So the G7 has agreed to …nothing
A victory for the Taliban
The BBC avoiding blaming Biden .
Meanwhile Departures at Kabul airport become more frantic . The so Islamic promoting BBC has its work cut out now .
Midweek Thread 25 August 2021
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First. But I’m so suprised I’ve not much to say except the BBC are s**t.
That’ll do.
If they were only s**t, that wouldn’t be so bad, but they’re not just s**t they’re also a deeply sinister force for evil in this fair land.
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 3 started 9am on Tuesday
– page 2
Ooo ! First ! .. Edit … rats, beaten into second as I typed too much !
Just arrived back from the shops. Heard something in the car on radio 4 about ‘modern slavery’ and someone who had come to the UK on a few months visitor visa ended up staying and working and was now ‘ being exploited’.
So… here illegally .. Working illegally on visitor visa, Overstayed visa ..therefore needs to be deported thought I. If I overstayed a USA visitor visa that is what would happen to me.
They didn’t seem to discuss deportation as an option though. Surprise surprise. Maybe they did and I will be corrected but I turned off after it didn’t seem to be coming up as one ! Feel free to correct me if I misheard or missed something in the program as the off button was soon pressed !
Such people may well be exploited …But so is our immigration system and if it were fixed then such cases would be reduced.
If an illegal is enslaved
The government argues that person needs to be encouraged to give evidence against the bad guys
So it then guarantees that witness will not be deported
but that the traffickers might be .
Stew “but that the traffickers might be .”
means they will get sent to prison for five years – at a cost to the taxpayer – and at the end of their term in the middle of the five years, the Home Office – at a cost to the taxpayer – will try to deport them. They will be defended by a Human Rights Lawyer – at a cost to the taxpayer – during a trial in front of an Adjudicator – at a cost to the taxpayer – and will be even released – at a cost to the taxpayer – or deported – at a cost to the taxpayer – to their country of origin.
What more could possibly go wrong for the UK taxpayer?
Shocking truly appalling indictment of this Tory ‘government’, which is more like Corbyns Labour.
Neville Chamberlain – “Peace for our time”
Anthony Eden – Suez Crisis
Margaret Thatcher – Falkland Islands Invasion
Bo Jo – Afghanistan, Dover Invasion & Covid
taffman, which of those that you list – arguably – was a(n) (eventual) success?
Who do you think ?
Does anyone remember “Weapons of Mass Destruction”?
From our supposedly impartial BBC we have had with regard to the Taliban’s largely uncontested taking back control of Afghanistan following the dissolving away of the Afghanistan military in the wake of the pull out of US and NATO troops after an occupation of 20 years & the collapse of its Western proxy government:
• “War on Humanity”
• “War on Women”
• “Credible Evidence of Executions”
• “Who Will Save Afghanistan?”
• Daily Headlines Claiming Horror in Afghanistan
• Demands for taking in as many Afghanis as possible as refugees
• A Special Section on Afghanistan in the BBC’s News Channel for Children (NewsRound)
• Claims that the Taliban doesn’t represent Islam
• Criticism of Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab etc etc
• Support and promotion of rebel groups in Afghanistan to conduct an insurgency for the overthrow of the Taliban
All this from the “neutral” BBC.
This is too close to reality.
Too much
Watching Biden trying to read from the autocue – I actually felt sorry for him . You can see the strain of reading the words . He had to look at his idiot card to remember the name of his Secretary of State
And then – he walked out – leaving the press shouting questions again . The MSM doesn’t comment on his style or dementia .. but it won’t will it ?
Former UK commander in Afghanistan calls for Biden court martial
President Joe Biden, as commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces, should be court-martialed for “betraying the United States of America and the United States’ armed forces,” the former head of British military operations in Afghanistan said in an interview airing Sunday.
If I could, I’d vote this man in as PM any day.
So would I. But he is a military type action man, and not the latte drinking officers that make it to the General staff.
He also called Kamala Harris his Defence secretary. This confused Harris she doe not want additional responsibility.
We are moving into a very different world from that which has prevailed since the end of WWII.
Boris Johnson is an admirer of Churchill. I sincerely hope and pray he rises to not just what Britain asks but the West needs. Its his chance to be who he admires.
Churchill stood firm against invasion. Boris is not concerned about them at all.
The only thing that would make the useless splodge act against them is if a huge public campaign was launched about the issue, and it would have to be huge and threatening.
But then, if the illegals were stopped he would just bring others in legally. Look how quickly he and his whole traitorous clique were quick to invite 20,000 Afghans across.
‘Bojo the clown’ is too kind a label for this creature.
(Oh God, I’m beginning to sound like Thoughtful)
Boris was born in New York and has Turkish and Lithuanian roots. Boris, like so many in his cabinet, does not have a British heritage.
This Yank is probably more British than BoJo.
My (some number of) great grandfathers including John Milton, Guy (a/k/a Guido) Dobyns, & the Crofts of Croft Castle amongst others based on genealogical research and DNA evidence.
Boris’s vanity tells him he is the new Churchill.
Boris’s actions tell us he isn’t.
Not even close. Boris cares about one thing : Boris.
Where are the rest of the Tory MPs?
It looks like young Tom tried but then got quickly reigned in.
He was right first time – the government’s actions are impossible to defend. Someone on here mentioned civil war last week. In the absence of a leader, no prospect of getting one through our voting system, and the military apparently unwilling/unable to carry out a series of ‘soft coups’ in the name of common sense – that may now be the most honest and ‘clean’ option.
John C etal
All true, but its all we have at the moment, a0nd for at least 5 years more.
If anyone is interested the American version of the Spectator has an article
that compares Trump to Churchill
List of articles :
Here’s the article list for UK Spectator
No apology for repeating this. These goons thought that giving billions in hard, untraceable cash to the mullahs and the IRG while supporting Saudi Arabia / UAE in Yemen … mebbe there’s method in it….
I see that the head of the “Biden Administration” CIA, one William J. Burns (who was pivotal in bombing the Iranians into “submission” with used dollar bills and pallets of other currencies) is a real Obamah swamp creature. Him and Jake Sullivan another dweeb/arse – thought bribing the Mullahs in Tehran… with other people’s money was a good idea…
The BBC seem keen to talk Burns up and Sullivan gets an uncritical bye on everything no matter how inane …
The Biden administration are preparing to maroon a *lot* of Americans in Afghanistan – check out Sullivan weaseling that “if you’re marooned – it’s your own fault” in the YouTubage linked below.
I really wouldn’t be surprised if a few months down the line one of the maroonees “goes postal”
I don’t recall the BBC EVER making a reference to Bidens mental condition.
Whereas Trump got this:
Trump’s mental health debate: What is it about?
Where they quote:
“This silence has resulted in a failure to lend our expertise to worried journalists and members of Congress at this critical time. We fear that too much is at stake to be silent any longer.”
The most gross of double standards.
So the BBC headlined the story of a homophobic attack in Birmingham. When it was discovered that the accused attackers were named Sohail Khan and Ishaaq Ayaz they deprioritized the story and buried the updates.
I also discovered the BBC recently burying a story regarding one of those child sexual abusers who was jailed for two years or so for breaking his parole conditions by contacting the girl he had sexually abused when she was 13.
I also discovered by accident that the BBC used a new technique of burying a story involving a refugee that burned down a church – they wrote the story but never provided any link to it on any of their front pages including their rolling news section. The only way you could find it was by searching for it using their search facility and keywords.
Here is one example of an extremely stupid report by the BBC in order to push in as many ways as possible a particular agenda across all parts of the BBC website – this was posted on the BBC Health webpage today (just gone midnight):
This is so typical of the Left.
They will focus on the emotional strain of an Afghan living an easy life and in no danger at all who really needs to be given a shake and told to get a grip – then totally ignore the other Afghan who got tied up, had his eyeballs gouged out with a knife and then was shot in the back of the head.
And they are just the first of many, many more to come.
The hypocrisy of the BBC living in their own privileged, tax-payer funded make-believe world makes me sick.
Brave Phillip Schofield in tears discussing ‘pain’ and ‘pride’ of coming out as gay
Phillip Schofield bravely opened up on today’s This Morning alongside proud friend Holly Willoughby and admitted he was proud but “conscious of the hurt” he may cause
Brave Phillip Schofield discusses his sexuality with friend Holly Willoughby
ByKyle O’SullivanTV Features Writer
10:11, 7 Feb 2020UPDATED10:57, 7 Feb 2020
Just what exactly are all these gay people ‘proud’ about ?.
I’m heterosexual, but I’m not ‘proud’ about it. It’s just what I am.
This is ancient history, why bother posting it?
‘off’ button is available – maybe visit Taliban to help their economy?
I see that the BBC and many wokesters are silent as the Taliban advance. Its apparent that only tough men can protect and preserve liberal democracy.
And yet for the last decade all we’ve heard is that men, particularly White men are useless, and how tough and intelligent women are.
The BBC have not been silent as judged from their website. The majority of articles under world news is about the Taliban. The BBC have several rolling news live articles regarding Afghanistan running to about 50 pages combined to date. The BBC have a special Taliban section in Newsround – news for children. European News has almost been moth-balled as the majority of their attention has been on the Taliban. Sports stories have been written regarding Afghan sportsewomen having to be saved. It goes on and on and began well before the collapse of the Afghan Government.
Poor girl. And with all that going on in her head, she still had the time to adorn makeup and look good.
I like this joke, probably nearer the truth than anything by the bbc too.
Let this guy explain why ..
Tokyo 2020: The Games with a record number of LGBTQ athletes
And yet another LGBTQWERTYUIOP++HOWSYOURFATHER front-page agenda piece.
So I did some checking : did you know what 11% of BBC staff are LGBTQ+ compared to the 1.7% national average ?.
So much for equal opportunities. Shameless lefty hypocrites.
By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ sep2017}
White males?
A dying minority.
So I did some checking : did you know what 11% of BBC staff are LGBTQ+ compared to the 1.7% national average ?.
No wonder the BBC is rubbish by standard of intellect and originality.
For me, I dont watch the stuff, and I dont wish to subsidise debased intellect and moral standards.
As predicted, the Imbecile’s spin doctors are now touting the biggest disaster in modern US history as a great victory. Let’s hope that what’s left of an independent media in America won’t let them get away with it. The BBC will no doubt go along with the lie.
From Politico:
“In the span of a week, the White House went from struggling to explain a rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan to beating its chest.
Top Biden officials and administration allies have begun aggressively touting the success of their evacuation efforts in the war-torn country, offering frequent updates on the number of evacuees. They’ve framed the operation as historic — in line with the Berlin airlift — declared that they’re “over performing” their own metrics, and trumpeted the president as “defying expectations.”
lol, Politico went the same way as CNN on my phone news feed.
Totally lopsided bias.
Let’s see how they spin it a week from now when the Taliban have hundreds or even thousands of American hostages.
One worry for Al Beeb – The resurrection of Donald Trump !
I’m not convinced Trump will put himself up for election in 2024 (more that he’ll use a proxy, like Obama has with Biden) but with everything that’s happened in the last couple of weeks he must now be tempted, and we’ve not even reached the mid-terms. The Democratic Party are imploding before our eyes.
More LGBT Shared toilets?
Lets hope for the best. Time is short for America to survive as a nation that is home of the brave stuff they tout, and actually flagged as the home of people who cut and run and desert their allies while in battle.
One positive story despite Brexit & not on Al Beeb yet ……..
“Just Eat to move 1,500 call centre jobs to UK.”
1500 jobs for 20,000 Afghans?
This is a blow.
Also interesting how often bbc staff copy, paste and do not read their own stuff.
Koran discriminates against other religions – a discriminatory religion. Can you become a Jews-Muslim like Muslim British?
Just waiting for the BBC to report on a white family complaining that they couldn’t get their Christian child into a UK Islamic school – or doesn’t it matter that way around?
Yesterday Mr AsISeeIt casually joked: “Im waiting for the first reported case of PTSD by proxy in people traumatised by TV and press reports on Kabul”
This morning, sure enough, the BBC delivers: ‘Afghanistan: The ‘exhaustion’ of following the conflict from the UK… Ayesha is 22 and was born in Afghanistan, which is now under Taliban rule. She lives in the UK now and says she’s not stopped scrolling on her phone, checking news sites and talking to people she knows back home since the conflict escalated a few weeks ago. She says it’s left her mentally and physically exhausted‘ – well, knock it on the head, luv.
I make a gag and the BBC “Make it so” – as Star Trek’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard would have said.
Amusingly the BBC follow this cautionary tale of the distressing effects of over-indulgence in their foreign news with:
‘More on the Afghanistan conflict:
Gay and in Afghanistan: ‘I could be killed on the spot’
The ‘pure devastation and guilt’ of British-Afghans
British veterans: ‘Afghanistan work wasn’t in vain‘
And something to get the kiddies hooked on the foreign bang-bang: ‘Follow Newsbeat on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Listen to Newsbeat live at 12:45 and 17:45 weekdays – or listen back here.’
Or, to quote that old children’s TV show from the 1970s: ‘Why Don’t You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?‘
All the serious papers – except the further left-leaning ones: Guardian & the ‘i’ plus the formerly patriotic Times – feature the US President’s prime culpability in the present crisis: ‘Biden refuses to extend deadline‘ (Telegraph); ‘Biden refuses to extend Afghan airlift as Taliban tightens grip‘ (FT); ‘Biden won’t delay retreat‘ (Daily Mail); ‘We’re the new Gavin and Stacey’ (Sun) – sorry, I don’t know how that one got in there?
This of course isn’t the new Boris and Priti proud proprietors of Britain’s refugee-over-friendly Love Island, instead it’s Liam and Millie off the TV show Love Island: ‘Love Island’s Liam eager to move to be with Millie but they won’t live together just yet‘ (Mirror)
Well, there’s a thing. Tory ministers love a refugee but sure don’t want to have them move into their gaffs just yet.
Most of the press carry tributes to: ‘Charlie Watts (1941-2021)‘ – the Telegraph there with the formal announcement: ‘The glue that held the Rolling Stones together‘ – I’m guessing glue was about the only substance the boys didn’t bother to indulge in.
The Sun, by the way, seems to have over-indulged in the modern immortality wish: ‘Shock death of drummer, 80‘ – really, you think it shocking that a man dies at 80? I think the subs over there at the Sun are either pissed that they didn’t get wind of his approaching demise sooner, or else they’ve swallowed too much of our covid era live forever media disease.
By the way, BBC: ‘Covid infection protection waning in double jabbed‘ – that’s a funny sort of a vaccine. An alternative new one comes out every week. Two doses and you can still catch the lurgy and can still pass it on, then after a couple of months you need another booster. Time to use another term other than vaccine methinks.
Matt the cartoonist in the Telegraph seems, by accident, to sum up my discomfort on this subject. He has his white-coated scientist tell his laboratory chums: “I’m sick of developing vaccines. I want to make a difference. I’m going to become an HGV driver”
This lampoon comes in response to the Telegraph headline: ‘Longer lorries plan could ease HGV driver shortage‘
Look forward to some of those thundering through your village sometime soon.
Yeah. And higher prices for consumer goods is the natural response to the pandemic – of course it is.
And covid is a good reason to maintain the BBC licence fee. Etc. Etc.
BBC causes radical thinking and actions …
The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.
And Naff has penned an epic Moaning Emole..
By Nafeesa Shan
Biden insists on Afghanistan withdrawal deadline
Story detail
Despite calls for an extension of the deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan so evacuations from the Taliban-controlled country can continue, US President Joe Biden insists: “The sooner we finish the better.” The US is “on pace” to meet the target 31 August withdrawal date, he says, and some troops have already left, according to reports. This isn’t affecting evacuations of its nationals and eligible Afghans, but the president claims they must leave due to an “acute and growing risk of an attack” by another group in the country – Islamic State. The Taliban, according to Mr Biden, “have been taking steps to help get our people out”. However, this is on the backdrop of the Taliban saying Afghans shouldn’t go to Kabul airport or try to leave, working women must stay at home for now over safety fears and one Afghan journalist saying “it’s unbelievable to think no place was safe for me”.
Mr Biden’s resolve to leave on the agreed date came despite pressure from G7 leaders in an emergency meeting chaired by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday. They wanted more time to evacuate more people but after it was clear an extension was unlikely, Mr Johnson turned to the Taliban saying they must guarantee a safe passage for those who want to leave after 31 August. The G7 leaders from the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan have agreed a “roadmap” for engaging with the Taliban. But the Taliban have made it clear that they probably wouldn’t agree to an extension. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the G7 leaders had “agreed that it is our moral duty to help the Afghan people and to provide as much possible support as conditions will allow”. So far thousands of people have been flown out of Afghanistan on relief fights but Mr Biden’s remarks were a bitter disappointment for many in Kabul, who say the mission is far from over, since it leaves them stranded, according to our White House reporter Tara McKelvey.
‘They call me Mista Biden’, insists Tara.
More ‘mole (not yet on the menu)…
Forced to eat insects in drought-hit Madagascar
Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world’s first “climate change famine”, according to the United Nations, which says tens of thousands of people are already suffering “catastrophic” levels of hunger and food insecurity after four years without rain. The drought – the worst in four decades – has devastated isolated farming communities in the south of the country, leaving families to scavenge for insects to survive.
“These are famine-like conditions and they’re being driven by climate not conflict,” said the UN World Food Programme’s Shelley Thakral. The UN estimates that 30,000 people are currently experiencing the highest internationally recognised level of food insecurity – level five – and there are concerns the number affected could rise sharply as Madagascar enters the traditional “lean season” before harvest. “This is unprecedented. These people have done nothing to contribute to climate change. They don’t burn fossil fuels… and yet they are bearing the brunt of climate change,” said Ms Thakral.
Read full article >
Andrew Harding
Africa correspondent, BBC News
Forced? Andy not been keeping up on the bbc fast food recommendations (delivery drivers permitting) rushed to your door by Just XR?
” These people have done nothing to contribute to climate change.” – have nothing to do with advancing civilization – we should all go and live in caves – eat bugs – clap for the NHS – then die in our own homes alone.
Seems they only eat salads.
Or…. Do they….?
“UK taxpayers subsidise energy firms to burn wood to meet EU renewables targets.”
They still use “slash-and-burn” farming methods, large numbers of them still use charcoal as their principal source of cooking fuel, and deforestation and illegal logging is a major issue, apparently 90% of the island’s original forest cover has gone, 40% in the second half of the last century.
Throw in increased coffee production, cattle farming and population growth and it would suggest that the Malagasay might not be as innocent in this as suggested.
I’ve forgotten most of my A-level Geography, but might deforestation on such a massive scale coupled with over-grazing have some effect on the hydrological cycle of this island? Perhaps enabling these people access to power and electricity generated by the large oil and gas deposits they’re sitting on might pull them out of what seems to be a pretty primitive existence for many, that it might actually help to lessen the burdens of drought that they’re experiencing now and, as a “traditional lean season” and the worst drought in “four decades” would suggest bBbc, seemingly have done for quite a while.
Rich – eat bugs and clap for the NHS. That is all you need to do.
But they don’t want the average citizen to burn wood, oh, no…
Omission is the greatest lie – African burned area and fire carbon emissions are strongly impacted by small fires undetected by coarse resolution satellite data
Fires burn an area comparable to Europe each year, emitting greenhouse gases and aerosols. We compared burned area (BA) based on 20-m resolution images with a BA derived from 500-m data. It represents an 80% increase in BA in sub-Saharan Africa, responsible for about 70% of global BA. This difference is predominately (87%) attributed to small fires (<100 ha), which account for 41% of total BA but only for 5% in coarse-resolution products. We found that African fires were responsible for emissions of 1.44 PgC, 31–101% higher than previous estimates and representing 14% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. We conclude that small fires are critically important in characterizing the most important disturbance agent on a global scale.
If you have not contributed to Climate Change, you have not contributed to civilisation, that is Western engineering civilisation and not contemplating your navel civilisation.
30,000 people in Madagascar suffering ‘food insecurity’ because of climate change. They ought to count themselves lucky there’s a few meal worms around to provide some much-needed protein.
In India, the Doji Bara famine killed up to 11 million people between 1789 and 1792 and was the result of a major El Nino event. Previously, an Indian famine in 1661 was caused by zero rainfall in two years and the Deccan famine of 1630 was the result of triple back-to-back climate-induced crop failures; it’s recorded that up to 7 million people died.
In Ethiopa, the 1611 famine was caused by excessive rain and extreme cold leading to widespread crop failures, yet in 1835 the rains failed leading to the same conclusion.
In Europe, the Great Famine of 1315-1317 was caused by bad weather leading to crop failures and a complete breakdown in society. 7.5 million dead.
I could go on, but given the mass production of automobiles didn’t start until 1909 and the world’s first jet aircraft didn’t appear until 1939, how do these moon units square their industrial-revolution-causes-climate-change bollocks with the natural events that decimated societies, centuries before the internal combustion engine was even an idea?
Climate changes always. It is Industrial Western civilisation that has protected us from Climate Change. Climate Change cannot be stopped by eating less beef or ethanol additive to cars.
Now these idiot politicians have swallowed the lie of Climate change and its cause CO2, they will be the cause of major famines.
Imagine the idiocy of using good agricultural land to feed car fuel tanks instead of human mouths.
Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Featuring Physicists Willie Soon and Elliott D. Bloom
Well worth listening and spreading around. .
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
Marky – a non reply – but we do appreciate your input –
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Man shouts at clouds in sky (emailing the BBC).
1500 vs 30000 (US backed) ….
On 4 June 2014, the insurgents began their efforts to capture Mosul. The Iraqi army officially had 30,000 soldiers and another 30,000 federal police stationed in the city, facing a 1,500-member attacking force.
However, battalions there were gutted from their man power due to ghost soldiers, with most battalions undermanned, possibly to only 20% of their expected size.[10]
After six days of fighting and massive desertions, the city of Mosul, Mosul International Airport, and the helicopters located there all fell under ISIL’s control. An estimated 500,000 civilians fled from the city, due to the conflict.
Iraqi forces initiated an offensive on October 17, 2016, to retake the city, succeeding in their efforts in late July 2017.
Meeeshaal interviewing the coming ex foreign secretary where the workaholic is at a beach bar in Crete .
Meeshaal has a sob story about an Afgee trying to get to the land of benefits – it is estimated that 34million afgees worked for the military so are entitled to a free ride to the land of benefits .
Meeeshalll didn’t ask Raab about career planning when he loses his job … maybe he’ll do a swap with priti useless Patel – hapless – and no one will notice .
There is another popcorn story about some loon wanting to get 200 dogs out of Afgee – otherwise they become a stew … yum yum ….
Raab will lose his second job – keep his first one with expenses.
On Sept. 17 2001, Bush famously gave a speech from inside the Islamic Center of Washington. “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam,” he said. “That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.”
“The attack took place on American soil, but it was an attack on the heart and soul of the civilized world. And the world has come together to fight a new and different war, the first, and we hope the only one, of the 21st century. A war against all those who seek to export terror, and a war against those governments that support or shelter them.” President George W. Bush, October 11, 2001
Dan Walker on BBC Breakfast thinks he is going to win the Journalist of The Year award for asking the same stupid question 3 times.
Make it a 11th Sept celebration for the Taliban!
Desperate Dan forgot to ask about the different time zones.
Washington time?
London time?
Kabul time?
Winning requires a studio shoot with dumb creature seated next to him on the sofa.
Looking good for Dan.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
All Muslim countries take in all the afghanistans – Boko Haram say all are welcome in Nigeria.
Looks like the BBC is going to use the tedious olympics 2 following on from tedious olympics 1 to distract from the frankly ridiculous disaster in Afgee .
This may definitely be the time to go to other news sources to find out what is happening . I wonder if the government will use what has happened to reduce spending on the military – such as selling off a couple of second hand aircraft carriers …… or cutting the size of a proven useless NATO …
Taliban and China to make an offer – 1 dollar.
Islam (tolerant) fights iSLAM
Nigeria’s government no longer has any doubts that Abubakar Shekau, the notorious leader of the Boko Haram terror group, is dead.
Reports of Shekau’s death first emerged three months ago, with word he had been killed during a confrontation in the Sambisa Forest with rival terror group Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP).
I thought iSwap was new AirBNB where the company takes paying customers out of your second London home and pops in a large Afghan family for free.
All the Labour MPs have signed u… oh… hang on…
Free – family do not eat or flush the toilet.
What the media isn’t telling you and why Boris the bottler Johnson needs to resign over his disastrous handing of the Afghan withdrawal.
Way way back in time Donald Trump agreed to withdraw US troops by 1st May 2021. This was know to the UK and to the bottler who utterly failed to put a single plan in place.
When Biden came to power, in February 2021 he arranged for an extension of four months, the reason given that they wanted time for the Afghan military and government to prepare the defence of the country against the Taleban. (didn’t actually happen)
The August 31st deadline was then firmed up in early July, again with the full knoweldge of the British government who appear to have sat on their hands and done absolutely nothing.
Worse than that, because the far left fake Tories have cut back on military spending they now don’t have the resources the bottler needs to bail him out of the hole he has dug for himself and he is bleating about needing yet another extention to a deadline which he will probably fail to meet anyway.
This should be an absolute scandal in the making. Total incompetence, and failure to make any provision knowing that a hard dealine was approaching and believing that it was flexible. Cutting back so deep into essential services they can no longer provide the needed service to troops and civilians.
In short this should be a matter for a resignation.
Boris is our leader for life – our new Mugabe.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said Libyan city Sirte could be the new Dubai, adding, “all they have to do is clear the dead bodies away”.
His comments at a Conservative fringe meeting sparked anger, with a number of Tory MPs calling for his sacking and Labour labelling him “crass and cruel”.
Mr Johnson claimed his critics had “no knowledge nor understanding of Libya”.
A Downing Street source said it was not an “appropriate choice of words” but the PM regarded the matter as closed.
Someone should remind our wannabee Churchill, Creepy Biden and the BBC what a great leader once said:
“We must be careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations”
Become an MP – get freebies all day as well as 80K plus expenses.
Name of donor: Chelsea FC Foundation
Address of donor: Chelsea Football Club, Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road, London SW6 1HS
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: four tickets for a football match on 31 August 2019, with associated hospitality; total value £1,000
Date received: 31 August 2019
It’s ok ok because it’s ‘within the rules’ which we MPs wrote .
Aside from the fact MPs and ministers receive poverty levels of pay – Raab is on just £12.50 an hour, they face real and present risks to their personal safety and standing on the terraces of a football stadium is not an option unless you feel that death and serious injury to be yet another ‘perk’ of the job.
Witness what happened to Chris Whitty when he went to buy a sandwich.
It seems that instead of wanting human beings to be your political representative, you want a robot, or perhaps a Nun?
There are out there some real significant political ‘gifts’ which might amount to downright bribes being accepted by politicians and you let the fly right over your head!
Corbyn still out of the Labour Party .. ha ha ha … Independent….
Jeremy Corbyn
Independent MP for Islington North
Corbyn got 50K from momentum … ha ha ha ha …
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Donation of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This was previously an unsecured loan, received and accepted on 12 July 2016. It was converted to a donation on 24 September 2020.
Toady 2
Our Justin interviewing the ceo of Iceland about some proles – sorry HGV drivers . Apparently supplies to John Lewis maybe hit because millions of EU HGV drivers have gone home .
Justin thought this was bad but I’d submit its good to have shortages because
1 British HGV drivers will get improved fairer pay
2 job vacancies can be filled by British people
3 empty shelves helps the obesity epidemic
4 less HGVs mean clearer air – which apparently is good
Great time for HGV drivers to strike for even better pay – but £15 -£20 an hour is pretty chirpy to me …
How to make this your greenest school year yet
Part ofSupport
How lovely.
And a link at the end to a heart-warming tale of black woman whose new sustainable business (whatever that is) got inspired by her friends blocked toilet.
Not entirely sure what that is about because I simply could not be arsed to click it and read another agenda piece.
The above photo is sexist.
The free market will do what it is supposed to do, and create a new supply-demand equilibrium position for HGV drivers driven by new, in this case higher, pay rates.
Shame we don’t try that in the public sector. Oops, that would mean pay reductions.
Just heard a contestant on Ken Bruce from the other week who I thought summed up why we have so many labour shortages.
He realised during lockdown that family time (ie at home doing nothing) was so important he was quitting his sales job and going back to being a teacher because he gets so much time off.
The problem is that people have got used to not having to work for a living and have decided to have some time off now they have a few grand in the bank they got given to stay at home but couldn’t go out to spend.
God only know what the next stage of this saga will be when everyone runs out of money – including the government.
BBC causes radical actions …
The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.
Is there any point in continually posting a link to a story which is several years old?
10am Woman’s Hour : There’s no blurb today
but the photo is of an XR protest with a large whale outside St Pancras Station.
Yesterday I said they had an item about “cooking for climate”
Now that did air, but strangely they’ve removed the item from the blurb
and added a bit about women soldiers in Afghanistan.
as if that was a last minute item
and the Climate item was reduced to fit it.
Whilst criminals stab you …

Meanwhile Tommy Robinson walked on the cracks on the pavement
and is arrested for a breach of the peace.
Two tier justice the Green-skins, Red-skins get soft justice
Purple-skins get hard hard justice
I always try to stay ahead of their PR games
Today they first left the blurb blank
and finally tweeted a promo tweet for their XR show at 9:21am 30 mins after I’d posted here
.. the blurb is still blank.
The activist was laying on her twisted worldview so thick I had to switch it off.. #ClimateCult
However it wasn’t love in ..Emma did ask some probing questions, but only 30% as hard as Julia H Brewer would.
There are female skeptics
Did the BBC ask any on ?
The world’s longest burning fires: China’s unseen story
Coal extraction remains a higher priority than putting out China’s huge underground coal fires
Afghans to move to china for free housing?
The country’s ambitious plans for urban growth have led to more than 50 abandoned cities whose empty buildings paint a dystopian landscape. Created with an investment of $161 billion in the early 2000s, Kangbashi has the capacity to house over 300,000 people. So far, only 30,000 have moved in.28 Apr 2019
“Rather fancy a nice fortnight in a condo in Miami with the Fam”, says Guest Wh… Mo, of Kabul….
RAF to arrange transport in a Rainbow hairyplane?
‘Death To America’ Jim jams on the rider?
As all these properties they are offering for these 20,000 Afghans belong to other people, I wonder what they will think about it.
Will they get to stay in them for years?
June revving up the outrage news guys and Getty picture Eds as we speak?
Good. The last thing you want is a sub-standard education in all things useless.
Apply for an apprenticeship in a useful subject.
Apologies for lateness and if covered already.
Yesterday morning, somewhere on the A12 near Ipswich, driving one of those things the government and BBC hate so much aka a private car, we chanced upon Radio 5 Dead.
Naga Munchetty was talking at considerable length to the leader of at least chief spokesperson, for Lewisham council. In an unchallenging love-in, she positively drooled over the Lewisham council leader who was virtue-signalling over what a huge number of Afghan refugees his council could take in. The more the merrier was the clear tone. It was all down to plannimg and he reckoned he could take 500 and that other councils could do so too on a pro rata basis. The key issue of funding was not really discussed other than that obviously the government i.e. taxpayer would have to foot the bill.
Munchetty radiated support for all this, it was almost a given that this approach was a Good Thing.
Disgraceful snowflake LeftMob bias from beginning to end.
PS Anyone else think Munchetty looks like a monkey? It’s the short hair and bat ears.
Look – the ideal HGV driver …
Seriously – if the shortage of HGV drivers is causing a problem – why not farm out training to the private sector and / of – pay for driver training for a year –
I recall that getting an HGV 1 isn’t cheap – so free training – tied to a contract for a particular company seems obvious to me ,
Maybe it’s like the border control – no priority – nut nut and the red tories care less . Public support for them must only being kept up by the dire alternative ….
20K Afghanistan female drivers?
Fed, things are moving on the Border Control situation: apparently there has been a sacking and a replacement, according to the Daily Telegraph.
As for HGV training, you are correct. But there is another source of drivers: the UK military. How many of the currently unemployed 1.6 million in the UK are ex-military drivers? And what about, instead of jamming narrow streets with artics during the holiday season, have artics deliver to hubs near A roads and motorways, then reload 3.5 tonners with goods to deliver to local shops? 3.5 tonners can be driven on a car licence.
Solutions require LGBT input.
Lorry drivers
Our middle class overlords .. have discouraged the road transport industry with their POLITICAL signalling.
Yet with their own SPENDING .. on online stuff have created a bigger demand and therefore created a driver shortage.
Hidden immunity benefits of a plant-based diet
There is growing interest in plant-based diets – the number of vegans in Britain quadrupled between 2014-2019 – thanks to reported health and environmental benefits. But there is also evidence some healthy plant-based diets may benefit the immune system.
R4 No white men in the schedule until Hislop’s history show at 11am
They 11:30 show is two white men, I don’t know if they are non-gay, or non socialist. I suspect not.
9 Black guy about music
9:30 “overlooked sculptures of women”
People deny there are statues of women, but there are quite a few medieval ones, but they’re not counted cos they’re standing next to their husbands.
The speakers seems to say the women were more important than you think.
The women were often the ones that commissioned the monuments and were making a political statement or showing off.
Makes sense, the women had the power after their husbands died.
10 Woman’s Hour about XR
12 Book reading set in old Scotland where the people speak “Scotch”
1pm news Sarah Montague
1:45pm Tom Heap’s daily Global Warming lecturing
2:15pm drama Nahel Tzegai stars in an almost all female cast
“Drama inspired by interviews with former inmates of UK detention centres”
A girl is about to take her A-levels but is then carted off to the detention centre .. this can happen if the family are overstayers, failed asylum seekers
And doesn’t usually happen to people whose paperwork is in order.
Stew.. Typical load of BBC biased c++P . Well highlighted ..
Trouble is it is like that all day every day not just on ‘special occasions ..’ Relentless
12:20pm Want to take your Afghan Hound into France ?
The EU have put up the price of the travel certificate by 300% to £250
Bringing your Afghan into Britain costs you nothing, and the taxpayer a fortune
9:45am “And that is how Ivan from Devon became one of the first members of the English Defence League”
Mansoor admitted that Luton “was a hotbed of Islamic radicals” but believed that everyone understood they were a minority.
He spoke of the anti-soldier demonstrators at the Luton homecoming parade.
Now he is speaking about a later protest where protesters hung a pigs head from the roof of a new mosque.
I wonder if that really happened ? I suppose so
Yet I find no evidence it did in the UK
Just a story of a pig’s head left outside a mosque.
FFS he has just name checked Jo Cox
Before that he clearly said that people who voted for Brexit are anti folks like him.
Now Finsbury drive by attack
He calls that the Finsbury Park Mosque attack
now he’s name checked
“3 girls” TR and Britain First
He hasn’t mentioned the rape gangs and the white establishments cover ups.
Nadiya Hussein,namechecked
then a guy who won “BBC Masterchef”
“stoked by the far right”
Now he explains Ivan was converted away from the EDL after speaking with an imam
Mansoor ends by saying we should “do our bit” the same
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
2011 “A pig’s head was thrown on to the roof of a disused pub” in Bletchley
Yet the text goes on to say it was a dismembered pig
Only 2 page mention it.
The Milton Keynes news page is no longer available.
BBC Strictly Come Dancing contestant Stacey Dooley … will the BBC mention Stacey’s visit to home town Luton and meeting Anjem Choudary (Anjem backed the remain campaign)?
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
“Go put on some clothes.”
– Muslim women wearing black Burqa talks to Stacey, who is wearing a pretty summer dress
It is fair to say I feel that Mr. Soros is indeed a bogeyman…. but after looking myself at the extents that New Society has infiltrated the EU’s institutions I feel it’s reasonable to look closer at him and his teams….. He and his cohorts are not keen for you to know what he’s up to – I was surprised at how many MEPs are literally on George’s payroll as well as a sprawl of elected officials in the USA – his antics in District Attorney elections are something else….
New Book
STACEY DOOLEY visits Protest in Luton Where she comes across a group of Muslim Extremists
2,099 views24 Jun 2018
Did the young lady survive? And go on to become a fact checker for the BBC – things have improved since then…
.. btw .. anyone started up the ‘hate crime ‘ gig over the MUJ yet?
She got a job with the BBC 3 called “Stacey Dooley Investigates” – not sure whether this was part of it.
It was before that … she is no longer an Islamophobic.
TOADY Watch #1 – too early, too late, the BBC cannot ever read the market right
Katy Austin was doing the Business News and had a female contributor. The oil price is going up. Wrong.
The oil price has been going down. The female contributor got the reasons for that right: a renewed burst of Covid infections around the world creating the possibility of a slump in industrial demand.
I smell a whiff of the usual BBC ‘getting it wrong again’ and check the oil market. It is down – again – this morning. There has been a tiny rally in the last day or two, so that the opening price for Brent crude was up $2 from $68.something nearly $69 to $71. Now it is down to $70.83 following this mornings fall of 22 cents. What is noticeable about oil prices and not remarked upon by the BBC or its contributor is the closing of the gap between Brent Crude (the Rolls Royce of oils) and West Texas Intermediate.
That used to be an almost fixed $5 gap in favour of Brent, which disappeared recently.
What the BBC really could and really should have been commenting on is the dramatic rise in the price of gas. For any Americans reading this, that is the vapourous fluid that we generate electricity from and use to cook our hot food and heat our homes, not the distilled auto fuel. That has rocketed upwards by over 50%.
Now, that is real bad news for the UK.
Russia rub hands ….
So why has gas gone up so much ?
Ive just fixed for 24 months but mainly for a low standing charge .
The standing charge is a real scandal and not really tooked at . Its tarif tarif tarif …
Dunno. May be connected to the Princess Nut Nuts and her spouse, the Big Nut Nut, and their desire to tear out working GCH boilers and replace them with heat pumps.
Standing charge is a scandal, I agree. We, in the UK, need a determined consumer champion in No.10 and No.11 Downing Street. At the moment, it’s only one of those, and if Rishi steps out on behalf of the nation, the Princess will be round in a jiffy with a fry-pan or an even heavier skillet pan for ‘a quiet word’.
BTW, how about a clicky link on this web-site to GB News?
Does anyone know how to do that ?
Im waiting for the ‘ is GB Newsbiased? ‘
LOL. Rufus McDufus?