fling our nation’s big tent wigwam flaps open ever-wider to the world, we hear politicians speak with fork tongue: ‘Not wrong to to be a Nimby, says Government housing advisor… 300,000 the number of homes that will be built every year by the middle of this decade according to a Government pledge‘ (Telegraph) – perhaps that Nimbyism is good sentiment will prevail – in marginal constituencies at least.

    And, honestly, we’ve room to spare here in this little Love Island of ours without spoiling the quality of life – haven’t we?: ‘Walkers on Snowdon have been urged to respect the mountain amid concerns over the impact of a spike in visitors. About 700,000 people now visit Snowdon each year, compared with about 500,000 in 2018‘ (BBC)

    Stop worrying, we’re building a little corner of England that is forever Utopia:

    Enviroment. Good hair day. How salons are helping to save the planet‘ (‘i’) – “Do you want something on it?” “Yeah, how about a big virtue-signal?”

    Panda cars get rainbow makeover. Police are using rainbow-coloured patrol vehicles called “hate-crime-cars” to encourage people to report incidents such as social media comments‘ (Telegraph) – “Excuse me officer. I’d like to report a joke” “Could you give me the details, sir?” “Yes, it’s the paintwork on your squad car”


    • Old Goat says:

      I take it that the crews of these vehicles (presumably togged up in their best “gay-pride” uniform regalia, and accoutrements), will studiously be avoiding any real crimes which they may encounter, or have reported to them, unless there is a proven “hate” element present.


  22. vlad says:

    Unless the Afghan situation improves miraculously very soon, the Imbecile’s ratings will continue to tank and Queen Kamala could make her move.
    In which case we’ll be treated to a fawnication from the beeb like the world has never seen.
    She’s black, brown, female, woke, feminist, Democrat, has a full head of hair and is mildly photogenic (if you like that sort of thing).

    If she was gay she’d tick every single box the BBC has – but hey, no-one’s perfect.
    If you thought the adultion for Creepy Joe was OTT, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


  23. Demon says:

    Sorry that this is a day late so I hope I’m not repeating what someone else has put. One of the reasons I have delayed is that I saw so little of the programme I thought I should leave it but it has been playing on my mind since.

    It was on Kay Burleigh on Sky and her guest was acting like the Taliban’s biggest cheerleader. Things like how honest they are and we must believe what they say and they have come up to date in the last 20 years etc. Burleigh, of course, tried to have a go at him from the women’s side. She was completely right in what she said (and I’m no fan of the Munchkin believe me) and he was so dismissive of her genuine concerns.
    Here’s the problem: this guest is the Chief of the Defence staff. That Is, for anybody who doesn’t know, the highest military person from all the services. From just the end of the interview that I heard he shoul have been sacked. Could you imagine the CDS in 1942 saying that we really need to listen to the Nazis and believe all the honourable things they say. And that they are not as bad as people say they are.

    I repeat I only caught the end of it but was horrified by what this traitor said in that brief time.


    • tarien says:

      Take him out and shoot him-of course we can’t do that but the Taliban could and would.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    You dont understand – although the taliban would chop his head off that doesnt make them the ‘ enemy’ – really couldnt make it up .
    Promoted directly proportionate to incompetence …


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Its looking as though my prediction of the replacement of Biden is now looking like September … maybe on the 12th …


    • Demon says:

      I had originally predicted Easter but got that wrong. I read that if he goes over two years and Camel takes over then she is allowed to run for another two full terms. I think, however, that Kabul will be the end game for him and he will be gone as soon as the dust has settled. That way his successor avoids most of the negative fallout.

      I wish he would sack Camel and replace her with Tulsey Gabbard. Then he can trip off to the nursing home who have been keeping his place warm for years.


  26. StewGreen says:

    9:45am Book of the Week, 5 episodes
    Sarfraz Manzoor ‘s personal exploration of present day divisions between Muslims and non-Muslims,
    and his hopes for the future.
    Today, he looks at the issue of segregation.

    BBC pretends it doesn’t have adverts
    but such shows ARE ADVERTS
    They amount to a daily 15 minute advert for a book
    Books which that are selected by the BBC cos they accord with its own agendas.
    The way it pushes its own agendas in programme items or lines is also a form of advertising.

    Sarfraz Manzoor grew up in the 70s and 80s in a working-class Pakistani Muslim family in Luton.
    Here he was raised to believe that they were different, they had an alien culture and they would NEVER accept him.
    They were white people.
    Now, in present day Britain, Manzoor finds that there has been a shift.
    They have a different culture and societal values still, but now they are Muslims. (Dunno what he means.. maybe before he was labelled as a Pakistani, now he’s labelled as Muslim ?)
    Manzoor has travelled around Britain seeking out the the origins of these divisions,
    and by interweaving journalism, and his own personal story, he has formed a deeper understanding of the mutual mistrust that lies between Muslims and non-Muslims.
    In this personal and honest account, he also finds reason to hope for a future where they are us.


    • StewGreen says:

      The daily pages don’t give any more detail apart from the titles
      ep1 Segregation
      #2 They… don’t marry outside their own
      #3 They… want to take over our country
      #4 They… don’t believe in our values
      #5 They… don’t love our country

      Surely by labelling ethnic Pakistanis as “Muslims” he is denying the reality that many of them have moved on and left the traditions and dogma of the old religion behind.


  27. taffman says:

    Will Al Beeb report on Sweden’s state of health re Covid ?


  28. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “Mr Heappey, Defence Minister, said officials had realised the situation had changed over the last week. More Afghans eligible for resettlement were coming forward for help, he said, and the UK government was seeking to help others in Afghan civil society deemed vulnerable under Taliban rule.”

    I can here our Island doors opening even wider. So, we import all those ‘deemed vulnerable under Taliban rule”?? 🙁


    • MarkyMark says:

      Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.

      I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.


  29. StewGreen says:

    9:30am show “Denialism”
    I though last weeks show was the hit-piece against Climate Realists
    by labelling them “deniers” and “denialists”
    but even though this weeks show is about Driverless Cars
    they still keep dropping in lines about “climate deniers”

    This is not only mean, it is Orwellian
    In any political argument you have one view and the other side has a different one
    Each side is intrinsically saying that the other side is DENYING reality.
    Climate Alarmists hyping these words “deniers” and “denialists” are practicing language trickery
    The ultra strong labels are Ad Hominem not proper argument,
    It is the fallacy of Poisoning Of The Wells.. saying that all the other sides arguments are unholy.
    Basically the same as saying they are apostates who should be ostracised.

    Although the 5 parts are played out at one episode per week the BBC uploaded all 5 episodes right away

    ep 3 Books about “denialism” describe something global, like the rejection of climate change science.
    But are its roots personal? Isabel Hardman looks at our extraordinary capacity to deceive ourselves.

    #Projection is a libmob characteristic

    ep 4 Does it help to call someone a denier?
    Isabel Hardman explores the language of denial and asks why debates get so polarised.

    ep5 Are the children of the digital revolution going to tackle global issues differently?
    Isabel Hardman looks at new ways of confronting denialism

    … FFS It’s not up to ignorant children to mould the future


    • Old Goat says:

      Unless their name is “Greta”.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Publicly ‘denying’ ANY aspect of global warming theory, even the most alarmist (and ridiculous), has become a dangerous activity, as it’s likely to result in not just verbal abuse and ostracisation, but even loss of employment (especially if you work in the sciences and/or public sector) and physical attacks.

      It’s not the only opinion you’re ‘not allowed to voice’, of course. In fact, you are ALLOWED to voice them, but you might (very well) not like the consequences of doing so.

      There has been such a climate of fear (pun intended) built up about ‘manmade global warming’, particularly by the BBC, that there are plenty of people out there who fully believe anyone not ‘doing their bit’ is maliciously damning us all, and ‘spitting in the eye of future generations’ (won’t somebody think about the children?).

      Just replace the term ‘denier’ with ‘heretic’ and you understand what it’s really about. How long until the burning of the books, and how much longer after that to the burning of ‘deniers’?


    • tomo says:

      A couple of years ago a loony alarmist teacher at a primary school dragooned her charges into parading around a local town centre.

      If 16 year olds want to bunk off and destroy a lawn in Bristol while watching the doom pixie – meh… – >>> 6 year olds ? – grrrrr…..


    • Up2snuff says:

      I cannot call it TwatO Watch because it was the post-TWatO filla – Tom Heap is back with ’39 ways to save the Planet’. Faisal Ghani, a young Australian, engineer, self-exported to Scotland and now stuck thanks to wife and wain, has created an up-to-date solar water heater. Little by little some ‘home truths’ slip out. The prototype (which you may have seen on the BBC web-site) is manufactured in part using a laser cutter.

      As there are not vast amounts of sunshine in Scotland, although it does work even in Scottish sunshine, the expected customer base for this is in Africa. Dr Tamsin Edwards of Kings College, London, helps with the calculation of how much carbon (in reality electrical energy) this device can save. The answer is not much. Tamsin (don’t know what she did for her Doctorate) calculates a fraction of one per cent but if rolled out around the world maybe up to two per cent.

      In reality that is nothing. But Dr Tamsin, bright lass that she is, forgets to take into account Faisal Ghani’s flight to Africa to trial these on the Ugandan population. She also fails to take into account a clean water supply (something many Africans would love to have, especially a waste-water sewage system) and the need for a laser-cutter and reliable electricity to power it. Solar could, of course, do that – especially in Africa – but only really during the twelve hours of sunlight. And they do have dull days in Africa, too.

      At a guess, Faisal Gahani’s attempt to save the fallen brush wood and trees of Africa, to enable them to be consumed in wildfires instead, is already somewhat in carbon deficit. I’m all in favour of engineering and getting technical innovations (if only a modern take on a late-twentieth century idea) out to the world but I think Africans would be better off buying or being given black lidded plastic buckets which they could leave in the early morning sun for a couple of hours to heat up.


      • StewGreen says:

        Solar electricity and Solar Hot Water are two different things

        The bottom line is that a hot shower in a cold country is very useful
        but in most of Africa, it is pretty hot all the time
        If you leave smallish water tanks on the house roof, the water comes out hot anyway
        so solar hot water is no additional benefit.


  30. StewGreen says:

    The reason why the episodes are all up
    is cos the series is a repeat from March 2019
    The date wasn’t obvious to me
    Today about 3 tweets support her prog.. that’s not much

    Is Hardmen a Tory ? works for Spectator, but also presents BBC’s Week in Westminster show


  31. markh says:

    How good of the BBC to add to the chaos at Kabul Airport by sending in a team of technicians so that we can listen to the mangled tones of Lyce Doucet ‘from the front line’. They really haven’t got a clue.


    • vlad says:

      I can’t understand a word she says. Is that the BBC rubbing our noses (or ears) in diversity?


  32. taffman says:

    All our thoughts and prayers should now be directed to our British Forces in Afghanistan.

    We could be facing another Rorke’s Drift or Charge of the Light Brigade?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes – it would be a bitter thing if the taliban target our forces as the week rolls out . The americans would not care a jot .

      The next time the US comes looking for ‘ moral support ‘ – leave it to them – including anything china does .

      Although as i write i recall what the US did when wilson refused to get the UK lost in Vietnam . ..


  33. Deborah says:

    Mr D and I had thought that Alan Hanson was sometimes the voice of almost real agriculture within the nonsense that is CountryFile. Last night he was very much part of the woke that is the BBC. He showed us his fields which have wide boundaries planted with pretty wild flowers, ‘to capture carbon’ as part of the race to zero carbon. He didn’t explain how these wide ‘verges’ would help feed the people of the UK and how he was going to cope with the cut in income from the reduced acreage he had in active production (reduce losses for those like Mr Clarkson who really understand the finances of British Agriculture). He didn’t seem to consider the carbon footprint of producing the seed he had sewn and I would be surprised if the seed had been hand sown i.e. someone had sat on a tractor to plant the stuff. Mr Hanson also hadn’t seemed to understand that a meadow (as this land had become) would need managing. Without regular cutting during the season the meadow would turn to thistles, brambles and nettles. Perhaps Matt would be willing to go through with a scythe several times a season – well he did learn how to use one last night. The only trouble is that someone using a scythe all day needs lots of calories and so will need to eat more. The only way to get sufficient extra calories and still going for the woke way, would need to eat lots of nuts and they are imported (at what cost to the earth?), and how are the nuts harvested and have they had fertilizer and insecticides applied? If Alan cannot answer us, I suppose we need Greta to advise. Meanwhile I better go and scrape Mr D off the ceiling.


    • StewGreen says:

      @Deborah I posted some notes last night , at the top of page 4 on the previous thread

      .. He then went on about how the future is farmers “earning money from bio-diversity”
      There was no mention of who will pay for this non-production.
      “Next week .keeping yields high whilst minimising the effect us farmers have on the climate”

      “the carbon footprint of producing the seed he had sewn” was zero
      … Cos they went down to the water meadow with sythes and cut that grass 3 inches up from the ground.
      They then collected that is big square bags
      brought them to the meadow and dragged the bags across scattering the seed.

      “Without regular cutting during the season the meadow would turn to thistles, brambles and nettles. ”
      He said the field was used for cows
      Cows walking across the fields stops any big growth.
      Nettles are often a sign of human disturbance cos they grow up more where humans have been burning stuff.


      • StewGreen says:

        Organic farming is a dream that is not good cos you end up using so much more land.
        It’s like deindustrialising and making your chairs and stuff at home.

        You could take 1,500 acres and grow all organic
        Or you could take 1,000 acres and leave 200 as woods and water meadow that you leave completely alone
        and then farm the other 800 acres intensively
        You end up with a higher production than the 1,500 acre organic farm
        and you get a large area which is largely untouched by humans.

        What we are doing now is turning the countryside into a zone for #1 green factories like solar/wind #2 more immigrant housing #3 A wildlife park
        and thus IMPORTING MORE food.


      • Deborah says:

        If Adam is going to have cows on the field margins, he is going to need fences for which there be be a carbon cost. And the cows themselves produce too much methane according to Greta’s friends. And how are the cows to be milked (those milking parlours require energy) and those big steel vats where milk is stored or made into cheese also have a carbon footprint.


        • StewGreen says:

          @Deb I don’t know about Adam’s field margins
          but with cattle you can manage their impact
          Let them into a field to spread the seed and fertilise the soil
          then move them on to another field before they cause crop damage.
          The methane issue i interesting
          the famer will say that they were still emitting methane before green measures, so that is not a net increase, but wild meadow may decay and eventually entrap a small mount of its CO2 within the soil so that is a net carbon reduction.

          There’s a bit of smoke and mirrors there.
          BTW the power of methane is moot : If a sq KM of atmosphere already has a shield of CO2, you can’t say the methane doubles the shield you can only count the bits where it plugs the gaps.
          but models often seem to double count.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Stew, your post @11.42 a.m. – the taxpayer pays for it. This is the barking mad Boris promising to replace the EU set-aside and acreage grants with something that enhances ‘the Public Good’. As if ever greater taxation can be a public good.


    • JimS says:

      If Mr Hanson wants to ‘capture carbon’ then he should be growing the fastest growing crop that he can find.

      Of course once that crop is eaten, burnt or rots on the ground all that lovely ‘captured carbon’ is released again.

      There is some sense in the argument that fossil fuels contain carbon that was captured over thousands of years and burning them returns the carbon to the atmosphere ‘too quickly’ but crops and animals are all part of the ‘real time’ carbon cycle.

      These eco-idiots are just going to destroy the fertility of our fields. The experiment has already been done back in 1939-45 when livestock numbers were drastically reduced when animals were ‘cropped’ as replacement for imported food.

      As you will well know animals naturally capture and excrete nitrogen, an element needed by plants, that they can’t get directly from the atmosphere themselves.


      • Old Goat says:

        Sick to the back teeth of hearing about “carbon” and “CO2”. They are no problem to anyone, yet are essential to life. There isn’t a climate crisis, let alone a climate emergency. We are more likely to feel the effects of being hit by an asteroid, than climate change, which is long-lived, and generally harmless.

        We as a species, have literally gone insane. Perhaps we deserve to be edged off this mortal coil by some calamity, or other – but it won’t be via Carbon or CO2.


  34. Eddy Booth says:

    I like the humour


    • tomo says:

      What’s “even better” is that the local scallyban are now flogging the Yanks their own fuel that they left behind at Bagram?


  35. vonrecht says:

    Notice, it’s all about numbers now. Numbers of ‘people’. By the tens of thousands, off to the US and UK.
    Who are those ‘people’? Well, the most BBC will tell you is that they are ‘brave’ Afghans. Who are somehow connected to our forces. We know little else about them: Were they vetted? Have they legit papers? How many family members are these ‘brave’ Afghans bringing with them? The target seems to be to simply evacuate the highest possible number from out of the chaos. The higher, the greater the triumph.
    Where will all these ‘people’ be accomodated? Listening to Alex Forsyth on the ‘Westminster Hour’ on R4 last night, that seemed almost irrelevant. Labour’s Steve wanted as many as possible. ‘We owe those ‘brave’ afghans’. Yet then he launched into a lengthy spiel about how terribly our NHS was under pressure, the full hospitals, the long waiting lists, ambulance service overwhelmed, army has to help.
    But Steve sees no contradiction there: he would like to bring at least 40,000 + in. What would that do to the NHS and other services? Schooling their families? integration into communities? None of this discussed. Just bring in half of Afghanistan? (It was mentioned that 20 million of the 40 million Afghans were ‘in need’.
    And so it all becomes blurry and fudgy. Since no in-depth discussion takes place, Alex’s show becomes all about virtue-signalling: my party will take in more ‘people’ than your party.
    It all ended with a look at where the term ‘woke’ came from, and what it meant. Apparently the west appropriated it from some black American, who used it to show injustice. Producer Fenwick patched together a nice ‘white guilt’ piece to prove this, if I understood the jumble correctly.

    I do wonder whetehr black Americans ever ‘appropriated’ any term, or anything else -for that matter- from white America? Guess not. Like ‘racism’ this can only be a one way thing. Beeb happy.


  36. StewGreen says:

    There also the discussion on the DefundtheBBC Facebook page
    Someone jut posted what they say is a 40 year old newspaper letter, complainig=ng of anti-white bias.


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems the marble of color in museums is all wrong.

      Highly paid staff are so on it.


  37. Dover Sentry says:

    Our BBC are treating Kabul as if it was Dunkirk – Bring as many home as possible!

    I suppose there are two similarities. Both locations have a ‘U’ and a ‘K’ in their names….


    • tomo says:

      There’s loads of seats available going in to Kabul – I see the sour faced intrepid Lyse Doucet is already there – she needs some company – me? I’d like to see Jeremy Vine vox-popping the natives from a bicycle.


  38. G.W.F. says:

    You will have noticed that the police have painted cars in rainbow colours as part of a drive to reduce hurty hate offences.
    As a guide to the appropriate terminology I feel that it is my duty to clarify a few appropriate gender definitions.
    Titter ye not, as Frankie Howard would say.


  39. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    So far this year there have been more ‘migrants’ crossing the channel than all the other years (started in 2018) put together and it’s still only August.
    If the government wanted to stop them it could but the sad truth is that they don’t want to stop them. We get the waffle and strong statements and then ……..

    Have you heard what the ‘new’ tallyban gentlemen are now doing to those who they have caught who are accused of working for the USA and others.
    They tie them up and when they are completely helpless they slice off their muscles. Imagine, your upper arm muscle being sliced off down to the bone.
    There’s your Stone Age Afghans for you, many of which will be arriving here to enrich us, all welcomed by our brave wokerati.

    And finally,
    Each day we seem to be averaging about 30,000 covid cases and about 100 deaths.
    With something like 90% already jabbed, many having already had covid and those who will be immune anyway, where are they all getting it from.
    Do the vaccines not work?
    Are we being lied to (my guess)
    The numbers are supposed to be going up again yet the restrictions are lifted.
    I wish there was an honest account of the numbers. Deaths caused by covid and genuine cases of covid confirmed by a reliable test.
    As with everything else, nobody believes a word any of our MPs and their various committees and reviews come out with. They no longer have any credulity.


  40. MarkyMark says:

    After the US abandonment of Bagram air base, the Germans began moving their people out last month, quietly and without fanfare. Also in July, Mullah Baradar, the Taliban honcho now back in Kabul, flew to China to meet with Xi’s Foreign Minister. And the government of Greece (which no German or Scandinavian would consider a functioning administration) somehow managed to anticipate a looming Afghan migrant tide and construct and complete a border fence with Turkey, in order to prevent another 2016 “refugee” stampede.

    Everyone – Greeks, Germans, Chinese – knew where this was headed (and very quickly) …everyone except the decadent, decayed hyperpower in nominal control of the timeline.

    Mark Steyn
    The Fall of Kabul, the Fall of America
    August 22, 2021


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Women to stop wearing makeup to save the planet!


    • Guest Who says:

      That might soon work its way through.

      Attenbooger would be thrilled at least.

      I see the PR crowd lenses already doing some heavy lifting in Traf Sq. Time for bbc shires to fly in some local democracy ‘reporters’ to drum up the suv brigades outside the m25?


      • MarkyMark says:

        BBC Drag queens to give up makeup?


        • tomo says:

          kind of related …

          I spent some time in Pakistan and one thing (among many) that surprised me was the troupes of quite bonkers and loud cross dressers that were in Karachi city centre … surreal hardly does them justice – in fact, I feel they could usefully be imported for a bit of extra diversity.


  42. Guest Who says:

    That fails. Block.

    That fails. Ban.

    See… transparency!


  43. StewGreen says:

    Now on R4 : You and Yours is reporting on Manchester PRIDE 6 days BEFORE it happens
    So that’s #PRasNews PROMOTION
    cos news comes AFTER an event has happened


    • MarkyMark says:

      Being Gay is Great.
      Being Heterosexual is being homophobic.


    • StewGreen says:

      Ah only 3% of 2019’s REVENUES went to charity
      Prog blurb Manchester Pride is going ahead this weekend,
      it’s the first big Pride since the start of the Pandemic.
      But there’s been controversy about how much the festival, which is run as a charity, donates to LGBTQ charities
      – and it’s raised questions about what Pride is really for among LGBTQ communities.
      We hear from local drag artist Cheddar Gorgeous, and writer for the Gay Times Tom Knight who’ll discuss the social and charitable purposes of Pride.

      – a new trend for ‘Russian Lips’. like on Russian nesting dolls

      – We hear about luxury dog hotel with room service, a pamper package and dog friendly herbal tea.

      – And have you found it difficult to get an Uber recently? Let us know.

      Hmm bottomline
      #1 Don’t taxppayers subsidise these events ..shouldn’t they be paid back before money is given to charity

      #2 It’s very common for festivals to go overbudget and make a loss
      One should not expect them to make a huge surplus

      Ah “In 2019 the events gave £122K away, but one employee was paid £90K.. the tickets and promotion make it sound like making money for gay charities is the main thing”


      • tomo says:

        “Pride” is a business – I have worked for them – the organisers and facilitators don’t miss a revenue opportunity.

        I remember being gobsmacked that fat, useless berk Lord Smith of Finsbury dropped £55,000 of Environment Agency money onto Birmingham Pride a few years back.


      • StewGreen says:

        Mark L Fletcher @McrFletch’s Salary increased from the £60-70,000 bracket in 2018, to the £90-100,000 bracket in 2019

        There is noting written on the BBC Manchester pages
        as if it is NOT news
        It’s all on the BBC Manchester radio on August 11th
        In the afternoon show the charities like George Trust explained that funding had been withdrawn cos Pride was only interested in supporting Gay People, whereas it helps ALL people who have HIV
        At 2h35m in the morning the radio teach tackled Fletcher himself

        There should be a rule that call an event a charity fundraiser 10% of turnover should go to charity, not just 3%
        The salary costs were £550K ..a doubling from previous years ..that is 12% of turnover


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Where would we be without the £4 billion BBC to provide us with this obnoxious bullshit?


    • StewGreen says:

      Summary : so there is controversy over Manchester Gay Pride charity money
      Punters are fed a narrative “It’s all for charity”
      Yet 2019 only 3% went to charity
      and now some charities are being cut out co they are not gay enough
      Meanwhile almost same money from your ticket goes to the bosses salary
      He basically saying that times are tough, yet at the same time accepting a £20K pay rise.
      The BBC radio Manc interview is crushing
      That super-manager makes a good point badly
      .. There used to be one main event and that profited and made money for charities.
      But now one way they pay back the community is to have an extra 5 sets of mainly FREE events eg Youth Pride, Family Pride
      So they actual charity they are putting into the community is as high as before.
      I think he is right to say don’t just focus on the £££ amount forwarded to charities.


  44. Fedup2 says:

    A kidult DT columnist called tim Stanley writes an attack piece today saying that the false presidents ‘ problem is that he is too old !

    I guess mr Stanley has never heard of dementia – and the comment section ‘educates ‘ him about it .

    Perhaps it is part of the path the deceitful MSM is on to conclude the obvious – and what many on this site have been saying since before the stolen US election .

    I can’t see me paying £4 a month for the DT if it writes crap like that .


    • Doublethinker says:

      The Telegraph has been tracking left with increasing speed over the past few years and was virulently anti Trump and pro Biden. It’s has become increasingly Woke and a few months ago , for pointing out the discrepancy between its editorial stance and the views of its readers, I was banned from commenting. No explanation has been forthcoming. But I reckon that there are thousands of other readers who post comments which are better than I could ever manage and I find the comments are often better than the articles they are posted under.
      Of late the paper has been pillorying Biden about the economy and southern border and in the last few days has really gone for him over Afghanistan.
      I suspect that these attacks are not because the newspaper has at last seen the light and realised that Biden and his gang are dangerous Woke maniacs but that they want rid of him and to install looney Harris to go the full Woke .


      • Fedup2 says:

        Double – the coverage of the VP visit to the Nam – by al jaz – which I now dip into – is less than complementary . Her response to press corp questions about Afgee was to – cackle like a demented witch . Ideal presidential material ….


        • JohnC says:

          I saw her stood behind Biden in her mask the other day – nodding profusely and wide-eyed at the camera like an excited teenager whenever he said something worthy of a bit of virtue-signalling.

          I still can’t get the image out of my head. It was pathetic.


      • JohnC says:

        I used to post on the DT and criticised their new extreme feminist and anti-Trump articles. I said what I thought – but always kept my comments within the realm of what I considered to be just expressing my opinion. And as a rule, my comments were well received.
        Then one day I noticed nobody was liking my comments any more. I had been shadow banned (I can post and see my own posts, but nobody else can see them) without any warning or having any comments deleted in the past.
        This was shortly before everything went behind a paywall.
        My conclusion is that they were woking-up with the intent to sell the newspaper.
        It marked the end of one of the few remaining quality right-wing papers.


  45. Thoughtful says:

    Thoughts on Biden stance on Afghanistan and what might well lie behind it.
    Maybe not Biden but those pulling the strings as yet unseen, and unknown.

    Most people know politicians are not well paid for the job we ask them to do, and even the US President is not an exception to that rule,
    Over the last half decade, politicians in the West have been in the pockets of the oil rich Middle Eastern Sunni Muslim potentates, this however is not the case with Joe Biden who is in the pockets of the Chinese Communist Party.

    If you were the CCP and able to pull the strings of the man controlling the most powerful military in the world, who had a base right next door, what would you want him to do?

    A serious question, because even though the CCP might not have learned the art of subtlety like the Saudis, I cannot think of an action more advantageous to China than that Joe Biden has just undertaken regardless of the cost to him & his party.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Beijing has won without firing a shot, which is the way to do it. They have no desire to occupy Afghanistan or to prioritize (as did Washington, confusing the Great Game with the Gay Games) Pride Month in Kandahar. Your average goatherd will barely notice the ChiComs’ presence, except insofar as the best tables at the only Michelin restaurant in Spin Boldak seem to go to the visiting Chinamen. But, an hour south of Kabul, Chinese development of the world’s second largest copper mine will proceed apace. We were there for two decades, but all the lithium will go to Chairman Xi, just in case you thought the Chinese didn’t have a tight enough hammerlock on the world’s batteries, without which all your high-tech toys are novelty paperweights and doorstops.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes the idea that ‘China fixes the election if you get out of our raw material interests ‘ is a reasonable calculation .

      The false president would not be worried about public opinion because he got the top job … and the dementia means he won’t care about ‘legacy ‘ …


    • JohnC says:

      I think it may well be as simple as Biden losing his marbles and refusing to listen to anybody else – and getting very unpleasant with anyone who argues.
      Like the cantankerous old b@st@rd down the street who wouldn’t give you your football back.

      If this is the case, you can be sure moves will be happening ready to remove him. I just wonder how they plan to stop Harris becoming President afterwards. I can’t believe anyone will accept that.


  46. LastChanceSaloon says:
    Analysis by John Harwood
    Updated 2056 GMT (0456 HKT) August 22, 2021
    “Why Biden’s Afghanistan exit wasn’t about good politics”
    Not BBC.
    Biden is marvellous.
    Nothing to see here folks, move along.
    A superb example of defending the indefensible.
    Probably a Pulitzer Prize in the post (alliteration incidental).

    Same source from 21st August, another whitewash.
    “The point here is that the American public often has a short memory when it comes to foreign policy endeavors.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      If some observers found him excessively stubborn and defensive, the President also made clear it wasn’t polls that made him act on his long-expressed opposition to extending the war.
      “It’s time to end this war,” Biden repeated on Friday. Under ferocious political attack, he left no doubt that he believes it.


      • JohnC says:

        Sometimes I think I’m missing something very important and have no idea what it is.

        As far as I understand it, the whole problem here is nothing to do with pulling out, it’s all about how Biden has done it. People are now in great danger and the Taliban have billions of dollars of state-of-the-art equipment all paid for by the American tax-payer.

        Yet Joe never addresses this, He just repeats the same rhetoric about wanting to get all the soldiers out. Nobody presses him about it and the BBC don’t go anywhere near it. They seem obsessed with raising emotional stories about individual people, particularly women – which is absurd considering how many are affected. It’s classic BBC lies by omission : they just don’t talk about it.

        Sometimes I have to pinch myself to be sure I am not dreaming.


  47. MarkyMark says:

    China investment to make Peru world’s second-largest copper producer

    A China consortium awarded the contract to develop the world’s second-largest copper mine in Afghanistan is planning to return after years of delay as Beijing seeks closer ties with the Taliban. … For now, Jiangxi Copper has pulled all of its workers out of Afghanistan.5 days ago

    China Moly owns the world’s second-largest cobalt mine – the Tenke Fungurume in the DRC – and recently bought the Kisanfu resource from Freeport-McMoRan. Along with Huayou Cobalt, other Chinese firms active there include Chengtun Mining, Wanbao and CNMC.17 Jul 2021


  48. Guest Who says:

    BBC Radio 4

    This week’s Radio 4 Appeal is on behalf of the charity Feed Your Feet presented by the journalist and broadcaster John Snow.

    Been up for 3hrs.



  49. Guest Who says:

    Just as Alinsky knows the media likes them.


    • Guest Who says:

      Large groups of white people standing in public places in a symbolic capital at this moment.



      • JohnC says:

        Just randomly moved it forward and heard:
        ‘Let’s have a little bit of a trauma release exercise.’
        ‘Put your hand up in front of your head and give yourself a nice little stroke.’
        Jesus wept. I spend my life trying to stay as far away as possible from people like this.


  50. G says:

    Riot Police don’t have it all their way:
